#hmm why am i so atracted to this
olincino · 4 years
Tagged by @medusinestories​ thank you dear Viv.
1. NAME: Olina
2. NICKNAME(S): None, only several versions of my name.
3. ZODIAC: Libra
4. HEIGHT: 160 cm
5. LANGUAGES: native Czech, Slovak but it’s very similar to my native language, English - haha
8. FAVOURITE FLOWER: tulips, irises, daisies, daffodils
9. FAVOURITE SCENT: wet dust
12: COFFEE, TEA or HOT COCOA: Coffee
14. FAVOURITE COLOUR: black, gray, navy blue, it depends on colour of what - clothes, in interier, in nature.
15: DOG OR CAT PERSON?: both but cat more.
16: NUMBER OF BLANKETS: one duvet
17: DREAM TRIP: mixture of sea and interesting monuments and museums
19: FOLLOWER COUNT: 527, thanks guys, I still can’t belive - really so much? 
20: RANDOM FACT ABOUT ME: My fan photo archive numbers 60.6 GB. Is it a lot?
Extra 6;
21: GENDER: Female
22: SEXUALITY: Hmm, I don’t know. Am I bi? If sexual atraction is the only thing that matters then I am probably bi. I’ve never fallen in love with a girl and it’s what matters to me. Somehow it doesn’t seem very important to me, to put a label on it.
24: WHERE ARE YOU FROM?: Czech Republic
25: WHY DID YOU START THIS BLOG?: Peep at Mads Mikklsen’s blogs.
I am tagging @farahbobbi-blog-blog, @captainflirt, @sunoficarus, @lupismaris
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ariadnasdiary · 4 years
Hola Ari, vengo a hacerte algunas preguntas. 👀 ¿Tú y Kino ya tienen planes para Halloween? ¿Ya tienen listos sus disfraces? Si es así, ¿de qué se van a disfrazar? Supongo que Kino te obligará a ponerte un disfraz muy sexy. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) Y por cierto, ¿Yuri y Naomi también tienen algo planeado? (amo a esa parejita así que también me da curiosidad preguntar por ellos ❤❤❤)
*Translation: Hi Ari, I came to make you some questions 👀. Do you have plans for Halloween? Are your costumes ready? If so, what are you going to dress up as? I suppose Kino will force you to wear a very sexy costume ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°). By the way, does Yuri and Naomi have something planned? (I love that couple so that’s why I ask fro them too becuase I’m curious about them ❤❤❤)
*Mun Ari: you are more than welcome to ask about them!! hmm…I think I’ll also need your help for their ship name if you don’t mind! I’m also writting an escenario about them! dvliwhioe I just love your questions!! :’D
Ariadna: Ahh~ I more or less have an idea of what costume I want! But as you said: maybe my dear Kino here doesn’t think the same…
Kino: kukuku who knows~?
Ariadna: Please don’t be mean with me and make me use something very humilating…
Kino: It’s too soon to know~ Besides there’s nothing more entertaining that seeing shortcake worried about all the possibilities I can came with~
Ariadna: You are mean! You enjoy my misery! T~T
Kino: fufufufu what can I say~? I can’t help it~
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Naomi: So this is what is all about?
Yuri: They aren’t very recurrent, but it seems you have atracted attention.
Naomi: heh~ is that so~? Well, I’ll make an exception
Halloween? Well, being honest I don’t need a costume. Being the inmortal being I am, all year long it’s Halloween.
Yuri: Interesting observation
Naomi: About our plans… I propuse we have a look during this season.  It’s very interesting seeing the human’s behaviour during this time. You can sense the emotion in the air, I can guarantee it’ll be an enjoyable experience.
Yuri: I don’t have any inconvinience.
Nomi: Then it’s settle. I just hope Kino behaves himself and doesn’t cause an inconvinience that will force us to stay and watch over him.
However…if they were to join us it will be better
Yuri: why?
Naomi: It’s obvious dear, that way we can keep an eye on them. Altough if it’s not of your liking we can restrain the invitation.
Yuri: If that’s what you want, I don’t mind. Another thing will be they agree on it.
Naomi: You are right~ considering Kino’s stubborness
*Mun Ari: THANK YOU DO MUCH FOR THE ASK!! You are always so sweet!! :’3
Spanish under the cut
Ariadna: Ahh~ Ya tengo una idea más o menos de lo que me quiero disfrazar. Pero como tú dices: tal vez mi querido aquí no piense lo mismo…
Kino: kukuku ¿quién sabe~?
Ariadna: Por favor no seas cruel conmigo y me pongas algo muy humillante…
Kino: Aún es muy pronto para saberlo~ no hay nada más entretenido que ver a chibi preocupada pensando todas las posibilidades que se me podrían ocurrir~
Ariadna: ¡Eres cruel! Te ries de mi desgracia T~T
Kino: fufufu~ ¿qué puedo decir~? No lo puedo evitar~
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Naomi: ¿Así que de esto se trata?
Yuri: No es algo recurrente, pero parece ser que has atraido la atención.
Naomi: heh~ ¿Así qué es eso~? Bueno, haré la excepción.
¿Halloween? Bueno, siendo honesta no necesito un disfraz. Siendo el ser inmortal que soy, todo el año es Halloween.
Yuri: Interesante observación
Naomi: Acerca de nuestros planes… Propongo que salgamos a pasear durante esas fechas. Es interesante ver la conducta de los humanos durante esta temporada. Puedes palpar en el aire su emoción, puedo garantizar que será una experiencia gratificante.
Yuri: Si así lo quieres, yo no tengo nigun inconveniente.
