#herman wallace
monkey-network · 4 months
Pee-Wee delivers Wallace his crack
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abs0luteb4stard · 2 years
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TRIVIA: Daniel Roebuck is a long time fan of The Munsters and owns a Herman Munster doll, that was signed by Fred Gwynn when they worked together on the film Disorganized Crime (1989). He also met Al Lewis through a friend.
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savannah-quotes · 1 month
Next time you want to say "I'm sorry," say "fuck you." That's kind of my policy.
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letterboxd-loggd · 18 days
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Flesh (1932) John Ford
April 7th 2024
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suzukis-posts · 6 months
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Wallace Wells x Male!Reader
Wallace era un tipo tranquilo que aconsejaba a Scott en su 'relación' con Knives Chau, ahora ex-novia de Scott.
En este momento Wallace estaba junto a un desconcertado Scott, quien acababa de recibir una llamada de Envy, su ex.
Pocos minutos después de que la llamada finalizara el teléfono resonó por la habitación, Wallace tomó el teléfono atendiendo la llamada.
── ¿Hola? Oh, ¡hola Knives! ── Wallace sonríe un poco levantándose del puf ── ¿Qué que, estás aquí?
Scott sobresaltado se para del sofá exaltado por saber que Knives estaba afuera. Wallace se acerca a la puerta para abrirla para encontrarse con Knives. ── ¿Está Scott?
Wallace cierra un poco la puerta para que luego Scott se lance a la ventana ── ¿Sabes qué? Acaba de irse...
Knives abre los ojos algo sorprendida ── ¿En serio?
── Sí... ── Wallace acaricia su propia cabeza pidiendo disculpas, Scott desde la ventana rota toma su abrigo ── Lo siento.
── Acaba de irse por la ventana. ── Caminas y apareces detrás de Knives, ella se da vuelta al verte eres el hermano mayor de Knives ── ¿Qué haces aquí?
Wallace nota tu presencia al lado de Knives ── ¿Qué haces tú aquí? Sabes como se pondrá mamá si sabe que estás aquí.
Knives mira tímidamente a un curioso Wallace, luego te mira a tí, querías una explicación ── Heh... supongo que quieres saber quien es él... Él es _______, mi herman-
── ¿Eres hermano de Knives? ── Wallace sonríe de forma atrevida mirándote de arriba a bajo asientes suspirando. Ahora Knives estaba algo sorprendida. ── ¡No se parecen en nada!
── ¿Lo conoces? ── Knives pregunta inocentemente sonriendo un poco, tal vez se trataba de un amigo tuyo.
── Claro que sí, es mi pareja, ¿no me haz presentado como tu pareja aún? Ouch, eso duele. ── Wallace se apoya en tus hombros cómodamente besando tu cuello en broma, te sonrojas avergonzado. Knives abre los ojos sorprendida. ── Nos conocimos hace un par de años, en una fiesta.
Eres gay, tienes 24 años y estas en una relación con un alcohólico homosexual amante de las fiestas. Que divertido.
── ¿Esa es la razón por la cuál te escapas por las noches los fines de semana y tienes tu constante dolor de espalda? ── Estabas realmente avergonzado, querías estar tres metros bajo tierra, tu rostro estaba todo rojo y Wallace comenzó a reír debido a tu reacción.
── Ugh.. por favor vámonos Knives, esto es vergonzoso... ── Wallace sonríe de una forma burlona.
── Oh, quédate. Tengo que ir con Tamara de compras, ¡quiero cambiar mi cabello! ── No sabías que decir al respecto, Knives últimamente estaba obsesionada con el estilo de Ramona Flowers, quería tener un parecido a ella para captar la atención de Scott.
No tenías razón decirle que no así que te despediste de ella.
Finalmente viste como tu hermana se marchaba, segundos después sentiste un tirón en tu cintura, sabías que era Wallace empujando de tu cintura para atraerte a él ── ¿Así que dolor de espalda, huh? Me sorprende que Knives no pregunte a que se debe esos dolores.
Odiabas y amabas esta parte burlona de él, su mirada era una de burla y lujuria ── Cierra la boca Wallace.
── Deberías venir más seguido, no solo los fines de semana. ── Wallace te abraza acomodando su cabeza suavemente en tu hombro.
── ¿Quieres que tenga dolor de espalda los días de semana? No podría trabajar, idiota. ── Wallace ríe en tu cuello, ocasionando un ligero escalofrío en tu columna.
── Sería divertido probarlo~ ── Abres los ojos otra vez ruborizado, sabías lo que insinúa por lo tanto suspiras dejándote llevar.
── Lo que sea...
── ¿Es un sí? ── Wallace toma tu rostro besandote dulcemente. Antes de que pudieran incluso comenzar. Scott abre la puerta de forma violenta como si estuviera tratando se ocultarse.
Observa la escena frente a sus ojos ── Oh... ustedes...
── Largo de aquí. ── Wallace señala la puerta por la cual Scott acababa de entrar.
── Per-
── Largo. Quiero tener sexo en paz, Scott. ── Scott asiente avergonzado sin antes disculparse, antes de que se vaya Wallace habla ── Me vas a tener que pagar esa ventana.
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13eyond13 · 1 month
How many of these "Top 100 Books to Read" have you read?
