yourfaveisleftist · 7 months
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Kevin McCallister from the Home Alone series is a Guevarist!
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acapulcopress · 20 days
Otro fiscal general militar en la Fiscalía General del Estado
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CHILPANCINGO * Abril 3, 2024. ) Congreso de Guerrero Con el voto de 43 diputadas y diputados, este miércoles el Congreso del Estado designó al abogado Zipacná Jesús Torres Ojeda como fiscal general del Estado, para un periodo de
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seis años improrrogables. De acuerdo con el dictamen emitido por la Junta de Coordinación Política, el proceso de designación de esta titularidad pasó por la emisión de la convocatoria pública aprobada en la sesión del 19 de marzo, y que estuvo vigente hasta el 22 del mismo mes, logrando el registro de 32 profesionistas del derecho. Analizados los expedientes de todos y cada uno de ellos por parte de las diputadas y diputados integrantes de este órgano legislativo, y debido a que todos cumplieron con los requisitos estipulados, se determinó enviar la lista íntegra de aspirantes a la jefa del Ejecutivo estatal, Evelyn Cecia Salgado Pineda, quien, conforme a sus facultades, remitió posteriormente a esta Soberanía la terna de prospectos, para su correspondiente evaluación. Recibida dicha terna, y conforme a los plazos establecidos, diputadas y diputados de la LXIII Legislatura procedieron a la realización de entrevistas a los aspirantes Zipacná Jesús Torres Ojeda, Antonio Sebastián Ortuño y Miguel Alejandro Guizado, quienes presentaron su plan de trabajo y acciones a desarrollar en caso de ser electos, además de que respondieron a preguntas diversas de las y los legisladores. Finalmente, en la sesión de este miércoles, bajo el método por cédula, el Congreso eligió a Zipacná Jesús Torres Ojeda como titular de la FGE, mismo que enseguida rindió la correspondiente Protesta de Ley. El nuevo titular de la FGE es originario de Acapulco y cuenta con 55 años de edad, se encuentra en pleno ejercicio de sus derechos políticos y civiles, posee el título profesional de licenciado en Derecho por el Centro de Estudios Universitarios del Norte, y tiene maestrías en Derecho Penal y Derechos Humanos. Además, Torres Ojeda se ha desempeñado, entre otros cargos, como Agente del Ministerio Público Militar, secretario del Juzgado de Ejecución de Sentencias, y juez del Sistema Tradicional, de Control y del Tribunal del Juicio Oral del Sistema Penal Acusatorio. Destaca en el dictamen de la Jucopo que Torres Ojeda, en su momento y bajo protesta de decir verdad, se manifestó dispuesto a someterse a las evaluaciones de control y confianza que se requieran para el desempeño de sus funciones. Iniciativas En la misma sesión, el diputado Carlos Cruz López presentó iniciativas de reforma a la Constitución Política del Estado y a la Ley Orgánica de la Administración Pública del Estado para que el Estado garantice la paridad de género y la inclusión de personas con discapacidad en los nombramientos de titulares de las secretarías de despacho, dependencias, entidades paraestatales y demás instituciones públicas. Por su parte, la diputada Leticia Mosso Hernández presentó una iniciativa de Ley de los Derechos de las Jefas de Familia del Estado, con el objeto de establecer y regular los derechos de las mujeres, a través de políticas públicas, acciones y programas estatales, que ayuden a mejorar sus condiciones de vida y las de sus dependientes, cuando se encuentren en situación económica vulnerable. Intervenciones Con el tema “El desarrollo del proceso electoral local, deficiencias y retos”, participó el diputado Bernardo Ortega Jiménez, quien sostuvo que es responsabilidad del Poder Legislativo, como Soberanía, vigilar el adecuado desarrollo del mismo. En ese sentido, dijo que los retos de la democracia guerrerense deben fijarse y cumplirse conforme a la ley, para hacer de las elecciones una verdadera fiesta democrática en que prevalezca la razón y se respete irrestrictamente la voluntad ciudadana sobre quién habrá de representarla ante los órganos establecidos. Toma de protesta Ante el Pleno de la LXIII Legislatura rindieron protesta Georgina de la Cruz Galeana y Dagoberto Guevara Donato como presidenta y presidente de los ayuntamientos de Benito Juárez y Marquelia, respectivamente. ) facebook.com/acapress.mx ) facebook.com/angelblanco.press  ) facebook.com/groups/mexicosur.news ) facebook.com/groups/AcapulcoNoticias ) acapulcopress.com Read the full article
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Sledujte ― Moje vina Film Online CZ A Zdarma
Sledujte Moje vina Filmy Online CZ (2023) Stáhnout Celý Film Online Zdarma Titulky, Cz Dabing v HD.
