#he’s not even real like this is just a coincidence
elryuse · 2 days
Yandere wonyoung x male childhood friend. But this time both YN & Wonyoung had a good & happy ending.
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The hallway echoed with the rhythmic clack of Wonyoung's patent leather loafers. Her dark school uniform, tailored to accentuate her impossibly small waist, seemed to billow with an unseen wind as she stalked towards Y/n. His deep laugh, punctuated by the giggles of his girlfriend, Jihyo, grated on Wonyoung's nerves like nails on a chalkboard.
They used to be inseparable, Y/n and her. Crawling through mud puddles, building sandcastles that vanished with the tide. But high school brought new priorities, and Jihyo, with her warm smile and infectious laughter, had become Y/n's new companion.
Wonyoung stopped a few feet behind them, her meticulously styled dark hair framing a face that could switch from cute to chilling in a heartbeat. Her usually large, doe-eyed gaze narrowed into slits, the playful glint replaced by a cold, predatory gleam.
Jihyo, sensing the shift in atmosphere, turned around, a smile faltering on her lips. "Oh hi, Wonyoung! "
"Hey," Wonyoung replied, her voice a saccharine syrup laced with venom. "Nice… picnic for two?" Her eyes lingered on Jihyo's hand, innocently intertwined with Y/n's.
Y/n, ever oblivious, turned around with a goofy grin. "Wonyoung! Didn't see you there. What's up?"
Ignoring Y/n, Wonyoung leaned in, her voice a chilling whisper that only Jihyo could hear. "He doesn't belong to you. Not anymore."
Jihyo, pale and trembling, mumbled a quick goodbye and practically ran away. Wonyoung watched her go, a satisfied smirk curling her lips. Now, it was just her and Y/n.
"What was that about?" Y/n asked, his brow furrowed in confusion.
Wonyoung's smile disappeared, replaced by a mask of vulnerability. "I just miss us, Y/n. Remember those times when it was just me and you?"
Y/n sighed, running a hand through his hair. "We can still hang out, Wonyoung. It's not like Jihyo replaced you."
Replaced. The word sent a spike of murderous possessiveness through Wonyoung. Replaced? He was hers, always had been, even if he couldn't see it.
"But it's not the same," she whined, her voice thick with feigned sadness. "She doesn't understand you like I do."
Y/n opened his mouth to protest, but Wonyoung cut him off. Tears welled up in her eyes, but they were cold, devoid of real emotion. "Do you even remember what happened the last time you told me you liked someone else?"
Y/n's eyes widened. A shiver ran down his spine as he recalled the "accident" that had mysteriously broken his first girlfriend's leg, effectively ending their relationship. Wonyoung, ever the concerned friend, had been there to comfort him then too.
Suddenly, the seemingly innocuous childhood games of hide-and-seek and truth-or-dare took on a sinister hue. Was it a coincidence that every girl Y/n showed interest in ended up ostracized or worse?
Terror replaced confusion in Y/n's eyes. He took a hesitant step back, but Wonyoung was quicker. Before he could react, she grabbed his arm, her grip surprisingly strong.
"Don't worry," she whispered, her voice sweet but laced with a chilling possessiveness. "Now that you remember, we can be happy again. Just you and me, like it always should have been."
Y/n was trapped. He had to play along, at least for now. But a small seed of defiance bloomed in his heart. He had to find a way out of this twisted game of love and fear.
As Wonyoung linked her arm through his, her perfect smile masking the darkness within, Y/n knew this was just the beginning of a terrifyingly sweet nightmare. Sleep became a stranger, replaced by the constant vigilance of not upsetting the delicate balance of Wonyoung's affection.
Nights were filled with whispered threats disguised as promises, and days a suffocating routine of Wonyoung orchestrating every aspect of their lives. Yet, amidst the terror, a strange realization dawned on Y/n. Wonyoung, for all her twisted devotion, cared for him deeply, in her own warped way.
One stormy night, as Wonyoung held him close, her grip tighter than usual, Y/n decided he couldn't live like this anymore. He had to take a chance.
"Wonyoung," he said, his voice barely a whisper. She looked at him, her eyes filled with a manic adoration that sent shivers down his spine. "Yes, Y/n?"
"I… I know you care about me," he began, his voice trembling slightly. "But this, us being like this… it's not healthy. It scares me."
Wonyoung's smile faltered for a fraction of a second, a flicker of something akin to fear crossing her features before it was masked by a pout. "Why does it scare you, Y/n? Don't you trust me?"
"It's not that I don't trust you," he said, taking a deep breath. "It's just that… I don't think this is love. This isn't the way friends treat each other."
The words hung heavy in the air, a challenge to the twisted reality Wonyoung had constructed. A tear rolled down her cheek, this one seemingly genuine. "But I love you, Y/n. I always have."
"And I care about you too, Wonyoung," he said, reaching out to gently wipe away her tear. "More than you know. But maybe… maybe our love can be something normal. We can be friends again, the way we used to be."
Silence stretched between them, thick with tension. Y/n braced himself for another outburst, for the possessiveness to resurface. But instead, Wonyoung surprised him.
A single tear escaped her eye, tracing a glistening path down her cheek. Her voice trembled as she spoke, "Do you think… do you think that's possible?"
Y/n saw a flicker of vulnerability in her eyes, a glimpse of the girl he used to know, hidden beneath the layers of possessiveness. He squeezed her hand gently. "It won't be easy, Wonyoung. You have to trust me."
A long moment passed, filled with unspoken emotions. Finally, a small smile bloomed on Wonyoung's face, hesitant at first, then widening. It wasn't the chilling, calculated smile he was used to. This was a genuine smile, filled with a newfound hope.
"Okay," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I trust you."
The road to normalcy was long and arduous. Therapy sessions became a regular part of their routine, Wonyoung slowly learning to manage her obsessive tendencies. The fear that had crippled Y/n gradually receded, replaced by a cautious trust.
The childhood games they used to play took on a new meaning. Hide-and-seek became a playful chase, not a test of dominance. Truth-or-dare became a bridge to rebuild their fragile friendship.
It wasn't always sunshine and rainbows. There were arguments, relapses, and moments where the old darkness threatened to resurface. But through it all, they held onto the fragile thread of trust they had built.
Years passed, and their relationship blossomed into something beautiful and unexpected. The possessiveness morphed into a fierce loyalty, the obsessive need to control transformed into a supportive partnership.
One day, under the shade of the same tree where they used to play as children, Y/n knelt before Wonyoung. In his hand, a simple silver ring sparkled in the sunlight.
"Wonyoung," he began, his voice thick with emotion, "we've come a long way. You're no longer just my childhood friend, you're the strongest, most amazing person I know. Will you marry me?"
Wonyoung's eyes welled up with tears, this time tears of genuine joy. A thousand emotions flooded through her – fear, doubt, and a happiness so profound it took her breath away.
She looked at the ring, then back at Y/n, her childhood friend, now the love of her life. With a shaky breath and a smile that could rival the sun, she whispered, "Yes, Y/n. Of course I will."
Their wedding wasn't a grand affair, just a small gathering of close friends and family. But the love that filled the air was more potent than any fireworks display. Wonyoung, no longer the yandere schoolgirl, stood beside Y/n, a woman who had conquered her darkness and found love in the most unexpected of places.
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dotster001 · 17 hours
i was gonna make this a comment but smthn told me this was gonna be long.
who knows if his ex wife was murdered or not, oh well! 🤭 best not to dwell on it because it makes the twins sad :(
see? (🧍🏻🧍🏻)
but here me out (this is me going coco bananas. full on psycho mode) maybe the first time he saw you was at a RANDOM party that a friend of yours hosted.
blah blah mutual friend of a friend and that long friend family tree stuff
but maybe you slithered away to the dog, or were tasked with helping a baby (more like someone threw the baby at you in order to dance)
or you’re with the other room for the children that the party provides (this is like a really rich friend. like mega mansion. crazy rich asians kinda thing)
but ugh he’s there with his dreadful beautiful wife and his wonderful children. and his wife is already leaving to grab a drink and he thinks their children shouldn’t get a glimpse at whatever tom-foolery parties like these will lead to.
so in they go! (maybe this was years ago when they’re toddlers)
but then he sees you swarmed with babies. the nanny took a break and left you in charge and you’re fighting back babies with one of those roll-pop lawn mowers-
jade is utterly beside himself with laughter, amusement, and everything of the sorts and creates flirty small talk. and oh?? what's this? his wonderful bundles of joy seem to have found a liking to you? how precious (they’re clawing and climbing you like a jungle gym) jade takes a note of that!
they don't even like their mother that much , simply tolerating her. but jade can tell that his kids got good taste!
he lowkey interviews reader (without them know oops!!) and while yes, their beauty was what drove his interest, second being their personality (you have to be attracted to someone to give them a chance!)
and the twins were the cherry on top!
and conveniently you say where you work (rookie mistake) while he tells you he’s a humble business man… don’t ask what for tho cause that’s a super family secret 🤭
but he's planning and scheming and charming his way into your life and he’s in it for the long run because eels are patient. it just sucks that jade is even more patient, like a saint if you would
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^^accurate depiction of saint jade
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^^and this is jade when he gets questioned for his wife’s uh oh 🤷🏻🤷🏻
maybe she drank too much at a party and fell over the side.
maybe there was a targeted hit meant for jade but they got the wrong one.
maybe a classic batman scenario but jade survived and is throughly traumatized (same with his kids, i mean look at them!!🧍🏻🧍🏻 they’re so torn up that it just breaks his heart😿)
but he’s making chance encounters rather… commonly. (he had reader stalked for a good few years as he was planning everything. just to make sure he likes them& they keep it interesting.)
just... some thoughts about dilf jade leech and his hell spawns hehe (when the trio visited your work they managed to leave your section alone... so it looks like you were in the eye of the hurricane)
im gonna read your other stuff about dilf jade now because AHHHH
Angry at my boss, so I decided to see if there was anything in my inbox to cheer me up. Woo hoo!
In reference to this
Cw: light Yan!, implied stalking, Jade's a freak but if you don't already know that then you aren't paying attention
I can only imagine that, after the party, since you interacted with so many kids and parents that night, they all kind of blurred together. And it's not until, after he visits your place of work, and you chat over text for a while, and you have a real date, then invites you back home for an after date drink, do you start to remember. And that's only because the twins are scamps and stayed up past their bedtimes, and they are staring at you with eyes you remember.
