#hermione x fem
panandinpain0 · 6 months
Miss Granger x female Slytherin I beg you 🙏🙏 but a nice one
Summer Lovin'
Sorry this took so long! I've got a schedule out now so I'll be doing these requests more regularly <3
Requested by: Anon
Hermione Granger x Fem!Slytherin!Reader
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The fresh smell of new books would always cheer Hermione up. Not that she was in a bad mood, but it cheered her up nonetheless. Hearing the bell ring above the door was something Hermione had been longing to hear all year, the smell of a citrus scented candle wafting around the sunlit shop.
The walls had chipped brown paint on them, a warm timber color that seemed to be fading, showing the true age of the building. The wood floors had colorful rugs placed here and there, the children’s section a burst of color against the serene atmosphere. Waving to the man at the front desk, someone she’d seen there often over the years, Hermione was on her way to find a new book.
She walked slowly down the fiction aisle, her finger skimming the spines of each book. When she found one that caught her eye she pulled it off the shelf, reading the synopsis on the back.
“Looking for something exciting?” a voice asked, making Hermione flinch in surprise. She looked up at the person next to her, eyes wide. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” she laughed and held her hands up to show that she meant no harm.
“You’re fine, it’s just very quiet in here,” Hermione reassured, smiling gently at the girl in front of her. “And yes, something exciting. I’ve been reading non-fiction these last couple of months and decided to switch it up.” She waved the book in her hand around slightly.
“Hence the fiction section,” the girl commented, smiling with amusement when Hermione agreed. “That one is one of my favorites.” She gestured to the book Hermione was holding.
Hermione looked back down at the book, reexamining it. “Is it any good?”
“I’d like to think I have pretty good taste,” she replied, skimming the titles of the books on the shelf in front of her.
“Are you looking for something to read?” Hermione questioned, holding on to her book with more certainty than before.
“No, I just come here to find pretty girls to talk to,” she replied, her face completely serious.
Hermione was slightly taken aback, hesitating before asking, “Really?”
The girl’s serious face morphed into a smirk, shaking her head calmly. “No, I was being sarcastic. But that does tend to be one of the perks of this shop.”
Hermione laughed nervously in response, nodding her head before tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.
“Yes, I’m here to find a new book to read. Any suggestions?” She motioned to the shelf they were standing in front of.
Hermione turned serious as she inspected the spines, her eyes catching a specific one. As she pulled it off the shelf she asked, “How do you feel about a mystery with a romantic subplot?”
“Sounds right up my alley, if I’m being honest.”
Hermione handed her the book and they both made their way up to the counter to pay.
“You’ll have to let me know how you like the book,” the girl insisted, scribbling something down on a nearby paper. Ripping it off she handed it to Hermione. “This is my house phone, don't be surprised if my parents answer.”
“I won’t…” Hermione trailed off as she realized she didn’t know the girl’s name.
Catching the hint, the girl stuck out her hand for Hermione to shake. “(Y/N) (L/N), at your service.”
“Hermione Granger,” she returned.
“Hermione?” a voice called from outside the shop, catching both girl’s attention. Hermione’s father waved to her through the window, motioning that it was time for them to leave.
“Ah, I’ve got to go. It was a pleasure meeting you! I hope to hear how you enjoy my book as well.” Hermione smiled, cheeks pink as she said goodbye. She scolded herself as she walked away, reminding herself that she had a new friend and she shouldn’t expect anything more. Well, she had a new and very attractive friend. There’s a difference…
A Week Later…
Sniffling, Hermione gently closed the book and placed it on her lap, wiping at her tears. It had been a wonderful yet heart wrenching book, in which the main character lost the person which they loved most. She took a deep breath as she looked out of her cracked window, reflecting on what she’d read. Taking a sip of the tea that had gone cold, long forgotten after the climax of the book started, she stood up.
Hermione had been using the slip of paper (Y/N) had handed her at the bookshop as a bookmark, so as not to lose it. Now, she’d use it for its actual purpose. Gliding down the stairs, Hermione found the landline in their kitchen, dialing in the number and holding it to her ear.
As it started to ring she felt pangs of nervousness with each ring that sounded. Should she actually call her? It wasn’t a prank, was it? She didn’t think it was- they both were interested in reading and it’d be nice to have someone to talk to about it… What if she’d been making fun of Hermione the whole time and-?
Clearing her throat quickly, Hermione recovered from her surprise at the voice. “Yes, hello. This is Hermione Granger, I was wondering if I could speak to (Y/N)?”
“Just a minute,” what seemed to be (Y/N)’s mother responded. Hermione heard a distant shout for her, with a “your friend’s on the phone!” after.
After another moment a different voice echoed through the phone.
“Hey, bookshop girl! Hermione, right?” (Y/N) teased through the phone, and her ease comforted Hermione from her anxieties.
“Yes, it’s Hermione. I finished the book you recommended, just now actually.”
An excited gasp could be heard, followed by a, “Did you cry? How much did you cry?”
Hermione let out a somewhat offended scoff and shook her head, even though (Y/N) couldn’t see it.
“For your information I did cry, it was a sad ending! How come you didn’t warn me?”
“What would be the fun in reading it if I’d told you how it ends?” Hermione could hear the smile in her voice.
“I suppose you’re right,” Hermione sighed back, sitting down on a stool near the counter. “Have you finished the one I gave you yet?”
“Yes, I did! You know, I always do the same thing with mystery books. I think I’ve figured out who the culprit is within three chapters and am always completely wrong by the end of the book.”
Hermione chuckled, “I also thought it was Mr. Barnabee until chapter sixteen.”
“It so should’ve been him, right? And that crazy reveal in sixteen where Gracie the mistress pulled out the handkerchief- it was exhilarating.”
“I take it you liked it?” Hermione twisted the phone cord around her finger, giving her hands something to do while they talked.
“Oh yes, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Any more recommendations? I was going to go back to the bookshop this weekend to feed my addiction.”
“Of literature.”
Hermione snorted, laughing at the response. “That’s a bit dramatic, don’t you think?” The smile in her voice was evident.
“Not at all. I can’t seem to stop and it’s draining my bank account.”
Hermione giggled again. “How about this, we can meet up and shop together?”
“Even better. I’ll be there Saturday at noon.”
“I will too.”
As the line clicked to signal (Y/N) had hung up, Hermione bit her lip and sighed. She stopped mid-giggling and shook her head, scolding herself again. She’d found another friend who enjoys reading just as much as she does, that doesn’t mean she can’t still scare them off. She needed to tone it down.
The summer had ended as soon as it began as the girl’s read together. They started going to each other’s houses to read, and Hermione had gotten into the habit of laying her head on (Y/N)’s lap, listening to her tell the most wondrous stories from the books.
They laughed together, cried together, damn near did everything together. None of which helped Hermione get rid of her feelings in the slightest. Little did she know, (Y/N) had started to harbor feelings for her as well, what with so much time spent with each other.
Today they were reading separately, Hermione sitting against the headboard of her bed while (Y/N) laid at the end, legs hanging off as she fingered the corner of the page. It didn’t seem like she was actually reading, but lost in thought.
Hermione’s gaze kept darting from her book to the girl in front of her, blushing every time she was almost caught.
Truth was, both the girl’s were trying to figure out how to tell the other they wouldn’t be at home for the school year. They couldn’t very well tell the other that she was a witch! Well, they could, but they didn’t know that yet.
(Y/N) shifted her position to sit up, facing Hermione and abandoning her book.
“Hm?” Hermione set down her book, giving (Y/N) her full attention.
“I need to tell you something.”
“What is it?” She began to worry, her own problems shoved to the back of her mind.
“Summer’s almost over… I just wanted to tell you that I won’t be here when school starts back up.” (Y/N) bit her lip, picking at the skin of her nails. “I’m attending this boarding school, it’s a live-in…”
Hermione let out a somewhat relieved sigh at the admission, setting her book aside and scooting towards (Y/N) on the bed. Taking her hands in her own, Hermione smiled at her.
“I won’t either for the same reasons.” Her worry drained away as she saw (Y/N) shoulders relax and a smile appear on her face. They still wouldn’t be seeing each other until winter break or summer, but at least she wouldn’t be leaving Hermione behind. They both had reasons for not being home.
“Can I send you letters?” (Y/N) asked, playing with Hermione’s hand that rested between them. She knew it probably wouldn’t be the best idea to have a muggle sending letters to a wizarding village, or castle, without knowing, but what she didn’t know couldn’t hurt her- right?
Hermione seemed to be going through the same possibilities in her head, but ever since she’d met (Y/N), her priorities had been a bit skewed.
“Yes, you can. I’ll write down the address,” Hermione got up and scribbled on a piece of paper, handing it to (Y/N). She put it between the pages of her book immediately without looking at it, knowing she wouldn’t remember a lick of it anyways. When she sends her first letter Hermione can just look at the address she wrote from to write back.
Hermione sat back down on the bed and the two girls shared a look of understanding. They wouldn’t see each other in person for a while but that doesn’t mean this friendship had to only be for the summer.
(Y/N) reached across the bed and wrapped her arms around Hermione’s neck, pulling her into a hug. Hermione returned the gesture, arms around (Y/N)’s waist as she tucked her head into her neck. She just knew (Y/N) and the boys would get along so well if they’d ever get the chance to meet.
“I’ll miss you,” (Y/N) whispered into Hermione’s hair.
“I’ll miss you more.”
“I doubt it.”
“Don’t fight me on this, you won’t win.”
Hermione pulled (Y/N) back and they both laid on the bed, laughing together.
A Week Later…
They’d said their official goodbyes the night before hugging and holding hands until it got late enough that Hermione knew she wouldn’t want to wake up the next morning. When they parted, (Y/N) had kissed her cheek, handing Hermione a book she’d bought her as a farewell gift.
Sitting in her parents car, Hermione read the synopsis on the back of the book, smiling and flipping through the pages.
There’s no doubt Harry and Ron would hear more about (Y/N) than they’d care to, but that’s just what comes with being friends, you hear about each other’s crushes whether you like it or not. Not that Hermione would ever admit to it being a crush. Or that she’d touched the place (Y/N) had kissed on her cheek every time she thought of her…
Arriving at platform nine and three quarters, Hermione bid her parents goodbye with a hug and ran straight into the brick pillar. Coming out on the other side, Hermione took in the air, already feeling the magic thrumming through it, as if she could taste it.
Taking her bags off of the cart she had pushed them in with, she left it near the entrance and searched for her friends, specifically for the family of redheads, knowing Harry would most likely be with the Weasley’s.
Eventually she found Ron and Harry with them, and they boarded the train. Now they walked down the aisle, searching for an empty compartment, Hermione leading. Suddenly, as she was looking through the windows of one of the doors, someone ran into her. She was pushed back into Ron, who helped her stand back on two feet.
“Oh, I’m so sorry! I wasn’t looking where I was going- ‘Mione?” the extremely familiar voice gasped in shock.
Looking up, Hermione met (Y/N)’s gaze. “(Y/N)?!” Hermione asked back with just as much surprise.
“I didn’t know you were a witch,” they both said at the same time, laughing with each other after.
“Well, this makes things much easier,” (Y/N) admitted, pulling Hermione into a hug after handing her the bag that she’d dropped back.
“You two know each other?” Harry asked, gaze darting down to (Y/N)’s green and silver tie.
“We met over the summer,” Hermione filled in, also taking in (Y/N)’s uniform (but not for the same reasons). “I had no idea you went to Hogwarts,” Hermione repeated, moving out of the way as a few people passed by.
“I didn’t know you went here either! There’s an empty compartment just up here.” (Y/N) led them just two doors up and opened it, letting them all enter and following after.
“So how did you two meet?” Harry asked, looking slyly between the two as they sat across from Ron and himself.
“At this muggle bookshop, we were both looking for something to read and started spending time together,” (Y/N) explained after putting Hermione’s bag above them next to her own.
They spent the rest of the time getting to know each other, Ron still holding a bit of distaste for her house, but pushing that aside as they talked about the Chudley Cannons together. Harry had liked her from the start, well- as soon as she said she disliked Malfoy about as much as the rest of them.
Once they arrived at Hogwarts they got off the train, knowing they’d have to separate soon. (Y/N)’s Slytherin friends waved in the distance, calling out her name.
“Well, I’d better go now. It was a pleasure meeting you two, and it was a welcomed surprise to see you, Hermione.” (Y/N) smiled and took Hermione’s hand, kissing the back of her knuckles. Hermione’s face heated at the action, Ron and Harry deciding they should just start walking to avoid making things awkward.
“Don’t be a stranger. Now that I know you go here I want to spend time with you,” Hermione admitted, not letting go of (Y/N)’s hand until she did it herself.
“I promise, I’ll see you as much as possible. And hey, now we recommend wizarding books to each other.” (Y/N) winked and hugged Hermione goodbye, walking away to see her friends.
Hermione bit her lip before turning to where Ron and Harry had waited for her. She jogged to catch up to them, and they started walking to the carriages.
“So, a Slytherin?” Harry teased and Hermione elbowed him in the side, Ron throwing his head back as he laughed.
This was going to be an interesting year.
Hope that was okay! Thanks again for requesting <3
-Author Max <3
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lionizingheathen · 2 years
Quietly- H.G.
