#he just punch him in the stomach so when law doubles over in pain he kisses him
astrozure · 3 years
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sterling-starlight · 2 years
Sundered (Part 1/??)
Gamefreak @ the Submas/Ingo fans: There’s something on your face! *punches us with Warden Ingo* IT WAS PAIN.
Tw for the description of a panic attack. Be safe my loves. 
Tick-Tock. Tick-tock. Tick-tock.  
Emmet put his pen down with a sigh of resignation, leaning just far enough back in his chair to tempt gravity,
“Do not lean back in your chair,” Ingo would snip, not even needing to look up from whatever he was clicky-clacking away at on the desktop computer. But Ingo wasn’t in their office. He hadn’t been in their office for the entire day.  
Emmet woke up that morning to find a note on the fridge. Ingo had gone out for coffee-with-cinnamon at that place he liked, since a certain someone had forgotten to grab a box of that specific blend during their last grocery run. Emmet hadn’t thought too much about it. Ingo had always been an early riser; his alarm clock set for six AM on the dot like some sort of insane person. The rare times he was late, he never failed to let Emmet know, either by a phone call or a perfectly typed text message.  But Emmet’s phone hadn’t gotten any new messages. No matter how many times he checked it (Even during his battling route on the Double Lines- and oh, Ingo hated it whenever Emmet pulled out his phone when there was a Trainer outside his car), nothing ever came through.  
The Depot Agents had taken notice. Emmet might bemoan and procrastinate most of the time, but you didn’t maintain the position of being one of the strongest Trainers in the country by being lazy.  He could run the subway by himself, but not having Ingo around made everything feel... off kilter. Like his body suddenly had forgotten what proper balance was. He tried to ignore it- he really did. But as the hours passed that anxiety continued to eat a hole in his stomach (He was Ingo’s primary emergency medical contact. If something- if something happened, he’d be the first to know. Right?).  
It finally came to a head when, suddenly, Emmet noticed a crack in Ingo’s favorite mug. Just, out of nowhere –Bam!- crack.  Emmet hadn’t been superstitious in nearly three decades, but somehow that stupid broken mug was what sent him over the edge.  But he had work to do, and he tried to push it out of his mind. He lost all of his battles. Badly. He apologized to his Pokemon profusely once he had time to himself.
  Now it was just him, the analogue clock Ingo insisted on keeping in the office (the ticking calmed him down), and that stupid broken mug.   Emmet scooped up his phone (his lockscreen was a picture he had taken of himself and Ingo during their last birthday party. A few drinks in, and Ingo was grinning like a loon; Emmet loved that picture) and speed-dialed Hilda.  
Brrrrr. Brrrrr. Brrrr.
Emmet picked up his pen and started clicking it.  
Brrr. Brrr. Brr-
“Hilda~!” Emmet trilled, but it lacked his usual energy. His voice trembled. He swallowed and continued, spinning the pen deftly in his fingers. “Hey, so. Is Ingo with you?” Straight to business. Very unlike him. Usually, he’d make a teasing remark over how lovey-dovey, goo-goo eyed they became whenever they were together. 
He could practically hear Hilda’s brow furrowing, and the anxiety curdling in his stomach begun to boil.   “Isn’t he with you? I-” No disrespect to his sister-in-law-to-be, but Emmet couldn’t hear anything over the ringing in his ears.  He put his pen down so he wouldn’t snap it in half. His hands felt clammy under his gloves. He loosened the knot of his tie; it felt like it was choking him. “-met? Emmet?” Hilda’s voice slowly came back, sounding like she had suddenly ducked her head underwater.  
“I need to call Ingo,” he said in a single strained breath; like someone had sucker punched him in the stomach after he finished running running five miles. He heard Hilda call out the first syllable of his name before he hung up and, with trembling swipes of clammy, sweaty hands, dialed Ingo’s number.  
Brrr. Brrr. Brr-Click!
“We’re sorry. Your call could not be completed as dialed. Please hang up and try again.”  
Brrr. Brrr. Brr-Click!
“We’re sorry. Your call could not be completed as dialed. Please hang up and try again.”
“We’re sorry. Your call could not be completed as dialed. Please hang up and try again.”
“We’re sorry. Your call could not be completed as dialed. Please-”
It was funny.  He felt his phone slip out of his hand, but didn’t register it. It almost felt like he had seen it fall from somewhere outside his body. Distant. Unrelated.  
Too hot.  
He shrugged out of his coat.  
Too cold.  
He wrapped his arms around himself.  
His chest hurt. His lungs hurt. He was dizzy. He was numb.  
A Depot Agent found him. He didn’t know how long he had been in the office. Long enough for one of their employees to check up on him. Had he missed a train? Probably.  
The Agent (Cameron? Carl? He couldn’t remember their name) told Emmet he should go home. The employee telling the boss to do something; it would have been funny if Emmet could feel anything.  Maybe Emmet muttered something about trains. Maybe he didn’t.
In what felt like a blink, he was in the two-bedroom apartment he and Ingo rented in the heart of the city.  He didn’t take his shoes off (Ingo hated it when people wore shoes in the house. But Ingo was gone.  Gone. Gone. Gone. Gone.) as he shuffled through the living room.  
Ingo’s room was pristine. It always was.  Emmet dropped onto the bed like a puppet with his strings cut. It smelled like the cologne Ingo liked: a subtle, earthy smell with just a touch of spice.  Emmet curled himself around one of Ingo’s pillows (“Shoes on the bed, Emmet? Really?” Well, brother dear, you would have to forgive him just this once). He didn’t even have the energy to cry. Too numb. Too achy.  
Maybe if he went to sleep, he’d wake up to find this was all just a nightmare.  He had suffered chronic nightmares ever since he was little, after all.  They were better now, but he still had them now and then.  
Just a nightmare.  
He’d wake up tomorrow morning, apologize to Ingo for not getting his stupid cinnamon coffee, and they’d have a quick breakfast together.  
Just like they were supposed to.  
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“does that hurt?”
prompt: “does that hurt?”
whumpee: sonny carisi
fandom: law & order svu
heyo! i am like, super duper pleased with how this fic turned out and i hope you’ll like it! it’s barisi bc yeah. finally got around to actually writing them getting together lmao. hope it’s alright :)
“Oh, does that hurt? Come on, get up!” 
Sonny staggers to his feet, bracing his hands against the concrete. His palms are scraped raw, and they leave faint bloody handprints behind. He swipes a hand under his nose, feels the blood smear across his face. His vision is blurry, eyes refusing to fully focus - he’d taken a hit to the head at some point, he knows, though he doesn’t know when. His ears are ringing, enough to be disorienting but not enough to drown out the taunts of his tormentors. 
“You ready to give up yet?” one of them asks. 
In response, he launches himself at the guy, swinging wildly. All he gets for his trouble is a punch to the stomach that knocks all the air out of his lungs. He doubles over just in time for a knee - presumably also aimed at his stomach - to instead connect with his forehead. He stumbles backwards, barely remaining on his feet. He readies another punch, steps forward, and - 
And then an intense dizziness hits him, all at once, and he’s falling before he has time to realize what’s happening. He hits the ground hard, smacking his chin and forehead, scraping up his palms again. Everything starts to bleed, it feels like, the blood warm and sticky between his skin and the concrete. Black spots dance in his vision, and he shuts his eyes against them. He can’t think, barely conscious, and he hasn’t got a prayer of moving. 
Someone pokes him with a foot, curious rather than violent. He groans weakly, tries to get himself up to face another barrage of punches. His hands slip out from under him and he sinks back to the ground, scarcely having moved at all. 
There’s voices above him, but they’re not talking to him. They’re quiet and hard to make out over the now-overwhelming ringing in his ears, but he hears words like stop and not kill him and police and then the voices stop and the pain stops coming and simply sits there on top of him and then he passes out. 
He wakes up disoriented and cold. He comes back into possession of his senses slowly - at first all he feels is the cold, and then he can feel the hard ground beneath him, and then he opens his eyes, which take too long to focus, and then, suddenly, the pain returns. 
There does not seem to be a single part of his body that doesn’t hurt. His head is pounding and when he raises his face up from where it’d been pressed to the ground, it sticks slightly, leaving behind a small pool of blood. His torso is battered, the pain centered on his stomach, but the uncomfortable feeling on his lungs when he breathes tells him his ribs haven’t been spared either. 
When he finally manages to get to his feet, his legs shake beneath him, knees aching from their impact with the ground. For just a moment he considers sitting back down, but he knows if he does that he may not ever get back up. And so he forces himself to keep standing despite the pain, despite the dizziness, despite everything. He walks out of the abandoned warehouse on his own two feet, finds his car mercifully still there and undamaged, slides behind the wheel, and drives to the nearest emergency room. 
By some miracle, he makes it to the ER in one piece, having been scarcely aware of his surroundings on the drive there. By another miracle, this ER is not terribly busy, and as soon as he stumbles through the doors, barely able to see straight, someone is grabbing his arm and leading him immediately to an exam room. Whether this is concerning or comforting, he can’t say. 
Half an hour and several “does that hurt?”’s later (his answer nearly ever time had been yes), he’s been diagnosed with a moderate concussion, three bruised ribs, two fractured ribs, a sprained wrist (which he hadn’t even been conscious of before), and a litany of assorted cuts, scrapes, and bruises. He’s been poked, prodded, bandaged, and stitched, and he is absolutely exhausted. 
“Can I go home now?” he asks the doctor, sitting on the edge of the bed, dressed back in his dirty, bloody, and torn-up clothes. 
“Yes, but you’ll need someone to pick you up and keep an eye on you for 24 hours.” 
“Any chance you’ll let me go if I promise to keep an eye on myself?”
The doctor shakes her head. “It’s hospital policy, I’m afraid. If you’ve got a head injury, you need a chaperone.”
He’d sigh if that wouldn’t make his ribs hurt. Instead, he thinks. It’s close to midnight now. He’s not about to bother Liv or Amanda when they - and their kids - are surely asleep. Fin’s covering for a member of the night shift, and Sonny can’t pull him away from that. He doesn’t want to drag one of his family members all the way to Manhattan…this leaves him with exactly one choice. When he realizes what he’s going to have to do, he can’t stop himself from groaning in despair. 
“Would you like something else for the pain?”
“What? Oh, nah, I’m okay. I just…I’ll call someone.”
He reaches into his jacket pocket for his phone, which of course isn’t there. Neither is his wallet. He doesn’t remember the guys who’d attacked him taking either item, but it doesn’t surprise him. “Could I borrow your phone?”
The doctor nods, unlocks her phone and hands it to him. “I’ll be back in a moment,” she says, and steps out into the hallway. 
Sonny stares at the phone for a long moment, simultaneously trying to talk himself into and out of dialing the number that he hadn’t even realized he’d memorized until now. 
The practicality and necessity of calling eventually wins out over his fears of being hung up on, ignored, or yelled at. He takes a steadying breath, dials the number, puts the phone to his ear, and waits. 
“Hello?” Barba’s voice is clear and thankfully, he doesn’t sound like he’s just been woken up. 
“Hey, um, it’s -”
“Carisi? Where are you calling from? This isn’t your number.”
For some reason, Sonny’s concussed brain decides to focus on the least important part of Barba’s response. “You know my number?”
“What? Yes, I know your number. Did something happen to you? You sound…”
“Yeah,” Sonny agrees, though Barba hadn’t specified what he sounds like. “‘M at the hospital and they won’t let me go without someone to bring me home. I didn’t know who else to call,” he says apologetically. 
“Are you okay?”
Barba doesn’t say anything for a long moment. Then, “which hospital?”
Sonny tells him. 
“I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”
Barba hangs up just as the doctor comes back in. Sonny gives her her phone back. 
“Is someone coming?”
“Yeah,” Sonny says, slightly incredulous. “I wasn’t sure he would.”
“Well, I’m glad he is. You can wait in the lobby until he gets here, if you’d like.”
Sonny thanks her and then makes his way out to the lobby, sinking heavily into a hard plastic chair. He stares at the ground and tries to keep himself awake and not focused on the pain that’s still making itself known beneath the drugs. 
Exactly fifteen minutes later, one ADA Rafael Barba is striding through the sliding glass doors of the emergency room, his usual suit replaced by jeans and a coat that probably still cost as much as a suit. He looks around the room until his eyes land on Sonny. 
Within a breath, Barba is across the room, standing in front of Sonny with a rather disconcerting look of concern on his face. “What happened to you?” 
“‘S nothing.”
Barba laughs, sharp and humorless. “Have you seen yourself?” he asks. “You look like hell.”
“I figured,” Sonny mumbles. “Can it wait? I don’t really wanna talk about it now.”
Barba softens. “It can wait,” he agrees. “But you will be telling me eventually.”
Barba reaches a hand out, and it takes Sonny an embarrassingly long time to figure out what he’s supposed to do with it. Eventually, he grabs the proffered hand and lets Barba help him to his feet. He sways for a second, leaning heavily on Barba, who, surprisingly, doesn’t push him away. 
The receptionist waves them over and Sonny signs some sort of paper - he has no idea what it’s for, and his hand is barely able to hold onto the pen at all.
“And you’ll be keeping an eye on him for the next 24 hours, right?” 
Shit. He’d forgotten about that part. “You don’t gotta -”
“Yes, I am.”
“You’re all set to go, then.”
As soon as they’re out the doors, Sonny starts to say, “you don’t have to watch me, I’ll be fine,” but Barba interrupts him before he gets two words out. 
“You’re coming to my place, and there is no room for argument.”
He sounds so serious that Sonny doesn’t bother trying to fight him off. (Not that he particularly wants to, anyway). 
It’s not until they’re in the back of an Uber and pulling out of the hospital parking lot that Sonny recalls he’d driven here. 
“My car,” is how he chooses to convey this information.
“My car. It’s still there.”
“The parking lot.”
Barba’s eyes widen. “You drove here like this?”
“Do you have any idea how irresponsible and dangerous that was?”
“Yeah.” He barely remembers having driven at all, to be honest. This information in and of itself makes him suppose it must have been dangerous. 
Barba sighs. “Someone can pick it up for you in the morning.”
The rest of the ride back to Barba’s place passes in silence. It’s a little strained, a little awkward, but Sonny is too out of it to pay much attention. Mostly, his thoughts center around the fact that Barba had come here. Sonny had called him in the middle of the night, and he had picked up, and he had come to get him. This is absolutely astonishing, Sonny thinks. 
They arrive back at Barba’s place a moment or two later. Sonny struggles out of the backseat with a good deal of pain and general grumbling, and somehow manages to end up on his feet on the sidewalk. 
He’s not on his feet for very long before he starts to feel like he might fall, but he’s saved from a certainly painful impact with the sidewalk by Barba, who slips an arm around his waist and yanks him back upright. 
They walk inside, Barba’s arm still around his waist and Sonny hyperaware of this fact. They ride the elevator up, and then they’re standing outside Barba’s door, and his arm is still around Sonny’s waist even as he reaches into his pocket for the key. 
In the apartment, Barba immediately drags Sonny to the couch. It’s white and soft-looking and makes Sonny stop in his tracks. 
“I’m gonna get your couch dirty,” he protests. The people at the hospital had cleaned him up, but he’d had to get dressed in his same dirty, bloody clothes. He can’t ruin Barba’s couch. 
“I’ll cover it with a blanket,” Barba suggests. 
“Then I’m gonna get your blanket dirty.”
“Blankets can be washed.”
He has to admit that Barba has a point there. He lets go of Sonny, which is most disappointing, but then he covers the couch in a black blanket and gestures for Sonny to sit down and he quickly forgets his disappointment because this couch is the most comfortable couch in the world. 
He tells Barba as much. The other man raises his eyebrows. “I’m glad to hear it,” he says drily. “Do you need anything? Medicine, or water, or…?”
He sounds a bit out of his element. Sonny kind of loves it - the notion that Barba has limits. Medical caretaking is apparently one of them.
“I’m alright,” Sonny says. He does kind of think some water might be nice, but he’s not sure he’s willing to trade Barba’s presence for it.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.”
This settles it, but it leaves Barba with nothing to do. He stands in front of the couch a bit awkwardly, glancing around the room but not letting his eyes land on Sonny. (Sonny knows this because his eyes are focused only on Barba). 
“Do you wanna sit down?” Sonny asks, after several seconds have gone by in this way. 
Barba looks a little surprised, as though he hadn’t considered that this was something he could do. He recovers quickly, though, and sinks down onto the couch beside Sonny, not terribly close but not all the way at the other end, either. 
“How is it?”
Sonny shrugs, which is not a great move. It makes his whole upper body hurt, and he sucks in a sharp breath, which also hurts. He settles for a low groan of pain, which thankfully doesn’t set anything else off. “Not so bad.”
“Is that really the answer you’re going with?”
There’s overwhelming evidence against him. But he doesn’t exactly want to dump all his pains onto Barba, who has already done so much for him when he didn’t have to do a thing. He plans on saying, I don’t wanna put all that on you, but only gets as far as “I don’t wanna” before he loses his train of thought and stops speaking. 
“You don’t want to what?”
“I dunno.” 
Barba sighs again. “I do actually care, you know,” he says. “About…” he waves a hand, indicating Sonny’s entire body. “This.”
“You do?”
“No, I just decided to go to the hospital and pick you up and bring you to my home for the hell of it.”
He thinks this might be sarcasm, but honestly, he’s too concussed to tell. He must look confused, because Barba grumbles, “yes, I care,” like he can’t quite believe he’s admitting it aloud.
“I care about you, too,” Sonny replies, because this seems like the correct response and also because it’s completely true. “A lot,” he adds, in the spirit of the truth. 
Barba…doesn’t look displeased. In fact, there might be the barest hint of a smile on his face. Not that Sonny would stake too much on that, his vision still being sort of blurry. 
At this point, his throat has started to hurt from all the talking, and he remembers his earlier desire for a glass of water. He’s reasonably sure, now, that Barba will return if he gets up, so he asks, “actually, d’you think I could get some water?”
Barba nods and stands. Sonny watches him until he disappears into the kitchen, then immediately closes his eyes. He really is exhausted. He wonders whether Barba will be mad that he’s gone and fallen asleep in the short amount of time it takes to get a glass of water. 
He hears Barba return but doesn’t open his eyes. He’s on the edge of sleep and the pain has gone dull and -
And then there’s a blanket being draped over him. It’s incredibly soft and warm and only pushes him further along the path to sleep. He hears a faint scuffing noise, an exhalation, and feels a quick, gentle kiss on his forehead. 
For a second, this, too, makes him more tired, and then something clicks in his brain and his eyes fly open. He shoots up, making himself horribly dizzy. His vision blurs completely and he thinks he might pass out. 
He doesn’t. The dizziness slowly recedes and the world comes back into the soft focus it had been in before. Barba is supporting him, one hand on his arm and the other on his back. He’s so close, and he’d kissed him, and sure, it’s not exactly a real kiss, but it’s damn sure something and Sonny so wants him to do it again but it feels so unreal that he’s not entirely sure he didn’t dream it and -
“I’m sorry. That was…unprofessional of me,” Barba says, and Sonny finds himself being leaned back against the couch, and then Barba’s hands go away. “I’ll be in the kitchen.”
He’s way too out of it to be following this. He cannot fathom what on Earth Barba has to be sorry about. “Stay,” he says, and then thinks to add, “why’re you sorry?”
Barba stays, though he remains at a distance. “I shouldn’t have kissed you.”
“Oh.” Barba regrets it - he doesn’t want to kiss Sonny. That’s disappointing. “Oh. Okay.”
“Why do you sound disappointed?”
“‘Cause I am.”
He can’t believe he has to spell this out when he can barely even see straight. “‘Cause I want to kiss you, but you don’t wanna kiss me, and that’s fine, it’s okay, but -”
“You want to kiss me?”
“Yeah, but if you -”
“Are you sure you’re thinking straight right now?” Barba interrupts. 
“Straight enough,” Sonny says, and smiles a little. “Anyway, I don’t think a concussion can make you wanna kiss somebody. Pretty sure that comes from something else.”
“Like what?” Barba asks, and he moves in a little closer again. 
“Like me liking you.”
“And if I like you too?”
“Maybe you should kiss me again?”
“You’re sure you want this?”
“Of course.”
Barba kisses him - on the lips this time. It’s soft and uncharacteristically hesitant and he really likes it. And then he leans forward a little and something pulls unpleasantly in his torso. He makes a small noise of pain, muffled into the kiss, and Barba pulls away. 
“Does that hurt?”
“A little,” he admits. 
“We’ll stop, then. Until you’re feeling better.”
This sounds quite agreeable to Sonny, who is starting to feel incredibly tired again. He stops himself from yawning by thinking of how painful it’s likely to be, but Barba notices anyway.
“Why don’t you get some sleep? I can wake you every couple of hours.”
“You don’t…” Sonny starts, but can’t find the energy to continue. 
“I was going to do some trial prep anyway. I don’t mind staying up.”
He sounds so sincere, and Sonny is so tired, that he doesn’t try to argue any further. He just closes his eyes and lets sleep take him at last.
thanks so much for reading! yeah this was so so fun to write :D i hope you enjoyed!
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psychedelic-ink · 3 years
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This is my commission piece for @some-piece ! Thank you so much for commissioning me and I hope you like it and I hope I did your boys justice!
Pairing: Law x fem!reader x Zoro
Genre: Porn with little plot 
Word count: 4k (behold the longest thing I’ve ever written) 
Warning: Dirty talking, face fucking, biting, rimming, double penetration, oral sex (giving and receiving)  
Commissions | Ko-Fi
You opened the door with a loud sigh, today was one of those days where you just felt awful and just needed physical contact. Work had been awful the past couple of days and every day you felt more and more done with people, with work and with everything. If your boss ever asked you to do one week's worth of work in three days ever again you swore that you were going to punch her. 
