biologyfiction · 3 months
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can-pictures-on · 2 years
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vqpn · 2 years
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ripening, getting ready for childhood pranks and itchy backs and hands
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sigalrm · 9 months
Rose hips with seeds inside
Rose hips with seeds inside by Pascal Volk
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gruenwild · 1 year
Mittags wenn die Sonne lacht ☀️
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Vollkorncouscous aus Weizen, gewürzt mit etwas Salz, Pfeffer und Muskatnuss,
verschiedene Salate wie Radicchio, Feldsalat und Rucola,
dazu eine Dose aus gemischten Biobohnen,
einem roh gehobeltem Fenchel und
einer roten Paprika.
Für die Sauce kamen folgende Zutaten in den Mixer:
1 EL getr. Brennessel
1 EL getr. Schachtelhalm
1 EL Hagebuttenpulver
1 gestrichener TL Dulseflocken
2 Handvoll frische Knoblauchsprossen
3 TL mittelscharfer Senf
Leinöl von bester Qualität.
Woran man ein gutes Leinöl erkennt?
Sollte es bitter sein, ist vermutlich bei der Produktion etwas schief gelaufen und wenn es bereits über die Haltbarkeit drüber ist, dann wird es wie alle Öle ranzig.
Ein gutes Leinöl schmeckt fantastisch und wenn es rohköstliches noch dazu ist, enthält es auch viele wertvolle Omega-3 Fettsäuren.
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de01536 · 2 years
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#regen #naturfotografie_deutschland #naturelover #naturfotografie #nature #nature #naturephotography #hagebutte (hier: Rheinberg) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiUQDaMMo5X/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thegracefulwillow · 6 months
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Pandora Hearts Month day 2: autumn
(EDIT: Added a close up)
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riverofrainbows · 1 year
Because of a fanfiction, i have been trying some new teas (not been much of a tea trinker before tbh), and it turns out to be exceedingly difficult to find a tea made of just one ingredient. Especially fruit or flower teas. It also turns out that 80-90% of all fruit and flower tea mixes are based on Hagebutte, regardless of what the package claims to be the main ingredient. I do not like Hagebutte and am specifically here to taste the other ingredients, those that are on the name of the tea. This is a problem. I now have personal beef with whoever is so madly in love with fucking Hagebutte of all things that they set the industry standard of putting it in everything. If that person exists. Otherwise i have personal beef with the personification of that fact, and i will fight them.
I was able to find an assortment of black teas, from a british brand even (yes the fanfiction was set in britain), that was apparently packaged in poland from importet tea, but i suppose the british people also drink polish tea then so it still counts. I was also, through some miracle and thanks to the plant biology course in uni, able to connect "Malve" with hibiscus, because they had little pictures of the flower on it (one of the only uni courses i actually enjoyed), and thus able to source a solely hibiscus hibiscus tea (no Hagebutte), so that has been a success.
I have not been able to find any jasmin tea, nor cherry that doesn't have not only goddamnmotherfucking Hagebutte but also about 5 other ingredients so the cherry component of the taste is negligible, so i will need to find some other source for them (i will try a big department store, this was a supermarket).
I have also, by staring at the tea shelf for too long, formed the theory that british people aren't unique, people in general are just weird about caffeinated beverages. Sometimes it's quite benign or actually has reasons (like green tea leaves burning at too high temperatures), but i promise it's possible to drink coffee that wasn't prepared with the whole thing with grinding the beans yourself and doing the thing with the little broom and doesn't have a "perfect crema". I also promise that it's not a crime to drink black tea that's been differently prepared with regards to sugar or milk. Even oversteeped green tea is still perfectly ok.
I don't mean cultural traditions or personal tastes or people who do this as a hobby, i mean how (some a lot of) people insist that you need the best quality and the best quality preparation for it to taste good, and that everyone else is low-key uncultured.
I promise that a not supremely optimally prepared caffeinated beverage is not impeded in it's main function.
