#happy birthday dear beelzebub and belphegor
sicknsadsicknrad · 1 year
I'm sorry, mammon, whAT??? LMAO 😭
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never did I think I'd read the phrase "get bent" in obey me
21 notes · View notes
blue-temperature · 1 year
[ESP] Obey Me — Happy Birthday Dear Beel and Belphie ‘23 —
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Un Cumpleaños Festivo
— Belphegor: Tenemos un anuncio que hacer. Los dos vamos a estar fuera para nuestro cumpleaños.
— Mammon: ¿Huh?
— Satan: ¿Van a algún lado juntos, solo los dos?
— Beelzebub: No. Los dos decidimos invitar a MC también. Si quieres venir, eso es.
[ ¡Me encantaría! ] ✓ [ Si tus hermanos están de acuerdo... ]
— Belphegor: Entonces está decidido.
— Beelzebub: Esas son buenas noticias, Belphie.
— Belphegor: Seguro que si, Beel.
— Leviathan: Debemos proteger a esos dos a toda costa.
— Mammon: No escuché a nadie dar el visto bueno para esto.
— Belphegor: Tenía el presentimiento de que dirías eso...
— Beelzebub: Estaremos de regreso por la noche, así que no tienen nada de lo que preocuparse.
— Belphegor: Además, ¿Preferirían que no estuviéramos aquí?
— Beelzebub: Necesitan tiempo para preparar nuestro cum—
— Leviathan: ¡Detente ahí! ¡Lo entendemos!
— Satan: Lo entiendo... Los dos están siendo generosos saliendo de la casa, ¿No es así?
— Lucifer: Déjenlos ir.
— Mammon: ¡Tsk! ¡¿Esos malditos gemelos tenían todo planeado, no es así?!
— Belphegor: Ahora los tres podemos pasar todo el día juntos, MC.
— Beelzebub: No puedo esperar por nuestro cumpleaños.
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— Beelzebub: MC, ¿Tienes un momento?
— Belphegor: No fuimos capaces de darte una invitación apropiada para ti en frente de nuestros hermanos en ese momento. Pero Beel y yo pensamos que sería divertido llevarte a una cita con los dos en nuestro cumpleaños.
[ Gracias por preguntarme. ] [ Ese es un plan que solo ustedes dos podrían planear. ] ✓
— Beelzebub: Bueno, somos gemelos después de todo.
— Belphegor: Nuestros hermanos mayores jamás podrían hacer algo así.
[ ¿Qué haremos los tres? ] ✓ [ ¿Vinieron hasta aquí para pedirme eso? ]
— Beelzebub: Comer comida deliciosa. También... uh...
— Belphegor: Es una cita así que debería haber mucho coqueteo. Solo bromeo. No hemos decidido qué vamos a hacer ahora.
— Beelzebub: No tenemos que decidirlo de inmediato, pero queremos escuchar lo que tú quieres hacer, MC.
— Belphegor: Así que haznos saber si piensas en algún lugar al que quieres ir.
Algunos días después—
— ???: MC.
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— ???: MC.
Ese suena como...
[ ¿Qué hay, Thirteen? ] [ ¿Necesitas algo, Mephisto? ] ✓
— Mephistopheles: ¿Por casualidad no tienes información sobre el rumoreado Festival Galaxia, no?
[ ¿”Festival Galaxia”? ] ✓ [ No tengo idea... ]
— Mephistopheles: No me digas que no lo has oído. He aprendido que el Festival Galaxia es un evento que ha sido planeado de acuerdo a la noche en la que la Galaxia Fantasma es visible en el cielo. Sería más fácil programar una entrevista con los organizadores del festival, sin embargo... por alguna razón, nadie sabe quién está detrás de esto. ¡*JADEO*...! ¡¿Podría ser ésta una prueba a mis habilidades para llegar al fondo de una buena primicia, planeada por los propios organizadores?! Oh, ho, ho, ¡Entonces tengo que hacerles una verdadera demostración de mis habilidades! Te encontraré, Organizador, ¡Aún si esto sea lo último que haga! ¡Mua, ja, ja, ja!
— Beelzebub: MC, ¿Has oído del Festival Galaxia?
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— Belphegor: Los estudiantes de RAD están probablemente zumbando sobre el Festival Galaxy.
[ Pensé que te gustaban las cosas como esas. ] ✓ [ Los festivales son geniales, ¿No? ]
— Belphegor: Me gustan. Para ser honesto, tengo mucha curiosidad. Estoy seguro de que ya lo has oído, pero el festival tomará lugar el mismo día en el que será visible en el cielo la Galaxia Fantasma. El día en el que la Galaxia Fantasma está programada para aparecer resulta ser también...
— Beelzebub: Nuestro cumpleaños.
[ ¡Supongo que sabemos a donde ir para nuestra cita! ] ✓ [ ¡¿Eso es verdad?! ]
— Belphegor: Sip.
— Beelzebub: Los tres pensamos en lo mismo.
— Belphegor: Lo que significa que iremos al Festival Galaxia como primer  lugar en la mañana de nuestra cita de cumpleaños.
— Beelzebub: Ahora realmente no puedo esperar por que venga nuestro cumpleaños.
El Cumpleaños de los Gemelos—
— Asmodeus: No se olvidan de nada, ¿Cierto?
— Belphegor: Por última vez, no.
— Lucifer: Dijiste que tu plan era ir al Festival Galaxia, ¿Correcto? Ten cuidado. Los demonios sedientos de sangre tienden a venir durante los festivales.
— Belphegor: No somos niños, ¿Sabes? Lo entendemos...
— Beelzebub: Estaremos bien. Si algo le sucede a MC o Belphie, estaré ahí para ayudar.
— Belphegor: MC y yo detendremos a Beel de comer todos los puestos de comida antes de que llamen a las autoridades.
— Lucifer: MC, te pongo a cargo de esos dos.
— Asmodeus: Bueno, ¡Váyanse entonces! ¡Diviértanse los tres!
— Beelzebub: Los vemos luego.
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— Beelzebub: *masticar* *masticar* *masticar* *masticar* La comida de todos los puestos aquí es genial.
— Belphegor: Beel, acabamos de llegar aquí. ¿Cómo es que ya tienes tus manos llenas llenas de tanta comida?
— Beelzebub: Tengo suficiente para compartir con ustedes dos también. Las brochetas de cebra maldita fritas son crujientes por fuera y jugosas por dentro.
— Belphegor: Gracias.
— Beelzebub: Ahí hay algunos sandwiches de fruta de estrella oscura que compré para nosotros también. Te vi mirándolos antes, MC.
[ ¡Gracias! ] [ ¿Estabas mirándome? ] ✓
— Beelzebub: No lo hice a propósito. Mis ojos te siguen a donde quiera que vayas sin que me de cuenta.
— Belphegor: ¿Por qué no nos sentamos en ese banco y miramos el cielo estrellado mientras comemos?
— Beelzebub: Es realmente hermoso.
[ ¿Esa es la Galaxia Fantasma? ] ✓ [ Hay muchas más estrellas de lo normal. ]
— Belphegor: Ese grupo de estrellas que ves es la Galaxia Fantasma.
— Beelzebub: Hablando de, ¿Cuántos cientos de años han pasado desde la última vez que vimos la Galaxia Fantasma?
— Belphegor: Lo que me recuerda... No te he hablado apropiadamente de la Galaxia Fantasma aún, ¿No, MC?
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— Belphegor: La Galaxia Fantasma no es una galaxia normal. Es elusiva e impredecible. Algunas veces aparecerá múltiples veces en un año, mientras que otras veces no aparecerá en siglos.
— Beelzebub: Nadie puede predecir su aparición hasta solo unos días antes de que se muestre en el cielo.
— Belphegor: Y solo es visible por 24 horas. Su aparición por casualidad coincide con nuestro cumpleaños este año.
[ ¿Cuáles son las probabilidades? ] [ Es como si la galaxia apareciera especialmente por su cumpleaños. ] ✓
— Beelzebub: Quizás la galaxia sabe que a Belphie le gustan las estrellas.
— Belphegor: O quizás sabía que los tres teníamos una cita planeada y quería hacerla especial.
— Beelzebub: Belphie, apresúrate y dile a MC lo que hace realmente especial a la Galaxia Fantasma.
— Belphegor: Jeje, creo que sería mejor mostrarle a MC en vez de explicarlo. Oh, cierto. Nuestros hermanos enviaron un mensaje preguntando si estamos disfrutando el festival. Déjame enviarles una foto con la galaxia detrás de nosotros.
— Beelzebub: Entonces yo quiero enviarles un video de los tres comiendo nuestros sandwiches de frutas de estrella oscura también. Recuerdo a Asmo decir que es mejor grabar un vídeo cuando quieres mostrar a alguien lo que estás comiendo.
— Belphegor: Buena idea. Cuando presione en grabar, todos comeremos un bocado a la de tres. ¡Uno, dos... tres!
[ ¡Parece que algo está apareciendo dentro de mi boca! ] [ ¡Hay estrellas estallando a su alrededor! ] ✓
— Belphegor: En ti también, MC.
— Beelzebub: La fruta de estrella oscura libera estrellas brillantes dentro de tu boca y a tu alrededor cuando la comes.
— Belphegor: Ahora, veamos cómo salió nuestro vídeo.
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— Belphegor: Aquí está nuestro vídeo. ¿Parece un poco oscuro para ti?
[ Deberíamos haber intentado sonreír más. ] [ ¿Por qué la galaxia no se ve detrás de nosotros? ] ✓
— Beelzebub: Lo notaste.
— Belphegor: Nada se te escapa, MC.
— Belphegor: La Galaxia Fantasma es imposible de grabar en vídeo.
— Beelzebub: Extraño, ¿No es así? Podemos verla claramente en nuestro ojos.
— Belphegor: Por eso es que la llamamos “Galaxia Fantasma”.
— Beelzebub: Es una galaxia misteriosa que solo se puede presenciar con tus propios ojos.
[ Tengo que grabar a fuego esta imagen en mi memoria entonces. ] ✓ [ Qué romántico. ]
— Beelzebub: No la mires demasiado. Tu cuello quedará adolorido. Oh no, la comida se ha ido.
— Belphegor: ¿Ya te comiste toda la comida? Estoy desperdiciando mi aliento. Por supuesto que lo hiciste. ¿Quieres ir a comprar más?
— Beelzebub: Si, creo que lo haré. Lo que me recuerda, recogí esto la última vez que compré comida en los puestos.
— Belphegor: ¿Un pedazo de papel?
— Beelzebub: “Mitin de estampillas de la Galaxia Fantasma” está escrito en la parte superior.
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— Belphegor: Déjame ver eso. Dice “Con una compra de un puesto de comida”, recibe una estampa en tu tarjeta mitin de estampillas de ese puesto.
— Beelzebub: Hmm...
— Belphegor: “Recolecta tantas estampas como puedas ubicados en varios puestos de comida y recibe un premio fabuloso”.
— Beelzebub: En otras palabras, deberíamos comer mucho, ¿Cierto?
— Belphegor: Suena como un mitin hecho para ti, Beel. ¿MC? ¿Qué dices si ambos compramos un poco más para comer?
— Beelzebub: *masticar* *masticar* *masticar* MC, Belphie... Parece que tienen sus manos llenas. ¿Necesitan ayuda para comer eso?
— Belphegor: Claro. Me divertí tanto caminando por todos esos puesto que terminé comprando demasiada comida.
— Beelzebub: Este festival tiene todas nuestras comidas favoritas en un solo lugar.
— Belphegor: También noté eso.
[ No podríamos haber elegido un mejor lugar para nuestra cita. ] ✓ [ Esta hamburguesa galaxia está fuera de este mundo. ]
— Beelzebub: Concuerdo.
— Belphegor: Me gustaría imaginar que este evento está hecho especialmente para nosotros. Conseguimos recolectar todas las estampas gracias a Beel. Creo que tenemos suficiente para intercambiar nuestro premio. Me pregunto qué premio es.
— Beelzebub: Espero que sea un año de suplementos de hamburguesas galaxia.
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— Belphegor: ¡Aún no puedo creerlo! ¡Esto es increíble! Esto es tan inesperado. La almohada de cuerpo de estrella fugaz que tenía en mis ojos era el premio del mitin de estampillas. Es exactamente la misma que vi en Akuzon.
— Beelzebub: Considéralo un regalo de cumpleaños del Festival Galaxia.
— Belphegor: Es gracias a ti y a ese estómago tuyo, Beel.
— Beelzebub: Ahora los tres tenemos almohadas de cuerpo a juego.
— Belphegor: Yo digo que tengamos una pijamada con nuestras almohadas a juego en algún momento.
— Beelzebub: Hablando de pijamada... ya es de noche. Todos están esperando que regresemos a la Casa de los Lamentos. Deberíamos dirigirnos a casa pronto.
— Belphegor: Oh, cierto. Probablemente terminaron de preparar todo para la fiesta. Parece que nuestra divertida cita de tres terminó. Supongo que aún tenemos una fiesta que esperar.
— Beelzebub: Eso es cierto. Ahora que lo pienso, hubiera sido divertido venir al Festival Galaxia con todos también.
[ Creo que todos se hubieran divertido. ] ✓ [ Hubiera sido bueno tenerlos aquí. ]
— Belphegor: Mammon y Asmo son del tipo que se ponen salvajes ante la mínima pista de un festival.
— Beelzebub: Pero ellos eligieron quedarse atrás y ayudar con las preparaciones para nuestra fiesta de cumpleaños. Fue realmente amable de su parte.
— Belphegor: Lo fue.
— ???: ¡Qué noble...!
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— Leviathan: ¡La pura consideración y nobleza de ustedes dos han traído lágrimas a mis ojos!
— Belphegor: ¿Levi...?
— Luke: Hey, ¿No se están olvidando de nosotros?
— Solomon: Yo.
— Simeon: Vinimos aquí a verlos a los tres y a hacerles saber que la fiesta está lista para que regresen a casa.
— Asmodeus: Levi, arruinaste completamente la glamurosa entrada que tenía planeada para nosotros.
— Raphael: No es para preocuparse. Nunca accedimos a tu elaborada entrada después de todo.
— Satan: Parece que disfrutaron mucho en el Festival Galaxia.
— Beelzebub: Mi estómago y yo estamos satisfechos.
— Barbatos: Eso es maravilloso de escuchar.
— Diavolo: Nuestros planes parecen haber valido la pena.
— Belphegor: ¿Qué planes...?
— Asmodeus: Cuando nos dijeron que estaban planeando irse hasta la noche el día de su cumpleaños, todos nos juntamos y planeamos algo juntos.
— Leviathan: Pensamos que sería agradable hacer que el tiempo que pasaran esperando la fiesta fuera un poco más especial.
— Mammon: Ya que la Galaxia Fantasma aparecería el día de su cumpleaños, comenzamos a hablar sobre montar un festival.
[ ¡¿Ustedes planearon esto?! ] [ ¡Así que el festival era para los gemelos después de todo! ] ✓
— Belphegor: Eso explica por qué los puestos de comida tenían todas nuestras comidas favoritas.
— Simeon: Fue tan reconfortante ver a los hermanos hacer una lista de todas sus comidas favoritas. Ellos sabían exactamente lo que les gusta.
— Diavolo: ¡Tanto amor fraterno!
— Lucifer: No hay necesidad de ser tan sentimental...
— Asmodeus: Así que, ¿Cuál es el plan? ¿Deberíamos disfrutar del festival un poco antes de dirigirnos a casa para la fiesta?
— Mammon: ¡Si! ¡Tengamos un poco de diversión en el festival antes de que la fiesta real comience!
— Luke: ¡Antes de que entremos al festival, deberíamos felicitar a los gemelos primero!
— Satan: Feliz cumpleaños, Beel y Belphie.
— Todos: ¡Feliz cumpleaños!
— Belphegor: Jeje...
— Beelzebub: Gracias a todos.
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Historia Especial
— Asmodeus: Woohoo ♪ ¿Todos se están divirtiendo?
— Mammon: ¡MC! ¡Gemelos! ¡¿Qué están esperando?! ¡Esos cuernos de Demonus no se van a vaciar solos! ¡Conseguí bebidas suaves también si las quieras!
— Belphegor: Deja a Mammon intentar tomar el crédito por el trabajo que el Señor Diavolo preparando todo.
— Beelzebub: Hey, MC, ¿Quieres...? No, no importa. No es nada.
— Belphegor: Beel...  Nunca transmitirás tus sentimientos a menos que los expreses apropiadamente.
— Beelzebub: C-Cierto... MC. Tengo pasajes nocturnos para la Costa del Diablo. Son pasajes de tiempo limitado para esta noche únicamente. Es parte de su campaña para celebrar la aparición de la Galaxia Fantasma. Solo fui capaz de conseguir estos dos boletos...
— Belphegor: No te preocupes por mí. No tienes que perdértelo por mi culpa.
