#have been vaguely wanting to compare them since i first picked up umi and now that im a TEENY bit into ep 8 i feel like i can draw them :)
lizarddraws · 4 years
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witch friends who met in their therapist’s waiting room
the overlay is kinda hard to read so bonus clarification that beato is wearing this shirt :) 
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Threading My Path to You (1/?)
Summary: After a painful breakup Kotori rediscovers her old bonds and long forgotten attraction toward two of her fellow Muse members. While working through her own issues and helping Nico and Maki through theirs, Kotori will soon have to make a choice.  Warning(s): Sexual scenes (possibly), swearing.  A/N: Hope you guys enjoy! As always feel free to let me know what you think, it would be super appreciated! Kotori stared pensively into her shochu highball, watching as the bubbles of carbonation floated to the top of her drink. She sighed softly, her cheek resting against her fist as she stared down into her drink.  It felt odd, not having to be rushing around to meet deadlines or working. She wasn’t sure ‘taking it easy’ as her ex would have put it, was the life for her. She liked to be busy. After the breakup though she’d figured it wouldn’t hurt to try something else. “You gonna stare into that drink all day or actually drink it?” “I’m not sure yet.” Kotori answered dryly, not recognizing the voice in her slightly tipsy state. She’d already had a few drinks. Probably more than she should but she figured it was fine. Now that she’d opted to freelance for a while she didn’t have to worry about how she would feel the next day. For once she had the freedom to do what she wanted. Kotori felt movement at her side as the person standing next to her sat down at the bar next to her. She let out a slight sigh in response. It seemed that sitting at the bar hadn’t been the best idea when she just wanted to be left alone with her thoughts. “You sure look like you need some company.”
For the first time Kotori looked toward the woman sitting next to her. She was wearing sunglasses, obscuring her eyes but Kotori noticing instantly that she was pretty. More than pretty really. She seemed dressed up too. Much too dressed up. “I don’t have any money.”
“Huh?” “You’re looking for cash, right?” Kotori asked, narrowing her eyes at the dark haired woman. “We are in a maid bar…” “SERIOUSLY KOTORI?!” “Wha…?” Kotori flinched as the other woman uttered her name. “H-How do you know my name?!” “You birdbrain.” The dark haired woman pushed her glasses up to the top of her head. Kotori was surprised to find ruby eyes glaring back at her. She took out her phone and flicked to an article she had saved in her favourites. Holding her phone up she looked between the picture and the woman. “Ah, Nico-chan…” Nico huffed out a sigh. “Are you seriously comparing my picture?!” “Your chest got bigger.” Kotori remarked as she put her phone back into her jacket pocket. “I almost didn’t recognize you.” “You didn’t recognize me. And REALLY?!” Nico watched, dumbfounded as Kotori turned back to her drink. “What kind of reaction is this?!” “I’m a little dizzy.” Kotori complained, her brow furrowing. She hadn’t realized it before but the room seemed to be spinning a little bit. Nico slapped her hand to her forehead, wondering why she hadn’t realized it before. Kotori had always been a clueless drunk. “Come on. I’ll call you a taxi.” “I’m fine.” “You’re drunk.” Kotori sighed in response. “Well I live nearby…” “Then I’ll walk you home.” “I don’t allow strangers into my apartment.” Kotori slid off her stool nonetheless, picking up her drink. “You are so weird when you drink.” Nico remarked, looked down at the glass in Kotori’s hand. “Umi-chan says that too.” Kotori muttered before she quickly downed the drink. She didn’t want to waste it after all. She was sure she must have paid for it at some point though she couldn’t remember doing so. Nico took the empty glass from Kotori’s hand and set it aside. “Do you need me to…?” She trailed off as Kotori walked ahead of her, not wobbling at all. She seemed to be perfectly steady. Nico raised an eyebrow and followed, wondering when Kotori had gained such a tolerance for drinking. She remembered that Kotori had started drinking when she turned eighteen. Not regularly but she’d always managed to stay somewhat steady and relatively normal, aside from a boost in confidence at times. Not that Kotori had ever really needed it. She just tended to be a lot more decisive and forward when she was drunk. Kotori paused a few feet from the bar and turned to watch Nico run toward her. She noticed the wobble at her ankle and moved forward just as Nico stumbled. She caught Nico just in time, an arm wrapping around the woman’s waist while she clutched Nico’s arm with her other hand. She breathed a sigh of relief at the fact that she’d been fast enough. “You shouldn’t run in four inch heels, Nico-chan. You’ll break them.” “R-Right.” Nico stuttered nervously, her cheeks reddening slightly at their sudden close proximity.
Kotori let go of Nico and pulled her keys out of her pocket. “Told you I live near.” Dumbfounded, Nico followed Kotori into the ground floor apartment and slipped off her shoes. “I’ll make some tea.” Kotori said with a small smile as Nico looked toward her. “I’m sorry about earlier. I really didn’t recognize you. But I did recognize your stunning outfit.” “That you thought was something a whore would wear.” Nico remarked, following Kotori through to the kitchen. She glanced around, noticing it was well decorated and a decent size. She vaguely wondered if Kotori lived there alone. Kotori cringed at the comment. “No, just an escort.” “That’s still pretty bad.” Nico commented as she watched Kotori start to make some tea. “You’d be surprised by how much escorts make. Some always go to personal designers.” Kotori advised with a shrug of her shoulders. “Don’t tell me you’re…” Kotori glanced over her shoulder. “No. But some of my bosses in America did. When I was still going for my masters for FIT.” “Right…” Nico relaxed a little and watched pensive as Kotori turned away from her. “Haven’t you met any French escorts?” “No.” Nico frowned at Kotori’s back. “Is that the only thing on your mind?” “Well some models I’ve met have done it…” “Okay, back up. Get your mind out of the damn escort topic.” Kotori gigled. She felt a lot better than she had since the breakup with her boyfriend. She always enjoyed Nico’s hot temper. “Testy, testy. That’s no way for a model to act.” Nico rolled her eyes. “Yeah well I’m the one who makes Kei money so I act how I want.” “The fashion world is interesting, huh?” Nico walked away a few steps to sit down at the table. “What are you doing now?” “Freelancing until I find a secured brand to work for. I just quit my old job because...well it’s complicated. But anyway, right now I’m trying to get used to freelancing. Having more time on my hands, working from home…” Nico nodded as Kotori trailed off, seemingly into her own thoughts. “It’s been a long time since we last talked, huh?” “Yeah, you could say that.” Kotori picked up the tray, taking it over to the table. She sat down next to Nico but made no effort to drink her own tea. She was certain she’d done enough drinking for the day. “It’s been a few years since we last had a reunion with the rest of Muse.” She still spoke to Honoka and Umi on a regular basis and met up with them at least once a month when they were all available. As an extension she also spoke to and met up with Eli and Nozomi quite often, considering Nozomi was dating Eli and Umi was dating Honoka. The rest of Muse though she tended to only speak to very rarely. She couldn’t remember how long it had been since she’d spoken to Rin, Maki and Hanayo. Over a year she was sure. “Kotori. Kotori!” Kotori flinched as a hand waved in front of her face. She shook her head and blinked at Nico. “Huh?” “You zoned out. I was asking if you changed your phone number or something.” Nico repeated slowly. “I haven’t been able to call you in a while. Neither have Rin, Maki and Hanayo.” Kotori vaguely wondering if Nico had known what she was thinking. “Oh right. No, I don’t think so. Um...how are they anyway?” Nico shrugged her shoulders. “They’re okay. There’s not much to tell. Maki’s still an intern.” “Right.” Kotori nodded vaguely in response. “She’s dating Hanayo’s boyfriend’s sister now.” Nico continued thoughtfully, remembering what Maki had told her a few weeks ago. “It seems to be going okay.” Kotori smirked and shook her head. It sounded like it could get messy but she wasn’t about to point that out. “At least she’s happy. Hanayo too, right?” “Yeah. And Rin.” “That’s good.” Kotori said with a small smile. She was glad that they were happy at least. Her friends being happy meant a lot to her. “What about Nico-chan? Are you dating anyone?” Nico’s eyes widened at the sudden question. “Me? Oh um...that’s a long story. Complicated. Are you?” Kotori’s smile dimmed at the question and she lowered her eyes. “I was. It’s complicated.” Nico frowned at the saddened look on Kotori’s face. She hadn’t meant to put it there. “Hey, seeing as this is kind of a reunion for us why don’t I treat you to dinner later? It’s on me.” Kotori stared blankly at Nico. “It’s ten at night Nico-chan.” “Well...I could order something!” “I’m not hungry.” Nico sighed. “Well if you’re not hungry right now I’ll take you out to breakfast tomorrow morning. My treat. If...you let me crash on your couch. I live across town.” Kotori shook her head. “I have three bedrooms, you can sleep in one of the two spare rooms. And...breakfast would be nice.” Nico brightened at the response. “Do you mind if I use your shower before I go to bed?” “Sure.” Kotori stood up from her seat and stretched her arms above her head. “I’m going to bed early though. If you want to eat there should be something in the fridge. Take whatever you need.” “Right…” Nico