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bokatanweek · 2 years
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dalsimoravskyblog · 4 months
ŠTRAMÁCI/ANDY: Turnaj pro pamětníky
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Nejdražší obrozenstvo!
Turnaj je zde. Inspirací mi byl anketní blog @hotvintagepoll (hello!), kde právě probíhá vzrušující turnaj o nejvíc sexy muže starého Hollywoodu. Dovoluji si tedy vyhlásit turnaj o nejvíc sexy člověka starého Barrandova. Ze včerejška na dnešek jste hlasovali o průběhu turnaje. Tedy shrnutí vašich rozhodnutí spolu s dalšími detaily:
turnaj bude jen jeden pro štramáctva všech genderů: je docela možné, že nebude genderově vyvážený, to bude holt záležet na nominacích
hlasovat v jednotlivých kolech bude možné vždy týden: kolik kol bude, zatím nevím, bude záležet na vašich nominacích
nominovat lze všechny osoby, které měly jednu z hlavních rolí ve filmu nebo seriálu natočeném mezi roky 1910–1970 (přesnější info v nominačním formuláři): samozřejmě mohli hrát i později, ale měli by být známí už před rokem 1970
Tento turnaj je o tom, kdo je nejatraktivnější. Tedy nominovat můžete teoreticky Terezii Brzkovou z Babičky (1940), ale zvažte, jestli má šanci :D (no hate Terezii Brzkové z Babičky [1940]).
Nominace posílejte přes formulář nejpozději do soboty 13. 1.
Budu ráda, pokud tento post budete sdílet, ať se dostane k co nejvíc lidem :). Díky moc.
Za název turnaje děkuji @hagebutt a @hynku-vileme-jarmilo.
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a-last-lullaby · 3 months
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Zoya Manouk. A witch of some sort.
Nachts ist es immer das Holz, das mich wachhält. Es ächzt und ist ruhelos, weil es lebt. Ich kann es ihm nicht verübeln, schließlich ist es alt. Könnte es in den Schlaf finden, würde es das sicher tun. Das Haus und ich, wir haben schon viel gemeinsam erlebt. Und bevor ich da war, hat es andere Abenteuer bestritten. Mit meiner Großmutter, und davor mit der Mutter meiner Baba. Viele Frauen haben schon in diesem Bett gelegen und die Muster in der Decke betrachtet, die von der Geschichte dieses Hauses erzählen. Es ihr beruhigend, sich vorzustellen, dass dieses Holz auch dann noch da sein wird, wenn ich es längst nicht mehr bin.
Das Haus behütet mich, das hat es immer schon getan. In Nächten, die zu früh enden und in denen ich mich nicht einfach wieder in den Schlaf drehen kann, stehe ich auf und koche mir einen Tee. Ich mag es, wenn der Teekessel ächzt und schließlich pfeift, um mir zu erlauben, meine Kräuter aufzugießen. Es riecht dann im ganzen Haus nach Hagebutte, was mich immer lächeln lässt. Meine Baba mochte diesen Tee am liebsten. Ich verliere mich in solchen Momenten oft in Erinnerungen, eingehüllt in eine bunte, weiche Decke sitze ich dann am Fenster und betrachte die Nacht. Manchmal ist sie trüb und sternenlos, manchmal ist der Himmel glattpoliert und glänzt wie ein Onyx, gesprenkelt mit Sternen, deren Vielzahl mich immer wieder staunen lässt.
Wenn das Haus merkt, dass es mich wachhält, bekommt es ein schlechtes Gewissen. Zumindest glaube ich das, weil es sich dann ganz langsam und vorsichtig erhebt, um mich nicht noch weiter zu stören. Es weiß, dass es mir gefällt, nachts zu reisen, weil es sich dann beinahe wie ein Traum anfühlt. Die knorrigen, dünnen Beine tragen die Holzhütte gewohnt sicher über das Land, geschützt vor den neugierigen Blicken der Menschen. Die haben selten einen Blick übrig für Wunder.