Sub!Hermione Granger x DomFem!Reader
Fucking Hermione in the stacks of the library
Warnings: Smut, Oral sex, teasing, slightly public setting
Smut under the cut, hope you enjoy it
"Oh my god... oh my god... oh my god." Hermione whined, and you chuckled against her cunt, lifting your head as you breathed heavily, wrapping your arms tighter around her thighs. You both needed this, it'd been too long, too many things getting in the way. "Quiet down." You murmured, and buried your face between her thighs again, sucking her clit between your lips, running your tongue over it. She let out a sigh and tightened her thighs around your face. You looked up to see her brows furrowed, her hands gripping at the shelves above her head as she let out a full breath moan, making you smirk. "Y/N... Y/N!" She cried, and you pulled away again, shaking your head and holding a finger to your lips. You loved when she couldn't keep quiet, but only one of you would be able to successfully talk their way out of a detention and it wasn't you. "Shh..." You whispered, and she furrowed her brows, reaching a hand down to push your head, but you stopped her. She hadn't really acknowledged that she needed to be quieter. You could change your tone, be crueler if that was waht she needed to get the point across. "I-." "Do you want everyone to know what you're up to in the library today? Is that what you're begging for right now?" You ask, and you watch as she chews on her lip, shaking her head at you. So fucking precious. "No... No, please, ma'am." She whined, and you felt your ego swell as you smirked up at her, digging your nails into her thighs, pulling a small cry from her lips. "Then bite your arm, because I'm not slowing down." You said, and Hermione nodded, bringing her arm to her mouth, biting down as you licked a long strip up her cunt before pulling her closer, letting yourself get lost in her, in her moans, in her taste, in the very essence of this side of Hermione Granger. The side that she saved especially for you. "Oh my God." She whined, and you knew she was close. You knew she'd cum any minute with a bit of prompting. "Cum." You instructed, sucking her clit back between your lips. A moment later she did, quivering and cursing and digging her nails into your skull. You moaned, letting her pull you in, allowing her to tug at the strands of your hair as she tightened her legs, squeezing your head between her thighs. "Fuck, Y/N!" She gasped, shivering as she began to come down. You worked her through it, only stopping when she slumped against the bookshelf behind her. "Good girl... You did so good..." You murmured, burying your face in her neck as she caught her breath. A few moments later she let out a tired chuckle, pulling away from you to give you a warm smile, making your heart pound in your chest. She never failed to take your breath away. "Fuck, my legs are shaking..." She said, and you smirked, nodding. That was good. She'd wanted that. "Get it under control and go back to your boys." You pressed a lingering kiss to her lips, wiping them with your thumb. You noted how her lips quivered "I'll see you later." You murmured, and she nodded, giving you a small sort of smile. "M'kay." She leaned close again, pausing just before kissing you. "I love you." You grinned, tucking her hair out of her face before you let her down, watching her stand on quivering thighs. "I love you too." You said, squeezing her hand once before leaving her to stumble back out to her boys, still looking very fucked out, much to your personal amusment. "Mione? You alright, you look exhausted." Ron said, and you chuckled, wiping your mouth on your shirt as you tried to fix your hair best as you could without a mirror. "I'm fine, Ron. Let's just keep working." She sounded worn out. Hot. "But-." "Lets keep working." Hermione said, and you smirked to yourself, shaking your head as you walked out of the library. You'd have to corner her again soon.
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Light My Love Masterlist
This is the masterlist to my Theo series! This series is a rewrite of the movies, adding in fan created characters like Mattheo Riddle and Enzo Berkshire. Every link will have the summary of the chapter below it so you can see what the chapter is about.
Series Summary - Follow Y/N as she navigated the wizarding world on her own, starting from her first year, all the way through to her seventh. As she falls in love and get her heart broken, how a certain friend is always there to mend her broken heart even though his is slowly getting broken in the process.
Series Warnings - Blood purity, dark wizards, Reader is a descendant of Salazar Slytherin, pining, angst, reader will have some shitty boyfriends, Female Reader, use of Y/N
My full Masterlist
My requests are OPEN! If you would like to request just send one in and I'll write it as soon as I can!
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not my gif
Y/N finally receives her Hogwarts letter, meeting with her friends in Diagon Alley and doing their shopping together. She is counting down the days until she finally gets to see Hogwarts and get herself sorted.
Y/N makes a new friend on the first day of classes. There is a time jump to nearly 2 months later. She receives a letter from her mother after the woman finds out about her failing grade. She finds a certain mirror after receiving said letter.
It's exam season before the Winter break and Y/N receives help from someone unexpected. Spending nearly every night awake studying for the exams, she is quite exhausted. Theo takes note of this and helps her out. After a long night of studying, the Slytherin boys see something rather interesting related to their dear friend Y/N.
It's officially winter break, Theo stays at Hogwarts with Y/N and sticks by her side during a migraine attack. Theo and her godfather help take care of her, Theo spending the whole day with her and pulling an all-nighter together.
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oriengranger · 2 years
Restricted Section (Hermione Granger x Reader)
warnings: smut, mature topics
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throughout the years, you and Hermione had managed to get to know the castle and endless corridors from sneaking around so much.
and for the first few years of your friendship, when you would sneak around, it would only be to talk. talking for hours and hours on end just to get to know each other more. but by third year certain feelings began to transpire between you two, so your stake outs would be extremely heavy with tension.
it was by the end of fourth year when you and Hermione actually did anything about said feelings. you began to shyly hold her hand, and when she became tired she'd occasionally nuzzle her face in your neck. when she was cold you'd lend her your coat and wrap her in your warm embrace, planting loving kisses to her forehead and speaking encouraging whispers. but you didn't admit those feelings until you became jealous, and soon she did the same.
by fifth year the tension happened to come back, although this time it was very different, so much so that it was now sexual. sneaking off with the prefect then lead to steamy kisses, quiet moans, and hickeys. and while your makeout sessions became hotter, so did your knickers.
now at sixth year it was no longer teasing, you two now were not hesitating on taking things further with sex.
so thats how you ended up here, in the restricted section of the library, for late night reading. although doing said reading became a difficult task to pursue. Hermione became quiet long ago, and you're sure the sound of pages turning stopped too.
you looked slyly over your book, with Hermione's eyes dilated and already fixated on your lips. her book was lying open, long forgotten infront of her. you noticed she had been uncrossing and crossing her legs, a habit she only would do when she was hot and bothered.
"Its a bit warm in here lovely, dont you agree?" you asked, biting your lip no so innocently. Hermione met your teasing gaze and saw the amusement in your eyes. she glared at you in annoyance. "Shut up." she snapped. you rested your head in your hand and closed your book, propping your elbow to the table.
"Make me." you responded.
Hermione clenched her jaw, glaring around the room before shutting her book closed. she pushed your books effortlessly off your lap, straddling herself onto you. she grasped your neck and hungrily brought her lips to yours. you groaned as she was now grinding her hips against you.
Hermione's hand fell from
your neck and instead moved down to unbutton your uniform. she barely managed to get your second button undone before you pinned her wrists behind her back. you felt her breath hitch at the action, knowing what you were going to do to her.
you pulled her head back with your free hand, revealing her neck. instantly, you brought your lips to her exposed jaw, pressing open mouthed kisses down the column of her throat and back up, whispering dirty things in her ear occasionally.
you temporarily released your grip on her hair to unbutton her shirt. when you finished her shirt fell open on its own, you left it like that because damn was it a turn on. seeing her 'innocent girl' demeanor broken by her waiting eagerly to be fucked.
you chuckled lowly, running your fingers down her exposed chest, reaching her bra and unclipping it, making it fall off her chest. you leaned into chest, taking one of her nipples into your mouth. you alternated between them. Hermiome bucked her hips needily, whimpering when she didn't get the contact she needed. "Hey now, i cant please you properly if you're not being a good girl, can i? you asked, tightening the grip you had around her wrists. "No." she replied. "Exactly, so be a good girl for me love."
Hermione's pupils expanded even more as she nodded rapidly. pleased, you began sucking and biting on her neck. she whimpered softly. you slipped your hand up her skirt and grabbed her center tightly, you could feel the heat that gathered there, even through her lace panties. she moaned, pressing herself against your hand.
you pushed her lips open and slipped two of your fingers in, making her shudder and cry in response. as much as you loved to hear her voice, you feared someone may hear, so you undid your tie and stuffed it in her mouth, silencing her instantly.
her chest rapidly rose as her legs shook unsteadily, you had to hold her down so she wouldn't fall off of you. she clamped down on the makeshift gag as you sped up your pace, dragging her closer and closer to her edge.
she shuddered and screamed as she dug her nails harshly down your back. you were making her feel as if she was on cloud 9, and she was loving it.
she quickly came onto your fingers, letting it drip onto the floor. she was panted and flushed, staring directly into your dark eyes. you pulled your tie out of her mouth, she then crashed her lips yours, cupping your face.
you pulled away and leaned your forehead against hers.
"Ready for round two, princess?"
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poisonlove · 8 months
Broken | j.o
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this one-shot is very special as it belongs to an alternative Harry Potter universe.
I walked through the corridors of Hogwarts, tears streaming down my cheeks, my breath uneven, and my chest aching. My vision was blurred by the tears, and audible sobs escaped my lips. I just wanted to get out of that cursed place.
Still, I could vividly recall the image of her eyes widening in surprise, and that hurt so much.
With a smile on my face, I entered through the portrait of the Fat Lady, arriving in the Gryffindor common room. I had just finished Quidditch practice and had achieved excellent results. All I wanted to do now was to fall asleep in the arms of my girlfriend, Hermione. I smiled just at the thought of her name. I hurriedly climbed the stairs and walked toward my destination. When I reached our shared room, I noticed the door was slightly ajar. "That's strange... Hermione never leaves the door open." Instinctively, I reached for my wand and cautiously entered, ready to confront anyone who had entered without permission. I slowly closed the door behind me, and strange noises came from inside. The sounds grew louder and clearer. "What on earth is this?" I opened the door, and my world crumbled before my eyes. My body temperature plummeted, and I could hear the sound of my heart breaking into a thousand pieces. I still couldn't believe what I was seeing. Hermione was kissing Ron. The brunette had her arms around Ron's neck, pulling the redhead closer to her, their lips locked in a passionate kiss. My fingers loosened their grip on the wand, and it fell to the floor, drawing the attention of the two lovers. Hermione's eyes widened as she saw my tear-filled eyes, and she quickly pushed Ron away, covering herself hurriedly. "Love, it's not what it looks like." End of Flashback:
I stopped and realized I was standing in front of the Ravenclaw house. Unconsciously, I had arrived at Jenna Ortega's house, my best friend.
I wiped my eyes with my sleeve and bit my lip, trying to contain the hiccup that threatened to escape. I took a step forward and slipped through the door, which was opened by a student leaving at that moment.
I made my way toward the rooms, stopping abruptly when I heard noises coming from a corner of the Common Room.
Laughter could be heard in the distance near the sofas.
I headed toward the sound of laughter and spotted Jenna's characteristic raven-black hair in the distance. The young Ravenclaw was laughing, probably at some lousy jokes from Enid. My attention focused on Jenna's profile: her delicately upturned nose, her brown eyes shining as they turned toward her friends, and her heart-shaped lips forming a shy smile. I watched as a dimple formed on her cheek each time she raised the corners of her lips.
With subtlety, the raven-haired girl turned in my direction.
As soon as her eyes met mine, I couldn't hold back the tears, and I burst into tears. The warm smile on Jenna's face quickly faded, replaced by a look of deep concern. Without a second thought, Jenna got up from the couch and quickly walked toward me, leaving her friends and Enid somewhat incredulous.
My hands were trembling, and sobs escaped uncontrollably from my mouth.
Two arms wrapped around my waist, and I immediately returned the hug, crying into Jenna's neck. After what felt like endless seconds, Jenna broke the embrace and gently cupped my cheeks, wiping away the remaining tears with her thumbs. Brown eyes looked into mine with concern.
"What happened?" she asked timidly, taking my hands and stroking them to calm me. "Her... her... her..." I stammered, and she smiled at me, trying to reassure me. "Hermione," I finally said, and new tears welled up in my eyes. Jenna interlocked our fingers and quickly walked to her room, seeking privacy.
She was a prefect, so she had her own room.
We entered her room and walked over to her bed, sitting down on it. "What happened? Did you two have a fight?" Jenna asked absentmindedly, playing with my hands.
I stared intently at our intertwined hands, focusing on the gentle touch of my best friend. Jenna's nails traced slowly across the palm of my hand, as if trying to comfort me. A knot formed in my throat, and a soft hiccup escaped my lips. Tears welled up in my eyes.
"She... she..." I took a breath. "She cheated on me," I whispered the last part.
Jenna's eyes widened in surprise, and a flash of anger mixed in her dark irises. She clenched her jaw, and her knuckles turned white from the tight grip of her hands. "She what?" she whispered, utterly infuriated. "After practice, I went back to the room, and I found her with Ron," I said, feeling a pang in my chest."Am I not enough?" I asked with a broken tone, causing more tears to roll down my cheeks.
Her gaze softened.
"No, no, no, you're amazing," Jenna took my cheeks and made me look into her eyes, smiling at me. "You're beautiful, smart, and incredibly amazing... anyone would be lucky to have you... it's not your fault she didn't know how to appreciate you," she said, her eyes closing slightly after the last sentence, still angry at what Granger had done. The pressure in her jaw faded, and she looked at me with tenderness.
I'm not sure if it was because of my vulnerability and hurt at that moment, but I gently moved my face closer to hers and kissed her softly, a completely unexpected kiss. Jenna was stiff to the touch, totally taken aback by my action. I decided to pull away slowly, thinking that maybe I had made a mistake, but then, a gentle hand landed on the nape of my neck, pulling me toward her face, uniting us again in a passionate kiss.The raven-haired girl melted under my lips, and she started moving her lips softly, with a gentle and unhurried rhythm. My hands moved along her waist, slowly caressing her exposed skin. A smile formed on Jenna's lips as we continued kissing, and without realizing it, I smiled too. When I felt her tongue brushing against my lower lip, seeking a deeper kiss, I opened my eyes wide and quickly pulled away from her.
What did I do?
"I... oh my God, I'm sorry," I got up from the bed, looking ashamed at Jenna.
The raven-haired girl had trouble breathing, her cheeks were flushed, and her lips were slightly parted as she tried to calm her heavy breathing. Her hair was disheveled, and her eyes had a very different gleam from the usual. She forced a weak smile and got up from the bed.
"It was a mistake... I'm sorry," I admitted, looking at her with guilt. Jenna shook her head slowly, taking my hand. I felt terribly like shit when I saw her eyes glistening.
A single tear rolled down her cheek.
"Y/N..." she whispered, caressing my hand. My eyes looked at her lips.
It's not fair... I just broke up with Hermione... I don't want to hurt Jenna.
"Jenna... it was something I didn't think through... it was spontaneous... I was hurt... angry..." I confessed, and I saw her eyes fill with tears. She blinked back the tears, clenching her jaw and breaking the contact between our hands.
"I'm sorry..." I added, moving closer.
"Y/N/N... you don't need to apologize," Jenna swallowed nervously, closing her eyes at the touch of my hand on her cheek. "I liked it," she said, her eyes closing slightly, still blushing, her lips partially open, trying to calm her heavy breathing.
"I am in love with you" Jenna confessed with a sigh.
I leaned forward and gave her a tender kiss on the forehead. Then, I stepped back, looking at her with a mix of emotions and confusion, trying to decipher my feelings and which path to take next.
For a long time, I wrestled internally with my feelings for Hermione and Jenna. I often tried to convince myself that Jenna was just a good friend and that my feelings for her were confusing. However, in the fifth year, everything changed when I saw her with another guy. At that moment, I felt a burning fire in my stomach and an uncontrollable wave of jealousy that made me realize there was something deeper.
