larkawolfgirl · 3 months
Why Did I Lose (Pearl and Greg)
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M
Fandom: Steven Universe (Cartoon)
Relationships: Pearl/Rose Quartz (Steven Universe), Rose Quartz/Greg Universe, Pearl/Greg Universe
Additional Tags: Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Grief/Mourning, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Reconciliation, Crying, Emotional Hurt, Emotional Baggage, Pre-Canon
Summary: Consumed with grief, Pearl sneaks into Greg's van.
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Her room in the temple was a mausoleum of memories, each one a sharp reminder of what Pearl had lost. The uncomfortable, hard surface of the stool she sat on was a failed distraction. Her hands clasped tightly in her lap, eyes fixed on a photograph of Rose Quartz. The image, once a source of joy, now taunted her with its permanence. The holograms danced around her — projections of past laughter and shared glances — but they fizzled out as her sorrow bore down on them.
“Why, Rose?” Pearl murmured to herself, a whisper lost amidst the silent relics of their life together. Her gaze fell on a simple human trinket Rose had left behind, a vinyl record with Greg’s name etched into it, and her heart tightened. There it was again, that crippling inadequacy, the gnawing thought that she, a gem of precision and grace, had been deemed lesser than the disheveled musician with his foolish optimism and human vulnerabilities.
“Of all the things you could have done...Why leave me for... this?” Sorrow bled into resentment, the latter an easier emotion to grasp, something to direct her aimless anger toward. She hated feeling weak, purposeless, and most of all, inferior to Greg Universe.
Pearl fled her room, but the memories followed. Rose had existed in every crevice of the temple, had stepped over every grain of sand on the beach. Was there anywhere that would cease to remind her of vibrant pink light?
Night descended on the Earth, the stars offering nothing but a painful longing. That’s when the impulse struck, sudden and fierce. “I need answers,” she declared to the shore. And like that, she was moving, actions driven by an urgency that overrode her usual cautious nature. She rushed through the moonlight of Beach City until she reached Greg’s eyesore of a van—a poor excuse for a home constructed of metal and rubber.
Pearl hesitated at the threshold, her hand hovering over the door handle. Inside, Greg’s gentle snores pierced the quiet, a sound so human, so painfully ordinary. They served as a bitter reminder of the life continuing around her while her world stood still. With a steadying breath, she slid the door open with a silence that only a gem’s touch could achieve. The interior was cluttered with objects and oddities from a life she could never fully understand.
Her eyes stopped on the baby seated in the front. He was so small, so fragile. Nothing like the Rose she knew—and yet the resemblance remained. The shimmer of light visible from his gem, the compassion felt through his aura, the way love swelled inside her gem in his presence.
It was nearly too much. Her hands came up to her mouth. Nausea overwhelmed her.
She reached behind herself, clutching the door handle. But then her eyes shifted to Greg’s slumbering form. He looked dirty, unkempt, and had unshaven stubble along his jaw. But he also looked exhausted. Dark circles colored his eyes and the rise and fall of his chest was uneven suggesting that his sleep was troubled.
He was grieving as well. She couldn’t tell if that made her feel better or worse.
Pearl started to turn the door handle to leave, but she stopped when she heard Greg’s voice cut through the air.
The sound was a sword plunging straight into the core of her gem.
She had to know. She needed more than that, but this was the one thing she could take.
Pearl’s fingers trembled as she reached for the hem of Greg’s shirt, her movements hesitant yet driven by an aching need to unravel the enigma of Rose’s affection for this human. The coarse fabric slid upwards, revealing a landscape of skin. What Rose saw in this meaty flesh, Pearl couldn’t fathom.
“Rose saw beauty here,” she whispered to herself, her voice a mix of wonder and disdain.
As she fumbled with the button of his jeans, her hands shook violently—her desperation clawing at her insides like a relentless storm. She needed to understand, to dissect the bond between Rose and this man to extract some semblance of reasoning.
Planting herself on his bare thighs, she whispered, her voice thick with emotions she refused to name, “Why did she choose you?”
He stirred, a mumble escaping his lips as he shifted in his makeshift bed. Even asleep, there was a sense of openness about him, a willingness to embrace whatever came his way — a trait that Rose must have admired.
Pearl’s hands trembled as she perched on Greg’s thighs. She could feel the heat of his body through the thin fabric of his shirt, a stark reminder of his humanity—his morality—and the unfathomable reason why Rose had chosen him.
Perhaps, Pearl could see some appeal, but objectively, Greg was flawed. What did he have that Pearl lacked?
“Why? Why you?” Pearl’s voice cracked, the words laced with anger and frustration. Her fists clenched the material of his shirt, a futile attempt to draw out answers from the fabric.
Greg’s eyes fluttered open, confusion clouding his gaze as he focused on the pale figure before him. “Pearl?” His voice was hoarse, laced with sleep. “What...what are you doing?”
“Trying to see what she saw in you,” Pearl replied, her words spilling out raw and unfiltered. The vulnerability of her confession stung, leaving her feeling exposed, more naked than the man whose personal boundaries she was violating.
“Why wasn’t I good enough?” she demanded, her hands clenching the fabric of his shirt, seeking purchase in a world that had slipped from her control.