Moje vina online cz zdarma? Zjistěte, kde můžete sledovat obsah online z nabídky 7 služeb.
Kde Sledovat Moje vina Filmy Online Zdarma:
► Klikněte zde pro shlédnutí filmu Moje vina - Online zdarma v HD
Kde sledovat Moje vinaa?
několik způsobů, jak sledovat film Moje vina online v USA Můžete použít streamovací službu, jako je Netflix, Hulu nebo Amazon Prime Video. Film si také můžete vypůjčit nebo zakoupit na iTunes nebo Google Play. sledujte jej na vyžádání nebo ve streamovací aplikaci dostupné na vašem televizoru nebo streamovacím zařízení, pokud máte kabel.
Co je to film Moje vina?
Moje chyba (španělsky: Culpa mía ) je španělský romantický film z roku 2023, který režíroval Domingo González ve svém celovečerním režijním debutu a v hlavních rolích s Nicole Wallace a Gabrielem Guevarou . Je založen nastejnojmenném příběhu z Wattpadu od Mercedes Ron .
Noah musí opustit své město, přítele a přátele a přestěhovat se do honosné vily nového manžela své matky. Setká se tam se svým nevlastním bratrem, Nickem, a hned od začátku si vůbec nerozumí. Táhne je k sobě ale přitažlivost, která přeroste v zakázaný vztah. Jejich vzpurné a osudem zkoušené povahy obrátí jejich světy vzhůru nohama a bláznivě se do sebe zamilují.
Kdy vyjde film Moje vina?
Nicole Wallace jako Noah [1] Gabriel Guevara jako Nick [1] Marta Hazas jako Rafaella [2] Iván Sánchez jako William Leister [3] Eva Ruiz jako Jenna [2] Víctor Varona [ es ] jako lev [2] Fran Berenguer jako Ronnie [3] Iván Massagué jako Jonás
Kdo je obsazením filmu Moje vina?
Film debutoval na Amazon Prime Video 8. června 2023. [7] Podle Amazon Prime Video film údajně dosáhl nejlepších třídenních čísel sledovanosti pro jakýkoli neanglický místní originál v historii služby.
Kompletní údaje o filmu Moje vina
Moje vina Španělsko Culpa mía Drama / Romantický Španělsko, 2023, 117 min Režie: Domingo González Předloha: Mercedes Ron (kniha) Scénář: Domingo González Kamera: Hermes Marco Hrají: Nicole Wallace, Gabriel Guevara, Marta Hazas, Ivan Massagué, Iván Sánchez, Fran Berenguer, Mariano Venancio, Jon Rod, Mariano Andrés
Moje vina na Disney Plus?
Na Disney+ nejsou žádné stopy po Moje vina Trail, důkaz, že House of Mouse nemá žádnou kontrolu nad celou franšízou! Disney+, domov pro tituly jako 'Star Wars', 'Marvel', 'Pixar', National GMoje vina graphic', ESPN, STAR a další, je k dispozici za roční předplatné 79,99 $ nebo měsíční poplatek 0,99 $. Pokud jste jen fanouškem některé z těchto značek, stojí za to se přihlásit do Disney+ a nemá ani reklamy.
Moje vina na HBO Max?
Je nám líto, ale Moje vina Way není na HBO Max k dispozici. Je tu spousta obsahu HBO Max za 14,99 $ měsíčně, toto předplatné je bez reklam a umožňuje vám přístup ke každému titulu v knihovně HBO Max. Streamovací platforma oznámila verzi podporovanou reklamou, která stojí mnohem méně za 9,99 $ měsíčně.
Moje vina na Amazon VidMoje vina?
Bohužel, Moje vina Path by Water není k dispozici ke streamování zdarma na Amazon Prime VidMoje vina. Můžete si však vybrat i jiné pořady a filmy, které budete odtud sledovat, protože má širokou škálu pořadů a filmů, ze kterých si můžete vybrat za 14,99 $ měsíčně.
Moje vina na Peacockovi?
Moje vina Way nelze na Peacock v době psaní tohoto článku sledovat. Peacock nabízí předplatné, které stojí 4,99 $ měsíčně nebo 49,99 $ ročně u prémiového účtu. Stejně jako její jmenovec si streamovací platforma může hrát s venkovním obsahem zdarma, i když omezeně.
Moje vina na Paramount Plus?
