#he went to Jane in the end-credit scene which was cute
worstloki · 3 years
You know what I don't understand about Thor? He yelled "NO" when Loki died in the dark world but also didn't care if Odin killed him or not for his "crimes" because of how Odin said how Frigga is the "only reason" he's still alive would imply that Thor handed Loki over to Odin to his death. Also Thor saying he'd kill Loki is he betrayed him so where's the logic in caring when he thought Loki was killed?? Maybe he's upset that Loki didn't die at his hand or at Odins? Idk this part never made any sense to me. What do you make of it????
“NOOOOOOooooOOOoo!!” Thor howls, “HOW AM I GOING TO EXPLAIN THIS TO MOTHER— oh, right, nevermind.” 
He brushes off the dirt on his pants and takes Jane’s hand.  They have realms to save from eternal darkness. Maybe I can take his body back to Asgard later, he thinks, after all, you need proper funeral rites to go to Valhalla and turn into golden dust when you die, as the movie just finished establishing.
Thor does not return. 
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spare-no-feelings · 4 years
My Dissection of The Hilltop Scene™
I’ve been meaning to write this for ages, and here it is!
As is the case with many, Gentleman Jack changed my life. Weirdly enough, I had heard about Anne Lister a priori (I even watched The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister the movie), but the show really brought it home for me, with so many emotions involved that I can’t even.
Like for so many of us, The Hilltop Scene™ was what absolutely tore me apart, in a good way.
Two things to know about me before I begin: one, I typically don’t remember shit from the first time I watch a show or a movie; and two, I never did get the whole hype about Victorian romance novels, love stories a la Jane Austen or the Bronte sisters, all those girls (including my mother) swooning over a Mr Darcy and wanting a kiss in the foreground of a sunset.
Well, now I know that it’s because they’re all hetero-oriented. Furthermore, The Hilltop Scene™ officially tricked my shitty memory because I clearly remember the first time I saw it and how it immediately left a permanent mark on my heart and soul (along with the “But you came so close” scene). After it was done, I had to pause the episode and literally scream into the void (much like Anne herself just before Ann walked up) because of the swirl of feels that came over me.
From the get-go I was Team Lister, which is perhaps why The Hilltop Scene™ resonates with me. Anne is so freakin’ brave and unapologetic and I can only strive to be more like her, but it is her vulnerability and the inability to control her roller coaster of emotions that really spoke to me in this particular instance - certainly helped by the fact that Suranne Jones’s acting was impeccable, as was Sophie Rundle’s, of course.
Because we know that this scene did not historically happen, at least not as such, in my opinion it gives even more credit to the brilliant writing, the photography, the direction, and of course the aforementioned acting. I’m unaware of how many takes they had to shoot (probably not many, since they were filming during sunset), but this definitely feels like a scene you would see in a theater, one where everything just falls into place because the actors are feeling it and because absolutely nothing is missing. To think that the final product was even better than what the script anticipated as well is just one more bonus - a drop of honey on top of a cherry on top of a red velvet cake, maybe?
This little observation of mine will tend to get into almost every little detail of The Hilltop Scene™, as if each and every one of them was put there deliberately and for a reason (who’s to say it wasn’t?). I like to think they were all a choice anyway, because so much of this show shines through the subtleties, the little things, the unspoken promises they make to each other through gazes and body language, creating images that will stay with me forever.
The Hilltop Scene™ opens with Ann Walker - wearing the gondola pin - arriving atop and seeing Anne Lister there. Her heart is almost visibly beating out her chest; her face is one of relief, of a happiness that makes her tear up immediately, as if they haven’t seen each other for years but at the same time no time has passed since they last met.
She calls out to Anne. Anne turns out and she probably thinks she is imagining things - after fifteen days on a ship through winter seas, I would probably think so too. She’s breathless as she utters “good lord” with her husky voice that gets me every time.
Ann tells her “I thought you were in Copenhagen” in a way that feels both curious (that she’s back) and accusing (as if Ann wishes to remind Anne that she left her, and went as far as Denmark). She slightly nervously holds on to the hems of her dress.
“I am. I was..” Anne is likely still a bit confused from her journey, seeing as she had to leave so hastily. She is taken; her “Aren’t you in Scotland?” question sounds much more accusing than Ann’s, as if she also wants to confirm that Ann really is standing there and is not just an apparition, a figment of her imagination, as she was for much of the time during her travels.
To this, Ann starts blabbing, probably out of being nervous around Anne after all this time. She starts telling Anne that she didn’t know about the letter Anne had sent her because no one told her and she starts marching towards Anne, to which Anne flinches and steps back. I cannot stress enough how much this moment was important for me: she is also not physically ready to have Ann close to her. She is still so hurt and broken that her body formed a defensive reaction to protect her from more heartache. To see Anne retreat like this, knowing her otherwise quite confident and forward personality, was really interesting to me, something that had already happened in the “But you came so close” scene in a more emotional, less physical way.
This gets Ann to stop, also instinctively. She goes to explain that her sister couldn’t write back because Anne’s letter disappeared, and then moves on to talk about how she thinks her sister’s marriage is not a good one, all the while Anne is a little surprised at how many words are coming out of Ann right now, as if it is hard for her to catch up with it all. She wants to say something in response to Ann, but she can’t because Ann just keeps going, talking about her brother-in-law and how he is probably not a good man. A notable moment here is Anne taking her top hat off, pulling her ponytail hair back and wiping her nose - don’t know what it is, but that was so goddamn sexy.
Ann finally ends her rant, realizing that she’s been talking so much, and she gets a little embarrassed for it in a really cute way. It is now Anne’s turn to speak - she tries to keep the conversation formal, which I guess is another form of self-defense, by saying “Well. I suppose that’s the trouble with being very rich. You never can be sure of people’s motives.” She says it in a petty way, one that makes it sound like it’s a curse, and that Anne is glad that she is not rich herself (something she so longed for), or that she dodged that bullet by not ending up with Ann. This also references Anne helping Ann shrug off her gold-digging cousins and also her asking to borrow money from her herself - as if those things never happened.
In a twisting turn, Ann says that she and her sister talked about her, to which Ann’s look changes: there is a glimmer of hope, because why would they possibly be talking about her when their whole deal was off? You can see that the light in her tired eyes is firing up again, only to be stifled again when Ann says “She said… she thought that sometimes, often, a good friendship is better than a marriage.” This is where Anne’s face goes dark and she looks down to the ground, probably thinking “Not THIS shit again?!” I think many wlw went through this many a time with a straight crush they had, and well, what can I say, Anne Lister gets it better than anyone.
Ann sees Anne’s low spirit and worried, she asks: “Are you alright?” In previous instances, whenever someone would ask Anne this question, she would famously answer: “I’m always alright.” But with Ann, she can’t help but be completely honest, and she looks like the question hit her right in the spot and that she can’t hold it in anymore. Following a tired, crying “Mmm”, she tells Ann that the pit collapsed, that it flooded, but that it can be fixed with more money. She’s annoyed at herself: “I took a gamble! I shouldn’t have.”
“But we’re not alive, are we? If we’re not taking the odd risk… now and again…” She looks at Ann as if to remind them both of how well Ann knows her, as if to say: “You know how this goes… I can’t stand still and I have to make life interesting even if it makes me poor.” Anne also knows that she took a gamble with Ann herself, attempting to form a relationship that had to be secret and had to rely on so many different factors that it’s no wonder it was doomed. But what got me is the way she said it and the way she looked at Ann while saying it; as if the gamble she took with Ann was worth it, even though it ultimately failed.
To Ann, on the other hand, this gives that courage Anne asked of her a few episodes prior - she is about to take a gamble herself. She steps forward while replying: “No… no, we’re not.” She looks at Anne with a kind of confidence that was never there before, which Anne immediately feels and responds to, this time without another choice. She can’t talk about other stuff anymore: she admits that she should have written to Ann again. “But when I didn’t hear back, I…” That’s when she spots the gondola pin.
They are standing close to each other now and the tension gets palpable. Anne is overtaken with emotion: the see-saw of losing and getting hope back on the top of this hill carries on as she looks at Ann to once again examine her intentions and to simply get lost in her eyes. Ann looks back the same way, her gaze letting Anne know that she is there, ready for whatever happens next.
“God I’ve missed you,” Anne says while her voice goes thin and shaky. There’s no more pretending, no more holding this avalanche of emotions back. Ann looks so relieved while taking a deep breath. She takes Anne’s hand and asks: “Have you?” with a tone of voice that could probably not be replicated so easily; it’s asking Anne to reassure Ann once more, to tell her that all might just not be lost, that her hopes that Anne misses her and wants her still have been valid and true all along.
Anne, once again, feels like she should probably not go any further than that, not knowing for sure what Ann’s feelings are right now - the scars of having been burnt on that same fire are still very sore. She’s holding Ann’s hand, takes it up and starts kissing it nevertheless, taken by the fact they are close again, that she can touch her again. She turns her hand over and sees the scar on her wrist. Ann pulls it away, but Anne takes it back: it really is a wrist cut. “There was just one morning I just thought I couldn’t stand it anymore.” Ann’s honesty is daunting, one that she is only able to have for Anne as she is the only one who could possibly understand her pain.
Anne is worried, she’s feeling guilty for not being there for Ann, she would have come straight back if she had known that (just like she was planning to before changing her mind last minute). Ann feels guilty too, perhaps thinking that Anne would think her too weak for this as well, because of the danger she put her own self in. She looks down in shame and sorrow.
Anne is holding her face, but then… she takes a step back, determined to make a confession she can no longer keep quiet. There’s the long sign, there is the head tilt, the taking the gamble, yet again.
“Do you know… I don’t think one hour passed where I didn’t think of you.” Truer words have never been said for Anne.
Ann is shocked - she did not see this coming. She worked hard to convince herself to expect the great Anne Lister to be thinking about her at all, especially not after all this time, and to tell herself not to think of Anne either. This so evidently fills her tender, tired heart with joy.
“I tried not to,” Anne continues, “But every time I closed my eyes… there you were!” Suranne’s delivery of this line is some of the finest acting I have ever seen: Anne is filled to the brim with sadness, honesty, torment and finally love, with just a liiiiittle bit of comedy spicing it up to take the edge off. Ann, on the verge of tears, nods and looks down, saying nothing, probably contemplating and taking it all in - it had, after all, been the same for her too.
But for Anne, this appears as hesitation. She gives Ann enough time to say something back, but when Ann doesn’t, it is time for her to put her guard up, once again. When Anne realizes that Ann probably won’t respond, and most certainly not with something she’s been so desperately wanting to hear from her for months, she pulls herself together and goes back to talking about general stuff - but this time with a little more affection.
“I met the Queen of Denmark!” Anne is not one to shy away from telling everyone about her achievements, certainly not ones including Royalty itself. The way she tells Ann about her experiences in Copenhagen - the excitement in her voice, the vivacity of her body movements, her holding of Ann’s hand that was not interrupted yet - reminds them both and us as viewers of just how close they are, how intimate their relationship still is, how themselves they get to be in each other’s presence.
Now it’s Anne’s turn to babble on - she tells Ann all about the Queen’s birthday ball the way she would tell her family, leaving no detail behind. Ann looks at her in awe and so in love: she laughs and giggles and she can see it all in front of her so vividly, as if she was there with her. “But all night I kept thinking: if you’d have seen me! You’d laugh!” Anne is grinning now because it’s true - Ann has been in her thoughts the whole time and now she gets to finally tell her about it, because she’s right there in front of her, they are finally reunited, the distance does not separate them anymore and the pain is gone, even if just for a moment.
“I had to wear white! Head to toe in white satin,” Anne tells her, again as if saying: “Me! Can you imagine?” And indeed, Ann cannot, as she laughs at it as if it was the most unnatural thing she’s ever heard. “But I made a bit of an impact,” Anne says, “One way or another.” It’s what she does, she makes an impression on people, as Ann knows very well. Ann looks at her hypnotized by her story, her arms, her voice, her eccentric yet endearing persona.
Anne’s speech too is now drawing to a close. “Friendly people, the Danes,” she concludes. “I think I shall go back there.” She realizes she probably will leave again soon, and alone, once more, like so many times before. “One day,” she says.
Ann, in her own right, realizes now is the time to show that courage she’s been mustering since leaving Scotland. She looks down for a second, looks back up and says: “Perhaps I could come with you.”
Anne has been here before; how many times she had wished for Ann to tell her exactly this, but at the same time knows the outcome of it all very well. Her look is telling Ann: “Please don’t do this, because we’ve done this already, remember?” Her grief is washing over her, as she cannot take false hope anymore.
Ann understands Anne’s reaction but is not pushed away by it. She carefully draws herself closer; we have never seen her be this bold, this convinced before. “You know… If you asked me to marry you again...” The camera is documenting Anne’s emotional journey: she too is taken by surprise by the way Ann carries herself, by the things she is saying. “I wouldn’t say no.” Could it really be?
This time it is Ann proposing to Anne.
Until this moment it was always Anne talking about marriage, and Ann being her wife. Here we see Ann taking initiative, we see her bring it up using Anne’s own proposal, fearlessly and sure of herself and the decision she made. Though this convinces Anne, it is only for a second: she can’t shake off the feeling that she will be let down yet again. She simply cannot trust Ann on this, even if she is so wonderfully, finally brave. “Hm… but would you say yes?” She looks deeply into Ann’s eyes, expecting to find hesitation.
But Ann is so far from hesitant. With a determination she has so longed for, with a conviction she so searched for, she says: “Yes.”
“Would you? And stick to it? And mean it?” Anne wants to make sure Ann understands her well.
“Yes.” Ann has never been more sure of anything in her life.
Anne gets closer to Ann, encouraged. “Take the sacrament with me? In church? And mean that too?” She needs to make the deal clear.
Ann loves the way Anne is thorough and persistent. She smiles and goes to place her hand on Anne’s face. The music gets louder with a revealing, hopeful tone. It all probably feels like a dream to Anne, as Ann becomes the girl she always hoped she would become: one that would take Anne for who she is, and there would be just the two of them on the planet. Ann wipes the tears from her cheek: “I love you, Anne.” She is the one sealing the deal now. Anne cannot believe her ears but is thrilled at the same time. Ann reassures her: “I’m in love with you. I always have been.” Ann is finally at peace with what she’s been feeling all along, and is ready to own her happiness, and to make the woman she can’t, and doesn’t want to, live without, happy as well.
Anne is speechless. The long, exhausting journey and the ache she’s been feeling have all come to an end, and she will at last be able to live her truth with someone she loves. “Don’t hurt me,” she says to Ann while taking comfort in her hand. It’s an unexpected statement from one Anne Lister - even Ann Walker thinks so - the woman always in charge of her feelings, always with a brave face on. Her walls are finally down. “I’m not as strong as you think.” She can be honest with Ann while she’s giving her her heart. “I mean I am, obviously!” She is Anne Lister, after all. Ann knows it; she knows her, and she recognizes her trying to remain the dominant, tough one. “But… sometimes I’m not.”
There are no words left to be said. They look into each other’s eyes - this is it. They are both in the same place, at the same time, the universe has aligned and all the obstacles are gone, there is just Anne for Ann and just Ann for Anne and nothing else can possibly matter as much as this. Ann tilts her head forward, signaling to Anne, and Anne dives in for a passionate kiss as the music is triumphant in crescendo. She looks at Ann for just a second - yes, she really is there, and this really is happening. The sun reflects on the tears streaming down her face as they get lost in each other, lush Yorkshire landscape and a vast blue sky behind them.
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my Thoughts and Opinions on mad men
this is quite disorganized and very long. contains spoilers for all seven seasons after the cut.
-though i think don was a good character, he was such a shitty person!!! cheating on every partner he ever had? bad! being an asshole to everyone and getting away with it because he’s handsome? also bad!
-but also like... just to put it out there, jon hamm can do literally anything he wants to me. good lord, that man is attractive. 
-there was literally a point where i hated every character except peggy, betty, and sal
-speaking of sal, HE DESERVED BETTER. i genuinely almost cried when the fire alarm went off. he was so happy for like three seconds and then SOME MOTHERFUCKER lit something on fire (i don’t remember exactly what happened).
-FUCK lee garner, jr. 
-i ended up having such complicated feelings about betty. on one hand, she was cheated on and emotionally abused and gaslit, so i can absolutely understand why she became harder as the seasons went on. on the other hand, she didn’t treat her children so well and idk how i feel about that. i do feel so, so bad for her regardless.
-bert cooper was honestly such a baddie, though. he got heated sometimes during important plot points, but his general “i’m old, i don’t give a shit” vibes were excellent (i also watched this whole show in less than two months, though, so please forgive me if i miss details)
-like when harry crane was too afraid to say the wrong thing about bert’s red rothko and bert was just like “bitch shut up about my painting, no one cares”
-and his “the best things in life are free” after he died was so good. i was personally offended that they took his name out of the opening credits afterward
-peggy. my sweet girl. arguably the best character. this girl’s transformation made me so damn proud. the iconic scene where she walked through mccann with the octopus painting and a cigarette hanging out of her mouth was just everything. 
-i really didn’t like stan at first, but he grew on me. mostly i’m just a hopeless romantic, so i was very, very happy when he and peggy ended up together.
-i didn’t hate abe, but i was VERY relieved when they broke up
-poor, poor michael ginsberg. i hope that man gets some help. that’s really all i have to say. 
-pete campbell falling down the stairs made me laugh for like an hour because he just sucks so much. he did NOT deserve trudy. also vincent kartheiser is DAMN lucky he has good hair, because shaving his hairline is a serious gamble.
-pete is such a shitbag. i’m so sorry. i just dislike him so much. i remember watching the second season and thinking if he and peggy ended up together, matthew weiner was going to be the recipient of a very angry letter lmao
-did he have *some* growth? kind of. does that mean trudy made the right decision to go with him to kansas? mmmmm probably not.