“Hey, hey, breathe, Pearl,” Greg said softly, his initial shock melting into concern. “I don’t have all the answers. I wish I did,” he admitted, his own eyes glistening with unshed tears. He moved cautiously, keenly aware of her fragile state, his hands hovering before tentatively resting on her shaking shoulders. “Rose had her reasons…But she loved you, Pearl. She loved all of us, in ways we’re still trying to understand.” Greg’s eyes held a solemn depth, shadows of lost love swirling within them. “I miss her too, more than I can say.”
Pearl’s breath hitched, a silent sob caught in her throat. Her eyes flickered with the shadows cast by the dim light of the dashboard as her mask of disdain wavered.
“I just... I don’t understand her,” Pearl whispered, her gaze distant, as if she were speaking more to herself than to Greg. “Rose found something in you, and I couldn’t see it. I still can’t.” Her words hung between them.
“Rose saw a lot of things we didn’t,” Greg replied, his thumb brushing against her knuckles in a soothing rhythm. “She loved us both, in ways we might never fully get. If you think that... being closer, being... intimate will help us understand, then—then okay.” He swallowed hard. “I’ll do it if it helps you find some peace.”
The still night air was filled with the gentle hum of the universe outside the van. The world seemed to shrink to just the two of them. Pearl’s hands, usually so sure and precise, trembled like leaves in a storm as she reached out, her pale fingers brushing against Greg’s bare skin.
“Are you sure you want this?” Greg’s voice broke through the thick silence, laced with concern and something akin to pain.
“Rose found solace in this,” Pearl said, her voice barely a whisper, “I need to understand.”
As she moved closer, the fabric of her clothing phased from her slender form, there was a momentary connection, an almost electric charge that filled the space between them. But as soon as their bodies met, reality came crashing down like a wave of cold ocean water. Pearl recoiled, her eyes wide with a mixture of fear and disgust, her breath hitching in her throat.
“I... I can’t do this,” she admitted, instantly phasing her clothes back on. She stumbled backward, her body sagging as if she’d been hollowed out from the inside.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, Pearl.” Greg sat up, reaching out to steady her.
“No, it’s not.” Pearl collapsed beside him, her body folding into itself as she wrapped her arms around her knees. Tears formed trails on her cheeks. I don’t believe it will ever be again. I don’t know what to do without her here!”
Slowly, Greg wrapped his arms around her trembling frame. She didn’t pull away, instead allowing herself to collapse against his chest, her sobs muffled by his simple t-shirt. She hated herself for seeking solace in the warmth of his embrace, for the way her hostility ebbed in the face of his unwavering kindness.
“Shhh, it’s okay, Pearl. It’s okay to be lost,” Greg murmured, his own eyes misting as he held her.
Through her tears, Pearl glimpsed the innocence of Steven sleeping nearby, and a pang of guilt lanced through her. She was not the only one grieving, not the only one left behind. Perhaps in their shared loss, they could find a path forward, together.
“I’ve been unfair to you,” she breathed, her voice a fragile thread in the fabric of the night. “I despised the idea of you, of what you represented. It was easier than admitting that I’m scared... scared of being alone, scared of not knowing who I am without her.”
 “It’s okay to be scared.” His voice was a low rumble of empathy. “It means you care, you love.” His hand, His hand, calloused from years of strumming his guitar, tentatively found hers, offering a silent promise of support. “I’m scared too.”
Pearl’s eyes met his, and in them, she saw a reflection of her pain—a shared heartache that transcended their differences. It was a connection she had fought against, fearing it would invalidate her feelings, and make her lesser somehow. But as they sat there, two souls stripped bare by grief, Pearl began to realize their similarities.
“Rose loved so many things.” Her voice cracked under the weight of her vulnerability. “She loved the Earth, humans. She loved this intimacy. Why couldn’t it be enough for her to stay? It feels like I’ve lost everything.” Pearl’s voice was raw, her body shaking with the enormity of her loss. “Why does it feel like I’m nothing without her?”
“Because she meant everything to us,” he replied softly, a note of his own sorrow threading his words. “But, we’re not nothing. We’re here, together, trying to make sense of it all. Pearl, we don’t have to do this alone. We’ve got each other, and we’ve got Steven. I see her in him. Maybe...maybe that’s part of why she did it. So, we could still have a piece of her, even after...”
“Even after she chose you.” The accusation lingered between them, heavy and unwelcome. But as she looked into Greg’s eyes—red-rimmed and earnest—she knew her resentment was misplaced. It wasn’t hatred she felt for Greg; it was envy, it was fear. He had been chosen to share something with Rose that she never could, and now he was connected to the new life that had replaced her.
“Chose me?” Greg exhaled, a humorless chuckle escaping him. “Pearl, I don’t think Rose ‘chose’ anyone. She just wanted to experience everything about this world. And that included...this,” he gestured to Steven, a shared ache in his movement.
“Experience,” Pearl echoed hollowly. The concept was foreign, nonsensical—why choose the path of humanity, with its brevity and its mistakes, over millennia of certainty? These thoughts swirled within her, a tempest that threatened to uproot her from the inside out.  “We don’t have to figure it out right now. Let’s just take it one day at a time,” Greg suggested, the lines of his face etched with a weariness that mirrored her own. “For him. For her.”
