#haha............ walking bag of knives...............................................................
alotofpockets · 6 months
Cooking class | Wanda Maximoff
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Summary: You meet Wanda at a cooking class that she teaches.
A/n: A special thank you to @catasha, without your ideas I would not have been able to finish this fic!
Masterlist | Marvel masterlist | Words: 2.8K
You recently discovered your love for cooking. You found it both relaxing and exhilarating, being able to add all these ingredients together to create a beautiful dish. Growing up your parents never really taught you how to cook, so you started by learning some cooking videos that you had seen online but the videos were general and not that fun, so you were searching for other ways to learn more cooking techniques. In your search for options you came across a cooking class taught by Wanda Maximoff, just a few blocks over.
When you entered the building you were in awe of the place. There were rows of stove tops, ovens and counters, all basked in sunlight from the floor to ceiling windows. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” The women that walked up to you said. “Yeah, it looks great. I love the way the light enters the space.” The woman nods in agreement. “Everything is so fancy here, I can’t wait to cook here.” Wanda smiles, “Oh, trust me, cooking here is amazing.” The woman answers. “Oh, have you taken classes here before?” In response she holds out her hand, you shake it with a confused look plastered on your face. “Wanda, nice to meet you.” That’s when the puzzle pieces click, you were talking to the owner of the place. “Oh, haha, well Wanda, you have a beautiful place here. I’m y/n.”
The first class starts, and after some quick introductions, Wanda starts telling you about what you will be learning during these few classes. You were going to start easy and work your way up to some more intricate dishes. You were going to be making a dish each week for the duration of the four week starters course. Today you were going to focus on some cutting techniques, since you will be using that throughout the whole course. 
Wanda shows everyone how to hold the knives and how to get the best results and tells you to try it out for yourselves on the carrots in front of you. She goes around the kitchen islands giving everyone pointers and compliments. The dish for this week's class was vegetable soup, which meant lots of veggies to be cut. When you were done with the carrots, you chopped up leeks, tomatoes, and parsley. All that was left to cut were the garlic gloves. You felt quite comfortable with your chopping skills after the carrots, Wanda noticed and gave you a compliment, “Nice work, y/n, keep it up!” 
You continued to make the soup step by step, as Wanda told you more about what each of the steps would do for the dish, taste, texture, etc. She was an amazing teacher, she explained not only with the end goal of a dish in mind but also transferred her knowledge on certain ingredients as well as in what different ways they could be used. You enjoyed your first class very much, and the soup you created was delicious. 
Next week you arrive at the kitchen again, not realizing that you were there a bit too early until you saw that Wanda was still setting up the counters. “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I was so early.” You say as Wanda looks over. “Don’t worry, darling, come on in.” You blush slightly at the nickname. “I was just setting up the ingredients for today’s class.” She smiles in your direction. “Need a hand?” You say as you place your bag in the corner, “I’m here now anyways.” Wanda is very grateful for the help as she started a bit late with setting up herself, she showed you what each cooking station needed and you got to work while continuing the conversation with her. You placed thyme, bay leaves, sugar, worcestershire sauce and a beef cube on every station, while Wanda distributed the beef, canned tomatoes, onion, garlic cloves, tomato paste, and a small block of parmesan cheese. 
The dish for today was a spaghetti bolognese, with the main focus for the class being the making of the sauce. Wanda started by letting you cut your onions and mince the garlic, like how she taught you in the previous class. Then step for step she walked you through making the bolognese sauce. You loved pasta dishes, at home you always made them with store bought pasta sauce but now that you knew this recipe you were for sure going to use it. It was so much richer in flavor, while the cooking time wasn’t even that much longer. 
Before ending the class, Wanda announced next week's plans. “Next week we are going to have a little friendly competition.You are all going to create a dip of your own choosing. Email me the ingredients you will need before Friday, and I will make sure that they are ready for you on your counters next week!”
You were searching through recipe books and recipes online for a dip that would really impress Wanda. Most of the dips you found looked good but were still pretty basic. A couple of days went by without any ideas and then it hit you, during one of your conversations Wanda had mentioned that she was from Sokovia. You immediately started searching for Sokovian recipes and found the perfect dip. However, you saw that it would take a bit longer than a regular dip to make, so you decided to ask Wanda if maybe you would be able to come in earlier to use the oven to prepare your main ingredient. Wanda let you know that it would be no problem, and that she would be there starting 1pm, so any time after that would work. When you got her message back, you sent her the list of ingredients that you would need for your dip. 
That Sunday you arrive forty minutes before the official start of the class. “Hi, y/n, how have you been?” Wanda asks with a smile. “Hey, Wanda, I’ve been well, thank you. How about yourself?” Wanda waves you in before answering, “I’ve been doing good, thanks. I put your ingredients on your station, so feel free to start whenever you’d like.” You sent her an appreciative smile. “Thank you, Wanda, I really appreciate this.” 
You start working on your dip. The beets you need for it had to go in the oven for thirty minutes and would have to cool down for another twenty before you could use them. You start by poking some holes in the beet with a fork, and put them in some foil, before putting them on a baking tray. You are so focussed on your preparations that you don’t hear Wanda approaching, who was previously getting some things from a back room. Once you’ve put the tray into the oven and look up you finally realize that she is standing there, leaning against one of the other counters, admiring the focus you had. You feel a blush making its way to your cheeks again but quickly cover it up by turning around and cleaning up some of the things you won’t need to use in the recipe anymore. 
After that all there was left to do was wait for the beets to bake. So, you decided to see if there was anything you could do to help Wanda prepare for the upcoming class. Together you set up the ingredients on the other stations, while you were asking Wanda questions about what got her started on cooking. You learned that her mother loved to cook, and that after she passed away when Wanda was younger. Wanda shared that she felt closest to her while she was cooking, which is how she got into cooking. You shared how you got into cooking, and wanting to learn more about her. The conversation flowed so easily you hadn’t noticed that half an hour had passed until the oven beeped. 
You take out the tray with beets and let them cool down on the counter. The conversation with Wanda not faltering while you walk around in the kitchen. Soon after the rest of the class walks in. Wanda greets everyone separately before starting the contest. “Alright, I’ve seen some delicious ingredients in your lists, and I cannot wait to try the dips you have come up with! Is everybody ready?” The class cheers. “Ready, set go!” Wanda jokes, she was having so much fun with the competition. She walked around the counters to see what everybody was working on, lingering a bit longer at your counter. You add some yogurt to your grated beets and stir the mixture together. To give the dip some extra flavor, you add some finely chopped garling, some pepper and a pinch of salt. Finally, to top it off, you chop up some spring onion and sprinkle it over the top of your Sokovian purple beetroot dip.
Everyone presents their dip to the class, and Wanda tastes all of them. You could see that she had some clear favorites, and got a little nervous for her to taste yours. Those nerves went away once you saw the sparkle in her eyes after she tried it. You give her a knowing smile, before she moves to the next counter. 
“You have all made some incredible dips, I am very impressed. I am also very proud of the creativity you all put into these recipes. However, there can only be one winner, and that is…” Wanda looks at all the dips in front of her, before picking up yours. “Y/n!” The class applauds, and congratulates you on your win. The class ends and everyone starts walking out. You clean up extra slow, hoping to spend some more time with Wanda. She notices and walks over, “So, did you pick a Sokovian dish to impress me?” You laugh, “Depends, did it work?” Wanda laughs with you. “It did, the flavor brought me right back to my childhood. I remember this dip being present on every birthday platter.” You smile as she talks about her connection with the dish that you made. “Yeah, I hoped to be a step ahead with the Sokovian origin but the dip actually tastes amazing.” 
“Hey y/n, if I’m out of line here, please let me know but I was wondering if maybe you would like to come over to my place and cook dinner together tonight?” Wanda looks up at you hesitantly. “Yeah, that sounds wonderful.” The corners of her lips perk up slightly, “Like as I date, I mean.” You place a reassuring hand on her shoulder, “Yes, I would love that.” You exchange numbers so Wanda can send you her address. “Oh, and you can bring your dip, that way we can use it in the starter.” You tell her that you think that’s a great idea. “I’ll make some flatbread for it and then we can cook the main course together.”
A couple hours later, you make your way over to Wanda’s house. You ring the doorbell, and just seconds later Wanda opens the door. “Hi, y/n, come in. The flatbread is almost ready, and do you want a drink? Wine? Water? Oh, I can put on some music, maybe?” Your heart warms at the way Wanda is so clearly nervous rambling. You reach out your hand to take a hold of hers, in order to ground her. “I’ll have whatever you are having, and music sounds nice.” Wanda looks down at your hands, her cheeks flushed. The moment gets interrupted by the ding of the oven. “Oh, I have to get that.” Wanda says and rushes off, leaving you on the doorstep. You smile and shake your head, as you let yourself in and close the door behind you. While Wanda was in the kitchen, you walked around her living room, admiring the way she decorated the space. 
Wanda walks back into the living room with a tray in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other. “You have a beautiful place, Wanda.” She thanks you as she places two wine glasses, and a platter with the flatbread down on the table. You place the beetroot dip next to them, and reach for the bottle of wine when Wanda walks to the side to turn on some music. You fill up the glasses and hand Wanda one when she walks back and sits down on the couch next to you. Wanda relaxes more as the conversation starts up.
You sip on your wine, as you enjoy your starter together before going to the kitchen with Wanda to cook the main course. You're cutting up some vegetables, while Wanda walks around gathering pots and pans, utensils, spices, and the rest of the ingredients. She moves behind you, placing a hand on your back, making sure that she wouldn't bump into you while you're holding a chef's knife. Instead the gentle touch just distracts you from the chopping, as a blush crept up your cheeks. Wanda does this a couple more times as she walks from side to side in the kitchen, noticing your flustered state every time her hand touches your back.
"Hey, Wands, how can I best cut these?" You say as you move onto the next vegetable. She tells you how she would cut them, and you give it a try. Failing at your first two attempts, not being used to holding the knife in that way. "Want me to show you?" Wanda offers. "Yes, please." You expected Wanda to take the knife from you as she reached out for it but instead she takes a hold of your hand, and moves her body to stand behind you. Your breath hitches, when Wanda says, "Follow my lead." next to your ear. She starts moving your hand in the motion of the cut besides the vegetable before you actually slice into the vegetable on your cutting board together. Focusing on the technique is nearly impossible with Wanda pressed against your back. "See, easy as that. Now you try." Wanda keeps standing behind you but leans to the side and puts her hand on the counter, looking over your shoulder. Though you had trouble focussing for a moment, you practiced the motion Wanda just showed you once besides the vegetable again, before you tried it for real. “Yeah, that’s it! Nice work.” Wanda compliments you. You look over at Wanda with a proud smile plastered on your face. She smiles back at you and leans in to place a soft kiss on your cheek. Your cheeks instantly redden. “I hope that was okay.” Wanda says nervously. You smile at her again, “It was more than okay, Wands.”
The dinner came along nicely, you made a great team in the kitchen. You were sipping on your wine and swaying to the music as you effortlessly danced around each other in the kitchen. Wanda set the table along with some candles. The food tasted amazing, you were so happy with how it turned out. 
You cleaned up the dishes together before it was time for you to go home. Wanda only lived a couple of blocks away, so after the few glasses of wine that you had had, you could easily walk home again. Wanda walked you to the door, plans for seeing each other next already made. “Hey, Wanda, I know this was only the first date but can I kiss you?” In response Wanda smiles and leans in. You meet her half way into a soft kiss. You smile into the kiss and feel Wanda doing the same, making the butterflies in your stomach go crazy. On your walk home you can’t stop smiling. Once you enter your home, you text Wanda to let her know that you made it home safely.
Before the last cooking class the next Sunday, you had met up with Wanda many times again. You went on a picnic date on your day off, and enjoyed some snacks by the waterfront. Wanda joined you to try out one of your hobbies. Besides that you spend most evenings after work together, either watching a movie or just hanging out. When Sunday came around, it felt like you had known Wanda for years. When the class was over, you helped her clean up once again, and went home with her after another movie night. 
What you thought would be a one time cooking class to learn something new, turned into dating an incredible chef who would teach you all about it from the comfort of both your homes. Signing up for that class, had led to meeting your new favorite person, and you could not be happier.
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fbfh · 6 months
Hey! Then in hoo it is mentioned that Leo has dealt with a lot of bullies and horrible people since Esperanza died, I could ask for something like him and his s/o going to do something normal like shopping and end up running into one of these people And they keep making fun of Leo so his s/o defends him and comforts him or something like that(sorry if it seems confusing, English is not my first language haha)
first of all your english is great babes!! not confusing at all <33
ah yes. the bitchy girls. the asshole mean girls who have a fucking superpower for sniffing out adhd and autism and other neurodivergent traits like fucking blood hounds. the devils in lululemon leggings and nike sneakers who worship the ground hailey bieber walks on and keep their marc jacobs tote bags full of knives to stab anyone and everyone in the back with the moment the see an opportunity to.
those girls.
Leo's been able to avoid them for a while. Drew was the worst at camp, but she was a watered down version of them - Leo realized at some point that Drew adopting those traits was her own way of dealing with shit, and the more time she spent at camp since Piper became head of cabin, the more chilled out she's gotten.
There were barely any mean girls at MIT, none he had trouble avoiding at least. But now he's here, back in the real world, shopping for groceries for your little apartment you have together. And in the real world, fresh out of nursing school, is Emily. The exact same Emily from the school he went to before camp half blood. At 15, Leo went through a lot of shit. School was hell, his foster family was so bad he ran away enough to be sent to the wilderness school, and he was at one of the lowest points of his entire life.
You don't know who she is, but from the look on Leo's face, the sudden, sharp drop in his energy, the way he starts picking at his hands and gets all jittery. He hopes he can get away with it, hopes she won't even recognize him.
"Oh my god... Leo Valdez?"
you grimace at her voice, the way she mispronounces his last name, and your hackles rise. She looks at you in shock, seeming to hold back a laugh.
"Wait, is he your boyfriend?"
She says it like it's some joke, like this whole thing is hilarious.
"He used to be so awkward!" she giggles, "Wow, you look exactly the same."
Leo can read you like a book, and he knows you are SO pissed off for him.
"Yeah," You say with an equally sarcastic smile, "I had no idea you guys were the same age, you look so much older. I never would have known you guys were in the same class."
She blanches a little, and you double down.
"Leo actually just graduated top of his class at MIT. He has, like, a dozen job offers already." You smile at him proudly. "So how about you, are you... doing anything?"
"Mhm." She nods, the humor suddenly gone. "Nursing school. I just started."
"Oh," you nod, glancing over at Leo and sharing a subtle look with him, "well, we better get going, we have some open houses to get to."
As you walk away, still close enough for her to hear, you mutter to Leo, stifling a smile.
"Wow. The mean girl to nursing school pipeline is real." You chuckle, "And like, she does know it's not 2016 anymore, right? Cause her eyebrows don't seem to..."
He's so surprised that after an interaction with her, after all these years, he actually feels... okay. Outside the shithole of high school, with you by his side, she doesn't seem nearly as intimidating as she had. He's not sure how you got him to realize that so quickly, but he realizes that there's nothing that feels that intimidating when you're by his side. And you're right, her eyebrows are just as awful as her personality.
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(Yandere) Marc Spector headcanons part 2
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Whenever you're walking alone Marc always silently follows you, making sure you reach your destination safely.
He's (over)protective, if he heard about something has happened near them or at the city you two are in he will insist that you stay with him until it's safe.
Marc let's you train with his guns, knives, whatever you're fancy with. But he will unload every single bullet so you won't accidentally hurt yourself. Your safety has top priority after all. :)
Marc knows he's scary if he wants to be, which makes it alot easier to protect you. If you two take a walk together nobody would be stupid enough to pick up a fight with him.
He is your one man army. :)
If someone chooses to pick up on you he will gently shove you out of the way and deal with that rude Person.
"Honey, do me a favor and go buy yourself a drink." *slips money into your hand* "I'll teach that prick you're mine."
If someone had hurt you he will go on a hunt for them 100 times more determined than John Wick himself.
He's stubborn sometimes, so he will likely not admit it that seeing you around other men will make him jealous.
Loves having you near him. <3
He thinks he doesn't deserve you, but on the other side his obsession with you kind of blinds him and he thinks he does. He's a mixed bag I guess?
You're a gamer?? Marc is too and he's played almost every triple A game before you. He knows he could easily crush you in some rounds but he let's you win sometimes, only to beat you again the next round. :)
Whenever Marc's on a mission he will triple-check the house/apartment to ensure the security is enabled before leaving.
If Khonshu says something about you Marc will tell that old pigeon to shut up immediately.
"You know if you wouldn't be thinking about y/n the whole time you'd be--"
"Shut it old bird, who's doing the Mission? You or me?"
Once Marc is back from his missions you better be prepared for some cuddles.
