#helll about this whole scene
wench-and-jezebel · 1 year
Ten Inch Hero Reaction:
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)]
Such a different vibe from Devour ☠️☠️☠️☠️  [alksdjf Tis true]
“Normal people need not apply” ☠️☠️☠️ we’d fit in there  [We would indeed]
Oh noooo
I wanna work here [:)) I KNOW]
[I love that the customers get to vote]  The dog.  I love it  [Yes, and the dog]
Ahhhhh!  Omg! He’s here!
☠️☠️☠️☠️  “Well he’s employed here”  [That line bothers me so but anyway]
🤣🤣🤣 “And now you’re hiring people who fail the interview?”
Well.  Shit.  [She’s lying, dear]
🤣🤣🤣  Poor buddy
[Zo!  I love her]
Oh, man, chat rooms  [I know!  We'd never talk long distance on an electronic device]
☠️☠️☠️☠️ His look
Idek what this movie is about and I love it
It just is so chill and nothing is happening (so far) but it’s like 😍😍  [This is the vibe throughout]
☠️☠️☠️☠️ This lady 🤣🤣🤣🤣  [I told you I loved her]
Welp. Now I’ll think of that next time I eat eggs.
☠️☠️☠️ DoorDash.  Back in the day
She ain’t even look both ways; she’s definitely a witch
Damn, that’s sad af
Ma’am.  You stop that.  Flirt.
Awwwww.  Well that was wholesome as helll
[Buddy is not subtle okay]  ☠️☠️☠️
Bruh this is the one I wanted to watch the most and I’m gonna struggle commenting because I’m too into it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
They have the same sketch book 🥺🥺🥺
Oooooooh is this going where I think it is [*whistles*]  Oh nooooo tho.  Cause it’s gonna be drama first.  That’s a big no no in adopting
Priestly is adorable
Oh, douchebags
Well that’s what you get you ass
Bruh.  Why am I not loving Danneel?  I wanna love Danneeel!
☠️☠️☠️☠️ Not the eye flutters!  I’m ded  [I love him]  I knowwww
Awwwwww muh heart.  I can’t take it!
Plz tell me Jen doesn’t get hurt
This kid is ADORABLE
[I love Priestly flipping the bottle, btw; watch for it]
Oooof  [Poor buddy :(]
Ngl she deserved the door in the face
Poorrrr buddyyyy
[Us if we ever met in person: "we tell each other everything-"]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
[THIS SCENE]  OH I KNOW THIS SCENE  [I've made you watch it]
[Sharky boy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣]
[The first scene that made me like Tish]  Yess!!
Oooooo that’s the face of someone who likes someone pjhhhh
Omg, buddy
Well shit it worked
That’s adorable omg
This is soooo awkward cause it’s gonna look so bad when he realizes
Also ooof; everyone putting feet in mouths
The phone cord ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ Deceased
[Poor pup looks Unhappy]  Oh poor Bam Bam
Oh the buzz ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Oh my god
[Return of Jezebel the Deed critic]  BRUH.  I GOT NO WARNING.   [I forgot alskfdj]
WELP 👀 *sigh*
Sweetie dump his assssss
He’s getting bent over by brad anyway [ALKSDJF;LKADSJF]
[It was a demogorgon]  ☠️🤣🤣🤣
[The little girl shouting "FRAT PARTY" tho]
I love this 😭😭😭
Whooooa awkwarddddddddd
Ohhhhhhh just tell me what happens.  I can’t take it!  [About?]  When he finds out  [Wait and see :)]
☠️☠️☠️☠️ [I love him; Priestly's my beloved]
Hell, I love all of them! Even Tish is coming around
Bruh this lady is a witch
[Priestly reacting like that as if he hasn't been doing about the same with Tish tho alksdjflkadsjf]  🤣🤣🤣🤣
Why would you chase a goose
[Okay, I'm warning you now that Jen kindaaaaa annoys me here, but anyway.  (Give it a few minutes.)]   Oooof ok
Oh, pity party.  Oh, I see
But like… why are they not saying she’s not ugly 👀👀  This isn’t okay either
[And btw.  I've been in a similar position to her.  So like.  I understand.  I just don't respect it.]
["I was sitting by the phone, waiting, wondering..."  BUDDY.  "There's a perfectly good reason we didn't call" NO?!?!?  THAT’S ALL THE MORE REASON TO CALL HIM AND TELL HIM NOT TO BRING IT UP OR SOMETHING?!?!?]
Ooooh get her
Bruh he speaks truth
["Why are you suddenly Fuzzy's best friend?"  Because he didn't deserve that shit, wdym]
[The voice crack tho]  OOOOOFFFF
OOOOO WHATCHUUU DOING buddy  [Priestly be meddling]
Oh my goddddd 
Oh boy
Well shit
Beat.  His.  Ass.
Someone please do it
Oooo- Get him
Ok?  And? 🤣
[This be go well]
💕💕💕💕 Preistlyyyyyy
[Tish, ma’am.  You came onto every dude in the shop… Defy gender norms and ask Priestly first instead of making him do it.]
I’m trying to think of who Zo is.  I’ve seen her in something else.  I love her!  She’s so calming
[He has the dark half of a yin-yang tattoo, and I want her to have the other half; I think it'd be so cute]
😭😭😭😭😭 Loveeeeee.  So much loveeeeee!
☠️☠️☠️☠️ What. Are.  [These dudes did not learn the lesson] 🤣🤣🤣🤣
“Keep the lubeeee” [The look tho]
Well she gets A Julia.  Not her Julia, but she also gets a Noah.  So like… Win win
[Also, the music here is from the Deckerstar prom.  It's the song he plays for her]  Oh my gawdddddddd
Aight cmon gimme the bad ending
Priestly was like nope I’m getting credit for this
Why can’t they just kiss and let it end here
[Look at himmmm!!!  Buddy's so nervous slkdfj;laksdjf]
In her head (Danneel, not Tish), she’s like yep I’m marrying him
[Who gave him permission to be this adorable tho.  The wide-eyed curious stare thing is just ack.]
