ladylyra · 1 year
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posting these before the comic actually finishes because its going to be a minute
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teshamerkel · 26 days
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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Seekers of Soul
[Chapter 54]
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A mission with Team Evergreen.
Tobias wakes at dawn, his internal clock as sharp as ever despite the earthquake disrupting his night of sleep. They’re supposed to join Team Evergreen for a joint mission today, so Tobias shakes Nia awake rougher than he usually does, not wanting Andyn to hold poor punctuality over their heads the whole morning. Nia whines, somehow even more difficult to wake when she has a blanket to bury herself back under. Finally, Tobias just rips the covers off her curled body, and is almost impressed by the sleepy glare she gives him in return.
Eventually, Tobias manages to drag Nia to her paws and get the two of them get moving. They eat a quick breakfast of the berries they’d brought back from Maggie’s the day before as they head down the Lexym Tree, until they finally reach the bottom floor underground.
“Whoa,” Nia murmurs.
While this floor is pretty much always populated, Seekers clustered around the mission boards and moving out into the forest through the spiderweb of tunnels circling the room, it’s rarely this busy. A bustling crowd of Pokemon are moving in and out of the space, more Seekers than Tobias has seen active at once. Some of the higher-ranked teams, powerful and scarred and more often than not evolved, are trailing in with exhaustion on their faces, while the lower-rank teams are tagging out for their own missions in the Haven. Must be taking shifts on earthquake cleanup.
Verene and a few higher-rank guild members seem to be directing teams on where to head next, the mission board not yet updated with all of the information coming in from last night’s damages.
“Oh! Over there!” Nia says, pointing.
Tobias follows her gaze to where Ezra is waving them over, the sneasel’s claws just barely visible over the crowd. Tobias takes the lead and weaves through the throng of Pokemon until he and Nia finally reach Team Evergreen’s side.
“Good morning,” Jaz says. The little stufful looks unruffled as always by everything going on, giving them both a smile.
“Morning! Where’s Andyn?” Nia asks.
Ezra jerks a claw over his shoulder.
Tobias follows the gesture. The deerling is shoving her way through the crowd towards a servine who is doling out missions, a solosis at their side communicating information with its telepathy.
As Nia starts up a conversation with Ezra and Jaz, Tobias pushes his own way through the crowd until he’s at the deerling’s side.
“D-Rank team,” Andyn is saying. “Three members.”
“We’re doing a team-up mission, actually,” Tobias interrupts, glaring at Andyn and daring her to argue. “So five members.”
She doesn’t look happy to see Tobias, as usual, but she doesn’t contradict him.
“Deerling, sneasel, and stufful.”
“Charmander and riolu.”
The servine’s tongue flicks thoughtfully as they look down at the papers in their short, leafy hands. The solosis floats closer to murmur to them, and the servine nods and crosses something off their list.
“Most of the Haven has been attended to, so we’re starting to focus on the guild. One of the tunnels down here caved in after the quake. We need the next shift of hands to help remove the rubble.”
Tobias feels Andyn deflate at his side, and tries not to do the same.
“Cave cleanup?” Andyn asks, voice bordering on a whine. “Surely you could use us somewhere more important? We aren’t even ground types!”
“Ground types are handling the unstable areas out in the forest,” The servine says, raising a brow and looking a bit impatient.
Andyn straightens up immediately at the expression. “R-Right. Um. Which tunnel, then?”
The servine flicks their leafy tail towards one of the eastern tunnels, before gesturing for them to hurry out of the way for the next team.
Tobias gives Andyn a sour look once they step away. “You were really going to lie just to get out of working with us.”
Andyn scoffs, refusing to meet his eye, and marches back to their teammates. “I forgot, okay?”
Ezra and Jaz are unphased by Andyn’s mood or her news that they’ll be on cave cleanup. Nia, too, just seems happy to spend some time with her friends. Tobias resigns himself to the job and prepares for a long day of monotonous, tiring work and an evening of picking dirt out from under his claws.
When they head into the tunnel they were directed to, it almost seems like nothing is wrong. The rounded, grooved walls appear sturdy as usual, the blue stones jutting from the earth intact and glowing softly.
It’s as they move deeper that the damage and cleanup effort becomes more obvious. Temporary torches line the walls to offer more light, warming up the unusual darkness of the tunnel. The walls themselves are no longer smoothed, instead a lumpy patchwork of soil as if they had to be hastily molded anew after the earthquake. Hard dirt and rubble is scattered across the floor, not yet cleaned up or tamped down by footsteps. The blue stones that usually grow from the walls and ceiling are largely destroyed, mixed in among the soil in broken, dull shards. As they walk even deeper, five sets of footsteps absorbed by the earth, brackets of wood start to appear too, lining the tunnel walls like ribs. Probably helping to add stability as they excavate, if Tobias had to guess.
Tobias registers the quiet murmur of conversation right before they finally reach the worksite. The tunnel, as expected, is blocked by fallen rocks and soil, a mountain at least three times Tobias’ height. A large cart sits heavy on its wheels nearby, a ramp leading up to its bed and a couple of metal buckets sitting around its base. More torches are jammed into the ground around the area to provide extra light, especially without the usual blue glow of the gemstones available.
Two huge Pokemon are gesturing at the cave-in as they talk. The largest is a stout, familiar-looking hippowdon, her dark gray hide nearly blending in with the darkness. The other is a tall Pokemon, its head resting atop thin but powerful tentacles—a toedscruel.
Nia steps closer, grabbing Tobias’ arm to whisper, “Tobias, we met her the first day I came to the guild! The hippo. Um. Alana, I think?”
“Abana,” Jaz corrects in a whisper of her own. “She’s typically a tunnel guard.”
The hippowdon’s little ears flick, and the conversation between the two large Pokemon cuts off as they turn to look at the newcomers.
“Guessing you’re the next batch of hands, then?” The toedscruel asks, his voice gravelly.
“Looks like it,” Abana says, moving closer with steps heavy enough to rumble the ground beneath them. Her gaze moves over each of them, then pauses on Nia.
Nia gives her a shy, hopeful wave.
“Little riolu!” The hippowdon crows, giving a big, blocky smile. “Been a while since I’ve seen you around! I was wondering if you were still at the guild. You a Seeker now?”
“Y-Yes, ma’am! It’s good to see you again.”
