if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“This Was A Prelude To Commando Raid on Norway,” Toronto Star. December 31, 1941. Page 2. --- Royal Air Force bombers blasted at the Herdia airdrome on the coast of German-occupied Norway as a prelude to the raid last Saturday by the British commandos. This photograph was taken from a British Blenheim bomber and was radioed to New York from London. The commandos, acting in concert woth the R.A.F. and the navy, staged a lighting raid on islands off the Norwegian coast, destroyed a radio station, wiped out or captured most of the Nazi garrison, and escaped with only minor casualities. They brought back, among their prisoners, the islands’ head quisling.
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thequeereview · 2 years
Original Rent stars Daphne Rubin-Vega & Wilson Jermaine Heredia reunite at tick, tick...BOOM! premiere to honour Jonathan Larson
Original Rent stars Daphne Rubin-Vega & Wilson Jermaine Heredia reunite at tick, tick…BOOM! premiere to honour Jonathan Larson
At Monday night’s Broadway premiere of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s screen adaptation of Jonathan Larson’s uplifting and moving autobiographical musical tick, tick…BOOM!, performers who originated roles in Larson’s Pulitzer and Tony-winning posthumous hit Rent reunited to honour the late composer and writer 25 years after the first performance of that show. Daphne Rubin-Vega, who received her first Tony…
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laurapalmerss · 6 years
@lateforestfire @thisbaconiscold @rentamarker @thinkingofdrinkinggasoline
Disaster struck when news of Jonathan Larson's death had circulated. Of course, then everyone was in a state of shock. Just the night before they had all seen him alive and well. The cast was especially shaken up. Jonathan had worked so very hard for the Musical to be where it got. Everyone was dumbstruck. Their friend and fearless leader were gone. The words echoed through their heads Jonathan Larson is dead.
Daphne had sat with the rest of the cast trying to wrap her head around what was just spoken to her. Tears streamed down her cheeks and she leaned into the closest person to her who just happened to be Adam who just wrapped his arms around her and stared ahead completely silent. Daphne cried into him as everyone just sat around silent other than the sounds of their sniffling and awkward shifts.
It was until Jonathan's father, mother and sister walked in that the silence was broken " What we would like to happen tonight is you guys perform it... Not full out but sitting down casual. Just for his friends and the rest of the family. So they can see what a great work he has here." Al Jonathan's father said. Idina, Fredi, Jesse, Wilson, Anthony, Adam and Daphne all looked around and bored deciding that that was the best thing they could do.
"We'll do it," Anthony said softly for the group
"Thank you guys," Al said going around hugging them all
When he got to Daphne she hugged him back and whispered "I'm so sorry papa"
"What was that Daph?" He asked not sure what she had said
"I said I'm sorry Papa," she said a little bit louder pulling away from him
He pulls her in close for another hug. They hug for a few minutes before Daphne pulls away again. She rubs her face and walks over to Adam leaning into him. Adam wrapped his arms around her again and just held her to him. Silence surrounded them.
The silence was once again interrupted but this time by Idina "I think we should all go home and rest and be back by.." She looked at Al "6:30?" Al nodded and everyone nodded to making their way to the parking lot. Daphne was one of the last ones out followed by Adam who gave her a hug before getting into his car and driving off. Daphne had walked a few blocks and arrived at her apartment and walked up the stairs before unlocking the door and plopping down on her couch. She didn't move a muscle until her phone rung. She rolled off the couch and answered it
"Hello?" She said softly with a sigh
"Hey, Daph would you mind meeting us at the diner?" Anthony asked referring to the moon dance diner Jonathan used to work at.
"Ant who are you referring to as us?" She asked nervously
"The cast and John's parents"
"Let me get changed and I'll be in my way," she said hanging up and walking to her closet and picked out tank top jeans and an oversized hoodie. The hoodie had once belonged to Jonathan and she thought it would be special to wear it that night. She headed to the bathroom and got changed. She pitcher hair up in a messy ponytail and walked down to the diner where Adam Anthony and Idina sat. She joined them and sat by Adam as Nan and Al walked in and sat at the table. About 20 minutes later the rest of the cast came and sat at the table.
Al stood "I'd like to make an announcement. " he paused making sure he had everyone's attention. "I would like to thank you for being here tonight and thank you for going on with the performance like Jonathan would want you to." His voice catches "I know this is going to be hard but I promise you we'll make it through because that's what Johnny would want"
Daphne looked down at her hands and stood "I didn't know Jonathan that well but I knew he was such a kind loving and caring soul and he worked so hard to make this happen and I know if we do this we'll be doing him and the world a favour. He told us it would be something great and we need to honour that" she walked to her seat and sat down. Anthony got up next then Fredi and then Idina soon the entire cast got up and spoke. The pep talks needed with Johnathan's mother.
