#guide to herbology
grey-sorcery · 10 months
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Title: Herbology: Medicine & Correspondences
Suggested Reading
Correspondences Biases in Witchcraft Researching Witchcraft What is Witchcraft? Conceptualization Vs. Visualization Beginner Witchtips
The information in this article is for educational purposes only and not a substitute for professional medical advice. Herbology and herbal medicine carry risks and should be approached with caution. Individual circumstances and reactions may vary, so consulting a qualified healthcare practitioner is essential. I do not guarantee the accuracy or reliability of the information and are not liable for any damages. Personal responsibility, thorough research, and evaluating sources are important. Herbal remedies can interact with medications and have contraindications. Discontinue use and seek medical attention if needed. Recommendations in this article are not endorsements of specific products or practices.
What is Herbology and Herbal Correspondence?
"Herbology" in English
(hɜːrˈbɑlədʒi, ɜːr-)
"the study or collecting of herbs."
Herbal correspondences encompass the intricate relationship between plants and their metaphysical properties. Herbology, as a discipline, delves into the study of herbs for their medicinal applications. Herbology and herbal correspondences hold substantial significance across diverse cultural, historical, and magical traditions. These practices have evolved over centuries, drawing upon the wisdom and experiences of different societies. From ancient civilizations to modern holistic approaches, the use of herbs has played a vital role in healing, rituals, and cultural beliefs. Herbology and herbal correspondences share common elements, yet they differ in their approaches and purposes, which are shaped by cultural, historical, and magical contexts.
While both herbology and herbal correspondences deal with the properties and applications of plants, they diverge in their underlying principles, intentions, and methods. By examining the cultural, historical, and magical contexts surrounding these practices, we can gain a deeper understanding of their similarities and distinctions.
Herbal correspondences are integral to magical rituals, spellwork, and ceremonies, offering a means of aligning with desired outcomes and creating a sacred atmosphere. By assigning specific plants with symbolic meanings, energetic qualities, or intentions, practitioners tap into the attributes of herbs to enhance their magical practices. For instance, purification rituals may incorporate herbs symbolizing the removal of negative energies or the establishment of harmony. Burning herbs as offerings or for energetic transformation is a common practice in magical rituals. The selection of herbs is guided by their correspondences, aligning their energetic properties with the intentions of the ritual.
In spellwork, herbs are utilized to amplify the potency of spells, drawing on their symbolic associations and energetic resonance. Incorporating herbal correspondences allows practitioners to establish a deeper connection with the natural world and access its metaphysical powers. Cultural and historical contexts have shaped these correspondences, resulting in symbolic associations between herbs and qualities, elements, planets, or deities. Different traditions have developed their unique systems of correspondences, reflecting their perspectives and mythologies.
Herbal correspondences serve ritualistic and ceremonial purposes across various traditions. Specific herbs are chosen based on their symbolic attributes and perceived energetic qualities. For example, herbs associated with protection are employed to ward off negative influences. Although the effectiveness of correspondences may vary subjectively, they provide a framework for intention-setting and ritual practices, fostering a connection with nature and the spiritual realm. Symbolism plays a significant role in herbal correspondences, linking herb qualities to broader concepts or archetypal representations. An herb symbolizing vitality and growth, for instance, may represent renewal or the life force itself.
Herbal correspondences exhibit notable variations across different magical traditions and cultural contexts. Magical practitioners and spiritual communities develop their systems of correspondences, drawing from cultural, mythological, and occult traditions. The associations between herbs and planetary influences, for instance, may differ between Western astrology and Vedic astrology. Elemental correspondences assigned to herbs also vary based on specific magical traditions or cultural belief systems. These variations reflect the diversity of magical practices and cultural perspectives worldwide. In ancient Egypt, for example, herbal correspondences were an integral part of their medical and religious systems. The Ebers Papyrus, an ancient Egyptian medical text dating back to 1550 BCE, contains extensive information on herbal medicines and their correspondences. Specific herbs such as frankincense and myrrh were associated with purification rituals and religious ceremonies in ancient Egyptian culture. These correspondences held deep cultural significance and were believed to invoke specific energies or deities. Different regions and traditions within Europe developed their systems of correspondences based on local flora, cultural beliefs, and astrological influences. For instance, in English folk magic, St. John's wort was associated with protection against evil spirits and was often used in rituals during the summer solstice celebrations. In Scandinavian folk traditions, elderberry was considered a protective herb and was used to ward off negative influences. 
15 Examples of Herbal Correspondences:
These correspondences are pulled from various online sources and are open for interpretation or modification.
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) Correspondences: Calming, purification, love, sleep, peace
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) Correspondences: Protection, memory, clarity, purification
Sage (Salvia officinalis) Correspondences: Wisdom, cleansing, clarity, healing
Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) Correspondences: Divination, psychic abilities, astral travel, dreams
Basil (Ocimum basilicum) Correspondences: Prosperity, abundance, love, protection
Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) Correspondences: Relaxation, peace, purification, sleep
Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin) Correspondences: Grounding, sensuality, wealth, fertility
Cedar (Cedrus spp.) Correspondences: Protection, purification, grounding, strength
Frankincense (Boswellia spp.) Correspondences: Spirituality, meditation, purification, consecration
Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) Correspondences: Healing, transformation, protection, banishing negativity
Jasmine (Jasminum spp.) Correspondences: Love, sensuality, spirituality, divination
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) Correspondences: Healing, courage, psychic powers, protection
Sandalwood (Santalum spp.) Correspondences: Meditation, spirituality, healing, purification
Peppermint (Mentha x piperita) Correspondences: Energy, mental clarity, purification, protection
Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) Correspondences: Divination, psychic abilities, astral travel, dreams
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Herbal Medicine
Herbology encompasses a multidisciplinary approach that combines elements of botany, pharmacology, chemistry, and traditional knowledge. It involves the systematic study of plants, including their chemical composition, physiological effects, and therapeutic potential. Practitioners of herbology seek to harness the medicinal properties of herbs to promote health, alleviate ailments, and restore balance within the body. Throughout history, herbology has been central to various civilizations and cultural traditions. Ancient cultures such as those in Egypt, China, and India developed rich herbal knowledge systems. They documented the healing properties of plants and incorporated them into medical practices, religious rituals, and cultural customs. Over time, this knowledge expanded, influenced by trade routes, exploration, and the exchange of ideas between cultures. Herbology encompasses a wide range of practical applications, including the preparation of herbal remedies, tinctures, teas, and poultices. Different herbs possess specific medicinal properties, such as anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, analgesic, or digestive effects. Traditional herbalists carefully select and combine herbs based on their observed actions and the desired therapeutic outcomes. This holistic approach aims to support the body's innate healing abilities and address the root causes of imbalance or disease.
Practitioners of herbology employ systematic observation, clinical trials, and scientific analysis to understand the chemical composition, physiological effects, and therapeutic potential of herbs. The primary purpose of herbology is to develop evidence-based remedies and treatment protocols for improving health and alleviating ailments.
15 Examples of Herbal Medicinal Remedies:
1. Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea)
Usage: Immune system support, common cold, respiratory infections Active Chemicals: Alkylamides, polysaccharides Health Warnings: Possible allergic reactions, may interact with immunosuppressant drugs Metabolized in: Liver
2. Turmeric (Curcuma longa)
Usage: Anti-inflammatory, digestive aid, antioxidant Active Chemicals: Curcuminoids, especially curcumin Health Warnings: Potential interactions with blood-thinning medications, high doses may cause digestive upset Metabolized in: Liver
3. Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)
Usage: Sleep aid, anxiety relief, relaxation Active Chemicals: Valerenic acid, valepotriates Health Warnings: May cause drowsiness, avoid alcohol and sedatives, long-term use should be monitored Metabolized in: Liver
4. St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum)
 Usage: Mild to moderate depression, mood disorders Active Chemicals: Hypericin, hyperforin Health Warnings: Interactions with certain medications, increased sensitivity to sunlight, may cause gastrointestinal symptoms Metabolized in: Liver
5. Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
Usage: Digestive aid, nausea relief, anti-inflammatory Active Chemicals: Gingerols, shogaols Health Warnings: Higher doses may cause heartburn or stomach upset, caution in individuals with gallstones or bleeding disorders Metabolized in: Liver
6. Peppermint (Mentha x piperita)
Usage: Digestive disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, headache relief Active Chemicals: Menthol, menthone Health Warnings: Safe for most people when used in moderation, may cause heartburn or allergic reactions in some individual Metabolized in: Liver
7. Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla)
Usage: Relaxation, sleep aid, digestive disorders Active Chemicals: Apigenin, chamazulene Health Warnings: Possible allergic reactions, caution in individuals taking anticoagulant medications Metabolized in: Liver
8. Garlic (Allium sativum)
Usage: Cardiovascular health, immune system support, antimicrobial Active Chemicals: Allicin, alliin Health Warnings: May interact with certain medications, caution in individuals with bleeding disorders or upcoming surgeries Metabolized in: Liver
9. Hawthorn (Crataegus spp.)
Usage: Cardiovascular health, high blood pressure, heart failure Active Chemicals: Flavonoids, proanthocyanidins Health Warnings: Caution in individuals taking cardiac medications, may cause mild gastrointestinal symptoms Metabolized in: Liver
10. Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens)
Usage: Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), urinary symptoms Active Chemicals: Fatty acids, phytosterols Health Warnings: Rare reports of gastrointestinal upset, caution in individuals with hormone-sensitive conditions Metabolized in: Liver
11. Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)
Usage: Cognitive function, memory enhancement, circulatory disorders Active Chemicals: Flavonoids, terpene lactones Health Warnings: May interact with certain medications, caution in individuals with bleeding disorders Metabolized in: Liver
12. Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum)
Usage: Liver support, detoxification, hepatitis Active Chemicals: Silymarin, flavonolignans Health Warnings: Generally well-tolerated, rare reports of mild gastrointestinal upset, caution in individuals with ragweed allergies Metabolized in: Liver
13. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)
Usage: Liver support, digestion, diuretic, inflammation Active Chemicals: sesquiterpene lactones, taraxasterol (TS), taraxerol, chlorogenic acid Health Warnings: Generally safe, caution in individuals with gallbladder problems or certain medications Metabolized in: Liver
14. Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus)
Usage: Respiratory conditions, cough, congestion Active Chemicals: Eucalyptol, cineole Health Warnings: Caution in individuals with asthma or epilepsy, avoid internal use in large quantities Metabolized in: Liver
15. Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
Usage: Relaxation, anxiety relief, sleep aid Active Chemicals: Linalool, linalyl acetate Health Warnings: Generally safe, may cause allergic reactions in some individuals Metabolized in: Liver
Please note that the information provided is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical or magical advice. It's always recommended to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before using herbal remedies.
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Researching Herbal Medicines
To properly dose herbal medicines and ensure safe and effective usage, a systematic and informed approach should be followed. Here are the steps to consider:
1. Research Active Constituents:
Begin by studying the active constituents present in the herb of interest. Understanding the chemical compounds responsible for its medicinal properties can provide insights into appropriate dosage ranges and potential variations across different processing methods.
2. Analyze Extraction Efficiency:
Different processing methods yield varying levels of extraction efficiency. For example, teas and tinctures involve different extraction processes and result in varying concentrations and bioavailability of active compounds. Take into account these differences when determining dosages.
3. Evaluate Concentration and Standardization:
The concentration of active constituents in the final herbal product may vary depending on the processing method. For instance, tinctures often have higher concentrations of active compounds compared to teas. Consider the concentration and standardization of the herbal preparation when determining the appropriate dosage.
4. Assess Bioavailability:
Bioavailability refers to the extent and rate at which active compounds are absorbed and become available for biological activity. Different processing methods can impact the bioavailability of herbal constituents. Some methods may enhance absorption and bioavailability, while others may reduce it. Consider the potential impact of bioavailability on dosing and adjust accordingly.
5. Consider Route of Administration:
Different processing methods lead to varying routes of administration. For example, teas are typically ingested orally, while salves are applied topically. Recognize that the route of administration can influence the required dosage as absorption, distribution, and metabolism may differ.
6. Evaluate Dosage Recommendations:
Consult reliable sources, such as herbal medicine textbooks or reputable publications, that provide dosage recommendations specific to different processing methods. These sources may offer general guidelines or empirical data regarding appropriate dosages for each form of herbal medicine.
7. Start with Low Doses:
When using a new processing method or preparing a different form of herbal medicine, it is advisable to start with a low dose and gradually increase as needed. This approach allows for monitoring individual responses and helps identify any potential adverse effects.
8. Monitor Individual Response:
Pay close attention to individual reactions and adjust dosages as necessary. Keep track of changes in symptoms, effectiveness, or adverse effects. This self-monitoring allows for personalized optimization of dosage based on individual needs and responses.
By following these steps and considering factors such as active constituents, extraction efficiency, concentration, bioavailability, route of administration, dosage recommendations, starting with low doses, and monitoring individual responses, one can ensure a systematic and informed approach to herbal medicine dosing.
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When studying herbal medicine, it is essential to gain knowledge about herbal chemical/drug interactions, avoiding worsening preexisting health conditions, and understanding the impact of metabolism. The following resources offer valuable insights into herbal dosing, interactions, and precautions:
- "Medical Herbalism: The Science and Practice of Herbal Medicine" by David Hoffmann
- "The Master Book of Herbalism" by Paul Beyerl
- "Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects" edited by Iris F. F. Benzie and Sissi Wachtel-Galor
- "Herbal Medicines: A Guide for Healthcare Professionals" by Joanne Barnes, Linda A. Anderson, and J. David Phillipson
- "Textbook of Natural Medicine" by Joseph E. Pizzorno and Michael T. Murray
(Some free reference materials are sited further down)
Considering the potential interactions or worsening of health conditions, it is crucial to be aware of common herbs that may pose risks. Here are some examples along with their potential interactions or effects on health conditions:
1. St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum):
May interact with antidepressants, anticoagulants, and oral contraceptives.
2. Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba):
Can increase bleeding risk and interact with anticoagulants, antiplatelet drugs, and certain antidepressants.
3. Garlic (Allium sativum):
May enhance the anticoagulant effects of medications like warfarin.
4. Valerian (Valeriana officinalis):
Can potentiate the sedative effects of medications like benzodiazepines and antidepressants.
5. Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra):
May affect blood pressure and interact with diuretics, corticosteroids, and medications metabolized by the liver.
6. Kava (Piper methysticum):
Has potential interactions with sedatives, anxiolytics, and medications metabolized by the liver.
7. Hawthorn (Crataegus spp.):
Can interact with cardiac medications and enhance their effects.
8. Yohimbe (Pausinystalia yohimbe):
May have significant interactions with medications for high blood pressure and erectile dysfunction.
Consulting with healthcare professionals or herbalists can help evaluate the safety and appropriateness of herbal remedies for specific health conditions.
The potential toxicity of herbal medicines is an important consideration when using them for therapeutic purposes. Understanding the various types of toxicity associated with herbal remedies allows for better identification and management of adverse effects. Monitoring for signs and symptoms specific to each category of toxicity, such as hepatotoxicity, neurotoxicity, cardiotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, pulmonary toxicity, and dermatotoxicity, enables timely intervention and the promotion of safe herbal medicine use. It is crucial to remain vigilant, assess individual responses, and consult healthcare professionals when any signs of toxicity arise. By prioritizing safety and informed usage, the benefits of herbal medicines can be maximized while minimizing the risks associated with their potential toxic effects. 1. Hepatotoxicity:
Hepatotoxicity refers to the toxic effects on the liver caused by certain herbal medicines. It occurs when the liver is exposed to toxic compounds present in herbal remedies, leading to liver damage. The liver plays a vital role in metabolism, detoxification, and the synthesis of essential molecules. When herbal medicines containing hepatotoxic substances are metabolized in the liver, they can cause cellular injury and disrupt liver function. Signs of hepatotoxicity may include jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes), abdominal pain, dark urine, fatigue, and elevated liver enzymes in blood tests.
2. Neurotoxicity:
Neurotoxicity is the toxicity that affects the nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves. Some herbal medicines may contain neurotoxic compounds that, when metabolized, can interfere with normal neuronal function and lead to neurological damage. Signs of neurotoxicity may vary depending on the specific herb and its mechanism of action but can include dizziness, confusion, seizures, numbness or tingling in extremities, muscle weakness, and impaired coordination.
3. Cardiotoxicity:
Cardiotoxicity refers to the adverse effects of herbal medicines on the cardiovascular system, particularly the heart. Certain herbs contain cardiotoxic constituents that, when metabolized, can disrupt the normal electrical activity of the heart or cause damage to cardiac cells. Cardiotoxicity can manifest as irregular heart rhythms (arrhythmias), chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, and fluid retention.
