#han fu
zl181 · 2 years
Comprehensive Biography of Zhang Miao
Zhang Miao, styled Mengzhuo (張邈字孟卓; d. Spring 196), was a civil official who was the Grand Administrator of Chenliu Commandery. He initially supported Cao Cao, but later rebelled against him. Eventually defeated, he was killed by his own army while fleeing to Yuan Shu.
He was from Shouzhang County, Dongping Commandery. He had at least one brother named Zhang Chao.[1] Judging from the list of friends he had, he may have come from a high or middle ranking family, but this is speculation.
Early life
He was known for being generous and just. He used his family's property to aid those in need of money, and he was not greedy.[1][2] His generous and just behavior thus led many to describe him as one of the 'Eight Chefs' for giving out money, alongside Du Shang and Humu Ban.[2][3] Scholars that looked up to him and were friendly with him included Cao Cao and Yuan Shao, both of whom shared similar qualities.[1] According to Zang Hong, Yuan Shao himself called Zhang Miao his elder brother, suggesting Zhang Miao was older than Yuan Shao.[4] Zhang Miao also became friends with Lü Bu.[5]
Guandong Coalition
He joined the staff of the Excellencies, then became Commandant of Cavalry.[1] Around 190, he presumably became Grand Administrator of Chenliu because Zhou Bi and Wu Qiong, whom Dong Zhuo held high opinions of, advocated for Zhang Miao to be appointed to office.[6] He left to Chenliu, where he became nominally subordinate to Liu Dai. Despite Dong Zhuo giving him the post, he soon contributed his troops to the Guandong Coalition.[1][5][7] Zang Hong had earlier persuaded Zhang Chao to rebel against Dong Zhuo and had him persuade Zhang Miao to rebel against Dong Zhuo. Zhang Miao asked his brother,
"I heard that you, younger brother, serve as a commandery administrator, but that the [system of] government, education, military, and rewards do not come from yourself, but by Zang Hong's implementation. Who is this Hong person?"
Zhang Chao responded that Zang Hong was a very talented man and that he loved his talent. Zhang Miao later met Zang Hong and was impressed with his talent. He later showed him off to Kong Zhou and Liu Dai, who were also impressed.[6] Zhang Miao provided Cao Cao with one of his generals, Wei Zi, to fight with him. Wei Zi eventually perished at the Battle of Xingyang.[9]
In the second lunar month, Dong Zhuo moved the capital from Luoyang to Chang'an. Zhang Miao and Liu Dai stationed their armies at Suanzao alongside fellow members Yuan Yi and Qiao Mao.[10]
When Yuan Shao was elected Coalition Leader, he became increasingly arrogant and "self-important" from this, so Zhang Miao scolded Yuan Shao for his behavior. Feeling insulted, Yuan Shao sent Cao Cao to kill Zhang Miao, but Cao Cao opposed this and said,
"Mengzhuo is a close friend; regardless if he is right or wrong, we must tolerate him. Presently, the world is not stabilized, hence we must not endanger each other."
When Zhang Miao learned that Cao Cao defended him, he was extremely grateful to him.[1][5] Zhang Miao, however, remained uneasy about his safety.[5]
Around 192, the Governor of Ji Province; Han Fu joined Zhang Miao in hopes of evading Yuan Shao. Yuan Shao sent someone to talk with Zhang Miao for unknown purposes despite their past scuffle, and Han Fu thought that they were colluding against him, and so he committed suicide in the latrine.[11] Zhang Miao's reaction to this was never recorded.
Around 193, Liu Dai perished against the Yellow Turbans and Cao Cao replaced him, making him Zhang Miao's new lord. When Cao Cao invaded Tao Qian, he told his family,
"If I do not return, go serve Mengzhuo."
After he returned, he met Zhang Miao again, and almost cried when they talked because they were such close friends.[1]
Zhang Miao's Betrayal
Many thought that Zhang Miao and Cao Cao had an unbreakable bond, but according to traditional history, Gao Rou disagreed on this. He stated,
"...Lord Zhang had earlier achieved his ambitions with Chenliu. I fear changes [like him] seizing opportunities will start [soon]..."
