rachvictor05 · 4 months
Skilled healthcare professionals provide health plans and providers with high-quality healthcare consulting services. Experts in corporate software platforms, digital innovation, US government initiatives, and company operations make up our team.
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datawater · 1 month
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white-crow-brand · 8 months
What is Health Insurance Premiums?
What is a Health Insurance Premiums?
Health insurance premiums are a significant consideration for individuals and families when choosing a health insurance plan. While the basic concept of a premium is fairly straightforward – it’s the amount you pay each month to maintain your health insurance coverage – there are various factors that influence the cost. These factors include your age, location, lifestyle choices, and the type of plan you choose. One important aspect to understand about health insurance premiums is that they can vary significantly from person to person. Younger individuals may typically have lower premiums compared to older individuals due to their overall lower risk for health issues. Similarly, those who live in areas with higher healthcare costs may see higher premiums as well. Additionally, certain lifestyle choices such as smoking or engaging in high-risk activities can also result in higher premiums. 4 reasons why understanding Health Insurance Premiums matters: 1) Being aware of how premiums are calculated empowers you to make better decisions when choosing an insurance plan. By knowing what influences premium rates, you can compare different options and select one that suits your needs without overpaying. 2) Understanding how premiums work ensures that you won't be caught off guard by unexpected costs or hidden fees later down the line. 3) It allows you to estimate how much money will be deducted from your paycheck if you have employer-sponsored insurance or budget appropriately if paying for coverage out-of-pocket. Related: Understanding what is Floating Policy and its Benefits
The Importance of Health Insurance Premiums
Health insurance premiums are often seen as an unwelcome monthly expense, but their importance cannot be overstated. These premiums are the price we pay for financial security and peace of mind in times of medical need. They provide us with a safety net, protecting us from exorbitant healthcare costs that could potentially bankrupt us. One key benefit of health insurance is its ability to cover preventative care, such as regular check-ups and screenings. By investing in a health insurance premium, individuals can receive routine examinations that detect potential health issues before they become serious problems. This proactive approach to healthcare not only saves lives but also helps to reduce the overall cost burden on the healthcare system. Moreover, health insurance premiums offer a sense of stability by mitigating the risk associated with unexpected medical expenses. A single visit to the emergency room or an unforeseen surgery can lead to substantial bills that most people would struggle to pay out-of-pocket. With proper coverage through a health insurance plan, individuals have access to affordable treatment options without having to worry about crippling debt or compromising their financial well-being. How Health Insurance Premiums Are Calculated Health insurance premiums are determined through a complex calculation process that takes various factors into account. One of the primary considerations is age. Generally, younger individuals pay lower premiums as they are considered to be healthier and have fewer medical conditions compared to older individuals. Gender also plays a role in premium calculations, as women tend to visit doctors more frequently than men due to reproductive healthcare needs. Additionally, the geographical location of an individual can impact their health insurance premium. Insurance companies analyze data at the local level to assess the overall health trends and usage rates in a particular area. If the region has a higher population density or poor overall health indicators, it could lead to increased premiums for residents living there. Moreover, insurers consider an individual's smoking status when determining their premium rate. Smokers generally face higher premiums due to the significantly increased risk of developing various health issues related to tobacco use. This serves as an incentive for smokers to quit or reduce their habit and promotes better overall public health. Key Factors Influencing Health Insurance Premiums One of the most important aspects to consider when choosing a health insurance plan is the premium - the amount you pay each month for your coverage. Several key factors play a role in determining the cost of your health insurance premiums. Firstly, age is a significant factor; older individuals typically have higher premiums due to their increased likelihood of needing medical care. Smoking and tobacco use also impact premiums, as statistics show that smokers tend to face more health issues than non-smokers. Additionally, geographical location can affect premium rates, as healthcare costs can vary significantly between states. Another crucial factor influencing health insurance premiums is the type of plan you choose. Generally, plans with lower monthly premiums come with higher deductibles and out-of-pocket costs when seeking medical treatment. On the other hand, plans with higher monthly premiums often have lower deductibles and copayments. It's essential to carefully evaluate your healthcare needs and financial situation to determine which plan structure would be most suitable for you.
Types of Health Insurance Premiums
There are several different types of health insurance premiums that individuals can choose from, depending on their needs and budget. One common type is the individual premium, which is paid by an individual for their own health insurance coverage. This type of premium is typically determined by various factors such as age, gender, and overall health status.