If he finds you dozed off on the couch or his bed he will tuck you in and give you company.
Marc may look like a tough to crack guy but with you he is the sweetest, most caring, protective guy you could ever wish for.
Loves watching action movies with you. One night you two were watching Deadpool and you compared him to Marc. Marc said he could beat him easily.
"Looking forward to you two dishing out insults at eachother, haha!"
"Atleast I'm not looking like a cheap version of Freddy Krueger. He looks like the offspring of Freddy Krueger and Pinhead after they had the most sadistic orgy ever in hell."
*Your jaw drops and you give him the most flabbergasted look*
*Marc just grins at you like the cheshire cat himself*
Marc doesn't tell you, but he likes it when you tease him. That just gives him a reason to get his revenge on you later. >:)
He loves telling you how safe only he could make you feel, how nobody else could protect you as he could. That's kind of a turn on for him...
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multiverse-imagines · 3 months
A/N: Haha! I'm alive, I swear! Have this thing I made!
Bad Omen
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Millions Knives x Reader (not romantic, but could in in sequels, idk yet)
(TriMax/98 adjacent, not biblically accurate)
I don't think I remember much from the destruction of July. I couldn't have been more than 3 of 4 at the time; That's hardly a time most people have memories of. I don't remember the face of my parents, what their voices sound like, though I still think I hear it on the wind of those chilly desert nights. That's not my point, though.
The earliest memory I have is of a man who I don't know, and have seen a few times since. He was a tall blond man, his face was so serene… yet there was a fury behind it. I can never remember where I was, or what I was doing, but I remember his lean figure that I spotted underneath his tan cloak, he had clothes unlike I'd ever seen before. White, skin tight, and the boots seemed to go all the way up from what I could see. My eyes were wide at the sheer power that seemed to flow off of him… and I watched as he walked away. That's the whole memory.
I'm not sure how I survived the blast that seemed to take over the entire town. I lost my right arm from the elbow down, and I still have knee problems from the brick wall that nearly crushed me. As I recovered in a nearby hospital, not really knowing how I got there, I couldn't help but make myself remember that man. That strange blond man… When the officers came by, asking about a blond man in a long coat, I said that I'd seen him. When they showed me a picture, though, the hair was all wrong, the face was all happy and goofy. That wasn't the guy I saw.
When I tried to explain to them that this wasn't the guy, they didn't take the word of a toddler. No surprise, honestly. They said this man was called Vash the Stampede, but I knew, in my heart, that that wasn't the name of the man I saw that day. The man who had full intentions of ending the city of July that day.
These days I can't help but keep an eye out for him. Vash or the mystery man. Why had The Stampede been in the same place as the other on that day? Did the man I saw have something to do with it? I felt it in my bones that he did… The man of my memories had gone to meet The Stampede… it's just part of the fury I distinctly remembered… His gaze both haunts me and motivates me. I feel like I have to find him, I thought, shortly after my ninth birthday.
When I was ten, I ran away from the orphanage. I had done all I could to stock up on a couple of canteens of water, plenty of snacks, and I even managed to swipe an old pocket knife from one of the people who worked there.
From there, I found a home wherever someone would take pity on me. My first home taught me how to shoot a gun, gifting me a small pistol, and he taught me the importance of only taking a life when it was absolutely necessary. After the man died trying to quell a bar fight, I moved on to the next town. I lived with a woman who’d lost her son within the past few years, but I quickly grew tired of her coddling, so I packed my bag and left before I turned 13. It was about that time, when I saw something incredible. I had been making a little money cleaning tables in a restaurant of some town when I saw him. The guy. The guy I had seen all those years ago. He hadn't aged a day, and still walked with that serene bloodlust.
If it weren't for the fact that my entire body was frozen in place, I would have run after him. It was so odd. I didn't fear him, I guess, but… something in his walk was telling my instincts that I should not be near him. Once he was out of sight, I fell over, taking the small pile of dishes I'd been carrying with me. It's okay I had been fired that day because… well that town didnt exist by the time my next shift would have started. I saw a second blond man who wore a long red coat, the one from the wanted posters, The Stampede. I had been on my way out of town when I saw him, and I had a strange feeling that with those two in the same vicinity, the town wouldn't last much longer.
Another few years passed, and most people didn't believe my story. A blond man that wasn't the Stampede, bringing death and destruction in his wake. Even with my lost arm, and birthplace of Lost July, no one believed a 15 year old kid. Even those I stayed with hardly believed me.
It had been about 25 years since my hometown was destroyed when I saw the man next. I was making my way through another town, doing some work for a local mover. What did he move? None of your business.
It took every ounce of energy I had to get myself to move my own feet as I felt the familiar paralysis of his presence. I ran in his direction, being careful to approach.
“H-Hey!” I said as nonthreateningly as I could, not wanting to spook, who I believed to be, the real typhoon. The calm before the storm, maybe. He stopped walking, and turned to look at me. The amount of disdain in his eyes, as if I was nothing more than a worm in his presence… It was terrifying.
“What do you want?” He asked curtly, but I could hear his annoyance.
“I… I r-remember you…” I managed to stammer out, “F-From July…” I did my best to explain, but he was… even scarier up close than from a distance. He glanced me over, noticing my prosthetic arm, and a ghost of a smile shadowed across his face, as if revisiting a memory, or an old friend.
“I see… a little pest like you has survived this long… astounding…” he whispered. A long pause stretched between us. Who was this man? Why was he here?
“Every time I see you… the town gets destroyed… will that be… the case this time?” I was still petrified to speak to him. His eyes burned into mine despite its cool color.
“Perhaps.” He spoke bluntly.
“And… Vash the Stampede… did he really destroy July? Or was it you?” I managed to ask the question that had been burning in my brain for a quarter of a century.
“It was him, indeed… he just…needed a little coaxing to destroy those pests…” his voice was like Bourbon, and yet the malice he held towards these pests, who I expected was humanity, was more than just an aftertaste. If he hated humanity this badly… was he human himself, or something else? Was the Humanoid Typhoon only Humanoid as well?
“I… I see…” my eyes lowered to the ground. I kind of wanted him to be the one who destroyed my home, casting me into this life of wandering the sands, and phantom pains of memories I no longer own, “Do you… cause him to destroy?” I asked, wondering if he was merely the eye of the storm I had also theorized, the bad omen of destruction that no one noticed pass by them before The Stampede left a city in rubble.
“I do whatever I can to make him see how useless it all is… so he can finally stop resisting me, and rule this planet alongside me, in an Eden not meant for likes of you.” He said curtly. I got the feeling he was becoming… impressed, with how much I was able to fathom speaking with him. I could tell he was getting bored with our conversation, and he was beginning to walk away without so much as a goodbye.
“Who is The Stampede to you?” I managed to blurt out without thinking. I’d never met The Stampede before, but I needed to know how the two coincide together.
“He's my brother.” The man continued walking, as if he had somewhere to be… as if the show was about to begin.
I booked it out of that town, trying my best not to run through the sand, as it would only slow my pace with its inconsistent traction.
The Stampede passed by, this time, a few people with him. A man in black with a large cross, and two ladies, one short one tall. I had to say something. Anything to tell him. That his brother was there. I wracked my brain as I saw them approach, and I finally managed to say something as I passed, still eager to get as far away from Augusta as I could.
“It's a bad day for a family reunion, Sir.” I glanced up to the orange spectacles of The Stampede. His gaze grew dark, as if my message had gotten through.
Once night had fallen, I saw a massive light in the sky, and I saw it hit the fifth Moon, casting a giant crater in it. The phantom pain in my arm told me all I needed to know. Augusta was no more.
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abbygalz · 3 months
Mall Date🥀🖤
Gothbur x reader
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basically it’s a fluffy mall date No smut pure fluff
Sorry it’s kinda short and it’s later then I said I would post it I got my period the night I was gonna post it so I was a little busy haha anyways,
This was based off a c.ai bot made by @sirenbrainrot
and Gothbur credits go to @abbs-writes
tag list: let me know if you want to be added!
You and Wilbur have been dating for around 2 years and he has been the best boyfriend imaginable under his dark appearance he is a true sweetheart! Today he took you on a mall date this wasn’t your first date to the mall and he knows how much you love them.
“Your beautiful, do you know that?” He smiled turning the car engine off. You giggled while he got out of the car walking around to open your door. “My lady.” He smiled holding his hand out for you which you gladly took.
He dragged you into hot topic, you were fine with the store he just figured that wasn’t the first store you would choose.  when searching through the many options of jewelry he couldn’t seem to pick, and of course needed the opinion from his lovely partner.
“Hey, Abigale, which one are you more willing to wear?” The two he held up were blood vials or bloody knives.. yet he still smiled like they were sunshine and rainbows. “Probably the knives.” You giggled “Vials would make me seem like a crazy killer!” He nodded in agreement. “That’s more of your look anyway.” He teased
“Sooo..” *he dragged out taking your hand bringing you to the back of the store where the band tees were. That was the main thing you liked about hot topic. “What shirt would m’lady like to get today?” He poked her shoulder playfully. You batted her hand away in a joking matter and picked up a shirt.
It was a black Korn shirt with the Issues album and Korn in dark purple in the background. “You have issues.” He laughed at his own corny joke. “So do you!” You giggled. “Welp, at least we know we’re made for each other.” He ruffled your hair walking with you to the checkout.
He smiled at the cashier who said Hello as he handed the cashier his card, the cashier gave the card back along with a bag. “Thank you!” You smile at him as you both walk out. “Anything for my beautiful lady.”
The last part of the trip was Build-a-Bear, where you two were going to share in making matching bears. Of course, that also meant you would be holding him by the hand the whole time, which he didn’t mind in fact he enjoyed it.
“What bear would you like?” He asked looking down at you. “This one! Do you like it?” You walked over to a bear holding it up to him it was labeled Devilishly Pink Teddy Bear. He smiled ruffling your hair again. “I love it.” He picked up two un-fluffed bears holding your hand once more walking to the line with you.
It was finally you and Wilbur’s turn. He gave the lady the bears. And she spoke up “Alright here’s your hearts make a wish and kiss it and then step on the pedal.” You both nodded and Wilbur let you go first. You made a wish and kissed the heart letting the lady put it in the bear and you stepped on the pedal. Then Wilbur did the same thing but took a moment to make his wish.
You both were now walking back to the car with bears in your arms and bags in his. “What did you wish for? You seemed to think about it a bit.” You asked him and he chuckled opening your door but not going to the driver side yet. “I wished the one day we can get married and live happy forever.” He smiled once he saw you smile widely. “Aww I love that.” He leaned down and kissed your forehead then shutting the door walking to the driver side.
He let you have the aux and chucked at some of your song choices as he drove you two to your apartment, other times he sang along with you, sometimes without you because you were to busy laughing at him.
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alexandersimpleton · 1 year
If you're not good with blood, this is not your fic! Trust me
Bloodstained glass
Frederick has a near death experience
As Frederick walked into the room, he noticed the lot of bullies he'd been fearing all sitting with some bottles in their hands. As he tried to walk away, hoping none of them would notice him, one turned towards the young boy, and gave a grin
"Well if it isn't little sunflower!" The muscular student said. He was clearly drunk. That wasn't good.
"Oh sunflower! We haven't seen you in a while!!" Slurred another.
"Oh! Um- I'm just- I'm just gonna go and leave you guys to-"
"Oh noooo! Sunflower leaving so soooooon?!" Said the third and final bully.
This little sunflower was officially fucked.
"Don't leave sunflower!! Your petals are so pretty!!" He stood up, grabbing something sharp from one of the tables "I just wanna pluck em!"
He- he's not- he's not actually serious-
"Oh! Pluck the little petals off the little sunflower!? Wow, you have the best ideas!"
Something else sharp came off the table. at closer inspection, Frederick saw they were kitchen knives. Are they acctually- the last knife came off the table, and they started shambling towards the boy, like blood crazed zombies. They were acctually gonna...
Frederick ran out the door as fast as his lanky legs could carry him, away from the drunkards, and they started running after him, almost reaching his speed. He didn't wanna die! Was he gonna die, getting stabbed by a bunch of military kids?! He didn't want to die!
He took a turn, hoping to lose the zombie-like children, but his plan failed. "Oh sunflower! We just want to take your pretty little stem off! Haha!"
Frederick slammed into the wall. He must have entered a storage closet on accident. Nonononono! The bullies followed right behind him, their knives shining in the glow of the candle a staff member had forgotten to put out.
"Hehe we got you now sunflower!" The cruel being yelled, It's features becoming obscured until Frederick could only see it's smile and cruel silhouettes of it's eyes, that were suddenly everywhere, eager to watch his death. He heard a mirror shatter as it pinned him against the wall, its cohorts laughing drunkenly. M-mirror?! He looked at the floor, seeing sever shards of glass littering the ground.
"Who wants to see the little sunflower get plucked?!" The one holding him to the wall asked, the others cheering in agreement. The monster, brought a sharp, clawed hand up, the eyes and it's smile overwhelming Frederick until he couldn't breath, and thrust it to his throat, but just before it could hit it's target, Frederick used his shoe to spring up a large shard of glass, and thrust it into the creature's head, forcing him not only to stop the attack, but to drop him as well, as the thing collapsed on the ground, the other two moving back as Frederick looked up at them.
He looked at his hand, and the blood was oozing out of it, from the sharp ends of the glass, and there was also blood coming from the trousers, be he couldn't notice it, because the other ones came towards him, angered by the loss of the first, and Frederick stabbed the glass into their heads as well, as red ooze streamed out, him stumbling backwards to not touch it, into the remains of the mirror, which sliced up his back and shoulders as well, but the adrenaline stopped him from feeling anything.
He shattered the price of glass on what was probably the wall, and sprinted out of the dark, dungeon-like room, into a vast, maze-like space of corridors. His wounds would get infected he thinks. He needs to find the nerses office! He began running, not really even knowing what it was, until he saw the red cross above one of the doors. That meant health! He ran into the room, stuffing some of the bandages in his bag, before seeing another one of the monsters, this one's claw looking like a long metal needle. This one moved towards him more slowly, but he still knew he had to get away, so he ran, until he found a staircase, leading to his room. Was it his room? He didn't care, as we shoved the door open, hiding beneath his blanket.
And there he stayed for a good while, until he started to sober up from the adrenaline, and started to feel a soreness in his... everywhere.
He pulled himself up with his hands, still breathing quite heavily, only to see his sheets soaked with blood, and getting more soaked as the blood came out of his hand. W-what? Why are they- but Frederick's memory began to clear up then too.
The monsters- no, no they weren't monsters, they were- and he had stabbed- oh God!! He couldn't- he didn't- NONONONONONONO! He really did! He had the bloodstains to prove it. He curled up in a ball, crying all the tears out of his body as he bandaged himself up haphazardly.
Nobody had to know.
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Reading peter chucking his jewellery into a pile as he packs makes me cringe so hard! Boy you ain't untangling that shit ever again
Gotta love how much Vanessa TRIED to get through Peter's thick ass head
Melts my heart wade never turned his head for anyone but peter
I'm always sad when wade loses his katanas I know they aren't really much in this universe that's just LIFE and yet 🥺
Again I always love your transitions between emotions. Wade at the bar thinking he smells peter to click click of a gun is chefs kiss
But when he realises it IS peter?! I am dead
Ok but this whole confrontational scene is so SEXY
You know the sex scene is good when furniture breaks but a door 👀
I mean the last chapters cliffhanger sucked but THIS DOES IN A DIFFERENT WAY AHHHHHHH
Now that you pointed it out? Yes the Incredibles is everything you're correct
Okay haha okay I KNOW though. It hurt my soul too. But I felt like it really emphasized just how DONE Peter was with everything though. He's just throwing shit in a bag, even stuff he loves, because he just doesn't care. He's done. Jewelry and clothes and makeup-- he is DONE and tangled jewelry is a pretty great representation of it.
Wade losing his Katanas-- I actually forgot he'd left them in some asshole's throat during the ambush at Weasel's bar and as I was inventorying what he would need I was like "oh shit he needs KNIVES!"
And Peter whispering "keep me this time"-- I made myself sad thinking about all the times Peter called Wade 'Alpha' and how many times they were always just one breath away from admitting feelings and Wade pulled away and how many times Wade broke the rules to stay the night but always walked away and stayed away afterwards--- eventually, that had to start feeling like rejection to Peter. Like Wade had the option to choose him and keep him, but he didn't .
So Peter begging him "keep me this time" . JFC. That boy just needs to be chosen and loved and held?!
OKAY and it's so funny to me that as I write more romance and honestly just mature a little, I realize that rom coms are NOT good examples of healthy relationships (for the most part) but movies like Shrek? Top tier unconditional acceptance and moving past trauma to love each other. The Incredibles? Selfishness breeds mistrust and we are strongest when we are together, even if we're all terrified. Megamind? Heroes get tired, bad guys are lonely, Nice Guys are in fact, not nice guys at all.
