#hashtag ell oh ell
barredandromeda · 8 months
me when im excited to tell our mom something and she gets annoyed and says i talk too much
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flugame-mp3 · 11 months
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staff kill yourself immediately
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ayanna-tired · 2 years
Prénom : Ayanna Abréviation : Eya Âge : 33 ans Pronoms : elle, accords au féminin Orientation romantique et sexuelle : pansexuelle (mais ne souhaite pas relationner amoureusement avec des mecs cis hétéros pour des raisons qui me regardent ^^) Emploi : aucun, je suis AH Couleur des yeux : des fois bleue, des fois verte Couleur des cheveux : naturellement châtains, actuellement roses Passions : théâtre, RP, écriture, musique, tatouages et piercings, bière en terrasse, JDR, séries, queerthings, colorations capillaires...
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Portrait chinois :
Si tu étais un animal, tu serais : un chien Si tu étais une plante (fleur, arbre...) : un olivier Si tu étais un élément : la bière Si tu étais une pierre précieuse ou non : une lapis lazuli Si tu étais une saison : l'automne, saison d'halloween Si tu étais un moment de la journée : le soir Si tu étais un des cinq sens : la bière
Si tu étais un pays : j'hésite entre un des pays du Royaume Uni et le Canada Si tu étais une ville : Rennes (Bretagne) Si tu étais une planète : j'ai envie de répondre Pluton rien que pour faire chier celleux qui savent que c'est plus une planète !
Si tu étais un objet du quotidien : un ordinateur. Ou bien des baguettes asiatiques... je sais pas. Si tu étais un vêtement : une robe goth
Si tu étais un livre : "Véronika décide de mourir" de Paulo Cohelo Si tu étais un personnage de fiction : Trinity dans Matrix Si tu étais un mot : clitoris Si tu étais un film : "Eternal Sunshin of the Spotless Mind" Si tu étais une célébrité : Misha Collins Si tu étais un dessin animé : Fullmetal Alchemist (la version de 2005 bien-sûr, Brotherhood c'est de la merde !) Si tu étais un super pouvoir : le super pouvoir de tenir vachement bien l'alcool mais de tousser quand je vapote Si tu étais une créature légendaire / imaginaire : un Garuda Si tu étais un jeu vidéo : Final Fantasy 12 Si tu étais une chanson : "Stare out windows" de Birdpen Si tu étais un style de musique : le rock alternatif/progressif Si tu étais un instrument de musique : la voix Si tu étais un art : jouer du théâtre Si tu étais un événement historique : la mort d'Hitler
Si tu étais un plat : des ramen Si tu étais un fruit : une cerise Si tu étais une boisson : la biè... le café ! Si tu étais une odeur : le feu de bois
Si tu étais un sport : dormir Si tu étais une fête : Halloween Si tu étais de la papeterie ou un accessoire de papeterie : un carnet bien rempli
Si tu étais un hashtag : #foreveralone Si tu étais une mauvaise habitude : mon célibat Si tu étais une qualité : pouvoir écrire en écoutant une vidéo (si, si, c'est une qualité ! Non ? Bon on va dire que je me bats et que je baisse pas trop les bras même si en ce moment c'est dur) Si tu étais un gros mot : Oh meeeeeeeeerde...! Si tu étais une émotion : la peur Si tu étais un plaisir : prendre un verre en terrasse avec des ami-e-s
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J'me tâte... j'aurais pu répondre Joan Jett aussi pour la célébrité... et la tomate pour le fruit aussi...
Sinon j'ai Instagram aussi, je suis plus productive...
Ravie d'être de retour, Ayanna
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lucindarobinsonvevo · 2 years
my hashtag serious elle robinson wlw theory is this - 
Elle and Oliver look like siblings. When Elle sees Oliver, she sees herself. She sees herself doing the thing that Elle Robinson can never do, which is be ina relationship with another woman. Elle’s feelings for Carmella are big and messy and inextricably connected with her dead brother, and the fact that she was a nun. Let us not forget, it was Elle who led Carmella into temptation in 2006, ultimately getting her removed from nun-hood. Elle doesn’t hate Carmella. She even tries to help her when her relationship with Will falls into a bad place, why? Because she doesn’t see herself as Sebastian. 
So she finally manages to remove Carmella and Oliver, so she gets together with Oliver and she thinks this will make her happy. But it doesn’t. She tries to make herself happy but she can’t. She breaks up with Oliver because she doesn’t want to be a step mother. Along trots Riley Parker. And this is crucial - Riley confesses openly that he is in love with her and he’s not attached to any other woman. So Elle can’t be with him because emotionally, he will be with her. There is no barrier for her to say ‘this is the fault of someone else, that’s why im not happy’ Of course, a healthy dose of PTSD doesn’t hurt proceedings. 
Then, while she recovers, Paul begins his affair and she falls right into Oliver’s arms because Oliver is safe and he will take care of her. She isn’t immune to Carmella, she even buys into Marco’s business in order to provide for her and Chloe. I feel like this stage of the Elle/Oliver relationship was not really about them being in a relationship but more about Elle being unable to cope with Paul and his infidelity because he’s taking away her beloved family unit and breaking apart her safe AGAIN. 
Then Oliver cheats on her with Carmella. He has gone and taken away her safe as well. He’s just as bad as Ned, and Paul. Notably - Elle isn’t mad at Carmella, with who she has begun to form a new tentative friendship, just Oliver. I feel like Elle doesn’t purse any relationship from here until Lucas because she kind of has everything she would want in a relationship. A business she’s running with someone she cares about, Carmella close to her but still far enough away that she can say ‘oh we’re just friends’, a job she loves and she never has enough free time to have to think about or process anything she went through in 2006. 
Lucas. I mean. Lucas is perpetually troubled by feelings for Libby so Elle has someone she can blame for not being happy, he also does not request emotionally vulnerability from her in any meaningful capacity until she’s already gone and let Carmella go. He’s always waiting for her to come back when they break up he’s the perfect beard...Even if Elle doesn’t strictly know she’s using him for that purpose. Lucas also carries on an emotional affair with Steph, thinks Elle is boring and his family blames her for his gambling addiction. She also has no problems ruining his life for hurting her, and never seems especially fond of him even while claiming to be in love. 