The noise of the TV reached your ears and the smell of a home cooked meal reached your nostrils. Law must be home, you thought, excitement starting to brew inside you. The three of you haven’t been spending much time together and frankly you missed them both. Law, sadly, was busy with multiple assignments, meaning that he basically passed out when he came home. The fact that he was actually up and cooking was a true miracle. 
When you stepped into the living room you expected to see Zoro, but the couch was empty. Raising an eyebrow you head to the kitchen. Laughter reached your ears, and you peeked inside, the wall hiding your body. 
Zoro was leaning against the counter with a beer in hand, his cheeks were uncharacteristically pink, Law on the other hand seemed more energetic than usual, mixing a salad and chatting away as he stood right across from the marimo. Curious about what they were going to do you continued to watch them, you felt like you were watching a documentary. 
Zoro leaving the beer behind, came closer to Law. Licking his lips he leaned in and locked his lips with Law’s. The man seemed startled by this, the utensils slipping from his tattooed hands. Your mouth watered as you watched the two, Zoro greedily claiming Law’s lips as his own and the other surrendering completely. A soft moan was heard and you felt your insides starting to churn. A mix of jealousy and lust filled your brain and you pouted. When they finally parted with a string of saliva still connecting them, Zoro chuckled, the corner of his eyes fixated on the entrance. 
“I know you’re there, you creep,” he called out, making you flinch “Just come out  instead of watching us like some porn.” 
Of course that asshat knew, a blush starting to color your cheeks you took a step inside. Law genuinely seemed surprised as his golden eyes landed on you, his face lighting up with a bright smile. 
“Y/n,” he said smiling. “Welcome home.” 
“Welcome home to you as well,” you replied, throwing yourself into Zoro’s arms and burying your head into his chest. “I missed you both so much.” your voice came out muffled. 
“What’s wrong?” Law asked, noticing your dropped mood instantly. 
“Ahh, she’s been beat from work.” Zoro replied on behalf of you, his arms tightened around you as you nodded. 
“I keep telling you that you should take a break. Call and say you’re sick.” he said, reaching out to grab a bottle of olive oil. 
You shifted and turned, still nestled between Zoro’s strong arms, your back now firmly pressed against him the heat he radiated made you feel secure. You rolled your eyes at the soon to be surgeon. 
“Says the man who passes out every time he comes home.”
“As you can see I’m home and I haven’t passed out.” 
“...yet.” Zoro muttered, earning a giggle from you. 
“You know what,” Law said, annoyed. “Lasagna for neither of you.”
“Noooo, I’m sorry…” you whined, your stomach growling along with you.
“I’m sorry too, please feed us.” Zoro continued. 
Law chuckled and shook his head. Leaning towards you he gave you a small peck on the lips. 
“Fine you can have some,” then his eyes landed on Zoro. “You on the other hand can’t have any.” 
“You’re a dick.” he said as he grabbed your hand and started to pull you towards the living room. 
“Where do you think you two are going?!” he exclaimed, pouring a bit of olive oil into the salad. 
“We’re going to spend some time together so that y/n can cheer up.” Zoro replied with a smirk. 
“I don’t think so. I haven’t spent any time with her” he said, and stomped towards you both. 
Honestly you were happy at where you were, being sandwiched between the two while they bantered truly was fun. Shame they couldn’t see the simple answer to their problem. 
“That’s not my fault .” 
Their voices fainted away as you started to think more about where you were. Both of their warm bodies flushed against your own, you could basically feel every muscle and breath on you. You could feel yourself starting to get wet, needless to say you already felt quite horny since the moment you saw the two kissing, rubbing your thighs together you decide to enlighten them one of the biggest positives of being in a polyamorous relationship. 
“You know,” you said and cut them off. Your voice was dripping with mischief. “We could...you know… spend time together?” 
You snorted when they actually looked surprised by this revelation. You loved these dumbasses so much. Law was swift and didn’t hesitate when his hands dove under your shirt and started to travel along your body, his hands dipped into every crevice and squeezed your love handles. Already starting to feel flustered you leaned in to him, Zoro grunted and started to leave open mouthed kisses on your skin and traveled down to your neck. He nibbled and sucked on the soft skin, and earned a soft moan from you. 
Not wanting to lose to Zoro Law started to kiss you as well, his hands traveling up to your big breasts, squeezing and massaging the soft mounds. Everytime their lips touched your burning skin, you moaned and your pulse quickened. İmpatient, Law stopped and pulled off your shirt, leaving your upper body completely naked in the middle of the kitchen. Zoro seemed to like this as he licked your neck, his tongue dancing along your skin, he dipped down and took your semi erect nipple into his burning mouth. You trembled slightly as his tongue rolled your nip and nibbled at it with his teeth. He grabbed your other breast, kneading the soft flesh, with his thumb and forefinger he started to pinch, pull and roll your nipple. Your moans gradually became louder. 
Groaning, Law pulled you in for a kiss. Captivating your mouth he stuffed his tongue between your lips, usually you would challenge him but today you were more than willing to let him have his way. You closed your eyes, and with a wide open mouth he engulfed your lips, your nose smushed on the side of his cheek, he licked the inside of your mouth and sucked on your tongue. While you were occupied with the sensations of Zoro’s mouth on your nipple and Law devouring your mouth, you didn’t realize that the sneaky doctor’s hand had already unbuttoned your pants and snuck underneath your underwear. 
A surprised muffled gasp left you as two fingers traced your labia and grazed against your clit. Freeing your lips Law licked the side of your face as he started to play with your clit, rubbing the sensitive nub with harsh and eager strokes. Being stimulated by both ends, your mind started to feel foggy from the pleasure. Law’s tongue was warm and wet against your skin, Zoro, contrasting  Law,  continued to softly squeeze your breast and suck on your now fully erect nipple. 
Just as you were getting used to the feeling of Law torturing you by mercilessly by playing with your clit, he slid his fingers in to you with ease. It was kind of embarrassing how wet you were for them. 
“God you’re so wet, you love having my fingers in you don’t you?”
You didn’t answer, when silence followed a harsh pain shot out from your breast, it made you jump and hiss in pain. You looked down to see Zoro staring up to you, his teeth feeling sharp against your skin. 
“Answer him.” he growled, voice husky. 
You blushed, having them work together was always such a turn on for you. Your legs twitching, you let out a shaky breath. 
“I...I love having your fingers inside of me.” you spoke out, your voice strained. 
“Good girl.” Law hummed. “You wanted this so bad, didn’t you? Wanted both of us to spoil you endlessly.” 
You nodded, tears starting to sting the corner of your eyes, you felt overwhelmed by it all. Your body trembled and ached with desire. A desire that you were craving for so long. 
With a sudden pull your head was thrown back, Law’s fingers tangled in your hair, he pulled you enough to expose your bare neck, a pained groan came from you. He ignored this and licked your neck which was followed by a sharp bite, he sucked on your flesh and you knew that he was marking you. Your inner walls clamped around his fingers as he went in deeper, curling and pressing his fingers into the spongy spot inside of you. Your whole body spasmed at the feeling. 
“Hey,” you were barely able to hear Zoro’s voice. “Don’t be so rough with her.” 
“She likes it,” Law replied, his breath ghosting over your neck. “She’s so wet right now.” 
As if he wanted to prove his point Law’s fingers made a loud squelching sound as they moved in and out of you. The sound and sensation heightened your arousal, you felt yourself starting to move your hips, trying to be in sync with Law’s hand.  Your body burned hot, your pussy was slick with fluids, every time they touched you your desire amplified. 
“Fuck, I can hear her.” 
Your breasts felt cold when Zoro left them, he got on his knees and watched as Law’s fingers thrusted in and out of you. Your fluids trickled down your inner thighs, it was embarrassing how needy you were but you couldn’t help it. Law spread out your folds so that Zoro could take a better look, you could feel your hole twitching at his gaze. 
“Want a taste?” Law cooed, edging Zoro on. 
You wished you could see what was going on but Law was still firmly pulling your head back, your only view being the white ceiling. It was a tragedy that you couldn’t see. You felt a warm, wet muscle dance along your inner thighs, cleaning the remains of your juices. You felt Zoro’s hands grip the underside of your ass and squeeze as he traced your labia with the tip of his tongue. He moaned at the taste of you, he pushed his face further into you, your pubes tickling his nose, and he pushed his tongue into you.
“Fuck.” you managed to say, your inner walls spasming.  
“Now that’s not a very nice thing to say is it, y/n?” Law warned, but it was obvious that he was enjoying himself. 
Law dove back into your neck, marking you as he pleased. Law continued to play with your clit, pulling and pinching as Zoro fucked you with his tongue. You were amazed how a muscle so small could be so strong. He wiggled his tongue deep inside you making you moan uncontrollably. 
“Are you going to cum for us?” Law whispered, his lips pressed against your ear. “Come on cum all over Zoro’s face. You know you want to.” 
With one more torturous pinch on your clit, you were seeing stars. Your legs threatened to give out as your walls twitched and clamped around Zoro’s tongue. You could hear how slick you’ve become with the lewd sounds of slurping getting louder and filling the kitchen. Zoro hummed, the vibrations of it made you moan. 
“Good girl.” Law said, releasing your head. 
You looked down at Zoro, only now he parted away from your pussy, he looked up to you with a grin on his face. You were left breathless when you saw his mouth and chin glistening with your cum. Law grabbed the man by the collar of his shirt and pulled him up. He captured the unexpecting man’s lips with a kiss. You watched intently as Law’s tongue darted out momentarily to taste you on Zoro’s mouth. It wasn’t often that Zoro moaned when Law kissed him, so when the man moaned into the kiss, rutting his hips against the slimmer man… needless to say you got worked up all over again. Law broke the kiss and licked Zoro’s lips one last time before locking his gaze onto you. Just how horny was he? 
Zoro followed his gaze and his lips spread out into a devilish smirk. He grabbed you by the hand and led you to the bedroom, Law following from behind. They both were quick to get naked when you sat on the bed, you swallowed when you saw how hard they were. Zoro’s cock was thick and glistening with precum whereas Law’s was longer than his and a bit slimmer. They both looked delicious. 
“Like what you see?” Zoro asked playfully, he very well knew that you did. 
“Get on your knees.” Law ordered. 
“Someone seems eager.” you teased but complied anyway. 
Getting on all fours, the bed dipped under their weight. Zoro stood behind you, kneading your soft ass, he peeled your cheeks open and placed his cock between them. He rubbed his shaft between them, the tip of his cock barely visible between your ass. Instinctively you raised your hips, a series of groans came from his as his grip on your ass tightened. 
Law on the other hand had other plans. Standing before you, his dick was just a bit below from your eye level. With his thumb he pulled down your bottom lip, you stared up at him. Your gazes locked on each other, you darted your tongue and locked the tip of his finger. He flashed you a grin and replaced his thumb with the tip of his dick instead. He smeared the precum all over your lips and rubbed his shaft along your cheek. Your mouth watered, his cock warm against your flushed skin. 
“Zoro,” he said, tearing his gaze away from you. “Hold her head for me.” 
When his demand was followed by silence, he rolled his eyes. 
“Fine.” he grunted. “But only because you asked so nicely.” 
The loss of Zoro’s cock spreading your asscheeks made you whine, he playfully slapped you and chuckled, as if to say don’t worry I’m going to be back soon. Zoro wrapped his fingers around your hair, his hand keeping you steady, Law teased your mouth with his cock. 
“You remember the safe word right?” Zoro asked, prompting Law to wait a bit. 
You nodded.
“Moron Sanji.” 
“I...I feel like we should change the safeword.” Law said, and rolled his eyes. 
“It is what it is.” Zoro replied, dismissing him. “Now where were we?” 
His grip on your hair tightened, shots of bittersweet pain spreading across your scalp. Spreading your lips you stuck your tongue out, pleased by this Law rubbed the tip against the flat of your tongue letting you taste him. He tasted bitter but you enjoyed the slimy texture and the flavor. With one thrust he buried himself completely in your mouth. Your throat closed around him as your gag reflex took over you. Zoro held you in place as your flight reflex kicked in. Law sighed happily. 
“God your mouth feels so good.” he cooed. 
He pulled his hips back and snapped with full force again and again. Your chin started to ache and your eyes watered. Saliva mixed with precum dribbled down your chin as he continued to fuck your mouth. You felt so good with your mouth so full, each time he thrusted his hips the tip of his cock touched the inside of your throat. 
You heard Zoro groan and felt him tugging at your wrist, stumbling only for a bit as you let him guide his hand to his throbbing cock. Loosely wrapping your fingers around him, Zoro started to slowly thrust in and out against your palm. Your hand was now slick with Zoro’s precum, making it easier for him to slide between your fingers. The heat in your palm was steadily building. 
The way Law was thrusting into your mouth, whispering words of praise to the both of you, you could feel yourself starting to flood with fluids all over again. Before you knew it your grip on Zoro’s cock tightened. You could feel them all over you, it felt so good that it made you crave for more. 
Law continued to slam his hips into you, and you started to jerk Zoro off more vigorously, his cock throbbed, the amount of precum increasing and lubricating your palm. Zoro’s breathing hitched as his movements became more erratic and desperate. His cock twitched, he was close, his moans gradually became louder moaning both yours and Law’s name over and over again. Law’s chuckled, continuing to fuck your mouth he leaned in towards Zoro, he slammed his lips against the larger man and sucked on his tongue. Zoro’s grip on your hair loosened as he groaned into Law’s mouth. 
Zoro’s body trembled as he blew his load all over your hand, his cum thick and warm over your fingers. Law let go of Zoro’s lips with a pop and started to focus on his own release instead. Letting go of your head completely Zoro collapsed on the bed, trying to gather his breath. Your hand fell back to the bed and Law’s hands replaced Zoro’s, his movements grew impatient with each thrust into your mouth.  
Zoro, watching the two of you, licked his lips as an idea formed in his head. He crawled behind you and came across face to face with ass. He loved to watch how it rippled as Law fucked your mouth. Placing his calloused hands on to the soft mounds he spread your cheeks apart, burying his face in between them he wriggled his tongue and reached your hole. It twitched when the warm muscle touched it, with a hum Zoro licked it. 
You moaned around Law’s cock, your eyes widening, instinctively you pressed into Zoro’s face begging him to go deeper. Not being the type of man to deny his wonderful girlfriend Zoro slid his tongue in, he pushed as far as he could. Soon enough he was fucking you with his tongue, the muscle sliding in and out of you with ease. 
“We’re really spoiling you today huh y/n?” Law said, teasing you. 
You answered him with a loud moan, your body feeling warm. Law’s grip on your head became stronger, with one last thrust Law buried himself deep inside you, keeping your head in place. He trembled as he shot his cum into your mouth. It felt heavy on your tongue as you swallowed every last drop, only a bit of it escaping you and trailed down the side of your chin. Letting out a shaky breath Law released your head, with your mouth now free you let out loud moans, as Zoro continued to thrust his tongue in and out of your ass, your voice now hoarse. Knowing that Law came Zoro pulled out his tongue and planted open mouthed kisses all over your ass, not being able to contain himself he gave it a sharp bite before looking at Law. 
“I really want to fuck her now.” by the sound of it he was barely hanging on. 
“You’re insatiable.” Law said with a grin. “But yeah, I want to fuck her too.”
Don’t I have a say in this? You though but honestly, you really wanted to feel them both inside of you too. Besides you were too worn out to actually banter with them. 
Taking both of your wrists Zoro pulled you back, Law came closer to you teasing your slit with the tip of his cock, your body trembled at the thought of them both entering you. As if he read your mind, Law slid between your folds and into you with ease. The two of you took in sharp breaths, Law waited for you to adjust to him, leaning in Law captured your lips with a soft kiss. This time he took it slow, exploring your mouth and tasting you. 
Your body relaxed as he kissed you, making Zoro’s job easier. Spreading your asscheeks Zoro probed at your already wet hole, slowly he pushed in, your groaned at the intrusion but Law continued to entrance you with the kiss, his hands came up to your breasts and squeezed your tender flesh, your pained groan was quick to turn into a moan.   
When Zoro was finally sheathed completely inside of you, your whole body threatened to give out right then and there. Lucky you that Zoro was still keeping you standing still by holding your arms. Law broke the kiss and placed a soft kiss on your forehead. 
“Are you okay?” he asked. 
You nodded, both of your whole twitching and burning. 
“You can move.” you managed to whisper. 
Law was the first to move, each time he slid in and out of you he could feel Zoro buried deep inside of you. With a groan Zoro followed suit, slowly he snapped his hips back and thrusted into you once again. You screamed mixed with pain and pleasure. The feeling of being filled from both ends made you feel dizzy. 
Law buried his face in the crook of your neck, kissing and nibbling at your flustered flesh. Zoro let go of your arms and grabbed your breasts, pinching and pulling at your nipples, the two of them made your whole body spasm with desire. The lewd noises of them both fucking you filled the room, the squelching managed to turn you on even more if possible. 
Both of Zoro’s and Law’s moans got louder, the way they could feel each other thrusting into you through your inner wall drove them crazy. Law continued to bite your neck and Zoro roughly squeezed your breasts, his mind too occupied to actually think of playing with your nipples. Your insides were burning, the sensation of being stretched out so deliciously edging you towards your release once again. You didn’t even know which name you shouted as your second orgasm hit you like a truck. Your toes curled and your body arched back as you saw white. 
Both of them groaned when your walls fluttered around both of their cocks, sucking them in deeper. Your juices dripped down Law’s dick, making the noises of him fucking you grow louder. 
“Fuck...ahhh… I’m close.” Law moaned against your neck. 
“Me...Me too...fuck, y/n you’re so tight.” 
You wanted to retort and say it wasn’t everyday you got your ass fucked but you just couldn’t as your second orgasm was still washing over you. 
Before you could come down from your high Zoro pulled out and  you felt the warmth of his cum trickling down your ass, you felt him falling back onto the bed, his breathing uneven and short. Law was quick to follow, he pulled out and shot his semen all over your stomach, leaving you empty and twitching. 
The two of you collapsed after that, you falling backwards into Zoro’s chest and Law falling into the bed. Automatically Zoro’s arms came around you, pulling you close, he placed a gentle kiss on your temple. The three of you, sweaty and hot, sat in silence, only your heavy breathing filling the room. 
“We should prepare a bath.” Law said, being the one to break the silence. 
“I wouldn’t say no to that.” you replied a soft smile tugging at your lips.    
 “I bought some new bath bombs if you want to try them out.” Zoro chimed in. 
Sighing happily, you leaned further into Zoro.
“How did I end up being so lucky.” 
“We’re the lucky ones,” Law answered, smiling. “You’re amazing y/n.” 
You continued to smile until a faint smell reached your nose, you sniffed the air.
“Is something burning?”
“The lasagna!” 
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taeminyourmind · 4 years
Under the Moonlight (M)
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Summary - Your marriage to Taemin experiences a rough patch after you experience a miscarriage. Though you want to give up on having children, his everlasting love gives you encouragement to try and grow your family again.
Genre - Mature (Angst and Smut)
Trigger Warning!! - Mentions of miscarriage
Word Count - 5.7k+
A/N - This story contains mature themes. Reader discretion is advised.
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You sit alone on the bed in the guest room of your parent-in-law’s home, staring out the bay window at the night sky. Its beauty is unmatched as she flaunts her most prized possessions - the planets and stars. Though the waxing crescent moon offers little light, it gives you the motivation to overcome the darkness that’s consuming your mind. Beside it, the stars shimmer, sending a secret code with their pulsations.
The sound of the door creaking open and footsteps interrupt the silence. You remain still as the footsteps approach you. The rhythm of the steps and faint scent of cologne let you know that it’s your husband that entered the room. His weight shifts the bed when he sits beside you. He doesn’t make a sound and joins you in staring at the night sky.
“You’ve been gone for a while,” Taemin finally says. “You okay?”
You avert your eyes to the floor before exhaling deeply. You want to answer his question, but the darkness of your mind creates a haze over your thoughts. Taemin watches your face fall in sadness and gently nudges your shoulder, encouraging you to talk.
“I’m ready to go” you croak. You turn to Taemin with teary eyes that glisten despite the low light. “Take me home, please.”
Without protesting, Taemin nods his head and stands. Though he holds out his hand for you to take, you stand on your own and walk past him with your head hanging low. You succeed in avoiding Taemin’s family who has been pestering you with questions about when you would have a baby and giving you bedroom advice as if you need help pleasing your husband. You say a quick goodbye to his parents before walking out of the house with Taemin on your heels. A part of you feels sorry for dragging him away from his loved ones, but there is only so much you can take after a traumatic experience.
The ride home is silent with neither you nor Taemin daring to speak. You decided to not tell Taemin about his family’s pestering in fear of burdening him, so you keep everything to yourself. His family’s questions are loud in your mind. When you try to push them away, they come back louder, tormenting you. You try your best to ignore their invasion. You want to cry, scream, punch something, you want to do anything to kill the voices in your head. Taemin sees your hands clench and relax. He wants to ask if you’re okay when he glances over and sees a distant look on your face, but can’t pull himself to say anything. For the remainder of the ride home, silence is your best friend.
The house feels colder when you walk through the door. Was it because this was where your hope was lost? Was it because its rooms were no longer filled with laughter? Or was it because you made it this way? Your eyes fall to the floor, ashamed to look at anything that once sparked joy in you.
