letslearnhangeul · 5 years
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Memorizing and learning the Korean alphabet is one of my most frequently asked questions. Today let’s review strategies on how to master hangeul (한글)!
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First, it’s useful to set up the alphabet in a table like this where you have consonants (자음) on the left side going from top to bottom, and vowels (모음) at the top of the page from left to right.
Most Korean alphabet sheets are set up this way and I’ll be using the first 3 consonants (ㄱ/g, ㄴ/n, ㄷ/d) and first 3 vowels (아/a, 야/ya, 어/eo) in the following examples to demonstrate why as well as why this makes learning the alphabet easy.
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Let’s take the first consonant ㄱ(g) and first vowel 아(ah). Right away we notice that the intersection of those letters is 가 (ga). We know this because:
ㄱ(g) + 아(ah) = 가.
This can be done with the following consonant as well where we see that:
ㄴ(n) + 아(ah) = 나.
This can be repeated for all 14 consonants as you move vertically down the line.
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So, if you know that ㄱ(g) + 아(ah) = 가(ga), do you know what sounds make 갸? Yes! Because just as we got:
ㄱ(g) + 아(ah) = 가(ga), the same rule applies where
ㄱ(g) + 야(ya) = 갸(gya), and ㄴ(n) + 야(ya) = 냐(nya).
“So how should I practice?”
Well, now that we have the basics down, you can learn the alphabet quickly by practicing writing out each consonant and vowel combination together 10 times saying them aloud as you write.
First write down each consonant:
ㄱ(g): ㄱ ㄱ ㄱ ㄱ ㄱ
ㄴ(n): ㄴ ㄴ ㄴ ㄴ ㄴ
ㄷ(d): ㄷ ㄷ ㄷ ㄷ ㄷ
Then write down each vowel:
아(a): 아 아 아 아 아
야(ya): 야 야 야 야 야
어 (eo): 어 어 어 어 어
Then put them together:
가(ga): 가 가 가 가 가
나(na): 나 나 나 나 나
다(da): 다 다 다 다 다
Within no time you’ll have mastered the alphabet and will be able to read anything you see!
Hope this helps and happy studying!
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honeyhangukeo · 4 years
Korean studying tip #1
Write a daily journal in Korean. In Korean this can be called 한국어 일지. Write a few sentences about your day, every day. This will help you practice different tenses, as you can write about what you did earlier and what you are planning to do later. You can write in ‘diary form’ conjugation, or in whatever politeness conjugation you wish to practice. It will direct your learning towards useful vocab that is actually relevant to yourself, your interests, your family, your plans etc. Start with simple clauses, and once you understand conjunctions, you can make more complex sentences with multiple clauses.
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hangukmal-haeyo · 4 years
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Level One Greetings + Phrases
Digital Flashcards: https://quizlet.com/_8a9x51?x=1jqt&i=2r88z9
The Authors + Editors of Talk To Me in Korean. Level 1. Retrieved from https://talktomeinkorean.com/curriculum/level-1-korean-grammar/
Korean Language & Culture Center. Fun! Fun! Korean 재미밌는 한국어 1. Jongro-gu, Seoul, South Korea: KYOBO Book Centre CO., Ltd.
Graphics made by me, hangukmal-haeyo.tumblr.com
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linguaphilooza · 5 years
30 Day Language Challenge
오랜만에 한국어로 써서 좀 어색할 수도 있겠지만 일단 해볼게요. # 1 제일 좋아하는 동물에 대해 써보십시오 제가 제일 좋아하는 동물은 보통 사람들은 무서워하는 동물이에요. 그래도 제 눈에는 귀여우면서도 멋있고 매력적인 동물이에요. 그래요, 그건 바로 바다에 사는 상어예요. 제 생각에 상어는 영화들 때문에 무서운 이미지를 가지게 된 것 같아요. 항상 사악해 보이도록 영화를 만들어서 그런 것 같아요. 근데 사실은 인간들이 상어들의 영역에 무단 침입을 해서 실수로 먹잇감인 줄 알거나 위협을 느껴서 먼저 공격하는 것뿐인데 말이에요. 근데 그것만 빼면 실제로 귀여운 동물이에요. 그러니까 상어들도 사랑받을만한 동물이라고 생각해요.
(어떤친구가 고쳐주셨어요, 칭찬도 받아서 고맙고 아주 기뻐요)
私の一番好きな動物は通常の人々は怖がっている動物です。それでも私の目には可愛くてかっこよくて魅力的な動物って思います. そうですよ, それは正しく海に住む鮫です. 映画のためサメたちは悪いイメージを持ってされたと思います. 映画には毎度悪いみたいって作っているからそれになったと思います. でも現実には人間はサメの領域に侵入をするから間違いで食い物って思いか危なくて感じるから先に攻撃するのだけだと思います. でも、それだけ引く本当にかわいい動物です. だから鮫も愛されるに値する動物だと思います.