[ Me encantaría ir contigo, Beel. ] ✓ [ ¿Qué quieres hacer, Beel? ]
— Belphegor: ¿Escuchaste eso, Beel? MC y tú deberían ir a divertirse.
— Beelzebub: De acuerdo. MC, Belphie... gracias.
— Belphegor: Eso lo decide. MC, me debes una cita por esto luego.
— Beelzebub: Bien, MC. Vamos a la Costa del Diablo después de la fiesta. Es una cita.
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— Beelzebub: La fiesta se extendió por tanto tiempo, estaba preocupado de que nunca temrinara. Ahora que estamos aquí, hay algo que quiero comprar. Algo que solo puedo comprar en la Costa del Diablo.
[ ¿Son palomitas? ] [ ¿Es una cinta? ] ✓
— Beelzebub: ¿Cómo lo supiste? Tienen cintas de edición limitadas a la venta. Tiene un mini Devilcat usando una playera con una estrella que se sienta en la parte superior de tu cabeza. Conseguimos comprar dos. Si nos las ponemos en la cabeza, se sentirá como si estuviéramos viendo la Galaxia Fantasma juntos con Devilcat, ¿No lo crees? Jeje, tenía razón. Sabía que te quedaría.
[ Luce bien en ti también, Beel. ] ✓ [ Devilcat es tan lindo. ]
— Beelzebub: ¿Si? Gracias. Estoy un poco avergonzado... Todas estas risas y sonrisas me están dando hambre. Compremos algunas palomitas también.
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— Beelzebub: Ahora que tengo por lo que vine, ¿Qué tal si vamos a algunos paseos? ¿A cuál quieres subir primero?
[ ¡Descenso Infernal! ] [ ¡La rueda de la fortuna! ] ✓
— Beelzebub: La rueda de la fortuna nos dejará ver la Galaxia Fantasma desde arriba.
— Beelzebub: Es hermosa. Parece que todo Devildom está rodeado por la Galaxia Fantasma. Ya sabes... subir a la rueda de la fortuna junto a ti hace que esto se sienta como una cita apropiada.
[ Me siento un poco nerviosa por alguna razón... ] ✓ [ ¿Estás disfrutando de nuestra cita? ]
— Beelzebub: Yo también. Cuando miro por la ventana a la galaxia... mis ojos terminan siendo atraídos por tu reflejo.
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— Beelzebub: Pensé que la rueda de la fortuna sería un paseo relajado, pero mi corazón estaba más acelerado que nunca... Me gustaría subirme una vez más si tenemos tiempo. ¿A dónde deberíamos ir aho—hm? Hay un cartel que dice “¡Disfruta una vista romántica de la Galaxia Fantasma!” Se parece a un poster de “The Bloody Cruise”.
[ ¿Qué es eso? ] ✓ [ Suena perfecto para una cita. ]
— Beelzebub: Los pasajeros se suben a S.S. Baño de Sangre. Es como un crucero. El crucero realmente te lleva al medio del océano. De cualquier modo, esto es obviamente a donde deberíamos subir ahora.
— Beelzebub: Ooh... La Galaxia Fantasma se ve diferente desde un barco. El reflejo de las estrellas en la superficie del océano es hermoso.
[ Eres un romántico hoy. ] ✓ [ ¿No tienes hambre? ]
— Beelzebub: Culpo al barco, a las estrellas de arriba... ...y a ti, MC. Pero... Parece haber parejas en todos lados, ahora que estoy mirando alrededor. Oh...
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— Beelzebub: Esa pareja de allá... Se están dando algo el uno al otro. Quizás debería haber traído algo para darte.
[ Por casualidad tengo algo para ti. ] 1 [ Es tu cumpleaños, Beel. Tú deberías recibir regalos, no darlos. ] 2
1: — Beelzebub: ¡¿Huh?! ¡¿Lo tienes?! ¡¿Para mí?!
[ Son un par de relojes de edición Galaxia Fantasma ] A [ Es un bolígrafo de galaxia brillante de Devilcat. ] B
A: — Beelzebub: ¡Esos solo están disponibles en el Festival Galaxia...! ¡¿Cuándo los compraste?! Los estaba buscando en el festival antes... pero Belphie estaba con nosotros en ese momento así que no tuve la oportunidad de pensar en comprarlos. Ahora pensaré en nuestra cita juntos siempre que mire la hora. Gracias, MC.
2: — Beelzebub: Cierto, pero creo que darte un regalo aquí hubiera significado algo especial. La próxima vez, incluso aunque la galaxia se haya ido... Voy a darte algo. Te lo prometo.
— Beelzebub: ¡Oh, no...!
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— Beelzebub: Perdí la noción del tiempo. ¡El espectáculo de Devilcar está por comenzar! ¿Crees que llegaremos a tiempo si corremos después de que el barco llegue al puerto...?
[ ¡Corramos como el infierno! ] [ ¡Si me cargas y corres, podríamos hacerlo! ] ✓
— Beelzebub: Si, eso sería más rápido. Voy a correr tan rápido como pueda, así que sujétate fuerte. ¡Tenemos que llegar al espectáculo a tiempo, así podemos verlo juntos!
— Beelzebub: *jadeo* *jadeo*... ¡Apenas lo hicimos! Mc, hay un asiento libre allí. Tú deberías tomarlo.
[ Sentémonos juntos. ] ✓ [ Tomemos turnos para sentarnos. ]
— Beelzebub: ¿Qué? Bueno, entonces puedes sentarte en mi regazo. Jeje, ¿Qué dirían mis hermanos si nos vieran así? Este espectáculo está tan lleno. La historia comienza con Devilcat siendo invitado a una fiesta por su amigo. Pero la mayor parte del espectáculo está sin guion, así que la audiencia puede disfrutar nuevos giros de los eventos cada vez. Me pregunto si podré ver mi escena favorita esta vez. No puedo esperar.
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— Beelzebub: Devilcat está de camino a la casa de sus amigos para la fiesta, cuando de repente... ...¡Aquí está! Mira, el narrador está en pánico. Están buscando a alguien de la audiencia para darle a Devilcat algo para comer. ¡Si Devilcat no come algo pronto, se va a volver loco! Amo esta parte. Alguien de la audiencia tiene que ir al escenario y darle a Devilcat algo de comida. Desearía que nos eligieran, pero estamos un poco lejos del escenarios como para ser vistos.
[ Tú tiendes a sobresalir en las multitudes, Beel. ] [ ¡Rápido, Beel! ¡Agita tus manos! ] ✓
— Beelzebub: ¡¿MC?! Estás haciendo una escena. ¡Todos en la audiencia nos están mirando! Le están pidiendo a la pareja de atrás que suba al escenario. ¡¿Se refieren a nosotros?! ¡MC, nos eligieron!
— Beelzebub: ¿Ves? El pedazo de carne que el personal nos dio es la comida favorita de Devilcat.
[ Luce realmente delicioso. ] [ Sin comerlo, Beel. ] ✓
— Beelzebub: No te preocupes. Me contendré por el bien de Devilcat. Vamos, alimentemos a Devilcat.
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— Beelzebub: Devilcat luce muy feliz cuando se le da su comida favorita.
[ Se parece mucho a ti, Beel. ] [ Estoy feliz de que fuéramos capaces de darle comida a Devilcat. ] ✓
— Beelzebub: Yo también.  Fue lindo ver a Devilcat agradecernos. ...¿Huh? ¿Estamos siendo invitados a una fiesta gracias a la comida? ¡Esto nunca ha pasado antes! Primero, una fiesta de cumpleaños—ahora, vamos a ir a una fiesta de Devilcat también. Es una fiesta detrás de otra.
— Beelzebub: El espectáculo de Devilcat fue muy divertido. Mi sueño de subir al escenario contigo se hizo realidad. No podría estar más satisfecho. Solo fui capaz de subir al escenario gracias a que tu levantaste tu mano y llamaste al MC. Me sorprendiste por un momento, pero me hizo realmente feliz. Sin mencionar, que fue realmente adorable verte. Gracias, MC.
[ Lo disfruté también. ] [ Verte tan feliz hizo que valiera la pena. ] ✓
— Beelzebub: Tuve una cita con mi humana favorita hoy. ¿Por qué no estaría feliz? Ups... lo siento. Suena como que mi estómago necesita un poco de atención ahora. Busquemos algo para comer.
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— Beelzebub: *masticar* *masticar* Lo siento... *masticar*... por no esperar... *masticar* ...a que llegaras. *masticar* Ten... *masticar* *masticar* Puedes comer un poco de lo mío también... *tragar* Por cierto, ¿Qué terminaste ordenando? Lo siento. Yo ordené todo de una sola vez así que lo olvidé.
[ Ordené dos pasteles para nosotros. ] ✓ [ Una copa de brillante soda de sangre fresca. ]
— Beelzebub: Oh, eso es cierto. Gracias por ordenar dos. Ahora los dos podemos tener uno propio. Oh, aquí está.
— Beelzebub: Me gusta compartir un gran pastel con todos, pero hay algo especial en comer un pastel junto a ti en mi cumpleaños. Es lo mejor. He estado corriendo desde esta mañana. Apuesto que te sientes cansada ahora. Conozco un buen lugar en la Costa del Diablo donde podemos ir a tener algo de paz y tranquilidad. Dirijámonos allí cuando terminemos de comer.
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— Beelzebub: Es agradable aquí, ¿No? Este es uno de mis lugares favoritos. Todos los demás terminaron de ver los juegos especiales, así que está tranquilo y no hay nadie alrededor. Ahora podemos sentarnos y mirar la Galaxia Fantasma juntos. Puedes apoyar tu cabeza en mi regazo si estás cansada. Si tienes frío... puedo sostenerte para que te sientas cálida.
[ No tengo frío, ¿Pero puedes sostenerme de todos modos? ] ✓ [ Gracias por cuidar de mí. ]
— Beelzebub: Por supuesto. ... ...Eres tan cálida—por dentro y por fuera. Hoy estuvo lleno de grandes momentos, pero nada me ha hecho tan feliz y realizado como el sostenerte cerca como lo hago ahora.
[ Creo que un beso hará este momento incluso mejor. ] ✓ [ Eres tan amable, Beel. ]
— Beelzebub: También lo creo. MC... te amo. *suspiro*... Quiero llevarte de aquí a un lugar donde nadie, ni siquiera las estrellas, puedan vernos.
— Beelzebub: Gracias de nuevo, MC. No puedo recordar la última vez que mi corazón se sintió más lleno que mi estómago. No podría haber deseado un mejor cumpleaños. Difícilmente pueda esperar por mi cumpleaños el próximo año. Espero que podamos pasar el cumpleaños del próximo año juntos también.
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(2-A) — Belphegor: ¿Soy yo o todos se han olvidado completamente de la fiesta de cumpleaños? Supongo que no debería estar sorprendido. Pusieron mucho esfuerzo en planear esto.
— Barbatos: Belphegor, si me permites... Parece que has recibido tu premio del mitin de estampillas, pero tú aún no has participado en la lotería.
— Belphegor: ¿Huh?
— Satan: Debes no haber leído todas las instrucciones del mitin. La tarjeta de estampillas también es un boleto para participar en la lotería.
— Leviathan: Tienen algunos premios realmente geniales y no hay pérdidas tampoco. Ganarás sin importar qué obtengas.
— Belphegor: Tienen razón. Está todo escrito aquí. Dice que el boleto sirve para tres intentos en la lotería. Ese es un intento por cada uno de nosotros. En ese caso, MC, puedes ir primero.
— Asmodeus: ¿Qué ganaste? ¿Una nueva paleta de maquillaje?
[ Surtido enlatado de kraken dulce y salado. ] [ Una caja de té de hierbas para relajarte. ] ✓
— Belphegor: Elegiste uno bueno. El té es realmente delicioso y te ayuda a dormir.
— Beelzebub: ¡Si...! Conseguí un boleto para una comida gratuita en Le Diable.
— Belphie: Felicidades, Beel. Me pregunto qué ganaré. ...¿Hm? “El Premio Estrella” ¿Qué es?
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— Solomon: Parece que tienen permitido elegir cualquier premio que quieran de los premios con temática de estrellas del exhibidor.
— Belphegor: Ya veo... Entonces supongo que elegiré este premio. El kit de cuentas con patrones de estrellas.
— Luke: ¡Las perlas brillantes son tan bonitas!
— Simeon: No puedo esperar para ver qué tipo de accesorios hará con ellos.
— Belphegor: Haré algo para ti, MC. Creo que—no... sé que lucirá bien en ti. ¿Quieres un brazalete o un anillo? Tampoco voy a tomar un no como respuesta.
[ Quiero un brazalete. ] ✓ [ Un anillo sería agradable. ]
— Belphegor: Bien. Haré algo que puedas usar con tu uniforme y ropa de todos los días.
— Satan: Hey, todos. Aún quedan muchos de los grandes premios.
— Asmodeus: ¡Supongo que eso significa que tendremos que jugar el juego también!
— Mammon: ¡Ya sabes lo que eso significa, Beel! ¡Es momento de comer y recolectar algunas estampillas así todos podemos tener un turno!
— Beelzebub: ¡Déjamelo a mí!
— Lucifer: No hay necesidad de hacer nada peligroso.
— Diavolo: Si tengo que nombrar algo que tus hermanos saben cómo hacer bien, es como hacer una gran fiesta.
— Lucifer: ¿Eso es lo único en lo que puedes pensar?
— Belphegor: La fiesta está en pleno apogeo ahora. Hey, MC... ¿Qué dices si los dos dejamos esta fiesta mientras aún podemos?
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— Belphegor: Por nosotros, me refiero a nosotros dos. Creo que Beel puede manejarse solo. Dijo que quería probar cada plato que trajeron a la fiesta. Aparentemente, más comida está en camino. Vamos. Tengamos una cita, solo nosotros dos.
[ ¿A dónde iremos? ] [ Es una gran idea. ] ✓
— Belphegor: Eso es lo que digo. Seré honesto contigo. Quería tener algo de tiempo a solas junto a ti de todas formas. Así que ideé un plan para que eso sucediera si surgiera la oportunidad.
— Belphegor: Parece que logramos salir sin ser notados. Debería estar aquí en cualquier momento. Debo darte esto antes de que me olvide. Ten. Es un boleto para subir al tren fantasma. El tren fantasma es un tren invisible que viaja por el cielo nocturno. Solo puedes verlo si posees un boleto para viajar. Esta vez, vamos a ver la Galaxia Fantasma desde el cielo.
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— Belphegor: Jeje, ¿Estás sorprendida del repentino cambio de atuendo mientras entrábamos en el tren? En realidad yo también estoy sorprendido. No sabía que el tren ofrecía este tipo de experiencia. Luces realmente bien vestida así. Parece como si estuvieras lista para hacer tu debut en el estreno de una película. Creo que los asistentes fantasmas en el tren nos están proveyendo con un servicio extra especial. Cuando estaba reservando nuestros boletos para el tren... ...Les dije que estaría trayendo a un invitado muy especial y que era un día muy especial. Creo que es por eso que han puesto este maravilloso hechizo para nosotros.
[ Eso es muy considerado de su parte. ] ✓ [ ¿Me estabas hablando a mí? ]
— Belphegor: Lo es. Me aseguraré de agradecerles por todo luego. Esta debe ser nuestra bebida complementaria. Salud por nuestra cita galaxia... o como quieras llamarlo. Jeje, no creo que haya visto una bebida que brille así antes. Es un color azul profundo y las burbujas brillantes dentro lucen como un cielo estrellado. Estaba esperando más pasajeros a bordo, considerando que hoy la Galaxia Fantasma es visible en el cielo. Pero parece que nadie más está viajando además de nosotros y los asistentes fantasmas.
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— Belphegor: Les pregunté a los fantasmas y dijeron que reservaron el tren entero solo para nosotros dos. Dijeron que querían asegurarse de que disfrutemos nuestro tiempo juntos en este día especial. Eso fue muy generoso de su parte. Si hay algún lado en el que nos gustaría detenernos en el camino, podemos tomarnos la libertad de pedirles que desembarquemos.
[ ¡Podríamos ser los clientes favoritos de los fantasmas...! ] [ Iré a donde tú quieras ir, Belphie. ] ✓
— Belphegor: ¿No te importa? En ese caso, déjame pensar... ...¡Lo tengo! Hay un lugar que he tenido en mente al que me gustaría llevarte.
— Belphegor: Aquí estamos.
[ Qué hermosa playa. ] ✓ [ ¿Qué es este lugar? ]
— Belphegor: Si. Hay algo misterioso sobre este lugar que siempre atrae a ella... El mar es incluso más fascinante esta noche con la galaxia siendo reflejada en la superficie del agua. Hay algo que quiero buscar aquí.
