#great britian
daisy-mooon · 6 months
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The UK government is legally required to address all petitions with 10k signatures and will debate petitions above 100k in Parliament.
To sign you need:
UK Citizenship
Email Address - your signature will not count unless you click a link provided to you via email
I made a post highlighting a few petitions earlier, but there are a lot more. Here they are:
Seek a ceasefire and to end Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip 147k signatures at time of posting - please continue to sign to put pressure on the government
Urge the Israel government to to allow fuel, electricity and supplies into Gaza 184k signatures at time of posting - please continue to sign to put pressure on the government
Withdraw support for Israel and support Palestine in the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict 5.3k signatures at time of posting
Increase aid and support for Palestinians 1k signatures at time of posting
Call for Israel to immediately establish a humanitarian corridor in Gaza Just under 1k signatures at time of posting
Create a "Home for Palestinians" scheme so Palestinians can seek safety in the UK 500 signatures at time of posting
Allow Palestinian children to enter the UK during the ongoing conflict 250 signatures at time of posting
Revoke support for the Israeli government and recognise the State of Palestine 40 signatures at time of posting
Create a Palestinian Family Visa Scheme for Palestinian people affected by war 7.5k signatures at time of posting
Recall the Royal Navy and RAF Serviceman deployed to support Israel 73 signatures at time of posting
Introduce economic sanctions on Israel 345 signatures at time of posting
Condemn Israels actions in respect of Gaza 280 signatures at time of posting
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL: Demand a ceasefire by all parties to end civilian suffering
Why does signing these petitions help?
As stated above, the UK government is legally required to address petitions with above 10k signatures and debate petitions above 100k signatures in Parliament.
The more signatures these petitions get, the more pressure is placed on the UK government to act. Every signature shows our government that we condemn the violence in Israel, and condemn the statements of our prime minister Rishi Sunak.
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tristandelarkadien · 9 months
On Clive & Maurice, pt. 1
Let me try to write out my thoughts on one of my favourite novels, and explain why the casting changes the implications of the movie.
I watched Maurice a while back. The film, not the novel. I had looked forward to seeing Hugh Grant, as I thought him a good choice for the main character. Needless to say, I was surprised and confused to see him playing Clive. Even more surprised and confused to see a small blond actor playing Maurice, and not Clive.
The blond guy was not a bad choice. I am sure he was a good actor. But he came across as more emotional than expected. The fact that he seemed a bit smaller than Clive's actor gave them a different dynamic than the one I had come to expect from the book.
I will lay out my ideas here. If this has already been touched upon in some prior essay, I apologise, but the sadly now ephemeral nature of Tumblr's search function makes it hard to locate.
(I also do not wish to turn this into an 'X is better than Y' debate. Both the film and movie are lovely stories, and they both deserve attention from their respective/shared devotees.)
I would love to cite or review the books involved, but unfortunately, they are outside of my reach due to reasons of money & location. I have endeavoured to cite what I am able to, in hopes of one day being able to afford scholarly literature written on the subject.
Introduction to Romantic friendships
In the early-to-mid 19th century, muscular christianity crossed over with ideals of manliness to create ideas about intense friendship between same-sex people being a precursor to romantic love with individuals of the opposite sex.
This friendship was meant to be mutually enriching. After the embers of passion had given way to mutual companionship, the two were to have a strong, but ultimately ‘normal’ friendship, less passionate than that of youth, as that emotion was now to be directed towards women.
These friendships were depicted in didactic children’s novels, as well as bildungsromans / Coming-of-age tales. We can see this in Tom Brown’s Schooldays, where a school matron puts the unruly, boisterous Tom together with meek, religious Arthur who looks younger than his years.
"Oh, Master Brown," went on the little matron, when the rest had gone, "you're to have Gray's study, Mrs. Arnold says. And she wants you to take in this young gentleman. He's a new boy, and thirteen years old, though he don't look it. He's very delicate, and has never been from home before. And I told Mrs. Arnold I thought you'd be kind to him, and see that they don't bully him at first. He's put into your form, and I've given him the bed next to yours in Number 4; so East can't sleep there this half."
Tom was rather put about by this speech. He had got the double study which he coveted, but here were conditions attached which greatly moderated his joy. He looked across the room, and in the far corner of the sofa was aware of a slight, pale boy, with large, blue eyes and light, fair hair, who seemed ready to shrink through the floor. He saw at a glance that the little stranger was just the boy whose first half-year at a public school would be misery to himself if he were left alone, or constant anxiety to any one who meant to see him through his troubles. (Tom Brown, pt 2, c. 1)
It doesn’t take long for the two to get better acquainted, in a way that enriches both of them, according to the dominating ideology of the age. Tom instructs Arthur in how to ‘fit in’ and not get singled out for bullying, while Arthur makes Tom’s fighting instincts kick in to protect Arthur, rather than roughhouse.
