#hi it's me cangrellesteponme and i live projecting my pain onto fictional characters that deal with it worse than i do :)
cangrellesteponme · 3 years
Sometimes I randomly write extremely short stuff about characters having extremely precise feelings I can't name so have this about the Phantomhive brat:
“He's tired. Not the usual "ah, terrible sleep last night" exhaustion, no- the kind of fatigue that comes from a lifetime of not being allowed to want, to need a break and then suddenly the entire world starts acting like you were never denied the right to breathe and it leaves you panicking for hours on end and you don't let yourself rest because you don't know if you should trust it or if the air in your lungs will be taken away again. It's a feeling- an experience too big for his body and every second of it makes his bones ache with something his brain is too sluggish to name.
Tired, yes.”
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