(633) 1984 - George Orwell
(616) The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
(613) The Catcher In The Rye - J.D. Salinger
(573) Crime And Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
(550) Catch-22 - Joseph Heller
(549) The Adventures Of Tom And Huck - Series - Mark Twain
(538) Moby-Dick - Herman Melville
(534) One Hundred Years Of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
(527) To Kill A Mockingbird - Harper Lee
(521) The Grapes Of Wrath - John Steinbeck
(521) Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
(492) Pride And Prejudice - Jane Austen
(489) The Lord Of The Rings - Series - J.R.R. Tolkien
(488) Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
(480) Ulysses - James Joyce
(471) Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
(459) Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte
(398) The Brothers Karamazov - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
(396) Great Expectations - Charles Dickens
(395) To The Lighthouse - Virginia Woolf
(382) War And Peace - Leo Tolstoy
(382) The Sun Also Rises - Ernest Hemingway
(380) The Sound And The Fury - William Faulkner
(378) Alice's Adventures In Wonderland - Series - Lewis Carroll
(359) Frankenstein - Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
(353) Heart Of Darkness - Joseph Conrad
(352) Middlemarch - George Eliot
(348) Animal Farm - George Orwell
(346) Don Quixote - Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
(334) Slaughterhouse-Five - Kurt Vonnegut
(325) Les Misérables - Victor Hugo
(320) Harry Potter - Series - J.K. Rowling
(320) The Chronicles Of Narnia - Series - C.S. Lewis
(317) Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy
(308) Lord Of The Flies - William Golding
(306) Invisible Man - Ralph Ellison
(289) The Golden Bowl - Henry James
(276) Pale Fire - Vladimir Nabokov
(266) Gone With The Wind - Margaret Mitchell
(260) The Count Of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas
(255) The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy - Series - Douglas Adams
(252) The Life And Opinions Of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman - Laurence Sterne
(244) Madame Bovary - Gustave Flaubert
(237) Vanity Fair - William Makepeace Thackery
(235) The Trial - Franz Kafka
(233) Absalom, Absalom! - William Faulkner
(232) The Call Of The Wild - Jack London
(232) Emma - Jane Austen
(229) Beloved - Toni Morrison
(228) Little Women - Louisa May Alcott
(224) A Passage To India - E.M. Forster
(215) Dune - Frank Herbert
(215) A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man - James Joyce
(212) The Stranger - Albert Camus
(209) One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest - Ken Kesey
(209) The Idiot - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
(206) Dracula - Bram Stoker
(205) The Picture Of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
(197) A Confederacy Of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole
(193) Mrs. Dalloway - Virginia Woolf
(193) The Age Of Innocence - Edith Wharton
(193) The History Of Tom Jones, A Foundling - Henry Fielding
(192) Under The Volcano - Malcolm Lowry
(190) The Odyssey - Homer
(189) Gulliver's Travels - Jonathan Swift
(188) In Search Of Lost Time - Marcel Proust
(186) Midnight's Children - Salman Rushdie
(185) An American Tragedy - Theodore Dreiser
(182) The Book Thief - Markus Zusak
(180) Siddhartha - Hermann Hesse
(179) The Magic Mountain - Thomas Mann
(178) Things Fall Apart - Chinua Achebe
(178) Tropic Of Cancer - Henry Miller
(176) The Outsiders - S.E. Hinton
(176) On The Road - Jack Kerouac
(175) The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
(173) The Giver - Lois Lowry
(172) Brideshead Revisited - Evelyn Waugh
(172) A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess
(171) Charlotte's Web - E.B. White
(171) The Ambassadors - Henry James
(170) Infinite Jest - David Foster Wallace
(167) The Complete Stories And Poems - Edgar Allen Poe
(166) Ender's Saga - Series - Orson Scott Card
(165) In Cold Blood - Truman Capote
(164) The Wings Of The Dove - Henry James
(163) The Adventures Of Augie March - Saul Bellow
(162) As I Lay Dying - William Faulkner
(161) The Hunger Games - Series - Suzanne Collins
(158) Anne Of Greene Gables - L.M. Montgomery
(157) Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand
(157) Neuromancer - William Gibson
(156) The Help - Kathryn Stockett
(156) A Song Of Ice And Fire - George R.R. Martin
(155) The Good Soldier - Ford Madox Ford
(154) The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
(153) I, Claudius - Robert Graves
(152) Wide Sargasso Sea - Jean Rhys
(151) The Portrait Of A Lady - Henry James
(150) The Death Of The Heart - Elizabeth Bowen
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holyarchistud · 4 months
2023 REVIEW + 2024 TBR
From last TBR I finished:
Lock Every Door, Riley Sager
Dune, Frank Herbert
The Magus, John Fowles
Mock, Marek Krajewski
Mock. Ludzkie zoo, Marek Krajewski
The Divine Comedy, Dante Alighieri
To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee
Police, Jo Nesbo
Also I finished some not from the list: Rzeczy którch nie wyrzuciłem, Marcin Wicha Little Women, Louisa May Alcott Atomic Habits, James Clear Mrs March, Virginia Feito Krótko i szczęsliwie, Agata Romaniuk The 5am Club, Robin Sharma One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Ken Kesey Piercing, Ryu Murakami Homesick for Another World, Ottessa Moshfegh Miss Kim Knows, Cho Nam-joo La Place, Annie Ernaux The Housemaid, Freida McFadden Lean Your Loneliness Slowly Against Mine, Klara Hveberg Brief Answers to the Big Questions, Stephen Hawking The Housekeeper and the Professor, Yoko Ogawa Demian, Herman Hesse Siostry, Monika Białkowska The Dragonet Prophecy - Wings of Fire, Tui. T. Sutherland Kwiaty w pudełku, Karolina Bednarz
Probably list of books is not great idea for me, but despite it I plan the 2024 TBR ! 24 books for 2024 !