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— Belphegor: Estoy buscando una piedra brillante llamada “Piedra Galaxia”. Se dice que es tan rara y misteriosa que solo aparece el mismo día que la Galaxia Fantasma. Y sabes que día es hoy. Creo que mis oportunidades de encontrarla hoy es la mejor que tendré por un tiempo. Quiero usar esa piedra cuando haga tu brazalete. Sé que lucirá hermosa. Encontré la Piedra Galaxia hace mucho tiempo. Es por eso que elegí buscarla aquí. Definitivamente voy a encontrarla.
[ ¿Algún consejo de dónde encontrarla? ] ✓ [ Es tan considerado de tu parte. ]
— Belphegor: Nadie sabe dónde se encuentra, así que nuestra única opción es buscar en cada rincón de la playa cuidadosamente. Aunque, debería advertirte que me tomó horas encontrar la última Piedra Galaxia...
— Belphegor: ...¿Hola? ¿Escuchaste algo de lo que dije, MC?
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— Belphegor: MC, ¿Por qué estás parada ahí así? ...Hey, espera un momento. ¿Estás viendo lo que yo veo...?
[ Estoy asustada. Belphie, tú cava. ] [ ¡Cavemos y veamos! ] ✓
— Belphegor: Cierto. ¡Traeré la pala! No quiero que tus manos se ensucien, ya que luces tan bien esta noche.
— Belphegor: ...¡Es la real! ¡La Piedra Galaxia! La encontramos tan rápido... Es como si la Piedra Fantasma te estuviera llamando, MC... Tienes un talento especial para hacer posible lo imposible, ¿Sabes? Siempre estás llena de sorpresas, nunca sé que esperar... Eso es lo que me gusta de ti. Voy a usar esto para hacer un tipo de brazalete solo para ti. Espero que estés expectante.
[ Tengo algo que darte también... ] 1 [ ¡Gracias, no puedo esperar! ]
1: — Belphegor: ¿Para mí...?
[ Una cielo estrellado encerrado en una flor de cristal. ] A [ Es una luz nocturna de  Quetzalcóatl. ]
A: — Belphegor: Es... una rosa de cristal. Brilla tan linda, como el cielo estrellado. Gracias. Atesoraré cualquier regalo de cumpleaños que reciba de ti, MC.
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— Belphegor: Ya que encontramos la piedra tan rápido, tenemos mucho tiempo para viajar en el tren fantasma a otra ubicación. ¿Hay algún lugar al que te gustaría ir, MC?
[ Algún lugar pacífico con una buena vista. ] ✓ [ Algún lugar vívido y divertido. ]
— Belphegor: En ese caso, creo que gustará la Plaza de Mary.
— Belphegor: ¿Hay algo que tengas en mente? Me gusta sentarme en esta banca y mirar el cielo estrellado. Pude ver la Galaxia Fantasma desde todo tipo de lugares hoy. Incluso pude hacerlo contigo, MC. N hay manera de saber cuándo veré la Galaxia Fantasma de nuevo... ...pero espero que la próxima vez, podamos verla juntos.
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— Belphegor: Bueno, hoy estuvo lleno de todo tipo de aventuras, ¿No? ...Jeje. MC, ¿Estás comenzando a cabecear? Realmente no puedo culparte. El balanceo del tren es lo suficientemente relajante como para poner a cualquiera a dormir. ¿Quieres poner tu cabeza en mi hombro?
[ ¿No tienes sueño, Belphie? ] [ Creo que haré eso. ] ✓
— Belphegor: Entonces ven un poco más cerca. Esto es nuevo. Siempre soy yo quien pide prestado tu hombro para recostarse, así que esto es algo bueno. Me hace sentir... feliz. Buenas noches, MC.
— Belphegor: ¿Ya despertaste?
[ Escuché un ruido... ] [ Quería ver tu cara. ] ✓
— Belphegor: ¡...! No puedes decir cosas tan lindas después de despertar. Estaba haciendo esto mientras miraba tu rostro durmiente.
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— Belphegor: Es el brazalete que te prometí. Casi tiré todas las cuentas por todo el piso mientras lo hacía. Mi corazón casi se detuvo. Todo lo que tengo que hacer es adjuntar la Piedra Galaxia que toqué con un poco de magia y... ...¡Hecho! MC, dame tu mano. Ten. Queda perfecto. La Piedra Galaxia tiene un significado especial, ¿Sabes? representa un “encuentro afortunado”. Creo que ese encuentro contigo, MC, fue el encuentro más afortunado de todos.
[ Soy tan afortunada por conocerte también, Belphie. ] ✓ [ Gracias, lo atesoraré por siempre. ]
— Belphegor: MC... Si me besas ahora mismo, sería incluso más feliz.
[ Estaba pensando lo mismo. ] ✓ [ ¡Te daré un abrazo en su lugar! ]
— Belphegor: ¿Entonces qué estás esperando...? Jeje... los fantasmas están intentando no mirar en nuestra dirección. Desearía poder continuar así, pero probablemente nos pidan que bajemos del tren por indecencia. Tendré que contenerme por ahora. Siempre podemos continuar donde lo dejamos cuando regresemos a casa. Además... ...Quiero viajar en el tren fantasma contigo y tener otra cita bajo el cielo estrellado nuevamente en algún momento. Pero, quizás solo uno más...
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ollie-lolly · 1 year
The Obey me brothers in: "The morning after"
Obey me brothers X gender neutral reader
Warnings: Suggestive, swearing
Started and finished on: the 8th of april 2023
Note: Happy early birthday to my favorite snek boi Leviathan! <3 I love this little shit to bits. Tell me if you want the side characters too! As always reblogs and constructive critism is always appreciated!
word count:489
-Will already be fully dressed by the time you wake up
-That is if you don't wake up by this old ass man's alarm clock
-On the rare occasion that that isn't the case, he'll drink coffee while waiting for you to wake up
-He loves sharing coffee with you in the morning 
-Don't even dare to eat in his bed 
-Will treat you like royalty the morning after, since he can be quite rough during sex
-Will reward you for being his "stress reliever"
-"I was great wasn't i?"
-Needs cuddles
-This man is clingy as fuck
-Morning kisses on your body
-Will make up tons of excuses as to why you two are late to school
-He can't convince anyone cuz he is loud as fuck
-As soon as he wakes up he will try to hide his face in your back when spooning
-I like to imagine that he kinda loses himself when he is having sex. So morning clarity hits this man hard
-He is very insecure, so please assure him that he did well
-Please for the love of god please don't mention what happened the night before during breakfast. He will just shut down
-"Please restart Levi.exe"
-Will read to you in the morning if you like!
-Cuddles with you him and his sneaked in cats in the morning
-While reading the devildom news paper, he'll ask questions on what you did and didn't like from last night
-Will ask you what you would want to try next
-Will carry you to breakfast
-He has this love struck look in his eyes as soon as you wake up
-"Good Morning beautiful"
-Wants to get ready with you
-Shared morning shower is a must
-Shower sex?
-He puts you in front of his vanity mirror and starts brushing and doing your hair
-The amount of crumbs in his bed 
-Will lovingly greet you when you wake up
-Breakfast in bed is guaranteed
-I headcanon him as a service top, just ask and he'll do it!
-Will spoon feed you breakfast if you'll let him
-If you are okay with it. Beel will invite Belphie to enjoy breakfast in bed together
-No doubt about it, you always wake up first
-He will cuddle you to prevent you from leaving
-You have to help him get dressed 
-He will tease you the entire morning during breakfast if you will actually make it
-"Now what did you call me last night? I can't seem to remember"
-Will look around the room to see how many people he can piss off in the shortest amount of time
-"Sorry dear, duty calls"
-He will leave breakfast for you though!
-He uses magic to keep it fresh and warm
-If he actually has the time for once in his goddamn life he will massage you
-He will literally stop in the middle of sex if Diavolo needed him
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satansaidnottoday · 6 days
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Twinning: Party time.
Part 1 | Part 2
Info: Human AU, Lucifer's Mc, Everyone & GN!Mc.
Summary: Cute little party. A little short because I'm not feeling well.
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"Your cat is trying to kill me!" Your assistant screamed from his stool.
You turned around to find the little orange menace (that you had nicknamed Cheddar) curiously pacing around him, occasionally reaching to scratch at his legs. To Mammon's relief, you walked over and retrieved the wild animal.
"What a brave man, facing a beast this size," you taunted him, as you gently pat Cheddar. He purred gently under your touch.
The fake blond scoffed. "For your information, I'm very brave! I just don't care about being scratched."
"I was talking to the cat," you said with a sideways grin. Red builds up on his cheeks.
"Hey! I'm no beast! You should be grateful I'm even hel-." He tripped, almost falling off the stool. You held out one arm and pushed him back to equilibrium. However, that didn't stop him from screaming for dear life. Cheddar ran away to the play zone for some quiet time.
"I already got you."
You walked away to let him finish hanging the lights. The cake was safely hidden away in the kitchen, and you had everything else done. The banner with their names was already in place, over three tables you had pushed together to make a single large one. You put a large blue tablecloth over them and laid an assortment of snacks, sandwiches, and sodas alongside it.
You even lowered the lights and closed off the curtains, so the LED constellation you made could show off.
"It's done!" Mammon announced, standing proudly and admiring his work.
"Well done," You pat his shoulder. "You should go sit down, it's almost time."
As soon as you said that, Beelzebub crashed with the locked door behind you. You turned around and opened it for him.
"Are you okay?" You asked, but he was already running inside and looking at the decorations with amazement. Somehow a bowl of chips made it into his arms too.
"Beelzebub!" Lucifer's commanding voice almost shook the walls, but somehow didn't have any effects on Beel.
"Lucy!" He answered, finally sitting down at one of the seats of honor you had prepared.
Lucifer didn't seem very pleased, so of course you offered him a party hat.
Quickly all the guests made their way inside, including two men around Lucifer's age who you didn't recognize. A muscle wall of a man who laughed very loudly and a smaller pale man wearing a suit. However, you were more interested in the smallest guest of honor.
Belphegor was riding one of his sibling's backs, like always. This time, [Leviathan] had the honor. When they came in, his eyes opened up wider than usual and he jumped down to the floor. He spent a few silent moments just walking around and looking at the lights with a tiny smile. You weren't expecting a big reaction from him, just seeing him enjoying something for once was enough. It made all the work worth it. Finally, he went up to Lucifer for a hug.
"I love it, thanks." He said, just loud enough for you to hear.
"Uh? But he didn't even-" Mammon started to speak, but you elbowed him before he could go on.
"Who's ready for some party games?!" You ask, ready to take over the role of host.
The two hours go by fast, and not a single second is dull. You learned a lot about the siblings that day, like everyone's favorite colors, which were listed out to you by Beelzebub at least three times. He really wanted to make sure you gave everyone the right hat.
You also learn that the big man's name is Diavolo, and he works with Lucifer. The other man was his butler, Barbatos, who proved to be very helpful. He picked up after everyone else, making it so you almost had nothing to clean at the end.
The highlight of the day, at least for you, was Satan introducing Felicia to his whole family. It was overall a good first impression, Lucifer even scratched her ears. Belphegor ended up napping with her for most of the day.
When it was time to sing Happy Birthday, you brought out the big guns. Of all the cakes you had ever made, this one was definitely your favorite. You had covered it in black, purple, and blue ganache, smudged together to get a galaxy design. All of the constellations and planets were hand painted with your own hands, and you sprayed edible glitter over the whole thing. You place it down in front of the birthday boy, with two candles and two sparklers on top.
"That's not a basic cake," Lucifer looked at you with those suspicious eyes again.
"I went a little overboard while making it, don't worry, it's on me." You smiled but he didn't seem to like that. Whatever, there's nothing he could do about it.
"Thank you, Mc," Belphegor said with his sleepy voice. It was difficult to believe he was a teenager, with how small he looked and how quiet he was.
"It's nothing."
You ruffled his hair and lit up the candles. Everyone started singing, including the twins. They sang to each other, which you found unbelievably adorable. When the candles went out, you didn't waste any time cutting up the cake. Beel would have surely exploded if he had to wait a second more.
While everyone ate, you made your way to the back to start cleaning some of the crockery. Your head buzzed and your body felt more tired than ever. But hearing their laughs, you thought everything was worth it.
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Thanks for reading!
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insect-empire · 3 years
Happy Birthday Dear Beelzebub and Belphegor Pop Quiz Archive-
(Part 1)
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In-game reminder:
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Pop Quiz:
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Story Book Icons:
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Happy Birthday Dear Beelzebub and Belphegor was held from 3/8/2021 through 3/15/2021.
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Ok,ok so it’s gonna be my birthday tomorrow and I was wondering on how the obey me brothers react to finding out that mc dose not want anything for their birthday.
(You can write it as small as possible if you wished to go faster)
Happy early birthday, my dear! I'm happy to write this one for you. Let's jump into it.
He takes this as a personal challenge--oh, his human doesn't want anything for their birthday? But what about this absolutely incredible thing that he found by accident (or totally on purpose after scouring Akuzon and shops using his knowledge of MC).
He takes pride in spoiling MC and knowing them better than anyone else, so of course this is going to be important to him. If he can't find something perfect, he'll go with a simple piece of jewelry that will remind them of him and a date to a fancy restaurant with some intimate time afterwards--he's a busy demon, so having time alone with him is a big deal.
Mammon also takes this as a challenge, but in a different way. MC will find themselves on a shopping trip across Devildom on Mammon's dime--if they so much as look at something, he's going to get it for them.
It's his excuse to take MC out on a date, really. He'll want to hold their hand while he showers them in gifts. After all, that's his love language.
Levi is gonna be better at this than most of the other brothers. Instead of trying to get them a gift anyway, he'll set aside a day to do whatever MC wants to do. A new video game that they wanted to play but thought he wouldn't be interested in? He'll be their player 2 as long as they'd like. An anime that isn't normally his thing but they love it? Time for a marathon.
He'll get jealous over the gifts given to them, but he'll also take some pride in having actually followed MC's request. Plus, any time alone with them is good in his eyes--it allows him to be more affectionate with them.
His first response was to get MC a kitten. That didn't pan out since Lucifer said no. His next idea was to put together a few books that he loved and thought MC would like. He doesn't just find them new, however--he goes through used bookstores, finding leatherbound copies with that beautiful old book smell before hiding pressed flowers and little notes between the pages.
Listen I have nothing else to put here, Satan is a romantic, I've declared it so.
MC doesn't want anything for their birthday? That's perfectly fine with Asmo! He'll plan some special time with just the two of them instead--A spa day! MC deserves to be treated like royalty, after all, and living with seven rambunctious demons isn't conducive to that.
He will buy any of the products they enjoyed--not for their birthday, of course, just because he knows they'll use it. Asmo also insists on being the one to paint their nails.
He's going to organize the best birthday dinner ever. No arguing, it's settled. Think twelve course meal with all MC's favorite Devildom foods and a massive cake with no less than six different flavors.
Beel wants to sit next to MC the whole meal so he can make sure they're enjoying the food. He'll even offer to feed some of it to MC--if they know that this is his love language and accept it, he'll be incredibly happy.
Good, good, he's out of gifts. Belphie's already used his one big gift, himself, so he needed the break. How about a nap day with him? They can play hooky in the attic--he even got Lucifer's permission to skip a day of school for it.
He'll give very good cuddles, focusing on MC's comfort for once. This is their birthday present, after all. A long, peaceful nap with the most beautiful dreams.
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mammonswhore · 3 years
Heyo~ can I get some headcanons for when the brothers' take mc shopping but mc feels guilty or unworthy and think they don't deserve to get gifts or have nice things done for them 😣thank u for being so amazing btw,,
Of course you can! Thank you for the compliment,you are amazing too♥🥺
Brothers react to an MC who feels unworthy and guilty when shopping.
He is the type to spoil his lover in special occasions but he knows when is a good timing to take a break and pamper them for being there for him and loving him despite his flaws.
It goes without a saying he is taking you to a high standard mall for shopping.
He is not dumb so he notices right away you are uncomfortable,at first he thinks it us because of all the glares but then he realizes it can't be that.
So he confronts you about it in a very soft way trying not to startle you.
"MC dear,is there something bothering you?"
He hears you sigh and waits for an answer patiently.
"Lucifer you know I love you but I don't feel good having you taking me shopping. It makes me feel weird spending your money just like that and yeah I know I spend part of your money because I live in your house, eat the food that you buy and..."
"MC,be quiet for a few seconds."
He proceeds to hold your hands and look with his signature loving gaze that he saved for you and you only.
He couldn't believe such a beautiful human could be so thoughtful and precious. He pulls one of his hands out of his gloves and lifts it up to caress your face appreciating your beauty.
"You need to have this type of attention, after all you have been through with me and my rowdy brothers it's quite weird that you haven't asked for anything in exchange. You know that you can ask for anything and I will provide it,don't you?"
Mammon is the type of "I'm spoiling you because I'm about to fuck things up/I fucked things up already" so you know how things go here.
But his way of spoiling is not taking you to a mall and shop you whatever you want,his way is more about "I heard that you wanted this so I bought it for you when you were clearly not looking."