watched as Kotori walked away from her, heading for the living room. “Kotori!” She waited until Kotori turned to face her before she cleared her throat. “Why do you have three bedrooms?” “Why?” Kotori echoed in confusion. “I just do. One of them was a study before my...a-anyway that room doesn’t have a bed in it, it’s just empty now. The other room is for when Umi-chan and Honoka-chan stay over. Goodnight, Nico-chan. I’ll put some clothes in the bathroom for you.” “Goodnight…” Nico watched as Kotori disappeared from her line of sight. She leaned back in her seat, drinking the rest of her tea as she listened to Kotori wandering around for a few minutes. Finally everything fell silent and Nico cleared up the dishes before she made her way through the living room and down the hallway. She paused outside an empty room, noticing a desk in the middle of it. She pushed the door open and winced as it creaked. She didn’t turn the light on as she walked into the room. She noticed a picture on the desk and walked toward it, picking it up. It was covered with a light sheen of dust which she wiped away. The picture showed Kotori with a brown haired male, smiling at the camera. She barely had time to take in the way their hands were clasped before the door creaked behind her and her heart seized in her chest. She quickly set the photo down and turned around. Seeing nobody at the door she hurried out of the room, deciding to shower before going to bed. ----- Kotori yawned as she made her way into the kitchen, her eyes half-lidded. She felt like she hadn’t gotten a bit of sleep despite how early she had gone to bed and how late she had woken. She faltered at the sight of someone in her kitchen though she quickly remembered that Nico had stayed over the previous night. She shook her head, noticing that Nico was wearing an apron over a pair of shorts and a  t-shirt she had borrowed from Kotori. It was clear that the shorts had been rolled up slightly because of their height difference. “Please tell me you’re not cooking.” Kotori drawled as she made her way to the table and sank down at it. She supposed it was a good thing she didn’t have to worry about waking up early to go to work otherwise she would have been late and in no condition to actually work. Nico glanced over her shoulder, raising an eyebrow. “Just something light. You need to line your stomach.” Kotori groaned, lowering her head to her arms, folded on the table. “Did I really talk about escorts last night?” “You sure did. Pissed me off too.” “Sorry…” “It’s fine.” Nico said after a moment. She shook her head and turned her attention back to the eggs she was cooking. “I kind of like it when you’re honest.” “Umi-chan called me a bitch once when I was...under the influence.” Kotori said with a wince. She was sure she only remembered that because it had come as such a shock to her. Umi had been drunk at the time too. “Well you certainly can be. Really, an escort?” Kotori sighed. “You were wearing a short dress.” “FASHION SHOOT!” Nico took the eggs from the heat and spooned them onto two plates. “It was for evening party wear…” “Still, you gave me one hell of a view of your legs.” “Kotori.” Nico fixed Kotori with a disapproving look as she made her way to the table, plates in hand. Kotori took that as her cue to sit up straight. “Hey, all of you know I swing both ways, Nico-chan.” Nico rolled her eyes in response and took her own seat near Kotori. “Eat your food, it’ll make you feel better.” Kotori glanced down at the food on her plate. “Usually I just pick up a smoothie and it helps.” “Well you don’t need to because I cooked for you. Eat.” Nico picked up her own food and turned her attention to her food. Kotori stared at Nico for a minute before she spoke up. “Go on a date with me.” Nico choked on her food. “W-WHAT!?” She spluttered. “Go on a date with me.” Kotori’s voice quietened, her confidence fading at Nico’s surprise. “It could be fun, right?” Nico bit her lip as she met Kotori’s eyes. She couldn’t help but wonder if Kotori just wanted to get over the guy she had been dating. “I’m not a rebound…” “I didn’t mean it like that.” “Ask me when you’re serious then.” Kotori felt her confidence return slightly. “Wait so you’ll think about it?” Nico nodded her head. “I’m not exactly straight either, Kotori, so yeah…” She watched as Kotori nodded to herself and picked up her fork, beginning to eat the eggs she had made with a new motivation. “Hey, don’t go thinking I’ll accept it. I said ASK me when you’re serious. Like really serious.” Kotori frowned at the comment and tilted her head. “Could I at least have you model for me if you don’t want to go on a date with me?” “Huh?!” “I have some outfits I need someone to try out. And I don’t exactly want to ask Honoka-chan and Umi-chan seeing as both of them are just as busy as me since graduating college.” “Fine. It is my job after all.” “Great! Let me get your measurements after breakfast!” Kotori exclaimed in a chipper tone. “I have your old ones but they’re from high school. And you...certainly grew in some areas.” Nico narrowed her eyes. “You better not be perverted with that damn measurement tape!” “Hey, I’m a professional, Nico-chan!” Nico sighed and rolled her eyes. “Whatever…” Kotori frowned and stood up abruptly from the table. “Where are you going?” Nico asked in surprise. “My workshop. You coming or not?” Kotori asked. She glanced at her plate deciding to clean up a bit later when they got back - or rather when she got back. She assumed that Nico would be leaving rather than going back to her apartment with her. “It’s a couple of blocks.” Nico hesitated before she stood up from the table. “Yeah, I’m coming. Just let me change first. Do you have anything I could borrow?” “Sure. I need to change too, come on.” -----
Kotori glanced to her left as Nico walked along next to her. She’d had to pin up the shorts she had given the girl and the button down she’d given to Nico was rolled up a little. Unfortunately she didn’t have Nico’s size in shoes so the young woman had had to wear her four inch heels again. Still, with her hair in a high ponytail, Nico looked good. Kotori herself had dressed herself in a simple grey pencil skirt and a light green sweater over a white button down shirt, her hair pulled up into a messy bun. As they walked along Nico noticed that Kotori’s purse was full of pens, paper and a notebook. She squinted her eyes, trying to get a better view of the paper that flapped against the notebook inside of the purse. She could just about make out a figure design with a stylish outfit drawn too. She had seen designer’s sketches before, enough to recognize them for what they were but she had never seen them so up close and personal before. She vaguely wondered if some of those designs would be what she’d be trying on. “Did you have to take drawing classes?” She finally asked. “Figure and life drawing, yes.” Kotori answered, casting a sidelong look at Nico. “In my field we have to be very...personal with the human anatomy. We make clothes, Nico-chan so our figures have to be almost perfect in every sketch for the clothing designs.” Nico nodded before something occurred to her. “Wait, isn’t life drawing with...nude models?” “Like I said, personal.” Kotori said with a smirk. “Want me to draw you in the nude?” “N-NO!” Nico exclaimed immediately, her cheeks flushing slightly. She was sure her body didn’t deserve that much attention, not like her ex, Adele.   “Don’t be so modest, Nico-chan. Your body would be exciting to draw. You have such a slim and delicate figure. An angelic beauty most designers would say.” Nico looked down, her face scarlet. Kotori’s smile faded as she notice. “D-Did I say something wrong? I’m not trying to hit on you, I’m just being honest! I’m trying to be more...open about my passion. I’m just kind of glad I have a friend who’s also in this world, you know? It was getting...kinda lonely.” Nico looked up to see Kotori fidgeting. She knew Kotori had always had a problem with being decisive and honest about her own thoughts. “No, it’s fine. I guess I just...never thought about it like that. An angelic beauty, huh?” “Y-Yes. Um…” Nico paused, causing Kotori to stop with her. She took a deep breath and hugged Kotori. “Thanks. Now let’s start the personal fashion show. I want to see your pieces.” Kotori perked up at that as Nico drew back. “Really? It’s just that building!” Nico let Kotori grab her hand and tug her to a building a little way down the road. She didn’t pay much attention as they entered and Kotori led her through what seemed to be an empty main entrance to a spacious back room. “Wow…” She mused, impressed by the size of Kotori’s ‘workshop’. She glanced around, noticing mannequins with clothes on them, a curtain at the back for models, she assumed and a makeup station to the side. “So this is where you do your magic, huh?” “Y-Yes. So about your measurements.” Nico turned to see Kotori holding a measuring tape, a bobby pin in her mouth and a thimble on her finger. Nico blushed, noticing how adorable Kotori looked. “Wait…” She said, noticing something else. “You wear glasses?” Kotori nodded and pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose with two fingers. “For reading and sewing. My eyes have ended up strained through the years. Turns out I’m farsighted.” “Cute…” Nico mumbled under her breath. It was becoming apparent that Kotori was just as adorable as she had been in high school. “C-Cute?” Kotori asked in surprise. She smiled softly at the compliment. “My boyfriend used to say I looked adorkable in them. Nerdy too…” “He’s right about that.” “Which part?” Kotori challenged even as her smile dimmed a little at the thought of her ex. “Both.” Nico whispered. She glanced away only to look up as a hand came to rest on her shoulder. She wordlessly let Kotori guide her back to a pedestal. “Up you go, Nico-chan.” Kotori watched as Nico stepped onto the pedestal. “Arms out.” Nico smirked before reaching her arms forward. “Like