I felt scared by those feelings. I didn't want to jeopardize our friendship, so I chose to bury my emotions and give Hermione a chance. I developed genuine feelings for the golden girl and fell in love with her, but deep down, I knew it would be challenging to leave behind my first love, especially when she was my best friend.I loved Hermione, but my feelings for Jenna still lingered, always present in my heart.
"Jen... it's just... not the right time," I looked at her, and I saw the shine in her eyes. I noticed she was clenching her jaw tightly, struggling not to break down in front of me.
"Can we discuss it another time?" I suggested, and she nodded slowly, accepting my proposal.I approached the door and opened the handle, stepping out of her room with a broken heart and many doubts.
I had just left my Arithmancy class, carrying the book under my arm with the intention of heading towards Jenna's room. For the past two weeks, I had been avoiding her, needing space and time to reflect on everything. However, I had to admit that I missed her a lot and was ready to address the topic I had been dreading.
The memory of the kiss kept replaying in my mind, even invading my dreams with the brown eyes of the dark-haired girl. Let's just say that while I hadn't seen her in person all this time, Ortega had been psychologically tormenting me.
I couldn't help but smile unconsciously.
My smile was immediately replaced by a look of disgust and sadness when I saw Granger walking towards me in the distance. Just by looking into her eyes, my heart broke even more. Her unmistakable hazel eyes were filled with tears.
"Y/N... I've been looking for you... we need to talk," she said, clenching her jaw, a single tear rolling down her cheek. She reached out and took my hand, gently holding my fingers. As if I had touched fire, I withdrew my hand and took a step back, shaking my head slowly.
"Don't touch me," I whispered with a broken voice. After days of crying, I had finally calmed down, but seeing Granger made a lump form in my throat. I didn't want to cry in front of the golden girl; I didn't want to show weakness.
I swallowed hard and lifted my chin, looking at her with detachment. "Please... we need to talk," she repeated, slightly hurt after my rejection. I clenched the book and walked forward, lightly bumping her shoulder with mine. "We have nothing to discuss."
Before I could walk away, a hand grabbed my wrist.
"Please... it was a mistake... I love you," Hermione said with a tone so sweet and wounded that I almost believed it.
"How long?" I asked, clenching my jaw. "How long have you been cheating on me?" At this point, we were face to face, our breaths mingling. Her grip faltered, and she averted her gaze. "How long, Hermione?" I demanded, getting angrier, raising my voice.
"Two months," she confessed in a whisper, moving closer.
I pulled my hand away, looking at her with a mocking smile. "Six months of a relationship, and you cheated for two..." I shook my head in disappointment and disgust. "Goodbye, Hermione, don't look for me anymore," I told her coldly, and her eyes filled with tears.
She threw herself into my arms, preventing me from walking. I stiffened at the contact.
"Hermione... let me go," I said, my voice firm.
She broke the hug and looked at me with wounded eyes. I averted my gaze, trying not to fall into her trap.
"We need to talk," she whispered again.
"Haven't you understood, Granger?" someone intervened. I turned toward the voice and found two brown eyes. Jenna Ortega was looking at Hermione with anger.
"Mind your own business, Ortega," Hermione said venomously.
"Jenna..." I whispered.
Jenna locked her eyes with mine, showing a mix of hurt and happiness at seeing me. She gave me a weak smile.
The two girls glared at each other, their jaws clenched, restraining themselves from drawing their wands and hexing each other.
"Hermione... I don't want you to hurt each other... so I ask you to leave," I said, feeling a pang in my chest. Hermione looked at me with sadness for a split second, then took a step back and shook her head as she walked away from my sight.
It was just Jenna and me.
I approached the Ravenclaw, strangely nervous and with a racing heart. My palms were sweaty, and my legs trembled slightly. I was having the reaction of a teenager with her first love. I took a deep breath and looked at Jenna, who observed me curiously.
"Jenna, I..." I whispered, then took another breath. "To be honest, I've always felt something for you," I confessed, looking impassively at the dark-haired girl.
Jenna gave me a big smile.
"In these two weeks, I've thought a lot about you... and also about Hermione... I... I managed not to cry in front of her, you know," she took my hands, caressing them slowly. "I feel guilty for avoiding you," I admitted, and she shook her head, letting go of my hand and placing hers on my cheek.
"You needed space," she said, caressing my cheek, and I leaned into her touch.
Suddenly, her gaze became more serious, and she stood on tiptoe, bringing her face closer to mine. My heart was pounding, nervous about the proximity. Jenna's mouth was inches from mine, her warm breath brushing against my lips. She wrapped her hands around my neck and looked deeply into my eyes, searching for any sign of rejection that she didn't find. Then, she brought her face even closer to mine, and our lips brushed.
I swallowed hard, making Jenna smile.
"I'm not ready for a relationship... I... I'm scared," I confessed in a whisper, barely parting my lips from hers. Jenna's hand moved gently on my cheek, while the other wrapped determinedly around my neck. Instinctively, I placed my hands around her waist, making it easier for our contact due to the noticeable height difference between us.
"I'll take care of you," she whispered in response, closing the gap between our lips with tenderness. Our lips met in a soft and passionate kiss, sealing our complicated connection with affection and silent promises.
"Miss L/n! Ortega!" A sharp voice reprimanded with disapproval.
We immediately pulled away, my cheeks reddening quickly as we saw Professor McGonagall in front of us, with a stern expression that hinted at a touch of amusement.
"Uh... Professor McGonagall, we were just..." I stammered, trying to find an appropriate explanation as Jenna and I looked at each other in embarrassment.
Professor McGonagall observed us with a stern gaze before letting out a small smile. "Well, Miss Y/n, Miss Ortega, I hope your... conversation was interesting. Now, please, continue with your school activities in a proper manner."
We both apologized immediately, trying to redeem ourselves for our brief moment of affection in the halls of Hogwarts. With flushed faces, we nodded to Professor McGonagall and hurried to resume our school activities, aware that we had briefly interrupted the school's routine with our fleeting moment of passion.
I'm still broken... but I have faith that I can heal.
"Don't you think you're being unfair to Jenna?" I glanced at Enid out of the corner of my eye, raising my eyebrows in confusion at her question. "What do you mean?" I asked with perplexity, looking into the blue eyes of my Hufflepuff friend. "They've been at this for a month now," she murmured in a hushed tone near my ear, not wanting to draw curious glances.
After the kiss I shared with Jenna, I decided to give it a chance. With a lump in my throat, I proposed that we take things slow, without putting labels on what we had. The brunette made a face, but with sparkling eyes, she asked if kisses were included, to which I replied affirmatively, but only in private.
"She deserves something better... I'm just a wounded girl, afraid of relationships," I sighed in frustration, clenching my jaw and exhaling loudly through my nose.
"Jenna loves you," Enid gave me a reassuring smile and gently embraced me, wrapping one hand around my neck. "You love her too, right?" She asked curiously, and I nodded, glancing at her from the corner of my eye. "Then give her a chance... make it official," she urged me, and I sighed, seriously considering her words.
"And... what about Hermione?" Enid murmured, and I sighed in dismay. "We're still friends... well, not like before, but we've talked," I bit my lower lip and crossed my legs to find a more comfortable position. I rested my head against the tree behind me. "After a few days, we talked, and... we resolved it, at least I think," I whispered, and Enid looked at me curiously.
"Does Jenna know?" she asked, and I nodded distractedly. "Yes, she didn't take it very well... but when I told her I just wanted to be friends with Hermione because she was in love with Ron, she agreed... though not entirely convinced," I affirmed, then played with my fingers, reflecting on the events.
My eyes turned towards Jenna, who was meanwhile playing with her friends. With a lump in my throat, I watched as her coal-colored eyes met mine, looking at me as if I were the most beautiful artwork she had ever seen in her life.
Xavier took advantage of Jenna's distraction to throw a ball directly at her face. I unconsciously stood up and, with a smile, headed in her direction, trying to figure out if she was okay. I looked closely at her as I approached, concerned about her well-being after the impact of the ball.
"Sorry, Jen," Xavier mumbled weakly, looking at Jenna with concern as he picked up the ball. "Don't worry, keep playing," Jenna said, rubbing her head to relieve the pain and squinting from the hit.
"Are you okay?" I whispered when I reached the dark-haired girl, and her eyes roamed over my figure, smiling in affirmation. "Come on, get up," I extended my hand and invited her to take it to help her stand up. "Volleyball is a terrible game for Muggles," she murmured weakly, watching the rest of her friends play the game I had suggested they try. "Sorry, Jen, I read it in a book in the Muggle section, and it seemed fun," I confessed with a small smile.
Her fingers delicately touched mine, caressing me tenderly and without ulterior motives. Our gazes met, and I gave her a nervous smile, examining her face and every detail that composed it. Jenna bit her lower lip slightly, lost in thought and with her gaze fixed on a corner of my face, specifically my lips. I ran my tongue over my upper lip, suddenly feeling the dryness in my throat.
Our faces, as if they were magnets, drew closer to each other.
"Are you okay?" I murmured in a whisper near her lips as I leaned toward her face, pressing my lips against her forehead, kissing the bruised spot. Jenna let out a sigh of relief when she felt my lips descend and land on the tip of her nose and then on her cheeks, stopping especially on the right one, which still bore the mark of the ball.
"In reality..." she murmured, releasing her fingers from mine, placing her hand on my shoulder and intertwining her fingers around my neck, absentmindedly playing with the hairs that stood on end due to our recent proximity. "It hurts here..." her lips curved into a smile when her free hand rested on them.
Jenna's neck was tilted upwards, her eyes searching mine with longing.
"Then I'll have to help you," I murmured with a playful smile, catching Jenna by surprise as she didn't expect that response. I leaned even closer, and our lips met in a sweet kiss, feeling the sigh of relief that Jenna released upon contact with me.
My hand rested on her side, pushing Jenna closer to my body during the kiss, needing more contact. A soft moan escaped from her lips, and a fiery heat ignited in the pit of my stomach upon hearing that sound, feeling utterly satisfied to be the cause of her pleasure. Jenna pressed her body closer to mine, and our lips moved urgently against each other, her mischievous hands tangled in my hair, desiring to feel the sensation between her fingers.
The need for oxygen was immediately felt, and after seconds that seemed endless, we broke the contact between our lips, breathing heavily. Immediately, a smile spread across Jenna's lips, and I, unconsciously, did the same, resting my forehead against hers.
"Wow," she murmured, then chuckled softly, leaning forward and resting her head on my neck.
I smiled as I watched Jenna and her friends who continued playing, also noticing that our Hufflepuff friend had joined them.
I sighed contentedly at the warmth of Jenna's arms around my waist. "What does this mean?" Jenna murmured distractedly, her lips brushing my skin.
A shiver ran through my body at her gesture, and I sighed deeply, suppressing the moan that threatened to escape from my lips.
"I think it's time to make it official," I exclaimed, and Jenna Ortega quickly pulled away from my arms. I looked at her in confusion at her reaction, and I was alarmed to see tears welling up in her eyes.
"Is everything okay?" I asked with concern, and the ravenclaw nodded slowly, a smile on her lips.
"It's... wonderful," she smiled sincerely and absentmindedly played with my tie. "So... can I tell my friends? Even now?" she asked, not stopping her gaze from wandering over my tie, pausing at the emblem printed on my chest.
I nodded with a warm smile, touched by the tenderness of my now official girlfriend. Jenna's joy was so contagious that I felt like my heart was about to burst with happiness. Her eyes sparkled with excitement, and I couldn't help but be infected by her enthusiasm.
Jenna started jumping in place, her arms around me, radiating happiness and excitement. She hugged me tightly. "What you said earlier... it's true, right?" she asked with a trembling voice. I looked at her with a gentle smile. "Yes, it's absolutely true," I replied with a tender kiss.
Our lips parted with a soft sound, and Jenna smiled sweetly.
"Are we girlfriends?" she asked in a soft voice, her smile lighting up her face. Her eyes searched mine for confirmation.
Tenderness filled the air as I caressed her cheek and replied, "Yes, we're officially girlfriends." Jenna let out a sigh of happiness and hugged me tighter, sealing our new relationship with a sweet kiss.
Jenna pulled away and looked at me with a smile. "I'm going to tell my friends, Girlfriend," she said quickly with a triumphant smile. Her enthusiasm and happiness were contagious, and I couldn't help but smile as I watched her run towards her friends who were still playing volleyball.
"Guys! GUYS! I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND! I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!" Jenna shouted with excitement, and her friends smiled at her cuteness and joy. It was a moment of happiness and celebration shared by all.
As I watched Jenna and her friends, I couldn't help but think about how sometimes, even when you're afraid, love pushes you to take risks. Although there was still uncertainty on the horizon, I knew we were willing to face any challenges together because what we had was special and worth every moment.
Author: Guys… seriously, please… I put in a lot of effort to write, and I would really appreciate some comments from you… I'm not asking for much.
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in a new body
pairing: draco malfoy x fem!insecure!reader (enemies to friends and maybe lovers, but not stated)
request: imagine being insecure about your stomach because of draco then he gets to know you and makes you feel more comfortable in your skin? please
warnings: body-hatred, insecurity of body, body dysmorphia(?), honestly just hating one's body
notes: this one hit home, just cried to my therapist last week about this! haha! live, laugh, love!
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you hated draco malfoy.
actually, hate is a strong word; you extremely disliked draco malfoy. he believed he was better than everyone else with his stupid face, his stupid slytherin family history, his stupid rich background, and his stupid cruelty towards you.
draco malfoy was stupid and you highly disliked him.
for years, you had received as much torment as harry potter from draco malfoy due to your weight, especially your stomach. you'd be the laughing stock of malfoy and the rest of his slytherin gang, no matter how many times ginny weasley and hermione granger would tell you, "don't pay that evil little cockroach any mind."
you wish you could say the same thing to the voice in your head, screaming at you to do those ab workouts, to not eat as much during the school meals. you wish you could just flip a switch, that draco would stop asking you how many pounds you put on just from breakfast alone, or if you had any trouble fitting into your skirt that morning.
"or you can just sock him in the throat," mentioned ron, mouth full of food.