Don't get me started on Incredibles 2 and how much a dick Mr. Incredible was to be so goddamn insecure and jealous of his wife, but the sentiment stands-- romcoms suck, find romantic and relationship advice in underrated cartoons lolol
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lolawassad · 2 years
Gonna write some cobra kai smut
Warnings MINORS DNI everyone is over 18, jealousy, daddy kink, sir kink, smut with plot! Unconsential grabbing by a random creep. Keller saying not okay things to reader, reader is chubby and is a bit insecure. Reader has two trash exes. Mentions of abuse. Knives. Violence.
Its smut fluff angst and everything nice
"I dont care, anyone comes at you with any threat at all you come to us. We dont give a shit if its the queen of england. You come to us. You tell us. You tell us everything. That's what goddamn loyalty is"
Switch!hawk x sub!reader x dom!robby
3rd pov
You come in late for school today due to a doctors appointment, its lunch period and as you go to walk and sit with eli miguel and demetri you notice that demetri is sitting alone
When he sees you his whole face lights up and he jumps up and hugs you swaying you in his arms, you look up at the slightly taller guy and follow his gaze
He lets you go and sits at the table again assuming you followed him but you walk up to a guy with a mohawk, you assumed he was new but when you got closer you realised it was eli the guy you had a crush on for years replaced, as he was surrounded by scary looking guys, he himself also being a scary looking guy now
Your face changes to one of shock and demetri is slow in noticing you didnt join him, he looks at you almost standing in front of the cobra kai table with all the guys looking at you confused except for hawk and miguel and rushes over to you
"Yeah haha sorry for my friend" he says before putting his hand on where my neck meets my shoulder and goes to steer me away but he is interupted
"How about you fuck off?" Hawk barks at demetri making you both frown
Eli walks around the table and approaches you before whispering "why the fuck did you miss three classes?" Concerned and shoving demetri's hand off of you "doctor checkup" you squeek out before grabbing demetri and running to your usual table quickly sitting down
You dont notice hawk glaring at demetri and miguel calming him down
After lunch demetri walks you to math and gives you a sad smile before walking away, you are pulled down into a seat when you walk past a desk "hey y/n" robby says with a smile, you and robby share a few classes and usually sit next to eachother having soft conversations
You smile back "hey robby" he starts telling you about miyagi do and how you and demetri should join, a hand slams onto the table "how about you stop bothering the pretty girl with your dumb karate dojo yeah? If she wanted to be any good she would join cobra kai" hawk says before winking at you and snarling at robby
He takes the desk in front of you and is joined by some guy from cobra kai, robby just smirks at you "if you wanna join babygirl just send me a text" he says loud enough for hawk to hear
You smile "im not gonna join karate but ill text you" you tell him making him smile and put a piece of hair behind your ear "can i see your school schedule?" Robby asks you
You hand it over to him and he smiles "we share all classes today, also half of the teachers are sick so we only have this period next period and we are off" he tells you before handing back your schedule
Its then the principal walks in "alright class, it appears the teacher went home too, everyone of my staff is getting sick. Flu season is coming up guys, so have a free period" he says
Robby asks him before he leaves "oh what about mrs smith is she still here?" He asks making the principal shake his head
Robby smirks and turns to you "looks like we are free, babygirl" he says before throwing both his and your bag over his shoulder, he offers you his arm and you link yours through his
When you walk out of class you run into demetri, he smiles at you before looking robby up and down suspiciously making him snarl
"Oh! So you know how you wanna do karate but not cobra kai because meanies?" You ask demetri making him nod "robby is in one thats alot different from cobra kai" you tell him
Robby also speaks up "yeah its a really good start up into karate man, if you wanna check it out just ask this little cutie for my number" as you reach your locker you notice hawk standing in front of it with some cobra kais, arms crossed scoffs on their faces
"I dont.. I dont have to put stuff in my locker its okay" you say when you see the scary group, robby shakes his head "sweets this bag is fucking heavy, and thats coming from a strong big man who works out, your arms would break off love" he says before pulling you to your locker
He stands in front of hawk who is leaning on your locker and snarls at him "how about you and your idiotic hair move" he demands, hawk looks over at you and his face softens "hey princess" he says before entering your locker code with a smirk at robby
He rolls his eyes and opens your bag opening it, you take out your phone and keys and put the bag in your locker
When your done hawk closes your locker, then kisses the corner of your lips making robby roll his eyes again before throwing his arm over your shoulder and starts walking
You lick your lips "he almost kissed me" you say shocked with a flustered look, robby scoffs before pushing you into a locker a few feet away from hawk
The latter noticing the rough move and starts going into defend mode and then robby's lips are on the other corner of your lips, and then he places a kiss on your jaw and then one on your cheek
You let out a soft squeek making robby smirk at you "now i kissed you three times babygirl" hawk shoves robby into a locker on the other side of the hall "dont fucking touch my girl, ill kill you" hawk whispers to robby who just keeps smirking "i dont think she is your girl, man, i mean shes too pretty for you" robby says before pushing him off
Hawk rolls his eyes "yeah sure like she would want you" he says thinking about how rumors spread about him cheating on his ex
Robby takes this the wrong way and punches hawk
You watch the fight break out and decide to just walk away, you leave the school only to find demetri again
He smikes at you "let me walk you home?" He asks making you smile back "yes please" you say before hopping onto his back
"So.. You and robby?" He asks when he starts walking "i dont know.. i mean i have liked eli since we where so young, and now hes hawk and he doesnt sit with us and hes mean to you, and robby isnt mean to you, and he actually wants to sit with me... Also they are fighting in the hallway" you say making him shake his head
"Fucking karate man" he says, when he walks past the shopping centre he stops "wanna go buy some comic books?" He asks making you nod
He puts you down and grabs your hand before you start pulling him to the comic store
Your phone is blowing up but you ignore it, as you and demetri walk into the store the creepy comic book guy looks you up and down and licks his dry lips
You shudder and walk over to the dc section, and notice a whole new section of comic books called "dc super hero girls comics" you look at it and approve before grabbing number one and number two before feeling a hand go under your skirt and onto your ass that is covered by some bikershorts making you gasp
At the school
After hawk and robby both punched each other a bit they stop "the uh girl left" one of the cobra kais says making robby and hawk sigh
"I know where we can find her" he tells robby before he starts walking to the shopping centre, they walk to the comic store and hawk points at you "see, little fucking nerd she is" he says affectionatly
Its then they notice a guy walk up behind you, they both frown thinking you came with him, but then he gropes your ass and you gasp loudly
Both boys storm over just as you turn around, robby pulls you into his arm while hawk squares up to the guy "fuck you touching our girl for?" He yells
Robby takes the comic books out of your hand, he grabs number 3 4 5 and pulls you to the cash register "we will take these" he says as if hawk isnt fighting someone in the middle of a store
The cashier rings up the total and robby quickly throws some bills on the counter and pulls you out of the store while holding your bag with comics
Hawk then jogs up, its then you notice both have bloody noses and some cuts on their faces from not having taken off their rings
You hold both of their faces in your hands and they melt "we can share you know, if you want to robby and i can totally share, doll" hawk says before kissing your palm
Robby quickly nods his head "yeah we can, that means you can give us both a fair chance to win your heart, and if you end up being unable to decide we can make that work too" he says
Demetri walks out of the store making you drop your hands, demetri glares at hawk before he wraps his arms around your shoulders "thats uh nice, yeah nice but uhh.. Y/n we are hanging out right?" He asks with a scared look on his face
"Ofcourse D! Wanna go get some food?" You ask making him nod before turning to the guys "im gonna go now, byebye" you say before pulling demetri with you
Hawk and robby stare as you walk away and both mutter a soft "nice" before looking at eachother and laughing softly, robby being taller throws his arm around hawk's shoulder and they go to another fastfood place
Demetri and you walk into mcdonalds and he orders for you both, as you sit down demetri looks at you with a hurt look "you arent.. You arent gonna leave me too right? You are my only friend" he confesses holding your hand
You squeeze his hand softly "D we have been friends for so many years, i would never leave you. Well i would if you commited a really bad crime" you tell him making him sigh in relief "you also arent gonna drop me when you start dating tweedle dee and tweedle dum?" He asks making you giggle
Time skip
Demetri and you had spend some hours at the store before you ran into yasmin, who started hitting on demetri and you encouraged him to flirt back and left to go home after shooting him a thumbs up
On the way out of the store you bump into keller who was having a conversation with his friends, hawk and robby where also standing there
While he was talking they just kept rolling their eyes and scoffing "/n should be with me, not with junk and lip" you hear him tell his friends
You clear your throat and everyone turns to you, keller smirks "oh hey baby, i was just telling these pussy's that you and i should go out" he says
You see hawk and robby ready to speak up but you start talking "well actually you see im already taken, so i wont be going out with you" you say while linking your arms with hawk and robby who just smirk smugly at keller
"See. Our girl" hawk says before he leads us out of the store "i thought nerd was gonna take you home, why the fuck did you come down alone?" Hawk asks after you exit the store
You roll your eyes "that nerd is your bestfriend eli, mine too" you say making his gaze soften again "princess" he starts but you cut him off
"We ran into yasmin, and she started flirting with him, so i gave him a push and then ran away" you tell them
"So, keller likes you huh?" Robby sneers making you stop walking "yeah but hes a dick i dont like him at all, i mean he used to bully me and then i changed my style and now hes all like 'y/n please step on me' and 'y/n please sit on my face and suffocate me between your thighs or else ill hurt you'"
At this hawk turns to look at me "he said those things? When the fuck did that scum say that?" He demands "oh actually that was yesterday" you say
Robby's mouth drops open "excuse me? Babygirl he has been saying things like that and you never thought to tell us?" He asks shocked
"He told me to keep it shush because my only friends are 'weak' and the other is a junkie, his words not mine" you say looking down
Hawk breaks "I dont care, anyone comes at you with any threat at all you come to us. We dont give a shit if its the queen of england. You come to us. You tell us. You tell us everything. That's what goddamn loyalty is" he snaps before seeing the tears in your eyes
"Fuck, doll" he says pulling you into his embrace, when robby makes eyecontact with keller he mouths 'you are so fucking dead' before turning to you and hawk
"We should get her home" robby says to hawk with a look in his eyes, hawk nods and you start walking again
When you reach your home hawk pulls out the extra key he got and opens the door, holding it open for you and robby
"My uh mom she doesnt live here anymore" you confess to both boys, hawk drops the bag he was holding "wa-wait what?" He stutters out dropping the tough guy act
Robby's hand moves to your back and he moves it up and down "she left, she met some guy and now i have this big house all to myself and it sucks, its really lonely' you confess sheepily
"I could.. You know stay with you" robby says "my mom is a deadbeat she wont care" he adds
"I could stay too, you know mom loves you" hawk says making you smile
"Thank you guys" you say before hugging them, they again melt in your touch
Then you feel robby's lips on yours, your hands go to his neck and you mewl softly into his mouth making him smirk, he pulls back only for hawk to kiss you, one of his hands shoots to your throat and the other the back off your head
Robby kneels behind you, his hands pulling down the shorts you have on and your panties leaving you in just your skater skirt
He presses a quick kiss to your cunt before standing back up "thats a good girl" he coos in your ear before kissing hawks hand and pulling it from your throat, starting to suck on your throat leaving proof of you being his
Hawk stops kissing you and grabs robby by his hair he goes to kiss him but turns to you "go bend over the kitchen table" he says before slapping your ass making you hurry to the kitchen, bending over the table, wet naked cunt facing them
Hawk pulls robby by his hair and starts kissing him, trying to dominante him but robby slaps him making him moan "fucking pain slut" robby teases him before he approaches you from behind and starts sliding his fingers between your folds "so fucking wet" robby says "who made you this wet huh?" He asks while sliding a finger into your hole
"You and eli" you mewl as your legs softly start shaking "good girl" eli praises you, his cheek slightly stinging from the slap he just got, he sits down on the chair in front of you
His hand softly lays on your cheek "fuck look at you, doll, why dont you take off that shirt for us" He offers making robby stop "oh fuck yeah, show us those beautiful tits princess"
"Ca-can i keep on the skirt though?" You softly ask "ofcourse angel" robby says before hawk goes to help you take off your shirt, when he notices you didnt wear a bra he moans "fuck"
Robby lowers his head and starts sucking on one nipple "fuck daddy" you mewl softly while grabbing onto his hair making both boys freeze
You tense "i-i am so sorry" you say and pull away
You go to grab your shirt but robby bends you over the table again "god you will be the fucking death of me" he says while unzipping his pants and pulling his cock out
"Safeword is pineapple, say it if you wanna stop" he says before slamming his full length into you "you gonna let daddy make you cum princess?" He asks while slapping your ass
Hawk drops his pants and stands in front of you, he grabs your hand and wraps it around his cock but robby pulls your arms behind your back and pulls them together so he can hold your wrists while pulling you towards him softly
"Be a good boy and ask daddy for premission first" robby smirks while starting to fuck you harder "daddy wait gotta cum gotta cum, please" you start chanting "please"
"Go ahead princess, cum for daddy, can feel your little cunt grip me like a vice" robby grunts out, you spasm around him and your body falls forward onto the table, eli's hand shooting towards your head so you dont bash it into the table
"Wan' sir's cock" you slur out making eli look at robby "please daddy, i need to fucking feel her, i have wanted her for years"
Robby slowly pulls out and lets your wrists go "princess you got any lube?" He asks you nod your head and start walking towards your room, you get two steps before falling to the ground
Eli quickly catches you "in your room sweetie?" He asks making you nod "come" he tells robby and starts carrying you upstairs
He throws you onto the bed and reaches for your nightstand "wait no" you yelp out but its too late, eli is holding your dildo with a smirk
Robby walks up behind hawk and kisses his shoulder before grabbing ahold of the small dildo "how adorable princess, but now you have us, you dont need this little small thing" he says before throwing it across the room
He grabs ahold of the lube and lays it next to you, he starts stripping naked "get naked" he tells hawk making him also strip
"Get on top of angel, babyboy" robby says hawk goes to obey but then puts his finger up and walks into the bathroom connected to the room, you can hear the sink turn on
You get up on shaky thighs and walk to the bathroom "E?" You ask softly, he turns off the water and walks out of the bathroom, he lifts you up making your legs go around his waist his cock almost against your cunt and notice his blue hair is out of the mohawk
"Fuck you look hot like that" robby says before walking over and grabbing his hair and pulling him in a kiss, his other hand comes to your waist and he pushes you down on eli's cock making you both moan out
"Be good for daddy, y/n on the bottom haw-" he goes to say but eli cuts him off "c-call me eli, daddy" he stutters out "but only when its us three" he adds making robby nod and kiss his forehead "ofcourse babyboy, lay babygirl down softly and get on top of her, keep your cock in her yeah?" Robby says
Eli lays you down softly, his arms holding him up, robby grabs the lube "okay so we got four options, we can both fit in babygirls little cunt, i can fuck her cute ass, i could fuck eli's cute ass, or i can watch, i dont mind any of those options" he says looking at you both
Eli lets out a moan "god i wanna see her stuffed full" he says, robby turns to you "can daddy also fit in your cute tight little cunt princess?" He asks you while eli softly starts thrusting into you "w-we can try" you slur out
Robby and eli both smile at you "thats our girl"
Eli softly lifts you up and pulls your legs around his waist, robby puts some lube on his cock and also on two of his fingers
He puts a finger to your stuffed cunt and slides it in making all three of you moan "daddy so full" you mewl out "if its to much just safeword out okay? Dont be shy babygirl, goes for you too babyboy" he says using his free hand to cup eli's cheek and turning him to him
"It gets to much for one of you and just yell out pineapple and everything stops okay?" He asks making you both nod, normally he would demand a verbal response from you both but your eyes are glossed over and you are clearly in subspace
He looks eli in his eyes "you understand babyboy?" "Yea yeah daddy"
He adds in another finger and starts thrusting it softly, you mewl again "gon' cum"
Robby kisses your cheek "go on sweets, cum for daddy and sir" you tighten up even more around them and your head falls onto eli's shoulder
His hand starts caressing your hair "so good for us, such a good girl, always knew you would take it so well" eli praises you making you whimper and buck your hips
Robby takes out his fingers and lines his cock with your stuffed cunt, he slowly slides in, you let out a strangled moan making him pause "you still ok princess?" He asks "'es" you mutter out before moving your hips "more daddy more"
He slams his cock in "g-god i could cum just from this" eli moans out, his mouth wide open. Robby shoves his slick covered fingers into eli's mouth who starts sucking quickly "good boy" robby praises
He starts thrusting softly making eli also move "i-im not gonna last long daddy" eli sputters out around robby's fingers "you come when you wanna come okay babyboy? Stuff our girl full, that will show everyone she is ours"
Robby's words spur eli on and he starts pounding into you, making robby also move faster and harder
"We are gonna fucking stuff your tight little cunt" robby says before he and eli start filling you with cum
They both pull out and lay you down softly, eyes closed and breathing even "hey babygirl" robby says while softly shaking you, your eyes open "too much" you whine out "i know i know" he coos out before looking at your abused hole thats dripping cum
"Eat her out" robby tells eli, the blue haired boy jumps into action the second the demand came out "sir is just gonna clean you out okay angel?" He asks you while caressing your hair
"Hey doll where done, lets go take a bath? Get you cleaned up" eli says while wiping his mouth of cum, making you look at him confussed "i can do it myself" you say "i-i always do?" You ask
Eli looks shocked "wasnt your ex.. Into bdsm, my love? He fucked you roughly and made you take care of yourself?" You nod your head
Robby shakes his head "love, aftercare is very important, after sex eli and/or i will always take care of you okay?" He softly says before lifting you up bridal style and walking into your bathroom
"In the master bedroom 's bigger" eli says before slapping robby's ass and grabbing three of his sweaters that where still there, two pairs of boxers and some panties for you before walking to the master bedroom
"Shit, princess its empty why dont you jjst move into this room, rob's and i can help you move your shit" eli says looking around the empty room
Robby hands you to eli and walks into the bathroom and starts running a bath, he comes back into the room and gives you both a kiss before jogging back to your room and taking some soap and towels
After the bath
Eli has made up the masterbed that your mom bought for the room after she left taking all the furniture in her room, she bought a big enough bed for four people incase eli demetri and miguel wanted to sleep over, and the three of you are laying on it
"Does this mean im your girl now?" You ask them "if you want to then yeah" eli says making robby nod in agreement
"I wanna be your girl" you say making both of them attack your face with kisses
Its then you remember your phone blowing up earlier today and you go to get out of bed to grab it only to fall down the second your feet touch the ground making you whine
Robby shoots up and puts you back on the bed "we fucked you good, you wont be walking for a week sweetie" he smirks "what did you want?" He asks you "my phone" you tell him making him jog to the kitchen to grab your phone and also three water bottles
"You got so many texts from some person named DNI" he says holding up your phone, the lock screen has notifications with "107 missed calls from DNI" "77 voice mails from DNI" and "429 texts from DNI" making you groan
Eli scoffs "why is that scumbag texting you? Y/n i swear to god if hes been bothering you and you didnt tell us i will have you over my knee"
"As much as i would love that, i havent spoken to him since he cheated and i met kyle" you tell him before making grabby hands for your phone
Robby hands it over and you unlock it using your finger print, you go to voicemail and play one of the voicemails "baby baby look, i know i beat you up alot but but we are soulmates"
The boys glare at your phone "your ex beat you?" Eli asks his voice breaking mid sentance
You just remove any texts voicemails and call logs and block his number again before throwing your phone on the end of the bed and laying face down on the bed
"Can we comfort you sweets?" Robby asks softly making you nod your head, you are quickly pulled into eli's chest and robby spoons you from behind they both start whispering "we got you" "he wont hurt you again your our girl now" "ill fucking kill that scumbag" and lastly eli says "you should fuck his mom" before backtracking "wait no please dont fuck anyone else thats not robby, im already sharing you with someone and thats enough" he says making you giggle
Your eyes close as you fall asleep, eli and robby look at each other before robby leans in and kisses him softly "im sorry for hurting your pretty face" he says making eli smirk "sorry for beating you in a fight and also hurting your pretty face, next time im domming by the way" eli smugly says making robby smirk
"Oh really?" He says while wrapping his hand around his throat "i think you like it when i dom you and we both dom angel"
You mutter in your sleep "i like that too" while nuzzling your face deeper into eli's chest making both boys brust in laughter before covering their mouths so you dont wake up
"Your my boy now, you know that right?" Robby asks eli softly, the latter nods "i know, and your my boy" they share another kiss before they both also fall asleep.