"What a queer chum for Tom Brown," was the comment at the fire; and it must be confessed so thought Tom himself, as he lighted his candle, and surveyed the new green-baize curtains and the carpet and sofa with much satisfaction.
"I say, Arthur, what a brick your mother is to make us so cozy. But look here now, you must answer straight up when the fellows speak to you, and don't be afraid. If you're afraid, you'll get bullied. And don't you say you can sing; and don't you ever talk about home, or your mother and sisters."
Poor little Arthur looked ready to cry.
"But please," said he, "mayn't I talk about—about home to you?"
"Oh yes, I like it. But don't talk to boys you don't know, or they'll call you homesick, or mamma's darling, or some such stuff. What a jolly desk! Is that yours? And what stunning binding! Why, your school-books look like novels!"
And Tom was soon deep in Arthur's goods and chattels, all new and good enough for a fifth-form boy, and hardly thought of his friends outside, till the prayer-bell rang. (Tom Brown, pt 2, c. 1)
Seeing Arthur set a good example by praying leads Tom to remember his own religion, which he has forsaken by refusing to pray before bed.
Tom was sitting at the bottom of his bed unlacing his boots, so that his back was toward Arthur, and he didn't see what had happened, and looked up in wonder at the sudden silence. Then two or three boys laughed and sneered, and a big, brutal fellow, who was standing in the middle of the room, picked up a slipper, and shied it at the kneeling boy, calling him a snivelling young shaver. Then Tom saw the whole, and the next moment the boot he had just pulled off flew straight at the head of the bully, who had just time to throw up his arm and catch it on his elbow.
"Confound you, Brown, what's that for?" roared he, stamping with pain.
"Never mind what I mean," said Tom, stepping onto the floor, every drop of blood in his body tingling; "if any fellow wants the other boot, he knows how to get it."
What would have been the result is doubtful, for at this moment the sixth-form boy came in, and not another word could be said. Tom and the rest rushed into bed and finished their unrobing there, and the old verger, as punctual as the clock, had put out the candle in another minute, and toddled on to the next room, shutting their door with his usual "Good-night, gen'l'm'n."
There were many boys in the room by whom that little scene was taken to heart before they slept. But sleep seemed to have deserted the pillow of poor Tom. For some time his excitement, and the flood of memories which chased one another through his brain, kept him from thinking or resolving. His head throbbed, his heart leapt, and he could hardly keep himself from springing out of bed and rushing about the room. Then the thought of his own mother came across him, and the promise he had made at her knee, years ago, never to forget to kneel by his bedside, and give himself up to his Father, before he laid his head on the pillow, from which it might never rise; and he lay down gently and cried as if his heart would break. He was only fourteen years old. (Tom Brown, pt 2, c. 1)
It is also evident in David Copperfield, where David moons after a boy named ‘Steerforth’ who eventually forsakes him. (Notably, asking if the ‘vulnerable’ boy has a sister is done in Tom Brown as well.)
‘Good night, young Copperfield,’ said Steerforth. ‘I’ll take care of you.’ ‘You’re very kind,’ I gratefully returned. ‘I am very much obliged to you.’
‘You haven’t got a sister, have you?’ said Steerforth, yawning.
‘No,’ I answered.
‘That’s a pity,’ said Steerforth. ‘If you had had one, I should think she would have been a pretty, timid, little, bright-eyed sort of girl. I should have liked to know her. Good night, young Copperfield.’
‘Good night, sir,’ I replied.
I thought of him very much after I went to bed, and raised myself, I recollect, to look at him where he lay in the moonlight, with his handsome face turned up, and his head reclining easily on his arm. He was a person of great power in my eyes; that was, of course, the reason of my mind running on him. No veiled future dimly glanced upon him in the moonbeams. There was no shadowy picture of his footsteps, in the garden that I dreamed of walking in all night. (David Copperfield, Chapter 7)
They reunite as adults, the 90’s miniseries has Steerforth kiss David’s head at that point. David still looks up to Steerforth at this point, which eventually leads to Steerforth forsaking him. The point here is that these friendships were not supposed to go on for too long.
And yes, depending on children to raise children in a milieu without adult supervision can definitely go wrong. Even the writers of the age knew it, both Vachell (The Hill) and Hughes (Tom Brown) mention abuse in their novels. Talbot Baines Reed (The Fifth Form at St: Dominic) mentions a clear cut example of grooming. I mention this, because it will be relevant later on.
From the above passages, we can extract the following framework: An ‘inexperienced’, vulnerable boy, is shielded and educated by an ‘experienced’ boy. I can write multiple essays on the topic (And I just might), but at the end of the day, this is what we need in order to move on to part 2.