Gao Rou went ignored because everyone really did think Zhang Miao was truly loyal to Cao Cao.[1][12] True to Gao Rou's words, however, Cao Cao's close bond would soon be soured inadvertently by Yuan Shao as well as Zhang Miao's innate ambition.[12] Supposedly, Yuan Shao was furious at Zhang Miao when he heard that after Lü Bu fled from him, he crossed into Chenliu where Zhang Miao sent someone to welcome him and treated him very generously, then making an oath with hin out of friendship when he left Chenliu.[5][13] Zhang Miao feared Cao Cao would betray him for Yuan Shao as there was an informal Yuan-Cao alliance, so he was constantly worried under his rule.[13]
Around 194, Cao Cao left Yan Province to invade Tao Qian again. Zhang Chao, Chen Gong, Xu Si, and Wang Jie plotted to rebel against Cao Cao and invited Zhang Miao into it. Chen Gong told Miao,
"Currently, powerful champions have all risen up, and the world is divided and split apart. Sir, you have a force of 1,000 li and are in a land of constant warfare. Now if we clasp swords and look back, we are enough to be heroes and we can fight back against others; we will not be disrespected! Now that the province's army went east to invade, the province is completely empty. Lü Bu is a mighty warrior, who is good at fighting without fail. If we thus welcome him, together we can govern Yan Province. We can observe the world's power, then wait for the time's events to change, then we can also control our era!"
Zhang Miao agreed and thus rebelled, declaring Lü Bu the new Governor of Yan Province.[13] When Lü Bu was coming to claim his new land, Zhang Miao sent Liu Yi to try and trick one of Cao Cao's men, Xun Yu, into giving the rebellion some food by claiming that,
"General Lü is coming to assist Lord Cao to attack Tao Qian. You must urgently provide him with military provisions."
However, Xun Yu felt this was suspicious and tried to alert Cao Cao's troops to be on guard against Zhang Miao.[14] This wasn't enough, however, and many of commanderies within Yan Province submitted to this new leader, and only Juancheng, Dong'a, and Fan Counties remained loyal to Cao Cao.[13] Zhang Miao also kidnapped the families of some of Cao Cao's officers, such as Bi Chen's, to force them to join him.[15] Cao Cao abandoned his war against Tao Qian and returned with his troops to deal with this major rebellion. He was able to crush it with some difficulty within two years, and he soon reclaimed his old title.[13] Zhang Miao's military actions, in this rebellion, were recorded at a minimal level, suggesting he led from the background, while Lü Bu did the fighting.
Downfall and Death
Zhang Miao sent his brother, Zhang Chao, to lead their family to defend Yongqiu, slowing Cao Cao for four lunar months, but around Spring 196, Cao Cao took over Yongqiu and Zhang Chao committed suicide before Cao Cao could get to him. Cao Cao exterminated Zhang Miao's family to the third degree shortly afterwards. Lü Bu fled to Shanyang, but was defeated by Cao Cao there, and then fled to Liu Bei. Zhang Miao joined him. Zhang Miao then left to try to gain support from Yuan Shu, but was killed by his unhappy army on the way there for unrecorded reasons.[16][17][a]
Zhang Miao, despite being described as kind and just, soon turned more ruthless and ambitious (Gao Rou implied ambition is one of Zhang Miao's reasons he rebelled) after his rebellion against Cao Cao. He tried to trick Xun Yu into giving him supplies in the name of helping Cao Cao and he was also willing to kidnap whole families to force Cao Cao's officers to join his rebellion.[14][15]
Zhang Miao had at least one younger brother named Zhang Chao, who perished in the Siege of Yongqiu. He also had several relatives that moved to Yongqiu and were killed by Cao Cao.[16][17]
Zhang Miao's participation in the major rebellion against Cao Cao disrupted Cao Cao's powerbase initially, but he was eventually defeated though with some cost. Cao Cao might have acted more suspicious after Zhang Miao's rebellion, as they were initially very close.
