#halloween tarot
magickpumpkin · 2 months
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The Halloween Waite Stars Edition | By Tarot Collectibles
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thesensteawitch · 6 months
Messages From Your Ancestors 🎃🌻💚
🥀Halloween Special
Pick A Pile Reading (Harry Potter Edition 👻⚡)
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Hello, Senstea Souls!
This is a magical reading! Those who respect the dead and feel grateful to be alive are welcome to take this reading. 🪄
Pile 1
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Tarot Cards- Judgement, Five of Pentacles, Ten of Pentacles, The Empress, Queen of Cups, The Emperor, Nine of Pentacles, Ace of Pentacles
Bottom of the deck- Three of Swords
Zodiac signs- Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo, Aquarius
Your House- Gryffindor
Charms- Fairy, Snake, Angel Wing, Pegasus.
Message from Hogwarts
Magic only touches the lives of the people who think out of the box. We love weird wizards. So don't be afraid to bring something new to our door.
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Welcome Pile 1 to the world of ancestors. Apparently, they are all in Hogwarts celebrating Halloween. They are here to give a very special message. They didn't want to visit Hogwarts at first because the idea of it seems nowhere near to the idea of heaven. But they noticed that their following generation is fascinated by the school of wizardry. Sometimes guardians have no choice but to enter into the world of their children. And sometimes they even find it fun. This Halloween your ancestors are asking you to believe in the power of words but do not let illusions or narratives fool you. Try finding the truth with the help of words. They see your thoughts piercing your soul. You have such a sharp mind and such sharpness must be dealt with caution. Keep your hands stable while writing your story. They are telling you that you are brave but don't fool yourself into thinking that bravery is only needed to overcome the challenges. Bravery is also needed to have fun and be playful. You are so fascinated by fantasy. They want you to know that go there and enjoy by all means but don't forget where you belong. Don't forget the real world where you are sent to perform actions, where you are supposed to write your story. Don't forget to come back to the reality. Fantasy is beautiful so take inspiration from it. Manifest enchanting things in your reality. Pile 1 I clearly see that you are creating something, bringing more life into this world. But sometimes it feels too exhausting for you to believe that you are even going to reach your destination. But your ancestors are telling you not to lose hope. You are about to find your answer. You are about to find the hope you've been looking for. But you must not let your inner spark die because only that can take you to your desired places. Very soon you're going to be so blessed pile 1. Abundance is soon to be found. Your cards are so favorable and beautiful. Love, finances, victory, creation everything is coming your way. Just don't be too rigid or serious. Enjoy the flow of life with all its ups and downs. You're soon going to hit your luck! Your ancestors are supporting you and are warning you to not let melancholy dim the light of your joyous heart. You need to change the way you look at the world and the world you look at will change. Your ancestors have a very clear message which says that fulfillment is just around the corner. Do not worry at all. You're soon going to find your home. You just need to click a button in your life that will bring inspiration and spiritual flight. Take care of your health and have faith in your plans. You're about to get showered with so many beautiful blessings. You are going to bear the fruits of your hard work. Much love to you, pile 1.
Book your Halloween Reading only at $10. Click ‘here’ to land on the order form. You can drop a message in my inbox in case of any questions.
Pile 2
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Tarot cards- The Hanged Man, The World, Three of Pentacles, Seven Pentacles, Page of Wands, Eight of Swords, Ace of Cups, Two of Wands
Bottom of the deck- The Magician
Zodiac signs- Aries, Sagittarius, Cancer, Leo
Your House- Slytherin
Charms- Squirrel, Pegasus, Angel Wing, Key
Message from Hogwarts
Do not block the messages we have been sending you. You're being invited to claim your power.