21 lessons for the 21st Century, Yuval Noah Harari
Think like a Monk, Jay Shetty
The Four Steps to the Epiphany, Steve Blank
The E-Myth Revisited, Michael E. Gerber
The $100 Startup, Chris Guillebeau
Creativity, Inc., Ed Catmull, Amy Wallace
The Creative Act, Rick Rubin
Your Next Five Moves, Patrick Bet-David
Nad życie, Wojciech Harpula, Maria Mazurek
What happened to you?, Bruce D. Perry, Oprah Winfrey
The Sound of the Mountain, Yasunari Kawabata
I fell in love with hope, Lancali
Blindness, Jose Saramago
As Long as the Lemon Trees Grow, Zoulfa Katouh
The Fall of the Human Intellect, A. Parthasarathy
Chłopki, Joanna Kuciel-Frydryszak
Birdy, William Wharton
A Little Life, Hanya Yanagihara
Widma w mieście Breslau, Marek Krajewski
Mock. Golem, Marek Krajewski
Educated, Tara Westover
Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov
1984, George Orwell
The Test, Sylvain Neuvel Wish me luck! It was pretty good year of reading!
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cas-kingdom · 2 years
'Am I interrupting something?'
A/N: I used my OC here instead of reader due to her age. In her world, I doubt a few of these guys would have been around when she was this young, but for the sake of this little fic, they are!
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“Am I interrupting something?”
As Battalion Chief of Firehouse 51, Wallace Boden had been and would continue to be witness to many unconventional happenings. Though most of these occurred outside of the Firehouse, typically on jobs in less typical places, he of course had to make room for such antics in the building that a large number of men and women lived in for twenty-four hours at a time.
This, however, was something he had not prepared for. Crossing his arms over his chest, he dipped his head dangerously low. “Why,” he began slowly, “are three of my men in a single shower...” He glanced down. “With a toddler?”
Said three men, in nothing but white vest tops and shorts, visibly grimaced at such a statement.
“Context, Chief, please,” Hermann said.
Boden’s expression turned icy. “That’s what I’m asking for.”
“In! In!”
All heads turned down at the little chipper voice. Beatrice Casey stood squeezed between the men in the single shower cubicle, her sopping wet, soapy hair stuck in odd angles. She was grinning widely, despite the water raining down on her face, and her hands were making little grabby motions towards the chief, who valiantly stood his ground.
Sighing, Otis squeezed baby soap into his hand from a bottle. “You’ve gotta get in, Chief.”
Boden’s brows had never risen higher in such a short amount of time. “Excuse me?”
Cruz shrugged. “She says you’ve gotta get in. It’s your own fault for letting her see you.”
Herman rolled his eyes and nudged Cruz with a sharp elbow. Ignoring Cruz’s protest, he turned an imploring look on Boden. “She’ll cry, Chief,” he attempted to explain. “You don’t want that.”
To be quite frank, Boden would rather any other unconventional happening than this...whatever it was. Uncrossing his arms, he brought his hands to either side of his face and took his time peering at each man. Otis had bent down and was scrubbing at a dark mark on the front of Bea’s top. Hermann and Cruz thankfully had the good grace to look ashamed at having been caught in this situation. Which, annoyingly so, Boden still was not understanding.
“What am I missing here?” he asked curtly. If he did not receive an answer in the next thirty seconds, there were no possibilities of evading his raised voice. Of course, he would remove the baby from the room first.
“Casey asked me to wash the chocolate off her,” Otis said, still scrubbing.
“Which somehow translated to ‘give her a shower’ as compared to ‘just take her to the kitchen sink’.” Herman was obviously unimpressed.
“Her clothes were dirty too!” Otis argued. “I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone, so I got her in the shower, and she wanted me to get in with her, so I did.” He shrugged. “Then when Cruz came in, she wanted him to get in, and when he said no, her...” He glanced tentatively up at the others, who seemed to grow even more shameful, if that was at all possible. Though Boden honestly believed anything was possible at this point.
“Her bottom lip started trembling,” Cruz interrupted, subconsciously raising his hands in emphasis, “and her eyes welled up with tears—”
“So you got in,” Boden finished.
“Yeah.” Cruz nodded, offering a forced smile which was clearly not lightly received. “Then Hermann came, and...you get the picture.”
Boden took a minute. He looked at Bea, quite happily stood under the flow of water as Otis rubbed soap into the stain and gently wiped around her chocolatey mouth, and then back to Hermann and Cruz, who both honestly looked as though they’d do anything to just leave.
He extended an arm out towards them, blinking as he pulled the facts together. “So, what you’re telling me...is that the three of you were bested by a toddler?”
There was silence for a moment, before the men nodded in agreement.
“Yes,” Otis said.
Cruz clicked his fingers. “Exactly.”
Hermann winced. “Kids, man,” he said. “They’re like kryptonite.”
“In! In! Chief!” Bea aimed her grabby hands in the Chief’s direction once more, the brightest smile adorning her little face. The men turned discreetly questioning glances towards him, each silently wondering if they’d have to make more room.
Boden had never been lucky to have biological children, but he didn’t count himself inexperienced in the matter. Whether through the compassion of the job, or the leadership he had over people he may as well consider his own, he could handle a three-year-old. More specifically, he could handle Beatrice Casey.