[1] - 【張邈字孟卓,東平壽張人也。少以俠聞,振窮救急,傾家無愛,士多歸之。太祖、袁紹皆與邈友。辟公府,以高第拜騎都尉,遷陳留太守。董卓之亂,太祖與邈首舉義兵。汴水之戰,邈遣衞茲將兵隨太祖。袁紹旣為盟主,有驕矜色,邈正議責紹。紹使太祖殺邈,太祖不聽,責紹曰:「孟卓,親友也,是非當容之。今天下未定,不宜自相危也。」邈知之,益德太祖。太祖之征陶謙,勑家曰;「我若不還,往依孟卓。」後還,見邈,垂泣相對。其親如此。】《三國志注•卷七》
[2] - 【(《漢末名士錄》曰:班字季皮,太山人,少與山陽度尚、東平張邈等八人並輕財赴義,振濟人士,世謂之八廚。)】《三國志注•卷六》
[3] - 【度尚、張邈、王考、劉儒、胡母班、秦周、蕃嚮、王章為「八廚」。廚者,言能以財救人者也。】《後漢書•黨錮列傳》
[4] - 【…洪親見呼張陳留為兄,】《三國志注•卷七》
[5] - 【道經陳留,太守張邈遣使迎之,相待甚厚,臨別把臂言誓。邈字孟卓,東平人,少以俠聞。初辟公府,稍遷陳留太守。董卓之亂,與曹操共舉義兵。及袁紹為盟主,有驕色,邈正義責之。紹既怨邈,且聞與布厚,乃令曹操殺邈。操不聽,然邈心不自安。】《後漢書•劉焉袁術呂布列傳》
[6] - 【初,卓信任尚書周毖、城門校尉伍瓊等,用其所舉韓馥、劉岱、孔伷、張咨、張邈等出宰州郡。】《三國志注•卷六》
[7] - 【陳留太守張邈…同時俱起兵,】《三國志注•卷一》
[8] - 【董卓殺帝,圖危社稷,洪說超曰:「明府歷世受恩,兄弟並據大郡,今王室將危,賊臣未梟,此誠天下義烈報恩効命之秋也。今郡境尚全,吏民殷富,若動枹鼓,可得二萬人,以此誅除國賊,為天下倡先,義之大者也。」超然其言,與洪西至陳留,見兄邈計事。邈亦素有心,會於酸棗,邈謂超曰:「聞弟為郡守,政教威恩不由己出,動任臧洪,洪者何人?」超曰:「洪才略智數優超,超甚愛之,海內奇士也。」邈即引見洪,與語大異之。致之於劉兖州公山、孔豫州公緒,皆與洪親善。】《三國志注•卷七》
[9] - 【從討董卓,戰于熒陽而卒。】《三國志注•卷二十二》
[10] - 【二月,卓聞兵起,乃徙天子都長安。卓留屯洛陽,遂焚宮室。是時紹屯河內,邈、岱、瑁、遺屯酸棗,術屯南陽,伷屯潁川,馥在鄴。】《三國志注•卷一》
[11] - 【馥懷懼,從紹索去,往依張邈。後紹遣使詣邈,有所計議,與邈耳語。馥在坐上,謂見圖構,無何起至溷自殺。】《三國志•卷六》
[12] - 【柔留鄉里,謂邑中曰:「今者英雄並起,陳留四戰之地也。曹將軍雖據兖州,本有四方之圖,未得安坐守也。而張府君先得志於陳留,吾恐變乘間作也,欲與諸君避之。」衆人皆以張邈與太祖善,柔又年少,不然其言。】《三國志•卷二十四》
[13] - 【呂布之捨袁紹從張楊也,過邈臨別,把手共誓。紹聞之,大恨。邈畏太祖終為紹擊己也,心不自��。興平元年,太祖復征謙,邈弟超,與太祖將陳宮、從事中郎許汜、王楷共謀叛太祖。宮說邈曰:「今雄傑並起,天下分崩,君以千里之衆,當四戰之地,撫劒顧眄,亦足以為人豪,而反制於人,不以鄙乎!今州軍東征,其處空虛,呂布壯士,善戰無前,若權迎之,共牧兖州,觀天下形勢,俟時事之變通,此亦縱橫之一時也。」邈從之。太祖初使宮將兵留屯東郡,遂以其衆東迎布為兖州牧,據濮陽。郡縣皆應,唯鄄城、東阿、范為太祖守。太祖引軍還,與布戰於濮陽,太祖軍不利,相持百餘日。是時歲旱、蟲蝗、少穀,百姓相食,布東屯山陽。二年間,太祖乃盡復收諸城,擊破布於鉅野。布東奔劉備。】《三國志注•卷七》
[14] - 【會張邈、陳宮以兖州反,潛迎呂布。布旣至,邈乃使劉翊告彧曰:「呂將軍來助曹使君擊陶謙,宜亟供其軍食。」衆疑惑。彧知邈為亂,即勒兵設備,馳召東郡太守夏侯惇,而兖州諸城皆應布矣。】《三國志注•卷十》
[15] - 【初,公為兖州,以東平畢諶為別駕。張邈之叛也,邈劫諶母弟妻子;公謝遣之,曰:「卿老母在彼,可去。」諶頓首無二心,公嘉之,為之流涕。旣出,遂亡歸。】《三國志注•卷一》
[16] - 【邈從布,留超將家屬屯雍丘。太祖攻圍數月,屠之,斬超及其家。邈詣袁術請救未至,自為其兵所殺。】《三國志•卷七》
[17] - 【布東奔劉備,張邈從布,使其弟超將家屬保雍丘。秋八月,圍雍丘。冬十月,天子拜太祖兖州牧。十二月,雍丘潰,超自殺。夷邈三族。邈詣袁術請救,為其衆所殺,兖州平,遂東略陳地。】《三國志注•卷七》
[a] - The Chronicles of Emperor Xian claimed Zhang Miao opposed Yuan Shu declaring himself Emperor and told him that himself. This is likely false, as the timelines doesn't match up. Pei Songzhi stated that Zhang Miao's Biography asserted Zhang Miao never made it alive to Yuan Shu, and also bemoaned Yuan Wei, the author of The Chronicles of Emperor Xian, as unreliable. For our purposes, I have chosen to agree with Pei Songzhi. 【(《獻帝春秋》曰:袁術議稱尊號,邈謂術曰:「漢據火德,絕而復揚,德澤豐流,誕生明公。公居軸處中,入則享于上席,出則為衆目之所屬,華、霍不能增其高,淵泉不能同其量,可謂巍巍蕩蕩,無與為貳。何為捨此而欲稱制?恐福不盈眥,禍將溢世。莊周之稱郊祭犧牛,養飼經年,衣以文繡,宰執鸞刀,以入廟門,當此之時,求為孤犢不可得也!」案本傳,邈詣術,未至而死。而此云諫稱尊號,未詳孰是。)】《三國志注•卷七》【(袁暐、樂資等諸所記載,穢雜虛謬,若此之類,殆不可勝言也。)】《三國志注•卷三十六》
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hualian · 7 months