4. Nephrotoxicity:
Nephrotoxicity involves the toxicity of herbal medicines to the kidneys. When herbal remedies containing nephrotoxic compounds are metabolized, they can damage kidney cells and impair their normal functioning. Signs of nephrotoxicity may include decreased urine output, swelling in the extremities, high blood pressure, electrolyte imbalances, and elevated creatinine and blood urea nitrogen levels in blood tests.
5. Pulmonary toxicity:
Pulmonary toxicity refers to the adverse effects of herbal medicines on the respiratory system, particularly the lungs. Certain herbs may contain pulmonary toxicants that, when metabolized, can cause inflammation, damage lung tissues, or disrupt normal lung function. Signs of pulmonary toxicity may include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest pain, and abnormal lung function test results.
6. Dermatotoxicity:
Dermatotoxicity is the toxicity that affects the skin. Some herbal medicines may contain compounds that, when metabolized, can induce adverse skin reactions. This can manifest as allergic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, photosensitivity, or skin irritation. Signs of dermatotoxicity may include redness, itching, rash, blistering, swelling, and skin discoloration.
It is important to note that the occurrence of toxicity within each category can vary depending on factors such as the dosage, duration of use, individual susceptibility, and interactions with other medications or substances. Identifying signs of toxicity requires careful monitoring of individuals using herbal medicines and promptly recognizing any unusual or adverse effects. If such effects occur, it is recommended to discontinue the use of the herbal medicine and seek medical attention.
Free reference materials:
Anatomy & Physiology (2013) on OpenStax
Modern Toxicology (2004) on Archive.org
Encyclopedia Of Herbal Medicine (2016) on Archive.org
Handbook Of Medicinal Herbs (2002) on Archive.org
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Similarities & Overlap
Both herbology and herbal correspondences approach the qualities of plants from distinct perspectives. Herbology relies on empirical observation, scientific analysis, and clinical studies to understand the medicinal properties and develop evidence-based remedies. In contrast, herbal correspondences view plants as carriers of symbolic or energetic attributes, incorporating their essences and potentials into emotional, spiritual, or metaphysical well-being. Despite their differences, both practices recognize the interconnectedness of body, mind, and spirit and emphasize holistic approaches to well-being. Herbology recognizes the influence of the environment on humans and seeks to restore balance by working in harmony with nature. It provides scientific knowledge on the medicinal properties, safety, and dosage of herbs, ensuring their safe and effective use in addressing health conditions and potential interactions with medications.
Herbal correspondences, on the other hand, focus on the spiritual and symbolic aspects of well-being. They enable individuals to connect with the metaphysical realms and align with the rhythms of the natural world. By incorporating symbolism and intention, they enhance spiritual practices and personal growth. Integrating the insights from herbology and herbal correspondences allows for a comprehensive approach to well-being. It combines the physiological benefits of herbs supported by scientific research with the energetic and symbolic qualities that nourish the mind, body, and spirit. This integrated perspective acknowledges the holistic nature of health and enriches the mystical applications of herbology.
The magical correspondences associated with herbs are influenced by their medicinal properties and symbolic associations. Medicinal properties are derived from the chemical composition of herbs and their physiological effects on the human body. Scientific investigation identifies bioactive compounds that interact with biological systems, eliciting therapeutic responses. Symbolic associations in magical correspondences are influenced by physical attributes, traditional uses, folklore, and cultural contexts of herbs. The convergence of medicinal properties and magical correspondences occurs when shared qualities and effects align. For example, a sedative herb may correspond to calming or promoting restful sleep in magical practices, reflecting its physiological sedative effects. Similarly, the specific medicinal properties of herbs inform corresponding magical intentions. An herb with anti-inflammatory properties may be associated with healing or soothing in magical applications, mirroring its physiological capacity to reduce inflammation.
The credibility of herbal medicines' potency and efficacy reinforces their association with magical correspondences. Tangible effects observed in healing practices validate the belief in their metaphysical influence. The integration of science and symbolism highlights the multidimensional nature of herbology, bridging the physical and mystical realms. Understanding the interplay between herbal medicinal properties and magical correspondences requires comprehensive knowledge and research. Exploring herbal texts, historical references, and cross-cultural perspectives provides valuable insights into the nuanced relationship between herbs and their magical applications. By studying the chemical constituents, physiological effects, and traditional uses of herbs, practitioners unravel the intricate tapestry of correspondences that enriches the practice of herbology and its magical manifestations.
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Creating Correspondences Based on Medicinal Properties
To generate magical correspondences for herbs based on their medicinal applications, a systematic process can be followed, incorporating scientific knowledge and symbolic associations. The process involves several steps:
Identify the medicinal properties: Begin by researching and understanding the medicinal properties of each herb. This involves studying scientific literature, herbal texts, and reputable sources to ascertain the herb's physiological effects, chemical constituents, and therapeutic applications.
Analyze the physiological effects: Analyze the physiological effects of the herb in relation to the human body. Consider its impact on various systems, such as the nervous, immune, or cardiovascular systems. This analysis helps establish the herb's tangible influence on physical well-being.
Determine symbolic associations: Explore cultural, historical, and mythological references associated with the herb. Investigate traditional uses, folklore, and symbolic meanings attributed to the herb in different cultures or magical traditions. Symbolic associations may arise from the herb's appearance, aroma, taste, habitat, or historical significance.
Bridge medicinal and symbolic qualities: Identify shared qualities and effects between the herb's medicinal properties and its symbolic associations. Look for connections where the physiological effects align with the desired magical outcome or symbolic representation. For example, if an herb exhibits calming properties, it could correspond to promoting emotional tranquility or soothing energies in magical practices.
Consider elemental or planetary correspondences: Explore elemental or planetary correspondences commonly used in magical systems. Assign elements (such as fire, earth, air, or water) or planets to herbs based on their symbolic and medicinal attributes. This step adds an additional layer of correspondences that align with broader metaphysical concepts.
Document the correspondences: Record the generated correspondences for each herb, documenting the medicinal properties, shared qualities, symbolic associations, and elemental or planetary correspondences. Create a reference guide or database that consolidates this information for future use in magical practices.
Validate and refine correspondences: Continuously evaluate and refine the correspondences based on new research, cross-cultural perspectives, or personal experiences. Seek feedback from knowledgeable practitioners or experts in herbology and magical traditions to ensure the accuracy and coherence of the correspondences.
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Tips for Beginners
Start with your local plants
Learn how to harvest and process plants responsibly and respectfully
Keep a notebook of local herbs and how to locate and identify them
Learn about your local ecosystem and ways that you can help it flourish
Study invasive plants in your region that can be used for magical or medicinal purposes
Take notes of key words in this article (in reference to an herbs toxicology) so that you can research each aspect of a local plant before consuming it.
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stabby-apologist · 5 months
Gonna be slamming the feed with my posts about Hogwarts Legacy because it's on Switch and I can finally take my screenshots. Sorry not sorry
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grimoire101 · 3 months
Hi I run a discord server and I am currently seeking teachers and mods. Would you consider it?
This sounds awesome...unfortunately, I don't have discord, but if there's any other way I could contribute let me know, I would love to be able to help people with their craft🙌🏼🗝🪽🔮✨️🪶🧿🦋
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ivesambrose · 6 months
ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛʀᴜᴇ ᴘᴀꜱꜱɪᴏɴꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ʜɪᴅᴅᴇɴ ᴛᴀʟᴇɴᴛꜱ
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1. 2. 3.
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If you feel lost, aimless, overwhelmed or unsure in regards to yourself this has found it's way to you at the right time.
Personal Readings
Thank you for the tip! 🌹
Picture 1
A lot of you are burnt by your own ambitions and a need to prove something. You quietly wonder if you're even passionate about anything anymore or you are but do not what to do, where to start so you end up spacing out and procrastinating. Likely you were made to believe that if what gets you excited and happy doesn't automatically put you on the map and bring you money in traditional ways then it's practically useless.
You have in a way put yourself down consistently due to these external projections.
Of what I'm picking up on some of you are passionate about the following :
- Dancing
- Fitness
- Makeup
- Music
- The occult
- crafting something intricate such as designing jewellery or curating them
- A select few might be into taxidermy, herbology and even archeology
- A combination of the above, some of you have your own allure and might want to get into modelling, styling, dancing and design. You want to express yourself freely including your sensual as well as spiritual and esoteric side.
You want to be known but you want to stand out, with your accumulated power you want to guide others too, make them feel less alone and more understood and yet you want to be an enigma and mystery. You do have a strong potential to be a muse to many.
Your hidden talents:
- Something that is coming through significantly that it is something from your past/childhood/early teens that you had to sacrifice/were made to sacrifice even if you cared for it deeply and wanted to nurture it. It makes you bitter to this day because you were naturally good at it.
- Some of you should definitely consider working for animals especially birds. You have a gift to heal and develop empathy with them.
- Some of you can end up being excellent bakers and decorators.
A lot you can find success in the entertainment industry, media, running your own business and being your own boss, you have excellent leadership skills and determination it's just that you haven't gotten the chance to explore that side of yourself yet.
The advice here is to only look back at the past to pick up what you had left and walk ahead. Become your friend and ask your own subconscious to show the way, trust me you will be shown when you least expect it.
Picture 2
You simply love to learn and acquire knowledge. You could have specific subject(s) you're drawn to or you don't even like limiting yourself to that. You'd rather be an eternal student. I wouldn't be surprised if you were drawn to picture 1 or 3 as well. You have a thrist that sometimes almost feels insatiable.
You are rather intellectual and often give very sound advice. Mainly cuz you are highly self aware and very intuitive.
Regardless of anything else, you seek inspiration and adventure above all. You do tend to get bored with just one thing easily.
Of what I'm picking up on, some of you are passionate about the following:
- Learning, experimenting, teaching and innovating. Again this could be any topic or multiple. Could be something as literature and academics or physics or could even be cooking or carving wood. You could even be here educating people about Gothic architecture or the human anatomy. Or all of this. You're not meant to confine yourself.
- A lot of you seek travel and adventure. Even be passionate about extreme sports.
- Languages and culture.
- Some of you want to try and do everything, experience different things and don't want to niche yourself down. Your passion can simply be experiencing your life to the fullest so you have wisdom to give and stories to narrate and memories to look back on and trust me, that is more than enough.
Which quickly brings me to your hidden talents because you're supressing quite a few:
- Some of you can be excellent astrologers or even astronomers.
- A lot of you can read into symbolisms real. You can be a gifted psychic too if you aren't aware already.
- You can be really good at sports like archery, fencing, MMA etc
- Creative direction, photography is also coming through.
- You're very good with your words, whether it be in writing or speaking.
You are rather mutable and a very poised individual too, you can easily influence the people you come in touch with. Some of you can be good speakers, representatives or the face of a brand. Whatever you do, you end up being very good at it whether you like it or not.
The advice is to simply continue what you're doing, you're not as lost as you think you are. Keep making connections and continue being yourself instead of trying to make yourself small and fit in or follow trends or the algorithm.
Picture 3
You feel like a misfit and an outsider so much so that being passionate about anything worries you because you may end up looking a fool, not being good enough or not being disciplined enough.
You carry a lot of anguish in you mainly because you had to focus on things that were expected of you or because you had to survive so you might feel like you're good at many things but not great or could be great at something but you don't necessarily love it.
You're an interesting group here because you haven't even allowed yourself to feel excited about things.
What are you truly passionate about? I see nature, authenticism, a slower, softer life. The word passion itself feels too intense and deliberate for you.
You simply want to experience a life that doesn't feel like you running on a treadmill till your knees give out.
I do see there's an innate desire in you to help others, be it people or animals or even a dying plant. You want to find your peace and bring some of that peace in others lives too. Your energy feels like a walking into a warm cabin in the woods during winter with freshly made dinner waiting.
Hidden talents you have ample, a lot of them are based on learning and perfecting with practice :
- Cooking, experimenting with different herbs. I do see some of you have the potential to start a small business that involves food.
- Gardening and farming
- Painting
- Tattooing (this is coming through because it can be very therapeutic for a lot of you)
- Perfume making is also coming through as well as skincare.
- pottery and sculpting, crocheting etc
- reiki, medicine, physical therapy etc
- divination
Think of a life that's a bit more laid back a career that makes you feel less on the edge.
You've already been running on the validation of people who think you're dispensable or your worth is tied to something outside of you that you can't even find meaning in.
The world needs more souls like you.
The only advice is to be more compassionate with yourself, you're not running a race even if people have constantly been reminding you of it, there's no finish line. The only truth that matters is the story you tell yourself, over and over again. It will come to pass. Continue being. Continue creating instead of wondering about the how. You've figured out many things in your life, let life sort this out for you.
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suugarbabe · 9 months
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Softer Side (Pt 2)
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x Reader
Warning: smut adjacent? Lil fluff
The door to potions slammed open as Mattheo and his gang of friends filed in for class. His eyes met yours briefly before sitting at the table in front of you. “He truly is a right prick isn’t he,” the boy to your left whispered. “Who is?” You asked, not really paying attention to him. “Riddle and his band of miscreants,” the boy stated. You scoffed slightly, “Have you ever even spoken to Mattheo?” Your question puzzled him, “Do I need to?” You rolled your eyes, turning away from him for the rest of the lesson.
When you were finally let out you got up quickly, wanting to separate yourself from the ignorance of the boy next to you in class. You felt someone fall in step next to you. You turned to tell them off when you were met with a dimpled grin. “Hello, Princess,” Mattheo sweetly spoke. You couldn’t control the blush that creeped onto your cheeks, “Hello, Mattheo. To what do I owe this pleasure of your presence?”
“Darling if just my presence is giving you pleasure…” he trailed off, smirk plastered on his face. You rolled your eyes, pushing his shoulder. “What are you really doing walking with me Mattheo? Won’t being seen with a pathetic Ravenclaw ruin your bad boy reputation?” You teased. Instead of playfully jabbing back Mattheo’s face turned serious, “I don’t think you’re pathetic, Y/n.” He threw an arm over your shoulder, “I also was just going to tell you how sweet it is when you defend me.”
“I wa- I mean, I just don’t think people really know the real you,” you stammered. Mattheo quirked an eyebrow, “Oh? And you think you do?” His tone was playful. You hadn’t even noticed he had guided you toward the Slytherin common you as you walked together. “What are we doing here? We’re going to miss Herbology,” you voice was soft. Truly you didn’t care about any class if Mattheo wanted to spend time with you.
“I figured you could tell me what you think you know about me, we’ll be alone in here,” he turned back to the portrait. Password, the snakes hissed. “Pura sanguine.” You rolled your eyes as you followed him into the common room, “Pureblood? How original.” He smiled at you over his shoulder, “Would you expect anything less?”
He led you to the black leather couches. You wouldn’t tell anyone else, but you quite liked the aesthetic of the Slytherin common room. You could see yourself spending a lot of time down here. “Sit,” Mattheo patted the spot next to him. You sat almost too obediently, making a small chuckle leave Mattheo’s throat. You blushed, pulling one leg to your chest and resting your chin on your knee.
“Oh don’t get shy on me now, love. We’re all alone now. So tell me, what do you think you know about me.” He was facing you on the couch, his elbow leaning on the back as he rested his head against his fist. He had his famous shit eating grin, waiting for you to speak. You took a deep breath before starting, “I see you being a good person.” He raised his eyebrows, an amused look on his face before indicating with his hand for you to continue.
“I see you doing good things when you think no one is paying attention.”
“Oh, so you’re watching me, hmm?” You blushed at his words, “I don’t mean to, but after that first time I saw save that girl a few months ago I had to see if it was just a one off thing.” He grabbed one of your hands, tracing shapes in your palm, “And what did you discover, love?”
“That when no one’s looking, you essentially challenge every Slytherin stereotype. I’ve seen you volunteer your time in the library, clean up after your friends, I swear I even saw you laughing with a house elf last week.”
Mattheo smiled at this, “Winky is one funny lady, you should really get to know her if you get a chance.” You shook your head, smiling, “Well if you’re truly this kind and sweet person, why don’t you show it all of the time?” He sat up a little straighter, putting on a mocking tone, “Because it would ruin my bad boy reputation, right?”
“You are…so confusing sometimes,” you grabbed his hand that was holding yours before. “You allow people to have this idea of you, a terrible idea just because of your name, or your parents actions or who you associate yourself with. Why do you do that?”
