j-emini · 1 year
ma non capisco come pierre, che ha habitato in italia per non so quanto tempo, non parli italiano più fluente. ma charles... sembra più un madrelingua che un madrelingua
i don't understnad how pierre, who has lived in italy for idk how long, doesn't speak more fluent italina. but charles... sounds more like a native speaker than a native speaker
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annoyingthemesong · 3 years
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The famed effects specialist Douglas Trumbull, most renowned for the whacked out 2001 and Blade Runner visuals, tried his hand at directing his first science fiction vehicle back in the 70s with Silent Running. It aimed high and noble, and has gained a cult following and newfound appreciation for its environmental themes and retro utopian visuals. And - Bruce Dern. 
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passagemliteraria · 3 years
A Dança da Floresta | Juliet Marillier
A Dança da Floresta | Juliet Marillier
******************************NÃO contém spoiler****************************** Editora: Prumo Autora: Juliet Marillier / Gênero: Fantasia juvenil / Idioma: Português / 376 páginas Piscul Dracului, lar de cinco irmãs que juntam descobrem a passagem para um lugar habitato pelas mais diversas criaturas mágicas de nosso imaginário. Uma floresta onde a magia flui como as aguás de um oceano e onde o…
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cafestilnovista · 6 years
Di pensier in pensier, di monte in monte
mi guida Amor, ch’ogni segnato calle
provo contrario a la tranquilla vita.
Se ’n solitaria piaggia, rivo, o fonte,
se ’nfra duo poggi siede ombrosa valle,
ivi s’acqueta l’alma sbigottita;
e come Amor l’envita,
or ride, or piange, or teme, or s’assecura;
e ’l volto che lei segue ov’ella il mena
si turba et rasserena,
et in un esser picciol tempo dura;
onde a la vista huom di tal vita experto
diria: Questo arde, et di suo stato è incerto.
Per alti monti et per selve aspre trovo
qualche riposo: ogni habitato loco
è nemico mortal degli occhi miei.
A ciascun passo nasce un penser novo
de la mia donna, che sovente in gioco
gira ’l tormento ch’i’ porto per lei;
et a pena vorrei
cangiar questo mio viver dolce amaro,
ch’i’ dico: Forse anchor ti serva Amore
ad un tempo migliore;
forse, a te stesso vile, altrui se’ caro.
Et in questa trapasso sospirando:
Or porrebbe esser vero? or come? or quando?
Ove porge ombra un pino alto od un colle
talor m’arresto, e pur nel primo sasso
disegno co la mente il suo bel viso.
Poi ch’a me torno, trovo il petto molle
de la pietate; et alor dico: Ahi, lasso,
dove se’ giunto! ed onde se’ diviso!
Ma mentre tener fiso
posso al primo pensier la mente vaga,
et mirar lei, ed oblïar me stesso,
sento Amor sí da presso,
che del suo proprio error l’alma s’appaga:
in tante parti et sì bella la veggio,
che se l’error durasse, altro non cheggio.
I’ l’ò piú volte (or chi fia che mi ’l creda?)
ne l’acqua chiara et sopra l’erba verde
veduto viva, et nel tronchon d’un faggio
e ’n bianca nube, sí fatta che Leda
avria ben detto che sua figlia perde,
come stella che ’l sol copre col raggio;
et quanto in piú selvaggio
loco mi trovo e ’n piú deserto lido,
tanto piú bella il mio pensier l’adombra.
Poi quando il vero sgombra
quel dolce error, pur lí medesmo assido
me freddo, pietra morta in pietra viva,
in guisa d’uom che pensi et pianga et scriva.
Ove d’altra montagna ombra non tocchi,
verso ’l maggiore e ’l piú expedito giogo
tirar mi suol un desiderio intenso;
indi i miei danni a misurar con gli occhi
comincio, e ’ntanto lagrimando sfogo
di dolorosa nebbia il cor condenso,
alor ch’i’ miro et penso,
quanta aria dal bel viso mi diparte
che sempre m’è sí presso et sí lontano.
Poscia fra me pian piano:
Che sai tu, lasso? forse in quella parte
or di tua lontananza si sospira.
Et in questo penser l’alma respira.
Canzone, oltra quell’alpe
là dove il ciel è piú sereno et lieto
mi rivedrai sovr’un ruscel corrente,
ove l’aura si sente
d’un fresco et odorifero laureto.
Ivi è ’l mio cor, et quella che ’l m’invola;
qui veder pôi l’imagine mia sola. 
Francesco Petrarca, " Rerum Volgarium Fragmenta" CXXIX
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kvb222-a1-n10062980 · 6 years
1.1 Linear Form and Direction
Research Task
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David Oliveira, Corpo Habitato, 2014
The wires tangle and intertwine to create a tree-like shape and a group of wire birds are flying, clustered together.
The work fills the entire room from the floor to the ceiling.
The delicate, thin wires are woven together and dispersed throughout the room, sticking the ceiling like cobwebs.
The organic lines vary in thickness and are intertwined, mimicking the sporadic, nimble movements and lively energy of multiple flinging birds.
The Victorian-esque interior the work is placed in juxtaposes the natural, organic curves of the work. The architecture consists of many straight, rigid, geometric lines. However, it also consists of floral patterns (particularly in the ceiling) that connect to the work – reflecting the magnificence of both the man-made structure and the tree.  
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Materials: conduit and wire
 This is the development of the spatial work completed during the workshop time. I have utilised PVC conduit and wire for this task.The ongoing outcome displays a conversation between quick, straight lines/movement and mangled, organic lines.The wires are at times straight and shoot upwards; the eyes follow the line with a fast sense of movement. Then, the line tangle and scrunch up, piercing through the conduit. The movement slows down and seems to distort and strangle. However, the force and the power of the movement are still evident as the wire/line continues to pierce through the tougher conduit.Due to the conduit’s material, it seems unbending; as such it is often a sturdy, straight line. However, the conduit also begins to twist, as if mimicking the wire.Visually, it looks like the conduit pipes haven been tossed around and are suspended in the air.  
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During the process, I had glued little embellishments onto the wire and conduit; including, the conduit shavings and hot glue gun balls. I did this in an attempt to interrupt the movement within the work. However, I feel there is no need for the embellishments, as they did not add anything new to the work/sense of movement.  
 For the next stage, I need to focus on the play between straight and mangled lines, think about the site and how the object can claim the space.
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Here, when adding another twists conduit pipe, the work ended up extending side ways.
As the work is expanded with added pipes and wires, the work’s point of balance constantly changes. As such, the overall direction of the work is always shifting throughout its development.
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Progress pictures of the work from the front view, side view and back view.
Evidently, the work is beginning to tilt upwards in a diagonal direction. I also added a very long pipe running diagonally through the piece. Whilst it emphasises the linear direction of the work, the conduit has been twisted to also imitate the mangled motion of the wires.  
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Here is the completed work (front view, side views and back view)
The work has a sense of imbalance. It feels like the piece is tilting and will fall over at any movement. The eye is drawn diagonally upward due to the direction of the PVC conduit. As stated before, the work plays between bold, straight lines and a mangled sense of motion. The pipes are skewered and crumpled by the wires and are deforming with it. I have included areas in the work where the wire really scrunches around the conduit pieces.    
The work claims space as it begins to droop down the table/bench, which enhances the feeling of pipes being tossed around in a chaotic manner. Furthermore, it seems like the work is trying to reach higher and claim the space above due to its diagonal, linear direction.  
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