#harry styles/olivia wilde (fake)
onlylouie28 · 1 month
louis "niega" ser padre a través de su merch
eleanor menciona a una cuenta larry
eleanor y el galentine
paparazzi de harry y olivia
louis hace referencia a oscar wilde
cuenta regresiva para confirmar larry
masterpost desmiento larry
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lunarheslwt · 2 years
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Girlie how are you gonna be a stay at home mom when you literally have been parading around with your bf and been at like more than half his shows from city to city country to country. Wow that's some real dedication for your kids.
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or-is-it · 2 years
I have only one thing to say…
If you still think Harry Styles and Olivia Wilde are an actual couple after today… there’s a big lesson about love to be learned for you.
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thatblueshade · 2 years
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saw this on Twitter and just wanted to say that this is how you know it's all bullshit. if all the things that are happening were real we wouldn't know about it, or we would know very little, bc if O was actually trying to be professional and looking for the best for the movie and the actors and everything around it, nothing. would. be. happening.
we would barely see harry and O together, she wouldn't go around wearing his merch, she wouldn't do as much as she can to get as much attention as possible and use harry for it. hell we probably wouldn't even know or would be just now finding out about the fact that they “are together”.
flo wouldn't be pissed, no one would be pissed. there would be no drama bc that would mean that O actually trusts her movie to do well just with normal publicity, but no. she wants more. she wants everything and she wants to be the center of attention no matter what.
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landhinlove · 2 years
Manifesting a holivia BUA coming soon
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littleharrysstuff · 2 years
She has the most pathetic life
Imagine being 40 and having no goals in life, living so badly that she only has a social life when she goes to his concerts
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goddammitharry · 1 year
the most telling thing is how quickly all of the holivia update accounts have switched to “oh my god they’re so cute together and still going strong” to “this is now just a Harry update account”
like… tell me it’s PR without telling me it’s PR.
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atheartbreakhotels · 2 years
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idkwhxttoputgod · 2 years
El stunt de Holivia es tremenda basura, al igual que Olivia Wilde.
Quedando que si fuera un buen PR para promocionar Don't Worry Darling sería con Florence y no con Olivia. Ya que la gente iría a ver la película para ver la química de Harry y Florence en la pantalla. Pero cómo Florence no quiso hacer el PR. Olivia aprovechó eso no para promocionar la película, sino para hacerce fama. Ya que cómo a la gente no le importó su separación con Jason Sudeikis, decidió usar a Harry para hacerlo ver OTRA VEZ cómo un rompehogares y causar drama para que la gente la viera y dijera: "Wow, ella es la mujer que enamoró el corazón de Harry".
Aparte de que dijo ser feminista y que Don't Worry Darling iba a mostrar el Girl Power al máximo. Sabiendo que se colgó de la fama y alabó más a un hombre por hacer un papel secundario que a la misma protagonista. Por lo tanto tiene sentido que Florence esté así de enojada, o sea, la protagonista es ELLA, no Olivia.
Otra cosa que también me molesta es que Olivia usó a sus propios hijos para llamar la atención. Y otra vez, colgándose de la fama de Harry. Haciendo ver qué sus hijos se llevan bien con Harry. Con esto no estoy diciendo que los niños tengan el problema, porque la verdad no. El problema es su mamá y su maldita hambre de fama.
Además, le pagaron más a Harry que a Florence. Harry ganó 2.5 Millones y Florence apenas 700 mil dólares.
Voy a dejar en claro que no odio a Harry, de hecho soy una harrie. Pero me caga que la industria lo use.
Y no me considero alguien feminista, porque aunque estoy a favor de los derechos de las mujeres. Me molesta no poder criticar a una mujer que hizo cosas horribles (por ejemplo Olivia Wilde porque aparte de eso es homofóbica, racista, dijo que las mujeres sólo sirven para abrir las piernas, acoso a Justin Bieber siendo ella una adulta y él un adolescente, y al usar a su familia), y no poder hacerlo por el único hecho de que sea de tu mismo sexo y hay que tener apoyo mutuo.
Aunque sea una persona género fluido, físicamente soy una mujer y creo que si van a ayudar a una mujer, que sea una que sí valga la pena y no a alguien cómo Olivia.
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itzzzzcookie · 2 years
Holivia lawsuit thingy is fake and here's why.
According to magazines, Olivia got served custody papers on stage and surprisingly we have pictures of that while we donot have a single pic of the event or the people who were there in cinema con. Huh???
We know neither Oli not Jason were a part of the A list celeb list. It's only after the dating incident they got their fame. This entire lawsuit is just planned by both o and j.
This would hint to or rather lead to either of the two consequences ----+
1) Break journey, where o will be shown as a hardworking mother and in her interviews she will talk about how difficult it is to sustain in the industry in her 40's and blah blah. Jason will be portrayed as a sad and heartbroken father whose kids were first taken away by another man and then we're dumped. This the starting of the breakup rumour.
2) Harry will "stick" with o while Jason would be the hardworking, heartbroken dad who "dedicates" his work for his children.
In the end, harry would be term as a womanizer while o and j would play the "victim"
Honestly, whoever thought of this stunt must have stoles the idea from a kindergarden student.