Grabbing up a towel, he stepped towards the shower and knelt just outside. “Ahh,” he said as he opened the towel and wrapped Bea up in it. “You, little Casey, are finished for today.” At the tell-tale wobble of her lips and the sudden glazing of her blue eyes, he stood to his feet and tutted. “Now, I’ll have no tears. None at all.” He picked up some extra towels and threw them in his men’s direction.
“Get going,” he ordered. His voice was firm yet swirling with a common hint of amusement at the situation now that it had all settled down, and once they’d left his sight and he sat down on a bench with Bea, he allowed himself a small smile.
Chicago Fire Masterpost
send me the first sentence of a fanfic and i’ll write the next five, except i don’t know when to stop writing so i guarantee there’ll be more than five
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ninthads · 8 months
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𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐇𝐅𝐌 ; a study in lost souls , magical realism , & a war of the mind . we are a modern day , marauders era roleplay , where each of the students are attending oxford & are being summoned to join an organization called 𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒉 𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆 that is as secretive as it is infamous . our aim is to explore connections & develop characters beyond the written text , all while giving a big fuck you to jkr .
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𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝒐𝒏𝒆 : where is daisy hookum ?
[ soft launch ... ] october 18th [ admin status ... ] idle [ current reserves ... ] none
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please check under the cut for a minimalistic list of taken characters & faceclaims if you'd like to find out if the muse you're after has already been snatched up before joining the server !
[ taken characters ... ] james potter ( kaden hammond ) , narcissa black ( earthdarlin ) , bellatrix black ( katie mcgrath ) , mary macdonald ( antonia gentry ) , regulus black ( timothee chalamet ) , marlene mckinnon ( paulina chavez ) , lily evans ( havana rose liu ) , alexandria yaxley ( dianna agron ) , sirius black ( herman tommeraas ) , pandora splitstream ( kennedy walsh ) , emma vanity ( adeline rudolph ) , alecto carrow ( ergi bardhollari ) , lucius malfoy ( vinnie hacker ) , alice fortescue ( devyn nekoda ) , rabastan lestrange ( bright vachirawit ) , frank longbottom ( kieron moore ) , remus lupin ( archie renaux ) , rita skeeter ( nicole wallace ) , evan rosier ( thomas doherty ) , peter pettigrew ( kit connor ) , bartemius crouch jr ( froy gutierrez ) , lorcan d'eath ( damiano david ) , titus avery ( lucas apple ) .
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moon-meridian · 9 months
hello, friends! here is a collection of some of my favorite faces. i'll update this list as i come into contact with faces that i've been introduced to and want to interact with. please keep in mind that this list is just what comes to mind, i love new faces so feel free to suggest new ones to me !#happyroleplaying
aaron paul, aaron taylor-johnson, aaron tveit, adam dimarco, adan canto, alan ritchson, alberto rosende, alexander calvert, alexander skarsgard, alex fitzalan, alfie allen, alfonso herrera, alfred enoch, alvaro rico, andre lamoglia, andrew garfield, andrew matarazzo, andy samberg, angus cloud, antoni porowski, antony starr, armie hammer, aron piper, austin butler, avan jogia, ben barnes, bill skarsgard, blair redford, blake jenner, bob morley, boyd holbrook, brandon flynn, brant daughtry, brenton thwaites, brian j. smith, bright vachirawit chivaaree, cameron monaghan, casey cott, carter jenkins, chace crawford, chadwick boseman, chance perdomo, charles melton, charlie coxx, charlie heaton, charlie hunnam, charlie weber, chase stokes, cheyenne jackson, chris evans, chris hemsworth, chris messina, chris pine, christian navarro, christopher abbott, chris wood, cody christian, cody fern, cole sprouse, colton haynes, curran walters, dacre montgomery, daniel sharman, darren barnet, darren criss, david castaneda, david castro, david corenswet, dean geyer, dominic cooper, dominic sherwood, drey ray tanner, drew van acker, dylan minnette, dylan o'brien, dylan sprayberry, dylan sprouse, ed westwick, eka darville, eric dane, evan peters.
felix mallard, finn jones, finn wittrock, froy gutierrez, gavin leatherwood, gong yoo, grant gustin, gregg sulkin, gus kenworthy, hart denton, hasan minhaj, henry cavill, henry zaga, herman tommeras, hero fiennes-tiffin, hugh dancy, ian bohen, ian harding, ian somerhalder, itzan escamilla, iwan rheon, jack falahee, jack quaid, jack mulhern, jack o'connell, jacob artist, jacob elordi, jai courtney, jan luis castellanos, jared padelecki, jason momoa, jedidiah goodacre, jensen ackles, jeremy allen white, jeremy jordan, joe dempsie, joe keery, joel kinnaman, joel mchale, joe manganiello, jonathan groff, jon bernthal, jon krazinski, jordan fisher, jorge lopez, joseph gilgun, josh hartnett, joshua bassett, justin hartley, justin theroux, karamo brown, karl urban, kit harrington, kj apa, kyle allen, liam hemsworth, logan shroyer, louis partridge, lucien laviscount, luke evans, luke pasqualino.