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ibwisnoteblog · 2 years
안녕하세요! ૮ . . ა (tradução em português depois do texto em inglês)
☆ i'm ivie, this is my side blog where i'll post some of my notes regarding the korean language (like words and expressions, translations, study tips and more)
☆ this is my attempt to keep improving in korean while also sharing my notes with other fellow students. english is not my first language and i am not qualified in teaching. so, please, feel free to contact me if something i posted doesn't feel 100% accurate!
☆ if you have any suggestions, things you wanna discuss or anything, feel free to send me an ask ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
☆ that's all, hope y'all enjoy the content ^^
☆ meu nome é ivie, esse é meu blog secundário onde eu vou postar algumas anotações minhas com relação ao coreano (como palavras, expressões, traduções, dicas de estudo e etc)
☆ essa é minha tentativa de continuar melhorando no coreano enquanto compartilho minhas notas com outras pessoas (pois sei o quanto é difícil achar conteúdo de coreano gratuitamente e em português). eu não sou professora de linguística, então podem me contatar caso vocês achem alguma coisa no meu conteúdo que não esteja 100% certo ou não bata com a informação prévia de vocês!
☆ se tiverem alguma sugestão, algo pra discutir ou compartilhar, pode mandar um ask pra mim :)
☆ é só isso, espero que gostem ^^
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miharusblog · 7 years
🌸 COLORS (색깔) saek-kkal
검은색 - black 흰색 - white 희색 - gray 갈색 - brown 노란색 - yellow 주황색 - orange (or 오렌지색 which comes from the english word “orange”) 빨간색/붉은색 - red 녹색/초록색 - green 보라색 - purple 파란색 - blue 하늘색 - blue sky 분홍색 - pink (or 핑크색 which comed from the english word “pink”) 짙은… - dark /insert color/ 연한… - light /insert color/
⚠as u probably noticed, they all end with the same syllable : 색 “색” comes from chinese and means “color”! MOST of the time, you can remove the syllable “색” if the word is placed before a noun.
🌸 some examples on how you can use these words:
빨간 입슬 : red lips 분홍색 꽃 : pink flower 갈색 머리 : brown hair 파란 눈 : blue eyes 검은 차 : black car
♡ 가장 좋아하는 색깔이 뭐예요? -> what is your favorite color?
♡ 제가 좋아하는 색깔을 연한 녹색이에요 -> my favorite color is light green
♡ 저는 보라색을 좋아해요 -> i like purple
💭 now, what is YOUR favorite color?🤷 go ahead and let me know by quoting this post :) in korean obviously~
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hangukeo-baewo · 3 years
My Notes on Memrise Korean 1 - Vocab Booster : Korean Food
밥 - cooked rice ; meal
떡 - rice cake
호떡 - Korean pancake (with brown sugar filling)
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떡볶이 - spicy stir fried rice cake
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어묵 - fish cake
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삼계탕 - chicken soup with Insam (and other ingredients)
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팥빙수 - red-bean sherbet
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양념치킨 - spicy stir-fried chicken
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접시 - dish ; plate
숟가락 - spoon
젓가락 - chopsticks
포크 - fork
대기표 - waiting number ticket
돼지고기 - pork
소고기 - beef
닭고기 - chicken (meat)
생선 - fish
알레르기 - allergy
채식주의자 - vegetarian
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renpersonalkmdc · 7 years
Language: Learning w/ Talk to Me in Korean
Language: Learning w/ Talk to Me in Korean
Finally! Here is the long overdue post on Talk to Me in Korean (TTMIK). For the last how many years that have have been attempting to learn Korean,  I always went back to TTMIK. I’ve tried other apps and books and they are either paid, a dry textbook or not suitable for the language level or period of life. I have one textbook that is solely focused to university students and I am certainly not…
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learning-korean101 · 3 years
Lesson 1:한글 (Hangul) History
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한글 (Hangul) is Korean letters created and distributed by the 4th King Sejong during the Joseon Dynasty under the name 훈민정음 (Hunminjeong-eum) in the 1446. Back to Joseon Dynasty, people lived without letters and were unable to properly find their rights as human beings. 
훈민정음 had 28 letters in all, of which only 24 are in use today.
Even if they wanted to appeal to the government office, they had no way of appealing and asking for correction when they faced an unfair trial. Also, there was no way to make a record of agricultural work as people could not write. King Sejong felt sorry for the pitiful circumstance of people and created 한글.
훈민정음 혜례본 is a textual manual of 훈민정음 text and is known as the only script explaining the principle of making letter and including who made it and date of issue, resulting in being register as a World Heritage by UNESCO. 
한글 refers to the name of the Korean characters, and 한국어 (Hangukeo) refers to the language spoken by Korean. 
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lvlzdata · 4 years
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200601 Lovelyz Twitter Update *:・゚✧ [📸] 2020.06.01 Lee Joon's Young Street It's said that Ryurangie🐯 speaks 4 languages (eo) now!!️ Korean (hangukeo), Cute (kiyeoeo), Beautiful (areumdaeo), Lovely (sarangseureoeo)💕 #Lovelyz #러블리즈 #RYUSUJEONG #류수정 #Tiger_Eyes
Trans by Geulyz
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voxyldy · 5 years
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안녕하세요! Look how much BTS wants you to learn their language. They wrote two books on the subject using their songs to help you. It’s a great study aid for me along with TTMIK Eggbun and language classes. I can’t believe how much I have learned in a year!! One day I want to be fluent but that’s a long way off. Below are some of my notes and practice of Hangul. 한국어 조금 한 수 있어요 ! (hangukeo jokeum halsu isseoyo) Translated means I speak a little Korean.