And this time it was different,he was decided to spend part all of his grimm to spoil you and you were not about letting him do that.
"Honey... Do you really want to do this? I don't think spending this much money on clothes for me is that worthy and maybe you can use this money to pay part of your debt with..."
"Cut it,MC. If I say I'm going to spoil you then that's what I am going to do,don't worry about my debts and be cool."
But he couldn't avoid but to notice the look and your eyes when he used his card to pay for something he choose for you.
"MC I will get mad if you don't start enjoying this,it's not every day that the Great Mammon decides to spoil someone with his own money!" He said half jokingly half mad.
"I don't think I deserve this,Mammon."
Oh no,no no no no. He blushes almost immediately and starts mumbling things about how you changed him and that he is spoiling you because he knows you deserve to be treated differently once in a while since you did so many things for him and his brothers.
After all the mumbling you clearly heard he kisses your cheek and tells you to "cut the crap" and buys some ice cream.
Levi does not leave his room for more than one or two hours a day so leaving the house with him is a big deal.
You two were heading to the anime store he usually goes to and he decided that he will spend some of his money buying some things anime related that you will like.
When both of you get to the store he tells you to get some things he might like to make it more interesting even tho it's only a tramp. A cute tramp.
Levi is the type to really listen and acknowledge your words so it was not hard for him to pick things for you.
When both of you got to show each other the things you choose,he noticed the look on your face was not what he was expecting.
"Levi you don't have to buy things for me, spend your money on your own things and not on me please."
His face frowns and he is clearly confused about this attitude and asks you to please explain what you mean.
"Well you know... I don't feel like I deserve this type of gift from you."
"What? MC um... I-I love you a-and I do this because I know you w-will like it so don't start acting like a normie now."
Levi looks away from you when saying this and gets the things you choose for him the cashier along with the things he pick.
Sometimes will remember you that he thinks you are the best and that you deserve to get this type of attention once in a while.
He clearly loves to be spoiled,no one can tell me otherwise. He likes to be spoiled with material things that are small such as keychains,rings or bracelets (even if he doesn't wear them,he likes them because in his mind you said "what a cute thing,it reminds me of my boyfriend" and he loves it) and likes to spoil you with more homemade things likes some sort of baking,writing or reading for you.
Still once in a while he likes to spoil you with things that are not the homemade type. Such as this time,he was waiting for you to pick a piece of jewelry you like. He was quick to realize you were just staying there staring at the several pieces of gold and silver in front of you hesitantly.
"Darling,is something wrong with the jewelry?" He asked with a questioning tone, glancing at you with his green eyes.
"Well I don't quite feel comfortable spending your money like this" You said blushing.
He smiled and softened his expression,he placed a hand on the top of your head and patted softly.
"I can afford spoil you every time I want and you need to know that I would not do this if you didn't deserve it. You do more than what you give yourself credit for so quit this behavior and let me treat you like you deserve to be treated."
He likes both spoil and be spoiled. His favorite way of spoil you is to take you to shopping sprees while he likes to be spoiled with daily things likes cuddles,kisses and taking baths together.
But he always noticed that the shopping sprees were less than what he expected them to be. You always have been careful to not let it slip anytime that you were uncomfortable with being treated that way because you knew he loved to do that for the ones he loves. And this time was not an exception.
"Sweetheart,is something wrong?" He asked almost clueless.
"Well you see,Asmo... I'm not fully comfortable spending your money with things only I can use and enjoy"
Asmodeus chuckled a little and took his lovers hands with a soft smile.
"Darling every time I have the chance to buy something for you I get thrilled with the idea of you wearing something I choose for you and you only. Don't worry about my money. You deserve to be treated like the type of person you are and before you say something I mean that in a very good way."
He kissed both of his partners cheeks and pushed them to keep on shopping reassuring them once in a while that he is thrilled with this.
It all started when he was thinking about all the times MC feed him without complaining, all the times they woke up to his stomach growling and the countless times they made something for him to eat before going to bed. He felt sad that he was not giving back enough so he decided to use part of his money and take them shopping.
MC thought that they were going to the buffet Beel mentioned two days before but they were wrong.
"Surprise! I thought you will like to have some time for yourself so I made a reservation for the spa today,Asmo said you might like it."
He was happy and so was his partner but there was something about then that didn't seem right.
"MC,is everything okay? You don't like it? If you don't like it we can go somewhere else I don't mind."
"Beel,I don't feel like spending your money like this."
Beel was confused about his lover's words. He could only think about making the wrong choice when following Asmo's advice and making things awkward.
"It's not your fault I just don't feel like spending your money like this on me,we can go somewhere else and..."
"MC,do you feel like you don't deserve this?" He asked suddenly realizing.
MC just sighed and looked away from him, they were feeling the guilt build up.
"From all the people I know I honestly think you are one of the few who deserves this type of attention and I'm happy I'm the one proving this to you."
Maybe it was his smile,the soft tone on his voice or his long fingers twitching to hold theirs but MC felt relieved and less uncomfortable going to the spa.
For once he decided to not act like a brat and take MC shopping a few days before their birthday. He was going to make this shopping spree his birthday gift from his part and he was also going to give in to the constant protesting about not leaving the house.
It was a perfect plan,he even asked Lucifer for permission to do his chores later and spend some timw with MC.
But the plan was not perfect for his lover who seemed rather uncomfortable than happy.
"You can pick whatever you want,I will just enjoy and pay,okay?" Was what he said when they arrived to the mall.
"Belphie you know I love you but why don't we go back to the house and do something there?"
He was not having it. His first thought was that they were ashamed but he then realized that they couldn't be ashamed of being seen with him or to receive things from him because he already made gifts from them.
"MC,do you feel like you don't deserve this?"
The answer was shocking,the guilt on MC's eyes was clear as water and the sudden wave of guilt made Belphie look away from them.
"Listen I know I'm not the one for the sweet talk but you do deserve this and it's also a gift from me to you since it's your birthday in a few days so... Please shut up and go shopping."
Belphie was beyond flustered and so was MC. Both of them tried to calm down before going shopping.
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anni1600 · 2 years
Obey me Masterlist
All of my art is filed under the "#Anni1600 art" hashtag Last update: 20.02.2024
Lucifer Dominating Project 1/ (with my oc) Peaceful intimacy (with my oc) Napping Luci After the Fall Comic strip of Luci in a unicorn onesie Fanon vs canon Christmas gift for susboi -mistletoe kiss senpai x lucifer
Mammon Familiar sketch (with my oc) Will you be my Valentine? Cool pose (kabedoning you) Last hug (humaized sheep Mc) Demon Mammon in agony Rest with kitty mams
Leviathan Happy Birthday to our guppy🧡 Leviachan with kitty headphones Doll (with my oc as a doll) Cosplaying as 707
Satan Pretty boy Wholesome bonding time Happy Valentines day
Asmodeus Happy Birthday, slut💞 Wholesome bonding time
Beelzebub Birthday boys
Belphegor Birthday boys Chibi Belphie napping with sheep MC
Barbatos Future vision (with my oc) Barbie in class Sexy Barbatos Happy Birthday A little sketch Birthday sketch Dìa de los reyes magos gift fpr my bestie - Christmas baking (Barbatos x senpai)
Simeon Corrupted (?) angel
Solomon Napping in a Christmas stocking
Sheep MC Happy Pride month, dear MCs
My MC Rhea+ Introduction Cheerleader Dolls Side profile Jacket buddies (with my besties OC Senpai) Rhea in a gorgeous outfit Glamour for my bbygirl Pandora the rising sun The human gang selfie (Rhea+Senpai+Yuna)
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astrablossom · 4 years
Brothers & Undateables react to MC wearing a revealing outfit for a party NSFW (Glasses Edition)
*Gender is not specified 
You hop out the shower and click the nearby fan on to speed up the process of drying your skin. You almost forgot you planned a date with Solomon. Thankfully you already planned ahead of time and had a outfit awaiting in your closet. After quickly moisturizing and brushing your teeth, you're quick to pull out the outfit. It was a white dress shirt that stopped just above the the elbow, the V neck very prominent. Along with it you had black tight fitting pants, a brown bat leather belt, and a silver chain that hung out of the pocket for accessory reasons.
As you put on some deodorant you press the button on your D.D.D which read 18:40. You had about 20 minutes before Solomon would pick you up. You smile a bit, it was nice to get out once in a while. You were ultimately surprised when Solomon asked you out but you were quick to accept the offer, you adored the brothers but some human contact wouldn't hurt.
Your nimble fingers are quick to slip on the outfit, buttoning each button except for the top four which show off a decent amount of your chest. You slip on the chain Mammon gave you for your birthday before dragging on your pants and plucking in your earrings. Lastly was your hair which you tousled up for good effect, it was still wet but it look good either way. A bit of perfume from Asmodeus and the watch from Diavolo and done.
You look in the mirror, you looked presentable enough. Your glasses sat on the bed table and you slip them on. You pluck your D.D.D off the charger and slip it into your back pocket, rubbing some balm on your lips as you open the door to your room.
Just as your about to head to the living room you bump into one of the brothers.
Lucifer: When you bump into him he steadies you with his hands on your shoulder. His eyes widen a bit at how absolutely ravishing you looked. Quickly becomes annoyed because why were you dressed up like this? When you explain your date he places a gloved finger on your chin, trailing it down past your throat and right between your chest. You shudder a bit under his touch and he chuckles deeply.
"Follow me." By the time you make it to his room he has you pinned against his bed, growling into your ear about how revealing your clothes is. He enjoys how your glasses fog up a bit. He'll leave hickeys all over your body, quick to pry off your shirt and suck on your nipples.
"Even when I'm not there, you belong to me only."
"Yes s-sir."
Mammon: Becomes a stuttering tsundere. "N-Nobody is gonna look you're way anyways! It's not like I'm jealous or anything!" He's easy to read like a book and you smile a bit before asking him if he would like some alone time before you leave. He's unable to answer so he nods as you drag him into his room. He's whipped for you.
This time he's underneath you and he swears you look so good with the chain he gave you, hanging around your neck. Under the span of five minutes you reduce him to a moaning mess. You smell so wonderful, he'll wrap himself around you, head in your neck as he bucks against your body for some relief. Will grab your ass too and starts muttering about him being the only one to see you like this.
"When I get back we can continue this." Mammon sucks his teeth and looks away as if he weren't underneath you five seconds ago.
Leviathan: Lo and behold the otaku came out of his room for once and gaps at your attire. "Y-You look good! Great! For a normie I mean..." He looks down, twiddling his thumbs.
Extremely jealous about you hanging out with Solomon, it isn't fair! He wants to hang out with you too! He really likes how your chest looks and when you ask him if he wants to touch, he a combination of terrified and a happy puppy. You have some time and you sit down his bed, pulling your clothes off. Leviathan was a blushing mess. Was his dream actually going to come true? His eyes trace every line on your body and you're patient as he works up the courage to finally cup your chest, giving it a gentle squeeze.
"So soft..." better than a body pillow. He spends his time cupping your chest, you occasionally cheering him on, before he works the nerve to cup a nipple in his mouth. Likes trailing his nails around your belly because your muscles automatically flex. He looks up at you and has a little moment where he kinda wants to cum on your glasses. He was getting a little sweaty and was completely hard but you tasted so good. When it was time to go he wraps himself around your back.
"Sexy time when you come back?" He asks softly and you kiss his cheek as an answer.
Satan: Was reading a book and bumps into you from behind. "Ah sorry." Blinks for a few moments and his eyes are glued to your butt. Was it always that round? When he looks up at your attire a small smile graces his lips. Bends his neck to kiss your cheek, eventually nibbling and pulling away to whisper in your ear.
"Now I must say you are looking absolutely tantalizing dear human" he purrs lowly and you gently touch his chest to feel the vibrations. "And you taste divine, sweet as the nectar that falls from the heavens." Ends up luring you into his room and now he sits between your legs, hands undoing your belt.
Will tease and kiss your length/clit before taking you in his mouth. Enjoys when you praise him, especially when you speak poetry to him. Your glasses makes it feel like he's fucking a librarian.
"Such a lewd act demon." You run your hand through his blonde hair, grunting when he hollows his cheeks "Your mouth is so divine...I really shouldn't commit such sinful deeds." His eyes darken a bit and your in for a ride.
Your surprised when you make it out your room in one piece. Satan will send you off with a pat on the butt. "Have fun."
Asmodeus: Is really happy when he bumps into you and already knew about the date since Solomon told him. "You look so handsome! You might even give me a run for my money!" Astonished at how well you cleaned up and pouts that he can't join your date. Wraps his hands around your waist and squeezes gently.
"Your waist is so nice too. I could just eat you up, you know?" When you laugh a bit he swoops in to kiss your lips mumbling about how he knew his perfume would smell amazing on you. Honestly it's a full blown makeout session in the hallway and somehow you end up lifting Asmodeus against the wall, panting. One of you have the sense to go back into your room and neither of you make it to the bed. Asmodeus wraps his legs around you again and you trail a hand to his crotch, teasing a bit. Asmo will pull away to take your glasses off, nibbling on the handle which drives you up the wall.
It goes on a bit till the doorbell rings and and you reluctantly pull away, Asmodeus smiling mischievously at his handiwork. "Come back later for more hun~"
Beelzebub: His eyes immediately widen at you. "Oh, you're going somewhere? Can you bring me something back then?" He really likes how you look with your glasses and compliments you. When you turn to leave he grabs your hand "Can I keep you company?"
You two end up in his room and you squeak a bit when he places you in his lap, it was like being cuddled by a huge teddy bear. Being against Beel gave incredible warmth and you sunk into him until he plants a kiss on your head. Smiling you tell him he can do more than that and his eyes glisten with hunger before he devours your mouth. The kiss is hot and steamy and surprisingly Beel is amazing with his hands. He's quick to abandoned your pants and holds you in the air, placing you above his mouth like a rag doll. It feels weird being held up so high but you disregard it when Beel starts sucking like no tomorrow. You end up cumming in his mouth and he's quick to lick it up. "You taste really good."
When you have to leave he has a small blush on his face. "Be careful okay?"
Belphegor: He was changing napping places when he sees you passing by and trails after you into the living room. The bastard gives you a light scare when he flops himself into your lap.
"Y'know your butt looks like a plump pillow?" He yawns out before plucking your glasses off your face and placing them on the glass table. Seeing you got him horny but he was still sleepy.
"Belphie please get off." You're about to push him off when he shifts in your lap, pushing a finger against your crotch. "Mm...you smell good." You pause as you watch the lazy demon trace circles around your pants. You hiss about potentially being caught but it didn't matter. Slowly Belphie removes your belt and zips your pants down enough, pushing your underwear away. You soft cock lays before his and you watch nervously as he take you in his mouth. And that was it. You look around to keep watching, you leg bumping a bit when he decided to suck. He really decided to keep your cock warm now of all times. You get a semi erection, occasionally bucking into his mouth.
You tasted really nice to him. And his mouth was incredibly warm. You weren't surprised when he fell asleep with your cock in his mouth and had to gently move to not wake him up. As you get ready to leave you plan to get him back.
Vagina Version: Slowly Belphie removes your belt and zips your pants down enough, pushing your underwear away. You pussy comes into view and he admires how it looks. You watch nervously as he take you in his mouth. And that was it. You look around to keep watching, you leg bumping a bit when he decided to suck. He really decided to sleep near your pussy out of all times. You get a bit wet, occasionally rubbing your nub agaisnt his lips for friction.
You tasted really nice to him. And his mouth was incredibly warm. You weren't surprised when he fell asleep with your pussy near his mouth and had to gently move to not wake him up. As you get ready to leave you plan to get him back.
Diavolo: You don't even question why he is here. You're about to apologize for bumping into him but you get cut off. "You look absolutely fabulous!" Gives you a gigantic hug and plants a kiss on your face. He's really glad you're getting along well with Solomon.
"May I ask you a favour little one? Preferably in your room if you don't mind." You're a bit nervous about letting the future king of the Devildom enter your room but you abide. When you close the door his presence suddenly feels overwhelming and he places his huge hands on your small body.
"My little human, do you really think you can leave the house looking like this?"
"My lord?" You whisper and turn around to be greeted with golden eyes staring down at you. Diavolo is a tricky demon. Within minutes you now lay naked on you bed, ass up nose down into the cushions, only the watch he gave you remained on your body, while he stayed fully clothed, two fingers inside of your hole.
"I'm afraid you'll have to cancel your date. That won't be a problem correct?" His index finger flicks over a bundle of nerves. In his other hand he had your D.D.D, Solomon's contact on display as he hands it to you.
"Y-Yes M'lord!"
Barbatos: He won't do anything outrageous, he is a civilized demon thank you very much. However you do notice how his eyes glisten a bit when your shirt opens up a bit more. It's when you return from the party that you'll have to worry about if you can walk again.
