#he was 2 levels higher and never fought
hi there!! i was wondering you knew anything about the relationship between robespierre and marat? ive been seeing some information that robespierre wasnt fond (or at least less fond??) of marat than marat was of robespierre, but havent found any other information about it unfortunately. thanks :)!
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In total, Marat mentions Robespierre around 90 times in his journals from his debut in September 1789 up until his death in July four years later. The first time he does so (which also happens to be the first connection I’ve been able to find between the two) is already in the second number of l’Ami du Peuple(released September 13 1789) where he writes about a certain ”Robertpierre.” Then one day later, in number 4, he instead mentions a ”Robers-Pierre.” In both these instances, Marat does however appear to just give the exact same summary as three other journals, and there’s value put into it whatsoever.
It would appear Marat never got a hold on how to spell Robespierre’s name properly, as he throughout the rest of his career as a journalist inconsistently shifts between calling him ”Robespierre,” ”Roberspierre” and, in some rare instances, ”Robertspierre.” The next time he mentions him is in number 81 (December 29 1789). The following three times Robespierre is brought up in l’Ami du Peuple are the very first instances of Marat showing his own thoughts on him instead of just giving a neutral summary of things he’s said at the National Assembly:
M. de Robespierre and especially Mr. Charles de Lameth energetically fought against the inconsiderate proposal to give praise to officers, whose conduct has harmed the liberty and security of citizens. l’Ami du Peuple, number 101 (January 18 1790)
M. de Robespierre supports the motion of Mr. de la Salcette, with more or less solid arguments. l’Ami du Peuple, number 104 (January 21 1790)
…to remove from the fatherland its most zealous defenders, [the Municipal Research Committee] pushed its audacity to the point of directing its pursuits against Barnavre, Péthion [sic] de Villeneuve, the Lameths, d'Aiguillon, Roberspierre [sic]..., cherished names of the free France, to which it had added those of La Fayette and Mirabeau. l’Ami du Peuple, number 108 (May 20 1790) 
This praising of Robespierre is something Marat would consistently keep up throughout the rest of his journalistic career. Only throughout the rest of 1790, we find him calling him ”the wise Robespierre” (number 156 (July 7), ”the loyal Robespierre” (number 210 (September 3), an orator with ”great principles” and ”excellent views […] [that] we have no doubt he will develop in a way that will cause a sensation.” (number 265 (October 29) and ”[a man] who’s heart always appears to be animated with the purest of civism” (number 320 (December 24), listing him among deputies he considers ”patriotic” (number 156 (July 7), number 188 (August 11), number 210 (September 3), number 277 (November 11), number 288 (November 22), number 292 (November 28) and at one point even playing him on a higher level than so, calling him ”the only deputy who is educated in great principles, and perhaps the only true patriot who sits in the Assembly” (number 263, October 27).
February 2 1791 is the first instance where Robespierre in his turn is recorded to have mentioned Marat’s name. He does so defending the journalist at the Jacobins after an arrest warrant has been issued against him for an article recently published in his paper. Desmoulins’ Révolutions de France et de Brabant, the journal giving the most detailed description of the defence, summarizes it in the following way:
At the same session at the Jacobins, Robespierre, the only member of the National Assembly to whom the severe Marat would not have given the black ball, also took up his defense. He made us aware of the absurdity of the crime that the president of research attributed to the Friend of the People, of getting along with the English. Marat had never ceased to deplore the trade treaty of 1786 with the English, and to vociferate against Pitt, and against the intelligence of the cabinet of S. James, with the Austrian committee of the Tuileries. In favor of Marat was also this thing which militates so strongly for all patriotic writers: if the Friend of the People is extreme and angry, at least it is in the direction of the revolution. On what front did the research committee sign this order against him, under the ridiculous pretext of intelligence with the English, while it at the same time leaves Durosoi, as extreme, as bloodthirsty as Marat, in peace, and so many other friends of the king, the nobility and the clergy, who did not even hide their understanding with the Austrians, with all our enemies, and every day invite them with loud cries to come and slaughter the patriots. There is no reply to this reasoning; so Voidel, who saw his condemnation in everyone's eyes, recognized his sin, and promised to withdraw the order and remove the sentence.
In a speech regarding liberty on the press held on May 11 1791, Robespierre also says that ”if it is true that the courage of writers devoted to the cause of justice and humanity is the terror of the intrigue and ambition of men in authority; the laws against the press must become in the hands of the latter a terrible weapon against liberty,” which according to the by publisher inserted footnote is an allusion to the situation of the journalists Desmoulins and, especially, Marat.
Marat in his turn continued his praising of Robespierre throughout the same year. Besides grouping him together with other men considered patriotic (number 342 (January 16), number 371 (February 14), number 382 (February 25), number 392 (March 7), number 455 (May 11), number 519 (July 15), number 526 (August 1), number 562 (September 30) and calling him things such as ”the loyal Robespierre ”(number 367 (February 8), number 478, number 443 (April 29), number 458 (May 14), (June 3), number 488 (June 13), number 520 (July 16), number 521 (July 17) ”the just Robespierre” (number 409 (March 24) and ”the virtuous Robespierre” number 438 (April 21) he also goes further in placing Robespierre on a higher level than his fellow representatives, frequently going so far as to call him ”the only pure member of the Assembly” (number 414 (March 29), number 462 (May 18), number 472 (28 maj), number 475, May 31, number 504 (June 28), number 510 (July 4), number 511 (July 5). He also starts to frequently refer to Robespierre as ”the Incorruptible”number 458 (May 14), (number 462 (May 18), number 504 (June 28), number 514 (July 8), number 513 (July 13), number 545(September 4), number 551 (September 10) In his Robespierre biography (2014), Hervé Leuwers writesthat, if it was Fréron who coined the nickname, Marat nevertheless did a lot to popularize it. Finally, his number 515 (July 9) Marat dedicates entirely to the ”superb speech” held by Robespierre regarding the flight to Varennes two weeks earlier. His admiration did not go unnoticed by other journalists besides Desmoulins, such as those behind Les Sabbats jacobites, who on April 10 1791 called Robespierre ”the hero of Marat” and those behind Journal générale de France who called him ”the god of Marat, Garat, Carra, Corsas and Marte” on June 13 the same year.
Once Robespierre on September 30 ceases to be a member of the National Assembly, the apperences of his name in l’Ami du peuple do however rapidly decrease, only appearing two more times (number 603 (November 19), number 618, December 6) until Marat temporarily puts it down on December 15.
The first actual meeting between Marat and Robespierre didn’t take place until January 1792, as revealed by the latter ten months later. By then, the two almost lived neighbors since about a month back, Marat having gone to live with the Evrard sisters on 243 rue Saint-Honoré in Decenber, not far from the Duplay house on number 366 on the same street.
One of the most terrible reproaches that people have aimed against me, I do not hide it, is the name of Marat. I will therefore begin by telling you frankly what my contacts with him have looked like. I could even make my profession of faith on his behalf, but without saying more good or more bad than I think, because I do not know how to translate my thoughts to appeal to general opinion. In January 1792, Marat came to see me. Until then, I had not had any kind of either direct or indirect relationship with him. The conversation turned to public affairs, about which he spoke to me with despair. I told him everything that the patriots, even the most ardent ones, thought of him; namely that he himself had put up an obstacle to the good that could be produced by the useful truths developed in his writings, by persisting in eternally returning to extraordinary and violent proposals (such as that of making five to six hundred guilty heads fall), which revolted the friends of liberty as much as the supporters of the aristocracy. He defended his opinion; I persisted in mine, and I must admit that he found my political views so narrow that some time later, when he had resumed his journal, which had been abandoned by him for some time, reporting on the conversation of which I have just described speaking, he wrote in full that he had left me, perfectly convinced that I had neither the views nor the audacity of a statesman; and if Marat's criticisms could be titles of favor, I could still place before your eyes some of his sheets, published six weeks before the last revolution, in which he accused me of feuillantism, because I, in a periodical work, did not say out loud that the constitution had to be overthrown. After this first and only visit from Marat, I found him again at the National Assembly.
In number 648 (May 18) of l’Ami du Peuple, Marat gives his own version of this meeting:
I therefore declare that not only does Roberspierre [sic] not have my pen at his disposal, although it has often served to do him justice; but I protest that I have never had any note from him, that I have never had any direct or indirect relationship with him, that I have never even met him but once; also in this instance, our interview served to give rise to ideas and to manifest feelings diametrically opposed to those that Guadet and his clique attribute to me. The first word that Robespierre addressed to me was the reproach of having myself partly destroyed the prodigious influence that my paper had on the revolution by dipping my pen in the blood of the enemies of liberty, by speaking of rope, of daggers, no doubt against my heart, because he liked to convince himself that these were just empty words dictated by circumstances. Learn, I replied to him immediately, that the influence that my paper had on the revolution was not due, as you believe, to these close discussions in which the vices of the fatal decrees prepared by the Constituent Assembly are methodically developed, but to the terrible scandal that it spread among the public, when I unceremoniously tore the veil which covered the eternal plots hatched against public liberty by the enemies of the fatherland, people conspiring with the monarch, the legislators and the main custodians of authority; but to the audacity with which I trampled underfoot every detracting prejudice; but to the outpouring of my soul, to the impulses of my heart; to my violent protests against oppression, to my impetuous outings against the oppressors; to my painful accents; to my cries of indignation, fury and despair against the scoundrels who abused the trust and power of the people to deceive them, rob them, load them with chains and precipitate them into the abyss. Learn that there has never been a decree attacking liberty and that never an official has allowed himself an attack against the weak and the oppressed, without me having hastened to raise the people against these unworthy prevaricators. The cries of alarm and fury that you take for empty words were the naive expression with which my heart was agitated; learn that if I had been able to count on the people of the capital after the horrible decree against the garrison of Nancy, I would have decimated the barbaric deputies who had issued it. Learn that after the investigation of the Châtelet on the events of October 5 and 6, I would have had the unfair judges of this infamous tribunal perished at the stake. Learn that after the massacre on the Champ-de-Mars, had I found two thousand men animated by the feelings which tore me apart, I would have gone at their head to stab the general in the middle of his battalions of brigands, to burn the despot in his palace and impale our atrocious representatives on their seats as I declared to them at the time. Robespierre listened to me with fear, he turned pale, and remained silent for some time. This interview confirmed for me the opinion that I had always had [sic] of him: that he combined with the knowledge of a wise senator the integrity of a truly good man and the zeal of a true patriot, but that he also lacked the views and audacity of a true statesman.
In 1793, Jacques Roux also claimed to have gone home to Marat the year before and there have received ”a letter for Robespierre and for Chabot, the goal of which was to interest the Jacobin club to propagate an edition of your works.” I can however find no letter from Marat to Robespierre in the latter’s correspondence, nor even a letter to or from Robespierre that so much as mentions Marat (and the same thing goes for Marat’s correspondence). So did Robespierre actually receive this letter, we might assume he didn’t think all that much about it.
Despite Robespierre’s frosty attitude, Marat continued to hold admiration for him when he started up his journal again on April 12 1792, dedicating almost all of number 648 (May 3) and number 660 (May 29) with defending him against girondin attacks, a struggle which he describes as existing ”between the traitor Brissot and the Incorruptible Robespierre” (number 643 April 28 1792).
On September 9, Robespierre held a speech which he ended by recommending voting for Marat and Legendre for the National Convention (he did however deny that be had singled out Marat ”any more particularly than the courageous writers who had fought or suffered for the cause of the revolution” two months later). On September 21 1792, the day after the opening of said Convention, the last number of l’Ami du peuple appears, and a few days later Marat starts a new journal — Journal de la République française (it changed name to Le Publiciste de la République française in March 1793) that would run up until his death in July the following year. In total, Robespierre’s name gets mentioned around 35 times in this journal. As far as I can see, Marat does however appear to have cooled down a bit with his praising, mostly mentioning Robespierre in the context of reciting something he’s said or at tops mentioning him alongside other ”patriotic” deputies. In number 239, released the day before his death, Marat inserts a letter to Robespierre from a certain Labenette, ”orator of the people.”
The fact that Robespierre and Marat didn’t have any contacts with one another was not something that was believed by all contemporaries. Already in 1791, the journal Le Défenseur du Peuple had describedthe former as ”the friend of Marat, who he pretends to doesn’t know.” These allegations got a lot more serious in the fall of 1792, with the two plus Danton being accused of wanting to form a triumvirate, or having arranged the September Massacres together. On September 25 Marat openly denied that any of these allegations aligned with reality, that he had discussed the idea if a dictatorship or triumvirate with Danton and Robespierre, but that both had rejected it:
Certain members of the Paris deputation are accused of aspiring to dictatorship, to triumvirate, to tribunate; This absurd indictment can only find supporters because I am part of this deputation: well! monsieurs, I owe it to justice to declare that my colleagues, notably Danton and Robespierre, constantly rejected any idea of ​​dictatorship, triumvirate and tribunate, when I put it forward; I even had to break several lances with them on this subject.
The very same day, Robespierre made allusions to Marat when regretfully declaring ”it was then that the thoughtless phrases of an exaggerated patriot or the signs of confidence he gave to men whose incorruptibility he had experienced for three years were attributed to us as crimes.”
On October 19 appeared the first number of Lettres de Maximilien Robespierre, membre de la Convention nationale de France, à ses commettants. In number 6, when discussing Marat getting interupted when laying out some own theories on the battalions of Mauconseil to the point that the Jacobins have to move with the agenda due to the tumult, Robespierre writes: ”Whatever the deviations of Marat's imagination, good citizens nonetheless groaned to see personal sentiments make the interests of immocence and oppressed patriotism forgotten, and hateful passions banished from the sanctuary of the laws. dignity, calm and love of humanity.” In number 9 he also writes that ”in his wanderings, Marat often encountered the truth.”
Robespierre also mentioned Marat when the Lettres in January 1793 got renewed for a second edition, starting already in number 1, where he for long defended himself against the girondin Gensonné linking him and Marat together:
What obstinacy to want me to be someone other than myself? It doesn't even matter to you that everyone believes that I named Marat: having been unable to succeed, you have decided to repeat my name so often with his, that I was at least taken for an accessory of this great character, so celebrated in your pages; as if I had not had an existence of my own, several years before you had decided to strip me of it; as if my constituents and my fellow citizens had not been able to judge me by my own actions; while Marat wrote underground, and Brissot still obscurely intrigued, with the henchmen of the old police, his colleagues, and crawled in the antechambers of the men in power. In the past, I still remember, Brissot and a few others had entered into I don't know what conspiracy to make my name almost synonymous with that of Jérôme Pétion; they took so much trouble to put them together. I don't know if it was for love of me or of Pétion: but they seemed to have plotted to send me to immortality, in company with the great Jérôme. I have been ungrateful; and, to punish me, they said: since you don't want to be Pétion, you will be Marat. Well, I declare to you, monsieurs, that I want to be neither. I have the right, I think, to be consulted on this, and you will perhaps not dispose of my being in spite of myself. 