Signing off
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onlylouie28 · 1 month
harry, olivia wilde y los paparazzi
En el 2021 cuando Harry Styles estaba de novio con Olivia Wilde (Actriz), varias personas creían que dicho noviazgo era falso, que solo servia para promocionar la película "Don't Worry Darling", en la cual Harry era uno de los protagonistas, mientras Olivia actuaba y dirigía.
Durante su noviazgo salieron varias fotos de ellos tomadas por paparazzi, y como era de esperarse no fueron bien recibidas por las larries, aunque en esta oportunidad vamos a centrarnos en las siguientes imágenes.
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Mientras las fotos de Olivia y Harry salían a la luz, en paralelo las larries filtraron el siguiente mensaje.
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"¡Hola! Espero que estés teniendo un día increíble. Digo esto sin intención de que lo publiques antes o después de que suceda, realmente no sé si será importante o no. Pero habrá fotos de Harry y Olivia besándose, el equipo quería hacerlo lo más grande posible, las fotos fueron tomadas por paparazzis y también personas al azar. Estaban uno al lado del otro, en un momento Harry pone su brazo en el lugar donde están sentados. El beso no es realmente largo y no es un "woah", solo boca con boca.
Ha sido una táctica de marketing realmente inteligente, pero es molesto cómo dos personas que ni siquiera tienen una relación real y que son sólo compañeros de trabajo tienen toda la atención de los medios y todo lo relacionado con la película trata sobre ellos. Hay otros artistas que trabajaron duro para que la película fuera buena y están en las sombras sólo por eso. Las fotos saldrán pronto."
Junto a este mensaje se difundió la siguiente foto:
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Donde varias larries se emocionaron por pensar que aquellos era verdad y la relación de Harry y Olivia era una farsa, aunque otras personas decidieron reírse y buscar el origen de aquella fotografía (ya que cuentan con camaras muy antiguas).
Para sorpresa de nadie, la fotografía no era reciente, y para ser más específicos se trataba de los paparazzi de la princesa Diana.
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the-good-bad-truth · 2 years
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 I’m going to start this off by saying that I don’t know much about Harry Styles' career or Olivia Wilde. I’ve heard a few songs from his solo and when he was in one direction. I know that he’s taken a more creative and self-expressive route than how he was in one direction. I guess I can understand why he’s being so open and free because he wasn’t really able to do that since he had to fit the image and mold of One direction cute boy bander. Although, I wouldn’t say they are as loud as other PR couples, which could be because as I said I’m not in his or her fanbase but I feel that this is really basic PR relationship 101. For one, I think one of the main reasons they are together is to promote the Olivia Wilde directed movie called, “Don’t worry Darlin”. I also think that Olivia is trying really hard to push this narrative that they are in love. It’s weird cuz Harry rarely talks about their relationship as far as I’ve noticed. The only time I heard him talk about her is when he was talking about how he felt comfortable and liked the relationship he had with his director(Olivia). I also notice people are saying he’s writing songs about her but I don’t think that is true. I also heard that Olivia broke off her previous relationship of 9yrs with Jason Sudeikes who she has 2 kids with. I also saw an article of how Jason served her custody papers while she was presenting. Here’s my thing, what if that was a publicity stunt to get people on her side and paint Jason as a villian. At the same time, he also might have not known she was going to be speaking when served papers. I also think when it comes to Harry and his sexuality, I’m not sure what he labels himself as but people try to push a label onto him. I can remember seeing people say that he and one of his 1D bandmates were in a hidden relationship. I don’t know if that's true because it could just be crazy obsessed fans shipping them. If he is part of the LGBTQ or just an ally isn’t it weird that Olivia has been known to queerbait or use her own sexuality and sex appeal for attention? I think she has said that she is bisexual but there are articles where she said that she would basically only be with a women if she couldn’t find a man, or that being a lesbian was trend that she might be to old for. They also get caught by the paparazzi a lot especially in places that are isolated like on a boat. Their relationship kind of gives me similar vibes to mgk/megan and how it’s like a mother and son or something like that. I also feel like they don’t really have chemistry and this relationship isn’t really doing much for harry’s career since he was already on his way of becoming big as he is This is why I feel that they won’t last once the contract is up or the movie is out because they don’t seem like a real relationship.
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or-is-it · 2 years
The topic of this movie is so delicate, it’s really sad that the lead has to point this out because the director abused the name of ‘a famous popstar’ and the sexscenes for the first trailer.
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harrysweetbaby · 2 years
Sorry, but she is a really sick stalker who is obsessed with Harry, instead of taking care of children, you run after him every damn time, it's so pathetic that you don't have your own life. Even "your boyfriend" did not confirm your relationship, but simply rejected .Stop being humiliated already, Cockburn🤭🤡😆
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stylesandnicks · 2 years
@ Me next time. Or talk your shit off Anon if you wanna call me a bitch and a whore.
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littleharrysstuff · 2 years
he didn’t look back because of her and i’ll tell you why
1 if he was looking for her then he would’ve stopped running but he didn’t, he just turn his head back but he was still running
2 the bodyguard looked back too and did a hand gesture probably towards the other bodyguard
3 harry looked to the side for a second time to gesture something to the bodyguard
i think the other bodyguard yelled something and that’s why harry looked back the first time and then the bodyguard that was with him did that 👍🏻 to the other one confirming everything was ok
Than you so much ❤️
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