#hahahhah well
ferrylazy · 5 months
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Today I woke up thinking about what an interaction between these two would be like.
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hardlypartying · 2 months
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“There’s, um,” He has never seen her fumble with her words, Rose taps her nails on the metal arms of the chair, “I have your mother’s ring— if you should ever want it.”
Astonished, Rafe cannot find himself able to respond to that. His head is full of cotton candy and his stomach suddenly sits still. His throat bobs with the words that won’t come to him.
“I saw the way you two were today and,” Rose bites her smile and nods at Kiara, “I’ve never seen her like that, or you for that matter.”
“I— it’s,” Rafe’s mouth opens and closes, completely losing all sense of articulation. Words leave his mouth with no idea what they’ll form. “I’m… we—”
Rose grimaces apologetically, knowing she’s just pulled the rug under Rafe. “I understand it’s early. You and Kiara probably don’t want to think about all that but, just wanted to let you know. It was always meant to be yours. I don’t mean to scare you or anything.”
There’s anything but fear running through him. Only the same weightlessness he felt when he broke his leg as the adrenaline pumped through his body to protect his mind from the pain. There’s no pain now, never was, just the absence of any fears because there’s something even more powerful coursing through him.   
Read chapter 17 of Kiara and Rafe’s Comprehensive Guide here
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joethehoeee · 7 months
"Why did you save me that night?" The question bore through his heart like a sharp dagger. The thoughts about that night hurt more than the phantom-pain of his broken horn. His back faced her, he was about to leave into the woods, like he always does if the guilt was to much to bear.
He tried to let his emotions deep in his heart. He wouldn't let them out. Not now. "Because you couldn’t save yourself." He answered coldly, his rough words rip through the cold air of the night. He knew that the words hurt her, even if she would try to play it off. He was a bloody asshole towards her. He knew it. He shouldn't be.
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The red-headed women behind him scoffed in a playful tone, yet he could pick up on the small disapointment in her voice. "Is that all? Just because you pity my weakness?" She shoke her head with a hurt chuckle, was she nothing to him? The leaves on the trees nearby rustle from the wind as she spoke. He could hear her tho, his ears would always hear her voice even through the roars of the dark lord right next to his ear.
No...That's not all..., the voice in his stubborn head urged to tell her the real reason. "I...Loved-....Love you. I love you, Barbara. I loved you then. I love you now. I will always love you." He confessed, yet the voices only grew louder, ...no, that's not the only reason why you disgusting scumbag. Tell her. Tell her the truth. His voices echoed in his mind.
"What...?" Finally, he turned towards her, his eyes wide as if he hadn’t planned to say it out loud. The salt and pepperd hair streak fell over his face (like it always did since he let it grow out). His face consorted into a soft, yet somehow...guilty...look. He took a step towards her, one of his hands moved to her cheek to cup her face, wich was still hurt but the light in her eyes couldn’t be mistaken. His clawed thumb stroke the scar she had gotten from the night when all of it started. God he hated himself. HE was that light. But why?! Why would her eyes light up for him.
"I couldn’t let you die. I would've never forgiven myself if...not after-..." his voice grew softer and he tried, with all of his willpower, to not break down. But he couldn't stop it. Not anymore. Everything was to much for him...the lack of sleep, food, water and the guilt...it was to much. He opened his mouth again but-
Her soft and warm lips suddenly brush over his own cold ones. His tusks tickle her skin as he pulled her against him. He should stop. He knows that he should stop her right now. He does not deserve this. It dosen't matter if he showed guilt or redeemed himself by giving her a grave, bones or this damn jacket that he was hiding in his bag (for now).
He pulled away. He pulled completely away from her touch. He stepped back, leaving as much space as he could. "Walt-"
"NO. Don’t say it. You don’t. And you won’t ever will...not after..." He steps back, shaking his head furiously as she tried to walk towards him. Suddenly she stopped, just looking at him with a confused and hurt look on her face. "I don’t care what-"
"I know. But this isn’t what I-" he growled, more to himself than to her. "It's my fault." He looked down at his hands. Tears form in his eyes but he stopped them from rolling down his face. He could still feel and smell the childs blood. And hers...hers too. "Walt, I don’t understand...? What are you talking about?" She sighed. "Look I don’t care about your past...I care about you now. And I...I love you too..."
"It's my fault that Jim died."
"I...I killed Jim."
Wasn’t that fun?
Well technically he didn’t kill Jim personally but-
He was ordered to make the plan. It pretty much went like the battle of the bridge just that they won. Strickler made that plan. (At least i think so but if not then he made it in this AU.) He also didn’t do anything as Jim was killed and Barbara dies believing that he didn’t care (in that moment) but he was actually frozen in shock. He loved that boy even if he wants to deny it.
