#he hasnt gotten over the last thrashing yet
hinalycoris · 4 years
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Fun fact:
- One way to tell Cass' level of Done is by her hairdo. Cass always wears at least one braid when she's out (ever since the village kids braided her hair for the Burning Festival).
- As a consummate professional, she always wears her hair up when at work.
- Only wearing a ponytail means that Cass will not hesitate to talk down certain high-ranking military personnel she usually avoids.
- A messy ponytail with visible strands sticking out? Even Ardyn is temporarily docile in the face of her... irritation.
- (By that point, she is no longer brewing cinnamon coffee but sustaining herself on the sludge of caffeine served in the Palace.)
- (And no, no one knows why Emperor Aldercapt likes the stuff so much he is willing to subject his entire workforce to it. Judging by Prince Icarus' demeanor, the less said about it, the better.)
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