He shrugged his shoulders, watching your fingers trace the scars on his knuckles, “Because I don’t care about what other people think, I know who I am. Other people’s opinions don’t bother me.” You nodded, “I wish I could live like that.”
“What, you can’t take people thinking you’re smart and beautiful?” Mattheo chuckled. You blushed at his words, “People don’t think that about me.” Mattheo leaned in close, his nose brushing against yours ever so slightly. His breath fanned over your lips as he responded, “Well they should.”
In a moment his lips were crashing against yours. Your hand found it’s way to brown locks, instantly pulling on his curls. He growled into the kiss, grabbing your hips and pulling you to straddle his lap. You rolled your hips down, feeling him grow hard beneath you. He grabbed your hips tighter, bucking his hips up to meet yours. A gasp escaped your lips as Mattheo’s lips trailed down your neck, nipping and sucking, sure to leave a mark or two. Mattheo pulled back, admiring his work.
“These are gonna look so pretty tomorrow,” he smirked, tracing the marks on your neck. Your cheeks burned red as your buried your face in his chest. His hands rested just above your bum, lightly tracing his fingers up and down your back. You felt his chest rumbled as he chuckled lightly, “You know you’re cute when you’re flustered.”
You sat up, pushing a curl off his forehead, “I’m glad you think so.” You sighed deeply, “I can’t believe the Mattheo Riddle just gave me a trail of hickies. What will people say?” You feigned a shock face, placing a hand on your cheek. He grabbed your wrist, placing a kiss on the inside of it, “Why don’t we go see, yeah?” He picked you up by your waist, helping you stand up, following suit himself. He grabbed your hand, smiling as he led you out of the common room.
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saintsenara · 10 days
honestly is there a single competent teacher at Hogwarts? Any teacher I can think of with more than 10 lines of dialogue is a pedagogical disaster. Very shippable disasters though, for which I am grateful because your page has made me giggle all week.
maybe Sprout.
honestly, anon? no.
that school is a basket case and the older i get the more my sympathy for cornelius fudge increases. imagine getting the call where dumbledore says "heyyyyy... so, i hired what i thought was an ex-auror who was retired from the service because of serious ptsd, gave him no teacher training, let him perform illegal curses on children for fun, and then it turns out he was an escaped convict trying to resurrect the dark lord all along. lmao."
i'd have devoted myself to trying to discredit him too.
and so, for fun and profit, i think it's only fair for us to establish an official competency ranking of the teaching staff at hogwarts during the period 1991-1998... points on for having a basic grasp of the material, points off for anyone who nearly dies in your class.
1. wilhelmina grubbly-plank, care of magical creatures
genuinely, professor grubbly-plank is the only person we meet in all seven books who seems to be an uncomplicatedly good teacher. she's got a series of well-defined lesson plans which feature a mixture of guided and independent study and which work in a tangible way towards exams, she has clear authority in the classroom but is never unreasonable or cruel, she's demonstrably able to lead a practical class which involves wild animals which might behave dangerously or unpredictably without there ever being any concerns about student safety, she takes an active pastoral role [such as when she helps heal hedwig's injured wing, reassuring harry enormously], she's collegial [she shares her lessons plans with hagrid in goblet of fire, and she refuses to criticise his teaching to umbridge], and she's admired by all of her pupils except harry [who is nonetheless begrudgingly forced to admit that she's incredibly good at her job].
plus, her aesthetic is iconic.
=2. filius flitwick, charms; pomona sprout, herbology
in joint second place, we have these two.
both sprout and flitwick spend canon seeming to be pretty good at their jobs - they have interesting lesson plans which seem to balance theoretical and practical work well and which prepare their pupils properly for exams, their pupils like them and enjoy their lessons, they're both excellent at the pastoral side of their jobs [sprout's gentle encouragement of neville is really lovely], and they're adored by their colleagues.
they lose marks for lax classroom discipline. harry, ron, and hermione are constantly yapping away in both charms and herbology - with harry and ron frequently failing to understand what they're supposed to be learning because they were too busy have a chat.
=4. remus lupin, defence against the dark arts; septima vector, arithmancy
two teachers here who earn their placement on the list by having one pupil who considers them life-alteringly inspiring.
for lupin, this is dean thomas - whose constant state of readiness to throw hands to defend his honour is one of his greatest character traits. for vector, it's hermione.
obviously, they're both well-qualified, well-prepared, engaging, and [at least in lupin's case, but i can't see why it wouldn't also be the case for vector] well-regarded by their colleagues.
they don't rank higher because lupin loses marks for endangering his students by not disclosing his knowledge that the presumed-to-be-a-death-eater sirius has a means of entering hogwarts without detection [i understand why he does this from a characterisation point of view, but it's inexcusable from a safeguarding one] and because vector teaches an elective subject which is implied to only attract bright, engaged pupils - and therefore has an easier time in the classroom than someone trying to get a student like crabbe through their exams.
5. minerva mcgonagall, transfiguration
in comes minnie mac at number five.
unsurprisingly, her solid curriculum, excellent classroom discipline, high-regard among her colleagues and pupils, support of student extracurricular activities, and investment in helping her pupils pursue the careers they want all give her points.
she loses marks, however, for the fact that she is so casually disdainful of pupils who aren't instinctively good at her subject - which suggests that she doesn't know how to adapt her material so it can be understood by every student she teaches. like dumbledore, she seems to have an identifiable favouritism for brilliant students - who she seems to permit to get away with much more than students she considers average or dull - which probably doesn't endear her to anyone who doesn't get that treatment.
on her pastoral approach, though, i don't think that it matters too much that she's not particularly nurturing - even though she's a head of house. she seems to be good at responding to genuine distress and managing genuine crises with empathy, and the "pull yourself together" vibes she takes in response to more trivial dramas is because she's a presbyterian scotswoman.
6. severus snape, potions & defence against the dark arts
the one on this list that i imagine will be controversial...
because snape is a dick in the classroom - not denying that - but he's also, in terms of his pupils' exam performance, clearly the most successful teacher in the entire school. he can fill his newt-level classes despite only admitting those with outstanding grades, and he expects every pupil he teaches to pass owl-level potions and seems not to be disappointed. hermione reveals that he does teach the theory of potions and the discipline's wider application - harry and ron just don't listen - and that she thinks his lessons are interesting.
snape loses marks - obviously - for his general vibe, although i think he should be allowed some leeway for his dickhead behaviour since potions is clearly a subject in which not paying attention and not being able to follow instructions properly is dangerous [hence why i've been a trevor hater since day one].
i suppose he should also be allowed some leeway because it's a genre requirement for a school story to have a theatrically evil teacher. but he's not getting it - since he clearly enjoys the role so much.
7. horace slughorn, potions
marks on for encouraging independent thinking and for clearly being able to hold a classroom's attention. marks off for not learning the names of pupils he's indifferent to, getting his favourite pupils drunk, and for having no follow-up questions to "hello, sir. i'd like to commit some murders."
8. charity burbage, muggle studies
entirely because i think it's genuinely admirable - and, indeed, far more admirable than the fact that the order of the phoenix all happily keep working for the state following voldemort's takeover - that she publishes an article in the daily prophet, to which her real name is attached, explicitly refuting blood-supremacist rhetoric when she must know that a blood-supremacist government is about to come into power.
marks off because the fact that even wizards who've taken her class appear to know fuck all about muggle society means that she can't be particularly good at her job.
9. firenze, divination
marks on because his pupils love him, marks off because that's a tremendously low bar to clear given... trelawney.
him telling his classes that divination is a bullshit, made-up subject is iconic, though.
10. "alastor moody", defence against the dark arts
i think it's genuinely impressive that he manages to go from being imprisoned under the imperius curse for a decade straight into planning a full year's lesson plans [which his pupils love] and doesn't have a breakdown.
marks off because of literally everything else.
=11. all the miscellaneous teachers: aurora sinistra, astronomy; silvanus kettleburn, care of magical creatures; bathsheba babbling, ancient runes
they seem fine.
14. rolanda hooch, flying
full respect to her for managing to wangle a full-time salary out of an annual workload made up of teaching one lesson [badly] and refereeing six quidditch matches.
15. quirinus quirrell, defence against the dark arts
all the proof those of us who hate professor riddle stories need that voldemort would have been a dogshit teacher, if he can't even get his meat-puppet to inspire a room full of eager eleven-year-olds in a subject which is about the coolest ways possible to kill people.
=16. cuthbert binns, history of magic; sybill trelawney, divination
they're terrible, obviously, but the fact that they remain in their jobs despite being so clearly incompetent is entirely dumbledore's fault. are you not giving the staff performance reviews, albus? come on now.
18. dolores umbridge, defence against the dark arts
umbridge deserves to be in prison, but she did at least bother to plan out a curriculum.
=19. gilderoy lockhart, defence against the dark arts; rubeus hagrid, care of magical creatures
both victims of dumbledore's "lol this will be so funny" era of hiring practices. both deservedly regarded as completely fucking incompetent by all but one defiant brownnoser. both possessing jazzy taste in textbooks.
21. amycus carrow, defence against the dark arts
he beats his sister simply because his pupils do appear to know how to perform the unforgivable curses correctly.
22. alecto carrow, muggle studies
literally nothing positive can be said.
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nevsdoll · 11 months
Neville x slytherin reader pls 💖💖💖
Where maybe he is her tutor in herbology , I need it so bad!! ✨✨
herbology for dummies | neville longbottom
neville longbottom x fem!reader
summary! ↑ the request! (⁠ ⁠˵⁠ ⁠°⁠ ⁠~⁠ ⁠°⁠ ⁠˵⁠ ⁠)
warnings; NSFW +18 SMUT ! underage + unprotected sex, slightly public! sort of hate-sex (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•⁠) . . . (lmk if i missed any)
a/n: i always make these generic house reader so everyone feels connected but i'll try my best to make a slytherin character without being too stereotypical lmaoo !! ♡ (i couldn't find a gif i liked but i don't like this pic either)
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"i can't believe that bitch sprout gave me a tutor..." you said while walking towards the library, where you would meet your new tutor.
"no, that's believable, sweety. what's unbelievable is that your tutor is going to be that longbottom dork!" pansy said while laughing.
"oh, shut up... he is probably so sweet" you responded annoyed at your friend's mean words. "i'll see you later"
you entered the library and scanned the place looking for that gryffindor boy. he was sitting all the way in the back, where you could barely see him. you approached him, "why are we sitting here?" you asked.
neville looked up at you, "oh, hey" he thought for a second before answering to your question, "i don't know, i just felt like sitting here, i guess" you nodded and sat beside him as you watched him open the herbology book. "so, why are you particularly struggling with?"
"umm... i don't know, i don't really pay attention in class" you looked around the table which was filled with books that neville picked up. "why do we need all these books for?" you picked a random one, reading the title out loud, "'the enchanting world of magical plants: a guide to botanical mysticism', what the fuck is this? does this even enter on the test?"
"no... i just thought it might help..." he said, somehow embarrassed.
you grabbed another book, "'herbology for dummies', excuse me? are you mocking me, longbottom?" you looked at him angrily.
"what? that's just how it's called, it's not my fault! it's a good book i read it!" he said while taking the book from your hands and putting it away. "let's just get into studying" you sighed, already angry at him —not for a good reason—. basically, your first actual impression of neville longbottom was ruined.
you only knew about him because you saw him sometimes in class and at the corridors, but mostly you just knew what draco malfoy and his friends used to say about him. at that time, you thought they might have been right.
you were drawn away from your thoughts by the guy's voice, "i think these are the only topics that are gonna be on the test... i don't think mrs. sprout will ask anything about the water plants because we just started it..."
"i should just use a cheat sheet or something..."
"i mean, you could but i think sprout is going to do an anti-cheat spell, you know? because it's the end of the semester and all" neville looked at you with a small smirk.
you covered your face with your hands annoyed, "shit, you're right..." you let out a small breath, "okay, just teach me the most important so i can go, i want to go see the slytherin quidditch practice after this."
"slytherin is practicing today? i thought oliver booked the field..." he spoke, thinking out loud.
"that's the thing with you gryffindors, you think the world revolves around you." you said.
"how is that thinking the world revolves around us?" he rolled his eyes. "and that's really bold coming from someone who is friends with malfoy" he laughed annoyed.
you gasped, "okay, first of all, i'm not friends with draco; second of all, YOU are a friend of THE harry potter so of course you wouldn't notice the harry potter syndrome you all gryffindors fall into... and third of all, you are my tutor, you shouldn't say such things"
"i'm sorry, what?!" he opened his eyes in shock, completely offended. "how could you say that? you were the one who started this!"
"oh, real mature, longbottom" you looked away, trying to ignore him.
"also, what the hell is the harry potter syndrome?!" he asked with his eyebrows making a frown.
"exactly!" you said as neville just tsked at your response. "just teach me whatever you have to teach me" you added still looking away.
neville sighed and started going through the book, explaining every topic best way he could because due to your lack of response he couldn't know what you struggled most with.
this went on for quite some time, you had been swimming inside your deepest weirdest thoughts, not paying attention to anything neville had to say. at one point you even felt bad, it felt like you had these little cartoony versions of yourself on each shoulder saying "he is trying to help you!" and the other one saying "whatever, he is probably already used to being ignored. he was being rude". the boredom was just starting to get more vivid and you let out a yawn.
"you could at least pretend like you are listening!" he said. "i'm doing this for you, you know? i don't want to be here either."
"then leave! i'm not asking you to do anything! i just stayed here in case you were going to tell on me to sprout like the nerd loser you are!" you got up from the chair and closed the book. the only reason why you weren't screaming at each other was the fact that you were still at the library.
"what?!" he looked at you shocked. you looked at him in his eyes, you could sense he was somehow hurt. you stayed looking at each others eyes for a few seconds right before throwing yourselves into each others mouths.
you didn't even know how was it that the situation took this turn but now neville longbottom was sitting you on a table, throwing everywhere the herbology books he picked up while kissing you roughly with his hands grabbing your ass. —and he was honestly such a good kisser too, he knew exactly what to do and how to do it.
you quickly unbottoned your jeans needing more of his touch. he looked down at your movements and smirked, "shit, you wanna do it with a nerd loser, y/n?" he laughed.
"shut up" you unbuckled his belt, throwing it behind the books that were still on the table. neville laughed, absolutely forgetting about his shy and kind persona. he brought you closer and lowered your jeans, rapidly slipping his hand on your panties and caressing your bare cunt. "just do it, longbottom" he smiled and kissed your lips once more while lowering your panties and finally taking his erection out of his clothes. neville shoved his dick inside of you making you bite your lip to silence your scream. your body layed down on the table trying to adjust to his already rapid movements. your back already arching and hands begging for something to grab and hold on to. "neville, your cock feels so good..." you whispered.
neville bit his lip while increasing the pace. his hands ran through the inside of your shirt until finally meeting your breasts. he played with your nipples mercilessly as you moaned covering your mouth with your hand. "what has gotten you so excited?" he teased.
"you are lucky you are fucking me so good, if not, i would have left." you responded between gasps and moans. "i thought you were a virgin... how many girls have you fucked?"
"you are the only slytherin i had left" he said with that smirk on his face again.
"fuck you, longbottom." you sensed you were close, you wouldn't hold it for much longer.
"you are guilty of that." he laughed at the same time you finally released. cumming all over his cock and leaving cum leaking on the table. "damn, y/n... that was hot"
you breath out and dressed up. "thank you, tutor, i'm going to the quidditch practice. i'll see you tomorrow for another tutoring session!"
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destourtereaux · 11 months
treat you better - cedric diggory x fem!reader (part 4: the finale)
read first: part 1, 2, 3 summary: all is well in love and friendship wc: 1.4k follow @lovebirdupdates to join my "taglist"
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a/n: dear reader, thank you so much for following this series - i never imagined you would like it so much. i hope you enjoy this final fic, and please do reblog if yes! i’m sad to leave ceddie and harry, but i like how i've ended it :)
The morning after Cedric’s surprise party, you’re woken up by the soft sunlight streaming in through the huge windows of the Hufflepuff common room. Lifting your head up, you hear Cedric grumble, arms tightening around you. The scene feels so cozy that you don’t want to return to reality - but there’s a Herbology midterm coming up, and you’ve never been a natural at the subject, unlike a certain Hufflepuff. And so, you begin extricating yourself from Cedric’s embrace, which is no easy feat.
“How’s it feel to be seventeen, Ceddie?”
You get a groan in response.
“Alright, alright, then you stay put, but I’ve got to go study. I’m not a genius like you,” you tease, squirming in your efforts to slide out of his grasp.