This conversation obviously goes on and would be a bit more detailed if I write an actual fanfiction but this should work out, for now.
Well second non-"canon" Version.
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And with light-
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Aaaand closeup:
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More Context:
Barbara was attacked while she came home. In this version she wanted to dress a little up for her boys theater role. Tho, she almost never made it out of the house.
The times are a bit differently from the canon ep. Jim was killed and Gunmar got free like an hour before the school theater. Wich is why Strickler could save her.
Gunmar saw his weakness in her and Strickler couldn’t let her die just like that. He dressed properly (bc he knew he would now be Gunmars enemy wich made him disgusted of his former clothes.) and saved her. She was subconsciousin the burning building and he brought her to a save place.
At least until it wasn’t save and he fought against both Gunmar and Bular to keep her save. He lost his horn only a few days after that night.
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bluemoonstonesy · 7 months
the tenner in my purse has been going towards a lot of things i’ve been buying with apple pay
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andtosaturn · 2 years
dkjfgadhfdgfjhadflt he doctor was also super late for my first psych appointment, also for anxiety. The irony is cruel the shape of your body it's blue but hang in there, you haven't done anything wrong, doctor's just get caught up sometimes
lmaooooo yeah this doctor is always late and she never listenes to me so i think i'm going to have to find another one anyway
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kattze · 1 month
Please tell me if there's any mistake it would be the greatest. Also sorry it took a while to post. I got real lazy hahahhah.
I unpacked my belongings, and let out a sigh of relief. I look at the clock. “Christ lunch already? Good, I'm starving.” I quickly make my way towards the lunch hall. Everyone is sitting and joking around with their friends. Suddenly, someone with a mohawk makes his way towards me.
"You, the new recruit, ain't you'?" He smiles as he pats my shoulder, like he's greeting an old friend.
"Yeah, I guess I am, huh?” I smiled back at him and let out a small chuckle at his Scottish accent.
“John Macktavish, but you can call me Soap! Follow me; I'll introduce you to Gaz!” He starts walking away and leads me to a table with someone else sitting there, which I assume is Gaz.
“Gaz,” Soap speeds up his walking. “Look at the new recruit!” He gestures towards me as I finally catch up to him.
“Hello…I guess.” I wave and shrug awkwardly.
“Hi, Kyle Garrick, call me Gaz.” He waves back.
“Alright, Gaz.” I say
Soap sits down and pats the spot next to him. "Well, I'm sure you've met Ghost.”
“I have…he's..” Before I respond, Soap cuts me off.
“Let me guess, broody?” He says in a matter-of-fact way, followed by a laugh.
I laugh at his words, “Right on the money!”
“He's not heartless; you just have to wait for him to warm up, ain't that right, Gaz?” He looks toward his friend for approval.
“You're making him seem like some snake,” he replies back, “but yeah, he's not too bad to be around.” He shakes his head as he talks.
"Hmph, I'll say he called me a ‘twat when I first saw him." I laugh remembering the insult. Gaz and Soap laugh at the comment as well.
Gaz speaks up. “You'll get used to him, trust me, you'll be fine.”
“You sure? I won't be surprised if he kills me or something.” I shake my head and chuckle.
"Noooo, I'm sure you'll actually be his favorite. Just watch and wait.” Soap pats my back. “I'm sure you'll get along well!” Suddenly, heavy footsteps approach, and we all look behind us to find Ghost walking towards us.
“Who's favorite?” Ghost asks with a glare.
"Nothing, LT, just getting to know the new recruit.” Soap shrugs as he starts eating his meal, which is when I realize I never grabbed my damn food.
"Shit, I forgot my food.” I sigh and stand up. “I'll be back. I need to grab a meal.”
I hear Ghost scoff before mumbling “dumbass.” under his breath. (Bastard fr) I grab my meal and return to the table. Ghost barely acknowledges me, and I don't pay him any attention either. Later in the day, training starts, and it feels like hell.
“Holy shit I'm going to die, aren't I?” I grumble and wipe my forehead, and sweat basically covers my whole body.
“Don't know what Price saw in you if you can barely handle a basic workout.” I hear a voice from behind. I turn around, and I am met with Ghost.
I glared daggers at him before responding, “who knows?” I shrug my shoulders and continue to workout. I can feel Ghost stare at me like he's trying to kill me. I'd probably be dead if looks could actually kill. Hours later, when the workout finally ends, I head to the shower room. As I leave the shower room, I pass by Price's office, and I hear a few voices. I decided to be nosey and listen for a little.