“___?” Taemin whispers, placing a hand on your shoulder.
“I’m going to shower,” you answer in a monotonous voice.
You walk away without glancing at your husband. His eyes can be felt on your back as you walk away, and though you want to run into his arms, you can’t bring yourself to do so. 
Your clothes seem to stick to your body when you try to take them off. It takes time before they let you loose and you throw them to the ground in frustration. You sit on the side of the tub with your hand under the water, but you can’t tell which is warmer, the water that flows over your fingers or the tears falling down your face.
The water from the shower falls over you as you sit in the tub. You bring your knees to your chest and hang your head as you try to suppress the cry that burns in your chest. You thought that you were quiet, but Taemin could hear your sniffling upon entering the bedroom. The thought of you curled up alone while you cry pierces his heart. He can’t help but tear up at the sound of your distress and he fought hard to not burst through the door and hold you in his arms. Instead, he sits on the bed with his back to the bathroom door and allows the tears to fall.
Your robe covers your body when you finally emerge from the bathroom. You stop in your tracks when you see Taemin’s back, his shoulders slumped while his head rests in his palms. His shoulders shudder whenever he suppresses his cry. Climbing on the bed, you wrap your arms around his shoulders and kiss the back of his neck. Your embrace breaks the chain of restraint that is choking him allowing him to cry out. His chest heaves when he chokes on his sob. He doubles over and allows himself to cry out loud for the first time in a month.
“It’ll be okay,” you whisper while you squeeze him tighter. “It’s okay to cry.”
In the following week, there is nothing but tension and arguments between the two of you. Doors are slammed, harsh words are thrown, and silent tears fall when either of you stormed off. On many nights, the two of you go to bed without making up. And the pain from the day before will roll over to the next. You find yourself wondering if your marriage could survive. You love your husband, and you know he loves you, but there is a dense fog blinding you from seeing that.
One night an argument spirals out of control causing you to storm away from your husband who follows you.
“Why can’t you just let me hold you?” He yells, his voice bouncing off the walls.
“I just don’t want to be touched! What is so hard to understand about that?” You say as you stop and face your husband. His face is full of mixed emotions - his eyes are filled with sadness, his nostrils begin to flare in anger, and his forehead creases in confusion.
“Do you think you’re the only one hurting? That was my child too in case you forgot!”
Taemin closes his mouth before he could say anything else. His hands grip his hair before he leans his head forward until it falls against the wall. Though you are filled with so many emotions, sadness is the one you feel the most. You realize how much you failed at being a wife in the past month and how much patience he’s had for you. The least you could owe him was an explanation, a word, something to tell him about everything you’ve bottled in.
“I feel like a failure.”
Your voice makes Taemin turn to face you with curious eyes. You look to the ceiling in an attempt to keep your tears back before looking back at your husband.
“You’re not a failure,” he whispers while taking a step closer to you.
“No, I’m a failure,” you answer with tears rolling down your face. “I was supposed to protect our baby, and I failed. And the other week, at your parents’ house, I was asked nothing but questions about when we were going to have a baby. And I was reminded of how much of a failure I am.” 
You pause to take a shaky breath.
“I want to have a baby, Tae. But I just feel like giving up.”
“Look at me, baby,” he demands. His strong hands cup your face and hold it up until your eyes meet. “We’re going to get through this. We’ll go to therapy, we’ll try again and if that doesn’t work, we can adopt, have a surrogate, or do infertility treatments. Whatever it takes.”
Taemin’s reassurance makes a smile spread across your face for the first time in a month. His lips press against your forehead softly when he wraps his arms around you and holds you tight. You rest your head against his chest where you hear his soothing heartbeat. Your head snuggles into his chest more as you wrap your arms around his waist, bringing him close. For the first time in what seems like an eternity, you feel worthy and loved - and it was all because of the everlasting love Taemin has for you.
6 Months Later
You stir in your slumber as the room begins to fill with the brightness of the rising sun, garnering a low groan to rattle in your throat. You squeeze your eyes shut and turn your back to the window to block the sun for a while longer. The moment you begin to drift back sleep is interrupted when weight is pressed on your side. Taemin presses the side of his face against your shoulder and brings his hand up to stroke your hair.
“Princess,” he softly sings while using his other hand to poke your side.
You groan once more and swat his hand away. Taemin laughs at your annoyance and sits on his knees. His hands attach to your sides and begin tickling you.
“Taemin!” You squeal while squirming.
The room fills with more laughter as Taemin joins in. No matter how much you squirm, you can’t escape from under his body. Your stomach begins to cramp and tears well in your eyes from all your laughing. Finally, you muster enough strength and escape his hold. Rolling off the bed, Taemin chases you around the room while you taunt him to catch you.
“Gotcha!” He exclaims as he wraps his arms around your waist from behind. “Happy anniversary, my love.”
“Happy anniversary, Tae,” you say with a smile while craning your head back to look at him.
Taemin’s hands twirl you around so you face him. The warm hue provided by the sunrise paints his face golden and accentuates the softness of his messily tousled hair. He smiles brightly at you before leaning down to softly kiss you.
“I have the whole day planned out for us,” he says. “First, we’ll have breakfast on the veranda, then we’ll watch our favorite movie, after that we’ll go biking near our favorite lake, and come home in time for dinner and dessert.”
“Sounds relaxing.”
“We always go out for our anniversary. I thought you would appreciate a day at home.”
You smile at his thoughtfulness and rise to the tip of your toes and kiss the middle of his forehead.
“It sounds like a perfect idea.”
Throughout the day, you treat each other like the loveliest creations you’ve encountered. You shower each other in the purest forms of love - intimate touches and words of affection. You find yourself stealing glances at Taemin in admiration. Whenever he catches them, he teasingly winks that make butterflies flutter in your stomach. As for Taemin, he finds himself falling more in love with you in each passing hour. Your gentle touch makes his heart flutter, your smile fills his body with warmth, and your laughter overflows his heart with joy.
Day turns to night with blackness blanketing the sky. The moon and stars shine brightly against its void. Taemin leaves you to get dressed while he prepares the dinner he made for the two of you. Upon entering the room, you see a large gold-colored box on the bed accompanied by four roses and a small card with your name on it. You look back at the closed door and pretend it’s Taemin, smiling at it to show your appreciation. Eagerly, you open the card to see the sweet words written to you.
My love,
It’s been four years since we wed and each day I spend with you is a blessing. I always wonder what I can do to show how much I truly love you. I picked out this dress for you to wear tonight and hope you’ll like it. When I saw it, I knew it was destined for you to be in it. Don’t keep me waiting long.
Taemin 6v6
You smile at the card and open the box with quick hands. Inside, a blue silk spaghetti strap dress lays in front of you. You carefully lift it from the box and hold it against your body. Like a child at Christmas, you’re filled with excitement as you quickly undress and slip into the dress. Standing in front of the mirror, your eyes examine the way the dress appears on your body - its plunging v-neck accentuates your breasts, the silk material comfortably hugs your body to complement your shape, and the slit on the side teasingly exposes enough skin to make one yearn for a better look.
The door swings open without warning and cause you to turn towards it. Taemin is dressed in black slacks and a blue silk shirt, similar to your dress, that is slightly baggy on him. He immediately apologizes for barging in but trails off when he sees you in the dress. You watch his eyes glaze over for a second, feeling him undress you with his eyes.
“You look stunning.”
“Thank you.”
“Is it safe to say I made a good choice?”
“You made an excellent choice.”
You smile at one another before Taemin reaches in his back pocket and pulls out a piece of cloth. You raise an eyebrow at the material in his hand. Before you can question his motive, he moves behind you and ties the blindfold around your head. Cautiously, he guides you out of the bedroom and into the hall that leads to the kitchen area.
“I think you’ll like your surprise, princess,” Taemin whispers. One hand delicately holds yours while the other is placed on your lower back.
You feel yourself blush at his compliment. You smile and lightly nudge him with your shoulder. He chuckles at your bashfulness. Though the blindfold eliminates your vision, you can see the beauty of his smile and the way his nose scrunches when he laughs in your mind.
“Tae, how much longer do I have to wear this blindfold?” You whine.
“Only a few more steps.”
You walk a little further before Taemin stops you. You feel his warm presence leave your side and move behind you where his fingers swiftly untie the blindfold’s knot and gently removes it from your head.
You blink your eyes until your vision goes back into focus. The sight in front of you makes your jaw slightly drop. Before you, the kitchen table has been magically transformed into a gesture of romance - a white tablecloth covers its surface, small candles float in a bowl of water that is set in the middle of the table, and rose petals cover the tablecloth and the surrounding floor. The lights are dim to allow the candles to shine brightly and violin instrumentals of your favorite romance songs play softly in the background. Against the wall, a large framed picture of you and Taemin sealing your vows with a kiss from your wedding hangs under a wall light.
“Wow,” you gasp as you walk closer to the table.
“I hope you like it,” Taemin says sheepishly. He stands beside you, peeking over to see your reaction.
“I love it,” you smile. You turn and place a soft kiss on his lips. Pulling away, you can’t help but laugh when you see some of your lipstick smudged on his lips. “My lipstick is on your lips.”
“Is it my color?” Taemin asks before poking out his lips.
“They should rename the shade after you.”
Taking your hand, Taemin leads you to the table and pulls your seat out for you. A smile appears on your face as your eyes closely examine the decorations arranged before you. Taemin wasn’t the craftiest person, but for you, he tried his best. And for that, you continue to feel blessed to have a husband that loves you that much.
“Happy anniversary, princess,” Taemin says, interrupting your thoughts. He softly smiles and holds out a large flat velvet box. “I know we agreed on no presents, but I couldn’t resist.”
“Oh, Taemin,” you whisper and take the box. Slowly, you open the top of the box and gasp at the beauty in front of you. A graduating pear-shaped diamond necklace sparkles brightly against the box's dark hue. You are at a loss for words as your fingertips carefully glide over its jewels.
“Let me put it on for you.”
Taemin carefully removes the necklace from the box and transfers it around your neck. He apologizes when the sudden touch of his cold fingertips against your skin makes you shiver.
“It looks beautiful on you,” he says after moving in front of you to have a better look.
You look down to hide your blushing face. He always has a way to make you feel like the loveliest person he's ever known whether it be by his gazes, words, or actions. Looking up, your eyes lock with his soft stare causing your heart to pound harder. 
 “I made some of our favorite dishes,” Taemin says and stands to his feet. “First, we’ll start with a Caesar salad, then we’ll have salmon with sautéed asparagus and brown rice, and then we’ll finish with our favorite ice cream for dessert.”
"Of course! Do you know a better flavor?"
"It all sounds delicious!"
As the night goes on, you and Taemin reminisce on your years together - showering one another with words of affection and soft touches. While you tell a story, Taemin barely pays attention to the words you say. He can’t help but admire your beauty against the candlelight - he watches your lips and wishes he was kissing them, gazes into your eyes and feels an overwhelming sense of love, and finds himself intoxicated by your voice.
After cleaning the dishes, Taemin picks you up bridal style and carries you to your bedroom. Your arms hold onto his shoulders as he twirls you around while humming a tune you are unfamiliar with. Your heart skips a beat when he presses his lips against your forehead.
“How did I get so lucky?” You ask as Taemin lays you on the bed.
“I could ask the same thing,” he says as he lays beside you.
The two of you exchange a smile before looking to the ceiling. Amid the silence, your eyebrows furrow as you fall deep in thought. Your thoughts are so loud that you don’t hear Taemin calling your name.
“Hey,” Taemin whispers while shaking you with a worried expression.
“Are you okay? You look like something’s wrong.”
You turn your head to look at your husband before nodding. You blow breath through your nose as butterflies of nervousness fill your stomach.
“I was just thinking,” you begin. You reach out to hold his hand in yours and stroke the top of his hand with your thumb. “And I’m ready. I’m ready to try again for a baby.”
Taemin remains quiet, processing what you had just said. It’s been almost a year since the last time you two had unprotected sex. You weren’t ready to have a baby, your wound still open from your miscarriage. But as you heal, you feel ready. But the more seconds go by, the more nervous you become.
“But if you’re not ready, I understand,” you whisper while avoiding eye contact.
Before you can move from the bed, Taemin lifts your chin with his finger until your eyes meet. He leans forward until his lips press against yours. His head tilts to the side to deepen the kiss. The kiss slowly breaks when he places his forehead against yours.
“Let’s make a baby,” he whispers breathlessly.
Without another word, you lean over and hungrily move your lips against his. His strawberry chapstick teases you and causes you to get a better taste by deepening the kiss. You feel his strong hands grip your waist to bring you closer. Your chest burns with intense passion as your hands slip under his shirt and rest on his chest.
With Taemin’s help, you roll on top of his body and straddle him without breaking the kiss. While you teasingly bite his bottom lip, his hands slip under your dress and tenderly kneads your inner thighs. You yearn for more of his touch as you grind yourself against him.
Taemin leans up slightly with the bottom of your dress in his hands and pulls it over your head before tossing it to the floor. Passion devours him when he sees your naked body. Your necklace sparkles under the moonlight  giving you an angelic aura. His eyes take in the beauty of your body - the suppleness of your breasts, the softness of your skin, every curve of your body, and the desperation painted in your eyes.
You place your hands on his chest and push him back on the bed. Once his back touches the bed, you place sloppy kisses along his jawline resulting in a pleasurable sigh to escape his lips. Your fingertips work quickly to unbutton his shirt until it falls open. His breath shudders when your lips move to graze the sensitive area on the side of his neck.
Taemin's chest quickly rises and falls when your lips travel down the middle of his torso and near his pelvic area. His body tenses as braces himself for your touch when your tongue glides along the width of his waist. He raises his hips slightly to aid you while you remove his pants and underwear.
Your hand firmly grips Taemin’s erected cock and massage the tip with your thumb. His whimpers fill the air as his eyes slowly close. He thrusts into your hand in desperation to create more friction, to feel more of your touch. Under your touch, he’s hit by a wave pleasure when the warmth of your mouth replaces your hand. His hand holds the back of your head, pushing you down further. A choppy groan floats into the air when his tip grazes the back of your throat. The overstimulation of your tongue swirling around its tip makes his back arch.
“I’m gonna cum,” Taemin whines while his body squirms.
When you pull your head away, a string of saliva connects from your bottom lip to his tip. You look at Taemin’s body that is spread before you. His chest tiredly rises and falls, his skin glistening with sweat causing strands of his hair to stick to his forehead, and his plumps lips swollen and wet from biting them. He gives you a tired smile while tugging on your hips.
“Come here, princess,” he says breathlessly. “Come sit on my face.”
A seductive smile spreads across your face as you crawl towards Taemin’s face. You feel your walls twitch at the sight of his hungry eyes. Your hands grip the headboard to keep steady while you lower yourself until your womanhood presses against his lips. He smiles against your outer labia before parting it with his tongue. You sigh into the air as you feel his tongue slowly work its way from your entrance to your engorged clit. Your head falls back when his tongue laps your wetness from your folds. Your hips unintentionally rock against his tongue to feel him more. Soon, his name drips off your lips like a declaration when his plump lips wrap around your swollen clit and begin to suck. Your restrained moans burn your throat as his skillful tongue renders you weak. Fiery knot tangles in the pit of your stomach causing your legs to shake beneath you.
“I’m gonna cum!” You exclaim through a moan.
Taemin releases his mouth from your clit with a pop. A moment passes before you garner enough strength to move until your hips hover over his. Your natural lubrication makes it easy for him to enter you as you slowly lower yourself on his member. Between your desperation and the sensitivity of your genitals, the moment your walls embrace him to cause a lengthy groan to escape your mouths.
Taemin’s fingers are intertwined with yours when you begin to slowly bounce. His presence between your walls makes your sweet name roll off his tongue. You sweetly moan his name in response while you focus on how good each area feels when he rubs against your walls. A flame of desperation ignites in you when his tip rubs against your sweet spot. You slam yourself down on him once more and begin to feverishly rock your hips forward and backward. The sudden change of pace has him moaning loudly while his fingers grip your hips, pressing into them tighter each time you rock your hips forward. 
A burst of energy shoots through Taemin’s body and causes him to sit up until your chests meet. For a moment, he stares deeply into your eyes before crashing his lips against yours. His tongue slyly enters your mouth just as you moan against his lips. Your tongues slowly dance around one another, and at one point, the dance moves from your mouth to his. One hand tightly grips your hip while the other is pressed in the middle of your back to hold you close.
Your lips greedily move against his as you begin to slowly grind against him, it’s slow and delicious as you feel your sweet spots being teased by his tip.
Taemin's muscles are tense as you torment him with your slow movements. You can’t help but smirk in the kiss while he whimpers. Your smirk suddenly disappears when an overwhelming sensation flows throughout your body. The sudden shock engulfs you in a euphoric high as your head falls back while your toes curl. You can’t help but let out a pleasurable gasp when you feel his thumb draws circles against your clit.
"How does it feel?" He growls in your ear.
His eyes burn a hole in you when you remain silent, unable to find any words to say. He forces your head upright and locks eyes with you. Your hands grip his shoulders, finding it difficult to not close your eyes in pleasure.
"Faster," you beg, slurring the letters together. "Please, go faster."
A smug expression appears on Taemin’s face when he sees how undone you’re becoming. He obliges your request and rubs your clit faster with more pressure. You feel your end coming near causing you to grind yourself on him once again, your pace matching with his thumb. 
The knot in your stomach returns with increased intensity. It feels like your mind entered fog has been placed over your head as you’re transported to a state of ecstasy. Your hips falter when your body shudders. Your walls squeeze around his member as you feel an intense wave of pleasure crash into you. You call out Taemin’s name in a loud moan before falling into his arms, your hips slowly grinding against his to ride out your wave.
When your high begins to fade, Taemin gently lays you on your back with his member still inside you. He holds your legs apart while slowly pulling out halfway. A whimper hums against his lips when he re-enters you. He carefully lowers himself on top of you until your chests are pressed together. His deep thrusts cause your back to arch off the bed while your hands cup your breasts and squeeze them.
"I love it when your cum coats my cock," he sighs in your ear through clenched teeth while locking your hips against the bed.
You can only answer in a choked whimper when he repeatedly rubs against your sweet spot. His thrusts become erratic before turning into circular grinds as he feels himself growing closer to the edge. His breathing becomes heavy and his grip on your hips becomes tighter.
"Cum in me Tae," you manage to whisper through a moan.
Taemin’s hips cease movement when he growls your name. Spurts of his semen enter your body, his waist thrusting forward with each spurt. The erotic sound of your name being called triggers your walls to tighten and relax around his member as if they were milking him for every last drop while he lays on top of you. In this intimate state, you find it unfair how beautiful he looks after coming undone - his face is flushed, eyes low, lips swollen and slightly parted and his skin glistens from the sweat forming on his face. But just like you admire his beauty, he is admiring you - lipstick smudged, strands of hair clinging to your sweat covered face, breasts resting prettily on your body, and the way you smile at him while you try to catch your breath. Even in this state, he finds you beautiful.
Your arms wrap around his body while you remain still. His heartbeat pounds against your chest as he tries his best to slow his breathing. The air that was filled with sounds of passion moments ago is now occupied with your deep breaths and the low hum of the air conditioner.
"The full moon looks beautiful tonight," he says before laying behind you, his arm wrapped around your waist.
"It does," you agree while admiring the beauty in the sky.
The two of you lay, admiring the beauty of the night sky and thank the stars for another year together. Your eyes begin to feel heavy until a streak of light flashes through the sky. Any exhaustion you feel is immediately pushed to the side when you realize what you just witnessed. You turn your head to glimpse at Taemin whose eyes are full of excitement.
"Did you see that?" He asks with a child-like grin. "We have to make a wish!"
Nodding your head, both of you close your eyes and make a silent wish. Though you can’t hear each other, you have a feeling that you wished for the same thing.
"Do you think your wish will come true?" You ask while pressing your back more into his chest.
"I hope," Taemin whispers. His hand gently rubs your lower stomach while kissing the back of your shoulder. "I hope."
3 Years Later
One after another your pregnancy tests have come back negative. The old you would have given up on having children after so many failed attempts, but Taemin’s positivity kept you from falling back into the darkness. 
Two years ago you decided to adopt a sweet girl named Haewon. She was 4 years old at the time of adoption and is now a spunky 7-year-old. Though she shows love to you, you know she’s daddy’s princess - they’re always joined at the hip and create inside jokes. She even picked up some of Taemin’s mannerisms which makes you laugh at times. They are so alike that it makes you wonder how alike your children would be if you had any.
You lean against the bathroom sink with your eyes closed, a row of pregnancy tests are lined in front of you. The pit of your stomach makes you feel as you’re about to plunge into the earth. Your heartbeat drums loudly in your ears as you take a breath. You know you can’t stay like this forever and force yourself to look at the tests.
“Positive, positive, positive, pos-positive,” you say to yourself.
Disbelief washes over you as you take a tissue and grab a test. Your eyes were playing a cruel trick on you, you thought while you walked towards the living room where Taemin and Haewon were having a tea party.
Taemin is dressed in a purple boa that is wrapped around his neck while sporting costume jewelry and tick star-shaped glasses while Haewon is dressed as Cinderella. He pretends to take a sip from his teacup and is about to talk when he sees you approaching. The blank look on your face makes him feel uneasy as he rises and walks towards you.
“Hey,” he whispers so Haewon can’t hear. “What’s wrong?”
“They’re all positive,” you stammer and show him the test in your hand. “All the tests are positive.”
You stare at each other in silence before Taemin breaks into a huge smile and picks you up.
