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That kink post reminds me of how I write Hidan in Akachou.
Strong women step on him, he wants to kill her, feral little man energy that no one wants to hear.
Konan: What's your issue?
Hidan: Your blood tastes good
Konan: ....Okay so you want to have sex but what is your real issue
Hidan: ???? Sex? Gross! What do you mean? This is about sacrificing you
He's so stupid I love him.
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munchbell45 · 2 months
🍉🍎 for the fic writing ask!!!
🍉: I generally prefer to do one-shots, though I’ve done a few multi-chapter fics. None of my published fics so far have been over 10K, though I have an unpublished story that I wrote for NaNoWriMo which is a little over 50K (that one needs a lot of editing.)
I often find the idea of planning for long fics intimidating, while it’s easier to just go with the flow on short stories.
🍎: I won’t write anything that you could call Dead Dove: Do Not Eat. Ex: Incest, pedophilia, rape, graphic torture, cannibalism unless it is canon (such as in Digital Devil Saga,) etc.
For other things, let’s start with fic genres. I have no plans to write a gamer fic because writing all of the stats sounds boring. I don’t plan to write a harem because they feel… unequal? Polyamory is otherwise cool.
I’m not comfortable with writing fandom-blind. I like to be familiar with a source material before writing a story.
There are also some ships that I don’t care for, so I won’t write them. For example, TobiDei, SasuSaku, HidaKona (not sure why,) Kakashi x anyone else in Team 7.
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grazihilario6 · 1 year
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Hidan and Konan in daily life, enjoying a smoothie .
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neqquu · 3 years
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Act Of Grace
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ladykissingfish · 3 years
A Date with an Angel // Part Two // Hidan and Obito
“Order whatever you want; I swiped the old fuck’s credit card so dinner’s on him!” Konan panics at this, and refuses to pick up her menu until Hidan takes out his wallet and proves that he was just kidding. Today was Hidan’s turn at entertaining the lovely little lady, and he had originally intended to take her to a heavy metal performance at bar downtown (he was friends with the lead guitarist so they would have gotten in free). However, after he informed Nagato of his plans, he was met with a disappointing “Konan hates heavy metal.”, so he decided to take her to dinner instead. She seemed entirely suspicious when he approached her earlier (wearing a dress shirt and tie instead of his usual dirty muscle tank and ripped sweatpants), but nonetheless agreed to go with him to a quiet little cafe a few blocks down from the house. Konan has never really known what to make of Hidan. He was just slightly older than Deidara, but (in Konan’s opinion) ranking much higher on the “immaturity” wheel. He’s been nicknamed by the rest of the group as “Mr. Never-Dies”, because no matter what happens, what job he takes on, how badly he’s hurt ... he just keeps getting back up. One time he came home with blood running from the crown of his head and flowing into his boots, but rather than let anyone take him to a hospital, Hidan took out a needle and made Kakuzu stitch the gash on his forehead. No painkillers, no alcohol, not even any flinching. Anyone else would have been substantially messed up after such a heavy blood loss ... but Hidan was just fine, in fact laughing and talking like nothing was amiss. He’s extremely foul-mouthed and has a thing for telling dirty jokes, but today, on his date with Konan, he’s making a great effort to restrain himself. Hidan wants very badly to put his arm around her waist as he walks along beside her, but resists as he knows Nagato will tear him a new asshole if he makes her in anyway uncomfortable. He’s at a loss for what to talk to her about, so he simply asks her how she’s feeling. There’s a pause, and she goes “I’m not really sure. I lost my mood ring yesterday.” He bursts out laughing, so hard that she blushes. “That’s pretty damn funny, lady.”Konan tilts her head in surprise; nobody had ever complimented her humor before. In fact she’s usually told that the few jokes she does make are very flat, or somewhat dark. Fast forward to the cafe, where Konan is surprised again that Hidan asks for a table that’s “quiet”, and pulls out her chair for her. The waiter comes back and Konan is amused by the amount of food that Hidan is ordering. When it’s her turn, her mind is a blank, so she just orders the last thing he said (which was spaghetti and meatballs). “That’s all?” he asks, as the waiter collects their menus and leaves. “No wonder you’re so slender.” She asks him how in the world HE’S so skinny when he eats so much, and he explains he has a fast metabolism, like his mother. Konan is interested; she’s never heard him mention his family before. As if reading her mind, he says, “Me and those guys just don’t get along. They wrote me off as a brain-dead bastard when I said I wasn’t goin’ to college.” “College isn’t everything, you know. People have to do what’s right for them.” Hidan agrees, and begins telling her his much he enjoys working for Nagato, and the type of jobs they do. It’s interesting; when you got him away from the others and in a calm, quiet setting, Hidan was ... normal. Normal and actually very charming. And although he never says it out-loud, Konan gets the strong impression that Hidan has come to consider the rest of the group as being a surrogate family. Then the food comes out and Hidan turns into a different creature altogether. He eats much like an animal, viciously and indiscriminately. But instead of being disgusted by this, Konan ... feels relaxed. There’s an unspoken feeling here, that with Hidan, she can let go and be herself. She doesn’t have to worry about looking pretty, or eating daintily, or acting “like a lady”. In fact Hidan orders them ice cream sundaes for dessert,
