#hint: it's the racism
Not art this time but...
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Headcanon: Lucifer visits Earth every decade or so as a part of his job as the ruler of Hell. He does it to learn about new sins as "subtly" as he could.
Lucifer: What is ray-sings-sims? Raising-sims? Raisins? Rain-Race-sin? R-Racisms? YES! That! Is it the one where people hate on the opposite sex for absolutely no reason even though humans were all made of the same cosmic dust?
Black woman: (Looking amused at the most stereotypical rich white guy she's ever met asking about sexism and racism.)
Lucifer: Yeah. This cocaine thing is doing nothing for me. I don't really get it, but this is a sin too. So marking that off the list! Thanks for letting me have a go at this, uh, Mr. Dealer? That's your last name, right? Oh man. I'm really bad at remembering names, but have this as a token of my appreciation. (Gives him a thousand dollars which is basically worth even more at the time.)
Drug dealer: (Gobsmacked the guy was still able to keep walking after practically inhaling every drug in existence back then.)
Lucifer: So this, um, cult thing? How did it get assigned to our department again? It sounds just like what Heaven does to me. Huh. Ah well. I guess I'll just roll with it like everyone else here. (Shrugs.) Yay, cult! Sooo do I get to keep the robe? It's kinda comfy- Aw wait there's murder? One died a-and another... Oh... OH... Ooooh boy. Oof. Yikes... So this means I can DEFINITELY keep the robe, right?
Lucifer: Ah yes. Burning the witch. Time to list down all the sorry souls who threw their life into the flame by believing in the occult arts. (Lists down everyone in the crowd who burned said "witch.") And as for Ms. Agnes The Witch here... Hmm. Well, that's for Heaven to worry about! Toodles~! Or, uh, Tickety-Boo!
(Needless to say, dear Luci has been an accidental charmer back on Earth. ^v^ Specially to sinners and people who were just unjustly treated during those times. He just had to see what every sin was for himself and try them out from time to time, but he didn't know he's been perceived as acting with the manners and traditions he gathered from the LAST decade he was on Earth so to everyone who's long gone pass those times, he comes off as a polite old-school rich white man. Naive yet surprisingly non-judgemental.)
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creature-wizard · 6 months
"""Progressive""" conspiracy theorists will be like "archaeology and anthropology are tools of colonialism!!!" and then advocate the most racist pseudohistory white people came up with.
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lgbtlunaverse · 4 days
The thing is: there's actually absolutely nothing wrong with modern/university/highschool or whatever AUs that take characters originally from japan or china or korea or any other country and plop them in america. There's a huge and varied disapora population in the us, and if the (usually usa) author wants to write about characters in a setting familiar to them that's perfectly normal and fine.
But what gets really jarring is when a fic clearly takes place in the united states but it doesn't know it takes place in the united states. Characters are just going to us-style schools and colleges and eating fluffy pancakes with maple syrup but they're also still using honorifics like -ge or -hyung or -kun and names are said last name – first name so you think ok they live in the usa but speak their native tongue around each other. That makes sense. Except it's never actually mentioned or talked about and no one ever switches to english in public, no one is relieved to have friends from the same ethnicity, no one has family that still lives overseas, no one talks about not being able to get certain ingredients at the grocery store to cook their favorote childhood dishes, and no one in general seems to be even be aware that they're diaspora. As if the fic isn't even meant to be in the us.
It's like the reverse of ace attorney's japanifornia, instead of a los angeles with an incredible amount of japanese cultural influence they live in a japan where everything just happens to be usamerican.
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aquaristintern · 2 months
going off of what dwreader and ghostfoolish have been saying better than i can:
why do people think louis will still be a believable victim and it won't be racist if the show just has armand mess with louis's memories regarding 1x05 and how claudia died, and also be controlling him throughout the entire interview/relationship? like not only does it paint victims of abuse as unreliable and unstable, therefore not be trusted with anything*, but it also, just, shifts most if not all the blame from a white man to a poc? we've asking this the entire time, but they still don't have an answer for that.
*like statistically speaking victims of abuses' memories might be muddled/repressed from the trauma, so even though they know the abuse happened, people will use the fact that they might not be able to describe an entire fight in specific detail, or got some dates mixed up, or did not speak up sooner, to paint them as mentally ill liars, or even abusers themselves. which is why i think giving louis false memories in 1x05 is still victim blaming in a way, because it encourages the trend of victims not being believed.