The hippowdon chuckles. “You as well, little one. Happy to say I recognize everyone else here, too! At least a bit. You two are Maggie’s boy and Idris and Brielle’s daughter, right?”
Tobias straightens up and nods, flushing. It feels strange, to hear others so confidently call him Maggie’s when he wasn’t nearly as certain about it until recently. But it’s…nice, too. And at least Abana doesn’t already seem to hate him like a lot of the guild does. He hasn’t ran into her much over the years.
Andyn straightens too, chest puffing with pride. “That’s right, ma’am! Ready to make them proud.”
Abana laughs, and the sound is loud in the small space of the tunnel. “Good to hear! Don’t worry, we’ll certainly put you to work. Last group left just a bit ago all tuckered out. Let’s see if we can keep you going until noon.”
Ezra salutes the hippowdon. Nia, after a panicked glance at the sneasel, does the same. Tobias snorts.
“Listen up. Here’s how this goes,” The toedscruel says, crossing one tentacle over the other. “I’m Conifer and this is Abana. We’ll be doing the digging itself to make sure the tunnel stays stable. You all are on cleanup duty.”
Andyn’s ear flicks, but she doesn’t interrupt.
The toedscruel turns to point to the top of the cave-in, where there’s a black gap of space between the rubble and the ceiling. “We’re using a benching method. We dig out the top layer first to gauge the stability of the tunnel and what materials we’re working with, then go back to dig out the layers underneath.”
“But all you five gotta worry about is moving that spoil.” Abana nods to the bottom of the heap, where broken chunks of stone and soil taper off. “Over to that cart as we work.”
Tobias follows the hippowdon’s gaze over to the large cart against the wall, humming his assent. Not exciting work, but easy enough to understand.
Andyn takes a step forward. Her voice is respectful and chipper on the surface, but Tobias can hear something more strained running underneath. “That’s it? I—we can really help more with the digging itself, if you'd like! Surely we’d be more useful actually helping out.”
“You’ll be more useful unburied,” Conifer grumbles. “If you don’t want to do the work we need done, go complain to whoever sent you down here.”
Andyn hesitates, glancing back at each of them. Her gaze lingers on Tobias, as if hoping that he'll join her in throwing a fit. He raises a brow, unimpressed.
“No,” Andyn says, stepping back. “We’ve got it.”
And with that, they get to work.
Andyn and Ezra are stationed atop the tumble of earth itself. They work on jabbing away at the discarded rock and soil with their hooves and claws, breaking it up until it’s small and loose enough to be scooped into the provided buckets. The buckets are almost as big as Jaz, so the stufful’s job is just to fill them with her blunt paws before scooting them behind her for the next ‘mon to grab. Tobias and Nia are put in charge of carrying the filled buckets up the ramp to dump into the cart before returning the empty containers to the stufful’s side. Then the cycle repeats.
“What happens when we fill up the whole cart?” Ezra asks, pausing in his digging to look over his shoulder.
Tobias grunts as he picks up his second bucket of soil—almost half his size and just as heavy. They are going to be so sore after today. “Dunno.”
“A psychic Pokemon will come grab the cart to empty outside when it’s full,” Conifer says distractedly from where he’s monitoring the hollow shelf above the cave-in.
Abana, who had squeezed inside the gap, is nowhere to be seen. Dirt and rocks occasionally come spraying out of the opening to tumble down to Andyn and Ezra, though, so she must be digging.
Tobias can’t walk normally with the heavy bucket in his arms, so he waddles carefully up the ramp to dump its contents onto the empty bed of the cart. A thin layer of dirt and rocks spill over the floorboards, wood grain still clearly visible through the soil.
Nia’s footfalls, heavier than usual, plod up the wooden ramp behind Tobias. She overturns her own bucket and watches the dirt scatter across the wood, looking just as disheartened as he feels by how little it actually seems to add. Tobias bites back a sigh and turns to go back to the pile, where Jaz is already scooping rock and dirt into a third bucket.
Grab bucket. Carry up ramp. Dump. Ignore how quickly his muscles are starting to burn. Repeat.
Nia sets down her bucket after the next drop and shakes out her arms, looking between the cart and the mountain of earth with her ears low. “We’re supposed to do this for six hours?”
“I’m sure we can take breaks to rest and get water,” Jaz soothes, nudging the next filled bucket towards them. “The guild wouldn’t want us to hurt ourselves.”
“Correct,” Conifer rumbles, making Nia jump. “We will call for breaks, but take a breather if you need one. You are here to work, not injure yourself.”
That’s good at least, but it doesn’t make the work any less grueling.
“Why do we keep ending up in tunnels, anyways?” Tobias growls, more to himself than anything, as he grabs another bucketful to carry to the cart.
“The Asra mines were kind of your fault, to be fair,” Nia says as she approaches, then pauses. “Actually, you picked out the tropius mission too, didn’t you?”
“Yeah, yeah. It was a rhetorical question,” Tobias grumbles, flicking her leg with his tail as he passes. Nia laughs, but doesn’t push the point.
The process from there is long, monotonous, and most of all exhausting. Dig, scoop, carry, dump, repeat.
Tobias is steaming with sweat and his shoulders and arms are burning within the hour. From the way Nia’s playful comments and Ezra’s lighthearted chatter die down to wordless, heavy breathing, they must be feeling the strain as well.
Abana and Conifer take turns digging out the shelf and then the earth underneath, stopping to discuss the process in quiet voices between each switch. Well, until—
“Seekers,” Conifer suddenly says, startling everyone. “Take a break.”
Tobias blinks, looking between the endless mountain of soil and the barely filled cart. It doesn’t look like it’s time for a break, much as his body would appreciate one.
The toedscruel waves a dismissive tentacle. “Go on. One of you grab water for the rest of the group. Rest up for a bit, then get back to it.”
Andyn grunts, then immediately jabs away at the soil with renewed vigor.
Ezra sighs. “Anne.”
“You take a break,” Andyn huffs. “I’m fine.”
Tobias rolls his eyes. What exactly does she think she’s proving by being a stubborn brat?
One of Conifer’s yellow tentacles reaches over to wrap around the deerling’s middle. She yelps as she’s plucked from the dirt and placed down closer to the cart.
“Rest,” Conifer says with a sharp look. “Or you will burn out too quickly. That’s an order.”
Andyn ducks her head in what could be an agreeable bow, if Tobias couldn’t see her annoyed expression from his angle.