But if she’s in love with Carmella, why let Carmella go? Because she wants Carmella to be happy. She doesn’t know that she wants to be with Carmella like that, and if she does know that she’s still choosing the same thing she’s doing narratively. She wants Carmella to be happy and accepts that the only person she will be happy with is her babies’s daddy. From an even more macro standpoint, she’s giving Chloe what she always wanted for herself. Her parents together and loving her. She doesn’t want to be Kirsten, she doesn’t want to break up a family. So she reunites them, even when she seems.. sad when she tells Carmella, truthfully, that the street won’t be the same without her because for Elle, it certainly was not. 
This is less important but I would like to say I think Elle’s distaste for Libby is one hundred percent genuine. I also think she genuinely enjoyed sex with men, and in general, sex is not a chore for her which plays into why she feels like she is not attracted to women, but during sex what she actually likes is being taken care of. extra extra - she chose Ned to be her boyfriend because she thought he was easy to manipulate and then because it was a bit of fun to chase him for her. 
Anyway this is not a particularly close to canon reading, just my fun little speculation that I would say if I was being asked to justify my elle robinson lesbian trutherism lol. 
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hugepolecat3298 · 3 years
literally never going to understand adults who just say ‘adult’ or ‘20+’ instead of like... putting their actual fucking age in their bio
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6-and-7 · 2 years
Valencia laughed, and the sound was like a ringtone. “Really? Ell-Oh-Ell. You really want to try this on me? Very well; feed on me, and I’ll return the favor.” She gave Sunset a grin. “You could do with a facelift, Tee-Bee-Aitch, Hashtag SorryNotSorry.”
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queenofbaws · 3 years
Ya know your no WiFi struggles inspired me. How about we see Chris struggling hardcore with no service
She snatched the phone from his hand, her face a mask of irritation and disbelief as she whipped it away. “We’re in the middle of a ghost-infested basement and you thought now was a good time to play some Candy Crush?!” Ashley asked, eyes nearly wide enough to reflect the entire room around them. “You just what - needed to send out a few quick Tweets?! Hashtag there’s a freaking ghost after us, ell-oh-ell, bee-tee-dubs Josh is like totes dead for real for real?!”
“For your information,” he muttered, knowing it should’ve stung but realizing as he snatched his phone back from her that it didn’t - not as badly as he might’ve expected, anyway, “I can’t send out any Tweets...or emails or messages or anything...who needs a freaking serial killer when you’re stuck in the middle of nowhere with no cell signal, I mean...that’s the real horror here, Ash, that’s the real nightmare.”
Oh, but that’s when he knew the situation was really fucked, because she didn’t laugh, not even a little bit.
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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ellewords · 3 years
(not me reading this back and thinking you could make a drinking game out of this ask because of how many times i say “because” lmaooooo)
i’ve never actually seen wgm but i really love the idea of hinata being on the show, because i feel like he would be so starry-eyed the entire time. literal ✨👄✨ at everything because he’s never thought about what being married would be like and now suddenly he gets to experience it??!!?! he fumbles through all of it, and the fans love him for it because a lot of the other participants seem so smooth and suave, but not with hinata! he blurts his thoughts out as they come, he’s clumsy in situations that would normally require him to be put-together, he makes a huge deal out of every little thing. the first time his partner brought him a bouquet of flowers, hinata literally turns bright red and starts rambling so fast the audio just barely picks it up—
“you didn’t have to but that was really nice of you, i’ll get you something next time, hey, the flowers smell sweet, oh no, that’s actually you, you smell so nice, have you always smelt that way, you should definitely tell me what body spray you use because i might just have to get some of that—“
and the fans eat it up. and so does their partner who absolutely adores him even if hinata doesn’t quite get/see it.
i feel like it would also be hilarious if the partner was someone who isn’t necessarily the biggest (by choice, they don’t want to be in the spotlight all that much) but because of a really big project they have out soon, their team thinks they should get some of that pr. maybe a painter or a sculpture? one that has gotten a lot of attention as of late because their art is a little controversial/suggestive but has somehow managed to keep most of the media on the actual art and not on themself. they come off as really shy and recluse, but the second they get on the show, hinata brings them out of their shell, and that makes the fans like them even more. they love getting to see the artist behind everything and they especially love seeing how their artist brain translates into the real world. and just the idea of hinata being the kind of person who would be able to make even the most introverted person go a little crazy is something i think would be hilarious on reality tv.
anyway, hinata gets a lot smoother as they continue on, and it absolutely floors the fans because he’s so different from when he started. he holds his partner’s hand like it’s nothing, he says super sweet things without missing a beat, he holds eye contact without looking like he’s trying to win some unproclaimed competition. but he doesn’t realize he’s doing it, and the partner is too nervous that he’ll get weird about it to say anything.
by the end of their time on the show, fans can see how deflated the partner is even though they’re really good at hiding it still, and hinata is off too, but he can’t tell why. he is still chipper and all over the place, and the partner is still more open and engaging, but their energy is off. hinata chalks it up to them going to miss the time they shared together, but even that doesn’t feel quite right.
after they leave the show, hinata is super excited to see that the partner has started doing more community stuff (charities where they show up in person, giving art classes to people that donate certain amounts to organizations and projects that they support, going out in public and doing sketches/paintings of people on the street for reference later and recording tiny interviews with them as they do it to make a new documentary of the process or something). he gushes about it all over his social medias and anywhere else he can get someone to listen because they don’t have the time to actually ever meet up with the way their schedules are. he even starts posting behind-the-scenes clips that he had taken (with the permission of the partner) to engage with both parts of their fan bases.
and the partner does the same for hinata. they do a bunch of pieces of the jackals and sells them to get both of their communities involved and supporting them even if they can’t go to the actual games. their instagram is flooded with designs of new projects for them and even more of them of just hinata, all of which have captions that target just hinata (“wow, my ex-husband is so fine 🥵” “that’s your man? mhm! look at him! yeah, that’s mine” and other stupid, cheesy ones that make the fans feral because damn, they really have come out of their shell, huh?!)