this?” Kotori huffed in response. “You know what I mean.” Nico chuckled and pulled her arms out to either side as she’d been instructed to a moment ago. She stood as still as she could as Kotori carefully wrapped the measuring tape around her waist, muttering something to herself before she made a note in the pad she had placed near Nico’s feet. “I have to do this a few times.” Kotori mentioned quietly as she straightened up again. “That’s fine.” Nico said, giving Kotori a nod to go ahead. She’d been measured before in a similar way but with Kotori it felt different. Somehow with just the two of them there it felt more intimate. She wondered if that was why she felt herself twitch every time Kotori’s fingers accidentally brushed against her. She gritted her teeth, trying to stay as still as possible as Kotori measure her hips and midriff. Kotori noticed her hands shaking as she took Nico’s high hip measurements. She couldn’t help but notice that Nico had a nice body from the swell of her breasts to the curve of her butt. It wasn’t something she would ever really notice with the other models she had taken measurements from. Taking a deep breath she stood up after writing down the measurement. “I just need to measure your bust too and then we should be done. Well almost.” Nico met Kotori’s eyes, noticing she looked a but anxious. She had to admit that she felt the same way though she wasn’t entirely sure why. “R-Right. Go ahead.” “Thanks.” Kotori muttered, reaching around Nico. She felt her cheeks warm as her fingers brushed accidentally against Nico’s chest. She hoped Nico didn’t think it had been intentional. She didn’t meet Nico’s eyes as she carefully took the measurement. Nico swallowed thickly, her eyes glued to Kotori’s face. She noticed strands of hair falling from Kotori’s loose bun, one curving around Kotori’s cheek. Se noticed Kotori’s glasses slipping and took notice of the fact that the Ray-Ban glasses had thick green square frames. She felt her heart beating rapidly against her chest at how cute and natural Kotori looked. She vaguely wondered if Kotori could feel the fast pounding of her heart against her hand. Hesitant golden eyes flickered up to her own and Nico noticed how close they were. Too close for a designer and model to be. Kotori’s knuckled brushed against Nico’s left breast and up slightly and she felt a steady pounding against her hand. Her eyes widened slightly. “Um…” Nico’s voice cracked slightly and she cleared her throat. “A-Are you done?” “What?” Kotori asked oblivious to her actions. When Nico nodded down at her hand she blushed brightly. “Oh, right! Yes. Yeah, I’m done. Sorry! I just wasn’t sure if I um...had the right measurements.” Quickly she turned away from Nico. “I-If you could please change into one of the outfits behind the curtain…” “Right, okay. Nico-chan, super model is on the case!” Kotori blushed. That was actually very effective in somehow making Nico even cuter than she already was. Nico went behind the curtain and looked over the outfits waiting for her. There was a white sundress, she noticed, with a floral pattern of yellow roses as well as a more punk outfit, kind of like an outfit she had worn once when she was in Muse but instead of a plaid fringe skirt Kotori had laid out a silk black skirt, the top a button down short sleeved blouse and a black tie around it as well as a black quarter sleeved jacket. She noticed a red, strapless evening gown out of the corner of her eye too. They all looked so different but so beautiful. Kotori clearly had a natural talent. She settled on the punk outfit and quickly change into it, wary of keeping Kotori waiting for too long. She took a moment though, once she was changed to look herself over in the full length mirror against the wall. The skirt was a bit loose as was the shirt. She noticed it seemed that the outfit was supposed to fit Kotori’s size. She figured Kotori must have modeled the clothes on herself. She let her hair down from her ponytail and carefully put it back up into pigtails. Nodding to herself, she walked out from behind the curtain and returned to Kotori who was thumbing through her notebook. “So what do you think?” Kotori looked up, her face turning red. “U-Uh…” She let her eyes wander to the skirt Nico was wearing and bit her lip as she noticed it had begun to slip, giving her a glimpse of lacy black panties. “I-I need to fit you!” Nico smirked as Kotori quickly closed her notebook. Kotori approached, noticing Nico’s hair. “I haven’t seen you wear twintails in so long…” Nico smiled and shrugged her shoulders. “I felt like being nostalgic. This outfit...reminds me of it.” “The one we wore for the encore after winning love live.” Kotori finished knowingly before she went down to her knees. Nico was about to reply but instead she yelped. She bit her lip trying not to let out a moan as cool hand slid up her hips to her waist. She watched as Kotori finally took the pin from between her lips and clipped the bunched up fabric of the skirt together before she began to sew it up. “I’m going to have to cut it if I’m not careful.” Kotori murmured to herself as she carefully sewed the skirt, her brow furrowed in concentration. Nico nodded in response, staying as still as possible so as not to jolt Kotori. She took a deep, calming breath as fingers brushed lightly against her skin. Looking down she noticed that Kotori was completely engrossed in sewing. “Why are you even wearing such expensive undergarments?” Kotori asked rather bluntly. Nico blushed heavily. “It’s not like I was planning to get laid. I just feel comfortable in them.” Kotori looked up, raising an eyebrow. “You sure are weird, Nico-chan.” “Shut up! A model has to wear expensive stuff.” “I do have a lingerie line I could use help wi-” “I’m only helping you with this one, perv.” “I’m no such thing.” Kotori smiled, looking up. “I am after all at your service. You are my customer.” Nico bit her lip. She really liked how that sounded. Or maybe it was the fact that Kotori was on her knees. She looked away. She should NOT be thinking of her friend like that. She’d only just broken up with someone in the fashion world. She didn’t need to go for someone else, let alone an aspiring designer who would clearly one day make the world hers. Kotori’s dreams were too big to mess around with a model like her. Besides the poor woman had clearly also just suffered through a breakup. “Nico-chan.” Nico looked down at the sound of her name. “Thank you. For helping me.” Kotori said quietly as Nico’s eyes met her own. Nico shook her head. “You’re gonna make the world yours someday. I have to be a part of it somehow.” “You really think so?” “By the time you’re thirty I’ll be modelling your hit line. So yes. I’m SURE.” Kotori felt the pins she’d been holding in her mouth fall from her trembling lips. She stopped what she was doing and got up to hug the model tightly. Nico’s words were so meaningful and meant a lot to her. She’d learned through the years that not everyone would be so kind about her work. “Thank you, Nico-chan.” Nico smiled softly at Kotori’s gratitude and hugged her back.   ---- Nico had elected to go back to Kotori’s apartment with her, using the excuse that she needed to pick up her clothes, left there the previous night. Truthfully she didn’t want to leave Kotori’s side just yet. It had been nice to catch up with her and Nico felt more carefree than she had in a while. That was until she noticed the young male sitting on Kotori’s doorstep. She recognized him from the picture in the spare room of the house. “Toshiro.” Kotori ground to a halt a few steps away from the door. “W-What are you doing here?” “Um…” The brown haired male got to his feet at the sight of Kotori. “I left a few of my things in the...well the spare room. Do you mind if I um...just pick it up? I thought I’d taken everything when I left but I guess not.” “Right, right. Um...oh, this is Nico-chan. One of my best friends from...high school. She’s a year older than me.” “Oh.” Toshiro glanced at Nico in surprise. “Older? She looks...younger.” “No, no. Don’t say that.” Kotori said hurriedly, grasping Nico’s wrist. She watched as Nico twitched. “He didn’t mean that.” “How young?” Nico asked pointedly. “Um...maybe nineteen?” Toshiro asked sheepishly. “She’s twenty seven!” Kotori exclaimed hurriedly. “Oh. Sorry.” Toshiro said apologetically. “Um, Kotori. Do you mind if I get my things from the room? I don’t want to get in your way, especially if you have guests over.” “Huh? Oh. R-Right, sure.” Kotori stepped past her ex and unlocked the door, letting him in. “You can go ahead and take whatever you need.” “Thanks.” Toshiro glanced at Nico once more before he left for the spare room leaving Nico and Kotori standing alone. “At least he’s cute.” Nico said softly, noticing Kotori looked a lot less happy than she had ten minutes before. Kotori forced a smile to her lips and nodded her head. “If you wanna get your stuff together so you can leave I can sort this out…” “Hell no, I’m not going anywhere.” Nico said without hesitation. “Listen, why don’t we go out after he leaves? My treat?” “Well I-I have to get things done.” “You need to loosen up! Come on Kotori, let me be your friend.” Nico argued stubbornly. “Let’s go to the arcade or even the park. Hell even the ice rink if you want.” “Ice rink...it’s spring, Nico-chan.” “The INDOOR one.” Nico said with a roll of her eyes. “Come on, it’ll be fu-” “Don’t you have to go to work though?” “No, I’m on a break. Kei told me I’ve been juggling too much. The shoot I had last night was my last for a month.” “We’re both workaholics, huh?” Kotori sighed heavily. “So we may as well stick together and learn to have fun again!” “How about karaoke?” Kotori asked timidly. “I haven’t done that in so long!” Nico exclaimed giddily. “Let’s totally do it! Did you know France’s karaoke bars are so lame?” Kotori shook her head. She was about to answer when she heard someone clear their throat. She looked up in time to