#grow your food
We need to make food production hyper local agian.
Grow and raise your own food, buy local and barter with neighbors.
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mindawaken · 1 year
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Grow your own food 🌱
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deepdrearn · 8 months
Harvested well over 6kg of cherry tomatoes this summer 🥹
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turtlesandfrogs · 1 year
A basic starter project if you want to start growing your own food but have no money & no experience, assuming you like green onions.
Supplies needed: Dead potted plant from free pile/dumpster/friend or family member, used food container, green onion ends.
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1. Remove lid from container, it's now your plant pot's saucer
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2. Either poke holes very carefully and slowly (not ideal) or slice the corners off with scissors (better)
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3. Remove soil from the dead plant's pot, put in container. This one was super heavy in perlite (the white stuff, helps with drainage), so I mixed in another pot that had more organic matter (brown stuff, mostly helps retain moisture, sometimes provides nutrients). Water until water comes out the bottom, then let drain in sink until until it's done. Put pot on lid:
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4. Stick the green onions in, deep enough that they can stand up on their own, or until the white part is covered:
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5. Stick in window, water when dry, and wait:
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Why not just stick them in water?
Because they make the water really smelly.
Just change the water often, then it won't stink.
I will forget, and then it will stink. Plus, I prefer growing in soil.
Why do you prefer soil?
Thanks for asking! I started because growing them in water didn't work well for me. But on top of that, if you regrow in water, eventually their growth will peter out. This is because in addition to water and carbon dioxide, plants need other nutrients. These are stored in the bulbs of green onions, but they will be depleted by growth if the plant can't replace them. Potting soil often has leftover nutrients, and if you've got compost you can also mix that in.
Why not just put fertilizer in the water?
Two reasons. First off, that's a great way to grow algea, unless you make sure the water isn't getting light. Secondly, most cheap, widely available fertilizers are meant to be used for plants that are in soil, so they're not complete (they're missing iron and maybe some other things? It's been a while since i looked it up). So eventually, if you use water and normal ferts, the plant will stop growing. If you have access to hydroponic ferts, those would work, but you also have enough money that you're not the target audience for this post.
I don't trust the potting soil from random plants.
Completely understandable, and probably smart too. In that case, you have a couple other options if you want soil for free. First off, you could look for dead vegetable or other edible plants in pots, and know that those will not have been treated with something that makes them inedible to humans. You can also look for free bags of partially used potting soil in your local buy-nothing/free stuff groups/craigslist/nextdoor/mutual aid groups.
What if I have some money for soil?
Then you can look for potting soil, or make your own (plenty of recipes online for this)
Help! There are tiny flies that look like fruit flies!
Those are probably fungus gnats, and there's plenty of ways to get rid of them. My two favorites are watering a bit less and adding half an inch of sand to the top, making your plants an unsuitable habitat, or getting a mosquito dunk and keeping it in your watering can. Mosquito dunks have Bt, a type of bacteria that kills mosquitos, fungus gnats, and other related insects. There are other types of Bt that go after other types of insect, such as cabbage moths. It's considered an organic treatment.
What about other pests?
I've literally never seen them get other pests indoors.
How much light do they need?
As much as you can give them, probably. If you have a window that gets midday sun, use that. Or a grow light. If they don't get enough light, they'll be floppy and pale, still edible, but not as flavorful.
When can I harvest?
When it wouldn't look silly to harvest them. I generally wait until they're at least a foot tall (30cm). I'll post an update when I do.
Why didn't you just use the dead plant's pot, dumbass?
A) it didn't have a saucer to protect the surface underneath, B) this is a concept post, and often plant pots are too wide to fit in window sills, and C) I didn't like the pot.
Won't it just grow into a bulb?
Nope, green onions are actually usually a different type than bulbing onions. Usually. And they're perennial! I've never had one try forming a bulb, but you can just eat them if yours do.
Can I ask you another question?
Yep! I'll add it to the update.