the internet loves it, and they love even more that hinata seems to become the person at the beginning of the show all over again, flustered and a mess and tripping over his feet. a new hashtag starts because of it about the two of them being in love still (as a joke) and people upload some of their favorite moments of the pair together. when hinata sees it, he tries to play it off (horribly) but when he finally gets to talk to their partner about it, there’s a calmness in their voice that eases him just a little bit, and suddenly he’s aware of why exactly leaving felt so wrong.
this got a little sidetracked, but i don’t even mind, lololol. also, i definitely need to check out the show after this because i love the fake dating/marriage idea. thanks for putting me on to it! make sure to drink water, have a snack if you haven’t eaten in a bit, and take deep breaths! -🌙
— from elle ! okay but hinata and a painter/artist!partner is literally such an amazing idea to dive into, this now lives in my head and i will continue thinking about it for days on end. i absolutely love everything that you’ve sent aaa i’m actually screaming, i had a difficult time picking which part of your hc to focus on bec so many things popped into my head. but i ended up choosing to kind of pick up where you left off for my little addition (under the cut as usual) tysm for this 🌙 anon ! take care <3
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hinata’s blush grows redder every second he spent staring at his phone, his twitter mentions filled with photos, edits, and even fanmade animations of the two of you. your shipname was trending again, all after you posted a rare photo of yourself in msby merch. you looked cute, that much was evident to hinata. then again, he always thought of you as cute — from the second you walked into set, all shy and nervous, from the minute you left it, your arms wrapped wrapped around his neck. why was he acting like this? filming had ended months ago; he’d grown more confident around you, hadn’t he?
your name flashed across his phone screen, interrupting his train of thought — you were calling him. his heart beat sped up, fingertips immediately moving towards the ‘answer’ button.
“hey shoyo!” you greeted, enthusiasm very much evident in your voice, “did you see the picture i just posted?”
“i did! um...you look great.” he mumbled, unsure if you had heard him, heat continuing to rush towards the apples of his cheeks.
“thanks!” he hears your chuckling from the other end of the line, and a small part of his mind convinces himself that you were somehow teasing him. “you’re coming tomorrow, right?”
“what’s tomorrow?”
“my photo exhibit, silly.”
ah, that. hinata could imagine you shaking your head, biting your lip as you attempt not to burst out into laughter at his cluelessness. the beating of his heart is more rapid now, thinking of how you anticipated his answer, how you wanted him to be there. “i was only kidding, of course i’ll be there.”
“sure,” you replied like you didn’t really believe him, “i’ll see you then.”
hinata was the one who convinced you to get into photography. truthfully, you wanted to try and exploring other mediums beside your usual set of paint and pencils.
“maybe i should try taking photos.” you joked, gently nudging his shoulders as the two of you browsed various film cameras. the crew had taken a brief break from filming, but you and hinata still wanted to continue exploring the various antique shops that lined the street.
“go for it!” he replied without missing a single beat, quickly rattling off a list of potential subjects, “you can take photos of plants, or maybe animals, really pretty scenery...it’s not even going to matter because i know you’ll end up taking really amazing photos.”
and when hinata insisted that he pay for the camera you chose, you decide on a subject.
the gallery is empty. well, at least the reception area is.
hinata’s dressed in his finest button-down and slacks, black dress shoes clicking against the white granite tiles. the receptionist directs him to the floor where your exhibition is meant to be held — right at the very top.
his brows furrow, there should be more people here. photographers, critics, fans even. he should’ve been greeted by reporters, by the surely hundreds of people all excited to see your work. you had only grown in popularity since your appearance on wgm, the number of people going to your exhibits only ever increasing. he should know, hinata’s been to every single one over the course of the show’s run. he knew what to expect. and it was certainly not this.
the elevator dings, indicating that he had reached the top floor. still, not a single person there. the frown on his face only deepens. hinata catches a glimpse of the exhibition’s title, “beyond the cameras: a retrospective”
the glass door is unlocked, hinata pushes through them only to be greeted with pictures of the last subject he expected: himself.
framed on the white walls of what possibly was tokyo’s most famous gallery were photos of him, glossy and bright, colors vivid and alluring. and they weren’t just any photos too, they were photos taken on the rare occasions wherein cameras weren’t following your every move. there were photos of him from nights he snuck you in the gym to teach you how to play volleyball, ones of him covered in paint taken in your studio, ones of him attempting to make you breakfast. all of which had him looking away from the camera.
that is until he reaches the final photo, the only one that had you in it as well, taken the night before the final day of filming. he was looking at the camera, but you were looking right at him — your gaze soft, the corners of your lips forming the smallest of smiles.
“so maybe i lied,” hinata heard a voice speak from beside him, recognizing it as yours almost immediately, “the exhibition is actually tomorrow. i just wanted you to see it first.”
“but why me?” he asked, biting the inside of his cheek.
“just because.” you shrugged, not even turning to look at him, gazing at your final photo — just like he was.
but hinata feels it, the tightening in his chest, the tension that enveloped your bodies as the two of you continued to stare straight ahead. he hears it, the ringing in his hears, the hammering of his heart, the unevenness of his breath.
you stand next to him, just a few inches separating you. hinata’s hand is drawn like a magnet to yours. at first your knuckles graze, and hinata holds his breath. then his fingertips push in between yours, you bite your lip. finally he he grasps your hand, a quiet exhale escapes you both.
you tear your eyes away from the photograph at the same time he does; your gazes meet. and just like that, you finally reach the same understanding as him, of just why leaving felt so wrong.
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a question: how would the hq boys (specifically timeskip) act on a variety show like we got married?  |  written on the margins masterlist
taglist : @haikyuutothetop @crystal-lilac @tobioespresso @sushijimawakatoshi @itsmeaudrieee @pantherhappy @jesssobs @mysticstrawberryballoon @cloudedsky_29
join my hq taglist here. <3
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jbbarnesnnoble · 4 years
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Hello lovely humans!