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My dear pile 2 your ancestors have been communicating to you through synchronosities/angel numbers. They are telling you that there is a way out of the situation you think you are stuck in. They have been asking you to come out of the limbo phase. It's like you've tied yourself down within the cage of your thoughts. They have been warning you about someone or something for a very long time. Your ancestors also want you to know that this Halloween they are hosting the party at Hogwarts. And in the middle of all managing all the things they found some time for you to reach out to you. This means that they want you to come out of your comfort zone. They can't see you in pain. They aren't asking you to exhaust yourself in the pursuit of productivity. They want you to have fun too! They are saying that you have a long way to go and are you are giving up so soon. They don't want you to sacrifice to the extent that you lose sight of your destiny and life. You overdoing some things in your life. They are asking you to find balance. Do you remember the golden egg in Harry Potter? The same card came in your reading too. There's a truth that you are not seeing. You need to open your heart to get access to this golden egg and finally hear the beautiful truth that will put you out of the loop you're currently in. Only in the quiet, you can listen to the voice of the divine mother. Spend time near water, it will bring answers to you. Your ancestors are asking you to get comfortable with vulnerability. Tears and heavy chests will bring the weighing answers. The illusion will be washed away from your sight and soon you will see the truth if you allow yourself to get comfortable with some difficult questions. You have the key to get out of this situation. Don't think you're alone. Nothing in your life is a coincidence. There's a divine intervention happening in your life. There's a book they are asking you to read. And I sense it's regarding the situation you are going through. Your ancestors want you to know that your mind has great capabilities. It can manifest things so easily. Use it for your benefit. You are fooling yourself by thinking that you are being patient. It's not patience it's resistance. Perhaps you think that you are not ready yet and that's why you're not seeing any results either. Focus on the solution and not the problem. You will find your way out. You don't need anyone else to complete you. You are a whole person. God bless you, pile 2. May you find your way out of this tough situation!
Book your Halloween Reading only at $10. Click ‘here’ to land on the order form. You can drop a message in my inbox in case of any questions.
Pile 3
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Tarot Cards- Eight of Wands, The Emperor, The High Priestess, Six of Wands, Page of Pentacles, Knight of Cups, Knight of Swords, Temperance
Bottom of the deck- Seven of Cups
Zodiac Signs- Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, Pisces
Your House- Ravenclaw
Charms- Musical note, Dolphin, Eye, Lock
Message from Hogwarts
We want to see what lies at the core of your heart before your marksheets and degrees. We know your speed so we hope that it will take no time for you to walk in with an open heart and quiet mind.
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Your ancestors are quite confused about what to take to the Halloween party at Hogwarts. They have heard a lot about Hogwarts so they don't know what precious gift would fit for such a place. It's their first time attending a Halloween party. But they are trying their best to keep their calm. And in the midst of all this, they are here to convey a message. Your life may be moving too fast lately and you may be asked to make a quick decision. You impulsively may have made a few mistakes too. They want you to take your life like a musical note. No matter how fast or slow the music is, if you resist it you will never be able to flow with it. Dance with the song of life. They are asking you to not take things so seriously. They know that you have a future ahead and it's life we are talking about so how can you not be serious, right? Wrong! That's the point. It's just life it'll be over before you know it. Recall how you started things. With passion and hope. Be a bit naive there's nothing wrong with that. We are all a student in the school of life. You must enjoy it a little. Give gifts this Halloween. Balance your emotions. Life is a mix of pleasant and unpleasant moments. Your ancestors are saying that you're so smart they don't even need to tell you this. After all, you belong to the Ravenclaw house. It's good that you have things planned out but don't let your life be so insignificant to be designed on a sheet of paper. I also see that you are either too emotional at times or too rational. And when you are put off balance you choose to become rigid and like an old man who doesn't smile. Emotions confuse you and you sometimes try to escape them. Thoughts challenge you but being too much in your head makes you lose your wit. It seems that you have your life in balance but you don't. Your logic comes in the way of your intuition. The war between your logic and intuition has left you confused and tired. But your ancestors are giving a wink and asking you to fool your thoughts. Do things with your heart. Trick your mind and treat your heart. Don't let your mind steal the joy out of your life. Use your intellect where it's needed. In the matters of love use your heart. You are singing the wrong note. You are not letting the world see your playful spirit. I hope you find your balance, pile 3. Sending you love and light.
Book your Halloween Reading only at $10. Click ‘here’ to land on the order form. You can drop a message in my inbox in case of any questions.