The deerling reluctantly follows Conifer’s command, though, and soon enough the two teams are sitting around the cart to rest. Jaz had put up the world’s politest fight so she could be the one to go get the canteen of water and some hydration fruit, citing that she was doing the least physically demanding labor. Other than a token protest from Nia, no one had argued, too exhausted to move.
Tobias stretches out his arms and shoulders while they wait for the stufful to return. One arm over the other, then switch.
“I hope everyone in the forest is okay,” Nia murmurs, stretching out her legs. “They would’ve sent someone to check on Hadley, right? A-And the other families we’ve helped?”
Tobias frowns. “Where did that come from?”
Nia shrugs, concerned expression staying put. “I mean…the quake wasn’t too bad here, but I’m just worried about everyone else. There are a lot of Pokemon living in the Haven. How do the Seekers know they checked on everyone who needs help?”
Tobias honestly hasn’t given it much thought. He’s always just assumed that the upper-level Seekers know what they’re doing. Although now that Nia has put the idea in his head, he can’t help thinking about all of the Pokemon he has met in the Haven over the years. Even just the ones he’s interacted with recently, partnered with Nia.
That tropius mother and her lost calf. The teddiursa who got caught in the nearby dungeon, and their roselia friend who was so desperate to save them. The elderly gloom they escorted across the Haven to her sister’s house. The caves they cleaned out for that pancham and her cubs. The torterra and turtwig family they delivered medicine to. Hadley, infuriating as the golisopod is. All of the Pokemon Tobias has met when traveling with Maggie and giving out herbs over the years. Hundreds of Pokemon.
“Yeah,” Tobias says, uncomfortable with the weight of so many lives on his mind. “But the guild said they already sent out Pokemon to make sure the civilians are all right. They must have some kind of system set up so they don’t miss anyone. August knows what he’s doing. We just need to do what we can here.”
“I guess you’re right,” Nia sighs, though she doesn’t sound convinced.
Jaz returns shortly after that conversation, stumbling under the uneven bulk of the canteen and hydration berries strapped to her back.
“Let one of us get the water next time,” Ezra snickers as he moves to help his teammate. “This thing’s bigger than you are.”
Jaz huffs an unamused noise and flops to the dirt while Nia unstraps the items, handing Tobias the berries for him to eat. He immediately pops one into his mouth and savors the juicy burst of sweetness as the others pass around the water canteen, taking long gulps to rehydrate.
All too soon, though, it’s time to get back to work.
It isn’t difficult work, really, at least mentally. Hardly any thinking required. But that almost makes it worse, in Tobias’ opinion, having nothing to keep his mind busy as his body toils. Nothing to focus on but the growing fatigue in his muscles and the boredom in his brain.
Tobias is relieved when Nia speaks up as they wait for Jaz to finish scooping the next bucket. The riolu must be tiring too, but her ruby eyes are curious as she peers past Abana, to where Conifer is squeezed into the hollow above the mountain of soil and shoveling dirt down to Andyn and Ezra.
“Hey, Abana?”
The hippowdon hums, the noise a deep vibration Tobias can feel in the soles of his feet.
“Do all of the guild’s tunnels go out into the forest? Or do some of them go somewhere else?”
“Just to the forest around the Haven. Why do you ask?”
“Well…if that’s the case, why do we even have—” Nia cuts herself off, as if finding her own phrasing too rude. But then she continues, more carefully, “Why does the guild have a tunnel system in the first place? Wouldn’t a front door at the base of the tree work better?”
“It would certainly make it easier without the tunnels, wouldn’t it?” Abana chuckles. “They were originally made as a form of defense for the guild, but they do feel a bit silly nowadays.”
“Defense?” Ezra asks, pausing his digging. His feathery ear—usually a bright red hue—is dull from dust and dirt. “Defense from what?”
“The world hasn’t always been as friendly as it is nowadays,” Abana says. “When the guilds were first created, there were enough folks against the idea that they had to make sure the Tree was secure against any attacks.”
Jaz shoves the next bucket of dirt behind her. Nia grabs it, grunting as she takes small steps towards the cart. Over her shoulder, she says, “Why wouldn’t people want the guilds around? They’ve always been about helping out, right?”
“Mhm. But having the authority to say what is right and what is wrong—and the ability to dole out punishment accordingly—is a lot of power. Some ‘mon worried that those in such a position would abuse that power.”
“August would never do that!” Nia says, stopping in the middle of the ramp to give Abana an offended expression.
Abana laughs. “Agreed! But August is not the only Pokemon in the world willing to become guildmaster.”
“Still,” Nia says, frowning as she dumps the dirt bucket. “People trust the guilds. I can’t imagine what kind of jerk would take advantage of that.”
“That’s because you’re a sweetheart,” Ezra calls lightly, still digging.
Nia eeps with embarrassment, nearly tripping off the ramp. Tobias snorts a laugh as he picks up his own bucket and moves her way.
“And naïve,” Conifer grunts, head poking out from the shelf of dirt. He shakes some soil loose from his tentacles and squeezes out into the open again. “Even today, there are some guildmasters I refuse to work under.”
That has Tobias’ interest piqued, and seemingly the others’ as well, by how their ears perk. “Which ones?”
“I’m not at liberty to say.”
“Why’d you even bring it up, then?” Tobias mumbles as he climbs the ramp and dumps his own bucket. The wooden cart is filled with a thick layer of soil and rock by now, but it’s still only a fourth or so of the way full. How long have they been at it just to make this tiny dent? Two hours? Three?
There’s the quiet shifting of soil behind him, and when Tobias glances back, Abana is vanishing again into the hollow above the cave-in. Must be her turn to dig.
“So just to clarify,” Jaz says. “The tunnels were made to keep the entrances to the Lexym Tree hidden, so that Pokemon who were against the guild couldn’t easily attack?”
“Most of them, yes.”
Tobias stops as he reaches the bottom of the ramp. Most of them?
“Most of them?” Nia echoes.
Conifer, adjusting something on one of the brackets holding up the walls, says, “There are more tunnels deeper down, but they are not easily reached, wrapped in the Tree’s roots as they are. They're surrounded by a wall too thick to dig through without risk of damaging the Tree itself.”
“What were those tunnels used for?” Jaz asks, scooping dirt into Nia’s bucket and kicking everyone back into motion.
Conifer pauses to look over at the group of them, hanging on to his every word in their boredom. He sighs. “I asked one of the older diggers about it once, and he said they used to be storage bunkers before they became too inconvenient to access. They haven’t been used in decades, at least.”