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1. Indemnity Health Insurance Premiums One type of health insurance premium that often intrigues individuals is indemnity health insurance premiums. With indemnity plans, individuals have the freedom to choose any healthcare provider they desire, without having to stay within a network. This flexibility can be alluring for individuals who value choice and convenience in their healthcare decisions. However, with this greater freedom comes higher costs. Indemnity health insurance premiums tend to be more expensive compared to other types of health insurance plans due to the increased flexibility and lack of restrictions. The idea behind indemnity health insurance premiums is that individuals are reimbursed for a portion or all of the medical expenses they incur. Instead of paying upfront for healthcare services, policyholders submit claims to their insurer seeking reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses. This reimbursement model allows individuals to take control over their own healthcare choices as well as maintain privacy when it comes to sensitive medical information. While this may seem like an attractive option, it's essential to weigh the potential financial burden of higher premiums against the benefits provided by an indemnity plan. 2. Managed Care Health Insurance Premiums (HMO, PPO, POS) Managed care health insurance premiums are a crucial aspect of healthcare coverage that individuals should be well-informed about. These premiums vary based on the type of managed care plan chosen, such as Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), or Point-of-Service (POS). While HMO plans typically have lower premiums due to the restricted network and referral requirements, they may not offer the same flexibility as PPO or POS plans. On the other hand, PPO and POS plans often come with higher premiums but allow more freedom in choosing healthcare providers. Understanding these variations in managed care health insurance premiums is essential for making an informed decision about one's healthcare coverage. For instance, individuals seeking more comprehensive options with a broader network of providers might find PPO or POS plans worth considering, even if they come with higher monthly costs. However, those who prioritize cost-saving might opt for an HMO plan to enjoy lower premiums and potentially reduced out-of-pocket expenses. 3. High Deductible Health Plans (HDHP) and Premiums High Deductible Health Plans (HDHP) have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their lower monthly premiums. These plans offer individuals and families the opportunity to save money on their health insurance costs, but it's important to understand how they work and what they mean for your wallet. While HDHPs often have lower premiums than traditional health insurance plans, they come with higher deductibles that must be met before the insurance kicks in. One interesting aspect of HDHPs is that they can be paired with a Health Savings Account (HSA), which allows you to set aside tax-free funds for medical expenses. This combination provides an additional incentive for individuals who are generally healthy and don't require frequent medical care. By contributing to an HSA, you can save pre-tax dollars towards future healthcare expenses, giving you more control over your healthcare budget. 4. Catastrophic Health Insurance Premiums Catastrophic health insurance premiums: the two words that can strike fear into the hearts of many Americans. As healthcare costs continue to rise, so do health insurance premiums, leaving individuals and families struggling to keep up. The term catastrophic refers to a type of coverage that is meant to protect against extreme medical events that could financially bankrupt an individual or family. However, the irony lies in the fact that these catastrophic plans often come with exorbitant premiums, making them almost unaffordable for those who need them most. What makes catastrophic health insurance premiums so high? One factor is the level of coverage provided by these types of plans. Since they are meant for major medical expenses, such as hospital stays or surgeries, insurers anticipate higher costs and therefore charge more in premiums. Additionally, those who opt for catastrophic plans often have pre-existing conditions or face other health challenges, which further drives up the cost of their coverage. The result is a Catch-22 situation for many individuals and families. They may desperately need the protection offered by catastrophic coverage but find themselves unable to afford it due to sky-high premium prices. This leaves them vulnerable to potential financial devastation in case of a major medical event. As policymakers and healthcare providers grapple with finding solutions to this issue, it becomes clear that simply raising awareness about affordable alternatives and advocating for comprehensive healthcare reforms are crucial steps towards ensuring access to affordable healthcare for all Americans. 5. How to Choose the Right Plan Based on Premiums When it comes to choosing the right health insurance plan, one of the most important factors to consider is the premium. The premium is the amount you pay each month for your health insurance coverage, and it can vary widely based on a variety of factors such as age, location, and plan type. While it may be tempting to simply choose the plan with the lowest premium, it's crucial to take a closer look at what you're getting for that price. While lower premiums may initially seem more affordable, they often come with higher out-of-pocket costs such as deductibles and copayments. On the other hand, plans with higher premiums usually have lower out-of-pocket costs. So when deciding which plan is right for you based on premiums alone, it's essential to consider your healthcare needs and budgetary constraints. If you rarely visit a doctor and are generally