Obviously, you are gonna chalk it up to a coincidence. "Oh my god! You know so-and-so, right? I think I met you at a party a few years ago!" He laughs, and plays along, oh my god,.yeah what a really good coincidence.
Meanwhile, the twins share a look, because Dad has talked about you every day since Mom died, so they know he's lying. Hell, when you aren't here, they already call you mama/papa. But, they are their father's kids, so they are never going to say anything.
One date turns to two turns to three, turns to a year of dating. It's time to meet the family. You know Jade has a twin, but they've taken different paths in life.
So when Dilf Floyd Trudges up the driveway with his six adopted kids, four of whom are sprinting around the house and lawn and destroying Jade's home, two of whom are under Floyd's arms like suitcases, you're in for a culture shock.
When you first meet him, he seems incredibly grumpy. He's got salt and pepper stubble, the baggiest outfit, though you get the feeling it's designer, no matter how slouchy it is, his hair is slicked back, making the grey streaks look neat against his otherwise messy look.
He tosses the kids and yells at them to go play with their cousins, then he rudely shoves past you. Jade stops him with a hand on his shoulder that appears gentle, but if you had felt the full force of it, you'd have landed on your ass. He hissed at Floyd, through a smile, to greet his new fiance. There's a tense moment where they stare at each other, then Floyd storms over to you, and presses a ticklish kiss to your cheek, before muttering, "Welcome to the family," then storming to his room and locking himself in for the night.
The next day it's like he's a different person. He makes breakfast for you and excitedly asks you about yourself, wanting to know everything about his future sibling. Eventually he pours you a glass of what you know is Jade's most expensive wine, which he has been saving for a special occasion, and you finally get the courage to ask about the night before, and he laughs and says he was tired from the trip. Wrangling six kids on an airplane is exhausting, you know?
You decide to ask him about little Jade, and Floyd's stories of childhood charm you so much that you don't notice Jade's brooding presence.
Not that Floyd minds. Yeah, he got off to a rough start with you, but he gets why Jade likes you. And Jade only has two parentless kids, he has six. So his kids need you more than Jade's do, right?
Will the dad's eventually drag the kids into this fight? Absolutely. Those kids have Mafia parents, they have plenty of acting training. They will be pulling those heartstrings of yours 😊
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captainwans · 2 days
she looks absolutely gorgeous…and he’s there! (smau)
arabella series!
pairing: alex turner x fem! actress reader
summary: the media and fans are taking a liking to y/n being apart of alex’s life, but there’s also a downside when your relationship gets public and having to deal with haters and nasty comments.
timeline: 2014
note: this format / layout is heavily inspired by my love @ithinkimokeei 🩶
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Liked by elizabetholsenofficial, imsebastianstan and others
yourinstagram a little breakie 🍸✨ (feat. cindy’s legs)
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username she’s so fine bro
username ok but let’s talk about the dress 😍
username i would bark for her if she asked me 🐕
elizabetholsenofficial cindy those LEGS 😩
iamcindy damn liz i’m married 😪
username lmao cindy
username she’s so real tho
username how many letters in y/n y/l/n
username gorgeous woman ❤️
username she’s literally so wife hello??
mileskane why did you tag cindy and not me 🙄 i took those photos 😒
iamcindy bc i’m her best friend and she prioritizes me before anyone else duh
mileskane oh really? she didn’t say that last night
matthelders i can already smell a fight coming through mileskane iamcindy
iamcindy yourinstagram you cheater
mileskane iamcindy *you’re a cheater wtf 😭
yourinstagram what i can’t have both of you as my besties? 🙃
iamcindy no ❤️
mileskane no ❤️
 ㅤ yourinstagram just tagged mileskane in her photo
mileskane thank you love 😘
username the heart im dead 😭😭
username NOT THE HEART IM—
username istg her comment section is like watching an episode of the office
username i love mindy!! fav couple
iamcindy ew they have a ship name for us mileskane see what you did idiot
mileskane i didn’t even do anything???
username it’s so funny how they interact like they haven’t been married for 7 years pls
username this is so funny im crying
username cindy 😭😭😭😂😂
breanahelders you two need to log off insta and touch some grass or smth
katiee_cook_ leave y/ns comment section iamcindy and mileskane
iamcindy ok mom and dad 🙄🙄
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Liked by sabrinacarpenter, breanahelders and others
yourinstagram about last night 🖤 🚬#leedsfestival2014 arcticmonkeys
 ㅤ yourinstagram has tagged katiee_cook, breanahelders and iamcindy
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username y/n y/l/n is so arctic monkeys coded
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username you can’t see it but i’m the smoke
username katie is so pretty oh my godd
elizabetholsenofficial how did you manage to make time to fly to leeds i’m here stuck inside my trailer 😭
yourinstagram i didn’t really plan on going lol i acted on impulse
robertdowneyjr breaking the rules y/n? 👀
cobiesmulders ^ bc you missed your man just say that y/n 😉
yourinstagram cobiesmulders yes that’s true 😩
yourinstagram pls don’t tell joss robertdowneyjr
username she got her prioritizes straight i mean if alex was my man i would do the same
marvel i’m snitching.
yourinstagram marvel which side are you on? 🙄
username breana looks so fine 🥵
mileskane you’re gonna give alex a heart attack if you keep showing up unannounced
yourinstagram i already did when he saw me in the crowd 😘
iamcindy memorable i actually got that on camera you should’ve seen his face what a fucking simp <3
yourfriend ^! went from 😲😯 to 😄😉😘
username yourfriend and what a coincidence when he was just about to sing arabella
 ㅤ Liked by yourinstagram, iamcindy and yourfriend
username i remember that omg it was so cute!! and the camera even showed y/ns reaction in the crowd
username pls they’re so in love it makes me cry i want what they have 😩😩
username the first pic is doing smth to me 😩
username y/n you will always be famous
breanahelders best night ever ❤️
katiee_cook_ j unforgettable 😍
iamcindy had the best night ever babe 😙
yourinstagram breanahelders katiee_cook_ iamcindy my girls 💕💘💖
yoursister i need some contest on the last picture are y’all okay?
katiee_cook_ there was a bunch of paps outside and wanted a picture and y/n being y/n decided to pose by leaning against the window upside down
breanahelders you can literally see alex having a stroke while holding her for dear life 😂
username help- why did jamie pull out his guitar 😭😭
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Liked by yoursister, zendaya and others
yourinstagram fashion week never disappoints ✨
 ㅤ View all the comments
username forget alex i want HER 😩
username i love her new stylist!! the outfits fits her perfectly compared to her last stylist
username the woman you are y/n 🔥😍
iamcindy hey hottie ;)
mileskane you’re married remember :)
iamcindy you’re such a cockblocker🖕🏻
username not me always scrolling into y/ns comment section to see a mindy interaction
alexachung looking STUNNING my love ❤️
yourinstagram thank you beautiful 😘
username did i just miss a chapter?
username um that’s not—
username i didn’t know they were friends??
username i don’t think so they have briefly interacted on fashion shows and they were seen taking pictures and sitting beside each other
username that must be so awkward for alex having your gf and your ex sitting beside each other yikes
username username right they looked like they didn’t wanna sit beside each other did you see y/n’s face
username username even if they are that’s none of your business leave alex out of this
username i don’t see y/n and alex’s relationship to last long he’s clearly still in love with alexa and it’s just embarrassing for y/n really
username i miss alexa and alex they were a better couple and y/n is just using him for more fame and attention that whore
username y’all love to pit women against each other and change the narrative! first of all if you were at the fashion show you know that they weren’t sitting beside each other. it was literally two people sitting between them so they didn’t even interact at all (1)
username (2) and second of all mind you that they were grouped together and shared their interest with the designer which is why they took pictures. they looked pretty happy and smiley to me!
pinned comment 📌 yourinstagram the amount of hate in the comments makes me want to puke. if you don’t have anything nice to say keep it to yourself and spread the negative energy elsewhere. ❤️
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 ㅤ Liked by alexachung
iamcindy babe you’re too chill about this if i were you i would send hate letters to every single person.
username shajsjsj cindy
username i’m actually so scared of her i’m not even joking 😭
username i know not to mess with her damn
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jubileemon · 3 days
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While Blitzo was paid to be Stolas' playmate and was manipulated by his sleazy father into being a thief, Stolas was genuinely happy to have a friend his own age in childhood, which probably saved his sanity from Paimon's less than competent parenting.
When Blitzo explains his dream of running his own circus business, Stolas is incredibly supportive, if somewhat amused at a circus having an office. When the prospect of Blitzo hiring him comes up later, Stolas says he hopes he'll qualify and that Blitzo will make a good boss. While the start of their playdate had Blitzo being bored and clearly not thinking much of Stolas, and even if it comes after Blitzo tricking Stolas in helping him rob the palace, by the end they are laughing together and happily discussing their futures with mutual interest.
During the anniversary party, Stolas was so desperate for emotional connection that, when he met Blitzo again, he convinced himself that the imp was sneaking into his room to seduce him. Blitzo, who hadn't seen him in 25 years and was only after the book, took advantage of this not realizing Stolas was after a genuine connection and leading to the collapse we saw in "OZZIE'S".
It also turns that Blitzo was planning on just tying up Stolas so he didn't see him steal the book...then changed his mind and decided to give Stolas a fun night after discovering just how empty Stolas' life was, looking genuinely guilty upon realizing what kind of emotional damage that abandoning someone in makeshift BDSM would do to him. Especially someone who, in that bondage, called Blitzo his “first ever friend”. "OZZIE'S" has made it very clear that Blitzo might put on a front for everyone else, but I.M.P is his attempt at creating a family "circus", and he doesn't actually have very many friends of his own, having pushed his old friends away years ago (Fizzarolli, Verosika and even kept Stolas at arm's length as a child), and continuing the pattern with Moxxie and Stolas.
Stolas and Blitzo's relationship seem to have been very much headed for doom from the beginning, and it's clear that both Blitzo and Stolas has never had a healthy and meaningful relationship with anyone except maybe Octavia for Stolas and M&M and Loona for Blitzo, and even those relationships are fraught. It probably isn't a coincidence that both Blitzo and Stolas seem to be trying to make up for their horrible fathers by being better father figures to the people in their care. Stolas has been so deprived of love and affection for his whole life, other than Octavia, that he has no idea how real, non-transactional relationships work even though he desperately wants one.