Pearl’s chest heaved, each breath a struggle against the weight of sorrow that pressed upon her. The stark reality of Greg’s words encircled her, and within their confines, she found an unexpected solace. Her eyes, luminous in the dim light of the van, traced the lines of worry that creased his forehead, etched by years of laughter and heartache.
“Greg,” she began, her voice a mere whisper, fragile as a soap bubble on the verge of bursting. “I don’t know how to—”
“Shhh.” Greg’s voice was gentle, a soothing balm. “You don’t have to know. Not right now.”
Pearl’s gaze shifted from the vinyl interior of Greg’s van—walls that felt too close, air tinged with the scent of motor oil and fast-food wrappers—to the innocent cause of so much upheaval.  The swaddled baby’s soft breaths were rhythmic, a lullaby muddied by the arrhythmic drumming of her own heart. Pearl’s fingers twitched, longing for the familiar weight of a sword hilt or the cool touch of Rose’s hand. Tentatively, she reached out, her fingers grazing the soft tuft of hair on his head.
“Steven...” Pearl tested the name like a new language on her tongue. There was love there, buried beneath the pain, a flickering hope that maybe he would help bridge the gap between past and future.
“Let’s start there,” Greg suggested, his voice warm and steady. His hand, calloused from years of strumming his guitar, held hers with a tenderness that felt like an anchor in a sea of chaos.
Pearl nodded, allowing herself to feel the weight of his hand in hers, the tentative promise of understanding, of healing. She didn’t have to let go of her love for Rose, but perhaps she could learn to share it with the person Rose had chosen to entrust with her most precious gift: Steven.
“Let’s take it one step at a time,” Greg said, offering her a small, hopeful smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.
One step at a time, Pearl repeated internally, allowing the phrase to settle over her chaotic thoughts like a blanket.
Pearl’s defenses, once as formidable as the armor of a knight, crumbled. She allowed herself to lean into Greg, her body trembling with the effort of releasing years of pent-up resentment and fear. His arms encircled her again in a hesitant embrace, as if afraid she might shatter at the slightest pressure.
Pearl closed her eyes, allowing his warmth to envelop her. At that moment, she felt a glimmer of understanding.
“Okay,” she breathed out, finally allowing herself to lean into the comfort offered.
Greg’s hold tightened ever so slightly—an affirmation, a promise.
A fragile truce formed in the quiet of the night.  They sat there, two souls adrift, anchored only by the tiny breathing figure in front of them and the fragile hope that perhaps beyond the shadow of Rose Quartz, this root of healing would grow stronger with the promise of dawn.
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ppmanyes · 8 months
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xrdxbmx · 1 year
just got reminded of a post i made right before Change Your Mind............... then i remembered the movie...
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werewolf-cuddles · 11 months
steven universe was another fandom where you had to just walk on eggshells. GregPearl these days is accepted more but back then holy hell its like you were personally heatecrimeing every lesbian on earth even tho pearl has never been confirmed to be a lesbian and is an alien rock. bisexuals exist all im saying
God, don't fucking remind me
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kevplummer · 4 years
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“If I could begin to be half of what you think of me, I could do about anything. I could even learn how to love.”
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proshipping-edits · 4 years
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Greg x Pearl Moodboard with Themes of Moving on and Understanding
Requested by: Anon
-Mod Cinnamon
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pearllol · 5 years
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I know everyone else is freaking out about the villain’s dialogue but this IS important.
She switching from a violin to a guitar?!!
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super-mario-girl · 5 years
Does anyone have those ships that aren’t really your favorite but at random moments you just have a sudden urge to look up content of it?
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norinportant · 6 years
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And that’s why i ship everything.
Add your ship.
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saiyanshredder · 8 years
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Wake up Tumblr.
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larkawolfgirl · 3 months
My Um Greg Universe
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Steven Universe (Cartoon)
Relationship: Pearl/Greg Universe
Characters: Greg Universe, Pearl (Steven Universe), Steven Universe, Steg (Steven Universe), Peridot (Steven Universe), Bismuth (Steven Universe), Connie Maheswaran, Amethyst (Steven Universe)
Additional Tags: Conditioning, Developing Relationship, Master & Servant
Summary: Greg doesn't know how to handle Pearl's attempts to serve him while under the effects of the rejuvenator.
Read on ao3
The mechanical hum of the injector drilling into the earth's crust was audible even within the beach house. Greg's fingers picked at the strings of his guitar without really playing anything, the notes lost amidst the gravity of the situation. Pearl, standing unnervingly still by his side, watched him with eyes that held no recognition – only waiting obedience.
"Um, Greg Universe," she said, her voice a pristine echo of subservience, "I am here to serve you."
Her words hung there, stark against the backdrop of a once-familiar relationship now stripped to its barest bones. Greg looked up from his guitar, the instrument suddenly feeling peculiar in his grasp. He swallowed hard, the reality of Pearl's reset state settling heavily on his chest.
"Uh, yeah, it's just Greg, Pearl," he corrected gently, his heart twisting as he saw no spark of recognition in her wide, expectant eyes.
