#he really is very much THAT kind of villain though klfsjklsd
Jasper (as Count Jokester): As you can see, you’ve fallen right into my trap!
C.C (as Mitochondria).: You can’t trap justice. It’s an idea, a belief!
Jasper / Count Jokester: But even the most heartfelt belief can be corroded over time!
C.C. / Mitochondria: Justice is a non-corrosive metal!
Jasper / Count Jokester: But metals can be melted by the heat of revange!
C.C. / Mitochondria: It’s REVENGE, and it’s best served cold!
Jasper / Count Jokester: But it can be easily reheated, in the microwave of evil!
C.C. / Mitochondria: Well I think your warranty is about to expire!
Jasper / Count Jokester: Maybe I have an extended warranty!
C.C. / Mitochondria: Warranties are invalid if you don’t use the product for its intended purpose!!
(i don’t know what breaks them up at this point, maybe for this particular scheme Jasper has a hostage who speaks up at this point, maybe C.C. decides “you know what? enough talk, let’s fight!“ or maybe Jasper shifts the discussion over to what exactly his scheme is or some new invention he has for it--a la Doofenshmirtz going “BEHOLD, THE ____INATOR!“--or, heck, maybe Jasper tries to give another wordplay response but C.C. interrupts him and goes “Count Jokester, what is this new scheme of yours exactly?” or “Count Jokester, what is that thing you’ve hidden under a sheet back there?” at which point he says “I’m glad you asked!” and then goes into the whole dramatic explanation of that. I feel like that last one is the most likely, but heck, it probably changes every time. And they probably have back-and-forths like this a LOT. XD)
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