#his fighting style really is reminiscent of both chuck and oc
chibi-chaos · 5 years
Partners in Crime
Okay sooooo... I shall commence this fanfic by explaining a few headcanons:
1. In the movie the news line during the interview with Chuck has “ Striker Eureka is the last Jaeger active among the ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps ) Jaegers. I took this and ran wild at this being a sign that New Zealand would also have their own Jaeger. Thus my oc’s Evan Henare and Waimarie Anderson were formed - I may end up making a post explaining them more in-depth
2. I like to picture Mako and Chuck being kids of Herc and Stacker would mean that they have met a fair few times and are like a ragtag family. And with it, the two would bounce off each other with their determination to be Jaeger pilots.
3. I imagine technicians and pilots would have had a fond side for Mako and Chuck, and I made Evan and Waimarie no exception to this.
After Marshal Pentecost took Mako in, the young girl found herself spending a few summers in Australia - specifically hanging around the Sydney Shatterdome as the Marshal went about his duties in the region. Naturally, it meant that she encountered Chuck. The ways she went about describing the youngest Hansen were as follows:
Agitated cat glaring at the corner of the room. That was literally how he looked when she first saw him, sitting on a set of metal stairs, clutching a bulldog in his arms.
Mean and not someone she’d want to be friends with. That was concluded after a bit of time, and when he opened his mouth. He had made the point to state how he didn’t like her, and honestly, she couldn’t say he was on her ‘like’ list either. Though the older she got the more she suspected that that had been partly because of how Herc had warmed up to her, in essence, she probably was a rival to a thing which younger Chuck didn’t want to acknowledge he was competing for.
Alright was when Chuck had slipped an opened magazine his uncle had given him to her. He acted as if he wasn’t doing it at all, looking at Max instead, and feeding him with his other hand. The magazine had been covering some of the specs of the Jaeger’s, as was something that Mako eagerly read over and memorized.
The trade would continue where the two shared what books and magazines they could get, and over some unclear time, the two had gotten onto friendly terms with each other without even realizing it. When Jake was a little older and was following the Marshal around he too would join in on their strange reading club. Max would love every second of it cause it meant he had the attention of three children.
When the Marshal would collect Jake (due to being still too young and needing to be taken to where they current home was), Herc would usually take the two somewhere. Most of the time it was exploring the base, sometimes he managed to get them off base. But eventually, they’d be left to entertain themselves in the quarters the Hansen’s had.
Partner-in-crime was one which occurred at that point. The older they got the more daring they became, they’d sneak out of their quarters and would make their way down to the Kwoon Room to spy on the Jaeger pilots - both eager by this point to become ones as well.
2017 came around and by summer in Australia, they were doing it again, this time with a new pair to study. After several years the two had come to know most of the pilot-pairs styles, Herc and Scott’s they probably knew best. So to have a new pair was exciting in a way.
The two seemed fairly different from the other, the man had tanned skin, dark brown hair and a fairly solid build, while the female seemed at least a few years younger, brown skin, dark hair and a lithe figure. They grew even more curious to see the use of the Quarterstaffs instead of the usual hanbo, bo or hand to hand.
“Who are they?” Mako remembered whispering to Chuck quietly.
“Evan Henare and Waimarie Anderson, they’re piloting a New Zealand Mark Four Jaeger; Kraken Roun. The first in a few ways...”
His explanation though faded as Mako watched the two pilots circle each other, spinning their staffs idly as if evaluating the other before suddenly Waimarie had moved. There was a practised ease in her move, that Evan seemed to not be at yet, a surprising thing considering how she was much younger than him. But the two fighting was a sight to behold - one that they remember only being matched when their fathers had sparred, that same confidence in each other's skills that led to them not holding back.
Their spying sessions went on like that, watching Herc and Scott, watching the Pilots of Vulcan Specter, the occasional sparring session between their fathers, and the two newest pilots.
Though the two New Zealanders had caught them red-handed at one point, and that led to a twist that would lead to some of  Mako’s fondest memories. One look between Evan and Waimarie and they had changed their quarter-staffs for the standard bo staff before offering it to Mako and Chuck.
And that was how it started, the meetings in the Kwoon Room where one session Waimarie would be teaching Mako moves, and Evan teaching Chuck to the next where they swapped. Sometimes Mako found herself sparring with the teenager (it had surprised her to know how much more closer their ages were to what she had thought they were).  But those sessions were amazing with how Waimarie treated her like a serious partner, and when they spared Chuck and Evan would be sitting on the steps, the pilot pointing out some of the moves Waimarie was using. The following week it would be Chuck sparring with Waimarie and Evan point out things to Mako, and then it would be swapped, the two getting to spar with Evan while Waimarie unpacks it all. In a strange way, Waimarie seemed to assume a sort of older-sister role, and Evan a hybrid of older brother and the ‘cool cousin’ character that turned up in stories she had read a few times.