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butchniqabi · 1 year
me every time i see a woman in historical film/tv: wheres her body hair
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heroicallynude · 11 months
wait wait wait I've been seeing so many people up in arms about this new show with Cleopatra portrayed by a black woman, and I thought it was some new blockbuster movie, or a bit HBO show to generate this amount of whining, and its just a documentary series on Netflix???
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thishazeleyeddemon · 2 months
can we talk about the trend in fandoms where the characters of color (especially men of color) always have to be like, sex gods?? always the buff confident top. sometimes very overtly sexually aggressive even if it goes against their characterization. can 2024 be the year we quit doing that
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coppermouth · 3 months
it's wild here on hockeyblr
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dykekakashi · 4 months
begging gay people to listen to anything other than whatever gay white kid's album please. sometimes xxxtentacion's sad can be sns too
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andersdotters · 7 months
Really hate to word it this way, but was there even any mention of anti-melusine sentiment before the 4.1 trailer?
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cistematicchaos · 1 year
Okay, who knows the name of that fucker who writes papers on autistic people and claimed that cops "become temporarily autistic" when they murder people and that they can't be held accountable because autistic people are practically brain-dead and don't see other people as people?
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sukibenders · 9 months
It's funny seeing some Bridgerton fans hate on Eloise for her mindset and her approaches to feminism (they should be criticized for sure because, girl, not everyone has the same advantages as you, but I don't think she deserves hate for that as she's still has room to grow and learn) because the other girls and young women around her don't have the same luxuries as her, as the show is set in a world that's literally against women, but said fans will be the same people who go off on Marina and call her a gold digger and so many other nasty names for seeking out Colin, even when the show gives us direct insight into her life and how that's, not only, a big part of the show but that other characters do so as well.
Bridgerton is set during the Regency period, a time when it was literally a woman's duty to find the best match possible and, hopefully, make it up on the social ladder. It was a marriage market for crying out loud. For many, their lives depended on it, as seen with Marina. I've seen some fans want her to be with that ugly old guy, even with the horrific suggestions that may occur from that marriage, but can't fathom her being with Colin for the sake of a better future just because she gets in the way of a ship. Like that is so wrong. Does Eloise have things to work on when it comes to her mindset on women and the world around her? Of course! But the way some fans want to act better than her, but hate on Marina for doing the same thing they say Eloise doesn't understand, nor will have to go through, is laughable.
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
So you're saying that Sarah Winchester *didn't* feel any guilt about obtaining a fortune made from slaughtering Native Americans.
I don't know. She never said either way.
It's quite possible that, as a wealthy white Victorian woman, she never thought much about what the guns were used for (hunting or genocide or wars of various justifications or any of a hundred other uses people found for Winchester guns, ranging from benign to unthinkably monstrous). Or maybe she did- John Hays Hammond, Jr. felt guilty about making his money from radio guidance missile systems in the 1920s, after all. The fact is, we simply have no writings from her on the subject, that I'm aware of.
What I'm saying is just that she did not build her house because she feared the vengeful spirits of Winchester rifle victims, as modern pop history says.
(Also like. To be clear, please don't take joke posts about her attractiveness or posts decrying the myths spread about her life as Stanning. Sarah Winchester was a complicated person with good and bad aspects, like most historical figures, and must be taken as such in any serious discussion of her life.)
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flashhwing · 9 months
listen you could talk at length about how literally any genre of any media has a misogyny problem (hint: it's because media is a reflection of the world we live in, which has a misogyny problem) but you only really see people talking about it in relation to like rap and horror movies. why is that
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omegalomania · 1 year
genuine question why are people so against people who don’t like post hiatus ? i really just don’t like most of their post hiatus work but i think prehiatus is some of the best music ever. just confused about why people are so upset that others don’t like mania/post hiatus
i think you'd benefit from having a good long think about why you don't like most of their posthiatus work. maybe have a nice long think on what specifically about it bothers you. the answer might surprise you!
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morganrat · 2 months
there we go
something about forks and ambience
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i like where it came from though
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