“‘M not a genius, Y/N/N. You help me all the time. Don’t go, I know you’re ready for it, you don’t need anymore studying,” comes a sleepy protest. 
“Mm… thank you for your confidence, but I assure you I am not in the least prepared. And what is all this bad advice coming from a prefect,” you raise an eyebrow, before finally slipping out of Cedric’s arms, and standing up immediately to avoid being pulled back in. 
You feel the loss of Cedric’s warmth around your shoulders, and it weakens your resolve far more than it should, so you figure you need to leave as soon as possible, before grey eyes melt you into a puddle and back into his chest.
“Oh, fine. Leave me right after spending the night,” Cedric jokes, fully awake at last. He chuckles at the flush on your cheeks from this statement, and dodges your hit to his arm. “Just kidding, darling. Thank you for the party. Now go do what you have to do, I know you’re a busy girl.”
You smile softly, before tiptoeing up to ruffle his hair, and turn to leave. The gray eyes don’t leave you until you’re fully out of sight.
Climbing through the portrait hole, you see Ron and Harry sitting on the carpeted floor in front of the hearth, playing Wizard’s Chess, and Hermione engrossed in a book on the nearby couch. The scene is so familiar and comforting that it brings an involuntary smile to your face, before you wipe it off, the fight replaying in your head. 
Ron is the first to see you, freezing mid-check, and gives a weak wave. Harry turns, and so does Hermione, with the former also stiffing up, and the latter offering a sweet smile. Hermione then looks back, and, finding the two boys silent, rolls her eyes, and jerks her head in your direction, glaring at them.
Spurned, Ron and Harry stand up, and walk over, looking so dejected that you almost feel sorry for them.
“Y/N - it’s nice to see you again,” Ron begins, his expression sheepish. Harry nods to echo the sentiment.
“We just wanted to apologize for that night. For the mean things we said. None of it was true, and it was of no fault on your end,” Ron confesses.
Your eyes soften, and give him a pat on the shoulder, “thanks Ronnie. And I expect you’ve said the same to ‘Mione?” giving him a pointed look, to which he nods fervently. At this, you offer a smile at last, and seeing this, Ron seems to realize he’s forgiven.
“I’ll give you two some space then,” he says, guiding Hermione away, and leaving Harry alone with you in the Gryffindor Common Room.
Harry gestures for you to sit, and the two of you settle in on the carpet.
“Y/N/N - I’m really, honestly sorry. I had no right to say what I said, and I’ve felt horrid about it every day since then. I know you’ll always have my back, and some Yule Ball date would never change that. I hope you’ll forgive me,” the black haired boy finally blurts, the words spilling out of him.
Your resolve crumbles. I mean, this is Harry. One of your best friends. You could never stay mad at him, no matter how much he messes up. It’s like he said: you have each other’s backs. So you lean forward and hug him, breathing in the smell of broom polish and treacle toffee that you had missed incredibly, feeling the boy physically relax into your touch.
“You really like him, don’t you?” Harry chimes, as you pull out of the hug.
“Yes, I do. And I hope you’re okay with that,” you share, crimson spilling onto your cheeks.
Harry nods, a grin spreading across his face, “I am, really. I know I acted in jealousy at the ball, but I don’t think I’ve ever actually felt romantically towards you - not that you’re unlikeable, you know, just -”
You laugh out loud, cutting him off, and offer a nod, “I get it, don’t stress yourself out, mate.”
He nods in relief, “you’re my best friend, Y/N/N, and that’s it. I love our relationship, and I do not want it to ever change.”
You nod, feeling better than you have in nearly a month.
Ron and Hermione choose that exact moment to enter the room, the guilt of eavesdropping written on their faces. But you’re far too happy to care - the gang’s back together.
Over the next month, life returns to normal, or rather, a new normal. Hermione is hanging out with Krum as much as possible, to make the most of their time together before the tournament ends and he returns to Durmstrang. You don’t see her nearly as much anymore, but it’s understandable. 
Instead, you spend your days either studying out on the greens with Harry and Ron, or hanging out with Cedric, going to Hogsmeade’s various little cafes.
The second tournament task comes along, and you, Hermione, and Ron are pulled into the headmaster’s office then sent to the bottom of the Black Lake. When you awake, Cedric is treading water to keep the two of you above the lake, and you’re quickly pulled out and given a warm towel. Since Cedric finished first, the two of you rest in the champion seating section, and the boy keeps asking you if you’re okay, despite your fervent exclamations that you’re probably doing better than he is.
His friends soon surround him, arriving with endless teasing about how you’re the person “he’ll sorely miss,” and Cedric flushes scarlet at their words, refusing to meet your eyes. Eventually, he manages to shove them all away, and looks down to see you grinning.
“Ced, just so you know, I would’ve sorely missed you too,” you admit, before pressing a quick kiss to his lips.
Suddenly, Cedric could care less about his friends. He feels warm and dry and cozy, not a trace of the Black Lake’s eeriness on his mind.
A few weeks later, and it’s your birthday. Cedric had wracked his brain for ways to top your surprise party for him, and enlisted the help of the trio to do so. Hermione contributed all your likes and dislikes: she knew you like the back of her hand; Ron got Fred and George to put together a little sparkler show for you, and Harry was in charge of inviting all your closest friends.
The day of, you wake up to Cedric’s voice, before he gives you five minutes to pick an outfit, then promptly blindfolds you and leads you out to the courtyard, where the cutest picnic party had been set up. You laugh in delight, ecstatic, and after a quick kiss for Ced, rush over to meet up with your friends. 
As you catch up over drinks with them, two boys, one Gryffindor, one Hufflepuff, are standing a distance away, both looking at you with slight smiles.
Soon, the sky is darkening and the party growing more and more uproarious. You spin around to see Harry and Cedric talking, and grin. Strolling over, you place an arm around each. Cedric kisses your hair, and you give Harry a tight hug.
“Thank you for all of this,” you say, “seriously. I’ve never been happier.”
Before they can reply: you were never one for cheesy emotions, you (forcibly) pull them toward the karaoke machine, where Ron and Hermione are singing their hearts out.
****** THE END! interested in my other works? see my masterlist!
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boopshoops · 28 days
Ezra Goldspire - Who Knows Best
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Name: Ezra Goldspire
Nicknames: Ezzie, Killifish
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Homosexual
Birthday: May 7 (Taurus)
Age: 362 (In canon and AU)
Height: 5'11 or 179cm
Voice Claim(s): Caleb Hyles
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Twisted from: Mother Gothel/Esther Gothel of Tangled
Unique Magic: "What Once was Mine" Through the use of magical herbs and alchemy, Ezra is able to capture the likeness of himself and other individuals. He can share and change other's physical features with these concoctions, ranging anywhere from shoe size to facial structure to vocal coords. These changes last as long as he desires as well as under his own set conditions at the cost of requiring outside materials to complete. Typically the magic is contained in what appears to be a type of spice or powder, and the change leaves a mark/tattoo on the individual which the magic is cast to indicate what exactly was changed.
Grade: Primarily teaches Sophomores and Juniors
Class: Teaches art and music, along with being the homeroom teacher of class 3-D.
Hobbies: Alchemy, botany, herbology, singing, painting, playing the harp, improv.
Likes: Broadway, theater, pasta alla gricia, small spaces, spring, jewelry, floral arrangements, experimental learning, any music.
Dislikes: Crickets, wrinkles, scars, wasted talent, mumbling/whispering, tracking time.
Fears: Aging, other Changeling Fae, not being recognized by those he cares for, forgetting people.
Summary: As the most easygoing teacher on the entirety of campus, many of the students and fellow staff members view him as a scatter-brained daydreamer. However, his dreams filled with immense passion, as he desires for nothing more than to watch his student's talent blossom... and keep the bloom contained and protected in a glass case.
Now, don't get him wrong! He has the best intentions, of course. There are many, many scary people and places out there in this Twisted Wonderland. People who would take advantage of such bright minds. He is simply preventing that from happening. The man has been around for a long time and has been through his own share of ordeals, so he would most definitely know.
He has a big heart. While he goes about an odd, constrictive way of showing it, he does truly care. He has a hard time letting things go, and he simply wants the best for those he cares for. Ezra would spoil every single one of his students rotten if he were able. Even as a rather new professor at NRC, he wishes to guide every single one of them on the right path.
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Outfit Inspiration
Author's Notes: ARGHHH MY BOY... Ezra is a very new character I made only a few months ago. He was created specifically for TCOAV, but alas I have grown attached. Given we already have quite a few gaslight gatekeep girlboss type characters over here, I decided to focus more on twisting different aspects of Mother Gothel. I particularly focused on her parental tendencies as well as her means of "caring" for Rapunzel. Whereas whether Gothel truly cares for Rapunzel or not is still up in the air, and they truly had a toxic relationship nonetheless, I wanted to make Ezra a more misguided but good individual.
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Your Ivy Grows // Compliments
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Read on AO3
Summary: Ominis Gaunt cannot see, but he can feel.He can feel the tall thickets of grass outside of his Aunt Noctua's house, now his for the summer. He can feel the sand down by the beach, the water of the tide pools, the overgrown ivy in Noctua's beloved garden. Most importantly, he can feel the gentle brush of his house guest's hand against his as they take their daily walk.He fears that he may feel much, much more for his new house guest.
Word Count: 4,838
Rating: M (good ole fashion victorian Ominis gets a teeny bit carried away)
Taglist: @slootmagix (comment if you'd like to be added!)
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Flirting with Ominis Gaunt was fun.
She couldn’t help herself. Meeting men her own age was an anomaly; most men she met worked with her father, and no matter how much she defended his profession, his colleagues were usually old, and left much to be desired. Being isolated at the old manor with no company didn’t help either.  It appeared the former mistress of the house was also an unmarried woman, her library catalog consisting of recipes, textbooks, herbology guides, and to the houseguest’s surprise, a wide breadth of romance novels. She’d be lying if the early weeks of her confinement weren’t spent pouring over a few salacious stories. 
Things did change once her new guardian arrived.  There was finally someone to talk to, and someone to join her in the garden. They took daily turns around the property, and visits to the shore were no longer lonely.  Being outdoors and the welcome addition of conversation were refreshing, of course, but after she yearned for something more…stimulating.  
And she couldn’t think of anything more stimulating than the beautiful hands of the younger Mr. Gaunt.
Ominis seemed impenetrable at first.  Typical flirtation tactics like coy glances and blushing were useless on a blind man, so she’d had to get creative. She’d spent an entire afternoon once, observing Ominis and trying to understand what he might find attractive.  He had a dreadfully mundane routine, always rising at the same time, writing and reading in his room before breakfast. He kept a respectful distance from her when they walked the grounds, and had only ever offered her tiny morsels of his life outside of the manor. He’d tell her stories of his friends; one, a book shop attendant who sounded like a terrible rake, and one other, a highly gifted witch who’d come into her power late in life. She realized that he never seemed to talk about himself–another trait she found attractive. Most men were boastful, but Ominis Gaunt was humble.
She’d tried giggling at his jokes–nothing. Commenting on his clothing–none.  Complimenting his hair–he merely shared the pomade recipe he’d been using since his fifth year at school.
Every single move she made went completely over his head, until that afternoon in the garden.  Oh, how he’d blushed at the feeling of her mouth on his hand–she hadn’t even intended to rouse him, mostly trying to keep droplets of blood off his fine white shirt. His alabaster skin bloomed with such a pretty pink, and she would stop at nothing to keep his cheeks aflame.
Physical touch, she realized.  That’s what made Ominis Gaunt tick. 
From then on, she made every possible effort to touch him.  She danced with him around the dinner table, after he’d told her about the ball.  His face was flushed the entire time, and she could feel him smelling her hair.  The next day, she clutched his arm a little harder when they walked through the town, and wore a little more of her perfume.  And perhaps it had been too bold of a move, disrobing in front of him, but for Merlin’s sake, he was blind. She blushed into the mirror, watching him fumble with the ribbon as he laced the back of her dress.  His cheeks were red, his breathing stuttered, and his hands ghosting over her hips.  She wanted to protest when he ran from the room, but Golly’s accusatory look made her freeze in place.
Golly shrugged. “You seem rather interested in Master Ominis.”
She looked at herself in the mirror as the little house elf pinned the cuff of the sleeve. “He’s very nice.”
“Do you mean nice, or nice to look at?” Golly hummed with the pins in her mouth.
“Golly!” she gasped. “How untoward of you.”
Golly rolled her big eyes, snorting as she grabbed the fabric scissors from her sewing basket. “Golly thinks you have a crush on Master Ominis.”
The woman rolled her eyes. “He’s merely fun to play with, that’s all.”  She looked at herself in the mirror, tilting her head as she held a hand to her waist. “Ominis has been very kind to me, and while I do enjoy my company, I know he’s only here by command. I’m sure he’d rather be in London enjoying the season than being stuck here with me.”
“Master Ominis is not like other men,” Golly mused.
She snorted. “Golly, hasn’t it been ten years since you last saw him?”
“Yes, but Master Ominis was raised by Madame Noctua,” Golly said, working on the hem with her nimble hands. “And you won’t find many men like him.”
She rolled her eyes, smirking at herself in the mirror.  The sweet house elf didn’t need to convince her–she already knew Ominis was unlike most.  Had he been like the men she’d encountered in her twenty one years, Ominis would have already tried to make an inappropriate move on her.  Instead, he’d been unbearably proper, and it was surprisingly the second most attractive part of him.  She fidgeted as she wondered if Ominis was like this with all women–if he was just as kind, attentive, and sweet.
His soul was as pretty as his face, she thought to herself.  
“A true gentleman,” She announced.
“A true gentleman.” Golly echoed. “Right indeed.”
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Correction–flirting with Ominis Gaunt was supposed to be fun.
It would be fun, if she’d had the opportunity to do so.  He’d been avoiding her since their encounter in the dressing room, claiming to have a rare summer cold to stay in his chambers.  She had found his propriety to be attractive, but this was certainly too much.  It had been three days since he’d last left his rooms, leaving her to tend to the garden by herself. She snipped the roses, starting to feel rather offended at his standoffish attitude.
Perhaps he thinks you’re wild, she thought, angrily snipping a rose. Uncouth, ill mannered, as Marvolo had called her.  Perhaps he had found her forwardness to be ugly. 
Perhaps he found her ugly.
She shook the thought out of her head, angrily whacking at the rose bushes once more.  Get it together, she reminded herself.  For heaven’s sake, she was losing it over whether or not a blind man (who would never see her face) thought she was unattractive. She got lost in her work, until she heard the soft sound of her name behind her.  Breathing deeply, she turned to see Golly standing a few paces away, hands folded neatly in front of her.
“Master Ominis has asked Golly to fetch you,” she said simply. “To prepare for the ball.”
“Ah, so he still intends to take me.” She rolled her eyes. “Despite not speaking to me for days.”
“Master Ominis had a cold, but is feeling much better now.” Golly lied.  The house elf was sweet, obviously fibbing on behalf of her master.
She stood, wiping her dirty hands on the apron. “I somehow don’t believe that,” she admitted, wringing her hands. “I thought he might be disgusted with me.”
Golly gave her a sympathetic look. “Master Ominis still very much looks forward to escorting you to the ball. Come, Golly will help you dress.”
Nerves quickly set in as Golly helped her prepare.  First, a lengthy bath, followed by at least half an hour spent styling her hair.  Golly had ordered a catalog of the newest styles, pinning her curls to match the pages of Witch Weekly.  She then helped her dust on some makeup before lacing her into the dress.  The little house elf had done all she could to modernize the garment, but it was obviously an old style.  The houseguest slipped on her nicest shoes and gloves, gulping as she observed herself in the mirror.  The person looking back at her was far too proper, too ladylike.  She’d been excited earlier that week to be leaving the house, but now the nerves were settling in.  It was her first social outing ever, and she’d know no one but the Gaunt brothers.
One, who thought she was a wild animal.  The other, who’d avoided her the entire week, and likely agreed.
She descended the stairs, clutching the banister as the heavy silk train dragged behind her.  Ominis was standing next to the door, wearing a fine tuxedo. As she got closer, she realized the material was an inky blue, almost black, that complimented the light blue gown she was wearing.  His blond hair had been slicked back, and he looked too nice to have been suffering from an illness for three days.
Sensing her presence at the bottom of the stairs, Ominis held out a gloved hand. “I’m sure you look beautiful,” he assured her.  There was a stiffness to his voice that she hadn’t ever heard before.
“I hope your cold wasn’t that bad.” she mused, putting her hand in his.