You wake up to an empty bed and frown "that was a weirdly real dream" you mutter before going to get out of bed, only for your legs to give up
You can hear laughter and eli saying "i think shes awake" before footsteps run upstairs "morning doll" eli smirks standing in the doorway
You make grabby hands at him making him melt, he walks over and lifts you up, wrapping your legs around his waist and starts walking downstairs
"Goodmorning angel" robby says while cooking breakfast "hope you dont mind, we wanted our girl to have a good breakfast after a night of fucking" he says before quickly giving you a peck and going back to cooking
Eli carefully places you on the kitchen counter and stands between your legs "you look so good, you have no idea how much i wanna get on my knees and fucking devour you, my love" he says making robby snort "you wanna give her what i took from you this morning? How cute" he says making eli blush
"Shut up" he says before walking to the fridge grabbing some apple juice and putting it in a cup handing it to you "drink" he says
After breakfast you text demetri, asking him how it went with yasmin only for the doorbell to ring
You grab ahold of the wall and shakily walk to the door and open it, oversized sweater reaching you mid thigh, and see dylan with a psychopathic smirk on his face.
You go to slam the door but he just walks in and slams the door, alerting robby and eli who where taking a shower together, they look at eachother confused not having heard the door bell and put on towels, the shower is turned off and both wet boys run down stairs
Eli notices your ex first, he doesnt even think about it and his fist flies into dylans face, when robby sees his boyfriend punch the guy he connects the dots
He walks up to you and lifts you up setting you down on the kitchen counter before looking at eli, its then you notice something shiny in dylans hand, making you act fast you grab a knive from the knive holder and throw it into dylans shoulder
He drops the knive and glares at you, while eli and robby just look shocked, he goes to run at you but the door opens and in walks your neighbour, a guy who is slightly older then you and is a firefighter
He sees the knive on the floor and the knive in dylan's shoulder and slams him into the closest wall "I TOLD YOU TO STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER" he yells at him "y/n text my boyfriend he will take care of him" he says making you quickly text his boyfriend
The door is slammed wide open again and in walks the boyfriend, clad in his police uniform "dylan daniels you are under arrest" he starts saying and cuffs him pulling him out of the house
Your neighbour turns to you and hugs you "i saw the fucker force his way in" he says "also who the fuck are these guys?" He asks
Robby laughs "we are her boyfriends" he says before offering his hand "im robby" your neighbour shakes his hand
He turns to eli and reconises him "oh shit, look at you man, changing your style new hair. Knowing how to fight? Good for you eli man"
"Call me if you need anything" he says before kissing my head and walking out
You sigh and let yourself drop to the floor "im done for today" you say making eli and robby sit down next to you
"Fucking understandable love"
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maximwtf · 2 years
“Don't be embarrassed.”
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words: 1361
google docs pages: 3
warnings: None I suppose?
opening: You’re running to the lab, since you’re already late. Your knees have a problem with running, and give out on the way.
AN// I struggle with not being able to run much, because my knees, and seeing Viktor who also has a problem with his leg comforts me so much. I always feel like such a trouble for others for being slow, but haha i'm so glad I found arcane and Viktor :”D
                        “Don't be embarrassed.”
You had your bag of supplies hanging from your shoulder, and your jacket was open. You hadn’t had time to close it, since you were in a hurry. Cold wind was pushing against your chest, but that didn't stop you. You didn't want to give a bad picture to the people in the lab. What would they think if you started coming in late more often? This wasn’t even the first time this week you were running late, and that felt embarrassing.
You could now see the door, leading to the lab. Your knees were hurting like hell though, and it made you slow down. It felt like deep in the core of your knee, someone was stabbing the muscles with a knife. While gritting your teeth together, and feeling a form of anger for being like this you dragged yourself to the door, and opened it to get inside. 
As soon as you got in, you pressed your back against the door, and tried to calm down your breathing. Now that you weren’t running anymore, the knee was hurting even more. You slumped down a little, holding your upper body up by placing your arms on your thighs. You didn’t know if it was worse to be late, or to show up just in time but to look like you were beaten up on the way. 
After you had calmed down, you stood up again. Hopefully Viktor wasn’t yet in the lab, so he wouldn’t see you like this. You knew exactly how painful your knee would be and how long it would hurt, and Viktor would only worry about you for no reason if he saw this. 
You took a deep breath and limped over to the next door, hissing in pain as you did. You took a hold of the handle and slowly pulled it down. The door didn’t make any noise as it opened, but it revealed Viktor, who was hunched over his table, working on something. You sighed mentally, rolling your eyes a little. Now you’d have to somehow get to your table, and be quiet enough so that he wouldn’t hear you. You stepped in the room, and closed the door behind you slowly. Taking a small step forward and then another. Every other step hurt and burned your knees, but Viktor hadn’t noticed you yet. 
Lucky for you, you put just enough pressure on your leg, so that it felt like the knives from earlier now twisted inside your knee. “Awh fuck-!” You hissed, stumbling over, before falling on the ground. Falling didn't hurt, but the fading pain on your knee did. This had of course gotten the attention of Viktor, and he had turned his chair towards you. 
You felt your cheeks heat up, before you lifted your upper body up by your arms, and then tried to get back on your feet. Viktor watched you wobble for a moment, before he got up with his cane, and walked over to you. “What happened?” He asked quietly, his accent making it harder to understand. You were quite new here, but being his assistant and having to help him often you had had to get used to his accent from day one. 
“Nothing..” You hissed, looking at the floor to avoid Viktor’s gaze. His face looked worried, you knew that even without looking at him. “Here, take my hand.” He offered his hand to you, which you took after thinking about it for a moment. Viktor pulled you back on your feet, but you did have to lean on him a little. “Can I just..sit down for a moment…” You mumbled, still embarrassed about this whole situation. Viktor nodded, helping you to your chair, and making sure you were sitting comfortably. 
After a while of you waiting for the pain to fade, you finally looked up. You had been right, Viktor did look worried and filled with questions. “What happened to your leg?” Viktor asked, pulling his chair closer to yours, so that he didn’t have to stand up. You fiddled with your hands for a bit, before answering. “Something’s wrong with my knees. I ran here and well...” You sighed, expecting that he already knew the end. You didn’t fully know what was wrong, but you did know how much exercise your knees would be able to take until this happened to them. “How long has this been going on for?” Was Viktor’s next question. “A couple years. I’m sure it’s nothing serious.” You tried to change the subject, but Viktor seemed to be serious about this. 
You reached for your bag, to pull out your notebook and other things you needed for the day. Viktor noticed how you weren’t paying attention to him, and it made him confused. Why would you be embarrassed about this, if he had a similar problem. There was nothing to be embarrassed about, especially with him? “May I..take a look?” Viktor asked, meaning to take a look at the knee. “I-I could try to help.” He offered, waiting for your reply. “Wha-” You turned to look at Viktor again, cheeks heating up a litte. “I..Sure. Go ahead…” You allowed him, looking down a little. 
Viktor smiled a little at this, lifting the leg on top of his legs to take a closer look. He was a scientist, not a doctor, but he was still willing to help. Maybe he’d be able to build something to make running easier for you. “You know, you don’t have to be embarrassed about this.” Viktor commented, while he rolled up the fabric on your jeans to reveal your knee. It didn't seem to be bruised in any way, so the pain must have been internal. 
You hadn’t said anything about his comment earlier, but you turned your head towards him as he started to speak again. “Tell me if anything hurts.” He told you, before his hands began to search for any pinpoints on your knee. He tried to press on specific spots, but you didn’t react in any way. “I only feel the pain in my knee. Like someone is stabbing something in there. “ You hummed, trying to describe the pain and how it felt. Viktor nodded at this, putting your leg back down. “Maybe I could make something for your knee, to help you when this happens?” He asked, looking at you. You didn’t want to bother his actual work, with something like this that had nothing to do with it. “Wouldn’t it bother your work?” You asked. 
“But you need it, and I wish to help you.” He replied, as he was getting up from his chair. “But if you feel as if you don't need it, get up and prove to me you don’t.” Viktor challenged you with a slight smirk.
 You looked at him for a moment, before you tried to stand up, and take a step forward. That was no use though, and you only fell forward while sumbling. Viktor caught you, making you not fall on the floor again but this time against his chest. “I do believe you need it.” He murmured in his accent, pulling you slightly up from his chest. Your cheeks were burning red. “I-I’m sorry-” You mumbled out. Viktor hummed at this, quiding you back to your chair. “Rest for a little, we’ll see what we can do for your knee after that.” He said calmly, walking up to the project he had been working on before you came in. 
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A Glorious Moment in Sakaar
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Summary: You’ve always disliked Loki, but when you end up stranded with him on an unknown planet, you put your hatred aside in order to work together. Turns out, the only thing you really hate is how much you actually like him. 
Warnings: weapons, violence, enemies to lovers, implied smut
A/N: Had this in my drafts and just decided to post it... I’m definitely in a Loki mood on this fine day haha. 
I hope you all enjoy and as always, feedback is appreciated :)
Loki Masterlist
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Out of all the people in the world who you could’ve gotten stranded with on an unknown, trash planet, Loki is the last person you’d wish to accompany you. 
As soon as the two of you get thrown off the Bifrost and land on random dirty roads, he speaks. “Well, this looks rather unpleasant.” 
Rolling your eyes, you don’t bother to respond, instead opting to scan the area around you. Wherever you landed, it’s heavily polluted. 
“I think I’d rather have ended up in Hel,” Loki complains, his hands on his hips as he surveys with you. 
“I wish you had.” 
Loki looks over at you and chuckles. “What? Don’t want to be stranded here with your favorite God?” 
You pretend to frantically look around. “What do you mean? I don’t see Thor anywhere.” 
“Very funny.” 
“I know I am,” you say before smirking at him and walking away. Loki is quick to match your pace. 
“Let’s try to find some type of civilization and figure out an escape plan.” 
Continuing to walk, you head towards a tall skyscraper-like building that you see in the distance. “Already on it.” You point ahead to show Loki. 
Loki scoffs. “No need to point. I noticed it a while ago.” 
“Sure you did.” 
“I did. I’m a God for crying out loud. I sense things long before-”
A knife sits at the base of your throat, stopping you in place. You look over at Loki who’s in the same predicament. 
“Loki?” you ask before you’re pulled back harshly, the knife lightly grazing your skin. Loki growls, lunging towards you. 
“Hurt them and you’ll all suffer merciless deaths by my hand.” 
You gasp at Loki’s protectiveness. Is it possible he cares for you? No, don’t even think about it. You hate this man. Remember?
The man behind Loki laughs at him before looking over at his partner. “I think the Grandmaster would like this one.” 
The person behind you nods. “Let’s take ‘em in.” 
You share one last glance with Loki before a bag is thrown over your head, preventing you from seeing anything else.
The bag’s removed from your head and you squint, your eyes adjusting to the harsh overhead lighting. You’re strapped to a chair, seated right next to Loki. 
In front of you is a man. He’s tall in nature, just like Loki, and he’s smiling at the two of you. 
“Where the hell are we?” You ask, struggling against the restraints. 
The unknown man walks up to you before speaking. “Now, there’s no reason to do that. I’m just simply feeling you out before deciding whether to kill you or not.” 
Again, Loki speaks up, surprisingly coming to your defense. “You’ll have to get through me before you even think of touching them.”
The man laughs at this and turns his attention onto Loki. “You must be the one they said I’d like… Seems like they were right. I do like you.” He claps his hands together. “Okay, so here’s the deal. You’re on my planet, Sakaar. I’m what they call the Grandmaster and usually with newcomers, I’d either kill them or throw them into the pits… which I guess is also death, but that’s not the point! The point is I like you two… especially you.” He points at Loki. “So, great news! You’re welcome to stay, I mean once people land here, they never really leave…” He awkwardly smiles at that, not knowing what else to say. 
You look over at Loki, who’s already staring your way. The two of you gaze at each other silently before the Grandmaster once again claps his hands. “Let’s get the cuffs off these two!” 
Once the cuffs are opened, you rub your wrists and stand up. The Grandmaster motions for the two of you to get away. “Go! Go mingle and have some fun!” 
You look around the room and notice a gathering of people a few feet away. They’re all drinking and dancing, seemingly having the time of their lives. 
You grab Loki’s arm and guide him towards the crowd. “C’mon, we gotta find a busy area to talk.” 
Loki pulls his arm from your grasp. “Shouldn’t we find somewhere quiet to talk privately?” 
You roll your eyes. “No, because then someone might hear us.” 
“So instead, we’re to talk in the middle of a gathering?” 
Shaking your head in irritation, you gesture towards the group of people. “They all seem drunk! Sounds like the perfect opportunity to blend in and discuss.” 
Loki sighs. “Very well. I need a drink first.” 
As he walks towards the bar, you once again grab his arm, stopping him in place. “What’re you doing?” 
“I just told you. I’m getting a drink.” 
“We need to be level-headed for this.” 
He scoffs. “Darling, I really think you’ve forgotten that I’m a God. I can’t get drunk.” 