Actual Partner started this moment when Evan turned from looking at her and Chuck to Waimarie as she moved over with two hanbo. There was a smile on his face, that almost matched the look Chuck would have when he stole his father’s or his uncle’s jacket. That edge of doing something that probably could stir trouble, but despite knowing that have every intention of doing it. If it wasn’t for the fact of how she had come to know Evan. along with the fact that Waimarie was there the ground him, Mako would have been a little worried.
“Here’s an idea Wai,” Evan said, tilting his head a tiny bit at the woman.
In return Waimarie had raised an eyebrow, looking suspiciously at her co-pilot for a moment before it shifted to a small smile.
An interesting side note that Mako had picked up that this was very reminiscent of how the two piloting together worked. Silently between each other Evan could generate creative ideas, and Waimarie could translate it into action.
“How about we let Chuck and Mako spar between each other?”
It was in an instant that Chuck particularly had perked up at the thought of that before looking at Waimarie and Mako, hoping they’d agree. Mako, also admittedly liking this idea, turned to look at Waimarie as well. The young New Zealander sighed almost fondly, shaking her head as she smiles.
“Alright,” She replied, moving over to hand the two staffs to Mako and Chuck as the two had scrambled to take off their shoes.
Now, now they really felt like partners. In the near future, this could become common between her and Chuck sparring. Maybe they could follow in their father-figures’ steps and become Jaeger pilots and each other’s comm-pod partner.
The moment both had their staffs, Waimarie moved to follow Evan onto the steps, standing watch on this sparring match, the tiny Max following the two to settle next to them. Though give it about ten minutes and he’d be napping for as long as the matches lasted.
“Usually Kwoon training involves various forms of fighting; What your fight style and form is will be defined usually by you and your co-pilot.,” Waimarie explained once the two were in place, “In your case, it’s defined by how you two are well versed by now on how to use the hanbo, and some hand-to-hand.”
Deciding that was enough of an explanation, Evan spoke up.
“The first to land four strikes wins,” He announced, “But the real aim really is how you two can reach each other.”
“In essence, the longer the sparring session or the more moves blocked the more chance there is of compatibility.” Waimarie concluded with a smile- pausing for a moment before speaking again, “Begin.”
It was with that Mako quickly switched her focus from listening to Waimarie and Evan to Chuck, doing so in time to block an attack he was sending her way. What followed felt like pure instinct as Mako countered Chuck’s attack – because it became clear that when sparring with any Hansen meant fighting power with power. A Hansen committed to their moves a hundred per cent, fuelled by emotions, and refined with practice.
That match came close, but Mako ended up being able to win it due to being able to anticipate the next move at the end. A small huff escaped from Chuck before he bowed, accepting her win, a bow which she returned with one of her own. Accepting his respect and giving her own.
“Can we go again?” Chuck asked, looking expectantly at their seniors.
The two pilots shared a look between each other before Evan spoke up.
“In one moment.”
With that Waimarie gestured Chuck to move to one end of the room, and Evan moved to rest a hand on Mako’s shoulder and guided to the opposite end. Once there the elder ended up sitting on the floor doing stretches, which Mako decided to copy as well – seeing out of the corner of her eye as Waimarie seemed to be going through some moves with Chuck. One was clearly how to change a move once it’s been blocked. Something that Mako wasn’t sure if Chuck would actually end up using. Her train of thought was interrupted when Evan spoke up.
“Good job on blocking Little Hansen’s moves, he definitely wasn’t holding back.”
“I wasn’t holding back either.”
Evan smiled, “I know, that was clear too. But you both need to be careful with that – commitment is good, but being able to separate yourself to assess something is good too.”
“Are you referring to how you and Anderson-San circle each other, and those times you two jump away from each other for a moment?”
“Exactly. We take a small breath, quickly working out what worked and what did, how we’re carrying each other,” Evan said with a smile and a nod, “In a Jaeger, there’s less of a chance to take time to do so, but sparring helps you to get good at it.”
Following that well enough, Mako nodded, smiling a little when Evan got up ruffling her hair a tiny bit.
“Okay, we’re good here!” He called, earning a ‘same’ from his partner.
