#here to a prodective year
violetsandshrikes · 2 years
Last Friday, the Norwegian court of appeal reversed a district court’s interim injunction to halt the hunting of the wolf families within the “wolf zone” to prodect the predators, where the animals are allowed to breed, and which makes up 5% of the country’s land.
Over the weekend, hunts went out to find these animals, and 9 were shot in a single day
Other European countries have introduced anti-wolf policies. Hunters in Sweden have already shot dead most of their annual target of 27 wolves. In Germany, where wolves have appeared in recent years having entered from neighbouring countries, there has been a debate over the predators’ impact on agriculture. In the UK, there are fierce arguments over whether wolves should ever be reintroduced.
(article here) (TW: photos are included of the animals shot in the article, proceed with caution)
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maybeimamuppet · 3 years
how to win friends
hi friends!! happy (belated, I'm sorry!) mean girls day!! please enjoy this little bonus drabble :)))
cw for violence/blood (and please let me know if i've missed anything!!)
Janis isn’t a big fan of first grade.
She likes the work. She likes learning to read bigger words and longer books, likes learning about clouds and planets and bugs in science. She’s not particularly fond of math, but it has its moments. She loves art class and recess, and lunch and music.
It’s the other kids that are the problem. Janis has always been quiet and shy. She doesn’t like confrontation, and making new friends is always tough. Her best friend Regina from dance class goes to another school, and Regina usually does the talking for her. So Janis just sits in her spot and does her work. At least her teachers all say she’s a pleasure to have in class.
In December, they have their first indoor recess of the year due to cold. Janis decides to spend it drawing a picture of a lion for her new baby sister.
She looks up when she hears raised voices coming from the table next to her, where some boys are playing with legos. “Girls are weak! My dad said so.”
Well, that can’t be right. Janis’ mom always says girls are the strongest people on the planet, and Janis shouldn’t listen when someone tells her she can’t do something just because she’s a girl. So Janis stands up and marches her way over.
“No they’re not! We’re just as strong as any stinky boy,” she huffs, crossing her arms.
“Nuh uh!” The boy replies. “You can’t even punch! You’re just a girl.”
Janis clenches a fist in frustration. Can’t punch, huh? She looks down at it thoughtfully. Her stepdad always says to keep her thumb out, so she carefully moves it. Squeezes her fingers a little tighter. And then she swings.
“Ow!” The boy yells, covering his nose with a hand. It’s covered in blood when he pulls it away again, so he puts it back with a frightened squeak. Everyone around starts making noises and frantically calling for their teacher.
“What is going on over here?” the teacher demands, marching up to the both of them.
“Uh oh,” Janis whispers. She’s done it now.
“Both of you, main office, now,” the teacher says, pointing to the door. “Janis, I expected better from you.”
Janis bows her head in shame and leaves the room, followed by the boy leaving a trail of blood behind him.
The office calls Janis’ and the boy’s parents to come pick them up. Janis sits next to him on the scratchy seats in the office, elbows on her knees and her head in her hands.
The boy has now been equipped with tissues to stop the blood, but his nose is broken. Janis is even more afraid when she learns that means he’ll have to go to the hospital for it to get fixed.
“Whad’s your nabe?” the boy asks kindly. Janis looks up at him in confusion.
“Janis,” she murmurs. “I’m Janis.”
“I’b Dabian,” the boy replies, holding out a hand to shake. Janis winces at the blood on it, so he wipes it on his pants before holding it out again.
“No, Dabian,” Damian replies. “Wid an eb.”
“Oh, Damian,” Janis says. Damian nods.
“You punch good,” Damian says. “Wanna be frie’ds?”
Janis nods eagerly. “Yeah.”
“Okay. You can sid next to me toborrow.”
“Thanks,” Janis grins.
“Hey, we’re missing da sabe teef!” Damian says, smiling to show off his own missing teeth. Sure enough, they’re both missing their top front teeth and one on the bottom.
“We’re like twins,” Janis giggles. Damian nods eagerly.
“Yeah!” He cheers. “Whad do you like to do?”
“Uh… I like to color,” Janis says. “And read. And dance.”
“I dance too!” Damian gasps. “I do tap dance!”
“I do ballet,” Janis says. “Maybe we can do tap dance together!”
“Yeah! Ask your mom!”
“I will. If I’m not in big trouble,” Janis huffs. “Does your nose hurt?”
“A liddle,” Damian nods. “You punch bery hard.”
“My mom taught me to. And my stepdad,” Janis replies sheepishly.
“What’s a sdepdad?” Damian asks. Janis bristles slightly, but she knows he’s not trying to be mean.
“My real daddy died when I was four,” she explains. “And then my mama got married again. Her new hubsand is my stepdad.”
“Oh.” Damian says. “Did you getta go to da wedding?”
“Yeah. I had to wear this big dress, it was so itchy,” Janis huffs, shuddering at the mere memory of her hellacious gown. “I was the flower girl. But I got to stay up super late! And there was a lot of chocolate.”