“Huh,” Nia says, crouched by Jaz and helping scoop errant soil into her bucket. “Wonder what they kept down there?”
“Treasure?” Ezra suggests, glancing over his shoulder with a toothy grin.
“Don’t be dumb,” Andyn grumbles, speaking up for the first time in a while. “Probably just supplies or something.”
“Aw, you’re no fun.”
“We aren’t supposed to be having fun,” Andyn retorts.
Even Tobias rolls his eyes at that, and he knows he’s a stick in the mud.
Conversation trails off again, dampened by Andyn’s comment and their own exhaustion.
Tobias isn’t sure how much time passes before they’re instructed to take a break again. They still have some water and berries left, so no one is tasked with going to grab more from the cafeteria floor.
Tobias flops onto the ground and shoves a berry into his mouth, staring up at the ceiling where a few fragments of blue crystals are still wedged into the soil, glowing faintly. Nia lies down near him, for once a normal distance apart and not leeching his warmth. Ezra and Jaz join the two of them on their own backs a moment later. It’s quieter than their first break as they all try to catch their breath. Tobias flexes his tired, cramping fingers and arms.
“What kind of gemstones are those?” Nia eventually asks, also staring up at the ceiling. “I’ve been meaning to ask.”
“The tunnel crystals?” Jaz asks.
“Yeah! They’re so pretty. Do you know what they are?”
“Can’t be any form of evolutionary stone,” Ezra says. “Would’ve been mined out of here in a heartbeat.”
"Really?" Andyn scoffs. Tobias notices for the first time that she’s the only one still standing, shifting on her hooves impatiently and watching Abana and Conifer work. “It's not like evolutionary stones are worth all that much when we can't evolve anymore.”
“Before that, Anne.”
For a moment, Tobias considers that they could be the stones used to make damp rocks, which extend the use of rain dance. The caves beneath Asra had been lined with the crystals to make smooth rocks and heat rocks, after all. But the Lexym Guild hasn’t ever been a particularly rainy place. No more than anywhere else, at least.
Nia sighs. “We should’ve asked Carnelian. I bet he would’ve loved looking at these.”
“Carnelian?” Ezra asks.
Nia sits up to meet the sneasel’s eyes. “Yeah! He’s a researcher we met on the way back from Shivergleam! Apparently he was called in to look at some weird stones at the base of the mountains north of here.”
“The Silenfroar range?” Jaz asks.
“Yup! I bet he’d know what these are.”
“Does it matter what they are?” Andyn cuts in, voice sharp. She’s now pacing lightly back and forth.
Conversation stops as everyone watches her.
Out of the corner of his eye, Tobias sees Nia’s ears lower, just a bit. “Oh. I mean…I guess not, no, but…”
“It’d be fun to know, right?” Jaz says.
Andyn doesn’t answer.
Tobias sits up to glare at the deerling, half-wishing she’d notice and pick a fight so he had an excuse to battle. Just because Andyn is in a mood doesn’t mean she can take it out on Nia and the others. Is this all because she isn’t happy with their mission today? Tobias isn’t exactly thrilled about it either, but you don’t see him throwing a fit about it.
Abana calls them back over to work soon after, and Tobias channels his irritation into dumping his heavy bucket of dirt with a bit more force than necessary.
It’s quiet as they work. Just the soft shift of dirt and the occasional louder sound of hooves and claws chipping away at stone. Measured, raspy breaths and wood-heavy footsteps. Normally Nia—and probably Ezra, too, if Tobias had to guess—would never be silent for so long, but the work keeps them busy.
It’s almost too quiet, until Andyn speaks up.
“Why don’t we just use attacks to clear this out?” She pants. “My bullet seed could—"
“No moves,” Abana says, voice hard.
Andyn clamps her mouth shut. Everyone stops to give the hippowdon their full attention.
“This tunnel is unstable right now,” Abana says, meeting Andyn’s gaze until the deerling looks away. “Careless attacks will bring the whole cave down on top of us.”
“And then we will have to dig you out, and redo all of our hard work,” Conifer calls from within the shelf. “If you even survive the initial collapse.”
“That makes sense for us,” Ezra says, wiping some dirt from his cheek. “But you’re ground types, right? Couldn’t you just dig this tunnel out real quick with some of your moves?”
Abana gives the sneasel an amused look. “Can you perfectly control an avalanche, little flurry? Mold it to form a castle of ice and snow with a flick of your claw?”
Ezra tilts his head. “Oh. No, I definitely can’t do that.”
“The earth is similar,” Abana says. She scoops a divot out of the hard dirt as easily as swiping aside snow. “We could dig through it on our own in minutes, but if we want the tunnels to stand strong on their own even when we aren’t here, we must build them up more carefully than that. They must stand under their own weight without relying on our powers.”
There’s a moment of quiet as they all digest those words.
“This is the only tunnel that caved in, right?” Jaz asks. “So they must be pretty stable.”
Abana nods, red eyes trained on the gap where more dirt rains from Conifer’s digging. “This tunnel is used less often than the others so it didn't get checked as regularly. We’ll monitor it closer from now on to make sure it can withstand future quakes.”
Tobias frowns as he sets his empty bucket down in front of Jaz. He doesn’t like the way Abana said that—like future quakes are a certainty and not just a potential thing. Although with the increase in natural disasters, he guesses it makes sense that she wants to be prepared.
Everyone else must pick up on Abana’s implication too, because the silence that falls over the group feels heavier than it did before.
They have to have been working for more than four hours at this point. Tobias’ arms, shoulders, and back are screaming at him, pained from the constant lift and carry of a bucket almost as heavy as he is. He notices Nia and Jaz slowing down as they lose steam, and more than once Nia trips over her own paws and has to right herself.
Tobias feels like he’s been rolling around in the desert, gritty soil coating his scales and crusting under his claws. Even with his job having the least hands-on contact with the dirt, he swears he’s tasting the stuff. The only reason Tobias hasn’t complained much—out loud, at least—is because he knows he needs to save his breath.
Andyn doesn’t seem to have the same reservations. Tobias can hear her occasionally cursing under her breath as she works on loosening the soil with Ezra. She hasn’t slowed down at all, still as fervent as she was hours earlier. It’d be admirable if Tobias wasn’t still irked at her for her earlier attitude.