Greg turned to his son, who was preoccupied with the daunting task ahead. The normally vibrant colors of Steven's attire seemed dulled under the weight of his responsibility, mirroring the mood that enveloped them. “Steven, are you sure about leaving this to me?”
"Sorry, Dad, but I have to go stop that thing before it poisons the whole planet," Steven said, gesturing towards the window where the ominous silhouette of the injector loomed harboring a new apocalypse. Steven’s voice didn’t waver under the seriousness of the situation, a testament to everything he had already overcome. "Keep an eye on Pearl for me?"
"Sure, kiddo," Greg replied, though the assurance in his voice faltered. His gaze flitted between the distant threat outside and the gem beside him, whose presence felt simultaneously foreign and achingly familiar. Steven wasn’t asking him to do the impossible, but the weight was still there.
"Be careful, Steven," Greg added, the fatherly concern etched deeply in his furrowed brow.
Steven offered a brave smile, the kind that hid the unease roiling beneath. "Always am!" With that, the young Crystal Gem departed, leaving the room in silent apprehension.
Greg turned back to Pearl, her posture rigid, the very picture of a soldier awaiting orders. How could a simple human like him guide a gem warrior back to herself? His mind raced for any semblance of a plan, aware that his actions could either heal or harm.
"Alright, Pearl," he began, his voice barely above a whisper, "how about we just... sit down for a bit?"
"Of course, Greg Universe," Pearl acquiesced, moving gracefully to the couch yet sitting with the straight-backed precision of a statue, her hands folded neatly in her lap.
Greg watched her, the sight stirring an ache within him. This was not the Pearl he knew, the one who'd clashed with him over Rose, who'd slowly come to tolerate his presence in their shared grief and grown as an individual. Her current demeanor was a stark reminder of what had been lost, and the uncertain journey ahead to possibly regain it.
He settled beside her, unsure if he was capable of helping her rediscover herself. The gap on the couch between them felt like a chasm, and yet, he reached out, intent on bridging it.
"Let's just take it easy for now," Greg said, hoping to find some solace in the calm before the storm. "We'll figure this out, Pearl. Together."
The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a soft glow through the windows. Greg shifted uncomfortably, feeling the weight of Pearl's gaze upon him as she perched, ramrod straight, her eyes wide and expectant.
"Greg Universe," she intoned, her voice devoid of its usual inflections, "I am here to assist you. Please command me."
"Uh, that's really not necessary," Greg replied, scratching his head. "We can just hang out, you know? No need to do anything."
But Pearl seemed not to hear him, already rising to her feet. "I shall organize your music collection. It appears in disarray." She moved toward his cherished vinyl records with purpose.
"Whoa, whoa, hold up!" Greg protested, scrambling to intercept her. "Those are organized by... emotional resonance! It's, uh, kind of a personal system."
Pearl paused, tilting her head slightly. "Emotional resonance. Understood. Then I will prepare sustenance for you."
"Really, Pearl, you don't have to—" But she was already off, gliding into the kitchen with alarming speed.
With an inward groan, Greg followed her, watching as she began pulling items from the fridge with no semblance of order. He could sense her eagerness to serve, to be useful, but it was all wrong—this wasn't the person he'd come to respect over the years.
"Look, Pearl," he tried again, hoping to reach whatever part of her was still 'her.' "I appreciate the help, but maybe we should just sit and talk about... space stuff?"
"Space stuff," she repeated, abandoning the food and turning to face him. Her eyes searched his, looking for direction in the way a computer scans for input.
"Right, like... stars, or uh, warp pads!" Greg fumbled, trying to spark recognition.
"What do you require of me, Greg Universe?" Pearl asked, stepping closer, a look of intense concentration on her face.
Greg seized the opportunity to redirect her energy. "Maybe you could just tell me about Homeworld? The buildings, the people—your memories."
"Memories..." Pearl echoed, then hesitated. Her fingers hovered as if to touch her gemstone before abruptly pulling back. "I... do not have access to those."
"Ah, geez," Greg muttered, running a hand through his hair. "Let’s just talk. About anything. It doesn’t have to be anything special."
"Talk," she affirmed, and something in her posture relaxed ever so slightly.
Greg bumped his hand with his fist. "Exactly! Just like old times," he encouraged, though the phrase felt hollow even as he said it.
"Old times," Pearl whispered, almost to herself. There was a pause, a moment where the artificial light caught in her gem, casting prismatic colors around the room. "Just…talk," she repeated, slowly sitting back down on the couch.
"Right." Greg sighed, relieved at getting somewhere at least. His heart ached for the friend he knew, while his mind raced for ways to bridge the gap between them.
"Let's start simple," he suggested, forcing a smile as he sat down beside her. "Tell me about the first thing that comes to your mind when I say 'space.'"
"Space," Pearl said, her voice softening. "It is vast."
 “What about Homeworld?”
Greg nodded, leaning back against the couch. “Rebellion?”
Pearl’s face scrunched. “Criminal?”
It was cute how confused she looked and sounded. He waved his hand. “That’s okay. What about love?”
“Love?” Pearl’s eyes glimmered. “I love my Greg Universe!”
The words hit Greg like a slap in the face, causing him to fall back on the couch. He waved his hand at her. “No, you don’t!”