“Ooooh,” Damian says in awe. “I lub chocolate.”
“Me too,” Janis giggles. “My mama drinks this… uh… I forget the name, but it’s like hot chocolate mixed with coffee. It’s sooo yummy.”
“I’b neber had cobee,” Damian says sadly. “My mom won’d led me. She days id’ll gib me too much edergy. And she days I already gots too much.”
“Mama only lets me try a little bit,” Janis agrees. “Maybe you could come to my house and try some. And you can meet my baby sister!”
“You hab a sisder?”
“Uhhuh. She’s just a baby, but she can already play with me,” Janis says. “But she still eats all the drawings I make for her. Her name is Julie.”
“She dounds cude,” Damian says. “I don’ hab any brudders or sisders.”
“They’re really loud,” Janis sighs. “Julie cries aaaaaall night. Mama says babies are kinda a pain, but then they grow bigger and it’s better.”
“My mom days I was already too buch,” Damian says. “Bud she days we mighd ged a dog soon instead.”
“I’ve never had a dog,” Janis sighs. “I had a fish, but he died. But I think cats are better anyway.”
“Bud dogs are so cude!”
“Yeah, but they’re so… wet,” Janis shudders. “So much slobber.”
Damian seems to consider this, and nods. “Cads are cude too.”
They both look up when they hear the door to the building open, and look out to see a man there. Janis hunches her shoulders up slightly. “Uh oh.”
“Whad oh?” Damian asks.
“It’s my stepdad,” Janis whispers.
“Oh. Is he mean?”
Janis nods. “He’s nice to Mama. And my baby sister. But he doesn’t like me very much.”
“Oh. Thad’s stupid.”
Janis gasps in dismay, as if he’s just said the most vile profanity known to man. But after a moment’s thought, she nods. “It is stupid.”
Damian giggles as she claps her hands over her mouth and looks around to make sure nobody else heard. “I don’ dink my dad likes me very much eidder. I’ll prodect you.”
“Thanks, Damian,” Janis says. “I’ll protect you from your dad.”
“Thanks,” Damian says. “Oh, dat’s my mom!”
“Oh, my poor boy,” Damian’s mom tuts as she comes barreling in, crouching down in front of Damian and assessing his nose. “What happened?”
“According to their teacher, Janis here punched him,” the secretary helpfully informs her.
“Janis Sarkisian,” Janis’ stepdad says angrily, also stepping into the room. Janis hunches further into herself in fright. “You need to apologize to this boy before we take you home.”
“No,” Damian says. “She proobed me wrong, she doesn’t hab to say sorry. I said girls couldn’t punch.”
“She certainly showed you,” Damian’s mom chuckles.
“Janis is duper cool, sir,” Damian continues. “She shouldn’t be in drouble.”
Janis’ stepdad hums thoughtfully. “We’ll talk about this with your mother at home.”
“See you toborrow!” Damian waves as Janis is hauled out the door.
“I don’t know about that, bud,” his mother chuckles. “Noses take a few days to fix, you might have to stay home tomorrow.”
“Bud I just med Janis!” Damian pleads. “I gotta cobe toborrow so we can be frie’ds!”
“We’ll see what the doctor says. Maybe we can set up a playdate soon if you can’t come to school,” his mother chuckles, ruffling his hair. “Let’s go get your nose fixed.”
Damian hops up and grabs his backpack, following his mom and chattering away about his new best friend forever.
Damian is, miraculously, back at school the next day. He’s sporting a dashing splint and two black eyes, and is awed over by the other kids all morning.
But he keeps his promise and saves a seat for Janis. He helps her at science time, and Janis helps him with reading. They work together in art class that day to make a masterpiece of a clay turtle, and make the coolest snowman ever on the playground at recess.
“Did you get in trouble yesterday?” Damian asks as he heaves to lift the head onto it.
“Yeah. I’m not allowed to watch TV for a week,” Janis replies, hunting for the best pebbles for his buttons. “But Mama gave me a high five too.”
“Grownups don’t make sense,” Damian sighs. Janis holds out a handful of stones she’s found. “Those are good rocks.”
“I think so too,” Janis smiles, patting them into place with her little mittened hands. “Oh, and Mama said I can do tap dance class! She’s gonna sign me up next week.”
“Awesome!” Damian yells, bouncing up and down. “Wait, do we go to the same dance school?”
“Mama says there’s only one nearby,” Janis shrugs. “I know Mama’s phone number, you can give it to your mama and then they can make sure.”
“Okay,” Damian shrugs. “Come on, let’s see if lost and found has any hats!”
ten years later
“Hey Dame?” Janis asks, cuddled up with her best friend on his bed and looking at the new playbills they’ve just finished adding to his wall.
“Sorry I broke your nose.”
Damian bursts out laughing. “It’s okay. Sorry I said you couldn’t punch.”