The end of that talk marked the beginning of the next sparring match. It seemed that both of them had listened to the advice that had been given to them, and in turn seemed to make the match long a little bit longer. In the end, it seemed like neither of them were going to get that fourth hit, and it seemed like Evan and Waimarie had concluded that.
“Okay, times up,” Evan announced, wearing a proud smile as he stepped back onto the mat.
Waimarie followed, at one point having disappeared long enough to return with two bottles of water, giving it to them the moment they had put their staffs away.
“Good round,” She had said with a pleased smile, resting her hands on their backs for a moment as she looked at Evan, “Ice cream run?”
Evan chuckled, “Naturally.”
It was a fact only known by a few people, that Evan had a tendency of launching raids on certain treats. Usually, it was chocolate for Waimarie when she had those days of curling up in a ball and hiding in her bed, it extended to Mako when she began to understand why the older female felt like that.
Ice cream though. That was something he started when he and Waimarie trained with her and Chuck, after one look of horror mixed disgust when finding out that neither Mako or Chuck had really experienced ice creams during summer.
So they commenced their small walk, a New Zealander technician having been entrusted with Max for a bit. Chuck halfway through had started to engage in a conversation with Waimarie, talking about the upgrades which were being installed on Kraken.
Meanwhile, Evan had noticed Mako slowing up a little, a little sore from the match, and had knelt in front of her.
“Get on, Sapling.” He said, in that tone that Mako knew well by now meant he was smiling fondly.
The nickname was a strange one that Evan gave her when he found out what her surname meant. Where Mori meant ‘Forest’, the male had given her a nickname which meant ‘baby tree’. That aside it had grown on to her, thus why she didn’t protest at its use when she ended up climbing up for a piggyback ride.
“Sorry, kiddo should have gotten you and Chuckster to have a cool down stretch.” He said with a glance over his shoulder, “You two did go all out after all.”
“It’s fine,” Mako replied with a soft smile, one that Evan returned before looking forward once more as to see where he was going.
A small walk would lead to her having a french vanilla ice cream, Chuck having a chocolate and mint ice cream, Waimarie a strawberry one, and Evan having a straight chocolate one. They’d reach back to Max soon enough and be back at the Hansen quarters, that when the New Zealanders left and Herc returned from training with Scott the two would be finishing up their ice cream, laughing at something funny with Max snuggled up between them.
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A Rose In Harlem
OC x Erik Story
Based on Teyana Taylor's VII & KTSE
Warnings: TRIGGER WARNING! 9-11 ATTACKS, TALKS OF DEATH, MOURNING, Syd and Erik coming to their senses--for the moment!
Chapter VIII: To The Things We've Lost
January 25, 2014
Syd woken up in tears. She had the same dream she always had around this time of year for the past thirteen years now. This day never gotten any better for her. This would have been her father's forty-seventh birthday. For the first twelve years of her life, they had an old tradition of going to Sylvia's for brunch, then later on enjoying the sunset on Ellis Island. That all came to an end on September 11, 2001. Syd rushed to the restroom to chuck up her dinner. She had came to the realization all over again, her parents were gone. She never gotten therapy or sought any refuge for her loss. So coping with it alone was always the hardest on days like this. Finally finished, she flushed the toilet and rinsed her mouth out before laying back down. 
The next thing she remembered, she woke up again--to her phone dinging. This time, she had woken up in a cold sweat. She checked her phone to see three missed calls from Yani and a voicemail. She pressed play as she plopped back into bed.
"Hey Syeda. It's me. I know today is a hard one for you. I'm here if you need me. I love you. Call me tomorrow, let me know you're okay. Bye."
She sighed as her eyes fluttered shut again. Her body woke her up for a third time, as she screamed to the top of her lungs. The painful screech was followed with an even more painful loud series of hitched breathing and crying. She held on to her last gift that her father gave her, her gold name plated necklace and cried out for her baba. She heard three faint knocks on the door, she wiped her tears as best she could and hobbled over to the door, trying her best to keep her balance. She opened the door to find Erik there, leaning on the door frame. "Hey, beauty. What's wrong? I heard you all the way from across the hall." She shook her head and attempted to say that nothing was wrong with her, but she couldn't form a word and the more she struggled, the more tears started to run down her face. Erik immediately grabbed her into an embrace. "Shhhhhhh.. It's okay. It's okay. I'm here. Shhhhhhh.." As her knees became weak he cradled her into her apartment and shut the door. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Erik sat her down on the couch. Syd began wiping her tears away, looking straight ahead, not responding. Erik went into her bathroom to make a warm rag to clean her face. He went back into the living room area to find that Syd wasn't there. He heard sniffling behind him and found her in her bed balled up in fetal position crying again. He made his way to the opposite side of the queen sized bed, laid face to face with her as he wiped her raw nose and cheeks. She looked into his eyes and saw his sympathy for her. She didn't even tell him what was wrong, and she saw that he felt her pain. She placed her palm on the left side of his cheek and moved her face closer to his. They shared a tender almost innocent kiss. His lips cascaded over hers. A tear moved from Syd's right eye down the side of her nose and to his face. As if he was the remedy to her pain, he wiped that tear as their lips continued to collide. His hands moved and found their way into her curly tresses. She placed her arms around his neck as they continued their embrace. 