“We’re pregnant!” He exclaims in celebration while twirling you around.
You laugh at your husband’s excitement while a tear of happiness falls from the corner of your eye. He places you back on the floor and kneels down until his head is leveled with your stomach. Tears pool in his eyes as he gently kisses your core.
“Is mommy okay?” Haewon asks. She rises from her seat and cautiously walks over with worried eyes.
“Mommy is fine,” Taemin says while taking her hand and placing it on your stomach. “You’re going to be a big sister.”
Haewon’s mouth dramatically falls open as she looks from you to Taemin and back to you.
“Mommy’s having a baby?” She squeals. “Is it a boy or girl?”
“We don’t know yet, honey,” you say with a smile.
“I hope it’s a girl because boys are icky.”
“But, what about me?” Taemin asks.
“You’re icky too, daddy. But I love you.”
9 Months Later
“They’re home!” You hear when you walk through the door with an infant carrier in one while Taemin carries the other.
“Shh,” you whisper when Haewon rounds the corner with Taemin’s mother. “Not too loud. Let’s go sit on the couch.”
Haewon excitedly skips to the living room and plops on the couch. Her eyes fill with excitement when you and Taemin sit on either of her and gently remove the twins from their carriers. She covers her mouth to contain her excitement as she studies their faces.
“They’re so tiny,” she whispers while Taemin’s mother nods her head in agreement and wipes away her tears.
“This is Jiho,” Taemin says with a smile. “And that is Jitae.”
“They’re so cute,” Haewon whispers as she looks closely at each twin. She gently touches their hands and kisses the top of their heads.
You can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of love as you watch your husband look at your children with affection. He eventually meets your gaze and gives you a soft smile that you exchange. The past years have tested your marriage in ways that you never imagined and reminded you of the everlasting love that Taemin has for you. Through everything, you know you made it through the most difficult moments because you had him by your side. And now, a new chapter of your lives has begun and you couldn’t wait to write it with the man who has always been by your side.
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blueberrypossum · 3 years
Just in the Nick of Time
Dastardly Danny x Reader
Hiya guys! Did I totally write about Danny saving you on a motorcycle from @bootyyy-shaker9000 and @greaser-wolf posts? Yes. Yes I did. I love writing these kind of scenes and I hope you guys enjoy!!
⚠️ WARNING ⚠️: There are inappropriate words and violence.
(I will be placing your friend’s words in pink so then the reader's words don't get mixed up.)
“Okay, I think that was just a little too easy.”
“Hey, don’t jinx us.”
Your friend held the window to the abandoned factory as you crawled through it, once your feet planted on the dumpster, you took a hold of the window frame and watched as they climbed through. 
You’ve both been staking out this place for weeks, following an opposing group of thieves that had recently robbed a bank. One thing that was easy with your job was that you didn’t steal from public places, but from other thieves and criminals, making the criminals run away from the law without an award, and no one suspecting you or your friend of having the prize. 
Your friend finally made it through the window and you hopped off the dumpster you both were standing on, your shoes splashing into a puddle as you landed on solid ground. You took in a huge breath, taking in the moist and breezy wind of the Hidden City.
You pulled out your phone and quickly texted Dastardly Danny, saying that you had a wonderful surprise and to meet you a few blocks from here.
You slinged your backpack over your shoulder as you both made your way down the alleyway, the flickering dim lights of the city casted a faint dust of yellow over you. Your fingers barely scraping over the brick wall as you checked to make sure the guards that were posted out front were still there. 
Your pocket vibrated and knew it was a text from Danny, but it would have to wait.
You raised your hand to stop your friend as you spotted the two yokai’s; a grey ram and a purple reptile stood still at the front of the warehouse. You brought your black covering closer as you turned to your friend.
“Okay, we’re going to wait until the daily van comes around and distracts them.”
“Ahhhh Y/N…..”
“Shhhh, you know to whisper.”
“Not when they already know we’re here!”
You were so worked up about getting out that you barely noticed the huge shadow that was casted over you, almost like a blanket. You instantly turned to see the huge lion yokai that loomed over you, his yellow and busted up teeth matched the mixed up lights that hung above. 
“Haha. Ah shitt RUNNN!” You called out and you both scattered in opposite directions as his golden paws came slamming in the spot you both squatted at mere seconds ago. 
You booked it past him, your legs carrying you down the long street as you heard the henchmen scream orders at each other. Your eyes barely caught your friend making it out, their figure disappearing into the night as they headed down twisted alleyways. Your heart prayed that they would be okay and raced away once the thieves gave chase towards you instead.
The backpack gravely weighed you down as you swerved into a tight alleyway, your body and the bag barely fitting as you pushed in between the red walls.
A yelp escaped your lips as a huge hand wrapped itself around your arm and turned to see the glowing eyes of the reptile, his mouth opening to let out a long hiss.  
“Let go!” You screamed and your mouth instantly went for his hand, your teeth sinking into his fingers. The yokai grunted and his grip on you eased just enough for you to shake him off and to continue on through the crack, a laugh whistling out of your throat as you made it fully through. As the henchmen chatted about how to get through, your eyes scanned around you to find a way out.
The alleyway leads you to a small, squared area, where the only way out were doors to buildings, the way you came, or a ladder leading up to the rooftops. The yokai’s started to punch and kick the bricks out of its structure and with each pound, fear started to tickle down your spine. Since you didn’t want to see if the doors were unlocked and wake up an upset homeowner, you turned tail to the ladder as the yokai’s started to make their way through the destroyed alleyway.
Of course you didn’t bring any weapons with you on this mission, your friend told you that they were just mindless idiots. 
You made your way up the ladder and the chase began with you sprinting across the flat rooftops and the three yokai’s after you. You heard one of them radio in about some van and you could hear the screeching tires of a car coming down the street below you and you let out several curse words as you hopped over another building. 
Luckily for you, you weren’t the only one who heard it. 
The reptile had caught up to you and his hands seized your backpack and pulled you back, the bag slamming into his chest along with your elbow. 
The purple yokai wheezed as you made contact with his stomach again with your elbow and then your heel against his foot. You continued onward once he buckled and you could feel your lungs start give out as you jumped to a lower building, and then lost every ounce of air when the ram landed on your back, sending you both down. 
A wheeze escaped your throat as you rolled over and then dodged a punch from his black hoof. Your hands scraped across the concrete roof as you tried to get onto your feet, but the lion yokai lept behind you, his claws digging into the backpack as he threw you through the air like a ragdoll. 
You held onto the straps as his claws ripped through the fabric and sent you flying off the roof, your body hopping off a hanging tarp from a crafting store, and rolled out onto the street, your bag barely giving you a soft landing. 
You groaned as pain rippled through your body and the street under you started to vibrate. Your eyes opened to see a pair of bright headlights starting to race towards you from a few blocks away, but that wasn’t the thing that made the ground under you move. 
You barely had time to roll over as you saw the motorcycle make its way through the alleyway near you and onto the street, the dark colors blazing against the hanging lights as the yokai tipped his large hat up. You watched as Danny extended a hand to you as the van raced closer, the lights illuminating his smirk.
“Hop on, toots!”
You couldn’t help but smile as you took his hand and he lifted you up effortlessly onto his bike, your arms wrapping tightly around him as his foot slammed onto the gas, the warm breath of the van barely touching you as you both took off. Even with the car chasing after you, you took in Danny’s comforting scent as you held on tighter, your fingers digging into his sides. You honestly thought for a second that you wouldn’t make it, and with your bruised ribs and your pounding head, you knew it would be hard to run. 
“How are ya holdin up? Where’s yer friend?”
“We got separated, and the empty lungs and busted up chest feels lovely.”
The rat yokai took a hard right, his tires barely being able to handle the friction and an eerie screech echoed through the night. You leaned yourself against him, his coat flying around you as the van continued to follow you throughout the city. A sigh escaped your lips as he ran his hand over yours for a split second before he had to make another quick turn. 
“Oh I’m so glad I texted you! After this, we are going to your favorite restaurant, my treat,” you screamed to him, a small gasp followed as the bike did a small bounce over a hill. The rat yokai chuckled as he looked back at you, his eyes narrowed due to the blistering wind, but they gleamed with excitement.
“I should be saving you more often then, doll,” he commented back and then went off road, the dark gravel of dirt and rocks was painted behind you as Danny took you both towards the shipping docks, the van stopping just for a split second and then continued to pursue. 
The chunks of earth nicked against your legs and you winced at the small but piercing pain. 
“Ah, Danny, sweetheart, you do have a plan to lose them, right?” You asked as the van was dangerously getting closer to the back of the bike, you could almost make out the yokai’s in the van. Your boyfriend’s head looked from left to right and then a double take as a devilish smile crossed his lips. 
“Yes I do, hold on, darling!” He hollered as he pushed further into the pedal, his hands working the handles as he led the van into the crowded part of the shipping docks, stacks of metal and work equipment littered the area. You let out a yelp as you lowered yourself into him, your eyes instinctively closing as he raced you both into rows of storage units, the roaring of the van getting closer as you buried yourself into him. The rat’s heart melted as you pressed yourself against him, but it also hardened at the sight of you scared and how bruises had already started to settle against your skin.
Oh yeah, he was going to make these yokai pay.
He moved his motorcycle ever so slightly to the right, his eyes finding the lever he had been seeking out throughout the whole shipping area. As you both passed it, his tail slapped the rod until it switched to its opposite side and Danny looked up to watch as the storage container being helped by a crane was dropped from its holding. The rat pulled his bike back to do a wheelie as the van was crushed beneath the weight of the metal, the cries of the yokai barely being heard as the front wheel of the motorcycle screeched against the sheet metal of the docks. 
Danny slowed the bike down until it came to a stop and you opened your eyes, shock spreading over your face as you took in the sight. Your grip on the rat loosened as he steadied the weight of him and the bike on his leg. You both were breathless as you watched the van catch on fire, but no one was running out of the vehicle. 
“Phew! Guess you can call that a close call, huh, toots?”
You rolled your eyes as you leaned back onto the bike, your tense muscles slowly started to let go of the stress and you could feel the full amount of pain your body was receiving.
Danny kicked out the kickstand and turned over towards you, a small smile of happiness crossing his stressed and dirty face as his mind finally accepted that you were safe.   
He then turned to you and reached out, his thumb barely grazing over your face as you leaned into his touch, your own hands encircling around his wrist. 
“I’m glad you’re safe,” he whispered into your face and you both leaned into each other, your face going into his shoulder and his over your head as you both took in each other’s weight. 
After several minutes of resting and enjoying each other’s presence, the rat lifted himself off of you.
“So, what exactly did you get from these goons?”
You pulled the backpack off of your shoulders with a hiss and laid it into his lap, your hands leaning onto the bike as you pulled your phone to text your friend that you were safe along with the code you both created so that if one of you were kidnapped after being separated, you with know since you didn’t place the code.
Man your life was weird.
Danny opened the bag and let out a low whistle at the loot you had collected. Stacks of hundred bills were piled onto each other along with golden and silver belongings that yokai’s had placed into their banks. The rat pulled out a diamond about the size of a golf ball as you giggled. 
“That’s not even half of it.”
You winced as you touched your bruised eye and didn’t even realize that a trail of blood had traveled down your face from a gash on your head. Your body was sprinkled with dark marks and a slash mark was on your arm from the reptile. But, you’ve never felt more alive, as you took in the soggy smell of the harbor and watched as fog collected around your feet, you genuinely felt like you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else in the world. 
Danny watched in silence as these emotions crossed over your face, as your nose twitched slightly and your fingers continually twitched due to them being black and red. But he has never seen you so deep in your prime, how these were your golden moments, the excitement, the adventure, the sheer thrill that glowed around your body. 
You were a literal heartthrob, and you were worth more than the treasure he held within your hands, you were worth more than any bank vault or rich man’s home. 
He planted a kiss on the top of your head as he handed the bag back to you, his body turning to get back onto the motorcycle. 
“Alright, love, let’s go home,” he said and you let out a breathless laugh. It had felt like the night had just started, and now it done. But, when you climbed back onto the bike, the fire from the van raging behind you, and with Danny looking at you with pure devotion, you knew that this was just the beginning. 
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stuffthatbard · 3 years
Geralt and Eskel edging Jaskier, who's under Axii not to come until they tell him, spending all day taking turns till he's soaked and full of cum, hole too loose to close and just completely cockdumb to the point he can't even begin to come. Finally, they DP him and tell him to come and his scream is loud enough to shake dust off the walls. Or fisting/ double fisting maybe? Age is dealers choice I'm good with any.
Oh my goodness what an amazing prompt! Thank you for sending it in!
Read here on ao3, or below: 
Jaskier hadn’t expected his first winter at Kaer Morhen to be like this. He’d been excited, sure—it would be a great opportunity to see where it all began, the top-secret home of the Wolf Witchers, a mystic keep hidden high in the mountains. He could talk to Geralt’s brothers, see if they proved to be less monosyllabic.
He and Geralt could fuck in a proper bed without having to worry about other inn patrons.
Which they proceeded to do as soon as Jaskier could stop shivering from their trek up the mountain. Several times. Very loudly, in fact.
He almost—almost—regretted it the next morning, when Eskel greeted him, unable to look him in the eye. Of course. Witcher senses, enhanced hearing.
Jaskier considered being embarrassed for all of a second—after all, it was sort of like having your in-laws know all the details of your sex life. But he’d never been one to embarrass easily, and he wasn’t about to start now. So, after getting Geralt’s agreement, he looked Eskel straight in the eye and asked, “Wanna fuck?”
Which was how he’d found himself here, spread-eagle on their bed, head in Geralt’s lap while Eskel kneeled between his legs. “Sure you want to do this?” Eskel asked, in that honey-warm voice of his that never failed to send shivers down Jaskier’s spine.
“Yes I’m sure, please,” Jaskier begged, leaning his head back to entreat Geralt, too. Eskel nodded and traced his fingers through the air, and the world went syrupy around him. All he could feel was Geralt’s fingers combing lightly through his hair, and an overwhelming sense of Eskel, intimate and comforting. Jaskier sighed in relaxation.
“Jaskier, are you with me?” Eskel asked, honeyed voice drifting to him through the fog.
“Yeah,” he said dreamily.
“Good. Listen carefully. You can’t come until we say,” Eskel coached him, and Jaskier repeated it dutifully. If Eskel was telling him, then it must have been important.
Then Jaskier felt the fog lift, and being snapped back to reality felt like jumping into a freezing river. He gasped. “Oh, fuck.”
“Alright?” Geralt asked, his fingers tracing lower and lower until they were caressing his neck, then down his chest, until they were tweaking at his nipples. Jaskier arched up into the contact.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m good. Now fuck me,” he demanded, wiggling his hips enticingly. Geralt laughed.
“Impatient,” he chided. “Eskel, get him ready?”
Eskel hummed—was that a witcher thing, then?—and grabbed the vial of they kept beside the bed for this exact purpose. Jaskier watched as he drizzled it into his hand, and promptly yelled as Eskel seized his cock. “Fuck,” he gasped, bucking up into it, but only succeeded in thrusting once, twice, before Eskel was pulling away.
“That’s just a taste of what’s to come, little lark,” Eskel murmured darkly. Jaskier was saved a response by the feeling of one thick finger—thicker than Geralt’s, even, which, wow—nudging against his hole. Jaskier moaned.
“Listen to you. Only one finger and you’re already begging for it,” Geralt teased, pinching his nipples again. Jaskier was caught between the dual sensations, already half out of his mind with lust. And they’d only just started. “We’re not going to stop until you’re crying for it,” he promised, and Jaskier moaned again, louder.
“Such beautiful sounds for us,” Eskel praised, adding another finger and crooking them both just right.
“Please—more, give me more,” Jaskier pleaded, and nearly bit his tongue off when Eskel complied, just as Geralt tugged at his cock again.
“Is this what you want?” Geralt asked, rubbing his thumb over the slit.
“Yes, yes, please, Geralt, want—”
“What do you want? Do you want to come?” Geralt continued, sounding far too at ease for the fire coursing through Jaskier’s veins at every movement.
“Yes—so close—gonna—”
“But you can’t. Don’t you remember, Jaskier? You asked for this,” Geralt reminded him cruelly, letting his cock bob back against his stomach. Jaskier whined.
“You won’t be complaining for much longer, once I’m inside of you,” Eskel assured him, and then did just that—Jaskier whined again at the loss of his fingers, feeling entirely too empty, hole fluttering in Eskel’s wake—but he was soon pacified when Eskel’s thick, gorgeous cock breached him.
All of the air punched out of him as Eskel thrust deep in one smooth movement. He could come just from this, the sensation of being so exquisitely full—except he couldn’t. He couldn’t even as Eskel took him in hand and started stroking, pumping his hips in powerful thrusts that sent him brushing right up against Jaskier’s prostate.
“Fuck—fuck—fuck,” Jaskier chanted, unable to form any other thoughts besides the urgent need to come and the overwhelming feeling of Eskel, Eskel, Eskel.
“How does he feel?” Geralt asked, looking at Eskel, whose face was tightly screwed up in pleasure.
“Fucking—incredible,” Eskel grunted. “So hot—and tight—and wet, all for us—” And with that, he came, come squelching up inside of Jaskier, hot and wet against his inner walls. Jaskier moaned, thrashing his head back and forth.
“Fuck—fuck, please, please, let me come, I’ve been good—” he begged.
“You have been, you’ve been so good, so good for us,” Geralt reassured him, petting broad hands down his sides. Jaskier sobbed in overstimulation, the touch just this side of too much and yet not enough. “Can you keep being good for us?”
Jaskier nodded, chest heaving. “Please—want you, Geralt, want you inside—”
“Shh, little lark. Be patient,” Geralt said, but gently scooted out from under Jaskier’s head, letting him drop softly back onto the bed. Eskel shuffled away from Jaskier’s ass, replacing him at the top of the bed. Geralt took Eskel’s place, hoisting Jaskier’s legs up until he was bent nearly in half, gaping hole winking up at him, still with come dripping out of it.
Eskel’s hand appeared in his vision, fingers heading towards his mouth, and Jaskier opened eagerly. “Suck,” Eskel commanded, and he did with pleasure. It gave him something to focus on, a much needed distraction from his painfully hard dick.
And then his concentration went completely out the window when Geralt thrust into him, glide slicked by the oil and come leaking out of his hole. A strangled sort of gasp made its way out of Jaskier’s mouth.
“Mmm, so open and wet for me. Did Eskel fuck you open nice and good?” Geralt crooned, thrusting rapidly, hitting Jaskier’s oversensitive prostate with every stroke. Tears gathered in the corners of his eyes.
He tried to say something, garbled past Eskel’s fingers, who kindly removed them and then unkindly started pumping his spit-slick hand up and down Jaskier’s cock. Jaskier wheezed.
“Gonna fill you up so good, ‘til you’re round with our seed,” Geralt purred, shuddering as he approached his own peak. “Gonna fuck you ‘til you can’t remember your own name.”
“He’s already halfway there,” Eskel commented wryly. It was true—Jaskier felt half out of his mind with lust, unbearable and immediate.
It only intensified when Geralt thrust once, twice, again, and then came, come shooting out of him in thick spurts, filling Jaskier up completely. He sobbed with the feeling, so unbearably full.
And through it all, Eskel’s hand never stopped, up and down until Jaskier was sure his cock had been rubbed completely raw. “Hnghh—” he whined, trying fruitlessly to squirm away, but Eskel didn’t let up. “Please.”
“Oh, do you want to come?” Eskel asked, leaning over to fill Jaskier’s view. Jaskier nodded frantically. “Too bad.”
The sobs started in earnest then, chest heaving as the witchers swapped places again. And again, and again, fucking him full of their come until he was heavy with it, until his hole couldn’t even so much as clench around them.
He didn’t know when they let up, but he came back to himself some time later with nothing inside of him, the feeling of come leaking out tickling his ass.
“Jaskier, hey,” Geralt said, and Jaskier cast exhausted eyes at him. “Do you want to keep going with what we talked about?” Geralt asked, and it took a minute for Jaskier to remember.
But once he did, he nodded, even though part of him was screaming out for him to stop, to accept his limits. But the larger part of him wanted to see how much he could take, and so he nodded, and Eskel lifted him until he was chest-to-chest with Eskel and perched over his cock, all of his weight supported by those two strong hands, legs weak as a kitten’s.
Geralt took his position behind Jaskier, and then Jaskier was being unbelievably stretched even farther, speared open on both of their cocks. He screamed, thrashing from pleasure or pain, he didn’t know. If he could just—get a hand on his cock—maybe he could finally come—
But he was too fucked out to even think about attempting it himself. Even just the effort of keeping his head from lolling back was monumental, every muscle overtaxed and every limb in his body filled with sand. He whined, voice cracking in the middle of it.
“Fuck—you’re so open for us, so good, fuck, lark,” Eskel grunted, rapidly pistoning his hips in counterpoint to Geralt’s thrusts.
“So good,” Geralt murmured, nosing at Jaskier’s neck. “Do you want to come? You deserve a reward.”
“Yes,” Jaskier sobbed, and then Eskel was making that hand gesture in front of him again.
“Come for me,” he ordered, and Jaskier screamed until his throat went numb and the world went white, cock spurting rope after rope of come, wringing him completely dry.
He passed out.
He came to what must have been hours later, limbs and ass deliciously sore the way they only were after a good fuck. He groaned, uncurling from the ball he’d been curled into underneath a pile of furs, and opened his eyes to see Geralt sitting against the headboard with Eskel asleep in his lap.
“Hey,” he said softly, upon seeing that Jaskier was awake. “How do you feel?”