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Other Link:
Explore My Rate Card (In case you would like to book some other reading)
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aesethewitch · 6 months
Seasonal Divination: Halloween/Samhain
I do divination throughout the year. Occasional single-card draws to see how a day will go, three-card spreads to answer questions, spirit communication with all sorts of methods, readings for others... Divination of all sorts (particularly tarot) is a pillar of my practice.
For some holidays, though, I like to do extra divinations that are specific to that holiday. New Year's Eve and Day, the Equinoxes, Midsummer, and the day of the first snowfall are examples of days I mark with special divinations.
The biggest one for me, and for many witches, is Halloween. Like a lot of others, my practice was born (and reborn!) around this time of year. Something about the atmosphere and the changing season encourages introspection and connection to the realm of magic. Whether you believe in the thinning veil or not (personally, I'm dubious about it), there is an energy to the days surrounding Halloween that can't be denied.
In my practice, I don't do Samhain or consider this to be my new year. Rather, this is the turning point where the weather tips into cold. It's a time of anticipation. Preparations for the dark half of the year start at the Autumn Equinox, but they become more urgent and real around Halloween as we take in the last fruit and vegetable harvests of the year.
Halloween is a big day for spirit work for me. This is the day when I call on my spirits to give me guidance and advice -- whatever they want to say. I don't ask any questions. I just draw and interpret using a standard spread.
The Spread
You can technically use this at any time of year, but I recently redesigned this spread specifically for Halloween and spirit work purposes.
This is an eight-card spread intended to receive general advice and guidance from spirits. In particular, I'm looking for advice I either missed, ignored, or didn't understand previously.
The cards, in order, are:
Me (or the querent), one card (1)
Opportunities, two cards (2 & 3)
Areas of growth, two cards (4 & 5)
Obstacles or warnings, two cards, one to modify opportunities, one to modify growth (6 & 7)
Wild card, the certified "yell at me" card, intended to let my saucier spirits say whatever they want within the spread (8)
So, the spread ends up looking something like this:
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Using the Spread
Often, even divination is pretty casual for me. But this, like other special holiday spreads, requires a bit more involvement. Note that it doesn't really matter what time of day this reading is done, but I typically do it after nightfall.
First, I light at least one candle. Several is ideal, but one will do in a pinch. I prefer to do this at an altar or in a space that's been set up specifically for spirits to visit and use. I'll set out an offering such as whisky, coffee, bread, or cookies for the spirits in return for their wisdom. Remember: Even if your relationship isn't purely transactional, it's respectful to give something in return for a spirit's efforts.
Next, select a deck. Any deck will do, but I prefer ones that my spirits are particularly attached to. For me, this is usually my Deviant Moon Tarot, which you can see pictured above.
Now, we shuffle. I like to shuffle for jumpers, but you can do it however you like best. If no jumpers pop out, that's usually a sign that there's no message for me right now, and I ought to try again later. But sometimes, I'll feel called to stop and draw or pick a card from somewhere random in the middle of the deck. It all depends on which spirit sets their influence in the moment. Set the cards down in order as they jump or are drawn.
Once all the cards are down, interpret as usual.
The self card represents me (or you, as the case may be). It's where I am right now in the moment, how I'm feeling, and my current status.
The two opportunity cards are just that -- opportunities. These are things coming up that I should take advantage of. They could pertain to relationships, money, or life in general.
The growth cards are more personal. These are areas of focus to improve myself and grow as a person. Whether it's in relationships, spirituality, self-love, or something else, these cards represent the path of development.
The obstacle cards correspond to the opportunities or growth areas they sit between, representing the things that stand in their way. They show possible conflicts, problems, and things that will prevent growth or opportunities from reaching me, or things that will prevent me from taking those opportunities.
The wild card is a bit different. This card is intended to be a sort of "free space" for the spirits to use to say whatever they want. It could have to do with literally anything. Often, this card ends up being a message I missed or misinterpreted at the time I originally saw it, redelivered with a bit of attitude.
Take notes on your observations. I write down everything, whether I think it's relevant or not. I'll also take a picture of the spread to paste into my digital grimoire. Everything speaks. This reading looks at the next several months. Every so often, I'll come back to these notes to see how accurate it was and draw on the wisdom offered.