She finally broken the kiss and mouthed the words, "Thank You." He nodded his head and replied, "I gotchu." He held on to her like his most prized possession as she began sniffling again. "Still don't wanna talk about it beauty?" She nodded her head as he looked down at her. "M--Mmm-My dad. It's his birthday today. A--An..And he uhm, he passed away." Erik kissed her forehead and rubbed her back as she laid on his chest. "Take your time. It's okay..I'm right here." She sniffled, "My baba was my best friend. We did everything together. Then..Then.. I lost him on 9-11. I was only twelve! Today has never been the same since!" She waled out, losing her voice completely. Erik rocked back and forth with Syd on his chest, letting her cry. "Shhhh.. I'm sorry for your loss Syeda. I completely understand what it's like. I lost my baba when I was eleven, Someone took him away from me just the same. I'm so sorry this happened to you. I'd never want anyone to feel that pain." She looked up at him and held on to him just as tight as he held on to her. She placed her thumb under his cheek, he hadn't realized that he was crying too, reminiscing about finding his father on their apartment floor brings him to tears every time he thought about it. He didn't know why he thought comforting Syd would make a difference. "I'm sorry for your loss Erik. No child should have to bury their parent so early." She mustered that out in a hoarse tone. He lifted his head up, "This is about you, beauty. I'm here as long as you need me to be, okay?" She nodded her head as she fell asleep for the forth time.
The soft thunder of a storm woke her up. She jumped as she felt Erik's arms around her, almost forgetting that's how she fell asleep. She looked up to see him in a deep slumber. She wiggled her way out of his hold and went toward the kitchen to get some water. Taking a few sips, she then walked over to her window to crack it open. She always liked to hear the rain falling. It was tranquil. Something that she needed on a day like this. She felt Erik's rough hands gently wrap around her waist, "Hey. How you doing?" She sighed, "I'm a little better, you hungry?" He swiped her hair to the opposite side of where his head rested. "Mhm. You?" She nodded as she turned around to look at his face. He grabbed hers as they share another kiss, this one not as innocent as the last. She grabbed a hold of Erik's shirt before she completely lost her balance as he simultaneously grabbed her from her thighs to place her on her windowsill, never breaking the kiss. She moaned into his mouth as their lips fight for domination. They knocked over one of her plants that sat next to her, that's what finally broke their bond. She looked on the floor at the broken glass, "Uhm.." Erik stared at her, twisting his budding dreads trying to break the awkward silence, "You wanna order some take out?" She looked back at him and shook her head, "No." She stripped out of her shirt, looked at him for a spell, then hopped off of the windowsill. He bit his lip at the sight of Syd in her PINK bra as he gazed at her every move. She maneuvered to her closet and pulled out her I heart NYC hoodie and yellow rain boots. She grabbed an umbrella and her bag and finally looked back in his direction, "I know where I wanna go. C'mon."
The duo walked down 126th Street hand in hand, Erik still had no idea where they were going. "Girl, you tryna take me somewhere and kill me?" She laughed and slapped his chest, "No! We're going to go get food." "Where, woman?!" They finally stopped once they approached Malcom X Blvd. "Here, man!" She rebutted as the glowing sign became familiar to him again. They were back at Sylvia's. The restaurant she suggested to him weeks ago. The lights shined much brighter due to the overcast. They walked in and found a booth next to the window so they could have some type of scenery to look at. It was about 1:30 PM so brunch was still available since it was a Saturday. Syd scanned through the menu while playing through her curls. Erik pretended to look at the menu, but he studied Syd's mannerisms. He grinned at the way she stretched her curls and let them bounce back into place. The waitress returned to their table with two Sylvia's Uptowns (half sweet tea, half lemonade). "You know what you want?" She awaited for their answers. They both looked at each other, scanning down to one another's lips. Syd then looked down and smiled a little, "Yes, can I get the country style slab bacon and eggs with home fries please? And a order of fried chicken to go once we get done." The waiter wrote the order on her pad, "Okay ma'am. And you, sir?" "Lemme get the southern fried chicken and grits with eggs." "Okay. I'll have that out in a sec. Let me know if you need anything."