I’ve recently hit the 500 follower milestone and want to celebrate with another challenge! This time, dark fics are welcome! 
I have a lot of prompts here and what doesn’t get used will probably be put aside for a future challenge. I like to make sure there is a wide array of prompts to be chosen from and tend to go overboard. Whoops. 
The Rules: 
1. Use the hashtag #JBBNN500 
2. Dark fics are welcome - Just be sure to utilize trigger warnings and indicate that it is a dark fic. 
3. Even if you aren’t writing a dark fic, use trigger warnings if the content warrants it. If you write something that has heavier themes, like those that delve into mental health topics, be sure to label it appropriately. 
4. Selecting Prompts: Just let me know which one you want to do! 2 people per prompt! Tell me which subheading and the number of the prompt so I can mark it down! If it’s a lyric prompt, please give me the song and the number! 
5. You don’t have to be following to participate! 
6. Deadline: January 11, 2021
Yes, I’m giving about 3 months for this. January 11 also happens to be my birthday, so I figured that would be a good date to choose. 
The subheadings are: dialogue prompts, sentence prompts, quotes from popular media, and song lyrics!
Find the prompts under the cut! 
Dialogue Prompts
“Life is made up of maybes and regrets. I don’t want this to be one of them.”
“You can’t do this. It’s my choice to make, and mine alone. If you don’t agree with it, the door is there. Feel free to use it.”
“I used to be afraid of the dark, you know. Until I learned that the real monsters thrive in the light.” 
“So, what you’re saying is if I gave you a nickel, you’d do it.”
“No, I don’t know how the cheese got there, and honestly, I don’t think I want to know.” 
“You’re sounding more like a cult leader every time you open your mouth. Don’t think I’ll be accepting any Flavor Aid from you anytime soon.” 
“How did you...you know what, I’m going to forget I saw a thing, and go read a book. Or bathe in Holy Water. Or both. Both is good.” 
“If you say one more word I swear--” “One more word” “I hate you” 
“You can’t come in here singing my favorite song and expect forgiveness, that’s not how this works!”
“No. You mean nothing to me. You never did. You never will.” 
“But if it did, it would work and you can’t convince me otherwise.” 
“You are simultaneously the smartest and least intelligent person I have ever meant. Truly, an amazing accomplishment.” @bonkywobble​
“Next thing you’re going to say is that ghosts are real...please tell me that’s a joke” 
“All I’m saying is, I could do that blindfolded.” 
“But why was there pizza on the ceiling?” 
“If you write me a four thousand word essay on why you think that’s a good idea, then sure.” 
“I didn’t think you were serious. Do you know how illegal this is?!” 
Sentence Prompts
Feel free to change the pronouns used to suit your needs, even if they aren’t bracketed! You can also change the tense if you need to! 
The January rain fell, feeling like razors against [your/her/their] skin as [you/she/they] stared out over the horizon.
This was it, the moment where life as [you/she/they] knew it ended.
 [His/her/their] gaze fell on [her/you], like a lion circling its prey. 
You never thought that it would come to this, come to being the one to end it all. 
You took a moment to calculate [his/her/their] next move, figuring out the perfect counter. 
Hanging by your ankles from a tree was most definitely not how you planned on spending your Saturday. 
Glancing around the room at the decor, one thing was obvious: it was [his/her/their] doing. 
Hurt was the only thing you felt, the only thing you could cling to in this abyss.
Lies, it had all been lies and they were crumbling around you. 
The screech of tires on the pavement sent a shiver down your spine.
He/She used to love this time of year, the beauty of it all. 
It was like climbing Everest: ambitious, dangerous, and maybe a little insane. 
Forgiveness was not something you were willing to offer so freely, not this time. 
Chaos may as well have been the code name of this mission. @nekoannie-chan​
Silence was your new best friend, one that never seemed to leave you alone.
That smile, that smile was something you could get used to waking up to every day. 
Your face twisted in disgust as you realized what you had fallen into.
You were beginning to wish you had taken [him/her/them] up on that trip to Madrid. 
Quotes from Popular Media:
With these prompts specifically, you can use the full thing, paraphrase, etc, since some of them are quite long, or just write something based off an idea it sparks. 
“There are so many stories where some brave hero decides to give their life to save the day, and because of their sacrifice, the good guys win, the survivors all cheer, and everybody lives happily ever after. But the hero... never gets to see that ending. They'll never know if their sacrifice actually made a difference. They'll never know if the day was really saved. In the end, they just have to have faith. Ain't that a bitch.” -Epsilon, Season 13, Red vs Blue 
“We're so arrogant, aren't we? So afraid of age, we do everything we can to prevent it. We don't realize what a privilege it is to grow old with someone. Someone who doesn't drive you to commit murder or doesn't humiliate you beyond repair.” - Daniel, P.S I Love You 
“After centuries of men looking at my tits instead of my eyes and pinching my ass instead of shaking my hand, I now have the divine right to stare at a man's backside with vulgar, cheap appreciation if I want to!” - Denise, P.S. I Love You
“Life isn't just death. Don't ignore the living.” - Vada Sultenfuss, My Girl
“Life's full of barbaric customs. But I hope they all end with a kiss like that.” - Vada Sultenfuss, My Girl 
"You're a little scary sometimes, you know that? Brilliant ... but scary." - Ron Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone 
"It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends." - Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone 
"I’ll be in my bedroom, making no noise and pretending I’m not there." - Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 
“Sweetie, this is one of those times when I know what's right and everybody else is confused.” - Angela Montenegro, Bones, Season 3 
“Oh, God. I'm in the middle of something, aren't I? Oh, look! Dead guy!” - Cam Saroyan, Bones, Season 5
“Don’t make it sound trivial when you know it isn’t. You keep talking about how we just need a little more time, but you’re not the one having to struggle.” -Nora, RWBY, Volume 7
“It's called survival. But I forgot, you two at best are functional morons.” - Crowley, Supernatural, Season 5, Episode 10
“I once had to judge a tighty-whitey contest for Lambda Kappa Pi. Trust me, I can handle anything.” - Elle Woods, Legally Blonde 
“How were we supposed to know? It's not like we run background checks on all her boyfriends.” - Kathryn Kennish, Switched at Birth
“Don’t try to get on my good side. I no longer have a good one” - Ouiser, Steel Magnolias 
“I would rather have thirty minutes of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special.” - Shelby, Steel Magnolias 
“You have the handwriting of a serial killer” - Clairee, Steel Magnolias 
“I didn’t know if you would hire someone who might be married to someone who may or may not be a criminal” - Annelle, Steel Magnolias 
Lyric Prompts
What Do You Think Of - Lauren Alaina ft. Lukas Graham
What do you think of when you think of me?