Aight so headcanon he swaps right back
But omg he rubbed his lips
I’m ded
I’m not even mad, that was adorable
Wot Is Happening??? Sweet lord.  [They’re getting married]  Nekked  [Yup]
– – – 
Endpoint Reaction:
Jezebel: That was really good!  😭😭😭😭😭  10/10  (Hah)
Wench: Glad it lived up
Jezebel: Ok I do hate he completely changed for her.  That sucks.  They should have had the scene on the beach him back like before.  Also… Boaz & Platisha  *sigh*  What names.  This was the strangest, most all-over-the-place-yet-all-connected movie I’ve ever seen! But omg no one died!  And everyone got a happy ending, minus Priestley’s style!  (RIP it was not deserved.)
Wench: Yup, ‘tis true
Jezebel: For Jen… I’m glad she got a happy ending. I think I’m even happier he called her pretty. Because I would have been like 👀👀👀☠️ had he walked in and been like… you’re a good person ☠️ And like, no, looks should not matter, but it’s like.. friendship code to lift your friends up… not agree with them *sigh* 🤣  And they didn’t agree, but they didn’t DISAGREE either
Wench: Right
Jezebel: Idk that bugged tf out of me
Wench: Makes sense.  Do we know what we're doing next?
Jezebel: Hmm…
Wench: We still have our shows to be doing, technically-
Jezebel: So we could do one of each show-  SBC
Wench: Sounds good!  Til then!
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mirtifero · 1 year
I was trying to sleep and my mind started rambling about 2022 riddler. Do not expect this to make sense.
STOPPP acting like danoriddler isn’t self-centered you fuckers. LIKE. DID YOU NOT WATCH THE MOVIEE??????
Riddler, Edward (please let him have a scene changing his name to Edward Nygma please please please), is an orphan who feels wronged even by the people who promised. He idolizes people and hates them, in a way. He grew up surrounded by the mysery of gotham and he hates it, and he blames, well, capitalism, in a way. HOWEVER, even if Riddler's self motivation may have leftist roots, it DOESN'T mean he was trying to bring some sort of revolution or whatsz. He was trying to bring vengeance to people, like Batman did.
"I am vengeance" THAT'S WHAT MATTERS THE MOST HERE. He thinks (and that's IMPORTANT FOR BATMANS GROWTH TOO!!!!!) Batman is vengeance, therefore, he can be vengeance... but it is more explicitly personal. Did you understand?
Well, and as if it wasn't enough, I do believe this riddler also possesses the whole attention starved characteristic. He WANTS that attention. M not sure about this but one can even say he knows that (maybe to an extent in his mind) what he is doing is wrong, grotesque, but he wants the attention. He freaks out in arkham when batman says he is not important. He wants to be special. He wants to be, almost like batman.
If you read riddler year one (itz still being released but therez two chapters available already) youll realize that the shit he sees as a gotham citizen? It's fucking grotesque. You walk and everything is rotten to the core, and people die, and you are a murderer. Maybe he thought to an extent he was beinf correct in a sense that he was cleansing the city.
Anyways fuck off stop acting like he isn't self centered stop trying to push "oh hes a leftist!!!" by erasing characters. For fucks sake this is batman you really think the writers are leftists?
Sorrh this js nonsensical.
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whatjaswatched · 1 year
‘The Batman’ is on Netflix and I am so triggered from when it came out and I went with my husband and sisters to see it and it was so bad we spent the whole film looking at each other in disbelief.
But somehow this trainwreck has a score of 85% on Rotten Tomatoes and 7.8/10 on IMDB and I literally do not understand why??
It was such a bad, uncomfortable, icky movie. Like, I got the actual ick from The Batman and I just do not get why the reviews are good? Is it just blind Batman loyalty? Is there something I’m missing? Like????? What the helll?!!
I am willing to have the conversation. I’m willing to hear you out if you liked it, but it was genuinely such a heap of garbage for me. Robert Pattinson gave a piss poor performance, the story line was flawed, the drawn out explosions - literally just explosions, for no reason - and the fact that I was supposed to believe there was a reason for Zoe Kravitz to want to kiss Batman? Like, eww - just thinking about that scene still makes me uncomfortable. I do not like it.
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mr-and-mr-diaz · 3 years
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Poor Eddie
The two loves of his life are looking at him all bright eyed, with their matching fluffy curly hair. All they want is to go to dad #2′s house and play video games, but THE INTERNET IS GONNA KILL THEM so Eddie’s gotta stay strong!!!
It’s for their sake. 
That arm cross right there? That’s 30% Bad-Cop Husband and 70% “Ugh the begging eyes, it’s too bright, STOP ME from reaching out and fluffing BOTH of their hair right now, PUT YOURSELVES AWAY, HANDS!! Arms, I beg you SHEILD MY POOR HEART OR I SWEAR I’M GONNA SAY YES!! Now, put on your stern face, little bit of--woops, a LOT of eyebrow, tell the other Dad Unit we are Not Happy and he is on the couch tonight if he keeps wearing that stupid beautiful hopeful face that matches our son’s... There we go...”
Stay Strong Eddie. Stay Strong.
Thank you @daisys-buckley for giving me this GIF so I could SQUEEEEEE unintelligibly over it for long enough to get this out 
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marvels-writings · 3 years
Home to You
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Natasha Romanoff Masterlist
Requested by @thewidowsghost and anon :Ooh, could you do 20 and 47 with Nattie in the Types of Kisses prompt list? Thanks! Love you! Kaitlynn ❤❤
10 from Types of Kisses Prompts with Nat where they're just nothing more than friends but when Nat came back from a long mission the reader kissed her😊💛 btw I love ur writings
10: A hello/good-bye kiss that is given without thinking - where neither person thinks twice about it. 