Syd and Erik spent some time just looking at each other. Not really sure what to say. He broke their silence, again. "So, uh..about earlier I--" "No.. No.. it was me. I let my thoughts run my actions and before I knew it, things got a little hot and heavy." "So..what does that mean?" he crossed his arms awaiting her response. "I mean, it's obvious that I like you too Erik. I've been fighting it. Fighting it off with work.." "Fighting it off with that niggaaa.." He adds. She reached across the table and shoved him, he dramatically fell back and slid down the booth. "No but really, I just.. I don't want things to go at a pace I'm not ready for. Especially today." She looked out of the window as a tear fell down her face. He reached out to wipe her tear and turn her face back to his, "Talk to me beauty. I'm right here." She smiled at the new nickname he's given her for the day. "I just want us to build a genuine bond. I've been hella vulnerable with you today. More than I've been with anyone in a long time. Please don't make me regret it." He shook his head as he took a sip of his drink, "Never that."
"Okay here you are!" The waiter brought out all of their food as they practically drooled over the deliciousness that sat among them. She refilled their mason jars and added, "If you guys need anything else, just let me know." They both smiled in her direction as they unwrapped their silverware. They spent their time eating talking about their short times they spent with their parents. All of the fun times that they both shared with them and how each of them met their demise. Syd told Erik that both of her parents worked at the World Trade Center Plaza. Her father worked in the South Tower on the eightieth floor, her mother worked in the Marriott World Trade Center. She started to struggle through the story, he held her hand to comfort her, "It's okay, just breathe through it. You have to talk about it to get through it." She inhaled and nodded her head, "From what my mom told me, the plane hit the North tower first, she saw it and automatically ran out of her job to the South tower. She called my dad and... He picked up, told her that he was taking the stairs, he was on the way down. He knew..... He knew another one was gonna hit his tower..and then.." She breathed again as she looked up, trying to stop the tears, "The other plane hit his tower. The line went dead. My mom tried to get in the building, I don't know-- I guess to try to save my dad. But it was a lot of stairwells and she didn't know which one he was on and it was so many people trying to get out. She wanted to save her husband. She realized that it was too late once the NYFD got to the scene and they got her out of the building, all she could do was....watch the buildings burn. Then...the tower that he was in collapsed." Syd exhaled and sniffled a bit, continuing, "My mom passed six years later. From a lung condition--inhaling burned materials from the buildings. So I lost them both from 9-11." Erik sat beside her and held her to his chest again, "You never told anyone about this, have you?" she looked up at him, "No. I didn't want to, for a long time. But grieving them never got any better. Most days, I try to push it off. But on their birthdays and September 11, every year...I can't ignore it." She snuggled back into his chest. He kissed the top her head. "Thank you for sharing this with me. I understand..shhhhh..I'm so sorry Syd. I'm sorry this happened to you." She finally gained her composure, they silently came to that understanding. He moved back to his seat as they continued eating. 
"My baba, he was my hero. Everything I wanted to be. My mom passed away giving birth to me. So from then until I was eleven, it was me, my baba, and my Uncle James. We lived in Oakland my whole life, but my baba would tell me about Wakanda, his home; all the time. One night, I was playing basketball with my friends across the street from our building. Next thing I knew, I saw this big ass glow over an overcast. It was kind of purple..so I knew something was off. I ran up the steps and..M--My baba. He was laid out. Alone. There was blood everywhere. All I could do was scream and hold his lifeless body in my hands." Syd held his hands and cried with him. "When we cleared out the apartment, I found a secret compartment with this--" he dug his chains out of his shirt and singled out the linked chain with the ring on it. "--and a book, all written in our native tongue, Xhosa. I'm still trying to decipher through it all but..One thing I do know is that my baba was murdered. Murdered by the one person that was supposed to have his back the most." Erik shook his head as he clinched his jaw. Syd wiped his tears, "It's okay N'Jadaka. Breathe, remember?" He nodded and inhaled, "My Uncle from back home..Wakanda.. he took the only thing I had left in the world away from me." Syd scaled back, "Your uncle? James?" Erik sniffled and shook his head. "Nah. Different uncle." "So..you do have other family, but he killed your dad?" "Yup. And left me alone. I was left to bounce from group home to group home until I aged out. Then I joined the Navy. At first, it was so I could have a place to live. Then I gained a family with my crew." He mustered a smile at his Navy days. "I joined the seals my second year in, I left after my fourth to go to school." 