Blitzo's the same, though he's spent more time hiding that, which is understandable given that he's a trained clown that has to hide his emotions. Just like Stolas, Blitzo desperately craves intimacy and a relationship of his own, but he doesn't understand intimacy without some non-love motive behind it, and he pushes others away to the point of resentment because his upbringing/mistakes with relationships in the past have led him to see himself as a failure and horrible person who doesn’t deserve love, despite being terrified of dying alone as a “wrinkly, old, withered waste”. Not to mention that Stolas, being a very sheltered member of the Goetia family, has a very poor understanding of power dynamics and as such, his "kinky fantasy" of “favors for favors” has real implications that he failed to consider, which may have permanently impacted his relationship with Blitzo. Only time will tell if they can make things right.
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fiveredlights · 23 hours
there's glitter on the floor after the party: the deleted scenes
i'm sure it'll make someone happy because i think we all need it! just as a note, this is all unedited so some of it might make no sense and that's okay.
(i recommend the google doc for easier reading otherwise the whole thing is under the cut)
Chapter one: 2023
I don’t have anything to show…anything I did cut has already been long deleted. My bad. The first two are very sparse because I was cutting unwanted things as my Google docs was lagging whenever I opened it. The only thing I remember writing that chapter was that it was meant to coincide with Daniel’s return to COTA in real life but I ran out of time so I pushed it back to Las Vegas. 
Chapter two: 2024
CUT: Daniel winning the championship
WHY: Felt too rushed and easy. No emotional pay off, you were only just introduced to Daniel in RBR again. Also don’t ask me what happened to Max for him to not just clean sweep 2023-2027. Also don’t ask who won the championship in 2026. I declare that your favourite driver won it and I definitely did not forget to give a championship. 
DANIEL: Oh my god, it’s just surreal like I don’t know how to describe it. Especially after the past couple years, it’s just—yeah. And to do it with Max too, it’s just something special for me and the team. 
73 Questions With Daniel Ricciardo | Vogue
3.3M views 2 days ago …more
Vogue 4M
DANIEL: Hello Vogue, didn’t see you there. Welcome to my home away from home.
PRODUCER: One sentence you could tell your younger self? 
DANIEL: Doors are meant to be opened. 
PRODUCER: Worst thing about racing in Formula 1?
DANIEL: Accidents, hands down. It’s horrifying as a driver to watch someone crash, because that’s when everything sort of gets a reality check in the cockpit. Like we are racing around at three-hundred kilometres an hour, and there is a real chance that something could go wrong. I’ll never forget Max’s Silverstone accident, just—yeah it just a horrible thing to witness.
not daniel fidgeting with his necklace when he talks about max’s silverstone crash… you ain’t slick boy
#yes i have deluded myself into thinking it’s from max #i’m already depressed i don’t want to hear it #join team emotional support redbull delusions
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qu'est-ce que tu sais, espèce de salope française qui aime l'érable et qui parle bizarrement ? sors avec ça (What do you know you maple-loving weird speaking French bitch? Come out with it)
#je ne veux pas te traiter de salope #ou peut-être que c'est le cas (#i don’t mean to call you a bitch #or maybe i do)
392 notes
(i promise i wrote this before he decided to rear end daniel in china. i pinky promise.)
daniel “doors are meant to be opened” ricciardo
#what is my man on #doors are meant to be opened 😭😭 #he didn’t open a door one time and it’s haunted him for life
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Chapter three: 2025
CUT: Red Bull marketing video
WHY: Chapter was already very long. Also I couldn’t find any good questions.
Daniel and Max play the F1 newlywed game 💒💍
827K views 10 hours ago #Gives you wings #F1 … more
Oracle Red Bull Racing 1.58M 
MAX: Hello everyone and today we are playing the newlywed game. 
DANIEL: Are you excited? 
MAX: I mean I have to say yes otherwise I look like I’m in an unhappy marriage. 
MAX:—Also the name doesn’t even make sense. Newlywed? That isn’t us.
DANIEL: [To off screen] Guys, I would get someone to approve your overtime, we’re gonna be here a while. 
OFF SCREEN: Who is more likely to overpack for a holiday?
DANIEL: Don’t look at me!
MAX: We have three suitcases. 
DANIEL: It takes effort to look this good. 
MAX: Three suitcases every single race weekend.
DANIEL: What’s the next question? 
CUT: Lucinda’s vaguely threatening email
WHY: Broke the fourth wall. Glitter on the floor is meant to be solely a third POV view and I couldn’t justify it. 
From: lucindasalzar@/press.redbull.racing
To: maxverstappen@/redbull.racing, danielricciardo@/redbull.racing
CC: christianhorner@/redbull.racing, teamdaniel@/press.redbull.racing, teammax@/press.redbull.racing
Date: 21 Nov 2025 at 3:04am
Hi all, 
Please see attachment below for finalised details regarding your press strategy and talking points this weekend. Media have been advised to not ask any questions about the ring and we’d like to keep it that way. Remember to keep it vague if you do get asked, and if you don’t feel comfortable a simple no comment will suffice. 
Please email for any further clarification or questions and good luck this weekend. (And please no spur of the moment Las Vegas—Elvis impersonator weddings you two.) 
Best regards, 
Lucinda Salzar (she/her)
Head of Communications, Red Bull Racing. 
E: lucindasalzar@/press.redbull.racing
P: +44 ** **** *****
CUT: The chaotic Abu Dhabi super seat swap
WHY: I had to cut this because I altered the timeline, Las Vegas was going to the second last race. In an earlier version Max and Daniel were gonna come back in 2026 and also drop the Matilda news at the same time but I wanted more content just out of Maxiel so I had to leave this on the cutting board. Some of it made it into the published fic but the original thing was more chaotic. (Also I changed the Red Bull junior driver at least once a week because they kept dropping them. It went from Hauger, to Crawford, to Maloney and then I just gave up because I could not keep up.)
red bull needed to replace two drivers and they did in THE MOST CHAOTIC way possible. okay, just listen: 
the official red bull reserve driver is liam lawson (of alpha tauri, so he obviously gets pulled up)
alpha tauri then call on zane maloney to replace liam (alpha tauri’s reserve driver)
BUT, daniel’s car still needs to fulfil the mandatory rookie free practice session (max’s was completed in mexico when maloney drove)
red bull can’t get zane in daniel’s car again cause he’s got to drive liam’s… so they’ve got to find someone who has the super licence points … we’ll come back to this
so right now car 3 is being driven by liam lawson, car 40 is driven by zane maloney. i hear you ask… who is driving car 1? it’s none other than yuki tsunoda (of alphatauri)
I KNOW, but red bull have quite literally run out of contracted reserve drivers and i believe because every driver is technically employed by red bull (whether they drive for RB or AT) they’re able to pull them up or down without the FIA kicking up a fuss
i’ll wait for why red bull pulled up both AT’s 
this means yuki tsunoda’s alpha tauri will be without a driver and once again, red bull call Pepe Marti
#i don’t even know if this is 100% correct i could be so wrong
13,482 notes
David CROFT: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to our final race of the 2025 season, to our first free practice session under the blistering sun of Abu Dhabi and if this is your first time watching, welcome along cause this will certainly be an interesting race weekend. Now, eagle eyed viewers may have caught that AlphaTauri driver Yuki Tsunoda is in the Red Bull, and his team mate is sitting in the next garage over not in a car. Anthony Davidson is with me—Ant, care to explain to our viewers at home the driver seat swap chaos that’s happening down at Red Bull? 
Anthony DAVIDSON: Hello everyone, wherever in the world you may be watching and yes, chaos is the right word for it isn’t it? I’ve got about five pieces of paper and I’m going to do my best to explain, what I think, is the most complicated driver situation in F1 history. 
CROFT: Yes, for those who didn’t join us last time out or who may be new to F1, I promise driver seat talk usually isn’t this complicated but we’ll do our best to make sense of it all. Now we’ve got to start at the last race for it all to make sense. Red Bull driver Daniel Ricciardo had a nasty crash with Enzo Fittipaldi of Haas that left him with a concussion and bruised ribs, which is why presumably he isn’t racing today, and we wish him well in his recovery. Red Bull’s other driver Max Verstappen was also not able to race this weekend for an unspecified reason, so Red Bull are left with two empty seats.
DAVIDSON: We know that Red Bull’s official reserve driver is Liam Lawson, so that’s no problem there. He’s driving Daniel’s number 3 car, but here’s where the trouble starts. Car number 3 still needs to complete its mandatory FP1 session, which Zane Maloney was planning to do this session. But you’ll notice that Zane is in Liam’s car right now, the Alpha Tauri—and this is because he’s Alpha Tauri’s reserve driver. 
CROFT: Still following everyone? So far, car number 3 is being driven by Liam Lawson, car number 40 is being driven by Zane Maloney. But Liam Lawson isn’t even in car number 3 at the moment, it’s Pepe Marti, who is currently racing in Formula 2 and part of Red Bull’s junior academy. He’s competing the mandatory rookie FP1 session for car number 3.
DAVIDSON: So now we move onto Max Verstappen’s car, which is being driven by the other AlphaTauri driver, Yuki Tsunoda. Which now means AlphaTauri needs a driver to replace him and it’s Red Bull junior driver, Isack Hadjar who is in car number 22. 
CROFT: Right, so it’s Yuki Tsunoda and Liam Lawson in Red Bull for the race, Zane Maloney and Isack Hadjar in the AlphaTauri’s and Pepe Marti in Liam or Daniel’s Red Bull for FP1. Confused? Don’t worry, so are we so bare with us if we accidentally get names and teams wrong because I believe this is possibly the biggest driver change in F1 history.
DAVIDSON: Yes and because I know people will be asking, “Why didn’t Red Bull just put Maloney in Daniel’s car for the whole weekend?” and we have an answer and officially, it’s because of contracts. Whatever behind the scenes isn’t allowing him to drive that Red Bull which is why they called up Yuki instead. Maloney has also said he feels more confident driving the AlphaTauri all weekend rather than the Red Bull, so that also may play a factor in this. 
CROFT: But also this is a perfect opportunity for Red Bull to compare both drivers, should the opportunity for one of them to make the move into Red Bull when the time arises. 
Chapter four: 2026
CUT: Netflix Drive to Survive script
WHY: Once again, I was lazy and didn’t want to write a script. I kinda wish I did though, I think it would’ve given Las Vegas 2025 more substance, especially because you only see it through a fan perspective whereas DTS allows you to get the driver’s perspective, but I do plan to finish this off…. eventually….