It's not that I want to deny Marat the justice that is due to him. In his papers, which are not always models of style or wisdom, he nevertheless stated useful truths, and waged open war against all powerful conspirators, although he may have been wrong about a few individuals. I know that he did not spare you yourselves: but this merit has not erased in my eyes, these extravagant sentences which he sometimes mixed with the healthiest ideas, as if to give to you and to your likes, the pretext of slandering liberty. It was said a long time ago that, in this respect, Marat was the father of the moderates and the feuillans; we could say for the same reason that he is also your boss; and we would be tempted to believe that he only punishes you because he loves you. I bet you love him too, although you pretend to shout very loudly at the slightest correction he gives you. Indeed, what would you be without him? What would become of all your newspapers and all your harangues if he had not written these two or three absurd and bloodthirsty sentences, which you constantly strive to repeat and comment on? You would have perhaps been reduced to becoming patriots, if he had not provided you with the pretext of disguising patriotism as maratism, in order to give to incivism, feuillantism, royalism and rascality, I don't know what air of wisdom and moderation. 
It is so convenient for the enemies of liberty to simply appear to be the adversaries of Marat, and to confuse the cause of liberty with the person of an individual, in order to be excused from respecting it. Such was the policy of the first aristocrats, and of the heroes of the intrigue, whose disgraces you will share, after having imitated their exploits. Like them, you want to persuade all of Europe that the Republicans of France, that the partisans of the principles of equality, are only one faction, and that this faction is Marat himself. Thus, thanks to the gift of metamorphoses with which you are eminently endowed, Paris, the Jacobins, the members of the Convention, who do not bend to the views of the intriguers, and Marat are precisely the same thing. All the energetic friends of liberty are, at most, only satellites drawn into the whirlwind of this new star. With this magical name, you claim to overthrow the entire work of our revolution. It is to carry out this great work that you write, that you print, that you speak, that you plot tirelessly: but the revolution will triumph over the name of Marat, as well as over your intrigues; we will do justice to you and to him, by disproving his deviations and by disconcerting your plots. A journalist's sentences have never made a guilty head roll; but the plots of ambition that you seem to forget have caused torrents of human blood to flow. The crimes of tyranny cost humanity more disasters than the most heroic periods of the most atrocious writer. Only you, gentlemen, can give importance to an exaggerated man, much less through your declamations than through your conduct. It would not even be noticed under a wise government. It is only oppression that forces the people to pay less attention to faults that they themselves do not believe, than to the courage of those who unmask their enemies.
He defends himself against the charge of him and Marat being the leaders of a coalition, ”when these deputies, too independent to form a coalition, even with a view to the public good, see every day the coalition of factions.” again in number 3. In number 9, the second to last number, he rhetorically asks whether ”giving ridiculous importance to some inconsistent and bizarre journalist, to charge him with all the iniquities of Israel, and to identify with him all the defenders of freedom?” really is such a good way to ensure tranquility.
Between December 1792 up until the death of Marat, we find him and Robespierre taking part in the same debates at both the Convention and the Jacobin club, sometimes agreeing (December 26, February 21) and sometimes disagreeing (December 16, March 3, June 18) with each another.
On January 4 Robespierre complains that a speech made by Barère regarding the fate of Louis XVI ”contains the most violent diatribes against the patriots” for having stated ”If anything could have made me change my mind [on an appeal to the people], it would be to see the same opinion shared by a man whom I cannot bring myself to name (Marat), but who is known for his bloodthirsty opinions...” A month later, February 11, Marat and Robespierre together calmed down a group of petitioners, disgruntled over not having received a hearing at the Convention. When a representative on February 26 asked ”that Marat be temporarily expelled from the Assembly and be locked up so that it could be examined whether he was crazy” and another one ordered the referral of the denunciation to the ordinary courts, ”Robespierre approaches the president, and there he announces that if the decree passes, Paris will be burning today.”
On 12 April Robespierre spoke against the arrest order issued against Marat the very same day — ”One has requested a decree of accusation be drawn up against the warmest patriots […] Marat spoke with force, precision, and at the same time with moderation. He painted the crimes of our enemies with colors capable of making any man who has any sense of modesty blush.…”
When the indictment against Marat was presented on April 13, Robespierre took to the floor a total of three times to speak against it:
To the question that agitates us, we will not disagree that the man in question excites very strong passions; you are asked if you will decree a representative of the people immediately, or if you will postpone until Wednesday; there is no respect there for the principles, and for what we owe to the character of representative of the people: what, you would send a slanderous report, when nothing is proven, and is it not barbaric to put a representative under accusation without examination; this report is the fruit of passions and liberticidal conspiracies. […]
Yes, it will be proven that this man, whom I have always seen as patriotic, was only attacked to prove that all the Republicans in this Assembly are exaggerated and must suffer the same fate. 
…As I see in this whole affair only the developed spirit of the Feuillants, the moderates and all the cowardly assassins of liberty, only a vile intrigue hatched to dishonor patriotism, the departments infested for a long time with the liberticidal writings of royalists, I reject with contempt the proposed decree of accusation.
Marat was acquitted on April 24, and four days later, a motion proposed by him with an amendment from Robespierre was passed at the Jacobin Club.
One day after the murder of Marat, July 14 1793, Robespierre spoke against the idea of granting him a state funeral, arguing that there were much more urgent things that needed to be taken care of before that could happen:
Robespierre: I have little to say to the Society. I would not even have asked to speak had the right to do so not somehow devolved to me at this moment; if I did not foresee that the honors of the dagger are also reserved for me, that priority has only been determined by chance, and that my fall is fast approaching. When a man, deeply sensitive and imbued with a love of the public good, sees his enemies raise their heads with impunity, and already share the spoils of the State, and his friends, on the contrary, frightened by oppression, flee a murderous soil and abandon it to fate, he becomes insensitive to everything, and no longer sees in the tomb anything other than a safe and precious asylum reserved by Providence for virtue. I believed that a session which followed the murder of one of the most zealous defenders of the fatherland, would be entirely occupied with the means of avenging him by serving said fatherland better than before. We haven't talked about it, and what are you occupying yourselves with in this precious time, for the use of which we are accountable? We are dealing with outrageous hyperboles, ridiculous and meaningless figures, which do not provide a remedy to the thing at hand and prevent it from being found. For example, you are seriously asked to discuss the fortune of Marat. Well! What does the fortune of one of its founders matter to the Republic? Is it a memoir that we are going to occupy ourselves with, when it is still a question of fighting for it? One is speaking of the honors of the Pantheon. And what are these honors? Who are those who lie there? With the exception of Le Peletier, I can’t see a single virtuous man there. Is it next to Mirabeau we will place Marat? Next to this intriguing man whose means were always criminal; this man who only earned his reputation through profound villainy? Here we have are the honors requested for the Friend of the People.
Bentabole: Yes, and he will obtain them in spite of those who are jealous of him.
Robespierre: Let us occupy ourselves with the measures which can still save our fatherland; let's make the effect of Pitt's guineas null. Let's bring the Cobourg and the Brunswick back to their territories. It is not today that we must show the people the spectacle of a funeral ceremony, but when finally victorious, the strengthened Republic will allow us to take care of its defenders; all of France will then ask for it and you will undoubtedly grant Marat the honors that his virtue deserves, that his memory demands. Do you know what impression the spectacle of funeral ceremonies attaches to the human heart! They make the people believe that the friends of liberty are thereby compensating themselves for the loss they have caused, and that from then on they are no longer required to avenge it; satisfied with having honored the virtuous man, this desire to avenge him dies in their hearts, and indifference succeeds enthusiasm and his memory runs the risk of oblivion. Let us not stop seeing what can still save us. The assassins of Marat and Peletier must come and atone on the Place de la Révolution for the atrocious crime of which they are guilty. It is necessary that the perpetrators of tyranny, the unfaithful representatives of the people, those who display the banner of revolt, who are convinced that they are sharpening the daggers on their heads every day, of having murdered the fatherland and a few of its members; it is necessary, I say, that the blood of these monsters responds to us and avenges us for that of our brothers which flowed for liberty, and which they shed with such barbarity. We must share the most painful burdens of the State; one must instruct all the people and gently lead them back to their duties; the other must render them exact justice: one must make food flow everywhere; the other deals exclusively with agriculture and the means of multiplying its relations; another must make wise laws; someone else must raise a revolutionary army, exercise and harden it, and know how to guide it in battle. Each of us must, forgetting ourselves at least for a while, embrace the Republic and devote ourselves unreservedly to its interests. The municipality must rule out, for the moment, a funeral celebration, which at first seemed dear to our hearts, but whose effects, as I have demonstrated, can become disastrous.
The following day, July 15, Robespierre asked that Marat’s printing presses be obtained by the Jacobins, a request a different member had already made the day before. A week later, July 22, the club tasked Robespierre, Desmoulins, Dufourny and Le Peletier’s brother with writing an adress to the French people about the murder. Said adress was printed and read aloud at the club four days later, obviously deploring of the event and praising Marat.
On August 5, Robespierre denounced Jacques Roux and Jean Théophile Victor Leclerc as ”two men paid by the enemies of the people, two men that Marat denounced [that] have succedeed, or think they have succeeded this patriot writer.” Three days later, August 8, Simonne Evrard, ”the widow Marat” presented herself before the Convention and held a long speech defending her dead fiancé’s memory, that in her view had gotten hijacked by ”scroundel writers” and in particular the two men already denounced by Robespierre. After her speech was finished, Robespierre again took to the floor to demand that the speech be printed and ”that the Committee of General Security be required to examine the conduct of the two mercenary writers denounced to it; the memory of Marat must be defended by the Convention and by all patriots.” Indeed, Roux and Leclerc would soon thereafter find themselves imprisoned, the former in September 1793, the latter in April 1794. How much of this was Robespierre being genueinly concerned for Marat’s memory and how much it was him using said memory to rid himself of a political rival I will leave unsaid…
On November 23, when Robespierre gives clarifications regarding the CPS changing the general in charge of the taking of Toulon, he says that it was on the recommendation of Marat that the new general had been promoted to rank of brigade leader. ”Marat could have been wrong, but his recommendation was a very favorable presumption in favor of an individual; he has always justified it since.” On 10 January 1794 he exclaims that ”my dictatorship is that of Le Peletier, of Marat. Or I don’t mean that, I don't want to say that I resemble them: I'm neither Marat nor Pelletier; I am not yet a martyr of the Revolution; I have the same dictatorship as them, that is to say the daggers of tyrants.” In an undelivered speech written shortly thereafter he again describes Marat and Le Pelerier as martyrs and Leclerc and Roux as”mercenary writers, daring to usurp the name of Marat, to desecrate it.”
Finally, on 9 thermidor, we find the following two claims made against Robespierre that involves Marat. (1, 2) I will leave them as they are as it’s very hard to know if they’re legit or not:
Dubois-Crancé: I must pay tribute to the sagacity of Marat: at the time of the judgment of the tyrant Capet, he said to me, speaking of Robespierre: ”You see that rascal? That man is more dangerous for liberty than all the allied despots.” 
Collot d’Herbois: I am going to cite a fact which will prove that Robespierre, who for some time spoke only of Marat, always hated this constant friend of the people. At Marat's funeral, Robespierre spoke for a long time on the platform that had been set up in front of the Luxembourg, and the name of Marat did not come out of his mouth once; Can the people believe that a person loves Marat when he angrily declares that he doesn’t want to be assimilated to him? No, although these hypocrites talked incessantly about Marat and Challier, they loved neither of the two.
Alphonse Esquiros, who tracked down Marat’s younger sister Albertine for an interview in the 1830s or 1840s, reported that it was ”with bitterness” she spoke of Robespierre. ”There was nothing in common, she added, between him and Marat. Had my brother lived, the heads of Danton and Camille Desmoulins would not have fallen.”
Robespierre’s little sister Charlotte (who Albertine despised) did in her turn write the following regarding the relationship in her memoirs (1834). This anecdote is however suspeciously similar to the meeting Marat and Robespierre describe as having happened in January 1792, in which Charlotte impossibly could have taken part, still not having gone to Paris by then:
I have often heard my brother’s name attached to that of Marat, as if the way of thinking, the sympathies, the acts of those two men were the same, as if they had acted in concert. It is thus that the portraits and busts of Voltaire and Rousseau are placed side by side, as if those two great writers had been the best friends in the world when they were alive, while in truth they found each other insufferable. I do not claim to discount Marat’s merit, nor make an attempt on the purity of his devotion and of his intentions. Some have dared to say that he was in the pay of foreigners; but have they not said that of my brother? The field of the absurd is immense and limitless. Have they not said of Maximilien Robespierre that he had asked the young daughter of Louis XVI in marriage? After such an accusation nothing should be surprising anymore; more burlesque and impossible assertions must be expected; it is the nec plus ultra of inanity. To return to Marat, I will dare to affirm that he was not an agent of foreigners, as it has pleased some to say; Marat had felt the infamies of the Ancien Régime and the poverty of the people strongly; his fiery imagination and his irascible temperament had made him an ardent, and too often even imprudent, revolutionary; but his intentions, I repeat, were good. My brother disapproved of his exaggerations and his rages, and believed, as he said many times to me, that the course adopted by Marat was more detrimental than useful to the revolution. One day Marat came to see my brother. This visit surprised us, for, usually, Marat and Robespierre had no rapport. They spoke first of affairs in general, then of the turn the revolution was taking; finally, Marat opened the chapter on revolutionary rigors, and complained of the mildness and the excessive indulgence of the government.  “You are the man whom I esteem perhaps the most in the world,” Marat said to my brother, “but I would esteem you more if you were less moderate in regard to the aristocrats.”  “I will reproach you with the contrary,” my brother replied; “you are compromising the revolution, you make it hated in ceaselessly calling for heads. The scaffold is a terrible means, and always a grievous one; it must be used soberly and only in the grave cases where the fatherland is leaning toward its ruin.”  “I pity you,” said Marat then, “you are not at my level.”  “I would be quite grieved to be at your level,” replied Robespierre. “You misunderstand me,” returned Marat, “we will never be able to work together.”  “That’s possible,” said Robespierre, “and things will only go the better for it.”  ”I regret that we could not come to an understanding,” added Marat, “for you are the purest man in the Convention.”
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chipsncookies · 1 year
Team Explorers analysis
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I have watched ep1&2 and boy do i have a lot of thoughts!!
- they used manipulative means to get liko but still maintain professionalism(?), amethio faking the permission slip and letter from her grandma, and being polite before liko decided to run away, and even when confronting friede ame and friede are very civil with each other(?). Ame also knocked before going into liko's room lol
-amethio is higher rank than zir and conia, based on how they report to him, his clothes look different, they call him -sama and his battle prowess surpass them (compare liko vs zir and friede vs amethio)
- i said amethio is high rank but i feel he isn't the big boss, since the details about the pendant is unknown to him. There must be a reason why it's so important, but he didn't know why, he only follow orders. He knew to some extent her grandma gave the pendant but not its qualities, Which is kinda weird if you're about to break laws for this thing? That said he's also quick thinking, he just found out about the gleam of light and how it saves liko in danger, and he adjusted his objective immediately (get pendant > get pendant & liko). It also look like he was reporting to someone in ep 3 preview.
