#hhhh. i need to sit down once and like. properly talk abt the characters but what is an attention span
I feel like i've talked quite a bit about how Ghoul doesn't like to break things, but that doesn't mean he doesn't do it at all or that explosives are the only way. What's peculiar, though, is that it's always his things that he breaks. It's carelessly sweeping his tool and projects off the workshop's table, it's toppling racks that are his weight and a half, it's ripping the few decorations in the room he's come to consider something of his own, it's throwing the little contraptions he's soldered together at the ground without caring if they fall apart.
Ghoul doesn't want to hurt those he cares about by destroying everything, but he has no qualms over destroying his own- afterall, that's what he deserves for being a violent little shit, doesn't he?
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