-joan definitely grew on me. i did not like her at first, but her character arc was so damn satisfying. holloway harris productions? freaking incredible. her son is cute, she’s her own boss, and she doesn’t end up with someone controlling. we stan. 
-i really hope her lesbian roommate from the first season found a girlfriend. that poor girl pined for years, and hopefully she ended up with a girl that loved her
-i feel so bad for lane pryce. that man did not deserve what he thought he did. was it bad to steal from the company? of course. he did not need to kill himself, though. i was fr so upset. the man knocked out pete campbell, which clearly makes him the best. 
-the sheer giddiness that flooded my body when lane fired them all from the og sterling cooper was incredible. it was a great, great decision. 
-pete campbell can go to hell
-every time glen bishop appeared onscreen i was afraid. i just thought “oh my god, this bitch gonna grow up and become a serial killer.”
-watching sally grow up was so great. she was still so bratty up until henry told her that betty had cancer, but the second she knew, she was ready to be there for her family. she did also say some rather iconic things. i love kiernan shipka haha
-they got the cutest freaking babies to be on this show. especially tammy because her little cheeks were just so chubby and i loved herrrrrrr
-it really didn’t end the way i thought it would, but it makes sense. the hug between don and leonard was EXCELLENT
-i know this is so specific, but every once in a while there would be a shot that was just perfect. like the one at the end of season five where joan and sterling/cooper/campbell/draper were all standing facing the window on their second floor of the time life building— that was beautiful. sterling and cooper, the older generation, on one side, campbell and draper, the future, on the other, and joan in between them. truly, she was what held every single thing in that office together and i cannot get over how freaking incredible that shot is
-i didn’t really love betty and henry. every marriage has problems, but betty and both of her husbands had serious problems.
-speaking of marital problems, megan and don were a disaster. i was so confused when he proposed after having sex three (3) times and going on zero (0) dates????? donald what the fuck
-i loved ken cosgrove’s tap dancing, i didn’t love ken cosgrove. i do feel bad for what he went through w the jaguar account (and also in general), but he was kind of a bitch in the earlier seasons
-i did not care for harry crane or paul kinsey. sorry bout it
-i hope kitty romano finds someone who can love her the way they’re supposed to. i do think sal loved kitty platonically, though. honestly though it would have been excellent if kitty was a lesbian and they were just married to avoid questions. i mean, obviously they weren’t, but i would have LOVED to see that storyline
-megan was a very interesting character. she was just so childish. she was very sweet (mostly) and i think don kind of fucked her over emotionally (like definitely in every way except financially, but like... i have a feeling that she’ll never be the same because of him)
-also marie calvet straight-up taking all of don’s living room furniture was so funny
-i do not like roger sterling either. he cheated on both mona and jane!! sure, maybe he didn’t love them, but what gives, dude? we don’t stan.
-also he did blackface, which is a big yikes from me. yeah, it was the sixties, but also fuck that shit.
-another thing about don is that this man’s libido is just fucking WILD. i mean, he has no goddamn shame.
-fucking his secretary? did it at least twice, married one of them. his child’s teacher? great! he’ll be over soon! his neighbor’s wife? all good until sally catches them. his quasi-niece is maybe 22? he’d hit that!
-seriously, he just doesn’t care at all and it’s fascinating.
-when ida blankenship died it was like... but you did this... for what? watching them roll her fuckin body out of the office covered in the afghan during a meeting was actually quite funny though
-every so often my brain will just go “sterling cooper draper pryce cutler gleason and chaough.” that’s not a thought. sorry lol
-also they fucking took it off of netflix so now i can’t rewatch it! mean as hell, netflix, mean as hell.
-in conclusion: fuck peter dyckman campbell.
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lazyprinces · 5 years
soo there is so much to process and these are just random thoughts
I was already crying at the initial titles. Just seeing the Marvel Studios Logo broke me. Thinking about all this journey that led to this moment, and how much it has meant for me and all the other people that were with me in that room, watching that movie with me, it killed me. The MCU means so much to me, it has been so important for me and seeing those titles really made me realise how much I’m thankful for all of this.
Tony in space. Facing his worst nightmare. So thin. So sick. So scared. So, so, so human. Which is what makes him my favourite character. Him being just human. The fact that anyone of us could be Tony Stark. Anyone of us could be Iron Man. Because he is just like us. The message to Pepper. That whole scene was heartbreaking. Seeing our favourite hero so miserable, so hopeless.
Carol rescuing Tony was veryyyy predictable but also very amazing. Her strength really amazes me every time.
Tony reunion with Pepper was everything I was waiting for. That little kiss on her cheek made my heart melt. 
Tony’s reaction to Steve questions and to his plans felt so real. Tony was sick, scared and scarred and any other reaction would have been totally unrealistic. It would have felt shallow to see Steve and Tony agreeing like their conflict had never happened. And also considering that Tony was mentally, physically and emotionally devasted that was the only reaction possible.
When we saw Thanos again for the first time I immediately understood what was going to happen. So no big fight to kill Thanos. I wasn’t expecting it but it was the most obvious way in the end. Because the survivors couldn’t have fought against Thanos with his full powers again. So it was inevitable that there would have been something else. Thor saying that he went for the head was 🔝
5 years later. Natasha that manages everything at the Avengers Headquarters. Love her red hair that fade into blonde. She is so strong and so beautiful and I love her so much. And she is so human and so devastated, too. The short scene with Steve was so soft and I wish we had more.
Big no for Thor. Honestly they did him so dirty. He had been my favourite character in Infinity War and he was too humiliated in this movie. Like some things were fun. I admit it. But it was too much. We cannot watch the final epic battle with That Thor. No.
Morgan. There’s nothing more beautiful and perfect of that scene of Tony and his daughter. Him holding her in her arms. Just thinking about it makes me cry all over again. This is so important for Tony’s arch.
I totally loved the scenes when they organise the time travels. Those little domestic scenes that we have always talked about in thousand of headcanons and fanfictions. There’s one scene with Tony, Nat and Bruce laying down on a table talking about the stones that was super cute. I could totally watch a movie with only scene like that.
I loooooooooved the time travel scenes. Especially New York, Asgard and the 70s. Like how fucking epic it is to see again in the cinema the scene of the first team up from the first Avengers. Just great. Seeing it makes me feel so empowered. And I also loved all those scenes after the New York battle. Seeing the other iconic scene with all of the avengers looking at Loki but from the other side was so cool. And then them starting to talk and joke was so fun. Also loved seeing the differences between the characters then and now. Just great. The Steve/Steve fight was epic and reminds us of how unbearable was Steve in the Avengers. (Also can we talk about the fact that to distract himself Steve used Bucky? Like, he totally knows that it is his weak point.)
The 70s with Tony meeting Howard again. Closing a circle. And Steve seeing Peggy. I almost died when I saw her.
Natalie Portman. Nothing to add. I know that many hate Jane for I don’t know why but Natalie is my favourite actress so even seeing her for just a few second was so good.
I appreciated the choice of having Thor meet his mom rather than his father or Loki.
Seeing Peter Quill dancing from outside and looking like a total idiot was epic.
Clint e Natasha. Fucking finally. Honestly the Feels. We have been so blessed. It was everything I was waiting for since 2012. (I’m totally still bitter about everything that happened in age of Ultron but that’s for another time). From the beginning when she his devastated hearing about everything that he has done. When she rescues him and they hold hands. When they understand that one of them has to die. Them holding hands again. Them fighting just like in civil war. Nat dying. It was so heartbreaking. (And also I’m still waiting to know what happened in Budapest).
When they reunite all the stones on Iron Man’s gauntlet. What a fucking powerful symbol. The strength that comes from that shot. Nothing else compares. As soon as I saw it I knew Tony was going to kill Thanos and what was the consequence. (Also this is a big fuck you to everyone that hates Tony Stark and thinks that he is not the protagonist of the mcu) One word: epic.
The 3 seconds in which everything seemed resolved and birds reappear but we know that Thanos is coming and everything is going to hell.
The big 3 ready to face Thanos. Amazing. Wonderful. Epic. Perfect scene. The 3 of them combining their skills. Steve holding the hammer. Thor saying that he knew it and all of us thinking it with him. Steve left alone against Thanos and falling down once again. And once again standing up ready to say “I could do this all day”. But then we hear Sam’s voice and all the portals start to open. And the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen begins.
All the characters appearing. The Avengers Theme that resounds in our hearts. I was literally jumping on the chair. Tears and a huge smile. Seeing all of them united and knowing that for Thanos it’s over. Steve saying Avengers Assemble. And suddenly they’re all Avengers. And we are all Avengers. And you really feel the strength and power of this story.
All the reunions that happen in the middle of the fight. Peter and Tony hugging. All of them swapping the gauntlet up to Carol. And the amazing scene of all the girls united. (And I just want to say to everyone that thinks that it was just “politically correct”: Fuck you. Because yes it was but it was also fucking important. For me and for all the other girls watching those movies with the same passion and dedication of the guys, that have all the right of feeling represented. Because when I saw all of them united I also saw myself standing with them. And I’m sure that many other girls have felt the same way. So who gives a fuck if it’s “just politically correct”).
Carol was so underused but I understand it. Firstly because she is honestly too powerful compared to the others. Secondly because Endgame was the ending of the original cycle of characters and she is going to be the beginning of the next one.
Little thougths on the final scenes because I’m still shook. Tony taking the gauntlet from Thanos. Him saying that fucking annoying line and Tony answering: “I am Iron Man”. And the circle closes. And I don’t think there’s much too add. Tony is the Marvel Cinematic Universe and without him there wouldn’t be anything else. I’m sorry but no other character has the same value. He is the protagonist and no one can change my mind. And when he says “I am Iron Man” as he snaps his fingers, and we all say it with him, it’s fucking powerful.
Tony dying sorrounded by his loved ones. Pepper’s hand on the reactor. Devastating.
Tony’s message. His voiceover that reminds me of the ending of Iron Man 3. That ends with that same line. I am Iron Man. The beginning and the end. Nothing else to add.
The funeral. Morgan watching the video. Everyone being there for Tony, the kid from Iron Man 3, Nick fury, May. Happy saying to Morgan that her dad loved cheeseburgers too. Proof that Tony Stark has an heart. All of this killed me.
Valkyrie king of New Asgard and Thor with the guardians is perfect. I think that he fits in that group much more than into the new Avengers. Quill looking at a picture of Gamora with the word “searching” hinting at the plot of the next movie.
Steve leaving and saying goodbye to Bucky with the same words of The First Avenger. So beautiful. Steve coming back and passing the shield to Sam. I agree so much with this choice. The fact that the movies ends with the dance between Steve and Peggy that we had been waiting for all this time and them kissing is just perfection.
The amazing end credits. With the signatures of the original Avengers. Ending with RDJ. Because as much as Tony is the MCU, Robert Downey Jr. is. The Marvel logo at the end with the background noise of the hammer as a tribute to the scene where Tony forged the first armour, beginning this amazing journey.
In conclusion I liked this movie much more than Infinity War. Maybe because Infinity War was a transitioning movie, very fast, very dynamics for sure but also simpler. Endgame was so full of stuff. Many things and I loved them all or almost all. The perfect conclusion for the characters and this whole cycle. And for anyone complaining about the contradiction regarding time travels, honestly it’s a movie about aliens and superheroes who cares if something doesn’t add up.
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Jagged Little Pill: Our New Musical
Spoilers ahead and WARNING: review contains references to drug use and sexual violence 
Act 1: 
Is this the best overture of all time? Yes, yes it is. I don't care. The second it started I screamed like what a rush of energy. That harmonica, damn Alanis. And then as it began and the chorus came out, I already started crying. Just a rush of emotions in one minute. It was crazy. I love when they say “around and around” and they move their finger in a circle. I just think it’s cool and I love this choreography and ensemble so much. Like, the chorus is such a driving force in this show. I cannot praise them enough. And Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui’s choreography is just breathtaking. Totally unique and inventive. Nothing like I’ve seen on Broadway before. Enter the Healy family (I love them!). 
All I Really Want just explains the frustration Frankie and Mary Jane feel at the world and at each other. It is crazy how perfectly Alanis’ music fits into this story and into 2020. This is a huge credit to book writer Diablo Cody who created the Healy family and this story to match with the music. Bravo! Let’s just say when each song started the man behind me said “Wow” every time. Like he realized how perfect each song went with the story/character. Just a reminder that I did see this show in its world premiere in Boston so I went in knowing certain things and may compare both productions. “I’m frustrated by your apathy” is such a good line. And they changed the lyric to “spiritual woman” and they lift up Ebony Williams as the spiritual woman. And when Frankie says, “what I wouldn’t give to find a soul mate,” MJ looked like aw I really want a soul mate for my daughter. And when Frankie says “here can you handle this?” she holds up a sign saying “fear doesn't belong in our schools.” Then when Frankie says “all I really want is a wave length” she’s sitting at the table with MJ and reaches over for her hand as if she is desperately reaching for her mother’s attention and affection. And then Frankie and MJ basically have a belt off and boy do I love it. Although I miss when MJ would stand on top of the chair and belt because that was awesome. Now she runs up to the front of the stage. And then the commotion builds and MJ takes her pills which is when the song dies out and she sighs in relief. 
In Hand in My Pocket they clap and have a dance break. It’s really fun. Before Smiling we see MJ desperately trying to refill her prescription and being denied. It’s a really heartbreaking scene because she is so desperate and she says “no, I’m just a mom who got in a fender bender” like she tries to deny her addiction and pretend she is fine. Then she goes to the Connecticut Muffin and meets three snobby town moms. Shout out to Laurel Harris who plays one of the moms, the school teacher and Jo’s mom. She's perfect in every role and as a member of the chorus. Anyway these moms are totally obsessed with appearance and after this MJ meets with her drug dealer and Smiling begins which is a song that is performed backwards. Yes, backwards! It goes through MJ at the Connecticut Muffin, the grocery store, soul cycle, and ends at home when she drops her pill bottle and Steve picks it up. It is such a challenging number but it totally pays off for the look and emotion it gives. I mean, Ezra Menas jump ropes backwards! C’mon now. 
In Ironic, when Frankie is reading her piece out loud all the kids are making fun of her because nothing is actually ironic and Phoenix is just fed up and sticks up for her. The spotlight is only on him when he is watching Frankie and I find it really cute. And when Frankie goes “it’s like meeting the boy of my dreams and then meeting his…” and Phoenix goes “I’m not seeing anyone.” Wow, my heart. And then their voices join together and it is like angels singing. I’m obsessed, can’t you tell? I feel like I could have used a Phoenix in some of my English classes, you feel me? SO UNSEXY. Sorry, I just love this song and Sean Allan Krill’s voice is beautiful. When Steve sings, “I can feel so unsexy to someone so beautiful” he’s at work and looks at a framed photo of MJ. Ugh. In Boston, they looked at their bodies in the mirror which I missed because I think that really justifies the song, but I’m just glad they kept it in because it’s a great song and I recommend listening to Alanis’ version as well as Alanis’ version of all these songs. 
So before Perfect we have a scene between Nick and MJ. This scene as well as placing Perfect in act one was a change for Broadway and I thought it worked better. MJ is decorating their Christmas tree and has the manger scene out when she reminds Nick about how much he loved the lamb when he was little. MJ tells him how she believes he is the only thing she has done right in her life as she reiterates later in the show as well. When singing Perfect, Nick decides to go to this party and I saw it as his act of rebellion. He later states in the show something about “why does he have to be the perfect, steady person that everyone leans on and relies on?” When MJ reads his note about leaving for the party she sits on the couch and sadly looks at the lamb. :( And what a perfect (lol) song for Nick to sing and Derek just executes it with so much emotion. “Why are your cryingggggg?” Ugh!
For the party they sing So Pure. Yes! So basically, Bella, Andrew, Phoenix, Nick and Frankie show up at this party although the Healy kids and Phoenix are not party kids or that experienced with parties. In this scene we can see Bella clearly intoxicated and Andrew dragging her around and leading her off stage. Meanwhile, Phoenix and Frankie leave the party. Phoenix and Frankie sit on a swing set as they introduce their family lives to each other. Phoenix reveals he has a single mother and a very sick sister. When Frankie asks him if he could change his family, would he? He replies that he wouldn't change his family, but himself. If only he could be a better person maybe things would be different. Frankie agrees completely and they sing That I Would Be Good. Cue me shouting that this may be my favorite performance in Broadway history. I’m a huge fan of this song and to have it paired with this story and these characters is just EVERYTHING. Just gonna shout out Antonio because not only does he play Phoenix but he is also in the chorus and he sings like this! Talent! And Jo’s part in this? Don’t even get me started. We see her mom putting her in these girly clothes and when Phoenix goes “that I would be loved” Jo replies, “am I loved?” ...Did you hear my heart break? And the crack and rawness in Lauren’s voice when she goes, “even when I am oooooverwwwhelmmmmed.” Plus Jo sings “Everything is fucked when you’re not here” which I think shows how much she loves Frankie and relies on her. Then the 3 of their voices together. It's just magic. I highly recommend this show! And I just want to shout out how well I think the show represents their teen characters. All the teen characters are so multidimensional and are each going through their own set of troubles. They are seen as human beings who are just as flawed as the parents. 
WAKE UP. WAKE UP. Okay, maybe this was my favorite performance? Who can say at this point? We now know Bella has been raped by Andrew and that Nick was a witness and didn’t stop it. Jo and Frankie go to Bella’s house, where Kathryn Gallagher gives a haunting rendition of the events that happened at the party leaving the audience silent. When Frankie confronts Nick, he explains how Bella was drunk and how she can be dramatic. MJ comes in and also explains to Frankie how these things happen all the time and we need to be responsible for our own actions. Cue the song. The chorus taunts Nick in this song and it is like the voices screaming in his head. They also show Bella and Andrew talking to the police. Then for Broadway they brought in these moving walls. So during this song, MJ and other characters are being pushed on these walls. Frankie also sings a part of Hands Clean in this number, another song that corresponds to Bella’s experience. It’s a number that just builds and gets chaotic and when they start singing, “get up, get outta here, enough already” and it just ends with WAKE UP. WOW. Wake up, talk about a relevant 2020 message. 