By then, they both finished their plates as the waiter came by to collect them. "Should I go ahead and get those to-go orders?" They reached across the table, wiping each other's tears. "Yeah. Please?" Syd mustered up a slight giggle to lighten the mood.--They walked back outside into the storm, Erik walked to the right, assuming they were going back home. Syeda stood at the door. "Beauty, what you doing? Let's go." She looked back at him blinking, "Nah. We going this way." She walks in the opposite direction. He scurries back over to her, "Where we going?" "You'll see." They walk down the historic Malcom X Blvd as she told him the backstory about how Malcolm used to live on the block before he converted and how much he helped the community of Harlem afterward. They stopped in front of the subway entrance. "Now you tryna get me eaten up by a huge alligator or somethin'! I'm not going in there Syeda!" She pulled his arm, "Nigga it's the subway not a sewer! It may smell fucked up sometimes but it's not that serious. C'mon!" They went from the 125th Street Station to 33rd Street Station, they ran up the stairs to see the booming area that is Korea town. Erik's head swayed back and forth trying to keep up with the thousands of people walking by him, he finally moved his eyes back to Syd's, "I figured Zig hasn't shown you around, so...This is New York." They walked down Broadway as the lights from the screens became brighter and brighter the more they walked. Erik marveled at all of the different faces he saw. Syd pulled him through the busy sidewalks and cross walks until she stopped in between Broadway and West 43rd Street. "This..is Times Square." 
Erik stopped in his tracks when he heard her, and spun around to see the huge digital screens where the huge New Years ball sits on that special count down that he sees every year on TV. He looked over to his right to see more screens and looked up where the old TRL studio was. "This is amazing." Syd smiled at his astonishment. She's taken a few friends she made in college from out of state to the same spot and she gets the same reaction, every time. She lets him look in amazement as she typed in her phone, "C'mon we got one more place to go." 
By the time the Uber found them, it was 5:45PM. The rain stopped and she wanted to go the place she hasn't been to since she was a kid. The driver didn't announce their destination, at her request via text. He just drove. "Where we going now babe?" She linked her arm into his, "You'll see, N'jadaka. You always ask this many questions when you go out?" "Only when I don't know where I'm going! Shit!" She laughed at him and placed her head on his shoulder. He pulled her in closer and they sat in silence the rest of their twenty minute ride. The car stopped, "Alright, here you are!" Syd thanked the driver and Erik stepped out of the car, waiting for her before he closed the door behind him. He looked around, lost. "Uhhh..Where are we?" She rolled her eyes, "Well.. I was gonna take you to Ellis Island, but it's raining and I'm sure the faeries are closed. So..I took you to the next best place. She held his hand as they walked for what was only a couple of minutes, They stopped at the 9/11 memorial. Syd did something that no one has ever done to Erik. Shocked him twice in one day. "I haven't been here since the buildings stood. I couldn't. But I couldn't think of anyone else I'd rather be here with.." She held his hand tighter. He kissed her forehead and whispered, "I'm honored." They walked around the South tower memorial in silence as her fingers traced over all of the names of the fallen men and women until she found his name, "Saleem Pedro Diaz" her other hand moved to her mouth as her finger traveled to the name next to it, "Valerie Nadeen Diaz" Erik moved closer to see what she was gasping at. "My mommy..baba." She moved her finger over to their respective names. "I didn't know they put both of their names on here.." She looked up to the sky, "Alhamd-lilah!" She dug a picture out of her bag of her and her parents on Ellis Island. She kissed it and left it by their names. She whispered, "I love you baba, mama." and she made her way back to Erik. He was taking in the scene of the entire memorial as she had her moment with her parents...then he thought to himself. By the time she was back by his side he told her, "I'll be back. Gimmie a second." He walked over to where her parents names were. She took a picture of him kneeling by the area and saved it as her screensaver. She then saw him nodding as he walked back to her. "Alright beauty, let's get you home."
Translation: Alhamd-lilah - Thank You God!
PSA: All characters are fictional, this was in no way made to disrespect the thousands of lives lost on that day, nor the lives affected by it.
Also, Rest in Heaven Stan Lee. Thank you for bringing all of our Marvel characters that we love so much to life. ����🏾
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