then challenges her to see who can eat theirs the fastest. Hidan ends up winning, but they end up with a horrible case of brain-freeze that leaves them both paralyzed for several moments ... yet laughing pretty hard. Even though Konan ate far less than Hidan, she feels quite stuffed nonetheless and mentions this to Hidan, who immediately offers to give her a piggy back ride home. She hesitates to accept; it’s a ways home and Konan feels she’s not the lightest woman in the world (especially after a big meal). But he insists, and she lets him hoist her into his back and trot back to the house with her. They laugh and joke the entire way, with Hidan making numerous comments about how light she is and how good she smells. “That’s one thing about living in a house full of guys for so long; I got so used to the smell of ass and dirty socks and Doritos that I forgot there’s people in the world who know what the fuck deodorant and shampoo are!” Konan laughs so hard at this that she slips off Hidan’s back and lands on her knees in the grass, holding her stomach and howling. Seeing that she likely won’t calm down anytime soon to grab onto his back again, Hidan picks her up and carries her in his arms the last two blocks home. He sets her down gently outside the front door, telling her how much fun she is to be with, when she throws her arms around his shoulders, squeezing him. “I can’t remember the last time I laughed this hard,” she says as she lets him go, wiping tears from her eyes. “Thank you.” He hesitates, then leans down and very gently kisses her cheek, before telling her that she’s welcome to hang out with him anytime, because “I’ve got a million more jokes, doll, and I’ll gladly tell ‘em all to you.” He walks her to her room and chances giving her another kiss, this one on the forehead, before bidding her Goodnight.
“Can I ask you a question?” “Yeah?” “When we’re at home, when we’re around the others, why do you wear that thing?” It’s the next day, and Konan is at a bar (ironically, the same one that Hidan wanted to take her to the previous day) with Obito. Out of everyone in the house, Obito is the one that strikes Konan as being the most mysterious. To begin with, the day she met him he was wearing a unique orange half-mask over his face ... and never took it off. She questioned Nagato about it but he seemed reluctant to speak on Obito’s unique fashion choice, and none of the others acted as though there was anything strange about it. He joined he others for dinner each night but seemed to prefer sweets to actual food, and he was quiet. Nagato told Konan that Obito was more or less his right hand man within the organization, and had helped him recruit the other members. Obito never spoke to her unless she spoke first ... so naturally she had been surprised when he approached her as she was coming out of her room, and asked if she minded joining him for “a quick drink”. The bar, like everything else, was in walking distance of the house; but Obito took her on the back of his motorcycle. It was a short ride but an exhilarating one ... and it got even more exciting when, upon entering the bar, Obito glanced around, saw there weren’t many people, and took off his mask. He found them a seat at a table near the back, and ordered them both a glass of wine. Konan had tried her hardest not to stare at his face ((which was difficult; aside from a few jagged scars on the left side and what looked like a damaged eye, he was quite handsome)) but eventually he caught her looking, hence giving her the bravery to pose her question. Obito paused for several moments, as if contemplating what to say. “Why do women wear makeup? Why do people dye their hair or get piercings or tattoos or wear crazy clothes? It’s because they have something about themselves that they don’t like, so they try to cover it up. I don’t like my face. I haven’t since my accident.” Konan blinks, genuinely surprised at Obito’s answer. She chances it to ask “Accident?” He gave her a wry smile and ordered himself a shot of whiskey (and her an ice tea) saying he needed something stronger to tell her about it. “When I was a kid, my parents liked to go rock climbing. Took me with to National parks every summer. One year my dad got drunk and took me and my mom up a dangerous path. He pulled on a rock the wrong way, and it came out of the mountain, along with a bunch more, and crashed down on us. Really long fall; mom and dad killed right away. But me ... I guess the devil decided he wasn’t done with me. A boulder crushed this entire side of my body, and my face got fucked ... but I lived. Had to go to a lot of physical therapy. Also had to go live with my uncle Madara — that guy’s a piece of work. But anyway I lived and here we are, right?” Konan is quiet for a long while, watching the ice cubes float around in her glass. “I like you like this,” she finally says, and this time she’s looking him directly in the face. “I understand if you want to be someone different, or like, if you feel like your mask makes you different, but, if you ever want to be THIS Obito ... please come to my room. We can talk, we can listen to music and eat junk and watch movies and talk about books and —“ Obito interrupts her by putting both arms around her, squeezing her warmly. “Thank you, Konan.” They stay for another few hours, and Konan is pleasantly surprised to find that Obito without the mask, Obito away from the house ... is fantastic. He teaches her how to play pool, he keeps her laughing with countless stories about growing up with his “crazy uncle”. At one point in the night he convinces her to join him at the karaoke machine on the stage, and the two sing duets of Disney songs (to the thunderous applause of the few people at the bar).The ride back home is mostly quiet, him driving slower this time and her holding on to him, each filled with their own thoughts. Before they get to the front