Once your reading is complete, thank your spirits. Sit with them for a while before blowing out the candles (or snuffing them, whichever you prefer) and cleaning up the space.
I hope this spread is useful to you! If you enjoyed this post or use this spread, please consider dropping a tip in my tip jar. Every contribution helps me keep making posts like this!
Also, if you have time, please check out my Divination Theory Survey! I'm studying sentiments surrounding digital divination and the efficacy of digital divination tools (like shufflemancy, tarot apps, and the like). Every response helps the research!
Happy Halloween!
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hermitsmirror · 6 months
🖤 Pick a card 🖤
Close your eyes. Breathe deep. Open your mind to the peaceful dark and quiet within. Let it become a landscape of black in which stars begin to spark into life. Ride the waves of that inky sea all around you, and watch as the storm clouds break to reveal a gently waning witch's moon. Then pick a card from the Hollow Valley Tarot.
Will you pick left, center, or right? Let me know in the comments.
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If you need more time to find your center and that shining light within the infinite possibility of the blank and darkened mind, take that time. Find that space within you where rays of moonlight unfold over the night-darkened waves. Let it flow and expand and create new possibilities to explore.
How does that feel?
Now pick a card (if you want) and read its message in the reveal.
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Let me know how it resonates, and share the post with those who might benefit from some inner wisdom this spooky season.
If you need a more in-depth reading, schedule one with me. And if you want to explore the inner dark that holds a key to your inner light, consider scheduling some ongoing shadow coaching. The Hermit is the best guide to help you through a dark night. We can make magic together.
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deerbornintuitive · 1 year
Halloween Pick A Pile!
Hello, and welcome to your free pick a pile reading for Samhain/Halloween 🎃 Apologies as I meant to share this earlier! Today, we’re using the following spread…
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Card 1) What trick should you be wary of?
Card 2) What treats are coming your way?
Card 3) How can you honor this night?  
 In this reading, you’re provided with messages for your personal spiritual journey. The messages received from Spirit are channeled for you based on whichever pile’s energy resonates with you most. Take the time to clear your mind and relax before choosing your pile.  Because this is a collective reading, please take what resonates, and leave the rest. If you’d like a personalized seasonal themed reading, book yours here!
 I have intuitively chosen a different deck to answer each question…
For the first card, I will pull from the Wild Unknown Archetypes
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  For the second card, I will pull the Light Seer’s Tarot
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 And for the third card, I will pull from the Dreamscapes Oracle
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  Now it's time to choose one from the piles below:
Take a moment to sit with it, and listen to the one with calls to you or nudges at your gut instinct...
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  Scroll down to find yours!
Pile reveals below...
    Are you ready?
     Pile A
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Card 1: The Medallion reversed
What trick should you be wary of?
There are old habits and old ways which keep you anchored to some past pain. This energy involves your family or your close circle. Set aside time for reflection, so you can become more mindful of and pinpoint the things you have inherited which burden or block you. 
 Card 2: Death/Rebirth
What treats are coming your way?
The energy of this season is aligning beautifully for releasing the old. You’re being aligned with an opportunity to let these old parts of you die, so that you're able to travel lighter, and can grow in new ways. Let go of these old ideas, memories, and/or habits which no longer serve you. Create the space in your heart and mind, so that you're able to fulfill your highest potential!
It’s worth noting that the Death card corresponds with Scorpio Season. You are entangled in the change and transformation of this season! You will reach the other side feeling refreshed and ready for what's to come.
  Card 3: Sun Bear
How can you honor this night?
At its surface, this card invites you to get on in the sun! Spend time in nature. If you can’t get real sunshine, store-bought is fine; use a Seasonal Affective Disorder lamp (best results happen in the morning hours) or begin taking Vitamin D supplements daily (consult your Doc for your ideal dosage). To make it witchier, bathe in the moonlight!
Digging deeper, Sun Bear calls upon you to give attention to the state of your Solar Plexus chakra, located in your abdominal area. This energy center is responsible for your willpower, confidence, and mental energies. Listen to your intuition while tuning into this chakra, and let it help guide you. What sensations, emotions, colors, and thoughts arise while you're focused on your Solar Plexus?