Netflix- Drive to Survive
Season 9, Episode 3 “Redemption”
The Las Vegas Grand Prix is back in town but it’s not all good fortunes for those driving. The biggest paddock secret is unveiled.
We see scrambled eggs on a frying pan. 
OFF SCREEN:  Daniel? Where is my jumper? The blue one? 
The camera zooms out from the eggs to see Daniel, wearing a light blue jumper, grimacing at the camera. 
DANIEL: (Under his breath) To be fair it was my jumper first.
The camera swings to Max in the doorway, arms crossed as he narrows his eyes at Daniel. 
MAX: I heard that. 
(In the garage, during the crash.)
RED BULL TEAM MEMBER #1: Has anyone told Max? 
RED BULL TEAM MEMBER #2: We’re not telling him.
RED BULL TEAM MEMBER #3: Seriously? 
RED BULL TEAM MEMBER #1: He thinks his husband is dead, we’re telling him!
PRODUCER: Do you have some fears about allowing the world to know about your relationship? 
DANIEL: God, of course I have. We both have. But we spent so long being—not scared, but worried let’s say about the consequences of us just being together. But then Las Vegas happened and all I wanted was Max to sit by my bedside and make a stupid joke about me being in hospital again. And it was when Christian literally had to fight multiple people to get Max into that hospital I realised that what we were doing was unsustainable. 
PRODUCER: Unsustainable? 
DANIEL: Are you married? 
DANIEL: Have you ever watched your partner crash into something at three hundred kilometres an hour and no one telling you if they were even alive? Because I’ve done that. We’ve done that. Multiple times. 
Montage of different Max & Daniel accidents. 
DANIEL: And then you have to go on with your day, going to debrief, doing press but all you really want to do is go to them and make sure that they’re even alive? 
DANIEL: So yeah. Unsustainable. 
333 update account @/official333
📺 | Drive to Survive (Netflix) 
Daniel talking about his relationship with Max on and off the track: 
Q: Do you think it’s been challenging to balance out the relationship given your unique relationship with Max? 
Daniel: No, and I think people over dramatise the complexity of it all. I mean sure, it has been somewhat difficult, especially at the beginning but in the end it is just racing, you know? We’re both aware that we are something different from the other drivers, but I like that. Not many people get to do what they love with their partner right next to them, so I definitely take every race we do together for granted. 
476 replies 88 reposts 8,372 likes
CUT: Alternate ‘M’ reveal
WHY: I genuinely spent like half an hour thinking if fictional Max and Daniel would show Matilda, I had earlier drafts where they hide her face until I was like okay, this is fictional. Bad things do not exist in this universe, so it’s fine. Plus, Matilda is so cute I can’t hide her.
[Video: Daniel, standing in front of a door. 
DANIEL: I know a lot of you guys might have noticed that I’ve been dropping clues towards who this mysterious M is and it’s finally time to reveal who it is. 
He opens the door and pans the camera to Max. 
DANIEL: M stands for Max. Sorry to break the news, it’s not that exciting. Wait, who’s that? 
The camera pans further down to show Max holding a baby, she’s sleeping soundly in Max’s arm.
Photo: A baby. She’s wearing a light blue onesie, and her hand is wrapped around a mini honey badger soft toy.]
Liked by lucsalzar and others
danielricciardo Everybody meet Matilda. Matilda, this is everybody. 
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georgerussell63 They learnt what hard launching is and said we’re going to do it for everything… Congrats 🙌 
landonorris be prepared for the onslaught of driver themed onesies coming your way… 
1 March
CUT: The half-completed TIME article about Daniel
WHY: I did not have it in me to write another 1000 word article. I spent around a week just writing Daniel’s The Players’ Tribune article. But what I did write, I did like. Was also around the time TIME named Taylor Swift as their person of the year, so that’s where I got that inspiration. 
How 2025 was the year of the Honey Badger—Daniel Ricciardo on winning his first Formula 1 Championship during a historic year.
by Tylda Rune-Liberi for TIME
February 15, 2026 9:33AM EST
It’s 2017 and F1 driver Daniel Ricciardo was asked in a press conference what race he would like the new owners of F1 to host. His answer? Las Vegas. In 2023, five years on, his wish was granted. Two years later, in 2025, the race he had proclaimed as a dream race would turn into stuff of nightmares. 
Leading the race and looking like he would take a first win at Las Vegas after a podium in 2023, it looked like everything was going Ricciardo’s way until a bizarre accident with Kick Stake Sauber’s Theo Pourchaire causes a major accident, leaving Ricciardo wedged in the cockpit for over half an hour. 
Pourchaire had given way to Ricciardo as he was being lapped, before attempting to unlap himself, choosing the wrong moment as Ricciardo was heading into the pitlane. Radios released after the accident have Pourchaire admit he “didn’t think he was going into the pit lane.”
It’s a horrifying crash to watch—even with the knowledge that both drivers would be okay, and it would soon be clear that no one felt it more in the pitlane than Ricciardo’s own teammate: Max Verstappen. 
Formula 1 drivers all drive with the knowledge that a crash could happen at any given moment, but this accident was different. 
[Photo: Daniel, in a dark navy denim blue overshirt and jeans.]
Ricciardo and Verstappen have had a long and varied partnership throughout their career, first starting in 2016 where Verstappen was brought up mid season from then-Red Bull junior team Toro Rosso (now Visa Cash App RB), winning his debut race with the team, where it looked like the win would go to Ricciardo instead. They would go on to be teammates for another two seasons, before Ricciardo announced a shocking move to Renault (now Alpine). 
One thing that stood out about their initial partnership was how their off track friendship never seemed to waver, even in their most turbulent of times (see Hungary 2017 or Azerbaijan 2018). In an era where friendships between teammates seemed to famously end in failure, in the likes of fan dubbed ‘Brocedes’ (Nico Rosberg & Lewis Hamilton; best friends growing up who’s friendship ended in rivalry fighting for a championship) or former Red Bull teammates Sebastian Vettel and Mark Webber (Multi-21 Seb?), it was an outlier that the two remained such good friends, even after Ricciardo had departed Red Bull. 
Even Ricciardo mentions that Lewis Hamilton had gone up to him to ask how Verstappen and Ricciardo had managed to keep their friendship going even though they had tussles on track. “I don’t really know,” Ricciardo says. “I mean it’s definitely all in hindsight now, but I think it was because we—or at least I—knew that our friendship was really important. Like it was no matter what happens I don’t go and screw up this friendship I have with Max.”
Ricciardo would go through a bumpy time in his post-Red Bull career, going through two seasons at Renault, two seasons at McLaren before a 6 month break where he was named ‘Third Driver’ for Red Bull, a 6 month stint in Red Bull sister team AlphaTauri (formerly Toro Rosso, now Visa Cash App RB) which was marked with Ricciardo missing 5 races due to a hand injury during a free practice session in Zandvoort before returning back to the very seat he left six years earlier, Red Bull announcing Ricciardo’s return at the 2023 Las Vegas race. 
A move that was then deemed as a surprise move by many pundits, all was put to rest when Riccardo finessed his AlphaTauri in the podium position, grabbing the team 3rd place and their first podium since Pierre Gasly in 2021. 
Something was different about this second stint, and it wasn’t the journeys they’ve both gone on since they both parted ways. There was something different about them together. 
[Photo: Max and Daniel laughing in the Red Bull garage.]
Nine years on since their first race together, it was oddly reminiscent of their first. Verstappen crossed the line to win a race his teammate had been poised to do so. Only this time, the celebrations were much different. 
With Ricciardo in hospital, Verstappen quickly left the race track after a tuned down podium ceremony, skipping out on mandatory post-race media duties, where competitors and team can attract fines for doing so. (The FIA opted not to fine Verstappen and Red Bull in this instance.) 
Even during the red flag it was clearly Verstappen was antsy, with his radio calls after finding out his teammate was in an accident conveying his state of worry. Leaked video from inside the Red Bull garage has Verstappen mention not finishing the race, wanting to be by Ricciardo’s side instead. 
“I remember I posted the post and people were like ‘Oh, maybe he meant it in a friendly way’ and I was like f***, I’ve got to actually spell it out for them.” Hence, the iconic post that broke the F1 world was born. 
[Daniel’s tweet.] 
It’s 2020, and the Australian Grand Prix has just been cancelled due to COVID. 
All the drivers and teams are left scrambling to try and leave the country before the borders close, and Daniel Ricciardo has just invited Max Verstappen to stay over at his house in Perth. 
“I don’t think I can even call it a friendly gesture, because as much as I like the other guys on the grid, there’s no way I would’ve invited them over.”
“Yeah, I won a championship. But I’m still the same person.”
Ricciardo’s often been somewhat of an open book, he says—whether it was for the better or for the worse. Every aspect of his life has been so highly publicised, from winning races to what it looks like when he’s not, it’s remarkable how he still holds nearly the same candour, even if his name and career has seemingly been dragged through the mud a thousand times over by the media. 
Last year he publicly came out in a F1-related podcast, to what he says was very unplanned. “I didn’t plan to come out, let’s say, it just kind of happened. 
“I didn’t even plan to come out, let's say, it just kind of happened? I was recording a podcast and I was talking about 2022 and how it unfolded, the support systems around me and I said “my partner”, and a part of me went Oh, shit! I hadn’t talked about my relationships at length before that, and I knew people were going to absolutely run with it and then I was like—well, might as well just go the whole nine yards, so then the second reference to my partner I very deliberately dropped in he. And that was it.”
“I remember so vividly, I went home that night and I told Max, oh I think I did something stupid and his mind immediately went to me accidentally leaking like team secrets or something big like that, and I was like no, I may have accidentally came out and within like three seconds you could see is brain just switch. 
“There is no we found the elephant in the room or whatever. The elephant has always been in the room and it’s just decided to make its presence known.”
“Look, I definitely understand some of the criticism that some people may have with F1 or Red Bull or us capitalising on our relationship or whatever, but I think now more than ever there’s a need to perhaps know who the drivers are when they aren’t driving.” Ricciardo adds. 
“Because it’s all fine and good if John Smith is winning races and driving amazingly, but if you know next to nothing about the person because it seems like they’re packed up and shipped race to race, you’re not going to root for the guy because they’ve made no connection.”