manny jacinto, manu rios, matt bomer, matthew daddario, mark pellegrino, mason gooding, maxence danet-fauvel, max irons, max riemelt, mena massoud, michael cimino, michael trevino, michael vlamis, michele morrone, michiel huisman, miguel bernardeau, miguel herran, mike colter, miguel angel silvestre, miles heizer, milo ventimiglia, nathan parsons, nicholas galitzine, nick robinson, nico mirallegro, nico tortorella, nikolaj coster-waldua, noah centineo, nolan gerard funk, oliver jackson-cohen, oliver stark, omar ayuso, omar rudberg, oscar isaac, paul wesley, penn badgley, pol granch, rafael silva, rahul kohli, rami malik, richard madden, ricky whittle, riz ahmed, robert sheehan, rome flynn, ronen rubenstein, ross lynch, rudy pankow, rupert grint, ryan guzman, ryan kelley, ryan potter, sam claflin, sam heughan, samuel larson, scott eastwood, sean teale, sebastian de souza, sebastian stan, shiloh fernandez, skeet ulrich, steven strait.
taron egerton, taylor zakhar perez, theo james, thomas doherty, timothy granaderos, timothy olyphant, toby kebbell, toby wallace, tom ellis, tom hiddleston, tom holland, tom hopper, tom pelphrey, tyler blackburn, tyler hoechlin, tyler lawrence gray, tyler posey, wentworth miller, zac efron.
austin porter, benito ocasio (bad bunny), brandon arreaga, charlie puth, dominic fike, edwin honoret, harry styles, jack gilinsky, jack harlow, jaden smith, joe jonas, lil nas z, machine gun kelly, nick jonas, nick mara, omar apollo, shawn mendes, troye sivan, zayn malik, zion kuwonu.
bang chan, choi chanhee, choi minho, christian yu, han seungwoo, jackson wang, jay park, jung ki-suck, kim jennie, kim jisoo, kim jongdae, kwon hyuk lai, kuan-lin, lalisa manoban, lee dae-hwi, lee tae-min, mark yien tuan, ong seong-wu, roseanne park, taehyung, wong kunhang, wu yi fan, xiao dejun, and yan an.
adam senn, adil haddaoui, adrien sahores, agustin bruno, arthur gosse, billy vandendooren, bo develius, brad skelly, brooklyn beckham, cameron dallas, casey jackson, christian hogue, daniel abohzira, daniel bederov, david gandy, derek chadwick, desire mia, diego barrueco, francisco lachowski, gage gomez, gui fedrezzi, harvey newton-haydon, isha blaaker, ivan kozak, jacob bixenman, janis danner, jamie dornan, joe collier, jordan torres, juan betancourt, julian schratter, kit butler, lenny izaguire, manu rios, marlon teixeira, marvin cortes, matthew noszka, matty carrington, maverick mcconnell, michael yerger, neels visser, nick bateman, nicolas simoes, nyle dimarco, ollie loudon, owen lindberg, rafael lazzini, rafael miller, reese king, richard diess, robbie satchwell, sean opry, simon loof, simon nessman, tanner reese, tom webb, vinnie hacker, will higginson, xavier serrano, zander fitzpatrick
gus kenworthy, noah beck, ryan garcia, vlad hoshin.
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el-im · 1 year
key ↻ = re-read ☞ = continuing (started previously) ✑ = for school ☏ = others recommended and/or gifted to me ✧ = favorites 𓆱 = northern arizona
- hard aground by james w. wall - ↻ moby-dick; or, the whale by herman melville - shockwave by paul ruditis - the expanse by j. m. dillard - last full measure by michael a. martin & andy mangels - surprise! by nichelle nichols, sondra marshak, & myrna culbreath - the good that men do by michael a. martin & andy mangels - and how are you, doctor sacks?: a biographical memoir of oliver sacks by lawrence weschler - how to change your mind: what the new science of psychedelics teaches us about consciousness, dying, addiction, depression, and transcendence by michael pollan - ✑ rhetoric and human consciousness: a history (5th ed) by craig r. smith - ✑ how english works: a linguistic introduction (3rd ed) by anne curzan and michael p. adams - ✑ goodbye to all that by joan didion - ✑ disappearance by carrie brownstein - ✑ debts and lessons by zadie smith - ✑ baby yeah by anthony veasna so - bone in the throat by anthony bourdain - the man who loved alien landscapes by albert wendland - ✑ notice by jessica handler - ✑ joyas voladoras by brian doyle - ✑ proxies: essays near knowing by brian blanchfield - ↻ night sea journey by john barthes - ✑ consider the lobster by david foster wallace - admissions: a life in brain surgery by henry marsh - dino: living high in the dirty business of dreams by nick tosches - ✑ the book of delights: essays by ross gay - frank sinatra has a cold by gay talese - inventing jerry lewis by frank krutnik - ✑ whatever the weather by linda tran - ✑ the gift of strawberries by robin wall-kimmerer - fried walleye and cherry pie: midwestern writers on food, edited by peggy wolff - tomorrow and beyond: masterpieces of science fiction art, edited by ian summers - stories and prose poems by aleksandr solzhenitsyn, trans. michael glenny - ✑ in cold blood by truman capote - w. h. auden: selected poems, edited by edward mendelson - 95 poems by e. e. cummings  - ↻ dawn by elie wiesel - ☏ 20020: the future of college football by jon bois - ☏ the postman by david brin - slouching towards bethlehem by joan didion - who by fire: leonard cohen in the sinai by matti friedman - in the house upon the dirt between the lake and the woods by matt bell - zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance: an inquiry into values by robert m. pirsig - ✑ essays one by lydia davis - the book of eulogies: a collection of memorial tributes, poetry, essays, and letters of