I hear Ghost's voice talking to Price, and I make out some words: “Why do we need someone like them? They can barely handle the workout.” His voice is sharp, and he sounds pissed.
Price responds calmly, like he's already been through this multiple times. “They're a great asset to have, and trust me, you'll warm up to them soon.”
“Doubt that,” I hear Ghost scoff, “they're just dead weight at this point.” I roll my eyes as I hear Ghost complain, and I assume he's complaining about me.
I start walking back to the barracks and decide it's better to just ignore Ghost and decide to hopefully one day get on his good side. "Ugh, I'm not going to last,” I say as I lay down on my cot. I rub my eyes and decide it's better to get rest rather than think about stupid things.
~~next day~~
I wake up to the annoying alarm and quickly turn it off. I stretch my arms, popping my joints. “Wow, what a beautiful morning.” I say to myself sarcastically as I get up and prepare for breakfast. I make it to the lunch hall, and Soap waves me over to sit with him, Gaz, Price, and Ghost. I sit down next to Gaz, and he passes me a breakfast tray he saved for me. “Thanks Gaz.”
“No problem, C/N,” he says with a smile.
Price speaks up. “so? How is the base? Up to your standards?” He said in a joking tone.
“It's more than I expected.” I laugh. I notice Ghost is still quiet and cold as ever. I turn to look at him. “Had a good sleep?”
He glares before answering, "It would be better if you weren't here.”
I put my hand up to show my innocence: “no need for the hostility.”
Soap looks at Ghost and chuckles, “Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” He laughs trying to lighten the mood.
“Shut it, Johnny.” He says sternly.
“Just sayin,” he responds with a smirk.
~~Time skip to the afternoon~~~ (wow I'm so good at this/jk)
After breakfast, I head to the shooting range and practice my shots. After a couple of hours, I decided to leave the shooting range and do something else. As I start to clean up and pack my belongings, Ghost approaches me.
“Price wants us for a meeting in 5 minutes.” He says sternly before turning and walking away.
“Yes sir.” I mumble. I finish packing and cleaning up and head to the meeting room. Ghost, Soap, Gaz, Price, and a woman who looks like she's ready to tell us some life-changing shit.
“Nice to meet you, y/n l/n; I'm Laswell.” She gives a slight smile.
“Nice to meet you too.” I respond back quickly and come to the conclusion that she's probably the head of the 141 team.
"Well, let's get to the point. There's a mission you guys need to do to gather some valuable Intel. It is very important that it goes perfectly, so Ghost and C/N will be paired while the others provide support. I expect the utmost best on this mission." She looks around, making sure everyone understands the importance of the mission.
"Yes, ma'am,” everyone replies in unison.
“I'll be in contact.” She says and quickly leaves. She seems to be very busy.
Price speaks before anyone can say anything: “You guys heard her. We'll leave for the mission tomorrow at 0100 hours. I expect everyone to be ready. You'll have the rest of the day to rest up and prepare.”
“Yes sir.”
Everyone is in the meeting room, discussing the mission. I look at everyone. 'Hopefully I won't die’ I think to myself. Ghost suddenly spoke, snapping me out of my thoughts. “you sure they're ready? They're already daydreaming.” Ghost voice is teasing, and it's pissing me off.
“At least I have an imagination.” I say without thinking, and everyone stares at me in surprise. “Oops…sorry…” I try to avoid everyone's eyes.
Ghost rolls his eyes as Price speaks, “Just get along and don't fuck up this mission or your arses will be the ones to blame, got that?”
“Yes sir.” Me and Ghost respond. I see Soap and Gaz laughing at us. It finally reached 0100 hours, and we all got into the helicopter. We arrive on the mission, and we hide in the forest, waiting for an opportunity to get inside.
“Don't forget you two; don't screw up." Price glares at us, making sure we get the message.
He sends us into the building, and I stay close behind Ghost. We hid around the building, awaiting the signal to continue. I look at Ghost before speaking. “Why are you such an ass?”
Ghost stares at me before responding, “why are you such an annoying prick? Hmm?” He rolls his eyes as we finally get the signal to continue.
“Christ…” I scoff. We make our way through the building, hiding and killing people if they pose a threat. Suddenly, an enemy soldier runs towards Ghost and attempts to stab him before he could stab Ghost. I shot him in the heart. “Are you okay?” I ask Ghost
“The greatest I've ever been.” He answers without acknowledging that I just saved his arse. I roll my eyes, and we finally arrive where the Intel is stored. “Grab the Intel c/n I'll keep a lookout.” He says sternly as he gets ready to fight, just in case.
“Alright…” I quickly grab the Intel and gather it into a vanilla folder. "Okay, let's go!” Ghost leads the way, and we make it back to the others.