20: Kissing in a stairwell, giving them an artificial height difference. 
47: A kiss paired with a tight hug, knocking the breath out of the person being hugged.
Word Count: 934 (shortish and fluffy)
A/N: This is like, a first draft but it’s fluffy as helll
Bright light filtered through the blinds, blending with the soft music playing in the background to create an atmosphere you were comfortable enough to sleep in. Your eyes beginning to shut, despite your best efforts to keep them open. It was barely the afternoon, but the exhaustion from the previous night came back to you.
You'd spent the entire night making the perfect date on the rooftop for Natasha. Fairy lights, a fancy dinner, a gazebo, the whole deal. You didn't know when she was going to arrive from her mission, so it only made sense to be prepared before.
The music was interrupted by FRIDAY announcing to you that the jet had arrived, with your girlfriend on board. Grinning to yourself, you rushed out of your room towards the landing bay. Natasha walked out of the jet with Sam and Bucky in tow, the duo laughing about something as she rolled her eyes at them.
But her eyes lit up the moment they landed on you, grinning and offering you a shy wave as she walked over to you. Her intimidating persona melted the second she saw you, moving to wrap her arms around your waist, lips meeting your forehead in a soft kiss.
"You missed." You said cheekily, watching Natasha's face move into a knowing grin. She still moved her face away, teasing you by nuzzling her nose against yours.
"I'll need to fix that." She murmured, smiling against your features as her breath fanned across your face.
You shook your head at her antics, hugging her tightly and tugging her lips towards yours, smiling when they met. The breath left her lungs when she felt your lips on hers, smiling as your hands tugged her closer. You smiled against her, happy to have her back.
Long missions were almost a nightmare, especially if they were away from you. Before meeting you, she didn't mind, almost treasuring the time away from a place she should call home. Now, she always finished the missions weeks before just to come home to you.
"I missed you," Natasha whispered, nuzzling her cheek against yours before resting her chin on your shoulder. You smiled at her words. Rarely did she confess she cared for you in words, choosing to show it through her actions. So you treasured every word she spoke, just like this one.
"I missed you too." You whispered, pulling away and pecking her nose.
She giggled at the contact, giggled. You got the intimidating Black Widow to giggle like a schoolgirl. You grinned smugly at the thought, watching her pull away only to slide her arm around your waist, tugging you towards your shared room.
As she led you towards the room, you nearly forgot about the surprise planned on the rooftop, too caught up in her presence to remember. An idea popped into your head, your eyes widening playfully as you headed over to the staircase, pushing Natasha down by her shoulders so she was shorter than you.
"What?" Natasha chuckled, grasping your hands as you stood taller than her. You smiled, leaning forwards to whisper in her ear.
"There's a surprise on the rooftop." You grinned, pecking the lobe of her ear before pulling in. Her hands tugged you back towards her. You let out a squeal in surprise before your lips met hers again. Smiling against her, you tugged her further up the stairs.
"A surprise?" She hummed, pulling away to climb up the steps so she was on the same eye level, nuzzling her nose against yours. You nodded, freeing one of your hands from her grasp to lead her up the stairs.
Your excitement was contagious as you pulled her up the stairs. Despite your intentions of wanting it to be a surprise, a detail or two about the fancy dinner you'd prepared for the two of you slipped out. You thought it embarrassing, but she found it endearing.
You were so excited about her coming home to you, just to be around her again. Always, you were the one to express your feelings in words rather than actions. But this, your excitement, your smiles, the kisses, it spoke more than your words ever could.
"Pretend to be surprised, even though I spilled half of it on the way up here?" You joked, your hand resting on the door handle. Natasha laughed and nodded, watching as the door slowly opened to the scene you had set up.
The gazebo on the roof was adorned with bright yellow fairy lights. The table underneath it held plates of different sizes, all covered with a simple silver tray. There was a bottle of wine accompanied by two wine glasses in front of a few candles.
Perfection was the only word coming to mind when you slowly led her towards it, talking over every detail and why you chose it. She listened to every word with a soft smile, unable to believe you did all of this for her, unable to believe that you were someone she could call her girlfriend.
"I love it." Natasha interrupted your rambling, finding herself unable to keep her words, nor her hands to herself as she hugged your waist. She watched your face light up in an even brighter grin, ecstatic simply because she liked your effort.
Never could she be more in love with you. At least, not until you kissed her, your lips soft against hers, moving in a way to capture her in a trance only your own. All of this, all of you, was what she always wanted to come home to.
A/N: Tell me what you think! Btw this is a fluffy break before a really angsty fic coming soon called Heartbeat
Tag List: @capcarolsdanver​​, @versdan​, @lesbian-girls-wayhaught​, @lovebotlarson​​, @dhengkt​, @hstoria​, @natasha-danvers​, @veryfunnyal​, @xxxtwilightaxelxxx​​ , @ophelias-heart​  , @never-didbefore​ , @justarandomhumanhere​​, @the-most-unicorn-of-them-all , @thatssocamryn​ , @lesbian-x-blackwidow​​ , @marvelbbyx​ , @wlw-imaginesss​ , @hcartbyheart​​ , @summergeezburr​​​ , @imnotasuperhero​  , @a-stressedstudent​ , @aaron-despair​ , @rooskaya-yelena​​ , @dynnealberto , @thewitchandtheassassin​ , @wannabe-fic-reader​​ , @izalesbean​, @higherfurther-romanova​  , @natalia-quinzel​  , @blackxwidowsxwife​​  , @studies-styles​  , @procrastinatingsapphictrash​​   , @mxxnmocha , @ladyeliot​​     let me know if you’d like to be in any of my tag lists!
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crowning-art · 3 years
I’m fine yo. I’m fine. 
