#his life is a series of contradictions and I think his humour is heavily informed by that
castielcommunism · 2 years
having trouble describing exactly what I mean but I think dean is a contrarian but in a fun way. he enjoys performing being grumpy and argumentative but there’s no real commitment behind it. like it’s a bit he’s doing. claire will tell him he drinks old man beer and he says fuck you no I don’t *takes a sip of old man beer* but he’s self aware about it. they do this in the show pretty frequently, like he’ll say X thing is stupid and then immediately does X, but the punchline is often “dean isn’t aware of how stupid and obviously hypocritical he looks.” and I mean sometimes that is true, but I think he’s a lot more shrewd about how he comes across than the show generally frames it. he tells sam “vegetable water” is gay and disgusting and then 10 minutes later he’s pouring himself a glass. he knows exactly what he’s doing
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