"you wanna do it for me?" you asked back, an eyebrow raised. ron shook his head and went back to his plate.
hermione sighed beside you, "why not bring it up to dumbledore? or even snape? they should hear the vile things he says to you."
you shrugged, "i don't know, i don't think it's worth it, honestly. that might just make him come at me more and at the moment, i cannot handle that." you tried to laugh at the end, but it came out struggled.
ron gave a smile across from you, mouth full of food, "at least you're not harry, fighting draco constantly to see who the heir of slytherin is."
harry's face turned red, "ron, please, can we not?"
you gave a quiet laugh, "i actually appreciated that ron, thank you." harry groaned beside the redhead.
ginny was about to comment until you heard the goblin voice of draco malfoy himself directly behind you, "hey, y/n, walk any steps today to shed off some pounds? looks like you need to."
hermione glared at draco, "how dare you speak to her, or anyone, like that! you are utterly repulsive!"
draco glanced around the table, "granger, when?"
hermione shot him a look, "when what?"
draco snickered, "did i ask? but seriously y/n, give your legs a break from carrying all that!" and with that, he walked away, proud of himself as he pounded knuckles with crabbe and goyle.
ron and harry stood up, ready to lunge at draco before you gave them a look, shaking your head.
you bit your lip, "suddenly not hungry anymore. um, i think i'm gonna head up to the dorms. see you guys later?"
before anyone could disagree, you stood up from the benches and made your way out of the great hall, running into fred and george who quickly noticed your watery eyes.
"you alright there, y/n?" fred asked, and you nodded quickly, "yes, i'm fine but i have to go - study. goodbye."
the twins looked at one another, and then at your retreating form, "y/n, are you sure-" their question dropped as you continued on.
and with that, the twins were left dumbfounded until they were informed by their friends, brother, and sister.
not long after that incident, draco left you alone, making you and your friends become very suspicious, as if malfoy had a trick up his sleeve. but shockingly, he didn't, and he continued to not talk to you until potions class.
when professor snape decided partnering up different classmates was a great idea, and you two ended up together. he had wandered over to your desk, sitting beside you.
he smirked, "y/n."
you nodded, "listen, just let me do this potion so we can get a decent grade and then you can go back to torturing me, ok? unless you want your grade to suffer?"
draco stayed quiet, somewhat taken aback by your words, "i can help, you know, might as well make sure someone like you doesn't screw it up."
you looked up from the textbook, "someone like me? right, because i'm so repulsive to look at, draco. thank you for the reminder, i'll make sure to dedicate my next workout to you, you git."
with tears on the verge of falling, you grabbed your textbook and hastily walked out the room, professor snape yelling, "and two weeks worth of detention for you, miss l/n!"
you flipped him off right outside the classroom, somewhat bummed and relieved at the same time that he didn't see it.
draco was stunned, simple as that. he knew he was a jerk, a total asshole, but to him, it was pure fun. there was no harm - at least to him. but now, as he sat in potions class, noticing how all eyes were on him, he came to the realization that there was harm done.
draco never actually thought you were heavy or overweight, or even ugly; by merlin no, he thought you were so pretty. yet, he wanted to slap himself as that was no excuse to bully her until she cried - no, he knew that was the wrong way to go about it.
so then why did he do it? he hated that stupid saying that guys bullied girls because they liked them, but draco wondered if that were true in his case. or if he just didn't want to acknowledge his feelings for you.
he pondered the rest of potions class, speechless as to why he thought making fun of your weight was any excuse to talk to you. all he did was hurt you so deeply, cut wounds into your being.
draco knew he was an asshole, and knew he messed up. so how does he apologize?
apologizing was not his strong suit as he never needed to; well, at least to anyone besides his parents. why apologize to anyone else if nobody was as important as them? oh, but you were. you were so full of life and jokes, so kind to him when you all arrived as first-years, yet he has always been so cruel to you. was draco seriously this foreign to kindness that he decided the easiest way to reciprocate was to be mean?
yeah, i guess so.
draco stood up, his chair screeching against the floor. everyone looked at him and draco glanced to snape, "i've got to go." and with that, he was gone, leaving everyone with wide eyes and raised eyebrows.
hermione looked to ron, "where do you think he's going?"
ron shrugged, "beats me. maybe thinking of new insults to hurl at y/n. it's been a while."
hermione sighed and shuffled uncomfortably in her seat, "i wanna go look for her, ron."
harry heard her and shook his head, "bad idea; i think snape might lose it if one more person leaves or even raises their hand."
severus snape was indeed distraught at the behavior that was taking place in his classroom.
but he was not as taken aback as you were now in the astronomy tower.
why had it taken all up until now for you to snap? to even come back at him with something as much as anger? draco deserved to be yelled at, to be slapped, to be, as ron said, "socked in the throat."
you wiped your tears, sitting on the concrete floor as sobs racked your shoulders again. a few owls surrounded and flew around the tower as you whispered, "i hate my body. i have so much hatred for this fat, the way i look, the way i feel. i hate it." you sobbed, feeling the tears slip down your cheeks.
you let out a shaky breath, looking in your bag to grab a tissue before snot became your worst enemy. you wiped your nose, wrinkling it at the feeling before you sighed. you sniffled, tears filling your eyes again.
"i'm sorry."
you jumped, looking around for the source of the voice until you saw draco shuffle out of the darkness by the concrete wall.
you scoffed, "ugh, merlin! go away, malfoy. you're the last person i want to see right now, if you haven't caught on."
he kicked against the floor, "i deserve that."
"and i deserved your bullying, too, right?"
draco glanced to you, shaking his head even though yours had turned back around. he stepped closer, "no, no, you didn't. i'm... i'm a git, you're right."
you sniffled, looking to him as he sat beside you. you grumbled, "took you long enough."
draco huffed a laugh, "it did. and you can still hate me after this, but i truly am sorry. you didn't deserve what i said and did to you, and i can't imagine how you must feel."
silence enveloped between the both of you until he continued, "i heard what you said earlier, about your body."
your eyes had been closed, and you hummed, "not exactly a shocker."
"because of what i said? no, it's not, and i'm sorry again."
you held up a hand, looking at him, "draco."
draco looked you in the eyes, "y/n."
you gave a slight laugh, "it's okay, i forgive you."
draco nodded, "i'm sorry for making you feel so shitty about yourself. nobody deserves to feel that way, especially you, because you were nothing but kind to me and i treated you terribly."
you smiled softly at him, "you did, but you're apologizing now. my issues i can deal with on my own, but you took the time to apologize now so i'm grateful for that."
draco was stunned, a frown on his face, "how are you kind to me right now? i was terrible to you!"
you gave him side-eye, "i said terrible shit about you in my head, so i figured i should be nice."
the two of you laughed loudly at that comment, draco's eyes crinkling. as it died down, he rested a hand on the back of your head. he turned you towards him, "you're beautiful. truly stunning, y/n. i'm sorry i said those things about you."
you gave a small smile as tears welled in your eyes, "thank you draco, it's okay."
draco leaned back on his one hand, the other still in your hair, "can i help you in any way? to help you love yourself and your body?"
you were shocked to the core at his words this entire time, but now your eyes were just popping out of your head. you stumbled, "oh - no, no, i don't think so. it's just something i need to learn, y'know, to love my body. it's just...hard."
draco nodded and he smiled, "i have an idea."
your face drained of color, worried this might have been a joke all along. draco continued, "instead of insults, i'll give you compliments throughout the day. maybe that can help?"
this draco was so sweet compared to the old one; you suddenly had the urge to just grab his cheeks and go on about how sweet he was. this was such a turn of events.
"then," draco went on, "you wont want to be in a new body."
you smiled, "that sounds like a great idea, draco. thank you."
draco's cheeks flushed, "yeah, not a problem, it's whatever."
maybe during this new change in events, draco and yourself can figure out how to deal with the pounding in your chests.
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the-oblivious-writer · 11 months
Wanna Be Yours |1|
Hermione Granger x Fem!Reader
Chapter One: Pranks & Fifth Year
Notes: Modern AU, Fem!SlytherinReader, any characters you don't recall from the Harry Potter universe are my OC's
Warning(s): None that I'm aware of
Prologue|Next Part
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Y/n entered the train when a hand waved her over to a compartment. She entered the compartment where she saw familiar faces. Amelia and Leo were sitting across from each other, Y/n gave a quick 'hello' but then gave a confused expression.
"Where's Raine and Link?" she asked, Amelia rolled her eyes at the mention of the two. "Pranking the first years with Fred and George. Same as always."
Leo scooted closer to the window and left more room for Y/n to sit down. "Judging by the sudden silence, I'm assuming their plan is already in place." Y/n tilted her head back and sighed. "Merlins, do I even want to know what they have planned this time around?"
Leo chuckled slightly as he shook his head,"Why spoil it?" Just as those words left his mouth Lorraine, Fred and George came running in the compartment abruptly. They had their hands on their knees and were out of breath. "I'm assuming something went wrong" Y/n remarked.
Fred was peeking his head around every now and until finally shutting the door.
"Yeah..about that we uh kind of got the wrong compartment" Lorraine said as she took a seat, bunched up next to Y/n as Fred and George stood and avoided the window to the compartment door. 
"Wait-" Amelia started looking around, "Where's Link?" Fred, George and Lorraine suddenly looked at each other and back at the girl.
"He kind of decided to take his own road but he's fi-" before George could finish his sentence the compartment door opened. The three pranksters jumped but soon relaxed when they saw that it was only Link. "Merlin's beard, you scared us," Fred said.
"Sorry bout' that mate just had to wait for the coast to be clear before showing my face" Link responded, still taking heavy breaths. "Whose compartment did you get instead?" Amelia asked curiously.
"Draco's who was with Blaise and Theo. We ran before they could even leave their seats" Fred said, slightly laughing as he recalled the memory. "You should have seen their faces when the stink bombs went off" the four started to laugh.
"I swear one of these days, you're gonna get yourselves killed" Leo said as he shook his head.
They arrive at Hogwarts and separate when getting to the Great Hall to go to their house tables. Amelia and Y/n sat together at the Slytherin table, Link sat with the Hufflepuffs and Lorraine and Leo sat at the Ravenclaw table. Dumbledore made the same speech he made every year. It was their fifth year, they had gotten used to the same boring words he fed them at the beginning of every year.
Eventually it was time to eat and the Great Hall grew with noise. Y/n sat and ate silently as Amelia spoke with another Slytherin. Y/n wasn't one for making conversation, half the time it felt forced. She kept a small friend group and that was it. Y/n was an anti-social butterfly as her friend called her. 
Y/n poked around at her food but couldn't help but feel eyes on her. She looked up to see a Gryffindor girl staring at her, only for the girl to instantly avert her stare. Y/n felt heat rush to her cheeks from being stared at. The Slytherin stared back at her food as her mind kept trailing back to the girl.
Suddenly, Y/n felt a gentle nudge. "You alright?" Amelia asked the girl. Y/n only nodded and turned her head back at her food. Amelia looked at the girl skeptically but didn't want to push and left it at that.
Amelia and Y/n made their way to the dungeons when Amelia spoke. "I know you're always spaced out and stuff but you seemed a bit more than usual. Everything okay?" 
Y/n thought for a moment. "Yeah it's just..there was this girl who I caught staring and it just caught me off guard I guess." Amelia gave a little smirk which confused Y/n. "What?"
"I think I might know who you're talking about," Amelia replied. "And how is that?" Y/n asked curiously. "Just have a feeling it's the same girl who I've caught staring at you before" Amelia answered as she still held a small smirk.
"And who might that be?" Y/n asked, heat rushing to her cheeks. "Just some girl whom you’ve never spoken to but I have a feeling this year will be different. Considering this is the first time your clueless ass has noticed" Amelia remarked.   
Y/n rolled her eyes at the girl's last comment, "Enough playing blue's clues, I'm exhausted." The two girls entered the Slytherin common room and made their way to the dorms.
A/n: Hope you enjoyed that first chapter! Exams are still going on but I'll try to work on a chapter whenever I can
Remember to stay hydrated folks, happy pride and good luck to anybody else who still has exams going on!
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snowvies · 1 year
𝐠𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 - 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞.𝐠
slight herminone x fem!reader
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Summary: You're getting ready for the Yule Ball with Hermione in your dorm, where you share compliments and giggles
wc: 1k. cw: fluff, friendly banter, compliment after compliment. |This is Y/ns dress|
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You watch as she takes her lip into her teeth, pure concentration as she swipes the frosty pink nail polish on your fingertips. Your dorm is lit only by the candles held high by its black stands, each one in the corner of your room igniting a soft orange hue on everything near it.
"Perfect!" she exclaims as she finishes the final stroke, twisting the cap back on as her own nails shine with the same color.
"Don't you dare move" She smiles slightly as she contorts her body to grab the cosmetic bag you've been eyeing this whole time
"Now what could you possibly have in there?" you ask with a smile, she gifts you a grin as she unzips the black bag, revealing product after product
"Here, take thi- wait! Don't touch it!" she mumbles as she lifts out a black jar before pushing it back into her chest
"I wasn't going to" You playfully roll your eyes as she lets a sigh of relief escape her lips knowing you didn't smudge your wet nails
after the cap falls recklessly on the ground and she dips her finger into the jar, you soon realize the contents of it
"It's a face mask," she tells as you raise your eyebrows
"I already knew that" you jab as you both grin, the light pink mixture on her fingers as she scoots closer to you on the wooden floor
"You obviously can't do it yourself" she murmurs, swiping the clay on your face as your scrunch up at its coldness
spreading the pink brew on your face you take time to relax into the feeling, her gray cardigan resting easy on her shoulders as a couple curls bounce out of her bun
the sound of glass being placed on the floor snaps you out of your relaxation as your mask is now settling into your pores
she leans down with a weary gaze, tapping your fingertips to see if it's been dried
"Alright, Here" a smile tugs on her lips as she slides the same glass jar towards you, she settles into herself as you scoop up the blend and spread it on her features
"Imagine if I have a horrible allergic reaction to this" You joke as she bursts out into laughter and you're quick to move your hand so the mask doesn't get into her strawberry locks
"Don't say that!" she pleas before collecting herself with a quick warning from your cat who was woken up from her chatter
he glares at the girl before laying back down on your bed and you huff at his spoiled way of living.
"ahh, it's cold!" you exclaim as you wipe the cold rag on your skin to remove the mask
"suck it up" she mumbles as she does the same across from you, the tan tiles of the granite counters gleam with splotches of the mask from your removal, you make a mental note to clean it later as you both apply moisturizer.