Forgiven is an absolutely smashing act one finale. Elizabeth Stanley is truly giving the performance of a lifetime. Her voice is insanity. It is sad I did not know her before this show. When they are shouting “sinner” and “witch,” Bella comes in and stands in the center as the chorus surrounds her and MJ watches. There is also red lighting. This also takes place in a church. And it starts snowing and the whole cast comes out and it is just so powerful. 
Act 2: 
Act two starts with Hands Clean (an amazing song) and Not the Doctor as MJ and Steve go to therapy. Steve really opens up about how MJ is an amazing woman and mother. Then Phoenix and Frankie come out and both couples, but mostly Frankie and Phoenix sing Head Over Feet which is such a good song and scene. Celia and Antonio’s chemistry is amazing and they are so cute. Don’t believe me, then watch this insanely adorable music video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHilyL6YfYU Also they are climbing the swing set ladder during this number and the swing set literally spins in a circle as Frankie hangs off of it living her best life. It is just a pure cute number. 
So after this spoiler: Frankie and Phoenix have sex and Jo sings Your House as she walks in on them. And Your House is done acapella! Jo tells MJ and Steve leading to a huge fight between Frankie and her parents and she leaves for New York City and sings Unprodigal Daughter. Honestly, it is heartbreaking watching Jo experience Frankie’s betrayal. I believe it is at this moment that MJ and Steve have a huge fight where Steve yells, “No wonder she {Frankie} hates you.” Elizabeth and Sean are amazing together and this fight was so raw and real. Sean recently said that 95% of his performance relies and is in response to MJ/ Elizabeth which is so true. Anyway when Frankie  arrives in NYC, a person comes up to her and sings “You from New York, you are so relevant.” This is a line from So Pure and I thought it was cool how they sneaked that in. I’m not sure if Alanis meant the line to be sarcastic or real but I understand both interpretations. Anyway UNPRODIGAL DAUGHTER is everything. If you have ever fought with your parents, hated your small town or wanted to run away to be with people who understood you, this. Is. your. Jam! And Frankie sells it, I mean this song was meant for her. She’s in NYC  with all these cool, understanding people and they lift her up at the end like she is a queen on the throne. And the band, THE BAND, is onstage rocking out!!! The band is amazzzzing. They were having so much fun. 
Bella sings Predator which is a song written for the show. This scene details Bella at the party, only Heather Lang is playing Bella as Kathryn watches it happen. Lang specifically dances as MJ and Bella. Throughout act one, she gets real close to MJ and is acting as her conscious/addiction. MJ watches this scene as Bella lays on the bed and is then replaced by MJ as we have found out that MJ was also raped in college. It is a haunting number. There is also a scene when Bella asks MJ how long it took for her to feel normal again and she fails to give her an answer. 
You Oughta Know. I will say: believe the hype. But honestly believe the hype about the whole show, not just this one number. So Jo comes to get Frankie from New York and she starts this number quiet and then it builds up and the chorus and band come out. Everyone already knows how amazing this song is but Lauren really does elevate it to another level and brings a whole extra layer of emotions. Her dancing and frustration and singing with the band rocking out is just an awesome experience. There is red lighting and it is just a killer moment. 
At the end of this song Frankie gets a text about her Mom and we see MJ on the couch overdosing. She sings Univinited and Heather Lang dances in this number. Elizabeth’s voice and just her movements and shaking in this scene is unbelievable. And just the backing vocals and music make it so powerful. It just sounds like a war and battle between MJ and her addiction. Bella also sings parts of this song which I found fascinating. The connection between Bella and MJ is explored more on Broadway. Also when MJ overdoses, the lights flash three times. So the lights flash and we see Steve finding MJ, then lights flash we see Nick on the phone, lights flash, there’s a doctor putting an oxygen mask on MJ. This was a new addition to Broadway I believe and I loved it. They do a similar thing in Hedwig and I just love it. 
When they arrive at the hospital, Steve cannot believe the drugs MJ was on and refuses to believe she was a drug addict. He asks the doctor, “does she look like a drug addict to you?” And the doctor replies, “what do you think a drug addict looks like?” The audience felt that line. It is so true. This can happen to anyone. Mary Jane is filled with so much emotion. Steve really does love MJ and I love the backing vocals in this. Krill is amazing as Steve. “No” is powerful. Each person that sings stands in the middle and is touched by other chorus members. And all the signs are powerful and then Nick lifts his that says: Stand with Survivors. And can I belt like Kathryn? I wish. Then it ends with them standing in a line at the front of the stage and and Nick and Bella sing “it’s easy not to, so much easier not to”. Just the reprises of Wake Up in multiple songs gives me shivers. Wake Up drives so much of the show. I think before No there is a scene with the chorus members on their phones tweeting and texting nasty things about Bella and then they hold their phones out to the audience. I think this is just a reminder of how much social media and technology has changed us and how we have to remember to be nice!
Then MJ and Frankie make up during Thank U. Thank U and You Learn are just the two best songs to end a show with. They are filled with so much healing, and hope which is exactly what this show is about. And when MJ is sending the new Christmas letter she goes, “yeah I’m pretty messed up” and then she goes, “no, I’m perfectly imperfect.” We say this all the time to ourselves but we have to start believing it. No one is perfect. We are all perfectly imperfect. We all put up these appearances and try to hide our sadness from the world. There is so much human beings go through and if you are a human being you are going to love Jagged Little Pill. It is a human story. It is healing and powerful and makes you feel all the emotions. It ends with Frankie grabbing MJ’s hand. It is a beautiful show and I think very person on this planet should see it. If you wanna talk about this show (or any show) or about the stage door, feel free to message me. Thank U Jagged Little Pill and the Jagged Little Community. 
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tisfan · 4 years
Earth Girls are Easy
Prompt: #8 - Carol comes across a truly lost human on her travels. Darcy was just doing her job when the bifrost went off. Now they’re on the weirdest intergalactic road trip. Bonus points if: bed sharing while mutual pining on an alien planet.
Carol Danvers/Darcy Lewis
Tag: Meet awkward, earth girls in space
Summary - Carol gets contracted to give a Terran a lift home. Cons: the pay sucks, Quill is an asshole, and the Collector’s been giving the girl a place to stay. Pros: She’s damn cute.
“Vers!” Someone bellowed across the Promenade. 
Carol Danvers resisted the urge to immediately blast him. She’d been Vers for a mere six years with the Kree, and working under her own name -- or sometimes Captain Marvel, named after her Kree mentor and friend -- for almost twenty. You’d think some aliens would get the fucking memo already.
“Vers, hi, how are you?”
“Carol,” she said.
“What, no, my name’s Peter--”
“MY name is Carol.”
“Oh, right, okay, yeah, the-- the thing, with the Kree, yeah, you know, I really hate those guys,” Quill said.
“What do you want, asshole?”
“So, like you’re from Terra and I’m from Terra, and I thought, maybe, one Terran to the other, you could do me a little, tiny favor.”
“No.” That was easy. She started to walk away.
(more below the cut)
“Look, no, I’ll give you a cut,” Quill said. He was jogging to keep up with her, because her leave-me-the-fuck-alone stride was pretty damn fast. She had to give him credit for perseverance, but out of a perverse sense of humor, she kept walking until he was out of breath and sweating. He still hadn’t gone away.
“Of what?”
“The job,” Quill said. “Look, I got us a job, and then a really sweet opportunity fell into our laps and--”
“You already made a commitment and then something bigger came along, you can’t do both at the same time, even though you’ve already said you would, and now you’re hoping that I’m an idiot and I’ll do your first job for you, for half the price. Keep dreaming, Star Lord.”
“It’s an easy job,” Quill protested. “Look, you can have seventy percent, consider the other thirty a finder’s fee.”
“I’m gonna break your ‘finder’ right off and shove it someplace unpleasant if you put your hand on me, so don’t,” Carol said. “What’s the job?”
“Just drop this girl off on Terra, okay? She’s super lost.”
It had to be a girl, right? It couldn’t be some white male asshole lost in space that she wouldn’t feel a hint of guilt at neglecting. Carol sighed. “Where is she?”
“Great, you won’t regre--”
“Zzzt. Shut up. The only thing out of your mouth better be a location and the amount of units you’re going to be handing me. Otherwise, I’m gonna blast you into next week, and then you’ll miss out on both jobs.”
“She’s at the Collector’s,” Quill squeaked. “And fifteen Asgardian urus. She didn’t have units.”
“Urus will do,” Carol said, practically. Urus had a better trade value in some of the outer rim systems. “And what, do you not like her? Why leave her there?”
“You said not to talk!” And Quill smacked his faceplate down, clicked his rocket boots, and flew off like a slightly paranoid Dorothy Gale. Asshole. Honestly, Carol was never sure if Quill was an asshole on purpose just because it kept people from having expectations of him, or, if like, his emotional growth had gotten stunted at age eight.
Decided she didn’t care, Carol changed her trajectory just enough to be pointed in the general direction of the Collector’s. 
At least she was one of the few people who could just barge in on him. He wasn’t exactly afraid of her, but she wasn’t afraid of him, either. They were sort of, not quite, equals in a way where both of them thought they’d win if it came to a throw down, and neither of them disliked the other enough to try it.
“Hey Taneleer,” she bellowed, slipping lightly between the displays. “I hear you got a package for me?”
“Do I? I was just thinking I might keep her. Earthlings are so delicate, they just don’t survive very long.”
“Yeah, yeah, your coat is lovely by the way, where did you get it?” She pushed into Taneleer’s personal space. “Give me the girl.”
“Right, one human woman, coming right up--” the Collector said, brushing down his coat, which appeared to, in fact, be alive. Gross. “Miss Lewis, if you please. This is Captain Marvel. She’ll be taking you home.”
The woman who Taneleer coaxed out of the corner was pretty in a coffee-shop, slam poet, studying to be a CPA on the side, and volunteering at the dog shelter on the weekends.
Oh, I am in so much trouble.
“Miss Lewis,” Carol said. 
“Darcy, Darcy is fine, I’m-- yeah, nice to meet you.”
“You can call me Carol.”
Both Taneleer’s bushy eyebrows went up.
So much trouble.
“So, you’re a human,” Darcy said. Like when she was walking near Thor -- she never walked with Thor, Thor was a one man show, and sometimes he let other people accompany him -- she had to practically run to keep up. “Do I even want to know how you got to space?”
“I was kidnapped,” Captain Carol Marvel thingie said, not looking around. 
“Lot of that going around, that’s the same thing that Star Guy said, and I know Jane’s been to space a few times, but usually Thor takes her. It’d be nice, I think, if there were some humans who got to space by themselves, don’t you? I feel so-- unadvanced.”
“Humans are, compared to the larger galaxy,” Carol said, “rather primitive.”
“Fuck you. We have great margaritas,” Darcy sniffed. “Around here they have random varieties of ‘we distilled this shit next to our power core and it probably won’t kill you.’”
“I’ll give you that much,” Carol said. “I haven’t been to a decent bar in… well, probably longer than you’ve been alive.”
“You don’t look that much older than me,” Darcy said. She was, however, familiar with gods, and their age issues. Thor was something around fifteen hundred years old, or the rough equivalent of a soccer mom. Of course, by that notion, Loki was all of sixteen or so, and the more Darcy thought about that, the more logical it seemed. Loki had all the sense and restraint of an angry white boy with daddy issues and a gun, and the Asgardians did seem to be the primeval angry white boys.
“Looks can be deceiving,” Carol said, “although, not possibly as old as you’re now thinking. I was born on Earth in 1966, standard planetary time.”
“There is exactly no way you’re twenty years older than I am,” Darcy spluttered. “Not with an ass like that.”
Carol looked over her shoulder. “What’s wrong with my ass.”
“Not a damn thing,” Darcy said. “And I’ve seen Tony Stark up close, so believe me when I say, I know a fine ass when I see one.”
“Tony Stark? Is that supposed to mean something?”
“Iron Man? Earth’s greatest defender? How long have you been gone?”
“Since ‘89, with a brief visit in 1995 to deal with some alien issues.”
“We had aliens back in the 90s? Well, that explains some things,” Darcy said. Really, nothing surprised her anymore.
“Quill is half alien,” Carol said, “and his mom popped out that delightful ass in the eighties or thereabouts. So you’ve had aliens on Terra that I personally know about since the mid seventies. And the Asgardians were there centuries ago. Face it, little green men are a thing, and probably always have been.”
“What even is my reaction to that supposed to be?” Darcy demanded, trotting to catch up, because Carol had stopped listening and was striding off toward… well, Darcy hoped it was her ship, or something. She was used to it, though. Being left behind. Forgotten. She wasn’t very interesting, or very smart, or very beautiful. She was a mostly normal-thank-you-very-much human grad student who was going to have a lot of freaking college loans to pay off. Which was why she kept putting off actually graduating, because at least being Jane’s assistant paid some bills and kept her in kitchen and booze funds.
It also ended up with her being accidentally zotted to the other end of the galaxy when one of Jane’s experiments either went drastically wrong, or incredibly right. Hard to say, and she wouldn’t really know until she got home and found out of Jane had just popped off to a different party of the galaxy. And rest assured that Thor probably knew where she was and went after her. Which, it might not occur to them for a while that Darcy also needed to be rescued.
To be fair, Jane often managed to find trouble when she was out of line of sight, and getting popped of, she might have, for instance, immediately have stuck her pen into some swirly goo and gotten infected with Bad Space Things. You know, just saying.
Not like it had ever happened before.
“So,” she said, when she finally caught up, panting for breath, because, damn, in addition to having a killer ass, Carol also apparently had increased lung capacity. Well, Darcy might be able to make use of that if she was going to entertain the idea of getting funky with a space diva. And she just might consider it. “Sounds like you’ve been missing the bar scene for a while, and maybe a drink or two, and cheese sticks? Want to hit the Applebees when we get back? I mean, I know it’s basic and everything, but I don’t get paid all that often and their happy hour is--”
“Don’t you have fifteen Uru? At least?” Carol stopped walking and Darcy slammed into her, and they engaged in a little rocking back and forth before Carol steadied them out.
“Well, yeah,” Darcy said. “I’ve got hundreds of them, Thor gives them to us all the time for stuff. But there’s no exchange rate on Earth for god-money.”
“How many do you have with you?”
“A hundred or so,” Darcy hedged. She’d told Quill she only had twenty because he’d looked very… untrustworthy.
“Right, we’ll hit up the exchange on our way out of the port,” Carol said. “Minus my delivery fee, of course.”
“Of course. Does that mean yes to a date?”
“If you have a hundred uru, you could probably buy the bar,” Carol said. “So, yes. Date. sounds fun. Do they still do karaoke on Earth?”
“Yass, Queen,” Darcy said, holding her hand up to be high fived and after a moment, Carol seemed to recall the custom. “What’s the exchange rate?”
Carol swiped a few gestures over her wrist, popping up a display holograph, which Darcy would think was really cool if she wasn’t actually in Goddamn space and had seen some actual motherfreaking aliens, thanks very much. “About six and a half to one.”
“Six hundred dollar’s isn’t bad, but it’s hardly buying real estate--”
“Six and a half thousand. To one Uru. So, about half a million dollars, or so, after processing fees.”
Darcy almost stopped breathing. “I have hundreds of those things at home,” she squeaked.
“So, yeah. Date?”
“Date.” She could think about the rest of it later. Like, when she was writing a check to pay off her student loans.
A/n - in the book, Dorothy Gale had silver shoes, and she could use them to fly, which is what Carol is thinking of here.
Earth Girls are Easy is an 80s movie staring Jeff Goldblum, so... make of that what you will
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Jane and Carlos in D3:
A Thanksgiving Feast
So I have already made my obligatory Janelos defense post that every blog on this website owes them, and I will link that here.
But I kind of barely touched on just how good they are in D3. Like, insanely good.
Devie and Janelos are the God tier Descendants ships and somebody had to say it.
It figures that Disney would choose to focus on the basic dynamic that is Bal even though they have two amazing VK/AK pairings to work with.
I ain’t saying they needed to kick Ben and Mal from the series because I do still think they’re cute, I’m just saying that Devie and Janelos also deserved their own Enchanted Lake First Date Scene.
Now in D2 both ships were given roughly three major scenes to work with and then of course all of their background dance scenes in You and Me.
Both Janelos and Devie doing different variations of the hug and spin number. (Holy fluff the Devie one was fantastic)
And they both had pretty good character arcs as well.
While Bal pretty much have the same character arc every movie, Janelos and Devie approach one thing at a time. In D2 that was Evie reaffirming to Doug that she wants him, not a stereotypical prince. Strengthening their relationship.
Meanwhile Janelos was giving both Carlos and Jane the chance to step out of their bubbles and explore this new sensation called love.
And you can really believe the time that has passed between these relationships when D3 finally rolls around.
Naturally Jane and Carlos are a touchy-feely kind of couple, linking arms and wrapping arms around shoulders and a lot of background hugs that were cut from the film.
Normally this would probably annoy me, but in this case it makes sense for Carlos and Jane because of his touch starvation.
Jane is able to hold onto him like it's just something normal for her to do with him, unlike any person on the Isle ever.
So in D3 you can see how comfortable they are with one another and just with affection in general.
But that's not all D3 has to offer for them, oh no.
Because D3 is also the movie where Carlos' evolution to Hero of the Isle is the most evident.
It's something you can finally see in every little action.
I'm gonna be honest, D3 should have been Evie's movie.
My sister and I pointed this out as we read all of the VK's posters and saw that Mal's had her’s as, "The Liberator."
To which we both went, "That is a bunch of fluffing BS."
Because everybody knows that it was EVIE'S idea to start transferring kids over to the Isle.
I can't even imagine how many meetings she had to attend, presentations she had to give and trouble she had to deal with from the higher ups.