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Based on this, his strength + his freedom to make decisions i speculate he's admin level at least 🤔
-The explorers as an organisation is also shrouded in mystery. Their name is neutral sounding, but friede said they're notorious, and his teammates are shocked/displeased when they found out explorers are involved. Amethio didn't know who friede was, so they've never met before. He was also surprised friede fought with pikachu and thought friede was toying with him (he will be humbled later), which means explorers don't know about friede's team composition also. I wonder what else explorers have done to gain infamous reputation amd how friede came to know about them
That's all i have for now, im really looking forward to next ep. They've caught sprigatito and want to exchange for pendant & liko it seems. I really like how they're written, how ame especially takes his mission very seriously even going into a storm to chase liko. However he still maintain professionalism and be civil with his opponents and liko. I really like that about him. Even in ep3 preview he seem to treat sprigatito nicely despite it being their hostage
-It seems grunts get skarmory and that one other pkmn zir used that i cant remember as standard issued pokemons. I wonder what conia has, is it the same as him (Offtopic but i love how zir shows concern for his pkmn when it was attacked by sprigatito, it's cute)
EDIT: FORGOT TO ADD amethio is also never mean to his zir and conia, he didn't reprimand them even if they failed to catch liko, and they're also loyal to him, even going as far as flying into a storm under his order. Very interesting dynamic i hope to see more of them
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I hope we get to see more of zir and conia's personality next time, im really loving this team. I also hope we get to learn more about their organisation. See you in ep3!
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Part 2 of Liochant focused rewrite, this time focusing on the fact that he is a skilled combatant, has no known past, and honestly no real certified looks. I acknowledge the fact that he has a minecraft block figure but so does Lucinda and we all know that that isn't what she looks like, the afro latina queen.
Since almost all of Liochant is up to interpretation, I have decided to abuse the fuck out of it. Which brings me back to writing a baseline background for him.
Liochant is from the desert part of Tu'la and much like many of the inhabitants of that area, has tattoos which he covers up as they are uncommon in Ru'aun. The tattoos are all inscriptions of protection and power, ones that bring him strength when needed and are beautifully done. All symbols of a warrior which hint at his skill.
Liochant is an incredibly skilled combatant, making the Dragon Ward despite the fact that he was "not to be trusted." In armor, he is a few leagues below Katelyn and Garroth, probably on par with Travis, who spent his entire life fighting imps. Without armor, he is on par if not better in some areas than the two knights, for wearing heavy metal armor in a desert is a death sentence, so one has to be as fast as a viper. In a fight with Katelyn he can certainly do some damage, especially if he is using khopesh his native weapon, with the fight most likely ending in a draw, with wins and loses on both sides but favoring Liochant. With Garroth, it truly is an anyones game because Garroth is sturdy, protected and has reach but Liochant is smaller (5'10 compared to Garroths massive size) and is fast.
Though, I do have to point this out that he has never fought without armor in Ru'aun yet. Liochant's goal is to not be feared but accepted.
Now the reason Liochant is so great is because he grew up in a temple of Menphia until he was 7, when the King of Tu'la invaded the deserts and burned down all temples for he is the only God to be worshipped. Soon after, the selfish Tiger King set up places for his personal entertainment, one such being a gladiator pit. A place to throw thieves and criminals to fight for his pleasure. Eventually, a starving 12 year old Liochant got caught stealing bread, and he had to choose to fight or be executed.
Liochant got better and better and moved higher up into the fighter ranks, each level coming with its own turmoils and benefits but unlike some of the other warriors, he wasn't treated to the same level of finery as he was a marked follower of menphia (when you reach 6 in the temple, a sun is tattooed onto your back with ink that makes it grow with you for Menphia is the furious sun). So, regardless of how skilled he was, he wasn't a worshipper of the king, but that still doesn't mean others didn't like him.
He did mange to hold onto his culture throughout, still managing to get tattoos despite the scars and learn. Many of the funders for the fight would "rent" a gladiator out, and he was smart, not intelligent, but smart. Eventually, he escaped when he was 20 and headed to Ru'aun, wanting to see what he could do to right the wrongs.
Essentially, my goal is to make him a character foil or counterpart to Garroth that I will go into later.
Ooo can’t wait to hear more.
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the-monkey-ruler · 3 months
Hi I Don’t know if you have seen sun wukong in vs battle wiki in fandom and I was wondering how accurate you think his powers are the journey to the west
Battle wiki? Never heard of that that but I'll take a look.
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Hmmm those are sure numbers and letts I'm not sure what they mean.
But I read each one and it looks like they have a good idea what they are listing! Esp enjoy there are so many references and explanations for each power. Have to say that a lot of these powers could be subjective depending on how people in modern times would try to define these powers to fit a proper power level.
You have to remember that Wukong is as powerful as the novel needs him to be within each arc and yes that is like anti-plot armor but with how strong Wukong is in the book, a lot of expectations and magic items are used on him as a means of counteracting how many powers he has. That all being said the powers he gains in the end could be limitless all things considering and depending on how a person interpts his powers could even lead to further interpretations of these powers as well.
This was a fun read! Maybe @journeytothewestresearch would know more about the details since he has measured Wukong's greatest feats but it looks fine with me.
Superhuman Physical Characteristics
Stealth Mastery
Regeneration (Mid) - I would say this should be higher, he made himself a new head within a minute.
Acrobatics (Used Physical Exercises while inside the body of a monster)
Martial Arts (It is hinted that his martial prowess is comparable to his magic ability in importance. He's fought thousands of trained Gods and Divine/Heavenly Warriors that are millions of years old. He even fought on par with a clone of himself, which was a Six-Eared Macaque. Its stated they have precognition, and without even moving knew every event within thousands of miles of themselves instantly)
Weapon Mastery (He taught his Monkey Army how to proficient with all kinds of weapons. His proficiency with his staff impresses Gods and Demons throughout the story)
Breath Attack (Can blow out winds so strong they destroy forests and create tsunamis the size of mountains)
Attack Reflection (Sun Wukong can use spells so Water, Fire and Thunder cannot harm him. He can also repel them)
Statistics Amplification (Can change the composition of his body to protect himself. Sun Wukong and his transformations, in general, have shown that changing your form can make you stronger)
Cosmic Awareness (Can hear up to Heaven and into the Underworld. With his eyes he can see if something is true or false, good or evil, wealthy or poor. He also states he is capable of seeing the entire World)
Enhanced Senses (He can see things like a dragonfly's wings precisely even if they are a thousand miles away. Capable of seeing through transformations and illusions along with shapeshifters)
Underwater Breathing (Type 2: Stated he cannot be drowned)
Purification (Type 2: Having mastered The Great Way, Sun Wukong would be capable of spell's that purify both his mind and body)
Forcefield Creation (Sun Wukong can create barriers by drawing on the ground. He can also use magic to create a barrier around his body)
Immortality (Type 1; Sun Wukong is stated multiple times to have eternal life. Type 2; He can live with and jokes about fatal wounds like being beheaded or having his body ripped open just for fun. Type 3; He can actively regenerate himself from fatal injuries such as being beheaded or being ripped open. Type 4; He has an extra life for each one of his transformations. Type 5; He is incapable of dying with death no longer applying to him)
Elemental Intangibility (Can turn into Ether)
Non-Physical Interaction (Fights evil spirits throughout the novel, which are confirmed to be nonexistent, and constantly interacts with things that are non-physical such as clouds)
Life Manipulation (Sun Wukong can create life from his hairs and turn them into creatures with special abilities such as sleeping bugs. He can also transform them into beings such as Thunder Spirits)
Light Manipulation (Can generate light from his eyes)
Limited Subjective Reality & Information Manipulation (It is stated at some point Sun Wukong began to utilize Dharma Power, which is Subjective Reality and Information to manifest his powers)
Self-Sustenance (Type 1 & 3: Does not need sleep, he has no issues in space and is capable of travelling through the cosmos)
Power Nullification (Has shown the ability to destroy magic)
Sleep Manipulation (Can force people to sleep for weeks)
Water Manipulation (Can overturn rivers and stir up oceans. Shown he can manipulate water to an extent)
Astral Projection (Sun Wukong can transform between being a spirit and having his normal body at will. At the same time he keeps the properties of his normal body as a soul/spirit. He is capable of using his staff, killing and touching Ghost and Souls, speaking to them, etc.)
Reincarnation (Sun Wukong in his True Spirit state is capable of reincarnating through any birth outlet)
Air Manipulation (Can create a planetary storm. Can also use wind to make others and most likely himself fly)
Social Influencing (Can speak to and befriend animals)
BFR (Having mastered The Great Way and The Daoist Way, Sun Wukong should be capable of banishing souls like his master)
Body Control (He can control his body and change its shape)
Biological Manipulation (He can invoke seizures onto other people) - don't remember this but sounds right
Danmaku (Can attack with tens of thousands of flying cudgels at once to counter millions of projectiles)
Dimensional Travel (Can go to the underworld and leave it as he wishes. He can also travel to Heaven)
Elasticity (Can have his head squeezed to the point it's shaped like an hourglass)
Duplication (Can turn his hairs into exact clones of himself. He can create billions of clones and they in turn could do the same seemingly endlessly. If Sun Wukong is cut into pieces one of those pieces will become himself and the other pieces will turn into clones)
Durability Negation (Sun Wukong's Cudgel can ignore durability)
Invulnerability (Sun Wukong has stated he is invulnerable and his body cannot be damaged, his invulnerability and immortality is merged with his body. This was further refined into his being. And by mastering The Great Way he would have an Indestructible Body. He's also stated to be capable of using magic to protect his body. He has only been damaged if he wished to be or by things with Immortality/Invulnerability Nullification)
Spatial Manipulation (Can instantly shorten the distance between locations for himself, and others)
Flight (He is capable of flying. Can travel through space and the cosmos)
Magic (Learned all sorts of magic)
Shapeshifting (Is capable of transformations. He can shapeshift other beings as well)
Size Manipulation (States he can grow so large he would fill the Universe or become smaller than a piece of hair. He can also control other people's size)
Summoning (Having mastered The Daoist Way, Sun Wukong should be capable of summoning Immortals to his side. This is shown we he summons the Northern Dragon King. He summons Gods and Deities throughout the Novel)
Invisibility (He can turn Invisible)
Resistance to Soul Manipulation (His Soul keeps the properties of his normal body. He survived the full brunt of a weapon that melts souls and causes the spirit of who it hits to leak)
Resistance to Cosmic Radiation (Can travel to Heaven which lies on top of the cosmos)
Resistance to Death Manipulation & Life Manipulation (By removing his name from the Register of Births and Deaths, Sun Wukong is free from Life & Death)
Resistance to Fate Manipulation (Alongside being free from Life & Death, Sun Wukong is also free from Fate as the Register of Births and Deaths determines and controls that as well)
Possible Resistance to Mist Manipulation & Electricity Manipulation (Sun Wukong stated that once they delivered the scriptures, they obtained bodies that could not be harmed by Fog, Thunder, or Lightning) - this is true, not a possibility.
Resistance to Mental Manipulation, Perception Manipulation. Empathic Manipulation, Madness Manipulation & Sense Manipulation (Sun Wukong's mind became enlightened and mastered the Great Way before he became a Buddha. Those who are enlightened obtain a special mindset allowing them to bypass all mental projections. Mental Projections in general include all types of perception. This includes ones based on vision as well as others that are shaped by memory and learning. This further includes mental events which are thoughts, feelings, decisions, dreams, and realizations)
Resistance to Disease Manipulation (Having learned the Way, he is free from all diseases. Fought against the entirety of Heaven yet was uninjured and couldn't be executed by them. That would include the Five Plagues. These are suggested to be phenomena that make your eyes bleed, nose bleed, ears pus, jaw lock & make anything you taste seem foul)
Resistance to Corruption (Sun Wukong stated that once they delivered the scriptures, they obtained bodies that are incorruptible)
Resistance to Conceptual Manipulation & Elemental Manipulation (The Five Phases are stated to be a force alongside the Yin-Yang which is responsible for human's natural endowments. Natural endowments would include things like intelligence and strength or their gifts, talents, etc. Consisting of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal & Water they are thoroughly linked with the Yin-Yang. It's stated they formed creation itself as the Five Phases make up the entire Universe. Even the forms of Monsters & Demons are molded to match the Five Phases. Sun Wukong states he has transcended The Five Phases, which puts him beyond their dynamics)
Possible Resistance to Dream Manipulation & Subjective Reality (When the Dragon King of Jing River broke the Laws of Heaven he was to be executed. The execution occurred in a dream and then became reality. Sun Wukong not only broke the Laws of Heaven yet even after being captured could not be executed by them)
Possible Resistance to Darkness Manipulation & Light Manipulation (Fought against the entirety of Heaven yet was uninjured and couldn't be executed by them. That would include The Gods of Darkness and Light. Gods are shown to able to use the abilities of what they are the God of)
Possible Resistance to Time Manipulation (Fought against the entirety of Heaven yet was uninjured and couldn't be executed by them. That would include The Gods of Time and the Guardians of Time. Gods are shown to able to use the abilities of what they are the God of)
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twilights-800-cats · 6 months
<< Prologue || Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || From the Beginning || Patreon >>
Chapter 1
“You haven’t answered me,” hissed Tinystar. He drew forward on his branch, his thin claws flashing in the moonlight. “What happened to Onewhisker?!”
Mudstar glowered at Tinystar. The entire clearing held its breath, waiting for him to speak. An owl hooted somewhere in the distance.
“Onewhisker is dead.”
For a long moment, Shadepool wasn’t certain whether what she was hearing was stunned silence, or if the crowd had burst into so much of a sudden, raging cacophony that she was struck deaf. Her ears felt stuffed to their limits, her mind racing so fast that she had to dig her claws deep into the hard, cold earth to keep herself steady.
Onewhisker is dead.
She felt the other medicine cats beside her bristling with alarm. Sound was slowly creeping back into Shadepool’s ears. Poor Ryewhisper was rounded upon immediately, shrinking into his pelt as Mothwing, Brackenfur, and Littlecloud all demanded to know what was happening all at once, all of them desperate to know where Barkface was, and what had happened.
Shadepool could only stare at the young medicine cat helplessly. He looked so scared. She wanted to tell them to stop, to leave him alone – but she couldn’t summon the strength. Everyone was so loud, so angry, so incredulous, and it felt like Shadepool was drowning beneath a roaring tide of ice-cold water and being smashed to bits by its unrelenting power.
Russetstar’s thin, railing screech brought silence.
Shadepool, ears flat, looked up at the ShadowClan leader gratefully; but she soon took her relief back. Russetstar was coiled on her branch of the Great Oak like a cat about to spring, glaring at Mudstar with fury in her pale eyes, the moonlight striking her shoulders such that they looked like talons.
“What do you mean, Onewhisker is dead?” she hissed. Shadepool saw the glint of her claws, the shine of her teeth. “What in StarClan's name is happening in WindClan?!”
“Did you not all agree that Onewhisker was to be leader?” Leopardstar, spurred by Russetstar, meowed on. Her dappled head was lowered in the moonlight to meet Mudstar’s stony expression from her higher branch. Her eyes were like a hawk’s, sharp and direct, yet Shadepool could see that she was shaken, too. “Did he choose you to be his deputy before he died?”