Nan uttered these words "make Jonathan proud."
With that, they all left the diner and walked to the theatre. They made their way to the stage where the tables from the week before were set. They all took the various mismatch chairs and sat in front of the table. They sang solemnly and halfway through they had the idea to perform the way the show was meant to be performed. Adam looked at everyone and whispered "we should do this full out costumes and everything"
"I agree," everyone said in unison and went to go change and get back on the stage for Seasons of love. the rest of the performance was a blur. so many emotions were shed and so many feelings were felt. the performance ended and the cast took their final bow. it was silent for 5 seconds then 10 about 1 minute passed and then someone stood
"thank you Jonathan Larson" and that caused everyone to stand and cheer.
the cast shuffled off the stage to change. Daphne was the first one changed and she made her way to Al who was standing talking to someone about the show.
Once everyone got out to the audience Al stopped and gathered them around him
"The show is going on as planned Johnny would have wanted it and everyone wants to see if you guys did amazing and everyone here can vouch for that" he paused "Jonathan picked you guys for a reason and now I see that you guys are spectacular go home get some sleep first show is at 4 tomorrow"
The show went on and boy was it a ride for the cast
 It had been such a busy eventful week for the rent cast. They had just been relocated to Broadway and it had been wonderful. Especially for Daphne and Adam. Today was a day Daphne being Daphne would normally lounge around before the performances of the day, but she couldn’t instead she was sitting in a chair in her dressing room being made up and having her hair done. The good part about but was Adam. He was her best friend and partner and crime yes, they constantly fought and made other uncomfortable with their antics but that's a good friendship for ya. Daphne had been talking to the makeup artist and then suddenly laughed hard thinking of something her and Adam had done the week before. Not even noticing him slip in until she heard his voice.
 "Hey, Daph, I didn't catch you this morning thought I'd do"
 Daphne took a deep breath "you didn't catch me at home because I crashed here"
 "you too lazy to walk the two blocks to your house?"
 "shut up!" she snapped "by the time I got everything set with Michael it was like 11 and I don't care if its 5 minutes down the street is not walking at 11 in the middle of fucking New York city" her face was flushed, and she was annoyed. "why did you even stop by my house anyway we usually meet up at the diner anyway. " she huffed
 "I wanted to surprise you and walk you here but to my disappointment, you're here instead of there but I still get to see your beautiful smile and your unruly hair so it’s okay,” Adam said trying to cover a snicker
 "Listen to buddy if you wanna go insult someone insult Anthony I'm not in the mood" Daphne snapped
 Adam backed up and threw his hands up "Oh god chill I was joking your hair is fluffy and I love it"
 Daphne just glared at him "shut up Adam or I swear I’ll slap the grin off your pretty boy front man face"
 Adam backed away and went to change into his clothes for the shoot. Daphne continued to sit in the chair as the hair stylists defrizzed her hair. She was happy to have the opportunity to be able to be in this play but the fact that just t he week before she- THEY had lost Jonathan and her and Adam were about to go promote this magical thing he wrote gave her the chills. Once she was done in the hair and makeup trailer she walked into Adam’s  
Adam looked up at her and smiled softly “You good honey?” he asked concerned for her wellbeing. He was especially worried about her since she’d been acting distant after Jonathan’s death. He knew everyone grieves differently but everyone was still acting like themselves and she wasn’t well around him she wasn’t at least
“I just don’t know how I should feel about doing this. He’s gone and we’re going out to talk about something that was his entire dream and entire life. It makes me think what if I got my dream to work but then die before it actually does would you and um Idina go and talk about it for me?’  Daphne rambled. She was nervous and kind of upset. She wanted to scream she wanted to throw things and run away but she stayed calm on the outside even if on the inside she was having an emotional breakdown
Adam walked to her and wrapped his arms around her he knew she was having a hard time coming to terms with Jonathan’s death but they all were, and he knew it. So, he did the one thing he could think of the stage all over again. Daphne kissed back and pulled away a few minutes after the kiss happened. Adam looked into her eyes. “I’m not sorry Daph, I love you.” He said softly and whole heartedly
 Daphne blushed and looked down at her hands and then shoved her hands into her pockets “I love you too Adam. I really do.” She said looking back up at him “I love your smile when you do something dumb I also love how amazingly supportive you are of everyone and I just love everything about you”
Just then Nan and Al walk in and the two-separate smiling knowingly at each other. “Oh, now what happened here” Nan asked jokingly but she was curious
“n-nothing we just we just “Adam blushed
“uh-huh” she said teasingly nodding her head
Daphne was bright red “Nothing happened we just talked about emotions and got caught in a whirlwind of emotions and stuff” she spoke quickly her nervousness rising by the minute she fidgited and looked around
Adam puts his arms around her
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Es la historia de una pequeña y dulces chica,
la que entregaba sus tiernos e inocentes besos,
a aquel que no sabía quererla,
Pese a eso, ella le amaba con fervor,
Ese hombre cruel, era más un vergudo que amante,
no sabía amar a la chica de papel,
Le rompió el corazón y luego se fue,
La chica tardo un tiempo en repararlo,
Con esfuerzo y amor propio,
Realizó cuatro viajes ,
el primero le mostró lo desgarrador que era el aferrarse con tanto ardor a un mal amor ,
El segundo le dió su buena lección, antes de amar debía amarse a ella misma,
Su tercer viaje la hizo llorar a cántaros, quizá porque había descubierto la oscura verdad que ocultaban sus traumas,
Para el cuarto, por fin lo entendió y quizo sanar, sabía que por más que lo había intentado antes, no aprendía la lección. Pero era hora de hacerlo, está vez lo haría.
