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Today's been a lot more productive than I thought, I just need to keep going! Also, welcome Bernardo to my studyblr family! He was a little easter present from my boyfriend <3
I did some journaling in the morning and it really put things into perspective for me. I highly suggest you try it out! This is where I found my journal prompts.
Tried a little something different with the editing of my pictures, wanted something a little warmer to make up for the cold depressing weather today.
Take care, love you always, xoxo - C.
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voyagenotes · 3 years
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Mornings filled with literature! Currently reading "Maria Stuart" by Friedrich Schiller for my German class while enjoying a cup of tea. Although it's "old German language" I can totally immerse myself in the drama.
Feel free to use my tag#voyagenotes ✨
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acidaminophen · 3 years
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may 27, 2021 (thursday)
my first post! feeling grateful for the placement of my desk: i’m not directly exposed to the harsh sunlight, but my workspace still reaps the benefits of natural illumination. today i’ll be going back to the basics and reviewing general chemistry before moving onto organic chemistry
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voyagenotes · 3 years
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History homework. Bismarck and the German Kaiserreich isn't really my cup of tea. It's just not interesting.
Though this homework will help me in the next few lessons. And our test today went really well. My teacher made it easy, I like her so much.
Feel free to tag me with #voyagenotes
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voyagenotes · 3 years
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4th July - What's the most important task that you need to complete this summer?
To be on top of my studies. I wanna be fully prepared for the new school year
5th July - Do you have any special plans or activities for this summer?
I don't. As boring as it sounds. I wanna stay focused on school and health. I have to plan more.
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voyagenotes · 3 years
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German homework, from like a month. It's kind of an essay, just in short. It took me two hours but my teacher wasn't satisfied. I knew there were parts missing, but still.
🎶 Day 6 - Afraid
Feel free to use my tag#voyagenotes.
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voyagenotes · 3 years
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What are your plans for this summer?
Studying regularly, but not burning myself out, looking for a part time job (I already have a job interview!) and keeping up with my hobbies.
I wrote this journal entry today to collect my thoughts and to be able to recollect memories/emotions/accomplishments. I added some music recs and show recs!
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voyagenotes · 3 years
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6th July - What do you usually do during the summer? Is there anything different this year?
I usually try to avoid thinking about school (work) and just enjoy my free time. Sleeping a lot and engaging with my hobbies. This year is totally different. And I will post a separate time about it. (so stay tuned ✨)
7th July - What did you do during the summer when you were a young child?
I mostly stayed at home enjoying the time and being carefree. Or did what and went to where my mom said.
8th July - What's your happiest summer memory from your childhood?
Probably when everyone went well and nothing too extreme happened? When I didn't have to concern myself with anything and nobody was worrying about anything.
Last week's bujo spread, with a bad header and a typo. But I liked all the stickers and I'm back in the bujo game!
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voyagenotes · 3 years
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2nd July - Do you have a specific goal for this summer?
I wanna revise all of this school year's work. And I want to minimize procrastinating.
3rd July - Do you have a lot of work to do for school or university or your job this summer?
I don't have any official assignments over the holidays. I just wanna be prepared for the new school year. I'm excited for my upcoming job interview.
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voyagenotes · 3 years
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6th May in 2021
I try to be a bit more active. Although I have to admit I don't have much interesting stuff to share.
Taking notes (à la @rylie-studies) Japan off books I'm reading. I'm always invested in books these days.
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