It was a very simple question, really, and one that could quell so much of the outrage. Shadepool gauged the crowd – every cat wore an expression of shock or anger or suspicion, some all three at once - and she noted that the strongest emotions were coming from her own Clanmates. Onewhisker had been a friend to ThunderClan for a long time, and they had fought the hardest and bled the most for his bid to be the leader of WindClan.
To find out that it had all been for nothing...
Onewhisker is dead.
Shadepool feared looking at her father, but she had to. Tinystar was a small black void, curled up tight on his branch. His tail was hanging ominously still, his eyes wide to their whites and fixated intensely on Mudstar, two stars burning with cold flames.
Shadepool felt fear trickle down her spine at the sight of him – her father was famous for his barely contained temper, and his viciousness in battle. She couldn’t possibly imagine him breaking the full-moon truce between the four Clans, but if Mudstar’s next words pushed him too far...
Mudstar met the challenges of the RiverClan and ShadowClan leaders with his chin held high, however, as if their aggression meant nothing to him: “Onewhisker did not choose a deputy before his death,” he stated plainly.
The whole of the Gathering listened in rapturous silence. The unease in the air was like a thick fog. Shadepool wanted to bite her paw, to wake up from this horrible, uncomfortable dream; to be in a world where this had not happened, and never would.
Mudstar’s gaze was level as he meowed on, “The night after the battle was decided, he set off immediately to the Moonpool to receive his lives and name. Barkface went with him.”
“He hoped StarClan might send him a sign about a new deputy, but... They did not return the next evening,” rasped Ryewhisper, who lifted his head from where he cowered. Shadepool glanced back at him. He was trembling as he went on: “The journey there is long - we t-thought that perhaps they were just taking their time.”
“They were not.” Mudstar’s voice was sharp. He curled his lip. “When it became clear that something was amiss, patrols were sent to search for them.” His eyes were hard on the crowd, but there was a tremor in his mew: “Onewhisker was swiftly found, left as food for the carrion birds in a hollow on our side of the Divide, just outside our territory. By our estimates, he never made it to the Moonpool to claim his lives.”
“Great StarClan!” gasped a cat from RiverClan, the old she-cat Brackenflight. “A leader killed on their way to the Moonpool?!” She looked faint.
“That’s against the warrior code!” seethed Dustpelt. His eyes were narrowed to slits, the fur of his neck bristling. “No cat from any Clan is to stop another from seeing StarClan! Especially not would-be leaders!”
“It had to have been rogues!” agreed Cedarheart of ShadowClan. He stood up beside his mate, Finchsong. “No Clan cat would be so fox-hearted!”
“Don’t be too sure,” Mudstar growled. His expression was dark and dangerous, and it made Shadepool want to wail. Fear-scent rose in the crowd, strong and thick, and cats mumbled worriedly. Only the WindClan cats in the crowd stood still and solid, eyes downcast to their paws, not a one saying a word out of turn.
Shadepool's pelt prickled. Even Crowflight was keeping his jaws firmly closed. Whatever Mudstar's story was building to, not only did he know it, he wasn't going to speak against it. Somehow, that made things even worse.
Brackenfur stood, bristling. “What of Barkface?! Where is he?”
Shadepool’s heart fluttered. She didn’t know Barkface very well, but he was the eldest medicine cat in the four Clans, and he had always been kind to her during her training. He’d felt almost like a distant grandfather. If any cat could calm a storm, it was him.
“Is he alright?” Littlecloud demanded, worry gleaming in his eyes.
Shadepool's legs trembled. Attacking a warrior on their way to the Moonpool was one thing, they were trained to defend themselves, to expect death in combat; but if some cat had hurt Barkface, a medicine cat...
“We found Barkface huddled deep inside an old badger's den.” Crowflight’s voice astonished Shadepool – she leaned in close, wanting to draw all the information she could from him, this cat that she loved. He was the only bright spot in this dark, furious storm swirling around the Clans.
The black tom’s gaze wavered. When Mudstar nodded for him to continue, Crowflight meowed, “He had been there, injured, the whole time. We think he must have escaped during the fighting – perhaps... perhaps Onewhisker had used himself as a distraction to save him.” Crowflight took a shuddering breath. “We took him back to camp to treat his injuries, but...”
“He’s not doing well,” Ryewhisper reported. He was staring at his paws. “He’s barely surviving. His wounds are deep, and a terrible infection has set in.”
Shadepool’s heart dropped. Would this ever end? No, oh no! How could it all have gone so wrong?
“After they were found, the Clan came together and decided that I would be their leader,” Mudstar rasped. His voice was resolute, firm. “Some days later, after one of the blizzards, Ryewhisper and I took the journey to the Moonpool, with a few warriors for our protection. I spoke with StarClan, and they gave me my name and my lives and advised me on how to proceed, suggesting Crowflight be my deputy.”
“Mudstar! Mudstar! Crowflight!” cheered the WindClan cats, their voices ringing loud and true in the cold leafbare air. Several scattered cats from the other Clans joined in, while the quiet ones still looked uncertain and confused. No cat in ThunderClan joined in the welcoming chorus, and Shadepool saw Dustpelt’s eyes turning to slits toward Mudstar.
Shadepool couldn’t bring herself to cheer, either, even though she should have. The grief was too much, balled up in her throat like a tough bit of fresh-kill. Her eyes stung not from the bitter cold, and her stomach curdled uncomfortably. This waking nightmare was making her head hurt. 
“Who did this?!” hissed Tinystar. His voice was so quiet, so very dangerous. Shadepool saw his claws sink deep into the bark of his branch.
“Yes, we must know who!” Leopardstar insisted. The fur along her spine was bristling to its ends, her ears pinned flat to her skull. “An animal? A pack of rogues?”
Russetstar’s tail lashed, her eyes flashing. “They will be made to pay!”
The whole Gathering clamored, now:
“Injuring a medicine cat is a crime against all the Clans!” snarled Falcontail of RiverClan. “Against StarClan!”
“Will they strike again?” fretted Ferncloud, her voice trembling. Beside her, Snowstep rested his muzzle against her shoulder, his ears twitching a calm assurance that he would protect her.
Finchsong, Cedarheart’s mate, was nodding beside the other queens. “We must defend ourselves! If they attacked a would-be leader, where will they stop?”
The theories sprang up, each one wilder than the last: a horde of badgers, BloodClan’s return, the ghosts of Bluestar and her LionClan, even. A ShadowClan warrior suggested kittypets, only to be hissed down by his Clanmates as a frog-brain. Another cat from RiverClan suggested Twolegs or dogs, but that, too, was dismissed as a foolish notion.
Shadepool’s ears buzzed. The island felt like it was full of bees, all trying to reach their hive. She could feel something prickling at her pelt – the press of the crowd, the noise in the air... It wasn’t just pressing down onto her, but her brother as well, who was deeper in the throng of cats, and utterly surrounded by the clamor. Shadepool struggled against the feeling, trying to push it up and away from them both; but even Nightfrost seemed too overwhelmed to help her.
“Settle down!” a voice yowled over the rest. Shadepool’s ears pricked – it was Mistyfoot! The pressure in Shadepool's mind eased, just a little. Her Clanmate’s head glowed silver in the moonlight as she raised her muzzle. “Speculating is going to get us nowhere. We need to listen to our leaders, and stay calm!”
That seemed to settle the crowd for the most part, but Shadepool did not miss more than one WindClan cat glaring at Mistyfoot, as if they were offended by her daring to silence them. Shadepool tipped her head in confusion. Mistyfoot was a chosen cat, respected in all the Clans after leading them to the lake - wasn’t she?
“Well?” pressed Russetstar. “Have you any leads on who might have done this?”
Mudstar’s eyes flashed at the ShadowClan leader. “We do.”
“Tell us!” Leopardstar hissed.
“Yes,” Tinystar meowed harshly, leaning forward. “Tell us. Onewhisker’s death and Barkface’s injury must not go unpunished.”
Mudstar’s eyes narrowed. “No, they should not.”
The entire Gathering fell quiet once more. Every cat had their ears pricked, now, anticipation tingling in the air like cold rainfall. Shadepool swallowed around the huge, solid lump in her throat. Whatever Mudstar named as the threat, the four Clans could face it together – they could do anything together. The Great Journey had proven that without a doubt.
“At the scene, it was unmistakable,” Mudstar announced. “A scent that any cat here would recognize - and though we could not identify an individual, we know where they came from.”
The air grew thick again as cats began to speculate in hushed tones. Shadepool’s pelt prickled – why was Mudstar making this such a dramatic announcement? His gaze was panning over the crowd, his expression unreadable.
Just say it, and let it be done!
“It was ThunderClan!” Mudstar yowled, finally. Bristling from ears to tail, he ground his claws into his branch as he glared at Tinystar. “ThunderClan killed Onewhisker!”
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doubleddenden · 7 months
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so i beat the main story of Teal Mask, and I decided to try something wildly different with my dlc team than i usually do
More under cut
I was told the levels would be somewhat similar to IoA- roughly level 60s, so I made a very rough decision to box a lot of mons I actually WANTED to take with me because they're just too over leveled.
So instead of using like 3 pokemon i've used from my main team, 2 transfers, and 1 new pokemon, I decided to use... well, 1 mon from a past team transferred in to get me started, 1 mon for that that actually stuck, and 1 mon from my base game that I never really used. And in the case of H Samurott, I mainly had him at the very beginning until i could catch a new water type- I have this thing about needing certain colors and types. The rest are mons I caught and raised entirely in Kitakami.
Gotta say, it was refreshingly difficult. I actually had to work to get them high enough level because- spoilers- it's actually not that easy in Kitakami, and it actually gets harder- like level 70 and higher bosses harder- like teams comprised of level 70+ pokemon. I probably COULD have brought some old Pokemon and still have had trouble, but I decided on this bit and I stuck with it for a pretty refreshing team.
So, with that said, my team:
Hisuian Typhlosion- Shogun. Actually, this is the one non Paldean Pokemon I ended up keeping on my final team, and ended up the highest level. I caught after my Legends Arceus playthrough, and he's actually the same one pictured here
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he served as my "starter" for Kitakami and did an okay job at it. Not quite as powerful as I'd like, but I always wanted to get another chance to try using one- and I got it!
2. Yanmega, Racer- My first catch upon entering the region. Always wanted a Yanmega! It's a lot cooler than expected- a bit of a glass cannon, but fun nonetheless.
3. Poliwrath, Fesh Pince- I think I used one a long, long time ago as a kid, but that Poliwrath has been lost to time. This one is named after a Poliwrath I had a fan game playthrough I did, and that one is named after the Fesh Pince of Blair- a stupid but funny youtube poop of Fresh Prince. I often found myself saying "We've got to attack him" as I tossed him out. He pulled some decent weight and was crucial as a wall in catching Okidogi and Fezandipiti.
4. Morpeko, MorMarnie- Okay so... She sucks lol, but it literally attacked me out of the blue and I decided I like how cute it is- especially Hangry mode. It did have one or 2 good victories and moments, but it did lose a lot lol. But still, I like having at least 1 designated "buddy" pokemon on my team anyway.
5. Baxcalibur, Hollabax- This one was added after I wasn't feeling certain vibes from my team, and it fixed it right up. He didn't even have a nickname until a few minutes ago- I was planning originally to use it in my first SV run, but I got too attached to my Cetitan after it literally waddled up to me and let me catch it in one ball throw as a baby. Hollabax is strong though, gave me a bit of a needed boost when things started getting difficult- but its typing actually balances it out, because while it is strong, it gets taken out pretty easily. I like him though- initially i was going to go with a "japan" themed team, and he kinda ironically fits if we go with the idea he's godzilla.
6. Blood Moon Ursaring, Yoginator- The very same one from this pic
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He's a big boy, quite literally the tallest Pokemon on my team at 8 feet tall. When I first fought it, it literally almost wiped my team- if it weren't for Scout the Furret getting in one last good hit, I'd have lost. THEN Yoginator replaced him, lol. He's a living example of "The boss when you fight him vs the boss when he joins the party," as he kinda kicked ass but not nearly as much as expected. Still, he's neat and I like him.
Furret, Scout- Scout was actually my Furret from 3DS Silver, and one of my current favs right now. Such a friend shaped Pokemon
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She got me started for the first small bit of the main story, and landed the last hit to win against Blood Moon Ursaluna. Wasn't really as strong as I'd liked, but it was still nice to have an old friend with me.
2. H Samurott, Muramasa- my starter in Legends Arceus, and at most a very temporary body guard until I found Fesh Pince. He's strong and actually helped against some raids I found while I was there. I wish I could have used him tbh- I hope Indigo Disk keeps the trend of higher levels, because if so I might bring him there.
3. Dipplin, Dipper- Was part of the team for a bit, but it was around getting Morpeko I started feeling a vibe was off in my team. Normally I'd prioritize a new Pokemon over older ones, but in this case I decided that I needed a bit more fire power after it kept losing repeatedly. INTERESTINGLY, Apparently Dipplin can use Eviolite- that means it theoretically can EVOLVE- just not now. Maybe in pt 2, and maybe then I'll try again with it
4. Ogerpon, name pending- And the special boy. Such a cute fella, and I wanna spoil him a bunch. I added him to my team, replacing Morpeko so I could take on the stronger Oger gang trainers and generally just explore more stuff I might have missed. Have I mentioned he's a very good boy? I love him
Overall, this team was a challenge to raise on short notice, but it actually made the dlc a lot of fun and not just a spam A to win fest.
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graegrape · 2 years
ranking every single tf2 ship name. you know how it is. full ranking under cut
DISCLAIMER: i don't actually like some of these pairings too much because of personal comforts, but still ranked 'em based on name. also i left out the gross icky stuff like sp*scout for obvious reasons
35. heavyneer (heavy/engie) - did we even try. 0/10
34. fruit scones (medic/soldier) - is there something i'm missing here. what do either of them have to do with fruit scones. what 0/10
33. haggis sandvich (demo/heavy) - So Long and has no pop factor at all. where is the excitement. the cute wordplay. this is just slapping two things that relate to each other vaguely together. 0/10
32. vegemite sandvich (sniper/heavy) - even longer than demoheavy but this is a down under (the song) reference so. i guess. 1/10 points for consistency
31. gentle surgery (spy/medic) - i get where both parts are from but this is just random words mashed together. what the hell is a gentle surgery and where do i get one 1/10
30. spyper / hide and seek / bloody suit (sniper/spy) - does anyone actually use anything other than sniperspy in this context. just saying i understand because these names barely relate to these two. 1/10 at least hide and seek is there
29. spoovy (spy/heavy) - points for sheer hilarity 1/10
28. heavymedic / red oktoberfest (heavy/medic) - you dont know how much it pains me to put this so low. i just dont see it im so sorry 2/10
27. bear grill (pyro/heavy) - why. points for the mental image tho 2/10
26. swordvan / piss drunk (demo/sniper) - ok. ok. i know i complained about demoheavy earlier for smashing random words against each other but whoever came up with PISSDRUNK is fucking hilarious so i have to put it higher 2/10
25. battling helmet (scout/soldier) - i get the helmet part. but what about scout screams battle to you. he is not that much of a warrior 2/10
24. american aviators (sniper/soldier) - dont get this one entirely but at least it has a nice ring to it :-) 3/10
23. trucks n' vans (sniper/engie) - sniper my boy we have got to get you some better ship names... i guess it's sort of clever but it will never be what it clearly wants to be (boots n bombs) 3/10
22. texas two step (engie/scout) - 3/10 (not commenting on this for personal reasons)
21. speeding bullet (sniper/scout) - i guess man. kind of lame but checks out 4/10
20. cold war (heavy/soldier) - kinda lame as well but on all technical levels its perfectly servicable 4/10 i can only imagine what results this will yield on google images. "tf2 cold war" heavy and soldier fought in the yaoi war.