Ricciardo quickly clarifies that it’s not a negative for sports people or celebrities to maintain their personal lives, but he sees it more as a way to express or show what he wants to show in his own lives. “We spent nearly five years it near complete secrecy from the outside world and whilst I’m not saying that we should’ve just been public right from the start—we probably wouldn’t have survived—I was just wanting to post a photo of Max burning dinner or something and not have gossip magazines or Instagram accounts dissect every pixel of it.”
Did Ricciardo get pushback from the FIA or his team? It’s a difficult question to answer, he tells me. NDAs and whatnot. He says, “The team was wonderful about it, though. Had multiple team members come up to us willingly to fight the higher powers if needed which was very sweet.”
“Let’s just say there were conversations that I had been made aware of that had made me feel like we weren’t even allowed to look at each other when we were in the paddock. I felt like they were asking me to only refer to him as my teammate, stuff along those lines.”
“One of our friends told us at our wedding something along the lines of for F1 drivers, you did move pretty fucking slow in your relationship! And Max was like yeah, did you know who we were in 2018?” Ricciardo laughs loudly, scaring one of the cats who seemed ready to take a nap. 
“I used to rely so much on what other people thought of me, it wasn’t enough that I thought I was the best guy out there, you also had to think I was the best guy out there.”
Racing has always been part of Ricciardo’s life, but he doesn’t want it to be the only thing now in his life. He wants you to ask about things not related to racing, like how much he loves his family or how he thinks the Buffalo Bills are the greatest NFL team on earth. 
“I’m not going to do this forever, you know?” He says, finishing the can of Red Bull he’d been slowly sipping throughout the course of this piece. “I hope when I look back at these years of my life I’m going to be equally proud of what I did in the car and what I did outside of it.” — With reporting done by Tylda Rune-Liberi and Nicolas St. Revelate. 
CUT: Max and the team getting called up to the FIA
WHY: The FIA seems like an organisation who might send me a cease and desist if I wrote them as quietly homophobic. I don’t have money for a lawsuit. Also wanted to keep the universe happy because the real one is not. Still think my Mad Mex reference is funny.
Autosport @/autosport
Breaking: Max Verstappen summoned to the stewards after allegedly breaking parc ferme rules. 
12 replies 90 reposts 821 likes
Q: Sorry, Daniel just coming back to you now. We’ve just received word that Max Verstappen has just been summoned to the stewards for breaking parc fermé conditions, any reaction on that? 
Daniel RICCIARDO: For what? 
Q: Uh, we think it might be related to post race procedures around weighing. Not entirely sure yet, his meeting is at 6:15pm.
DR: Well there goes our dinner plans. To be fair our dinner plans were literally just Mad Mex in our hotel rooms before flying to Perth, but still. 
Jack DOOHAN: Mad what? 
DR: Mad Mex? You know, the Mexican fast food place. Surely you’ve had it. 
JD: Oh, I thought you said Mad Max and I was like, “He finished P4 that doesn’t seem too bad.”
DR: Did Max not do the weigh in or what? 
Q: He did, after your podium. Sorry mate, even more bad news for the team, they’ve been summoned to the stewards as well.
DR: If I find out I’m going to lose another podium about ten years on after the race here I’m gonna be pissed.
Q: This one is related to Article 26.13 b, where “Unless authorised by the FIA, no one under the age of 16 is permitted in the pit lane at the following times: b) The period commencing fifteen (15) minutes before the pit exit is opened to allow cars to cover reconnaissance laps and the time when the last car enters the parc fermé after the sprint session or the race has ended.”
DR: What cause we had our daughter with us at the podium celebration? 
Q: Quite possibly, yeah. 
DR: That’s interesting. I—yeah, I’m just gonna say that’s interesting.
Oscar PIASTRI: Kevin had his kids with him in Monza twenty four, didn’t he? 
DR: Yeah, I’m sure the team will have a lot to say so we’ll just leave it at that. 
CUT: Reaction to Australia winning
WHY: Timeline changes. Original timeline was Australia 2026 being their first race back after Las Vegas and relationship/kid reveal. I apparently also cut the all Australian podium. Can't remember why.
[Photo 1: 
Photo 2: 
Photo 3: 
Photo 4: Lucinda holding the constructor trophy on the podium, Daniel giving a big grin next to her.]
Liked by jackdoohan and others
danielricciardo Never thought I’d be able to share a podium with two other Aussies but what better time than at our home race. @/jackdoohan @/oscarpiastri @/redbullracing 🇦🇺❤️
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ausgp Surely this gets us a public holiday?! @/auspm 
oscarpiastri We’re about to get even more annoying… 
Oracle Red Bull Racing @/redbullracing 
Don’t mind us, we’re just in a puddle of tears over how cute @/Max33Verstappen and @/danielricciardo are 😍😭🫶
[Video: Taken from behind the parc ferme barriers, Daniel holding Matilda as Max hugs him, one hand around his waist and the other around the back of his neck.]
jeanie 🤠 @/COTADANIEL
flabbergasted about how well max and daniel hid their relationship from the world because man that he looks at daniel like he hung the moon stars and the sun and we’ve just been blind to notice
jake @/381racers
Maxiel admin logged on today thank you universe 🙏
DANIEL: Yeah, I just didn’t think I was able to have this, you know? If you had told me like seven years ago that hey, “You’ll be winning again and Max and your kid will be right along with you”, I would’ve laughed in your face. There is still absolutely more work to do, but I’m just glad I get to have my little moment without like some of these outside factors screaming and kicking at us. 
CUT: Jake @/381racers meeting Daniel
WHY: Felt too indulgent. Loved it, but I think the idea pushed the boundaries/fourth wall maybe A Little too much, even for my low standards.
jake @/381racers
Only felt right that I get this signed 
[Photo: Jake’s infamous tweet “Max Verstappen can you fight?” printed out and framed. Max has signed it and wrote “Yes he can.”]
jake @/381racers
First photo really Daniel did you have to shame me further . I thought we had a promise. Anyways, here's the video of me meeting them.
[Video: Jake meeting Daniel, in Red Bull hospitality. They’re both sitting down in chairs, and Jake has his hands on top of a frame placed face down on the table. 
JAKE: Do you remember like two years ago in COTA you wore a leather jacket outfit and basically the internet blew up because of how good you looked? 
DANIEL: Yeah, with the cowboy hat and everything! 
JAKE: And there was a tweet that trended on that weekend—
Daniel sits up in his chair, eyes widening in realisation of who Jake is. 
DANIEL: Oh my god you’re “Max Verstappen can you fight?” guy?!
JAKE: Embarrassingly, yes. 
DANIEL: (offscreen) How did you find him?! 
OFFSCREEN: Remember when I said I was going to bring my boyfriend this race? 
Daniel looks back and forth behind the person offscreen and Jake multiple times before bending over and laughing hysterically. 
OFFSCREEN: Yeah, I’m not happy about it either. 
DANIEL: Oh my god did I like cause you two to meet? 
jake @/381racers
No I too am not happy about my internet history coming back to bite me 
CUT: Interview with Lawrence Baretto
WHY: I ran out of time. I had planned to post this at the end of Jan, but since I didn’t post that NYD bonus fic, I didn’t wanna go a month without an update so this got culled. Also my vague illusions to Max’s dad felt a little weird.
Exclusive: Daniel Ricciardo on retirement, 15 years of F1 and family with Lawerence Barretto
When I ask about his daughter and if they have any interest in making her follow in her parents footsteps, he shuts down my line of questioning pretty quickly. 
“No,” he immediately says. “I’m not going to write out a path for her to follow, or put expectations for her to go into karting because of a family legacy. I think Max knows it a little bit more than me, how the expectations of someone who’s meant to take care of you can tarnish the thing you love.” 
Jos Verstappen, Max’s father and former F1 driver hasn’t been seen in the paddock since 2023. Both declined to comment when asked. 
“If she wants to start karting, then we’ll probably have a very long conversation about how it’s important that she finds it fun and if she doesn’t then she doesn’t. It’s not important to me that she wins or whatever, I just want her to enjoy it.”
Chapter five: 2027
CUT: Drive to Survive script
WHY: I did not have the energy to write a full script, and I felt like there were too many events to write about and I could not do it justice. Also I would like idk if Max and Daniel would show Matilda on DTS which is crazy because Matilda is not real…
Drive to Survive
Season 10 Episode 10 “One final rodeo…”
After fifteen years in the sport, Formula 1 says goodbye to Daniel Ricciardo. 
PRODUCER:  We don’t have to talk about Las Vegas. 
DANIEL:  No, it's fine. Probably should. Uh—yeah. 
PRODUCER:  We can take a minute. 
DANIEL:  Yeah, thanks. I didn’t talk about it last year did I? 
PRODUCER:  No. Okay, we’ll cut. 
Sound of car crashing into wall, before it fades in to show the Red Bull in the pitlane wall. Cuts to people reacting—Red Bull employees, fans in the grandstands and then a birds eye aerial view of the crash, showing the medical and extraction crew. 
PIERRE HAMLIN (V.O): Daniel, are you okay? 
Cuts to Max’s T-CAM footage, him driving past the car. 
MAX (V.O): What the fuck happened? 
PIERRE: Daniel, please just press the radio button so we know you’re okay. 
Cuts to Daniel’s T-CAM footage, his helmet leans against the left side of the halo, indicating he’s unmoving. 
PIERRE: Daniel, can you hear me? 
Cuts to showing the Red Bull pitwall, everyone looking at each other worried. 
DANIEL (V.O): The first thought I had was: Shit. This is really bad timing. Second thought I had was: Max is going to kill me.
Cuts to Daniel's forward facing cockpit onboard, him moving his head and looking up and down the cockpit.
PIERRE: Daniel?
DANIEL: Yep. Fuck. My chest, fuck. Shit, is um the other driver okay?
PIERRE: Yes, he's okay but don't worry about him. Do you think you can get out of the car?
DANIEL: Yeah no, I don't think that's happening with breaking something. Fuck, my ribs. Oh god. I think something's broken.
PIERRE: Okay Daniel, the medical team are nearly there but do not move if you think it will cause more damage. The car is safe, so do not worry about anything else.
DANIEL: Yep, okay. Um, will someone tell Max I'm okay? Just, don't freak him out yeah?
PIERRE: Copy Daniel, it will be okay, it will be okay. Just keep radio on please.
DANIEL: Okay. Fuck, this sucks.
TEXT: Max Verstappen, Red Bull Racing driver
MAX VERSTAPPEN: Been a while. 
PRODUCER: Didn’t think you were going to agree. 