“You guys get along?” Soap asks as he elbows Ghost in a joking manner.
“Good enough.” He says as we all start walking back to the exfile location.
~~back at base~~
I take a shower in warm water, and the feeling makes me sigh in relief. I finish the needed shower and make my way to the mess hall. I look in the fridge and notice a tray with a note stuck to it; it reads, ‘didn't want to leave you starve, so saved some food- Soap :).’ I chuckle at Soap's smiley face. I heat it up and sit down at a table. I start eating my food peacefully, and I hear heavy footsteps walking towards me. I look up and see Ghost without saying a word. He sits next to me.
“Thanks for saving my arse.” Ghost eyes meet mine as I smile.
“No problem.” Before I could continue talking, Ghost interrupts me.
“Starting’ to think you aren't such a pain in the ass.” He then quickly gets up before I could fully process what he said.
“Wait what…” I groan in annoyance, “Christ…” I finished my food and made my way back to the barracks. As I approach my cot, I see a candy bar on my pillow. I grab it “it's probably from soap…hmph.” I eat it before quickly settling in for bed.
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harmonysanreads · 1 year
@harmonysanreads At university the other day I remembered a funny video and will like to share ittds content hahahhah.
Alhaitham: What are you doing?
Darling: Smelling the Sumeru Rose😊
Alhaitham: *WHISPERING* I wish I was that Rose
Darling: what??
Darling: 😟
And for Vampire AU Alhaitham
Darling: *Snelling the flowers*
VampAlhaitham: Can you smell me like a rose too
Darling: Pardon!?
Vampire Alhaitham: Did I stutter, You heard me
Because feeble scholar Alhaitham is lowkey shy and a tsundere while Vampire Alhaitham is more of a simp. And Darlings just want to smell flowers without the nuisances 🤣
KEEP UP WITH THE AMAZING AND WONDERFUL SPECTACULAR WORK ✨️ 🙌 ❤️ don't forget to rest and take care of yourself
Aww thank you coco!!! Take care of yourself too<3
Vampire Alhaitham has zero shame in his darling's presence and he will get jealous over a flower though making him admit it will probably take a lot of effort. You can expect darling to often be left speechless with his upfront manners (poor thing, on the verge of getting a heartattack). They're probably even though, because Vampiretham gets chest pains from how precious they are everyday as well :>
The first one could work with Alhaitham and his wife 😂 girl can't have peace for a second.
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justalildumpling · 5 months
can you describe ur relationship with ur moots using different kpop idol ship dynamics?
(hopefully that makes sense!!😣)
wait i actually love this prompt HELLO??? also, i only chose the mutuals i talk to on a regular basis and feel like i know well enough for this so im so sorry if i didn't mention you😭
@sungbeam ⎯ nct mark & haechan (aka soulmates)
if we haven’t advertised about this enough already, beam and i are certified soulmates like😐 like mahyuck we literally tease each other about our side hoes (*COUGH ch*ngm*n) but we will never hesitate tell each other how much we mean to each other. idk if mark had ever exclusively mentioned this about haechan but i truly believe beam and i were cosmic coincidences (soulmates) like i feel at home with her, she is my safe space
@polarisjisung ⎯ nct mark & yuta (24/7 flirting)
idek how to tell y’all, its literally playful flirts back and forth😭 and like yuta, hua wins most of the time…. literally bf who? but literally i would say our friendship is so wholesome tho, like if we were to meet irl i can imagine us like that one yuta and mark date at the restaurant
@wuahae ⎯ tbz sunwoo & changmin (menaces to society)
it just works. if u guys see our messages to each other it’s literally keyboard smashes and screaming about some random topic😭 we both take turns insulting each other tbh but 🥰lovingly🥰 but also like.... i don't think we can mentally and emotionally go without talking to each other everyday like idk what to tell u we literally are stuck together. ok but jokes aside, i feel like sunwoo clicked with changmin really well and have a deep trust in him just like i feel towards cat
@jaeminvore ⎯ nct haechan & johnny (the enablers)
we’re like… enablers of the inner chaos of each other. literally i could have the most feral thought and nics would be the first to be like yes😁👍👍 just like johnny constantly defending haechan HAHAHHAH
@winterchimez ⎯ tbz jacob & sunwoo (gentle mother with her chaotic ass child)
can i just say how much i adore ally like😭 she is so big sister energy but also like mother energy at the same time!! i feel like with jacob and sunwoo, ally is both very concerned.... towards my chaotic ass irl actions but also like entertained at the same time OAFOEF LOOK- she is my mum (in the non weirdest way possible) period.
