charseraph · 7 months
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If he got to be a real butterfly
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cprgiii · 4 months
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cpr on a sex doll
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evie-carnahan · 1 month
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A Bug's Life (1998)
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cprresus-2 · 6 months
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capturingdisney · 5 months
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kme-2020 · 3 months
I heard a strange, muffled noise come from the living room. “Ashley?” I called out. It was unusual for you not to reply so I peeked out of our home office after hearing a second muffled thump. “Ashley?” I called out again.
I could hear more commotion so I hurried down the hall. I rounded the corner into the living room and found you hunched over on the couch. You looked up and pointed frantically to your throat, unable to speak, clearly choking. “Ashley!” I yelled out as I ran to your side and grabbed your shoulder, crouching down to your eye level. Your face was red and your eyes glassy. “Cough! Try and cough!” Your eyes met mine and you shook your head, gesturing frantically at your throat, mouth opening and closing silently. The panic in your eyes told me this was serious and that I had to act fast.
Without hesitation I kneeled on the couch beside you and snaked my arm across your chest to support you as I began back blows with my free hand. You lurched forward, gripping the coffee table for support as your body rocked forward with the force.
“Breathe Ashley! Get it out!” I muttered as I slammed my hand in between your shoulder blades. Finding no success with back blows, I repositioned myself and forced myself behind you on the couch. I reached my arms around your waist and searched to find your belly button- you were bigger than me and I strained to make a fist and hold it in my other hand. I attempted to perform the Heimlich maneuver but it was weak. I tried a few more times to no avail, so moved my arms up to circle your chest and delivered a sharp thrust. Nothing happened. I pulled in forcefully again and again with no relief. Frantic, I hit your back between your shoulder blades. You knew it wasn’t working either as you banged your fist against your chest.
“Stand up!!” I instructed. We stumbled to our feet and I steadied you in my arms, repositioning my body behind your larger frame. I again wrapped my arms around your waist, and this time had an easier time getting my hands in the right position. I pulled in and up into your abdomen, able to produce more force than my previous attempts at the Heimlich. My fist slippped out of my grasp and my fingers dug into your soft abdomen. Panicked, I pressed myself against your back and strained my arms reach around your curvy body. I felt your hands clasp mine as I delivered two more abdominal thrusts before moving my arms up to wrap around your chest. I used all my strength as I pulled my fist backwards to perform more chest thrusts.
I could feel you growing heavy so I lowered you to the ground and rolled you into your back. I pushed your dark blond curls away from your face and opened your mouth to check your airway; I could see the blockage. I rolled you towards me and reached my right arm over you to deliver shape blows between your shoulder blades. Your body rocked with the force but nothing changed. “Ashley” I screamed in your face as I shook you “Ashley breath…Fuck!!”
Desperate, I rolled you onto your back and straddled your hips, placing my fist above your navel and thrusting into your soft abdomen. I did this several times with no change, so swiftly repositioned myself for chest compressions. My hands pushed deep between your breasts, and I saw your belly bulge with each compression. I counted to thirty in my head and returned my focus to your airway. I could see the blockage had shifted and I was able to sweep the half chewed peach slice away from your mouth. “Ashley!!” I called to you as I shook your shoulders, “Ashley open your eyes!! Ashley!!”
Finding no response I leaned my ear to your mouth, listening and feeling for your breath that wasn’t there. I glanced at your chest and saw no movement. I dug my fingers into your neck and felt for a pulse at your neck. I could feel a weak and rapid pulse. I repositioned your airway and pinched your nose shut, sealing my lips over yours to blow air into your lungs. I was encouraged to see your airway allowed the breath to fill your lungs. I provided four more breaths and again felt for your pulse- still weak. “Ashley…” I pleaded with you. Panicked, I returned to your chest for another round of compressions. Tiny gasps and grunts escaped your lips each time I compressed your chest.
When I felt your pulse again it was stronger. I returned to rescue breathing but paused to observe for more signs of life and was relieved to see a steady rise and fall of your abdomen. I shoved my fingers into your neck and felt your pulse was still strong. I watched as you slowly came around, confused and tired eyes scanning the room and finding my face. Relief flooded my entire body and I reached for your hand. “You were choking, Ashley. Look at me, just focus on breathing, in and out…”
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gothelsflower · 7 months
physically i’m here mentally i’m at candy corn acres
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didyougaming · 1 year
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littlethingsmart · 1 year
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schildilikes · 1 year
Hörk on Ice
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vhshistory · 5 months
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Happy 25th anniversary, A Bug's Life!
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falasteeniferret · 11 months
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Disney Pride Flag Moodboard 🌈🎥
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 11 months
Do you think that Sun and Moon can do the heimlich maneuver, or do you think their panic could make them too strong?