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Just some of my own romanization to help me with pronunciation. I also use Papago Translator and NAVER Dictionary so I can see and hear the words.
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I also have a Korean keyboard on my computer and my phone. If you have read this far thank you or as they say in Korean 감사합니다!
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letslearnhangeul · 5 years
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Good luck to those of us taking summer classes!
[Summer Classes]
여름 학기 Summer Semester
학기 semester (or quarter for ya bruins)
공부 study
중간고사 midterm exam
최종 시험 final exam
[Study Snacks]
물 water
뜨거운 물 hot water
차 tea
보리차 barely tea
녹차 green tea
커피 coffee
비스킷 biscuits
쿠키 cookie
연필 pencil
필통 pencil case
샤프 mechanical pencil
지우개 eraser
펜 pen
책 book
책상 desk
Hope this was helpful and happy studying!
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honeyhangukeo · 4 years
Hi! Please read to know more
26, British.
I’ve been self-studying Korean since about 2016 (but for 3 years of this I was busy at university and had no time for Korean...)
I used to be an English and Maths tutor, and I'm currently a full time English teacher at 1 elementary school and 1 middle school in South Korea.
I have never taken a formal course or class in Korean, but I use it on a daily basis with students, adults, friends, and strangers.
I have lived here since 2021.
This blog is a place to note down my recent or common vocab and reinforce my understanding of grammar, and of course to help those studying or interested in Korean.
If you have any suggestions for things I should post, a grammar point or word you want explained, or something you want help translating, please send an ask or post reply *^^*
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hyeyeonstudies · 6 years
the most common mistake I see Korean learners make
People incorrectly using 한국, 한국어, and 한글 all the time.
*note: this is the ONLY time I will EVER use any romanization*
한국어 (hangukeo) Korean, the language
한국 (hanguk) Korea, the country
한글 (hangeul) the writing system
So if you say you are learning 한글, that's only correct if you are still learning how to read/write. If you are learning the language as a whole (and NOT just the alphabet), you are learning 한국어.
"I know some Hangul" is the equivalent of saying "I know some letters"
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abckorean · 2 years
✎ Weekly update #1
So, it’s been a week since I started learning Korean, and let's just say it's fun but challenging. In this post, I’ll give you guys the details about how things are going, as well as a short review on the materials I chose to study with.
 Please keep in mind that this update takes place after a week of studying. A week is a short amount of time, and my opinions stated in this post may change in a month, two months, three months. The point of this post is to share with you my current feelings and progress in the language.
 My progress
After week one, I can confidently say that reading and writing the alphabet is going very well. I still have trouble telling the difference between some of the letters (mostly just when written in different fonts), but for the most part I'm doing good! I’m still a slow reader, but that is expected since I’m basically the same level as a baby lol. Some of my favourite words I learned this week are : 안녕하세요 (annyeonghaseyo), which means “hello”, 한국어 (hangukeo), which means “Korean language”, and 에이미, which is how you spell my name in Korean! I didn’t follow my study schedule exactly, because I got busy with schoolwork, but I did my best to study a bit of grammar. I’m going to have to review it soon though, because I can’t remember what I learned. How sad! 
 Review on my textbooks
I’m going to share my opinion on the “Living Language” Korean textbooks that I ordered. To keep things simple, save your money. I know it’s only been a week, but I already don’t like these textbooks. The only thing worth it in the set is the guide that teaches you Hangul. I was able to learn the entire alphabet in a day thanks to this guide, but the textbooks are so confusing. They teach you a word, or a bit of grammar, and then you must complete the practice questions after. The problem is that when I go to correct it, the answers aren’t even the same thing as what they taught us. It’s not helpful. I also found a few spelling errors in the textbook, so that gives it much less credibility in my opinion. That’s really all I have to say about them. I recommend saving your money for some better textbooks.
 My feelings
I just wanted to provide a little check-in on my emotions. This is mostly for me, but I hope at least one of you guys will be able to relate. So far, I still find studying to be fun. I was afraid that I would lose motivation early on, as Korean is not a very common language for people to learn. Most choose to learn Spanish or French. Luckily, I feel motivated to study when I watch YouTube videos in Korean. My goal is to one day be able to watch without subtitles! The one thing I would like to try when I become a bit more advanced in the language is to study while watching a Korean variety show or listening to a podcast. I heard that studying vocabulary through these media can be not only fun but very productive.
 That’s all for today, I hope you enjoyed and see you in the next one!
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mykpopconfession · 7 years
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As someone learning Korean, it kind of annoys me a little when I see other I-fans describe the Korean spoken language as “hangul.” Hangul/한글 is the Korean written alphabet, Hangukeo/ 한국어 is the spoken language. You don’t speak Hangul. That’s like saying you speak the alphabet.
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