@zzoguri ⎯ tba sunwoo & new (tom and jerry)
admittedly... i like teasing moni. why? well,,,, i love them that's why😁 ok. but, like chanhee and sunwoo's relationship i feel like our relationship is the perfect balance of very fun but also very deep at the same time. like we could literally be swearing at each other when playing game pigeon💀 but then could be venting about personal things the next second. i feel like sunwoo can really rely on chanhee for advice or hardships which reminded me of moni💗
@from-izzy ⎯ tbz sunwoo & eric (sibling energy)
i contemplated putting jaemin and jeno down but i feel like izzy and i give off more sibling energy then old married couple JBEWOFOWF i always have fun talking to izzy on vc like i miss her presence if we haven't spoken in a while even tho we might not outright say it
@invuwrld ⎯ tbz younghoon & new (the biggest cheerleaders)
can i just say mona is literally the biggest hypewoman? like. post a pic on deoboyznet and i can bet ur ass mona will be the first one to reply and it will literally make my day LIKE HEAISNPI?!?!?! and i would literally not hesitate to do the same for her. hoon and chanhee seem to hype each other up all the time and their interactions were always so cute to me just like ours hehe
@jaehunnyy ⎯ riize shotaro & sungchan (pair of besties)
IF CHIP ISNT THE IRL VER OF SHOTARO IDK WHO IS because girl. she is literally the sweetest human being ever and just like shotaro, she took me into her arms the day we met and i have never left since
@mosviqu ⎯ svt hoshi & shinee taemin
i always looked up to bar when it came to writing and still do, like i have such high respect for her and still fangirling that we're moots OIUBQOEUFBOW but like hoshi and taemin, i would like to say that we're getting closer hehe
@/wuahae @/zzoguri ⎯ tbz new, q & sunwoo
istg there's just chaos when we're together like idek what to tell you. HEAVY EMPHASIS on when we play crazy 8 SKSJSJSJSJ like last time, cat and i literally ganged up on moni😭 like we all love each other but we will literally bicker all the time OIHFOIGHWE (not to mention the fact that we genuinely have attachment issues.......) LITERALLY SOULMATES!!!! (the pattern confirmed everyone)
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 6 months
Really sorry that I'm doing this again Sleepy but the Werewolf!Soap art you made is still making me go BARK BARK WOOF GRRRRRRR BARK BARK WOOF WOOF
Trust me this is the last time I do this 😭
Well now you make me want to draw more Werewolf!Soap
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kaebedom-me · 1 year
I've been brainrotting about this for a while but like ch//ya having an s/o that's a complete sub that one day wants to try being a dom?? but like overtime they just get v flustered and ch//ya take over,, like they talked it all over before and it's all okay msndm but idk,, I always wanted to try being a dom but I get flustered too easy;; idk maybe I could be v soft dom if kaeya/ childe was also top and we went down on the other nsbdj-
i have a friend who's just like this :)
i think childe and kaeya would adore the fact that you want to try to dom and or top uwu
they're all for spicing things up in the bedroom and exploring kinks mefeels
so when you mention to them one day that you'd like to try something like this they'd be v happy and willing to help you figure out how you'd wanna go about it
ofcccc there's plenty of ways people top and or dom so they'll wanna try their best to understand what you mean uwu
goes thru everything with you; if you want it to be a set time or something more spontaneous, if you want them to initiate a little before you leading or if you want to be the one to decide when and how it happens
also defs the dynamic, if you wanna bottom from the top of if you wanna peg them or if you wanna try bossing them around and tying them up
I've always hc them to be supes experienced so i like to think they'll gently suggest how you can get into the grooves of things if that's what you want
will baby and hand hold you through this because it is your first time trying
so so so proud of you for bringing it up to them!!!! so excited at the prospect too!
with a little discussion and some nudging with them you manage to find the perfect and most comfy way you wanna do
if you get flustered mid way its ok!!!! a ok!!! not a problem!! not even a matter!!!!