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ok I literally read two chaps, and even if I had more time, I wouldn’t be able to read more because I won’t be able to handle it emotionally ekbjfiwebugweibuf
First things first:
Xie Lian has friends! I was so happy Fengxin was like where you sitting? and Windmaster was like sit with me!! Plus, he was having so much fun! I’m so happy for my baby
LMAOOO I literally burst out laughing when Fengxin ran the other way when he saw Wind Master, this man really is traumatized by women
Lol the exaggerated happy but fake greetings between the three tumours, I mean isn’t that basically every friend group? And the way they were teasing each other with the plays. They literally do be that friend group. ALso the Ling Wen and Pei Ming play thooo that was hilarious
Qi Ying? I think it’s the first time he’s being introduced, but watch him be some super significant character. Weird how he beats up his followers and they still send him lanterns. Sound like a bunch of masochists tbh lol
Ming Yi is a WHOLE MOOD! I mean are you really at a party or banquet if you aren’t stuffing yourself with food? 
OK but Wind Master and Earth master are acc so cute! 
At the banquet, it was only Ming Yi who was stuffing his face without a care and not cheering for her, so Shi Qingxuan smacked him twice, asking for some congratulations. Ming Yi ignored her completely and continued to devour the food. Shi Qingxuan was outraged, demanding for him to applaud her, and next to them Xie Lian was going to suffocate from laughing. 
Xie Lian smiled, “I forgot to ask, how are Nan Feng and Fu Yao? How come I didn’t see them come to play today?”
“Nan Feng.....is....” Feng Xin said.
Mu Qing said flatly, “Fu Yao is in detention.”
Feng Xin immediately said, “Nan Feng is also in detention.”
Xie Lian “oh”-ed and commented, “Both of them locked up? What a shame.”
They all share one brain cell and Xie Lian is currently holding it. It’s funny how he’s still playing along that he doesn’t know it was them who came to help. Also I’m shipping Fengqing so hard I mean the lantern count was basically the same thing and they didn’t even care about winning, they just need to beat each other and there’s 5000 other reasons why I ship them but that’s a discussion for another day
lol XIE LIAN’S PLAY!! HUa Cheung would have enjoyed it wouldn’t be surprised if he commissioned it tbh. Lol the way Xie Lian is analyzing it like “wait, were we that romantic and clingy? We weren’t acting that gay, right? hahaha but I mean...I wouldn’t mind if we were tho...” (Tell me this isn’t basically what he said lol)
The rain master is so nice! I don’t think anyone would have done what he did by telling the farmers not to buy lanterns and instead spend on veggies and then go eat them too!
Right. Now, for the actual stuff
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Xie Lian was still in shock. “ Me what? What about me?”
That announcer official swallowed a couple of times with difficulty, and finally spoke again. 
Thus, the hundreds of heavenly officials present heard a voice trembling with disbelief.
“Qiandeng Temple, the Palace of the Crown Prince, three...three...
“Three thousand lanterns!”
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classsictrash · 4 years
watching things: a royal affair
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hello, I turned this on because I'm buzzed, I like aesthetically pleasing period dramas, and I just felt like putting my feelings through a danish cheese grater.
I haven’t seen this movie in like years. it’s amazing but like... there’s a reason I’ve put off rewatching it.
ok so did we ever figure out just what the king’s deal was....?
jesus christ this poor girl
this man really just hissed at her
I kinda like him tho
“a true queen delivers in silence and with dignity” yeah ok until you push a human being out of your body you can kindly shut the f*ck up sir.
oh look mads mikkelsen is here to make me feel things.
the slow burn in this movie... chef's fuckin kiss👌
I LOVE a good masquerade scene 
usually I hate reading the subtitles on foreign films but damn this one makes it so worth it.
#OHSHIT.....she should gone for it lbr
whomever is playing the king is doing an amazing job.
so he’s really over here calling his wife “Mother”...ok mike pence
ok mads mikkelsen just has something about him
good for her... go get yours girl
y’all are some sneaky hoes 
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he really said “dueces pissants now gtfo my castle thx”
these people are messy as helll
omfg tho why are they the CUTEST family 
I literally feel bad for like everyone tho
this just got way too real
this whole thing is going to end so badly
fuck fuck fuck
dammit I knew I was gonna cry and here I am looking like a damn clown at 1am.
Final Thoughts:
I love how much they didn’t rush this movie. The pacing is perfect. However, the most unsettling thing about A Royal Affair is that you can see how near the end,  Johann and Caroline seem to be aware that this whole situation is about to go down in flames and that they’re trapped. The tone of the movie really shifts at the end and its’ disturbing but so beautiful. Lastly, I absolutely love seeing how this changed Denmark. Caroline’s children did some really incredible work as a result of what happened.
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punchholesinthesky · 5 years
avengers endgame thoughts
spoilers under the cut
I saw Endgame last night. It went a lot like I expected, and I’m sure if I thought about it I would find the same issues as in movies like infinity war, AOU and CACW: a bit jumbled,a bit messy, 50 movies in one, lots of good character moments but as a whole not quite making sense...
but I am not really thinking about it cause there’s only one thing in my mind:
the originals avengers are officially disbanded and they never gave natasha her due.
I feel like the writers never quite knew what to do with her. she’s introduced as shield spy in iron man 2 and in avengers we learn she’s trying to redeem herself for past mistakes. the russos made decent work of a spy in TWS and CACW but not of her personally. 
and there was so much story there to tell!
Everyone but hawkeye and widow of the OG Avengers got their own movies and arcs.
Hawkeye, the way he’s written in the MCU, didn’t really need one. he’s written pretty static. sometimes he’s surprised about the things he’s involved with but that’s about it.