Ezra had initially been snickering at some of her comments, but at some point that had stopped. Tobias doesn’t think anything of that shift until he hears the sneasel whisper something to Andyn with a concerned note in his voice. Jaz, who had been refilling Tobias’ bucket with soil, pauses and looks up at their leader as well.
“No, I’m not okay,” Andyn snaps, louder than her partner. “We should be doing something more important than digging out stupid tunnels, Ez!”
Tobias snorts. “Well we’re not, so get over it.”
Andyn whirls around, barely keeping her footing on the shifting soil. “Oh, you shut it!”
“Whoa, Anne—”
“O-Okay, maybe we should—”
Tobias curls his lip and takes a step forward, flexing his claws. “No, let her talk.”
“We are not starting a fight here,” Jaz says, stepping in front of Tobias. He glares down at the stufful, expecting her to falter, but she holds his gaze with a firm stare. Her striped tail twitches to Tobias’ left. Tobias follows the movement and glances at Conifer, whose narrowed gaze has switched from Abana’s digging over to them. Watching.
Tobias growls, backing up a step. He is not going to get in trouble just because of this stupid deerling’s attitude problem.
“Andyn,” Jaz soothes, turning around to look up at her teammate. “Deep breath.”
“No! We’re better than this, Jaz!” Andyn says, voice bordering on a shout. “Cleanup duty? That looks like a punishment!”
The deerling sounds angry, but as Tobias looks at her face, he thinks she looks…scared, almost. Brown eyes wide, a noticeable tremble to her mouth even from a distance away. Against his will, some of Tobias’ own fury drains away.
“Andyn,” Jaz says, voice firmer than Tobias has ever heard it. “Breathe.”
Ezra steps closer to the deerling and lays a paw on her shoulder, taking an exaggerated breath. Andyn’s expression melts into something a bit more grounded at his touch, annoyance showing through instead of fear. Reluctantly, she shuts her eyes and takes a shaky breath. Then another. And another.
When Andyn has breathed for a minute, tense stance a bit more relaxed, Jaz says, “Good. Go get the next round of water for everyone, please.”
Andyn’s eyes open, dismayed. “But—"
“Andyn,” Jaz says, unyielding.
The deerling frowns down at the stufful for a moment. Two. Then she spots Conifer still watching the whole scene silently, and stiffens. Immediately, she shrugs Ezra off and springs lightly down the pile of rock and soil, slipping past Tobias, Nia and Jaz. Back down the tunnel and towards the guild.
In the silence that follows, Ezra and Jaz glance first at Conifer, who has remained pointedly silent, and then at Nia and Tobias. Ezra almost looks embarrassed, while Jaz just looks…tired.
“Is she all right?” Nia asks, paws wringing nervously.
“Yes,” Jaz sighs. “Just give her a bit.”
Tobias and Nia exchange a doubtful look, but hesitantly get back to work as Ezra and Jaz start digging and scooping as if nothing had even happened. Still, the quiet left in Andyn’s wake is somehow even more stifling than before. Tobias is just glad that Conifer didn’t say anything about the deerling’s little freakout—as much as Tobias doesn’t like her, even he doesn’t want to deal with that secondhand embarrassment.
With Andyn gone and only one ‘mon loosening the soil, unfortunately the work moves twice as slowly as it did before. So slowly that Tobias and Nia are forced to sit and wait minutes at a time for Ezra to break down the rocks and clumps of dirt enough to pass along to Jaz. While the break should feel nice, Tobias is instead annoyed with the delay in progress. Eventually, he stands and puts his bucket aside with a quiet clang.
Nia, who had also been waiting at Jaz’s side and helping her scoop, turns to him. “Tobias?”
“I’m switching for a bit,” He mumbles, moving past them and scrambling his way up the pile of soil to Ezra’s side. The dirt beneath him shifts and gives under his feet, making his ascent much less dignified than he’d like. Still, Ezra needs help in order to pick up the pace. And Tobias wants to talk to him anyways, away from Conifer and Nia’s ears.
“Oh, hey,” Ezra says, blinking at Tobias. A hesitant grin crosses his face. “Couldn’t resist the most glamorous part of the job, huh?”
Tobias snorts. “Hardly.” He immediately gets to work breaking up the soil and rock in front of him with his claws before sending it farther down the pile to Jaz and Nia. “You were being too slow. And I have a question for you.”
Ezra resumes his own digging, ears angled Tobias’ way. “Well, you’ve got me! What’s up?”
Tobias works silently for a few moments, unsure of how to start. He’d been trained on this area a little bit, apprenticed under Maggie and living in such close quarters to Fen up on the medical floor. But it’s not exactly a comfortable question. Tobias would prefer to ask Andyn directly, but he has a feeling she wouldn’t tell him the truth regardless. And Ezra would likely know.
“Andyn,” Tobias starts, hesitant. “She seemed…panicked, earlier. During her little yelling fit.”
Ezra stops digging, visibly surprised. “You noticed that?”
“I’m not blind.”
Ezra is quiet for a long moment, before he goes back to digging. “No, I guess you’re not.”
Tobias narrows his eyes at the careful non-answer. “Does this have anything to do with what you mentioned yesterday in our quarters? About her parents having high expectations?”
Ezra winces. “…Yeah. Don’t tell her I told you, but uh. She’s freaking out a bit about what her parents will think of us taking this job.”
So Tobias guessed right. He frowns, digging harder into the rocky soil to break it up into smaller chunks. “Her parents don’t hurt her, right?”
“What?” Ezra’s head snaps up. “No! Arceus, no, nothing like that. They’re just…they have really high expectations. Too high. And they kind of…ignore Andyn for a while, if she does something they don’t like. Like taking on a cave cleanup mission instead of something more, uh. Flashy.”
Tobias’ own digging stops so he can stare at Ezra, almost in disbelief. Maggie would never ignore him or Nia to punish them for a mistake, let alone for the crime of…doing their job?
“Yeah,” Ezra agrees with a weak laugh. “Her parents are harsh. But their opinions mean everything to her. Jaz and I have tried to tell her before how messed up it is when they ignore her like that, but she refuses hear it.”
“Stubborn,” Tobias says without thinking.
Ezra’s eyes twinkle at him, as if to say, You’re one to talk, before his smile drops and he turns back to their work. Tobias follows his lead. “We try to tell her she’s more than what she achieves or what she can do, but it’s…hard. She’s almost tougher on herself than they are. I honestly don’t know if she could handle it if we ever failed a mission.”