“Fucking amazing.”
Geralt chuckled. “So you liked it, then?”
“Oh, we are absolutely doing that again,” Jaskier rasped. “…As soon as I can feel my legs.”
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adenei · 3 years
Always a Bridesmaid, Never a Bride - Ch. 3
AO3 || FFN
The next morning, Jenny stayed true to her word and called me before work to grab coffee. As much as I wanted to hear about her night, I also sort of didn’t. Harry had looked at her the way I’d always dreamed he would look at me, and that was tearing me apart.
I’d probably gotten two hours of sleep, so I was planning on ordering the largest cup of coffee with a double shot espresso from my favorite coffee shop. t I grabbed my bag and looked in the mirror, giving one last check for bags under my eyes. Jenny was just leaving her flat as I was locking my own door. 
“Good morning!” she said cheerily.
“Morning,” I said, trying a little too hard to match her bright tone.
When Jenny noticed me, she frowned a bit. “Are you okay? You look like you barely got any sleep last night.”
She wasn’t wrong, but I didn’t really want her knowing the reason why. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just some insomnia was all,” I lied.
We left the building and walked down the street toward my favorite coffee shop. Jenny was chattering on about how she needed to unpack and attempt to get some laundry done today. “Maybe I’ll even take a nap this afternoon as a reward,” she added.
I wished I could take a nap. Hopefully I wouldn’t fall asleep and drool all over my desk. That was the last thing I needed: Harry walking in and seeing me like that.
After we picked up our coffees and sat down at one of the small tables, I noticed Jenny was picking at her nails. She was probably waiting for me to ask about how her night was. I knew I was going to find out one way or another, so I took the bait. 
“So, how was the rest of your night?” I asked casually.
Jenny broke out into a wide grin. “It was amazing! Harry took me to this posh restaurant where we ordered drinks and split an appetizer, and then he invited me back to his place. I didn’t get home until four, but I’ve just been so wired that I haven’t slept.”
“You’re this awake and you haven’t slept at all?” The words slipped out of my mouth before I could stop them.
Jenny smirked. “It’s funny. I’ve always heard about how ‘when you know, you know,’ but I never believed all of that rubbish. Yet last night, with Harry, things just made sense! He was so easy to talk to, and things felt different with him than the other blokes I’ve seen.”
“O-oh, well that’s good, isn’t it?” I asked, trying to sound pleased for her.
“He’s not normally my type, you know, the quiet, brooding kind, but there’s something mysterious about him that makes me want to go back for more.”
“Yeah, I guess he is,” Hermione said, trying to keep the bitterness out of her voice.
“Tell me everything you know about him,” Jenny begged. “I want to learn more!”
I took a long sip of my coffee before responding. As much as I didn’t want to share that with her, I couldn’t resist talking about him. “Well, he’s such an inspiration! His parents died when he was a baby, so he was taken in by his Godfather, who was then murdered when he was fifteen. He worked really hard at school to fit in and make a name for himself that wasn’t necessarily tied to his parent’s horrific car accident.” 
“Oh, my God, I had no idea,” Jenny said as her hand covered her mouth in shock.
I nodded. “They got into a car crash when he was one, and they both died on impact, but he was fine in the backseat. Everyone called it a miracle given the state of the car. He doesn’t like to talk about it, so I wouldn’t bring it up unless he does,” I added. 
“Noted,” Jenny said as she nodded. “What else?”
Hermione took another sip as she thought. “Well, he dropped out of college, and used his inheritance to start the company. Harry worked as a temp for a major publishing company, saw how ruthless they were to many authors, and decided he wanted to help. It was either that or go into law enforcement. I personally think he’s happier here, but every now and then his reckless need for adventure strikes.”
“He likes adventure? What does he do when the urge kicks in?” Jenny asked with rapt attention.
“He’ll volunteer with the local police department. He got to know some of the detectives there when they were investigating his Godfather’s murder. Harry likes to help out with various neighborhood watch programs, too, and becomes a bit obsessed with helping solve the smaller cases.”
“This is so fascinating! I would have never guessed that about him. What about some of his random interests and likes?” Jenny pressed on.
“Harry loves treacle tart, he adores his dog Padfoot, and he plays for an amateur football league in his spare time. Did you two even talk last night?” I asked, surprised that she was asking me about him.
“There wasn’t really much time for talking,” Jenny chuckled. 
“Right,” I said. I was pretty sure my voice sounded hollow as my heart dropped into my stomach. It looked like they were intimate.
“Harry wants to have lunch today, so now I’ll have things to talk about with him!”
That was peculiar. Why wouldn’t they have other things to talk about? Wasn’t she going to talk to him about her own life? “What do you mean? Surely, you’d have your own stories and experiences to share?”
“Oh, yeah, I do, but I’m more interested in him! It’s not often I meet a man who isn’t shallow and full of lies. Harry seems like the real deal. Someone I’ve been waiting my whole life for!” She seemed to be dodging my question about herself, just like she did whenever I asked anything too personal. It didn’t sit well with me.
“Ha, yes, your whole life for…” I echoed. “But won’t you have to leave in a few months for work?” 
“Maybe,” she said in a noncommittal tone. “I was thinking of making a career change soon, so maybe now would be an opportune time if I’ve found someone to settle down with! That way I could finally stay in London.” 
My mind was feeling rather fuzzy, and I was realizing I needed to get out of there. I was holding onto the hope that this would be a fling because Jenny would ultimately have to leave again, but even that was looking grim judging by the way she was talking. I checked my watch. “Oh, no! I’m going to be late if I don’t get going. I’m so happy things worked out for you last night! You’ll have to let me know how today goes,” I told her as I stood up and gathered my things.
“Okay! Tell Harry I said hi, will you? I promise we’ll catch up later!” she flashed me a genuine smile as I returned it with a half smile of my own and escaped toward the exit. 
I tried my best to shake the conversation from my mind and not worry about it as I walked into the office. This wasn’t something that was worth fixating on, so I focused on my work to distract me. After verifying the to-do list that I left on my desk the day before, I pulled out my Filofax, wanting to double check that I hadn’t missed any appointments.
What I found instead was that the red headed pain in my arse decided to defile the one thing that held my entire life. “I’m going to kill him,” I said under my breath as I ferociously flipped through each page of my Filofax.
I grabbed my phone with a little too much force and punched the numbers into the keypad before holding the handset up to my ear and waited as I listened to the ringing.
“Weasley,” he answered. Why did he always have to sound so buggering cocky?
“Not only did you read my Filofax, but you defiled it with your name and number as well? What is wrong with you?” So much for attempting to begin a civil conversation.
“Hey, you got my message!” Ron responded in a disgustingly cheerful voice.
“How could I not? You seem to have penciled yourself in on all my Fridays for...oh, let’s see, the rest of the year!” I scoffed. “What do you want?”
“A drink. That’s all I’m asking for,” he said simply.
“Yes, well, that’s never going to happen so you’re going to have to get over it.”
“Well, the offer stands if you’re ever looking to meet up with someone who doesn’t want to talk about tulle and event menus.”
I laughed derisively. “Thanks, but no thanks. Goodbye, Ron.” I slammed the phone down on the hook before he had a chance to respond. 
The nerve of him! I was beginning to regret that he was the one who helped me come to after my fall last weekend. For once, I wished it was Lavender who was there to help. I closed the planner and shoved it in my bag as I did my best to get through the rest of my day distraction-free.
The next few days dragged on, and the reminders of Jenny seeing Harry were enough to make me want to bang my head against my desk and smash my computer in. Harry never returned after lunch on Tuesday, and when I walked into his office on Wednesday, a new frame made its home on his desk. Inside was a picture of him with her. I thought that was fast, but I wasn’t about to say it out loud. 
Jenny came in Wednesday afternoon and hung out in Harry’s office, learning all the ins and outs of his job, which I guess was nice. I could keep tabs on them and knew that at least they weren’t having sex in his office. The downside was I couldn’t get my own work done since I was too distracted by their vomit-worthy cuteness through the windows that connected the two spaces.
Thursday evening I came home from my seminar and had the unfortunate experience of running into them snogging outside Jenny’s door. I was mortified and just wanted to get inside my own flat without being caught. It didn’t happen, though. I dropped my keys as I fumbled with getting them in the lock, which broke the pair out of their passionate embrace. Harry made some awkward comment about not realizing I lived so close. Thankfully the walls were thick so I didn’t have to listen to them doing things all night.
Work used to be a comfort for me and I couldn’t wait to get to my job every morning, but this week flipped everything upside down. I just wanted to get to the weekend where I could distance myself from them. That hope was short lived though when I saw Teddy running into the office. 
“Hermione!” he shouted when he saw me.
“Hey, Teddy!” I said as I gave him a hug. Teddy Lupin was Harry’s ‘little brother’. He’d been paired with the teen through his volunteer work at the Boys and Girls Club, and it’d been a perfect match. 
“Are you ready for the game?” I asked him. 
Teddy was dressed in his football jersey, and I knew he was waiting for Harry to take him to the sports complex where he played during the summer season. Harry never missed a game. 
“Yeah! I’ve got a good feeling about today. I really think we’re going to win. Harry promised to run some drills with me before the game starts. Where is he anyways? He said he wanted me to meet someone.” Teddy looked at me quizzically. 
“I think he’s in his office. Let’s go see!” 
I walked next door and sure enough, Jenny was in his office, and they were making eyes at each other. Knocking on the door to break them up, I announced Teddy’s arrival. I watched as Harry rushed over.
“Teddy! Hey, bud. There’s someone I want you to meet. This is Jenny,” Harry introduced the beautiful redhead that was standing to his side.
“It’s nice to meet you, Teddy,” Jenny said with a warm smile. 
“Hey. Are you Harry’s girlfriend?” he asked unabashedly. 
Jenny laughed. “I am. So, you play football?” she asked interestedly.
I watched as Teddy nodded. I was surprised to see Jenny so friendly towards him. She did not seem like the type to like kids, but she seemed really genuine. It made me wish I knew her better than I did; not that I hadn’t tried, which made me wonder how open she was with Harry.
We arrived at the sports complex, and Jenny and I settled on the stands while Harry went to the field to warm up with Teddy. Harry wasn’t the coach, but he helped out and hosted clinics for the kids from time to time. He always looked so young and carefree when he was playing football, and I loved that about him.
“Harry is absolutely everything I could have ever dreamed of in a man. Have I thanked you for introducing us? Because I feel like I owe you my life,” Jenny told me.
Great, she’s falling in love with him. I felt my grip on reality slip even further, and I was clutching to a nonexistent hope that this wasn’t going to last. 
“It’s...nothing,” I said. Deciding to change the subject, I asked, “What do you think about Teddy? Isn’t he great?”
“He’s the coolest teenager I’ve ever met! He seems like he’s got a good head on his shoulders,” Jenny commented as they watched.
“He’s an orphan too, you know. I think that’s why Harry hit it off with him. They’ve got a lot in common. If he could adopt Teddy, he would in a heartbeat. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s trying to make that happen.”
“I think that would be great for both of them!” Jenny said sincerely.
“Do you want a big family someday? Lots of kids?” I asked her, trying to learn a little bit more about her background.
“Kids, yes. A lot? No. I don’t want to subject my own future family to a life like that. I know what it’s like,” she said as her voice trailed off. 
Before I could ask her what she meant by that, Harry was waving over to us, signalling for Jenny to join them. As she ran over, I pondered her answer. It implied she had a larger family than she let on. I only knew about the one brother in London, whom I’d never met in the five years I’d known her, and she rarely talked about her parents. Though I was pretty sure they were both alive and well.
I watched as Jenny interacted with Harry and Teddy. I saw her shake her head at something they said, and then it looked like they were teaching her certain moves. That completely baffled me. I thought she told me she was an athletic football trainer. What did she say when I’d asked her about it? That’s right! She said ‘something like that.’ Something strange was going on here, and I was starting to develop a bad feeling about it. 
I shook my head. No, I wasn’t going to let myself go there. Not yet, at least. I needed more concrete evidence first. That’s what I resolved to as Harry and Jenny came back over and we settled in to watch the game.
Luna’s wedding was Saturday, so the reprieve I was hoping to find from Harry and Jenny was delayed, and now I’d only have Sunday to pretend my life was what it had been a week ago. Lavender and I were both in the wedding, so we were dressed in bright yellow evening gowns because Luna believed the colour should be a vital part of weddings since it’s supposed to bring happiness to the newlyweds.
The dresses were made of a polyester material for the long, flowy skirts, and the upper half was a delicate floral lace pattern. The neckline was strapless, with flutter sleeves that were off the shoulder. 
“I still can’t believe we have to wear these dresses,” Lavender hissed as I was pinning the sunflower to her hair.
“They’re not terrible,” I told her.
“Oh, so you don’t mind looking like a hippie? And this color! I’m completely washed out and look sick. I’d take that taffeta lilac dress any day,” she continued complaining.
“It’s not your day, it’s Luna’s,” I reminded her. “Now come on, we’ve got an aisle to walk down.” I shoved her bouquet in her hands as we lined ourselves up for the procession.
While we were standing by Luna’s side during the ceremony, I couldn’t help that my eye was drawn to where Harry and Jenny were sitting. They were smiling and whispering things to each other.
 I tried so hard to pry my eyes away, but I couldn’t stop staring. It was becoming harder and harder to keep a smile on my face. Lip reading was not my forte, but I was certain I just saw Harry mouth ‘I love you.’ My suspicion was confirmed when I saw Jenny’s look of surprise before she grinned and said it back to him. 
I knew my smile had faltered, but there was nothing I could do to fix it, and I prayed the photographers weren’t flashing any pictures. Thankfully Lavender also witnessed the same thing, no doubt following my gaze to see what was upsetting me. I caught her disgusted look out of the corner of my eye, and that helped me fake a smile through the rest of the night, no matter how much I was hurting on the inside.
I was wrapping up at the office late on Wednesday night. I had a couple of manuscripts that I needed to drop off on Harry’s desk and then I could go home to relax with a glass of wine. I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked over to Harry’s office, setting the manuscripts down on the corner of his desk.
As I was about to head back out the door, I noticed something sticking out from under another folder that was splayed on his workspace. Moving the folder, I realized it was his wallet. I quickly scanned his desk calendar and saw that he was having dinner with Jenny at Valentini’s. It was still early, but I figured I could meet him there. I was sure he’d need it, after all.
When I got to the restaurant, I entered to find it completely empty. I looked around, thinking I’d gotten the day or time wrong, but then I saw Harry. A quartet started playing Italian music at my arrival, and Harry turned around with an excited, anxious look on his face.
After seeing me, he made a ‘cut’ motion with his hand and said, “No, guys, she’s not the one.” 
The music immediately stopped and the musicians reset themselves as I looked around in shock. “Hermione, what are you doing here?” Harry asked, snapping me back to reality.
“Y-you forgot your wallet,” I said as I walked forward, my arm extended to hand it to him.
“Oh, er, thanks.” He didn’t seem concerned in the slightest as he tucked it into his jacket pocket.
“I’m sorry. I should go—” I turned around and walked a few paces when Jenny came around the corner.
“What’s going on?” she asked.
“That’s her! She’s here, she’s the one,” I heard Harry say from behind me.
Immediately, the music began playing and a banner was dropped that read, ‘Will you marry me?’ Padfoot came from who knew where with a small box tied to his collar. This couldn’t be happening.
I tried to shrink away and hide, but somehow I couldn’t escape. I looked back and forth from Harry, who had extricated the box from the dog and gotten on one knee, to Jenny, who looked like she was in complete shock.
“Jenny, I know it’s only been a few days, but you’re everything I’ve ever hoped for, and I just know you’re the one for me. I can’t imagine my life without you. Maybe this is rushed, but I’ve waited long enough to find you. Will you marry me?”
“Yes, of course!” I heard Jenny say as her head was nodding vigorously. 
I watched as Harry stood up and slid the enormous solitaire diamond onto her finger and they shared a tender moment. I thought I was going to vomit. I needed to get out of there.
“I’ll see myself out,” I mumbled. “Congratulations, both of you. I’m so happy for you,” I said as I side stepped myself away.
My feet carried me out of the restaurant, and I stopped at the edge of the sidewalk to lean against a streetlight. Harry and Jenny were engaged after only knowing each other for less than two weeks. How was I still desperately waiting and hoping for my own love story to begin, when Jenny’s had fallen right into her lap without even looking. And to the man I was determined was meant to be mine! Everything around me was crumbling, so I did the only thing I could think of that might help take some of the pain away. 
I needed someone who wasn’t privy to the situation. Who wouldn’t judge me for being heartbroken over a man who never gave me the time of day. So, I opened my Filofax and pulled out my phone to dial the number that was written like graffiti over every page. He answered after four rings.
“Hello?” There was an air of formality in his voice that I wasn’t used to.
I took a deep breath and hoped I wouldn’t regret this. “So, about that drink…”
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meowdymista · 3 years
Van der Driscoll Pt8
Part 7 - Masterlist
Part 9
This is somehow only 3800 words long, possibly because I killed three pages of flashback and squished it into a handful of paragraphs. BUT there’s no in game script this time (hooray!) so hopefully will be a bit more of a fun read.
Gentle reminder that the only reason I’m still writing this discarded one shot is because @memekingofwwiii and @artisticpoet replied to the original post three months ago. Any feedback always goes a long way, and if you wish this project had died back at the beginning, you have them to blame #sorrynotsorry
“Miss LN, if you do not quit your incessant pacing, I will tie you to the mill stone in Rhodes and rent you out as a donkey!”
Your apology is empty and Miss Grimshaw’s scowl tells you she knows it. Hosea folds down the paper, pressing precisely over the creases before setting it aside. “They won’t be long now, I’m sure of it.”
O’Driscoll’s had intercepted Mr Pearson on his way to Rhodes with the message that Colm was proposing a truce. They claimed it was better to rally together as a dying species than to let the Pinkertons pick off smaller groups fighting amongst themselves.
That wasn't your primary concern. The thought of the O’Driscoll’s so close to camp rattled you, and shook Kieran like an oversized jelly. There was a chance they wouldn’t see through your altered appearance and you could slip past them, but for Kieran who rode with them for two months... To be shot on sight would be a mercy, and both of you knew that that wasn’t the O’Driscoll way.
Dutch announced that as doubtful as the proposition was, he wasn’t going to waste the opportunity to put the past behind him. Assigning Micah as his number two and Arthur as back up, the trio rode out of camp despite the shaking heads and words of disapproval.
“We’ve been in worse situations before and got out of it,” continues Hosea, his bright eyes tired. “Arthur’s the best shot in camp. He’ll take care of any trouble before it starts.”
You hum in acknowledgement before dismissing yourself. You haven’t told anyone about the vibrantly vivid dreams you’ve been having. Abigail has told you in the past that she had them a lot whilst expecting Jack, something to do with the raging hormones, but you can’t shake the dread that’s become sediment in the bottom of your heart. There is something about the way Dream Micah is relentless in his beatings... the way he sneers at every missed punch from Dream Arthur… the shine of moonlight on the infamous double action revolver with its custom black and red grip, and the flicker of fire highlighting the etching Vengeance is hereby mine. To know Arthur is out there with Micah’s only cheerleader is unsettling to say the least. What if it’s not the chaos of change? What if these dreams are a premonition?
You shake the thought of Dutch’s polished boots crushing Arthur’s outstretched fingers from your mind. A dream, you tell yourself firmly. A dream and nothing more.
Stripping to your undergarments, you wade out into the lake in search of a distraction. There’s an island not too far from shore. You could be alone with your thoughts there if you took the boat out, or even if one of the horses wanted to take a swim, but the nagging in your stomach has tied a knot to the centre of the camp. You can’t wander far for fear of the Dream Arthur’s beaten corpse welcoming you back.
“Miss Thomas, I-” Kieran squawks loudly from the shoreline, staring up awkwardly into the evening sky. You sigh and retreat enough to stay underwater whilst remaining within earshot. “I-I’m sorry, M-Miss, I didn’t think you was- that you were-!”
“It’s fine, Kieran. Pass me the towel on that rock?” He obliges, eyes still scouring the heavens like a lost monk until you’ve tied it around your waist and shrugged on one of Arthur’s old shirts. “You heard something?”
“Should I have? Oh, about Arthur and Dutch. They ain’t back yet. I was- I was just wanting to, erm, to check how you was feelin’ with the whole… Colm... thing.”
You consider lying. It would be an appetising distraction to feed him a cool indifferent nature and watch him squirm in paranoia, however you’re not sure how much longer you can fight the burn of madness at the edge of your mind. 
“Scared shitless,” you admit eventually, the corners of your mouth tugging downwards despite your best efforts. “Not even for Arthur being gone, but… if they know. If they know the truth, or if they find out about…” Your fingers touch the soft curve of your stomach. “About Arthur and... I don’t know what I’ll do. What we can do.”
Kieran nods quietly, clearing his throat as his eyes dart over the shore, like a rabbit catching the scent of coyotes on the wind. “Colm burns through men like cigars, but Lord knows what them O’Driscoll boys’ll do if they get their hands on us.”
“We’ll be dead if we’re lucky,” you mumble, turning a smooth pebble in your hands before skimming it over the water. “The lucky ones… they go quick.”
You can feel his gaze burning into the side of your skull, but you try to keep your posture indifferent. You know what he’s going to ask before he even inhales.
“What happened with Peader? Was it quick or…?”
“Quick.” You skim another stone as your heart battles its way into your throat. You don’t have the energy to feign ignorance this time. “I made sure of that.”
“What- what he do?”