19. heavy hitters (heavy/scout) - ok. 4/10
18. 4th of july (soldier/pyro) - a little funny 5/10
17. molotov (pyro/demo) - i see it. perfectly fine... just missing that zing factor 5/10
16. napoleon complex / practical espionage (spy/engie) - this one would rank lower if it were just called practical engineering but because its not... well... its higher :-). napoleon complex is hilarious as a ship name 5/10
15. science party (medic/engie) - i myself am a science party enjoyer but we all have to admit it's a bit lazy to just call your ship (subject they both engage in) (party). come on now... i think its still pretty cute tho 5/10
14. helmet party (soldier/engie) - where science party goes helmet party follows. i enjoy this one just a tad more because at least i get a silly mental image with this 5/10
13. jaegerbombs (demo/medic) - kind of owns but has too little to do with medic imo. the part w/ bombs and the fact that it's an alcoholic beverage rules 6/10
12. french toast (spy/pyro) - clever. i like it. subtracting points for just using spy's nationality tho 6/10
11. texas toast (engie/pyro) - slightly above the previous because it has the same first letter and a nicer ring to it 7/10
8. bush medicine (medic/sniper) - best sniper ship name 100%. so good. bush medicine. medicine out in the wild. bush because of bushman. who came up with this i need to kiss them 7/10
10. hot shots / campfire (pyro/sniper) - first ship with multiple names to have both of them be fairly good. hot shots sounds kickass and campfire is cozy. :-). good! 7/10
9. burn ward (pyro/medic) - not too big on pyro ships in general but i wont lie. this rules. also im fairly sure this is the name of a pyro achievement in tf2 7/10
7. bomb voyage (spy/demo) - first off. incredibles reference. immediately pushes it way up and also the wordplay is so fun and silly fuckin bomb voyage. yes. you get it. reblog 8/10
6. flash fire (scout/pyro) - this one kind of rules. very nice ring to it AND it's a pun? awesome as hell 8/10
5. quick fix (medic/scout) - not my thing but this name is so good. quick fix... 9/10
4. boots n bombs (soldier/demo) - how can i not like this one!!! it doesn't have a clever pun name but it's so cute and charming. boots and bombs that's their thing! and it's so satisfying to say. giggling and kicking my feet. 9/10
3. short fuse (demo/engie) - i know i'm like biased and stuff but let's be honest here this one is just a banger. short because engie height moment. fuse because demo. shortfuse. it just works. owns 10/10
2. freedom fries (spy/soldier) - naming ships after food is always a hit or miss situation and im SO glad this one works as well as it does. youve got the wordplay. the two related things. the two same first letters. fucking rules 10/10
1. hop scotch (demo/scout) - i'll be honest this pairing itself is not my cup of tea at all but i mean this entirely genuinely this name is genius. hop is scout. scotch is demo. hop scotch as in The Game?! it's so good. why can't every name be this good man... 10/10
annnd that's it. additionally, feel free to suggest some other names for the ships that in your opinion have shitty names <\3 especially heavyneer come ON you guys. thanks for reading + have a nice day/night :-)
(additionally please don't comment on any ones i didn't really comment on that much. personal stuff <3 thank uu)
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miscletoe · 1 year
Neat Galactic Things
Stuff I noticed about Team Galactic in the games. Warning: lot of text.
• In the Diamond and Pearl games Mars is the only one with a clear strategy. Her Pokémon’s moves focus on critical hits and flinching and her Purugly can super effectively counter its two weaknesses counting Ghost, plus the grunts at Lake Verity were arranged to be two double battles. She favors Physical and Status moves. Saturn favors a balance of Physical, Special, and Status moves and his Pokémon somewhat focus on lowering stats and taking backfire risks. Jupiter favors Status moves and Special over Physical, if by 1. Cyrus heavily favors Physical moves and mostly redoes his Pokémon’s moves both times he’s fought
• In D/P, Mars only refers to Cyrus as “the boss,” Jupiter only as “our boss,” and Saturn as “the boss” when talking to himself and “our boss” when talking to others
• Take this with a grain of salt (I stole their D/P Pokémon but read their Natures and IVs are random), but most of the grunts’ Pokémon have the ‘scatters things often’ or ‘often lost in thought’ characteristic, while a few have ‘good endurance.’ Exceptions are the scientists’ Kadabras who are ‘highly curious’ save Fredrick’s, who ‘loves to eat’
• In D/P, none of Jupiter’s grunts – or, rather, the grunts with her – have a Stunky while at least 2/5 then at least 4/5 of Mars’s have a Glameow and at least 3/6 of Saturn’s have a Croagunk
• In the D/P beta leak, Cyrus has a note on his title as Galactic Boss: Gonna have to use this name, so try to write their text a bit shorter on the first line
• Also in said leak, internally Mars is GingaLeader1, Jupiter 2, and Saturn 3, though earlier Jupiter and Mars switched numbers in one instance. Saturn’s also marked as female and unlike Roark it’s not corrected. Additionally, the Lake Valor grunts were supposed to disappear with him but that was never fixed so they hang out on an exploded lake bed presumably having mud baths and picnics until the universe nearly ends. I know because I checked on them at various plot points. Well, not quite true – he takes the non-battling grunts with him. I like to think he had them on standby in case Mars or Jupiter wanted backup or to stall anyone else who investigated
• Jupiter's the only Commander (IDK about Charon and haven't checked if changed in Platinum) to never do the [!] startle/alarm thing
• Not really TG-related, but Floaroma used to be called Botaniville, the Windworks the Generating Plant, Veilstone Valance, and indeed Team Galactic Team Galaxy
• In Platinum, Cyrus’s Golbat knew Confuse Ray then Supersonic, and as a Crobat learned Confuse Ray again. Also, for his Pokémon that can have two abilities, his have ones that negate statuses (sleep and flinch)
• According to the Smogon dump of Platinum trainer data, Jupiter is one of three trainers with an AI level of 15, the others being Lucian and eventually Mars. But a number higher than 7 is meaningless far as we know
• Saturn’s the only non-grunt TG person whose Pokémon are fully legal in that they don’t evolve or know any moves early and their non-learned moves can be taught by TM. In Platinum he’s the only commander to not evolve his Bronzor despite it being within level but that’s game balance. He’s also the only TG higher up to never have an in-battle comment. I’d say his D/P Toxicroak has moves shared with the main Pokémon of every other team member (Purugly for Faint Attack, Skuntank for Poison Jab, ...well, Croagunk for Mud Bomb, Swagger, and Revenge, and Weavile for X-Scissor and Brick Break) but that’s likely just move pool limitations or whatever...be great if the developers customized a trainer’s Pokémon to reflect said trainer, though
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sleuthy-scientist · 1 year
Chapter 2 ofLa Famiglia è per Sempre💞:
A Force of Nature and A Voice of Reason
Emily lays out her plans for the team regarding Dave's condition going forward. Is she being realistic about the odds and truth she might not be able to see?!?
I should start off apologising this was never meant to be this Emily centric/heavy. This story has gotten away from me and my original intent and focus being solely on David Rossi. But I will be seeing this through however it decides it wants to pan out.
*I didn't know how medically detailed and advanced people like their fics so I went surface level for this story to see what people like.*
Here's another short one, but hopefully you all enjoy it
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
The night after he disclosed the discovery of his condition to them, the rest of the team had a secret meeting of their own. They made a pact to do whatever they could to help Dave in their own little ways. Emily delegated roles to each of them that used their strengths and would benefit the man they all loved most effectively.
She had called the meeting because Emily knew what a change like this, meant for a man like David Rossi. That they had to rally and get behind the issue immediately. It was necessary to ensure they were all on the same page, with how to best help him.
She didn't want his pride and need for control to get in the way of his treatment. Emily promised to be the one to talk him down if he got angry with any of them for contributing. She just needed him to know they would always be his team and family, and he had people rooting for him 24/7 in corner.
Emily made it known that for them as a team, this was no different than working together to apprehend an unsub. Only the enemy this time wasn't something or someone they could solve or help their teammate physically battle. But, they could still be his resourceful allies who held his hand and showed up for moral support while he fought for his life.
Luke promised to help take over some of his paperwork and responsibilities. Garcia was put in charge of creating the calender or spreadsheets for visiting schedules and keeping track of his medications and appointments. Tara and JJ were asked to help with grocery runs and prepping easy to freeze and reheat nutritional meals. And Reid was tasked with researching his condition and doctors more, so they all knew what they were in for.
Emily knew it would be time consuming for them all to be able to navigate around work, their own families and helping Dave, so she volunteered to move in with him. She knew he would be most receptive to accepting her help, and letting her of all people in
Emily planned to give him a few days, so she could arrange everything without adding to his plate. And to give Dave some time and space to wrap his head around the new reality he was living in.
She had already made plans to meet with the Director and other higher ups about the situation at hand. Emily set it up for when JJ and Garcia took him to his first dialysis appointment the next day.
She was going to be diplomatic about her requests for the necessary proposed changes. She would politely request for Dave and the rest of the team to be extended time if they needed it and a little compassionate leeway, while navigating this difficult transition period for them all.
Some of the other team members, while they agreed with Emily's plans, they weren't as blinded by hope, or as unrealistic about his odds. They didn't voice what they all knew, that it was more than likely they were going to lose David Rossi sometime in the next year. That didn't mean they weren't going to be there for him, for each other, and do everything they could to prevent that from happening.
But Luke, Tara, and JJ especially knew to manage their expectations where the others couldn't on this topic. Because it would be a bolstering loss to them all, but they knew long before this meeting, when he died it would hit their illustrious leader harder than anyone.
That David Rossi was like an actual father for Emily, on top of being her wise sage and second in commands. When the inevitable time came, she would be in no position for them fairly expect to be the strong one for everyone. The three agents exchanged a brief glance knowing they would have to each keep a close eye on the other three people in the room.
JJ knew Emily, Spencer, And Penelope better than Tara and Luke did. They had Dave in their lives longer and had been through even more shit with him. She knew she had to consider the possibility of bringing Morgan on board when things got more serious. When the time came, she planned to utilise the special bonds he had with the three people she was most worried about next to Dave.
JJ didn't want to lose anyone else in this inevitable process, if it could in anyway be helped. So she promised herself when the time came she would stand up and use her strength to be there for them. To fill in the gaps they couldn't as they, especially Emily had done for her before. Because she was terrified Dave's death would not only dismantle their team, but also tear apart their family.
That didn't mean she planned to voice those concerns to anyone else but Will, Luke, Tara, and possibly Morgan. She knew they would all be effected too but they weren't going to be as niave or blindsided by what they knew was likely coming next.
They wouldn't know the full outcome or decision of meeting for a few days, but Emily was hopeful whatever decision they made would turn out in their favour.
Thankfully it seemed the Director, Deputy, Section Chief and other powers that be, had been agreeable to the ideas she brought forth with her strategic and organized plan of action.
Her passionate, yet calm, logical, and rational approach, showed Emily's superiors that she had thought of every possibility and tangent with contingency or back up plans for everything she proposed.
Emily went into the meeting knowing she wasn't going to take no for an answer, but she had to be smart and realistic about how she approached any viable solution. She made it known she was willing to put her own job on the line, willing to step down to be there for Dave if it came down to it.
That she was dead set on making sure her team was there for one of their own even if it meant it was the end of the line for him. Emily told them she was ready to cash in on every personal or professional courtesy or favour owed to her for her own dedication to the FBI and government. That she was doing this, and going to make things work, with or without their and by proxy the bureau's blessing.
She passionately pleaded her case, telling them David Rossi deserved to be treated with dignity and grace for his years of service to his country alone. She didn't want dispassionately put out to pasture and left in the dark on his own to deal with this. Emily was going to do everything she could, to make sure regardless of how the next few months played out, that Dave had the support he needed, from the people who loved him most.
She made promises for the team to remain dedicated, professional, and focused as always, as long as her terms were met. That cases would be a priority for them all still, and the calibre of the work they had always done wouldn't change.
She pulled her presentation home, reminding them all of the contributions he had made. That David Rossi was one of the founding members of the BAU and he helped develop the department and field of profiling fully to the standard it was today.
That it was thanks to the thankless work and tireless dedication of the team he helped build and run, that it was and will continue, to be the shining star and crown jewel of success, for the FBI in the public's eye.
And as the team's current Unit Chief, her and her team were standing behind him in his time of need. They would continue to achieve justice in his honour, but they would still need to be afforded some leniency to help him fight this ordeal by his. Because as his family, they were all with him until the end of the line.
Thoughts?!? Feelings?!?Criticism?!?
Sometimes I feel like I'm shooting in the dark with these fics, never hitting my intended mark.
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thekaijudude · 2 years
I know I probably asked this question before, but how would you rank all the Ultra Brothers in this day and age and why give each the rank they would get? This includes Ultras that could or already be Ultra Brother material as well, mind you.
I actually posted a long ass analysis for the feats of most ultras on this list before so I'll just pick out some main ones and/or sunmarize their capabilities
1. Taro
2. Zoffy
Based on his age and as pointed out in a way earlier post, it seems that M78 Ultras get stronger as they age (with exceptions like Taro etc) Also the M87 Ray is stated to be the "strongest in the universe", tho that last one could be neither here nor there
3. Ultraman
4. Ultraseven
Was able to lift an entire kaiju with ultra willpower while being human sized
5. Ultraman Jack
Managed to prevent a tsunami hundreds of meters high with his Ultra willpower
6. Ultraman Ace
So the reason why I rank them like these is essentially because I realized that one of, if not the most OP abilities of M78 Ultras is their Ultra Willpower, which kinda supersedes the other abilities cause u can literally just tear apart yr enemy or use for zoning with just yr mind. Which I assume also scales with age (I assume Jack is younger than Seven but older than Ace from trend) Because or else we're gonna be arguing whether one hax ability trumps another as well as dealing with ambiguities like can Ace's ability to time travel back into the past cast faster than Jack or Seven can cast their Ultra Willpower etc
7. Leo
8. Astra
I put the L77 Ultras here mostly because they don't have Ultra Willpower and have no way of defending against said attack
And even tho Leo has planet-busting feats (1 beam to obliterate Black Star), we would then have to argue if that necessarily supersedes Jack's feat of defeating Vacuumon, essentially a black hole that consumes planets using multiple attacks via his Ultra Bracelet
9. Toregia (Parallel Isotope)
I placed him here because after absorbing some Absolute Particles, he was able to at least take on 3 exhausted Ultra Brothers at once, but I just don't see him being able to take on Leo or Astra in a 1v1 at max power
Rank may change depending what does he do with his retrieved Toregia Eye
10. Hikari/Mebius
Tbh idk to rank them because Mebius would have a massive drop in power with a massive drop in age
And Hikari is a blue ultra, whose abilities lie more in their intellect rather than their physical prowess so idk which scales higher
Even considering Brave mode cause we just don't know how blue ultras scale with red ultras at more relative levels, plus the only other blue ultras we have on this list aren't accurate benchmarks either cause their powers have been altered by external influences
And below are the ultras that I really how to rank them cause we just haven't seen enough of them
While he had an impressive feat of fighting Tartarus to a standstill in UGF2, everyone knows that neither of them were taking each other seriously, and even Seven in the last ep of UGF3 was able to seemingly take on a more serious Tartarus as well
So we need to see more of him
Toregia (Present, Corrupted)
I'm bringing him up cause as said, I believe he's definitely still alive based on his revealed abilities in the Blue Phantom novel
And I don't know where to put him cause he hasn't fought anyone else other than Taro, whom has never fought him with killing intent, even in Taiga ep 1 where we saw Toregia seemingly "killing" Taiga and the Tri Squad (Tho Taro likely knew that Taiga wasn't dead, just exhausted), Taro was still focused on bringing Toregia back to the LoL
And even in the Taiga Movie, Taro never even used his serious moves either like the Cosmo Miracle Series which we definitely know since Ginga that he could do it
So in all, we just don't know how far up the ladder would Toregia reach
Regulus (Parallel Isotope)
Yeah I consider him to be ultra brother level based on hype for now.