“Maybe it would do her some good to fail,” Tobias mutters. Everything he’s learned since becoming a Seeker seems to have come from him messing up in one way or another, so. It could be good for her to see that she can fail and the world won’t end. Stupid parents’ opinions aside.
Tobias wishes the consequences of he and Nia’s responsibilities were so small-scale.
Tobias shoves that bitter thought aside. It’s not Andyn’s fault that Tobias and Nia have been saddled with the impossibly large task of saving the world. Just because their problem is so big doesn’t mean that Andyn’s family situation isn't terrible, too.
Tobias had been worried that Ezra would chatter endlessly when Tobias joined him in digging, since he’s a new and exciting target to prod at, but the sneasel is blessedly quiet after their little conversation. They work side-by-side on their own portions of the soil, save for Ezra occasionally taking over on a particularly difficult chunk of rock to break apart. Sharp as Tobias’ talons are—or were, before he dulled them on all this dirt—they’re still no match for a sneasel’s massive claws.
Tobias works with the dark-type until Jaz and Nia have more than their work cut out for them below. Then he huffs and sits back, wiping a wisp of steam from his brow.
Ezra spares him a glance. “Break time?”
“Moving back to bucket duty,” Tobias answers, already turning and sliding back down to the ground.
“Actually, it's a good time for a break,” Abana says from above them, shuffling her way out of the hole she’s been digging in. Her huge head blocks the opening entirely, and Tobias isn’t actually sure how she manages to squeeze in and out of there.
“Thank goodness,” Nia groans, stumbling back against the cart and sliding to the ground. “I’m ready to drop.”
Tobias goes to stand at her side, leaning against the cart himself. He looks down at the top of Nia’s head and has the incredibly strong urge to flick one of her ears. He stuffs the impulse down as Ezra and Jaz trudge over to join them.
“Guess Anne’s not back with the water yet,” Ezra sighs, flopping down.
“Should someone go check on her?” Nia asks, clearly worried.
“Nah, let her work off some steam,” Ezra says, waving away her concerns. “She’ll be back soon.”
“After dumping her part of the work on you,” Tobias grumbles.
“Yeah, but that just means I got to work beside my new best buddy,” Ezra says with a cheeky grin. “A real warm and fuzzy fellow. Gotta love him.”
Tobias wants to flick the sneasel’s ear too, but much more violently. Too bad he’s out of reach.
After that, Jaz and Nia chat for a bit, still trying to figure out what kind of stones line the tunnels and who they could ask to find out. Ezra is lying on his back like a staryu, eyes closed, and Tobias could almost believe he was asleep if not for how his ears angle to catch the girls’ conversation.
Tobias feels his own restlessness build the longer they wait for Andyn to return, until it’s tinged with irritation. Distraught or not over her parents’ judgement, the deerling was sent out to get them water. Tobias’ throat is bone-dry and he’s sure the others are thirsty, too. Soon enough they’ll be called back to work.
“I’ll be back,” Tobias says, pushing off the cart.
Nia blinks up at him. “Where’re you going?”
“I’m gonna drag that little twig back here with our drinks.”
“What?” Nia scrambles to her paws. “Tobias, I don’t think—if anyone’s going to check up on Andyn, maybe I should. I don’t know if you two should, uh…talk right now, when she’s already upset.”
Tobias gives Nia a dry look. “And if she’s still in a mood and refuses to come back? Or tells you to leave her alone?”
Nia winces. She glances down at Jaz and Ezra as if to ask if one of them would rather go.
Tobias is half-expecting the two other members of Team Evergreen to be just as alarmed as Nia, but instead Jaz looks almost…thoughtful. Eventually, she shakes her head. “I won’t be able to say anything to her I haven’t said before. I’m all right with you going.”
Ezra has sat up again, but he’s leaning back leisurely on his hands. He smiles at Tobias with more familiarity than Tobias feels he earned in their brief time talking atop the cave-in pile. “Nah, I think Tobias has this covered. Go for it.”
Tobias is sure he and Nia are sharing identical expressions of surprise. He…didn’t actually think they’d agree so easily. He isn’t sure how to feel about the sudden show of faith.
…He’ll deal with that later.
Tobias looks back to Nia. “Satisfied?”
Nia still seems unsure. Her gaze flicks behind him, in the direction Andyn ran off to earlier. “I-I guess. Just…try not to fight, okay?”
“No promises,” Tobias says, spinning on his heel and setting off down the tunnel. Nia sputters at the answer, but doesn’t chase after him.
Tobias quickly arrives at the open area where the mission boards are stationed. There are a few Pokemon moving to or from the web of tunnels surrounding the space, but the crowd from earlier has largely cleared out.
Tobias frowns, looking around. If Andyn actually went to get them water and hydration berries, she would’ve had to go upstairs to the cafeteria floor. He walks over to the steps, but pauses when his eye catches an out-of-place form at the entrance of one of the other tunnels. He blinks, noting the large ears and long, spindly legs as the Pokemon paces back and forth in the mouth of the cave. Andyn.
Tobias takes a bracing breath and marches over to meet her. As he gets closer, he sees that she at least did get the water and berries, both packs strapped across her back and dangling with every step.
Andyn’s ears angle around as he approaches, and she turns to face him in the blue light of the tunnel. Her tense expression sours further. “Great. First today’s mission and now this. What do you want?”
Tobias opens his mouth to say that he was sent to check on her. Maybe even joke that they need the water before they die of thirst. He opens his mouth to say that her parents are horrible and that she should stop caring so much about what they think.
Instead, what he says is, “I want you to come back and do your job.”
Andyn’s eyes narrow. “I am doing my job. Don’t act so high and mighty—it's not like you’re happy to be doing this stupid mission.”
Tobias snorts. “Of course I’m not happy about it. It’s exhausting and mind-numbing and I’m gonna be picking dirt out of my scales for a week. It sucks. But it’s gotta get done.”
Andyn rolls her eyes. “Yeah, but they could’ve at least gotten the total newbies to do it instead.”
There it is again. This apparent belief Andyn holds that low-level work is beneath her. Or at least not good enough for her oh-so-important parents. Tobias has only been partnered with the deerling for a day and he’s already tired of everyone dancing around this.
“We’re helping the guild,” Tobias growls. “It’s one day of work. Do you really need to whine about it so much?”