healthy, a plan with a higher premium but lower out-of-pocket costs might not be worth the extra expense. However, if you have ongoing medical conditions or expect to require frequent medical care in the near future, opting for a higher premium might be more cost-effective in the long run by providing greater coverage and reducing potential financial burdens. Ultimately, choosing the right plan based on premiums requires careful consideration of your individual circumstances and priorities. What might be an excellent choice for one person may not suit someone else's needs. Tips for Managing Health Insurance Premiums One of the most common concerns when it comes to health insurance is the premium cost. However, there are several tips and strategies you can implement to effectively manage your health insurance premiums. Firstly, it's important to review your coverage regularly. Make sure you understand what benefits and services are included in your plan and if they align with your needs. By eliminating unnecessary coverage or adjusting your plan to fit your specific requirements, you can potentially reduce your premium costs. Another effective way to manage health insurance premiums is by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Many insurers offer wellness programs that incentivize policyholders for taking proactive steps towards their well-being. By participating in these programs, such as engaging in regular exercise or attending preventative screenings, you may be eligible for discounts or rewards that help lower your premiums. Additionally, adopting healthier habits can also lead to fewer medical visits and overall lower healthcare costs. Lastly, consider shopping around for different insurance providers when it's time for renewal or if you're unsatisfied with your current plan. Comparing options from various insurers can help you uncover potential savings opportunities or more affordable plans that meet all of your individual needs. By implementing these tips and actively managing your health insurance premiums, you can ensure that you're getting the best value for money while still receiving comprehensive coverage for any future medical needs. Strategies to Reduce Health Insurance Premium Costs One strategy to reduce health insurance premium costs is to opt for a high deductible plan. This means that you will be responsible for paying a larger portion of your medical expenses before your insurance coverage kicks in. While this may seem daunting, it can lead to significant savings on monthly premiums. By taking the time to carefully evaluate your anticipated healthcare needs and budget constraints, you can make an informed decision about whether or not a high deductible plan is the right choice for you. Another effective strategy is to explore health savings accounts (HSAs). These accounts allow you to set aside pre-tax dollars specifically for healthcare expenses. Any funds left unused in an HSA can be rolled over from year to year, unlike flexible spending accounts (FSAs), which have use-it-or-lose-it rules. By taking advantage of an HSA, you not only save on taxes but also have funds readily available for any unexpected medical costs that may arise. However, it's important to note that not all health insurance plans are compatible with HSAs, so it's essential to carefully review your options before selecting a plan. Related: Understanding what is a Risk in Insurance
One key takeaway from examining health insurance premiums is the importance of shopping around for the best plan that suits your needs and budget. Don't be afraid to compare different providers and policies thoroughly before making a decision. Remember that affordability should not be your sole consideration; take into account coverage limits, network options, deductibles, co-pays, and out-of-pocket expenses as well. By taking an active role in researching and comparing options available to you on the healthcare marketplaces or through private insurers directly or brokers/agents can help ensure you make an informed choice that maximizes both value and peace of mind. In closing our discussion on health insurance premiums today, let us emphasize the significance of having adequate coverage to protect yourself from unexpected medical costs. While it may be tempting to go without insurance due to its cost or perceived lack of necessity if you're healthy now , keep in mind that illness or injury can strike at any time. Get an Latest Update Read the full article
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How would you like an affordable and sleek unique smart watch that has your health in mind?!
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CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR PLAN https://shrsl.com/4475s
This blog post will explore the benefits of using a health insurance referral company to speak with an agent for health insurance concerns. We’ll discuss how these companies can provide expert advice and guidance to help you find a plan that meets your needs and budget. We’ll also offer tips for choosing a reputable referral company and getting the most out of your consultation.
By using a health insurance referral company, you can get the expert advice and guidance you need to make an informed decision and find the right health insurance plan for you and your family.
As a business owner, the last thing you want to worry about is whether or not you have the right health insurance.
Not only is it a complex and ever-changing landscape, but it’s also time-consuming and expensive.
That’s where Coverage Connection comes in.
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CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR PLAN https://shrsl.com/4475s
“Using Coverage Connection was the best decision I’ve made. I found a great agent & didn’t have to worry about being bombarded with calls & emails from 20 other agents that my information would have been sold to if I used another company.”
CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR PLAN https://shrsl.com/4475s
“We were avoiding the hassle of finding private health insurance because the marketplace plans just weren’t a good fit for us. Coverage Connection took so much stress out of the process.”
A health insurance referral company is a resource that can help you navigate the process of choosing a health insurance plan. These companies work with licensed agents who can provide expert advice and guidance to help you find the right plan.
CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR PLAN https://shrsl.com/4475s
Here’s how a health insurance referral company works:
You contact the referral company and schedule a consultation with a licensed agent.
During the consultation, the agent will ask questions about your healthcare needs, budget, and other factors to help determine your best plan.
The agent will then compare multiple plans from different insurance providers to find the one that best fits your needs and budget.
The agent will provide personalized recommendations and help you enroll in the chosen plan.
CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR PLAN https://shrsl.com/4475s
By working with a referral company, you can get expert advice and guidance to help you find the right health insurance plan. The licensed agents at these companies are trained to understand the details of different plans and can help you compare and contrast the options to find the one that’s best for you.
CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR PLAN https://shrsl.com/4475s
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throwback to when a born and raised canadian made some comments abt how its not great being queer/trans in canada (like . in comparison to the rest of the world even) and my immigrant friend and i start cackling, absolutely hooting and hollering
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These are basic insurance plans that provide coverage for hospital stays longer than 24 hours. Typically, these also provide pre- and post-hospitalization coverage. These plans typically have sub-limits on costs like room rent. In some procedures, they limit the amount you are entitled to. Some of the plans additionally demand that you split the insurer's claim fees with them (Co-Pay).
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health8211 · 1 year
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krypteiagroup · 2 years
Oversight Leads to Data Breach at Choice Health Insurance
Oversight Leads to Data Breach at Choice Health Insurance
https://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/oversight-leads-to-data-breach-at-3910791/ Recently, Choice Health Insurance reported a data breach after the company discovered that an unauthorized party was offering data obtained from the Choice Health systems for sale on a popular hackers’ website. According to Choice Health, the breach resulted in the full names, Social Security numbers, Medicare…
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nightspires · 7 months
we have a healthplan at work that helps pay for some treatments and i've not used it before, but it renews for the year on 1st november, so i'm going to try and use that to get my chipped tooth fixed. it'll only cover like 1/3rd of the costs bc dentistry is a hellscape in the uk rn, but still. better than nothing i suppose!
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*cries in despair*
you bitch- *cries harder*
ho dare you kill nathalie *sobs*
(why do i do this to myself-)
(btw its a fanfic, dont worry, im not talking to you father)
oof though.
Honestly though...... Like....
I know she broke up with Gabriiel and wasn't doing to hot at the end of Episode 1 and was she in episode 2?
Because uh. Where's she going?
And if she quit then I don't think Gabriel is gonna keep her on the healthplan.
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#kpo #rcm #revenuecyclemanagement #healthplan #global #period #revenuecyclemanagement #components #insurance #medicalbilling # 50modifier #RT #LT #Bilateral #paired organ #unpaired organ Hi Friends, In this video We have actually described meaning of bilateral and usage of 50 and LT, RT Modifiers. Thankyou
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white-crow-brand · 10 months
Secure Your Health: The Important of Health Insurance
Heath Insurance
Young consumers do not see health as an urgent issue and therefore make the mistake of waiting until it is too late. Buying a policy when you are young will allow you to avoid the mandatory waiting period.