Ominis blushed.  She wondered if he knew he was a terrible liar, wearing the truth as a pretty flush. “I feel much better.  Just had to be on my own a bit; I didn't want to get you sick before your first ball.”
He escorted her out the door; a horseless carriage was in the front drive.  She shuddered as she heard the huffing and neighing from the invisible creatures that would fly them to London.  Thestrals were foreboding, and even though she considered herself lucky to not be able to see them, there was something unsettling about trusting skeletal horses in the sky.
Ominis didn’t seem to mind; he swung the carriage door open, holding her hand gently to guide her.  His nimble fingers hovered over her waist again, keeping distance.  She couldn’t help the frown that graced her lips as he sat across from her, fumbling with the handle of his wand. And when the carriage took flight, she gripped the seat; Ominis seemed entirely familiar with the sensation, barely flinching as their bodies shifted, knees knocking into one another.
After a few minutes of silence, Ominis cleared his throat. “Are you excited?” he hummed. 
She crossed her arms. “Honestly, I'm nervous. My dance instructor abandoned me.” she said, the accusatory tone dripping off her lips.
Ominis turned red again, sighing. “I’m sorry. I should have spent more time with you.”
“Did I do something to bother you?” she asked, shifting to a more serious voice. “Did…have I overstepped any boundaries? Are you mad at me?” she bumbled.
Ominis tilted his head. “No, of course not.” he said softly. “If anything, I’m the one to have overstepped.” He ran a gloved hand through his tidy blond hair, sighing. “How is our garden?  I’m sorry to have neglected it, and you in turn.”
She pressed her lips into a tight smile. “The roses look much better.  Might have whacked them a bit in frustration though.” She reached forward, adjusting Ominis’s hair.  He sucked in a breath when she did so.
“You’re touchy, you know that?” He crossed his legs.
“Do you not like people touching you?” She asked, tilting her head.  
He shook his head. “Just not used to it, that’s all.”
The carriage landed within the hour, and she stumbled out with the help of a footman, who bowed to Ominis.  
“Where are we?” She asked curiously, observing their surroundings.  It was a lavish townhouse, two lamps lit in front of a black lacquered door.  The lamps were lit with a green flame, and there was a silver snake adorning the door.
“My brother’s house. He lives here most of the time; my sister-in-law stays out in the country.” Ominis mumbled.  He held his arm out, and she looped hers through it. They walked up to the front door, and the silver snake hissed.  She jumped back, but Ominis was undeterred. He calmly hissed back, and the door swung open.
“What the bloody hell was that?” she gaped.
Ominis rolled his eyes. “Party trick of Marvolo’s.  Most people will be arriving by floo, but to get through the front door, you need to know the password or speak parseltongue.”
“I didn’t know you spoke parseltongue,” she gasped. “That’s incredible.”
“Yes,” he said dryly, frowning a bit. “Maybe my least favorite of my abilities.”
Ominis guided her down the hallway and into the small ballroom. Unlike his Aunt Noctua’s home, he seemed uncomfortable, head jerking at every sound, wand raised and at the ready.  Feeling her nerves bubbling over, she clutched him tighter. The sound of voices grew louder, and she stumbled as they entered the ballroom.  No one had announced them, but it seemed like the entire party had turned their attention to the doorway as soon as they’d walked in.
She gulped, staring at a room full of strangers.  
“We’ll greet Marvolo first,” Ominis whispered. “Then we can find you some champagne.”
Marvolo wasn’t easy to miss–he was seated at the head of the room, as if he were a king in his castle. He was surrounded by his lackeys, all laughing and spilling their alcohol, and a dark haired woman sat at his feet like an obedient cat.  After having spent so much time with Ominis, she couldn’t have been more shocked at the stark difference between them.  It seemed like Marvolo Gaunt had a permanent sneer on his face, a smile so sinister compared to that of his brother’s.
“Little brother,” Marvolo hummed. “I see you’ve brought our friend .” He emphasized the word.
She looked up at Ominis, who had stiffened.  His jaw looked hard, as if he were gritting his teeth. “Marvolo.” he said curtly. “We’re here, as you’ve asked.”
Marvolo turned his gaze to her, beckoning her closer. She stepped forward, and Ominis’s hand flexed as he let go of her arm. 
“I see my brother has trained you well,” he laughed, looking over at his friends. “A wild little thing when we last saw her, wasn’t she?” 
The men laughed, and she wrinkled her nose. “I need no training, especially not from a man.” she uttered defiantly.
Marvolo laughed again, stroking his dark beard. “Still feisty, I see.” He winked at Ominis. “You’ll have to try harder to break her in, baby brother.”
“I think we’ll take a turn around the room,” Ominis said loudly, tugging her backwards by the elbow. Ominis said her name, and she turned to him, blinking at his face.  He looked angry, a fiery red flush on his face as he pulled her far away from his brother and his posse. He pulled her towards the corner of the room, instinctively boxing her into the wall.
“I’m sorry about him,” Ominis huffed. “I should’ve expected him to be lewd.”
She rolled her eyes. “I’ve dealt with worse.” she gulped, blushing herself at the close proximity. She peered over his shoulder; a few couples had taken to the dance floor. “Will we dance?”
Ominis opened his mouth to say something, but he jumped back when a stranger put a hand on his shoulder.  She furrowed her eyebrows, staring at the freckled man who was beaming at him.
“I didn’t know you were coming tonight,” he said, grinning as he wrapped his arms around Ominis. Ominis laughed, clapping the man on the back in return. It was a brotherly embrace, certainly warmer than the greeting Ominis had given to Marvolo.
“You scoundrel, how’d you’d get an invite?” Ominis snorted, holding him by the shoulders.
The brunette rolled his eyes, giving Ominis a smug look. “Violet asked me to accompany her,” he looked back to the room, scanning it for his partner. “No doubt she’s off with the other snakes gossiping about your grand entrance.”
“You’re such a flirt, Sebastian.” Ominis scoffed. “And you’re being impolite.  Introduce yourself.”
The stranger turned to her, giving her a boyish smile as he kissed the back of her hand. “Sebastian Sallow, a pleasure to meet you. Ominis has written quite a bit about you.”
She blushed as Ominis shoved Sebastian, who let out a loud laugh.  They looked like schoolboys as they squabbled, but Ominis settled with an arm around Sebastian.
“My oldest friend,” Ominis announced. “I’ve told you about him.”
“Ah, yes,” she laughed. “The playboy.”
Sebastian chuckled. “I see you’re spreading the word about me. Always so proud, this one.” He clapped Ominis on the back. “He’s told me you have him gardening–this, from the man who dreaded even walking into the Herbology classroom. Quite a feat.”
“His skills left much to be desired at first,” she said coyly. “But he’s improving with supervision.”
“Never thought I’d see the day where Ominis Gaunt was putting his hands to work.” Sebastian said, knocking his shoulders into the blond.  He was handsome, but quite the opposite from Ominis. His outgoing, playful personality shined; she could see was Ominis meant when he'd described his best friend as a magnetic personality. 
A waiter passed them, and Sebastian lifted two champagne coupes from the tray, passing one to her, and the other to Ominis. “Drink up–it’ll be a long night.  I’ve already had three.”
“Already that bored of your date?” Ominis chortled.
Sebastian looked over his shoulder at a gaggle of women, all gossiping with each other on the couches. “I reckon Vi only asked me for one reason,” he waggled his eyebrows, winking at Ominis.  She looked up at her companion, who grimaced; despite his lack of sight, it was almost as if he’d known the exact look on Sebastian’s face.
Perhaps that was another gift of Ominis’s; after spending enough time with someone, he could know them completely, even blind.
Music flooded the room, and couples started pairing up on the dance floor.  
“Ah shit, she’s coming here now.” Sebastian mused, gulping down his champagne. “See you two out on the dance floor.” he winked, setting the glass down to meet a dark haired girl halfway.  
Ominis turned to her, smiling softly. “Shall we?” He held his hand out, for her, one step already towards the dance floor. She placed hers gently into his, and let him guide her. Once they were situated, he stowed his wand in his jacket pocket, and let his hand hover over her waist.
She placed her hand on his shoulder as he’d instructed her, and the dance began.  Even though they were on the outskirts of the dance floor, she still felt eyes all over her.  At one point, they passed Sebastian and his date; he winked while she scoffed.
“Do you know everyone here?” She asked.
Ominis inhaled sharply as they stepped around each other. “For the most part.  All of the younger folks especially, we all went to school together.” He leaned in, his lips brushing her ears. “Sebastian’s date was in our year.  Nightmare of a human being.”
She bit her lower lip at the contact. “Why would Sebastian go to a ball with her then?”
Ominis shrugged. “He’s bored, I suppose.  He’s been in love with one of our best friends for ages, and he missed his shot with her.  I think he humors these girls out of boredom.  And they certainly don’t mind since he’s so handsome.”
She frowned as they twirled. “Well, that’s no way to live. Why hasn’t he spoken to your friend?”
Ominis sighed loudly. “I’ve tried to tell him that a million times, but he prefers to be stubborn.”
She looked over at Sebastian and his date; she was talking with him rather animatedly, while he blankly nodded along. “She doesn’t seem to have taken the hint,” she mused. “I’d hate to be dragged along like that.”
Ominis let out a breathy laugh. “I didn’t think a girl like you would let yourself be dragged on.  You seem like the type to put a man in his place.”
She chewed on her lower lip.  So Ominis did have some presumptions about her and her experiences. 
“Would you believe me if I told you I’ve never even gotten close to a man in such a way?” she murmured.
Ominis blinked at her. “You’ve never courted anyone before?”
She laughed. “Ominis, I’ve traveled the world my entire life, I’ve never stayed in one place long enough to do so, let alone known a man long enough to desire him.”
“I shouldn’t have said all those scandalous things about Sebastian! You should’ve told me,” Ominis gasped. “I’d assumed–”
“I’m not an idiot,” she interjected. “I understand what men can be like.” The music died down, and the couples clapped for the musicians as they ended their song. “And besides, I am a woman.  It’s not as if women go without desires as well.” she whispered.
The tips of Ominis’s ears went pink as she walked away, smiling to herself.
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“You’re a guest of the Gaunts this summer, aren’t you?”
She turned around, facing the man who had addressed her.  She was on her third glass of champagne, cheeks tickled pink from the alcohol.  
“I am,” she blurted, holding her hand out. “And you are?”
The stocky man leaned down to kiss it, lips catching the edge of her wrist. “Augustus Carrow,” he said cheerfully. “A pleasure.” He was also blonde, but his hair was dull in comparison to Ominis’s cornsilk locks.
She politely dipped her head.  This was the sixth man to introduce himself, and the attention was much needed. Ominis had gotten pulled away by one of his many sisters, likely dragged over to some prospective match.  She’d watched as he politely danced with other girls, fighting the bubbling jealousy within her.
Maybe he was just that nice to every woman he met, she thought.  Perhaps she wasn’t so special. And if that were the case, Ominis wouldn’t mind that she too was dancing with every gentleman that introduced himself.  So far her dance card was filled with plenty of new acquaintances, all who had sung her praises during their conversations. Rowle, Hobhouse, Burke, Travers, Black, and now Carrow. 
She hiccuped, covering her mouth. “Excuse me,” she said sheepishly. “I’m new to…all of this,” she gestured, waving her champagne.  It splashed a little, landing on his shiny shoes.
Augustus laughed, keeping a tight grip on her hand, even though she'd tried to pull away. “You’re fun,” he grinned. “I like a woman who can enjoy a little champagne here and there. Would you maybe like to—”
She tilted her head, looking up at Ominis.  He’d swooped in out of nowhere, standing behind her closely, a hand on her shoulder.  Whereas he’d lightly hovered his hands before, it felt heavy on her skin. 
“Ominis,” Augustus chuckled. “Back to stake your claim.”
She looked up at Ominis in confusion.  His eyebrows were furrowed, a frown set upon his face. 
“There are no stakes to claim,” Ominis said calmly.  Rather, his voice was calm, but the way his fingertips bruised into her skin.  “She is my ward, and I think she’s danced enough for one evening.”
“Ominis,” she opened her mouth to complain.  
“Come along,” Ominis said, her name tumbling off his lips. “I think you’ve had too much champagne.  You should take a break.”  He dragged her by the elbow down the hall, pulling her into the library. He shut the heavy wooden doors behind them, the tip of his wand glowing red in his face.  
“Sit,” he barked.  She’d never heard him so commanding before; she automatically fell into the closest armchair, crossing her legs at the ankles.
Ominis flicked his wand and a glass flew across the room, floating in front of her.  
“Aguamenti,” he uttered, water flowing from the tip of his wand to the glass. “Now drink.”
She did as he commanded, lifting the glass to her lips.  She watched him curiously as he paced back and forth. Once she’d finished, she set it on the floor, crossing her arms.
“Are you mad at me?”
Ominis put his hands on his hips, his wand stowed away again. “Did you enjoy dancing?”
“I did.” she sniffed. “Did you enjoy dancing as well?”
He turned to her. “I did not,” he frowned. “More girls, simpering over me just because my mother wants them to.” 
“I don’t think they’re doing so because of that,” she shrugged. “You’re quite the catch.  Besides, you didn’t see how those girls admired you.”
“And you didn’t seem to pick up at all on how those men leered at you.” Ominis nearly spat, continuing to pace. He tugged his pristine white gloves off his hands, shoving them in his pockets.
“Does that bother you?” She asked, crossing her legs tighter. She gripped the arms of the chair; perhaps it was the champagne going to her head, but Ominis was unbearably handsome in his flustered state. “You couldn’t even see them.”
He turned on his heel, making two quick strides towards her, standing over her. “I could feel them,” he uttered. “And I could hear the way they spoke about you. How complimentary you are.”
“What’s wrong?” she asked breathily, feeling her heart beating in her head.
“You say those things,” Ominis whispered, falling to his knees. She stared at him as he shut his unseeing eyes, his slender hands falling into her lap.  He clutched at her silk skirt, rubbing the fabric between his fingers. “Nice things about me.”
She gulped, looking down at him. “There are a lot of nice things about you.”
“Tell me,” he said, gripping her thighs over the fabric of her dress.  
“You’re a good dancer.”
He shook his head. “Not like that.” One of his hands dropped below the chair, rustling under the fabric of her skirt to hold her ankle. He gently pried her legs apart.
“Your hair is nice,” she added.
Ominis gulped, his Adam's apple bobbing. “Try again.” 
She bit down on her lower lip as the hand beneath her skirt traveled up her stocking, tracing circles on her knee.
“You have beautiful hands,” she whispered.
Ominis’s hand slid even further, tickling her thigh.  One hand was atop her dress, the other hovering dangerously close to a part of her that no man had ever touched. 
“You say pretty things to me, you touch me all the time.” Ominis murmured. “Can I touch you?”
She looked up to his unseeing eyes, testing the boundary. “You weren’t sick, were you?”
Ominis shook his head silently, a soft strand of hair falling against his forehead.
Feeling bolder, she took in a sharp breath. “You wished you were touching me the entire time.”
Ominis nodded, jaw hardening as his grip tightened.
“You touched yourself?” she whispered.
Ominis let out a garbled sound from his throat, leaning his forehead against hers. “I like the way you feel,” he rasped. “Can I?”
She lurched forward, pulling the hand that rested on top of her skirts to her face.  While she leaned down, he pushed himself upwards, trying to close the distance between their faces. “Yes.”
Ominis surged forward, kissing her.  It wasn’t sweet; it wasn’t soft.  It was hard, teeth nipping on her lips, licking into her mouth. His hand wrapped around her neck, pulling her towards him.
“I don’t want to hear you compliment any other man.” he gasped. “I only like to hear you say nice things about me.” 
She moaned into his lips as his fingers moved from the outside of her thigh inwards, tickling her as he pushed her petticoats aside.  She opened her eyes, rewarded with the sight of a blushing Ominis, eyes squeezed tightly in pleasure as he ghosted his fingers over her clothed core. He pulled back, gasping for air as he put both hands to work, pushing her skirts away.
“So many damn layers,” he muttered, and she laughed aloud.  Her laugh turned into a shriek as she felt his lips place hot kisses on the inside of her leg.
“Ominis!” she gasped.
Suddenly, the door handle jiggled.  Both of them froze for a second; as the door opened, Ominis pulled her skirts down, and tugged at the knot that laced her shoes. She immediately sat up, brushing the wrinkles from her topskirt. 