Shadows move around the camp, indifferent to your whereabouts. Taking a deep breath, you begin to tell the story honestly, hoping that perhaps if you acknowledge and repent your sin out loud, whatever God there is out there will return Arthur to you.
You tell him about meeting Peader in a quiet saloon on the outskirts of Blackwater - a place where even the cobwebs had moved on in anticipation for the new place opening on the main road. How Peader swooped in, landing on a chair opposite you, his grin brighter than a beacon from his day drinking.
“Yull never guess the shit I just got us. A boat with a shit tonne o’ gold is docking here end o’ this week. Minimum security, no guards, easy pickings. Can you believe it?”
“No,” you scoff, stifling a yawn. “Ain’t no such thing.”
“Tha’s what I said, but this feller I was talkin’ to was from the bank. He was sayin’ that it'd be the steal of the century if anyone pulled it off. They’d tried hiring security, but no one was taking ‘em up on it. Said it was travelling too far, was too high risk of being hit, so they decided to play it all poker like and just send the ferry anyways.”
“And you trust this feller?”
“Sure, as much as anyone else I meet on the street.”
“How’d you know he isn’t setting us up? Or that he really works for the bank?”
“Bastard was dressed up all fancy. Had the same chain on his waistcoat you see ‘em all wearing and the stupid twirly moustache. Ain’t many jobs that afford a man a belly like his. He reeked of paper and safe codes, trust me.”
You tell Kieran how the saloon was empty apart from the bartender and a man catching a nap in a booth across the room, neglecting to mention the way his white hat sat low over his eyes and the thick blond handlebar moustache twitching in sleep. You do tell him the details of the job - that Peader reckoned you’d need at least five men to carry the gold, plus a couple more for shooting. You even tell him when the ferry docked - a date black on your tongue - and how your panic was exacerbated with rising frustration when Peader began to bite back at your doubt, accusing you of doubting him, of stealing the credit for past jobs he’d arranged.
“Obviously some other outlaws got wind of the same tip you did. It’s not the first time we’ve crossed paths with folk like us - and with the law tightening up the way it is, of course we’re gonna start stepping on each other’s toes-”
“Look, I get you have your day trips or mini vacations and the like. I get you’re a good shot an’ all, but you’ve gotta stop lyin’ to me! Knocking me out and keeping the take for yourself-”
“There was no take, Peter, because I was hauling your heavy ass out of their way! Them Van der Linde’s are a better shot than either of us, an’ between a few dollars and a can of vegetables or an extra gun at my side, I’ll choose the latter every time.”
You take a deep breath to slow your quaking heart and keep your emotions from getting the better of you. Your voice cracks as you recall following your friend outside for him to tell you Colm had come by camp earlier that week asking for you. His black eyes fiery, the stubble on his face uneven from his last shave... The proper use of his given name was lost on the wind whistling over the plains, because Colm had personally promoted you. You, who had no prior experience with weaponry before Peader took the time to show you. 
Your vision fades to black. The panic, the total contrast to your good friend, everything accumulates to cast darkness over your sight. You know this can only end one way, and it’s too painful to consider. The pearl grip in your hand is cool at first touch, but quickly grows hot as your ears ring with bullets fired.
The stallion rears and bolts west of town.
Kieran must realise he’s openly gawping as he quickly clears his throat. “W-was that the same ferry these fellers hit?”
You nod, swallowing hard. “Guess the idiot that told Peter didn’t keep his trap shut.”
“I heard he was working with them Pinkertons?”
You shrug sadly. “I might have… twisted the truth a little when Colm asked about him. Made it sound like he was a snitch… with hindsight he would have got us all killed, but he knew too much about me. Suddenly, with Colm asking after me, he had motive to dig deeper and find out the truth. I couldn’t risk it.”
You catch Kieran’s hand hesitating in the corner of your eye, before he decides the comfort would be improper and instead puts it back into his own lap. “I’m sorry to hear that, Miss. Sometimes we gotta make choices an’... an’ we just have to live with what comes afterward.”
You hum in agreement. Kieran takes a deep breath, clearly about to say something else, when you hear a horse whinny in the distance. Apologising hastily, you jump to your feet, relief flooding you as you hurry back up onto the grass in time to see the Count and Baylock trotting in with their owner’s sat tall astride them.
“So?” calls Hosea from the front of the crowd gathered by the hitching posts.
Dutch shakes his head once, sighing. “We ain’t got shot at least.”
Your ears strain for further movement, your stomach dropping every passing second as the chill of your recurring nightmare creeps down your spine. “Where’s Arthur?” 
“Calm down, Guinevere, he’s probably off doin’ somethin’ or other.” Micah smiles all smarmy. “Probably watchin’ our backs, being the little hero that he is. He’ll be back before long.”
Hosea mirrors your frown of concern. “You ain’t seen him?”
“He’ll be fine, Hosea,” Dutch sighs, waving his hand dismissively as he strolls back to the large white tent on the shore. “He always is.”
You shiver violently. Arthur never lets the group disperse after a job until everyone is accounted for. One night after a few too many bottles of whisky, Karen had told you how Arthur had to be all but dragged from Blackwater during their hasty retreat into Ambarino. Eventually Dutch had ordered him to scout ahead for somewhere to camp so that they didn’t need to worry about losing their sharpest shooter to any law catching up to them.
You pull yourself away and head back to the waters, trying to hear any gunshots or further movement beneath Hosea’s continued dispute.
“I see Micah and Dutch are back?” You shrug at Kieran’s hesitant observation. “I’m sure he’s fine. You seen him with a gun?”
You drop the towel and sink your head under the water as soon as you’re able to, effectively ending the conversation. When your head next breaks the surface, Kieran is gone and your towel is folded neatly in his place.
You don’t sleep that night. You can’t sleep. Despite the luxury of space for your expanding body and the warm Lemoyne air acting as a blanket in its own right, you’re still unable to rest without his body heat, without the weight of his arm around you, pressing against your back, the itch of facial hair on your exposed skin.
Every little movement has you sat up expectantly. There is no need for privacy without Arthur’s preference for hidden intimacies, so you’ve rolled up every wall of your tent to keep lookout. The fires in camp are dying down to ash as Micah caresses his knife with sandpaper nearby.
“Yes, Miss LN?” Micah smirks. “Can I help you?”
“What have you done?” Your voice is barely a whisper. Micah’s breathy laugh matches your volume - the most manners he has shown you since you met.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about…”
“Where is Arthur?” You’re stood behind him, your fists shaking at your side as you try to contain the terror of the unknown. “You must know something.”
“Guinevere, I’m sure your white knight will make an appearance eventually.” Shaking his head, he chuckles and turns back to the wisps of burning ash. “I mean, unless another princess has taken his attention. What’s her name? Maggie? Molly?” He throws you another look over his shoulder. “Or was it the queen that took off with someone else? I ain’t ever really had the patience for fairy stories myself.”
“He wouldn’t just disappear!” you argue, setting aside your confusion at his jibes. “This is Arthur. What did he say after you left Colm?”
“He told me he needed a little less mollycoddling from his baby carrier.” He scoffs, his pale grey eyes meeting yours in the last of the light. “How do I know? It ain’t no secret we ain’t the closest of buddies. Maybe he’s done a John and got cold feet, hmm? Now leave me alone!”
When the sun eventually rises, you pull your blouse and skirts over your underclothes without bothering to wash. With a fist full of pins to fix your hair out of your face, you hurry over to where Miss Molly is applying a faceful of powders.
“Jesus wept!” she gasps, stepping back as though your dishevelment was contagious. “What happened to you?”
Looking up at the interruption, Dutch marks his page and sits up. “Something the matter, Miss?”
“Arthur’s still not back.”
He rolls his eyes, body relaxing and book already reopened with his finger finding where he left off. “When you’ve known Arthur as long as I have-”
“I’m not saying he doesn’t disappear for days, I just want to know what happened after you saw Colm.”
“Why? Has your escape plan backfired?” The thick moustache twitches in fake humour. “Maybe your O’Driscoll charm has paid off and Arthur’s switched sides, taking your place as Colm’s number two.”
“Arthur would never betray you like that,” you argue, but the flash in the leader’s eyes makes you question the degree of betrayal felt when you were brought into camp. “You all rode off together. You must have seen him leave to cover for you? What happened when you met back up?”
“He’d already left, Y/N. It was clearly far too underwhelming for him. Now if you don’t mind, I’d like a little quiet. Some of us still have to earn our keep, you know.”
Not wanting to waste energy on a force as strong as Dutch, you busy yourself with chores. You feed the chickens, you feed the horses, you darn socks, all whilst watching the treeline. Even Miss Grimshaw’s fury cannot stir you away from the outskirts, and so by midday, with confidence in your position as most detested in camp, your decision proves easy.
“Kieran, do you have a spare saddle?”
The jittery head snapped up, gaping at you. “Going out, Miss?”
“To look for Arthur. I’ll be back, I promise.”
“You can’t go alone, Miss, especially not- not in your condition.”
You resist the urge to roll your eyes, no small feat with your lack of sleep. “I looked after myself before, and I can look after myself again.”
“Mr Morgan will kill me if anything were to happen to you.” He licks his lips, his hands wringing the corner of his jacket. “Lemme grab somebody to go with you-”
“Kieran I said I’m fine!”
“I- I- I can come. Jus’ gimme a minute to saddle up Branwen.” He’s itching with anxiety. “Shit, I don’t wanna think what Mr Van der Linde will do if we go off together.”
“Something wrong?” Charles watches you both closely as he pauses his stroll back from guard duty.
"Arthur’s not back yet. I’m going to look for him.”
His gaze slides over to Kieran, then shakes his head. “I’ll come with you. It’s best you stay here, Kieran - one missing O’Driscoll is less concerning than two.”
“A-Are you sure, Mr Smith?” The relief is palpable. “Then Y/N take Branwen. She’ll do you right.”
You try to keep your tics of impatience internalized whilst the men fix the horses. Hosea seems to be watching you in the distance. You almost believe he gives you a nod before acting as a distraction to Dutch, allowing you to lead Branwen out of camp behind Charles and Taima.
“Do you know where they met with them?”
You shake your head clear, digging your heels in to ride up alongside your companion. “The Heartlands, I think, but I don’t know the exact location. Can’t be further than Valentine.”
“I think you’re right about Valentine - there’s no real vantage point past Emerald Ranch. Dutch talked like Arthur was a surprise, so he would probably need a good hiding spot with a clear view.”
“Must be further out than Dewberry Creek… they wouldn’t have taken so long to get back.”
Charles hums in agreement. “Let’s head that way anyway and get up on a ridge. There’s a whisky tree with quite the view, might help us narrow our search.”
A long silence stretches between you. It would have been comfortable if it weren’t for the intrusive thoughts, the ghost of imaginary gunpowder tainting your nostrils, the burning images of Dutch’s boot crushing his outstretched fingers…
Just a dream.
You arrive at the summit and draw your binoculars, scouting the horizon, desperately trying to pick between each grain of dirt.
“I reckon we should take each of these points.” Charles gestures to each summit on the horizon. “If we take them one by one, we’re sure to overlap their meeting point, and maybe find some clues.”
You mumble in agreement, chewing on your lip as he focuses his strong brown gaze on you.
“Did Arthur say something about this to you?” he asks finally.
“What do you mean?”
“You’ve been on edge pretty much since they mounted up… Is everything alright between you?”
You laugh, albeit shakily, at the prospect of something coming between you. “We’re fine. I just keep having some real bad dreams and... “ You exhale loudly. “I’d feel better if I knew where he was.”
Charles nods and doesn’t press for details. He’s like Arthur that way - unwilling to speak unless necessary. You let the silence coddle you again as you descend and re-ascend another peak.
You hurry to him at the first syllable of your name, cursing the ache of your muscles slowing you down. Charles is crouched by the rocky edge, examining the ground closely.
“Reckon this could be our man?” he asks, gesturing at the disturbed dirt. Yes, you realise, it very well could be. The length of the disturbance was almost Arthur’s height - especially if he had rested on his elbows to watch over. You try to picture his broad shoulders and envisage the same broad distance.
Could there have been a scuffle? There’s not enough disturbance for him to have leaned back onto his knees and stood up - one of the arms is smudged, like he had rolled over. The inconsistencies in the outline… had he stood up and walked all over where he had been lying, or was someone else here?
Charles seems to share your doubts as he points out the multiple horse tracks. “Either this spot is popular with the locals, or there’s been a group here in the past couple of days.”
“Dutch and Micah split off earlier down the track - Arthur came up here alone.”
Charles hums again, fanning the panic in your gut. “Did they meet up again afterwards?”
“Did they hell!” you scowl. “Neither of them would tell me what happened after they parted ways.”
Charles sighs, mounting Taima gracefully. “The tracks seem to double down this way.”
You follow, enveloped again in the silence bar your thudding heart. At the bottom, you find an old camp. Charles decides it’s about a day old. You don’t really say much before spotting the blood not much further away. Alarm bells are ringing and you’re feeling faint.
I guess I saw you an’ the mess I might leave you in one day.
“Y/N?” Charles’ round face surfaces before your eyes, his forehead furrowing. “Are you alright? Here, I have some water…”
“They got him, didn’t they?” You can feel your stomach turning, but you haven’t eaten since they left the day before. “The blood - it’s Arthur’s, isn’t it?”
“Could be animal’s blood,” counters Charles calmly. “They might have set up camp nearby to save carrying the carcass.”
You try to stand, determined to keep searching, but Charles holds you down by your shoulder. “Rest. Kieran was right - Arthur won’t be happy if he finds you in this state.”
“Provided he comes back!” you argue, but you can feel the world spinning around you. As if already aware about your lack of sustenance, Charles pushes a bread roll into your hand, and you begin to eat wordlessly.
“Are you strong enough to ride?” he asks eventually.
You nod, brushing crumbs from your clothes as you look out towards the setting sun. “How far do you reckon they’ve got?”
“We’re going back to camp.” You whisk around ready to protest, but Charles steadies you easily. “Falling off your horse is one thing, but it’s completely different when you're carrying a child. I’ll come back for him, but for now let’s get you safe and pick up some reinforcements.”
You reluctantly agree, even if it’s just for the way your mind rattles as he helps you mount up. Charles rides close beside you, ready to grab you when you sway too precariously. The ride back is much slower than the ride out.
Hold on, Arthur. They’re coming.
10 notes · View notes
insane-control-room · 3 years
A followup/prequel to my drawing here
Read on tumblr under the cut
warning: canon typical violence, concussion
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
Lewis protected them by fending off the bursts of magic that Enigma shot towards them. Vivi darted this way and that, ice trailing behind her feet and bat, building and fortifying walls to keep them safe, adding bursts of shackles to hold the no-longer-Mystery down. And Arthur was nothing more than  a sitting duck. Within the Mystery Skulls van, he frantically tried to repair his arm, the spazzing  metal and wires not only painful to the touch, but let alone to wear. Arthur hissed as another explosion rocked the van, trying to cinch down the limb to remove it, desperately needing the relief of it off. Especially so that he could go help Vivi and Lewis. They did not need him, they could easily handle themselves, but Arthur wanted to help, he wanted to show them (and himself) that he could be brave and strong, just like they were. 
Another explosion rattled his tools. He instinctively covered his head to protect it from anything that may have fallen onto him. Nothing did, thankfully. Exhaling in relief, he armed himself with his screwdriver to take off his arm. Looking down at the table he was trying to tie it down to, he stared at the empty space where it had been, and looked to his shoulder, following the metal with his eyes. It went behind him, and stood very, very still. Analyzing the situation made it clear things were not going his way. Arthur’s arm was going haywire-- and it was behind his back, against his will. 
Inhale, exhale. Mechanically, the arm could only be in a few places on his spine. He would be fine. Gathering his courage, he reached behind himself and felt about for the metal arm. Finding it, he grasped it quickly, and sat on the floor so that he could bring it out from underneath himself. It refused to come without a fight, and jabbed the cold thumb into the base of his back. Arthur grit his teeth and sucked up the pain, ignoring the way the hand grabbed into the soft flesh of the back of his legs like vulture talons. He forced it onto the table, belting the leather straps into place. With a blast from outside, the mechanical arm sent shock waves up to his shoulder, the electricity scratching into his neck and chest, and a secondary pulse slammed down a can of machine oil, coating Arthur with the slimy liquid. He fought a gag, hand reaching to his throat to cover his mouth as he hacked. 
A cold hand grabbed him by the back of his collar, and hoisted him into the air, throwing him to the other side of the van. Arthur, dazed, noticed the oily puddle where his arm had been strapped, clearly having used the lubrication to slip free of the restraints.
His reflexes kicking in, he fended off the rogue limb with his screwdriver, desperately trying to keep it away from his face and neck. It punched him in the stomach, slapped him repeatedly, and while he was out of it from that, grabbed him by the ankle and flipped him over, the young man landing face flat against the van’s floor. He saw from the corner of his squished eye the arm pick up a wrench, and despite his rapidfire protest and struggle to rise from the cold floor, it fell. Stars dancing until darkness overcame him. 
He groaned, Arthur’s nauseatingly dizzy vision pulsing and doubled.
With a gasp, Arthur watched Vivi leap into the air, far higher than he had ever seen her jump, ice and snow drifting and thundering around her like a sublime guardian of the past. His heart fluttered at the awe striking sight, the ice melted by bursts of spectral flame. His eyes moved along the path of the fire, and he felt it warm his cheeks when he saw Lewis. Lewis, doused in power, summoned and morphed the blaze with only a flick of his fingers. 
Were they getting smaller?
Arthur looked at the ground underneath him, moving with short bursts. His shirt was bundled up by his upper back and ribs, pushed by the friction. Blinking rapidly, he twisted and writhed in order to observe his body. He was being dragged away, and his shouts for help went unheard under Enigma’s mighty and thundering roars. He scrambled at the earth with his functional hand, but the artificial one was so much more powerful, and jerked him back with ease. 
Pink crystals.
He yelled louder for help, tearing, hoping the echo would amplify his voice.
He was dragged into the cave. The cave seemed to swallow him, so he gripped a gem sticking from the floor, trying to anchor himself. That failed when the arm tossed him into the air, catching him by his raw throat, accomplishing two things. One, Arthur went limp, terrified. Two he was silent. The flesh hand that wrapped around the cold wrist was powerless to resist as he was pulled into the secondary cave where Lewis was pushed. 
Newton’s third law.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
Push and pull. 
Arthur always knew he would die, but he never knew it would be like this.
His heels dug into the dirt, dragging up pink crystals, outlining his path in jewels. 
At least it would be beautiful on the way down.
Arthur still fought. He looked over his shoulder, Lewis and Vivi handling Enigma. Barely. He wanted to go help them, he needed to, but it looked like he never would be able to. There was no revenge he could get against his own jealousy. 
His vision spun as he glanced down, shaking and trembling. 
There was no way he would make it. 
Arthur called for them once more. A tear trickled down his cheek. 
He was held over the edge.
He closed his eyes.
He opened them.
His arm was sparking on his lap, power out.
Arthur’s tear was in the palm.
13 notes · View notes
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Thunderbirds Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Characters: Scott Tracy, The Hood (Thunderbirds), Captain Rigby, Havoc Additional Tags: Angst, Mistaken Identity, No HEA, killing in self defense Series: Part 2 of Bad Things Happen Bingo Summary:
Scott has always told Kayo that International Rescue’s business is to save people, not to catch the bad guys. It shouldn’t have been a surprise to Scott that when he broke his own rule, things went completely awry.
This is for my "Bad Thing Happen Bingo Card." The prompt here was Scott and Killing in Self Defense. It was requested by @thunderbird-one-ai 
Scott had lost count of the number of times that he had had to tell Kayo that International Rescue was not in the business of catching criminals. That was a job for law enforcement. International Rescue’s job was, first and foremost, to save lives.
Perhaps this was the reason Scott found himself justifying his presence at an abandoned complex where he had just seen the Hood’s vehicle enter after his latest scheme. He had stolen an experimental substance in an attempt to pawn it off to the highest bidder.
The Hood doesn’t know how to handle such a volatile compound. He just stole it for the money. How much damage could he do unintentionally if it was mishandled? Scott would be remiss if he didn’t at least attempt to stop the Hood before some sort of disaster befell everyone.
The excuse felt weak even to Scott, but he couldn’t think about that now. He needed to be focused on the task at hand. He’d take care of this and then use the flight back to the island to come up with a better excuse.
As he circled around for a place to land Thunderbird One, he was surprised to see a GDF ship landed in a barren stretch of land a small distance from the compound. He’d only just alerted John to the pursuit and he hadn’t quite expected the GDF to be quite so Johnny-on-the-spot. He landed just next to the GDF ship, descending from Thunderbird One and coming face to face with a Rigby that seemed just as surprised to see him.
“I’m surprised to see you here this quickly, Captain,” Scott said, the teasing in his voice good natured. “John only just told me he was getting in contact with you.” Rigby’s shock disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared on his features and he shrugged.
“What can I say? I was in the neighborhood. And it’s not every day I get to beat a Thunderbird to the punch,” he said, clapping Scott on the shoulder. Scott ducked out of the familiar gesture with an eye roll.
“Let’s save the celebrations and gloating until the end of the mission, hmm?” Scott said. Rigby’s demeanor shifted to all business, knowing Scott was right. “I was able to trace and follow the Hood’s signal here. He’s somewhere in the compound just east of here.” Rigby nodded.
“John said as much. Isn’t nabbing criminals more my jurisdiction, though?” he asked.
“I won’t tell Kayo if you don’t,” Scott said and Rigby offered short chuckle in response.