He'll invite you into his personal chamber and is quick to degrade you about how drunk you are. "You're practically meat walking on a stick. You truly had the nerve to step out the house looking such a way." His now gloveless hand trails down you back and he slaps you harshly. "On the bed." Even in your drunken state he doesn't hold back. He will tie you up and punish you thoroughly for each hickey he finds all over your body. The vibrator becomes your worst enemy that night.
Aftercare is 10/10 though.
Solomon: When he picks you up he gives a coy smile and places his hand on your waist. Will look back at the demon brothers nearby with a cruel smile. Lucifer has to hold back Satan from jumping him.
During the party the shady magician keeps you close and as you party his fingers linger all over you. At some point you two drink a bit and become tipsy. As the party raves on in the background Simeon ends up in your lap and undoes your shirt completely.
"I must say, you are rather the party animal hm?" You laugh, a bit drunk before moaning when he starts peppering your naked chest with wet kisses. Everything was a bit dizzy but you soon return the favour. The night was well spent with hickeys and smooches. When you two return you zoom by Lucifer and Leviathan with Solomon in tow and lock the door. He would be spending the night there and you two are rather loud. Leviathan considered unfriending Solomon at one point.
Simeon: Feels his cheeks warming up at how pretty you look and showers you with compliments. Honestly wouldn't do anything. But if you are married and are just hanging with Solomon, he won't hesitate to butter you up with a few kiss down below.
Dedicated to @mammonrights
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devildomdoofus · 3 years
Winter Storm:Part 2
Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor
‼️contains spoilers from chp. 16‼️
[[angst, cursing, anxiety, fear/terror, depression, near death experiences, hypothermia, dehydration, fainting, severe pain, cliffhangers, unhealthy coping mechanisms, suggestive themes, if I missed any - please let me know!!]]
Author’s Note:
As you already know, I will forever apologize for my sluggishness but I hope that when I do get to posting, it is worth the wait 😣 I’m particularly proud of these pieces, especially Beel’s and Belphegor’s... the angst was fun to write and helped me let off some steam! Forgive me, but Asmo is kind of hard to write for as we’re practically polar opposites 😭 OH!! Since this is the final piece to my “Winter Storm” puzzle, I’ll be needing more requests so if you’ve got something on your mind that you wish to bring to life, send ‘em my way and I’ll do my best to help make it come true!! I’d love to hear what you lovely individuals have rattling around in your brains✨. As always, thank you kindly for your patience, your generosity and support, and thank you very much for hyping me up to write and continue writing. You’ve helped me in more ways than I can count. Stay ruling them all, MCs ❤️
- DevildomDoofus
Prologue/Part 1:
It was difficult letting you go on an adventure without him, especially since you were taking the camera with you and he was all dolled up to the nines, looking way too good to not be in the pictures you were going to take... but then you offered him a reward he simply couldn’t refuse, IF he were to be patient. You took him by the hand, gazed into his beautiful eyes, and whispered low enough that he had to lean in close to hear your proposition. “Wait for me here and when I get back, we can dip into the hot tub and sip our favorite drinks until we’re pruny.” He practically kicked you out of the door so that you could hurry back and fulfill your promise.
In the time that you were gone, he busied himself with intricately arranging yours and his belongings until he felt you’d be proud with his eye for organization. By then, you hadn’t returned in the time he felt you‘d said you’d be back but... if he went out looking for you now, he might not get to be warm and bubbly with you later on and damn it, he was going to get that time with you. Once again, he tried to find something to keep his mind off of saying ‘the devildom with it!’ and going after you anyway. He flipped through magazines, scrolled on his D.D.D., sang and danced to his favorite human songs on the radio, but eventually, all he could think about was you. Wondering if you were ok, if you were having fun without him, what kind of pictures you might be taking to show him later... “Ok, that’s it. MC, sweetie, you’ll just have to forgive me.” He donned his comfiest and cutest winter trend setter, lathered the remaining exposed skin in protective lotions and creams because he simply CANNOT have his skin cracking or breaking, and stepped out the door to come find you- “Unholy shit...” The sky had darkened and the wind had picked up immensely. This is not good. For him, his skin, and much less you. He had to find you and fast. He spotted markings on the trees and the piles of stones nearby and he tilted his head. He knelt down to pick up a stone and eyed it a moment before he brought it to his nose for a quick sniff. It smelled of the lotion he had given you on one of your birthdays and for a brief moment, his heart flutters. You wore it constantly because it reminded you of Asmo and whenever you were feeling down, you’d take a whiff of yourself to feel closer to him and whatever was bothering you would instantly vanish. You told him this and he never forgot it nor did he ever let you hear the end of how happy it made him. Emotional in nature, Asmodeus started to tear up a bit as his fear of losing you increased. If he couldn’t find you soon, you’d surely be in danger if you weren’t already. He continued after you like a bloodhound, following you primarily by scent as his vision was becoming obscured by the blinding snow and ice. In addition, he would call out your name, hoping that by some unholy miracle, you’d hear his voice and come trudging through the snow into his arms. Today, he wasn’t so lucky.
Before long, your trail of markings and scent waned into nothingness and he came to a halt. “No, no, no, noooo!!” He turned in circles, sniffing until it hurt to do so, desperately trying to pick up your scent again but it never came. “Damn it!!” he cried as he dropped to his knees, a bit exhausted and heavily defeated. He couldn’t catch the tears before they trickled from his eyes so instead, he held his face in his hands and let them go. How could he have let this happen? The only one he could love more than he loved himself was probably stuck out here alone, terrified, and most likely hanging on for dear life but he couldn’t do a damn thing about it because he couldn’t find you. He was so overcome by his feelings of weakness and hopelessness that he almost missed the echo of your voice crying out through the storm. Almost.
He perked up in an instant, stumbling back to his feet before chasing the sound and calling after you. “MC?! Where are you, love?!” Although there was no reply, he continued in the same direction with your scent having picked up, until he came across the makeshift shelter you held up in. As he crawled in and got closer to you, he came to a complete stop before his jaw dropped to the floor and heart concaved within his chest. You were lying there like-... like you had been lying once before like a broken porcelain doll, abandoned and forgotten by it’s owner. He covers his mouth with his hand and began to cry once more, only this time in much more pain. Crawling over to you, he takes one of your hands in his and brings it to his quivering lips, gingerly kissing your hand before taking the rest of you into his embrace. “Oh MC... My sweet, sweet MC,” he whispers through his tears, “I’m so sorry.” The lump in his throat strangles the words that try to come out. “So very sorry.” He clutches you tighter, leaning his head against yours and rocking you in his embrace, telling himself this is a horrible dream. He never imagined days would come when someone else’s wellbeing came before his and yet the moment you had made a pact with him, he was immediately catching himself thinking of you before he ever came close to thinking of himself. It was incredibly bizarre... and he only wanted more. Eventually, he came to the conclusion that if fewer thoughts of himself meant more thoughts of you, he’d gladly take himself off the pedestal and place you on top instead. Unfortunately, this newfound wondrous feeling wouldn’t last long as the possibility of losing his source of selflessness and humility was rapidly increasing.
“As..moo...” His crying stops and he jerks up, looking down at you. For a brief second, he thought he heard you speak but seeing as you looked the exact same, he assumed he was starting to hear things. Until you said it again. “A..sm..oooo.” Any human would have thought that their ‘cheese had slid off the cracker’ because now, they’re hearing voices from beyond the grave, but Asmodeus knew better. He saw the curving of the delicate lips that your frozen face had allowed and he gasped. “MC!!” He tugs you ever so closer and snug to him that your spine could’ve snapped if he hadn’t of pulled away seconds later to litter your profile with swift and gentle kisses. When he’s done showering you in his smooches of relief, he stands up with you cradled to his chest and flies to back to the cabin to try and bring you back to the MC who once inspired him to be more by thinking of himself less. Besides, you owed him a dip in the hot tub and he wasn’t about to let some horrible blizzard take that away.
When you told this man that you wanted to go on a little scavenger hunt to check out the area, he thought you meant you were going to go see what kind of food joints were nearby and he was a little heartbroken at first, thinking you were doing such a thing alone. Without him. The avatar of Gluttony. But you assured him that you two would go together to do that later, and then buy as many groceries, snacks, and take-outs as he pleases as soon as you got back from a quick sight seeing. You also mentioned that you might find some berry bushes on your outing and you would bring some of those berries back for him to try. His cheeks dimpled and he gave you that smile that made your heart do cartwheels in your chest. For his cooperation, you gave him the location of the secret but not so secret because he could smell them anyway stash of your packs of fruit snacks. Ever since the pact, he has never been offended that you had ‘secret’ stashes because he understood all too well why you had to hide them away. His brothers did the same. But even still, you would always, and I mean always, share parts of your food with him so all he really had to do was wait for you to get hungry and surprisingly enough, it was almost as often as he would. You two were a match made in the celestial realm that could eat take the world by storm and he could never really put into words how much that connection that the of you two shared meant to him other than sharing HIS food with YOU.
Thinking of all of this food inevitably made him hungry so he went to your luggage, fumbled around a bit until he found them, and then gobbled down the full packs of fruit snacks, one by one, to hold him over until you came back. He then shuffled over to the couch to plop himself down and wait for your return. Before long, he was shifting and fidgeting in his seat as the cabin started to creak in the uncomfortable silence. He tried watching tv, doing little exercises, and eating more snacks but nothing was helping ease the uneasy feelings he was having.
There were many times in his life where the world around him seemed uncomfortably quiet. Yes, he was technically used to bouts of quietness with Belphegor, the Avatar of Sloth himself, being his twin brother and roomie. But typically, Belphegor was at least in the vicinity; either quietly snoring across the room, resting himself against Beel in one way or another, or could be called on and they could reach each other in a matter of seconds. They were never too far apart nor were any of his other brothers for that matter, if Beel needed a distraction. But as life can be a bit unforgiving, Beel was left alone, on occasions, for long periods of time with nothing but his increasingly loud thoughts to keep him company. And mind numbingly loud they were. It would range between his memories from The Great War of battling angels he once called friends, his overwhelming guilt of not being able to save Lilith, a bit of leftover anger with Lucifer for locking his brother away and then lying to him about it, guilty anger over Belphegor’s attempt to kill you, but most of all... he’s bent to the point of breaking over the fact that he knows he has a problem with his sin, more so than his brothers, and yet celestial realm knows there’s absolutely nothing he can do about it and that is what hurts most of all. And when thoughts like these come knocking at- no- BEATING DOWN his door, he either works his body until he crashes from fatigue, goes on binges for months to drown them out, bottles it all up until it terrorizes him in his dreams, or all of the above. That is, until you came along. Whenever you’re around, his mind, body, and soul seem at peace, and no more does he feel that he is starving, or broken and in need of fixing, or so far beyond forgiveness for what he’s done and who he has become that no one should ever be around him again for he’d only hurt them in the end, unable to stop himself. With you around, the quiet nor his own mind are his enemies but rather, potential friends. Indeed, he still has his moments where the ‘darker’ silence still pays him visits but they have become fewer and farther in between. And it’s all because of you.
That being said, this is one of those ‘darker’ silence visits and before it can get any sort of footing in his mind, he shoots up from the couch and heads out of the door to come looking for you.
He noticed little digits in the trees and piles of stones lining up with a trail going in a particular direction. If he remembers correctly, Satan had once mentioned that humans used these types of techniques as a survival tool in order to find their way back or leave a trail to be found if need be. Wow, his human is a smart cookie- “Damn it.” Shouldn’t have thought that. His stomach growled as if it was summoned and he pats his belly in an effort to console it. “I know, I know. I’m sorry buddy. We’ll find MC soon and then we can go eat with them.” It practically purred in response.
Minutes passed of following your trail and the sky began to darken with the wind picking up, followed by the walls of snow and ice. This was unsettling as he knew that humans couldn’t really survive out in weather like this for long, no matter how smart or capable they were. It was even more unsettling that your markings had disappeared and you were nowhere in sight.
“MC!!” he calls after you but you don’t respond. He continues, over and over, calling after you yet only the wind calls back. There was only one solution left and it was one he didn’t particularly like. He could use his ability as the Avatar of Gluttony to enhance his senses and sniff you out but... the problem was in the fact that he only ever used it when he was particularly starving, so inherently, whenever he zeroed in on something, he was going to eat it when he found it. This didn’t bode well for you considering you, in particular, had an exceptionally appetizing scent and it was extremely difficult to ignore, even with a full belly on the rare occasions that it is and out of his demon form. But because he was out of options and time was running out on the possibility of finding you alive, he had no other choice than to shift into his demon form and zero in on your scent. By Lord Diavolo, it was immaculate. The oh so sweet aroma was speaking sweet nothings to his stomach and the growl it emitted could shake the earth, if not hidden away under flesh and bone. He could make out a ghostly outline of your old footprints, beneath layers of snow, leading in one particular direction. He followed blindly, his hunger now at the wheel and in full on stalking mode as an apex predator on the prowl. It lead him in a few circles before ending up at the miniature shelter and by now, your scent was overwhelmingly delectable to his senses. He ducked low and could make out your silhouette in the darkness. Inching towards you, his nails turned to darkened claws and his teeth bared themselves with an impending goal to devour you whole until there was no trace of you but the outline of the snow of where you once laid- “NO!!”
Beelzebub stripped his sin from the reigns of his mind and he dropped to his knees beside you before it could begin it’s feast. He shook his head, trying to completely erase the thoughts of consuming your body and the immensely alluring smell that lead him to you in the first place. He then looked back to you and your drooping, solidified form and couldn’t hold back the tears that started to trickle down his face. “M-MC...?” Your heart would’ve shattered, just as his did in that moment, upon hearing the pain in his voice. “MC, no... please don’t do this.” He takes your head in his hands and turns your vacant, expressionless face towards him to try and get you to wake up. His thumbs trace circles over your cheeks and he’s calling your name but with no reply. The hands that are usually ever so steady and gentle with you, the hands that you’ve come to love with your whole heart, now shake in bits of agony as he pleads with his entire existence for you to wake up and come back to him. You continue to lay there, upon the cold, hard stone with your empty eyes looking right through Beelz’s and he can’t take it anymore. He lifts you into his arms and races back to the cabin with your limbs dangling towards the snow. Once there, he gingerly places you on the couch and flies around the cabin, grabbing the things he needs to get you warm and bring you back to him. He strips you of your wet clothes and dresses you anew in dry pairs. He throws a plethora of blankets over your body, covers your hands with fuzzy mittens and your feet in multiple pairs of fuzzy socks, then wraps a scarf around your neck and adjusts it so that it comes up to just beneath the opening of your nose. Lastly, he tosses firewood into the fireplace and sets them ablaze before settling onto the couch, placing you between his legs and wrapping his large arms around your frame, snuggling his face into the crook of the scarf around your neck. He inhales deeply, taking the sweet scent of you into his lungs before exhaling and letting his tears fall again. His grip on you tightens as he’s torturing himself for allowing this to happen to you a second time, the one and only person who could ever really take all of the darkness in his life into the palm of their hands and toss it to the four corners of the earth like it never existed. Like it never even knew his name in the first place. Now it was his turn to take away your pain, your darkness, your mistakes and it terrified him because as much as he hated to admit it, he didn’t feel as if he could, no matter how strong he was or tried to be. The only thing he was certain of was that he had try his damndest to bring you back but then wait for fate to decide the rest.
To be honest, Belphegor didn’t exactly want to come up to the human world in the first place, for a couple of reasons.
(1): He still has a teeny tiny ginormous grudge against humans, even if he knows Lilith became one and you were one as well. That didn’t mean that the rest of them were not still thorns in his side and most likely will remain so until the end of time. Especially Solomon. I mean really, what is that sorcerer up to half of the time?
(2): There isn’t much he prefers to be doing more so other than sleeping. He’s the Avatar of Sloth, Mr. Sandman himself. It came with the ‘job description.’ So he would just be going from sleeping down in the devildom, his palace of comfort, to sleeping up in that Father awful human world, the bane of his existence. “What a joy that would be,” he thought to himself while rolling his eyes as you were in the midst of going over all of the reasons he should come with you on this trip.
And finally (3): As much as he refuses to admit it, deep down in his heart of hearts, he often times feels guilty for being so low energy while you attempt to do things with him and share your life with him. He’s angry with himself for not being able to do much about it given that it is his sin, other than try his best to spend as much of his waking hours with you as he can for as long as you live, rather than sleeping both of them away. Which is why he inevitably caved and agreed to come with you on the trip. Besides, maybe the human world isn’t so bad when he’s with his favorite one? And maybe the chill from the snowy mountains could be his obvious excuse for snuggling ever so close to you under the piles of blankets and pillows. A smug little smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth while he imagines it, eyeing your frame slowly, up and down, before nodding at whatever you had just said... sorry, MC. He wasn’t really listening at the time.