She frowned, bringing a hand up to her chest. “Yes, I do.” She leaned closer. “May I show you?”
“Woah! No! I mean—Thank you, but that is not necessary.”
“You do not require my services?”
Greg gulped. “Here, let’s watch something!” He fumbled with the remote, putting on the first station that wasn’t playing a commercial.
Greg tried to focus on the hum of the sitcom, but the tension hung in the air like television static. He shifted uncomfortably on the couch, his gaze lingering on the way the TV's glow cast a flickering light across Pearl's features.
Noticing his gaze, Pearl turned to him. "My Greg Universe," she began, her voice carrying an unfamiliar lilt, "I am designed to serve. Perhaps there is something more... personal I could assist you with?"
"Uh, no, Pearl, we're just hanging out, remember?" Greg responded, attempting to keep his tone light. His heart drummed against his chest, a stark contrast to the laughter erupting from the TV speakers.
"Of course," she replied, though her eyes lingered on him with a new intensity. "But I am capable of services that would please you..." Her fingers brushed against the fabric of his worn jeans, tentative yet deliberate.
"Hey now, hold up!" Greg jolted upright, his cheeks burning. He couldn't help but feel a rush of panic at her touch. "You don't have to do anything like that. Just being here is enough."
"Enough," she echoed, tilting her head slightly. Pearl moved closer, studying his face with an earnestness that sent a shiver down Greg's spine. "I wish to understand what you desire."
"Desire? Pearl, that's not—we're not—" Greg stammered, his mind racing. The old Pearl never would have... But this was someone who didn't understand the implications of her words.
He stood up abruptly, pacing a few steps before turning back to her. "Look, I appreciate you wanting to help, but you're not yourself right now. We've gotta get you back to normal, okay?"
"Normal," she murmured, rising gracefully to her feet. Her movements held an eerie elegance, devoid of her bold independence. She approached him, her hand reaching out once more.
"Stop," he blurted out, holding his hands up defensively. "This isn't right."
"Is it wrong?" Pearl asked, genuine confusion etching her features. "I am programmed to adapt to my owner's needs."
"Owner—no, Pearl! I don’t own you," Greg insisted, his heart sinking. How could he explain to her that she wasn't some tool or appliance, that she was a person—someone he cared about?
"Then teach me, Greg Universe," she said softly, her gaze locked onto his. "Show me how to be."
"Yeah, I can teach you something." Greg cleared his throat, feeling his pulse begin to calm. "Maybe we start with something simple," he suggested, eager to redirect the conversation. "How about I show you how to play some chords on the guitar?"
"Music," she mused, a glimmer of recognition sparking in her eyes. "Yes, show me."
"Alright," Greg agreed, a wave of relief washing over him. He fetched his guitar, placing it into her hands with careful instruction. As her fingers fumbled over the strings, he let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding.
"Like this," he said gently, guiding her hand into position. "See? No serving, just learning, being friends."
"Friends," she repeated, her lips curving into a hesitant smile. And for just a fleeting moment Greg caught a glimpse of the real Pearl peeking through.
The air was electric with the vibrations of sound and the thumping of bass that reverberated through the soles of Greg's boots. He'd brought Pearl to a rock concert, the kind of small-town gig that he would have played in his younger days, full of raucous energy and rebellious spirit. Around them, the crowd swayed and jumped, a sea of denim, spiked hair, and leather jackets.
"I do not understand the purpose of this... gathering," Pearl said, her voice barely audible over the cacophony.
Greg leaned close to her. "It's about feeling the music!" he shouted back, trying to infuse his words with enthusiasm. "Letting go! You used to love shaking up the status quo!"
He watched her, hoping to see some spark of recognition. However, her eyes, scanning the crowd, remained as clear and impassive as the white gem on her forehead.
"Letting go," she repeated, the confusion evident in her tone even amidst the noise. "I am uncertain how to proceed with such an instruction."
"Here," Greg said, grabbing her hand, and feeling the surprising strength in her delicate fingers. Moving her hand, he began to bob his head, trying to show her the rhythm, encouraging her to move with him. For a brief moment, she followed along stiffly, her movements mechanical.
As the next band took the stage and the lead singer let out a guttural cry—an anthem of freedom and defiance—Greg felt a surge of hope. This had to work. It just had to.
"Look at everyone!" he said, sweeping his arm across the crowd. "They're all here because they want to be because they choose to be part of something that makes them feel alive."
She turned her gaze upon him, her expression unreadable. "Do you feel alive in this chaos?"
"More than ever," he admitted with a grin, then his smile waned as he caught sight of Steven on the edge of the crowd, giving him a thumbs-up. “Can you feel it?” he asked her.
“I most certainly feel alive because I am with my Greg Universe.” Her voice cut strikingly through the din "As long as you exist, I will be here to serve you. That is my function."
His heart sank, the uneasy weight of her words pressing down on him like the leaden drop of a bass line. He didn’t want to think about the implications this could mean for her past. The idea of service, of ownership—it was all wrong. But how could he make her understand when she was like this?
"No, Pearl. You don't serve anyone. You're your own person. You always have been, even before you met Rose."