Like if a kid started choking at the library or park, could they help the child themselves or would they need to get help?
Sun and Moon both know the Heimlich maneuver. They know just how much force of pressure to use to remove the blocked object, though it is important that they stay calm as well.
They are also certified with CPR.
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heschoking · 3 months
In the dimly lit bar, Jake wiped down the counter, grateful for the temporary reprieve from the bustling crowd. Craving a quick snack, he reached for the peanut butter sandwich he had stashed behind the bar. The bread was soft, the peanut butter creamy, and Jake took a big bite, relishing the familiar taste.
But as he chewed, the peanut butter seemed to expand in his mouth, sticking to the roof of his mouth and throat like glue. Panic surged through him as he struggled to swallow, the dryness in his mouth intensifying with each desperate attempt to gulp down air.
The bar's low hum of conversation faded into the background as Jake's eyes widened, his chest tightening with fear. He clawed at his throat, his fingers trembling as he tried to dislodge the stubborn obstruction. But the more he struggled, the tighter the peanut butter seemed to cling to his airway, cutting off his oxygen supply.
Each breath became a struggle, a battle against the relentless grip of the peanut butter that threatened to suffocate him. Jake's heart pounded in his chest, each beat echoing in his ears like a drum of impending doom. His vision began to blur, the edges of his sight darkening as he fought to stay conscious.
"Jake, you okay?" Matt's voice cut through the haze of panic, concern etched on his face as he rushed over from his seat at the bar.
Jake shook his head frantically, his vision starting to blur as he fought to breathe. Matt's eyes widened in alarm, and he turned to the other patrons, his voice rising with urgency. "Someone call 911, now!"
Customers fumbled for their phones, dialing emergency services as others gathered around Jake, their voices blending into a cacophony of fear and uncertainty. But amidst the chaos, time seemed to slow to a crawl for Jake, each second dragging by like an eternity of suffocating darkness.
Amidst the commotion, Emily, an off-duty nurse who had been nursing her drink at the end of the bar, sprang into action. With a calm demeanor born of years of training, she pushed her way through the crowd, her eyes focused solely on Jake.
"Stand back, give him some space!" Emily's voice cut through the panic, commanding attention as she knelt beside Jake, her hands steady as she assessed the situation.
With a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, Emily realized the severity of Jake's condition. The peanut butter had formed a tight seal over his airway, cutting off his oxygen supply and leaving him gasping for breath.
Without hesitation, Emily positioned herself behind Jake, her hands moving with practiced precision as she prepared to administer the Heimlich maneuver. But as she pressed her fists into Jake's abdomen, she felt a sinking sensation in her chest.
The peanut butter was lodged too deeply, its sticky mass resisting her efforts to dislodge it. With each compression, Jake's face contorted in agony, his desperate gasps for air growing weaker by the second.
Minutes stretched into hours as Emily continued to fight against the stubborn obstruction, her heart pounding in her chest with each failed attempt. Sweat dripped down her brow, mingling with the tears that welled up in her eyes as she refused to give up hope.
But just when all seemed lost, a glimmer of hope appeared on the horizon. With one final, desperate push, Emily felt the peanut butter give way, the obstruction dislodging with a wet, choking sound.
Relief flooded through Emily as Jake gasped for air, his chest heaving with the effort. She collapsed beside him, her hands shaking with exhaustion and relief as she watched him take shaky breaths, his color returning to his cheeks.
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slaughter-books · 10 months
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Day 16: JOMPBPC: Cool Colours
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clarepreed · 9 months
Micro Story: Don't Hide
Story Content and Summary - 1,121 words. Clare sucks down a throat lozenge and needs a co-worker to help her. Choking, Heimlich maneuver.
Based on true events from a long time ago. Names and identifying information have been changed/removed.
Clare sat slouched in the uncomfortable metal chair, trying to pay attention to the presentation at the front of the room. She didn’t feel well; hadn’t for days. She hadn’t even bothered to shower that morning; just dragged on her clothes and rushed to work.
“It’s nearing the end of the quarter,” the VP was saying. “If you could schedule the next meeting for—”
Clare didn’t hear the rest of the sentence; she’d drawn a breath that set off yet another coughing fit. First, a burning sensation in the back of her throat that shot down her airway and into her lungs. Then, a seemingly endless coughing fit that stole her breath and made her lightheaded.
Clare pushed herself up from her chair, waving off the concern of her colleagues as she headed back to her desk. She was aware she sounded bad; hacking coughs followed by a desperate wheeze.
The office was an open floor plan with a large multi-use space in the center. This morning, instead of heading out to work with clients or attend off-site meetings, everyone was required to attend the quarterly all-staff meeting. This meant the open workspaces were silent aside from Clare’s hacking and wheezing.