Y así fue, aprendió, lo comprendió después de cuatro largos años,
Un día un extraño tocó a su puerta ,
al abrirle se dió cuenta de que era aquel hombre que tiempo atrás le había roto el corazón,
El joven apenado imploró perdón, dijo que repararía todos sus errores,
Él la amaba, había tardado en darse cuenta pero lo hizo,
Ella acepto dudosa,
Con el paso del tiempo el joven mostraba su cariño y afecto,
Se veía dolido al no recibir lo mismo de la chica,
Ella no le mostraba interés ,
Mucho menos amor o cariño,
Aquella dulce dama que un día hubiera muerto por él,
Ahora ni siquiera podía tener tiempo para hablarle,
La sentía distante, pero no deseaba perderla,
Así que se trago su orgullo y continúo,
Él le pregunto, por qué no podía amarlo como una vez lo hizo,
Deseaba su amor en todo su esplendor, que sintiera lo que él por ella,
La chica lo pensó por un momento y se dió cuenta que la llave se había perdido,
Así que le comentó al joven,
Quizá en algún de los viajes que emprendió, perdido la llave de su corazón.
No había nada que hacer, ella no podía abrirse sin aquella pieza,
Sin meditarlo, el chico le pidió los lugares que había visitado, iría en busca de aquella llave.
La busco en el mar, en un frío bosque, en dónde se congelo, entre un alto puente que la causo vértigo. En una carretera aislada, dónde poca gente pasaba, paso la noche en varios sitios y repitió su búsqueda más de una vez.
Al no encontrar nada, se rindió.
Era momento de dejarla ir, pues las herdias que había causado en el pasado, estaban tan impregnadas en el alma de ella,
Qué difícilmente le volvería a amar, en ese momento le soltó.
La chica se volvió arromantiaca , no creía ni en cuentos ni en hadas,
Nada que involucrara el amor.
Un chico de corazón noble y bondadoso, nadaba entre la olas, cunado encontré un pedazo de llave.
A cualquiera le habría parecido una baratija,
Pero él la observó con asombro, así que decidió guardarla,
Al pasar los años, volvió a encontrar un pedazo, yacia en un puente, atada.
Cuando la desató , se dió cuenta que pertenecía a la ya vieja mitad de llave,
Le pareció raro pero aún faltaban piezas,
En un frío y triste bosque, levanto un pedazo más, ¿En dónde estaría el más importante?
Si aquel, qué podía abrir la cerradura,
No sabía, así que lo buscó durante mucho tiempo,
Cuando se dió por vencido,
Conoció a una mujer, talentosa y fría ,
Aparentaba apatía, pero no podía ocultar su bondad,
Con el paso del tiempo, se enamoro profundamente de ella,
Y descubrió que aquella extraña, tenía la última parte de la llave, con ello podría abrir por fin la cerradura,
Se la entrego, cómo signó de su amor,
Y él, nunca le falló.
