#help i need somebody help not just anybody help you know i need someone helllllp
andy-clutterbuck · 5 years
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Filming Penguin Bloom on August 13th
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fatefulfaerie · 4 years
Linktober Prompt Day 20/31
Incarnation: The Minish Cap
Word Count: 515
Triggers: None
“Helllllp!!!” Link heard a voice exclaim after sheathing his sword. “Help meeee!!!”
He looked to where the voice came from, rushing back the way he came with a heroism unbefitting of a boy who had only been fighting monsters for under an hour.
“Ouch!” The voice exclaimed. It was obvious someone was in great trouble. “Won’t somebody stop them!? Ow! Ow! Help…Somebody! Can’t anybody hear me?” 
Link came upon a clearing, surprised to see two red octoroks aiming their spitted, projectile rocks at an odd, triangle-shaped green bird.
“Hey!” The bird exclaimed, Link frozen in shock that it could talk. “Kid! You there!”
“Ow!” The bird said in reaction to another projectile hitting it.
“Hey! Don’t just stand there! Do something!!!”
He wasn’t quite a bird though, Link peering at the odd creature, he had no legs, no feet, and he seemed to be covered in not feathers, but fabric.
“Ow!” The odd creature was hit again. “What’s wrong with you!? Do you like watching me take this abuse!? Help me!”
Shaken out of his trance, Link hastened to its defense, making quick work of the red octoroks with small slashes. He sheathed his sword and faced the creature, no longer in distress.
“Phew!” It exclaimed. “Well done! That was close! Not that I couldn’t handle them myself…but that’s beside the point! What in the world is a lone child doing so deep in the woods?”
“I’m looking for a way into that shrine,” Link said. “There’s supposed be an element? Or something? I need it to save Zelda.”
“Ho ho!” It said. “I see.”
“Legend tells of the Picori,” Link explained, “and that they had a way in, but I can’t find them anywhere. The entrance is so small anyway, it seems I’ve reached a dead end.”
Link sighed.
“I don’t know how I’m going to save Zelda from Vaati’s curse now.”
“The…Picori, you say? And Vaati?”
Link’s expression lit up.
“Do you know of them?” Link asked with hope in his heart. “Vaati? The wizard who cursed Princess Zelda? They say I need to power some scared blade with a bunch of elements to break the curse.”
“Is that so?” It said, oddly knowingly. “I see, I see…you know, you and I have quite a lot in common.”
Link tipped his messy, blonde, bedhead.
“How?” Link asked.
“You see, I, too, am on a quest to break a curse of Vaati’s.”
So he is cursed in this form, this hat-like shape with the neck and head of a bird.
“If you say this blade can break Vaati’s curse, then I’d say you’ve found yourself a companion, my boy!” 
“As much as I want to help you,” Link said. “The road ahead may be dangerous.”
“No worries,” it said before hopping up and landing snugly onto Link’s head, Link looking up. “I’ll be safe from harm up here. Plus, who else will lead you to the Picori?”
“You’ve got a good point,” Link said.
“My name is Ezlo,” the hat said. “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
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