condolence, edited by phyllis theroux - ✧ kneller's happy campers by etgar keret - the bus driver who wanted to be god and other stories by etgar keret - ↻ where the sidewalk ends: poems and drawings by shel silverstein - aperture 12:4, 1964, edited by minor white - the complete peanuts, 1959-1960 by charles m. shultz - ✧ letters to milena by franz kafka - aredo by grace smith - the last lecture by randy pausch & jeffrey zaslow - the bug wars by robert asprin  - leaves of grass: “first” and “death-bed” editions by walt whitman - something alive by keegan grau - ↻ moby dick; or, the whale by herman melville - hunger makes me a modern girl by carrie brownstein  - ✧ our numbered days by neil hilborn - book of mercy by leonard cohen - some ether by nick flynn - death of a lady's man by leonard cohen - the white album by joan didion - in fact: the best of creative nonfiction, edited by lee gutkind - ✧ kurt vonnegut: letters, edited by dan wakefield - spent saints & other stories by brian jabas smith - reckless daughter: a profile of joni mitchell by david yaffe - day by elie wiesel - william carlos williams: the collected poems 1909-1939, edited by walton litz and christopher macgowan - 𓆱 quench your thirst with salt: essays by nicole walker - 𓆱 package fever by anahi molina - 𓆱 tumbling toward awareness by anahi molina - 𓆱 if i could just see the levee from my backyard by anahi molina - 𓆱 undertones by anahi molina - 𓆱 building the dream: lego friends and the construction of human capital by christopher schaberg, ginger grimstein, waverly evans, paige franckiewicz, nino hernandez, terran lumpkin, anahi molina, & adelaide wight - 𓆱 interview with margarida vale de gato by anahi molina - love in the time of cholera by gabriel garcía márquez, trans. edith grossman - bagombo snuff box: uncollected short fiction by kurt vonnegut - 𓆱 evening with grandma by anahi molina - 𓆱 the gods are dead by anahi molina - 𓆱 namesakes by anahi molina - ☏ a book of common prayer: a novel by joan didion - grapefruit: a book of instructions and drawings by yoko ono - ☏ bluets by maggie nelson - cradle book: stories & fables by craig morgan teicher - ☏↻ the gift: poems by hafiz, the great sufi master, trans. daniel ladinsky - ☏ i heard god laughing: renderings of hafiz by daniel ladinsky - hunger: a memoir of (my) body by roxane gay - our babies, ourselves: how biology and culture shape the way we parent by meredith f. small - ☏ the overstory: a novel by richard powers  - ☏ having and being had by eula biss - the two cultures and the scientific revolution by c. p. snow - ☏ dogsucker: the written oral by lawrence lenhart - 𓆱 backvalley ferrets: a rewilding of the colorado plateau by lawrence lenhart  - post office by charles bukowski - consider the lobster and other essays by david foster wallace - zoologies: on animals and the human spirit by alison hawthorne-deming - ↻ the rainbabies by laura krauss melmed - billions & billions: thoughts of life and death at the brink of the millenium by carl sagan - ☏ zami: a new spelling of my name: a biomythography by audre lorde - the paper menagerie by ken liu - ☏ the member of the wedding by carson mccullers  - the handsomest drowned man in the world by gabriel garcía márquez  - the joy of sex by alex comfort  - open all night: new poems by charles bukowski - ham on rye by charles bukowski - howl’s moving castle by diana wynne jones - ☏ norwegian wood by haruki murakami  - the gales of november: the sinking of the edmund fitzgerald by robert j. hemming - ✑ the rise of silas lapham by william dean howells - ✑ girl by jamaica kincid - everyone but me wrote this by anahi molina - ✑ a rose for emily by william faulkner - ✑ sister carrie by theodore dreiser - ✑ in praise of gossip by patricia meyer spacks - ✑ the husband stitch by carmen maria machado - ✑ the way the end of days should be by diane cook - ✑ the tomb of wrestling by jo ann beard  - ✑ oronooko: or, the royal slave by aphra behn - ✑ the jungle by upton sinclair  ☇ new york times article reading list - ✑ bless me, ultima by rudolfo anaya - ✑ kindred by octavia butler - ✑ the awakening by kate chopin - ✑ behave: the biology of humans at our best and worst by robert sapolsky - ☏ happening by annie ernaux - ✑ m. butterfly by david henry hwang - ✑ my ántonia by willa cather - here is your war by ernie pyle - ✑ the whale caller by zakes mda  - ✑ sáanii dahataał / the women are singing: poems and stories by luci tapahonso - ✑ in dubious battle by john steinbeck  - ↻ sarah, plain and tall by patricia mclachlan - ✑ “the rockpile” by james baldwin - i will not leave you comfortless: a memoir by jeremy jackson - fifty famous people by james baldwin  - ✑ “shiloh” by bobbie ann mason - ✑ “cathedral” by raymond carver  - you get so alone sometimes that it just makes sense by charles bukowski - ✑ slaughterhouse-five by kurt vonnegut  - dead babies by martin amis
-> view december
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dear-indies · 11 months
Coming to ask you for more fc help because you're so helpful. I need a male fc between 23 and 26 years in age that has I guess bad boy but secret softie vibes and is an athlete. I mean any fc can be used as an athlete but that's the general idea. Thanks in advance. You're always so helpful
Alejandro Speitzer (1995) Mexican.
Brandon Perea (1995) Filipino and Puerto Rican.
Cody Christian (1995) Penobscot, Passamaquoddy / English.