That is how the two of you ended up waving goodbye as you stepped out of the cabin to go sight seeing for a bit and he stayed behind, assuring you he would try his best to stay awake and unpack. We both know how that went
He awoke to the sound of an alarm you had secretly set on his D.D.D. knowing all too well that his promise was empty and growled at the ringing in his ear, nevermind that it was as soft as a loving mother’s lullaby. He jerks up, fumbles his hands in and around the mountain of blankets in search of his device, until he feels the vibrations of it and snatches it from its snug hiding place between his rump and the cushions. The light from it was blinding, having him squint into a frown as he swipes away the alarm. He grumbles, scratching his head through the tuffs of chaos before lifting his intertwined fingers towards the ceiling and letting out a groan, stretching his limbs. “MC?” he calls with his eyes still closed in a grumpy squint. Assuming you simply didn’t hear him, he calls for you again, a little louder, and with no reply for the second time, his eyes finally open and he looks around the empty cabin. He wiggles out of the blankets and walks around, giving the entire cabin a quick once-over, looking for his little, seemingly hard-of-hearing human. That’s odd. You weren’t home and it was-...? He checks his D.D.D. It was about the time you said you would be back. He glances out of a nearby window and frowns. It was swiftly darkening outside and not because of the sun laying down to rest, but due to a vicious storm beginning it’s onslaught. It ticked him off that you hadn’t returned since he felt that you knew better than to leave him waiting for you and it ticked him off a little bit more that now, there was a storm brewing and he had to go out in the cold to drag you back himself before you got yourself killed. Being here was pointless without you and staying awake was quite difficult; Therefore, if you weren’t going to be there with him when he happened to be ‘with the land of the living,’ he would simply go back to sleep... angrily for that matter considering he put time and effort into staying awake for you. He never did that for anyone, not even Beel. So you had better have a good reason for still being out in the cold, soon to be cold storm, or there was going to be devildom to pay. But instead of laying back down to return to his rudely interrupted slumber, as much as he wanted to do so out of spite, he grabbed a coat that was thicker than the one he typically wore and stepped out to come looking for you and then eventually punish you for your transgressions. He sighed as he pulled the hood over his head in an effort to reduce the blasts of ice filled wind and shambled through the rising snow, looking high and low for any traces of you. That’s when he noticed the carvings in the trees and stone piles shaped in an odd fashion. “Ah... not so naive after all,” he mutters to himself and another one of his signature smirks makes its way to his face, but that soon fades as the wind picks up and his line of sight shrinks further and further. This storm was becoming a bit too strong, even in the eyes of a demon such as himself, and that thought alone gave him chills that no blizzard could muster for he knew that this kind of storm was not something humans typically survive in, especially alone. “MC, I swear on Diavolo’s very demon soul that if you’re out here goofing off, you’ll regret the day you came back from my attempt to kill you.” The threat was empty and uttered without any true intention of being carried out. He was simply masking his fear with anger because he felt that his fear would weaken him and you didn’t need someone who was weak, you needed a strong and capable Belphegor to find you and bring you back home, safe and sound... being that you’re still alive.
He followed your trail until it came to a complete stop and with you nowhere in sight, he leaned against a nearby tree, one of the last ones you had marked, and traced his finger along the outline of the markings in the bark. “MC!!” He shouts for you but you don’t respond. He shouts your name over and over but the wind simply swallows them whole. Those fingers he once had on the bark, curled and tightened into a fist and he inhaled deeply just as he was rearing back before delivering an earth shaking blow to the center of the tree, leaving a gaping hole in its wake before the giant finally slunk to one side, toppled to the ground, and sent clumps of snow up in the air. His body shook no longer from the cold, but from the fear and the rage and the guilt overtaking him. He was terrified that he was losing you. Angry over the fact that no matter how hard he was trying, he couldn’t find you, much less save you. And celestial realm only knows how immensely guilty he felt for being the cause of your possible death, both in the past and now. He was shifting in and out of his demon form, his mind and sin arguing over who gets to take the reigns. Regrettably, his sin won without too much of a struggle and he bursts into his demon form onto his hands and knees, and began to scream, balling his eyes right out of his skull. “Please, MC!! For fuck’s sake, I can’t do this alone!! I need you, damn it!! I need you so fucking much!!” The world itself seemed to darken even further as Belphegor poured his breaking heart right out of the newly vacant pit in his chest. Nothing in all of the three realms could pull him from his decent into madness...
...until the sound of your voice makes it way to his ears, past the baying wind and cries of agony. Time itself seemed to stand still and the world around him grew deathly silent as he listened for your voice. He hears it echo from not too far off from where he kneeled. In the time it takes lightning to reach the earth, he has wiped his tears clean off and is now on his feet and bolting in the direction of your voice. That oh so delightful sound of your voice.
He reaches the knockoff shelter that you hid away in and hunches down, making his way to you. As soon as he reaches you, he slows to a stop and places his trembling fingers against your neck, testing for a pulse. It’s dangerously low but his heart lightly flutters because now he knows there’s a chance that you could make it out alive... if he hurries. Refusing to give up, he takes you in his arms and bolts back to the cabin to try and warm you up. If he can save you, he will make the celestial realm seem pale in comparison to the world he will provide for you. If not... Father have mercy on them all.
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minniboe · 4 years
hello ! i have a request: how would the brothers react (and undatables if you want) to a MC who shares the same birthday as them and how would they celebrate it ?
Thank you for your ask, I hope you enjoy it! I might end up doing the undatables at a later date.
When using the term birthday for the brothers I mean the day when they where created.
The brothers when they share their birthday with mc.
Lucifer doesn't really want to make a big spectacle of his birthday, it was the day God created him and he wanted to think about his father the least amount of times he could. However, you wanted to celebrate with him and seeing you so excited he couldn't refuse.
He ends up taking you to Ristaurant Six to celebrate, you two exchange gifts, eat expensive food and talk the night away. Before the night ends he gives you a gift and he smiles when you open it up. However an even biger smile appears on his face when you give him his present.
"Thank you, MC, how very thoughtful of you. I will always treasure it. It came from someone special after all."
He is high-key annoyed at first, after all, it was meant to be a day all about 'the great Mammon'! But if he has to share his day with anyone than sharing it with his human isn't so bad.
You two end up going to an amusement. You go on all sorts of rides with him, but you have to hold his hand on all of them since he hets scared on the faster ones. You win stuffed animals for each other but then he pulles out a present for you. A necklace you saw the last time you went into town with him and really liked, but it was to expensive. You surprise him with the aftershave he wanted but couldn't afford.
"Looks like we had the same idea! Here let me put this on you, if ya want you can spray me with the aftershave and tell me how good I smell. Hey MC, thank you spending today with me."
Levi is glad you share a birthday because it takes some of the attention away from him. At midnight he'll send you a cute little message on Delivbook and then go back to back to his games. He does smile when you send him a message back and he becomes even happier when you show up at his door seconds later.
You two know that his brothers have probably planned something for the two of you so you decide to take this time and just hang out together while playing games. Between rounds, he gives you a box with all the seasons of your favorite anime and you hive him this supper rare Ruri-chan figurine.
"MC! How did you get this? I have been looking for this for millennia! That you so much, you're the best!"
For the longest time, Satan hated his birthday as it was a big reminder that he sprung forth from Lucifer but he had gotten over that by now. Well as long as nobody brought to much attention to that fact he was fine anyway. Sharing this day with you helps him to put another positive spin on that day.
He takes you to his favorite book store and offers to buy you all the books you would like. He is pleasantly surprised when you give him a rare book about curses he has been looking for. You two take a strole trough a park and he reads you a bit out of one of your books.
"You're quite something you know that? You've managed to acquire me such a rare tomb. Thank you MC, I mean it."
Asmo loves sharing a birthday because it makes the day feel even more special. He does worry that he'll make people forget it's also your birthday, people just tend to focus on him. He makes sure to walk around with you all day and makes sure everyone knows that it's your birthday too.
His birthday tradition is going to the spa, you have to go with him he just won't take no for an answer. In fact it's his gift to you, a full day of relaxation at a spa and maybe some extra fun if you're up for that. Asmo practically screams when you give him the newest jacket Majolish has.
"MC, aren't you a dear! It's perfect, here let me show you just how much I like it!"
Beel loves sharing his birthday with you, he already shares it with Belphie so sharing it with another person he loves is amazing to him. He gets this enormous cake for himself but he always gives a piece to Belphie and now he gives you one too.
You three go to an all you can eat buffet at Hells Kitchen, you three (but mainly Beel) end up eating the entire stock. Beel grins when he gives you his gift but when you give him a friendship bracelet his whole face lights up.
"MC thank you! I'll wear it every day!"
Oh boy, at first Belphie isn't having it. He was perfectly happy only sharing it with Beel. He warms up to the idea after seeing how excited you and Beel are when planning the day together.
After eating with Beel it's time for a little group nap, you have no way of getting out of it as Belphie says his head on you while you lay on Beel. Belphie doesn't expect much as a gift but when you give him an extra soft pillow he gives you a soft smile.
"Oh wow this is so soft, thank you MC! It makes me want to sleep."
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blue-temperature · 1 year
[ESP] Obey Me — Happy Birthday Dear Solomon ‘22 —
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La Memoria Olvidada
— Solomon: Hey. Pregunta rápida para todos. Si pudieran tener un objeto mágico, ¿Cuál sería?
— Satan: Eso es repentino.
[ No se me ocurre nada. ] [ ¿Vas a hacerlo? ] ✓
— Solomon: Si tú lo pides, ¿Cómo puedo negarme?
— Barbatos: Tal vez nosotros deberíamos ser los que te preguntemos lo que quieres.
— Asmodeus: ¡Si! ¡Tiene razón! Tu cumpleaños viene pronto, ¿No es así? ¿Cómo te gustaría celebrarlo? ¿Alguna petición?
— Solomon: Solo el pensamiento es más que suficiente para mí.
— Satan: Esa no es una respuesta.
— Solomon: Hmm... En ese caso... ...Me gustaría saber qué tipo de objetos mágicos les gustaría. Escuchar las ideas de otras personas me ayuda a hacer nuevos descubrimientos. Es por eso que sus opiniones son tan valiosos. Piensen en ello  como su regalo de cumpleaños para mí.
— Barbatos: Muy bien. Podemos exponer esa pregunta a los demás y decirles que te den sus respuestas.
— Asmodeus: Buena idea. Aún así, es tu cumpleaños, ¡Así que si piensas en algo que quieras, háznoslo saber!
— Solomon: Entendido. Lo haré.
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— Belphegor: Ahí estás, Solomon. Suponía que estarías almorzando con MC.
— Solomon: Ah, Belphegor y Beelzebub. ¿Me estaban buscando?
— Beelzebub: Escuchamos de Asmo que estabas tomando peticiones para objetos mágicos. Me gustaría algo que evite que sea atrapado comiendo mi almuerzo en clases. Estaba realmente desanimado hoy porque me quitaron mi almuerzo antes de poder darle la última mordida...
— Belphegor: Me desperté en clases en mitad de una siesta. Así que, me gustaría algo que esconda mis siestas o haga que no me despierte sin importar qué.
[ ¿No deberían prestar atención en clases? ] ✓ [ Ustedes son muy prácticos. ]
— Belphegor: Sólo necesito escuchar los primeros cinco minutos. Puedo escuchar el resto en mi sueño.
— Beelzebub: Puedo prestar atención mientras estoy comiendo. Creo.
— Mammon: ¡Hey, hey, hey! ¡Tengo una idea genial que resolverá sus problemas!
— Belphegor: ¿Podrías no meterte así?
— Solomon: Bueno, Mammon. ¿Cuál es la idea?
— Mammon: ¡Un objeto mágico que te permita salirte con la tuya!
— Solomon: Eso suena como si la tasa de crímenes se desplomara.
— Belphegor: Eso solo es tonto...
— Mammon: ¡¿Por qué?! ¡Con algo como eso, podrían comer o dormir en clases tanto como quieran!
— Lucifer: ¿Es así?
— Mammon: ¡M-Maldición! ¡¿Estaba escuchando?!
— Lucifer: Tal vez debería solicitar una cuerda mágica irrompible para atarte antes de que puedas cometer cualquier travesura.
— Solomon: *risas* Ustedes son tan graciosos. Realmente ayuda tener una variedad de opiniones. Iré a preguntarle a otros después del almuerzo.
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— Solomon: Hey, MC. Aún sigo preguntando a todos qué objetos mágicos quieren. Lo he escuchado de casi todos, pero... ...¿Qué hay de ti? ¿Has pensado en algo?
[ ¿Quizás algo con lo que relajarse? ] ✓ [ ¿Quizás algo que anime las cosas por aquí? ]
— Solomon: ¿Relajarse, huh? Puedo ayudarte con eso. Solo bromeo. Bueno, ahora que he escuchado la petición más importante de todas ellas... ...Voy a comenzar a darle forma a esas ideas. Necesitaré dibujar algunos planos, establecer los encantamientos apropiados, reunir los materiales...
[ ¿Quieres algo de ayuda? ] ✓ [ Suena como mucho trabajo para una sola persona. ]
— Solomon: No esperaba tal oferta. Normalmente trabajo solo, ¿Sabes? Poder trabajar contigo sería un sueño hecho realidad. Sería de gran ayuda si pudieras ir de compras conmigo para encontrar los materiales. Te veré en la Casa de los Lamentos en algún momento de este fin de semana. Mientras tanto, haré una lista de los objetos necesarios.
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— Solomon: ¿Estás lista para ir, MC?
— Leviathan: ...¿Hm? ¿A dónde vas tan temprano con Solomon?
[ A una cita ♡ ] ✓ [ De compras. ]
— Leviathan: ¡Una c-c-c...!
— Solomon: Vine un poco temprano para pasar un poco más de tiempo con MC.
— Leviathan: ¡Maldición! ¡Desearía tener un objeto que haga que los normies exploten!
— Solomon: Huh, esa es una nueva. Gracias por la idea. Veré si puedo hacer que suceda.
— Solomon: Tenemos todo lo que necesitamos de esta tienda. Vayamos a la siguiente.
[ Yo llevaré la mitad. ] ✓ [ ¡Tenemos tantos objetos raros! ]
— Solomon: Gracias. Pero esta tienda tiene un servicio de entrega especial para los estudiantes de RAD, así que eso no será necesario. Serun debería estar aquí en cualquier momento para recoger las cosas. Ah, aquí viene... ¿Ves?
— Luke: ¡Heeey! ¡MC, Solomon!
— Solomon: *risa* Parece que no somos los únicos haciendo mandados.
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— Luke: Conseguí un montón de ingredientes. Increíble, ¿Cierto? ¡Estaban todos de ofertas en el supermercado!
— Solomon: Estoy feliz de que tuvieras un buen viaje de compras.
— Simeon: Vamos a vernos con Raphael y regresar a la Sala del Purgatorio. ¿Qué van a hacer ustedes chicos?
[ Tenemos que terminar una cita. ] ✓ [ Tenemos muchas compras que hacer. ]
— Luke: Vaya, ¡¿Están en una cita?!
— Simeon: MC solo bromea, MC.
— Luke: Oh, ¡Pensé que ibas en serio por un segundo!
— Solomon: Seguro, vamos con eso. Por cierto, Simeon, ¿Pensaste en algún objeto mágico que te gustarían?
— Simeon: ¿Huh? Pensé que te lo había dicho. Algo que pueda restaurar cosas rotas...
— Solomon: Me niego.
— Luke: ¡¿Puedes negarte?!
— Solomon: Quiero algo más original de tu parte, Simeon. Y además... ...algunas veces las cosas rotas no están hechas para ser restauradas.
— Simeon: Bien, entonces... ¿Qué tal una silla que se mantenga cómoda sin importar cuántas veces te sientes en ella?
— Solomon: Eso está mucho mejor. Debes pasar muchas horas sentado cuando estás trabajando en tus novelas.
— Luke: En realidad, eso me recuerda. ¡Hay algo que he estado queriendo decirte, Solomon!
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— Luke: Siempre te encierras en tu habitación y te olvidas de comer y dormir siempre que estás trabajando en algo... ¡Pero últimamente has sido peor de lo usual! ¡No dejaste tu habitación para ninguna sola comida ayer! Simeon incluso te hizo un emparedado para comer cuando tuvieras un momento, ¡Pero ni siquiera lo tocaste!
— Solomon: ¿Un emparedado?
— Simeon: Lo dejé en frente de tu habitación y te llamé. Murmuraste una respuesta... ...pero debes haber estado funcionando en autopiloto. Aunque Raphael terminó comiéndolo para el almuerzo, así que está bien.
— Luke: No, ¡No está bien! ¡¿Qué pasa si terminas colapsando antes de tu cumpleaños?! Dile algo, MC. Necesita comer y dormir.
— Simeon: Si, probablemente lo escuche si viene de ti.
— Luke: ¡Contamos contigo!
— Solomon: Ahí van.