door, Konan lifts Obito’s mask just the slightest bit, and kisses his cheek. “This is the best night I’ve had in a long, long time. I appreciate you letting me get to know you.” He smiles and blushes, then slides the mask back into place before opening the front door. Some of the others are in the living room, and Obito quietly greets them before heading to his room. Konan was awed by how effortless the switch from animated and somewhat goofy to reserved and calm seemed to be for him ... and found herself wondering if any of the others were putting on a facade as well. She takes her shower and goes to her room, intending to go to sleep early, but after about an hour of restlessly tossing back and forth, she gives it up. She turns her light back on and picks up the remote to her tv, thinking that maybe a good, boring show will put her to sleep. But before she can find anything, a knock comes on the door. She goes to open it, and is surprised to find Obito standing there. “I saw the light underneath your door. Can I come in?” She takes him by the arm and pulls him inside. Once inside, he slides off his mask and, looking around, finds a seat for himself on one of Konan’s chairs. He opens up his jacket to reveal a small book, worn and obviously read many times. “I saw you reading this last week. I remember you telling Sasori that you finished it. I was wondering; what did you think in Chapter seven, when —“
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evartandadam · 3 years
Hi eva I wanted to say that I am a big fan of yours and would love to know if you are going to make any more Konahida art? I love this couple very much and would love to know; love your art so much your style everything I find perfect !!
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Here is a sketch I did ages ago! Hope you like it!
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akatsukigakuen · 3 years
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if you read gakuen from the start there was a page where Kakuzu truly wishes Hidan’s death ,but when this becomes reality his heart literally breaks.
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exgorgitation · 4 years
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What do you call two punks and a cultist? A party.
As a middleschooler HidaKonaPein was my One True Pairing. Rediscovering the ship again, I found that there's some dynamics to that ship that was left unexplored.
Like Hidan getting split like an ice cream sandwich.
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createdbyalicia · 3 years
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Let's end the year with some HidaKona! 🥰 This is a gift for a friend on Deviantart, who made me this amazing SaiNeji drawing for Christmas: : www.deviantart.com/eridini/art… I really love it!  💖 Hidan and Konan (c) Masashi Kishimoto
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rcrisdraws · 4 years
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For @disperfectionzm !!!
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Are you a pr0shipper? I've been following you for a while but I want to know if I should just unfollow and block you or not and I just wanna make sure before I accidentally block one of my favorite artists for no reason
What's the definition of a proshipper these days?
I can't keep track.
I ship my OCS, Hidakona, Soriel, Rocketshipping, Vanessa x Daycare Attendant (i don't think they have a name.) and... that's about it.
So yeah. There are ships that I like. And ships that I hate.
Back in the day, proshipper meant that you would like a ship. Any ship. Literally if you liked Fry and Leela from Futurama and the idea of them being together you would be called a proshipper.
Liking Fred Flintstone and Wilma together would be proship.
Lucy and Ricky from I love Lucy would be proship
But now I feel it's a word thrown around to accuse someone of podophile or grooming children or something.
And I honestly want no part of it.
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eroshoneycrispapple · 4 years
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"sunrise angel"
my secret santa gift for @dana-chan325 for the @akatsuki-gift-exchange event! I hope you will like it! (open for better quality)
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1-n-f-e-c-t-e-d · 4 years
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+WTGS pg29-33+
Read left to right--->
Hidan is cute when he doesn’t get hings :3 but don’t tease him too much, it’s bad for his psyche :o
Everyone is like, when did Tobi get there? No one knows! That’s the charm! That little wierdo!
Poor konan, getting all the blame, Konan is nice Hidan... don’t punish her! :< 
Hidan sure doesn’t know when to shut up! Even I want to punch him! XD
Date: 2020-02-23 Characters © Masashi Kishimoto Art and Story by - 1-n-f-e-c-t-e-d
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Hug by Eloni
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