Because D3 is when they are finally able to bring Dizzy over to Auradon and they've already graduated high school at this point.
And yet, Mal gets the praise.
Mal gets the credit.
And when they encounter their first bump in the road, it's Mal who shuts down the program. Destroying all of Evie's hard work.
While it’s not an official term used, I’ve been calling Carlos, Evie and Uma all “Heroes of the Isle.” Mainly because most, if not all, of their most prominent actions in the films (when actually given any) have been for the sake of the Isle and the children they wish to protect and save.
And it can switch from Heroes of the Isle to Heroes from the Isle, mostly depending on what stance my argument has.
This stance being tilted toward Janelos, though I will probably post another rant talking about how Evie should have been the main character of D3.
Now this is the first time we see Carlos actively having someone to protect since Dude in D1, the second he returns to Auradon from the Isle he calls Jane several times. He then spends a good deal of the movie before Jane comes back being mopey. Which is something you notice if you watch a movie three times in a row and those two other times all you do is look at Carlos.
It’s an interesting thought to have in your head, Carlos - A Protector. 
While interesting, it never surprised me.
You can see a lot of his protectiveness in D2 when they return to the Isle, with him usually being the first one to charge.
And it only took me so long to notice that because I’ve had an image of Carlos built in my head.
Nothing can ruin your outlook of a character faster than the fandom’s perception of them.
If you listened to all the people going on and on about how Shaggy from Scooby-Doo is clearly coded to be a stoner, you might miss that he was a star gymnast and a pro-golfer. How many of y’all knew that Daphne was a straight A student?
The Descendants’ fandom has usually painted Carlos as the obligatory, “Smol bean, too precious for this world. Must protecc.”
Which is fine, if the character is clearly supposed to be interpreted as those things.
Carlos, while definitely too good for both the Isle and Auradon, is not a weak and helpless character. Sure he’s soft spoken and really really nice, like omg there is no way him and Cruella share the same DNA, but he also did really well in tourney and fencing.
He’s perceptive and quick to adapt.
And on top of all of that, he’s hurt.
So many years of being a doormat on the Isle, not only for his mother but every other person that looked down on him.
Despite all of that, he still cares about people.
He still has so much love to give to people he knows need it.
And in D3, Carlos seems to finally know who he is when separated from the VK or AK title.
He wants to help VKs transfer onto Auradon.
He wants a place to house lost boys and girls who were like him, no safe place to go.
He wants to be a vet.
And he wants to love Jane.
When he reunites with Jane in the second act of the movie, you can see that it’s not just Carlos that feels this way.
Once again, just like in D2, Jane fully reciprocates all of his feelings maybe even more so with the way she always renders his breathless every time.
Jane and Carlos give and receive love with no counter or limit in sight, they snuggle and hug and just... touch.
They make promises to stay safe, to keep each other safe, to stay together.
Always surprising the other with the reminder that they do indeed love each other.
Because they were two lonely kids that needed to love and be loved.
And the trilogy ends giving both of them exactly that.
And this is all just whatever I can glean from the movies.
When Amazon finally decides to send me all of the books it’s over for you hoes.
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thorscock-y · 6 years
Library (Loki x reader)
Request: Anon asked,  Hi I saw that requests were opened, so can you plz write something with Loki x a very flirty (and kinda dirty minded) reader ending in smut? Thank you in advance!
Warnings: Smut, NSFW Images, 18+, Oral, female receiving, Unprotected sex, 
Authors Note: I added a little plot to this just because my literature self can’t just jump into a story so yeah haha, enjoy love. PSA, no gifs belong to me, rightful credit to owners. 
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It was a calm sunny day in New York, traffic was light which meant there wasn’t much honking to be heard and it just helped with the peaceful silence. You were in your room, reading one of your favorite books. Cuddled up in your warm fuzzy blanket, still in your pj’s, you decided today would be a lazy day since you had no plans ahead of you. Or so you thought. 
A knock on your door causes you to look up from your book. As you’re about to reply, the door opens anyway without consent for the person to come in. You know for sure that this is Jane. The two of you share a nice apartment together, best friends since you were a little, and the brunette always knocks but never waits for an answer if she can come in or not. 
She enters, a face full of smile and excitement. 
“Well, come in.” You say, sarcastically. 
“Come to Asgard with me!” She’s practically jumping off of her feet with excitement.
Confused by her statement, you set down your book then sit up in your bed. Did you just hear this woman right? Go to Asgard. Somewhere you’ve never been but have been dying to go ever since you’ve heard about the beautiful place. It’s something you’ve been studying for years now with Jane
“What?” You ask, eyebrows furrowed. 
“Well, I know how you’ve been wanting to go for a while so last night I was talking to Thor about it, asking if you could go and all and guess what? He’s all for it!” She’s jumping up and down like a happy five year old. Obviously she can’t contain her excitement. “He consulted with his dad and he gave him the get go that it’s okay to bring you, this time.”
“Are you serious?” A huge smile is planted on your face as you flip over the covers, hopping out of bed. 
“Yes, I am not even joking with you right now so get ready.” 
Your eyes widen in astonishment. 
“Wait, we’re leaving today? Now?” Your plans of having a day off had been canceled though you didn’t mind. You loved your comfy bed but going to Asgard was a far way better choice. It had just caught you so off guard that you’d be going as of now. 
“Yes, we’re leaving in like ten minutes, Thor’s here.” 
“Thanks for the heads up.” You began to scramble around in your gores, looking for a suitable outfit to wear. 
Jane shrugged. 
“Sorry, I didn’t find out until a minute ago now would you just throw something on? I’m excited for you to see everything there, it’s so beautiful.” 
“What do they even wear in Asgard?” 
“Honestly, it doesn’t matter. Just get dressed, we’ll be waiting.” With a quick grin, she’s out the door. 
“Such a help.” You mutter to yourself then just throw on something casual and simple. A white cotton sweater with black jeans and knee high boots. You walked over to the mirror, to make sure everything looked alright. As you were about to began to adjust some things, Jane came rushing back into the room. 
“Great, you look perfect, let’s go.”
There was no fighting this woman, so you complied and let her drag you out of your room and into the living room where Thor was. He was sitting on the couch, in human clothes. You had gotten used to this; him being here and all. He was like a brother to you, the two of you got a long very well. He saw you as a sister as well. 
“Hey big guy,” You say. 
“Hello to you, lady Y/N.” he stands up, pulling you into a big bear hug. 
“How many times do I have to tell you to just call me by my name and not “lady Y/N?” It sounds weird.” 
“Forgive me but it is how we formally greet each other back in Asgard though I don’t tend to hug any woman except my mother there so you and Jane are the lucky ones.”
“Mhm, I’m pretty sure you and Jane do more than hugging from what I hear.” You recall the sounds of them, all through the night doing God knows what. All you know is you’re never going to forget those nights where Jane and Thor get carried away. The loud moans from the both of them make you want to throw up. 
Jane blushes and looks down while Thor seems to be quite the opposite. He’s glad to be hitting that ass every night. 
“Well what can I say? Jane is a woman of vulnerability under my touch and-”
Jane claps and interrupts him before he can say more. 
“Alright, time to go! No more discussion of our sex life or there won’t be one anymore.” 
You laugh and it’s not a moment more until you guys are on the road. Jane is driving to the spot where you guys first met Thor and she hit him with the car. Oh how that was the funniest thing ever, who would’ve known that would lead to you actually going to Asgard right now at this very moment. You flood Thor and Jane (but mostly Thor) with questions of what Asgard looks like and what’s it like there and if it’s like your research. Sure Jane has told you everything there is to know considering she’s been there quite a few times but you wanted to hear it from the man who’s lived there for basically his whole life. 
Thor just told you to wait until you get there so you sat back and tried to envision what you were in store for. Soon enough you guys are standing in the grass and Thor yells something about a Bifrost and you knew what a Bifrost was from your research. You hold onto him tightly, Jane on the other side and then you’re flying high in the air.
Afraid you’ll fall, you clutch onto Thor very tightly. Your heart is hammering out of your chest as you look up and around you and see a rainbow like shimmer. When you arrive in Asgard, your breath is taken away for you have never seen anything more beautiful than the scene above you. It was more than you imagined, more than you dreamed. 
You gasp, grinning from ear to ear. 
“Beautiful isn’t it?” Thor asks. 
Loss for words, you nod, still taking in the sight of the place. 
“Come on, let me introduce you to my family and then you can venture.” 
Thor introduces you to Frigga, Odin and a few of his friends. They’re very kind people and your legs are shaking as you speak to the king and queen. It’s just that you had never met royalty and even though you were meeting them in a mystical world, it was still all very surreal. You can’t believe you’re actually here.
The first place you became really interested in was their library. What they taught the kids here was exquisite, more advanced then what they teach on earth. Thor and Jane had went on to do their own “thing”, trusting that you would be okay on your own so that left you alone in the huge library. 
The library was Loki’s quiet place. To get away from everyone because he didn’t like anyone. All he ever hears is talk of his perfect brother, so why even bother to linger in the kingdom? The people of Asgard knew it to be Loki’s place so that’s why they never dared to go there. 
Seeing you in his forbidden area had him angry yet you intrigued him. Beautiful, curvy slim waist with a nice ass. Loki was for sure an ass man alright. You’re struggling to reach a book so he comes to your aid, finding it the perfect opportunity to began messing with you. 
“Now,” You jump at the voice and turn to your side to see a man. Tall, sleek black hair, pale skin but the hot type of pale. He was the drop dead sexiest man you’d ever seen. “I know you are not from Asgard by the way you dress, so may I ask who you are and what are you doing here, earthling?” 
You gulp and turn to look at the man, towering over you. The desire to reach the book has vanished your mind.
“Well I came here with Thor. He wanted to show me Asgard.” You say, not breaking eye contact with him. He’s so damn cute, you’re usually one to not pay that much attention to men and focus on your investigations but this man was making you want to throw all those rules out the door. Yes, he was that fucking hot. 
“Thor? Of course.” He grabs the book that you were trying to get and holds it out for you. “I don’t remember Thor ever bringing beautiful women to Asgard. If he had, I would’ve remembered a beautiful face such as yours.” 
And that is the start of your relationship with Loki or whatever it was.You honestly weren’t sure what to call it. As you continued to visit Asgard more often, the more the bond between you grew. The endless flirting, the longing glances between each other when no one was looking. Leaving was the worst part but coming back was your favorite.
“You’re killing me, love.” He said, one day.
 You were bent over picking up a book, you had “accidentally” dropped on the floor. You wore a skirt on purpose so your sexy lace panties could be seen over your round ass, the ass Loki loved to watch while you walked anywhere. To see it almost bare had his cock twitching with excitement and he fought the urge to bend you over the table and take you right there. 
“Oops, I’m just so clumsy.” You say innocently, knowing what you were doing was driving him crazy. Just to mess with even more, you dropped another book in attempt to get the other. “Oh darn, I just keep dropping books.” 
Loki’s done keeping restraint, all he knows is he wants to touch you now and the God of Mischief always get’s what he wants. He gets up from his chair, teleporting over to you. You don’t notice he’s there until you feel his cold hands around your waist, and his crotch on your ass. Your smirk to yourself at the reaction you got out of him. He pulls you so your back is to his chest. 
“Feeling a little risque today, darling?” He says in your ear. 
“Nope.” You say, pulling away from him. You set the books down on the shelf.  He groans lowly. “I’m actually feeling a bit.........bored. Are you bored?”
“Bored? With me? My feelings are infinitely hurt and no, I’m never bored when in the company of the most gorgeous girl in the world.” 
Not impressed, you turn around, pretending to scan the shelves of books while walking away. 
“I bet you call all the women here gorgeous.”
 He follows you. 
“No, I don’t. No woman is as gorgeous as you are.”
 Even though you saw Loki as this sultry arrogant asshole, you took notice of how his attention was never on any of the other women in the kingdom. None of the servants, none of the women from Midgard, his eyes only were always on you. And it was true, Loki only had eyes for you. He enjoyed the flirtatious games the two of you had. 
“Yeah.....okay.” You loved toying with him, it was all part of the fun. 
“Honestly, do you truly think,” He once again teleported in front of you so you had no choice but to stop walking. “Any women could measure up to your beauty?”
“I don’t know,” You shrugged then dangerously moved closer to him. You put a fingertip on his chest, twirling it around. “How about you prove it to me?”  
Loki knew exactly what you had in mind. A cunning smile spread across his face and before you knew it, you were pinned against the wall, Loki’s hands on your waist. You gasp at the suddenness of everything. “
You, my dear, have no idea what you’re in store for.” he says wickedly and then he’s kissing you, hungrily and wanting. Weeks and weeks of lust pushed through him. This is all he’s wanted to do since the moment he laid eyes on you and you felt the same as well. 
You kiss back, not caring of the possibility of someone walking in any minute to catch the two of you. Loki flicks his tongue over your bottom lip wanting to be let in but you smirk into the kiss and decide to tease him by not letting him. He groans into the kiss then moves his hand down under your skirt and begins to massage your clothed clit. You moan and he takes that as his chance to slip his tongue into your mouth, gaining his dominance.
You move your hand to his chest the other around his neck, wanting to touch him. You’ve been craving this for the longest time now, the feeling of Loki’s lips on yours, his touch, his fingers, all of it had your body heating up and wetness was pooling at your core. He was still rubbing you, softly and slowly but that didn’t last long as he pulled away from the kiss. He placed sloppy wet kisses all over your neck before sinking to his knees. You were startled by this action, not sure what he was doing.
 “Relax, kitten.” He spoke softly, glancing up at you.
He reached beneath your skirt, then pulled your panties down. You stepped out of them then Loki took them, tucking them into his back pocket. As you were about to object to that, just to be stubborn, he placed a kiss to your thigh, and then another, and then another each one coming closer to your heat. 
His lips were cold due to being a son of a frost giant and all but you didn’t mind. The contrast of temperature between his cold skin and your warm skin felt good. 
He slid his hands to your thighs spreading them apart then didn’t waste anymore time as pulled up your skirt then captured your clit into his mouth, sucking. You bit your lip, not wanting to moan to give him the satisfaction that he was pleasuring you. He noticed and began licking over your glistening folds while gripping onto your thighs tightly. Fuck, it felt so good that you couldn’t help but let out a small soft moan.
 He smirked to himself then continued on with his deadly acts. He delves deeper, licking past your folds and over your slit. Your hands involuntary grips onto his dark locks, a moan escaping your lips. He groaned in response, delving deep into your pussy. Your taste was like non other, and he couldn’t wait to taste what your juices tasted like flowing into his mouth. He pulled away placing a kiss on your inner thigh before sliding a finger into you, then adding another in after. 
You threw your head back onto the wall, your whimpers following. He kisses your clit softly then begins to flick his tongue over it while thrusting his fingers in and out of you. Your breathing is ragged, your chest heaving up and down from the immense pleasure Loki is bringing you.
 His hand moves to the back of your knee, pulling your legs further apart so he can taste more of you. He curls his fingers inside of you, your orgasm slowly approaching you as he does this. His tongue is fast, licking over your bundle of nerves bringing you close to the edge. Your grip on his hair tightens and you moan. Your walls clenched around his digits, his tongue still swirling figure eights on your clit, enticing pleasure within you. 
His mouth was amazing, you didn’t know how to act. Soon enough you were coming onto his fingers and onto his face, letting out a loud relieving moan that rang all through the walls of the library. It really is good no one ever uses this library except for Loki. He continues to kiss on your clit, pulling his fingers out of you.
 He throws your leg over his shoulder then is lapping at your juices not wanting to miss a single drop. Your hips jerked forward, sensitive from the previous orgasm but you still enjoyed the feeling of his mouth on you. He nibbled on your clit gently before placing a quick kiss on your pussy then pulling away. 
He stood up so you were now face to face. His chin was dripping with your wetness. He licked his lips before wiping his face with the back of his palm.
 “You taste divine,” He said, huskily. Your legs are still slightly numb and you’re still a bit breathless from that amazing orgasm. 
He kisses your lips, hard and rough and you kiss back, wrapping your hands around his neck, deepening the kiss. You can taste yourself on his cold lips and that sends shivers down your spine. You moan into the kiss, loving his dominance. He pulls away from the kiss, leaning his forehead against yours.
 “But I’m afraid I’m not done with you yet, darling.” Before you can speak he turns you around, applying a hard smack to your ass. 
You yelp in surprise then Loki grabs your skirt dragging it quickly down your legs. You put your hands on the wall to steady yourself as you hurriedly step out of it. Next he unbuttons your blouse then slides it off of you, all of this being done very quickly. He’s so eager to be inside of you, and you’re eager to feel him inside of you, both of you were longing for this moment.
Next he unbuckles his pants, sliding them down along with his briefs. His cock is erect and you feel it against your butt causing you to moan from the interaction.
 He kisses your shoulder then teases you, flicking the tip over your enlarged numb. You whine in anticipation. 
“Loki, please.”
 “What is that? Do I hear a plea coming from your sweet little mouth?” 
Seriously? He was going to be his usual arrogant self now? 
“Yes, just please. My king, please.” You know from what Loki has told you, he wants to rule the world so badly so you thought calling him that would spice it up.
The name sets him off and then he slams into you without warning making you cry out in pleasure. Your walls feel like heaven around him but he gives you a second to adjust. When you give him the get go he then once again thrust inside of you, his pubic bone bouncing off of your ass and then he does it again, not stopping. He grabs your hips tightly while you hold onto the wall for support, soft moans leaving your mouth.
You shivered as you felt the absolute thickness of Loki, pumping inside of you not ever imagining it to be this good. Sure, you dreamt of it, daydreamed of this very moment but never suspected that Loki would have the expertise to be this good. His godlike dick was also helping, sending you into a world of pure bliss. He was truly a God in every way. 
Loki watched the way your beautiful ass bounced on his hardened dick, the way your wetness coated his shaft, and the feeling of your walls around him. It was all a beautiful moment that he never wanted to end with you. The way your angelic moans filled the air turned him on even more. He loved pleasuring you like this. 