MAX VERSTAPPEN: Would be a big thing if you made it look like we hated each other again! 
PRODUCER: We asked Daniel what his first thought was when he had that accident. He said “This is really bad timing” and that you were going to kill him. Why? 
MAX: Well, because of Matilda.
 Long shot of Port Hercules, Monaco, filmed from a balcony. It’s peaceful, quiet—the city sounds filling the background before we hear a baby scream in joy. 
DANIEL: Matilda! 
Matilda is on the floor in the living room, on a playmat and she plays with wooden blocks. Max is next to her on the ground, with his back leant against the couch, Daniel is on the couch. 
DANIEL (V.O): Yeah, she’s one of the best things to happen to me. For a long time my whole life was just racing, but now she’s my whole life. Like it’s okay if I have a bad race or whatever, I’ve got to move on quickly because she’s there at home waiting.  
MAX: Having a kid does change you, I think. Daniel will not say his driving has changed, but it has. 
PRODUCER: In what way? 
MAX: I think now he is more focused on winning every race, not that he wasn’t before. But because maybe he knows that every race matters more now. You hope that the others around you will not be too reckless so that you can go home after the race. 
RED BULL EMPLOYEE #1: Hey, welcome back Danny! 
DANIEL: Thank you, thank you. Hope you didn’t miss my handsome face too much. 
RED BULL EMPLOYEE #1: I didn’t know Jake went on holiday! 
DANIEL: I’m gonna crash the car just for that.
RED BULL EMPLOYEE #2: No, we’re just kidding. So how’s the baby? 
DANIEL: She’s great, do you wanna see a photo? 
RED BULL EMPLOYEE #1: Oh, she’s adorable. Matilda was her name? 
DANIEL: Yeah, yeah. We had a list but I think Matilda was the only one that stood out to us. She just looks like a Matilda you know? 
The camera swings to the right, as Daniel’s head sticks out from the door. 
DANIEL RICCIARDO: You aren’t talking shit about me, Maxy? 
MAX VERSTAPPEN: Of course I am. 
MAX: I have raced with Daniel in every single year of F1. I think it will be weird.
DANIEL RICCIARDO I think I was a pretty good darn car mechanic. 
CUT: Max’s interview with GQ
WHY: If you haven’t learnt by now, I am very lazy. Honestly, I just wanted this chapter out and I knew I didn’t have the time to write a whole article. Also I don’t think Max would be this open about this relationship but maybe Daniel made him more open in this universe. I still stand by the first sentence, it is possibly the truest thing to come out of the fic.
You can’t talk about Max Verstappen without eventually talking about Daniel Ricciardo, and you can’t talk about Daniel Ricciardo without eventually talking about Max Verstappen. This was a true statement in the earlier part of Verstappen’s career, but now perhaps even more so. “He’s made me a much better person,” Verstappen comments when I ask him about his husband. “I maybe wasn’t the best person to be teammates with when I was first in Formula 1, but he stayed friends with me. Even after he left and I was not being nice to him, he still stayed. That was very important to me.”
There’s a certain aura of happiness that comes from Verstappen when he starts talking about Ricciardo, and he says it’s probably one of the most documented love stories of F1. 
It started in the early morning after the final race of the 2018 season, and a drunk voicemail to Ricciardo kicked things off. “I was still mad that he was going, and I had too many gin and tonics and I called him at like 12 am or something. Obviously he didn’t answer because he was sleeping but I said really embarrassing stuff in that voicemail.” He left one more a couple hours later, asking Ricciardo not to mention it. 
“He really took that to heart.” Verstappen laughs. “I don’t really know why, we would talk when we saw each other on race weekends and pretend that everything was fine between us.” 
They were seemingly friends only when it was the race weekend, but off track they had never been further apart. There was a lot of resentment and unsaid conversation from Verstappen’s side, self proclaiming that his stubbornness had put a pin in their relationship. “It’s easy to say now looking back, but I thought Daniel leaving Red Bull was also leaving me. And I didn’t take it well.”
But a little bit of push and shove from his fellow friends made him realise that having Ricciardo in his life was more important than whatever feelings he had towards him leaving. 
Verstappen proposed two years later in December 2022 at that same house. “Coordinates of the house and everything on the ring,” Ricciardo comments when he drops in to grab something from the office. “Cried like a baby when I realised.”
Deleted Epilogue:
WHY: I still can’t decide if Matilda would go down the F1 path. If she did, she is definitely a Ferrari driver. Just to mess with her dads. I think she would sign with Red Bull in the junior seasons, maybe do two seasons with Red Bull then switch to Ferrari. A Sebastian Vettel if you will…let’s hope it turns out better for her than him. 
[Photo 1: A Ferrari car crossing the chequered flag.
Photo 2: Matilda on the third step of the podium, holding the trophy in the air, the Australian flag wrapped around her shoulders.]
Photo 3: Matilda hugging her parents in parc ferme.]
Liked by danielricciardo and others
mvr one home race down 🇦🇺, one more to go 🇳🇱 😉
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scuderiaferrari 👏🎉
23 March
David CROFT: And Matilda Verstappen-Ricciardo absolutely sends it down the inside and makes it stick, and what a move! Gosh, I was not expecting her to pull it off but she absolutely does and gets a roar of a cheer from the home crowd, Verstappen-Ricciardo is currently in P3. 
Jenson BUTTON: I mean, we should not be surprised. Daughter of Max Verstappen, a six time World Champion and Daniel Ricciardo, another World Champion. A lot of racing talent in that family, I thought the last of the late breakers was Daniel but she has really put a new meaning on late!
DC: And speaking of there is Max and Daniel Verstappen-Ricciardo, who I imagine are probably the most nervous parents in the paddock right now! A lovely nod and clap of encouragement as we watch the reaction of Matilda’s overtake for P3. 
matilda verstappen-ricciardo @/MVR 
if you’re wondering if it’s embarrassing to have your parents show up at work to congratulate you just wait till one of them interviews you in front of the tv…. thanks dad i’ve never felt so uncool before
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Daniel RICCIARDO: Matilda! 
Matilda VERSTAPPEN-RICCIARDO: Oh my god, please be cool about this. 
DR: Just wait till I convince F1 to let me and Max double host it. 
MVR: This is actually my worst nightmare. Like maybe three other people will understand what I’m feeling right now. 
MVR: I mean I’m not worried about a legacy, if people think I’m here to start or continue a legacy then they can think that, but I’m here to race. Not carry on whatever my parents did. 
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nightgoodomens · 2 days
Honestly confused whether we’re not really supposed to notice something. She hasn’t been publicly nice to him for over a week. Like, I know she likes to take the piss and all, but usually it felt like there was some real fondness behind it. This week it has all just been very flat. it’s weird because they’re both normally so careful about their image. And yet she can’t even say anything nice on his birthday? And now silence. I wonder if there were more birthday plans this weekend…
Everyone is noticing something is off, but simply some choose to say it is off, and some choose to lash out on others because their fantasy is being threatened. I’d be shitting myself too if I spent all my time being vile about a group of people and now I’d be feeling like they might have been right.
Are we really going to scream “coincidence” once again… how many coincidences before it’s not a coincidence anymore? I’m not going to list everything again because I did already today but now add on top of everything that MS missed stage door yesterday and today. Yesterday even NT was surprised because he took off without talking to anyone.
So we have something snapping at Oliviers, DT’s birthday, GT acting like a bitter divorcee, DT possibly not living with her anymore… and suddenly MS not doing stage door. The same MS, who made a point of staying with fans and at a bar late for months.
Remember when AL made that Q&A comparing him to a protective parrot and how she’s bored because he’s not there - his reaction? - stayed at a bar late instead of going home, for fans to notice. But look what’s happening now when it’s about DT…
I’m starting to think there won’t be a Birthday party from GT with how things are going… but also won’t be surprised if there will be. It all depends how bitter things are and whether they will be told to keep the image for the general public. I think that was the initial plan but something snapped at Oliviers.
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afyrian · 2 days
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ch. 5 - november 1 masterlist
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   "'how is married life going?' well, chat, it's interesting! i mean not much has changed, taxes were weird that's for sure," you sit in your office chair, one of your legs crossing the other, "but we've always been roommates so nothing different."
  you search the screen, tossing a piece of grass into a lake of lava. minecraft isn't necessarily your best game, rin having only briefly taught you for a stream. however, sometimes, on a calm evening, you like to play a game and interact with your followers. especially when they start getting engaged with both the game and your conversations.
  a new donation pops up on your second screen, the iconic voice reading out 'do you plan on admitting if the marriage is actually real...'. you widen your eyes, watching as the rest of the chat comments on the romance between the two of you. the countless videos, the closeness of the two of you, faking a wedding for a video. it just seemed all too much like coincidence for the people of twitch.
  "no, no, trust me! i do really love rintarō, but the marriage was ultimately for a joke. it was my idea to do it and he was totally up for it. the only part really messing with the both of us was when it was revealed we couldn't get divorced," you shrug, shaking off the idea of legitimately being married to rin.
  it wouldn't be bad, you figured. he was your first kiss (to make your crush jealous at the time), your closest friend, the one person you could binge a five hour youtube video essay with. being legitimately married with rin would be perfect, the only part would be him wanting to be married to. because truthfully you could never imagine him liking you like you like him.
  the comments continue spewing the idea that the two of you just don't want your relationship publicly on the internet. now, of course you'd want to keep most of your relationship personal, but it's hard to ignore the thought of the two of you kissing for a video. "chat, if rin and i were to ever actually date or get married, you'd be like the last to know. so how about we leave it alone and play a little minecraft?"
  you've very rarely had to put everyone in your comments in their place. however, the begging to know about your personal life with your closest friend strikes an annoying chord within you. especially if you don't know if you'd ever want that type of thing with him. but if you ever did, you don't want chat ruining that for you. luckily enough, the rest of your stream went as normally as it typically does. 
  when you take off your headphones, you can feel yourself already gaining some energy back. you love what you do, but sometimes answering all of those questions while concentrating on something else can drain you. so, you do what you always do after an honestly draining day. 
  you make your way into the kitchen and grab a few stacks, tossing them into a bowl and walking into the living room. on the couch sits rintarō who is binging another new show, feet resting on a small ottoman. when he notices you enter the room, he scoots over some to let you on. 
  "how was the stream?"