Andyn has the gall to look offended. “I am not whining! And you’re one to talk! I didn’t see you do anything but mope around and snap at everyone for years until Nia made you a pity partner!”
Tobias' lip curls. Right for the throat, huh? Sorry Nia, but if Andyn wants a fight, she’ll get a fight. “And yet I’m not the one throwing a temper tantrum.”
“I am not throwing a tantrum!" Andyn says, stomping a hoof. “We’re better than this! Even you two are better than this! We should be doing something actually worthy of a Seeker! This just looks like—like cleaning duties!”
“And that’s not good enough for a perfect Seeker like you, is it? Arceus, it shouldn’t matter who does what! It doesn’t make you better than someone else just because you’re a higher rank!”
“I know that!” Andyn protests.
“Do you?”
“Of course!” Andyn huffs. “But my parents—"
“Entei, shut up about your parents!” Tobias shouts, throwing up his hands. “Clearly they’re awful!”
Andyn takes a threatening step forward. “Take that back. I'm tired of everyone saying that! My parents just want what’s best for me! I just need to get better!”
“You ever think that your parents getting mad about you helping the guild makes them the problem here, not you?”
Andyn’s expression twists. “Oh, that’s easy for you to say! You have Maggie as a parent. She doesn’t care if you’re a screw-up.”
Tobias scoffs, though the words hurt more than he expects. If only because no one has echoed his own thoughts so clearly before.
Andyn glares Tobias down. If she’s regretful at all about her words, it doesn’t show.
Tobias crosses his arms. “You’re right. Maggie doesn’t care that I’m a screw-up, just that I’m trying. Because she’s actually a good parent.”
For a moment, Tobias is positive that Andyn is about to launch an attack at him. She’s practically quivering with fury. “My parents are good parents! They just want me to be the best Seeker I can be!”
“And that’s worth turning you into a nervous wreck, apparently.”
“I’m fine!” Andyn shrieks.
“Oh yeah, obviously.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about! You’re lucky. No one ever expects anything from you!”
Her words are loud enough to echo down the tunnel. For a brief moment, Tobias thinks of Giratina and the whole Pokemon world, depending on him and Nia to keep it safe. Then, Tobias thinks of Vivi, of her scared little face looking up at him, latching onto him too tight with her claws. Terrified but trusting that her big brother will keep her safe.
Rage surges in Tobias’ chest like magma, and he takes a step forward to meet Andyn in the middle of the tunnel.
“I had someone who expected everything from me!” Tobias snarls. His eyes feel hot. His chest feels hot. Everything is heat. “But I let her down. And I have been trying so hard to make up for that ever since.”
Normally Tobias would be embarrassed by the way his voice cracks. But Andyn’s anger finally falters. Her breath catches as she steps back, suddenly looking unsure. So Tobias continues.
“Messing up isn’t the end of the world. It’s normal. Everyone messes up—even your stupid parents! They aren’t perfect, and you shouldn’t have to be either! And if this is all it takes to set you off? Not getting the perfect mission that you were hoping for this morning? I honestly hope you never find out what it’s like to mess up when you really, really can’t afford to.”  
Andyn stares. Silence falls. Tobias’ tail flame is larger than usual thanks to his emotions, fighting with the cool blue glow of the tunnel’s gemstones.
“C’mon,” he growls. “Let’s just go already. They’ll be wondering where we are.”
“Tobias,” Andyn says, voice hushed. “I…”
“I don’t want to hear it.”
Tobias turns and heads back to the mission boards. He doesn’t hear Andyn follow, but he doesn’t make himself stop to wait. He storms past the other guild members still milling about on the ground floor. Then he continues to the tunnel with the cave-in where he left everyone else.
“There you are!” Nia says when he rounds the last bend in the tunnel. Her happy expression fades as soon as she gets a good look at his face. “Is everything okay?”
“Fine,” Tobias says, sharper than he means to.
Ezra and Jaz look worried too, quickly picking up on his mood. Their gazes move past him, probably searching for Andyn.
After an awkward moment of silence, Nia’s ears perk. Tobias watches as Andyn trots into the tunnel after him. Stubbornly refusing to meet anyone’s eyes, the deerling stops briefly at their group to bite the straps of her cargo loose. The canteen and the bundle of hydration fruits drop to the dirt. Without a word, she climbs the pile of soil and gets back to work jabbing away at rock and dirt with her tiny hooves.
“Anne?” Ezra calls, hesitant.
Andyn doesn’t answer.
Ezra and Jaz trade an uneasy, loaded look, but with the experience of someone used to the situation, simply let it lie. They both take a few gulps of water and then get back to work at their own stations. Ezra glances at Andyn when he reaches the top of the dirt pile, but seems to decide against pushing her any further.
Nia looks between them all with wide eyes, ears pinned back. “Guys..? Shouldn’t we—”
“Not now, Nia,” Tobias grunts, picking up the first full bucket Jaz scoots behind her and turning to take it to the cart. He certainly doesn’t want to talk this out right now, and he’s sure Andyn doesn’t, either. Poking at them in their current state won’t end well for anyone. He can still feel embers glowing in his flame sac, ready for a fight.
Abana, at least, doesn’t say anything about the sudden tension aside from a lifting of her brows. The diggers keep to their own business, apparently.
In choking silence, they get back to work.
Tobias lets his mind blank out as much as possible, which isn’t too difficult as the exhaustion of the day truly starts to set in. He deliberately ignores Andyn’s furious digging, and avoids Nia’s concerned looks, too.
Tobias isn’t sure if they’ve actually worked as long as they were supposed to when Conifer suddenly calls for them to quit for the day, or if the toedscruel is just tired of the tension in the air.
Regardless, Tobias is relieved to finally set his bucket down by the cart and observe the fruits of all their labor. They managed to fill up most of the cart with soil, but even that is a hardly noticeable dent in the mountain of dirt left from the cave-in.
Well. Not his problem, at least for the rest of the day.
Ezra and Jaz join him and Nia by the cart. Andyn keeps working until Conifer pointedly clears his throat. Then, the deerling sighs, rough and annoyed, before turning and bounding down the soil with more energy than she should reasonably have.
“Come on,” the grass type says as she passes by, looking ahead with her gaze unwavering. “We need to tell them our shift is over.”
“Andyn—” Nia starts.
The deerling doesn’t even break her stride. She continues down the tunnel without losing pace until she's around the bend and out of sight.