You whimpered as your legs were beginning to shake from the unstopping hard pleasurable thrusts Loki was bringing. The sounds of his skin slapping against yours echoed around the library, sweat broke out onto your bodies making the moment even more hot and bothered then it already was. 
The fullness of him is heavenly. He groans then moves deeper into you. Oh, now you can feel him into the brim causing a tingle to erupt into your stomach, your libido rising like crazy. 
Wanting to feel your skin even more, Loki yanks you to him roughly so your back is near to his chest. His hand moves to your throat, the other holding your breast. You can feel him deeper inside of you causing your eyes to roll to the back of your head, the pleasure becoming too much for you to handle. 
You could feel his breath fanning on your ear, as he continued on to pummel into your pussy relentlessly. Your mouth was wide open in a silent moan. With each new thrusts, he rammed deeper making your body convulse just by that action. You felt it again, that same feeling deep down in darkest part of your body. You were going to come, soon. 
Tightly your walls engulfed Loki’s cock and he groaned at the feeling. One hand came and rubbed over you clit fast building up your nerves, your orgasm approaching quickly. 
“Oh, Loki, I’m-”
“I know dear.” He kissed your neck, licking and nipping and before you know it your orgasm is raging through you. You moaned out loudly. It wasn’t long until his cock twitched inside of you and spurring hot loads of come inside of you. His come mixes with yours and he doesn’t stop as he rides out both of your highs. Your eyes are hooded with lust. 
Loki grips your neck harder, turning your head to the side to capture your lips in his as he continues to fuck you but slowly and sensually now. You moan into his mouth, relishing in this moment. He pulls away and pecks your lip. He pulls out of you as well then turns you around. Both of you are breathing hard from that amazing fuck. 
“Was that enough proof?” He asks, a mischievous grin plastered on his face. 
You wrap you hands around his neck pulling him close to you, so your noses are touching. “More than enough.” 
Quick question for you guys, should I post with or without the gifs in between fanfics?
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rosetintedbeanie · 5 years
My Review on TWDG: The Final Season
Buckle up folks because it’s going to be a bumpy ride with some unpopular opinions added. This is a little overdue.
So before I start, I want to say that I didn’t want to put this into the tags because we all know how this fandom can be. 
I’ll start off with the good. The season started off really, really strong, and it was a good way to introduce all the new characters. I didn’t necessarily like Marlon at first, but after looking back, he’s grown on me a little bit. His voice actor did an incredible job. I’ll admit, after two seasons of disappointment and annoyance, I had low expectations for the first episode and the season as a whole, but I was pleasantly surprised. The ending to episode one, atmosphere and all, was one of the best final scenes in the game’s history, and it genuinely gave me chills all the way up until the last minute. THAT was some good shit, and it felt like the writers were finally realizing what they were doing. 
The season had likable enough characters, and although there are a few that I’m indifferent with, there wasn’t anyone that I totally didn’t like. The bisexual representation made me incredibly happy, and partially helped me a bit more with my own sexuality. Before anyone asks, I personally went with Louisentine, but Violentine is pretty damn adorable and both ships are totally valid. And I know it wasn’t a shipping option, but in my opinion, Clem would have been cute with Ruby, too. 
Minerva’s downfall was really well done. I didn’t necessarily like her, but I did feel sorry for her. She was a victim of brainwashing and bad leadership and she and Sophie didn’t deserve that. You could even see her trying to come out of it at times in the third episode, when she mentions Tenn to one of the guards (Dorian I think her name is?). The scene on the bridge was probably one of the best, if not the best scene of the last episode in my opinion. There was a lot of tension, and Minnie singing to draw walkers to her brother really added to that. If anything I actually forgot about her up until that point and thought she’d just died. Also, can we get a cover of her VA singing the entire song? I have a new need. 
Now before I dive into what I didn’t like and my unpopular opinions, a disclaimer: These are just my personal opinions. I tend to be nitpicky at these things, and I didn’t hate the season at all whatsoever. 
I...couldn’t get attached to AJ in any episode. I tried to, I really did. I didn’t hate him by any means, and I even defended him when people were wishing death and hating him for killing Marlon. But there were times that I felt that he was just too much, even for a hardened survivor. I get that he was born into an apocalyptic world, but I didn’t exactly like how he turned into the same temperamental, edgy kid no matter what Clem taught him. I wasn’t a huge fan of the many parallels, either. Some were fine, but after a while they started to get a bit old. 
Alright, here’s the biggie that y’all probably expected: the way they handled Lilly this season. If you’ve been following me for a while then you’re probably aware that I love Lilly and have defended her for years now. So naturally I was extremely excited to see that she was returning after years of being right about her fate (because come on, there’s no way she just died). And I just want to say that as much as I wanted a redemption arc for her, I wouldn’t have minded her being a villain so much had she gotten more screen time, a better explanation, and a more meaningful way to go out on both parts. I really didn’t like how she still appeared to have humanity in her first appearance, totally hesitating to kill Clementine and damn near CRYING if she’s told that you were family once, and then pretty much tossing all that out the window when she (determinately) orders a kid’s tongue cut out. Then in the finale she gets two minutes tops of screen time and can suddenly feel remorseful again? Ooookay. We also got pretty much no explanation on why she’s this way except for “my dad melted my ice cream so I kidnap kids now lol.” I just feel like we were robbed of something more involving Lilly, and no matter how you feel about her, she deserved better than to become what she did, better than to be handled the way she was. I’ll always stand by my word that she was not bad from day one, and no one can convince me otherwise. 
Something else that felt weird to me was that there was no mention of Kenny outside of a determinant choice in the first episode??? Like no matter how you felt about him, he was important in Clem’s life and it’s especially strange how he wasn’t even talked about during Clem and Lilly’s chat. You’d think Lilly would bring up the guy who killed her dad. 
The way that the deaths were handled in the finale bothered me. Like, really bothered me. There’s maybe a couple minutes of grief (which I get that in the moment you had to get away, but there was time for that later), and basically no other mention. Louis was the one who died in my game, but I’ve seen playthroughs and I couldn’t stand how Violet can pretty much justify Tenn’s death if it happens. The way she said, “He was always getting into trouble and messing up,” brought me back to Season 2 and the way Sarah was treated, and it was even worse because Tenn reminded me a little of her and to hear that again made me feel ill. Like girl...did Jane possess you there for a minute???
I uhhh might be in quite the minority here, but I was unsatisfied with the overall ending. The big thing was Clem getting bit and her leg amputated; okay, yeah, sure. But let’s look at what happened before: her foot was cut pretty badly, and I’ll even give that the infection could have taken the spread of the bite out of her. But people really seem to ignore that she still lost a lot of blood on the way to the barn??? Like, I’m not a doctor or anything, but losing blood even after a short period of time can still be very dangerous. Even with the explanation given by one of the writers, there’s no realistic way that Clem would have survived that amputation with the amount of blood already gone. I’m sorry, but it really felt like plot armor. I would have been happy with her being determinant, with the ending we got being the “alive” ending. But I feel like there should have been multiple endings, considering the last two seasons were known for that. I don’t know, I just wasn’t feeling it like most everyone else was. There was a lot I just wasn’t feeling. 
One last quick thing about the ending: we never did see the Delta. The Delta’s leader, who is NOT Lilly as confirmed by Kent Mudle, would wonder why their people didn’t come back. They’d probably send out to find whoever was responsible, especially if they knew about the school beforehand. You’d think the school would prepare itself for future attacks, because it’s kind of a new potential threat. It’s something I figured out kind of recently, and it’s weird that no one would question it. 
My overall opinion of the season was that it was good, but not great. In terms of writing, it blows A New Frontier and the last half of Season 2 out of the water. The story itself is an interesting idea, but there are a few directions that I wish had been taken differently. The season, as I said, started out strong, and there were moments in every episode that I genuinely liked. I just wish there had been multiple ways to conclude Clementine’s story. The ending we got just felt...a bit off. To conclude this essay-length review, I in no way disliked this season and I have to give credit to the writers for putting more of an effort since A House Divided. If you’ve read this far down, thanks! This was fun to write. 
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zuzuhe · 7 years
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1. Jack’s Sister’s name is “Mary Overland”. 
The fandom came up with the fake name “Emma” from either the marvel character named “Emma Frost”, or Emma was just a common name back then. (There have been other nicknames, like Jill as in “Jack and Jill” too.)
Originally when asked, William Joyce said her nickname was “Flee”, but later contradicted himself in saying “Flee” was Tooth’s sister’s name. Either way, “Flee” was merely a nickname. It was later revealed her name in the movie would have been “Mary Overland”. This seems to be the most plausible name because William has a knack for naming characters after his family. His son is named "Jackson”, and his daughter’s name is “Mary Katherine”. I think its safe to say Mary Overland is indeed her true name. 
2. Tooth’s Human Form 
Tooth was drawn as a human child in the books, but in the “Creating an Epic” (behind the scenes content in the ROTG christmas edition) we see a movie version and an older version of human Tooth animated in 2D at the end of the credits. There have been many conceptual forms of Toothiana, but this is the first human design pushed enough to make it featured near the end of special content. I’d like to consider this human design canon. 
3. Tooth’s sister: “Vanish” 
Vanish has had a lot of controversy behind her character. William Joyce had stated Tooth has a younger sister named “Vanish”, yet not such character has ever been alluded to in the book series or movie at all. “Flee” was a nickname mistakenly given to Jack’s sister, but William later noted “Flee” was supposed to be associated with Tooth’s sister “Vanish”, which would seem more plausible since ‘Flee’ and ‘Vanish’ have the same meaning. 
However, her name “Vanish”, and her existence as a whole is questionable. There have been several other images/contexts in concept arts where this image of ‘Vanish’ is merely a book design of Tooth’s mini fairies; this has also claimed to be merely a concept design of Tooth herself, and there’s also been an odd framed picture of this image with a name plate that reads something along the lines of “Tippy” (?) the Tooth Fairy. 
Vanish is by far the strangest case in this fact list. Its unknown whether she truly is canon or not even within the books. Its unknown whether this situation will ever be cleared up. 
(also I added a picture I drew of Vanish myself with colors just because I think she’s cute regardless of her controversy) 
4. Jamie Bennett’s Parents 
Jamie’s mother has a straight up model in the concept art book. However, unbeknownst to many, a concept art image of his father and mother(without glasses) can be found in the ROTG Jamie’s Room Previs Reel here. (scroll down for it) I found this intriguing, for the movie typically keeps the parent’s faces out of view. Also, its worth noting that in that picture, we see another character’s head out of frame to the right next to Jamie, whom I assume is Sophie, but her hair isn’t a light blonde. Also, its interesting to note that Jamie’s mother is considered a single working mom in the official movie. So at some point the ROTG writers must have taken Jamie’s father out of the picture, and I’ve always wondered why. 
5. Pitch’s Uniform 
In the books, Kozmotis Pitchiner is known as a general. I’ve seen many fan designs of what his armor could possibly look like, but there’s been two concept images of William Joyce’s for Pitch, one of early possession where he still wears his uniform, and one of late possession. These two designs are akin to heavy machinery, and the left one (his golden age uniform supposedly still upon him) looks similar to a pirate with that eyepatch. I wish we see a true untainted golden age Kozmotis drawn by William someday. 
6. Jack’s Staff: “Twiner” 
It was mentioned a few years ago by William that Jack’s staff was actually alive, and went by the name “Twinetender”, however in his most recent post on instagram, he has now toned down the name to simply: “Twiner”. He is said to be a branch broken from an ancient willow that resides upon an indigenous native american burial ground. Twiner is supposedly a spirit that possesses great strength fueled from the deceased warriors he shared the land with when he was still part of the great willow. In the movie, its clear Jack’s staff is just a piece of wood that amplified his power, like a wizard’s wand, useless without its wielder. 
7. Beardless North 
(or rather hairless North) is just something I threw in there, since many people, (such as myself) have difficulty figuring out the shape of North’s head when I draw him. Knowing his exact ear and chin shape will help, and it could help people whom wish to draw North younger too, as he were so in the books. 
8. Mother Nature’s name
This is actually quite common knowledge, but “Seraphina Pitchiner” is a widely used name for Pitch’s daughter in the books. The ROTG wiki page had proclaimed the name came from William Joyce in one of his interviews, but I, and many others like the wiki admins, have done thorough research and have found no such evidence. “Seraphina” was such an adopted name and very space-like, when her true name came out in the books as simple english ‘Emily-Jane’ many fans became upset and confused. I am unsure if William has been confronted about the ‘Seraphina’ controversy, but in all honesty with his name mishaps that have happened with Jack and Tooth’s sisters so often, I would actually not be surprised if there was indeed a time William claimed her name to be ‘Seraphina’ and later changed his mind. I will edit this post if William comments about this situation. I hope we get clarity sometime for this. 
9. Unappreciated Settings
In the “Creating an Epic” and in many concept artist portfolio pages, there’s heavy background concept art that involves Sandman’s original ship/island/cloud, and Bunnymund’s original unnatural tunnel system. There’s even been clearer designs of Pitch’s layer, and Jack’s home town. There was a concept artist hired who even did work for the Nightmare Galleon and golden age space ships for the movie’s early concepts. There’s so many more out there, I hope people appreciate this extensive and intensive world building as much as I do. 
10. Unreleased 
Its been nearly four and a half years since ROTG was released, and in many behind the scenes videos, I spotted tons of blurry unreleased concept arts that look intriguing and fantastic. Surely there’s other story boards and scenes that have been unreleased out there. Take a look here, this is a bad gif, but its a scene where Pitch appears to be talking in the light: 
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This is from the “Creating an Epic” , but notice how this wasn’t in the movie, and yet its fully rendered and even as lighting. William Joyce had mentioned a long while ago that Dreamworks actually had shorts in the making of ROTG. One was about Pitch, and the other was about an egg that escaped the Easter Massacre. These shorts were discontinued despite William claiming they were 50 to 70% done, and Dreamworks has refused any further attention to be placed upon their ROTG works. (one of these shorts he claims to be about Man in the Moon, but that was done by HIS studio, not Dreamworks. So its questionable if the Pitch short was really done by Dreamworks or not, but there’s no doubt the egg was by Dreamworks since it was directed by the art director and not William) but now I can say there’s no doubt there IS alternative unreleased material for ROTG out there: shorts, deleted scenes, or otherwise. Its been kept from the fandom for years, which is sad to me. Especially since Dreamworks has made it clear they don’t ever want to come back to this. So all this data and art is just lying around rotting in their studio at this point, when there’s plenty of fans out there who would pay money to just get their hands on one unfinished short released digitally. Hell, I would.  
This post is brought to you by the same person who did the GOC / ROTG distinction a long time ago. I meant to make this post forever now, and I’m actually procrastinating from school just to do this haha.... but even though the fandom is kinda dead, ROTG still has a place in my heart, and I feel like many people have just left because there’s no new materials. But the Jack Frost book will soon come out within the next year, and I hope this post sparks some interest and spreads information, since I’ve known many that are confused by William Joyce’s claims lately. But thank you all for reading! <3 
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intrepidmare · 6 years
My observations watching 🏹 Arrow 6x03 “Next of Kin”
After a few setbacks the last couple of days (my internet service hates me), I finally watched the episode this morning and I L.O.V.E.D. it. I know some aren't entirely happy about the direction the show is taking, but I do. Let me start with the best, okay. Spoilers ahead...
I guess I have not to tell you how happy I am right now. This episode had so much of Olicity goodness. Each moment was special in their own way. Like when Oliver went to the loft the first time, seeking advice about how to deal with Will stressing over, and Felicity recognized that Oliver is really smart even if he was bad at school, just he didn't care about it. She knows her man is much more intelligent than people give him credit for. She knows him so well. 
Then when Oliver stopped by the bunker to ask her to tutor William, she was so on board. I loved when Felicity said she had been mathletics champion and he asked her only 3 times? And can we talk about Felicity bouncing as she was leaving? So cute, she was so excited.
If you don't want to talk about that, let's do it about the sappy, smitten look Oliver had while he watched Felicity helping his son. Gosh!!
The best, of course, the end when Oliver gives her the key was everything I wanted! It was perfect!! And nobody can convince me that those two make it to the bedroom. No no no no no there's no way for that happening!! I imagine them on the dinner table or making a mess of Felicity's new desk, perhaps on the sofa, but never in the bed. Well, maybe for round 2 they might’ gone upstairs, but not before that.
I have to say I like Dig as Green Arrow. There! I said it! But don't crucify me. I like it because I know it's temporary. There's no choice to make (yeah I know what I did there 😝 ) between Oliver and Dig. Oliver IS the Green Arrow, but until he comes back, I'm on board with John suiting up.
You have no idea of how emotional I got with Oliver's speech! It was so amazing! I'm glad Oliver said that wasn't fair to ask Dig to be GA without thinking in JJ or Lyla. That was 1 of my complaints last week, so it's good they addressed that.
But apparently, making bad decisions comes with the hood! WTF is John Thomas Diggle thinking?!! Taking drugs?! Is he insane? And what kind of drugs is he on? Yeah, this definitely won't end well.
Dig running in his first shot as GA. Nice callback.
John jumping off the building and Dinah using her cry to send him to the next
The team Arrow entrance to the hotel 
The fight in the limo was great!
Don't know why, but for me GA riding in the truck was hilarious
Why the new voice over at the beginning? They'll change it back in a few weeks, so why to bother
I like that Oliver dropped by the bunker. I mean, I always thought he would. He might not suit up as GA for now, but moral support is always welcomed
I  loved Oliver mentioning that Thea would/WILL be the best aunt ever,  which it's absolutely true.
The flashy thingies weren't epilepsy-friendly which I do not appreciate
Love the fact that Will likes Felicity. That’s how I pictured it.