see Toshiro standing there with a small box in his arms. “Hey. Did you get everything?” “Yeah. Yeah, I have everything. Just a couple of parts for my PC, you know?” Toshiro asked with a small smile as he nodded down to the box. “I figured you wouldn’t want them in your way.” “I didn’t notice…” Kotori said quietly, biting the inside of her cheek. “I haven’t been in there. It was your...it wasn’t…” Nico noticed Kotori getting tongue tied and stepped closer to her in silent support. Kotori took a deep breath. “Um...why didn’t you just use your keys to get in? You still have them.” “Well that would be pretty rude. Oh actually…” Toshiro adjusted the box in his hands and reached into his pockets to get the keys only for something to slid out of the box onto the floor. “Ah, damn it.” Kotori looked down at the photo frame on the ground. It had landed unscathed though that wasn’t what bothered her. “You’re taking that?” “Huh? Oh. Yeah. I mean it’s...mine.” Toshiro said with a slight grimace. He bent to put the box down and put the photograph of himself and Kotori back into the box. “Unless you don’t want me to have it? It’s just...memories, you know?” “Yeah.” Kotori’s voice shook. “Yeah, I know.” Toshiro frowned, a guilty look on his face. “So um, the keys…” “Kotori.” Nico lay a gentle hand on Kotori’s shoulder, noticing she was trembling. “Can you go and um...check my dress is dry? I’ll show him out.” Kotori glanced at Nico, her eyes watery and quickly nodded. Toshiro watched as Kotori left before he looked back to Nico. “You’re her, right? The model friend?” Nico frowned. “How do you know?” “She has your photos in your phone. And she follows you on twitter. At first I figured she did it for a lot of models but...it’s just you. She collects your magazines too.” “Oh…” Nico wasn’t sure what to say to that. She felt her cheeks flush and she reached up, awkwardly playing with her hair, a habit she seemed to have gotten from spending too much time with Maki. Shockingly the redhead was her go to when it came to relationships. “Can I ask you something?” “Me?” Nico asked in surprise. “Yeah, you.” Toshiro answered with a slight smile as Nico pointed to herself. “Well I just...I just wanted to say I hope you can get her out of that workshop as much as possible. Kotori needs someone to bring her out once in a while.” “Right. I can do that.” Nico nodded confidently. She would do anything she could to make Kotori feel better. She hated seeing the look she’d just seen on Kotori’s face. “Thanks.” Toshiro stepped forward and handed Nico his keys. “Tell Kotori, I...I…” He looked away for a moment, his jaw clenching. “Well she knows.” “You still love her.” Nico said, her words almost accusing yet still softly spoken. “You should know we’re both in the same situation. Me and Kotori. I just broke up with my partner in France because I was too busy with my career. Even though we were both in the same gig.” “Oh…” “I’ll tell her what you said.” “You don’t have to.” Toshiro said, his hand falling back to his side when Nico took the keys. He backed up to carefully pick up the box of his stuff. “You probably shouldn’t.” “She’ll want to know.” Nico said knowingly, shaking her head. “Right.” The young male took a deep breath and resolutely nodded her head. “You know, I think she likes you…” “Huh? Oh you mean the photos in her phone?” Nico rolled her eyes. “Don’t take it like that. She told me about that. She said it was only to give me support. Being a model ain’t easy. I mean I’d wear her designs when they come out. To support her. It’s what we do as friends even though we’re apart.” “Oh so it’s a girl thing?” “Mmhm.” Nico nodded in response. “Geez, you boys always have to see things like that.” Toshiro gave an awkward laugh. “I’ll see you later, Nico.” “Bye.” Nico opened the door for him, seeing his hands were full. “And don’t worry, I’ll keep my promise.” With that said, she closed the door behind Kotori’s ex and turned, walking further into the apartment. It didn’t take her long to figure out where Kotori was. She could hear soft sobbing coming from the bedroom before she even made it to the hallway. She wandered down it to Kotori’s bedroom and let herself in, finding Kotori curled up on her bed, clutching a pillow to her chest. Nico climbed onto the bed and took the pillow only to take it’s place a second later. She almost gasped at the strength with which Kotori hugged her back but she couldn’t say that she minded. “It’s okay.” She murmured, gently stroking Kotori’s hair as she would have with her siblings if they’d been upset. “It’s going to be okay, Kotori. I promise.” Kotori shook her head in disagreement but she couldn’t speak. She buried her face in Nico’s chest gripping the girl’s shirt tightly. Nico patiently stroked Kotori’s back, waiting for her to calm down. She felt Kotori’s breathing shudder after a few minutes and desperate to calm her she gently kissed the girl’s forehead. Her own heart skipped a beat. “You’re okay, you’re okay.” Kotori’s crying quietened after a few minutes and finally stopped. “H-How is it going to be okay?” She repeated Nico’s gentle mantra. “I-I’m alone.” “Hey, don’t say that. You’re not alone.” Nico gently cupped Kotori’s cheek in her head, drawing back slightly to look her in the eye. “I’m here, aren’t I?” Kotori sniffled. “I-I don’t know why. Or for how long.” “Because I care about you, you idiot.” Nico said, her voice tinged with disbelief. “And I’ll be here for however long you need me. Hell, I’ll take a break from work if I have to. I deserve more of a break.” “You don’t mind?” “Of course I don’t.” Nico pressed her forehead to Kotori’s, feeling the girl’s breath catch. “If it helps you, it’s fine. I’m here, okay?” “Okay.” Kotori rasped, struggling to focus with Nico so close to her. She gripped Nico’s shirt tighter, comforted by her warmth. ------ Maki was walking swiftly through the ER to the double doors to await an incoming trauma with the other interns when she noticed a flash of ashen hair. She didn’t think anything of it at first until the young woman looked up, revealing golden eyes. “Kotori?!” Maki ground to a halt and one of the other interns, who had been hot on her heels, crashed into her bag, sending her staggering forward a couple of steps. It helped to relieve the shock at seeing Kotori slightly at least. “Maki-chan? What are you doing here?!” Kotori exclaimed, her eyes widening in surprise. “What am I doing here?! What are you doing here?” Maki stepped forward and grasped Kotori’s arms, looking her over. “Are you hurt? What happened? Wait, if you were hurt you’d be in a bed. What’s going on?!” “Too many questions, Maki-chan.” Kotori said with a soft laugh. She watched as Maki flushed in embarrassment. “One of my interns had an accident at work so I brought her here to get checked out.” “Oh, right. Good. I thought…” Maki trailed off, shaking her head. Glancing around she noticed most of the interns had disappeared, mostly likely to get to the incoming trauma first. “Come on, I have a few minutes to spare.” Kotori’s eyes widened as Maki grabbed her hand and tugged her toward the double doors at the other end of the room. “Where are we going?” She asked as Maki pushed her way through them. “Somewhere quiet so we can talk.” Maki answered, glancing over her shoulder at the girl behind her. Kotori was puzzled by the answer but she stayed silent until Maki tugged her into a small room, locking the door behind them. “So this is an on call room, huh…?” “So how are you?” Maki asked, turning around to face Kotori. Kotori shrugged her shoulders, vaguely noticing Maki’s tight scrubs pants. They were blue like the rest of the interns she had seen. “”I broke up with my boyfriend.” “Ah…” Maki bit the inside of her cheek, feeling a little awkward. “I’m sorry. I didn’t even know you were dating anyone.” “It’s fine. It’s been...a while. And Nico-chan is helping me.” Kotori replied casually. “So you work here, huh? You look impressive in your scrubs.” “Oh, yeah…” Maki looked down at herself briefly before she turned her attention back to Kotori. “It’s hard but I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else. I feel like this is what I’m meant to be doing.” “Not playing the piano?” “You know that was only for leisure purposes. I don’t get the chance to play much anymore.” Maki admitted quietly. “Long hours, you know?” “What about dating?” Kotori asked with a coy smirk. “Is Maki-chan dating anyone?” “What? N-No!” Maki answered quickly, shaking her head. “I’m always busy. In surgery or checking on my patients. My supervisors patients anyway. You know how being an intern works.” “Maybe you should get out more.” Kotori suggested, raising an eyebrow. “You could come out with me and Nico-chan. We could meet you one night when you’re done with work.” Maki grimaced slightly. “I don’t know…” “Come on, Maki-chan. Spending time with me won’t be that bad, I promise.” Kotori teased, taking a small step forward. “And Nico-chan will be there too so you’ll have someone else to talk to at least. Please?” Maki sighed and looked away. “It’s not that I don’t want to talk to you, just...fine. Fine, okay. I’ll come. If you want.” “Good.” Kotori beamed in response. “Besides Honoka-chan, Umi-chan, Eli-chan and Nozomi-chan I hardly get to see anyone else from Muse. I’ve missed you, Maki-chan. And everyone else too.” Maki managed a small smile at that. “You know…” Kotori said thoughtfully, remembering something. “Nico-chan told me you were dating someone.” “We broke up.” Maki answered, looking away. “It’s really complicated and...Hanayo is really mad at me. I don’t want to talk about it really. I was just...I was too much for the poor girl. She was way too bashful. And shy. Plus, I wanted to keep it hidden. Raven kind of understood my situation so he wasn’t too angry but I just couldn’t keep pulling her along. I’m such a coward. I…” She was cut off as someone opened the door behind her. She glanced over her shoulder to see a young man in a suit and white coat.