“Yes, you can. I’ve witnessed it multiple times.” 
He shakes his head. “I was just full.” 
“That’s not the point! Just please-” You look towards the dancefloor. “Dance with me.” 
“Pardon me?”
Instead of answering, you grab his hand and drag him over to the other dancers, pulling him flush against you, your back to his chest. You swear you hear Loki gasp as you sway your hips against him. 
“What’re you doing?” His mouth is right next to your ear, his hands moving to grip your waist tightly. Your body heats up with his touch and you want to scream over its betrayal. 
You turn your head slightly to look up at him. “We need to blend in.” 
As he stares down at you, you get lost in his eyes. They’re an exquisite, light blue, pulling you in and making you forget about the situation around you. Erasing those thoughts from your mind, you focus on the plan. “I say we find where their weapons are placed. Steal some and then find a ship to escape back to Asgard on.”
“Your plan sounds impossibly easy.” 
“Maybe it will be.” 
“You know just as well as myself that it won’t be. But, I’ll go along with it. It’s not the worst of plans you’ve thought of and I fear we don’t have many other options.” 
“Gee, thanks.” You spin around in his arms so you’re now facing him, chest to chest. Loki’s staring down at you, his eyes blazing. One of his hands moves to your face, grabbing your chin and tilting your face upwards. He licks his lips, his tongue sliding out to swipe across his bottom lip. You watch and you can’t help but wonder what his mouth would feel like against yours. 
He leans down until his face is only inches from yours and you find yourself panting with a neediness you haven’t felt in a long time. Loki’s staring at your lips, ready to claim them for himself-
You remember where you are and pull away quickly, putting some distance between the two of you. “What’re you doing?” 
Loki grins. “Just blending in, darling. You didn’t seem to mind.” 
Trying to steady your rising heart rate, you take a deep breath. “Let’s just go find their weapons.” 
Loki gestures for you to walk in front of him. “After you.”
Finding and stealing weapons turned out to be easier than you thought. Loki managed to grab multiple knives, as well as the same giant gun that you did. 
Now, you’re heading towards the ship’s garage, intending to steal the best one you come across. You’re in an elevator, heading up to the top floor. As the doors are about to open, Loki puts his arm out in front of you. “I hear voices on the other side. Follow my lead.” 
You nod your head. The doors open, revealing two guards with guns. In an instant, Loki has them both on the ground, knives stabbed into their chests. 
He turns to look at you and grins. “Told you they’d come in handy.” 
“You just wanted to show off.” 
“For you? Always.” 
You roll your eyes for what feels like the hundredth time today and follow Loki towards a large, circular ship. “You think they’d have more guards in this area.” 
Loki walks over to a station pressed against the wall, searching for the ship’s key. “You’d think, but let’s not stick around to find out.” Once he locates the key, he picks it up. “Ah, got it!” 
The elevator opens back up, revealing ten new guards. 
“Uh, Loki?” 
Loki turns just in time to see five guards running full speed at him. He laughs before throwing the gun to the floor, placing the ship key in his pants, and pulling out two knives. “Well, hello. This is going to be fun.” 
Across the room, you’re shooting at the other five guards, backing up as they move forward. You manage to knock three of them to the ground and drop the gun as the other two come running at you, full speed. 
“Y/N!” Loki yells. 
You turn to see him throwing you a knife and you catch it midair. Turning back to the two guards, you smirk. “Unfortunately for you two, I’m rather skilled with knives.” 
“Not as skilled as myself though, just to be clear!” 
You chuckle at Loki’s comment. “That’s what he tells himself to sleep better at night.” 
Right after you say those words, you’re lunging at the guards, slicing your knife into one of their thighs. They hiss out in pain and you use the opportunity to grab them, placing your knife at the base of their neck. The other guard rushes you and you kick out, hitting them square in the stomach before dragging your knife across the captured guard’s neck, causing him to fall to the floor. You fall down and roll over, jumping back onto your feet before the other guard can tackle you. 
Maneuvering around the guard, you swipe your leg out, tripping him up, causing him to fall to the floor. You roll onto the floor behind him and wrap your thighs around his neck, effectively cutting off his air supply. Once he’s knocked out, you get back up, wiping sweat off the top of your eyebrow. Loki is staring at you, an impressed look on his face. You stare back at him, admiring how he looks. He’s leaning against the ship, his hair disheveled with his arms crossed over his chest. The guards he fought are scattered across the floor, each one either dead or knocked out. 
He walks up to you, his tall frame towering over you. “It was rather hot to see you beat up those guards.” His hand reaches down towards your face, his thumb wiping a few spots of blood off your cheek. 
You close your eyes, trying to get a hold of yourself. When you reopen them, Loki is back over towards the ship, looking at you. “Ready, darling?” 
Letting out a shaky breath, you will your legs to follow him onto the ship.
A gentle shake to your shoulder wakes you up. Slowly opening your eyes, you come face to face with Loki, who’s looking down at you with a small smile on his face, his hand still resting on your shoulder. You stare at his hand and he pulls it away before clearing his throat. 
“We’re almost back at Asgard.” 
You nod. “How long was I out?” 
“Two hours? I didn’t want to interrupt since it was the first time you looked peaceful in years.” 
Getting up, you glare at him. “Has anyone ever told you how charming you are?” 
“As a matter of fact, yes. Quite a few.” 
“I’m shocked.” You walk to the front of the ship, taking a seat in the pilot’s chair. “This thing on autodrive?” 
Loki moves to take a seat next to you. “No, I figured I’d let it go so we can crash into the nearest crater and die. Put you out of your misery.” 
“Out of my misery?” 
“Yes, since you so clearly hate being around me.” 
Sighing, you turn the chair so you’re facing him. “Who said I hated you?”
Loki mimics you. “Nobody. I can just tell.” 
“I don’t hate you.” Well, maybe a little. But, not for the reason he thought.
He raises an eyebrow. “No?” He sighs, rubbing a hand down his face. “It’s fine if you do. Most individuals I’ve encountered end up hating me.” 
“Well, I’m not like most individuals.” 
He smiles at that. “No, you’re most certainly not.” 
Nervous, you start picking at the arm of the chair. It’s Loki, for crying out loud. The man you can’t stand. So, why is he making you feel this way?
“You almost kissed me in Sakaar. Why?”
The question leaves your mouth before you can even think about the consequences. However, Loki doesn’t seem to mind. Instead, he seems excited by the question, his eyes lit up in amusement. 
“I told you. We needed to blend in.” 
“We were already blending in by dancing. No one was even sparing us a second glance.” 
“No? Well, maybe I just wanted to kiss you then. For my own pleasure.” 
His confession spills over you like a bucket of ice water. Your body is both hot and cold, feeling too much at once. 
Your mouth slightly opens as you gasp quietly. “Don’t say things you don’t mean.” 
All of a sudden, Loki’s moves closer to you. Too close. You can feel his breath wash over your face as his hand slowly crawls up your arm. “I may lie quite frequently, but when it comes to you, I only tell the truth.” 
With a surge of confidence, you grip the front of his leathered shirt. “Prove it to me then.” 
He growls before smashing his mouth onto yours. His lips are everything you’ve ever imagined. Soft and unmistakingly yours. 
“You’re mine now, darling. All mine,” he whispers into the kiss. Grabbing your waist, he pulls you onto his lap, your legs dangling off the sides of the chair. “Say it. Say you’re mine.” 
“I’m yours,” you manage to say, moaning when he bites down on your lower lip. 
After one more kiss, he rests his forehead against yours. “You and I, darling, have a lot of catching up to do when we get back.” He runs his fingers over your thigh. “The things I’m going to do to you. You better prepare yourself.” 
Gulping, you shiver at his promise. This ship couldn’t get you to Asgard fast enough. You’ll let him ruin you, from the inside-out. But, only him. Only Loki. You grin at the thought before leaning in to kiss him again.
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saltyhyunjae · 3 years
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genre/warnings: angst, fluff, slow burn, enemies to lovers (?), kidnapping, criminal!tbz, mentions of guns & knives, quick mention of suicide
word count: 2,5k
summary: As y/n is leaved to close the store on her own, the last thing that she expects, happens to her
pairing: tbz x fem reader
“Y/n! You’re closing the store tonight, I have an emergency at home and I need to get going.” You hear your boss, Jiyoo yell from the back of the store as you put some new clothing items up on the racks. You sigh. “Okay!” You yell back at her and look at the time. 8:30PM. The store closes at 9 so you won’t be alone for a long time.
“The store is super quiet right now so I'm sure you can handle the last 30 minutes on your own.” Jiyoo smiles as she walks towards the entrance of the store. ‘I hope so.” You smile back.
She tells you to put the money in the safe and clean the store a bit and then quickly leaves the store, leaving you alone with 2 customers and the loud music of the speakers playing Bad Guy by Billie Eilish.
After the last customers leave, you look at the time again, 9:58. You make your way to the entrance to close the door and turn off the lights so nobody starts knocking, begging you to let them in, then you tidy some stuff up as you make your way back to the counter. As you reach the counter the radio switches to the news.
“The infamous criminal group ‘The Boyz’ have gotten away with yet another robbery just yesterday making it their 12th theft of the month. The police still have not been able to catch them due to the group's large number of members.”
You sigh. Instead of partying with your friends on this friday night you have been put in charge to close the store. “I don’t get paid enough for this.’ you murmur as you grab the money they earned today and start counting them. The sound of something falling shakes you out of your thoughts.
“What the- oh it’s just the broom that fell.” Just as you are about to go back to counting you hear a faint thud in the storage room. “Ok, I'm getting really scared now.” You whisper to yourself.
You decide to shake it off and go back to counting when you suddenly feel cold metal against the back of your head.
Oh fuck.
“Put the money down,''
You hear a male voice say. You do what he says as you start praying internally. You then feel a sharp object pressed against your lower back.
“Listen up, as long you’re doing as we say, you’re not gonna get hurt.”
‘That’s what they always say.’ You think but would never dare to say out loud. You’re on the verge of tears thinking this is your last day when you hear another thud.
“OW!” You hear another voice yell.
“Dumbass.” You hear another voice say.
‘How many of these motherfuckers are there.’ You think
“Grab some stuff over there.” You hear the one holding a gun against your head say as you see another figure grabbing the money you just dropped on the counter.
“I can’t see shit in here.” One of the voices further away from you says.
“Turn the lights on hyung!” The other one says.
You flinch as the lights turn on. Not daring to look at thieves. No Y/n u need to remember their faces just in case they actually don’t kill you. As you look up you make eye contact with the one that took the money. Your eyes widen at how handsome he is. “Bring us to the safe.” The one holding the knife against your lower back says. You slowly turn around making eye contact with the one holding the gun.
Shit, he’s handsome too.
You slowly start walking to the storage room.
“Changmin! Eric! We’ll be right back, grab everything you can!” Gun guy says.
When you arrive at the storage room, you walk to the safe and kneel in front of it, the three guys still behind. As you type in the code you hear a walkie talkie go off followed by another voice.
“What is taking so long.”
“Shut up, we just got to the safe. Anybody nearby?” The one without a weapon, as far as you know then, asks.
“No, it’s dead, everyone is going out a few blocks away.”
“Give us 10 minutes.”
You take the money out and hand it to knife guy, who puts it in a bag.
“Please don’t kill me.” You plead.
“We won’t.” Gun guy says.
“Hyunjae, come with me. Juyeon, keep an eye on her.” Gun guy commands as he walks away with Hyunjae.
You took the opportunity to look at knife guy, Juyeon.
Fuck, he’s beautiful too.
You guys just stay there in silence till the two guys come back into the storage room. But this time they came back with the two other guys.
“Plan changed, we’re taking you with us.” Hyunjae says. Your eyes widen and you try to get up and escape. Just as you get up, Juyeon grabs your left arm, pulls you back and holds the knife against your neck.
“Do as we say and you will not get hurt.” Gun guy says. Your hands get tied behind your back and you decide to give in and follow the guys outside.
“Took you long enough.” You see three other guys waiting outside. One shows a bored expression, the other is very tall and the last is...very cute? They’re all handsome too. You mentally cry.
“Who’s that?” The ‘cute’ one says with a softer voice. “Our new friend.” Hyunjae smirks. You internally scoff as they walk you to the bus. When they open the bus you see three more guys.
How many of them can there be?!
“Hi, ooohh who’s that.” One of them behind a huge computer screen says.
“They brought a souvenir.” The tall guy that was waiting outside laughs.
They put you in the car and start driving. Tears are threatening to leave your eyes as you think about your friends and family. What if you get killed? Or they never let you go? or even worse… you get Stockholm syndrome?!?!
“What’s your name?” The ‘cute’ one with a soft voice asks you. You still look down refusing to talk.
“Cat caught your tongue.” Hyunjae scoffs.
“I’m jacob.” The one with a soft voice says, you look up to see him give you a soft smile.
“Y/n.” You murmur and the boys start introducing themselves to you. You nod at them and for the rest of the car ride you stay quiet.
After maybe 45 minutes the car stops and they open the door and help you get out. You look up to see a huge villa remote from the city. You guys make your way to the villa and once you're inside they guide you to the couch. They all sit across from you while Sangyeon stands.
“Y/n, do you happen to know who we are?” He asks
You slowly shake your head looking at the 11 boys. Wait. 11 boys? NO WAY! You suddenly remember the new reports for the last two months. You've been kidnapped by…
The Boyz.
You hear the boys laugh at your shocked expression.
“Listen up.” Sangyeon speaks up “It wasn’t in our plan to keep you hostage, but now that you’re here we’ve got to make the best of it haha. As you can see our house is very messy and we’re desperately in need of a cleaner. So we’ll point out your room for you to get some rest, you start tomorrow. Any questions.”
“I don't have any clothes to wear besides these.”
“Well thank God we robbed a clothing store.” Kevin laughs.
“We’ll make sure to buy all the necessities you need.”Sangyeon assures you. He tells you what time they’ll come and wake you up and commands Jacob and Kevin to bring you to your room while Changmin grabs some bed sheets and pillows.
As they open the door to your new room, you see that it’s huge and empty with only curtains and an empty bed in the middle of it.
“You can decorate as time goes by.” Kevin tells you and you nod. Changmin comes in with the pillows and bed sheet and the 3 boys help u set up the bed.
Once your bed is all made up, Younghoon comes in with two pairs of pajamas and some normal clothes for you to wear. All hail one size fits all clothes. Once you put on your pajamas, you lie in bed and think about everything that has just happened until you fall asleep.
The sun shining through your curtains wakes you up. You groan in annoyance, put a pillow over your head and close your eyes again. Right as you begin to doze off again, your door opens. “It’s time to get up.” You hear someone say. You turn around to see Chanhee standing at your door. “Be downstairs in 30 minutes” He says, closing the door again. As you get up, you get a moment of realization.
But how.
While you get dressed you think of all the ways you could escape. Jump out of the window? Suicide. Grab a knife and kill them? You would already have been killed before you stabbed one of them. Sneak out of the house while they’re sleeping? PERFECT. But you needed to stay a bit to figure out the plan in detail. You need to know your way out and their sleeping schedule, you also need to gain their trust. You needed to be super nice to them for them to trust you.
You take a deep breath and step out of your room. When you arrive downstairs you see that all of the boys are awake. “Good Morning!” Haknyeon jumps up from the couch. “Good morning.” You respond back.
“Ah, you’re awake.” Sangyeon walks into the living room. “Sit down, I'll explain what you need to do.” He starts talking about you making their meals and doing their laundry followed by cleaning the whole house. You mentally sigh. This isn’t going to be easy.
Kevin introduces you to the kitchen and offers to help with making breakfast.
“Haknyeon, stop it!” Kevin grabs the spoon that Haknyeon is about to dip in the soup.
For the third time.
“I’m just tasting it for you guys.”
“You’ve tasted enough, get out!” Haknyeon pouts as he walks out of the kitchen, making you giggle.
“So, Kevin, how many times a week do you guys go out to steal?” “Hmm, maybe five to six times a week. Why?” He looks up at you. “Oh just wondering.” You lie. “Must be tiring.”
You continue to make the soup while wondering if it was possible to escape while they’re out stealing. You decide to ask Kevin for more information and he tells you that it usually takes 30 minutes to an hour for them to finish a small mission and that bigger missions sometimes take up to three hours.
He also tells you that he, Haknyeon and sunwoo are in charge of hacking, Younghoon, Jacob and Chanhee are always on the watch and Sangyeon, Hyunjae, Juyeon, Eric, and Changmin are the ones in action.
“Wow this is good!” Eric says, stuffing his mouth with the soup you and Kevin made.
I should’ve put poison in it, you think to yourself.
“So Y/n, tonight we have another mission and since we can’t trust you alone in this house we have to take you with us from now on.” Sangyeon speaks up.