Janis smiles and ruffles his hair. “It’s okay.”
Because that was the best thing that ever happened to me.
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tumbirus · 4 years
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Good Afternoon Dears, New __age racisam:Ye5 another undesirable outcome of the pandemic would be a spike in various forms of discrimination. Globally,societies could become more self_seeking and inward looking leading to further push back against liberal policies regarding migration and refugees. New questions are likely to be asked about the source of goods,More stringent imposition of phytosanitary measures by advanced states on prodects emanating from the less developed countries might become the new normal.Lockdowns and travel restrictions could potentially legitimize the restrictions around border walls in more conservative countries.Tragically, there for,while one answer to global pandemics is political globalization, COVID_1 might further limit it. Within India too,there could be a trend towards discrimination, with "social distancing" producing undesirable social practices.That a manipuri women was spat on in Delhi by a man who called her"Coronavirus " and gated communities have discriminated against those COVID_19 quarantine, indicate a new age of discrimination. Purtine claims based on birth and class and the associated declarations abut hygiene could become sharper.The more the virus persists,the deeper such practices would get.We already know what these practices feel like;it can only get worse from here.( Thanks for Happy Mon Jacob,Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi &Antony Thom's , Anlizer,Ioll reporter ,South India, ). Noted the point:Public life fundamental right against ,any public servants politicians and political leaders ,non justify orders or public life harassing,not accepted to any country law today.same to Indian modi government selfish or non thinking rules is not accepted to social justice,Modi ,shah,yogi many minsters and MP,s are criminals ,many murder case involved accused also.many political support joint this ones are minister and MP,s name stay to India.so our discrimination rule activated to still,so terrorist accused joint one modi government before six years Indian public life harrasing ,economy losing,murder and Rape cases making ...continue.. (at Mumbai, Maharashtra) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-9MIYchk-d/?igshid=o0elk26fb4af
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mireille-lisette · 7 years
The meaning of life?
What’s the meaning of life anyway? Everyone dies eventually, everyone will lose everything in the end. We all build our life based on our possessions, we go to school to get a great job to earn as much money as we can so we can buy the biggest house, the fastest car, the best food and other luxuries. At least that’s what we all try, but in the end, it’s all gone anyway, we’ll all lose everything, so what’s the point? And what’s the point of making friends, what’s the point of being prodective, why should I do this thing that I’ve been telling myself to do for days and have not done yet, what’s the point? It doesn’t add anything to my life, I can do without it, it doesn’t matter anyway. And friends? Why would I even try, they’ll be gone in a few years anyway, most friends don’t last that long, why try? And if they do, well than someone has to go through the pain of losing the other. They die, I die, we’ll lose each other anyway, if we even try to stay friends, one of us has to deal with that pain. And why? It doesn’t even matter. There’s no point.
These were my thought just now, I feel like shit tonight and I couldn’t get over it unless I put the words down. I felt like there was no meaning, the end is inevitable, it’s no use to even try. But while writing this down, I realized I was wrong. Sure, I really felt like there’s no point to try, but putting it into words, made me realize what a stupid thought it actually was. Yes, everyone does leave this body in the end of your life on earth, but that doesn’t mean that all you do is for nothing. I’ve actually thought a lot about the meaning of life (because school made me think about it), I thought it was the hardest question ever, why are we even alive, what’s the point? Well, if you look at the big picture, the universe, the millions other planets, this world which is just a little dot in the universe, even smaller than that, and than you are just a small little being wandering around on tis one planet, that realisation is scary. The big picture is scary and it can make you look unimportant. When you die, the world will move on, forget about you and in a hundred years it’s like you’ve never even existed. So if you look at that big picture, well, than there’s no point in life, it’s not important. But you shouldn’t look at the big picture, you should look at the universe from your own perspective, you should look at your surroundings. There are people around you that care about you, there are animals that care about you. The day you were born you recieved thousands of days to live, to do things, to have fun, to learn, to explore, to create. I felt trapped in life, trapped in obligations just fifteen minutes ago, but life is so much bigger than that and there is so much more to life than just existing. The meaning of life? To have fun. To do what you like, to live life to the fullest, every single day. You weren’t put on this earth to not be happy, to live under the rules and obligations of someone else and to vanish forever after your death, you were put on this earth to make a statement, to live your life, to have fun in the things you do. There is a reason for you to be here and it is not to drag yourself through your days untill death takes you away. 
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ghen-wings-art · 5 years
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My last drawing before 2019 comes...
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ketoadvancedoffer · 3 years
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Ketones are essential to understanding how Keto Advanced 1500 pills work. Ketones are made in the liver from fatty acids and ketogenic amino acids. When carbohydrate restriction is used to stimulate cellular respiration, ketones are an energy source that can be used. Ketone supplementation can also be used to quickly recover from conditions like exercise-induced glycogen depletion (high blood sugar). This supplement is also known for its ability to improve mental clarity.
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