Natasha got breadcrumbs. we see her step out of the shadows of spying to become an avenger. burning bridges and covers in TWS. stepping into a position of leadership in AOU. trying to keep everyone from killing each other in CACW, even more leadership in Endgame, all while still dealing with enormous guilt. 
still feeling she’s not good enough. that she hasn’t redeemed herself. that she didn’t try hard enough.
and we never get to see her explore any of this. 
She’s an amazing leader and strategist but this happens off-camera. She says she found a family with the Avengers but the most we see is her and Clint already being a thing and her getting closer with Steve. the whole bruce/nat subplot is horribly written. 
I kinda get what they were trying to do, but it backfired horribly. 
Maria Hill says she and Nat are friends but we don’t see it. She and Carol barely get a scene together in Endgame.
We should’ve have seen her grow, evolve, realise she’s not define by past mistakes, that she is good enough, that people around her love her, that she can achieve so much more. 
in short, I wanted Parker’s arc in Leverage for her.
but because Nat was always in either Avengers or someone else’s movies, we never get to see her get what she deserves.
and she deserves so much better than she gets in the MCU.
I’m mostly mad in an out-of-universe way, I guess. I’m disappointed about how they always either underutilized or straight up wasted her. 
How everyone else got interesting stories and more-or-less happy endings but her. 
she got tragedy and sacrifice. you  can say, oh so did tony,so did steve,
and that is a good point. in one fell swoop, they got rid of all the avengers leaders.
but steve did get a happy ending after all the sacrifice. I’m not sure it fits, really,in some ways it feels like going backwards, but whatever.
and tony, well, tony got his happy ending, and then came the tragedy and sacrifice.
they get to rest, they get families, and legacies as great men who saved the world.
thor gets to explore the world, the hulk is beloved, clint gets to go home to his family.
but what does nat get? 
it reminds me a bit of how I was mad at the loo writers post-307. how they could be so stupid,so cowardly, so dumb as to decide they didn’t know what else to do so let’s kill them off for shock? (I dont think that was the only reason but it sure helped)
it was unnecessary, undeserved, and it fucking hurt. 
I wanted Natasha to get a happy ending
to rest, to have some semblance of a normal life, to know she was loved and respected, to get to see the difference she’d made in the world. 
I also wanted that for tony, but at least tony got a good story. tony got a lot of respect, (as did rdj) and tony’s ending is easily fixed, even. I’m sure ao3 will be flooded with fix it fic soon. 
helll, tony got a funeral attended by everyone ever and the world will mourn him. 
but what does natasha get? nothing on screen. 
I love 616! Natasha. I really enjoyed MCU but never felt she was developed enough. and now she never will be. 
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wintersoldeer · 5 years
ok here's some totally incoherent thoughts about endgame that i just have to write down or i might explode spoilers: i loved it also actual spoilers spoilers very spoilery spoilers
1. Steve and the goddddamn mjölnir!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!! when thor, iron man and cap were like 'aw yeahhh we're gonna fight thanos' i was like what the heckie is steve even doing there, supersoldier or not he's just a human. then thor drops his hammer and i’m like oh my gods please literally crossing my fingers. then thor’s fight is not going so well and oh no he definitely needs someone to save him! i’m like ohhhhhmygooddss. and THEN IT FINALLY HAPPENS I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS FOR YEARS HELL YEAHHHHH
2. steve & peggy dance. yes. just yes. fucking finally. i love it. it was perfect i cried
3. clint should’ve died. (finally haha) he was my fave since before the avengers and i was so sure he was going to die back then, but then he didn’t and look what’s became of him since.......... i had a violent flashback to watching age of ultron for the first time and for the first time just hoping that my fave character (that would be clint) would just die, bc they’re screwing his character over so badly........ and most definitely it. should.  not. have. been. natasha. who. died.  that was such a bullshit i mean WHAT THE FUCK????  i mean maybe clint and natasha were the only remaining avengers that actually loved each other (?¿¿????¿¿¿?¿ tho that’s just flimsy, i’m just trying to....idek) and that’s why it had to be them on that stupid fuckin death cliff, but why did natasha have to die?? just because clint had a family (still with no actual characterization, not that i even care, or maybe i would if the movies had given me any reason to...) to return to and she didn’t??that fucking sucks and what sucks even more is that not only was natasha the only character that died (i’m not even counting tony, bc that was very Different) but she’s the only original female avenger AND it’s the same stupd fucking rock that the only original female gotg gamora died in such a bullshit way just last movie??? goddddd i hated that so much like maybe if she hadn’t been the first one to die and all the original avengers would’ve died as was i kinda hoping (tho i love happy endings so i didn’t actually hope that it would happen..), maybe then i would be okay with her being dead. now i am very much not okay, and that means very much not okay in a angry way, not in a sad way
4. speaking of death: to me tony’s was perfect. i might not be the biggest fan of how he always got the most screentime and a bigger role than other characters, but i can’t deny that he definitely is the heart of the whole mcu and it had to be him who saves the day in the end and what else could it have been that a very tony-like self-sacrifice..... god i cried. i loved that he got a funeral (even tho natasha didn’t...) and i loved his funeral with all the people and fricking harley and then the kid saying how much she likes cheeseburgers and the frickin ‘proof that tony stark has a heart’ and sfghkklkghhhh
5. i gasped audibly when i noticed that natasha was wearing the arrow necklace
6. i kinda forgot that vision ever even existed..... in the end i first thought that wanda was talking about pietro and then i was like ok well maybe not maybe she’s talking about tony or something WHICH MAKES NO SENSE LOL i don’t even remember what she actually said, but as was pointed out to me, she was probably talking about vision. who was a thing that existed... whoops
7. ugh i hate brucenat, i really thought we were over that shit already. i also very much disliked that they actually decided to go with professor hulk, but idk w/e i don’t care that much. but natasha’s death sucked tho and the one thing i do not want to see is bruce’s pain or whatever when the movie didn’t even give me the time or reason to actually grieve for her goddd that whole thing was such a bullshit
8. i did not like that thor was treated as a joke most of his screentime........