When you look back on us what do you see? Is it the good times, is it the bad times, is it somewhere in between? 
I can’t even drive down 8th Avenue because the whole damn town reminds me of you
Hurts to Know - 1551
But you stayed when I made another promise to keep
And you waited and waited for the life you saw in your dreams 
You walk in and begin to try to heal me again, but each night is a fight that’s getting harder to win.
Sick - 1551
Everyone I meet feels like another target
I’m feeling sick, I’m feeling twisted, I wasn’t home before this feeling existed 
I never knew that wrong could feel so right
seven - Taylor Swift
Sweet tea in the summer, cross your heart won’t tell no other, and though I can’t recall your face, I still got love for you
Passed down like folk songs, the love lasts so long
I think your house is haunted, your dad is always mad and that must be why 
We’ll hide in the closet, and just like a folk song, our love will be passed on 
the last great american dynasty - Taylor Swift
How did a middle class divorcee do it? 
The wedding was charming, if a little gauche 
And they said “There goes the last great American dynasty. Who knows if she never showed up what could have been.” 
epiphany - Taylor Swift 
With you I serve, with you I fall down 
Something med school did not cover
And some things you just can’t speak about 
Chapters - Brett Young
Chapter one, I was raised on the Dodgers 
There’s no perfect life, you can’t hold back time
Everybody expecting perfection 
Things change in the blink of an eyelid, guess my body knew way more than I did
The Daughters - Little Big Town
Girl, know your place, be willing and able 
Girl, watch your mouth and watch your weight
Pose like a trophy on a shelf, and dream for everyone but not yourself
I wash the dishes, feed the kids, and clean up all this mess, do my best, forgive myself, and look good in this dress
It Won’t Always Be Like This - Carly Pearce 
I remember how I couldn’t wait to get out of my hometown, now I’m looking for every excuse to go back on the weekend
I remember hearing the door slam, twenty-two, didn't have a clue who I was, who I could trust, and who were my real friends
The heart won’t ache forever, no matter how hard it gets, it won’t always be like this
Next Girl - Carly Pearce 
You overlook a lot when he looks like that
He’ll charm your mama with that smile, hide the red flags for a while 
He’ll make you think it’s love, but I promise you it’s not 
Bar Back - Lauren Alaina 
You can have that coffee shop we went on our first date
I’ll give you back that sweatshirt, that one you know I love
I’m taking back that little hole in the wall, the red door sign saying “come on in y’all”
If I Was a Beer - Lauren Alaina
Honey you’re in luck, ‘cause I’m a fine, fine, wine. I’m a slow sweet pour, I can be a little bitter, but I ain’t a hard hitter, like a 30 from the grocery store
Waiting for Superman - Daughtry
She says “he’s still coming, just a little bit late” 
She’s talking to angels, counting the stars, making a wish on a passing car
If life was a movie, then it wouldn’t end like this 
Before You Go - Lewis Capaldi
When you hurt under the surface, like troubled water running could, well time can heal but this won’t
Before you go, was there something I could have said to make your heart beat better?
Our every moment, I start to replay, but all I can think about is seeing that look on your face  @arrowsandmixtapes​ 
Hard to Forget - Sam Hunt
It's kinda funny how I can't seem to get away from you, it's almost like you don't want me to
You’ve got a cold heart and the cold hard truth
Told me to leave all your things out on the porch on the swing
Oh you’re breaking my heart, baby you’re playing hard to forget 
This is It - Scotty McCreery
You can open your eyes
Can’t you see forever 
On top of the world here together
If there ever was a time for a perfect kiss, this is it 
Wish You’d Miss Me - Chase Wright
I was good for you, you were bad for me 
I was solid ground, you were broken wings 
I gave you love you gave me pain
You gave me hell, I gave you grace 
I knew all along that you were gonna leave 
What a Man Gotta Do - Jonas Brothers
I’m not trying to be your part time lover, sign me up for that full time @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad​
This Feeling - Chainsmokers ft. Kelsea Ballerini 
I lay out all my reasons you say that I need help
They tell me think with my head, not that thing in my chest
They got their hands at my neck this time 
I tell you all my secrets and you tell all your friends 
Hold onto your opinions and stand by what you say 
What Are You Gonna Tell Her - Mickey Guyton 
She thinks life is fair 
But what are you gonna tell her when she’s wrong?
What are you gonna tell her when she figures out that all this time you built her up just so the world could let her down? 
Do you tell her not to fight? 
Can you look her in the face and promise her that things will change? 
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claudehenrion · 3 years
L'Islamo-gauchisme - ( I ) : mythe ou réalité ?
  Le covid nous fait oublier le plus grave : la menace islamiforme permanente, et sa collusion avec les plus irresponsables de nos gauchiste, ceux qui osent prétendre que le terme “islamo-gauchiste n'a aucune valeur scientifique”, comme si leurs autres bobards (islamophobie, décolonialisme, culpabilité intrinsèque de l'homme blanc et autres stupidités) en avaient jamais eu ! Les “grandes consciences” (sans science) clament que l'islamo-gauchisme serait un mythe inventé par la droite (extrême, évidemment)… ce qui est un mensonge, comme tout ce qu’ils racontent.