Naomi: Entonces está decidido. Sólo espero que Kino se comporte y no cause algún inconvenientes que nos oblige a quedarnos a vigilarlo.
Aunque…si desearan acompañarnos sería mejor.
Yuri: ¿por qué?
Naomi: Es evidente cariño, así los podré mantener vigilados. Sin embargo, si no es de tu agrado en ese caso no extenderé la invitación.
Yuri: Si así lo quieres, no hay problema. Una cosa diferente será que la acepten
Naomi: Tienes toda la razón~sobre todo si tenemos en cuenta la testarudez de Kino.
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elsatxx · 7 years
Looking between the lines pt. 3
So this is my first real attempt to write a story.. It’s alo posted on AO3, http://archiveofourown.org/works/9564770/chapters/21627455 , and I want to post it on Wattpad as well but hey! Who knows. Please tell me what you think! (Correcting errors are welcome too.)
Part 1   Part 2
.xx Elsatxx
Pairing: I havent decided yet..

Word Count: 997
Warnings: None yet..
Story under cut.
We arrived at this little diner, just outside of town. “Oh Sam, you know what to give a girl. This joint has the best pizza’s.” Sam laughed, “Pizza’s? Really?” “Yeah, the burgers are utter crap and the salads are real plain, but the pizza’s, oh those are good!” “Well, I will have to find out then. Euh, take your bag, you do have to do your homework.” I rolled my eyes, but took my bag never the less. “What homeworks do you have to do?” Sam opened the door for me. “Euhm, ive a history project due for next week, and i have to read two chapters for latin. And I think I promised our math’s teacher to make the first 20 questions..” “You think?” “He was being an ass, so I was being a smartass.” Sam started laughing, “That is so you.”
“So would you read my latin to me? I know you can pronounce it and I love listening to your voice.” Sam smiled, “That would be my pleasure, hand me your book.” I did so and Sam started reading, while listening I ordered us some good pizza and some drinks. Both a coca cola, he aint drinking shit ass beers on my watch, although he loves them. Mom always says you should drink good drinks or not at all. And let me tell you, those shit beers are anything but good, its more like water with a bitter taste. Now how would I know that you might think? When Sam left the room to get some chips at my 17th birthday I drank the last of his beer, he was too out of it to remember it anyways.
After Sam was done with reading me my Latin chapters, he made me recap what he said, I messsed up some words but I generally understood what he was talking about, so he rewarded me with more pizza. Which I gladly took. “This really is good stuff,” Sam said “I wouldnt have thought.” “I told ya!” I awnsered smugly. “Yes yes, now lets do Maths” I got right at it, and didnt even looked up when this man scooted in our booth.
“What are you doing here.” Sams voice was tight and harsh. “I came to check up on the youngest Winchester, the angel was worried something was wrong because he couldn’t find you.” I looked up and saw a rather old man, he rolled his eyes at Sam. “And for a good reason he couldn’t find me. I am fine, you can leave now Crowley.” Crowley, that was a new and odd name.. “Yes I can see that. Who is this beautiful lady?” That had me blush slightly, I didn’t often get called beautiful. Although he was an old man it still touched me. “That doesn’t consern you Crowley, now go or we will.” I touched Sams arm, he was really tense, it kind of scared me a little. “Sam, we can go right now if it bothers you, I can finish this at home, it is no  bother to me..” I looked him in his eyes to let him know it was okey. He nodded and stood up, and Crowley remaind seated. I grabbed all my stuff and Sam quickly guided me outside. "Who-“ "Not here, I’ll explain later.”
Arriving home was weird, because mom wasn’t there. “Mom?” “….” No awnser. “Mom!” I walked around through the house but I couldn’t find her. “Sam, did mom tell you something about going out?” He shook his head and frowned, “Can I use your laptop?” “Ofcourse you can, what are you going to do?” “Track her phone” he said, like it was the most normal thing to do. I logged in for him and letting him do his thing, watching every move. “Hmm…” I frowned, it looked so easy. “Your mom is in the library, on the second floor.” I took a breath, that was normal, she worked with troubled kids and refugees, who needed to learn our language. “That’s right,” I nodded “Well, that means one thing…” “What?"Sam looked at me questioning. "DANCE PARTY!” I ran to the tv and turned it on, streaming my favourite playlist and started dance which made Sam laugh loudly. “Come on!” I pulled him off of the chair and forced him to dance with me. Let me tell you Sam Winchester is a lot of things, but definitely NOT a good dancer which made me laugh even more. God I missed laughing like this.
We fell back on the couch when the song finished, breathing heavily. The front door flew open and it had me startled. “Sam.” “Cas? What are you doing?” Cas, another man I did not know. “I thought you were in trouble, this house is fully warded.” Warded? Excuse me? “Everything is fine Cas, just get back to the motel I will be there tonight and explain.” -Cas- tilted his head a little to the right. “You are angry with me. Why are you angry Sam?” Sam sighed, “I am not angry Cas, just a little… aggitated..” -Cas- nodded and walked towards the door, “So I can tell Dean that you are alright?” “Yeah Cas, I’m all good” Sam awnsered. Cas walked out of the door and closed it behind him.
This Cas dude was old.. And he had this deep graveling voice, which was weirdly atractive in some sort. “Sam, will you please tell me what is going on? Who are Cas and Crowley? And why are they so worried about you?” Sam sighed, “Those guys are just friends, well, Cas is a friend, Crowley is more like a companion. "Sam, just tell me what is going on.. Please..” I put on my puppydog eyes to woo him over. “Look, kiddo, I dont think I can tell you. This is up to your mom to explain..” Right on que mom opened the front door, she looked questioned. “Why is Jimmy outside in our front yard?”
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