"Okay, so..." she whispers to herself as she stretches her eyes, black pen gliding to make a wing as she starts her makeup. You both are back on the wooden floor as two mirrors next to each other guide you two on applying your makeup
"You start with your eyeliner?" you asked, shocked as you beat the beauty blender into your face, concealer soaking into your skin as you haven't even thought about eyeliner yet "Dammit" she whispers, pulling a wipe as she takes the mess of eyeliner away
"I have to! I'm terrible at it..." she grins, starting new as she attempts to do it once more
You watch with an amused smirk as she draws bold thick lines on her face before huffing and grabbing another wipe
"Let me," you finally step in as you slide over to her
"Please," she doesn't argue as she places the pen in your hands
"Don't move..." you whisper to her as one hand grips her chin and you begin to draw a line on her eyes. She rapidly blinks at the movement but keeps her eyes closed so she doesn't ruin it, You do the same on the other eye and she whips her head toward the mirror once you give her the go-ahead
"It's perfect!" she smiles into the mirror as you feel your own smile begin to form on your lips
As you swipe the final layer of the frosty pale pink blush on your cheeks, and add one last coat of mascara to your lashes, you call yourself ready and turn to Hermione whose probably ten steps behind.
she side eyes you once she notices you're done before looking back into the mirror
"You look gorgeous," She says straightforwardly like it's a known fact
You feel your cheeks grow hot from the compliment as your turn towards the bathroom where you'll start on your hair, but not before you give her a shy 'thank you'
You groan slightly as the hair spray sticks and seals into your blown-out hair, styled just to your liking as the next step of the night is to wear your gowns
You step out to see Hermione's hair is already dolled up and looks absolutely stunning, clips holding her bumped-up hair as her curls lay softly on her shoulders
"Ready to get dressed?" You ask with a grin, she looks up at you and smiles with her lipstick-painted lips
"I can't wait to see your dress"
You sit on your bed with your legs crossed, scratching your cat's head as you wait for her to change. With a click of the lock becoming undone grabs your attention as the knob turns and she walks out, her gorgeous ombre dress flutters as she walks out, a pale pink deepening into a magenta with a bow tied around her waist. You're in awe for a moment before clearing your throat and speaking..
"You look...gorgeous..." You say, the word not even sounding right on your tongue..she looks so much better than gorgeous... ethereal? perfect?
"Thank you" She grins as your compliment means so much more than you'll ever know, she walks up before taking a seat on your roommates' bed who's out getting ready with one of her friends.
"Go on, I need to see what you're wearing!"
As you zip the light blue dress up your back, you turn and twist into the mirror to make sure nothing is out of the ordinary the soft flowers decorating your chest as you reach for your neck, knowing something is out of place.
You spin towards the door before stepping out, grabbing the skirt of your dress as you hear a gasp
Looking up, you see Hermione's gotten up from her sitting position and has widened eyes with her jaw slightly dropped
"You look amazing! That dress- You! You're so pretty" She struggles to express how beautiful you look as you feel your chest ache with the amount of compliments you're receiving
"Oh hush!" you giggle, walking over to your jewelry box and grabbing a silver necklace
"It's absolutely true!" She protests as she begins walking over to you, grabbing the necklace out of your palm without any communication on what needed to be done
"Thank you..." You grin as the cold rope meets your skin, she clasps it on effortlessly and spins you around with a smile on her features
"Ready to go?" She asks and you nod before stepping into your heels and she does the same before exiting your dorm for a night of fun
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an: this is my first post! I hope you guys enjoy it :)
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slytherinqueen123 · 10 months
fix her.
“wow. what is wrong with you’s?” mattheo dumps his books down on a table and drags a chair towards us.
“we were up all night,” hermione says, her hand shaking as she takes a slug of the coffee she’s been manhandling. theo’s eyes widen a bit as he takes in messy hermione. “correction. you where up all night. i crashed at 3am because i care more about my sleep than my grades.” i say, rolling my eyes.
theo leans over and grins. “that’s my girl.” he ruffles my hair affectionately. i raise an eyebrow but don’t push him away. “are you sure you’re not the one who didn’t get any sleep, lover boy?” he crinkles his nose at me and turns around as the teacher walks in.
• • •
“mione. hermione. wake up.”
i gently shove her in the arm, which only results in slightly wobbling her hunched over, sleeping figure. mattheo gives me a look.
“just wake her up already, y/n. i want to go.” he whines. “gosh, your such a child. what’s going on thats making you need to leave so desperately? we have a free period.” i ask, still trying to get hermione up.
“blaise said it’s gonna be colin creevey-“
“ew, that mangy gryffindor kid?”
“-yeah, he’s always dying for potters autograph. anywho, apparently it’s him verse one of goyles third year minions. kid stole creeveys camera. hysterical.” he laughs a little. i frown.
“fine. then you wake her up.” i step back and gesture to hermione.
“maybe i will.”
“go ahead then”
mattheo flashes me a smirk and walks over to her.
“please, i’ve already tried that. your lame, riddle.”
he scowls. “betcha haven’t tried this, though.”
he leans down to her and gives her another gentle shove.
“puh-lease. i’m outta her if that’s your best attempt.” i grab my bag and make for the door. “i bet you can’t fix her, riddle-”
“HERMIONE JEAN GRANGER WAKE THE HELL UP NOW!” he screams. i whip around.
“what the actual hell, mattheo? that’s barbaric!” i whisper-scream. he shakes his head at me.
“y/n, i thought we covered this. you can’t say what the actual hell. it’s not grammatically correct.” a sleepy voice mumbles.
“i forgive you then, riddle.” i say sweetly. “get up hermione. let’s go watch this fight.”
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ria ria ria! could I maybe suggest a cg!dramione fic I just love them so much anything with them would be incredible, I luv u!💕
New home
Content - age regression, cg!draco, cg!hermione, new home, brief mention of the wizarding war, trouble sleeping, wands, soft toys, cuddles, cats, angst to fluff, not proofread, don’t like don’t read.
Summary - shortly after moving into your new manor you can’t fall asleep, luckily your caregivers help you.
Authors note - whoever submitted this you have my whole heart dramione is my favourite Harry Potter ship and you’ve truely blessed me with this!, reblogs are greatly appreciated, I hope you enjoy <3
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You had been tossing and turning for hours.
Draco had put you to bed at 10:00 and looking at the clock it was now 1:35, your eyes where tired but you couldn’t keep them closed.
You had tried counting sheep, staring at the stars hermione had enchanted for you and you even skimmed over the blurb of the book she had left beside you, but nothing worked.
It was pointless.
Eventually you decided that you needed some help.
Sitting up you pulled back your duvet, picked up your soft bunny toy placing it under your arm and grasped your wand.
You weren’t to little that you couldn’t remember spells but it took you a few minutes to pronounce them properly.
“Lumos” you mumbled stepping up from your bed and making your way over to the door the light from the top of your wand lighting your path.
Gently hearing the hinges creek you crept down the oak steps of the recently purchased manor, that was also a contributing factor your new home.
Draco had purchased the manor shortly after he removed himself from Malloy manor and you and Hermione moved in shortly after.
It was an exquisite home but the size was intimidating to say the least, it’s not nice to feel like a stranger in the place you live.
Once you got downstairs you almost tripped over the white cat that skittered past you, that thing was gonna kill you one day but you loved him anyway.
Looking ahead of you you saw Draco and Hermione sat in front of the vintage piano the soft melodies hitting your eyes and making you smile.
“Mama, dada” you mumbled playing with the car of the grey rabbit.
“Hello darling, what are you doing up?” Hermione smiled reaching her arms out for you to come and sit in her lap. “Can’t sleep mommy” you whispered nestling into the crook of her perfumed neck.
“Oh baby” she whispered placing a kiss to your hairline. “Is anything in particular stooping you little one?” Draco asked moving closer towards you taking your hand in his.
“Brain won’t stop” you muttered looking down tiredly at the wood flooring. “Sweetheart” Draco sighed sympathetically gently taking you out of Hermiones arms and bouncing you on his hip.
“It’s okay darling take as long as you need too we don’t have anything to do tomorrow, even if you can’t sleep tonight we can spend the whole day sleeping tomorrow”
The three of you moved to the living room shortly after that hermione turning on the radio beside you the quick pace of changing channels making your mind focus on other things beside your own thoughts.
You sat there in silence for a long time listening to the two of them breathe, that was the most comforting thing you were able to hear after the war.
All of a sudden you felt a wave of tiredness come over you and you relaxed against the back of the sofa.
───── ⋆⋅◇⋅⋆ ─────
When you opened your eyes you felt the warm Sunrise over your body as the curtains had been left open.
You were still sitting on the sofa next to your caregivers, Draco was asleep and practically falling off of the sofa making you giggle and hermione was reading a book beside you.
“Morning mommy” you whispered resting your head on her shoulder nuzzling it slightly “good morning my darling” she smiled looking up from her novel and placing her bookmark between the pages.
“Can I ask you a question love?” She asked you quietly resting her head on yours “mhmm” “is it because of the house?” She asked curiously.
“Maybe” you mumbled looking forward at the black coffee table in front of you “it’s just so different mommy” “I know baby, but remember our first year at hogwarts that’s how you felt about our dorm and you got used to that, it just going to take some time”
She was right, she was always right.
You were soon pulled out of your thoughts by a rather loud bang, Draco had rolled off of the sofa.
“Ey what happened” he muttered quickly looking up at the sofa the two of you cackling “daddy you fell off” you squealed throwing your head back.
“Oh well I’m glad you think it’s funny little one” he said slightly scandalised standing up and making his way over to you. Picking you up from Hermione’s side he started to tickle you underneath your arms making you shriek with laughter.
The manor felt significantly calmer in those few moments, maybe that was all it needed.
You just needed some new memories.
───── ⋆⋅◇⋅⋆ ─────
Taglist - @bootlegmothman420 @littlephia @whippedforhongjoong @youngstarfishdinosaur @patchesofwork @buggyateabug @folklorefairie @friendlyneighborhoodkillerbunny @sparklybuck @2-gay-possums-in-a-trench-coat @hopelesswritergall @stuckysgirl27 @sleepyprinc3ss @chaotic-little-witch @looksthatkilledd @fluffyblanketgecko
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herheartlady · 1 year
I love you
Pairing: Hermione X fem!reader
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you let out a gentle moan as Hermione pushed you in the bed, she got on top of you and start kissing you, you ran your finger through her hair tugging ever so gently she moaned as you did so. "are you ready?" Hermione asked "more then ever" you replied with a grin, you both slowly start undressing each other until you were just down to your bras and panties.
You flipped her so you are on top of her and reached into the bedside drawer and you pulled out a decent amount of toys one in particular you were planning on using tonight, it was a waste strap with a fairly large toy at the stomach.
you started putting it on, as you buckled all the buckles around your waist as Hermione looked at you with begging eyes. You moved her underwear then lubricating the toy as well as Hermione's pussy.
You start off slow barely inserting the tip, then you slowly and gently inserted until you are all the way in, Hermione gave a little moan when she got comfortable to the size you slowly started going in and out.
"please" Hermione begged, you start moving faster as Hermione let out a long moan "fuuuuck" Hermione groaned as you begin to thrust inside of her "I- I'm ohhh g- gonna c- c - cum" Hermione yelled as her legs began to shake, As she reached her High she screamed in pleasure then collapsing on the bed as you unbuckle the belt then laying next to her.
She moved in between your legs, kissing your thighs moving upwards until she reached your Cunt, she took a long lick across and then started sucking your pussy.
You let out a gentle moans as she started sucking harder and harder as your legs start to shake "i- I'm s-s-so mmhhm s-so c- close" you say before you start to cum in her mouth.
She lies next to you giving you a gentle kiss on the forehead " I love you" she says "I love you too" you respond as you both cuddle close and fall asleep in another in one another's arm.
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panandinpain0 · 7 months
Can Hermione x fem!reader (or any you’re comfortable with) exist where the reader’s a slytherin but actively a good person-
like she’s a pureblooded snake but like, the cute ones with big eyes and that smile at you
like she’s a super competitive quidditch captain, and has slytherin friends, but she also shows the nervous ravenclaw first years around and has study groups with her hufflepuff friends and eats at the gryffindor table sometimes??
ok bye I just think it could be cute
Study Group
My favorite kind of character to write for deadass.
Requested by: Anon
Hermione Granger x Fem!Slytherin!Reader
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Literally Reader ^^^
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“Slytherin wins!” the announcer shouts over the sounds coming from the stands on the quidditch field. A mixture of "boo"'s and cheering were heard, a conflict seemingly starting out in the Gryffindor stands.
(Y/N), a chaser and Slytherins quidditch team captain, flew over to her seeker, holding up the arm that held the snitch and cheering with everyone. Patting the seeker’s shoulder, (Y/N) smiled and congratulated him.
The team flew back to the ground, heading to the showers before being intercepted by the crowd.
“You fly better than Angelina!” Fred shouted, his arm going over the captain’s shoulder.
“Don’t let her hear you saying that,” George warned, arm going around (Y/N)’s other shoulder. 
The Weasleys were a family friend of the (L/N)’s so they'd grown up together like siblings. When they started at Hogwarts and (Y/N) was sorted into Slytherin instead of Gryffindor they were disappointed, but got over it pretty soon after. Well, it took Ron a bit longer, but he got there. To make up for it, (Y/N) would sit at the Gryffindor table at dinner sometimes.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes and ducked out of their hold, wiping the sweat from her brow.
“Thanks boys, we worked hard,” (Y/N) replied, patting George’s arm before going to walk away again.
She was startled when Ron was suddenly in her face, Harry and Hermione behind him.
“Bloody Hell, (Y/N)!” Ron shouted, grabbing her upper arms and shaking her around. “That catch, and the pass- and when you-!” He continued to stutter out incoherent praises.
“You did great out there,” Hermione congratulated for him as Harry tried to calm him down.
(Y/N) replied with a laugh, “Thanks Hermione. I’m really proud of my team, they really gave it their all. You should’ve seen how hard I’ve been working them, I’m surprised they don’t hate me.” She smiled jokingly at Hermione.
“No one could hate you,” Hermione responded seriously to the joke. (Y/N) seemed to soften at that, her exhaustion beginning to show.
“Thanks, ‘Mione.” She patted her shoulder.
(Y/N) would have hugged her but she didn’t want to get Hermione dirty.
“Mind helping me escape?” (Y/N) laughed, gesturing to the crowd surrounding them. Hermione laughed and nodded, grabbing (Y/N)’s hand and pulling her away.
When they got to the Quidditch showers, Hermione let go.
“Do you think we’re safe now?” (Y/N) whispered conspiratorially, a laugh lilting the end of her sentence. She tried to stop herself from reaching out for Hermione’s hand.
“I think we are,” Hermione laughed back. The Gryffindor herself was missing the warmth. 
There’d always been tension between them. When they’d first met Hermione was intimidated by (Y/N), seeing as she was in the year above her, and also a Slytherin. Hermione never had much luck with Slytherins.
Not to mention she was gorgeous, and it’s terrifying talking to beautiful people. (Y/N) had always sensed Hermione’s discomfort and was always trying to make ‘Mione feel comfortable. They’d grown closer over these past 5 years, but the tension was different than before.