Moje vina The Road to Water není na Paramount Plus. Paramount Plus nabízí správnou možnost předplatného: základní verze služby Paramount + Essential podporuje reklamu za 4,99 $ měsíčně a prémiový plán bez reklam za 9,99 $ měsíčně.
Kde mohu sledovat film Moje vina zdarma?
Cinemov je webová stránka, která nabízí zdarma více než 20 000 streamovaných filmů všech žánrů zdarma. Když se přihlásíte, najdete neomezené množství HD filmů, obrovský katalog k procházení a vyhledávací panel, který vám umožní vyhledat všechny filmy, které chcete vidět.
Zajímá vás, jak legálně sledovat bezplatný streaming filmu Moje vina? Pokud ano, budete rádi, že je to skutečně možné, protože v současnosti existuje v Itálii několik webových stránek, kde můžete zdarma sledovat filmy všech žánrů a dob. V některých případech se možná budete muset zaregistrovat prostřednictvím e-mailu nebo použít svůj online účet k přihlášení.
Řeknu vám podrobně, jak můžete pomocí nejpopulárnějších internetových stránek, online služeb a aplikací pro chytré telefony/tablety streamovat filmy zdarma. Cinemov je jedna z nejlepších stránek. Nabídka filmů sahá od nejnovějších filmů po klasiky z historie kinematografie, od amerických filmů po italské filmy, od hororů po komedie… zkrátka svoboda výběru, počet filmů je působivý. Samozřejmě to nenajdete, když půjdete do kina.
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jdpink · 1 year
To illustrate, Karny cited a client, Dennis Guevares, who developed an opioid addiction after he cut his hand while trying to separate two frozen hamburger patties when he was in college. A few years after a doctor prescribed painkillers, Guevares was living on the street in Washington Heights, boosting to support a heroin addiction.
His boosting career got off to a rocky start. He had heard he could sell salami to bodegas for $5 a pop, but when he tried to lift some from BJ’s in Bronx Terminal Market, he was caught at the door and arrested. After that, a fellow addict told him the easy money was in cosmetics. Soon, Guevares was spending most days stealing from pharmacies in the Bronx, Manhattan, and Queens. “You’re so addicted and so sick you’re willing to take that chance because your body is telling you that you need it. Your mind is not thinking rationally at all,” he said in an interview. “You know you’re taking a chance and going to get caught. You know you’re going to be dope sick for however long you’re in Rikers.”
After Guevares’s sixth arrest, Karny managed to convince the DA’s office to agree to a plea that sent him to a treatment program. Despite one relapse, Guevares has been clean for eight months and is now applying for jobs. “Dennis is not an example of how bail reform has ruined everything. He’s exactly the opposite,” Karny said. “He’s an example of how bail doesn’t matter. It’s about treatment. It’s about somebody being sick.”
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drakifakca · 2 years
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"Hayat, ne aşk davasıdır, ne de ekmek kavgasıdır. Hayat, insan kalabilme mücadelesidir. Şerefinle, namusunla, onurunla..." Che Guevare https://www.instagram.com/p/CeeLmNyj4CW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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communist-rage-blog · 5 years
Live your life not celebrating victories, but overcoming defeats.
Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara
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spaceboxingpsycho · 2 years
Top 5 ippo fights?
hehe, the last time i received this ask was 3 years ago :') and i answered it, but now i am a different person, old, crusty and deranged. It's also very lovely timing to ask that, because for the last YEAR me and my best friend in the whole world Nihinski are re-reading Ippo manga 3 chapters per day, and talking mad smack and memes all about it (hence my shitpost tag #ippo reread club) and I can reexperience it all with new perspective, and find underrated gems I never truly appreciated. and of course, vice versa
originally my fav 5 fights are Chaos, Lallapalooza, world champion Volg, Sendo vs Shigeta and Ippo vs Date. none of them are overrated really, I guess Chaos is, but it is also
p̸̪̗̪͍͓͗̐̑͐e̴̞̪̐̚ä̵͙̗́k̵̢̤̫̱̝̤͑̒̆̀̈́̔̄ ̴̛͙̺̲̹̒͊̋a̷̢̫̾̑̈́͋̾͆̕ẽ̸̟͎̾̈̓̑̍̓͘s̸̡͔͇̱̤͉͕̔͐ͅt̷̡͇͉̟͕̼͔̘̿̅̍͝h̴͈͐ẽ̴̡͉̩͇͇̰̳̃t̵̼͖̳̣̮̔͑̏ḯ̶̭͖̎̓ͅc̶͇̠̜̎̅̐̊͜͜͝ ̴̜͗͊̌́̑̓̕͝e̶̙͉̗̞͑̍̔͛͐̈́d̸̟̋̀̈́̔̉̍̅̀g̶̠͊̉̀̄̉ë̶̤̳͓̻l̵̹̬͓͇͍͑͆̀̿̕͠ơ̷͎̙̜̌̓̅̊̈́̆r̵͍̼̰̲̮̈́̒͆͌͘̕͝d̴̢͍̟͙̮̗̭͊̉ ̵̢̰̻̲͈̗͓͖̓̿́̄̈͠p̶̢̳͔͇̳̠͛͛̈̓͂̈̆̓e̷͔̽͋͗ŗ̴̛̰̞͐̿̑̅̎͠f̶̺͚̅̋̚o̶͇̎͠r̸͙̝͊͠m̶̡̢̥̮̪̝̳̤͂́͊̄̚ȁ̷͎͇̮̫̗n̶͎̹̟̼͂̈́̾͝c̴͓̘̼͉͈̓͋̽͂ę̸̼̰̩̯̂̌ͅͅ.