Toby Wallace (1995)
Emilio Sakraya (1996) Morrocan / Serbian.
Mason Gooding (1996) Afro-Barbadian, African-American / European.
Alex Fitzalan (1996)
Alex Aiono (1996) Ngāti Porou and Samoan / English, German, Irish, Danish, smaller amounts of Welsh, Swiss-German, and Scottish.
Berkay Hardal (1996) Turkish.
Daniel Diemer (1996)
Josh Heuston (1996) Sri Lankan.
Elliot Fletcher (1996) - is trans, if you roleplay him he’s started to please not comment on his body.
Trevor Jackson (1996) African-American.
Aria Shahghasemi (1996) Iranian.
Paul Mescal (1996)
Kamil McFadden (1996) African-American.
Hero Fiennes Tiffin (1997)
Herman Tømmeraas (1997)
Jeremy Shada (1997)
Jacob Elordi (1997)
Emre Bey (1997) Turkish.
Diego Tinoco (1997) Mexican and Colombian.
Archie Renaux (1997) Punjabi Indian and British / British.
Evan Mock (1997) Bisaya Filipino / White.
Tanner Buchanan (1998) Filipino (maternal grandfather), Scottish, English.
Felix Mallard (1998)
Ben Turland (1998)
Aramis Knight (1999) Pakistani, Indian / English, Irish, German.
Lorenzo Zurzolo (2000)
Here you go, I'm so happy you like the suggestions!
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sosoawayrpg · 8 months
podem sugerir fcs para wendy e michael darling?
Kristine Froseth, Saoirse Ronan, Mackenzie Foy, Millie Bobby Brown, Natalia Dyer, Milly Alcock, Olivia Rodrigo, Hunter Schafer, Phia Saban, Sophie Turner, Emily Alyn Lind, Jodie Comer, Dove Cameron, Freya Allan
Tarjei Sandvik Moe, Henrik Holm, Herman Tømmeraas, Charlie Plummer, Toby Wallace, Alex Fitzalan, Finn Wolfhard, Noah Schnapp, Rudy Pankow, Tom Holland
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Jean Harlow and Marie Dressler in Dinner at Eight (George Cukor, 1933)
Cast: Marie Dressler, John Barrymore, Wallace Beery, Jean Harlow, Lionel Barrymore, Lee Tracy, Edmund Lowe, Billie Burke, Madge Evans, Jean Hersholt. Screenplay: Frances Marion, Herman J. Mankiewicz, based on a play by George S. Kaufman and Edna Ferber. Cinematography: William H. Daniels. Art direction: Hobe Erwin, Fredric Hope. Film editing: Ben Lewis. Music: William Axt. 
It has always struck me as odd that Grand Hotel (Edmund Goulding, 1932) won the 1931-32 best picture Oscar, when Dinner at Eight, a similarly constructed all-star affair, was shut out of the nominations for the 1932-33 awards. Dinner at Eight is much the better picture, with a tighter, wittier script (by Frances Marion and Herman J. Mankiewicz, with additional dialogue by Donald Ogden Stewart) and a cast that includes three of the Grand Hotel stars: John Barrymore, Lionel Barrymore, and Jean Hersholt. Granted, it doesn't have Greta Garbo and Joan Crawford, but it has Jean Harlow and Marie Dressler at their best, and a director who knows how to keep things perking. (Cukor was, at least, nominated for Little Women instead.) It also has one of the great concluding scenes in movies, when everyone goes in to dinner and Kitty (Harlow) tells Carlotta (Dressler) that she's been reading a book, bringing the formidable bulk of Dressler to a lurching halt. (You've seen it a dozen times in clip shows of great movie moments. If not, go watch the movie.) Granted, too, that Dinner at Eight is not quite sure whether it's a comic melodrama or a melodramatic comedy, dealing as it does with the effects of the Depression on the rich and famous, with marital infidelity and suicide (both of them in ways that the Production Code would soon preclude -- as it would Harlow's barely there Adrian gowns). And there's some over-the-top hamming from both Barrymores. In fact, the performances in general are pitched a little too high, a sign that Cukor hadn't quite yet left his career as a stage director behind and discovered that a little less can be a lot more in movies. Nevertheless, it's a more-than-tolerable movie, and a damn sight better than the year's best picture winner, the almost unwatchable Cavalcade (Frank Lloyd).
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Chapter One of Once upon a time………
That’s right this is a Chicago crossover, what’s a Chicago crossover you ask, well my dear friend this is where all the tv shows come together (Chicago fire, med and pd) as then come as one chicago ( you can find the series on peacock and Hulu)
Characters: Kelly Severide, Sylvie Brett, Christopher Herman, Joe Cruz, Randall “Mouch” McHolland,Stella Kidd, Blake Gallo, Darren Ritter. Tony ( first name unknown), Capp (first name unknown) and Carver ( I forgot his name) and Violet Mikami, Wallace Boden, and more to come
Warning: bad writing, speaking of death and murder, trapped people and blood and I think that’s it
POV Darren Ritter
Enjoy or don’t Btw I will be making chapters
You walk in to Mollys and the first thing you see is Stella and Carver fighting Violet and Blake arguing about who knows what and Herman yelling at Stella to serve people when the bar wasn’t even open, so you yell “ why the hell are y’all fighting” they turn to you “tell me why are y’all fighting” they all talk at the same time “ one at a time now” Stella speaks “ well carver here has had one to many drinks and wants to have another round of shots” she stops “ ok so Blake and Vi what’s your reason” they stay silent for a few seconds then Violet turns to Blake and back to you “ well he want me to taste his new prototype and I tell his it’s weird and you starts yelling at me saying that I’m wrong and I said that don’t you want me to be honest and yea” you just stand there wondering what you just got in to until someone walks in and saids “ hey um is Mollys open” and you reply “ yea come one in and tell everyone else” the rest of the night comes smoothly until Kelly comes in and goes straight to Chef Boden and says “ I was how squad would call it playing fire cop………”
To be continued………
Chapter 2 will be posted tomorrow at 7:30pm
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arachnidae · 1 year
Leaving Lepidoptera, welcome to our system blog!