Before I go, let me warn you that from next week throughout all November I won't be making these long reviews because, next Wednesday, NaNoWriMo will begin and I'll dedicate all my free time to it and writing. However, I'll still do my ratings of the week and probably will put some of my thoughts there. I'll be back to normal posting in December.
Lovely dearies:  @1106angel // @acheaptrickandacheesyoneline​ // @almondblossomme​ // @arrowlainie05 ​​ // @arrowolicity88​ // @athena3291998​ // @babblingblondegenius // @bitchwhwifi​ // @blackleather77​ // @bleedundermypen​ // @broken-canary​ // @bwangangelic​ // @callan52​ // @calzonayfaberry21​ // @ccdimples88 // @chachurka​​ // @cinfos​ // @coal000​ // @coryleanne​ // @cris101071​ // @djeniiscorner​ // @emarasmoak​ // @emmaamelia95​ // @felicity-said-just-in-case​​ // @felicityollies​​ // @goofy-mouth11​ // @helizaden​ // @hollywoodkats​ // @hope-for-olicity​ // @imusuallyobsessed​ // @jaspertown​ // @jendiaz69​​ // @johndiggle // @juliakaze​ // @krystal09​ // @lalawo1​​ // @laurabelle2930 // @lovelycssefan // @lovethishealthylife​​ // @lynslogic​ // @magda1102​​ // @malafle​ // @marytagus​​ // @mel-loves-all​ // @memcjo​ // @minny28 // @miriam1779​ // @missafairy​​ // @mochababychristy​​ // @monetsmark​​ // @morganashimi83​​ // @mrt2501 ​ // @ms-jane-darcy​ // @mtb1002​ // @muslimsmoak​ // @nalla-madness​​ // @nathiawarrior​ // @olicitee​​ // @olicity-sinceriously-melodiful // @olicityistruelove​​ // @oliverfel4​ // @omglovechrissie // @onceuponanolicity​​ // @pleasantfanandstudent // @scu11y22​ // @smkkbert​ // @smoakingarrow19​ // @speechgirl41​ // @sweetme86 // @taurusclh​ // @tdgal1​ // @thebookjumper // @thetaufactor​ // @tjmartinez98 // @vaelisamaza​​ // @wanderingmmries​​ // @wanhani​ // @wherethereissmoak​ // @xtina-lynn​​ //
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merinathropp · 6 years
Tanz der Vampire - Hamburg 2017: Detailed Breakdown
It’s official, folks: I have finally, finally seen Tanz der Vampire live. After 17 months of hoping, dreaming and saving - my little dream came true, and I flew to Germany to see the show. So! In loving memorial, I’ve written up a stupidly long review of my experience below. I saw the show twice, but have combined the entire experience into this one post. If anyone has a particular question about a scene or song, please just shout at me :) I’m up for any excuse to talk more about this show, being the obsessed fan that I am...
First night - from stalls left Second night - from stalls front row, right in the middle Graf von Krolock - Mathias Edenborn Alfred - Tom van der Ven Sarah - Maureen Mac Gillavry Sarah - Anja Wendzel (alternate)  Professor Abronsius - Victor Petersen Herbert - Kiryll Zolygin (alternate)  Magda - Sara Jane Checchi Chagal - Jerzy Jeszke
- This trip was worth every dang penny. Hands down one of the greatest musical theatre experiences of my life I encourage everyone to save up, spend the money and fly to Germany to see this musical live, at least once your lifetime. You will not regret it. 
- What blew me away the most about my entire experience was coming to the realisation that Tanz der Vampire is a legitimately spectacular musical at its core, more so than I had ever given it credit for. Everything comes together to create an entirely immersive experience that sweeps you off your feet for 3 hours, and a shaky camcorder bootleg can never, never match its true glory.
- Orchestra was full and luscious, to my ears. No idea what all the complaints are about, Hamburg has definitely pulled out all the stops in this regard. There was a killer pianist banging out some stuff I’ve never even noticed on the CD! - The lighting was pure magic. My word, this show does not get enough credit having some of the most awe-inspiring lighting I think I’ve ever seen onstage. Highlights for me were the gleaming moonlight that floods the back of the stage during Tanzaal and the eerie golden glow of sunrise in Carpe Noctem.
- The sets are unearthly and gothic and stunning; the rotating cottage blanketed in snow, the graveyard swimming in mist with its wrought-iron gates in silhouette, the cavernous ballroom with its winding staircase, the maze of bookcases draped in cobwebs and dust...gosh, there are too many to name. I’ve always leaned more towards the Kentaur Revival sets, but having seen these ones live, I’m starting to seriously reconsider my opinion.
- Is it just me, or are the German casts always uncannily brilliant when it comes to their mirror doubles? I swear this is one thing the Russian casts never managed to pull off. Even from the front row, it still looked like Alfred’s reflection was dancing with an invisible Herbert. And the trio at the end were perfectly synced, right down to drawing breath in unison. Absolutely ingenious.
- Roten Stiefel was sublime, especially the first time I saw it. The ensemble seemed to be dancing on air, every movement just flowed and Sarah literally flew around the stage like she was on cloud nine. I don’t think I breathed for the entire sequence.
- The coordination of the choreography in Ewigkeit blew me away. You just don’t know where to look during that number, it’s such a visual spectacle! Like a literal load of rotting corpses, each trying to keep themselves in one piece long enough to feed. One guy clearly had a case of Nearly-Headless Nick, one guy kept ‘popping’ his arms back into their sockets, one lady was totally spastic - they’re all so individual and creative!
- Nightmare!Alfred and nightmare!Sarah were haunting and lovely. Every movement between them was so gentle and full of longing. The way nightmare!Alfred looked at her, guh - tender and sweet, yet oddly aloof and mysterious, he was so interesting to watch! And his snarling at the end was vicious, like a mad dog or something, really chilling stuff. 
- Nightmare Solo 1 was replaced by HERBERT HIMSELF! Yes, it was HERBERT who appeared on top of the bed and introduced Carpe Noctem, cementing his ‘puppet master’ role 100%. He was so graceful and controlling throughout the entire number, moving his hands like he was ‘guiding’ each dancer into place. And I loved that the replacement meant that Herbert was the first and last character to leave the nightmare, he remained on the bedpost gazing down at sleeping Alfred until the very end of the singing, before drifting off upstage. Ugh, so many new Carpe Noctem headcanons...
- I was disappointed with our Black Vampire. He never threw himself into his movements, there was no power or danger in anything he did, just...perfectly okay dancing, and one really odd lacklustre jump. Bit of a let down :(
KROLOCK (Mathias Edenborn)
- You know how everyone in the fandom says you never forget your first Graf? Well...shoot, turns out they’re absolutely right. Mathias was magnificent and blew all my expectations away; I’ve never thought much of him, in the videos I’ve seen, but watching him live was an incredible experience. He was electrifying from the moment he glided onstage, and commanded the attention of the whole theatre. His Krolock was refined yet animalistic, powerful yet broken, charming yet icy cold, passionate yet subtle. He could also be raw and human when he needed to be, and for the first time, actually made me FEEL for the character. And he has this massive booming powerhouse voice to boot.
- During Vor Dem Schloss, he was very intent on Alfred, standing right up close to him and wrapping his cloak around his shoulders. He also did a lovely elegant gesture where he traced the outline of Alfred’s face with his fingertips. Tom was reacting so well to him, the two just played off each other beautifully throughout the whole scene, just this constant push and pull, like there was a magnetic force between them - brilliant stuff. That chemistry, I Am Here For It. 
- When he was talking about Die Fledermaus, he went: “Genial! (deadpan sarcasm, staring straight out into the audience) ...Ich war gefangen.” Ouch :)
- During Einladung, he examined the planks of Sarah’s door and ran his fingers over them in a mocking sort of way when he sang the word ‘sicherheit’ - like he was sneering at Chagal’s efforts and how feeble/useless they were.
- During Totale Finsternis, he did something very interesting; every time he turned away from Sarah, he seemed to be secretly struggling with himself, not from thirst, but almost as though he was overwhelmed by the sin he was committing, and feeling some measure of conflict over it? He’d reach towards her, and then shake his head and pull back at the last minute, and turn away from her with this broken expression and put a hand to his heart. Finally, at the very end of the song, when he turned to face her and saw she’d bared her throat - his face went entirely blank, cold and decisive, like he’d made up his mind in that moment. Such an interesting take on the number, turning it into a moral dilemma for Krolock even as he’s drawing Sarah into his web!
- During Tanzaal, at the very beginning when he first appeared at the top of the stairs, he greeted the retinue of vampires with a German word I couldn’t catch, and then held out a hand in Herbert’s direction, and announced “Sohn!” with great solemnity and I absolutely loved it :’) all the family Krolock feels.
- He had so much adorable interaction with Herbert throughout the rest of the number, it warmed my heart. They would laugh together and Herbert tapped his shoulder when Sarah entered the room, then leant over to say something to him and they grinned together like two gothic super-villains, it was AMAZING. When Sarah came down the stairs and revealed her full dress, Krolock glanced back at Herbert and raised his eyebrows, like he was saying “See? Told you she was something.” and it was the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen a Krolock do.
- When Alfred almost collided with him at the end of the minuet, he reached out a hand and sort of flicked/stroked Alfred’s open fingertips with one of his nails. It was so creepy and menacing, like Alfred was a mouse on a cat’s claw.
ALFRED (Tom van der Ven)
- Mixed feelings on Tom’s Alfred. I found his first performance dull as dishwater, he had this odd vacant expression for about 50% of the show and it was maddening how bland he made Alfred, even though his chemistry with Sarah and Krolock was fantastic. But! Low and behold! His second performance was much better: more reactive, more expressive, more everything. He brought the character to life, at least in most scenes, and won me over against all the odds. 
- I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but oh my word, he is the absolute cutest of cute Alfreds. If him and Sergey ever starred in Tanz together, the theatre would implode from sheer cuteness overload. He’s so small and slender with these big wide innocent eyes, you just want to hug him every time he walks onstage. He also puts on an oddly plaintive high-pitched voice for Alfred, which I found ??? initially, but I do think it works with his performance. Also: my relatives said his accent was distracting, but I didn’t notice. 
- I love, love, love how truly sincere and ardent he plays Alfred, during any interaction with Sarah. Wirklich Sehr Nett was a real love-at-first-sight moment for him: he spoke so softly to Sarah, he was tentative and gentle, but so genuine. He clearly meant every single word he said, and he gazed at her like she was the sun and moon and stars. My heart, it hath feelings.
- Another Sarah-related thing that he kept up through the entire show: whenever he was singing about Sarah, thinking about Sarah, even remembering Sarah in Ein Guter Tag (“Heut oder nie finde ich zu ihr!”) or Der Gruft (“Denk an Chagal’s Tocher!”) - he got this dorky, dreamy, crooked half-smile and gazed off into the distance like he’d been momentarily transported to Heaven itself and oh my gosh that smile could melt the coldest heart I swear...
- During Tanzaal, he didn’t recognise the Professor at first and just stood awkwardly beside him for a bit...before doing a double take, like “Oh Professor, it’s only you!” which was ever so cute. Then during his little step-toe dance across the stage, he picked his feet up SUPER HIGH like he was trying extra hard to be a Fancy Vampire and it made me giggle so much.
- Any Krolock/Alfred shippers in the house must have been having a field day, because he was so FOCUSSED on Krolock during Vor Dem Schloss, I don’t think he took his eyes off him for a moment. He’d take little stumbling steps towards him like he couldn’t help being drawn in, but then he’d shrink away and sort of ‘hunch’ in on himself in defence when Krolock came close. But when Krolock came right up behind him and shadowed him with his cloak (“Ich lehr dich was es heißt zu leben”), Tom actually turned his head over his shoulder and tilted his face up to gaze at Krolock, VERY reminiscent of Totale Finsternis (paralells!!!!! my favourite thing!!!!!) which was just awesome. 
- Der Gruft was a highlight of both shows, Tom was legitimately hilarious with perfect comic timing, but still so sincere that it broke my heart. When he dropped the hammer, he gazed out at the audience in total horror for a few seconds, before squeaking “Ich kann das nicht” in this tiny high-pitched voice that made the audience laugh so much. Then he delivered “...Aber ich kan dass troztdem nicht!” even higher and squeakier and the audience laughed again and a lady near me went awwww, because it was just so pitiful and sweet.
- I also liked that he went to stake Herbert’s coffin first, out of complete instinct, before the Professor called him back. Interesting that he would consider Herbert most dangerous on a purely subconscious level, even before the events of Wenn Liebe. 
- During Draussen Ist Freiheit, when Sarah booped his nose with her finger, he blinked and raised his own hand to touch his nose in wonder, like “Oh, she nose-booped me :3” and it was just. so. freaking. adorable. 
- HE TRIED TO KISS SARAH AT THE END OF DRAUSSEN, A PROPER KISS ON THE LIPS, MY BRAVE SON...and he mirrored the gesture in the Draussen Reprise as well, right at the climax of the song, he went for a big sweeping kiss right before Sarah bit him. My heart, it hurts. #GiveAlfredHisFirstKiss2k17.
- He also had a fantastic reaction to the bite. He was choking and lolling his head, jerking from side to side and crying out but not quite screaming; he made it believable that the Professor would never hear :(
- His voice has improved, he belted out the latter half of Fuer Sarah with all the warmth and passion in the world. He had a huge grin on his face, and after the end of the song, he let out his breath and collapsed back against the bed, like The Emotion had just overwhelmed him completely <3 
- During Wenn Liebe, his delivery of “Ich zittere niiiiieeeeeee!” was hilarious, his voice was so squeaky and he drew out the last vowel like pleeease noooo.
- He spent the whole dance with Herbert going ‘oof!’ and ‘ah!’ and brought out the protective mother bear in me, because he’s such a delicate guy and needs to be Handled With Care but alas, this is not a concept Herbert understands...
- One acting choice I will never understand from Tom: his very mild, bland facial expressions during certain scenes where the focus isn’t placed chiefly on Alfred, e.g. the whole Chagal-vampire-staking sequence and Wenn Liebe. It’s almost like he doesn’t think anyone will be watching him, during these scenes? But I find it very distracting. For example, when he and the Professor discovered Chagal was missing, he looked...vaguely surprised, rather than shocked/terrified. And during Wenn Liebe, most of the time he’d just stare blankly out into the audience, even when when Kiryll mock-kissed him or declared his love. I think Alfred’s reactions are a HUGE part of what makes these scenes work, and it feels like something is missing without them.
HERBERT (Kiryll Zolygin)
- Kiryll was fine, but he wasn’t my kind of Herbert. He was cold, vain and predatory. He strutted around the stage like a peacock, smoothing his hair back and sticking his chin up and posing just like his father. Very refined, very confident, very intimidating; definitely the Graf’s son through and through. There was nothing amusing about his Herbert, he was cool and prowling and Wenn Liebe played like a sinister game of cat-and-mouse. 
- He was also hard to read at times; his expressions were oddly closed-off and there were times when I honestly didn’t know what Herbert was supposed to be thinking/feeling. When he saw Alfred for the first time, he simply looked steadily at him, his face smooth and expressionless. Even throughout Wenn Liebe, he didn’t seem very besotted with Alfred, just amused - which made his groping extra-creepy and his declaration of love seem more ironic than sincere.
- Speaking of ironic, can someone tell this guy it’s okay to cosy the heck up to Tom when they’re dancing because I swear he was keeping about 3 feet of space between their chests and idk why Herbert von Krolock would ever keep Alfred at such a chaste, safe, heterosexual distance from himself...
- He had the sweetest, most delicate, most Herberty-y giggle I have ever heard in my life, it was perfect and made me smile every time I heard it.
- During Vor Dem Schloss, he did this amazing piece of catwalk nonsense in front of Alfred, striding back and forth like “yes admire me human, behold my glory” whilst Tom stared in bewilderment. My poor son, so confused :)
- He cracked appallingly in Carpe Noctem, both nights. I physically winced. The second time I saw him, he also broke off one of his notes way too early, which was obvious to everyone because Magda held hers perfectly. Poor guy.
- During Wenn Liebe, he mocked-kissed Alfred in the middle of the dance, but Tom didn’t react at all, and I felt bad for him because that’s actually quite a daring thing to attempt, but Tom’s lack of reaction made the moment fall flat. 
- This is a bit yikes but I have to mention it: he very slowly and obviously licked his lips whilst watching Alfred run away into the audience, which definitely takes the jackpot for Creepiest Herbert Gesture Ever.
- During Tanzaal, he came down to the front of the stage and looked RIGHT DOWN AT ME THE AUDIENCE and sneered down at us like we were all Mere Peasants who were unworthy of his presence. I actually shrank back in my seat a bit, it was incredibly intimidating! 
- One VERY interesting addition: he deliberately turned around and watched Alfred dragging his Ewigkeit vampire off-stage to steal his costume. He didn’t react much, just gazed after Alfred like "Hmmm..." - but it was interesting nonetheless, I’ve never seen a Herbert do that before. 
SARAH (Anja Wendzel)
- Both my Sarahs were fantastic, but Anja truly did steal my heart. Bursting with energy and emotion, radiating chemistry with anyone she shared the stage with, and her belt was to die for (plus the sweetest, prettiest head voice too).
- She was such a SULTRY Sarah! I couldn’t believe how flirtatious and sensual she was with Alfred during Wirklich, it was almost too much to watch, and Tom’s Alfred was a complete wreck by the end of it :’) she was also very teasing during the bathtub scene in Act 2, waggling her finger and leaning in towards him when she talked about having one dance free. Poor Alfred.
- During Draussen, she also did this hilarious thing at the beginning of the song: she’s tiptoeing around outside, and suddenly Alfred starts belting “UNTER DIESEM DAAAACH” and she panics and gestures frantically like “nonono shhhhh SSSHHHH!!!!!” and it was so fresh and absolutely hilarious :)
- During Red Boots Ballet, she’d gaze off into space and move in perfect unison with her dance double, lifting her arms a bit or swaying backwards and forwards, basically play-acting the entire dance sequence going on behind her.