“Well, I’d better shower before dinner,” (Y/N) lazily pointed behind herself to the door.
“Want me to save you a spot at the Gryffindor table? You know Wood will want to talk to you about Ravenclaw’s defeat.” Hermione really wanted her to say yes. They hardly spent enough time together as it is, and even if she doesn’t have a chance with (Y/N) she still enjoys her company.
“For sure, Granger. Make sure it’s next to you, yeah?” (Y/N) winked with a mischievous smirk. (Y/N) would often playfully flirt with Hermione to see her reaction, heat spreading up her neck and around her face.
And that’s exactly the reaction she got, Hermione’s gaze shy as she looked to her feet. She nodded and bit her lip, watching (Y/N) walk through the doorway.
At Dinner…
All of the Gryffindor’s were shouting over each other, the twins practically on the table as they argued with Oliver, their own captain. They’d already talked about the game, Wood practically interrogating the game plans they used from (Y/N). Now he was red in the face, scoffing at the twins.
(Y/N) and Hermione were on the sidelines, having a conversation about her study group. Ron and Harry would pop in every once in a while, but were also having a conversation about what Draco was up to this week.
“Lila, she’s from Hufflepuff- a third year- was having some trouble with Care of Magical Creatures. Something about nifflers? I don’t know, that girl is so quiet I have to have Becca translate for me.” (Y/N) shook her head sympathetically.
“Poor thing,” Hermione agreed, putting down her cup after having a sip. “Maybe I could come to the next one? It could be nice to have another person to help.”
“Sure, we’re meeting tomorrow in the library after lunch. Have you got a free period then?” (Y/N) asked, taking a bite of the food in front of her. Hermione hummed in confirmation, not trusting her voice.
She was so excited. Maybe she could start going to all of their study groups! She smiled to herself as she continued eating.
The Next Day…
Lunch was ending and Hermione stood up excitedly, practically buzzing.
“Someone’s excited,” Harry teased in a sing-song voice.
“It’s because she’s off to see her girlfriend~!” Fred and George replied.
“Oh, ‘Mione’s got a girlfriend now? Looks like I’ve got competition,” (Y/N) announced her presence, smiling at Hermione. She blushed at the quip and smiled back.
“Ignore them, they’re idiots.” Hermione shot the boys a glare.
“Trust me, I know. Shall we?” (Y/N) held up her arm, beckoning Hermione to wrap her arm around hers. Once she did they were off, leaving the boys behind.
When they got out into the corridor (Y/N) didn’t pull away like Hermione expected. They made small talk, (Y/N) waving to her friends when they passed. Hermione slowly trailed off her sentence when (Y/N) stopped walking.
“What’s wrong?” Hermione asked, looking around herself to assure they weren’t at their destination yet.
“Look.” (Y/N) pointed at a Ravenclaw, seemingly a first year. He was crying, sitting against the wall and shielding his face as his body shook. (Y/N) unhooked her arm from Hermione's and walked up to him, crouching down to his level.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” (Y/N) asked gently, but still frightened the first year. He flinched, uncovering his face to look at (Y/N). He seemed confused after he saw the color of her robes. Why would a Slytherin be nice to him?
He sniffled, “My classroom changed places and I can’t find it. I just got its new location memorized and then it moves! I’m gonna be late for Transfiguration and lose house points again.” He groaned in frustration, hands covering his face. (Y/N) gently took his hands and held them, giving him a comforting smile.
“Professor McGonagall can be very forgiving, as long as you tell her what happened. I’m (Y/N) (L/N), what's your name?”
“Conner,” he muttered through his tears. “Conner Wimble.”
“Well, Conner, I’ll walk you to Transfiguration. And teach you some tricks to find your classes. Is that okay?”
“Yes… thank you.”
Hermione shook herself from her thoughts, seeing (Y/N) being so kind to the first year did nothing to stifle her feelings. She rushed forward to join the conversation, crouching down as well.
“I know a spell that makes a string appear in the air that guides you to your classes. I could teach it to you,” she spoke gently to the Ravenclaw, bringing him to stand.
“Please, I need all the help I can get,” he sniffled out.
“Come on, let’s stand up now.” (Y/N), who still held his hands, pulled him to stand.
At the Library…
(Y/N) held open the door for Hermione, entering after her. She waved to Madam Pince before gently cupping Hermione’s elbow, guiding her to the study group.
“Look who decided to show up,” Becca giggled, a yellow ribbon holding her dark brown hair back.
“Yeah, sorry guys- got a bit distracted.” Her hand found the small of Hermione’s back. “This is Hermione-!” (Y/N) whispered before she was cut off.
“Everybody knows who she is. Harry Potter’s friend, right?” Suzie, a fourth year Ravenclaw, asked rhetorically. Her tone was a bit harsh, distaste following Harry’s name.
“Yes, but she has a name. Hermione will be joining us today, if that’s alright with everyone?” (Y/N) eyed Suzie with a warning gaze. After she got head nods from around the table she pulled out Hermione’s chair for her. Hermione blushed and gave (Y/N) a shy smile in thanks, earning a nod in return.
“So, how is everybody? Lila, how was Care of Magical Creatures today?” (Y/N) paid specific attention to the Hufflepuff as she pulled out her books. Lila murmured something nobody could hear, except for her best friend who sat right next to her.
“She said the niffler problem’s still got her stumped,” Becca repeated, going back to doodling on the corner of her parchment with her quill.
“We would have heard her if she would only speak up,” Suzie sassed as she rolled her eyes, playing with the end of her blond ponytail.
“Suzie!” (Y/N) scolded, looking concerned more than angry. “Please apologize.” She adopted a motherly look, eyebrows raised expectantly.
Suzie looked slightly ashamed, gaze lowering as she uncrossed her arms. She played with the edge of her blue sweater, the silver eagle on the sleeve catching the light. “Sorry Lila, that was mean.”
“It’s okay. You have a point,” Lila spoke a bit louder this time, giving Suzie a small smile.
“What’s going on?” (Y/N) gently asked Suzie, running a hand up and down her arm. Hermione watched with a bit of envy, but shook herself out of it when she realized her thoughts.
Suzie’s lip started trembling, her eyes blinking quickly to rid herself of the gathering tears. “David and I got into a fight. He’s been using one of the secrets I trusted him with against me in our arguments. It’s been going on all day.” She sniffled, sliding a bit of her sweater over her hand to wipe at her nose.
Lila, who was closest to her, put her hand on Suzie’s shoulder, rubbing it gently. Everyone sympathized and started helping her come up with solutions, and afterwards the studying quickly commenced.
One Hour Later…
Becca giggled at a joke (Y/N) whispered to her as they left the library, Lila smiling a bit. Hermione and Suzie were finishing a conversation while actively shoving books into their bags, trying to avoid the door swinging into them. Hermione almost got hit but (Y/N)’s hand stopped it, both of them looking surprised.
“Watch out there love, almost got hit.”
Hermione blushed at the pet name.
Suzie looked between the two of them for a second, sitting in their tension-filled silence.
Clearing her throat loudly, Suzie caught the girls’ attention, “I’m going to go talk to David now, I’ll see you two later?” Without waiting for an answer she walked off, waving behind her. She shouted goodbye to the two Hufflepuff’s and was gone.
“We’d best be off too. (Y/N), would you be a dear and ask Fred and George for more sugar quills? Lila and I have been craving them,” Becca laughed, joining hands with Lila.
“For sure! I’ll let you know what they say. Same time next week?” They nodded. “Make sure Suzie knows that too, please.” And they were off.
Hermione and (Y/N) looked at each other, still standing in front of the library. Taking in a breath, (Y/N) broke the silence.
“Would you like to come again next week? Suzie seemed to like having you around,” (Y/N) laughed a bit, smiling at the Gryffindor in front of her.
“Yes, I’m sure it was just Suzie,” Hermione giggled and nodded, not able to look away from (Y/N). Said Slytherin scoffed in surprise at the comment, her face heating up as she laughed in amusement.
“I’m glad we’re in agreement on that then.”
They smiled at each other for a bit longer, not wanting to part.
“Well, I think this makes you an official part of our group. What do you say?” (Y/N) stuck out her hand. “Want to join our study group?”
Hermione met her half way, shaking her hand.
“Well, we wouldn’t want to disappoint Suzie, now would we?”
Ta-da! Sorry it took so long, Anon! But I'm pretty proud of this final product. (I actually think it sucks a lot but maybe you'll like it. I hope you do.)
-Author Max <3
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jenflirts · 5 months
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-ˏˋ𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚢 𝚐𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚗ˊˎ
I will be writing for Jenna Ortega and her characters, Sadie Sink and her characters, and for Emma Watson and her characters. I do not write smuts!
Open for request!
Jenna Ortega
My lovely, Jenna
invisible string (drabble)
Tara Carpenter
mending my broken heart
Wednesday Addams
Carnival Date
Vada Cavell
Drunk Text
Phoebe Atwell
Lorraine Day
Ellie Alves
my sweater
Katie Torres
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Light My Love -II - T.Nott
Series Summary - Follow Y/N as she navigated the wizarding world on her own, starting from her first year, all the way through to her seventh. As she falls in love and get her heart broken, how a certain friend is always there to mend her broken heart even though his is slowly getting broken in the process.
Chapter Summary - It's exam season before the Winter break and Y/N receives help from someone unexpected. Spending nearly every night awake studying for the exams, she is quite exhausted. Theo takes note of this and helps her out. After a long night of studying, the Slytherin boys see something rather interesting related to their dear friend Y/N.
Pairings - Theo Nott x Fem!Reader(eventual)
Series Warnings - Blood purity, dark wizards, Reader is a descendant of Salazar Slytherin, pining, angst, reader will have some shitty boyfriends, Female Reader, use of Y/N
Chapter Warnings - Female Reader, use of Y/N, mentions of food and eating, poorly written angst, crying, rough parent-child relationship, profanity
Author's Note - Welcome to part 2 of this series! I will be creating a masterlist for this series after I post this so keep an eye out! I will link it when it's done!
Word Count - 1479
My full Masterlist
Series Masterlist
My requests are open!
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
not my gif
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not my gif
It had taken her a few days to go back to normal but with the help of Theo and Draco, she was fine. Her mother had a certain affect on her, she knew just how to hurt her daughter. Draco understood this, his father was the exact same way, Theo’s father the same as well. That was the way the Death Eaters worked, they were harsh on their families especially with having to lay low as the dark lord was gone.
Her grade in Quirrell’s class improved with the unexpected help of Hermione Granger. She was not only Y/N’s academic rival but also Theo’s. She was willing to help the Slytherin despite the friends of the girl. She was back to acing all of her classes, buying some limited edition books as a thank you to Hermione.
It was the end of November, the autumn air getting colder as snow started falling from the sky, coating the Scottish Highlands. Exams were quickly approaching, the stress of another thing placed atop her shoulders. She had just managed to get her grade up in her worst class but now she was pulling all-nighters in the library or the common room studying. 
Her friends had taken note of the change in her, how she was always tired and sluggish, she was constantly falling asleep in class and just overall dull. She had lost her sparkle and charisma due to the long nights of studying. All of her friends were worried but Theo had taken the cake, he was acting like her little servant. Anything she wanted, he went and got for her. Anytime she needed a break, he was there to entertain her. Anytime she needed help on an assignment, he was right there guiding her to the correct answer. 
She was grateful to have someone like Theodore Nott in her life. He may have been a loner, but he was always happy to be with her, to help her with whatever she needed.
The weeks of studying had flown by and exam week was finally here. Her first one was arguably the easiest, Potions. She was able to pass the exam no problem, getting the best grade in the class. Right after she did her potions exam she had to do her exam for History of Magic. She was a bit nervous for this one, getting a pep talk from Draco and Theo right before.
“You have the best grade in the class, you’re going to pass the exam with no issue! If anyone is going to fail it’s going to be Draco,” Theo assured her.
“Hey!” Draco protested, “I’m not going to fail! It’s probably going to be Weasley who fails, he always sleeps in class.”
“So do you!” Y/N pointed out with a giggle causing the two boys to share a victorious look. Theo ushered the three of them inside the classroom, taking their seats in the back. Once all of the exams were given out and the papers were flipped over, her confidence skyrocketed. She knew every single question and knew the answers like the back of her hand. Some of the questions even pertained to her extended family, like the Gaunt family. 
She was the first one to finish and turn in her exam. She waited outside the class as her friends were still inside taking the test. It wasn’t until the end of the hour that the two boys came out, relieved looks on their faces for finally finishing the exam. They made their way to dinner together, stress eating more sweets than actual food before making their way back to the common room. 
She took her usual place next to the large window outlooking the depths of the Black Lake, pulling out her study guides and flashcards for the next exams. Theo sat beside her as he always did, asking her the questions on her flashcards and waiting to hear her answers, which were usually all right. Midnight quickly approached, the two of them half asleep, Theo coaxing her into calling it a night.
“C’mon bellissima, it’s late, we should go to bed,” He yawned out, rubbing his eyes gently as he did so. 
“Five more minutes?” She begged him, a pout on her face. She looked at him with a sparkle in her eye and a hint of a smile covered by the pout.
“It’s already midnight, principessa. Let’s go to bed, we can wake up early and get back to it.”
“But Theo, I really need to pass these exams. Just five more minutes, please?” He couldn’t say no again, not with the look on her pretty face. He was slipping, letting out a groan as he finally gave in. 
“Fine, five more minutes. No more than that, got it?” She nodded, pressing a kiss to his cheek before they continued to study. His cheeks turned pink as he looked down at the next flashcard. “What is the incantation for the levitation spell?”
“Wingardium Leviosa! Easy!”
The rest of the Slytherin house was quiet, the only two awake were Y/N and Theo, sitting in front of the window as he asked her questions and she answered. Their study session lasted much longer than five minutes. The next thing they knew, their housemates were all waking up and filing into the common room. Theo looked at the time before letting out a gasp. 
“Oh Salazar! We’ve been awake for 24 hours! You said five more minutes!” Theo realised with a groan. He wasn’t mad at her in the slightest but she felt guilty.
“I’m so sorry Theo. I didn’t even realise the time until everyone started to wake. Go to your dorm to rest a bit before the day actually starts, please. I can finish up by myself,” She rambled guiltily.
“It’s okay, principessa. If I’m going to rest, you’re coming with me. You need rest too, you know?” Theo teased her, causing a smile to take over her face. He stood up, offering her his hand which she gladly took. Theo helped her up and led her to his room that he shared with Draco, Blaise, Enzo and Mattheo. The four boys still in the room and wide awake, sending teasing remarks to the pair. “Oh shove off, we just spent all night studying in the common room. We’re just going to rest here through breakfast,” Theo defended the two of them.