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itsallchemical · 1 year
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rumade · 14 days
[Video description: me discovering and trying surprise salad leaves in my greenhouse]
If you'd like to see more videos of me pottering about, check out the Rumade YouTube channel
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dulcedelashay · 3 months
Natural Garden Pest Control
Protect your garden with natural pest deterrents like marigolds:
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pomelo0o · 9 days
Spring Garden: Nasturtium, Butterfly Pea Flower Tea, Sun Dial
© Lellopepper®
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mslee420 · 2 years
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Trimming our harvest and I can’t believe how these nugs look on our peanutbutter Trix… seriously unfucking real.
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warmcupoflemontea · 8 months
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blackberry babies
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saganandloki · 1 year
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waithatsucculent · 1 year
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Little cukey update ◡̈
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urban-paradise · 2 years
Finally doing my full Gardyn review!
Here she is in her full glory:
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So, at this point we had multiple types of lettuce, Swiss Chard, Tatsoi, Tomatoes, Thyme, Basil, Cilantro, Arugula and Mustard. It provided enough greens to have salad as a main course for dinner for three nights a week! Being indoors and soilless there were no pesticides used at any point. I would cut the leaves off as I made dinner, doesn’t get any fresher!
What is a Gardyn?
Gardyn is a fully automated, all in one, hydroponic gardening unit.
It starts with the base. The bottom of the unit is a tank which holds up to 6 gallons of water.
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This does mean the unit is pretty heavy when it’s full, but if you’re strong or have two people it’s not too bad to move. When you receive it it is empty, so the initial set up is not too bad. Some people online do make rolling carts for them that are very nice if you struggle to move that much weight! It is a neutral color so it goes pretty nicely anywhere. I actually think it makes a nice decorative piece, especially when it is full! It also has enough space on top, maybe not if your unit is totally full, for your other seedlings/propagations!
After the base we have the lid. This is made of wood, so it looks pretty nice.
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Underneath is where the pump and the drains for each tower is located. It has a small opening for refills, which I do about once or twice a week depending on how hot it is.
The columns screw into the lids. These were one of the worst parts of set up honestly. They have a rubber tube holding them together so I do recommend grabbing someone to help, maybe it was just me! Each section unscrews individually for cleaning and it holds and total of 32 plants if you use each space!
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There is a bar across the back to provide support, which does have a wall mount. If you have kids or curious pets I would recommend mounting it to the wall.
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In front of the columns are the lights. There are one on each side and they are labeled which side is which. This is one of the tougher things to set up with this unit.
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It is incredibly bright. It does not bother me at all, I have grow lights everywhere, but it might be an issue if it’s near a place you relax.
The lights do have camera built into them. These sync with the app, where the AI can help diagnose issues and provide a time lapse of growth. This made me a bit nervous at first but the are stationary and if up against the wall that is all it will see. More on all of that below!
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Here is what she looks like know. As someone with heavy depression it is nice how automatic she is. Lot of the greens survived until they bolted and we let them die naturally. If you have compost it would make a great addition. Even with little to no maintenance for a few weeks she is still blooming!
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Fresh, organic produce ready at a moments notice
The ability to grow flowers as well/instead of you prefer
Soilless, which helps prevent a lot of pests
Helps freshen air indoors
Built in lights means it can go anywhere
Deep cleans recommended every six months can be intense
Plants are still susceptible to a few pests, specifically spider mites
The light is very bright
Sometimes the App just does not do what you want it to
The initial price is pretty high
Accessories from Gardyn can be expensive and come with so few
Now, the most controversial thing about this unit is the App/membership. I will start by saying, you can 100% not use the membership at all. You can purchase any accessories outside of it and find pretty much anything outside of their store that you would need if you can get creative.
The app and and internet connection however is required. This is how the unit syncs to the time and you set the light/watering schedule. So without both an internet connection and working smart phone this isn’t really a good option
Despite the fact you do not need a membership, I do love and recommend it. Currently the membership is $40 pre month. This gives you a lot more options in the app, but you also get credits which allow for up to 10 seed cubes with free shipping every month. That basically pays for it alone!
All in all, if you can afford it and are looking for something like this, I can recommend this enough. This post is not sponsored, but as a member I do have a discount code which will get you $125 off the unit if you’re buying anyway!
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bymisshoney · 1 year
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Sophie Davidson
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rumade · 14 days
[Video description: me discovering and trying surprise salad leaves in my greenhouse]
If you'd like to see more videos of me pottering about, check out the Rumade YouTube channel
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