“Ah, Maki-chan. We need you.” “I’ll be there in a bit.” “Right.” The young man said quietly as he glanced between Maki and Kotori. “Also do remember we have a meeting tonight…” “Can’t, helping out a friend.” Kotori’s eyes widened in surprise as Maki looked to her. “Help me, please.” Maki mouthed. “Right. Me.” Kotori said, quickly catching on. She straightened up, exuding confidence. “I can’t believe you forgot, Maki-chan!” “Uh...sorry.” Maki said sheepishly. “I suppose I forgive you. Just as long as you don’t forget. I’ll pick you up after work. Seven, right?” “Nine.” “Right. I’ll see you then.” Kotori said with a smile. “Nijima-kun, can you give us a minute?” Maki asked hopefully. The man nodded and left, closing the door behind him. “I gotta get out of this.” Maki groaned, moving to sit on the bed. “What’s going on?” Kotori frowned in confusion, glancing between Maki and the door. “My father said he wanted us to work alongside each other. Kotori, he’s my arranged fiance. I can’t do this.” “Oh.” Kotori watched as Maki buried her head in her hands. “So you still haven’t come out.” “I didn’t know he was gonna get this crazy! I though for sure by thirty I should be worrying about this shit.” Kotori blinked in response. “Maki-chan, you’re twenty five. Mid twenties is when people should start to...elope.” Maki groaned in response. “I hate my life,  dammit, I’m throwing this on you. I really am a coward. Sorry. You must have your own issues. I mean you may lose an intern.” “She’s fine, just...she’s fine.” Kotori said with a shake of her head. “Come out with me tonight. For real, not just as an excuse. I’m a good distraction.” “Really?” Maki blushed as Kotori sat down next to her. She had never said anything but Kotori was the person who had made her realize she was gay. The first person she’d had feelings for. “Okay, I’ll come out. I do finish at nine though…” “I’ll be here.” Kotori said sincerely. She moved close and hugged Maki tightly, trying to comfort her. Maki felt her face turn redder as Kotori hugged her from the side, strong arms around her chest. She shifted her eyes to the side, trying to slow the pounding of her heart. It was only after a minute or so had passed that she spoke up. “Um, Kotori...are you going to let go?” “Sorry.” Kotori laughed sheepishly and released the redhead. “I told you I missed you. So I’ll pick you up here, okay? I’ll wait in the lobby. See you later, Maki-chan.” “Right.” Maki watched Kotori go, her eyes inadvertently slipping lower as Kotori walked toward the door and let herself out. She sighed and slumped back onto the bed. She put a hand to her blushing face. “Why did I have to be gay? Why does that girl have to be so damn attractive? Spirits, I’m going to hell...” ------ Kotori noticed right away when Maki stepped into the lobby. She perked up at the sight of her. It seemed that Maki had seen her too as she said goodbye to the man next to her and pulled her hand away from him as he tried to kiss it goodbye. Kotori stood as Maki jogged to her and happily accepted the tight hug from the redhead. “You’re here!” “Yeah, of course.” Kotori glared at the man staring at Maki’s back. She wasn’t sure why but she didn’t like him very much. She loosened her grip as Maki pulled away. “Are you ready to leave? You look...cute.” Maki felt herself blushing as Kotori tugged at one of the drawstrings of her hoodie. “Maki-chan, can I sketch you?” “Huh?!” “Nothing, just...you look so cute in your hoodie and scrubs.” Kotori said sheepishly. She reached up and ruffled Maki’s hair, noticing it was longer. She also noticed Maki was slightly taller than her. “You’ve grown…” “Jealous?” Kotori pouted. “Nico-chan is taller than me too. I feel kind of short around the two of you.” “Nico? Taller than you?” Maki asked with a roll of her eyes. “Come on.” “Well she may as well be, she always wears heels.” Kotori pouted, crossing her arms in front of her chest. “It’s practically cheating.” Maki turned her head to hide a grin. “I can’t help you there. But look...” She nodded down at her shoes. “I wear chucks. Maybe if you wear heels instead of those flats we’d be the same height.” “Maybe. These barely have any platforms…” “What? You’re talking in clothes. You know I don’t understand that stuff.” Kotori laughed at that. “Same with me when you talk about medical stuff. Are you ready to go?” “Yeah.” Kotori hesitates for a moment, looking Maki over. “Um...I know I said you look cute and all...and you do! But...is that what you’re wearing?” “Um...yes?” “But we’re going out.” “I’m comfortable.” Maki protested meekly, shrugging her shoulders. Kotori sighed in response. “We’ll stop at my workshop. I have just the right thing for you. It won’t be uncomfortable, I promise.” “Wait…” Maki scowled, remembering when she had had to be fitted for a costume before. “I’m not going to have to strip, right?” “Um well I would have to measure you like I did Nico-chan. It won’t take long.” Maki turned away, blushing at the thought of having to be unclothed in front of her crush. Former crush, she reminded herself. “Fine, let’s just go…” ------ Nico snickered to herself as she watched Maki’s face turn bright red as Kotori measured her bust. She lifted a hand to her mouth, doing her best not to burst out laughing at the look of concentration on the girl’s face. She noticed Kotori was blushing too though not as much. She wondered if Kotori had been as embarrassed about measuring her. Maybe she just hadn’t noticed. She couldn’t help but laugh at the fact that the two weren’t really talking. In fact Maki had her lower lip tucked between her teeth. “You okay, Maki? You look like you’re gonna burst.” Maki scowled. “Screw you.” “Don’t worry, Maki-chan. I’m almost done.” Kotori said, glancing up at Maki. She offered her a small smile. She looked down to finish measuring Maki’s hips, oblivious to how hard the redhead’s heart was beating. After a moment she stepped back. “Done. You can change behind the curtain and I’ll make adjustments if I need to.” “Right, thanks.” Maki glared at Nico once more before she left to do as she was told. “You shouldn’t tease her so much, Nico-chan.” Kotori said disapprovingly when Maki was out of earshot. “You know how shy she can be.” Nico rolled her eyes. It was like Kotori didn’t even know what she was teasing Maki about really. “So are you going to ask her to model for you too?” “Maybe.” Kotori said, bashfully looking away. “I’ve never drawn anyone in scrubs before…” Nico opened her mouth to reply but then she heard the sound of the curtain being pushed aside. A moment later Maki appeared, walking over to them. Kotori gawked at the sight of Maki in the red frilly skirt with a sleeveless over the shoulder black top. Nico smirked and shook her head. “All these years and you still one up me on looks. Damn and you don’t even try, Maki.” “Your bust definitely got bigger.” Kotori quipped, nodding her head. Maki frowned. “Kotori.” “For fitting! I-I need to fit you!” “And bang you.” Nico retorted with a roll of her eyes. Kotori and Maki both turned to gape at Nico in surprise. “Relax, I’m kidding!” Nico said, shaking her head at the two of them. “I’m just saying anyone with eyes would want to, I mean...come on.” Kotori relaxed slightly and looked Maki over. She had to admit that Maki did have a nice, toned body. Somehow even more so than the professional model. “You do look really good in that outfit, Maki-chan. It fits you well.” Maki managed a small smile at that. “So no adjustments needed then? It feels fine.” “If it feels fine to you that’s good enough for me.” Kotori said with an approving nod. “I’ll let you use some of my pajamas later so you don’t have to worry about going back to your place.” “Right, than...wait, what?” Makis eyes widened in surprise at what Kotori had said. “I’m staying over at your apartment?” “Sure. I have a spare room.” “Spare room is taken tonight.” Nico quipped, pointing toward herself. “She’ll have to take the couch.” Kotori thought about that for a moment before she replied. “She could sleep in my bed with me.” “Whoa, wait a minute. Why didn’t I get that offer?!” Nico blushed at the question but pressed on. “I’m not saying I want to but it would have been nice.” “Fine. You’ll sleep with me and Maki can sleep in the spare room.” Kotori said with a roll of her eyes. Nico groaned, noticing Maki pouting. “Fine, you big baby. I know you’re afraid of being alone in a room that’s not yours.” Kotori brightened as an idea occurred to her. “You could both sleep with me!” Nico scoffed. “Yeah, you wish.” “Not like that!” Nico smirked as Kotori blushed once more. “Thanks but I’ll stick with the spare room. I prefer having space when I sleep.” Maki sighed in relief. “I mean I could just go home…” “No way, we’ll be back way too late for you to just go home.” Kotori said with a shake of her head. “And you don’t have work tomorrow, right? You’re sleeping with me.” Nico raised an eyebrow while Maki blushed and Kotori quickly corrected herself. “Next to me! Goodness, Nico-chan, nothing is going to happen. We’re all friends.” “Who ain’t straight at all.” Nico quipped. “Especially the medical intern. Something could happen.” “It’s not going to.” Kotori said with a confident shake of her head. “Besides if anything happens how am I meant to ask you out again?” “Wait, what?!” Maki exclaimed while Nico looked away, her own face turning red. She looked between Nico and a smirking Kotori, her stomach twisting with jealousy. Nico cast a glance at Maki. “I’m still waiting for you to be serious, Kotori. Right now all you’re doing is messing around. I’m not a rebound.” “Of course you’re not, you’re Nico-chan.” Kotori said with a sigh and a roll of her eyes. “Just because I just got out of a relationship that doesn’t mean I’m looking for a rebound. But I’ll wait until I’m serious enough.” Maki frowned as she glanced between them, crossing her arms in front of her chest. She couldn’t help but wonder when the two of them had gotten so close that Kotori was considering asking Nico out. And Nico was clearly thinking about saying yes.