“Good, you both look like death incarnate. I’ve never seen dark circles that were nearly black,” Mattheo teased before heading out of the room. The three others bid the pair goodbye and the promise of getting them up after breakfast was over. 
Y/N and Theo climbed into his bed and fell asleep almost immediately. They slept all the way through breakfast and the first 2 hours of classes which thankfully were cancelled. Draco, Blaise and Enzo sticking true to their word of waking the pair up when it was time for the first class of the day. It was exam day for Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts.
The two of them woke up with a start when they heard screaming, bumping their heads together and groaning in pain. The three boys laughed at the two as they rubbed the sleep out of their eyes. “That was hilarious! I wish we got a video of that!” Blaise laughed.
“Fuck off Zabini!” Y/N groaned, swinging her legs over the side of the bed before standing. “I swear you guys have better beds than the girls. My bed feels like a rock,” She yawned, stretching her arms over her head. Her shirt riding up revealed an interesting scar on her abdomen. It was almost identical to the scar on Harry Potter’s forehead, just slightly larger.
“Where’d you get the scar from?” Draco asked with curiosity.
“None of your business, Draco. I’m gonna go back to my dorm to get ready,” She snapped before rushing out of the room quickly.
“Am I the only one who saw it? It looked like Potter’s scar,” he mentioned to the three other boys.
“I saw it too, I wonder if she got it in a similar way. An unforgivable curse backfiring but leaving her with a scar? It’s possible, right?” Enzo theorised before shaking his head, “Nevermind, just let her come to us about it. It’s better that way than us trying to figure out where it came from.” With that, Enzo and Blaise left the room to make their way to Flitwick’s class. 
“You think her parents did that?” Theo asked, his voice deeper and laced with sadness just thinking about it.
“I mean probably. You know how her mum is, she’s a terrible woman and her father is a terrible man. I can only imagine what she goes through being stuck in that house day in and day out.”
@bigsimperika @melllinaa @chgrch @the-girl-who-simps-too-much
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sunnylands-world · 1 year
Draco malfoy x fem reader
Where Reader and Draco are like enemies, but they secretly like eachother, and one night something happens (like reader gets hurt pretty badly or smt) and it brings them closer?? And they confess
Is it possible for you to make a fic that includes a name? If so can I request the name to be Kaylee and use she/ her pronouns 🥹
I suck at request but tysm
I'd hate to lose you
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Pairing: Draco x fem reader [with name]
Summary: two enemies become lover's or perhaps they never were enemies, just two people without confessions…
Word count: 1'043
Warning: reader has a name [Kaylee], reader is jumped and put in a coma, unrealistic waking from coma, angst to fluff. I think that's it let me know if I missed anything!
Universe: harry Potter
A/n: so, so sorry for the wait babe. I just had the idea today!
Nice thought, reblogs, and inboxing is appreciated and motivational ❤
"He's the most disgusting person I've ever met,"
Kaylee announced to her best friend seeing the boy with sun blinding hair and ice shards for eyes.
Hermione shook her head with a sigh.
"you know if you hate him all that much, why do you even pay him attention? Some might say it's suspicious." Her friend giggled, making Kaylee raise a brow.
"what is it you're implying exactly?" Kaylee asked with crossed arms.
"Nothing, nothing at all." Hermione continued to laugh unbothered by the glare on her friend's face. Unnoticed by the two girls was a group of boys sending them unpleasant looks.
The leader of the group as some would call him was flipping his wand in deep thought.
What was so funny? He Wondered.
"Draco, if you keep glaring you'll get frown lines," his minion said, snapping him out of his gaze.
"And how would you know that crabbe?" He questioned, knowing the boy was dumb and didn't have a thought in mind.
"That's what my mum says!" He told Draco confidently but the blonde did not share his pride.
"Oh, so I suppose I should believe her right? Hm?" He said sarcastically, making Crabbe wonder himself why he had believed his mother's words.
Draco left his friends or whatever you'd call people who stood around nodding in agreement with everything you said. He decided he needed to pay the girls a visit so he swayed over like his robes were too heavy, a smirk on his face noticing how quickly the girls looked unhappy with his presence.
"Hello Kaylee, see you're over here enjoying yourselves. Thought I'd come see what was so entertaining," he grinned, leaning onto the table.
Kaylee frowned before saying "nothing you'd understand with how empty your head is."
Draco's smile dropped as quickly as it came.
"Well if you find it funny with your low lifestyle I probably won't sense some of us can afford actual entertainment," he recovered, shoving Hermione's books into her glass sending orange juice across her studies. A gasp left the brunette as she and Kaylee scurried to grab and save the work.
Malfoy left proud of the trouble he caused, laughing as he sat back down.
He knew deep down that ruining Hermione and her friends' lives wouldn't satisfy him but it kept everything on the surface neat and pretty for the outlookers and that was what mattered most…to his father and his father was who he needed to please.
Kaylee didn't care for Draco and his problems. She was so upset with the boy and his decisions that caring about him made her disappointed. She wasn't sure why it mattered but she was the type of girl who needed answers and soon answers turned to caring or maybe that's what it always has been.
He didn't deserve it or did he?
That's what she couldn't figure out, for what reason was he such a-
"Bitch!" The word was out and the push to the ground came next.
Kaylee was both shocked and confused, so much so that she didn't move fast enough to avoid the blow to her side.
"You can pass the message to your friend for me, don't ever make me look like a fool in class again," the girl told Kaylee before her shoe came horrifyingly quick knocking her unconscious.
The day's were slow for Hermione as she waited for her friend to awake. She felt like she was to blame because had she been there Kaylee wouldn't have had to take her beating even if she didn't deserve it.
The day they came and attacked Kaylee Hermione had won against the girls who jumped her. Hermione was given an award and was praised for her intelligence but the girls didn't take defeat too well and took their anger out on Kaylee.
She didn't know if she'd forgive herself until her friend woke up again
He didn't know what he'd do if she didn't wake up again. Draco snuck in and out of the hospital determined to make things right with the sleeping girl, more than that though…
He'd confess his secrets.
He didn't know that he'd have the courage till he realized he wasn't living his life; he'd been hiding in fear of what his father would do.
Kaylee being asleep like this gave him time to admire her and tell her all the things she didn't know. With her hand in his, cold like he was, Draco couldn't help but think this was what drew him closer to her. She wasn't anything like him, warm where he was cold, soft where he was solid.
He let tears fall and his thoughts slip as he squeezed her hand in hopes that she could feel him there and wake like in a fairytale but he knew nothing about their relationship was loving…at least not in ways she could tell.
He could trace his everyday steps and see where she appeared on his track. He bothered her because it was the only way it would appeal to others and fill the hole in his heart where she belonged.
What was others happiness if he didn't have his though. if he didn't have her.
He could feel the dried tears on his face and it irked him but he left it because he'd cry again, even as he pressed his head to her chest hearing her heartbeat.
Does yours beat for me, like mine beats for yours?
You're the reason, you're the reason I try. why I wake at night still willing to fight; Because I love you tomorrow and any time I think of ending my life.
He presses his lips to hers. He wasn't expecting her to pull him close or even kiss him back but she did.
Kaylee's arms wrapped around his neck, lips interlocking with him in a crushing kiss full of rage and Desire.
I still hate you but I also love you.
I'm angry I don't know why I do, but I can't stop myself from wanting you…
When the kiss broke they breathed heavily, not sure what to do with all the pent up emotions.
"I hate you, so much" she exhaled and he nodded.
"I know, I love you too"
Draco lovers and requests
@alexxavicry, @sarahthehuffpuff, @supercoffeeblogs, @thatwattpadobsessed, @amyclare04, @kyracanwrite, @animeloverfreak310, @imafangirl22, @phildunphyisadilf, @jac1ndaa, @lovelycassy
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confused-pyramid · 1 year
Better Not to Give
pairing: draco malfoy x fem!reader
summary: It's your sixth year at Hogwarts and Draco has been acting different. The more he pushes you away, the more you try to hold on, but at what cost?
word count: 4.7k
warnings: SMUT (p in v, fingering), slight hair pulling, marking, Draco is a death eater, angst, drinking
a/n: I wrote this hoping it would be a one-shot, but now I'm potentially seeing a part two during/after the war...
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He looks terrible when you glance up at him from across the Great Hall. Harry is buttering his toast next to you and you furtively lift your head to get a better look at Draco by the Slytherin table.
He's picking at his food and you wish you could say this is a new development, but he hasn't been himself all year. Your brows knit with worry as he drops his fork and dips his head down, as though the weight of it has tired him out. You never thought you'd be saying this, but you have found yourself missing his arrogance and elitist snipes ever since the turn in his demeanor.
Before your family denounced their ancestral connections to the ideology of blood purity, you had been a part of the Sacred 28, and that meant being a welcome dinner guest at the Malfoys' throughout your childhood. You and Draco hadn't always gotten along, but it never grew into anything more than silly insults or fruitless rivalries.
Draco stands up from his table suddenly, and your feet push into the ground, almost by instinct. Before you have a chance to follow his movements, he rushes out of the hall, his head dipping down as his robe swishes in his wake.
"Hey, you alright?" Hermione asks as your foot taps the floor impatiently.
"Yeah," you answer, your eyes still trained on where he disappeared out the doors. "I'll be right back."
You take your time walking past the tables, but when you're out of sight of your friends, you hasten your pace, practically running until you spot him at the end of the hallway.
"Draco," you call out after him, but he either doesn't hear you or he chooses not to slow his footsteps.
When you reach him, you grab his shoulder, trying to stop his movements, but he flinches under your touch, pulling back quickly.
"I'm sorry," you whisper, your breaths coming out in small pants. "I just wanted to see if everything was okay."
Draco reaches up to grab the back of his neck.
Okay? he thinks to himself with something that sounds almost like a laugh. Nothing will ever be okay again.
But he doesn't say that.
"I'm fine," he says shortly, his eyes glancing around like he's afraid you're being watched. By who?
You don't know how to respond to something that is so obviously a lie, but you press on anyway. "You haven't been yourself since the summer."
He makes a small noise and it takes you a moment to realize it's supposed to be a scoff. "Maybe this is who I actually am."
This time it's you who wants to scoff, because if there's anything you can be certain of, it's that you know Draco Malfoy, through and through. You knew him when he was still the little boy trying to beat his own personal speed on his tiny broom and when he helped you steal a doll from a toy shop because your mother wouldn't buy it for you. But you also knew him when he got a slap to the face for talking back to his father and when he cried himself to sleep for a week because he disappointed his family at his first quidditch match.
Even when his family turned you away, you knew he hadn't. You knew that although you were supposed to be on opposite sides of an impending war, at least a part of him still cared about you. You also knew that you cared about him too.
"Am I really supposed to believe that?"
He just shrugs and it makes you want to scream. "I don't really care what you believe anymore."
He doesn't spare you a second glance before turning around and stalking away.
The winter chill hits its peak and you start to see less and less of Draco. Your friends don't understand your interest in his wellbeing but they also don't know the history you share. You would trust them with your life, but this was Draco's life and that was something else entirely.
The last snow of the year hits on a weekend trip to Hogsmeade, and you join Harry, Ron, and Hermione as they make their way down the small cobblestone road.
"I need a new broom," Ron complains, gazing wistfully into every shop you pass. "I also need a new wand."
Harry pats him on the back, shooting him an amused look and you can't help the laugh that bubbles up inside of you.
When you finally reach Three Broomsticks, Ron's complaints finally become achievable.
"A warm butterbeer sounds brilliant right now," he remarks, his eyes lighting up.
"That can be easily arranged," Hermione smiles, linking her arm through his as she pulls him into the shop.
Having never been a fan of butterbeer, you hang back, letting them all ahead of you. "You three go ahead. I'll grab a drink and come meet you here."
White flakes dance across your vision as you traipse down the street, your gloved hands burrowing deeper into your pockets as the cold stings your skin.
You're considering where to sit down when you see a telltale flash of blond through the windows of the Hog's Head. Draco's pale hair is stark against the black of his robes and a shiver runs through you as you watch him lean over his steaming mug.
The rush of warmth you expect when you push open the doors doesn't arrive, but it's still more temperate than the icy chill outside, so you cast off your gloves and take a seat beside him.
"I'll get a glass of mead," you tell the owner as you lean back in your rickety wooden chair.
Draco doesn't seem surprised when you turn to face him, but his eyes flash with a mix of amusement and anticipation. "I should've known you'd be a mead person. You were the only kid I knew who didn't like pumpkin juice."
You flash him a guarded smile and his eyes catch on the maroon flush that colors your cheeks. He had seen you through the window before you walked in, and when you opened the doors, he told himself it was a bad idea, especially with everything going on in his life, but he couldn't help but stay. He could never help himself when you were involved.
"I'm honestly not sure why I ordered one," you tell him, your eyes turning sad. "Maybe it's still on my mind after Ron was poisoned with a bottle of mead last week."
Draco shrinks back slightly, but you catch the movement before he can shake it off. He wasn't trying to hurt Ron when he sent Slughorn that bottle, but he also couldn't deny that Weasley wasn't someone he would've mourned.
But you would've cared. And in another life, that would have been enough to make him care too.
He's surprised when you reach forward to grab his hand, and he can tell that it wasn't something you had planned to do. You blush again, and he wishes that he could pull your body against his and shield you from the cold and whatever else is coming across the horizon, but that isn't something he gets to do anymore. Not since he made his choice.
"Do you remember when we were kids?" you ask suddenly, jerking him back to reality. "How we would sneak into my parents' shed and steal their brooms to practice while they were sleeping."
That's not what you really want to ask him, but a few childhood memories couldn't cause the damage you were afraid of causing if you dug any deeper.
You had such a crush on him when you first came to Hogwarts. The arrogant little boy who always got what he wanted. Everyone cast him away as a lost cause, but they didn't know what was underneath...what made him the way he was. The memories were at the edge of your subconscious and you could feel how close they were to teetering off into the void, especially with who he had become in the last year.
Draco, on the other hand, can remember everything from that time. He remembers the little girl who was too smart for her own good and how you always knew what he was thinking about, even before the thought entered his mind. He remembers your bushy pigtails and the way you always made your bed in the morning, just because it was something your mother taught you to do. He wonders if you still do.
"I suppose," he finally replies, seeing your fingers go slack against his palm. He can feel the disappointment emanating from you, but a little disappointment would never hurt as much as what was coming. What he was bringing in.
