#hair transplantation
moznohayanie · 9 months
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vcareskinclinic · 5 months
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Hair Transplant in Bangalore | Hair Transplant Clinic Near Me (vcaretrichology.com)
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atreidesjr · 1 year
DHI Technique: The High-Tech Solution to Hair Transplantation
Hair loss is a common problem among both men and women, and it can have a significant impact on one's confidence and self-esteem. Over the years, various hair transplant techniques have been developed to address this issue, with the Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) technique being one of the most advanced and high-tech methods available today.
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What is DHI Hair Transplantation?
The DHI technique is a minimally invasive hair transplantation procedure involving the direct implantation of individual hair follicles from the donor area to the recipient area. Unlike other hair transplant techniques that involve creating incisions or slits in the scalp, DHI uses a specialized tool called a Choi Implanter Pen to extract and implant hair follicles.
The Choi Implanter Pen has a hollow needle that extracts individual hair follicles from the donor area. These hair follicles are loaded into the pen and implanted directly into the recipient area using a gentle push. This process allows for precise and controlled placement of hair follicles, resulting in a natural-looking hairline.
Advantages of DHI Hair Transplantation
Minimally Invasive: One of the main advantages of the DHI technique is that it is a minimally invasive procedure that does not require any incisions or stitches. This means that there is minimal scarring, and the recovery time is much faster compared to other hair transplant methods.
High Graft Survival Rate: The DHI technique involves the direct implantation of hair follicles, which results in a high graft survival rate. The hair follicles are not exposed to external factors, such as air, which can damage them, leading to a higher success rate.
Natural-looking Results: The DHI technique allows for a precise and controlled placement of hair follicles, resulting in a natural-looking hairline. The implantation of hair follicles in a specific direction and angle helps create a seamless blend between the transplanted hair and the existing hair, giving the appearance of a fuller head of hair.
Fewer Grafts Required: Since the DHI technique allows for precise placement of hair follicles, fewer grafts are required compared to other hair transplant methods. This means that the procedure is quicker, and the recovery time is shorter.
The DHI technique is a high-tech hair transplantation method that offers many benefits over other hair transplant techniques. It is minimally invasive, has a high graft survival rate, and produces natural-looking results. Using the Choi Implanter Pen allows for precise and controlled placement of hair follicles, resulting in a seamless blend between the transplanted hair and the existing hair. If you are considering a hair transplant, the DHI technique is definitely worth considering.
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skindoctorsinguntur · 26 days
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Feel Confident: Best Hair Transplant in Guntur with Dr. Sneha Kovi
In the bustling city of Guntur, a solution to hair loss is within reach, thanks to the exceptional services of Dr. Sneha Kovi. With a reputation for excellence in hair transplantation in Guntur, Dr. Kovi offers individuals the chance to regain their hair and confidence.
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vcareskinclinic · 5 months
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hair rejuvenation therapy
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Hair Transplant Cost
Discover the path to natural, fuller hair at Nirmiti Cosmetic Center, where excellence meets affordability in hair transplant services. Led by the skilled hands of Dr. Neeraj Bhaban, a renowned cosmetic surgeon, the center offers state-of-the-art hair restoration solutions. Experience personalized care and the latest techniques, ensuring optimal results. The cost of hair transplant at Nirmiti Cosmetic Center is a testament to their commitment to making transformative treatments accessible. Unveil a new chapter in your confidence journey with the expertise of Dr. Neeraj Bhaban and the dedicated team at Nirmiti Cosmetic Center.
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✏️Nota: Descripción en turco🇹🇷, inglés🇻🇬, alemán🇩🇪, italiano🇫🇷, francés🇷🇺, español🇪🇸, ruso🇷🇺 y árabe🇸🇾.
🇪🇸🇪🇸🦋 DHI (Direct Hair Implant) aire, que es una forma del método FUE (Follicular Unite Extraction), que ahora se ha convertido en un clásico en el trasplante de cabello.
👉Personal de expertos de DHI;
👉La diferencia entre el método DHI (también llamado técnica de pluma) y FUE es que los injertos de cabello se toman uno por uno y se vuelven a agregar en un solo paso, lo que garantiza menos daño a los injertos.
👉Se utiliza un micromotor como en el método FUE, pero el diámetro de la 'pluma implantadora Choi' utilizada es menor (entre 0,6 y 1 mm).
👉No queda rastro/cicatrice en la zona donante.
👉Si la tasa de injerto tomada del área donante no supera el 3%, no se puede entender el adelgazamiento visible. 👉Cada injerto de cabello contiene 1-2-3-4 mechones de cabello (un promedio de 2,5 mechones de cabello).
👉En la colocación de una sola etapa, las únicas lógicas se colocan al frente y las otras asimétricamente (no agregadas de manera recta) se colocan en la parte posterior respectivamente.
👉Injerto de una sola colocación o más duradero, es decir, proporciona un elevado número de trasplantes.
👉Se tarda más (10-14 horas) que la selección normal (6-8 horas en promedio) cuando se toma meticulosamente.
👉El cabello más natural parece que no ha sido trasplantado.
👉La única desventaja de los bolígrafos Choi es el alto costo del valor privado.
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