Car cette arme de ‘’mass murder’’, conceptualisée sur un dévoiement de la pensée de gauche, a été revivifiée par Chris Harman, leader trotskiste du Socialist Workers Party. Il écrivait le premier, en 1994 que “les islamistes, en reprenant la vulgate anti-impérialiste, construiraient des groupes sociaux importants dont la colère devrait être canalisée vers des objectifs progressistes” (The prophet and the proletariat ).
Et en fouillant plus profond, cela fait bien plus longtemps que l’islam exerce une vraie fascinationsur les mouvements d’extrême gauche. Longtemps après que Hitler et le grand Mufti d'Al Azhar aient partagé des idées proches et communié dans leur phobie des juifs, l'avocat gauchiste Jacques Vergès (avec qui, sans du tout être “son ami”, j'avais co-écrit ’‘Des hommes et des valeurs’’ -Ed Hatier, 1994) s'était converti à l’islam, tout comme “Carlos”, le terroriste vénézuelien Illitch Ramirez Sànchez, qui avait fait de même. L'islam et le gauchisme, c'est une vieille liaison coupable, une complicité sur des doctrines mortifères. qui, chose étrange, s'excluent l'une l'autre… chacun espérant être celui qui bouffera l’autre tout cru…
L'islamo-gauchisme se définit comme un vide plein de rien, et les preuves de cette “non existence” sont nombreuses et en progression, au point que Frédérique Vidal, l'inutile et transparente ministre des universités et autres lieux de perdition  (on dit, en novlangue macronienne : “de l'Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation”) avait demandé au CNRS ’’un bilan de l’ensemble des recherches’’ en cours en France, afin de distinguer ce qui relève de la recherche académique et ce qui relève du militantisme. Courageuse, elle avait même vu que cette pandémie-là “gangrène la société dans son ensemble, car l’université n’est pas imperméable : il y a des gens qui utilisent leurs titres et l’aura qu’ils en tirent pour porter des idées radicales ou militantes” (Oh ! les vilains !). Et d'ailleurs, “des universitaires se disent empêchés par d’autres de mener leurs recherches, leurs études” a-t-elle affirmé, ce qui a révulsé certains réseaux sociaux, car dans ce sens-là, tout est permis ! “Z'avaient qu'à faire des recherches sur ce qui nous plaît, à nous, Na !”, disent les chantres de l'ouverture… fermée au Vrai, au Bien, et au Bon –pour l'Homme.
Les prêcheurs de mort (qui se croient “insoumis” parce qu'ils son opposés à tout ce qui marche et favorables à ce qui n'a jamais fonctionné nulle part, fut-ce un tout petit peu), hurlent au loup : comme chaque fois que quelqu'un a une bonne idée, ils avalent leur dentier de rage non-maîtrisée. Faisant semblant de se demander “à quoi la ministre peut bien faire référence” (sic !), ils ont dit être “choqués par une chasse aux sorcières dignes d’un autre régime” –un des cinq ou six clichés qui leur sert d’'ersatz d'intellect. “Vous n’avez rien d’autre à faire que de lancer une police de la pensée ?”, avait osé demander la députée Bénédicte Taurine (LFI) lors des questions au gouvernement. Comme toutes les gesticulations déraisonnables de ce qui reste de ce qui fut la Gauche, tout cela  prêterait à rire si la société française n'était pas si gangrenée (mais attention ! Le truc n’est pas mort, il remue encore !).
“L'Islamo-gauchisme est une énième invention de la droite” répètent à satiété nos politicards incultes, nos faux intellectuels et nos syndicalistes engagés, la presse contaminée, les militants de gauche et des enseignants-chercheurs (on les confond : ils sont interchangeables !). Le diagnostic inverse, celui de Jean-Michel Blanquer, parle plutôt d'une “matrice intellectuelle venue des universités américaines et des thèses intersectionnelles”. Quant au philosophe Pierre-André Taguieff, ancien conseiller de Chevènement –donc pas un “frontiste” convaincu– il avait défini en 2002 ce mariage pour tous de la carpe et du lapin  comme “une alliance militante de fait entre des milieux d'extrême gauche se réclamant du marxisme et des mouvances islamistes de diverses orientations (Frères musulmans, salafistes, djihadistes), une prise de pouvoir du décolonialisme à l'Université”. Cette nébuleuse floue englobe ces féministes voilées qui ont été incapables de condamner les actes de Tariq Ramadan lors du colloque “Stigmatiser : normes sociales et pratiques médiatiques”, à Paris II, au motif que “toute critique de l'islamisme est une posture néocolonialiste” (Ah ! les belles âmes ! Les honnêtes gens ! La belle moralité !).
Dans les domaine qui touchent à la sociologie, les universitaires non contaminés sont d'ailleurs choqués par la violence de ces escouades de fanatiques très peu nombreux mais bruyants comme dix fois plus, pour qui il est inconcevable de tenir un autre discours que celui de Philippe Poutou ou de la députée LFI Danièle Obono sur les questions de laïcité. Ces minorités très actives, se dressent vertueusement contre tout ce qui ne leur convient pas, créent des bâtons de justice viraux de type “hashtag”, afin de poursuivre sur les réseaux ceux qui osent ne pas sacrifier sans limites à tous leurs fantasmes mortifères –et mensongers, cela va sans dire.
La réalité, que quelques politiques et de rares médias pas encore ravagés par cette idéologie de fin du monde commencent à entr'apercevoir, est que cela fait une bonne décennie que, dans l'ombre et avec la complicité des “pantoufles”, l'islamo-gauchisme gangrène nos universités. Sur les bancs de nos ‘’facs’’ ou dans la recherche en sciences humaines, la gauche, désormais obnubilée par le bien-être des islamistes plus que par celui des ouvriers, a mis un pied et demi dans ce cloaque dont l'influence  est grandissante dans nos universités. Un seul exemple ? A l'université Tolbiac (Paris), on assiste à une véritable bataille idéologique rangée , depuis que Jean-Michel Blanquer a nommé et pointé le péril que fait courir “l'islamo-gauchisme'’, au point que le Président ne sait plus comment camoufler sa trouille d'honorer Napoléon aussi bien qu’il le mérite… Pauvre France ! (à suivre)
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studyauthoress · 7 years
In a world where many things happen at once, you can't save everybody.