Volg's fight is SO SO GOOD, it literally is character journey cathartic completion fight, this is the dramatic Ippo fight of surviving against all odds done RIGHT
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never 4get
so now i will do top 5 severely underrated AMAZING fights i never fully appreciated before
1. Aoki vs Imae aka absolute himbo showdown of two absolutely best boys, gave comedy, gave heart, gave life lessons, gave EVERYTHING literally the best fucking fight in the whole entire series
2. Ippo vs sigma male Alf motherfucking Ganjalez - i was dreading to reread this because i though it's gonna last 2 months but it was a) way way way shorter than expected b) the mood was fantastic, it was a proper wild ride to a foreshadowed great disasterina c) alf literally broke down my door came into my house and snatched my wig clean off and now i simp for his sigma ass
3. Itagaki vs Imai take 1 and take 2 - quick and dynamic, two actually unexpected and unusual outcomes, fantastic goofy drama and rival storyline between these two. RIDICULOUSLY UNDERRATED BY BOTH READERS AND THE AUTHOR. oh my god ..... the mistreatment these two receive, i cannot deal with it
4. Ippo vs Take Keiichi - ok listen the way when i was rereading i was like 'who the fuck is take keiichi' and then it shockingly turned out one of the most interesting and sad quick fights in ippo, where the roles of 'who is the real underdog' are completely flipped and all you see is a crafty old man desperately trying to find all tricks in his sleeve, to do something against most talented boy made of pure muscle with monster penis who hits like five trucks
5. Takamura vs Bryan Hawk - probably not underrated by most but I never really favored this one, when genuinely.. it is Takamura's best fight imo, the bloody mad showdown between two WWE heels *nicki minaj aggressively blasts in the background*
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All about Marni’s “marriage of Truman Capote and Che Guevara.”
📷: Teresa Ciocia
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yourfaveisleftist · 5 months
misato katsuragi from neon genesis evangelion is a guevarist
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wanninayaka · 5 years
චේ - මාලිනී ගෝවින්නගේ
චේ – මාලිනී ගෝවින්නගේ
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චේ – මාලිනී ගෝවින්නගේ
මාලිනී ගෝවින්නගේ ලියූ “චේ” චරිතාපදානය මීට වසර 10කටත් පෙර එක හුස්මටම කියෙව්වේ අර්නස්ටෝ චේ ගුවේරානම් අමරණීය විප්ලවවාදියාගේ ජීවිත කතාව කියවීමට මා බොහෝ අසාවෙන් සිටි නිසාය. චේ බොහෝ හිත් ඇදගන්නා සුළු පෞර්ශයකින් සහ කැරිස්මාවකින් යුතු පුද්ගලයෙකි. ඒ බව මොනවට පැහැදිලි වන්නේ ඔහුගේ මරණයෙන් වසර 52ක් ගතවූ අද දිනයේත් ඔහුගේ රුවට, අදහස්වලට, සටන්කාමීත්වයට පමණක් නොව විලාසිතාවන්ටද පෙම් බඳින…
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ask-zapatista · 3 years
are you a part of the lgbtq community? what label would you give yourself?