9. that stevepeggy dance tho. love it. it’ll probably take me at least another seven years to get over it
10. i fricking adored the whole going back in time thing, especially the 2012. the callbacks and the humor really worked for me, the elevator scene straight from cap2 but reversed and hail hydra and steve fighting steve and loki’s expressions when things go wrong and goddhhh i loved it all aaaaaaa, that was the moment when i was like ok i need to see this movie again immediately.... also the fact that their time travel rules were that they were just creating new paths or w/e i guess, and not actually changing what happened to them specifically... good. so many aus
11. that final battle was so perfectly epic
12. tho shouldn’t valkyrie’s (who really just doesn’t have a real name, now does she..) horse have died after being shot haha
13. i loved that clint had the gauntlet for so long, like he’s definitely the Least Qualified Person to keep it safe, why would that be his job, it was amazing
14. i hated natasha’s death with burning passion, but i loved how she and clint fought each other over who gets to throw themselves off that cliff. tho i really hoped that their ‘yeahh we know what we have to do’ would’ve rather meant that they decided to just throw red skull down bc who even knows if it even actually needs love sacrifice or w/e, a soul is a soul is a soul
15. i loved the human jarvis whatever-his-first-name-was cameo and i really need to finally watch/rewatch agent carter
16. i really liked the tony howard scene even if i thought it felt a bit iffy, bc i feel like there’s so much more to unpack w/ those daddy issues.... but maybe that scene means that there is that one universe where howard was actually a good dad. i want to believe that. yeah. (maybe not but let me dream)
17. i like how they totally forgot that sharon carter ever even existed
18. damn that moment when black panther comes through that portal
19. damn that moment when gi ant-man is giant
20. damn that final battle was so epic
21. damn that steve with mjölnir
22. this movie was SO GOOD when it was good and so mehhh when it was bad, and i’m really glad that it was just good enough that i can forgive overlook all of its flaws. (tho i will not forgive what they did to natasha, even if i can mostly ignore it when thinking about how good most of the rest of the movie was) but idk if it would’ve been perfect, maybe i wouldn’t have survived like there’s this One Huge Thing (natasha) that really brings down the movie that otherwise would’ve been just Amazing
23. i don’t know if my heart has ever beaten as fast as when steve finally picks up the hammer. never while watching a movie, at least
24. i love that carol has her short haircut, bc it bothered me so much in cpn marvel that she should not have been able to see anything when her hair was just constantly on her face haha
25. i feel nothing but seething resentment towards clint’s stupid family and that stupid family man role he is stuck with
26. why was natasha’s hair so weird and ugly. why can’t it just be red??
27. clint’s hair was weird and ugly too and i think i have finally kinda given up on mcu!clint (tho he has those small Very Good moments and i cry for what could’ve been.....we could’ve have it aaaaaalllll.... i think i’m going to watch swat (2003) again and still pretend it’s the clint backstory movie i deserve haha, it’s been ages since i’ve seen it idk if it would still work for me, i’m gonna try)
28. i love nebula tho
29. i loved the trip down memory lane! frigga!!!! the way the continuation of the avengers capturing loki just felt so natural and like it probably happened just like that! nebula and rhodey judging quill’s singing and dancing haha yes! everything! just as i was hoping it would be!
30. doesn’t really have anything to do with this movie but: i still firmly believe that coulson never died. i still firmly believe that pietro never died. 
31. falcon cap helll yeah!!
32. i guess i’ll never get my strike team delta movie with clintasha best friends soulmates and with buckynat and the red room.........  goddd there really should’ve been a black widow movie after cap2. like that was The Perfect Spot for a black widow movie, it’s really a crime that there isn’t one, and even if they make a black widow movie now, it’ll definitely be too little too late.
33. like..... a for effort..... for that female heroes girl power.... ughhhh.... scene, i guess, but that. does. not. cut. it. when you have just killed natasha
34. things i really wished they would say in some perfect moments: “hail hydra” “avengers assemble!” “i am iron man”. things they did say in those moments: “hail hydra” “avengers assemble” “i am iron man”, gogssgddd that was perfect (ok i also really did wish steve would’ve said the “i could do this all day” in the fight but couldn’t say bc the movie had just made fun of that.. i’m kinda sad but haha it’s not that big of a deal, maybe if he hadnt said it in civil war which i dont like but well...)
35. haha people are already complaining about the steve going back thing and how it’s definitely not moving on and erasing character development or whatever and HA. i finally got my stevepeggy dance i don’t care about anything else i am so happy!!!!!
36. i am so glad i managed to avoid any spoilers bc i hear that there was some pretty massive ones going around??¿?¿?
37. also: ok from here on out i am not here for any of you negative nancys complaining (probably very reasonable complaints idec) about the movie, god i really wish it was 2012 again
38. in final thoughts: i absolutely loved it and i love that it turns out that i’m apparently still very much marvel trash........ if natasha hadn’t died, especially in such a bullshit way, i would’ve been able to overlook everything else that was kinda meh about the movie and just purely and blindly loved it. i still did love it, a lot, but now there’s that bitter aftertaste.....
ok now, maybe that’s enough rambling and repeating myself....... i’m going to need to see it again asap
39. I FORGOT TO MENTION IT BC I FORGOT ABOUT IT but goooooooooodddd i loved nebula and tony playing that game in the beginning and tony letting nebula win ääääää
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dpargyle · 6 years
Thoughts on the Last Jedi
OMGs so many spoilers!!!!! Also it gets a lil NSFW and super dweeby at the end…. (proceed at your own risk)
So I just got back from The Last Jedi and -
I have so many EMOTIONS!!!