Nico noticed Maki silently fuming. “So time to go to karaoke!” Maki groaned and crossed her arms further. “Seriously?” “Yes!” Kotori answered brightly. “Come on, Maki-chan. It’ll be fun, I promise.” “Fine…” Nico laughed as Maki relented as she’d expected. “Come on then.” ----- Kotori was just about asleep when the door to her bedroom opened. She flinched in surprise, effectively torn from the slumber she was about to fall into. She blinked rapidly to clear her vision, in time to see Maki close the door behind her. “Maki-chan.” She mumbled, sitting up slightly. She brushed her hair back from her face. She noticed Maki was wearing the pajamas she’d given her though the pajama pants were a little short. The t-shirt Maki was wearing was loose, fortunately, given that it was loose on Kotori too. “Sorry I didn’t have anything else for you to wear.” “It’s fine. This is comfortable.” Maki switched off the light and padded across the room, slipping into the bed next to Kotori. “Did you have fun?” Kotori asked quietly, turning onto her side as Maki settled down next to her. “Yeah.” Maki replied honestly. She had been reluctant to go along with the idea but she had to admit it had been nice to spend time with Kotori and Nico. “Good.” Kotori said with a warm smile. She watched as Maki looked down at something she was holding. Looking closer she noticed it was a small pager. She was about to point out that Maki wouldn’t be needing it for bed when the redhead leaned over and placed the pager down on the table. Maki picked up her phone which she had placed there earlier and grimaced. “Damn it, why did Papa have to give him my number? This is a nightmare. Sorry…” Kotori smiled and reached out, gently taking the phone from Maki. She switched it off and placed it on the small bedside table at her own side of the bed. “You’re not a Nishikino tonight, you’re just Maki-chan.” “I would rather be a Minami.” Kotori’s eyes widened in surprise. Maki had said it so smoothly. She hadn’t even flinched as she reclined back on her side of the bed. “You alright, Kotori?” “F-Fine!” Kotori exclaimed quickly, her cheeks flushed red.
Maki tilted her head, noticing Kotori’s glasses. She leaned in and gently took them from her. “Farsighted?” “Huh?!” “I’m wearing contacts. Mine started when I was eighteen. I’m nearsighted though. Who knew computers could ruin your eyes?” Kotori stared at Maki for a moment before she spoke. “You’re not gonna take them out?” Maki shrugged. “I usually forget sometimes during all-nighters.” “Maki-chan, put your glasses on!” Maki sighed. “But then we’ll both look nerdy.” “But adorakbale. I want to see you in them.” Maki rolled her eyes in response. “I don’t have them with me anyway. Maybe next time.” “So there’ll be a next time?” Kotori perked up, seemingly distracted from what she had been talking about. “I didn’t…” Maki trailed off in defeat and let out a sigh. They both knew there would be a next time. “Yes. if my schedule allows it.” Kotori beamed at the response and gave a slight nod of her head. “You need to have more breaks.” Maki shook her head though she couldn’t help but smile at how happy Kotori looked with her earlier answer. “I’m an intern. I have to work until I become a resident. The hours are long but it’ll be worth it in the end.” “You’ll make yourself sick.” Kotori pointed out, raising an eyebrow. “I won’t, I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.” Maki chuckled under her breath when Kotori pouted at her. “I know what I’m doing, trust me.” She noticed Kotori still looked a little bit troubled and continued softly. “Visit me at the hospital. That way we can still see each other even when I’m busy with work and you can decide if I need a break.” “Deal.” Kotori said, relied seeping into her voice. “Does this mean I get to see Maki-chan work?” “No, it means your get to see me in an on-call room.” Maki blushed despite herself at the accidental insinuation. “I can spare thirty minutes when you come in. You might have to wait a bit until I’m not busy.” “That’s fine. I don’t mind waiting for Maki-chan.” Maki glanced briefly to the side, wondering whether Kotori was saying things like that intentionally. Intentional or not, it was having the unnerving effect of making her heart beat too quickly. She leaned slightly toward Kotori, their shoulders brushing between them. “You smell nice.” She murmured, feeling a little tired after the long day she’d had. “Th-Thanks.” Kotori stuttered nervously. “You smell nice too.” Maki smiled at that, letting her head rest near Kotori’s shoulder. “Thanks.” Kotori found herself holding her breath and had to focus to take a couple of slow breaths. Looking down she could see Maki’s hair brushing against her shoulder. It had been a while since she’d been so close to someone but surprisingly it didn’t feel awkward. Noticing Maki’s head tilt slightly more toward her, Kotori froze in apprehension only for Maki to jerk awake a second later. “You can rest against me. If you want to.” Maki leaned in, her lips accidentally brushing against Kotori’s shoulder. Her breath hitched as did Kotori’s but she didn’t notice the latter. She pressed her head further into Kotori’s shoulder, trembling slightly as she did so. Kotori felt Maki let out a sigh before she felt something wet on her shoulder. She looked down in concern only to find Maki in tears. “I don’t want to marry Nijima…” Kotori quickly wrapped her arms around Maki, drawing her close to her side. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.” She soothed gently, her heart wrenching with sympathy. She knew that wasn’t entirely true but she wanted Maki to know that it was only right for her to have options. She lightly pressed her lips to the top of Maki’s head. “It’s gonna be okay, Maki-chan. No matter what happens I’ll be here for you.” “My father would be furious if I refused.” Maki said, her voice thick with emotion. “I’d lose my job. He owns the hospital I work at.” “You can get another job.” Kotori said reassuringly. “What if I didn’t find a new job right away? What if I lost my apartment?” Maki blinked up at Kotori, tears clinging to her lashes. “Then you could stay with me.” Kotori said honestly. “This place is too big for just me anyway. Honestly, I’ve been thinking about finding a roommate or something.” “Really?” Maki sniffled softly, her lower lip trembling. “Yeah, of cour-” Kotori was cut off by Maki hugging her tightly. Her eyes widened in surprise at the gesture but she returned the hug without hesitation. “Let’s get some sleep, Maki-chan. You’ll feel better in the morning.” Maki nodded against Kotori’s shoulder. She loosened her embrace but didn’t let go of Kotori completely. Instead she opted to stay close to her, her head nestled into Kotori’s shoulder as she drifted off. ---- Kotori pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose as she entered the kitchen, her laptop balanced on one arm. Thankfully she didn’t have to worry about going into work unless she needed to do something in her workshop. “Morning!” Kotori glanced up, finding Nico standing in front of the stove. “Morning.” She mumbled, sitting down at the table. She sniffed at the air. “Are you cooking?” “Just something light. I figured you might be hungover. I made tea when I heard you get up.” Nico walked over to Kotori and set a steaming cup of tea in front of her. “Breakfast won’t be long.” “Thank you, Nico-chan.” Kotori flashed Nico a warm smile before she went back to her emails. She skimmed over them, deciding not to read them yet, her gaze soon flitting back to Nico. “You know, I could get used to this.” Nico smirked and shook her head before she made her way back across the room to the stove. On the way she noticed Maki enter the kitchen, groggily rubbing her eyes. “Your hair is a mess.” Maki grunted in response and made her way to the table, sitting down next to Kotori. “How did you sleep?” Kotori asked gently, nudging Maki with her shoulder. After their conversation the previous night she was still slightly worried about the redhead. “Fine.” Maki squinted at Kotori’s laptop. “What are you reading?” “Just work emails. Don’t worry about it.” Kotori shut her laptop and pushed it away. “Does your head hurt? You didn’t drink much last night, right?” “Stop mothering her.” Nico said, rolling her eyes in amusement as she walked over to the two of them. She placed a plate of eggs in front of each of them. “That’s my job.” Maki frowned. “I don’t need either of you to mother me.” “Yes, you do.” Nico and Kotori said in unison. They shared a surprised look but it was Kotori who continued. “We just mean it’s good to have someone looking out for you.” Kotori explained quietly. “Like I have...Nico-chan, I suppose?” She glanced at Nico, receiving a confident nod in response. Maki scowled. “I’m twenty five, damn it.” “Twenty six.” Kotori replied, raising a hand. “Twenty seven.” Nico chimed in, rolling her eyes at Maki. “You’re still a baby, Maki. To us, anyway.” Maki growled under her breath. “Screw you.” She picked up her fork and stabbed irritably at her eggs. Nico raised an eyebrow at Kotori before she left to get her own plate. Kotori winced, wondering if she’d actually annoyed Maki with her fretting. “Sorry, Maki-chan. I was just worried about you.” Maki’s brow furrowed slightly as she glanced over at Kotori. “I’m sorry too. I didn’t mean to snap. But I’m not a little kid anymore.” “I know.” Kotori’s voice softened slightly and she looked down at the table. Maki felt her stomach coil with guilt at the look on Kotori’s face. “I’m sorry.” She said again, earning herself a small smile from the girl sitting next to her. Nico returned to the table a moment later, sitting down with the two of them. “Is it okay if I stay over again tonight? I don’t really need to go home for anything and I live across…” “Yes.” Kotori answered before Nico could finish. “Are you cooking tonight?” “Obviously.” “Good, your cooking is so much better than mine.” Kotori said, perking up slightly at the prospect of Nico staying for another night. “Oh, I don’t have work tonight so maybe we could do something. Maki-chan, you’re welcome to join us if you want.” Maki