  "okay? i don't know, i just hate how incessant they can be on stuff they know nothing about. like our 'marriage', which they all assume was real and that's why we aren't divorced. like that's none of their business," you rant, unaware of rin having paused the show to bring his full attention to you.
  like normal, you lay down on the couch, resting your feet on his lap. “well, i could always say something to my subscribers,” rintarō looks over at you, resting on of his hands on the top of your socks. 
  “you would? i don’t want to force that on you, i just feel so frustrated,” you frown, crossing your arms over your chest with just enough of a force to really show your feelings.
  “yeah, absolutely. i mean it sucks that we need to, because we’ve said all that we’ve need to say, but i’m willing to do that for you. for us,” he shrugs, his hand rubbing the top of your feet in a soothing motion.
  the stress leaves your system and you find yourself closing your eyes in relaxation. you open your eyes and peer over at the screen. on it is a new show that you’ve been meaning to watch, rin having just started the first episode. as soon as he sees the look on your face, he starts the show over and rests his cheek onto his fist.
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a/n: sorry this took so a bit longer than normal!!
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mozukumi · 4 months
my one (1) big nitpick of the PJO tv show
In a lot of the marketing material, Percy is wearing this green flannel and it seems to be his Primary Outfit.
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WE ALREADY HAVE A BLOND CURLY HAIRED GREEN FLANNEL BOY IN THIS FANDOM!!! Every single time I see fanart I get jumpscared.
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cartooncrazyart · 2 years
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*pulls myself out of an art block with more men in dresses*
[Image description: a digitally edited marker drawing of Mumbo Jumbo. He is wearing a burgundy jacket with puffy sleeves, over a light pink shirt and a large red bow, with a long burgundy skirt. He has short white gloves, white tights and burgundy brogues tied with red ribbon. He is walking, holding a red parasol over his shoulder with both hands, smiling over his shoulder. End ID]
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suncaptor · 2 months
people sanctimoniously trying to explain US politics looking down or spreading vitriol towards anti-Biden people like you're not going to convince people upset about a genocide during an election year of a sitting president that they're just too stupid or evil to partake in harm reduction the way you want them to and advocate for the president arming Israel actively lmao.
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itwoodbeprefect · 1 year
i don't have a point here except ???, but i realized today that starsky & hutch episode the psychic a) was written by micheal mann of (among many other things) classic crime thriller heat fame, and b) contains a baffling amount of (references to) crossdressing. it's one of the two episodes that opens with starsky and hutch chasing a guy in a dress (which gives us the "well i don't know, you('d) look rather nice in basic black and pearls" starsky-to-hutch line), later on they interrupt a robbery being committed by ANOTHER guy in a dress (and grey wig, posing as an old lady - presumably with the intent to disguise his identity rather than express some part of it, but who knows), and THEN they meet a hot lady mechanic who among many fast lines says to starsky "i'm really a basketball player in drag. whatever turns you on, honey" (interestingly timely, considering starsky's earlier comment about hutch). and finally, not entirely related but also not unrelated, there's these people at a laundromat hutch hits up on his mad phone chase at the end of the episode:
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so yeah. ???.
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amiscreations · 1 year
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Kinda got a tattoo based on my favourite Def Leppard album🥰 Slang will always be one of the coolest Leppard eras, and a lot of the songs on that album mean a lot to me💜
it was done by the amazing Tommy Oh! check him out on insta, his designs are incredible and its such a privilege to be able have a piece of his artwork with me forever🥰
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arson-09 · 2 months
save me fictional characters save me
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unproduciblesmackdown · 2 months
take 4: the tension (gulf spanned with incomplete, continuously crumbling bridges) between the perspective of oneself as the Deservingly Epic Winner Protagonist Person who dares to be Out Of Line versus the need to actually completely stay in line within this b/c it hinges on being in harmony with the preexisting hierarchies which will supposedly reward the "merit" of this Actor. while everyone whose existence is Inferior, according to the hierarchies, is defined by being Out Of Line, which these same people resent & respond to, also Staying In Line with the hierarchy, by trying to reinforce the dynamics of these inferior / superior groupings. "everything pathologized about the inferior groups / rejected as what's Wrong with their existence so as to "cause" these dynamics is "take 4" b/c this is from me trying to write about winston quant kid 2 billions like holy shit a series operating on this logic huh, giving this unvarnished expression of this perspective b/c it's assuming (& requiring...) we all have it. winston is constantly responded to as Guy Who's Out Of Line. the "superior" parties who hate him & get to have him as their punching bag / hit with the butt of the joke / at least ignored & excluded, but taken advantage of, but who all have to Stay In Line, how's that going for them even when it comes to the writing, where characters can't do anything if it's too disruptive of the In Universe hierarchy, unless it's a finale zone for a permissable shakeup, where ppl insulating/supporting each other being a bit Out Of Line is not a problem b/c they individually recognize each other's transcendently True worthiness in thee objective hierarchy we all assume exists, but definitely can never disrupt the out of universe hierarchy, e.g. the show decides wendy is the true hero, b/c she deserves to be. taylor has to hire back dollar bill & stand back while wags & wendy take the lead & the spotlight & hate the autistic guy they hired & show up so the Winner, who was written into the show with nothing to do but tell taylor they're not quite as good as wendy & then provide a vagina amidst otherwise being an Everyemployee who fails to even differentiate from an Axe Cap style everyemployee, can announce their winningness detached from anything that actually happened ever.
counterpart to winston's departure needing an audience of people to stand there & stay in line, which on that side of the same coin meant punishing his Out Of Lineness that doesn't even act like anyone bothered to think of [this is one particular preexisting guy. you thought he liked scifi once before you lost interest in even suggesting he has interests, though, will roland likes scifi, will roland wore his own open buttonup as quant kid 2 that'd define the Look, will roland happened to have the facial hair just kept for production b/c who would care, will roland brought the entire je ne sais quoi acting interpretation that made quant kid 2 go from "out of line guy we kill once" to "out of line guy we keep around to kill all thee time until finale 'haha but seriously though' material means pushing him out of the way in s6 & then s7 alike" like hmm] like everyone just spitballed "annoying things! cringe loser things! things that would never happen to me, a deserving winner!!" & put it in as easter eggs as though that would even make sense, much less [you have no other priority?] but like. rian's sendoff didn't do any better for acting like she's a specific character who's said & done things we're meant to remember & have thought about then & now. taylor didn't get to have resolution with philip. they Had to have resolution with wendy that, again, has nothing to do with any/everything prior, except perhaps to contradict it. this is what anyone got for Staying In Line like superior winners. the autistic [annoying arrogant inferior undeserving etc] Out Of Lineness that would be so supposedly admired instead seen as pure Other shit that's projected upon ppl so as to Reject it thusly. couldn't be me!! i'm a winner who will always have Superior ranking in the hierarchy & treated accordingly!!! i Must be!!!! like i must Kill people who seem to be disrupting this, even by acting like a person who assumes they're equal to me despite being Different. there all along like wow winston existing Out Of Line is so powerful. he can harmonize with & support taylor so well b/c they're introduced as being so Out Of Line, up to the inevitable point of breaking out & starting their own thing entirely!!! but while it's like, okay yeah, you Have to reel them back in by thwarting them b/c otherwise they break so far from central men's orbit they exit the series or you have to put Them at the center (imagine...) (plus! the role winston plays in them getting as close to this as they ever can be!) but then in the end taylor's just shortchanged b/c when it comes time to take down a central man as thee main thing all season, series finale style, they should be knocking it out in a few episodes with sacker & philip. instead we focus on wendy given the helm & fucking around all season. after disposing of winston b/c who even needs him for anything, this is Stay In Line times, and to do that we can do nothing w/autistic people but hate them & punish them for being undeserving. but don't worry b/c he doesn't get to be so Out Of Line as to easily cause problems for them & thwart them, b/c he just doesn't. taylor waits around on wendy & tells her she's the best b/c they just do. we are all in line on all of this ourselves so whew, there's no Disruption to notice if that key Alignment is maintained. rian was never holding herself Above winston if we just really tentatively suggest she doesn't think that she was, while letting every double standard at play be acted out. rian being "out of line" was that she wasn't being aggressive enough about any of her Superiority, b/c if you didn't leave bruising then nothing was That Bad; cue the assaults and boundary violations Reserved for the inferior losers as fun times & nothing anyone is beholden to with Consequences, we don't even make the viewer stick with the consequences of how it affects the target a second too long, lest you start to think it's Drama & not Jokes.