“There you are!” Sebastian said cheerfully. “Violet was hoping you’d come back out to dance. Actually, I’m just hoping–I don’t want to be alone with her for another second, she might try to slobber all over my face again.”  He stood at the doorway, a jovial smile on his face as he stared at the twosome. She merely smiled at the freckled man, who narrowed his eyes at Ominis on the floor. “What are you doing on the ground?”
“Tying her shoe, of course.” Ominis said quickly. “We’ll meet you and Violet out there,” he offered, clearing his throat.
Sebastian shrugged, closing the door behind him.
As soon as the door shut, Ominis launched himself to the other side of the room; she stared as he inhaled sharply, adjusting his trousers and slicking back his blond hair.  Once it seemed that he’d collected himself, he walked back over, offering a hand to help her up.  He’d put his gloves back on.
“Shall we?” he asked calmly, as if he hadn’t been digging through her skirts on the floor a minute ago, pressing kisses along her thigh. She couldn’t read the expression on his face; it was like his personality had retreated inward, hiding itself.  The urgent, needy Ominis was gone, a placid persona taking its place. 
She let out a puff of air, taking his gloved hand once again. 
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aclowntiny · 10 months
🏰 Ateez as Hogwarts Students🪄
Who wouldn’t want to go to Hogwarts with these boys? 😁 can’t wait to write some AUs for them too!
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☆ “Ah,” the Sorting Hat hums as it’s set atop Hongjoong’s head, “the mind of an artist. Don’t see this one too often. Creative, determined, you like to do what you want.” With a chuckle, the hat’s folds opened again, this time with a shout of “Ravenclaw!” Hongjoong is proud, hoping he could represent the house known for creatives and intellectuals who push boundaries.
☆ Proudest “blood traitor” Pure-Blood family this side of Hogwarts, that’s the Kims, especially Hongjoong 😌
☆ Like, the only student at Hogwarts who has an actual knack for Divination, like he actually sees things and they actually make sense. No one believes Hongjoong until something actually comes true. He even asks for his own crystal ball from his parents for Christmas and customizes a really pretty base for it. He’s also really skilled at Transfiguration, all the really flowing magic just cones to him even though there’s a precision to that one. Hongjoong can roll with it all!
☆ He doesn’t hate any of his classes, but History of Magic is the least interesting one for sure.
☆ Hongjoong joins the Ravenclaw Quidditch team as a Chaser, a position where he can lead and guide the team…and also try to pull as many distracting trick shots as he can! Gets really creative with how he spins the ball.
☆ He cannot wait to see what his Patronus looks like, secretly hoping to either get something adorable or really beautiful. He gets his wish and then some as wings burst out, a phoenix flying from his wand. It is quite rare for someone to have a magical creature for a Patronus, but chalk that up to Hongjoong’s spirit! He absolutely adores his Patronus, the sight of it perched on his shoulder, and his heart swells. His memories literally created magic.
☆ He kind of wants Gryffindor, but has been told he'd make a good Hufflepuff, so ultimately Seonghwa leaves it up to the hat's decision. "Leaving it up to me, huh?" The Sorting Hat chuckles. "You're kind. You care for and value others...and their opinions apparently! You're a Hufflepuff!" Huh, so that was that.
☆ Having Muggle parents, he was quite surprised to develop powers, but a quick visit from his future teachers cleared things up…sort of! He can’t get over how amazing Diagon Alley is, dragging his parents into every shop he can.
☆ Absolutely ENAMORED with Care of Magical Creatures, like oh my gosh little tree guys! Funny cats! A REAL HIPPOGRIFF??? Seonghwa can’t get enough of the fantastic animals. He’s also a natural at Herbology, basically you can always trust him to keep things alive! Both of those classes simultaneously relax and excite him.
☆ Flying? Up that high? No thank you!
☆ Due to his fear of heights, Seonghwa doesn’t join Hufflepuff’s Quidditch team, but is the loudest, proudest supporter out there! You’ll always find him in the stands, especially since he has friends in every house.
☆ Seonghwa wonders what animal he'll get: maybe a cute cat or a big, strong tiger? A lovely mare? Sort of! A large pegasus is what ends up soaring from the tip of his wand, spreading its gorgeous wings and snuffling at its partner, bringing a wide-eyed look of eye and smile to him as he reaches his hands out to the white winged horse.
☆ He’s outgoing, so maybe Gryffindor? That’s what Yunho thinks as he does some pre-hat self-reflection. The hat, however, takes a different approach. “Hm, kind, loving, loyal, yes, very loyal…” “Thanks!” Yunho exclaims, surprised the hat seems so nice. This isn’t so bad! “This one goes to Hufflepuff!” Yunho is surprised, but it makes sense given what the hat said. Happiness shouldn’t be too hard to find in Hogwarts’s kindest house!
☆ Yunho’s family is Pure-Blooded, but they raise their children with great sympathy for those without magic.
☆ Due to his interest in the world outside of wizarding, Yunho signs up for the Muggle Studies elective and loves it. They use electricity? Like lightning trapped in metal and that’s how telephones work? It’s almost more amazing how people go without magic than just waving a wand and making things move on their own! He also enjoys Charms, just quick little spells he can let go on the fly for fun.
☆ Doesn’t really hate any particular classes, but he got emotionally attached to the mandrake he raised in Herbology and got sad when it died.
☆ One of Hufflepuff’s Chasers. Loves the feeling of the wind in his hair and being able to fly victory loops when he scores and wins!
☆ Yunho is so excited when it’s his turn to try a Patronus, practically bouncing on his heels and hoping he gets a cool one as he remembers so many wonderful and exciting moments of his life so far. With quite a burst, a golden retriever leaps out and stands up on him, almost bowling him over!
☆ "You're an interesting one, aren't you?" "Er, thank you...sir?" Yeosang glanced upward at the mass of fabric atop his head. "You're trying not to laugh right now," the hat exposes him, "and yet a thousand ideas are coming to your head. Best express a few of those. Ravenclaw!" Yeosang wasn't sure what he was expecting, sure he thought he could make Gryffindor and some of his friends teased him about being a shoo-in for Slytherin, but something about being in a quiet, intelligent house didn't bother him either. He could be more than happy about that!
☆ A Half-Blood born to a Muggle and a wizard, Yeosang has a foot in both worlds. Magic is no great surprise to him, though, being raised around all his wizarding family and the rest sworn to secrecy! His Muggle cousins are so jealous he gets powers!
☆ Enjoys Astronomy because it’s really relaxing to look at the stars and draw beautiful charts. The idea that they might reveal secrets is amazing to Yeosang too. He jokes about taking Muggle Studies just for the bit, but ends up in Ancient Runes with Hongjoong. It’s a hard class but at least they can write secret code notes to each other!
☆ He’s not a huge fan of Potions because the mistakes tend to get messy! Wishes he could take it with Wooyoung every year.
☆ Ravenclaw’s Seeker, Yeosang has a knack for focusing in on one thing and even when his eyes wander, having them land on the golden snitch!
☆ Frankly, Yeosang isn’t sure what he’s expecting, like will the animal look like him? Represent his memories somehow? Just be whatever it happens to be? Despite having no specific expectations, he still can’t contain his awe and surprise when a glowing lioness slides out of his wand, fierce but caring and capable, and leans to peer at him with soft eyes.
☆ He’s not sure if he’s more of a Slytherin or a Gryffindor honestly, but the assumption in his mind is that he’s one of the two. “Slytherin or Gryffindor, huh?” The Sorting Hat asks. “Well, I just thought of those as the houses that take action, and-” “You’re a doer, huh?” The hat replies. “Big heart, too. I’ll say…Gryffindor!” The hat seemed to agree with San and listen to him, so he’s happy to join the house of lions!
☆ San is a Half-Blood, his parents being a Half-Blood and a Muggleborn, so he has plenty of wizarding experience along with his sister, but there’s something special about the memories they make with their Muggle grandparents!
☆ This boy loves to fly! He’s pretty sad it’s only an official regular class in First Year because an hour of flying is the best decompress after a bunch of lessons. He also really loves Care of Magical Creatures, trying to apply what he knows from caring for the cat he brings to Hogwarts as if it’ll help him remember what nifflers eat!
☆ History of Magic bores him, but at least it’s a good excuse to goof off and play with his friends in- all while keeping his head up as much as possible, of course.
☆ One of Gryffindor’s Chasers. Addicted to the rush of flying, just being able to soar around after the balls. Also loves having that opportunity to contribute to a team, it makes his heart warm!
☆ Everyone says it’s going to be a cat, and San just laughs, saying he wouldn’t mind at all. Well, luckily for his Patronus San is good-natured, for it slinks out of his wand as a Siamese cat that looks suspiciously familiar… perhaps Patronuses really are made from the things people love most.
☆ Mingi wants to be in Ravenclaw, even though the house’s reputation for great minds is a bit daunting. “So, it’s Ravenclaw you want?” The Sorting Hat asks him. “Well, if I’m being honest,” Mingi replies, “yes. I- I think I can do it!” “Of course you can. You’ve a good mind on you,” the hat tells him, “Ravenclaw it is!” So proud to be in his dream house, Mingi swears to prove himself worthy of it.
☆ As a Muggleborn, he gets thrust into the wizarding world very quickly, but he makes friends the moment they set foot in Diagon Alley, so that’s where he learns about things like his school’s houses and sports. Mingi feels so lucky to get to experience it all and that the other kids he meets are so nice!
☆ Absolute Arithmancy whiz! Everyone’s whining about how hard it is and here’s Mingi with his great grades like it’s nothing, even though he’s forgotten his inkwell a few times. Everyone thinks he’s not going to be good at Potions but he surprises them with that too. Never has any big blowups and really likes making different brews once he gets the hang of it!
☆ Defense Against the Dark Arts makes him nervous because he didn’t realize how dangerous the wizarding world could be! Could those things really be out there to get him or his friends? He can only hope he remembers all he learns.
☆ Prefers watching Quidditch to playing, but he hand-makes a banner to wave in the stands that is the most precious mood booster to the team!
☆ Mingi isn’t sure what he’s going to get, jokes ranging from a powerful lion despite him being in Ravenclaw to a little leaping bunny. As his will is focused through his hand and wand, though, joy turning into light, it takes the shape of a snowy owl. Wise, fierce-looking, and yet…it tumbles over and bursts into what looks like a smile at the sight of its caster and Mingi can’t help smiling back!
☆ The Sorting Hat speaks almost the second it’s placed on Wooyoung’s head. “Oh, Merlin! This one’s a Gryffindor if I’ve ever seen one!” Grinning, Wooyoung is off the stool in no time, proud to get the house he wanted so definitively.
☆ He’s a Half-Blood, both of his parents wizards just descended from mixed lines, plenty of Muggleborn and Half-Blood genes contributing. He used to joke that his family needed to be careful or else they’d end up with a bunch of squibs, but he couldn’t care less about blood- they’re his family.
☆ This boy LOVES Charms- any class he can use to screw with his friends is a great one for Wooyoung! He’s also an absolute star at Potions AKA his friends’ savior when they need help. He just legitimately loves it, though, so working on even the homework for it is often fun for him!
☆ Cannot STAND History of Magic, it’s just blah blah blah…but at least he can kick San under the bench and see what random stuff he can levitate without Binns noticing (it’s a lot).
☆ Another of Gryffindor’s Chasers, Wooyoung is known for taking (and often landing) really daring shots! May even want to try out for captain later on.
☆ Jokes about his Patronus looking like a lion because he’s that proud to be a Gryffindor, but as he remembers good times with friends and family and a fox leaps from his wand with a sly tilt of its head, Wooyoung can’t help but feel like he got the perfect partner.
☆ "You're good at something once you put your mind to it." Jongho's mouth fell open into a little 'o' of surprise, not expecting a compliment from the Sorting Hat of all people...well, beings? "Convincing, too, very convincing. You can take charge when you need to." Jongho nodded along with the hat's words right up to the moment it called out "Slytherin!" He was a bit surprised being so brave and active, but he sort of had the feeling it'd be either Gryffindor or Slytherin.
☆ A Pure-Blood wizard, Jongho doesn’t let the pressure of that get to him- to him they’re all witches and wizards, it’s their skills and application that depend, and he intends to use and grow his!
☆ One of his favorite subjects is Flying because it helps him practice for Quidditch, one of his greatest areas of desire to achieve! He also adores Muggle Studies, the class where he learns about Muggle sports like soccer and subsequently tries to find Muggleborns to play with him.
☆ Considers dropping Divination because it’s such a ridiculous class, but keeps it just because it ends up being some of the most fun bonding time with friends. And ok, fine, once something may have been accurate and the curiosity has eaten him up since.
☆ One of Slytherin’s Beaters, and boy is he good at it! Such a strong arm makes for some spectacular Bludger shots. A big part of why the other teams are worried about playing Slytherin.
☆ Is determined to cast a corporeal Patronus, focusing with all his might on his best memory. It definitely pays off, he thinks, as a massive light fills the space in front of him, coalescing into the form of a big grizzly bear ready to firmly protect him.
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steviesbicrisis · 1 year
✨The Wizardly Fruity Four ✨
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Gryffindor Steve: 7th year | Quidditch team captain | prefect | favorite subject: defense against the dark arts | least favorite: divination
Steve’s parents are the kind to care about the purity of wizard blood, kinda disappointed he isn’t a Slytherin;
Steve plays as Beater, and constantly gets hurt during matches, his specialty being taking hits for his teammates;
When he's chosen as Prefect, he's surprised and often complains about his duty. Truth is, he's always around to help and guide people, never skips a patrol and he's always fussing over a certain group of third-year kids;
Hufflepuff Robin: 6th year | part of the Hogwarts band | member of Wizard’s chess club | favorite: charms | least favorite: potions
Robin hasn’t gotten anything less than Exceeded Expectations since Fly class in her first year;
She used to have a crush on Tammy Thompson in her 4th year, the Gryffindor prefect alongside Steve;
Robin is half-blood and she bonds with Eddie over this. Her father is a muggle, her mother a witch;
Ravenclaw Nancy: 6th year | part of almost every club imaginable | Head girl | runs the Hogwarts’ newspaper | favorite: charms | least favorite: none
Despite knowing she wants to be a journalist, she takes as many classes and joins as many clubs as possible. She wants a full resume by the time she graduates;
Nancy is often close to burnout, Robin has to keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn’t end up in the infirmary, again;
Nancy is very competitive and often challenges Steve at quidditch or Robin at Wizard's Chess (she draws the line at D&D with Eddie);
Slytherin Eddie: 7th year (for the second time) | runs the hellfire club | has a muggle rock band | favorite: Potions | least favorite: Herbology
Eddie is a muggle-born and most Slytherins make his life a living hell for it;
Eddie runs the club for the magical version of D&D (kinda like wizard’s chess), an extremely unpopular game. There’s a rumor that the game is related to dark magic, so Eddie is forced to have club meetings in the dungeons;
Eddie gets into trouble for wearing the hellfire club t-shirt instead of his uniform;
Random Fruity Four Facts:
Their friend group formed during their 4th (Robin and Nancy), 5th (Steve) and 6th (Eddie) year;
They always sit together even if they’re supposed to be with their respective houses. Their friendship confuses the hell out of people;
Robin and Steve got detention in their 4th/5th year and while cleaning the potion supply closet they tested some potions, got to the veritaserum and confessed every little secret they had to each other. They've been besties ever since;
Eddie and Steve bicker all the time but Eddie never misses a quidditch match (despite hating the sport) and Steve is often seen going around the dungeons whenever a D&D session is taking place;
Nancy and Steve went on a couple of dates but decided they’re better off as friends;
Nancy matches her patrols with Steve's so she can vent about her crush on Robin;
Robin and Nancy always study together. They rarely let Steve and Eddie join because they get distracted too easily, and because they enjoy some alone time;
If Eddie and Steve pass their NEWTs, it will be only because of Robin and Nancy;
People gossip about them, especially because of Nancy (Head Girl) and Steve (Quidditch Captain);
At one point is rumored that Steve is dating Nancy and cheating on her with Robin, who’s dating Eddie, who’s in love with Nancy;
Steve spends Christmas at school until he becomes friends with Robin, who invites him over. Since Eddie's uncle lives close to her, they force Nancy to make the trip so that they can all be together for the holidays;
Nancy bonds first with Eddie. She was having some trouble with Potion (getting Es instead of Os) so she finds out through the Potion professor, that Eddie Munson is one of the greatest students he had ever had. Nancy forces him to tutor her and they become friends;
Nancy and Robin get their shit together first, after Nancy runs out her plan on how to ask Robin out with Steve at least 10 times;
Eddie and Steve go on dates without realizing it. It takes Steve turning down someone because of Eddie to make him understand that something is going on;
That is it for now, but I kinda want to write some scenes with no chronological order about this universe in the future.