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“She herself is a haunted house. She does not possess herself; her ancestors sometimes come and peer out of the windows of her eyes and that is very frightening. She has the mysterious solitude of ambiguous states; she hovers in a no-man’s land between life and death, sleeping and waking.” — Angela Carter, “The Lady of the House of Love”
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Dieser Account ist eine Hommage an den Herbst, eine heiße Tasse Tee, Raureif am Morgen, den Geruch selbstgebackener Kekse, dem Schnurren einer Katze und dem Knistern einer Buchseite, die man kaum schnell genug umblättern kann, weil man sich so sehr in der Geschichte verliert.
21+, mdni, low activity, selective
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ladyjuquia · 3 months
!! Yumeshipping/OC x Canon Post !!
Tristan & Juquia - Their Flowers and their Meaning (in their relationship)
Tristan and Juquias Flowers are pretty basic with Tristan having the red Rose and Juquia the Daisy. But besides that it fits for both of them, not only in meaning but appearance, I also think the way how humble and „basic“ it is, it reflect their relationship very well.
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Tristans Flower - A Red Rose, who is more dark and has slight dark tips
Tristan, a man marked by passion and love from his past, is actually someone so beautiful you don’t want to just approach him. You maybe even simply can’t. The thorns symbolise his own isolation on that as well. He is a dark red rose as he is not only known for love and passion, but the dark red rose stands for itself for Loyalty and eternal Beauty. While Fate goes more with the depiction that Tristan betrayed one Isolde, I think it signalised more that he was loyal in another way - Thought the Tristan of my Story is more Gottfried von Straßburg based which works more with the theme of Loyalty, especially for Tristan. The black tips here stand rather for Tristans condition being trapped in insecurities, anxiety and depression. Something that might make his beauty faint a bit.
This paired with the fact roses start blooming in Mai, a reference to the Maifest where his parents met each other and fell in love, the start of their romance and the very core beginning of Tristans existence with them making love later which leads to pregnancy with roses also having their main blooming time during June and July, with June being also the release month of the Tristan and Isolde Opera. Also Juquia has her Birthday in July, once could say he blooms the strongest for her.
Also a fun fact, in my language I often say „Tristannuss“ meaning „Tristan-Nut“ coming from Drystanus/Drustanus - Funnily the Rose fruits, the Hagebutte, belong to the family of nuts haha.
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Juquias Flower - The Daisy, one with pink/bright red tips
Juquia is the Daisy. Nothing special. At least at first. Daisies are one of the most seen flowers, people often call it „the Persistent/the Persevering“ with Juquia being always there, even with the curse, no especially because of the curse that won’t let her just die. She stays alive for as long as possible. Juquia is someone who gained a strong healing power, funnily the Daisies are also said to be having strong regeneration powers and being used for healing.
While Daisies also can stand for innocence and being pure, which would fit to Juquias core, it also can stand for being humble and trust. Coming to Juquias Wish of just having one person on her life she can trust and who likes her for who she is and who can stay at her side, plus the trust she did put in the world especially the clock tower it makes sense, even if she seems pessimistic at core. In some terms the Daisy can also stand for beauty. A persistent beauty. This is something rather how Tristan is perceiving her. Juquia sees herself rather as small, not special and not noticeable and easily replaceable. When a daisy is used as Fortune Teller, for the petal Game, Juquia sees herself as always the bad outcome with her curse bringing bad luck to the people around her. But it also contains her inner fear of in the end being just used, when bringing good fortune, being robbed of everything that makes her whole to be thrown away afterwards. So she is alright with not being noticeable.
The pink tips stand for Juquia still being a romantic person who yearns for companionship, who daydreams about happiness and love in its purest form. And especially with Tristan she let this love in her life.
✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩
In the core, both are more seen as basic flower. Nothing special. And probably that is what TrisQuia is. Nothing special at core but them embracing this normality makes it beautiful, like the flowers they represent. Tristan and Juquia are both tied together trough a very humble wish - to find someone who found completely understand them. They didn’t even wished for a Lover, but for someone to trust. For someone where they can be themselves without worrying to lose this happiness in an instant.
And while both flowers represent their „ugly“ parts it also shows their simple beauty. Especially for each other.
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smut-wars-exchange · 10 months
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Masterpost | Rules | FAQ | Ask | Discord | AO3 collection
To claim this pinch hit, please send an email to smutwars(@)outlook.com with your AO3 username.
Pinch Hit #4: Hagebutt; Star Wars - All Media Types
Request: Bo-Katan Kryze/Pre Vizsla; Bo-Katan Kryze/Koska Reeves; Bo-Katan Kryze/Axe Woves; Bo-Katan Kryze/Original Character(s); Bo-Katan Kryze/Mon Mothma; Bo-Katan Kryze/Leia Organa; Bo-Katan Kryze/Asajj Ventress; Cara Dune/Bo-Katan Kryze; Adonai Kryze/Jaster Mereel; Alexsandr Kallus/Fenn Rau; Fic
Details for the request under the break as well as on the Auto AO3 App 🔗.
i'm the enjoyer of mandos, meat and politics by Hagebutt
Bo-Katan Kryze/Pre Vizsla; Bo-Katan Kryze/Koska Reeves; Bo-Katan Kryze/Axe Woves; Bo-Katan Kryze/Original Character(s); Bo-Katan Kryze/Mon Mothma; Bo-Katan Kryze/Leia Organa; Bo-Katan Kryze/Asajj Ventress; Cara Dune/Bo-Katan Kryze; Adonai Kryze/Jaster Mereel; Alexsandr Kallus/Fenn Rau; Fic
Do you have a kink that coincides with my list of preferred things? Do you want to use this unbelievably specific (modern) AU in your head? Or maybe you agree with me that there should be more smut fics with Bo-Katan? I hugely enjoy Mandalorian politics and would love to see it in a fic that's majorly about porn, but AU fics that draw from author's hyperfixations are my jam just as much. Trans headcanons are welcome! I also enjoy reading fics about (less usual) sexual acts. Anything I'm listing below (taken from here - a page recommended by the mods of this event) would make me happy, but treat it just as a possible inspiration and not as a rigid manual: Abuse, Anal penetration, Auctions, Brothels, Exposure, Feminine terms used for males, Humiliation, Incest, Non-consensual, Pornography, Pretending to be gay, Underage. You can find me on Tumblr under the same nick and clear things with me over an anonymous ask! DNW: some bodily fluids (scat, lactacion, vomit), overused tropes (a/b/o, coffee shop au, soulmates), less sexual and more weird take on stuff like inflatation, bloodplay, piss
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synthwwavve · 11 months
@hagebutt apparently I can't send videos through messages so here is my big ass blorbo cup, as per your request ✨
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gruenwild · 1 year
Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund...
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... oder einen leckeren roten Smoothie ;)
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Rezept für 3-4 Personen:
500 ml gutes Wasser
300 g TK-Himbeeren
3 TL Hagebuttenpulver, Rohkostqualität
3 TL Brennesselpulver, Rohkostqualität
1 Dattel entsteint
1 Banane
Zimt- und Vanillepulver
und alles im leistungsstarken Mixer ca. 1 Minute lang zu einem Smoothie pürieren.
Neben vielen Nähr- und Ballaststoffen möchte ich bei diesem Smoothie das Vitamin C, Eisen und Kalium besonders hervorheben.
Ein toller Start in den Tag voller Vitalität!
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de01536 · 2 years
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#hagebutte #hagebutten #naturfotografie_deutschland #naturelover #naturfotografie #nature #naturephotography #naturfoto #pflanzen #niederrhein (hier: Rheinberg) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChuPLfEsko8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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