All alters:
🦇 Scott - Host [He/they/þei]
💙 McNasty - Co-host [He/that/it/þei]
⌛ Aaron [He/they/il]
💤 22 [He/she]
🔆 Amadeus [He/him]
💔 Austin/Alex [He/him]
👹 Az [They/it/he]
🏳️‍🌈 B [She/her]
🐃 Babe [He/fae/kit]
🤖 Barbatos [He/him]
👽 Bryan [He/they/she]
🏙️ Cabana [He/they/none]
🧟 Cesare [He/ze/zom]
🍋 Citrón [They/them]
🫐 Claude - Dormant [He/him]
🌷 Dahlia [She/her]
🧿 Dan [They/them]
🍑 Darla [She/they/phe]
📷 Denise [They/them]
💎 Denver [He/him]
💫 Devo [He/it/any]
🧠 Dog [God/it/he]
💸 Dusty [He/they]
🎶 Elbertson [He/him]
🦪 Epitaph [They/them]
💣 Eustace [All]
🔪 Gabe - Aggressive [He/it]
👨‍⚖‍ Gabriel - Primary Protector [None]
🐺 Gayle [She/it]
💉 Gaiman [He/him]
🍟 Gene [He/they/bun]
🦋 Geon [They/none]
🧵 Gerty [He/him]
🍝 Gev [He/it/il/lui] - Can translate French
👼 Gonzie [He/it]
🤓 Griffin [He/him]
🤡 Heehoo [He/that/they]
🎩 Herman [It/she/he]
🌩️ Hickory [He/it/that/they/x/xe]
📻 Holiday/Hollie [He/she]
🪙 Igor [It/he]
🐏 Innocence [It/its] - Speaks Latin
❄️ Jack [He/him]
🕰️ Jax [He/they]
🐙 Jen [She/xe]
🔱 Jonah [It/its]
🐍 Janus/Dante - Dormant [He/they/she]
🦖 Joy [She/her]
🏵️ Joseung [Saja/he/it/mort/mortis/meu/muerte/dea/death/bone/bones]
😈 Judas [He/him]
🗡 Killian [They/he/it/that/ir]
🪓 Krampus/Eliezer [He/it]
🦁 Lio [None]
🌽 Maizey [She/her]
🕔 Mare [He/him]
🌘 Marie [She/her]
🥨 Michael [He/him]
🐈 Mittens [He/they]
🍄 Morell [They/them]
💾 Moth [Any]
🩻 Mr. Capgras [She/he]
🏴‍☠️ John Silver [Il/lui] - Speaks French
☎️ Neil [He/him]
🐳 Neuro [She/it]
👩‍🎤 Neo [They/them]
📜 No Man [He/they]
🕯️Oleander [He/him]
🍃 Orlin [He/him]
🍒 Osborne [He/they]
🩸 Oveja [He/they/blood]
👁 Pedro [He/they/it]
👣 Porsche [She/her]
🦴 Ptera [He/it/they]
❤️ Red [It/its/centi/centipede]
❤️‍🔥 Rowan [He/they/it]
🦠 Sadsack [He/they]
🍎 Saffron [He/they]
🐉 Sasha [She/her]
🚭 Shen [He/him]
🐐Sicily [She/they]
💐 Séamus [He/they]
✂️ Scissors [They/it]
🗺️ Silas [He/fae]
💀 Stanley [He/him]
🐮 Steve [He/they]
💡 Stauber [He/she]
🍊 Sullivan [They/them]
♣️ Svetlana [He/him]
🧙‍♂‍ Teah [He/she/they]
🌠 Terrence [He/that]
🧛 Thoth [He/it] - Can translate French & Latin
🪳 Thursday [They/it/she]
☔ Tooth [They/xey]
🌿 Ulysses [It/its]
🌚 Usher [He/it]
🍉 Veloc [He/they/she]
🎭 Venetius [He/they/she]
🌋 Vezu [He/it]
🥐 Wallace [He/fae]
🪦 Wendy [He/him]
🕷️ Widowling [He/it/spider]
🍔 Will [He/they]
🪱 Worms [She/it]
👻 Yorick [None]
Please note that some of us do not speak English. There are alters that speak Latin and alters that speak French. Even our more volatile alters deserve respect and a safe space. Please respect our pronouns. The emojis are used to signal who made the post or reblogged a post. There's also a large number of us not listed, some choose not to use the blog or don't update with a chosen emoji since there's only so many. Many of us are not human, so some things may be odd. The littles in our system have not been listed and are not allowed to interact with the blog.
DNI: Endos, dreamsmp blogs, genshin blogs, nsfw accounts, terfs, swerfs, pedosexuals/maps/nomaps/pears/etc, fetishists, proana/bodygoal/skinny/diet/anorexia blogs, homophobes, nazis, antisemites, transphobes, system criticals
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