The kids were first years when Steve becomes prefect, now they're in their third year but I don’t know where to put them regarding the houses, let me know what you think!
Edit: if you wanna be tagged when I post stuff from this universe just let me know ❤️
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mrsprongs · 7 months
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Pairing: mattheo riddle x reader
Summary: Playful bickering leads to something a little more physical
Warnings: smutty smut smut, swearing, 2am unedited writing
“You’re so horrifically wrong” He glared at me as I accused him of having written an entire herbology essay consisting of complete and utter bullshit. 
“You can’t seriously be that delusional that you truly think you’re right.” “I will go to the library right-” Mattheo silenced me, pressing his thumb against my lips to stop them from moving. Staring straight into his eyes, I opened my mouth slightly and wrapped it around his thumb, sucking at his finger. I watched as the heat in his eyes from the argument morphed into pure lust, darkening as he inserted his index and middle finger. I continued to suck unashamedly as he started to push his fingers deeper down my throat. I gagged around him and he smirked, cocking his head to the side. He slowly removed his fingers, pulling on my bottom lip gently. I smiled up innocently at him and I swear I heard him groan under his breath. 
“You can go if you want.” I shrugged, flipping my book closed. 
“Shut up.” He uttered, voice hoarse as he grabbed my jaw and pulled my lips against his. His calloused hand ran down my neck, then down over my chest and towards my waist, tugging me closer towards him. I planted both hands on his chest firmly and broke the kiss, glancing around the common room to see if the few stragglers hanging about were staring at the free show we just put on. 
“Or….you could come with me back to my dorm.” I whispered, watching him swallow hard before nodding vigorously. Study equipment completely forgotten about, I encircled my hand around his wrist and tugged him behind me down the hallway and into my dorm. 
Inside, with the door charmed shut, I was on top of Mattheo in a second. He was leaning against the headboard of my bed as I straddled his lap, my hands cupping his neck as our lips locked once more, slow and passionate. His lips left mine, instead sucking on my neck, my chest, my jaw, anything he could attach himself to. I opened my mouth to moan from the sensations but found myself unable to, Mattheo having shoved his fingers back into my mouth. Instinctively I began to suck again, his dick getting harder by the second. He looked up at me with lustful eyes as I continued shamelessly. My hand trailed down his torso, lingering over the hard muscles in his stomach, feeling them clench in response to my touch. He pulled his fingers out with a pop as I grabbed the hem of his shirt and tugged it off him, exposing the work of art that was his abs. I dragged my fingers down his stomach again, this time using my nails and leaving red scratch marks behind, feeling myself get even wetter at the sight of them. He could tell by the look in my eyes that I had an idea; that I wanted something from him.
“What is it?” He asked, his hands now squeezing and kneading my breasts roughly. I leant down to whisper in his ear, practically shoving my tits in his face as I did so, reveling in the sound of his breath hitching slightly. 
“I wanna ride your abs.” I tugged at the locks of hair on the nape of his neck, pulling his head back and watching his pupils widen. In an instance we were both completely undressed and I was positioned above him, allowing him to lean back lazily, arms crossed behind his head as he simply enjoyed the view. I whimpered as I slowly dragged my sopping pussy up and down his rigid muscles, every divet and edge grazing my clit in a toe-curling sensation. My hands grasped at his shoulders, steadying myself as I continued. He moved to hold my waist, guiding me and, leant up against the pillows, his lips curved up into a crooked smirk as I moaned his name desperately. His hands kept me from speeding up, forcing me to maintain a brutally slow pace. His torso was slick and his dick ridiculously hard from the sight in front of him; the stuff of his wet dreams. 
“Theo” I choked out, pressing my pussy harder against his rock-solid stomach, my breath hitching at the friction. 
“So fuckin’ pretty” He groaned, staring at me like I was the eighth wonder of the world. Usually I would have blushed and looked away, but I was so fucked out I couldn’t give a crap. My nails were digging into his skin, marking him with a row of crescent moon indents, another thing that got him really going. 
“Oh my god, theo, I’m so close” I cried out as he finally let me go faster. I clenched around nothing as I continued to ride his body, using him to get myself off. He bit his bottom lip, cheeks flushed as he started to moan too. His left hand deserted my waist and desperately gripped on to his own dick, pumping quickly as he jerked off to the sight and feel of me riding his abs.
“Oh fuck Y/N.” He groaned just as my core spasmed and I came all over his skin, continuing to slowly rock myself back and forth on him. He moved his other hand to my tit and squeezed harshly as he moaned loudly, cum shooting out. I leant down to kiss him, both of us still moving in time with one another and coming down from our highs. 
“You’re still wrong though.” I giggled into his neck.
“Get up, we’re going to the library.” 
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my-castles-crumbling · 5 months
We've all seen obsessive/codependant Rosekiller and Jegulus.
How would you interpret that but Wolfstar??
Okay, combining this with an anonymous request of wolfstar at a party.
Usually, it was Remus that had to be reassured.
Remus who felt jealous of the attention Sirius seemed to naturally attract. Remus who had to curb the feral and visceral feelings inside him that made him want to punch anyone who so much as looked at Sirius.
Perhaps it was his low self-esteem. Or the fact that he was...you know...a werewolf.
But no matter. Usually, it was Remus who felt insecurity like that.
Not that Sirius didn't like it. In fact, he frequently encouraged it, allowing his boyfriend to take charge; urging him to mark him with enough love bites that Mind Healers probably would have found it a bit concerning.
Of course, Sirius also reassured him and hugged him and reminded him that there was nobody on the planet that he cared about as much, or in the same way.
But he didn't understand.
Until tonight.
Because tonight, Fabian fucking Prewett was laughing far too much at something Remus had said.
And perhaps it was that Fabian had been staring a lot lately. Or that Fabian was gently tracing his fingers over Remus's sweater-covered bicep. Or that Remus was laughing with Fabian.
But something in Sirius snapped in that moment.
He saw someone taking away Remus, his Remus, who had always loved and accepted him, who joked with him and made fun of him, who made him feel like he was home.
So he downed his Firewhiskey and marched over to Remus, almost pushing several fifth-year girls out of the way in the process.
"Dance with me." It was almost an order, the way he said it. And when he met Remus's eyes, he saw a million emotions there- shock, anxiety, confusion. Lust.
"Alright," the taller boy murmured. "Excuse us, Fab."
Sirius's stomach clenched at the nickname.
So, he pulled himself close to Remus- probably far too close for the decency of the Gryffindor Common Room- and wrapped his arms around the taller boy, who still clutched at his drink, looking shocked.
And he knew, because he wasn't stupid, that he was good at dancing. He may be a terrible singer (though he insisted on singing duets with Prongs often) and he wasn't fantastic at Herbology. But he could dance.
He guided both of their hips with an arm around Remus, making sure that the taller boy stayed close, and kept their lips within inches of each other.
"Any reason why you're giving everyone a free show? Not that I can bring myself to mind right now..." Remus murmured into his ear, more moan that words.
"Prewett wants you," he muttered, trying to keep the anger out of his voice.
Remus pulled back a few inches and grinned. "Padfoot. You're jealous?"
"Fuck off," Sirius whispered into Remus's neck, with the intention of kissing it.
But Remus pulled back, grinning wider, pink staining his face. "You are! Ah. I see, now."
"See what, Moony?" Sirius asked, exasperated.
"Why you don't mind when I get jealous," Remus whispered into his ear. "It's..."
And then Sirius felt an extremely light bite on his neck.
"Fuck," he murmured, quickly spinning around and pulling Remus behind him towards the dorm stairs.
To Sirius's immense pleasure, Remus shoved his drink into Fabian Prewett's hands as he went, giving him a wink.
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Always There - Chapter Ten: S.Snape
Summary: Y/N Potter was left with a baby to care for after her brother and sister-in-law were murdered by Voldemort. One person was there for her, a person she didn’t expect but soon became her comfort person, Severus Snape. During Harry’s third year at Hogwarts and her third year as Herbology professor, a few old friends come around again. Y/N has to handle the feelings of these old friends being around again as well as handle her feelings for a certain potions master all while she tries to hide these things from her godson.
Series Masterlist
My full Masterlist
Pairings: Severus Snape x Female Professor Reader, Potter!Reader x friend!Remus, Sister!Reader x James Potter, Potter!Reader x Friend!Sirius
Chapter Warnings: Female Reader, Potter Reader(No physical description of reader) probably shitty writing, Harry growing up in a loving home, Happy Snape, sappy Snape, not proofread, death, mentions of sad Snape, Voldemort, death eaters
Series Warnings: Female Reader, Potter Reader (No physical description of reader) probably shitty writing, OOC Snape, Harry grows up in a loving environment, mentions of death and murder, poorly written angst, Remus is a shitty friend, poorly written pining,
Please let me know how I can improve my writing and being more inclusive to POC as I am whiter than white. Please also let me know if I have to add more to the warnings! My messages are open as well as my asks!
I am starting a taglist so leave either a comment or something in my asks if you would like to be tagged in any of my works or just this series!
Author's Note: I am going through a bit of a writers block at the moment so please bare with me. If anyone has any ideas they can give me I will gladly take some to see if I can get over this writers block.
Please let me know how I can improve or if you find any errors! Correct me, don't be afraid to! I want to improve my writing and become a better writer so any feedback or advise is welcomed!
Word Count: 1961
My asks are open for questions, suggestions and feedback!
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
not my gif
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not my gif
Y/N was still anxiously waiting, the sun had set and it had gotten dark and still, none of the Hogwarts champions had emerged from the maze. Finally after what seemed like forever, Harry and Cedric had returned, landing in the middle of the arena for everyone to see. She knew something was wrong right away so she went rushing down to her nephew who was holding Cedric and not letting anyone touch him.
“Harry, my love, what happened?” She asked her nephew softly, knowing if she spoke in a different tone he’d probably freak out. Dumbledore hovering over her shoulder to listen in. 
“He’s back, Voldemort is back! He killed Cedric!” Harry cried. Her heart stopped beating for a moment, she nearly collapsed at the news. “Cedric wanted me to take his body back, my parents were there helping me get away.”
With that, everything went black and her body slammed into the ground. Upon seeing this, Severus rushed over asking the headmaster what had happened and why Y/N had fainted. Once Albus told him the news, he nearly fainted himself, the gryffindor boy was merely a child yet he had to witness one of his classmates die right before him, he had to see his dead parents guide him into getting away from the dark lord. And Y/N had to listen to all of this happen to her nephew and there was nothing she was able to do, she wasn’t able to help her nephew and spare him from seeing such a sight. 
Severus understood that life wasn’t fair, however, he felt as if the remaining Potters had a worse life than anyone. Y/N had to see her brother and sister-in-law dead as she retrieved her nephew who had been attacked himself, she had all of her friends ripped away from her in a day, she had a child sprung on her when she needed someone the most and she felt like she had nobody until Severus came along. Harry had to grow up without parents or even a parental unit, he was raised as a legend even though the child had no recollection of what had happened to him as a mere 1 year old, he was targeted in some way every year since he started at Hogwarts, no matter what Y/N and Severus had tried to do he was still targeted, a boy of mere 14 having to witness a classmate die right before him and watch as the dark lord rose once more.
Y/N was rushed off to the hospital wing, Severus following after her, Moody taking Harry to his office to calm him. Severus was anxious until Poppy had told him that Y/N was going to be okay, her body was just overwhelmed as her adrenaline dropped quicker than it should have. As he sat at her bedside, he began to wonder why Moody had taken Harry to his office and not the hospital wing. He shot up out of his chair, running to his store, grabbing veritaserum and running to Moody’s office. Albus was already there questioning Moody and knew that the potions master had grabbed the truth serum.
After Severus handed the serum over, he grabbed Harry in a protective manner and pulled him as far away from ‘Moody’ as he could.
“Are you okay? Are you hurt?” Severus questioned the boy, concern laced in his voice and visible on his face.
“I have a cut on my arm,” Harry replied, his voice seeming distant. Severus performed the healing charm on the boy’s arm before pulling him into a protective embrace. 
“I was so worried about you my boy, let’s go to the hospital wing, your aunt is there.” The two set off for the hospital wing, allowing Dumbledore and Minerva to deal with Barty Crouch Jr., as they approached, Madam Pomphrey immediately began fretting over the boy, insisting he go lay down on a bed and let her look him over. Harry was about to deny but with one look from his uncle, he backed down and followed the woman. She set him up on the bed next to his aunt, who was still unconscious. 
“She should be waking soon, I was able to give her a calming draught a little while ago, it should be kicking in any minute,” Pomphrey told Severus, noticing the worried look on his face. 
“Thank you, Poppy,” The man replied, sitting between the Potters and allowing the healer to do her work. As she was finishing her work up on Harry, Y/N began stirring in the bed to the left of him, making both their heads snap in her direction. Harry got out of bed and waited beside Severus, waiting for her to wake up. As her eyes fluttered open, she was met with the only two faces she cared about at the moment, her nephew and her partner.
“Sevvy, Harry! Are you boys okay?” She woke up worried about the pair even though they were sitting right next to her, physically okay.
“We should be asking you that question, love. How are you feeling?” Severus retorted, more worried about her than anything else, Poppy had already cleared Harry telling him that he was physically okay and would only have some bruising for a few days. 
“I’m tired, what happened? Did I pass out again?” Y/N asked.
“You did. You really need to stop passing out on me at the end of the school year, this is the second year in a row my love. You need to take better care of yourself,” He lectured.
“Harry, my love, are you okay? Come lay with me,” She brushed off Severus’ comment but took it into consideration seeing that he did have a point. It was the second year in a row where because she wasn’t taking care of herself she ended up passing out at the end of the last term. After suggesting to Harry to come lay with her, the boy did just that and laid beside his aunt who held him to her side tightly. She didn’t want to let go anytime soon and both of them knew that. They were her boys, no matter how old they were, they would always be her boys.
Severus excused himself to go talk to Albus, leaving the aunt and nephew alone in the hospital wing. It was here that Harry felt safe enough to tell her the events of the graveyard, who was there, where the cut had come from and seeing his parents for the first time since the Mirror of Erised. The pair talked about everything, Y/N trying her best to soothe her nephew's worries until they had fallen asleep. Harry being held protectively by his aunt and Y/N holding the boy who always had a special place in her heart, no matter what.
Harry continued to struggle and come to terms with witnessing Cedric’s death. He began to have nightmares every single night, repeating the events of the graveyard. It had gotten so bad that his aunt had taken to staying in his bedroom or he staying in her bedroom every night, so when a nightmare did happen, she was right beside him to help him come out of it. Severus had noticed the dark circles around their eyes, he had noticed that Y/N looked haunted and Harry had seemed dull. It was the first night Severus actually had the chance to stay with the Potter’s since the summer began, helping get the Order back up and running. The three of them having a good day together, Severus taking the pair out to lunch and then going to see a muggle movie after.
Once the trio had gotten back home, Harry put himself to bed, leaving Y/N and Severus up to finally have a chance to catch up. “Have you been sleeping?” Severus asked her bluntly.
“Of course I have, why do you ask?” She replied, confused as to why he asked the question.
“You just look so tired, like you haven’t had a good night’s sleep in a while.” And he had a point, she hadn’t had a good night’s sleep in a while. She was already having a hard time sleeping once the triwizard tournament had started, it only continued to get worse. 
“I’m fine, I promise, I took a sleeping draught the other night when I couldn’t sleep and you know how those affect me,” She lied to him.
“Don’t lie to me, I know you like the back of my own hand to just tell me what’s going on,” Severus pleaded. Before she could even say anything, Harry began screaming in his sleep. 
“No! Don’t kill him!” Harry wailed as Y/N and Severus rushed up to his room. She was the first one in and went straight to his bedside where she gently woke him. 
“Harry, you’re okay, you’re safe. It’s time to wake up my love. Wake up,” She repeated this mantra gently in his ear until the boy woke with a start. The second the boy’s eyes opened, he grabbed onto his aunt and cried into her shoulder. “It’s okay Harry, it’s okay.”
“He’s dead because of me. If Voldemort had just killed me, Cedric would still be alive,” Harry cried, his voice muffled by her shirt.
“Don’t you dare talk like that, Harry James Potter! You gave people hope in a time where the wizarding world was hopeless!” She scolded the boy.
“I wish I just died that night with my parents.”