“Sure” You simply say. “So what’s tonight’s mission about, hyung?” Changmin asks. “Tonight we’re robbing the new shoe store in town.”
And they all go crazy
“Finally! I needed new Jordan's.” Eric jumps up from his seat. “We should rob a Balenciaga store next.” Sunwoo sighs. After the boys finally calm down and finish their breakfast, you go wash the dishes while they prepare for tonight’s robbery.
Finally the time has broken for tonight’s mission. While in the car, Sangyeon instructs you to stay in the car with the hackers while the rest of them go to their usual position. When it’s time for the rest to leave the car, you lean back and sigh.
You have no phone, no nothing, all you can do is pray you get out of this situation soon.
“I see you’re enjoying yourself.” Sunwoo chuckles. “Leave her alone Sunwoo. Why don’t you come and look at how we work?” Kevin motions for you to sit next to him.
You sit in between him and Haknyeon and look up at the huge screen. Kevin clicks on a couple of things and all of a sudden a bunch of security camera screens pop up. In one of them you see Jacob, Younghoon and Chanhee on the lookout while the rest make their way around the back of the building.
“If I click on this, all the footage of tonight will be deleted, but I'll do that after the guys come back.” He points at a key on his keyboard. “Now we have to crack the password. Haknyeon?”
You look at your right to see Haknyeon click on a bunch of keys to reveal the password.
“1206” He says, and Sunwoo repeats it into the walkie talkie.
After 30 minutes the rest rushes back in the car with a bunch of bags full of shoes and money.
“We almost got caught.” Eric pants out of breath.
“I saw no one in the store though?” Kevin asks, while deleting the camera footage.
“There was this old lady walking in the alley and Eric started freaking out” Hyunjae huffs.
“So an old lady walking in a dark alley in the middle of the night isn’t sus?!” Eric yells, making the others laugh.
When you guys arrive ‘home’, you decide to go to sleep first because you're exhausted. When you lie in your bed, you fall asleep almost immediately.
“I’m kinda getting bored of robbing, I need more thrill.” Changmin lay’s down on the couch.
“Yeah me too, I want some adrenaline.” Eric plops down next to him. “Try jumping off a cliff.” “Not funny, Sunwoo.”
“Oh! I have an idea!” Haknyeon jumps up. “Y/n is our maid now, right?” “Maid.” Younghoon snorts. “She’s cute, right? And we steal stuff, right?”
“Get to the point.” Sangyeon sighs.
“Let’s steal her heart.”
Hyunjae burst out laughing. “Are you insane? Why would we do that? That sounds so dumb.”
“You guys said you were bored and this sounds like a fun mission to me.”
“I agree, this could be fun.” Eric jumps up from the couch.
“So you wanna make her fall in love with one of us?” Jacob sits up. “Why would she do that, we’re holding her hostage.” Sunwoo laughs.
“That’s what makes it hard and more of a fun mission!”
“And when does the winner get?” Sangyeon speaks up.
“We have to do anything for that person for two whole years.”
“Are you out of your mind?” Hyunjae scoffs.
“I like the idea, I'm with Haknyeon.” Juyeon sides with the younger one.
“Fine it’s a good distraction, we need to get off the radar for a week, the police are still on our heels.” Sangyeon gives in while Haknyeon and Eric cheer.
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artzychic27 · 3 years
If the Art Club was basically the Addams Family
They’re morbid, have a dark sense of humor, are never seen without black, and spiders hide in their hair
Nathaniel: Gomez Addams
Always has this sinister smirk that screams, ‘I will murder you in your sleep.’
Gets excited when his boyfriend speaks Spanish
Marc: Normal people. Tan extraño.
Nathaniel: Monochrome, you know how I get when you speak Spanish! *Kisses his arm*
Never seen without his black blazer
Sharpens the ends of his paintbrushes so they can be used as knives... No reason, just does it
Blood Red and Death Row Black are his favorite colors
A true romantic
Makes passionate love with Marc at least four times a day
Nathaniel: My monochromic nightmare. Stab my heart a thousand times and I will be yours until death do we part!
Marc: I’ll got get my dagger.
Nathaniel: Will it be painful?
Marc: So much.
Marc: Morticia Addams
Wears tight black outfits
Cuts the buds off of flowers
Marc: Ugh. *Cutting up roses* Who in their right mind would plant these?
Weirded out by normal people
Marc: Nathan. That child is smiling at me. Almost as if he were... Happy.
Nathaniel: Monochrome, look away. *Shields Marc’s eyes*
Writes morbid poetry and eulogies
When Mendelive asked him to a say a prayer for their dead class hamster, this is what he said-
Marc: Come, sorrow; we welcome thee. Let us join in grief, rejoice in despair, and honor the fortunate dead.
Cut to the students and teacher backed into a corner far away from him
Encourages his friends torturing people they despise
Marc: Alix, what are you doing with that bow and arrow?
Alix: I’m gonna shoot Kim when he’s not looking.
Marc: Well that one is much too old and worn out. *Hands Alix a crossbow* There you go.
Marinette: Wednesday Addams
Marinette: I'm just like any modern girl trying to have it all. It's just, I wish I had more time to seek out the dark forces and join their hellish crusade.
Says many “disturbing” things about how to kill people
Marinette: When burrying someone alive, it’s best to staple the casket shut. They still might have the strength to try and escape
Mme. Bustier won’t call on her during class anymore
Marinette: We should be learning more important things, like how many people were decapitated during the French Revolution.
Adrien developed a small crush on her after she held a crossbow to his face
After learning that from Alya, she started leaving spiders and dead roses in his backpack
Nino: Dude! She put spiders and dead flowers in your bag!
Adrien: *Sighs* Yeah, isn’t she sweet?
Chloé or Lila: Why are you dressed like someone died?
Marinette: No one I know died today, but I’m sure I can make arrangements for your two
Still sews. Her outfits are just more gothic
Adrien: *Staring at Marinette as she walks into class wearing a black dress with red bats and skulls embroidered on the hem* She’s an absolute angel.
Enjoys torturing people she doesn’t like.
Marinette: Lila, I’m not stuck in here with you. You’re stuck in here with me.
Alix: Pugsley Addams
When she first started school: So these are the gates of hell.
Has a habit of pranking her classmates
Often, her pranks need correcting to make sure she gets a much better effect
Marinette: Alix, if you wanna make someone fall down the stairs, you gotta oil the stairs first so there’s no chance of them regaining their composure.
Alix: *Facepalms* Damn it! Of course!
Has broken the law more than ten times. Now she’s no longer welcome in Germany.
Steals street signs to hang in her room and records the sound of cars crashing on her phone
Watches emergency room mishaps at max volume so everyone can hear the cries of anguish
Myléne: What are you watching?
Alix: A doctor cut out the wrong organ! Haha!
Juleka: Grandma Addams
Training to be a witch
Trying to mix magic with music
Juleka: *Writing in her spell/song book* What rhymes with disaster?
Doesn’t show up on film at all. She’s not a vampire, because she was seen eating garlic pizza
Like Marc, she’s also disgusted by normal people
Juleka: Why must there be a fair today? All of these happy people filled with excitement and *shudders* cotton candy.
Once tried to curse Chloé. The next day, she came to school with horrible acne.
Drinks a nice tall glass of snake venom every day with her brother.
Luka is currently dueling with Adrien for Marinette’s future hand in marriage... Her actual hand.
Always trying to buy people’s souls
Rose: Fester Addams
Behind that smile, she’s wondering how and when you’ll die
Has a purse full of explosives
Hides land mines all around the school and often forgets where she hides them
Luckily manages to avoid them
Rose: *Hears an explosion* Oh. I forgot I put one there.
Prefers Grimm’s Fairytales over Disney for many reasons
Marc: *As Rose plants a land mine in the courtyard* Rose, what’s wrong? You usually plant your mines with more vigor.
Nathaniel: Oh, Monochrome, it was dreadful. Mme. Bustier made us watch Sleeping Beauty. And that awful prince slayed the dragon.
Marc: What?! How could that woman force underage children to watch such violence?!
She and Juleka aren’t as affectionate as Marc and Nathaniel, but they’re always showing their love by carving romantic messages into skulls
Alya: Where’d you even find those?
Rose: Graveyard. No one was using them
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mystic-deep · 3 years
"Whipped Cream" - Part 1 | Nanami Kento fem!reader
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♡ ♡ ♡ description: Taking cooking classes seemed like a nice way to relax and sharpen your skills, too bad the teacher hates you.
♡ ♡ ♡ warnings: none, some mild swearing near the end, rating will go up due to explicit content in later chapters.
♡ ♡ ♡ notes: Chef Nanami anyone? Probably the only job that he'd actually enjoy haha. I'm not sure how many parts this will have but I'm not going to rush it, I pretty much have the plot and ending all planned out, let's see how fast we can get there haha. As always, didn't have time to proofread so please don't mind the mistakes.
♡ ♡ ♡ word count: 2.5k
“Happy Birthday!”
Sitting at a table inside a small restaurant, you looked at your best friend as she handed you a colourful envelop. Money? She wasn’t your mother. A postcard? Too cheap considering she only bought you a bouquet of flowers.
“Open it already!”
Like obeying a command, you opened it and peeked inside. A gift card? How original. You spent days preparing the gift for her birthday and she gets you a gift card. Seeing your disappointed expression, she quickly explained.
“It’s a cooking course! You always said you wanted to attend one but never got the time, I figured if I bought it, then you’d have no choice but to go.”
You took the card out and began to inspect it. The words VIP were written in a golden colour as well as the name of the school you’d be attending.
“It was the most popular course, apparently you have to book it months in advance. I was really lucky since someone dropped out at the last minute.”
“When will I have the time to-”
“Shhhh!” She placed her index finger on your lips in order to shut you up. “The group session is thrice a week and you have twelve lessons in total. It’s after working hours and if for some reason you can’t attend then they can schedule a private lesson for the weekend. Benefit of a VIP and all.” She flipped her hair in a proud way and you fought back the urge to roll your eyes. Who says money can’t buy a very expensive and needless cooking course?
The truth was, you loved to cook, it was the only time you felt calm in your otherwise hectic life. You were also pretty good at it but self-taught. You once joked that it would be fun to take some lessons and actually sharpen your skills but that was the point, you were joking. You remember the promise you made to yourself at the beginning of the year that you would go to the gym every day and get in shape. You bought a class pass for a year with a personal trainer and only ended up going for a week or two. You still received reminders weekly that you should be attending since it was already paid.
“Thank you, it’s a really thoughtful gift.” You offered her a smile as you played with the card in your hand. Well, one lesson or two might not take up too much of your time. You were also curios to know why this particular course was so popular.
“You’re welcome! Also, from what I’ve heard but nothing confirmed yet, the chef that’s going to teach you is really good looking.” Her eyes gleamed and you wondered if she was sending you out like a scout, to test the water and if it was good then she’d join as well.
“Wonderful, I can’t wait to be surrounded by an army of housewives.”
Monday afternoon you found yourself at the reception of the cooking school you’d be attending for the next couple of weeks. You had to admit that so far the building looked impressive. There were several classes from what you could tell and the lobby was already pretty crowded.
“Can I help you?”
The pleasant looking receptionist gave you a smile and you handed her your VIP card.
“Yes, I’m here to attend the course with chef Nanami Kento.”
“Oh, Nanami-sensei!” She gleefully took your card and began the registration. “You’re pretty lucky, this is our most popular class. It’s quite unusual for someone to drop out.”
“So I keep hearing.”
She gave you back your card as well as a small bag that contained several items.
“You have here your apron as well as your class schedule and several cooking accessories that you get to keep at the end of the lessons. The class is 10-A, the very last room at the end of the corridor. I hope you enjoy this experience!”
You smiled and thanked her before heading to the classroom. Upon entering you realized that your fears had been justified, the whole room was filled with women ranging from mid-thirties to some ladies that looked in their sixties. Only women, and they all seemed to know each other.
You moved to one of the islands in the back, taking out your apron and putting it on. You had to admit you kind of felt like you were participating in the Great British Bake Off. In terms of gadgets at your disposal, everything was modern and your island was well equipped with everything one might need for the cooking process. You had your very own oven and stove as well as a Kitchen aid and several other utensils. In one of the drawers you found a cutting board as well as a set of knives and several bowls. You were starting to realize why the fee had been so expensive.
“First time here?”
You turned around and nodded sheepishly at a group of older looking women.
“I guess everyone knows each other huh?”
“For most of us this is the second time we’ve taken this course, it’s quite lovely, you learn a lot of things.” You couldn’t help but wonder why they would need to take the exact same course twice. Either they didn’t manage to learn what they were supposed to the first time around or the chef really was thathandsome.
“I’m looking forward to it as well, I want to sharpen my skill and this one came highly recommended.”
“Are you married?” The question came as a punch in the gut and they all looked at you like it was the most normal thing one could ask.
“We didn’t see a ring on your finger.”
“Urm no, married to my work perhaps.” You offered a light chuckle but no one else found it funny.
“Then for whom are you sharpening your skills for? Any children?”
At this point you thought their questions were quite intrusive and rude. Were they perhaps thinking that you were a threat? A young new girl that was going to steal away the attention of their sensei? You were actually starting to get aggravated by their attitude. What happened to solidarity between women?
“I want to sharpen them for myself. No children, just a cat, pretty lucky I suppose.” Their eyes narrowed and you smiled to yourself. Teasing them was proving to be quite fun.
“Oh? Well, you’ll want them when you’re older. Although, you should probably hurry, not much time left to spare.” By this point your hand was itching to slap at least one of them. What an unpleasant bunch of old hags!
You were ready to give a sharp reply when the door of the classroom was opened and your teacher stepped inside. You hated to admit it, you really hated it, but he was indeed handsome. Blonde hair, light coloured eyes, build like a brick wall, sharp features and when he opened his mouth to greet the class, you fawned over his deep voice.
“I’m glad to see some familiar faces…and new ones of course.” His eyes landed on you and you shifted, feeling like a doe caught in the headlights. His presence was quite something, no wonder these women were ready to turn into harpies just for a bit of his attention. Still, it wasn’t enough to win you over. If anything, you felt an instant antipathy towards him-he seemed too arrogant for your taste.
“We’ll start our first day with a test bake. I want to see each and everyone’s level before we begin our lessons.” As he spoke, he neatly rolled up the sleeves of his white shirt and put his own apron on. You could actually hear sighs going around the room but he seemed unbothered.
“You can bake anything you like, something you’re comfortable and good at.” With that said, he gave you an hour and a half to see what you’d come up with.
You decided on your famous lemon cookies, they were pretty easy to make and every time you baked a batch your friends would fight over it. As you were creaming the butter with the sugar you felt a presence near your station and turned to look at Nanami that was peeking inside the glass bowl.
“What are you making?” Just like that, no introduction, no small talk, right down to business.
“Lemon cookies. They’re-”
“Quite a simple recipe, don’t you think? I wanted to see your level, this is something even a child could bake.” Your heart dropped a little. You weren’t great at taking criticism and you couldn’t stand how those old hangs from before were snickering behind you.
“You said to bake something that we’re good at.”
“So lemon cookies are the only thing you’re good at? Hmm.” With that he left your station and you just stared at his back as he went on to check on someone else. Your cheeks turned red with embarrassment and anger. You were going to shut him up, once he had a taste of your cookies he’d eat his words, as well as the whole batch.
It seemed, however, that the universe was working against you. The batter didn’t have enough time to chill and since you weren’t accustomed to the oven you over-baked them. You stared at the plate of spread lemon cookies, not one looking the same as the other, and chew on your bottom lip.
With your baking time coming to an end, he was walking from one stand to another, mostly complimenting the results. The other women in your class were a giggling mess, thanking him like he had offered salvation just for eating one of their treats.
When he finally reached your station, you felt his judging eyes burning holes into your very soul.
“What happened?”
“Well, the fridge is not set to the right temperature. The one I have at home is much cooler, and I didn’t have time to let the batter set. Also, the oven is different from-”
“A simple recipe but you couldn’t finish it properly. Everyone in class uses the same type of fridge and oven, no one else had any problems.”
You wanted to argue back, wanted to say how unfair it was since they were all well accustomed to their working stations because they had already taken this class. Instead you kept quiet and fought back tears that had formed at the corner of your eyes. If you wanted someone to look down on your work you would have stayed overtime at your office.
“Can’t be helped, since you’re at beginner level. You have to keep up with the rest of the class so please pay extra attention during lessons and don’t hesitate to ask your classmates for advice.” With that said he continued to stroll around the room, throwing nice remarks left and right.
When the class was finally over you grabbed your bag and dashed out of the room. You struggled to take off your apron as you walked through the main reception and into the elevator that led to the parking lot. When you finally managed to set yourself free you fished the phone from your handbag and dialled your friend.