Lemme at least attempt to go through this chronologically…
“The First Order reigns.”  I got goosebumps from that opening sentence of the opening crawl.  It was like, yup – pretty much the feeling in the real world rn too hahahaha *sobs*
That whole opening space battle scene – ahhhh!!!!  I loved so much about it – I especially loved how quickly Rian Johnson (the writer/director) was able to establish Paige Tico’s character – make the audience care about her and then boom she’s gone and I knew she was a goner as soon as they introduced her at Celebration but still it hit me right in the feels – like damn the sacrifices the Resistance is forced to make
At long last we got back to Rey and Luke on Ahch-To and I love how he doesn’t even say anything – he just flips the lightsaber over his shoulder like “thanks, I hate this!”
And then Rey follows him around like an adorable lost puppy for days and days and days and I was like awwww!
Speaking of which – I really liked how Daisy Ridley played Rey this time around – not so naïve (although I loved happy go-lucky, plucky Rey from the Force Awakens) – but she’s grown now – she’s seen some shit – and so as a result her character is a little more galaxy-wise and wary – which I think fits – though we see some of that lighter Rey sprinkled throughout the narrative – the “reach out” moment which I thought was pretty damn hilarious…
As for the new characters – oh my – how I love Rose.  She’s this fan girl who’s suddenly grieving and then one of her heroes shows up and she’s all ready to fangirl but then he severely disappoints her but she doesn’t even hesitate – she stuns him – like yeah, she’s excitable and incredibly sad but she’s still gonna do her damn job and I loved it.  And we see her grow and mature throughout the film and learn to trust Finn again – and the end where she saves him and then she says “we can’t fight what we hate – we have to save what we love” and then she snogs him and I was like HELLLS YES!  What a bad. Ass. Character.. I love her.  #protec I already liked the sorts of things Kelly Marie Tran was saying from the press tour – but she brought this character to life and now I have EMOTIONS.  
So yeah, I’m totally on the FinnRose ship now since Disney are cowards and Stormpilot is never gonna be a thing ☹ (though I did appreciate when Finn and Poe finally meet up again Finn literally squirts on Finn lmao (I’m sorry I have a dirty mind!)  so I think that’s the closest we’re ever gonna get hahaha)
I loved how Canto Bight really illustrated this incredible gap between rich and poor – so similar in our own world right now – and Rose’s rage at this injustice – “I just wanna punch straight through this beautiful, ugly terrible town.”  (First off – what a line.  Second off that sounds like something Leslie Knope might say hahahaha) Rose was given some of the best and most poignant lines.  
Also – the focus on the little children slaves – fuck, that was crushing.  And the Fathiers – how their coats were bleeding from the whips and the lashes – damn all so heartbreaking.  I’ll get back to the little slave boy at the end – as I think there’s so much going on in that final scene.
Back to the Force montage on Ahch-To with Luke & Rey – damn I love how Johnson elaborated on the Force – showing us what Rey was seeing – such beauty.  Such resonance.  Kinda reminded me of those BBC nature documentaries (The Planet, etc…) – the beauty and savagery of nature – personified in the Force – ughh so frikken powerful.
As for Luke – his scene with Artoo was the best.  Artoo shows him young Leia pleading for Obi-Wan and Luke’s all like “you’re not playing fair” and Artoo basically gives him this shit eating grin and oh gods so good – this is why Artoo continues to be my fave. Character.  He is the best.  Doesn’t even have to say anything.  Like yes!  Damn! Ughhh!
Then Luke’s scene with Yoda’s force ghost!!! As soon as you saw that little profile and the ears I was internally going like !@@!#$%&^%!@#$%%@$ and then he just blows up the tree like HaShem in Exodus and you’re like lmao – and he literally tells Luke “Rey has all the knowledge from the Jedi Texts with her already” – then if you fast forward all the way to the very end of the movie when everyone is on the Falcon – Finn is rummaging through a bunch of drawers and if you blinked you missed them – but the texts were in there!  Rey up and stole them hahaha – amazing!  And Yoda knew too!  Ugghhhhhhh I love these characters!
Alright.  Now on to the really big stuff.
Holy crap. Snoke is dead.  HAHAHAHA!  Ren turned out to be the BIG BAD of this trilogy.  I guess I shoulda seen that coming, but tbh I was absolutely gut-wrenched. I thought he and Rey would join forces and become gray force users and have babies and it would be beautiful, but it was not to be.  When they were fighting Snoke’s red guards I thought that would happen but then Ren is so full of hate and greed he can’t see anything else – he’s dead inside.  He can’t see a path to redemption.  He doesn’t even ask for forgiveness.
Yes, I know – for the last several months I have been a Reylo.  I really wanted them to get together.  And when they were force-touching hands I really thought they would – but then this asshole goes and
Decides to tell Rey she’s nothing????  Like what? No.  No, no, no.  You don’t tell someone they’re trash but they mean everything to you.  Like I sorta get what he’s trying to say but he’s being super manipulative.  Is that what gaslighting is?  
Like fine you murdered Han Solo.  You blew up Akbar.  AKBAR! But you will not insult Rey.  No.  That is crossing a line.  Maybe he wasn’t even consciously doing it – maybe he thought he was praising her – but really he was just trying to convince her she’s nothing without him.  He allowed his rage to rule him.  
I’m sorry people who still might see them together – but I no longer do.  Rey doesn’t need Kylo’s bullshit.  She gave him a chance at redemption and he denied her.  She realized she can’t save him – and I think that’s an incredibly valuable lesson to teach young girls.
I’m sorry if that offends some people on the Tumblrs – and you’re totally entitled to your opinion – I’m not gonna be a dick about it (it’s not my way) – but respect that I’ve changed my mind.  
As a side note – I think it’s kind of hilarious how whoever the hell Snoke was and who Rey’s parents were don’t even matter!  All those theories!  All the mental anguish we put into discovering how everything connects to older characters!  But it doesn’t.  Ha!  We deserve it!