“Please stop talking like that, you deserve the world Harry, you always have,” Y/N was on the verge of tears hearing this come from her nephew’s mouth. Severus touched her shoulder in a silent request to let him take over so she could calm herself down. She nodded, kissing her nephew on the head before leaving to go to her own bedroom. Severus sat with Harry and allowed the boy to tell him everything he was feeling. Once he had all of his feelings off his chest, Severus took over the conversation.
“I understand and know how you’re feeling but please don’t say stuff like that to your aunt. I want you to know that for these nightmares and these feelings, you come tell me, tell me everything that’s on your mind. I felt the things you are feeling now and I get it, and you can trust me when I say that these feelings will pass. You will be happy again, it takes time but you will get there,” Severus explained.
“Will it pass? How can you be so sure?”
“Because I watched people die before me too, I was in your position once, Harry. I saw your mother and father dead and I was upset for a long time. You and your aunt helped me get through that, I may still be a scary professor still but I’m happier now than I have ever been. That is thanks to you and your aunt, you two are responsible for making me happy.”
Harry had thrown his arms around Severus’ shoulders and hugged him tight. The man hugging the boy back just as tight. 
“Come on, your aunt is worried about you, let’s go lay with her.” Harry nodded, following his uncle into Y/N’s room where she was curled up on the bed, half asleep. She held out her arms to the pair and waited for them to join her in the bed. The two climbed in with her, Severus behind her and Harry in front of her. She fell asleep sandwiched between her boys, Harry being held tightly by his aunt and Y/N being held tightly by Severus.
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avalynlestrange · 7 months
Already Over
Fred Weasley x Reader
Reader: she/her pronouns
Warnings: implied smut, exam season, not proof read again haha, unrequited love or mutual pining?, profanity
Category: One-Shot, Songfic, Friends with Benefits, AU without Voldy.
Summary: In which you can’t close the door on Fred when you still need the closure.
Sneak Peak: None :P
Author’s Note: I needed this done and over with T_T As much as I love this song it’s becoming sickening to listen to. 
Word Count: 3301
To The Library (fic masterlist) To The Kitchen (WIPs) To emails i can't send fwd: Anthology To more Fred Weasley
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You’ve been talking for hours about how you shouldn’t talk for hours on end. Sitting on the floor of an empty corner of the library with candy and homework surrounding you. The recent topic of your chatter however is not the current herbology books you are required to read but how you needed to stop this situationship you have going on.
“It’s just so easy with you.” Fred laughs. He runs his fingers through his hair and you wish it could be your hands but you restrain yourself. You are trying to end things after all.
Fred chucks a jellybean at you. You catch it with your mouth. Immediately you spit it out and reach for the fizzy fig juice. 
“That’s disgusting. Tasted like sweaty socks,” You grimace after chugging down half the bottle.
“What do you mean you love sweaty socks!” He wiggles his feet near your face. You push his leg away causing his body to swivel. 
“Get your feet away from me!”
Fred smoothly transitions from his almost fall back to a sit up position. His legs in front of his stocky frame. Merlin how you adore his body.
“Shut up! You love all this,” and he wiggles himself.
You’re not very good at lying. Especially to Fred, so you only roll your eyes as a response. 
“For reals though,” you brace yourself, “We really should stop this.”
“But we’re doing so well!” Fred pouts; he gestures to the work laying around you. Both of you completed your charms essay and you celebrated with many a kiss.
“You know that’s not what I mean!” You kneel and start clearing your side of the space. This had become a frequent meeting place for the two of you. It used to be three of you but George disappears with Angelina for a few months now.
Fred grabs your wrist. You gently stumble on top of him as he guides you to straddle him. He locks his hands in yours and pulls you near his face. You would have blushed a couple months ago but you are used to this close proximity.
“But we are doing so well,” he whispers in your ear.
And now you are kissing after a conversation about how you’d probably be better off as friends. Grasping at his ginger locks, you push him further to deepen the kiss.
His hands leaves a hot trail as they roam your body, clasping and squeezing. When your shirt rides up to uncover your back, Fred without hesitation takes the opportunity to slide and touch the your skin. It’s all you could think about. The initial burn you feel upon the contact ignites your whole body.
You moan on his lips. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale and you’re submerged again in the shared passion between you. Drowning all thoughts of ceasing the very thing you are doing.
Suddenly, you hear George cough and say it’s nearly curfew causing you break apart. You share a smile and fix each others hair. 
“Same time here next weekend?” Fred winks.
As you bring yourself to stand, you say, "We won't do this again.”
You say, “I’m done.”
“You’ve barely eaten anything off your plate!” Harry exclaims, trying to pick off your plate. You block his fork with yours.
“That’s not what I meant. Hands of my pudding!” You shove a piece in your mouth to prove your point.
“What you’re leaving school or something?” Ron asks through a mouth full of roast chicken.
“I don’t think that’s what she means either Ron.” Ginny replies.
“Oh is this about my brother again? Honestly you two need to sort yourselves out;” Ron wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.
“Yeah you two should just admit you like each other. You think you’re being sneaky but we all know it.” Harry states.
It’s not like you don’t know you like each other but Fred doesn’t seem to want a serious relationship. Before you he would date different girls every weekend. You settle for friends… with benefits. You admit that you did try to keep it a secret at first, in order to not make it weird for others around you. But you did a poor job after the second week when Fred snogged you in the Quidditch tent post game thinking everyone had gone back to the castle. Everyone found out when Ron screamed so loudly. Since then you’ve tried to swat questions about the two of you.
“Oh bog off both of you!” Ginny shoos them off as if to physically remove them from the conversation. “Never mind them. They’re a few sandwiches short of a picnic when it comes to relationships.”
“Oi!” But Ron returns to his food when Hermione glares.
“Do you really want to be done? Don’t you want to tell him how you feel?” Hermione asks.
“I do. I don’t… but I’m still confused. I just don’t think I can take anymore of being ‘just friends’,” You air quote.
“How am I supposed to close the door when I still need the closure? I just need to figure out how to say it to him,” You push away your plate so that you can slump yourself on the desk.
Hermione grabs hold of your shoulders to sit you up and says, “Come on. It’s nearly time for class.”
Fred keeps tabs on you on the corner of his eye. You’re stood outside your class and a Ravenclaw leans on the wall talking to you. He can’t pinpoint the name of this classmate of yours but Fred wishes he could throw a jinx their way when they brush a way a strand of hair on your face. A means to flirt with you. Fred curses under his breath.
A sudden surge of emotion runs through his veins and he unexpectedly makes his way over to you without thinking it through. The only thought in his mind is that Ravenclaw and your lips locking and he wants to squish that idea out of yours and his head.
Selfishly he doesn’t want to give you time to be on someone else's lips. He tugs you away despite your protest about the next lesson starting soon. 
Next you’re behind a curtain with a secret passage. You halt a few steps in. What reason did he have to bring you here and skip third period?
“What’s wrong? Did something hap-“ Your questions were cut off when his lips crash onto yours. It reminds Fred of the first time you were in this secret passage alone.
It was during the 2 weekends before the O.W.L.’s exams. You were very stressed out studying in the library. You had gone back to your dorm to pick up a few snacks for the group. George went along with you but all three of you knew it was because he was looking for Angelina.
Staring at the pages of the charms textbook, Fred’s mind and heart started to race. All the exams were within the whole of next week and results were the Friday in the week after. So you all only had 9 days before your first exam. 
Nothing seemed to stick that afternoon and you were taking a long time to return. Fred skimmed through practice questions. Who even was Felix Sumerbee? To the present day, he still doesn’t know. And he remembers he certainly knew the charm for unlocking doors and chains but what was the incantation for the locking spell?
He closed the textbook as you decided it’s best for you to take a break. Fred scribbled a note and left it on your desk that he was going to the transfiguration courtyard for some fresh air. 
At 6pm in June the sun was still shining but weather in Scotland can be unpredictable so by the time you reached the courtyard, the sky drizzled small drops. He sat on a bench not minding the wetness of the rain. It distracted him from the fact he needed to go back to studying soon. 
“Catch!” He heard a person say from a close direction and dodged just in time when he realised something was dangerously close to hitting his face.
“I’m so sorry. Thought you’d be quick to get that,” You said as you sat next to him; picked up the sweet on the floor and offered it to Fred.
He quickly unwraps the candy and popped it in his mouth.
You both sat there quietly, contemplating about the future ahead. He didn’t know where it was heading but it’ll all be okay since he had you and George. Fred remembers you not noticing his stare until the rain starts to pour down.
“Let’s go!” You grabbed his hand, dragging him inside. However, when you reached indoors, Fred doesn’t stop running until you reach one of the secret passageways.
“Lumos!” You recited, then placed your wand on one of the crooks of the wall.
He leaned on his knees panting and looks up at you. Soaked to the bone, you glistened in his eyes. He’s always thought you were beautiful and had a crush on you but never acted on it. Years went by and it was getting difficult to conclude whether it was a good idea if he did. He didn’t want to lose you if you didn’t feel the same or if you did and it all goes wrong.
“Are you okay? What’s wrong?” You asked Fred. 
Fred didn’t know himself what it was. But he remembers how you laughed your awkward laugh when he didn’t reply. Then he remembers how you moved your hair to the back of your ears; how your face contorted with worry; how you gently touched his arm in concern…
He moved without thinking of consequences. His lips were on yours. 
Only at first.
And when he pulls back, you were against the wall. Both panting.
“I’m sorry I don’t know what came over me.” He lied. He’d been waiting for that moment for years but never got the courage. So much for holding up to the Gryffindor house standards.
You startled him when you pulled his robe toward yourself and kiss him with a passion.
A whisper and the light from your wand dimmed…
The day after that event, Fred didn’t see you. Not even during movement between periods. He asked other people in your circle, but they didn’t know where you were either. Your dorm mates said you were not in bed when they woke up.
Once it was dinner time, he found you sat at the furthest table from your usual and next to your potion partner who happened to be Adrian Pucey. 
“Lost Weasley?” Malfoy scowled.
“Shut up Malfoy!” Pucey glared, which Fred found incredibly strange.
“Hey.” Fred greeted you, “Where have you been?”
“I wasn’t feeling well so Adrian took me to Madam Pomfrey,” You said without looking at Fred.
“Are you feeling better? Can we talk?”
Adrian placed his arms around your shoulders as you reply, “I’m not feeling that great so maybe tomorrow.”
But tomorrow never came. You avoided him and the rumour that you were dating Adrian travelled to him through Alicia. His heart sank when he heard it.
During those weeks, you barely interacted with Fred. No matter how much he tried to. Sure, you spoke to him during class about the lesson but you weren’t you. When you spoke, he would feel a chill through his body at how cold most of your responses were. Body language was rigid and if he didn’t know better you were trying to keep to your side of the table when you were sat next to each other.
It wasn’t until George intervened and locked you in a closet that you truly interacted. You were sat on the floor twiddling your fingers whilst Fred stood as far away as he could in the little space that you were sharing. The only noise you could here is the distant chatter from students outside and the occasional cough from Fred.
He wanted to say something but didn’t really know what. He didn’t know what was going on between you but he sure as hell didn’t want to confess whatever he was feeling after how you reacted. It didn’t help that you were not even looking his way.
“I’m sorry for being a really shitty friend.” You finally spoke. Eyes still locked to the floor, you continued, “I just don’t think it’s a good idea if we got together.”
“What if we weren’t together?” He replied.
Your head shot up in confusion; “What do you mean?”
Fred didn’t exactly know what he meant either but he knew that he didn’t want to be with anyone else. He hadn’t gone on a date since your kiss, which George pointed out as strange since Fred always had a girl on his arm every Hogsmeade visit. The dates never went anywhere other than within that weekend.
“I mean… we could… just… kiss,” He studied your face for signs of aversion, “but just as friends. Y’know to blow off some steam?”
Your brow shot up.
‘Was that a good idea? Is this going to push you away further?’ Fred thought to himself.
 And when you said yes, it shocked him when you pounce up to kiss him in spite of the fact that he was the one to suggest it.
As a result of this memory, Fred always seeks you when he witnesses another person hitting on you. He'll take three short hours over three long weeks pretending like you don't exist which he fears would happen if you start dating someone else. Not that you two were dating…
“Same time here next weekend?” He asks
You say, "We won't do this again."
That night you couldn’t sleep. Tossing and turning with thoughts of Fred. You’re not sure how long you can continue like this. It may have started out as a crush on a friend but there are deeper feelings involved on your side now you’ve spent so many days with just the two of you. It won’t end well for you because surely Fred doesn’t feel the same way.
You know he finds you attractive as he compliments you during your sessions and that he likes you in some sort of way, but he obviously doesn’t want to be an official couple. If he did then why has he not asked you out on a proper date? It’s always empty rooms and secret nooks.
A confession to him would just be awkward and terrifying. It’ll risk your friendship even more. You resolve to cut things off tomorrow.
There is something off with you, Fred notices. It was evident when your body stiffens at the touch of his arms around you. Five minutes until fifth period starts, he is walking you to your class since it’s his free period.
“You okay?” He squeezes your shoulder. Maybe you weren’t well.
“Yeah I’m fine.” You bite your bottom lip.
“You clearly aren’t. Talk to me.”
“Not right now Fred.”
He sees you grip your books tight.
“Here let me carry your books.”
“No it’s fine Fred.”
 “C’mon something is wrong. You can tell me anything.”
“We’ll talk later.”
“Just tell me. I’ll help you sort it out.”
“I said later.”
“I hate seeing you sad.” He insists, “Just let me help. I’m your friend.”
At those words you snap.
“That’s just it! We’re friends but we’re not friends. I just…” After a deep breath *you say, “I’m done. I don’t want to do whatever this is between us. Let’s go back to being actual friends.”
“What?” He laughs, not taking it seriously. You had been saying that for the past few weekends and you always came back to him. Fred quickens his pace and stops when he is facing you.
“Exams have been over for months now and there aren’t any this year. So we don’t need to ‘blow off steam’,” You quote the words he said at the start of your situationship.
“Are we going to continue during the N.E.W.T.s then?” He jokes.
You, however, do not find it funny and cross your arms.
“Are we just a joke to you? Fred I can’t do this anymore and no we aren’t going to continue next year.” You sigh and shake your head.
He didn’t mean to make a joke but he couldn’t help it. This can’t be happening. This isn’t how your story was supposed to end.
You walk off to your next class but he grabs your wrist and calls out your name.
“You don’t mean that. We’re having fun, aren’t we?”
He hears you scoff at his question. Without turning to him you reply,
“Well it isn’t fun anymore. Now excuse me I need to get to class.”
Yeah, you say that you’re done but Fred is still confused. Where did this come from all of a sudden? He stays where you left him. His mouth slightly agape. Can the ground swallow him up now? Make him fall where he stands, only like you can.
You scribble away the content the Professor writes on the chalkboard. Trying so hard to concentrate on the lesson. He drowns on about the different properties of boom berries. However, the scene of your so called break-up replays and replays in your head; you change your mind, but it's still on Fred.
That wasn’t how it was meant to go. The conversation should have gone a little more civil, instead he had the audacity to make jokes. You frown. You should have expected the school’s joker to do as his reputation says. You’d known him for so long too. Why was it such a surprise to you when takes such a serious conversation lightly? Will you patch back up together and stay friends?
You didn’t want to lose him that way. Why did you agree with it in the first place? Then you remembered how your heart fluttered at your first kiss. You had thought about how you settled for being close friends for years then with benefits for months. It was the right decision. Your heart would break even more the longer you carry on.
When you broke the news to Hermione whilst you walked to watch the quidditch practice, she agreed it was the right decision. You debated on whether it was a good idea to attend the Gryffindor practice session but it was your way of getting things back to before. Back to normal. You even brought his and George’s favourite snacks.
You wave at him from the bleachers and your heart swells with glee when he returns the gesture.
“See nothing to worry about.” Hermione reassures you.
Hermione confided in her liking Ron at the start of last year in which you returned her trust by telling her about Fred. She insisted that he felt the same about you but you brushed it off saying it was just a brief infatuation that should go away given that you were close friends.
“Watch out!”
A bludger heading your way is immediately hit by Fred. The eye contact between you sends your cheeks blushing. Fuck he looked gorgeous in his sports gear. That’s when you know that after the aftermath, you know you will be coming back. 
Next you’re in his bedroom and it won't be the last time.
Head and heart are floating at the touch of his skin on yours. Fred caresses your body, clouding the judgement of the voice in your head. His kisses are rough as if to say I missed you when it’s only been a day they were apart from yours. You claw his back and he removes his jumper.
How are you supposed to leave him now that you're already over?
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