#guards of Priwen as Knights of the round table
priwenshallprevail · 3 months
Cross-over : Main Active
This may be the biggest of all my intended crossovers, with every intention to span it out across all my verses as patented headcanons. It also fits that I have a blog for Sir Galahad from this particular crossing, though my version of him is more AU oriented and after game marketed. Though I am in no way opposed in to playing in game and pre game events randomly amid threads.
The Order : 1886
This one to me.. is the most fitting and well adapted, to damn well being close to actual canon.
The Brotherhood of Saint Paul's Stole may have been their own establishing figurehead throughout the 1900s, yet it wasn't always so. It was during division between the members; which now portion out into the Guard of Priwen, that they lost their main benefactors before the war even began. Which is why they are close to ruin during game. They had been indebtedly in league with a higher cause for centuries prior. A mere section of something far bigger than both themselves, and the Guard.
An Order that can predate all the way back to Arthurian legends. It is here where they had gotten their reputation over immortality in the ranks, which the blood of King Arthur pertains to the very properties of the Knight's vial within that Order.
We later find out through Myrddin that Arthur had been a progeny of his, making the blood of Arthur vampiric in it's natural state. However .. The Vial which consisted of a liquid only dubbed as the Black Water, held this as a main ingredient and thus diluted with various alchemy substances long near impossible to rediscover, that the elixir had since been lost to recreate from any elder vampiric counterpart within later dates. It is due to this alchemy concoction, that the vampiric strain does not inhabit it's host. Giving the user a good portion of vampiric traits without ever becoming the beast itself.
The dilution provided immortality and restorative type healing to those who were rewarded with the vial. Age and injury etc. Contaminating their own blood just enough that it would later make it possible to be replenished through their blood. Thus capable of refilling the vial when needed; such as near death injuries. It was also due to such subsistence that the Knights posed near inhuman strengths and agility. ( Which is why McCullum would have such physical resistance etc . )
I imagine all the founding members of the Brotherhood held a vial, passed down to their successors, much like the Knights of the Round Table had been for centuries. This is where Kendall Stone ( Founder of the Guard of Priwen ) would nab what would be later considered the Guard's ancient relic, and ultimately what allowed the man to stay Leader for so long. Handed down to Geoffrey by Carl Eldritch, a succession that only seems to be put to use during a Great Hunt. Thus Geoffrey having taking not one but two sips of that vial had indefinitely tainted his blood into the tight rope above a more generic form of immortality. Had he known it or not, which I doubt. Something tells me that not even Carl Eldritch knew it's higher purpose, for the entire relic was bequeathed onto the most highest secrecy. Moving on to the Ascalon club; with it's members of high society, beneficial to crown and country. This too can be linked right into The Order. For snakes had been infiltrating their ranks for centuries, eager to grasp an upper hand. Lord Hastings in particular, who ties into the United India Company. Who worms his way into the ranks of The Order itself by means of association. I imagine he was a high respected member of the Ascalon club as well. Who was also later revealed as the killer behind the Whitechapel butchery, credited to Jack the Ripper.
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