nodded. “I don’t want to go back to my apartment. Papa might be waiting there.” Nico groaned. “Another suitor?” Maki shook her head. “Fiance.” “You’ve got to come out, Maki. Don’t torture yourself. I swear to the gods if I have to tell him myself…” Kotori leaned back in her seat, figure the conversation was one she should stay out of. “How would you feel if your fans and the whole fashion world found out you’re pan, Nico?! It would ruin my whole rep if I came out. You know how prejudice Japan is, damn it!” “So you’re just going to marry the guy?!” “I-I don’t know!” Kotori awkwardly cleared her throat. Nico glanced at her and she motioned toward the living room. She waited for a nod before she slipped away to give the two a few minutes of privacy. “You should come out.” Nico said when Kotori had left, looking back to Maki. “I’m not ready, Nico. How do you not get that?” Nico sighed and shook her head. “Forget about it. I’m gonna find Kotori.” Maki opened her mouth to reply but fell silent when Nico left. She sighed and leaned back in her chair, closing her eyes. She didn’t know what to do. ---- It took Nico a few minutes but she finally tracked Kotori down to her bedroom. The door was open, allowing her to see inside but she knocked anyway. “Hey. Why did you run off?” “Just figured you two could use a minute alone.” Kotori admitted sheepishly, shrugging her shoulders. “I didn’t want to intrude.” “This is your house.” Nico pointed out, sitting down next to Kotori. Kotori shrugged her shoulders again. “We made you uncomfortable.” Nico observed, noticing Kotori glancing away. “I didn’t think anything could do that.” Kotori gave a light laugh in response. “It’s not really that. I just didn’t want to get in the way. You’re good at getting through to Maki-chan but I just wouldn’t know what to say to her.” “It takes practice. Maki is a stubborn girl. You just have to persuade her. Besides, I think you’d be better going with her to see her dad. I would just want to punch him for being so fucking dense.” Kotori grimaced at that. “You’d probably be better with dealing with him. I wouldn’t know what to say.” “Since when?” Nico asked, at a loss. “What’s with you and Maki? Would you be saying that if it was Honoka in the same situation?” “Well no but I know Honoka’s parents. And they wouldn’t…” “It’s not the point!” Nico exclaimed. She huffed out a sigh and rolled her eyes when Kotori merely stared at her. “Fine, you take the daughter. I’ll take the dad.” “But you’re so good with Maki-chan…” “Then what DO you want to do?!” “I just don’t want to mess up.” Kotori admitted quietly, glancing down at her lap. “I’m obviously...bad with relationships. I just think you would be better at taking the lead. I’ll help in whatever way you tell me to.” “What’s wrong with you?” Nico’s voice softened slightly and she reached out, lightly touching Kotori’s chin. She gently lifted her head. “Listen to me. That breakup was not your fault, okay? You obviously still liked him and he broke your heart. I swear if...if I was your girl I would never hurt you.” Kotori reached up, clasping Nico’s hand. “You wouldn’t?” “Never.” Nico said softly, noticing the moisture lacing Kotori’s eyes. She was staring right at them so she didn’t fail to notice the way they flicked down to her mouth. “And between you and me I wouldn’t give a damn if the whole world knows I’m into girls, boys or anyone with a good personality. And you, Kotori, have a beautiful personality. One that would make even the meanest person melt.” Kotori sniffled softly. “I-I don’t know about that.” “That’s fine. I know enough for the both of us.” Nico squeezed the hand clasping her own. “Gross, get a room.” Kotori flinched at the sound of Maki’s voice and looked to the doorway. Nico sighed. “Go get dressed, Maki. The grownups are talking.” Maki gave Nico the finger before going to get dressed. Kotori let go of Nico’s hand. “Thanks for the talk, Nico-chan. I should get dressed too. I’ll um...see you downstairs?” “Yeah. Sure.” Nico sat still for a moment until she realized that she was meant to be leaving. “Oh! Oh right. Sorry. I’ll um...I’ll be downstairs.” “Yeah.” Kotori watched with a small smile as Nico left her room, closing the door behind her. ----- Kotori glanced over at Maki as they stepped into the elevator. She wasn’t sure why but she felt strangely uncomfortable around the redhead. “You know, you don’t have to come with us. We’re only going to pick up some clothes for Nico-chan because she doesn’t…” “I want to come.” Maki interrupted sharply. “Right…” Kotori looked at the elevator doors as they closed behind them. She was silent for a moment as the elevator started going down, her thoughts on Maki. She didn’t know what was wrong with the doctor. Maki moved suddenly, stepping toward the elevator doors and hitting the emergency stop button. “Maki-chan!” Kotori scolded in surprise. “What are you doing?!” “I’m sorry, okay?” Maki turned toward Kotori though her gaze wasn’t focused. She was pointedly not looking at Kotori. “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings earlier.” Kotori blinked in surprise. “What?” “You were crying. With Nico?” Maki pressed, her stomach twisting at the thought of the conversation she had partially overheard. “Oh. That wasn’t your fault.” “Yes, it was!” Kotori frowned. “Maki-chan…” Her eyes widened as Maki turned and began to approach her. She backed away slowly until her back hit the wall. “Maki.” “Just stop! Stop trying to make me feel better, I…” Maki closed her eyes tightly for a moment, cursing herself. “Damn it. I’m just…” Kotori swallowed thickly. She was pressed back against the wall, Maki almost flush against her. “It’s okay, Maki-chan. You didn’t do anything to me. It wasn’t you.” Maki wasn’t sure what possessed her to do what she did next but she leaned up and kissed Kotori hard, pressing her further back against the wall. She felt Kotori’s hands come up to grasp at her shoulders and expected to be pushed away. Instead, Kotori just gripped her hoodie hard, neither pushing her away or pulling her closer. Kotori barely realized she was kissing Maki back. All she was aware of was how right it felt for Maki to be kissing her. All she could focus on was the way Maki was pressed against her and the way she didn’t hesitate to deepen the kiss, lightly teasing the seam of Kotori’s lips with her tongue until Kotori parted them with a whimper. Maki’s hands ran up and down Kotori’s sides as she pressed as close as she could to her, her leg shifting between Kotori’s thighs. She felt a sharp intake of breath and Kotori’s knees buckle. Quickly she gripped Kotori’s legs, lifting her up. Instinctively Kotori’s legs wrapped around Maki’s waist. The movement forced their lips to part but Maki didn’t dwell on it for long, her lips moving to Kotori’s neck. Kotori moaned softly as Maki sucked hard at her neck. She reached down, grasping the back of Maki’s hoodie and pulled up hard, causing Maki to falter in what she was doing, long enough to lift her arms so that Kotori could drag the hoodie over her head. She quickly went back to what she was doing, pressing open mouthed kisses to Kotori’s neck as all of her pent up frustration spilled out. She felt Kotori’s fingers slide into her hair and growled softly against the older woman’s neck. Kotori gasped softly as Maki’s hand snaked it’s way under her shirt, splaying over her skin. “M-Maki-chan…” Maki stilled, Kotori’s voice grounding her. Both of them were breathing heavily, Kotori’s chest heaving slightly. “I like you, Kotori. I don’t want to marry Nijima.” Kotori stared at Maki, trying to think. She couldn’t focus when Maki looked so smolderingly hot though. She could barely think past the fact that she wanted to kiss Maki again. “M-Maki-chan, I…” Maki sighed and carefully let go of Kotori, letting her sink back to the floor. Unsteady on her feet, Kotori grasped at Maki’s shoulders. She noticed a brief flicker of hope in Maki’s eyes before it dimmed just as quickly. “I don’t know what to say, Maki-chan.” “You don’t have to say anything.” Maki said though she sounded disappointed. She made sure Kotori was steady before she stepped away and picked up her hoodie from the floor, tugging it on over her shirt. “I need to go to the hospital.” “W-What? But you don’t have duty. And you were coming with me and Nico-chan…” “I want to visit some patients.” Maki hit the button to make the elevator go again. “Just think about what I said. Will I see you at the hospital tomorrow?” “Y-Yes.” Maki smiled softly. “Good.” She stepped forward and hugged Kotori gently. She wanted to kiss her again but she didn’t want to make Kotori feel even more confused than she already was. She felt Kotori hug her back. “I’m not gonna run away anymore, Kotori.” “I’m glad.” Kotori mumbled. She buried her nose in Maki’s shoulder and inhaled slowly, her eyes closing. Maki didn’t let go until the elevator doors opened and she was forced to. She turned to the elevator door in time to see Nico standing there. “What happened?” Nico asked, raising an eyebrow. “Nothing. I’m going to work.” Maki glanced back at Kotori once more before she left, heading for the doors. “Kotori?” Nico pressed as Kotori stepped out of the elevator. “What’s wrong?” “Nothing, it’s fine. Maki-chan um...apologized for earlier. She thought she upset me.” Kotori explained quietly, her mind still on the kiss. She quickly tried to shake it off. “Come on, Nico-chan. Let’s go shopping.” “R-Right.” Nico let Kotori grasp her hand and tug her toward the doors though she was still concerned by how distracted Kotori seemed. ----- Kotori was sketching out scrubs when she heard movement at the doorway. She quickly turned the page to a sketch of a strapless dress she had been working on but she didn’t look up, aware that it would be Nico. Maki had left earlier to check on her patients at the hospital so Kotori knew it wouldn’t be her. Nico on the other hand had come back with her after they’d been shopping. “Do you need anything?” Nico called after a moment when Kotori didn’t look up. As much as she wanted to stand there watching Kotori for a while longer she was a bit concerned