The Sun Bear is known as a great healer across many cultures. Giving this attention to your Solar Plexus chakra will be a healing experience for you overall, bringing you into a better state of harmony and balance.
Make time for solar plexus healing. See below for ideas….
• Breathe deeply
• Break out of your comfort zone and routine
• Stop victimizing yourself, if you tend to do so
• Set goals
• Let go of unhealthy attachments
• Find humor in your situation and learn to laugh at yourself
• Heal with crystals such as citrine, amber, tiger’s eye, or yellow calcite  
• Repeat affirmations such as, “I am strong,” “I can,” “I am persistent,” “I am worthy of success,” “I will,” “I can face every challenge.”
       PILE B
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Card 1: The flame sideways/reversed
What trick should you be wary of?
Watch out for anything that takes too much of your power, leaving you in darkness; or for anything which ignites excessive heat and frustration, making your fire too hot and bright. Pay attention to what makes you feel powerless and/or angry— this is going to be your signal for change right now. You're learning to use your inner flame for the right cause, and can still find that your focus is misled from time to time.
This card could be pointing a shadow aspect that needs attention or an issue which needs your energy. Use the flame to light up the dark. Alternatively, or additionally, the card invites you to go for what you're passionate about, without holding back.
 Card 2: 10 of Swords
What treats are coming your way? 
At its surface, Spirit is inviting you to get out and watch the sunrise for the 31st, or at some point this week. There’s a beautiful sight waiting for you, which speaks to your Soul and soothes you at a deep level.
Digging deeper into this card, it appears that for some of you, you are being gifted an ending. The card depicts the sun rising after a dark night of the Soul. This ending can be painful, but is usually something you’ve expected. It had likely been troubling you for some time, though the resolution can still shake you up.
Finally it’s over, and there is beauty. You’re being given the chance to rediscover your hope and resiliency. Allow your wounds to teach you your greatest strengths. Let these wounds show you how capable you are of healing and seeing beauty once again.
There’s a bright, colorful new dawn waiting. Give your Soul the deep healing it’s been craving by giving into the ending. The worst is behind you. The truth all comes to light in time; any illusions on the matter will be lifted.
 Card 3: Harpy Eagle
How can you honor this night?
Harpy Eagle relates to the messages your Spirit Guides are presently trying to send to you. These messages come to you through your dreams and visions. This energy is exceptionally strong right now. Do your best to open up to receiving. Set the intention, meditate, speak to the Spirits, perform a ritual, journal, whatever you'd like to do that works for you or calls to you! Then, harness the present energies around you and ask for whatever guidance or assistance you need.
Be patient, and trust what information Spirit is sending you-- this connection will be strong. Their message can come as a sudden epiphany, an inspiration, a sudden knowing, or a vision.
It's possible that your Guides are attempting to help you out with something that's off-balance or in need of changing in your life. While you reflect on this, pay attention for gut nudges and signs to point you in the right direction. 
        PILE C
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Card 1: The Ring reversed
What trick should you be wary of?
Take note of the negative cycle in your life which has been repeating. This serves to hold you back. What situations or feelings keep making their way back around to you? In what area do you feel like you’re going in a loop? Is there anything you feel like you’re forcing right now?
Surrender to the flow and allow your awareness to open up. Within this repeated cycle is the answer to a question and/or a solution to your problem. Locating the repeated cycle enables you to break free.
  Card 2: The Chariot
What treats are coming your way? 
At it’s surface, this card points to traveling and getting away from town. You could be traveling for this holiday, or in the least getting out and experiencing the world, out of your typical routine.
Digging deeper into this card's meaning, it indicates motivation and determination to see your goal and vision through. You’ll notice that your mental energies are clear. It will be easier in the coming days for you to focus on reaching wherever or whatever your destination may be. Harness this energy toward your projects, and tackle any chores or obstacles you've been putting off this week. What you set out to do, you will be successful at!
The Chariot also has strong Solar Plexus chakra energies— helping you to feel confident, strong, and able to handle whatever life throws your way. 