“Hey little chef, how was your first-”
“Horrible! I’m never coming here again!” You practically screamed in your phone as the elevator doors closed. You were shaking with anger and as you stared at your reflection in the mirror from the opposite wall, you also realized you looked just as upset as you felt.
“He’s an ass! He didn’t teach us shit! Test bake he said, so I made my lemon cookies you know.”
“Oh I love those!”
“Right?! Too easy he said, even a child could make them! The damn fridge wasn’t working properly and I forgot to set the oven so they spread a little but they were still good! Then he just made fun of me in front of the whole class and ugh don’t even get me started on them-” You continued to vent as the doors of the elevator opened and you stepped inside the underground parking lot.
“All of them have taken the class before and they’re just here to drool over the teacher. I swear it’s a fucking joke, his class is only popular because every single middle-aged married woman there wants to fuck him!” You stopped from your raging rant to look for your cars keys that were nowhere to be found. “I swear they all have some sick fantasies with him! He’s not a chef, he’s just some thirty something guy that preys on naïve women. He probably doesn’t even know how to whip cream!” You huffed in anger while trying to juggle the bag you received at the reception, your handbag and your phone.
“Where the hell are my car keys?”
“They seemed to have fallen at your feet.”
You froze, feeling the blood draining from your body. You turned around in slow motion and looked up at the figure of your teacher who was only a few feet away from you. You didn’t realize just how tall and menacing he looked until now.
“Urm, I-”
“I’ll be seeing you on Wednesday. That is, if you want to attend a class taught by a guy who doesn’t know how to whip cream.”
The sweet embrace of death couldn’t have come faster. You picked your keys from the ground and tried to form some kind of apology but he quickly walked through the parking lot towards his car. He opened the door of an expensive looking Mercedes and drove away, leaving you standing there like a complete moron.
“Y/n are you still there? What happened?”
“Oh god, oh god, I’ve fucked up!” You began to walk to your car feeling like the worst person on earth. “I’m not sure how much he heard but he heard plenty.”
“Ohoho this is getting interesting!”
“I’m glad you’re enjoying this.” You spat bitterly as you opened the door of your own car and stepped inside, throwing you bags on the empty seat. “Well, I shouldn’t bother with what he thinks anyway. He was mean to mean first and it’s not like I’m going again.”
“Oh no, you’re not getting out of this one! I didn’t spend so much money just so your workaholic ass can come up with excuses not to attend! I don’t care if he likes you or not, despite what you may think he was highly recommended for his skill not for his looks.” You grumbled as you turned on your engine, really hating the fact that your friend was making a point. You loved to cook, you were good at it, you might have had a bad day and now your teacher hated you, but you shouldn’t give up on the opportunity to learn proper cooking skills.
“Alright, I’m going to try a few more lessons. It will be a miracle if he doesn’t kill me by the end of the week.”
“That’s my girl!” You rolled your eyes and hanged up the phone before driving off. You really didn’t like Nanami and now he had more than enough reasons not to like you, but you also weren’t a quitter. If anything, you will continue to go to classes out of pure spite. You’ll show him how skilful you actually were, far better than any of those hyenas from your class. You’ll whip that cream until you’ll turn it into butter.
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marvxlousqueen · 4 years
So Fucking Sore- Bucky x Loki x Reader
i have returned from the dead to deliver this smut for my friend’s birthday LMAOO anyways for this let’s just pretend tony killed thanos in endgame and brought back nat and gamora and nobody died haha yes anyways bucky is a simp in this tbh (and i’ve never written for loki so forgive me if it’s bad LMAOO)
anyways happy bday bestie (don’t wanna expose ur name on here lol) love u <3
word count: 3.5k
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The Avengers compound was more full than it had ever been. Finally, every floor was filled, every guest room taken, some sleeping bags even rolled onto the floor. Tony hadn’t planned to host the entirety of the avengers force, some odd one thousand people. After defeating Thanos and fixing the time lines, Tony felt as though they deserved a break and a celebration. Although most people were still recovering and wouldn’t stay for long at the party, he figured laughter is the best medicine- that, and he always loved an occasion to show off his hosting skills. 
Tony’s invitation even extended to the staff at the compound, which is how (Y/n) found herself holding a rsvp letter, trying to decide which box to check off. 
“Yes [   ]  (+1)   No [    ]”
She fumbled with the letter, pen getting heavy in her hand. She was seated in her office, taking her lunch break in between helping some of the injured Wakandan soldiers. Being an on-site nurse, of course she had had encounters with the team, but nothing like this party would be. 
Would it be embarrassing if I didn’t have a plus one, she thought
She was interrupted by a knock at her door. “Come in,” she said without looking up. 
The door slowly opened and Bucky entered, small smile on his face. 
“Hey.. just figured I’d bring you some snacks. Figure you must be real busy in the infirmary.”
He set a plate of strawberries on the table with a bottle of water, metal arm extending towards her. (Y/n) could briefly see her reflection in the shine of the vibranium. She lost herself for a moment, examining his arm.
“What- oh yeah! Super busy. Thanks, Buck,” she gave him a smile, cheeks burning.
They had always had some sort of chemistry, but she just couldn’t quite get a read on it enough to make a move. Ever since reconnecting with Steve, Bucky had gotten back into his old ways. Still a giant flirt, just maybe a little more shy than in the 40s. He loved to toss some pick up lines around whenever he wound up in the infirmary (which was a little too often), so (Y/n) couldn’t figure out if he really liked her or was flirty with everyone. 
“What’s that you got there?” He motioned to the rsvp letter on her desk, still unanswered.
“Oh, invitation to Tony’s party thing this weekend. Think he’s trying to get a head count for seats and food. Don’t think I’m going to go, though.”
Bucky pulled up a chair to her desk, “Why wouldn’t you go? You should be celebrating too, I mean- half of us wouldn’t be in this good of a condition without your healing hands.”
His lips pulled into a smirk as he saw her smile shyly. He loved how we could always make her melt at the slightest compliement.
“I think it might be a little embarrassing to show up without a plus one.. I don’t know, it’s probably stupid, but it seems like everyone has someone, you know?”
(Y/n) shrugged, not sure how else to explain her thoughts.
Bucky nodded, running a hand through his hair, “So- what, you’re waiting for someone to ask you?” 
“I- No, but it would be nice, I guess.”
Bucky felt his face heat up. Here’s my chance, he thought. A chance to get some real action because I’ve been out of it for too fucking long. 
(Y/n) looked up at him, waiting for a response. When nothing came, she pushed through her nerves. “You don’t have a date, do you?”
His eyes snapped up to hers, wide with worry. “I-uh-no. D-don’t need one. Just a party, you know? Kinda stupid to get a date for a party like this.”
“Oh- yeah, totally,” (Y/n) stumbled over her words, facing burning with embarrassment. Did he call me stupid? Well, I guess that answers my questions- he is definitely NOT into me. 
 Bucky almost slapped himself after seeing the way (Y/n)’s face dropped. THAT CAME OUT WRONG THAT CAME OUT WRONG THAT CAME OUT WRONG!! He meant to come off as relaxed and nonchalant like he used to be, but instead he sounded like a dick. 
Before he could get an apology out, another knock was heard from her office door. “C-come in!”
Steve opened the door, “Hey- oh hey buck,” Bucky awkwardly waved at him, still busy screaming at himself, “anyways, (Y/n)- Thor’s got friends on the way and apparently they got a little scuffed up on the way from Norway, so you think you can head in and check on em?” 
“Yes! Totally! Uh- bye Bucky, I-I’ll see you.” She jumped out of her seat and rushed off down the hall, happy to get away from this tension with Bucky.
Steve watched her speed off down the hall before turning back to his old friend. “So.. how’s that going?”
Bucky sighed, “It’s not going at all. I think I accidently called her dumb? I don’t know- I kinda blacked out for a minute there.”
Steve patted him on the shoulder, “You’ll be fine. You got plenty of time to fix anything and make your move when you’re ready, all right?”
He understood how his friend was having some difficulties. While he was far more stable then he used to be, Bucky still had his moments and was working through them. Steve couldn’t be prouder. 
“I guess you’re right. As long as no other guy tries to scoop her up.”
(Y/n) entered the infirmary, breathing hard from the speed walk she took to escape that awkwardness. Laying on two of the beds was a tall man with long black hair and some sort of creature with knives attached to it’s hands. 
“(Y/n)! My friends require your services!” Thor shouts, embracing her in a hug.
She laughs as he squeezes her tightly, “Of course! Now let me go so I can help-”
The man who was reclining on the first bed sat up, eyebrows raised. “You’re a healer?”
She looked towards him, noting his accent was similar to Thor’s, “Well- no. Not a healer, just a nurse, but I’ll do my best. With all this new tech it’ll be real easy to batch you up. What happened?”
Thor spoke up, “My dear friend here,” he motioned toward the creature with the blades for hands, “Miek- got into a argument with my dear brother and knives were thrown. Just minor stab wounds of course, but it would be nice for them to be healed before Stark’s feast.”
“Your brother?” She looked towards the man with black hair, who offered a smile. “You’re Loki?” 
“The trickster god indeed.”
Her face heated up, partially in fear and partially in awe. Before her was the man who constantly tried to rule Earth. “Are you-,” she turned to Thor, “is he allowed to be here?”
“Of course! He aided me in our fight against Thanos. He stands as an avenger now.” 
Loki rolled his eyes and began to spin a small knife he pulled from his boot.  (Y/n) nodded, still registering everything, “Well, uh , okay then. Where’s the stab wound?” 
Loki moved to lift his shirt. On his left side was a gash still dripping blood. (Y/n) took a deep breathe, forcing herself to focus on his wound and not the outline of his abs and the way sweat was dripping down.
“Oh- jesus christ, okay. Let me get some stuff.”
The creature on the other bed made a noise and (Y/n) realized he was injured too, a small blade sticking out of his leg. 
“Okay, I’ll be right back.” She ran to the other side to grab materials and begin patching them up. The process went like a blur. All she could feel was the way Loki’s body felt warm against hers, not like the cold she was expecting from his being a dark elf. His hand brushed against hers as he admired her handy work, eyes moving from her face to her form. Finally she was done and seated back in her office, yelling at herself for being so horny today for no goddamn reason. 
As she took a seat once again, she noticed the still blank rsvp card.
God-fucking-damn it
She still had a decision to make. As she went to check the “No [   ]” box, her door opened. Loki walked in and quickly made himself comfortable, sitting across from her. 
“I wish to thank you for the help.”
(Y/n) nodded, eyes wide, “Of course, yeah, anyth-”
“I also wish to invite you to Stark’s feast.”
She froze, mouth slightly open. I don’t even know this dude! And he’s killed a shit ton of people..
“Uh, well,” oh fuck it, “I would love that. Thanks.”
He smiled, “I’ll see you then, (Y/n).”
He left and closed the door behind him. She rushed to fill out the card and went to find Tony. Knowing him, he’d probably be down in his lab playing robots with Morgan. (Y/n) hopped in the elevator and headed towards the basement above the parking garage. It stopped around 3 floors down and the sign flashed “gym.” The doors opened and Bucky entered, sweaty from trying to workout and get rid of all these new feelings he’s having. He didn’t look up from his phone until the doors closed behind him. 
His eyes landed on hers, “O-oh hey! Hi.”
(Y/n) gave him a wave and looked down at her letter, rolling it up in her hands.
“You going to the party?”
“That’s good! Really good! Because you really don’t need a date for stuff like this, we’re all friends, right?” Bucky was desperately trying to make up for what he had said earlier. 
“I have a date actually.”
His eyes widened, “What? Who?”
She turned and shrugged, “Just some guy I met, don’t think you would know him.”
A light went off in his head- she’s trying to make me jealous, isn’t she! She doesn’t have a date! She just wants me to make my move!
Bucky laughed and gave her a smirk, “You don’t have to lie to impress me, doll.”
She whipped around, “Excuse me? You don’t think I can get a date?”
His cheeks turned bright red, “W-what? No, you’re just trying to make me jealous.. right?”
Her jaw dropped, “You are so full of it.” 
The elevator dinged and (Y/n) exited into the basement, leaving Bucky’s head full of questions.
Did I just fuck up again, he thought. 
The next few days past fairly quickly. (Y/n) spent her time in the medical bay once again, dealing with minor injuries and organizing the first aid kits. The few highlights she did have was a quick lunch with Loki, which seemed very abnormal for him. He showed up in her office with, as he called it, “Midgardian Trash,” which was just a plate of different snack foods that Clint had recommended. They ate in a comfortable silence, sharing a few thoughts here and there, until he took his que to leave. (Y/n) walked him to the door and was surprised when he pressed a kiss to her cheek, making her face heat up.
“See you tomorrow, dear (Y/n).”
She stumbled out a response, making him laugh at her speechlessness. After work she rushed to prepare herself for Saturday night.
It was probably the biggest party upstate New York had ever seen. Completely catered, a professional band, everyone dressed up in their finest clothing. (Y/n) would’ve felt completely out of place if it wasn’t for Loki’s arm wrapped around her waist as they entered. He was dressed in a black suit with a dark green tie, constantly repping his main color. Time flew as they spun on the dance floor and drank a little too much, although alcohol didn’t seem to have much effect on him. Loki excused himself to the restroom as (Y/n) downed a glass of water to sober up. She felt someone sit next to her at the bar.
“Look, I’m not interested-”
“Are you crazy? Like- do you genuinely have a death wish?”
She looked beside her and was face to face with Bucky. It felt weird to see him so dressed up. She was used to the sweats and t-shirts, but she had to admit that he cleaned up nice. 
“What are you talking about?”
He glared at her, “Loki? Your date is LOKI. Steve filled me in, I know everything. He’s killed people, (Y/n)! A lot of them!”
“So have you.”
“I-” His voice faltered. “That’s different, you know it is. I’m just worried about you, that’s all.”
“Well don’t be. He’s actually a pretty good guy. And here he comes now.”
Loki appeared, tapping Bucky on the shoulder, “can I help you?”
“We were just talking.”
He laughed, “seems you would rather do much more than that.”
(Y/n)’s brows furrowed, ‘What does that mean?”
Bucky’s face turned red, “nothing! I guess I’ll leave you two alone now.” 
“Nonsense,” Loki pushed him back into the chair. “Tell the woman what you think of her. Perhaps it could work out for you, or for us both.”
(Y/n) was confused again, “What the fuck are you guys talking about?”
Loki looked her up and down, “don’t be a fool. He fancies you, as do I. I propose an agreement-”
“wait what,” she looked at Bucky, “you like me? Like- more than a friend?”
He looked down at the table, confused and frustrated about his feelings and about how this alien douchebag was making fun of him. He swallowed the lump in his throat and spoke up.
“Listen asshole-”
Loki rolled his eyes, “do you wish to mount the lady or no?”
(Y/n) choked on her water, “what the fuck-”
Bucky’s eyes felt like they would fall out of his head, but he responded instinctively, “yes, god yes.”
Butterflies went off in (Y/n)’s stomach, eyes locked onto Bucky’s face.
“Great. So do I. So we shall share her then? Tonight? What do you think?” 
Loki turned to (Y/n), who was in shock.
“Tonight, the two of us, yes? In your chambers, perhaps.”
“I-uh, okay.”
Bucky licked his lips, “Okay?”
“Yes, I mean-fuck, why not. You are both.. wow.”
Loki laughed, “Great, but truly shocking how blind you mortals are to each other.” 
The three of them sat in a weird tension at the bar while waiting for Tony to give his toast. After about 10 minutes of emotional rambling, Tony finally raised his glass to the Avengers. (Y/n) downed her drink and looked to the two men sitting beside her. Locking eyes, they shared a common thought and all excused themselves one by one. They found their way into (Y/n)’s bedroom, where she made herself at home by throwing off the heels she had been wearing all night. 
Bucky cut off her rambling with a hot, open mouthed kiss pressed to her lips. His hands trailed down her sides and grabbed her ass. He pulled away, breathing hard. “You have no idea, how long I’ve wanted to do that.” 
He suddenly felt far more confident and began to strip off his suit, starting with the tie that had been choking him all night. Loki threw off his coat and pushed (Y/n) onto her bed. 
“I want you to kneel.” 
She stood up on her knees, face flushed, waiting for his next move. He slowly undid his pants and pulled out his cock. 
Well, yeah, he’s definitely packing
(Y/n) pressed a kiss to the tip before licking her way from the bottom back to the top. She took a deep breath and took him in her mouth as far as she could. Loki began to thrust, gripping her hair and pushing her forward, using her mouth as a fucktoy. (Y/n) opened her eyes to look up at him and noticed Bucky on the side, hand in his pants, eyes zeroed in on her mouth. She motioned for Bucky to strip, making him drop his pants and boxers, leaving him now completely exposed. His hand continued to pump his length, whimpers leaving his mouth. Loki noticed (Y/n)’s eye’s on Bucky and pulled away from her, leaving spit and precum dripping down her mouth.
“Take her.”