Kotori would think it was creepy. “No, I’m fine.” Kotori looked up with a small smile, setting down her pencil. “Maybe I could use a break. Just for a few minutes.” Nico walked into the room, moving over to Kotori’s desk. She walked around to Kotori’s side and leaned against the desk, looking down at the sketchbook in front of Kotori. “New design?” “This? Yeah, I was inspired, I suppose. I thought it would look good on you.” Nico raised an eyebrow. “You’re designing something from scratch? For me?” Kotori blushed. “Well it’s my job, Nico-chan.” Nico hummed in response but she didn’t say anything else. She watched as Kotori looked down at the table, seemingly unfocused. She waited a moment but Kotori seemed to space out. “You thinking of something?” “Huh?” Kotori flinched in surprise. “O-Oh. No. I was just thinking about um...nothing really. Nothing at all.” She blushed, looking away. She had been thinking about something in particular. She’d been thinking about Maki kissing her, pinning her to the elevator door. She remember how her hands had clutched at the soft cotton of Maki’s hoodie as she kissed the redhead back. She didn’t know why she had kissed her back. It was all a hazy, lust filled blur now. “You’re thinking about it again.” Nico teased, slightly amused by how red Kotori’s face was. “I’m guessing you’re thinking about something you shouldn’t be?” “M-Me? No! What?” Kotori laughed nervously. Nico smiled softly. “You really are cute.” Kotori looked down at her sketch pad, to avoid looking at Nico. “You know, I’m still up for that offer you gave me.” “Huh?” Kotori looked up again in confusion. “Draw me.” Nico explained simply. “I know I don’t have Maki’s structure but I am a good poser.” “Your clothes are pretty…” Kotori murmured as she adjusted her glasses on the bridge of her nose. Nico chuckled and leaned in. “So draw me. You can even trace my body if you need to know my shape and curves.” Nico was clearly teasing but Kotori felt her face burn up again. “Nico-chan!” Nico laughed softly and leaned back a bit. “You sure are fun to tease. I’m serious though. Draw me. Come on, it’ll be fun.” “Well…” Kotori bit her lip, letting her eyes rake briefly over Nico. She really did want to but that that was what made the whole thing confusing. She didn’t know why she wanted to draw Nico so much. “Alright. Alright, come on.” “Hmm?” Nico felt herself flush as Kotori stood up and took her hand though she let herself be guided to the couch. “Oh, going the titanic route?” “Shut up, Nico-chan. I want you to sit, not lay down.” Kotori said with a roll of her eyes. She guided Nico to sit near the arm of the couch, gently guiding Nico’s arm to rest on it. She lightly pushed Nico’s knees closed and turned her slightly. “There. Perfect.” “I didn’t know this would include so much manhandling.” Nico said playfully as she watched Kotori look her over. Kotori blushed again and pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose before she went to grab her drawing pad. She pulled her chair around to the other side of the desk, closer to the couch so that she could stare at Nico straight on. She sat down and readied her pencil over the clean sheet of paper. She stared at Nico, her gaze focused but heated. Nico swallowed thickly at the look, telling herself that Kotori was probably only concentrating. She nervously licked her lips. “So you just want me to sit here, right?” “Mmhm.” Kotori nodded her head in response. “Are you uncomfortable?” “No, it’s fine.” Nico replied quietly. “At least I’m sitting. I have to pose for a pretty long time sometimes.” “Well I guess we could try a more comfortable position.” Kotori said thoughtfully, figuring the position was causing Nico some discomfort even if she didn’t want to admit it. “So I get to recline?” Kotori sighed and got up, crossing to Nico. She didn’t notice Nico had kicked off her heels until she was a few seconds too late to stop herself. She tripped over them, stumbling toward the couch with a cry of surprise. She noticed Nico’s eyes widen in surprise and the girl lurched forward, reaching out to try to grab her. She managed it but the force with which Kotori was falling caused Nico to fall back against the back of the couch. Kotori landed softly against Nico’s body. Nico breathed a sigh of relief at the fact that she hadn’t caused Kotori to fall onto the floor at least. She paused though, noticing Kotori’s glasses were askew, her shirt rumpled. “You’re still clumsy, even now…” She mumbled with a smile as she reached up to gently brush Kotori’s hair from her face. Kotori felt that familiar haze settle on her as Nico’s fingers slid into her hair. She leaned forward slightly. “Maybe that’s a good thing.” “You think?” Nico murmured, her own eyes half-lidded. She gently removed Kotori’s glasses, setting them at her side. Slowly she closed the distance between them and soon enough pressed her lips to Kotori’s. Kotori’s eyes fluttered shut. Nico’s lips were somewhat softer than Maki’s, or at least the kiss itself was. Maki had been more bold and passionate while Nico was unhurried and gentle. Kotori shivered as Nico’s hand ran gently up her arm to lightly grip her shoulder. She wasn’t sure how it was possible but even at the slow pace, Nico’s kiss was affecting her just as much as Maki’s. She whimpered slightly and applied slightly more pressure to the kiss, her own hand going to the back of Nico’s neck to draw her closer. Nico’s lips parted from Kotori’s, just slightly. “You’re trembling.” She whispered, squeezing Kotori’s arm. “You’re kissing me.” Kotori countered in a whisper. “So? You never been kissed by a girl before?” Nico teased. She pressed a gentle peck to Kotori’s lips. “Do you want me to stop?” Kotori whimpered in response. She had been kissed by a girl. A more daring, incredibly passionate one. Both kisses were equally good but Nico was more sensual. “We don’t have to be anything, ya know. I’m fine being friends with some benefits.” “Or more.” Kotori whispered. She felt herself flush at the surprised look on Nico’s face. “I thought you didn’t want to be my rebound?” “Well...I don’t.” Nico said awkwardly, remembering her earlier words. “But I want you more than I dislike the idea of that?” Kotori nervously bit her bottom lip for a moment. She had Maki to think about too. She had to think about what Maki had told her. “Do you like me, Nico-chan?” “Whoa, wait. Uh...let’s not go that far. I mean sure I like you but I still don’t want to be your rebound.” “So you want us to stay single?” “...Yes.” Nico said after a couple of seconds. “I do.” Kotori slowly nodded her head. “I’m fine with that. I am getting back to being available after all. But we can still do the friends with benefits thing.” She thought of Maki, wondering if the redhead wanted more than that. Maki had told her that she liked her but Kotori couldn’t be sure about what that meant. “So it’s okay if I kiss you again?” Nico asked, drawing Kotori’s attention back to her. She flashed her a soft smile. Kotori silently nodded her head, figuring there was no need for words. She closed her eyes just before she felt Nico’s lips press against hers once more. She leaned into Nico, kissing her back without hesitation. ------ Kotori sank down further into the warm water of her bath, staring at the other side of the tub. She had decided to relax with a hot bath in an effort to calm her racing thoughts. It didn’t seem to be working though. In fact now that she was alone she was thinking even more, specifically about Nico and Maki and the kisses she had shared with them earlier. The kisses had been so different but equally as mind-blowing. Kotori wasn’t sure she had ever felt so much from a kiss as she had with Maki and Nico. It came as a surprise, though Kotori remembered that she had briefly had a crush on Maki when she was in high school. Nothing serious of course but it had definitely been there. She let out a slow breath. Maki was full of passion, eagerness and frustration but Nico was so motherly and caring and Kotori recently found herself craving Nico’s presence. She didn’t know what to do but she knew that she would have to give Maki an answer at some point, if only to keep her from getting married. She vaguely wondered if Maki even wanted to be with her enough to call it off. The kiss they had shared had certainly made it seem like it. Kotori leaned back against the back of the bathtub, closing her eyes as she thought back to the way Maki had pinned her to the wall. The feeling of their lips crashing together and the possesive way Maki had lifted her. Maki was so strong and toned but slim and soft at the same time. Her hand travelled to her neck and she felt the slightly raised marks left there by the redhead. She remember how she had been left grinding forward against Maki’s thigh, seemingly not even of her own accord. Her thoughts shifted to Nico, pushing her against the couch and straddling her. Nico’s approach had been different to Maki’s. She had teased her slowly and sensually, driving her to the brink of release with foreplay and heated touches while Maki herself had been much more forward. Kotori vaguely felt her hand slip between her legs. She hissed softly, her hips bucking on instinct as her fingers slid against her core, slipping easily through her wet folds. She let out another slow breath, fighting the desire to speed up her actions. She couldn’t be too loud because Nico was still in the next room and she knew that if she kept going she would end up being loud. She gritted her teeth as she drew her hand away, situating it back at her side. “Damn them for being so hot.” She mumbled to herself, trying to ignore the subtle ache in her groin. As much as she wanted to continue she knew she couldn’t. She would just have to bare with it. She reached out and picked up her phone from the floor, checking the time. She sighed softly. Maki would probably be home now and she had promised the doctor that she would she her tomorrow morning. “I better go to sleep.” She mumbled before she pushed herself up and got out of the bath to wrap herself in a towel. TBC.
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