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Why are these two of my most popular posts? Seriously what is this power they hold??
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infini-tree · 1 month
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assorted generationswap concepts for its equivalent of kfp4. its less about passing on the dragon warrior title, and more about what it means to be inspire hope as a spiritual leader and balancing that with the role a dragon warrior has. or something?
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dracocheesecake · 29 days
"Did you ever hear the story of the little fox in the big city?"
"No, what happened?"
"She starved to death. Because she bit every hand that tried to feed her."
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— Kung Fu Panda Trilogy (2008 - 2016), created by Ethan Reiff and Cyrus Voris.
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The old, confused thief leader
After watching the movie, the only thing I remember is this chubby old guy.
He is very lovable. I look forward to seeing him and his gang in related works in the future. I also applaud the great character designers👍👍
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Chinese Drama - 2020, 36 episodes
Episodes | Gaga | Viki | YouTube | iQIYI | WeTV | Tencent | Catalogue
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motherofplatypus · 9 months
At first, i didn't think much of it, until i remember that Fu is not the true guardian. It was Su Han, and he never gave ownership of the box to Fu. Which means, Fu cannot give ownership to Marinette.
"But Su Han was eaten by the sentimonster, so the ownership must've moved to Fu."
Two answers: 1) This is not some Lost And Found shenanigans where ownership can be changed by simply taking it. This is a box full of magical jewels, with magical training to handle it, with magical magic BS going on in every step they have. They even have memory deleter magic whenever the guardian is changing for protection. It is not that simple.
And 2) let's say that Fu indeed becomes the guardian because he's the only survivor, the rightful guardian is still Su Han, and he was revived after Feast, which means the ownership should be back to Su Han once more. That means, Fu should not be able to give ownership to Marinette.
This show doesn't have plot hole, they got a whole crater.
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sidsinning · 1 year
Kung. Fu. Panda. Has. This. JAW DROPPING. FUCKING. TRACK.
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