Bucky’s face flushed, embarrassed to be doing exactly what some other dude told him to. He walked towards the bed, cock standing proudly. 
“Is this okay?”
(Y/n) nodded yes, grabbing him by the shoulders and pulling him onto the bed with her. With Bucky underneath her, she lined up with his dick and sunk down onto it.
“Fuck! Jesus-fuck-”
(Y/n) couldn’t think for a moment, too distracted by how much he was stretching her. Bucky’s head was thrown up and his grip on her thighs tightened. He lifted his tips and bucked into her, making her gasp again.
Regaining her composure, (Y/n) began to roll her hips. As she rode him, Bucky sat up and his lips found their way to her neck, leaving marks up and down it. From the side of the bed, she could see Loki completely exposed now, hand running up and down his length as he watched them. He smirked as he caught her eye, making it more of a show. 
His hand moved faster before focusing on his tip. (Y/n)’s thoughts were broken from him as Bucky began to paw at her clit, rubbing it just the right way. Her hands went to his hair, pulling him close.
“God, so fucking-shit-so tight-”
Bucky’s voiced was strained, trying not to finish before her, but (Y/n) was making it difficult with how tight she was clamped around him. 
“Fuck-i’m so close, please!”
Bucky started thrusting up into her, “say my name-fuck”
“Bucky! Please!”
He rammed into her with a quick pace, hands groping her ass. (Y/n) a warmth growing in her, squeezing his dick even more. Finally, she reached her peak and exploded around him, dripping her juices down his dick. Bucky quickly flipped them over, putting one of her legs over his shoulder and started to pound into her. (Y/n) choked on her breath, completely overwhelmed from the overstimulation. Bucky’s thrusts began to stutter until he bucked one last time, going deep into her and exploding. He filled her up and slowly pulled out, seeing his cum dripping out of her.
“Holy shit.”
(Y/n) laughed, trying to catch her breath, “thanks, you too.”
“Quite the show, indeed.”
(Y/n) had almost forgot there was a whole other dude waiting to fuck her. Looking over, Loki’s cock was still standing tall, the tip burning red. 
He stood up and made his way to the bed, “On your hands and knees.”
His command made butterflies form in her stomach. (Y/n) turned over and got on her hands and knees. Loki entered her without warning, making her scream out in surprise. His hand came to her head, pushing her into the mattress. His pace picked up as he slammed into her.
Loki laughed through his heavy breathing, literally fucking her into the mattress.
“Let’s get something in that mouth, yes? Barnes-”
Bucky’s eyes moved from watching where Loki was connecting with (Y/n) to her mouth. “Sure-yeah, fuck yes.”
Bucky was thankful for his super soldier qualities because he was already up for round two. He got on the bed, dick facing (Y/n)’s mouth. She got back on her hands and kissed his tip before he pushed in. Bucky let (Y/n) control the pace although most times she was pushed on his dick by Loki’s hard thrusts. (Y/n) lost track of time as she getting literally fucking railed. Loki’s thrusts began to speed up and sweat was dripping down his godly body. 
(Y/n) felt the coil in her stomach tighten again, warmth spreading through out her, she was close, moaning around Bucky’s length. He pulled out of her mouth and began to jerk off, enjoying the show Loki and her were putting on. 
(Y/n) screamed as she reached her climax for the second time that night, eyes rolling to the back of her head, but Loki didn’t slow. He continued until one finally thrust, he pulled out and spilled onto her back, throwing his head back.
The noises (Y/n) was making made Bucky cum into his own hand before collapsing on the bed. 
(Y/n) dropped onto the bed, legs shaking. “Jesus- fuck.”
Bucky put a hand to her cheek, “you okay? We didn’t hurt you, did we?”
She shook her head, “No, just-fuck- I’m gonna be so fucking sore.”
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hamingo · 2 years
Last Time on Family Matters- Session 16
Nov. 19th, 2016
    Akari’s getting awfully used to waking up alone. So when she rises with the sunset and sees her boy once again nowhere to be found, she decides to have a little Hot Girl Getting Dressed moment, which is interrupted by none other than the Prince Bitch himself, who’s finally coming to get the art supplies that he had meant to grab the prior evening before he got… distracted.
    Akari notes he’s walking… a little slower than usual. And grimaces a bit when he bends down to grab whatever he had stored under the bed. And Akari knows that walk. That’s the walk of someone who’s been fucked within an inch of their life. She asks him about it, and he admits that yeah, he slept with Soup the night before, although he doesn’t mention that Wolfgang was also there.
    While digging under the bed, he of course comes upon his childhood clothes that were stuffed under there. Granted, it was Wolfgang who shoved them under there in the first place, and he only did so to save Rosario from a hate crime. But still, when Rosario holds up that dress, he is. Um. unimpressed to say the least. Of course, Akari has no idea what that stuff is doing under there, but Rosario is still understandably upset about it. He ends up just grabbing the rest of the shit he actually came into that room for and heading out, but Akari asks if she can bag some of his blood tonight for Anthonio. Rosario says he’s got plans tonight, but he’ll deal with it later.
    Akari then decides to finally go out looking for her Boy. She texts him, but he doesn’t answer, so she immediately gets worried cause of what happened the other night. When she calls him and he says he’s fine he just went for a walk : ) that sure does not help. (Especially when she asks where he is and he says he’s just chilling at the nearest bridge haha hey king what are you doing there?). 
    However. When Akari leaves, Paul Allen follows, because he is not pleased with Anthonio killing his ghoul (even though Paul Allen was the one who attacked Mattia first and Anthonio just mercy killed him but whatever, pop off, king). Paul Allen is a fucking dumbass though, and shoves some knives in his back pocket blade up?? And facing toward him?? Luckily for him, he apparently either has an amazing stealth score OR everyone else just kept failing theirs, because he was walking like a meter behind Akari the entire way to Anthonio and NEITHER OF THEM NOTICED HIM. Whatever. Literally. Whatever.
    Akari sits next to her boy and asks how he’s doing, he fucking lies and says he’s doing fine. (He very obviously is not. I’m sure it has nothing to do with him mercy killing an 18 year old ghoul who reminded him too much of himself and wondering how much better off he would have been if someone had just killed him right away while he was still human. Yeah. Couldn’t be that…)
    Anyways. As they’re sitting there, they both notice the familiar feeling of ghosty hands beginning to search them, starting at their feet dangling off and moving upwards. They seem to be harmless, until they reach Anthonio’s hand that Prince bit, the wound reopened by firing a gun the night before. As soon as they hit the blood, the ghosties attack, instantly scratching gouges into the arm. 
    Akari immediately jumps and pulls her boy backwards… directly into Paul Allen, who was still just hovering over her. She plows Paul Allen over, as all three of them fall to the ground in a pile and Paul Allen’s expertly placed knives stab his own back. Fucking idiot.
    When Akari grabs Anthonio and the two of them run off, leaving Paul Allen laying in a pool of his own blood… well, that’s not the first time this will happen to him tonight. But more on that later…
    The ghosties did not detach just because Akari and Anthonio started running, and continue tearing into his arm as they sprint back to the manor. Akari calls Rosario, but he says he’s across town and if they get to the manor then Eleanora will help them. Eleanora however… not Akari and Anthonio’s biggest fan. And she needs blood to perform her little necromancer rituals, and there happens to be a man bleeding out in front of her. She was maybe a little less than gentle as she coated her hands in his blood. Maybe yanked a few veins, pulled on a few nerves.
    Everyone in the manor hears the commotion going on down here, and while Soup, Wolfgang and Brandy look on in worry, Ronan decides that going down to the laundry room and finding his turtleneck is more important (it is).
    While Eleanora was crouching on the ground drawing her sigils and shit, she made some comment about Anthonio not mattering and Akari kicked her. Not the time, girlie… Anyways, Akari recruits Brandy, Soup and Wolfgang to help her patch him up enough so that he won’t bleed out on the way to the hospital.
    Brandy is the only one who’s actually helpful, although she does shove her massive rack right in Anthonio’s face as she’s trying to apply pressure. Soup was live streaming it, as always, and Wolfgang was being a little bitch and trying not to throw up from the exposed bone and shit.
    Ronan goes back to see Eleanora at some point and brings up that she ought to seek out Revenge against Akari (in regards to Akari stealing both Anthonio and Rosario from her). Eleanora then storms out, and Ronan goes after her but loses her, and he comes across Paul Allen still lying on the bridge waiting for an ambulance that no one called for him. 
    Paul Allen agrees to lead Ronan in the direction that Eleanora stormed off in, but Paul Allen is bad at directions. Ronan piggybacks Paul Allen around Venice, and the cross paths with Akari and co. taking Anthonio to the hospital. Ronan spits on him.
    At the hospital, Akari flaunts her ghost wedding ring and claims that she’s Anthonio’s wife so that she can stay in the room with him, while Wolfgang, Brandy and Soup fill out his medical information sheet. Wolfgang spells his name “De Russy” and claimed he had trench foot.
    Also, they called themselves the “posse” and sang “All you ladies pop your posse like this…” in a hospital. I fucking hate this trio they are the worst, on god.
    So Ronan and Paul Allen make it to the twins’ apartment, but no one is home. Ronan decides to go back to the manor to cause mischief. He leaves Paul Allen on the floor.
    The mischief in question comes in the form of him fucking around with his shadow form, and sucking up Mercer’s blood while she’s unaware. Which is a surprise tool that will come into play later.
    Paul Allen decides he’s had enough of waiting around for help, and drags himself up off the floor to go knock on the neighbours door. A Very large man answers, and he does NOT look happy. Paul Allen (4’11”) looks up at this guy (6’6”) and Paul Allen (probably 80lbs soaking wet) thinks “yeah I can take him” (built like a statue of Jupiter himself).
    So Paul Allen goes for the tackle, and ends up being carried around by the back of his shirt like a kitten, after realizing that, yeah, this dude is in fact a Giovanni kindred, knows who Paul Allen is, and is gonna take him back to the manor before he can do any more damage.
    So this guy carries Paul Allen back to the manor and gets there at around the same time The Posse have returned (Akari stayed behind after her Boy got back from surgery, she wanted to be there when he woke up), so those three all see this massive man carrying Paul Allen like a sack of potatoes. Wolfgang, predictably, is sopping fucking wet.
    Now, Paul Allen is not the best at making decisions. He’s still got those knives in his pocket (and one sticking out of his back), and he decides to grab one and take a swing at the guy. He misses, and the guy snaps his arm like a toothpick. He dumps Paul Allen inside on the floor, while Wolfgang tries unsuccessfully to chat him up. He calls for Eleanora, who’s returned by this point but is back to crying in her room, so Wolfgang offers to take Paul Allen to her, calling her up and telling her that this guy (who introduces himself as Sergio) has a package for her.
    Sergio then leaves, because he’s not into Wolfgang’s flirting attempts.
    Rosario then comes home, and as they’re all heading upstairs, Wolfgang asks him who Sergio is, because Paul Allen ruined his chances with him. Rosario immediately looked disgusted, informing Wolfgang that Sergio is his uncle and practically raised him. 
    To which Wolfgang replies “Then say Hello to your new step-daddy” and slaps Rosario’s ass. And Rosario fucking crumples. Because, as we may remember from earlier in the session, he um. Is feeling just a TOUCH sore from the night before.
    Wolfgang was also there, and Rosario watched him getting fucked JUST as hard as he did. So obviously, the sensible thing to do is smack Wolfgang’s ass right back as he leaned down to help him up.
    And thus began the Bitch Fight. 
    My favourite fight to date for sure, due to the low-stakes and the pure comedy of these two FINALLY going head-to-head in the most ridiculous way possible. There’s hair pulling. There’s name calling. There’s scratching, and clothes tearing. It’s iconic in all the best ways. 
    Soup is of course live streaming all of it, so Akari can watch from back at the hospital. At one point, Wolfgang pulls Rosario’s hair and says “Aw, you fucking liked it when I did this last night” which was fucking ICONIQUE of him, honestly.
    Anyways. Soup offhandedly says to Brandy “I can’t do threeways because they always fight over me after” and on god I can’t remember how it came up, and I’ve asked two of my players and they don’t remember either, but at SOME POINT it was tossed around about well. Who was tighter. And of course, they both immediately stop fighting and look to Soup expectantly.
    And Soup. The absolute champion. Says it’s Rosario.
    That goth twink celebrates for a while, but Wolfgang looks genuinely upset, so he decides to be a good sport and tell him that his pussy was great, King, and he really enjoyed last night. And Wolfgang says omg thanks, I enjoyed it too and just like that the bitch fight is over, and the two of them head off to the kitchen to get some ice as amicable as ever.
    Now while this is all happening, Ronan returns to Eleanora, and she tell him that she’s though about his proposal for revenge earlier, and while she’s not going to take that route just yet, she needs to know he’d have her back if she does. He agrees.
    When Wolfgang goes into Mercer’s room for his nightly Mommy Meet Up, she isn’t in the main room where she normally is. He finds her in the ensuite, looking fucking ROUGH. She says that he needs to go out and find her blood NOW, and yells at him to leave.
    Basically, because Ronan had slurped up her blood there, she was left on the verge of frenzying, but she’s locked up alone in a room. So there was nothing for her to do about it. Luckily, Wolfgang got it all sorted :)
    What a good boy.
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corazon-calaveras · 3 years
Another Friendly Leon in DBD
So I came across another Leon while I was playing as Trickster and I swear most of the time I cross paths with them as Trickster they either do some weird shit or get really friendly to the point where they’re comfortable enough to stay close to me. Honestly I’m not complaining, I’m just convinced that maybe Leon and Trickster were meant to be friends or something like that. 
Alright enough of my rambling, here’s another reenactment of what happened in this trial and like last time I’ll include my terribly drawn image to show how I imagine the reactions being cuz why not.
In case anyone wants to read the first random moment I posted for some context.
P.S. This trial took place in Coldwind farm. It may be important...probably.
Trickster *While walking*: “Ah, another day another trial.”
*Looks for survivors and comes across Nancy*
Trickster: “Aha! There you are!”
*Catches Nancy then hooks her*
Trickster: “Alright, now for my next victim.”
*Turns around and comes face to face with Leon* (Literally inches away from my face and caused me to hit him on complete accident. He legit scared the shit outta me)
Trickster: "HOLY SHIT-LEON!”
*Tries to recover from mini-heart attack*
Trickster: “Mr. Leon...I already get daily heart attacks from Mr. Myers...I don’t need any more heart problems especially from you.”
Leon: *Tea bags three times*
Trickster: “Yes, I missed you too now I must go. I’ll give you a head start, and I’m sorry for hitting you.”
Some time passes
Trickster hooks another survivor and walks a few feet away only for someone to quickly unhook them. Out of curiosity, Trickster looks back and sees Leon looking at him while standing near the hook.
Trickster: “I’m not even gonna deal with you right now.”
Near the end of the trial
Trickster: “Man, only one kill? *Sighs* I’m so gonna lose that bet with Michael.”
*Trickster walks through the barn and sees Leon emerge from a corner*
Trickster: “The gates are open now Mr. Leon. You should leave before the entity claims you.”
*Leon Points to a nearby hook which confuses Trickster*
Trickster: You...you want me to hook you?”
*Leon continues to point at the hook*
Trickster: “Alright.”
*Trickster throws his knives at Leon until he was downed then picks him up*
Trickster: “Haha sike! I’m taking you to the exit.”
Trickster takes Leon to the exit and upon arriving he drops him right in front of the exit. However, Leon had other plans.
Trickster: ”Wait why are you crawling away? You were literally right in front of freedom.”
Leon crawls towards a nearby hook and begs to get hooked to which Trickster refuses to do.
Trickster: “No, we are not doing this again! I won’t hook you! You need to leave now before the entity comes!”
Leon refuses to leave and insists on getting hooked. Trickster looks at the timer and immediately gets flashbacks of Meg also refusing to leave and the entity claiming her right in front of him as he watched helplessly. Not wanting Leon to meet that same horrific fate, Trickster sadly does what Leon wanted the whole time, picking him up and placing him up on the hook.
Trickster: “I’m so sorry Mr. Leon, I wanted you to leave but you made me do this.”
Leon gave Trickster a smile before the entity took him quickly from the hook, leaving Trickster on his own watching Leon’s body get taken.
Trickster: “...Why do I feel sad? Michael, I need a hug!”
After the trial
Trickster: "I tried to save him, Michael. But he wanted to get hooked and I had to re-live the entity's cruel gains. This isn't even my blood, most of it is Mr. Leon's."
Michael: ...
Trickster: "You're right, I'll see him again. Can I hug you for a little while longer?"
Michael: ...
Trickster: "Thank you. You know for an incarnate of evil you're really warm and comfy although you’re ridiculously tense."
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I hope y'all enjoyed my little reenactment of sorts and I can't wait to come across more weird moments like these in the future. 😊
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