[ ¡Tienes que comenzar a cuidar de ti mismo! ] ✓ [ Son como una familia, ¿No? ]
— Solomon: Bien, de acuerdo. No quiero preocuparte a ti y a los ángeles. Es solo... Es difícil para mí relajarme a menos que me meta en un proyecto... Oh. Casi nos pasamos de nuestro destino.
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— Solomon: Esta es de buena calidad. Ahora, el color... ...
[ ¿Holaaaaaa? ] [ ¡Solomon! ¡Quédate conmigo! ] ✓
— Solomon: No te preocupes, aún estoy consciente. No debería pensar tanto en objetos mágicos cuando estoy contigo. Si parece que estoy en mi mundo, tráeme de vuelta, ¿Bien?
[ ¡Puedes apostarlo! ] [ Solo si realmente me preocupo. ] ✓
— Solomon: Cierto. No puedo tenerte rompiendo mi concentración todo el tiempo. Es bueno que te acomodes a mí de ese modo. Mientras estoy en ello, hay una cosa más de la que me gustaría hablar contigo. El año pasado, estaba realmente feliz de que celebraran mi cumpleaños. Honestamente, incluso más de lo que pensé que estaría. Y eso me hizo darme cuenta de cuánto estoy esperándolo de nuevo este año. Estoy tan emocionado que me estoy poniendo nervioso... Es por eso que le pregunté a todos sobre objetos mágicos. Estoy intentando distraerme de esos sentimientos de inquietud. Por supuesto, esa no es la única razón. Emocionarme por mi fiesta de cumpleaños suena bastante infantil, ¿No es así?
[ Eso es lo que amo de ti. ] ✓ [ Eso le pasa a todos. ]
— Solomon: ¡...! Bueno, ahora estoy emocionado por una razón diferente. Me alegro de haber confiado en ti. Ahora, terminemos las compras y regresemos a casa. El trabajo real está por comenzar.
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— Solomon: Bien, hemos traído todos los elementos dentro. Comencemos a clasificarlos.
— Solomon: ... Listo, esto debería hacer las cosas más fáciles. Gracias por toda tu ayuda hoy, MC. Te llevaré de regreso a la Casa de los Lamentos.
[ Quiero quedarme más tiempo. ] [ Quiero ver como haces los objetos. ] ✓
— Solomon: ¿No estás cansada?
[ ¡En lo absoluto! ] [ Necesito asegurarme de que no presiones demasiado. ] ✓
— Solomon: Jeh. Ya veo. Es un trabajo importante. De acuerdo. Siéntete libre de quedarte tanto como quieras.
— Solomon: ...
— Simeon: ¿Está MC ahí?
[ ¡Justo aquí! ] ✓ [ Si, pero estoy ocupada. ]
— Simeon: Veo que Solomon está perdido en su trabajo como siempre. ¿Podrías venir conmigo un momento?
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— Simeon: Siento molestarte así. Ten. Hice algo grande, emparedados nutricionales, así ustedes dos pueden comer juntos.
[ ¡Solomon lo apreciará! ] ✓ [ ¡Genial! ]
— Simeon: Bueno, él no se olvidará de comer si estás con él. Por cierto, ¿Has notado algo extraño en el comportamiento de Solomon últimamente? Como... ¿Ha estado prestando mucha atención a las cúpulas de vidrio rotas?
[ No realmente. ] [ No estuve mirando tan de cerca... ] ✓
— Simeon: Es razonable. Lo siento, esa fue una pregunta extraña. Aún así, si parece que se está sintiendo deprimido, por favor házmelo saber. Me gustaría hacer todo (lo que esté) en mi poder para asegurar que Solomon disfrute su cumpleaños.
— Solomon: Mmm. Los emparedados de Simeon siempre son buenos. ...¿MC? Has estado en el espacio por un tiempo... ¿Estás mirando esa cúpula de vidrio?
[ Simeon estaba preocupado por ti. ] ✓ [ No parece rota en lo absoluto. ]
— Solomon: ¿Lo estaba? Le dije que no había nada de qué preocuparse.
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— Solomon: Es un objeto mágico que hice hace mucho tiempo. Estaba roto en pedazos hasta bastante poco. Usé magia para juntar los pedazos así que, como puedes ver, volvió a su forma real. Pero perdió sus propiedades mágicas. Solía poder verse imágenes dentro canalizando magia. Pero ahora solo es una vieja bola de cristal regular.
[ ¿Era importante para ti. ] ✓ [ ¿Simeon la rompió? ]
— Solomon: Hm... Si, lo fue. Simeon accidentalmente la rompió cuando estaba limpiando mi habitación. Originalmente la hice con la intención de almacenar una memoria especial dentro. Pero ahora, ni siquiera puedo recordar qué memoria quería mantener. Así que esto es lo que pienso. Esta es una oportunidad para mí de dejar ir ese recuerdo. Lo digo en un sentido positivo, por supuesto. Oh, eso me recuerda...
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— Solomon: ¿Recuerdas la primera respuesta de Simeon cuando le pregunté que objeto quería?
[ Algo que restaure objetos rotos ] ✓ [ Una silla que se mantenga cómoda por siempre. ]
— Solomon: Es correcto. Ahora entiendes por qué dijo eso, ¿Cierto? La cúpula de vidrio probablemente siga molestándolo. Él es del tipo que se preocupa sobre ese tipo de cosas, incluso si le dices que no. Es por eso que me negué.
[ ¡Así que eso fue por amabilidad! ] [ ¡¿Por qué?! ] ✓
— Solomon: Le estuve diciendo que dejara descansar el asunto. Con eso dicho, si estuviera en sus zapatos, tampoco sería capaz de dejarlo ir. Incluso podría preferir algún tipo de castigo.
[ ¡Entonces él debería hacer algo para disculparse! ] ✓ [ ¿Deberíamos atarlo? ]
— Solomon: Hm, eso podría funcionar. Asmodeus me dijo que le hiciera saber si pensaba en alguna petición por mi cumpleaños... Si, creo que tengo una idea.
 — Diavolo: Hola, Solomon. Gracias por tu invitación.
— Satan: Es raro que nos llames aquí juntos.
— Asmodeus: ¿Pensaste en algo que quisieras?
— Solomon: Cierto, sobre eso...
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— Solomon: Si no es demasiado tarde para mi petición de cumpleaños, ¿Podría pedirles una cúpula de vidrio?
— Simeon: ¡...!
— Solomon: Estoy esperando colgarla en algún lado como recuerdo de mi celebración de cumpleaños.
— Luke: Ooh, ¡Buena idea!
— Solomon: Me gustaría ponerle algo dentro que hará un buen memento para la ocasión.
— Belphegor: ¿Entonces todo vale? ¿No quieres ser más específico?
— Solomon: Bueno, confío en sus gustas más que los propios.
[ Pongámonos en ello, chicos! ] [ ¡Hagamos esto por Solomon! ] ✓
— Satan: Ya tengo algunas ideas artísticas flotando en mi mente.
— Leviathan: Probablemente estés pensando en un montón de gatos, ¿No es así?
— Satan: ¡¿C-Cómo lo supiste...?!
— Leviathan: Siempre tienes gatos en el cerebro.
— Beelzebub: Olvida los gatos, deberíamos llenarlo con pastel.
— Leviathan: Y tú no eres mucho mejor...
— Asmodeus: ¡Todos están balbuceando, pero al menos están motivados!
— Simeon: Solomon... ¿Estás seguro de esto?
— Solomon: Si. En vez de una vieja cúpula vacía que contenía algún recuerdo antiguo... ...Preferiría tener un recuerdo de este período antiguo de mi vida. ¿No lo crees, Simeon?
— Simeon: Solomon... Prometo que te haré algo que valga la pena recordar.
— Lucifer: Simeon, ¿Qué estás haciendo ahí? Vamos a llevara a cabo una reunión para discutir sobre la cúpula inmediatamente.
— Simeon: ¡Entendido!
— Solomon: Bueno, nos vemos luego. Estaré trabajando en mi habitación si me necesitan.
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— Asmodeus: Entonces, ¿Qué vamos a poner en la cúpula?
— Simeon: Se supone que represente una memoria preciosa, así que preferiría que sea algo único.
— Raphael: Entonces, ¿Qué tal si lo hacemos a mano?
— Luke: ¡Estoy de acuerdo con Raphael! ¡Podemos hacer muñecos de todos y alinearlos dentro!
— Satan: ¿Muñecos, hm? Hemos hecho algo como eso antes, así que podemos usar esa experiencia.
[ ¡Haré un muñeco de Solomon! ] ✓ [ ¡Deberíamos añadir algunas decoraciones de pasteles! ]
— Asmodeus: Aw, ¡Pero yo quería que hicieras mi muñeco!
— Belphegor: Todos queremos eso, ¿No es así?
— Lucifer: MC puede hacer el muñeco de Solomon y todos los demás pueden hacer los suyos. ¿Eso es aceptable?
— Leviathan: De acuerdo.
— Asmodeus: También tenemos que conseguir la cúpula de vidrio.
— Simeon: Preferiblemente una grande que se ajuste a las ideas de todos en el interior.
— Mammon: Vi algo como eso en una de las tiendas para las que modelo. Creo que dijeron que era hecho a mano, así que se ajusta al requisito de “uno de este tipo”, ¿Si?
— Simeon: Bien, iré a comprarla.
— Mammon: Te acompañaré. Será más rápido si te la muestro y puedo tener un descuento ahí.
— Simeon: Gracias, Mammon.
— Mammon: Hey, no hay problema.
— Asmodeus: ¡Chicos! ¡Hagamos un cumpleaños de Solomon para recordar!
— Todos: ¡Si!
El día antes del cumpleaños de Solomon.
— Solomon: MC, necesito tu ayuda con algo. ¿Podrías venir a mi habitación después de clases?
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— Solomon: *risas* No esperabas ver estos objetos mágicos, ¿No es así? He hecho todo lo que pidieron.
[ ¿Qué hay del mío? ] [ ¡¿Qué tan rápido hiciste esto?! ] ✓
— Solomon: Mientras estaban haciendo la cúpula del vidrio, yo he estado trabajando aquí todo el tiempo. Aunque aún hay algunas cosas que no he probado. Es por eso que te pedí que (vinieras) aquí hoy. Por ejemplo, este. Leviathan pidió un objeto que te de fan service de tu persona o personaje favorito. Tiene forma de brazalete, así que puedes usarla así. Y ya que tú eres mi persona favorita, si hacemos contacto visual...
[ Soplar un beso. ] ✓ [ Saludarlo. ]
— Solomon: Huh, así que así es tener fan service. Como que te hace sentir especial, ¿No es así? Ahora que sé con seguridad que funciona. Probemos el siguiente. Solo necesito poner el brazalete en su caja especial...
— Solomon: Uups.
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— Todos: ¡Feliz cumpleaños, Solomon! Estoy tan feliz de que podamos celebrar juntos de nuevo este año.
— Asmodeus: ¡Simeon! ¡Apresúrate!
— Simeon: Cierto. Quítale el envoltorio, Solomon.
— Solomon: ¿Huh? Vaya...
— Simeon: ¿Así que esta es la cúpula de vidrio que hicieron para mí? (Creo que hubo un error de edición aquí. Supongo que en realidad el que tenía que decir es Solomon.)
— Leviathan: MC estaba a cargo de hacer tu muñeco.
— Belphegor: Fue bastante insistentes al respecto también.
— Solomon: ¿En serio? Eso significa mucho para mí. Gracias, MC. Y a todos. Atesoraré esto por mucho, mucho tiempo.
— Mammon: Así que, uh... ¿Qué hay de las cosas? Las hiciste todas, ¿Cierto?
— Solomon: Bueno, si. Lo hice. Es solo que...
[ Hubo un accidente. ] ✓ [ Explotaron. ]
— Solomon: Una de las piezas explotó y ahora todo está roto. Lo siento, chicos.
— Mammon: ¡¿Hablas en serio?!
— Solomon: Lo siento a todos. Lo haré para ustedes la próxima vez. ¿Qué tal algunas galletas caseras en su lugar?
— Todos: ¡¿?!
— Beelzebub: Deberías hacer un objeto mágico que asegure que la comida siempre sepa sabrosa primero.
— Todos: ¡¡¡Por favor!!!
— Solomon: ...¿Por qué?
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Historia Especial
— Solomon: Siento cambiar el tema, pero olvidé algo importante. Uno de los materiales necesarios no está disponible aquí. Círculos de flores de hadas. Solo crecen en Devildom. Iré a recoger algunas mañanas.
[ ¡Iré contigo! ] [ Me gustaría ver una de esas. ] ✓
— Solomon: Entonces, ¿Por qué no vienes conmigo? Ya he investigado dónde es más probable que crezcan. Aunque aún depende, básicamente, de la suerte si la encontramos o no. ¿Quién sabe? Quizás serás mi amuleto de la suerte. Ya que vamos a ir juntos, me aseguraré de hacer cajas de almuerzo para nosotros. Será mejor tener algo que esperar, ¿Cierto?
[ ¡Yo haré las cajas de almuerzo! ] ✓ [ ¡H-Hagamos cada uno sus propios almuerzos...! ]
— Solomon: ¿Estás segura? Bueno, supongo que tengo mucho en mi plato ahora mismo. Te lo dejaré a ti. Estoy esperando por ello.
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— Solomon: De acuerdo a mi investigación, es probable que los círculos de flores de hadas crezcan por aquí. Son de un color oro brillante y crecen en un círculo perfecto. Las reconocerás cuando las veas. Vamos a buscar.
— Solomon: ... No hay suerte hasta ahora... ¿Tomamos un descanso? Podemos almorzar aquí y recuperar algo de energía.
— Solomon: ¡Oh! Comida del mundo humano. Has puesto tantos ingredientes coloridos que parece un cofre del tesoro de un cuento de hadas. Gracias por la comida. ...Vaya, sabe tan bien como se ve. Esta podría ser la mejor cosa que he comido. ¿Has vuelto a mejorar tu juego de cocina? Deberías darme algunos consejos. ¿Hm? ¿Ese camino de flores se está sacudiendo...?
[ ¿Algo lo está moviendo? ] ✓ [ Seguro es el viento... ]
— Solomon: Podría ser. Quedémonos quietos y miremos.
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— Solomon: ¡Hadas...! Y bastantes. ¡Mira eso! Están volando a tu alrededor.
[ ¡¿Creen que soy una de ellas?! ] [ ¡Quizás quieren un poco de mi almuerzo! ] ✓
— Solomon: Tienes razón. Debe ser eso. Aguda como siempre, MC. Tomen, pueden tener un poco del mío también. Por aquí, hadas. Míralas. Parecen estar disfrutándolo. Ver sus pequeñas sonrisas de felicidad limpia mi fatiga.
— Solomon: De acuerdo, volvamos a ello. Las hadas han ido a esconderse en las flores. Aunque el solo saber que están aquí es útil. Se dice que los círculos de flores de hadas crecen donde las hadas bailan en círculo. Ahora seguro encontraremos uno. Intentémoslo de nuevo.
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— Solomon: ... Hmm... Comenzamos esta investigación con entusiasmo, es un poco decepcionante que no hayamos encontrado absolutamente nada... Se está haciendo tarde. Quizás debemos irnos...
[ ¡Es muy pronto para rendirnos! ] ✓ [ Bueno, si tú lo dices... ]
— Solomon: MC... Supongo que no puedo rendirme cuando tú aún te mantienes fuerte. ¿Hm...?
— Solomon: Mira, las hadas regresaron. ¿Están intentando decirnos algo? Quizás debamos seguirlas. Vamos.
— Solomon: Aquí es donde comimos el almuerzo. ¡...! ¡Mira! ¡Un círculo de hadas! ¡No es un error! ¡Es un círculo real! ¿Esta es su forma de agradecernos por el almuerzo? Me gustaría preguntarle, pero ya se han ido... Asegurémonos de agradecerles mientras recogemos las flores.
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— Solomon: Pongamos las flores en este estuche protector. Fiu... Ahora deberíamos tener todo lo que necesitamos. Debo decir que, estas flores son espléndidas.
[ Apuesto que se venderían por una fortuna... ] [ Será mejor que las mantengamos a salvo de camino a casa. ] ✓
— Solomon: Estoy de acuerdo. Las hadas pusieron sus corazones en hacer esto para nosotros, así que deberíamos tratarlas con cuidado. ¡...!
— Solomon: Una aurora...
[ ¡Es genial! ] [ Es tan maravilloso... ] ✓
— Solomon: Un círculo de hadas y una aurora... Me pregunto a quién tenemos que agradecerle por todos estos pequeños milagros.
— Solomon: Ahora que lo pienso, escuché a la gente referirse a esta como la Colina Aurora, ya que se la puede ver aquí una vez con la luna azul.
[ Quedémonos un poco más. ] ✓ [ ¡Deberías haberlo dicho antes! ]
— Solomon: Exactamente mis pensamientos. Siéntate a mi lado, MC. Podemos pasar la noche aquí y disfrutar del espectáculo. Es hermoso... Ah... Ya veo. Creo que acabo de recordar... El recuerdo que mantuve en la cúpula de vidrio.