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  Also, you can get high coverage at a very low cost. Of course, the epidemic has shaken the world in many ways, but the only change here is to increase awareness and new ideas among young people about their health. Also Read:The Power of Words: Bihar’s Path to Literacy They have realized that health is really wealth, so they go ahead to protect themselves in every possible way. This includes choosing a solid health insurance plan that provides financial protection in case of health problems. After all, the early stages of life and chronic illness after the disease proved that no age will be free of health problems. As the cost of medicine increases, the need for health insurance becomes more important. India is considered as one of the youngest population in the world with more than 52% of the population below the age of 30, according to the National Family Health Survey-5. It is not surprising that today's insurance companies continue to create products that not only meet the needs of young consumers, but also make them profitable. So, if you fall into this bucket and are looking to buy health insurance, here's what to keep in mind. Young consumers do not see health as an urgent issue and therefore make the mistake of waiting until it is too late. However, filing an order while you are still young will allow you to avoid the mandatory waiting period. In some plans, it can take months to years before you can file a claim. In addition, you can get higher coverage at lower premiums because you qualify for higher preventive support and less chance of developing serious medical conditions. Therefore, it is recommended to buy a health insurance policy when you are young so that you can take advantage of it and get a lower premium. Also Read: 5 Best Types of Business Associate that have to know in 2023 OPD coverage Medicare is moving away from the traditional definition of hospital claims alone. It is changing to meet the needs of young consumers who are not limited to the hospital, but it extends to doctor's visits, laboratory tests, regular health checks, and even medical teleconsultation. The good news is that having an OPD or health care provider insurance in your plan helps cover all these expenses throughout the year. It enables young consumers to choose health insurance for end-to-end protection, who will avoid buying policies if they do not plan for the hospital. Unlimited food service   When shopping for health insurance, many people check their age, family history, current lifestyle, and financial situation before deciding on the insurance amount. However, it may happen that the purchased insurance amount is not enough due to the severity and complexity of the disease or many claims. In this case, the benefit of unlimited restoration comes to your rescue. This gives the policyholder the option of paying the sum insured in full up to the maximum amount. Most plans now offer 100% value back. To explain, this gives the amount of sum assured in the event of shortage or interruption during the claim. Also, the important advantage of this feature is that it can be used indefinitely during the legal process and also in unlimited situations. In maximizing value One always has something old on their side when buying a child, which brings benefits. Although having a health insurance policy is a perfect way to provide you and your family with financial support in the event of a medical emergency, the fact remains that prevention is better than cure. Realizing the need, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has issued guidelines for all general insurers to offer incentives in the form of rewards to customers at the time of renewal for maintaining - have insurance. Therefore, always check this feature and be aware of specific references, as some insurance companies offer initial premiums and lower annual premiums for healthy people. Additionally, you may also qualify for a 100% discount or endorsement under certain plans if you meet the insured's criteria. Some plans also offer you cash on medical check-ups or other attractive benefits depending on the situation. Cost of birth For young couples, the inclusion of maternity benefits - coverage against natural and caesarean births, newborn expenses such as vaccinations, ambulance fees and stem cell preservation - is important. to consider, so that they can easily accept parents. So, choose a plan carefully before planning your family. Choose a plan that provides comprehensive protection and protects you financially from possible care, pre-hospital and post-hospital, road accident charges, etc. Health is priceless, and the only way to protect yourself is to follow a healthy diet and have a health insurance plan that protects you financially. So always compare different options online and check the features, inclusions and exclusions. In addition, it is recommended that you know the limit of payment of the insurer. So, before choosing your policy, read the right book to ensure that you are committing to a solid health insurance policy. Also Read: 5 Reasons You Need a Family Business Succession Planning Consultant Related: Holistic Healthcare Using Family Health Insurance | Exploring Individual Health Insurance Coverage | Term Life Insurance : Navigating life’s Uncertainties | Safe and Sound : Home Insurance Coverage for Your Family | Dental Insurance Coverage : Take Care of Your Pearly Whites Read the full article
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judyreppart · 6 months
Cure 4 The Kids Foundation and SilverSummit Healthplan Partnership Results in Recruitment of Southern Nevada’s Newest Pediatric Rheumatologist $100,000 SilverSummit Community Investment Program Grant Helped Cure 4 The Kids Foundation Recruit Dr. Saumya Joshi
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nityarawal · 8 months
Sorry call dropped. Phone died. You still haven't sent solar charger or gotten my kids & assets.
No rape or murder warrants as of yesterday. A clerk finally picked up at Sandiego PD but everyone keeps telling me to call my PD. They don't work or return calls and clerks are rude & bitchy- hang up. They know they're in deep shit on murder bribes in probate fraud.
1203 Judge Davis's clerk called yesterday to say not to call again. I understand Judge Kelly Mok and Judge Davis were sanctioned 80% of paychecks. This is wonderful news! Thanking my legal team for support now!(:
We'd actually like to have all rotating judges and courtrooms recalled involved in foul play on my case in 6 years. Scotty feels bad they're losing jobs but I tend to feel worse for Mommies they murdered. Scotty says he doesn't hate his mom after 64 years of government handling. But he hasn't returned to her home to visit his sister yet because the stigma of his father smearing Mrs. Valentine with law enforcement rapes in front of him- has imprinted on his memory. He deals with toxicity- mommy hatred and sodomizing of courts- for they raped him stupid on drugs. We survived it and want to help my kids heal now.