will ask if you're still comfy to continue if you'd like them to lead or nudge you a little on what to do
they're both switches so won't be too hard to go with the flow
thinks you're so cute when you're all shy and flustered and have ample patience with you
since kaeya's playing the soft dom/ bottom here he'd mostly just lay back and let childe guide you
gives you so much praise while you're on top of him trying to give him oral
pats your hair and gently guides and teaches you how properly tease + get him off
childe is a very responsible top uwu makes sure you and kaeya are both comfy all the time and that everything is still ok with you
will encourage you a ton and massage your erogenous zones
teases your sensitive spots too but not too much to distract you from your task at hand or mouth because wants kaeya to get his pleasure too uwu
sometimes you get too too flustered and panic like you can't do it or something, they make sure you're 100% ok to continue
and if you've already discussed it before i feel kaeya would coo at you and continue to encourage you uwu
maybe tells you to stay where you are (between his thighs) to watch how childe does it uwu
childe is very enthusiastic about being watched and even more enthusiastic about showing you the ropes
since his mouth is occupied kaeya kinda talks you through the process
his moans and grunts while talking about it
hc he gets off while talking about how he likes being blowed, he's a little bit vain
makes heavy eye contact with you and childe because he wants to make sure you're listening LOL
makes you so much more flustered especially with his husky ass pleasure laced voice mmm
asks you if you still want to lead if not they're ok with switching uwu
if you're supes shy at this point they're happy to flip the dynamic
would shower you with so so soooo much love because!!! you did so well!!!! it's not something easy to do so they're really proud of you for trying!
turns the attention to you also because they know you kinda just want to lie back and forget(tm) about the mess that was HAHAHHAH
if you're ok with going through with it they'd be so hyped!!! more compliments and sooo much praise!!!
childe would lean back to guide you again
kaeya takes more of a back seat this time, no tricks or anything to tease you uwu lays back to really enjoy the moment uwu gets into his bottom mentality HAHAH
childe teaches you when to go harder, when to suck and use a little teeth, praises you for doing what he tells you to
and when kaeya cums, childe is happy to get you (and him) off as a reward you for doing so well
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kassiemari · 15 days
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It's been awhile i guess, so what's up everybody?
I'm hoping you have a good and relaxing day ahead, i'm here again guess what because there’s nothing to do in office today that i can write in this blog HAHAHAHA 
Its my NANAY’S Birthday today, the 3rd day of April (Grandma) but she’s buried in Manila and here in the province but we see to it that there’s someone who can visit her in her grave, my brother’s maybe who lives in manila. HAYYYYYY
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I'm going to rant again, HAHAHA WHAT”S NEW BITCH, this page where i can release all my unsaid thoughts and feelings because if i let them know it'll be a burden to them and i can't do that. So be patient with HA HAHAHAHAH.
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So where can I start? There’s so many to rant that i don't know where to start
My office work will end soon so i think i can't finish this blog for today, im continuing this maybe tomorrow? HAHAHAHA ohhh shot i forgot that i have meeting tomorrow with accountant so maybe friday i guess AHAHAH
There’s nothing here, it's worthless paper today.
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Hello again, it's the 4th day of April and there isn't much work today as in literally no work at all, so I'm bored and to divert my sleepy eyes, I just write anything to say even if it's nonsense. 
So well, I was in Manila yesterday to accompany my friend who has a problem with her work. Apparently she’s involved in a money problem with the company, I can't elaborate it further, it's too personal. 
I've also told Sami about it he said, say to your friend that everything gonna be okay and i rely naman that, hoping she gonna be okay too her mental health is too low last year she was diagnosed Anxiety and Depression, when i heard her crying last night i just hugged her that's the only thing I can do to her as her support system, i can't say if she’s wrong or right because I'm not in position to judge everyone’s involvement.
Hoping to end that struggling position for her and today she messaged me something that bothers me. I'm waiting to hear what she's gonna say.
I've been playing non stop Ariana Grande’s Eternal Sunshine Album HAHAHAH, i felt to dedicate this to Sami but everytime im doing that he’s been active on messaging me HAHAHAHA 
So what’s that? 
There was also a time when i posted what song I'm playing that day (i forgot the title but it was sentimental HAHAH it was random playing) then he replied 
“Why are you sad? We’re okay. Sorry I was busy” 
I replied “I know we’re okay, what are you talking about?”
He replied “your story”
I replied “HAHAHA sorry about that it was random”
Defensive much boy HAHAHAHAH it was last year i guess 
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What she said was so big AND I CAN'T TAKE IT howwwwww????
I cant even write it im so shock
Hello again it's my third day doing nothing HAHAHA its 5th day of april today, i'm so lucky to have my day paid while doing nothing because why? I've done it last week so i don't have anything to do now. 
So today is friday i'm writing again a non sense paper, like what i said yesterday i knew something that so hard to believe and it involves my work friends, if you red my other writing, I’ve mention these friends there but not totally dropping their names
So this is it, this friend of mine is ranting about her feelings for the last few days, she’s so problematic then within that day she have known that our other friend having flirty jokes with her husband, although it was a joke, we all know that joke are half meant so decreased her hurt feelings i've always reply “please rest for awhile you needed that and everythings gonna be fine” familiar? HAHAHAH it was from someone 
Ooohhhh shoooot ive also write that about the talked happened on the 3rd day of april in manila HAHAHHAH my i'm so old to notice that 
I don't know how hurt feelings are because I've never had a husband so prone to cheat? Is that cheating already? 