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heartlesspointless · 8 months
Tag 5 - der höchste Berg Englands
Der Tag sprengt den Rahmen, daher bekommt er einen eigenen Eintrag. Nach einem entspannten Morgen starten wir gegen 9 Uhr und schlängeln uns durch kleine Ortschaften bis in den Lake District Nationalpark. Ich hatte mir England immer flach und höchstens hügelig vorgestellt, aber hier breitet sich eine Landschaft voller Berge übersäht mit Schafen und schroffen Steinen vor unseren Augen aus. Gegen elf kommen wir am Wanderparkplatz an und starten den Aufstieg zum höchsten Berg Englands: den Scafell Pike. Von Anfang an geht es recht steil bergauf und spätestens nach der Hälfte habe ich starke Skåla-Flashbacks (steilster Anstieg Norwegens, 1840 Höhenmeter auf 8 km). Es geht die meiste Zeit über Stufen und später dann über viele lose Steine und Steinplatten. Wir treffen das erste mal auf andere deutsche und irgendwann kommen wir dann auch endlich an der Spitze des Berges nach ca. 920 Höhenmetern an. Der Blick ist atemberaubend und es ist verdammt windig. Obwohl wir gerne eine Rundwanderung daraus machen wöllten, entscheiden wir uns dagegen aufgrund von fehlenden Wegweisern. Also nehmen wir wieder denselben Weg hinab und das ist eigentlich genauso anstrengend wie bergauf. Gegen 16.30 sind wir endlich wieder bei Zora und fahren erstmal an den großen See, den wir die ganze Zeit vom Berg aus sehen konnten. Gestern wollten wir in einem Fluss baden, aber der war zu matschig und so gab es nur eine kurze Dusche unter dem Wasserkanister. Heute geht es in den eiskalten See. Ich schwimme gleich mal eine Runde und dann gibt es mal wieder eine ordentliche „Dusche“. Danach fahren wir noch ca. 30 Minuten zu unserem Schlafplatz: wir stehen endlich am Meer.
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If true, and she has passed, Operation London Bridge will be kicking in There will be a lot happening,  At the moment here in the UK there is a lot being surmised, But there has been nothing official. All of her family are on their way to Balmoral at this time Whether you agree with the monarchy or not, she is a Mum, Grandmother and Great Grandmother and if true I feel for them all. The link below is what we will go through if or when she passes. https://www.politico.eu/.../queen-elizabeth-death-plan.../
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zeusgodkiller · 1 year
Great British icon in typical British weather
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auraeseer · 1 year
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Sleepies . . .
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unwelcome-ozian · 1 year
Dr. Downing also noted that two major leads were being followed up in the United States. These were quinuclidinyl benzilate (EA2277/BZ) and tetrahydrocanabinol (EA1476/marihuana). He explained that whilst the US was concentrating on mental incapacitation, the UK was also interested in physical effects such as that produced by the oripavine derivative T.L.2636 (which in low doses caused nausea and vomiting and sensations similar to motion sickness)
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outoftheforestshow · 7 months
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admiralnelsoniii · 7 months
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HMS Warrior. Exactly the same way HMS Dreadnought would after, she instantly became the most powerful warship on the planet the moment she was operational. Speed, firepower, and armor protection were superior to every other warship afloat. Great Britain was, for a long time, deadly serious about being the most powerful ocean going force on earth. Empire from a relatively small island will do that to you I suppose. 🇬🇧🏴‍☠️
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padalinskie · 7 months
Tromso, Norway to Reykjavik, Iceland Cruise 2023
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the-great-bonkings · 8 months
I don't know why, but whenever I see the English language represented by the American flag, it fills me with seething patriotic rage. I mean HELLO???? Its called ENGlish because it comes from ENGland so I FEEL ENTITLED TO SOME REGOGNITION
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superbdonutpoetry · 1 year
Stars in the Authorised Version can mean one of two things: 1) Heavenly bodies Genesis 1:16-17 – Authorised VersionAnd God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, or 2) Angels (including the fallen variety). Job 38:7 – Authorised…
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rodrickcolbert · 2 years
The United Kingdom receives its first Non-White Prime Minister Rishi Sunak
The United Kingdom receives its first Non-White Prime Minister Rishi Sunak
He’s a very wealthy British-born Hindu of Indian Descent He’s a very wealthy British-born Hindu of Indian Descent His logo About MP Rishi Sunak Rishi Sunak to become Britain’s next prime minister Published in:AP Top News Package, October 24, 2022, Newswires By:By JILL LAWLESS – Associated Press Rishi Sunak to become Britain’s next prime minister ~~~~~~~~By JILL LAWLESS Britain’s Rishi…
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callumprecious1998 · 2 years
Southern England Independence 2023
For the latest details, please visit change.org:
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universecrowns · 2 years
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Congratulations the new Miss Universe Great Britain 2022!!!✨ 🇬🇧
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heir-less · 2 years
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