"Rose…" Her voice trailed off, and for a split second, Greg thought he saw a flicker of conflict within her eyes, but it vanished as quickly as it appeared.
"Listen, we're gonna get you back," he promised, though he wasn't entirely sure who he was trying to convince—Pearl or himself. "You're not just some—some robot programmed to follow orders. You're Pearl. You're one of a kind."
"Am I?" she asked, and he could hear the genuine curiosity mingled with the remnants of her old self.
"Absolutely," he assured her, squeezing her hand as the crowd erupted into cheers for the new song. With his free hand, he gestured Steven over.
“Hey, Dad. Any luck?”
“A little. Rebellion isn’t getting through to her. But I think freedom is the final piece. The freedom to choose. I have an idea, though. Will you fuse with me?”
One second Greg Universe was there and the next, he was replaced with someone else—someone made of his parts but entirely new. Conflicted, Pearl’s body trembled.
The glow of the stage lights cast a warm radiance over their fused form. Steg struck the first chord of "Independent Together" on his guitar, and the crowd swayed as one organism under the spell of the melody.
Pearl stood amidst the throng, gaze locked onto him, searching for direction.
"Nothing is holding you back now." Steg's voice was a harmonious blend of Steven's youthful clarity and Greg's seasoned timbre. "No one can push you around."
As the words washed over her, something within began to unfurl, a long-dormant seed sprouting in the rich soil of memory.
"I’m the master of me, and isn’t the thought enough to lift me off of the ground?" Steg sang, and Pearl found herself inadvertently moving to the rhythm, her feet remembering the dance of freedom she had once reveled in.
"Independent together," the crowd echoed, and she felt it then—the pull of autonomy, the sweetness of self-realization.
"We could be Independent together," Her lips parted in astonishment as the chorus surged through her, reigniting the fire that Rose Quartz had sparked all those centuries ago.
"Independent together, we can fly!"
"Wow," she whispered, to herself, the word barely audible over music. The song reached its crescendo, and with each note, Pearl's mind pieced itself back together, fragments of who she was—before Rose, before Greg, before servitude—melding into a coherent whole.
"Independent together, you and I!" The final line reverberated throughout the venue, and as the music faded into wild applause, Pearl blinked rapidly, her vision clearing, her sense of self solidifying.
Greg and Steven unfused, coming back over to her wearing matching expressions of hope and trepidation.
"Did it work?" Greg asked, his voice nearly lost in the aftermath of the song.
"Yes," she began, her words tinged with an unfamiliar hesitancy. "I remember."
"Good," he replied, but his relief was muddied by the uncomfortable mood settling between them like an uninvited guest. They had been bound by their love for Rose, then united for Steven—now something new was between them.
Steven seemed to sense it too, given his strange expression. “I still need to stop the injector,” he said.
“Go,” Greg said. “Just be careful.”
Steven looked at Pearl.
She gave him a slight smile. “Give me a minute or two to catch up.”
“Alright.” Steven hesitated a moment longer before leaving.
"Should we...get out of here?" Greg suggested, gesturing toward the exit. Their movements were stiff as they navigated the dispersing crowd, both acutely aware of the other's presence.
"Perhaps that would be best," Pearl agreed, her gaze lingering on the empty stage. Why did she still feel drawn to him even though she was herself again?
They emerged into the cool night air, the distant sounds of the city offering a gentle backdrop to their silence. Pearl glanced at Greg, taking in his unkempt hair, the way his t-shirt clung to him in the evening breeze, and she felt an inexplicable warmth spread through her.
"Greg..." she started, then stopped, unsure of how to continue.
"Yeah?" He looked at her, his eyes searching for something she wasn't sure she could give.
"Thank you," she said finally, her gratitude genuine but laced with an emotion she couldn't quite name. "For not giving up on me."
"Hey, we're family, right?" His smile was tentative, but it reached his eyes, and Pearl found herself returning it, despite the confusion that tangled her thoughts.
"Right," she echoed, the word feeling strange yet fitting on her tongue. There was a long pause, filled only by the nocturnal symphony of the world around them. “I suppose I should go help Steven now.”
“Right. We can talk more after you guys are done saving the world.”
His confidence in them fueled her own. They would win.
The injector was gone, but Steven would need to painstakingly heal away all the poison. Pearl wished she could help, but words of encouragement would have to suffice. Normally, Steven would want to celebrate their victory, but he was exhausted from everything that happened and he had more work to do, so he was taking a much-needed nap.
Pearl eyed Greg, preparing to suggest that the two of them take a walk. Before she could, Peridot made a wide sweeping motion with her hands.
“It’s so good to have you guys back!” the green gem exclaimed. “We have to celebrate.”
“Yes,” Bismuth concurred, smiling. “I say we’ve been working too hard around here. How about we play a game? Peridot was telling me about one called Volleyball.”
Pearl smiled. “That sounds like a wonderful idea.”
Everyone seemed happy to play except for Greg who rubbed the back of his head. “I don’t know. I’m not as athletic as I used to be. Besides, you all have your gem powers…”
“Don’t worry, Mr. Universe,” Connie insisted. “I don’t have powers either.”
Pearl hovered her hand near his back without touching him. “It will be fun.”