For me personally, cheating is a choice. Although there's bait or some malicious actions from others it was your choice to do wrongdoings together with some bait.
So if Sami chose that i don't know I've always ask him naman about it, if he has someone there na that he can be 24/7 let me know so i can exit myself it was painful and hurt but i need to do that, but he said there's no one there so i believe pa but you know sometimes it like i said most of the time I'm thinking about it
That he's super busy? Even sending an updated picture or message he can't do? Oh well we’re not physically seeing each other pa just a face on the video its super seldom pa that’s why I'm okay with it he’s not demanding thou to see me for something, sometimes he just asks for a selfie.
So enough of me i'll go back to the original topic of the day which is my friend SAPAW KA GIRL HAHAHA 
That’s why I'm asking diba if that's cheating also, texting some flirty message to someone you're not in a relationship with, even if you're too close to that person. 
I'm even close to that person, she’s ahead of us you know but, i don't jump into conclusion with just statement, why? Because she’s married too with 2boys that’s why I'm asking WHY? 
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I'm the actually the one confused, super and i don't understand them anymore, listening is the best i could offer but my mind is so blowing also HAHAHAHA
So this is what nonsense writing feels like? I'm just narrating or ranting? It depends on who reads it anyway but at least it release my thoughts
Anyway i need to stop na this i'm going to publish this eventually
What's XOXO again?
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Remember to be beautiful always and always be kind 
Kassie Mari
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ashiemochi · 9 months
I just read all them chapters of leon and so ah's story and i can't believe you didn't wrote about their wedding party 😭😭😭
I have to say that pussidon is my favorite. so ah is such a sweetheart and i really like the way you wrote leon, i feel like it's very close to what would be the canon version. I can't wait for anubussy's ending!!
you are very talented, ashie! i hope you are doing well 💕
the fact people are still reading my 'x OC' fics is INSANE to me and it's making me AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-
this comment made me giggle for days straight ever since i got it HAHAHHAH i wanted to wait till i had access to my desk to answer!! thank you so much!! <3
As for the wedding chapters, there are two of them in Anubussy!
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sparkbeast20 · 1 year
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OM!MC: Solomon, meet my friend
Solomon: *looks at the friend*
What in “Hell” is bad?MC: G…grandpa
And do I read correctly at the end, we will meet all demons from the lesser keys of Solomon.
Damn, this game hasn’t been released yet and I’m in love with it already
Yeah I can't wait for this game!!!
I just wake up from my nap (which means I'm be up for the night :D) So I post the next batch of new batch of tweets from prettybusy for What in "hell" is bad?.
OM!Solomon: ...
OM!MC: Well... This is awkward...
HB!MC: What? what is so awkward? You just help me reunite with my grandfather!!!
from the distance
Lucifer: HAHAHHAH!!!!
Belphie: I guess that your age is really showing!!!!
Asmo: And look! They have demons too!
Asmo: Their even bonding with other brothers over there! *Points at where its happening*
Right where the others are
HB!Beelzebub: So~ I can tell from your breath that you-
OM!Beel: So do you have a tattoo right there at your lower abdomen read "Suck here" ?
HB!Mammon: Say. You can tell me who's that cute over there standing over there. *Points at Asmo*
OM!Mammon: We ain't done talking here! What exactly you say to MC!!!
HB!Satan: Come on Blondie! Just take this paddle and swing it at-
OM!Satan: Get Away from Me!
OM!Levi: So... You said that there's someone who-who has my name too?
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loving-august · 2 years
draco as your brother!!
๑.genre: fluff, crack, angst, no voldy au + sfw!!
๑.warnings: sibling fights, magic usage against each other, a hint of harry potter x reader hehehehe, errors, typos :))
๑.links: navigation | hp.masterlist | genral taglist form
— not a ship! just think of him as ur big brother or a twin ok bye + this is a last minute headcanon b4 i'll be going out with my cousin at a cafe >< edit: im too lazy to erase the note b4 this,, i already went to a cafe and decided to post this HAHAHHAH <33
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him as your brother can be frustraing sometimes. beacuse he's the type of brother who makes fun of you.
if he'll say his infamous lines such as: "father will hear about this!" ,, you'll just simply say back: "mother will hear about this!" And the list just go on.
Narcissa and Lucius would be super stressed for the both of you when you two were just a child. Draco would often touch things in the store and you jsut joining him.