Also him managing to at least fight Diablo to a standstill several times speaks volumes.
Need to see more of him to be able to accurately place him. The upcoming Regulus series would definitely give us more answers to this.
The rest of the great eight
No idea where to put them because we haven't seen enough of them
Nexus (Anphans/Junis/Junis Blue)
Yeah him managing to solo both Titan and Ribut easily has opened ALL of our eyes to the power of Nexus if he's actually in control of himself
But the beings he has fought at the minimum places him above 10 but we need to see him fight more people at a different power scale to be able to accurately judge how powerful he is
And idk if he should be mentioned at all since he's literally Noa
Thanks for the question!
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lordrandreaming · 1 year
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73 hours, 159 level ups. I beat Elden Ring.
I bit the bullet, after fighting Dragonlord and defeating him, i then went on to first try all the final bosses of this masterpiece.
First of my Endgame tour, was Dragonlord. What a PAIN in the Ass to fight. Took me three tries. Of course, being a FromSoft game, Elden Ring's optional fights are the hardest. Malenia and Placidusax are no exeptions. But, at least, Malenia doesn't fucking teleport around. Sure, she's hard. But.. Placidusax is just terrible. One day, im going to get all the Sorceries/Incantations for the trophy, and when i do.. I'll be one overleved sorcerer. But as for Daedra, FUCK NO! He's not going to go against Placi for a VERY long time, if ever again. Hated this boss. If you do this boss, be a VERY high level. I was 152. Recommending being 160 and higher with ALOT of vigor.
Second.. Maliketh. My fucking FAVORITE fight in this whole game.. First tried. Best music, my all time favorite boss and character. He's what really got me wanting Elden Ring, so to beat him first try was.. Unbelievable to me. I thought he was an optional Endgame boss.. Like Farum Azula was optional to go to. But NOPE get FUCKED emotions. I love him so much.. Plus, I completed Gurranq's quest before doing Mali, so i got the special dialogue i wanted. :) Fav boss 10/10 will always look forward to fighting him.
Third, Gideon. I destined deathed his ass.. First try. He didn't even hit me- I sure showed him! Becoming Elden Lord and all. So sad that he chooses to fight against us as he doesn't believe a Tarnished could even be Elden Lord. Shame, he woulda been a good advisor for us.
Fourth, Godfrey. Annoying second phase, but overall a pretty fun fight. First try. Poor Serosh.. Godfrey is such a good guy though. Commending us for our strength and how a crown befits it.. Aww thanks man. Basically the first boss to be like 'WOW man. Your strong. Go for it.' Chivalry's not dead!
Fifth.. Radagon/Elden Beast. My gods.. Where do i begin? Radagon is an asskicker, that's for sure.. Poor fucking guy. First try. Kicked me and my Mimic Tear's asses like were nothing! I so wish we could do something for him, other than just killing him. I won't get into his lore and so fourth, but he was probably a pretty good guy, not motivated politically like Marika, kinda almost opposite of her. He was everything Marika didn't want to be. And i wish we could help Rennala too.. Fought the good fight, but in the end it just wasn't enough Rada 💔
Elden Beast, what a beautiful boss theme omfg.. Only had 5 flasks when i started with 12 on Radagon. Annoying because it can just go under the water.. But not as awful as Dragonlord. A good Final Boss, since its a 2-for-1 kinda deal. Drained me of all my crimson, but i still bested it.
The ending i got? I got the Duskborn Ending. And.. I got chills. I fucking love this game, and am crying. Just watching death be restored to the Land's Between.. People can finally just die again, things will never be the same though. Just Daedra, sitting on that throne, watching.. It felt profound, yet oddly comforting. I didn't get the same feeling i did after DS3, because after DS3 i felt a little... Hollow. Haha! Get it? Anyway.. I instantly hopped into NG+ as i got addicted to DS3.
With Elden Ring though, it was rather accomplishing. I think i forgot a Talisman for the legendary Talisman trophy, but seeing the Erdtree and Roundtable hold on fire.. It felt so empty. So. Entered Ng+ like a madman, and now I'm going to do it all over again! Yknow.. Except for Dragonlord (ESPECIALLY Dragonlord.), Fortissax, and Malenia. I don't even need to explain.. Lol
But then again, I ran through all DS3 bosses way after i capped NG+7. And i mean.. All of them. Even the DLC bosses. I found it fun to fight Midir in NG+7. Gael not so much, but you know :) Souls player's love doing crazy shit.
My plans are so- I either stay in NG+ as Dae, get/wait to get Age of Stars ending, or i move on and do as i did in DS3 and NG+7 the game before the DLC comes out. Or.. OR I take Tennren, my Sorcerer Build and do the Age of Order ending. THEN do the DLC with him, before diving in with Daedra. But I'll probably have Daedra go through the DLC first, because :)
The EldenSoulsBorne series is just a magnificent series, renound for it's twisting and turning lore, incredible stories to be uncovered and pondered- the punishing difficulty, staggering new player's, causing them to just drop the game, never to return. It happens with all the Souls games, if you don't know what your doing.
But these games, once you learn one, you will find it a breeze to go through all the other ones. I learned DS3 after about.. A whole three months of playing it, i think? It came out April, in 2016.. I bought it then. But took like.. A week break, because it was just so hard.
But the journey.. It was incredible. I'm so utterly blown away by all the stories Souls has to offer. All stories are beautiful, yet similar. So different, but are almost the same.. It's something I've never encountered before. EldenSoulsBorne will always habe place as #1 in my heart, because it just.. Speaks to me.
As I've said, I've completed DS3, Bloodborne, Dark Souls 1, and now Elden Ring. DS2 is on its way to being completed.. I'm a fairly decent level and don't exactly expect too much trouble with the DLC's and endgame. But man..
Elden Ring hits different. All Souls have that unique hit on you, actually.. No Souls game will punch you in the heart and dick the exact same way.. I will always cherish these games, and the impact they made on my life.
If you haven't played one of the aforementioned games, i suggest, that if you are ever so eager, to start with Dark Souls 3. It's among the easier side of Souls games, but its still plenty challenging. These games prove difficult at first, but they are oh so rewarding when you learn them.
Thanks for reading.
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ofvxcious · 2 years
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nathaniel vale.
i don’t know how to stay tender with this much blood in my mouth. pinterest.
full name: nathaniel vale ( real name: unknown )
nickname: nate
age&dob: 36, April 25th
place of birth: glasgow, scotland
current location: london, england
gender: cis man (he/him) 
sexuality: bisexual 
education: university of edinburgh, law school 
occupation: owner of arcane gallery & lounge  
affiliation: advisor to the silencers
postive traits: level-headed, cunning, clever, resolute, charming
negative traits: ruthless, obsessive, manipulative, vengeful, reticent
vices: smoking, alcohol (in controlled environment, usually alone)
languages spoken: english, scots, german, latin
family: unknown parents (murdered), adoptive brother (murdered)
fc: daniel sharman
height: 6′2′’ (188 cm)
build: muscular, lean
scars: gunshot wound in his left shoulder, several minor knife scars on his arms, gunshot wound in his right thigh
injuries: deaf in his left ear (ruptured ear drum) 
tattoos: 'exitus acta probat’ on his back, serpent wrapped around a dagger on his left forearm with ‘memento mori’ written beneath 
piercings: none
tw: violence, murder, abuse
he has vague to nonexistent memories of his childhood, and only sometimes has nightmares about a bleeding woman shielding him before someone shot her and left the house they were in. after that he just has a lot of memories of bureaucracy and the system - orphanages and adoptive homes that never lasted 
the last adoptive ‘home’ he was in was shared with a boy named colin whom nate grew to think of as a brother. it’s where he suffered the head injury that resulted in hearing loss after which colin and him escaped the abuse and the system in general, decididing they were better off on the streets and on their own. they were both only thireteen.
soon they joined one of the gangs in glasgow as runners, there to do minor jobs and carry messages. it was a way to survive and a way for them to feel more secure - the gang offered money, protection and a community. 
as they rose through the ranks the two were always inseparable, but nate was also the hungrier one, the one who strived to prove himself, and the gang heads knew how to use that well. they were particularly fond of his skills as a thief and his interest in genuine art as well as forgeries. he could make them extra money (on top of weapons trade) if they gave him the resources to operate with colin. 
since he was obsessed with being ‘more’, nate attended university to get his law degree - it offered connections and opened doors to people with money, and nate was good at networking. 
towards the end of his uni, he met a girl with whom he fell in love with, but kept his true identity from for years. essentially he led two lives, one with the gang (he’d told her it was a law firm) and one with her (probably because some part of him longed for the sense of normalcy she offered) 
eventually, with high enough rank, nate started to find slivers of truth that slipped through the cracks - that his biological parents might have not been mere civilians, and that his nightmares might have actually been memories. it became his obsession, to find out who they were and what had actually happened to them. 
some of the higher-ups noticed this was happening and decided it was better to cut him off now, before he found out, than deal with the aftermath of him finding out it was their gang that had them murdered. 
this was why colin and nate were sent on a job that was meant to end tragically in their deaths, had the people pulling the strings not underestimated nate. when he realised that they were sent into a trap he fought tooth and nail for both colin and himself, but only one came out alive, and barely. 
with colin dead and heavily wounded, nate turned to his fiancee for help (there was no one he could trust anymore). he’d promised her he’d explain himself, but the moment he was strong enough to run he did just that, leaving her behind in the dark with a promise that she wouldn’t look for the truth and just forget about him. 
nate is not his real name, it’s after this event that he decided to pick a new name (’nathaniel vale’) that he saw on one of the graves. it was a symbolic way of ‘killing’ the man he was as well as hiding his true identity from people in his past. 
he made his way to london and contacted the silencers, offering intel on the gang and his expertise in exchange for membership. he’d been with his original gang for more than 15 years and could offer detailed intel on their trafficking routes, suppliers, buyers and members. 
for years he focused on weapons exclusively, though eventually the itch to go back to artwork, antiquities and forgeries won him over and he opened Arcane the gallery/lounge that operates in the gray area of legality. there’s genuine artwork there, and the lounge is open to anyone (buyers or not), but there’s also theft, forgeries and black-market trading involved. especially if someone’s interested in pieces of art you can’t exactly acquire legally. 
these days he is fiercely loyal to the silencers, if not from the goodness of his heart then from the desire to work against his previous gang and eventually destroy them slowly and throughly. he’s also still looking for the truth about his parents - who they were and why they were killed.
blames himself for colin’s death. if he’d been more careful about his research they might have not put a hit on him, and colin wouldn’t have been there that day. he also mourns the fact that he couldn’t save him that day and still doesn’t know where colin is buried so he can come pay respects to his brother. 
regrets leaving his fiancee behind in that way, without an explanation or even a proper goodbye. still, he promised himself he wouldn’t check up on her ever again for fear of it somehow being noticed and connected. his selfish desire to know is not worth putting her in danger. 
he’s really good at lockpicking and theft planning. though his main job had always involved weapons (and he is good with those too), he considers the thrill and art of stealing something of a favoured hobby. 
he actually likes art and antiquities, it’s not just about stealing. his flat is full of them and they bring life to otherwise clean-cut aesthetic of it. the only rule is that everything in there has to be genuine, so if he’s sold you something that’s actually on his wall - it’s not the real deal. 
has always really liked latin and has worked on translating some of the works on his own, just as a method of relaxation. (nerd)
he’s very mistrustful, even when it seems that he’s easygoing it’s mostly an act. he’s been deeply wounded by the betrayal of his previous gang-members since he considered them practically a family. if someone knows him enough they can probably tell how jaded he is on the whole topic of loyalty and trust. 
he’s a good shot with handguns, but prefers sniper rifles. it’s his belief that outright violence is unnecessary if you can plan ahead well enough to just take someone down with one shot from a good vantage point. 
he has a tattoo saying exitus acta probat (end justifies the means), and though he grapples with his morality this is something he’s stuck with his whole life. he’s very methodical and if he believes something has to be done, he will do it. 
he’s a bit money and power-obsessed. it’s a byproduct of his childhood and the constant fear of ending up as nothing as he’d often been told that’s all he was. you can tell from the sharp way he dresses to the way he holds his knowledge in high regard. though he wouldn’t admit it, he’s always afraid one can see the dirt he’s come from in him and tries very hard to hide it. 
no one actually knows his real name outside his fiancee and previous gang who are unaware of his whereabouts. he has forged documents with his current name and a whole identity built around it and has only told the head and second-in-command that it’s a fake. 
more to come!
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sage-nebula · 2 years
For those wondering, these are the topics I was going to send my university's official tumblr anon hate for:
1.) The fact that they charged hundreds of dollars per year for parking passes but there was never enough room on campus to park since they frequently destroyed parking lots to build new buildings.
2.) The fact that the campus was only three streets big but they bought public safety yet ANOTHER brand new SUV that was just used so they (public safety) could drive up to McDonalds (which was literally one street over from campus)
3.) The fact that adjunct faculty and staff members were WAAAY underpaid (I was being paid $15k UNDER what the national average for my position was, and I worked there nine years only one 3% increase in the entire nine years)
4.) Despite this, the administration (and in particular the provost and president) routinely got yearly bonuses of around $10mil
5.) When the student paper called them out on this in a forum meeting, the administration responded by slashing the school of communications budget by 1/3rd so the paper had to let a lot of the staff go
6.) The school spent $1mil to buy the president a second house in the area so she could host parties there
7.) The school claimed to be inclusive yet wouldn't let a trans student change his username and email address because he didn't have a legal name change on file. Meanwhile a faculty member was able to have his email address changed to a nickname without having a legal name change on file either
8.) When we had a student employee sexually harassing another student employee and reported it to the Title IX coordinator (the student himself reported it, and we, as his supervisors, also reported it) we were told that the Title IX coordinator was "looking into it" and then we got ignored. The student graduated with nothing having been done for him.