“Well,” he said. “I guess I’ll just have to show International Rescue how things are done.” He turned to finish arming himself while Scott rolled his eyes at the captain’s back. The man had a chip on his shoulder that quite often rubbed Scott the wrong way. Not, he supposed, that he had any room to throw stones. He had heard plenty of people say the same about him when they didn’t think he could hear them.
He didn’t let himself dwell on that thought for too long, as Captain Rigby turned around. Rigby motioned Scott over to a set of computers at the back of the GDF ship, pulling up a map.
“From the scan I was able to do coming into the area, it looks like there are six extant buildings,” he said. Scott nodded. He had noticed as much from the air. Scott indicated one of the buildings on the screen.
“I saw the Hood’s vehicle going into an underground garage near this one,” he said. Rigby nodded.
“It’s as good a place to start as any,” Rigby said.
“Then let’s move.” Scott turned and led the way toward the compound. Rigby stayed just behind Scott as they moved. Scott could feel the hair on the back of his neck rising as they moved closer. Something ominous hung in the air, a heaviness surrounding the building that set Scott on edge. Perhaps it was the idea of another face to face confrontation with the Hood that set him so ill at ease. It didn’t help that the seemingly abandoned compound felt more like a warehouse belonging to a serial killer than the remnants of an old industrial plant.
Whatever it was, Scott pushed it to the back of his mind. He couldn’t let himself get distracted. Not when the Hood was somewhere inside. And where the Hood was, the Chaos Crew couldn’t be far behind. He had to keep his wits about him. Scott paused as the compound came into view. While infiltrating was not going to be any form of rocket science, it wasn’t a situation he had hoped to find himself in. Next to him, Rigby frowned deeply.
“Awful lot of entry and exit points,” he said. “We probably stand a better chance of covering all the exits if we split up.” This time, it was Scott’s turn to frown at the suggestion.
“We don’t know if he is alone in there. If we split up and the Chaos Crew is in hiding in there already, it’s easier to overwhelm one than two,” he reasoned. Hell, if they only encountered the Chaos Crew, sticking together would even the odds. Rigby considered Scott’s words for a moment.
“That’s fair,” he said. “I suppose you are right in that respect. It took Kayo and I both to take Havoc on before.” Scott barely suppressed the urge to tell Captain Rigby that that wasn’t necessarily how Kayo told that story. They would have enough time to banter with each other after they took care of things. “Ok, Tracy, let’s go!” Rigby broke cover and started toward the structure before Scott had a moment to process. Scott’s brow creased. The headstrong captain could be a real pain if he set his mind to it.
Scott broke cover and followed Rigby down to the warehouse, taking up a position on the opposite side of the door as the captain. Rigby led the way inside, the room filled with crates and boxes and metal shelves. Scott’s eyebrow rose. Perhaps this facility wasn’t quite as abandoned as everyone was made to believe. Scott turned on the light on his suit to see if he could read the labels on the crates. Curiosity and a sense of impending danger made him cautious. If there was something in these containers that could be used against him, he would be wise to check it over before he got into a confrontation.
His fingers traced over the surface of the containers, finding no outward indication of what might be inside, though his glove came away with dust on the fingertips. He continued along the rows and aisles, checking dutifully around every corner as he moved through the facility. He could hear Rigby following in his footsteps.
As he turned another corner, he came face to face with an empty container, which drew his brow together even more. Something about this didn’t feel right. Why would the Hood steal a valuable and volatile substance, only to lead him to a warehouse with old, empty containers? It didn’t add up.
A loud clang from the other side of the room had him turning and sinking into a defensive crouch as the sound reverberated in the metal building. His muscle memory from his days in the military continued to serve him well in that respect. His eyes turned to the sound of footsteps running, only to find that Rigby had taken off in the direction from which the sound had come from.
Goddammit, Rigby! Scott thought to himself. When this was all over, he was going to have to talk to the GDF, or perhaps to Kayo if he thought she could make the captain come to heel. He cautiously moved toward the end of the aisle, not wanting to give away his position in case Rigby got himself in trouble running off on his own like that. His senses were on high alert, so when John’s voice came through the comms in his suit, he nearly had a heart attack.
“Scott, this is Thunderbird five,” he said.
“Yeah, I noticed,” Scott said, a bit more testily than perhaps his little brother deserved, but he was still trying to soothe his senses into a level of acuteness rather than the overload he was currently experience. When John spoke again, Scott could hear the frown in his voice.
“I’m sorry for the delay, Scott,” he said. “The GDF is on their way. Estimated time of-”
“GDF is already here,” Scott said as a sound had him advancing toward its origin cautiously. Scott wondered vaguely how Thunderbird Five’s information could be so behind. Was there a system bug that was causing the lag? There was a long pause and Scott wondered if maybe John had simply moved on to help one of their other brothers, but his brother’s voice came through his helmet once more, concern in his voice.
“Scott, I just got off comms with the GDF. I double checked the coordinates Thunderbird Five is registering with Captain Rigby. He’s currently leaving a situation in New Caledonia. Both Captain Rigby and Colonel Casey confirm there are no GDF craft in the area. Whoever you are in there with…it’s not the GDF.” John said. Scott’s blood froze, ice creeping through every inch of his body, and for a moment all he could hear was the pounding of his heart. Scott took several moments to respond, and it was a pause too long for John. “Scott?”
“FAB,” Scott said automatically, almost dismissively as his mind spun with other possibilities. If the person he came in with wasn’t Rigby…then he had to have been face to face with Havoc. Kayo had briefed them all on her holographic technology. The ice running through him deepened and his stomach dropped when he followed that through to its logical conclusion. That meant that he had dropped Thunderbird One right in the lap of the Chaos Crew, especially if the supposed GDF ship was really the Chaos Cruiser in disguise. His heart began to pound in his chest. He had to get back to Thunderbird One. He couldn’t let them get their hands on it.
“Scott?” John prompted again, worried at his brother’s silence.
“Lock down Thunderbird One’s systems,” Scott said, his tone much more level than he felt. “There’s a potential that she will be compromised. Alert me if there is any attempt to override lock down.”
“FAB,” John replied. “Are you ok?”
“I’m making a retreat to regroup with the GDF,” he said. “I’m inside the warehouse on location. At least one adversary is in the building with me.” He began to make his way back down the rows of containers. This wasn’t going to be a fair fight if he got caught on his own. Why hadn’t he listened to his own advice and remembered that International Rescue was not law enforcement.
He was nearly to the door when there was a horrible wrenching sound of metal on metal. He turned to see one of the containers falling toward him. He jumped out of the way and landed roughly as the container landed with a crash. Dust from years of disuse kicked up like a cloud and blinded Scott for a moment, holding up a hand to protect himself from the cloud rolling toward him despite the fact that he still wore his helmet.
“Scott? Scott?! What was that?!” John asked. Scott recognized that the panic in his brother’s voice was a testament to exactly how bad the situation looked from above.
“I’m ok, John,” he said, his eyes scanning the area. That shelf hadn’t failed on its own. That must mean that Fuse had to be nearby. He was the only one who could have done that much damage that quickly.
“What happened?” John asked. Scott didn’t have time to answer. A figure came flying out of the dust cloud, and it took all of Scott’s military instincts to block the attack. He rolled backward and out of the way, but his assailant was relentless. They had Scott on the retreat.
Scott got a lucky break as he rolled behind a shelf. It was only a few moments, but it was enough to get Scott on his feet and ready to face his attacker head on. He wasn’t disappointed as the figure came hurtling around the corner, weapons at the ready. Scott dodged out of the way, his heart stuttering for a moment when he saw that it was Rigby.
Not Rigby.
Havoc. Rigby wouldn’t attack him like this. The shift from rescuer to soldier was almost instantaneous. Instinct took over as Havoc came for him. Scott dodged a punch and thought, in a brief moment as he took his own swing, that this wasn’t Havoc’s normal style. She liked to attack from afar, not get so up close and personal. What was her aim?
Scott had thought a little too long. Havoc took him to his knees with an attack he hadn’t been expecting. An arm was around his neck, cutting off his air. It was as if a switch had been flipped in his mind. It was obvious that she was dead set on taking him out of the picture. Scott’s muscle memory had him breaking out of the hold and shoving Havoc back.
There was a sound of pain and a squelching as his opponent fell back against one of the shelves that had been damaged in the earlier blast. Scott looked up and his eyes widened. It was jarring to see Rigby’s appearance with a spike of damaged metal through his chest. Hell, even with it being Havoc, it was still a shock. Scott moved over to explore the damage. There was wet breathing.
“Get…way from me.” The words were spoken through wet breaths.
“Shhh,” Scott said. “Don’t talk. I’m going to see if I can help.”
“Don’t need your help!” A wet cough and a groan of pain with a struggle.
“You’ll hurt yourself!” Scott said. He could see the life leaving Rigby’s face and the thought scared him, even if it was Havoc. While he had seen men die before, he always hated taking a life. No matter what Scott did, he couldn’t seem to stem the bleeding. Despite knowing he couldn’t save him, Scott was pouring his all into trying to do anything to stem the bleeding.
It was a moment before there was only the sound of Scott’s breath. There was no labored breathing, and Rigby’s body sagged against the broken containers and shelves. He hung his head.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t save you Havoc,” he muttered under his breath.
“What are you on about?” The voice came from behind him. Scott turned quickly and his heart dropped. Havoc stood at the other end of the corridor of containers, tossing one of her holospheres up and down in her hands. The color began to drain from Scott’s face. If that was Havoc then….
“What…how….” No….he couldn’t have killed Rigby…he couldn’t… “Why did he attack me? What did you do, Havoc?!” Havoc smiled, clearly pleased with herself, pulling a small device no bigger than her fingertip from a hidden compartment in her suit.
“It’s a portable digital signal that can be unobtrusively planted on someone to alter their appearance.” Scott’s mind immediately shot back to the moment back before this all unfolded where the person he had thought to be Rigby had clapped him on the shoulder. He reached back over his shoulder and he felt his fingers brush against a raised feature he knew was not a part of his suit. Scott could taste bile as the reality of what he had done caught up with him. Rigby had attacked him because he had looked like someone else….Havoc. The Hood. Fuse. It didn’t matter. Rigby had thought it just as much a combat situation as Scott had. He dropped to his knees.
“You bitch…” Scott said. He didn’t lightly call any woman a bitch, but Havoc had just forced his hand in killing one of his business associates and a friend.
“Now now now,” came a voice speaking in a low purr that he knew could only be one person. He looked up to see the Hood coming from behind Havoc. “It’s not exactly fair to lay all the blame at Havoc’s feet. After all, this was your fault.” The words took the air from his lungs as his fingers dug into the ground.
Your fault.
My fault.
The Hood cocked his head and listened for a moment. The familiar roar of engines as another craft approach was nearly lost through the sound of blood pumping through Scott’s ears and the concentration required to keep him from throwing up. The Hood smirked.
“I really would love to stay and chat, but it seems as though we’ve outstayed our welcome here. Scott looked up in time to see Havoc activate the same device she had activated before. Scott barely registered that the Hood had taken on Scott’s appearance, or that Havoc had taken on the appearance of the Hood. He didn’t know who he looked like. It didn’t matter. He knew he was being set up to take the fall.
And deep inside, he knew he deserved it too.
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The Magpie and Her Bandit: Chapter 5
Ok guys, here is the new chapter! This one’s kinda long but it was fun to write (I do love my fight scenes) and I couldn’t stop. The ending kinda sucks cuz I realized that I was getting long so I had to cut it short. Anyways, 1353 words, Maggie’s POV. Enjoy! Other Chapters
“I don’t believe you.”
At those words Maggie flinched. She knew what this meant. She glanced behind her to Max. He looked at her with concern in his eyes.
Slowly she backed away from the men, who had now pulled out knives. One of the men brought out a gun.
“No,” Mrs. Mallard advised, “The gun will make too much noise. We don’t want someone finding us.”
Maggie breathed a sigh of relief as the man put the gun away.
“Maggie?” Max fretted, the fear in his voice evident.
She took in her surroundings and wondered how she would get out of this mess. Unable to think of any clever plan, she reached into her jacket. She got a special one with more pockets than she could count.  Reaching into one of the pockets, she pulled out two knives.
“Take these,” she told Max, watching his eyes go round.
“Why do you have these?” he pleaded.
“For situations like this,” she calmly replied, pulling out a dagger for herself, “Too bad I didn’t bring my gun.”
“Why do you have a gun?” he asked, slightly hysterical.
“Please,” she scoffed, “With the laws in this country?” 
***yes I know they don’t live in America, but let me have this joke***
“Enough!” Mrs. Mallard announced, “If you won’t tell me who sent you, I guess I’ll need to use better persuasion techniques.”
The burly men advanced.
“Grab them and let’s go,” she commanded carelessly and went to sit in the van.
“Let’s hope Nova taught you something.”
“Let’s hope,” Max echoed just before a man lunged at him.
Maggie jumped to block the blow, tightening her grip on the dagger. The man aimed a punch for her stomach but she moved out of the way before it could land.
Maggie’s knife flashed as she struck it out towards his stomach. The man stumbled back in surprise and Maggie smirked when she saw blood stain his shirt. She looked over to Max and realized in panic that the other man had begun to attack him.
Rushing to his side, Maggie watched in horror as the man’s knife thrust towards Max. She got to him just in time to catch the blade with her own, spinning it towards the opposite direction.
“Get out of here, Max!”
“And leave you?” he countered.
Maggie grunted as she blocked the blow of the man’s knife. She felt him overpowering her when Max punched him in the stomach.
As he bent over in pain Maggie looked over at Max and felt slightly proud.
“Who knew Max the Pacifist could fight?” she said grinning. Before he could reply, however, Maggie saw the first man lumber up behind him.
“Look out!” She yelled, pushing him out of the way just before the man brought down his knife. The blade caught her arm and she cried out as she clutched the spot where it had hit her. The cut was deep and the blood stained her hands a bright red.
She barely had time to recover when the second man attacked Max. He punched him in the stomach and Maggie watched helplessly as Max doubled over in pain. The man kicked Max and he fell to the ground. She ran up to stop him, frantically waving her blade in an effort to fend him off.
She managed to slice his cheek and, while he was distracted, she kneed him in the gut. As he bent over, Maggie thrust her fist towards his chin in an uppercut. 
He was up against a wall now and Maggie stabbed him in the stomach. He howled in pain but Maggie didn’t even flinch. On the ground now, he writhed as he pressed his hand to his stomach. Maggie was about to stab him again when a voice cut her off.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
Maggie spun around to face the voice. When she realized what she was looking at she let her knife fall to the ground. For a moment the only sound was the clatter of metal on the pavement.
“That’s a good girl,” the man said softly, “Just step away from the weapon. Slowly.”
Maggie backed away, holding her breath in fear. Her hands shook as she slowly brought her hands up and behind her head.
“Now,” the man continued, his knife held gently against Max’s throat, “Walk into the van or your friend is dead.”
Maggie, not willing to risk Max’s life, walked towards the van where Mrs. Mallard was waiting.
“Took you long enough,” she barked, pulling out black plastic zip ties from her pocket, “You would think two grown men could handle a couple of teenagers,”
“You could have helped,” the man grumbled in reply, “The kid’s feisty,”
Maggie could feel the zip tie digging into her skin. She wanted to struggle, but she was too afraid to risk her friend’s life.
“Here, take this one,” the man said, passing Max to Mrs. Mallard, “I need to go check on Seth.”
He rushed over to check on the other man while Mrs. Mallard bound Max’s hands with the zip tie. Then she shoved him into the van next to Maggie and slid the door shut.
For a moment they sat in the dark in silence.
“I’m sorry.” 
Maggie looked to Max in surprise.
“Why are you sorry?” she asked, “I’m the one who got us into this mess.”
“I got us captured,” Maggie could not make out his exact shape in the dark but she thought he was hanging his head in shame.
“No you didn’t,” she assured him, “If I didn’t decide to risk talking to these guys, we wouldn’t be here right now,”
“What other choice did we have?” he countered, “We couldn’t go to the police, we couldn’t go home. You did the logical thing.”
“I took a stupid risk,” she said, “I should have never done it. Not with you here.”
“Yeah,” Max mumbled, “I’m just a liability.”
Maggie wanted to smack her head. How could she say something so inconsiderate?
“I didn’t mean it like that,” she started.
“But you’re right,” he sighed, “Nova tried to teach me, but it was useless.”
“Hey, it wasn’t useless,” she reassured him, “You saved me when you punched that guy in the stomach.”
She placed her bound hands onto his thigh and smiled at him, despite knowing he probably wouldn’t see it in the dark.
“We’ll get out of this mess,” she told him, “Trust me, I’ve been in worse situations.”
“You have?”
“Yeah, we can get out of these zip ties, easy,” she said, “We just need to wait for the right moment.”
“Why not now?”
“Because they’ll just tie us up again. And they’ll use something har-”
“Why do you know these things?” he asked suddenly.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, how do you know how to get out of zip ties? How to fight so well? Why have you been in worse situations?”
“Well, I,” Maggie stammered, searching for an excuse.
“Why do you keep knives with you? Maggie, why do you always come to my house with cuts and bruises?”
“Not always.”
“But often,” he countered, “What have you been doing, Mags?”
“Nothing!” Maggie began to get defensive, “None of your business!”
“Maggie, you have to-”
“I don’t have to do anything,” she growled, “You aren’t in charge of me. You can’t tell me what to do or where to go.”
“Maggie, I-”
Suddenly the door of the van swung open.
“If I have to hear these two talk the entire way, I’m going to kill them,” Mrs. Mallard complained. She turned to one of the men, “Carl, knock them out.”
The man, Carl, looked at the two prisoners then down at his hands. Maggie watched in astonishment as they began to glow green. Maggie squirmed away but before she could get far he pressed his hand onto her and Max’s legs.
“What the hell?” she mumbled, her eyelids getting heavy.
She barely had time to register the thud of Max falling to the floor of the van before things went black.
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thinkyoureholy · 4 years
Soul Eater [7]
Tumblr media
Pairing : Jung Yunho / [fem] Reader
Genre : Angst, Violence, Language, Fluff, Smut, Character Death?, Demon! AU
Words : 4.4k
Pt 1. Pt 2. Pt 3. Pt 4. Pt 5. Pt 6. Pt 7. Pt 8. Pt 9.
≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪
 -Y/N’s P.O.V-
I glared at her, making sure Ceri didn’t try and make a move from where he stood, “Did he send you here?”
She smirked rolling her shoulders, flexing her fingers, “Why do you think he sent me?”
“Because you don’t do anything without his go ahead, like an obedient dog waiting for it’s master to tell it to walk.”
She set her jaw at my words, her eyes glowing brighter than ever, “Watch that mouth of yours, one day it’s going to be the thing that kills you.”
I gave her a mocking grin, relaxing my stance, “And you’re gonna be the one that kills me? Don’t make me laugh.”
“Are you underestimating the power of a deadly sin?”
“What if I am? You’ve never been able to beat me in a fight what makes you think you can beat me now?”
She let out what resembled a growl and charged at me. I easily dodged her attack, sensing Ceri charging from my right. I side stepped him as well, watching the two of them collide. I snickered as I stood back and watched her push him off of her. But all humor left the moment I heard her next words.
“Ceri, you idiot what are you still doing here? Go and deal with that human of hers already!” 
The blood in my veins ran cold, my mind going blank. Yunho? Why would they target Yunho? How do they even know about him? And what makes them think they can use him as leverage over me? Yunho is-- I cut that thought off the moment I realized my legs started moving before I could even stop myself. 
I let out an animalistic growl as I tackled her to the ground, swinging a wing out at Ceri. He flew back into a tree, the trunk of the tree snapping in half. I heard him groan in pain but my sole focus was on her. I dug my claws into her shoulders, pinning her to the ground.
"Touch him and I swear, I fucking swear to you that I will tear every limb from your body, gouge out your eyes, tear your tongue out of your mouth, and rip your guts out. I'll torture you over and over again until you're begging for mercy, until you're begging me to kill you. The shit we went through in our first twenty years after death will be child's play compared to what I'll do to you." I spat out, digging my claws deeper and deeper into her with every word.
She stared up at me wide eyed, the fear in her eyes clear...yet she still had the gall to smirk up at me, "Before you threaten me maybe you should pay attention to Ceri."
My heart dropped at her words, my head snapping up to see he was nowhere in sight. No...don't tell me-
I groaned out in pain, falling back against the hard ground with a thud. She had thrown me off of her with so much force I basically flew across the field, just barely managing to avoid a tree just a few feet behind me. I quickly sprang to my feet only to have her tackle me to the ground, pinning me down the same way I had pinned her down. I grit my teeth as her claws dug deep.
"Don't think lightly of me, Y/N. I'll kill you here and now for all the humiliation you've put me through all these years." She growled in my face, glaring at me with a deep hatred in her eyes, "Because of you I'm never taken seriously, even as a deadly sin. All the sins are feared, all of them, all but me. The other demons don't even so much as bat an eye at me because they've all witnessed the shameful shit you've put me through. Well it all ends now."
Her grip on me tightened, a sickening crunch coming from one of my shoulders but I refused to show her the pain I was going through. Instead I reached up to wrap my hands around her wrists, squeezing so hard they both snapped, her grip on me becoming almost nonexistent. I shoved her off of me and stood up, reaching down to grab at her collar. I pulled my arm back and swung at her, hitting her square in the jaw. And I went to do it again but she brought her heavy wing down on my arm, snapping my radius in two. With a hiss of pain I let her fall to the ground, stumbling back as I cradled my arm to my body. I grit my teeth as I looked down at the damage, already seeing it start to heal. The moment it healed completely I looked back up, ready to go at her again but she was nowhere to be seen. I looked around frantically, still not seeing her. 