Realmente no lo he pensado. Creo que me sentiría cómodo saliendo con cualquier persona, pero no es algo en lo que me enfoque
He estado enamorado del guevarismo y ML antes, pero ignoremos eso
trans. : I haven't really thought about it. I think I'd be comfortable dating anyone, but it's not something I'm focused on
trans. cont. : I've had crushes on Guevarism and ML before but let's ignore that
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Hey this is my fursona named Che bc I think I'm funny
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virelais4 · 4 years
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High Poly (10K)
Because #BlackLivesMatter
Model from guevarator @ SketchFab
Other Credits:
Sims 4 Studio (Wishes) Blender 2.76 PhotoShop Elements 9
#ts4, #ts4cc, #ts4 custom content, #the sims 4, #the sims 4 cc, #sims 4 cc, #s4cc, #s4 cc, #ts4 decor
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Darby Allin x reader
Only Mine
sumary- Reader is best friends with Darby Allin and Sammy Guevar. in an effort to get Darby to confes his feelings for y/n, he asks her out to get him jelous.
"your going out with who?" Darby asked from one bed of our hotel room. I was currently curling my short h/c hair. I also had black lipstick and black eye shado, as well as a silver knee length slevless dress.
"Sammy invited me out with him, Santana, and Ortiz." I said setting the curling iron down and turning it off. "Will you zip up the back of my dress?" I asked walking into the room and turning around.
"S-sure." I hear as he stands up and walks up behind me. I feel his cold hands on my back for a second as he zips the dress up. When I turned around, he was about 3 inches away from my face.
"Hi." I said chuckling nervousl. to be honest I had alway had a crush on him, but i was positive he didn't feel the same. He took a step back blushing slightl.
"Have fun I guess." he said walking back to his bed. We had been travel buddys in the independent world, and when we joined AEW we kind joined togethe as a team. I went out when he fough, and he did the same.
"Ya, enjoy the room to yoursel." I said grabbing my phone, purse, and room key, and left.
"y/n!" I look up as I enter the lobby to see Sammy, Santan, and Ortiz already there waiting.
"Hey." I said walking up to them. "So, where are we heade?"
"We wanted to check out the place just across the street. that sound good?" Sammy asked.
"Ya, that works for me."
"You look amazing tonight Mi Amor." Santana sais winking at me. This was going to be long night, I could feel it.
Darbys POV
Fuck Sammy Guevar. I should have known that asshole would ask her out. Why would he not, its not like she's not Single. Maybe she wouldn't be if I could grow up and tell her how I feel. My pone goes of witch grabs my attentio.
It was a picture Sammy had posted and tagged me in. It was y/n sitting on his lap kissing his cheek. It was captioned Could get used to this on my lap. Maybe get her a new tag partner. What do you think Allin?
I felt my blood boil at seeing someone with there hands on y/n other then me. I looked in the tags to see of he raged the club in it, and to my luck, it was just across the stree. "I'm going to fucking kill you Guevar." I whispered grabing my room key and making my way down to the lobby.
readers POV
"Really Sammy?" I asked showing him the post he made.
"What's wrong with it?" He asked giving me a side smile, pulling back into his lap. I rolled my eyes at him as I took another sip of my drink.
I noticed a group of girls making there way twords Sammy. Not wanting to deal with them, I slid down a few seats. I look through some of the comments on the pic. Haters didn't really effect me anymore. the worst of them being that Sammy could do better then me. when I looked up O was surprised to see Darby marching over to me.
"Hey, what-" I don't get the words out before he graves my arm and yanks me twords the door.
"what the hell are you doing?" I ask once we're out side. He dosent answe, and keeps walking. "Darby, stop!" I say causing him to stop and face me. "You need to tell me what you are doing." He looks at me, and pulls me into a deep kiss.
Holding me by my hips, his tongue pushes my mouth open. Our tongues work together as he pulls me closer and I can feel the bulge in his pants.
"Pissed me off seeing his hands on you y/n." His voice gruff. "Your mine, and only mine." I push agenst his growing bulg.
"The show me."
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sheslegit · 4 years
// sammy guevar/a muses are banned from interactions with this blog. ✌
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imaveze · 4 years
Osam godina sam, na povratku iz škole, prolazila pored grafita "bolje 'ćerka kurva, nego sin pandur". Nisam tad shvaćala kontekst; nema više tog grafita. Na zidu u dvorištu vrtića, ogromno lice Che Guevare nasprejao je neki dečko puno stariji od nas za kojeg samo pamtim da se zvao Luka. Igranje pod njegovim budnim okom nije bilo sporno; danas više nije tamo. Na zgradi preko puta moje, netko je ispod balkona u prizemlju napisao "vlada krade". Potiho sam se pitala tko je Vlada (Vladimir); imala sam tada možda 5-6 godina i tog grafita nema već godinama. Noviji grafit u blizini kaže "problemi dolaze".
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