9.) Despite spending millions on houses for the president and bonuses for the president and provost etc, the students still had things like tiny desks that no one could comfortably sit in and elevators that routinely broke in the main hall because there "wasn't enough money in the budget" to fix them
10.) This is something I just heard about so I'm not sure if it's true or not, but allegedly when one of the chess team members came out, he was made to resign from the chess team, although they still let him keep his scholarship (which included free room + board) so long as he didn't report them for it. Again I don't know if it's true or not, but considering how they handled other queer issues (see point 7 above, I was personally involved in everything in point 7 because I was working at the IT Service Desk and yes, I fought as hard as I could for that student but just got shut down because "policy says a legal name change is required" and even when I pointed out that was bullshit because of the aforementioned asshole faculty member I was ignored), it wouldn't surprise me
11.) Although we at the IT Service Desk had received threats of violence against us on multiple occasions (often with firearm related threats), the higher-ups in the IT department were still pushing to have the IT Service Desk accessible by the public and when I pushed against this because of the aforementioned threats, I got told "you can't protect the students forever, they have to grow up sometime"
There are probably more reasons I wanted to send them anon hate but honestly these are the ones off the top of my head. The student employees I worked with were (mostly) great, the people on my team were great, but man, the school administration was corrupt as fuck and I hated the higher-level IT employees because of how little regard they held for the students and their safety and enjoyment of the job. But again, the official university tumblr had the ask box shut off and tbh it's probably for the best because it was probably some poor student worker handling it anyway, but still. I hated that place so much. So glad I don't work there anymore.
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freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Magicite Dungeons Clears
The rewards from clearing the quests in the Magicite Dungeons in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game are permanent.
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But sometimes, we get limited time campaigns and such that require us to clear some of the harder quests in the Magicite Dungeons.
So far, I’ve been able to clear most, if not all, of the easy quests in these dungeons. I’ve also been able to clear some of the harder content here but there’s still a lot that I have yet to do.
Whenever we get limited time missions, I always try to see if I can clear any of them. Whenever I get new Soul Breaks that are actually good, I feel inspired to try and see if there are any new quests I can clear with these new relics.
Other than these limited time missions though, I’ve never really felt pressured to hurry up and try to finish all these hard quests that I have yet to do.
Yeah, I do feel kina annoyed whenever we get time limited missions that I can’t clear but I just try not to let it get to me. I miss out on the limited time rewards, which sucks, but at least the content itself won’t disappear and I should be able to do said quest in the future when I get better relics and such.
I always thought that I’d always have time to eventually be able to clear all of these fights. I thought it was better to wait for more powercreep to come before tackling these hard quests.
Why struggle trying to clear these fights now when you can just wait until you get better Soul Breaks to help you out and make things easier for you, right? That’s what I thought. Besides, I just get annoyed and frustrated whenever I try these fights and find out they’re too difficult for my current relics.
So I clear what I can and just ignore the rest for now. Because, really, what’s the rush, right?
And then Final Fantasy Record Keeper announced that it was gonna end its service on September 29, 2022.
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This news came as a very unpleasant and unexpected surprise. I talk more about that in another post.
But anyway, this news meant that there was now a time limit to everything. I want to finish as much as I can before the game ends.
I don’t know if I’ll be able to with my current relics and whatever else I might be able to get before the end though. I guess I can only hope.
I’ve done the clears listed below way, way back, as in way before FFRK announced it was gonna end. I’ve been meaning to write about these fights but never got the chance to do so until now.
Since it’s been a while since I did these fights, don’t remember all the exact details and such anymore.
It seems pointless to bother with these in the wake of the game’s impending end but I want to keep these anyway for the memories.
Titan, 6-star Magicite Fight
The 6-star Magicite fights are quest level 550. There are 2 versions of these fights, one that’s weak to physical attacks and another that’s weak to magical attacks.
Titan is the 6-star Magicite boss who is weak to the wind element. Fought the physical-weak version of him with the following team:
Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII
Bartz Klauser from Final Fantasy V
Zack Fair from Final Fantasy VII and Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Vaan from FInal Fantasy XII
Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII
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Cloud, Zack, and Bartz served as my DPS. Vaan was my Chain holder although he was able to help deal a bit of damage too since I have one of his Awakenings. Aerith was my healer.
Really pleased that I was able to win this fight in 29.30 seconds.
Fire-weak Dark Odin Fight
The Dark Odin fights are quest level 500. There are multiple versions of Dark Odin. Each version is weak to a different element.
I’ve been able to clear the fire-weak version of Dark Odin before. I talk more about that in another post.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper has weekly missions that require us to clear up to 10 5-star or higher Magicite Dungeon fights. My go-to quest to clear this mission is the fire-weak Dark Odin fight because I want to use my fire team all the time.
To be more precise, I always want to use Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. Because he’s currently my absolute, most fave Final Fantasy VII (#ad) char. He’s the reason why I’m playing Final Fantasy Record Keeper.
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Anyway, my physical fire team is currently made up of the following chars:
Genesis Rhapsodos
Aerith Gainsborough
Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII
Barret Wallace from Final Fantasy VII
Balthier (Ffamran mied Bunansa) from Final Fantasy XII
Genesis is my main DPS, of course. Sephiroth’s my secondary DPS. Balthier is my fire Chain holder. Also relying on him to imperil the fire element. Barret is my support. He can also help imperil the fire element. Aerith’s my healer.
So far, my latest clear time of this fight on auto is 20.85 seconds.
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After tweaking my setup some more, managed to lower that down to 20.10 seconds. Then I was able to get that down to 19.80 seconds.
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Now my latest clear time is 18.06 seconds.
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Physical, Dark-weak Argent Odin Fight
The Argent Odin or White Odin fights are quest level 600. Just like the Dark Odin fights, there are also multiple versions of this quest and each is weak to a different element.
Clearing a White Odin fight will give you a Magicite. The physical-weak version will give you an Odin (Ultra Attack) Magicite while the magical-weak version will give you an Odin (Ultra Magic) Magicite.
This Magicite will have an elemental seal that’s dependent on which version you just beat. For instance, defeating the physical, fire-weak version of Argent Odin will get you an Odin (Ultra Attack) Magicite with the Lord’s Seal: Ice Level 15 elemental seal passive.
Before taking on the physical, dark-weak version of White Odin, I’ve already cleared some of the Argent Odin fights so I already have a Level 99 of 99 Odin (Ultra Attack) Magicite and a Level 99 of 99 Odin (Ultra Magic) Magicite with a couple of elemental seals.
My team for the physical, dark-weak version of Argent Odin was:
Shadow from Final Fantasy VI
Aerith Gainsborough
Ardyn Izunia (Ardyn Lucis Caelum) from Final Fantasy XV
Ravus Nox Fleuret from Final Fantasy XV
If I’m remembering correctly, I was inspired to try taking on this quest after getting most of Ravus’s Soul Breaks, including his Sync and Awakening.
I’ve been looking for a secondary dark DPS for a while now so was really glad when I was able to get Ravus’s relics.
Honestly, I wanted Ardyn to be my secondary dark DPS since I have his Awakening but I wasn’t able to get his Sync so now he’s just here as a third DPS who can help imperil the dark element.
Shadow served as my Chain holder. Have his Sync but don’t have his Awakening. IIRC, had to Lens his dark Chain Soul Break.
Sephiroth is my primary dark elemental DPS. Yeah, he actually has relics for both the fire and dark elements. Dark is his primary element. It was only recently that the game started giving him fire-based Soul Breaks.
Anyway, for my first try of this fight, I thought things were going pretty well at first. My dark team is actually pretty stacked.
For starters, I have multiple BDL relics for Ravus. Have his Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB), his Dual Awakening Soul Break (DASB), his Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), and his True Arcane Soul Break (TASB) or Arcane Dyad Soul Break (ADSB).
For Sephiroth, I also have mutliple dark BDL relics for him. Have his Sync, his TASB, and his AASB. Even have his dark Arcane Overstrike Soul Break (AOSB) and his dark Limit Break Overstrike (LBO) as well as his Zanshin Ultra Soul Break.
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Shadow’s dark Chain is good. And I can use his Sync too if he has the gauges to spare. Ardyn served as an additional DPS with his Awakening. Also have his Ultra Soul Break, TASB, and Limit Break Guardian Soul Break (LBGS).
Aerith did well in keeping the party alive in the beginning. Near the end though, Shadow ended up dying. 
It’s been a while so don’t remember much about this anymore but based on the screenshot below, Shadow died sometime before Argent Odin dropped down to 11.5% HP.
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Since everyone else was still alive and the fight was nearing the end already, decided to keep going. 
Needed to finish the fight ASAP though because my dark Chain was ending. Since Shadow was dead, I wouldn’t be able to have him recast the Chain anymore.
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Thankfully, was able to defeat Argent Odin just as the Chain was about to end. Got the clear in 34.35 seconds.
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I fought the physical, dark-weak version of Argent Odin again so I could get another Lord’s Seal: Holy Level 15 passive. 
The first one I got went to my Odin (Ultra Attack) Magicite. The second was supposed to be for my Odin (Ultra Magic Magicite).
This time, no one died but I got the clear in 40.20 seconds. Meh. At least the White Odin fights don’t require you to sub-30 them. 
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You just need to beat them within 2 minutes to get a copy of the Odin Magicite. The other rewards are based on how much damage you deal to Argent Odin.
Magical, Holy-weak Argent Odin Fight
Pretty sure I decided to try taking on the magical, holy-weak version of Argent Odin soon after beating his dark-weak self.
Just got the Lord’s Seal: Holy after all. This seal “increases the holy damage of all allies and their espers, and reduces holy damage taken by all allies”.
My team for this fight was:
Rem Tokimiya from Final Fantasy Type-0
Yuna from Final Fantasy X
Rydia from Final Fantasy IV
Hope Estheim from Final Fantasy XIII
Cait Sith from Final Fantasy VII
Rem, Rydia, and Hope were my DPS. Yuna was my Chain holder. Cait Sith was my support, healer, and buffer.
Rem’s a really good DPS. And Cait Sith is the premier support for magical and mind-based chars. Rydia and Hope were really good too. And Yuna’s holy Chain also temporarily buffs the magic, mind, and holy attack power of the party.
So I thought this fight was gonna be pretty easy. Well, it seemed that way at first. But as the fight went on, it seemed like Argent Odin started dealing more and more damage so it was hard for Cait Sith to keep up. 
Yuna can help a bit since she’s a healer too but I had her focused on keeping the Chain up as well as imperiling the holy element.
Then Argent Odin inflicted the Doom debuff on Yuna and Hope since they were on slots 2 and 4.
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I was expecting Argent Odin to do something to the chars in slots 2 and 4 since that’s part of his gimmick. But I was not expecting the Doom debuff at all. Was totally not prepared to deal with this because I didn’t bring an actual healer to this fight.
Cait Sith can heal but his Awakening can’t resurrect chars. Yuna can heal and I do have 1 of her Awakenings, but the one I have can’t resurrect chars either.
So I couldn’t do anything when the Doom debuff expired and both Yuna and Hope died. The rest of my chars were also nearly dead by then but Argent Odin was already down to 13.9% HP so I kept going.
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Was hoping I’d be able to get the win, that Cait Sith would be able to heal Rydia and Rem so they can finish the fight already. Unfortunately, all I was able to manage was to get White Odin down to 7.5% HP before everyone died.
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Tried the fight again but this time, made sure to bring an actual healer with an Awakening that can resurrect chars. Dropped Hope and brought in Deuce from Final Fantasy Type-0.
Things went much, much better this time. Was able to get my first clear at 34.90 seconds.
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My second clear took much longer, ending at 39.30 seconds.
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Mateus, 5-star Magicite Fight
The 5-star Magicite fights are quest level 400. Mateus is the 5-star Magicite that’s weak to the fire element. He takes reduced damage from magic and ninjutsu attacks.
I’ve cleared this fight before. Have even been able to auto it already. So far, my fastest clear time on auto is 11.25 seconds. After tweaking my setup a bit more, I’ve been able to drop my clear time down to 10.65 seconds.
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The team I went with was:
Genesis Rhapsodos
Aerith Gainsborough
Barret Wallace
Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII and Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VII team for the win! LOL. Since I didn’t bring Balthier, I didn’t have a physical fire Chain Soul Break for this fight. 
I do have Vincent’s fire Chain, which is usable enough, but it’s better for magical-based attacks, so I opted to go with Barret’s Final Fantasy VII realm Chain Soul Break instead.
Phoenix, 5-star Magicite Fight
Phoenix is the 5-star Magicite that’s weak to the water element. He takes reduced damage from magic and ninjutus attacks.
I’ve cleared this fight before too and on auto as well. So far, my fastest clear time on auto is 12.60 seconds. Was trying to lower that down but only managed to get a 12.15 seconds clear.
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My team was:
Yuffie Kisaragi from Final Fantasy VII
Lion from Final Fantasy XI
Bartz Klauser from Final Fantasy V
Tidus from Final Fantasy X
So what about you? Have you done any of the quests in the Magicite Dungeons? What do you think about these fights? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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rcox808 · 2 years
at, Jul 11, 2015 at 10:42 PM
This is a message I gave in parts of Romania. I fought giving this message. I am not a preacher or teacher. God had to give this message through me. The evil one kept telling me if I gave this message, I would offend someone or they won’t have me back. WOW! Did God bless! I pray if you have been hurt or you have bitterness against someone, this will bring about forgiveness and you can forgive or get forgiveness. Ask God to speak to your heart as you read this message on forgiveness.
May God bless,
Ralph Parnell
1. Have you ever witness two dogs engaged in a fight where one dog stronger-one dog weaker.
June of 2004, my friend and I went to Romania on a mission trip. We were walking from the
house we stayed to the church. As we were walking, there were some dogs that were running a dog out of their territory. The dogs were biting at the weak dog’s heals as it was trying it’s best to get away. I notice that the weaker dog’s pride was damaged pretty badly. He went over to the side licking his wounds.
That is the way we are at times, aren’t we? When someone hurts out “feelings”, our pride is damaged; we go over the side and lick our wounds. We go home and we say; “We will never go back to that church again.” No body likes me. I will just quit going to church and quit serving God. Do we say that, maybe not out loud but in out our minds. I’ve been there and maybe you have too..
A few years ago in a church that I used to be a member, I got my feelings hurt. There was something said about me that wasn’t true. Before I knew it, it was all over the church. I was hurt and I said I would never go back. If this is what Christians are, I want no part of it. I wanted to stand before the church and give them a piece of my mind if not all of it. I was so angry.
C) Then the voice of God spoke to my spirit. “I love you. Look how many times lies were told on my son, Jesus. I still love them. Look how my son suffered for you. Will you suffer for me? I will make you strong. I will show my power through you. Trust me! It was only the Grace of God that I stayed in that church. Through God I was made strong.
2. You say, “I want to treat people the way I want them to treat me.
They treat me bad, I treat them bad. They treat me good, I treat them good.
A) Through God, positive things you do for the Lord will come back to you. You love them any way.
B) However, all the negative things and past sin you leave in your life will rule your life. You will end up just like them or worst. You can’t change some one, only God. Then, they will have to let God to change them.