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wh0re-behavi0r · 4 years
I was tagged by @oh-no-its-elle
Thank you so much 😊. I always want to talk to mutuals and other blogs but I'm so shy.
Three ships/pairings: Ziam, Larry, and Stucky (honor roll is Lawrusso from Cobra Kai and Rue/Jules from Euphoria)
Last song: I think it was (simp)le love song by Hashtag Catie on yt but I was also listen in to Lennon Stella (one of my fav artists)
Last movie I watched: Bring It On because I was bored out of my mind and Candanian Netflix has all 5 films (I like trash movies sometimes and I consider the bring it on movies trash. Still enjoyable but the jokes are 😔)
Last book: I am currently reading the Not Another Rewrite series by shestepsintotheriver on ao3
I hope I tag enough people but
@justapayneaway @larry-and-ziam-are-real @andtheywerebandmates @loveourtimeisnow @harryandlouisarehappilystrong @ltyear @lthslarry @if-i-gotziam @ifigureditout @stevebucks
If you see this on your dash and you want to do it too please tag me! And feel free to send me messages and ask questions.
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veroticker · 4 years
Epic - Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy
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You can buy the book on Amazon.
Summary (from Elle Kennedy’s website)
Jamie and Wes are having a blast living and working in Toronto. Until a scout for another team swoops in to make one of them an offer that might complicate the life they’ve built together.
““You can’t just decide to be Canadian,” Blake Riley says, his beer glass clutched in one of his giant paws.
“Sure you can,” Jess argues, lining up the cue ball for a tricky combination shot. “That’s what I like about Canada.”
“Nuh-uh. Canadian is a state of mind. I’ve got the Canada brain. You don’t.”
“Oh, you’ve got something, all right,” she mutters under her breath.
“It’s okay to be jealous, baby.”
“I’m not jealous.”
“Yeah you are.”
“Oh my God, I’m not.”
“Lying isn’t sexy.”
“You’re not sexy.”
“Don’t be crazy now.”
Jess gapes at him over her cue. “I’m the crazy one?”
I watch the entire exchange in amused silence.Blake and Jess love to argue with each other almost as much as they love each other. I glance at Jamie to see if he also finds the two of them ridiculous. But he’s staring into his beer glass, lost in thought.
He’s been awfully distracted tonight. And I have no idea why.
Jess finally shoots, and I can tell that she’s not going to pull it off. Or rather—she wasn’t. But at the last second Blake casually reaches down and nudges the ball toward the corner. And it drops into the pocket.
“Hey!” I argue. “Whose side are you on?” Blake and I are supposed to be partners against the Cannings. And we’re winning.
“Shut up, ya hoser,” Blake yawps. Then he gives me a big grin. “See? It sounds perfectly natural on me. Canadian brain.”
“Did you really just throw the game for me?” Jess squeaks. She sets down the pool cue and leaps into his arms.
“Yeah, babycakes. Anything for you.” Blake’s beer sloshes violently against the side of his glass as he kisses her. “Is it time to go home? I’m planning an invasion of California with my Canadian missile.”
“Jesus. TMI.” I shudder as they continue to make out right in front of me. “We’ve been over this. I’m easily scarred. I thought Canadians were polite. Jamie, make them stop.””
(review under the cut)
(audiobook) It’s a novella, so it’s pretty short. And it doesn’t bring much to the story of Wes and Jamie. But it was nice to see them again.
And there’s some hockey here, so I liked it.
Not necessary, but very pleasing.
Series: Him #2,5 (bonus novella, follows the previous books)
Hashtags: #hockey romance #MM romance #established relationship
Main couple: Ryan Wesley & Jamie Canning
Hotness: 4/5
Romance: 5/5
+ some thrilling hockey game
- too short...
  Stalker mode
You can suscribe to Sarina Bowen’s newsletter on her website, same for Elle Kennedy on her website.
You can also follow Sarina on Facebook, Elle Kennedy too here.
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starlightswiftt · 5 years
Factors pointing towards TS7 being a double album:
More songs than any album (2 sides?)
Double edition magazines (Elle and EW)
Taylor nation used the hashtag #fromMEtoYOU
The fact Taylor keeps saying there’s so much to tell us!!
Oh and also this 👀
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treason-and-plot · 6 years
Sims Album Tag Take 2 🎶
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I was tagged again for the Sims Album Meme by @princessdejamars...thank you, Lovely Lady!
Tag rules: Create an ‘album cover’ and a Youtube playlist ( or any playlist of your choice ) and post it here. The playlist should reflect the album cover in some way. You can add as many or as few songs as you like. Tag as many people as you’d like ( 5, 10, 15 etc) ( & u can also tag me if you wanna I’d like to see w/e you guys come up w/ !!) Use the hashtag #sims album!!
The songs on this album are lifted from Mia’s Spotify playlist which can be listened to/ viewed in its entirety here. The title of her album is lifted from The Big Picture lyrics, the first song on the album, which Mia might have had on repeat after her recent bad experience with Noah, but that particular lyric could also be applicable to the loss of her fiance, Luke. The majority of songs on Mia’s playlist however are resolutely upbeat, accessible and very danceable, and I hope an accurate representation of Mia’s personality and taste in music. 