anyways it's all about the [categorization as inferior Other based on an assumed Hierarchy = inherently defined as Out Of Line] all "why get a formal diagnosis from a professional who doesn't know what to look for when at age 5 my peers went 'something's wrong with this one' & acted 'accordingly'" like even when people "know" what's Wrong with someone to make them the odd one out / "incompatible" w/what makes others exist Right, it's time to interpret everything else about them as "backing that up" no matter what, certainly no matter if it involves theoretically Valued concepts, b/c it's all first & foremost Staying In Line with the hierarchy, where the correct way to do things is: if you Can push someone else into greater vulnerability while you're established as Insulated, you Do. tl;dr winston inherently continuously Out Of Line; being "superior" requires an ultimate (&/or also quite Immediate. especially when it comes to "simple" matters already "correctly" arranged in the supposed Objective Hierarchy, like: winston's "objectively" inferiority (autistic swag)) Staying In Line. and what comes of it. all the most engaging & complex shit when people get to not actually stay in line. the power of it if taylor & tmc & allies didn't have to ultimately be shoved into Staying In Line even when it means wendy is the best & oh who cares about taylor & philip when wags is around etc etc. if winston being someone Out Of Line was seen as relevant & not an easy nonstop joke. while a quant who is so In Line as to correctly personally abuse him even more than others are doing is so ""out of line"" as to decide she's already gotten everything she wants & may as well live the dream now, b/c she's not an aggressive man, one has to suppose, same diff as wendy getting to believe she's Better than everyone & is nobly in charge of orchestrating their fates when she Means & Knows so well, & is somehow pitted against prince being this same figure but without having to confront that fact. he's mean! or whatever. he's talking about killing people & wendy isn't so that sorts it out forever. "abuse your local autists; it's funny & their fault & consequenceless b/c they're not real people" is also harmonious with all our ideas. edgy rulebreaking bold independent Out of Line heroes completely in accord w/the established hierarchies. & those whose existence threatening peership disrupts it who are written off losers who could never upend those heroes' goings on. everyone Actually being peers is unimagineable, not as a figure of speech. we do not imagine it, what are you even talking about. now for the Merited Hierarchy to be acted out as arranged, which is fun, god i wish that were me. Independent Agents ascending it only!! & people who Cheat to get in like loser nerds w/their math, b/c they can't Deserve it. now to keep insisting that everyone else could just be On My Level if they tried, while also responding violently if it seems like weirdos / ppl who aren't Supposed to be here are infringing on my level (the only violence is physical strikes that made contact, & perhaps killed you)
anyways just another installment of [fake fans haunted by billions, & other things which are in real life, such as the fictional series billions] musings i have to excise at all b/c [this was take 4]. winston Out Of Line. superior correct winners who have to Stay In Line at related great costs despite the supposed associated wins of that. his autistic swag. knowing ppl Are different autism style b/c they're "out of line." encountering irl autistic people without realizing it & repeatedly writing "this nerd guy is just So annoying ugh!! he's just like weird & doing everything wrong for no reason & won't just Be Normal or Shut Up & Go Away!! but at least his intractible arrogant cluelessness also means we have fun punishing & taking advantage of him" Type butt of jokes into things. those cringe loser Insistently Annoying Weirdo nerds who we all find insufferable & punish, we all know them, inherent Inferior Other Out Of Line that they are. now it's a Guy we all hate & enjoy seeing suffer & Understand as a less deserving less [person] just dropped into the periphery of this fiction. he will easily be thwarted from an alliance with the [person designed to be Out of Line in a way that Is considered Legitimate] that would let them shatter the limits of the series in 5 sec which we're also holding them back by the scruff of the neck to prevent anyways while pushing forward ppl supposed to be even More correct b/c uh um they're a little more Normal, & perhaps even Women, who are innately more caring & gentle. there they go hurting those around them as much as they can, with nothing stopping them at all, but they're using their inside voices & not issuing physical threats so that's what i'm talking about. that is heroic, vs the villainous efforts to navigate life as though everyone will respect them as a fellow person which Autists egregiously pull, to which you can do anything you want to Reject this. maybe even decide you wanna personally use them. isn't that nice of you. no, we don't know what to do with the "this guy won't stop acting like he gets to think he's a person" but eventually send him away after the dozen trampled boundaries to punish him for fun b/c what else was the point of him? anyways don't worry i saw the autistic swag. the nonbinary swag it didn't even know was there. the nonbinary swag it knew was there but held back by the scruff of the neck b/c all billions' most engaging, potential filled characters are the ones Held Back b/c they're threatening too much [out of line] / their out of Lineness must be contained; vs everyone perfectly in line who keeps being pushed in front of them no matter what b/c uhhh.
let's go Out of Line gang. continual inevitable Disruption of the norm(tm). like even just standing there vs "oh immediately i fucking Hate this guy." billions where anyone considers winston for 5 sec would also shatter apart. taylor would be too powerful even more than they already are if they didn't have to stay wendy's sidekick no matter what. rian who didn't have to come back from the hiatus even more "right" than they presumably intended her to always be (bound to thee hierachy / actually always Staying In Line. if she's out of it, psych, actually that was just a correction of the "objective" hierarchal order waiting to reconfigure itself around the situation). standing around waiting like okay but the payoff that Could happen....okay still time though lol....well here we are
the fundamentalness of the Out Of Lineness. quantessential....send post
#another [mentally pacing while writing out the saga] moment#winston billions#it's all about the Out Of Line....#b/c it's all about the hierarchy; & the fact that it's People beneath you = forever being in conflict w/Reality being ''out of line''#this person talking & taking up space & breathing & Appearing & Behaving & Acting & [Autonomous]ing....no. no!!!!!!!#tmc just so happened to be Weird except also mafee is there but he's too not ''aggressive'' enough for axe cap. or is he!! not that much#all while even in peak tmc times....thee hierarchy! we Hate winston & Will all act accordingly to keep him inferior(tm)#we'll also use him. but not include him as a peer when we can help it. or even acknowledge a ''value'' for having found him Useful(tm)#just like wow really didn't think at all about winston besides [he IS out of line!!!]. ppl can do all That to him & not have it questioned#like hey so long as maybe you do it without....well they did also physically assault him in the end so really no limits obviously#the make or break context? his autistacity means well he deserves it from anyone#whereas if some of those ppl do some of those things to Winners w/the same goal to punish & hurt & coerce? hmm bit messed up#it's not double standards when you objectively buy into it right. if winston was a Good Enough Real Enough person we'd all Love him#however we just all immediately recognize a weird little autistic loser & that's all that is relevant forever somehow! hmm!#most ''out of line'' billions characters unleashed....we deserved this#what a coincidence that at the high points of this; like say; Kompenso; winston is treated the best!! 4x12!! Hmm!!!#irrelevant i said. nothing to see here like there's nothing inside him but Cringe Wrongness. scene over! series over! autists are Others#they power down in nooks & crannies & stop imitating Real People words & deeds when we're not looking so just do whatever#that Whatever means finding it rewarding to go after them & assert power=superior status over them? epic Normal shit. what else is there#rhetorical!! stop answering about like ''nobody's life & existence treated as Less''#but at what cost? oh so a really epic man can't like pwn people now?? perhaps an epic Woman? all cishet agenda style btw? hell
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welcometogrouchland · 5 months
Pacing back and forth rapidly rambling to my parents like a mad man trying to figure out whether or not I experienced sexism at film school today or if these guys are just assholes in a different way
#ramblings of a lunatic#like they made a couple comments about how one woman in the department (who's always stressed bc she has a busy job)-#-clearly doesn't ''like guys'' and gave them the wrong equipment to set them up for failure (??? okay???)#and proceeded to organise things so that. none of the other members (who were all girls and here's where i can't tell if it's coincidence)#-had ANYTHING to do on set. like didn't ask them to set up tripods (we all went to thr class where you learn to set up tripods...)#didn't ask them even to hold things or plug things in (they did ask me but only bc i spoke up and volunteered multiple times)#didn't even really talk to us much bc they were off in their own world setting up equipment (that we didn't need btw)#and i can't tell if they were just really focused or being exclusionary!#and i don't think there's a clear answer to any of this. if it did happen it's almost definitely unintentional.#it might've just been bad optics. again unintentional. and i don't know how the other girls felt or if they were bothered#so i can't claim to speak to collective experience#I'm just. I'M JUST PACING WONDERING IF I'M CRAZY#also i told them the one day i was available was today and they showed up and proceeded to have nothing for me (or any of the girls) to do#and now i don't even know what i could do. maybe ask the editor if they want an edit assist bc that's one of the roles#siiighhhh#also feel it's important to mention that one of the guys was on the autism spectrum#so i can't tell how much of it was exclusion bc he thinks he's the only one competent enough to do these tasks (and that coincidentally-#-the only other guy in the group is also the only one competent enough to help him)#or if he was just having a relatable social ineptitude moment where he didn't realise the rest of us felt useless and excluded#and i don't know how much that context effects the end result BC I DON'T KNOW IF THIS WAS REAL OR IF I'M JUST A HASHTAG FEMINAZI SJW LIB#UGH#(use of the word feminazi was ironic parody of the way sexists speak pls pls pls don't think i ever talk like that irl)
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todayisafridaynight · 9 months
Nooo the trans allegory is also a Big one for me in that song, but I know not everybody is about Trans Aoki so I figured it went well with his disabilities regardless. And like yeah blah blah basic whatever, idc y'know, I'm here to enjoy life so imma listen to music people don't like 😂🤣
But you're so real for the trans Aoki thoughts okay.... I love both cis and trans interpretations of the Boy bc he's fits very well in both categories. It's all just spice y'know!! You sprinkle some of this... Some of that... And tomorrow you make a new dish! Love moving head canons around for funsies
Anyway ty for validating my music choices 🫡 good luck charging your phone
i dont really hc charas any particular sexuality or gender since i always feel weird about it its called being BORING its what I AM but its the way i was playin y7 and just kept jokin bout it every time the game gave me a chance until the very last scene then i was just like.. hm... feels less like a joke to me now... its just what my eyes perceive at this point.. sorry...
but i got you covered with music choices man !!!! i like most music even if it can be considered 'overplayed' or 'generic' like idk man... if it makea me feel ima listen to it..
#snap chats#love how i forgot the Eyes lyrics to Body when it's deadass the first line.. STUPID ASS !!!!!!!#but anyways. yeah it been a hot year since i talked bout trans aoki LMAO#honestly if it wasnt for the fact i saw korean artists draw aoki with top scars (and specifying they were TS scars) then id prob just like#be quiet about it. cause most of the time i was just jokin like the whole injections bit and his voice being hoarse in eng#and nasally in jp... lol.... the jokes were being lined up for me... and then he went and changed his name#and got surgery that made him feel more at home in his body... LIKE THEY PROVIDE NON-TRANS REASONS WHY HE DOES THIS#I KNOW but thats why i just kept /jokin/ bout it cause i was like 'lmao' yk. Lmao congrats your accidental trans rep is republican#AND THAT'S WHY IT'S FUNNY TO HC HIM AS TRANS CAUSE HE SUCKS !!!!! i want more shitty people as trans rep#im p sure im the only one who 'openly' hcs him trans but not even. like i remember twitter was Allegedly mad at me for drawing aoki a lot#and they made a point bout me makin him trans but like... i never even 'publicly' made him trans..#when i'd draw aoki without a shirt i'd give him scars but those were from his lung surgery.. lmao...#not my fault the scars look Like That... cause i like drawing scars leave me alone...#my DB followers know i was obsessed with drawing yamcha's leg scar from when his leg was broken#Truly just a coincidence but also not cause it Was lowkey intentional but anyways.. lol...#i remember the period where people were askin me bout the hc.. hehe...#My Apologies for going on the Trans Aoki rant i still do very much like to joke bout it with myself.... it was too real to me...#every time i think of The Specifics i start to get like 👁️👁️ because then it gets too real so i gotta stop before i start crying....#it's not that the HC is personal or deep to me or anything it's just funny <- in denial for the bit#anyway.. i havent been able to be productive all day so !! time to start i have a really hectic week and its only getting worse (╯▽╰ )#thanks for letting me ramble... and feel validated for being delulu...#lowkey funny that While True you said not everyone's about the HC Which Is True it's why i dont talk about it a lot#but like... Not To Be Presumptuous And Self-Important but i do remember being one o the first people to bring it up with other aoki fans..#imagine me not being abot my own hc.. or at least one i stand heavily by... lmao..
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