Just as I cursed under my breath I felt a weight pressing down on my shoulders, shoving me face first into hard ground. I groaned at the pressure of her entire body on my back. I tried getting out from under her but she wouldn't budge. I felt her sink her claws into my shoulder, her hand wrapping around the base of one of my wings. My heart jumped in my throat when I realized what she was about to do.
I let out a blood curdling scream when she began to pull, cutting my own protests off. I clawed at the ground underneath me, doing everything I could to get her off of me but nothing I tried worked. Did I really underestimate her this much? Where the hell was this strength coming from? She’s never been able to beat me in a fight so why is she suddenly able to overpower me? Is it because she’s a deadly sin? Is this the extent of their power?
I want it.
The moment I had that thought an overwhelming sense of power surged through my veins. The anger I had felt before doubled-no it multiplied...it felt at least twenty times more intense. With a growl I pushed myself up on trembling arms. I heard her hum in confusion but that didn’t stop her from continuing to pull on my wing. Another growl left my mouth as I reached behind me, grabbing onto her arm, her claws that were buried deep in my shoulder coming out as I finally pulled her off of me. I threw her away from me, watching her collide with a nearby tree. The tree did nothing to slow her down as it split in two, Pride skidding across the hard ground before coming to a stop. I stayed where I was, making no move to go after her. The rage I’m feeling coursing through my veins was too much for me to handle. I felt like I’d burst at the seams if I moved.
My chest rose and fell with every breath I took, my hands trembled at my sides, the pain in my back was drowned out by everything else I was feeling. I didn’t even realize that my left wing just hung limply behind me. I couldn’t even focus on Pride as she lay still on the ground. I ground my teeth at what I felt next, trying to control myself. The blood in my veins felt like it was boiling, my whole body felt like I was overheating. What the hell is going on?
I didn’t get the chance to think it through more than I would’ve liked. Within the next second I felt a presence charging straight towards me. I looked up to see it was Pride. Seeing her run at me had the rage I was feeling intensify. My body felt stronger, faster, more in tune with itself as I dodged her effortlessly. I grabbed at her arm as I dodged her punch, squeezing tightly.
-Pride’s P.O.V-
My eyes widened in shock at what I saw. I pushed myself off the ground, letting out a grunt at the pain in my back but the pain vanished just as quickly as it had come. I looked over at Y/N, watching her just standing there, not moving a single muscle...I even wondered if she was breathing. 
I winced as I took a step forward but that’s as far as I got. I froze the moment I noticed the aura around her. I stumbled back at the sight of it, my heart sinking to the pit of my stomach. Are you fucking kidding me? No...it can’t be. It’s been over three thousand years...and we can’t reincarnate yet...this aura...it’s his, I’m sure of it. But why now? Why her? I cursed under my breath, clenching my hands into fists at my sides as the puzzle finally fell into place. Lucifer must’ve known...this must be the reason why he’s been after her for so long and why he’s so lenient with her. 
Wrath...the original Wrath has been reincarnated, defying all laws to come back once more and wreak havoc. All of us were the original sins...all but Wrath who had foolishly died while challenging our Lord. I was told sins weren’t allowed to reincarnate and I’d think that rule would apply to Wrath most of all but there was no denying that this aura, this crushing power I felt coming from her was his. He’s come back...and it seems more powerful than ever.
I knew there was no way I’d be able to beat her but I had to try, at least while she’s still unaware of the power she held. I have to get rid of her before she finds out. With that thought in mind I charged at her, throwing a swing as soon as I got close enough but all she had to do was sidestep me to dodge my attacks. My eyes widened, wincing as she grabbed onto my arm before I could retract my arm. She’s faster than Greed, shit, so this just confirms what I already knew. The only one that had Greed beat in speed was Wrath...just what the hell did I get myself into?
I didn’t have the chance to back down now as she kicked my legs out from under me. I fell on my side hard, not having enough time to pull myself together before her foot made contact with my stomach. I cursed, feeling and hearing a couple ribs break. I moved through the pain, pushing myself off the ground and attacking once more. I attacked again and again but she dodged everything I threw at her, landing a hit on me herself every time I missed. 
I stumbled back, bruised and bloodied all over, my left arm hanging at my side limply. I had tried blocking some of her attacks with my left arm but the damage it sustained...I don’t think it’ll be able to heal properly, it’s totally mangled. I have a feeling she’s not going to let me leave with my life, damn it. Today was supposed to be the day I surpass her and finally kill her off but with her strength...there’s no way I’d ever beat her now.
“Damn you!” I cried out, frustrated at how things didn’t go my way.
What frustrates me more than anything is how she didn’t even break a sweat, sure she was covered in blood but none of it was her own...it was my blood she was covered in.
“Why won’t you just fucking die?! I’m sick and tired of you!” 
At this point I was just letting it all out with my words. My body felt like it’d give out any second.
“Sore loser are we? Why don’t you just shut up already?” She let out with a chuckle, a warped smile playing at her lips.
She took a step towards me, the fire in her eyes burning brighter than ever. I flinched back at seeing her start to come to me, a wave of fear washed over me. 
“Ceri!” I yelled out, knowing he’d hear me...and he did.
Within the next second he appeared...but he wasn’t alone.
-Y/N’s P.O.V-
My eyes grew in size at the sight before me. Yunho had appeared just a few feet away from me but he wasn’t alone. Ceri had a beaten up Mingi grabbed by the collar with one hand and the other was wrapped tightly around Yunho’s wrist. At seeing him touching Yunho so carelessly the anger in me flared up once more.
“Let him go!” I growled out, turning my attention away from Pride.
Ceri chuckled smugly, his grip on Yunho’s arm tightened, Yunho letting out a cry as he fell to his knees, “Or what? What are you going to do if I don’t let him go, huh?” 
I bared my teeth, my eyes darting from Ceri to Yunho who was kneeling on the floor from the pain, clawing at Ceri to get him to let go. I took a step towards them but stopped when Yunho let out a strangled cry of pain. My hands trembled at the sight, this feeling inside me so strong I didn’t know what to do.
“I knew it...he’s really that precious to you isn’t he? I can’t believe it. The lone wolf has finally found something she’s willing to protect...interesting.” He began, a devilish grin on his face, “I wonder what’ll happen if I kill him.”
“Ceri no! Don’t provoke her! She’s not the same anymore! Wrath--he’s reincarnated!” Pride shouted, her voice oozing with fear.
Ceri’s smile fell as her words sunk in. I didn’t know what she meant and at the moment I didn’t care. The only thing I cared about was getting Yunho away from Ceri and out of harm’s way but I can’t even move towards them with Ceri holding him in a death grip.
“Impossible...you--you can’t reincarnate. Once a sin dies there’s no way you get to come back…” He trailed off, staring at me wide eyed.
“But it’s true! That power, speed, aura...that pure rage it’s all his! Ceri let them go! You’re no match for her!”
“I suggest you listen to her if you want to leave here alive.” I spat out, digging my claws into my palms.
The only thing keeping me from wringing his neck was the fear of Ceri hurting or even killing Yunho before I got to him. Ceri grit his teeth before he let them go, going over to Pride as quickly as he could. As soon as he let them go I made my way over to them, catching Yunho before he fell forward. Mingi staggered on his feet for a moment before finally regaining his balance.
“You’re lucky I was with Yun when he appear…” Mingi mumbled, his eyes glued on Ceri and Pride.
“And I can’t thank you enough for protecting him."
"Well don't."
"Don't what?"
"Thank me. This is your fault to begin with so I don't need thanks for cleaning up your mess. And for fuck's sake what the hell is up with those horns on your head?" He asked, catching me completely off guard.
I tilted my head to the side ever so slightly, raising a brow as I brought a hand up to my head, "Horns? What h-"
I have horns?!?!?! 
I kept touching the newly formed horns, my eyes practically bulging out of my head, "SINCE WHEN DO I HAVE HORNS?!?!?! DO WE USUALLY SPROUT HORNS RANDOMLY?!?!?! MINGI, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!?!?"
"How the hell should I know?! Stop yelling! We have more important things to take care of!" He hollered, glancing over his shoulder briefly.
"What is more important-"
"I'd think I qualify as being more important."
My blood ran cold at the sound of his voice. I turned to Yunho immediately, spotting the hood hanging from his shoulders. I pulled it over his head, making sure his peripheral vision was blocked. I placed my hands on either side of his head, forcing him to look at me.
"Yunho I need you to listen to me very carefully. You are to keep your head down and close your eyes until I tell you you can open them, alright?" I spoke quickly, keeping his focus on me and hoping he wouldn't try to look around.
To my surprise he nodded at my words, a look of complete terror in his eyes. I frowned at the look in his eyes, leaning forward impulsively to rest my forehead against his and thread my fingers through his hair.
"I won't let anything else happen to you, okay? I'll protect you...even if it costs me my life I'll keep you alive."
He said nothing, just stared into my eyes with a dazed look. I gave him a small smile, beginning to pull away but stopped when he wrapped his fingers around my wrist.
"Don't die." He whispered out, his lips barely moving.
I chuckled softly, gently prying his fingers off my wrist and readjusted the hood over his head, "They've been trying to get rid of me for half a millennium...they won't be able to kill me that easily. "
With that I finally pulled away, going to stand next to Mingi whose wounds have already healed. He gave me a quick look before looking over at the three across from us.
"Some friend you are...dragging me into your mess." He grumbled but his words carried a light tone to them.
I scoffed but let the smallest of smiles pull at the corner of my lips, "I always knew I could count on you."
Now it was his turn to scoff but he didn't move to say any more. I turned my attention to Lucifer who had appeared just as it looked like Ceri and Pride were retreating. Both Mingi and I got into a fighting stance, ready to take him on.
He had a mischievous grin on his face, "As glad as I am to see that you've finally awakened I'm not here to fight...though I do wonder how much your strength has improved. I'm only here to pick up these idiots," He mused, placing a hand on Ceri and Pride's shoulders, "I suggest you worry about that human for now...I'll call for you in due time."
And with that he disappeared, taking those two with him. The moment they were out of sight I let out a sigh of relief, relaxing my shoulders as I shifted back. Mingi also let his shoulders slump, falling back on his ass. He propped a knee up, resting an elbow on it before he buried his face in his hand. I dropped down onto my knees next to him, suddenly feeling exhausted. I was more than ready to fight if that’s what Lucifer wanted but now that he’s gone all I felt was exhaustion. I rubbed my hands over my face before turning slightly and sitting down properly. I reached out to place a gentle hand atop Yunho’s head, pulling his hood off seconds later.
“You can open your eyes now.” I said softly.
I took off the sweater I was wearing, setting it aside as I tore a piece of the bottom of the shirt I was wearing. Once I was satisfied with the piece of fabric I slipped my sweater back on, silently reaching over to grab Yunho’s arm but he flinched back the moment my fingers grazed his skin. I frowned at the action, hoping he flinched back because of the pain and not because he was frightened of me.
“I need to cover up your wounds Yunho...you’re still bleeding...quite heavily at that,” I muttered, “Is it broken by any chance?”
He kept quiet for a moment before giving a shake of his head, “It...just hurts...a lot.”
I nodded, reaching out to grab his hand this time, carefully moving his arm over to me so I could wrap the piece of cloth around it, “Well...the pain is a good sign that you're alive so there’s that. In any case...I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“For dragging you into this mess. They only targeted you because they knew of the connection the two of us had to one another. I don’t know how they found out but the moment they did, they didn’t hesitate to use you against me,” I explained, gently placing his bandaged arm back at his side, “And they won’t be the last ones to come after you to get to me. I’ve made more enemies than friends in my time as a demon.”
Silence settled over us, the starless sky looming overhead. I need to get him to agree to the cancellation of our deal. As much as he gets on my nerves he’s still just an innocent bystander, a human with the purest aura I’ve ever seen. He should be as far away from all this, from me, as he possibly can. And I...I need to figure out what the hell is happening with myself as well and I can’t do that if I’m constantly looking out for him. I need to figure out what Lucifer meant by me ‘awakening’, what these new horns mean, and what the hell that was that I felt moments after throwing Pride across the field. There’s so much shit I’ve got on my plate and Yunho is that last human that should be dragged into it.
“Yunho.” I mumbled out his name, looking over at him.
He just stared back, quietly waiting for me to continue.
“Cancel the deal.”
He opened his mouth, surely to protest but I cut him off before he could even get started.
“I can’t fight and protect you at the same time. It’d be easier to just cancel the deal and completely disappear from your life. The moment I cut all ties with you no demon would have any reason to target you ever again. You can carry on with your life, oblivious to the existence of demons. You can go back to your normal life...all you gotta do is say the word and-”
“No.” He said resolutely, cutting me off, a look I’ve seen every time I brought this up in his eyes, “My answer was no the first time you asked, it’s no now, and it’ll continue to be no. No matter how many times you ask me--no… demand me to cancel our deal my response will always be the same.”
“Yunho you’re not being reasonable. Do you not care about your own well-being?” Mingi asked, speaking for the first time, “You still have so much to live for. You, unlike so many others, are fated to ascended to Heaven...not fall to Hell. Your future is at stake here. We--we’re already dead Yunho...we’re paying for committing the greatest sin of all, selling our souls. But you have the chance to save yourself why-”
“You can’t possibly expect me to cancel the deal when I know there’s a heavy price she’ll have to pay for breaking it! I’m not an idiot! I know breaking a deal should have consequences!” Yunho suddenly shouted, surprising both Mingi and I.
Mingi gave him an incredulous look before his face twisted in anger, “Of course there’s consequences you idiot! And she’s more than ready to face them!”
“She’s prepared to spend another thousand years in Hell for you!!”
“Mingi enough!” I yelled, glaring at him.
He simmered down at the sight of the glare but before he could say anything Yunho beat him to it...in a voice I had never heard him use before.
“You--you’d have to spend another thousand years down there?” He questioned meekly, his eyes pleading with my own.
The frown on my face deepened at the look he was giving me...I couldn’t find it in myself to lie to him...at least not about this, “Yes. Those thousand years you are automatically sentenced to when you sell your soul...would be added to my own sentence.”
“And how long do you have until you’ve finished your own sentence?”
I didn’t move to respond. I knew the moment he heard the answer it’d be harder for me to convince him to cancel the deal. But Yunho wasn’t going to let me escape from answering him.
“Tell me...please.” He practically begged me in a broken voice.
The sound of it had me answering before I could stop myself, “Less than a year now...eight months to be exact. And then I...I finally get to rest.”
“Now there’s no way I’d ever agree to it.” He let out in a whisper, barely audible
I brought a hand out, placing it on Mingi’s shoulder to silence him. His eyes told me he didn’t want to just let this go but I shook my head.
“We can discuss this further another time.”
“There’s nothing to discuss. I-”
“Yunho that’s enough. All I want to do at the moment is get you somewhere safe and treat your arm properly. Now just sit there and be quiet while I figure everything out.” I cut him off, my tone of voice leaving no room for anymore arguing.
He shut his mouth and did as told. I turned back to Mingi, closing my eyes for a moment before letting out a sigh and opening them.
“How damaged is his place?”
“The living room and kitchen will take some time to fix up but the bedroom and bathroom are untouched.” Mingi explained without missing a beat.
“Even if we get it fixed it’d be better for the both of us to just stay in one single place. I’d be able to keep a better eye on him.” I said before pausing for a moment, “Can I ask you to pack his bags for him while I treat his wounds at my place? Bring them up when you’re done.”
“Wait wait wait. Are you telling me to move into your place?!” Yunho spoke up his voice going up to a higher pitch.
“Well it’s the only way I’ll be able to keep a close eye on you. Besides your place is trashed so it’s not like I can move in. It’ll only be temporary...until everything settles down,” I told him, giving him a small smile before placing my hand atop his head and ruffling his hair, “I’ll keep you safe...I promise.”
Tags : @chanyeolol​
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hopeaterart · 4 years
And yet another Sadao one-shot
AU where Kakyoin survives Dio punching him in the stomach by creating some kind of armor around his stomach with Hierophant Green, but doesn’t get away unscathed.
Noriaki opened his eyes, groaning at the throbbing ache in his skull. At least I’m not dead… he thought as he weakly pat his stomach area. It seemed… caved in, which couldn’t possibly be good, and it hurted like a bitch, but he still seemed to be in one piece.
“Hey, you okay?” A rough voice asked him. Kakyoin turned toward the source, now realizing he was in the back of a moving car, his vision unfocused. And the voice was… familiar, somehow…
“J… Jotaro?”
“How do you… not important. Just hang on, okay kid? I’m driving you to the hospital.” Noriaki groaned in answer, and immediately passed out.
When Noriaki opened his eyes again, he was in a hospital room, with bandages around his forehead and midsection, and his arm was connected to an I.V. drip. The pain in his body had also faded away to a dull throb. He turned his head, surprised to see a short man with long hair asleep in a chair next to his bed. “Uh… sir?”
“NO I WASN’T SLEEPING IN PRACTICE- Oh.” The man’s grey eyes went from wide in panic to focused on him. “You’re awake. How are you feeling?”
“... not well.” He admitted, averting his eyes. “Are you the one who got me down from the water tower?”
“Yeah, and also drove you to the hospital. Don’t worry, I’m sure my wife won’t mind me using her family connections to help you.” The man said. Noriaki nodded, briefly wondering how such a small man got him down from a water tower, but decided that he had seen weirder stuff during the last few weeks and thus, would not ask.
“Thank you, sir.” He said, nodding slightly
“No problem. I’m Kujo Sadao, by the way. No need for that ‘sir’ stuff.” Noriaki blinked.
“You’re… are you related to Jotaro?” The short man- Sadao- frowned.
“Yeah… and I’ve been meaning to ask: how do you know my son?” He asked, and Noriaki flinched at the sudden and very sheer coldness. How was he supposed to explain that?
“Uh… we’re… friends from school…?” He tried. Sadao raised an unconvinced eyebrow.
“Nice try: Jotaro doesn’t like anyone at his school.” Noriaki groaned.
“How would you know? From what I understood, you’re not really here often.” He spat out. Sadao looked taken aback for a moment, before his expression hardened.
“I still know who my son is.” The short man said in a shaky tone. “And I know that his classmates are loud, mean, and confusing. So, if you’re really a friend of my son, then you’re sure as hell not in his class, let alone his school. And even if you were, please do explain to me how a japanese student who lives in Tokyo ended up unconscious in a destroyed water tower in Cairo with a concussion and internal damage focused on his stomach area, because really. I want to know.”
Noriaki looked at Sadao for a minute, remembered Jotaro at the beginning of their journey, asking whether or not they should call his father, and took a deep breath. “Where do I start…”
“... and that’s the whole story.” Sadao blinked slowly, trying to process what the redhead in front of him just said. He then took a deep breath, decided that all of his anger was gonna directed onto his father-in-law, and got up.
“Thank you, um…”
“Kakyoin Noriaki.”
“Kakyoin-san, for this… enlightening conversation.” It was the best way to put ‘I had no idea any of this happened’ into words he could find without cursing anyone. “Do you wish me to tell the doctors to call your parents?”
“... Can we wait until I’m more recovered?”
“Of course. Have a good rest.” He then left, grabbing his trenchcoat and hat off the chair he was sitting on, put them on, took his sunglasses out of his pocket, and started making his way to the reception as he put those on.
“Excuse me?” Sadao told the receptionist, who raised his head. “But can I talk to Joseph Joestar?”
The receptionist blinked. “Excuse me sir, but who…?”
“Right. Sadao Kujo, I’m his son-in-law. And I need to talk to him.” He explained, and after a short pause, the receptionist nodded. Thank god this was a Foundation hospital.
“Room 304, and your son’s room is right next to it.” Sadao thanked her, and started making his way to the room, feeling the (already impressive) anger he felt at the situation go from simmering to boiling.
He knocked on the door, and did not wait for anyone to tell him to come in before opening. Joseph was in the middle of a conversation with Jotaro and another man with white hair that Sadao did not know. The old man immediately cringed, and Jotaro tilted his head in confusion. “Sadao?”
“Hello, Jotaro.” He greeted, his anger momentarily dying. “I’m glad to see you’re okay.”
“What… what are you doing here?”
“The last step of my tour was Egypt, and I’ve been told by your redheaded friend you were there too, so…” Jotaro’s eyes widened.
“Noriaki’s still alive!?” The white-haired man asked, surprise written all over his pale face. Sadao nodded, not bothering to hide his confusion.
“Yes, um… I don’t know who you are.”
“Oh! I am Jean-Pierre Polnareff, mister Sadao.” He presented himself. “Say, are you related to Jotaro? You kinda look like him...”
“Sure hope so, I’m his father.” Polnareff was frozen into place, visibly having so difficulty linking the concept of this very short man nearing fifty to the hulking teenager.
“You’re not there to check on me, are you?” Jotaro asked. Sadao shook his head in answer. “You’re there to yell at Jiji and want me to leave because you don’t like yelling when I’m here?” A nod this time. The teen got up. “Can you tell me where Noriaki is?”
“Room 418, he’s currently resting.” Sadao told his son, who nodded and got up. The anger came back and almost doubled when he saw the sling Jotaro’s left arm was in as the teen got up, Polnareff following shortly after. “Wanna call your mother later?” Jotaro nodded, and left.
Sadao turned toward Joseph, taking his sunglasses off and putting the older man fully under his glare’s pressure. The old man frowned. “What? I didn’t think you’d have to know about that-”
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