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— Solomon: Era un recuerdo de mí mirando la aurora boreal en el mundo humano. Eso me trae de regreso.
— Solomon: En ese entonces, pasaba incluso más tiempo en mi investigación. Me gustaría desde el amanecer hasta el atardecer. Ese día, también estaba afuera para reunir materiales. En algún punto miré hacia arriba y había una aurora boreal, justo como esta noche. La miré por un momento—no, solo algunos segundos—y entonces recordé... Que hoy es mi cumpleaños. No tenía planes o algo. Dejé de contar mis cumpleaños hacer años. Sentí que la aurora había venido a celebrar un día en el que yo no había pensado en años. Me hizo darme cuenta de que era un día especial, después de todo.
— Solomon: Así que hice la cúpula de vidrio para proyectar las auroras boreales y preservar ese sentimiento. Estoy feliz de recordarlo. Y no podría estar más feliz de que tú estuvieras aquí conmigo cuando lo hice.
[ Estoy feliz también. ] ✓ [ Estoy feliz por ti. ]
— Solomon: MC... ¿Puedo sostener tu mano?
[ Claro. ] ✓ [ No lo creo. ]
— Solomon: Tu mano es tan cálida. Eres especial para mí, MC. Le das color a mi mundo.
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— Solomon: ¿Estás lista para comenzar a ir a casa? Oh, por cierto... Le mencioné a Luke que estaría buscando círculos de hadas hoy. Dijo que quería algunas flores si encontrábamos. Aunque fuimos los dos los que las encontraron, ¿Estás dispuesta compartir?
[ ¿Para qué las quiere? ] [ ¡Claro! ] ✓
— Solomon: Él lo apreciará. Está planeando usarlas para algún tipo de dulce especial para mi cumpleaños. Lo que me está haciendo esperarlo aún más.
— Asmodeus: Feeeliz cuuuumpleaaaños aaa tiiiiii🎵 ¡Vamos, sopla las velas!
— Solomon: *Fwoosh*
— Todos: ¡Feliz cumpleaños, Solomon!
— Solomon: Gracias a todos.
— Lucifer: La habitación está completamente sepultada bajo todos los regalos.
— Mammon: ¡Te dije que habría más espacio en el castillo! ¿Por qué eligieron la Sala del Purgatorio?
— Barbatos: Simeon lo solicitó fuertemente.
— Simeon: Estaba esperando una fiesta con una vibra más hogareña.
— Luke: ¡Porque todos somos una familia aquí!
— Solomon: ¿Familia...? Esa es una buena manera de llamarlo.
— Raphael: Además, nos ayudaste con la decoración, ¿No es así, Mammon?
— Mammon: ¡No necesitar anunciarlo...!
— Luke: ¡Yo tomé el liderazgo para hacer el pastel, pero todos lo hicimos juntos! ¡Y usé las flores de las hadas como prometí!
— Diavolo: Este pastel va perfecto con el té de círculo de hadas.
— Solomon: Gracias, chicos. Y yo también preparé algunas cosas para todos ustedes.
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— Solomon: Gracias por esperar.
— Leviathan: Entonces, uh... ¿Qué hay en la caja?
— Solomon: Todos los objetos mágicos que pidieron.
— Asmodeus: ¡¿Qué?! ¡Pero se supone que es tu cumpleaños! ¿Estás seguro?
— Solomon: Considéralo como un token de mi aprecio. Desde que conocí a MC, me he vuelto cercano a todos ustedes. El año pasado, incluso celebraron mi cumpleaños conmigo. A este punto, noté que hice muchos amigos que se preocupan por mí. Y eso me hace feliz... Así que este año, quería hacer algo para mostrar mi agradecimiento con todos ustedes.
— Beelzebub: ¿Es por eso que nos preguntaste por los objetos mágicos?
— Satan: Solomon...
— Leviathan: Oh maldición... Me están lagrimeando los ojos...
— Asmodeus: ¡Hey! ¡Ni siquiera pienses en llorar delante de mí!
— Solomon: Por supuesto, en algunos casos, las peticiones fueron problemáticas, así que tuve que hacer algunos ajustes o crear el siguiente objeto en su lugar.
— Belphegor: Estás hablando de las cosas para mí, para Beel y Mammon, ¿No es así?
— Mammon: ¡¿En serio...?
[ Eso es malo. ] [ ¡Eres tan sensato, Solomon! ] ✓
— Solomon: Bueno, sería responsable si mis creaciones causaran problemas, después de todo. Simeon, llevaré tu silla de eterna comodidad a tu habitación luego.
— Simeon: ¿Me estás dando algo también? ¿Incluso aunque no he hecho nada por la cúpula rota...?
— Solomon: Jaja, por supuesto que si. Si no hubieras llamado mi atención con esa cosa polvorienta, hubiera olvidado del recuerdo dentro de ella por siempre. En cualquier caso, debería agradecerte.
— Simeon: No, soy yo el que debería agradecer que estés tomando la situación de una manera tan positiva.
— Asmodeus: Hey, ¿De qué están hablando?
— Solomon: Es un secreto.
— Asmodeus: ¡¿En serio?! ¡Tienen que decirmeee!
— Luke: Más importante, ¿Hiciste algo para MC?
— Solomon: Naturalmente. Toma, MC.
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— Solomon: Esta es una caja de música que calma instantáneamente todo el estrés de tu cuerpo. De acuerdo a mis pruebas, es alrededor de %100 veces más relajante que las normales.
[ ¡Muchas gracias! ] ✓ [ ¡Vivo una vida bastante estresante! ]
— Solomon: Y gracias a ti por todo lo demás. Por cierto, la canción que elegí es una de mis favoritas. Pensé que funcionaría mejor para el efecto que quería.
— Luke: ¡Te debemos un gran agradecimiento, Solomon!
— Simeon: Luke tiene razón.
— Todos: ¡Muchas gracias, Solomon!
— Simeon: Espero por nuestro futuro juntos.
— Solomon: Lo mismo digo.
— Solomon: ¿Tienes un segundo, MC? Tengo un regalo más para ti. ¿Puedes escaparte luego y venir a mi habitación?
— Solomon: Finalmente tenemos una oportunidad de estar juntos a solas.
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— Solomon: Hay una cosa más que quiero darte. Toma. Es una cúpula de vidrio. La hice así para que cuando la llenes con magia, muestre las luces que vimos juntos en la Colina Aurora. La decoré por dentro con el círculo de flores de hadas y las hechicé para que se mantengan frescas. Quiero mantener esto como un recordatorio de nuestro tiempo juntos.
[ Será nuestro tesoro ♡ ] ✓ [ Gracias, Solomon. ]
— Solomon: Es extraño. He tenido una vida larga, así que debería tener muchos buenos recuerdos de antes de conocerte. Y aún así, los recuerdos que he hecho contigo se sienten más claras, felices y más vívidas. MC... Espero... que podamos ser una familia algún día...
[ Si lo dices en serio, entonces bésame. ] ✓ [ ¡Eres como un hermano mayor! ]
— Solomon: Lo juro por este beso. Pasaremos nuestros días juntos. He puesto suficiente energía para que dure un año. Llámame cuando se termine, ¿Bien? De ese modo, siempre podremos ver las luces en mi cumpleaños.
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obeyme-sinners · 4 years
I’m literally a sucker for anything soft so can you plz do the brothers reacting to an mc who can sing very well and they don’t know until she surprises them for their birthday or something of the sort. Thank you 🥺
Aksjdbsjcbd god I feel you anon, I need all the softness... I stuck with the birthday idea for this, so Beel and Belphie are wrapped up in one!
Honestly probably forgot that it was his birthday until Diavolo crashed into the House of Lamentation to start the party. It was a surprise party without it even meaning to, but everything was fairly normal until you started singing happy birthday along with his brothers. His mind immediately caught onto your voice, as did everyone else's - by the time the song ended it was only a boisterous Diavolo and you singing... After a moment's pause both Lucifer and Diavolo usher things along, probably understanding that you're shy about your ability if you haven't shown it this far into the year.
But later when he gets a chance, he'll invite you to his room to have a couple of drinks with him, and he'll eventually get to the point.
"I want to hear more of that lovely voice of yours. Show me just what you can do."
He's heard you humming under your breath before, several times as you work on homework and the tasks that Lucifer gives you, but he never really thinks too hard on it. You've got a pretty good voice, but humming is a lot different than singing. Humming isn't very marketable you know, you should try singing sometime- but then his birthday comes around, and you simply hum along as the others sing him happy birthday and he's a little pouty about it. You end up in his room, way past the time the other brothers had slipped out after the marathon of movies that he had hosted oh-so-graciously. And finally, when he tries to pester you about your earlier quietness, you sing, and he is... Flabbergasted.
Now he doesn't want to share you at all.
"Ey... Only I get to hear this, right? No one else."
Dips on most of the normie birthday stuff to spend the majority of his day in his VR games celebrating with more virtual friends, but you and the brothers do eventually end up dragging him out of the room to at least give him a birthday dinner + cake and to sing to him upon your insistence. When you do sing, it's obvious that you're trying to make it cringey, if only to make him and the other brothers laugh at you. It works, and the song ends up devolving into giggles as you all decide to simply move onto the cake. But you follow him back up to his room afterwards, and before he can put his headphones on, you put your head on his shoulder and quietly sing the first line of the birthday song, shy and just for him to hear.
Queue the boy going red as he looks over at you, surprised at how lovely your singing voice is.
"Hey, uh- do you think you can sing other things, too?"
Doesn't really care for his birthday all that much, it's a weird and awkward time where he has to remember that he was quite literally birthed from Lucifer's wrath and... y'know. It's a little strange for him. But when it's you suggesting that you all celebrate his birthday like you normally do, he's... a bit more compelled to allow you it. So you all set up a little birthday party for him, making sure that you're all happy and laughing, and... well, at some point truth or dare happens, and you end up singing one of your favorite songs from the human world and everybody is floored. And Satan is sitting across from you, a smirk on his face that speaks of intrigue.
Later he'll ask you more about it, questioning whether or not you've had formal training.
"Either way, you are quite talented... I'd like to hear more."
Biggest. Night out. Ever. Like seriously. Asmodeus managed to talk Lucifer into it, because it was either he was dragging out the entire family or having an orgy in his room all night, and no one wanted to listen to that. So you all piled into the car and went to The Fall, where karaoke is held, and everybody is required to participate upon pain of death because Asmodeus refuses to have his night ruined. By the end of the night the brothers (and you, if you choose) are all a little tipsy and when you take your turn, it turns into a small crowd gathering around the little open booth you had grabbed. And Asmodeus is of course, absolute enamoured.
He wants to know what that lovely voice will do... In other situations.
"My dear, sweet angel... Won't you sing for me? I want my own show~"
Beelzebub & Belphegor
Their birthday ends up being the second largest in the house, mostly because it's the one occasion that Beel can be relatively shameless in asking for shittons of food, and everyone actually is willing to indulge him. Belphegor is there mostly for the cake that comes later, and any cuddle pile that Beel usually pulls together during the movie night after cake stuff. This year is no different, in terms of the true mountains of food coming into the house, and the pile of gifts for the two of them that starts to stack up in the living room. But when you all gather to get the party started, and music is brought out upon the insistence of Asmo. A song that you happen to know comes on, and as you start singing it seems to draw all the attention of the brothers. Beel is staring at you, wide-eyed, and Belphie is smirking like he just found a thousand grimm in his pocket. Soon after that, they end up joining in with you and... surprise surprise, they both remember their angelic choir lessons. The three of you are the newest musical group in the House of Lamentation and from then on, random singing sessions end up popping up (at least between you and Beel, Belphie might be a little too tired most time to join in a lot).
"Wow, MC... you're really, really..."
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a-cute-mute · 4 years
Brother Birthday Events
So recently the Mammon Birthday started, this is a guide to explain everything so new players can understand. Birthday events in the game are kinda new and have only been in the game twice at the time i’m making this post so things may change in the future.  In Birthday events there is a new Nightmare, Quiz, Mission, and Sales. The Birth dates for each brother are: Beelzebub/Belphegor: March 11th  Leviathan: April 9th Asmodeus: May 15th Lucifer: June 6th Mammon: September 10th Satan: October 20th [You can see their birth dates in their Majolish Profiles] Birthday events happen around the days of their birthday not really the exact day. In birthday events there is a new SSR card and UR card of the brother of the birthday. 
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very simple, says it in the Nightmare. This Nightmare has better chances of pulling Mammon cards. There are no new cards in this Nightmare!! Only default cards.
You can always find these kind of sales in the Akuzon app.
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Birthday sales include the brothers favorite items as one, and vouchers, AP, and glowsticks in another. 
for 62 devil points, you will get: 7 Whip of Loves 5 Instant Noodles 5 Backstabbing Sandwich  5 Bandages  5 Mangas [For a comparison, buying these items normally would cost 89 Devil Points]
for 133 devil points, you will get: 5 Demon Vouchers 100 AP  3 Rainbow Glowsticks [178 Devil Points normally]
for 488 devil points, you will get: 20 Demon Vouchers 200 AP  5 Glowsticks [590 Devil Points normally]
MISSIONS Missions are found in the To-Do list.
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Similar to the screen you see when you first got your account with the Lucifer card, you will have 9 missions/tasks, completing them will give you a special Mammon SSR card for his birthday. Some of these tasks will require playing the Pop Quiz.  Tip: completing the “Finish all lessons in “Happy Birthday Dear Mammon”” will give you 200 Party Crackers, I do not believe these count toward your “Obtain Party Crackers as a reward from battles” task. Tip2: Party Crackers are the points you receive in Birthday quizzes. 
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All Pop Quiz events give you a story and set of battles, playing these battles will give you points. In this case, points are also Party Crackers. If you collect enough Party Crackers before the event ends, you will receive a Mammon UR card. Birthday Quiz UR cards are reachable, you do not need to spend money for this UR unless you’re very behind on battles. There Is only 1 part in Birthday Quizzes. There are NO cheat cards. Everyone gets 12 points/crackers max.  You need 1 Mammon card to play. It is alright if you do not have a Mammon SSR or Mammon UR card, anything below that will work as long as it is Mammon you can participate.  Memory cards don’t count. 
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I believe that Is all I have for this guide, if you have any questions about Brothers Birthday events send me an ask :) or any questions about any Obey Me! features at all I answer those as well.  Or if you don’t feel like reading everything you can send an ask for a small summary as well, I also hate reading.  If you’re lucky I might answer your Math homework as well.  If you also know any information at all or want to correct a mistake I’ve made in any posts please comment or send an ask, it will help me a lot to make my guides as accurate as possible.  :) if it makes you more comfortable, I also reply to private messages.  I love you all  💖 Good Luck  ⭐️ Good Morning, Good Afternoon, and Goodnight  ⭐️
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dorkus-mcdingus · 3 years
In honor of Simeon's birthday, I decided to pay homage to him by writing myself. Enjoy my dumb little fanfic and Happy Birthday Simeon!
With a quill in his hand, Peugeot took a seat near the window. Dipping his pen in the well full of ink, he thought back to his dear old friends who have fallen from grace. Deep in his heart, he yearned for the time where he could see them again... At least one more time. Each of them, as he wrote down paragraph by paragraph, he couldn't help but wonder.
"Is Lucifer managing okay with those silly little brothers? I remember he used to act like Michael, Raphael and the others. Funny how he told me he wanted to be just like them, but he grew up to be one of the strongest seraphim the Celestial Realm ever knew until... Nevermind."
"Is Mammon still as mischievous as he used to be? Ah, he was definitely quite the ankle-biter back then that even Michael thought he was a hopeless case. The fact that Lucifer got him that promotion back then amazes me."
"I remember Leviathan was so quiet and shy when you spoke to him but when he's commanding a naval fleet, he could give Lucifer a run for his money."
"Asmodeus was such a sweet little jewel. Always smiling and always wanting attention. I just hope he can get past his insecurities and truly love himself for who he is."
"The twins were definitely like day and night. Beelzebub used to have such a hard time controlling his strength but he never held any malice towards anyone. Belphegor on the other hand..." He giggled. "One look into his eyes made you fall in love with him immediately. He certainly knew he was cute and knew how to weaponize it. Lucifer definitely spoiled him rotten."
Letter by letter, word by word, sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph, Peugeot continued to write. Nothing could break his focus. Not a single sound or soul could interrupt the author's hand as he scribbled down the words. He was lost in his own world, stuck in the zone as the words flowed onto the paper like a river.
At the break of dawn, he finally finished his masterpiece. With an exhausted but contented smile, he let out a laugh.
"And now... The title. What should I call it?"
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insect-empire · 3 years
Happy Birthday Dear Beelzebub and Belphegor Nightmare/to do Archive-
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Happy Birthday Dear Beelzebub and Belphegor was held from 3/8/2021 through 3/15/2021.
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