Your fingers slip down his hand and he relishes your touch, even though your skin is still icy from the snow, but when your hand reaches his sleeve, he jerks back.
You flinch too, more out of surprise than anything else, but he pulls his hands away and under the table too fast for you to notice anything awry. "Draco, what's wrong?"
"We aren't children anymore," he snarls, and it's like you can see the walls being built before your very eyes. The fortress that you always believed you had to keys to shuts right in front of you and his eyes glaze over without an ounce of recollection. "Whatever you think we are, you're wrong."
He stands up, his robes enveloping him like a dark cloud, and before you have a chance to respond, the door is swinging shut behind him.
When you open the door to Three Broomsticks, the atmosphere is much warmer than the Hog's Head. Laughter echoes around the pub and you feel a smile pull at your lips even after Draco's abrupt departure.
"Over here!" Ron's voice calls from behind the small staircase, and you follow it to find the trio with three butterbeers sitting in front of them.
"Anyway, as I was saying," Harry continues, motioning for you to take the seat next to him. "The Katie Bell incident and your poisoning have to be connected."
He had been on this train of suspicion for a while, but with each new event, he was getting more and more reckless with his theories.
"Harry, I'm not so sure-" Hermione starts, but he cuts her off, lifting his hand from the table as he gesticulates intensely.
"Both the cursed necklace and the poisoned mead were gifts from an unknown source," he emphasizes, looking at each of you intently, "and I think that source is Malfoy."
Your eyes snap to his and you quickly look down at the table before you give anything away. You remember how Draco flinched at the mention of Ron's ordeal, and you want to shake the thought away, but you can't.
It feels like a betrayal to ever consider this notion, but the change in his mood this year did strike you as foreboding.
Maybe Harry was right. Maybe the person you grew up with and cared for and loved wasn't who you thought he was.
You don't see Draco for a few days after your disastrous Hogsmeade encounter, but it's not for lack of looking. Any suspicions you have about his wrongdoings this year are unfounded, and you aren't about to pin something on him without proof. Besides, you know him and you know he lashes out when he's in pain, and if this world had taught you anything, it was that someone pushing you away meant you just had to hold onto them tighter.
That time comes the following evening when you see Draco rushing into an abandoned bathroom on the second floor, his hair a mess and his shirt sticking to his skin.
Your friends have made it clear that they thought your interest in him was another symptom of your desire to fix everything, and with Harry hot on his trail with one theory or another, you were finding it hard to be around them all the time.
Draco is pressed up against the sink when you push the door open, his small sobs echoing around the room. Despair floods you with ice and you rush forward, desperate to do something.
His skin looks paler than you have ever seen it, and when your hand comes forward to glide up his back, his skin feels clammy and cold.
"Please," you whisper, wishing he would share something with you. Anything. "Please let me help you. Whatever your family is doing to you can't go on forever."
You know that even if Harry was right and Draco really was twisted up in something dark, the source always went back to one place: his family. You grew up with a family that protected you, so if nothing else, you at least knew what love wasn't supposed to look like.
Nevertheless, it's the wrong thing to say, and he freezes, his breath slowing down instantly. He doesn't question your intentions, because if there's one thing he knows about you, it's that you're good, but Snape's words from earlier are still painted across his eyelids.
"I made the unbreakable vow."
He had been chosen for this. The Dark Lord had chosen him, but even after he proved himself time and time again, they didn't believe he could do it.
"I don't want your help," he says, but instead of a sneer, it comes out more like a gasp. "Don't you understand? There's no out for me."
He can see you struggling to understand, but he can't afford to be more than vague. His family is relying on him. They are counting on him to do what his father couldn't, and he won't let them down. Not like they had.
So maybe he isn't a killer, but maybe he isn't what you think either.
You can feel the anguish in his words, and your throat thickens with tears threatening to escape. "There has to be something I can do."
"There isn't." He cuts you off forcefully, and you see the finality shining in his eyes as he turns to face the mirror again, his hands gripping the edge of the sink.
The mark on his wrist stings harshly in his skin and he looks down as you stalk out of the bathroom. It's supposed to feel right and he knows he's been chosen for something so much greater than himself, but he also can't help but feel like he didn't get to choose.
You are much too good for him, and he can already feel himself corroding you with each whisper of his breath and glance of his fingers.
You grew up together and even when your families' ideas tried to tear you both apart, something had made him hold on. If he's fully honest with himself, he'll call it what it is.
He loves you.
But he can't admit it. He can't, because that would mean admitting that he's not sure. That the doctrine his father spent 16 years pounding into his skull didn't take, and above all, that the mark carved into his wrist was a mistake.
He splashes water on his face, but his skin still burns like he's been branded.
"You're quiet today," Harry observes at breakfast a few weeks later. "What's going on with you?"
You shake your head, taking a small bite of your toast. "Nothing. I'm just getting a bit behind in school."
"I can help, if you'd like," Hermione offers, squeezing your arm.
"I've got it covered," you smile at her, leaning against her shoulder, "but thank you."
Her bouncy waves tickle your cheek and you can't help but think about all the times Draco insulted and threatened your friends. How was it fair to keep giving him second and third and fourth chances when he never even gave them one?
Something pulls at the corner of your vision and you look up to see him walking into the Great Hall, a flighty look in his eyes. Harry follows your line of sight and makes an irritated noise. "He has some nerve showing his face here. I overheard him talking to Snape the other day and I think he's up to something. Something bad."
You feared just as much, but you weren't about to give Harry any more ammunition.
Your eyes glide across his features, glancing over his disheveled hair and wide eyes. He still looks beautiful, even in this state, but you force yourself to look away. Whatever feelings you had - or have - for him don't matter anymore.
Breakfast ends quietly and you spend the day catching up on some essays you've been assigned before the end of term. The air outside had started to warm again, and even though the night brings a slight chill, the snow was fully gone and the plants were starting to revive themselves.
When your eyes start to hurt from staring at parchment all day, you make your way to the Astronomy tower for some fresh air, and are pleased to find it empty. Everyone was likely cramming in some last-minute studying or sleeping before exams arrived.
Night falls quickly and soon the stars start to peek out across the clear sky. You try to identify the constellations, but you were never very good at that kind of thing.
"Orion," a voice mutters from behind you, and you spin around to see Draco, partially shrouded by the surrounding darkness. His dark suit blends into the night sky and you only get a good look at him once he approaches you, his arms resting on the railing beside yours.
"Thanks," you breathe, turning back to the view before you. You haven't gotten over your last interaction - at least that's what you've told yourself - and you don't want to make this easy for him. He may not owe the world anything right now, but he owes you the respect of an apology.
"I'm sorry about before," he says shortly and you almost laugh. You wish you could pin his ability to practically read your mind on your time together when you were young, but this was something else entirely. Something real and lasting and above all, futile.
You nod, finally chancing a look at him. There's no breeze tonight, so his hair stays flat, and you lift your hand to push a stray piece behind his ear.
Your fingers are warm against his skin and he does everything in his power to stay still, even as his body urges him to run for the hills. He doesn't deserve you, but you don't deserve his baggage either. He can't keep pushing you down in the hope that you will stay away from the chaos he brings with him wherever he goes.
"My mother taught me all of the constellations," he whispers suddenly, his grip on the railing tightening as he dives back into his memories. "She said our family was tied to the stars and that I had to know about our history if I was to learn from their mistakes."
You know bits and pieces of this story, but you can tell that he needs to say it, so you let him.
"I hated it," he says, and you can sense the tinge of sentimentality staining his words. "I didn't want to look up at the sky, because after everything my father did to me, I didn't ever want to feel small again."
"Draco," you whisper, struggling to find the right words to help him. To bring back the mischievous, naïve boy who didn't know what this kind of pain felt like. "Hurting people will never make you the bigger man."
His face contorts and you feel the sting of tears in your chest. "Don't you think I know that? I don't give a damn about anything anymore, I just want my family to get out of this bloody cycle. I just want to feel safe for once!"
His words slice you open and you grasp his shoulder, pulling him down into a hug that surprises the both of you. His body envelopes you, bringing you warmth, even as his touch sends a shiver down your spine.
You see the battle being fought inside his mind, you can almost hear the clang of weapons when he opens his mouth to speak. The boy whose father turned away when he was hurt and pushed him further when he tried to hold back.
You don't have any illusions about being able to save him from himself, but you also know that if you can make him feel safe for just a moment, it may be enough.
"I'm here with you," you whisper against his neck. "I'm always going to be with you."
He makes a sound that's somewhere between a gasp and a groan and suddenly his lips are on yours. He turns you around, away from the railing, and brings his hands up to your face, his fingers tangling in your hair. He can taste the unspoken words between your lips, and he wishes he lived in a world where you could say them, and he could accept, but he doesn't.
So instead he settles for this. For one night where he can pretend he isn't a Malfoy and that he doesn't have the responsibilities he has been given. One night where you look at him and see the boy you once loved, and not a problem that needs to be fixed.
You slide your hands up his back, gasping against his mouth as he tugs on your hair just hard enough for it to sting. You can feel his hands make their way down your spine, and when his fingers glide over each ridge, it's like he's trying to memorize every divot of your body.
Draco was not the kind of boy who did things without a purpose. He had a reason when he bought the Slytherin team new brooms, just as he did when he joined Umbridge's student army. Tonight was no different. You could feel the finality in each of his touches, as though he was trying to fit every experience and emotion into one moment.
He brings his hands down to the hem of your sweater, lifting it up and over your head in one motion. A small breeze floats across your skin, scattering goosebumps in its wake. When he returns his lips to your neck and laves over your pulse, the shiver that runs through you isn't from the cold.
Your fingers make quick work of the buttons on his shirt, but when you move to cast it away, he grabs your hands and brings them down with a slight shake of his head. He leaves open-mouthed kisses along your jaw, but when he bares his teeth, nipping at the junction where you neck meets your collarbone, your knees start to buckle.
Draco uses your momentum to lean you down on the ground, quickly tearing his jacket off and laying it under your head. Your body, laid out before him, is open for the taking, and he has to grit his teeth to keep his pants from tightening too fast. He makes quick work of your skirt, and when his cold fingers slide over your entrance, you shudder under him, before grasping his neck and bringing him down to kiss you again.
He enters you slowly, his lithe fingers taking their time as you gasp against his mouth. Your hips jump as he adds another finger, and the only sounds you hear are the deepening of your breaths and the twinkling of the wind chimes hung across the Astronomy tower.
Draco grips onto your waist, using his positioning to press you farther into the hard ground as you shudder beneath him. His fingers dig into your soft skin, relishing every sigh and touch you afford him. He knows he would take anything you would give him now, and he does.
When his thumb finds your clit, you are practically shaking, and a few more quick thrusts are all it takes to make you buck forward, your thighs tightening as moans spill from your lips.
He comes down for another searing kiss, swallowing your gasps as your aftershocks abate. You look so beautiful sprawled out in front of him, your eyes blissful and your mouth and neck splotched pink from his teeth.
"Draco," you whisper, sitting up and undoing the buttons of his pants. "I want this- I want you, please."
His skin is flushed and he looks ethereal with his shirt hanging over his shoulders. When his pants come off, he bends over you again, leaning you back slowly. His eyes don't leave yours as he enters you, taking his time until he bottoms out.
Your mouth parts with a silent cry and he pushes in again, unable to take his eyes off the divot between your eyebrows as pleasure overtakes you. You have always been beautiful and he closes his eyes for a moment, unable to believe he gets to have you like this.
He presses his lips to your throat, trying to put everything he can't say into the touch of your skin. I love you, I love you, I love you. 
His thrusts hasten and he drags his teeth down your neck, fulfilling his primal urge to mark you in some way that's so much more pure and raw than the mark defiling his skin.
Your gasps get louder before suddenly you're tumbling over the edge. It's not long before you're taking him with you, and he presses his palm into the ground beside you to keep his body from falling onto yours.
You feel incredible around him, and for a moment he almost forgets about the brand piercing his wrist, turning him into someone he's not.
When you both come down, you smile at him sweetly, reaching up to smooth down the side of his messy hair.
He has to resist the urge to bend down and steal another kiss when a bell rings loudly and fear punctures his brain, blurring his vision momentarily.
They're coming.
"You have to get out of here," he hisses, grabbing your sweater and pressing it into your hands. "Now, go, please."
"Draco, you're scaring me," you say, tugging your sweater and skirt on as he buttons his shirt, murmuring something you can't hear under his breath. "Please just tell me what's happening."
"I need you to leave!" he yells and his voice sounds like a shard of broken glass. Sharp, cutting.
You aren't moving fast enough and he has to get you out of here before they arrive. Before the plan went into motion.
His wrist starts to burn even more, and he winces, grabbing it in a futile attempt to hold them off. It's the wrong move, because you catch his motions immediately, seizing his hand and yanking his sleeve back.
The mark is like a sickness and you blanch, recoiling away from him with a disgust he never thought he would see from you.
"I can't- I, I can't believe-" you stammer, your hands coming up to cover your mouth as nausea rolls through you. "How could you?"
He closes his eyes, unable to stand the hatred brewing in your eyes, no matter how much he deserves it. "It's over for me. I made my choice."
Maybe your friends were right. Maybe you really were a sucker for lost causes. Because even with the black stain of the Death Eaters staring you in the face, a small part of you screams out from under the rubble of your destroyed future together, begging you to search for a reason. An explanation.
"You didn't have a choice, Draco," you whisper, hardly able to get the words out.
He doesn't know whether to be proud or heartbroken that you are still trying to look for some good in him, but with the other Death Eaters only moments away from showing up, he can't have you here with him.
"I had a choice," he sneers, throwing as much bitterness and malice into his words as he can muster. "I had a choice, and I chose them."
You open your mouth to speak, but he cuts you off, pulling his wand out of his back pocket. "Don't waste your breath. Nothing you say ever meant anything to me anyway."
Tears sting your eyes and you back away from him, feeling an unfamiliar hatred coursing through your veins. He turns away from you and you scramble to the staircase, tripping over the stairs as your eyes blur under the moonlight.
You are almost at the bottom when you hear the loud crack of an apparation, followed by a high-pitched cackle. When you turn back one last time, you see Draco raising his wand, and as Dumbledore comes into view, you push on, trying to get away from whatever is coming next.
The school feels eerily silent when you make it outside. The wind seems to have quieted down and the birds have stopped their chirping. It's only when Hermione calls out your name that you rush forward and see the aftermath of what must have happened after you left.
You look up instinctually, and when the railing of the Astronomy tower is empty, the tears flooding your eyes finally break free.
HP taglist: @regulusblackswhorecrux @licensedcheek
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