Nia wilts, looking hurt. Tobias feels his own irritation with the deerling tick up a notch further.
“Will she be okay?” Nia asks.
Ezra and Jaz look first at each other, then at Tobias.
“I didn’t do anything!” He hisses, tail flame flaring defensively.
“We weren’t accusing you, dude,” Ezra says. “But…”
“You said something to her,” Jaz finishes. Tobias would bristle at her words, if her tone wasn't so calm. Thoughtful. “Something that made her think.”
Tobias shrugs, hating the feeling of their eyes probing at him.
“Hm.” Jaz looks at him for a moment longer, then nods with a small smile. “Well, thank you both for working with us today. Hopefully in the future any team-ups we do will go a bit smoother.”
And with that, the little stufful toddles off down the tunnel after her leader.
“We can just tell the servine that you finished up your shift, if you want?” Ezra offers, looking a bit awkward. “So you don’t have to, uh…”
Don’t have to bump into Andyn again.
“That’d be great, Ezra,” Nia says, giving him a smile. “Thank you.”
The sneasel nods, looking relieved, and hurries after his teammates with a wave. “See you later!”
When it’s just the two of them and they’ve stepped a safe distance away from Abana and Conifer, Nia turns to Tobias, brow furrowed. “Tobias—"
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Tobias says, barely keeping his voice even. He’s still simmering, but Nia doesn’t deserve him snapping at her. “We argued. Something came up with my family. It’s done.”
Nia doesn’t look satisfied by that answer, and opens her mouth to speak before visibly stopping herself. Then, she tilts her head. “Um. Want to grab some food and go see Maggie?”
Tobias is immeasurably relieved that Nia isn’t pushing the issue. At least not right now. But for once, Tobias hesitates at the offer. Maggie would help him feel better, but she’s probably busy right now. It’s only midday, even if it feels like it should be later.
“Or we could go back to our room and rest for a bit?”
“Our room.”
Nia offers a small smile and holds out a paw. Tobias stares at it for a moment, wrestling between embarrassment and his desire to take it. Nia laughs softly and makes the decision for him, linking their soil-rough palms together before tugging him away. She calls out a goodbye and thanks to Abana and Conifer as she goes.
Tobias does feel better after grabbing something to eat and returning to the privacy of their room. He even gives himself a light flame bath to burn away some of the dirt on his scales. Nia watches the process with a look of pure fascination (like a weirdo).
Afterwards, she laments her own lack of a shower before wondering if it’d be strange to ask Felix to use his water moves on her. Tobias pictures the wartortle accidentally hydro pumping her through a wall, and surprises himself with the loud bark of laughter that mental image prompts.
Nia’s stunned expression only eggs him on, and he can’t seem to stop laughing at the idea. Maybe it’s just the relief of getting to relax in their room after the tension of the morning, or his own exhaustion, but he laughs and laughs and laughs.
Nia joins him after a brief, awed silence. Tobias tries to explain why he’s laughing so hard and only gets halfway through the sentence before cracking up all over again. Nia seems to get the gist, though, because her delighted giggles kick up to match his own.
Nia is lying beside him on the plush red of their rug when the cycle finally stops, both of them still trying to catch their breath as they wipe away tears. Tobias marvels at how his stomach aches. He hasn’t laughed so hard in…well, probably at least a few years. It’s good. It distracts him from the long morning, and from all the regrets and worries that have been weighing on his mind.
As stressful as the day has been, Tobias is glad now more than ever that he has Nia as a partner.
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poketcg-art · 7 months
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Hippowdon -- Shigenori Negishi
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pokemonranch · 7 months
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Sometimes he likes to sleep like this??? For some reasons???
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tamtamdi · 2 years
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Pokémon Humanization
449. Hippopotas
450. Hippowdon
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pokemon-cards-hourly · 4 months
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silvereyedzoroark · 7 days
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Latimas: Sandstorm Encounter
Why is it that every time he goes into a dungeon, something has to happen? Then again with the state of the world being threatened again (Why is the world always in danger?), he shouldn't be too surprised that the dungeon Pokemon were a bit more restless especially the 'mini bosses'
Before him was the Albino Hippowdon making a ruckus and the cause for the sandstorm that was delaying his journey, it usually only came out at night, being sensitive to the sun light, but with the recent earthquakes it must have put it in a really bad mood.
It roared and stamped the ground, sand being flung into the air, its maw open wide and threatening, It was mad, it was reaaallly mad.
"I am Lati-Emmet, I did not come here to fight you, but if you don't let me past this station, I will fight you"
Okay this image had been inspired by this Hippo sculpture
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Photo from shiftythrifting tumblr post https://www.tumblr.com/shiftythrifting/747318286604288000?source=share
Originally I was debating between making either an albino Hippowdon or Hippowdon ghost type variant, ended up with the first option. But it was suppose to be a simple image, but then I felt it needed a background and then I felt it needed someone else in the pic and ended up adding Lati-Emmet.
But here is the Albino Hippowdon on its own, how it started.
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I honestly always forget that Hippowdon doesn't have any visible ears!
Anyway, would like to draw this beastie again, but we'll have to see how things go, I've got a lot to do/draw but I have the idea for a night time pic, as I imagine this Pokemon usually only comes out at night, also given it the name Quartz
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blueharuka · 1 year
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A nurse joy scrubs the teeth of a happy Hippowdon!
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adobe-outdesign · 1 month
Something I noticed is that Legends Arceus only added Pokemon not in the Sinnoh Dex when they had new forms.
Hippopotas is in the Z-A trailer. I for one welcome our new Mega Hippowdon Overlords.
Mega Hippowdon would be pretty great, especially if they keep or maybe even play up the sexual dimorphism thing
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ladylyra · 8 months
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(35) the greatest sacrifice of all ....
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side comic: most important plot update | we need to talk
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Ultimate Pokemon Tournament!
Generation 4 - Round 1 - Match 5
★ This poll is part of a project to determine Tumblr's favorite Pokemon! ★
Our Contestants:
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★ Follow if you want to see new polls as they're made! ★ ★ Go here for more info about the project! ★ ★ Consider reblogging so that others can vote too! ★ ★ Don't forget to have fun, be kind, and have a wonderful day! ★
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front-facing-pokemon · 7 months
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rikaspotting · 2 months
Rika choosing ground types like:
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nintoonerart · 1 year
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My Legends Arceus squad 😎
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