 Card 3: Rabbit and Fox
How can you honor this night?  
On this evening, leave an offering for your ancestors. Offerings are a way to cultivate your relationship with your Spirits. Set up an altar— a nice space on a table of shelf— with their photos, items of theirs, things with sentimental value, pieces of nature, crystals, candles (really whatever you’d like). 
Keep it simple with whatever you can give, without spending money or going through any extremes. This could be a bowl of water you’ve blessed, a cup of coffee, dried herbs, flowers, shells, or rocks you’ve collected. Traditionally, people will offer fruit, wine, or flowers. Leave your offerings with the knowing that your Ancestors are nearby, sharing their light and love with you.
This card represents the story of the rabbit in the moon, a very old tale, which has been told across multiple cultures. There are different version, but the story goes that one day, a Goddess decided to disguise herself as a dirty beggar to test the animal’s spirit and generosity. The Monkey gathered for her fruit from the trees; the Fox brought her meat. The Rabbit only knew how to gather grass. He felt it wasn’t enough for the human, so instead offered her his fur, so that the human could be kept warm in the days to come. The Goddess then revealed herself to the Rabbit, and to honor his offering and sacrifice, instead spared his life, and drew the Rabbit on the Moon for all to see.
Moral of the story: Spirits and Ancestors understand the intent behind your offering; you do not have to go to extremes.
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The Rabbit in the Moon; Source philosophyofscience 
     I hope you enjoyed your reading!
Thank you so much for taking part in this reading! Please feel welcome to leave your questions and feedback below. Personalized seasonal readings can be found here. Other Aura and Tarot readings can be found here. Blessed Samhain!
 Courtney Deerborn
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manifestdestinytarot · 7 months
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10/12 - october tarot ritual ✨
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frostandrime47 · 1 year
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Seems like a very promising November 🤔
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My Halloween Reading this year:
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aedisveneris · 1 year
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A look at the self sabotage you engage in. You ready to face yourself? (YouTube link)
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xerxeswitch · 2 years
Witchcraft Asks #6
On to the next one.
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Like a lot of people, I use tarots, oracles decks, sometimes I use runes.
My type of tarots are on the darker side, but my favorite so far is actually the cute Halloween Tarot by Kipling West!
As for oracle decks, the ones that resonated with me so far is The Archetype deck by Kim Krans, but I'm looking for a more darker type esque energy for later.
I'm actually looking into bone throwing divination down the line, but that can wait for a bit.
But here's my top favorites besides only those decks mentioned.
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-Murder of Crows tarot by Corrado Roi
-True Black by Arthur Wang (It's so beautiful that I don't want to use it much in risk of wearing them down)
-The Halloween Tarot by Kipling West
-The Archetype by Kim Kron
-Dark Souls Tarot found in the MoonTarotstore on Etsy (Currently trying to find who put it together, or if it's the user)
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magickpumpkin · 4 months
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i present to you the newest tarot deck to my collection
78 Tarot Halloween Tarot of Trick or Treat
their IG is: https://www.instagram.com/78tarot/ if you want to keep updated with their decks
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amerwitchmagics · 18 days
Card of the Month
Hello April. For this month we are Creating the Chariot. March came in like a fucking lion and it is fucking gone today. I need to get back to being a better disciple opossum and get my ass back to studying and working.  The power of the Chariot will give me that power to get that done this month.
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The Halloween Tarot
By Kipling West
Published by US Games
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abigaillarson · 8 months
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A few cards from the "Horror Tarot"
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devonellington · 2 years
Wed. Oct. 19, 2022: Rearranging Words
Wed. Oct. 19, 2022: Rearranging Words
image courtesy of Willi Heidelbach via pixabay.com Wednesday, October 19, 2022 Waning Moon Saturn, Neptune, Chiron, Jupiter, Uranus Retrograde Partly cloudy, foggy, and cold Yesterday wasn’t as much of a words-on-paper as I hoped, but I still got a good deal done. I need to shift my idea of “productivity” and allow myself to be happy with what I get done, instead of obsessing on what I don’t…
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