Luke made a mistake trying to take out Kylo, no doubt, but Kylo has to be responsible for his own actions.  I think that’s what Johnson was trying to say – sure he might have been neglected, abused, and then manipulated by Snoke – but ultimately he had the power to choose – and like so many young men in this day and age – Ben has chosen hate.  Rey has chosen hope.
And I choose Rey’s path.  
The darkness might reign right now.  But the light is strong.  And it can burn in us all, if only we allow it to ignite within us.    
Sure, the Jedi have a legacy of failure.  But as Yoda said, “Failure is the best teacher.”  Don’t I know it.  Failure is painful.  Failure sucks.  But that doesn’t mean we burn it all down.  We can rebuild.  We can grow. We can make new the old.
The Jedi can live again.
And that gives me great hope, kids.  
Great Hope.      
And now, Luke and Leia.  
I can’t even…
This woulda been emotional enough with Carrie Fisher still with us – but now that she’s gone…
“Nobody’s really gone.” – Luke.  That last conversation – just the two of them – Oh man, I’m not a crier but sometimes I wish I was.  So powerful. So important.  So cathartic.  Funny. Sad.  Bittersweet reconciliation.  Imperfect people, imperfect goodbye – but a perfect scene.
I feel like we all needed that.  Or I did anyway.  
And then….Luke dies.
Luke dies?
Luke Skywalker. Is gone.
What?  No!  How?
Feels like I’ve known him my whole life – cuz I have.  Like he’s a real person and the myth he became all at once.  Who was one of the ones who taught us the power of forgiveness.  To let go of hate.
And now he’s gone?
I know, I know, I sound ridiculous – he’s not a real person and it’s just a movie and you’re probably all rolling your eyes and saying “bundles you’re being such a dweeb rn” but damn it! stories matter.  Characters matter.  Words matter. Words have power.  
Star Wars is a great myth of our time.  The saga of the Skywalkers is our Arthuriana.  From Anakin to Rey – this is our Trojan War.  Luke is our Achilles.  
And now he’s gone? When he disappeared watching those two setting suns (gods what great cinematography) it was like a gut punch.  Like fuuuuuuuuuuuuck what now?  
How do we go on?
I think Johnson gives us an answer – look to the past – look to the future – to the balance – to the cycle –
Which brings me to that final poignant scene -
The slave boy on Canto Bight.  As with Anakin Skywalker all those years ago – he’s a force user (pulling that broom to his hand ala Mickey Mouse in Fantasia) and he’s staring up at the stars and dreaming….he embodies, with his phoenix-inspired Rebel insignia ring – the rebirth of hope – of the rebellion – of the resistance – of the beautiful broken dream that were the Jedi – he is Johnson.  He is all of us.  From Anakin all the way to this slave boy.  And the story repeats.  The cycle continues.  
The myth lives on. Hope lives on.  And if the myth lives on, well then so does Luke – “nobody’s really gone…”
I love Star Wars.
I love stories.
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vagrantblvrd · 7 years
I’ve been sick and wallowing in my little blanket fort the last couple of days watching AH LPs and I really want that FAHC AU where Ryan’s a cat burglar thief and Gavin’s a hitman and they have wacky shenanigans.
Like, Ryan just sort of falls into a life of crime? He’s pretty good with computers and he learned some weird shit from his theater days. The first time he burgles someone is some stupid college thing, a friend who sent the wrong thing to one of their professors and they know Ryan’s up for anything to help a pal, right? And it’s like something out of a bad sitcom, but Ryan burgles this professor’s house successfully and figures that’s it, you know? 
But then word gets out that he’s good with lock picks and security systems and whatever and things go from there. He ends up in Los Santos a some point, gets hired by people who never see his face, just contact him through the interwebs or phone calls or something - 
And one day he’s gets hired to steal ~important files from a politician or businessperson in Los Santos and runs into this guy who’s just murdered the helll out of his target (Gavin, it’s totally Gavin who just murdered this asshole).
Awkwardness because this probably isn’t great for Ryan, right? But then security guards or cops show up because the asshole’s cat tripped the alarms (Ryan missed one,or he disabled it for a set amount of time and that time ran out while he was wondering if this hitman was going to add him to his tally, fucking sue him) and they have to make their escape.
And then Gavin lets Ryan go, but reminds him if he tells anyone what happened Gavin will find him.
And Ryan, okay. Not about to talk anyway, since he’d be in trouble too, what with the burgling he does and all.
A little while later Gavin finds him anyway because he’s got a bit of a problem. A client who wants to meet face-to-face, but the problem is, Gavin doesn’t do that. (He did, before, but that was a bit of a disaster, his client not taking him seriously because he doesn’t cut a very intimidating figure and the man was a brute, wanted his hired killer to look like one, whatever that means.)
Ryan listens to this rant, not sure if he should believe it because ? and then Gavin just looks at him.
“What does that have to do  with me?”
And now Gavin looks him up and down, eyebrow going up, smirk pulling at his mouth, and Ryan - 
Ryan ends up being the face people associate with Gavin’s unique talents. After an incident with some of Gavin’s enemies when Ryan was out getting snacks the Vagabond’s mask and face paint come on the scene, and it turns into this whole thing.
Everyone in Los Santos has a healthy respect for the Vagabond, not realizing the guy in the mask is this dorky, nerdy computer-savvy cat burglar. That the weird British guy he’s been seen with is the hacker he must have working for him. 
Ryan having no idea how the hell this happened, and having the shit scared out of him when Dan pops up one day - Gavin’s old partner who handles things across the pond. Has no idea who Ryan is, sneaking into Gavin’s apartment like this, and then wacky shenanigans where Gavin shows up and is like, “Oh, yes, this is my Ryan.”
(And then Ramsey comes along and tries to recruit the Vagabond and just wacky shenanigans all over the place I guess???)
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