Galatians 6:7. “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, he will also reap.” Don’t you want to sow good things? Years ago, I bought some cucumber seeds. (I thought) When then came up, they were watermelons. This year, I planted yellow squash. Well it came up as Butternut squash. Be careful what you sow. You might not like what it turns out to be.
Matthew 7:2 “For with that judgment you judge, you will judged; and with the measured back to you.
Remember, it is impossible to give something away because in the end it will come back to you.
It does not matter what happens to me, It is how I react to the situation. I can be very angry or I can give it totally to God and let Him work it out for the best. Trust me; it is much better to let God take it than we try work it out ourselves.
3. If we treat people kindly with true love, it will come back to you in the end.
A) The more you treat people with Godly love, the more you get back. How can get angry over true love? I would be angry with myself because I didn’t know to accept true love. Some times you get hurt when people won’t speak to you or they think they are on a higher level than you. How sad. We have to love them no matter how we are treated. There some people in this world that I can only love through God. I couldn’t do it myself. God in the end will bless you and show them you are real. That is what I like…REAL PEOPLE. You will know where they stand.
B) You beat a dog, he will bite you. Pet and love the dog, it will be your friend. It’s same in our lives. If I go out and serve God in a Godly way and let God work through me, we will get results. Don’t try to serve God in His ministry without Him with you.
4. (Verse 7) Do we have a problem with being merciful?
A) Before we can be merciful to others, we MUST be merciful to self. We must forgive ourselves as God forgives us. We must accept who we are. Accept yourself knowing that Jesus accepted you just as you are. We are loved as much as the rich. We are loved as much as the poor. We are loved as much as the “elite.” If you are a child of GOD or not a child of God, God still loves you as much. YOU have to accept God as your Savior and live for Him to go to Heaven. God loves us as much as He loves anybody on this earth. We have to accept people as their self and let God change them. We can not change them in our strength.
5. Is it that we can’t be merciful because… we hold resentment in our lives?
A) Do we have jealously in our heart? Do we have the feeling that someone is a threat to us? Are we afraid they will tear down out little world? Are we afraid they will find out how we lived before we were saved? Didn’t we give our past to God when we asked Him to come into our lives and be our Savior? If we did, we don’t have it any more. The day we got saved, we started a new life. Now we some times suffer from our past sins. The sin is gone but what did we do to have to suffer the consequences.
If we have a problem with these things, then down deep within our hearts, we must learn to deal with a lack of positive self-image. Simply meaning … Our reactions are the result of hidden wounds and deep hurts needed to be released to the Lord and be healed and taken out of our lives.
6. Steps to being healed.
A) You must know in your heart you are NOT alone. God is always there. He will walk you through it. It is not always easy but through the fire, you will not be burned. God will show up.
B) You must realize everyone has been wounded by someone in their lives. (There are times when someone we love and are very close to who hurt us)
C) You must realize that some times there are wounds being afflicted on ourselves by ourselves. We want to blame others. We have to forgive ourselves. We can’t change the past but with God, we can change the future. He is our future. He is the only future.
7. The hidden wounds we carry around every day, what were the weapons that that inflect them within our hearts?
A) Let’s take a look at Jesus wounds on the cross; 1. Nails, 2. Whip, 3. A spear, 4. Thorns, but… His hidden Wound was a KISS from one of His own disciples.
B) The weapons that have wounded us were probably as common as the kiss. Maybe some were words, looks, body language, someone turn their back on you. Maybe someone thought they were better than you, maybe you are not in their click.
C. Some times “Christians” can be very mean. I have met them. How many times have you pass someone in church and when they see you they turn their head or go another way to keep from speaking to you? Have you ever passed someone in the market place and they turn their head or turn and go the other way. If you live long enough, you will. I used to catch up with them and make them speak. (I know that was the wrong reproach.)
8. The question is; what do we do with these hidden wounds? How do we handle them?
A) First of all, don’t nurse them. The worst thing you can do is relive them. Remember when the wounds may have come from Mom, Dad, or close friends when you were small children? That is reliving them. They have come to your mind all of your life.
B) Don’t curse them. Don’t let your wounds turn you in
to a bitter and angry person. It will steal the life right out from under you. It will ruin your life.
C) We must not rehearse our wounds. We can’t put aside or give them to God if we keep talking and keeping them alive. They will control us in everything we do. They will never go away. We then turn our lives over to bitterness and anger. That will turn into hate and more sin.
9. You say, well? What do we do with them?
A) First if you have not given your life totally to God, then do so. Ask Him to come into your life and save you. You MUST be born again and have a personal relationship with Him.( If you need to do this, go to the faith page and read it. Then call me and I will pray for you and with you.)
B), Then give your anger and hurt totally to God. Give your life total life to Him. Do not hold anything back. Come as you are. He wants you that way.
C) Start visiting hurting people. Visit the sick, pray with and for them. Share the burdens of other people. That way we can drown our hurts. We will see people hurting more than we ever did.
10. How do we handle our hidden wounds?
A) Reverse them. Turn our hurts by sharing them as a testimony. Use them to help turn other people’s lives around. With God’s help, He can turn our wounds into compassionly thoughtful and caring human beings.
Let me tell you a true story that happen in my life.
I was married to a wonderful Godly Lady "Pat" for 19 years. She loved people. No matter who they were, she had a Godly love for them. From 1980 to 1991, she was a very sick lady. The year 1980, she was involved in a very bad accident in which an 18 wheeler ran over the car which she was riding in. Pat was in the hospital for 41 days. (Which is another story I will share some time.) She was in a hospital bed for another 3 months. In a wheelchair for another 6 weeks. Pat could not walk until God healed her legs. Her desire was to go to church again. The Sunday after she came home from the hospital, we took her to church. We had her in a wheelchair with 5 pillows all around her. That Sunday morning, I rolled her to the front of the church to sing a song, the alter was full. God did heal her from this wreck. For the next 11 years, her health went down. She was a very bad diabetic. Through this sickness, she lost her sight, and she lost one leg. Within a couple of weeks, she found out she had cancer. Now, here is a lady that loved the Lord and serving him teaching, singing, and working in children’s church right beside me every week she could. This is just a little bit of her life before she was hurt very bad.
The last 2 years of her life, (With her being in a wheelchair) she served God with all of her life. Let me say this. It doesn’t matter how much you love the Lord and how much you serve Him, someone out there don’t like you. Even if you greet everyone with a Godly love. Well…someone didn’t like us. We received three letters within 1990 -1991 letting us know that.
The person or persons would cut out words from magazines and paste them on the paper. It would say things like you are a preacher clone, here is some coupons to buy food with. The coupons would be expired. Some other mean things that I won’t mention. The first two I read them to her.
Then we received the third one. This one I never told Pat about. At this stage, she was very sick and did not have long to live. The letter said basically the same thing but this time they drew a picture. It was a picture of her in a wheelchair with a patch over one eye and with one leg. They had written above the picture; “poor little thing.” I went through the roof. The ANGER PIERCED MY BODY, MY MIND, MY THINKING! I was raging with anger. I wanted to find this person or persons.
At that time, I was over Sunday school at my church. I went to my pastor and let him read the letter. He was furious! He settle down but I didn’t. I went down to the Sunday school office and went through every Sunday school roll and look at every name and how they had filled out the information page. They did make one mistake. They wrote our name and address on the envelope in their handwriting. So, I match their handwriting to the handwriting on the envelope.
BINGO! There were two handwritings that match. One was a very dear sweet lady I know would never do this. The other, had to be the person. Looking at the person’s life, it had to be it. Everything was perfect.
The anger swelled in my soul. I wanted to kill him. (Thank God I was a Christian.) My pastor clamed me down and I just went home. Every time I went to church, I would make a point to find this person and shake their hand with a hard hand shake. I would smile and say I’m praying for you. May you have a great week. It is so good to see you. I did that for a year or so after the Lord had took my wife home to be with Him.
I could not turn loose those letters. I would read them just about every day. I was so hurt and bitter. I wanted to go to that person but I could not prove it. I wanted so bad to know. The letters were on my mind when I got up in the morning and there when I went to bed at night.
I will never forget it. It was on a Monday night when my pastor showed up at my door. The Lord had been dealing with me about the letters. I kept them in my night stand next to my bed. When the pastor came in and sat down on the couch, I know God had sent him. God spoke to my spirit. Go get the letters and give them to the pastor. I fought it. I said no, I want to find out who it was. God spoke to my spirit one more time. Go and get the letters.
I looked at my pastor and said I will be right back. I went into the bedroom just about broken in my spirit and got the letters out of the drawer. It took everything within me to get the letters and give them to my pastor.
As I carried them to the pastor, I saw him smiling. He knew why he was there and I did too. God was working. I said to my pastor, “I can not get rid of these letters. Will you take them and destroy them for me?” He reached out his hand and took them and with them the anger and bitterness left with them. He prayed with me and I let go all the anger and bitterness within my soul. After that, I was a free man. Yes I did think of them again and I have ran into this person many times since then. I see him almost every week. But, there is no anger or bitterness just pity and love that only God could minister with in me.
Today I still see this person even in the church that I am a member of. I still pray for this person. Some times I wonder if God gives me a test or teaching me a love when I pass someone and I see no Christian love or someone that thinks they are on a higher level than I.
11. Forgive someone that has deeply hurt you!!! Yes, It would be for us but not with God!? IMPOSSIBLE!
A) Who is a better teacher on Forgiveness than the Lord Jesus Himself!
B) Remember what Jesus said on the cross? Forgive them for they know NOT what they do.
C) Jesus is an expert on Forgiveness.
D) He can heal you from those hidden wounds that you have and can not turn loose.
E) Just come as you are and He will be waiting.
Let me end with this.
If we are merciful, God can release us from those bitter, angry attitudes that can and will destroy our lives. If we follow God’s plan (that is the Bible)…God’s Holy word and a personal relationship with Him, we can have a joyful life right here on this earth. First we must allow Jesus to come into our lives and take control and then we will have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ Our Savior. That is the only way to get to Heaven through Jesus Blood. Would you like to do that right now? You can right where you are. Is it pride that is holding you back? Do you think you have arrived and you got all it takes? If you do, I pity you and I will pray for you. Let’s don’t be like the weak dog. Let’s stand for Jesus!
You will never forgive anyone more than God has already forgiven you.
God has blessed me more than I could tell or write since then. Pat went to be with the Lord in 1991. In 1993, God put another Godly lady in my life. Merle is my right arm, my prayer warrior, and my wife. We were married for 17 years this past July 18 2010. It seems like we have been together for ever. We have been on many mission trips, Merle teaching a Bible Study in our home on Tuesday nights, and He uses us in many ways. He will use us until He takes us home to be with Him. Praise the lord!
Since then, I have been through Three car wrecks. One July 3rd. 1993 and the second one in Bucharest, Romania in the year 2000. In that wreck, seven went to the hospital. The devil has TRY to take me out since I was borne. I weigh in at 2 lbs. when I was born. At the age of 9 years old, I was hit by a car that almost took me out. A lot of small wrecks. Then in 1993, a guy driving drunk hit me in the back and that put me out of work. Then in 2000, a car hit us head-on and a another car hit us in the back, and we hit a building. You know? I'M STILL HERE devil! God is NOT finish with me yet. Praise the Lord. The third was in April 3rd 2012. A car hit me in the back and threw the truck in the air. I had to be cut out. Came out with a broken neck. One minister of music said one time, "When God gets through with you, He will kill you and take you on home." He said that as a joke but how true it is. , I am79 years young. I can't do what I used to do but, I can do what He wants me to do and will show me how to do it.
If you are not saved and have questions about giving your life to the Lord Jesus, write to us and we will try to lead you to the lord. God Bless you.
May God Bless.
Ralph & Merle Parnell
Photo by Thomas Mabry
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lowder-the-koopa · 2 years
Lowder's Horrible and Weird Yo-Kai AU Part 3: Kamen Rider Forever Part. 1
Alright, let us continue the story with the final saga Part 1? before shadowside.
Monarch-4(Mechagodzilla ver 4) was destroyed by the combined efforts of Megaoptimuszilla.
After Goku Blizzaria's assault with her Mechagodzilla's, Kamen Rider Oma Zi-o decides to kill most Kamen Riders apart from the original Kamen Rider Zi-o by making their first enemy stronger than they are at that, which leads to every Kamen Rider dieing except Kamen Rider Den-O, who uses the DenLiner to escape his fate, and Kamen Rider Ghost due to being already. This also leads to Kamen Rider Decade and Kamen Rider Diend fade away because of Decade being killed by the first villain he fought and in turn let Kamen Rider Diend from ever meeting Decade, which led to him disappearing. Kamen Rider Den-O and Kamen Rider Ghost recruit Komasan, Jibanyan, Yuki(Blizzaria), and Usapyon to help them prevent the death of every Kamen Rider by preventing the monsters from killing the Kamen RIders by killing them but the Time Jackers appear to summon the Another Rider version of the Rider they're trying to save. During this journey, Decade and Diend are brung back to life due to Decade's death being prevented and they join back with the group. During this journey(again), Usapyon, Yuki, and Jibanyan all get Henshin Devices(Moondriver(FourzeDriver) for Usapyon, Sengoku Driver for Yuki, and Gamer Driver for Jibanyan) that allow them to become their Kamen Riders(Kamen Rider MoonRabbit, Kamen Rider Blizzard, and Kamen Ridernyan, respectively) but Komasan gains his own Rider form, Kamen Rider Koma, after saving most Kamen Riders except Zi-o because He never died. After saving every Rider, the group go to Zi-o's universe to see why he didn't die when mostly everyone else did but they discover who is behind this event, Oma Zi-o. Decade realizes who he is(Decade died because of Oma Zi-o but was brung back from the dead by Diend and Zi-o remembering him) and tells the others that they have to run away but the four yo-kai think they can beat him with their combined power(They can't) but Decade, Diend, Ghost, and Den-O grab the four and run away.
Explanation on what they use and what eras, Komasan, Decade, and Diend all use Ridercards(Cards that are used with the Decadrivers or Diendriver, allow them to become a Kamen Rider or summon a Kamen Rider to help them fight). Usapyon uses astroswitches(Devices that are placed, depending on the shape, in the Fourzedriver to gain access to modules). Yuki uses Lockseeds(Lock-like devices that have powers associated with fruits, seed, berries, and nuts that can attach to the buckle of the Sengoku driver and can activate the Lockseed by using the cutting blade on the side of the buckle). Jibanyan uses Rider Gashats(Devices that are similar to video game cartridges, that when inserted into the Gamer Driver, allow the user to transform into a Kamen Rider but they need to level up to go to level 2 by defeating a bugster uninion, computer viruses, and pulling the lever on the gamer driver to go to level 2 but the user can insert a second Gashat to reach higher levels depending on the Gashat). Finally the what eras they represent, Komasan, Decade and Diend represent every era of Kamen Rider; Yuki represents the Showa era due to being the oldest of the four yo-kai; Usapyon represents the Heisei era due to being the era he is most familiar with; Jibanyan represents the Reiwa due to being the newest of the four to start watching Kamen RIder.
Alright, looks like all see you all next post to finish this arc.
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