At her desk, Clare took sips of water, trying to ease the burn in her throat. She couldn’t swallow properly; she kept inhaling water, gurgling, and coughing it out in a fine mist. Clare rubbed her chest with her palm for several seconds before reaching up to rake her hair out of her face. It felt like her lungs were itching.
If I have bronchitis again, I SWEAR…
Abandoning the water, Clare dug through her desk drawers until she found a handful of honey lemon cough drops. They were old; the wrappers were sticky and hard to get off the lozenges. But when she popped the drop into her mouth, she was relieved to feel the burn in her throat ease.
Clare shoved the cough drops and some tissues into her pocket and grabbed her water bottle before heading back to the meeting.
This time, she sat in the back in case she needed to get up again.
The remainder of the meeting took less than fifteen minutes, during which Clare questioned her decision to not call out of work, even though doing so was heavily discouraged.
After the meeting, outbound staff gathered coats and purses and waited by the front doors. Clare kept to herself, sniffling and coughing as she swallowed the last of her cough drop. Her next inhalation, the first one without a lozenge, made her cough harder. 
Clare hastily unwrapped another cough drop and popped it in her mouth. Then she headed for the bathroom, embarrassed by her runny eyes and nose and her dramatic gasps for air. 
A man stepped in front of her, putting out his arm. She thought his name was Keegan, and he was a supervisor, if not hers. The man towered over her, his concerned gaze taking her in. Keegan shook his head, making his cropped locs swing. “Spit that cough drop out, you’re gonna choke!”
The coughing was making her nauseated, her mouth flooding with saliva. Clare nodded and pushed past Keegan, running into the bathroom. She bent over a trash can and coughed, gagged, and then dragged in a breath.
The lozenge, previously so helpful, was sucked toward the back of her throat and lodged, painfully and sideways, right at the opening of her airway.
Clare wrenched herself upright, tried to draw another breath. She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror; red-faced and wide-eyed, mouth gaping. She couldn’t move any air, and her mouth filled with saliva. Claire bent over the trash can again, drooling profusely as she shoved her fingers into her mouth, trying to catch hold of the lozenge. The oval disc, however, was wedged too deep.
Panic and pressure built, and Clare jerked bathroom door open and stumbled out into the hall.
The first person she saw was Keegan, who’d turned to look when the door opened.
Clare pressed the palms of her hands to her stomach, heard herself make a clicking sound as she tried to breathe. Keegan rushed over, asking: “Are you choking?!”
Clare remembered belatedly to reach for her throat in the universal choking sign. Fear and air hunger stole her more coherent thoughts. Instead of thrashing like she’d have expected, she grew very still, staring up at her colleague.
Keegan slipped in behind her without another word. She felt his strong arms wrap around her waist, his fingers searching for her navel. He found her belly button quickly and pressed his fist just above it, covering it with his other hand.
“Come on!” Keegan muttered, jerking his fist in and up.
The wrenching on her abdomen was uncomfortable, even painful. Clare’s head fell back against his chest and a gray filter dropped down over her vision. She was vaguely aware of her colleagues all around her, silent and staring. Keegan gave her another abdominal thrust, this one much harder, almost lifting her off her feet. Her mouth worked silently, and nausea built in her abused stomach.
Her hands dropped to grip his arms. Keegan exclaimed: “Shit, Clare!” and jerked on her abdomen a third time.
This time, the pressure forced the lozenge out of her airway. The disc bounced off the roof of her mouth and back into her throat, making it her cough again. Then the lozenge slipped whole and painful down her esophagus.
Clare inhaled, drinking in air and sniffing back the mucus flooding her nose. Keegan thrust his bare hand in front of her face, palm up, and barked: “What did I tell you?! Spit it out!”
“I swallowed it,” Clare croaked, swaying on her feet. She felt lightheaded from relief and the rush of oxygen. Her eyes filled with tears.
Keegan grabbed her shoulder, steadying her. “Hey, you’re okay. I’m sorry for yelling. I was just scared shitless…”
Clare looked up at him, awed. She forced herself to choke out: “Thank you…”
Keegan nodded, then shook his head. “Are you okay?”
“Yes…” She swallowed, winced. She still felt like vomiting, and her face was hot with embarrassment. “Excuse… me, I might barf…”
Keegan released her and Clare rushed into the bathroom, feeling surprisingly depressed for someone who’d just avoided death.
I wish I could go home, she thought, leaning over one of the sinks and turning on cool water. She glanced up at herself in the mirror. Blotchy skin and weeping, bloodshot eyes. Another harsh cough wracked her body.
This is bullshit, but at least I didn’t die.
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