Dr. Bug is still intending to assist with uncoupling via Gwyneth Paltrow "uncoupling" team so no one else is murdered as a probate on my team.
This is a serious issue and likely public defense will close down next week.
Get your friends out of prison.
I called congress & assembly woman at governors office & alerted government Mrs. Jackson- Jones life is under Duress with Covid.
Please transfer her to a civilian hospital. I was promised confirmation of this yesterday. She's a 72 year old Chicagoan black mother of 5 that was kidnapped on holiday by RSO politically racist Sheriff at Desert Train Station.
She's a civil Activist I deeply admire for her health crusader research and teachings on gut health.
Mrs Jackson relies on Urine Therapy but dentist ripped out all her teeth last month and she can barely talk!
Luckily she'd memorized congressman Daughtery's number.
Lady clerk was bitch and didn't understand Mrs. J's health issues- was extremely racist- and even assembly woman's clerk at office said they're not doctors.
No they are not
This is point Chowchilla is mass murdering on petty crime and these mothers and Grandmother's are not allowed any medical services.
They've been in covid quarantine isolation for 4 years barred from their benefits and Healthcare.
This is Riverside County Healthcare IEHP - inland Empire Healthplan- we witnessed them kill for gay mommy haters at Dr's, obyn, therapists & all forensics- except Dr. Adam Cash.
Please close every foul Dr's office that lied to me and sold me on black market.
Your jobs aren't more important than mine. Mothers have most important role in universe.
It's unfortunate so many Dyke Judges & PD's are Sterile.
They also Sterilized Britney with a handler. We want to press charges against Sammy's cop uncle for molesting and grooming Sammy into her probate con.
We'd also like to prosecute Broker Joe Jelly and his pimps for selling Darin David Joye on black market as a child to gay attys.
None of defense sodomising was good for our families, bands (Birds of Olympus died! Best Irish band since Beatles! Because of his handler job on atty cons at PD!)
We've had enough of toxic handlers spin doctoring us!
Dr. Bug just called back and was doubting our rape testimonies.
He was needling, asking if I was molested. He knows I was- by David Farley Kaplan but his intention is to attack Catholics. A neo-nazi handler?
I told him whole US Army raped me. Then he laughed and said, " That's Alot of Dick!"
Actually it was alot of Dykes.
No transvestites don't have dicks.
The US army & Airforce are recruiting for trans nation.
Wake up.
The attys immigrate them- steal from Ukraine & MX- and yes America too.
This is a genocide on woman, mothers and babies.
It needs to stop now.
Dissolve my estate with Dr. Sunil Rawal.
We do not welcome him nor sponsor him in USA and we don't feel our courts should have either.
They've been grossly ignorant of real estate law in name of greed.
They think they work for the buck.
They don't.
They work for me & you- our tax dollars. Every government clerk in California lacks manners and basic civilian business skills favoring organised crime.
Every single one of them needs to be fired. Social services murdered millions in name of #ObamaCare & we don't appreciate @nityacapital plagerising my name in America- as first published and copy righted "Nitya" in USA- they are mass murdering universities in name of mental health crime.
Neo nazis are paying for these Indian elections.
We long for spiritual mothering of India- not commercial rape and extortion globally.
What a disappointing election with a manic Indian like our x on stand.
Please don't vote Indian or for lawyers ever again!
Scotty is calling me off hook.
Look Mrs J will die today if I can't get my work done.
Go call court and do your job if you want any left over attention after 5pm at the end of business day.
I'm at library and don't feel like giving cops any more exciting data to drool over on video.
They're so stupid- we really can't risk talking to them. It's just one mistake after another. We reccomend to release all moms, fire the judges.
PDs don't need to be nervous of how their victims will be released.
We will take care of it.
Send the attys to Princess dorm.
Write me and I'll make sure staff improves their care plan.
Nitya Huntley Rawal
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gellymark-blog · 11 months
Looking To Maximize Your 401k Benefits In Tampa FL? Contact Affordable Insurance Team Now
https://www.affordableinsuranceteam.com/long-term-healthplans - Affordable Insurance Team in Tampa, FL offers 401k benefits and other retirement planning services to help you secure your financial future. Their team of experienced agents will work with you to ensure that you have the best possible plan for your retirement needs. For more information, contact them today.
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