But to tour dismay, one time draco broke something, he framed you. To which you were mad at him and didn't talk to him in one week. He was lucky that you didn't have the mood to hex him or else lucius would hide your wand.
There are times that both of you are sworn enemies, but at the same time both of you treats one another as an actual sibling. They might thought that you would often fight, yes that is true, but there are times that both of you are tired that you two just usually do and decided to form an alliance and tries to be good to one and another.
As soon as both of you are attending and hogwarts, you both have the same circle of friends.
"He's your brother?!" Your seatmate asked, and you nodded. "I get it, i know the reaction. I mean, we literally shared the same womb so i know what you're feeling." You said it out loud enough to hear by everyone. when he turns around you smiled wickedly and started to run.
In serious fights during holidays at the manor, there's one time that you both used spells on one another. Because he found out that you're seeing a particular someone that he wasn't aware of. The entrance were wrecked and the couch was on the wall and got flipped.
"I told you! This is none of your business draco!" You angrily said. He scoffed, "it's my business because im your brother! Seeing someone that who is not even acceptable!" He talked back.
"Well it's not not my fault i fell for harry! Blood status does not matter when it comes to love draco! You're just blind!" You were practically yelling now. Soon enough, the door opened to see your mother and father. Narcissa was horrified to see you two fighting in an extent where you used both magic to one another. Both of you looked down as your father scolded you two for making a whole mess in the place and scared your mother.
You both soon apologised to them but the only thing to make them forgive you both is to apologise to one another which it took days before giving up.
It times in sadness and hardship, you both care for one another, but not in a direct way though.
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© 2022 loving-august. All Rights Reserved. Do not repost. Do not plagiarize. Do not share on other platforms. Will get slapped if u do.
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dude-iloveu · 4 months
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i drew this some time ago while thinking of an american arcadia AU with my ocs. but i decided to change it now.
i've been so fixed on the 'pathetic wet cat of a man' trait that trevor has, it just completely blinded me from the fact that noctis is just as much of a pathetic wet cat as aeron is. maybe even more.
and now it all actually lines up well for the au lmao. noctis is the boring npc like minor character in a show that nobody is interested with her life. she works in a plain ol' office. she doesnt have much friends, aside from the one coworker who had now gone missing. She avoids social life as much as she could. but deep down she has plenty of interests and interesting things about her that she doesn't show to anyone. and despite being just some office worker she can do parkour lmao. like i guess her personality is different from trevor, but the whole other aspect about her aligns really well. and aeron volunteering to help people escape from being trapped seems to align with his aspirations (?). He's also like, friendly but also quick to cuss people off lmao idk like Angela. I think I can imagine him in the role. Also Aeron is a little bit more interesting than Noctis, so I don't think it seemed right for him having low views if he were in position of Trevor instead. hahahhah. Noctis is his blorbo from his shows hfsj. Leafson would still be Vivian, and tbh ??? I guess Leafson and Noctis being against each other would seem more fitting now. hahahah hell yea. I guess with that, Izz is Gus :]
I haven't decided what pet Noctis and Aeron would have or if it'll still be a turtle and cat too lol. I sometimes think of her having a pet fish, or shrimp maybe.. but shrimp don't live in solitary i think? I've though of Aeron having some sort of big dog, but him with a cat seems fitting too.
"Echo Arcadia" lol. Do I gotta use Leafson's first name in here, or can I get away with making him use just "Leafson" as his name that people know.
I would probably need to make a character for the chief police (?). or. I could get away with making griz as that role LMAO.
Can you see i am as much very normal about this
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hauntingmiser · 6 months
File #9 and #10 : [ CLASSIFIED ]
Condition : Run and never come back
.+ Context : detective red shows detective pink the church after they drove there and she felt stubborn at first but she said "fuck it" and then detective red and detective pink got into the church and after all of that wild goose chasing getting the files they need chasing they found it
They found they were looking for
The Mastermind of all
but he looks different.....he was some kind of an arachnid, being tied up upside down and staring at the two detectives he speaks in a long melatonin voice that gives one of the detectives a shiver in their spine....+
Well... You have come this far.....even though you have been working so hard to find you did it.......
And I must be proud of you you did a great job pulling the strings off of the murders I did....but before I get what you want.... I have a question?
What is it!?
What is it that you want from us!?
Tell me detectives......how do you make a Portal To Hell ?
Uhhh what-
The Ouija board?
Raising the Dead?
Summoning a demon from the depths by using a pentagram?
Good point but the answer is....
What's the answer?......
*the counselor gives a little chuckle and screams in agony as he grows another two pairs of arms*
The answer is simple
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*and so detective red and pink panic and then decided to unlock the church door and ran away as fast as they can while Maruki laughs like a madman*
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