He met her eyes, then sighed. “Alright, guess I’ll give it a try.”
Pearl always enjoyed volleyball. It was a good way to unleash adrenalin without the rigidness of training. Greg looked a bit rigid, though. She wondered if that had to do with her and the previous events of the day.
“Amethyst, will you switch with me?” she asked.
The purple gem shrugged. “Sure, I guess.”
Pearl moved into position on his side of the court. "Relax, Greg. This is just for fun, and I think we’ll make a great team," Pearl encouraged, her eyes reflecting confidence.
Greg nodded. Peridot served the ball, and the game was in full swing.
They quickly found a rhythm. Pearl's precise calculations and Greg's spontaneous but effective moves complemented each other. They were scoring points and having a blast. The uncertainty began to melt away, replaced by the joy of the game.
It was a draw. One final point would end the game. Skillfully, Greg hit the ball just out of Peridot’s reach, scoring the winning point. The cheers of their friends filled the air, and Pearl felt a surge of excitement. In their elation, she and Greg spontaneously hugged each other, celebrating the victory.
Their embrace lingered for a moment longer than anticipated, and as they pulled away, a subtle awkwardness settled between them. Pearl cleared her throat, attempting to break the tension.
"That was an excellent match. You really have a knack for this," Pearl complimented, her tone trying to restore a casual atmosphere.
Greg scratched his head, chuckling nervously. "Why, thanks. I guess we make a pretty good team."
The group decided on another set of teams for another round. Everyone else gathered around to watch the game. Now was the best time to slip away from the crowd.
“Do you want to take a walk with me?” she asked Greg, surprised by how hesitant her voice sounded.
They walked in silence along the shore until they found a quiet spot near the edge of town. The moon shone luminous overhead, casting a serene glow over the quiet streets. They sat down on a bench.
Finally, Pearl took a deep breath, her voice cutting through the stillness. “About everything that happened today…Thinking I belonged to you, wasn't entirely…unpleasant."
Greg turned to face her with a furrowed brow. His lips parted, but only an inquisitive hum came out.
She twirled a strand of her short hair. "It's ludicrous, I know," she continued with a small chuckle that didn't quite reach her eyes. "A gem falling for her owner. It's like one of those trashy romance novels Amethyst reads."
“You can fall for anyone you want to, Pearl.”
“That’s just it, though. I’ve only had these sorts of feelings for Rose, and now you. Perhaps I don’t have free will only my feelings, only the programming which says I should love my owner.”
"Hey, now." Greg's voice was gentle. His hand found her shoulder, reassuring in its warmth. "You don't belong to anyone, Pearl. You're your own person... gem... you know what I mean." He gave a small laugh, trying to ease the tension.
“How can I be my own person if my feelings are out of my control?”
Greg shook his head. “They aren’t out of your control. Just because some stupid gem mind control thing or something says you should feel a certain way doesn’t mean you have to act on it.” His eyes stared into hers, full of sincerity.
Pearl let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding, her shoulders relaxing under his touch. "I am my own gem," she mused, tracing the outline of a nearby rock with her boot. "But how do I know if my feelings are real or not?”
“Listen to your heart. Only you can figure it out, Pearl. But I know your feelings for Rose were real, no matter how they started. You chose to keep following her, and you can choose what to do with your feelings now.”
Pearl took his free hand in hers. “Thank you. For seeing me as an individual, not just a gem.”
“Of course.” Greg squeezed her hand back. “That’s what friends are for, right?”
"Right," she echoed, the word no longer feeling strange but comforting. As they resumed their walk, side by side, the glimmering trail ahead seemed less daunting, lit by the soft luminescence of the moon and the newfound recognition of their bond.
Waves lapped gently at the shore like a soft metronome keeping time with their footsteps. Pearl's fingers remained intertwined with Greg's as they walked. Her thoughts swam in the vast ocean of possibilities, alternating between the thrill of potential and the fear of the unknown.
"Feels kind of nice, doesn't it? The quiet," Greg mused.
The words hung in the air like a strummed guitar chord, resonating with truth and clarity. Pearl felt something within her click into place, a puzzle piece she hadn't realized was missing.
"Quiet can be... overwhelming. But tonight, it's comforting," Pearl admitted, her voice carrying the weight of centuries yet the curiosity of the present moment.
Greg's thumb brushed over the back of her hand absentmindedly. "You've come a long way, you know?" he said, his tone imbued with a respect that shocked her.
Pearl's laugh was a quiet chime in the stillness, the sound more human than gem—a manifestation from her time on Earth. "I suppose I have," she acknowledged, allowing herself a modicum of pride.
They reached a rock, overlooking the water. Settling down again, the pair remained close, their shoulders brushing, the space between them charged with an unknown energy.
"Greg..." Pearl began, her voice trailing off as she gazed at the reflection of the stars upon the water's surface. "I'm not Rose, but..."
Greg turned to face her, his eyes kind and earnest. "I know you're not. And I don't want you to be."
She searched his gaze for any sign of insincerity, any trace of the longing for days gone by, but found none. Only the open acceptance and encouragement that was so uniquely G. It was unsettling how grounding his presence had become. She gave a soft laugh. “You sure are a sweet talker. No wonder Rose loved you. Even after everything between us, you’ve never pushed me away.”
