#hannibal's scary cat predator eyes
thedarkmongoose · 2 years
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jayalek · 6 years
Rules: Answer 20 questions then tag 20 followers you wanna get to know better!
Name: Rieley
Nickname: Uh...not really? My grandma calls me Roo?? Does that count???
Height: 5’3
Nationality: USA
Favorite Fruit: Peaches! God, I love peaches!
Favorite Season: Winter (cause I'm a big skier)
Favorite Smell: The smell of old books, or the air after it rains, or the smell of a bonfire
Favorite Color: Bluuuuuee
Favorite Animal: Otter
Tea, Coffee, Hot Cocoa: Hot Cocoa (duh)
Average hours of sleep: Ooohhh boy, I love to sleep and take naps throughout the day along with my already really long nightly sleep schedule so...nine hours or more. Usually more. 
Dogs or Cats: I love them both, but I love cats just a little more.
Dream Trip: Does traveling everywhere count as a dream trip? I want to see everything the world has to offer and meet new people and experience other cultures. I dunno, its unrealistic but I would love to. 
When my blog was created: I dunno man like a year or two ago?
# of followers: God, I am almost at 600 followers and I’m freaking out a little
Random Fact: Crap I dunno, I’m really boring...
Favorite Food: Beef Stew. Oh and bread. I love bread.
Favorite TV Show: Game of Thrones, Hannibal, Shameless, Sherlock, House, Doctor Who, Gravity Falls, Voltron, and The Clone Wars.
Favorite Movie: Like every Disney, Pixar, Studio Ghibli, Don Bluth, and MCU movie. As well as Predator, Aliens, Reign of Fire, Pacific Rim, and Sunshine
Favorite Vine: 
Sexuality: Still trying to figure that out
Gender: Female
Favorite Book Series: Uh...Escape from Furnace, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Inheritance, and His Dark Materials
Favorite Video Games: God of War and Devil May Cry will always have a place in my heart (mostly cause my older brother would sneak me into his room after my parents went to sleep and let me play them on his PS2 while he did homework), but at the moment I love the newest God of War (but not the new Devil May Cry, ew), Okami, Final Fantasy X and XV, Detroit: Become Human, Horizon: Zero Dawn, The Last of Us, and Shadow of the Colossus.
Favorite Subject: History, but only because I had a rad history teacher who taught history like it was a story and he was super passionate about it.
Favorite Fandoms: I dunno man I don’t really get too deep in the fandoms cause they be scary... but I guess the good side of Voltron, BNHA, and Yuri on Ice
Favorite Superhero: Iron Man (god I love him)
Guys or Girls: Both!
Celebrity Crush: I don’t really have one? I dunno I always was never comfortable with having a crush on real people that I’d never met. 
Last Time I Cried: I cry over every minor inconvenience in my life so... three days ago
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green
What should I be doing: Sleeping. I’m tired man.
Tagged by: @beelsebutt (thanks for tagging me! :D)
Tagging: Anybody who wants to be tagged, and please @ me so I can see your answers! Crap I don’t know anyone on this site, uh... @autumncloverleaves @tremendouslyflirtypsycho @inangellocumlibello @fancifulshenanigans 
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