- During Gebet, she did something so beautiful, it moved me almost to tears. When Rebecca started singing, she froze in place and her face lit up with recognition, and she whispered “Mama!” so softly. Then she unfolded her shawl, knelt down to pray, but as she prayed, she was shaking her head and trembling and fighting back tears, and finally she couldn’t stop them any longer, and she stopped praying and started sobbing - actually, properly sobbing. It was almost like she was grieving the life/family she was leaving behind. And then as the song built and built, she stopped crying and got this new expression of strength and determination, like she’d finished her mourning, and now she was ready to make her move and start her new life, and finally by the end of the number, she was belting out the final notes with so much passion, her voice was exploding off the stage in front of us, and it was breathtaking. 
SARAH (Maureen Mac Gillavry)
- This woman had a belt that could rival any Elphaba, and her Sarah was so vivacious and likeable, I think she made the entire audience fall in love with her alongside Alfred, which is my very favourite kind of Sarah tbh. 
- She ADORED Alfred, she seemed so giggly and awww over him during their interactions together. Even during Draussen, she clearly still thought he was sweet, she bopped him on the nose and it was simultaneously super cute and a bit patronising all at once - such an effective little gesture! 
- She also made me tear up when Chagal was beating her, she full-on sobbed and cried out at the top of her voice, and then begged him with clasped hands. It was very upsetting, the most harrowing rendition of the scene that I’ve ever watched, she was so raw and desperate in that moment, you just knew you’d do anything to escape if you were in her shoes. 
PROFESSOR (Victor Peterson)
- This guy was was...argh. Not my cup of tea. A very unsympathetic Professor, he came off as plain selfish and annoying. His self-obsession was unbearable in Wahrheit, there was nothing endearing about it at all, he was so shrill and simply came across as obnoxious and over-the-top, like he wanted the whole world to worship him. And half of his jokes didn't land, I swear the audience laughed more at Tom during Der Gruft than they ever did at him.
- His relationship with Alfred was downright cruel in places. He pushed him around and hissed at him really aggressively and pinched his cheek and gosh it was just Not A Good Time. No wonder Tom struggled to show any kind of real devotion to this guy; I usually live for the Professor/Alfred dynamic because it’s so heartwarming, but this was...gosh. This made me almost (almost!) want Alfred to leave him and serve Krolock & Son instead.
- His voice was brilliant. I cannot deny this, it was brilliant. He handled the falsetto sections with absolute confidence and every note was perfect.
MAGDA (Sara Jane Checchi)
- Magda belted stunningly twice...and belted badly twice. I think perhaps she had a bit of a cold, as she seemed to be straining on some of the high notes. 
- That being said, her portrayal was wonderful in every other regard; she was so sweet, so cautious and observant, and seemed to really like Alfred. She spent the whole of Knoblauch trying to get his attention, and seemed to find his ogling very endearing and sweet. Strange, because the patrons of the inn also ogle her like crazy, and grab her skirts etc. which she clearly hated. Maybe she saw Alfred’s ogling as more involuntary and therefore more innocent? (though tbh Tom could make robbing a bank look innocent, so maybe that’s moot point)
- She also gave Chagal a few little smiles during Nie Gesehen which was very unexpected, almost like she was disapproving of his behaviour on principle, but deep down thought he was quite amusing. Interesting take on that relationship.
- During Wahrheit, she and Rebecca were signalling back and forth, across the yard; Rebecca wanted her to eaves-drop on Alfred and the Professor whispering together, but Magda couldn’t make out the words as she was too far away. I love the idea of these two characters being in ‘cahoots’ so to speak.
CHAGAL (Jerzy Jeszke)
- I want to mention that Chagal was not only hilarious, but also slightly less lecherous than other performances I’ve seen. His voice was also fantastic, a very strong full sound, which made his more honourable moments (e.g. “Ich bringt sie wieder!”) surprisingly impactful. Good job, my dude, good job. 
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ninequestions9 · 5 years
Jessica, 25, Aspiring Actor
What is the biggest frustration you’re facing now?
That in order to do the things I really care about I need money, but in order to get money, I need to spend most of my time on things I don’t really care about, which takes away from that time I have to do things I do care about.
2. What trait do you wish you most had?
Ease of talking to people and relating to people more. It’s something you need in life just to get along. I struggle with it which makes a lot of normal life things, like calling the credit card company because something happened, a source of great anxiety, which it shouldn’t be.
3. What are 3 characteristics you look for in a friend?
Loyalty, humor, and accepting, but also not afraid to be able to tell you when you’re being an idiot.
    Loyalty because I feel like I’m a loyal person and also kind of a jealous person and if I have a friend who then kind of flakes on me or acts one way one time and acts a different way around a different group of people, I find that very annoying. It’s frustrating and also I tend to take it personally. It’s probably more just that person than me, but I don’t like that. I prefer someone who is loyal and not a different way around different people. So a true and loyal friend.
    Humor because I like to laugh and I think everybody likes to laugh. It’s hard to be friends with someone who is serious all the time. Even if you respect them, it’s hard to really be friends if you can’t share laughter.
    And the third longer one that I said because you can’t be friends with someone if you’re constantly afraid they’ll judge you. So accepting, but you also don’t want someone who’s going to allow you to do something really dumb. That’s not a true friend if you’re doing something that needs to be addressed. A true friend will call you out on it.
4. What makes you feel brave?
I mean it’s small scale, but dealing with people is something that scares me sometimes. Doing that makes me feel, maybe not brave, but proud of facing my fears. When I taught pre-school for a little while, and I don’t feel like I’m someone who connects very well with children naturally….there’s some people kids just naturally like and I don’t feel like I’m one of those people….but the fact that I would go there every week, even though I was terrified, and ended up loving it. I was pretty proud of myself.
5. What makes you feel vulnerable?
Sharing personal struggles with people. That’s kind of cliche, but true. I think in general we like to put on a face of “this is what kind of person I am” and that’s usually a strong “I have everything together” kind of face. I guess especially if there’s a particular area….like there are areas where I make no attempt to disguise the fact that I’m not good at…those areas where anybody would know I’m not super skilled. But other areas where it seems like this is something that I am good at, or something I am together with…..confessing struggles in those areas is scary and vulnerable.
6. What was your proudest moment?
An accomplishment that I was proud of was for my sister’s wedding/Christmas gift. Background to that story: last Christmas, there was a painting in a thrift store that I had noticed when I went shopping with my sister and she told me that her, at the time, boyfriend had also noticed it. I was going to get it for him, but by the time we went back, it had been sold. He was upset because he was like “We should have just bought it while it was there,” but my sister didn’t want to buy his Christmas present in front of him. So for their wedding, I was gunna find the painting and buy it for them, but it was really expensive, so instead of buying it for them, I took a screen shot of the image online and I painted it. I’ve never painted before, but I watched Bob Ross videos and I sketched out this painting and I painted it. It took me probably over 24 hours all together. I know one day it was almost 12 hours straight! So I painted a picture of a ship and when I gave it to her, my sister said “Where did you find it?” So I must have done a good job! It must have looked like the original and I told her I made it. So I was pretty proud of that. Having no experience painting and I made that and gave it to them as a gift!
    And a “proud of” moment is whenever I see people I love and care about succeeding. My little sister, who follows in my theater-loving foot steps, got the lead role in her 5th grade play. I was at home at the time so I’d helped her prepare for the audition and then she came home from school and she was like “I got Jane! I got Jane!” So I was proud of her for that! Any time I see her on stage too. She was Babette in Beauty and the Beast and she was fantastic! Even though she had wanted Belle, she was amazing as Babette and I was proud of her. Also seeing my other sister get married and just the person she’s become, I’m really proud of her.
7. Who is your role model / hero and why?
I think there are certain traits of different people that I take as a role model in different areas. My two best friends from high school are people who just love people really well.  I mean I love people, but I don’t relate to people as well as either of them, so I admire that and sort of aspire to that. My parents. Sort of a cliche answer, but they’re wonderful people in their faith and their commitment to each other and just how they go through life and trust in God. They’re very admirable. They’re role models I guess.
8. What is one life lesson you’d like to pass down to future generations?
   This sounds really basic and it’s something that everyone hears, but it’s worth saying again: Not to worry so much about how you’re perceived. The more you worry about how people are perceiving you, the less you’re connecting with that person. The more you worry about how you’ll be perceived, the worse you’ll be perceived. So it defeats itself. If you are just content with who you are or put more interest in the other person or the situation at hand and less on perception, they probably will perceive you better. If they don’t, then their opinion is probably not as important as you think it is.
    There was a particular instance. The short version is I realized the worst that could happen is they reject me…you know, going into almost any social interaction with that thought of “but what if they reject me?” But then sort of the worst happened, but instead of scarring me for life and thinking “No one will ever like me,” I went “That happened, it sucked, but I survived.” Actually, now knowing how it feels to actually be rejected, freed me up to make sure I’m not that sort of person to other people. I can reach out to people, not needing anything from them, just making sure they don’t feel pushed aside the way I was. I think that was an important sort of life changing lesson for me to learn. I think it’s an important one that everyone should know.
9. What is your opinion of Jesus?
He’s pretty amazing! You know, I love Christmas for traditional Christmas things. I love decorations and buying presents for people, making presents for people, family, Christmas movies, Christmas music. What I think is the coolest thing about Christmas that to me makes it even more exciting is the height of contrast between Jesus in glory in Heaven and being all powerful, supreme lord of the universe to a baby. I’ve been around babies, they’re not all that impressive. They look cute in nativity scenes with the little halo, but babies are really not that glamorous. Especially poor babies born on the road in sort of limbo in the middle of chaos. Then going on to live a not very glamorous life. Also knowing how messed up this world is, going from perfection to voluntarily stepping into this messed up world kind of blows my mind. Not to mention that it was all for the purpose of redeeming his people, which is pretty awesome.
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almohamady-blog · 5 years
MCU: Most Defining Scenes of The Original 6 Avengers
We’re in the endgame now. The Avengers movie we’ve been waiting, theorizing about, obsessing over and anticipating more than any other movie for quite some time is finally coming to theaters this week. Avengers: Endgame has been marketed as the culmination of over a decade of Marvel films revolving around the core six who kicked this whole thing off. The original six Avengers also just happen to be some of the few heroes left after Thanos’ snap. Since it's distinctly possible we’ll be saying some goodbyes to the heroes at the center of this franchise phenomenon, let’s take a trip down memory lane to the moments in the MCU that were instrumental in defining the climax we’ll soon be witnessing. Avengers Assemble!
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I Am Iron Man
Iron Man kicked off the MCU back in 2008 with an unforgettable bang from Robert Downey Jr’s Tony Stark when he broke the superhero cardinal rule: announcing your identity… oh, and on live television. It was already a different kind of origin story about a billionaire playboy’s journey into creating his own tech to undo the damage his weapons company had created. The final moment of the film showed the new Marvel universe wouldn’t be playing the same game as Superman or Batman and making a mark of its own.
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I Told You, I Don’t Want To Join Your Super Secret Boyband
After Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury makes his first appearance during the post-credit scene for Iron Man, the Avengers ringleader came back for the sequel to give Tony Stark a bit of an intervention on his recklessness midway through the film. He brings along Black Widow too on her first-ever appearance in the MCU. It’s a funny scene that has Fury calling Stark out for what he’s doing wrong and helping him out on his hero work. While Stark is great at playing it off, he probably needed a dose of S.H.I.E.L.D. on his side at that moment before he had the Avengers.
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If He Be Worthy
Chris Hemsworth’s Thor has certainly come a long way since having bleached eyebrows and Natalie Portman’s Jane on his arm in his 2011 origin story. The quirky action flick introduced audiences to the complicated relationship between brothers Thor and Loki, culminating in the scene where Thor stands up to his brother (who's controlling The Destroyer) by sacrificing himself in order to save the people on Earth. While he takes a pretty bad hit, it earns him the right to his iconic hammer from Odin. At the same time, it angers Loki further which later kicks off the events of The Avengers.
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Peggy, I’m Gonna Need A Raincheck On That Dance
This scene gets me every. single. time. It’s the moment when Cap must force down the plane in order to save everyone while on the line with Peggy Carter. It’s also the scene that signals Steve Rogers’ ultimate sacrifice to become a hero, which he ends up needing to live with nearly 70 years later when he is dug out of some ice. As Cap’s journey continues, the past that could have been haunting him and his relationship with Peggy is an important one (even alluded to in an Endgametrailer).
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I’m In The Middle Of An Interrogation
It’s crazy to imagine that just a few years ago in 2012, a showcase of female badassery such as Black Widow’s at the beginning of The Avengers was something new to be introduced on screen. Since we have Rey in Star Wars, Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel and so on, but I distinctly remember the way Scarlett Johansson lights up this scene, in particular, feel special. It was the start of an era for action flicks and this defining scene was certainly part of it. From her snark and the skilled choreography, this is the moment when we were all sold on Black Widow.
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That’s My Secret Cap, I’m Always Angry
Aside from the snap, this might just be the most iconic moment in the MCU to date. As Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow and Hawkeye deal with the chaos attacking New York, Bruce Banner later rides up on a motorcycle to help. While the character’s fear of losing control to the “other guy” is brought up throughout the film, here he embraces it with the above line and completes the Avengers team once he Hulks out. That iconic shot of the six of them in a circle taking on the alien army showed the power of the MCU as the team was successfully brought together.
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I’m Not Going To Fight You, You’re My Friend
Skipping to Captain America: Winter Soldier, Steve Rogers grapples with his past in a big way when he ends up in a showdown fight with his ol’ pal Bucky (a.k.a. Winter Soldier) in the finale of the film. A brainwashed Bucky is beating Cap up real good, but he refuses to fight with his best friend, even trying to jog his memory to help him remember. It’s a clever work of irony that the one piece of his past he can have is the person he is at odds with. While the relationship between them never seems to feel like the ‘40s, an ounce of Bucky does come through when he saves Cap from drowning.
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Did You Bring Auntie Nat?
The MCU has always struggled a bit to give Hawkeye a story arc for the audience to care about, especially when he wasn’t given a movie of his own prior and his abilities are objectively less impressive than his fellow members. Avengers: Age of Ultron helped turned that around when it was revealed that Hawkeye has a family of his own living out somewhere in a safe house set up by Fury. His wife (Linda Cardellini) and kids surprise the other Avengers when they turn up to the house and Natasha have a cute banter with them. The scene helped to humanize Clint and get us more interested in his double life.
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We’re Still Friends, Right?
Fans were divided into Team Cap and Team Iron Man in the event film Captain America: Civil War that had a bit of the old and new team of heroes fighting against each other based on principle. It will be hard to soon forget the airport battle that had Spider-Man, Ant-Man and Black Panther being featured in the mix, along with most of the original Avengers punching it out in a dynamic we’re not used to. Black Widow and Hawkeye going head-to-head were really fun, along with Cap and Spidey, but when Rhodey got hurt, it took a turn for the serious.
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I Can Do This All Day
Civil War went for another unexpected match-up of hero versus hero when Iron Man and Captain America ended up getting into a heated fist fight over what should be done with Bucky, who is revealed to be the killer of Stark’s parents but is still Cap’s old bestie. It was a heartbreaking moment to watch as the heroes who once worked side-by-side were violently going at each other until Cap pins Iron Man on the floor and walks away with Bucky as he yells “That shield doesn’t belong to you. You don’t deserve it. My father made that shield.”
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Are You Thor? The God of Hammers?
After Thor: Ragnarok delivered a completely different (and welcome) side of Odinson thanks to Taika Waititi’s direction, the third Thor film also upgraded his powers as well to someone much more powerful than a big hunk with a hammer. After Hela rips out his eye and looks to be doing quite well for herself in taking over Asgard, Thor is able to see a vision of his father, who tells him that the hammer isn’t the source of his power, but a way to wield it. To “Immigrant Song,” Thor comes out with this thunderous powers and with some help from Hulk and the gang, takes down her army. His newfound powers come in handy for Thanos, but aren't quite enough…
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You Should Have Gone For The Head
This scene brings us up to speed to the jaw-dropping events of Infinity War where the Avengers actually fail to stop Thanos from possessing all the Infinity Stones and wiping out half of all life in the universe. The scene when the core Avengers have to watch as heroes all around them turn to dust and they are powerless to stop it is truly one we won’t soon forget, especially since it’s so untypical for them to not save the day. The ending was a complete shock at the end of the movie, especially when they were so close to victory. It showed the Avengers are flawed and not at a place of unity. What’s next for the Avengers? We’ll know soon when Endgame hits theaters on April 26. What are your favorite moments in the MCU so far? Let us know in the comments below! Read the full article
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newagesispage · 5 years
                                                                MAY   2019
 ***** Illinois pot growers say that if more licenses aren’t issued to growers, there could be a shortage if recreational weed is legalized. Studies show that medical cannabis demand is under reported. ** Support Senate Bill 7 to legalize recreational marijuana. It is the early stages and has not yet been fleshed out but the bare bones of it passed the committee 12-4. Let’s go!
*****With the presentation of the Peabody award, Rita Moreno will become the third PEGOT winner on May 18. She will join Barbra Streisand and Mike Nichols on that list.
***** Harvard and Yale text book writing U.S. rep in California, Katie Porter is really shaking up the congressional hearings. Go Go Go!!
***** Could Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker have a way of keeping Trump off the ballot? Are the Dems getting as creative as the GOP?  Illinois is looking into forcing candidates to show the last 10 years of their tax returns or their name will not appear on the ballot.