“Hey,” he said firmly. “You need to stop beating yourself up over the past. I thought we had moved past all that.”
Pearl looked down at the sand. “You’re right. It’s just, I feel that I have a larger perspective now. What if I’m clinging to you now because of that past?”
“Does it matter? As long as you’re happy, that’s all that matters. I just want you to feel free to make your own choices and have your own life. If somehow that means feeling something for a washed-up rocker like me, then that’s okay.”
Pearl looked at him again. His eyes were soft, inviting. “All we’ve been talking about is me. What about you?”
Greg put a hand on his forehead. “Honestly, I’m a bit mixed up. I’ve always liked you, Pearl. I was really happy when we finally started to be real friends. Seeing you in that state today was difficult.”
“Because I wasn’t myself?”
He dropped his hand. “Yeah, but it was also a lot to have you coming onto me like that. I haven’t been with anyone since…The point is, I didn’t know what I was gonna do if you actually tried something.”
Pearl’s face fell. “It was unpleasant.”
“No!” he quickly explained. “But I couldn’t take advantage of you like that.”
She truly appreciated that. “Thank you.” Her heart pounded, but she had to ask. “What if it hadn’t been taking advantage?”
 “Huh?” Greg looked away. “I don’t know. I’ve been trying not to think about it. Things are already awkward enough.” There was a pause. “But…I think it would have been the opposite of unpleasant.”
Pearl smiled softly. “Would you want this to turn into something?”
He hesitated, looking at her lips. “I think…we’d make a good team.”
A sense of peace settled over her. Her gaze drifted to where the sea met the sky in an endless horizon. In that moment, the longing tension that filled the air seemed not so much about the past or even the present, but about the vastness of what might unfold.
Pearl's fingers trembled slightly as she reached toward Greg, her touch hesitant but deliberate. The action felt alien. "Is this okay?" Her voice was uncertain.
"Only if you're sure," he said, his words wrapped in a warmth that cradled her doubts.
The kiss was a clumsy convergence of worlds—organic and gemstone. He was so soft, so warm, so different. This simple action somehow felt more rebellious than anything she had done in the past. The rush filled her with an exhilarating sense of liberation. As their mouths parted, giddy laughter bubbled up from them both, a sound so human it startled Pearl with its ease.
"Wow, that was..." Greg started, scratching the back of his head, his grin wide and unabashed.
"Unexpected," Pearl finished for him, feeling her cheeks flush. "But not... unwelcome." She allowed herself a small smile, the corners of her mouth twitching with a novelty she couldn't quite name.
He chuckled, his eyes sparkling like the constellations above. "I'll say. You know, I've kissed a few humans in my time, and none of those kisses ever felt quite like this."
"Strange?" she offered, tilting her head as she examined the new sensations fluttering within her.
"Strange, yeah," he confirmed, "but also kind of... amazing? In a way that's hard to put into words."
Pearl found herself chuckling along with him, feeling lighter than air. "I wonder how Steven will react. He’ll probably be over the moon," she said, imagining his smile bright enough to rival the sun.
"Or he'll think we've both lost our minds," Greg countered playfully, winking at her.
"Perhaps a bit of both," she conceded, the laugh escaping her throat more genuine than she had anticipated. "He always did hope for us to find common ground. I suppose this is somewhat beyond what he had in mind."
"Steven's got a big heart," Greg mused, his gaze drifting upwards. "He gets that from his mom. But you know, he also cares about understanding people and what they need. And that's all you, Pearl."
Pearl’s heart swelled at the sentiment. Her feelings had to be real—no, she chose for them to be real. No longer would she be bound by expectations or conditioning or even the shadow of Rose Quartz. She was free and she wanted to explore this bizarre and beautiful connection.
"Greg," she began, her tone laced with newfound resolve, "I don't know what we're doing. But I want to find out."
"Me too." His hand found hers again.
They shared another look, another moment suspended between laughter and longing. And as they turned their faces back to the sky, the stars seemed to twinkle in approval.
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corpuscaiiosum · 6 years
Cute idea
Pearl reforms and decides to try long hair for the first time so she and Greg bond over him helping her
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xrdxbmx · 1 year
post-show headcanon time
Pearl, bored, decides to open up a laundromat in Beach City and Greg, using his money and his experience running a business, helps her get started. Pearl decides to call it ''It's A Fold''. ...And on slow days, Greg likes to visit and the two goof around.
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gogglecannon · 7 years
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Pearl and Greg going out together being cute.
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kevplummer · 4 years
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“Wanna dance!?”
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oh gosh i wish this blog was around two-three years ago when su stans harassed me and fellow pearl and dewey shippers. either way, this blog is a really good idea and i wish you luck with it!
Thank you so much! I actually started this blog not too long after another incident in the Steven Universe fandom- I think it was GregPearl shippers being harassed, though.
Either way, sometimes the SU fandom takes shipping too far and it makes me sad to watch so many creative minds in that fandom being stifled by others who wish them harm for enjoying a specific relationship dynamic :( I hope you don’t let those kinds of people get to you, anon, and surround yourself with people who don’t judge you for your ships!
-Mod GP !!
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