Big Picture - London Grammar Somebody Else - VÉRITÉ Healing (feat. Joseph Angel) - Rudimental Common Emotion (feat. MNEK) - Jenaux Remix - Rudimental Ex's & Oh's - Elle King  That's Not My Name - The Ting Tings Heads Will Roll - Yeah Yeah Yeahs My Head is A Jungle Part 3- Wankelmut and Emma Louise    Don't Bother - Saint Michel Sandstorm - Darude Gotta Feeling - The Black Eyed Peas Whatcha Say - Jason Derulo Disparate Youth - Santigold Starships - New Edited Version - Nicki Minaj Call On Me - Radio Edit - Eric Prydz I Got U - Duke Dumont
I will tag ANYONE who wants to do this!🎵  
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starwarsolo · 5 years
i feel so silly writing this down so it’s basically purely mindless and absolutely incoherent rambling of BanditoParis but it’s more for myself to help jog my memory if there ever comes a time i need it to be jogged 
 had planned on going to a florist and buy a bouquet of yellow dahlias and have one tied around an armband and/or bring the whole ass bouquet as well but didn’t work out in the end, meh
 so idk if tyler does them looking straight at the camera and pointing and doing stuff at every concert during stressed out and heathens but gdi lemmetellya i was NOT prepared shit got me all profuse sweating mode activated
speaking of fairly local the whole ass song!!! but mostly the END?!!?,!?§?!, like the smile the nodding and just the whole moment and his whole face and ‘behaviour’ i was like pleeeaaaase don’t do this omfg im gonna have to actually like you now
the pre-trees speech??? like it was so different from the usual (no slander here i truly get it) like i really liked his sincerity of like not gonna lie it can get hard to remember every show and every crowd
and then following this with but we’ll never forget this show bc you shined during the quiet game and honestly even though i don’t believe he will ‘never forget’ (again no slander against him here it’d just be natural for anybody bc life and all) in this moment i believed in the honesty of his words
also at some point he went like ….hey…. and i really thought he was about to say something but went on and ‘introduced’ josh or maybe he just temporarily forgot what he was meaning to say hehe ALSO that Star Wars prequel trilogy-worthy zoom out on the sound-and-light crew guy hashtag truly magical^^
i was like below the middle of the bridge (more or less) on the right side when facing the stage and during his comings and goings he literally passed me by and i was like *Khaled voice* comme si je n’existais pas elle est passé à côté de moi
also i felt like he took aaaages to climb on that bridge i saw him kneel down and all and i was like come oooonnnnnn man bring your ass over here so i can get physically the closest to you i could ever be
(saw a close-up of that moment in video and mannnnn that was……)
lost my shit at that first ‘paris’ with the right pronounciation BUT MOSTLY at his one-two-threes with THAt cute ass accent
i mean yeah josh made a whole ass sentence but tyler can count to three we stan a legend
had the new haircut and i didn’t even notice?????!!!
his smiiiiile i saw so much of that and im literally so freakin happy
when the trees confetti fell i Bathed TM in that shit lemmetellya
there were so many times during the show where i was just like…. standing there completely still smiling like a fkcing idiot while all hell was breaking loose around me bc i COULD NOT believe i was actually there and all that was actually happening
to be completely honest i think maaayyybe i might have slightly fallen a little teeny tiny bit in love with tyler mr joseph
no yeah i was completely in love with him yesterday
and like it’s so fucking surreal to think that i was dreaming about winning the quiet game and wE DID
dreaming not only josh but TYLER would say at least ONE word in FR and hE DID
fearing that the crowd might not understand whenever the boys would speak bc we’re so notoriously bad at ENG and that it would kinda sink the atmosphere down maybe but we got nONE OF THAT
and ofc and iknow im repeating myself here but like dreaming i’d get in and I DID!! like honestly all the gigs i been to i literally never got asked for ID but like i’d always had my name on the ticket so i was like i know they never check ID but what if this time they do uwu
but the main maaiiinn fear was the non-validity of the ticket like that’s where i really thought i was gonna get fucked over but anyway it’s all past now i just will NEVER do it this way again (like i never shoulda did to begin with but you know….experience)
but like gdi it’s been Worth It worth the whole ass trouble and worries and now im just.so.tired.
and that first sec guard tyler so desperately tried to get a dance move out of during my blood i came across at the end of the concert and i was like congrats on the dance and he smiled and said thanks ^.^
also THEN the beatles stopped and SAVAGE FREAKING GARDEN started playing and i was like azkhgdjsjf???agjehgfsdhfkjs???!!!!!!!! like whoever’s responsible for the choice to play that song i absolutely fucking LOVE you.
Tyler at the beginning of wdbwotv smiling ‘we’ve been looking forward to this one’ i was like ‘if you only knew’ also during pre-trees speech when he went ‘are you glad you came to the show tonight?’ i was like ‘iF OnLy YOU KNEW;;;;;;;;;’
also i been knew from the start but confirmation that tyler shouting and screaming his lungs out is my sexuality
ohhhh and during hoty when he was in the crowd and just plain ass directly pointed at Whoever’s Lucky Ass right under him like bITCh??!!! we LIKE.
oh and during my blood at one of the you don’t need to runs he did that nah move while shaking his head and it was SO sassy like biiiiiitch damn!
and ofc the hugging of the bass fren during ‘our’ lines during cut my lip cUt MY LIP PERIOD, also so many tapping hand/fist on heart/chest moments like bitch same.s a m e.
the lights too like? gorge, especially the lights of b stage like i couldn’t see properly by then so i focused on them and wow truly beautiful and just perfect for the mood of these particular songs
and idk man the whole show was fucking splendid and i still can’t believe like i could hardly believe then but it’s even harder now with reality slapping back from the moment i got in it all felt like a dream and i don’t think i’ve ever experienced that kind of thing in alllll my years of attending shows
like luck was indeed on my side that day and im so fucking grateful and so happy and stunned and in that kind of ethereal daze it’s really hard to describe it all felt so surreal but very real at the same time and words truly aren’t enough i wish i could convey my actual feelings and okay i need to stop The Rambling now but really like im so thankful for the existence of this band and obviously this particular show
lol and now i bet we’ll be beat as soon as the next show but idec all that matters is that until the next one we’re all wearing the crown and that’s that on that
and i feel bad talking only about tyler but like josh is the cutest and he needs more love from my crusty ass self im so ashamed but i truly adore him he’s a ‘cking treasure
 side note but The Regrettes are Hot TM and that ‘Fuckboy’ song…mmmmmhhh tas.ty. alsoLydiasvoiceissodeepitreachedallthewaydowntomyvaJJ
 also i probably forgot about stuff that i’d add to this bc there was so much and every single moment was so precious they’re all worth mentioning and okay noW IM STOPping bye
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