***** Michael Shannon and Audra McDonald are the newest to play Frankie and Johnny on Broadway.
***** Watching the clueless old white politicians on the Sunday morning shows (yea, you John Barraso) makes me a little queasy. ** And I get so tired of the talking heads speaking for the ‘middle of the country’.  Most of the people I know care deeply about the Mueller report. Who the fuck are they talking about? Talk about special rules for our rich President as we remember Nixon and the Clintons. Why should Scary Clown 45 get such great treatment?  I am always hearing about the ‘middle of the country’ worrying about feeding our families and fixing our cars and not knowing or caring about issues in Washington. It is true that so many are living the paycheck to paycheck dream and are burdened with health care and other emergencies they can’t afford but they pay attention to the political problems of this country too. Since citizens don’t have the time or the power or money to be in Washington, they rely on those they voted for to keep each other in line.  Quit letting the shady shit go on. Have some backbone and do not let things slide. Simple rule: DO WHAT IS RIGHT.
***** Word is that Somebody paid off Brett Kavanaugh’s $92,000 country club fees, $200,000 credit card debt and 1.2 mil mortage. Seems like someone might own him.
***** Maria Butina was sentenced to 18 months.
***** The Man in the High Castle will end after season 4.
***** I love the way Abigail Disney is standing up to CEO’s.  The points she makes are ones that the corporation heads always hope you won’t think about. Shouldn’t employees be treated fairly? If a CEO is motivated by their own bonus they are far more likely to overlook things like environmental damage, human rights violations and worker’s rights. Nobel prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz agrees.
***** When will the press (local and worldwide), give equal exposure to ALL candidates that run for office, especially President? We want to be informed. I do research but not everybody does and needs it to be easily accessible. Sometimes you have to spoon feed but why is it so hard to be fair? Enough with the agendas!!! There also needs to be more places to look for local issues. I hear so many citizens that tell me they don’t know what will be on the ballot. The info can be hard to find but USA Facts helps. Check it out!
***** Four days after confirmation, secretary of interior, David Bernhardt is under investigation for ethical misconduct.
***** Rod Rosenstein is out! His good bye included praise for the Pres and thanking him for all the personal conversations!! What He is the Deputy AG. What??
***** Jordan Klepper did a great gag on comedy central with the Clintons about Hil doing the audio book of the Mueller report. Yes!!
***** The Trumps are suing Deutsche bank and Capital One so they won’t turn over financial records to congress. Aren’t these actions obstruction of congress?
***** Indivisible is getting voters and candidates to sign a pledge to make the primary constructive and support the ultimate democratic winner.
***** Thank you to Tricia Newbold who is the WH whistle blower who let us know about Trump overriding security clearances. Rumor is that to punish her they took advantage of her physical limitations and purposely put files high and out of her reach. Wow! That is right out of high school.
***** Julian Assange was taken into custody and it seems he has turned into some sort of odd Howard Hughes character.
***** Hollywood is putting on a fundraiser for Mayor Pete. The event will be co-hosted by Ryan Murphy and hubby David Miller, Matt Bomer, Jess Cagle and hubby Matt Whitney and Billy Eichner among others. Murphy also hosted Kamala Harris on April 12. Some of Pete’s major donors have been Ryan Reynolds, Jane Lynch, Mandy Moore, Bradley Whitford and James Murdoch.
***** The Webby awards have been announced. Some winners are Billy on the Street, James Corden, Schitt’s Creek, Pod Save the People and Jimmy Kimmel’s mean tweets. Best music video went to Donald Glover for This is America and The Daily won for its onald J. Trump presidential twitter library.
***** Better Call Saul will call it quits after season 6.
***** Charlize Theron and Seth Rogan star in Long Shot, a political rom com out May 3.
*****& Sara Gilbert joins season 3 of Atypical!!!!!
***** Mushroom season is here and it looks like our friend Kavin is sure bringing ‘em home.
***** The shower toga looks like a great get for the festival scene.
***** Barry has been picked up for season 3. Hell yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
***** The state of Georgia wants to make any embryo a fully legalized citizen. An embryo would count on taxes and be able to receive child support.
***** Please let the immigrant children out of their cages!
***** Stacey Abrams has a best seller, Lead from the Outside.
***** Did Harper Lee write ‘The Reverand?’ Oh how I wish I knew!!
***** When will the Bob Geldof story make it to the big screen and can Pete Davidson play him please??
***** Tuca and Bertie from Netflix looks awesome. It has to be good with stars Ali Wong and Tiffany Haddish!!
***** John Lithgow is about to release a book with his poetry about the President which will carry the title of his pet name (everybody seems to have one for Trump), Dumpty.
***** The Sultan of Brunei owns the Hotel Bel-Air in L.A. and the Beverly Hills Hotel. His country will now stone gay people to death. BOYCOTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
***** Tim Ryan is running for President.
***** Seth Moulton is running for President.
***** Joe Biden is running for President.
***** What the hell is happening to Steak ‘n Shake??
***** What the hell is the matter with Senator Mike Lee? He makes a ridiculous presentation with a flying Reagan and all and now he says that babies may be the answer to climate change. He says we need to be free and develop. What is this gut talking about? Why are people like this getting into office?
***** There is a new podcast called Analysis of a killer.
***** Marianne Williamson is running for President.
***** Eric Swalwell is running for President.
***** The notion that Trumps twitter is like a national nanny cam makes perfect sense.
***** Can’t wait to read Seth Abramson’s, Proof of collusion.
***** The question isn’t really collusion. The redacted Mueller report is out and we now see why the team itself did not draw conclusions. All the evidence is there and a sitting President can’t be indicted…. Or can he? There are, however, multiple examples of corruption.  It didn’t cost as much as other independent counsel reports because of all the fines that were charged to Manafort and others pretty much paid for it. Mueller called and wrote to Attorney General Barr and told him he created confusion with his memo and that it didn’t really tell the story.
***** In about 12 years Mueller Probe will be a cool name for a band. –Sarah Silverman
***** Federal appellate judge Maryanne Trump Barry, sister of the President has officially retired at age 82. She was put on the U.S. court of appeals by Bill Clinton. And with that, so ends the investigation into her alleged violations of judicial conduct rules because of participation in fraudulent tax schemes with her siblings in the 90’s.
***** I loved the mash up of Trevor Noah taking over the chair and interviewing Colbert on the Late Show.
***** Oliver North and Wayne LaPierre have been fighting amongst themselves at the NRA. Blackmail? Was North trying to get LaPierre out? The board is standing by the VP while North seems aligned with a public relations firm that some board members disagree with. There are many financial questions as  well. Once again the NRA held its annual convention which does not allow guns. At the end of April North was forced out
***** The Universe is about a billion years younger than we thought according to astronomer Adam Riess. This is causing experts to look into rethinking dark energy and dark matter. Total mind blow!!!
***** People have taken to wearing Free Britney T’s. Her fans held a protest in L.A. to free her from the facility they believe she was forced into.
***** It seems fads lately are all about internet speak like. “felt cute ….” And etc. like that.
***** They are working on a Beauty and the Beast themed bar in Florida.
***** Seymour, Indiana recently uncovered pieces of a mastodon.
***** Mia Farrow has a cute little blue headed bird that visits here every morning. Is it Sinatra?
***** U go Grace Jones, showing us how to do it at 70!!!!!!
***** J Lo and Owen Wilson will star in Marry Me about a pop star who marries a random man in the crowd.
***** Magic Johnson resigned as President of the Lakers. The Owner and general manager were supposedly bad mouthing him.
***** The sweetest moment in the inductions on this year’s rock and roll hall of fame was the love shown for Rick Allen, the drummer for Def Leppard.
***** So twice as many companies don’t pay taxes now thanks to all the tax cuts. Some even get refunds. Scary Clown sure is making it work for the big guys!!
***** Former President of Peru, Alan Garcia shot himself before his arrest for corruption.
***** Wendy Williams and Howard Stern seem to be having a little war of words. She claims he has gone Hollywood and he called her a cunt. She has filed for divorce from this apparently nasty hubby of hers. I thought I heard her say just weeks ago that they were fine.
***** Joel McHale is in the new season of Santa Clarita Diet.
***** Has anybody checked out John Bouvier Kennedy Schlossberg  ( Wow! Talk about getting the whole treatment) lately ? John F’s only grandson, better known as Jack Schlossberg , has a bright future ahead.
***** Lori Lightfoot has been elected the first black, openly gay woman as Mayor of Chicago.
***** Dave Tilley beat out John McCarty, who passed away in February, to become Spring Bay, Il. Village President.
*****Britney Spears’ Father is in ill health and Britney checked into a facility.
***** Zachary Quinto stars in the new NOS4A2.
***** It’s funny to me that when a true crime story hour begins, you never hear that he (cuz 9 times out of 10 it is the male spouse who is the culprit), was an atheist or an agnostic. No, it is always that he or the family attended church regularly or that they were close to God. This is just a pattern I have observed, totally my own thoughts.  Sometimes it gets way outer limits with the Fathers who sort of run their own cult out of the house. Of course this is not a blanket statement for we see wonderful things being done in the name of the Lord.  It just seems like there is a fine line where religion can be used as a way to hold their power and hide secrets. JS
***** Herman Cain and or Stephen Moore on the Federal regulatory board?  Well, Herman Cain dropped out.
***** Andrew Yang is running for President. Join the Yang Gang!! He wants to free all prisoners with non -violent marijuana offenses, free healthcare for all and every adult gets $1000.00 a month.
***** The Criminal Minds cast is ending their run. I think they should get together one more time and do a sort of Agatha Christie whodunit.
***** Secretary of Homeland security, Kirstjen Nielsen is out.
***** Acting ICE director, Ron Vitiello is out.
***** Dislike the elite? Nobody is more elite that Trump. How do so many people not get that?
***** Every woman should be able to tell her truth and who knows what makes a person uncomfortable but I think Joe Biden is going thru some bullshit. I don’t agree with everything he has done thru the years but I trust Biden and think he would be a great President.  I do think, however that his moment has passed.
***** Check out the behind the scenes book of Washington, ‘The Hill to die on’ by Jake Sherman and Anna Palmer. More proof that Trump just looks at everything as just a big show with his quote,“ There are ratings for everything.”
***** The Profiles in Courage award this year goes to Nancy Pelosi.
***** I have seen the pharmaceutical reps while at some recent Dr.visits, buying elaborate catered affairs for the medical staff.  It is a weekly thing. They sure have some money to throw around. No wonder everybody is hooked on something.
***** Real National emergencies: The electoral college, the discrepancies between the rich and the poor which makes it impossible to achieve the American dream, climate change and healthcare.
***** The co- founder of Home Depot, Ken Langone has seen to it that medical school students at NYU are given free tuition always. YEOW!!
***** We should take a lesson from Sudan. They have ousted President Omar al-Bashir, the butcher of Dafur. The protests have led to his indictment for genocide and crimes against humanity.
***** We never stop learning: Archaeologists have discovered an extinct human species they have never known in the Phillipines that they are calling homo luzonensis.
***** Is Cody Fern teasing us on Instagram about season 9 of American Horror Story:1984?
***** Rumple Buttercup by Matthew Gray Gubler hit #1 on the NY Times bestseller list.
***** As we celebrate the 25th anniversary of Tarantino’s Palme d’or win in Cannes, he is busy editing Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. It isn’t clear if he’ll get the film to this year’s event. Word is coming out that it is fantastic though.
***** I am a little bit sickened that the worst cooks show actually has Jimmie Walker and Tonya Harding on the same show.  Can’t the world find something better for a talent like Walker?? Come on!!
***** Is Stephen Miller and Fox news really running this country?
***** R.I.P. Mildred Mercy Tomes, Christine Marie Rinehart, Sen. Ernest Hollings, Dan Robbins, Shag Sheckler, Charles Van Doren, Georgia Engel, victims of the Sri Lanka shrine and hotel bombings, Lyra Mckee, David Brion Davis, MyLecia Naylor, Shelley Lazar, Mark Medoff, Warren Adler , Lori Kaye, John Singleton, victims of the University of North Carolina shooting and Ken Kercheval.
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inexcon · 7 years
RSI Comm-Link: StarWatch: Ancient Scandals
Send Your Tips to StarWatch!
Get ready, get set, because Callie C is about to go full StarWatch on you. We’ve got the hottest celebrity entertainment news from across the Empire primed to beam direct, with only the freshest of the fresh thanks to our insightful insiders and tenacious tipsters working tirelessly to get the drop for you.
First up, a new fashion trend that’s less about what you wear, and more about what you don’t. Specifically, onola gems. These pale blue incandescent crystals have been showing up on runways all over the place since Opal Sky used them heavily in their Spring ’46 collection. I’m sure some of you deep scanners out there have spotted my festive Venti slips that are just oozing with the suckers. Cute as hell, but that might not be enough to save them from being trashed. A fashion design collective calling themselves Last Impression have started a movement to get manufacturers to boycott the use of the little sparkles. Turns out that the mines in Tyrol where they’re collected may not be the nicest place to work. The group’s been sharing some pretty nasty vid of the poor conditions there, and it’s heartbreaking. Celebrities like Uvara, Karen Masters and Trilo have already joined the boycott effort, and as of right now, so am I. ’Cause fashion is just as much about reflecting who you are on the inside as it is what you look like on the outside, right?
Next, we got some musical mayhem going on. From what we hear, not all is synching on the Cries of Whispers tour. Musically, the pairing of electro-thunk sensation Miss Nomer with the traditional Xi’an choral septet Nyalāth has been earning tons of exube reviews from fans and critics, but apparently, backstage things weren’t as harmonious. Now, we haven’t received deets on exactly what the drama was — I don’t buy for a second the spectrum theory that it’s the food smells coming from Nyalāth’s dressing room — but our tipster’s reporting that Miss Nomer has officially broken her contract and is ending the tour early. While normally this would be devastating news, it has the makings of something a bit more dire since the tour was officially sponsored by the Xi’an government.
Planned as part of the push to get that treaty thing everyone’s been talking about passed, they had hoped this concert tour would spread a little xeno-goodwill around. Definitely an ill omen if Miss Nomer — who had the fortitude to date the infamously annoying Sess Tandi for three whole weeks — can’t make peace with them. With her exiting, the organizers are desperately pinging other musicians to take Miss Nomer’s place. My vote? Raz Ditto. Those otherworldly Xi’an trimonic chords with Raz’s soulful wail? Yes, please.
From there we go to the case of the missing Cass. Tons of you who tuned in to watch the new series Then There Were Three last night were surprised to see the role of Agent Styles played not by infamous gadabout Ellroy Cass, as showcased in the trailer released a few months back, but by the adequately handsome Tyrese Leroc. Reaching out, we got confirmation that the studio decided to “go in a different direction for the role.” Or in other words, they spent a lot of time and credits at the last minute to reshoot all the scenes with Cass so that they wouldn’t be associated with his all-consuming wreck of a life. For those of you keeping track, this is the third major role poor Cass has lost in the wake of his drug fueled crash and burn at the Crimson Tower premiere two months ago. Of course, the first two hadn’t started shooting yet, so this one has got to be stinging a bit more.
I’ll admit it. I’m getting worried about our golden boy. After all his slip-ups and comebacks, has he finally vented all his good will? Scary thought. I’m not sure I want to live in a ‘verse void of his scandals and overacting. I mean, just think about all he’s given us this year alone. Glitter abs? Jumper juice? The phrase “I just cassed out”?
To help him rise phoenix-like once again, I wanted to use a bit of our precious StarWatch time to put all of Cass’s celebrity ass-hatery in proper historical context. And people say this show’s not educational and stuff! I am one hundred percent stoked to welcome friend and historian, Jane Osbar, professor of new media at U of R and author of Pixels and Pain: Digital Emotional Transcendence. For the next couple of shows, she is going to highlight some of the biggest celeb scandals of the past few centuries, all of which make the stuff Cass’s been up to look all kinds of tame.Thanks for being on the show again, Jane!
JANE: You know as soon as you comm, Callie, I come running. Ancient celebrity gossip is my passion.
I am totally picturing a class full of confused students wondering where the heck you are right now.
JANE: No way, they totally know where I am. StarWatch is required viewing for all my classes. Hey, guys!
Are you serious? This might be the most touched I’ve ever been other than that time I got to meet Jo Niar. Surprisingly into hugging, that one. Speaking of inappropriate actions, care to share the first shocker you’ve selected for us?
JANE: I thought we’d start with Gil Taggart from way back in 2762.
Oh man, I love this story. So dark!
JANE: It is definitely a skin crawler. Basically, imagine the most attractive person you can and that was Gil for people back then. When you see the pics of him, it doesn’t quite translate because of the long hair braids, but take my word, those were totally in style.
Our fashion expert, Nisco, has promised me those are coming back but I refuse to believe him. Anyway, Gil. Super-hot.
JANE: Right. He has fame and fortune, and then one day he’s flying to some big party, and his ship runs into some engine trouble. The pilot sends out an emergency signal, but it cuts off almost immediately. It was still on long enough to attract the attention of a nearby repair station, so they send out a trawler just in case there’s some credits to be made. When they approach the ship they can’t raise anyone on the comms, so they send someone over to investigate.
It’s like something straight out of vid.
JANE: They EVA over, cut their way into a hatch, and find the pilot shot to death in a pool of blood in a room with three stasis pods, each one containing a greenish-skinned person also shot to death. Gil is nowhere to be found. And on top of all that, it turns out that the ship had been set to self-destruct, but thanks to the same mechanical problem that had killed the engine, it didn’t work.
Can you imagine finding that on an abandoned ship? Goodbye, sleep.
JANE: It’s even worse once you know what he had been doing with those bodies. The Advocacy would find out that as Gil was getting older, he had been more and more preoccupied about the signs of aging. Somehow he had come to believe that the copper rich blood of people from Lorona would help him stay young, but only if he got it directly from the source. So for going on five years, he had been storing people in those pods and using them for forced blood transfusions. He did them constantly, hence why he had to bring them when he traveled. When the ship broke down, Gil panicked, killed everyone, set the self-destruct and fled.
And no one ever found where he went, right?
JANE: Yup. Vanished. Though there are some rumors in Kesseli that Gil stills roams the caves sucking the blood of the innocent.
How’s that for putting Cass doing a bit too much flow in perspective? At least he’s not vampiring all up on people. On that happy thought, StarWatch is taking a quick break. Don’t you dare go anywhere.
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