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randomsove-art · 2 years
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beautifulchaospost · 6 years
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Y esto es lo que más amo de los diciembres en Tiquicia ❤ Belén - Herdia - Costa Rica
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Kim N°8 guerrera con espadón de diente de dragón. -Resistencia: humana superior, mental medio, heridas mortales bajo. -Poder: su armadura de escamas de dragón puede parar golpes mortales para cualquier persona, además tiene una alta velocidad a pesar de llevar un espadón. Ataque gran estocada. -Debilidades: magia media, venenos, severas herdias mortales. https://ift.tt/2YXIjqw
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zion-peru-club · 4 years
SHIVA SHANTI, reggae peruano en SPOTIFY
🇵🇪 Una de las bandas más queridas del reggae peruano, hoy nos alienta a seguir creyendo que el género reggae no se detiene en el país, retomando las actividades y lanzando su disco HERIDAS DEL PASADO en Spotify y otras plataformas digitales. 🟩🟨🟥
Una de las bandas más queridas del reggae peruano, hoy nos alienta a seguir creyendo que el género reggae no se detiene en el país, retomando las actividades y lanzando su disco HERIDAS DEL PASADO en Spotify y otras plataformas digitales.
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Shiva Shanti nos presentó Heridas del Pasadoa…
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reypisote · 5 years
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Hoy en Herdia y mañana también en Heredia https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Z29-vHFyu/?igshid=1l0eduo8f9pt9
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carinapayue-blog · 5 years
Tersandung Kasus Foto Intim, Cinta Laura Malah Beri Tanda Cinta di Unggahan ini, Herdiana Bereaksi
Carina Payue Tersandung Kasus Foto Intim, Cinta Laura Malah Beri Tanda Cinta di Unggahan ini, Herdiana Bereaksi Artikel Baru Nih Artikel Tentang Tersandung Kasus Foto Intim, Cinta Laura Malah Beri Tanda Cinta di Unggahan ini, Herdiana Bereaksi Pencarian Artikel Tentang Berita Tersandung Kasus Foto Intim, Cinta Laura Malah Beri Tanda Cinta di Unggahan ini, Herdiana Bereaksi Silahkan Cari Dalam Database Kami, Pada Kolom Pencarian Tersedia. Jika Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Anda Cari, Kemungkinan Artikel Sudah Tidak Dalam Database Kami. Judul Informasi Artikel : Tersandung Kasus Foto Intim, Cinta Laura Malah Beri Tanda Cinta di Unggahan ini, Herdiana Bereaksi Tersandung Kasus Foto Intim, Cinta Laura Malah Beri Tanda Cinta di Unggahan ini, Herdiana Bereaksi http://www.unikbaca.com
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adjose · 7 years
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Perú: Ex fiscal Ramos Heredia denunció a testigos Perú.- El fiscal Marco Guzmán Baca decidió concretar la denuncia del exfiscal de la Nación Carlos Ramos Heredia contra las exregistradoras de la Sunarp…
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justluvleejenny · 6 years
1 AM
La herdia cerro
pero la cicatrices son las huellas
que me hace recordar
que debajo de las grapas
quedaste tu
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laurapalmerss · 6 years
Oh look another skyler video @thinkingofdrinkinggasoline
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conchitaherves · 6 years
Cuando Digo Tu Nombre (Live At El Lunario En la Ciudad De México, 2010)
Mejor, me ausentare por un tiempo hasta que sienta que el viento dejo de hablarme de ti mejor no recordare tu cara porque el dolor nunca para cuando me acuerdo de ti
mejor no pregunto a nadie con quien estas no creo poder soportar una heridas mas. y una herdia mas
mejor ya no digo tu nombre para que nunca pueda alcanzarme el pasado y me deje encerrado en la oscuridad mejor ya no digo tu nombre porque guarda palabras, miradas, mometos, que viven muy dentro de mi soledad y no puedo aguantar sin ponerme a temblar cuando digo tu nombre
Mejor, ya no recorro la casa porque al final siempre pasa que me dan ganas de huir mejor, ya no me pruebo a mi mismo que hago mas grande el avismo de donde quiero salir
mejor no pregunto a nadie con quien estas no creo poder soportar una heridas mas. y una herdia mas
mejor ya no digo tu nombre para que nunca pueda alcanzarme el pasado y me deje encerrado en la oscuridad mejor ya no digo tu nombre porque guarda palabras, mirada, mometos, que viven muy dentro de mi soledad y no puedo aguantar sin ponerme a temblar cuando digo tu nombre...
Y no puedo aguantar, sin ponerme a temblar cuando digo tu nombre
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annapao-g-blog · 7 years
Y no hay otra dorma de decir ésto.
Quien le dice no al amor. 
Si tú me olvidas te prometo que yo también, pero dejarás herdias que jamás podrán curar. 
Seguir o adiós. 
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