#hogwarts hacks
rahabs · 1 year
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Professor Aesop Sharp (fl. 1890) was a wizard, who worked as an Auror for the British Ministry of Magic and later a Potions Master at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the 19th century.  [He] had a gruff and keenly acute nature, was not easily impressed by his students, and was a difficult taskmaster. Although he was wholly unwilling to suffer fools in his class, he was by no means entirely unreasonable in his methods, as he was known to take genuine pride in students who excelled in his class in spite of his challenging curriculum.
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soulsofbold · 9 months
I'm sure someone has figured this out, but tip for Hogwart Legacy : Crucio stops the Pensieve Guardians, flail attacks 🤷‍♂️
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whenamianadultforreal · 7 months
Things I want: A clean house
Things I do not want: To clean my house
Trying to find a compromise here and so far it means I pretend I’m a house elf named Honky and have to clean it anyway. Maybe this is why I never fold my laundry. I can’t be given clothes or my house will never be clean again.
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bonelessghoul · 1 year
The Lion and the Snake
Summary:  “Hi! i’d like to request a Tom Riddle x Gryffindor reader please :) she’s also a pureblood but Tom and his posse loves teasing & taunting her because she’s from their rival house but nonetheless she also happens to be the only girl that doesn’t follow Tom around like a lovefool while most girls in Hogwarts do yet she it’s as if she’s immune to his good looks & charm and this annoyed the hell out of Tom, she’s also really smart and always in a competitive match to see who gets the top of the class–  Sorry ran out of wordcount, what if one day Gellert Grindelwald manages to broke into Hogwarts and he suddenly looks for her in the great hall like “Is someone with the name of y/n Peverell here?” (yes that’s the twist, she’s a Peverell descendant) and Tom is shock to find out how significant her standing actually is in the wizarding community & her 3 ancestors are rumored to be the inspiration of tale of the 3 brothers, making her the heir to deathly hallows. Thank you!”
Note: Once upon a time on a blog that was hacked but I still have access to, this little short was written. I had that blog for like 10 years so I kinda scroll through it and read through my old stuff sometimes and this was one I wanted to bring back! hope it picks up among you all as it did long ago. This was requested by @ queenofmankind so I don’t wanna blow up their @ til they reach back out to me bc idek if they remember this request :D 
Part Two
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December 1943, Hogwarts 
A mahogany red scarf with evenly placed golden stripes and the hint of crimson in your long robe was enough to set you from the crowd like a lion in a room of snakes. Not only do they not belong together, but one boldly and obnoxiously stands out more than the others. Well, perhaps it depends on what one would fear the most.
That was how YN felt in her sixth year Potions class.
Sitting straight in your seat, you ignored the pesky glares of the Slytherin boys that surrounded you, murmuring about you and a few other Ravenclaws nearby.  There was one particular look you were concerned about though and it was right next you on the face of the very famous Tom Riddle.
This was not for lust but instead, a strongly embedded competition between the two of you since you stepped foot in Hogwarts. 
Both of you were among the smartest in the school, every other month replacing each other at the top when it came to who brought in the most house points with their immaculate reports. But there was nothing more to your relationship with him than mere academic rivalry. 
Riddle revolted you, unlike the rest of the girls in the school who fell at his feet. Even the boys and the professors did.
Tom was ghastly, but undeniably sat tall with a strong face that was dare you even say chiseled in the slightest. Every movement he made was so sleek like it had been rehearsed or perhaps he was an animagus as a black cat. Either way, it was suspicious. Even the way his hair curled at the top subtly falling over his forehead seemed way too perfect.
What unnerved you the most was his little following.
Upon return for your sixth year you could not help but notice the little band of misfits seeming all the more exclusive this year. They were the same loud and rambunctious boys you grew up fighting (well, it was more so being bullied and tormented by Malfoy and Rosier) but there were more whispers than laughs in the past few months.
“Today, we will review the Draught of Living Death. I like to give this as testament to what you all have learned before the winter holidays.” announced Professor Slughorn.
“Sounds a lot like you.” you whispered towards Tom, grinning smugly to yourself.
Tom inhaled through his nose. “Watch your tongue or I’ll put it in your wretched orange juice at breakfast.”
“What is your problem with orange juice?”
That was how most classes went. Occasionally, the two of you would laugh at the others wit and that’s how the other knew they had won for the moment before the next battle struck again. You would have taken it as friendly banter when you two were alone, however, Malfoy and others followed him like leeches and they were more harsh.
Professor Slughorn rambled on. 
Of course, the two of you already studied excessively for this the night before.
“I don’t have a problem with it, I just don’t understand how you don’t get sick of it every morning.” Tom muttered, rolling his eyes. “Regardless, I do hope you enjoy finishing after me.”
“That’s assuming you could even brew it in the first place considering your failure with the love potion two weeks ago.” you scoffed.
But there were times of pure frustration in the heat of a race of who could get theirs done first that made you want to hex him to death. Within not even ten minutes, the two of you had your sleeves rolled up, eyes strained on the task before you, moving like mirror images as you sped through the lesson and already far ahead of everyone else. But there was a draw. With the two of you side by side and the other Slytherin boys around your table, you all struggled with the Sopophorous bean.
Most people had either given up or nearly blew their faces off at this rate.
“Bloody hell, YN, if that comes near me one more time I’m dumping your head in this damn cauldron!” Abraxas seethed, dodging the bean that had flung from under her blade.
She winced slightly as she reached for another one.
“Aw don’t threaten her mate, she’ll cry again until we lose house points.” said Dolohov from beside him.
You glared, now suddenly positioning the bean and your knife so that when you pressed down it went directly into his direction. Tom watched idly with amusement as the boys around her erupted into laughter. 
Except, it went in the completely wrong direction and hit Tom in the face.
“Oh, shit…”you quipped, suddenly holding your breath as you tensed up to the equivalent of a stone wall, trying to stifle a laugh while his friends nearly fell from their seats.
The laughter ceased and when he abruptly turned towards you with a grimace, your entire body flinched away like it knew he were a monster ready to pounce. But you were left staring while your blood pulsed, watching as his face ran through several emotions before you calmed.
“You’ll regret that later, Peverell.” Tom snapped, throwing the stupid little bean back at her without even looking.
With ease, you caught it. Being a Quidditch player gave you some qualities you were glad to have.
You didn’t say a word after that.
It seems that class would end in a draw today.
Later that evening, a Hogsmeade trip was taking place.
It was the last one of the year so you and your friends gathered quickly for it.
Tom and the boys, the Knights of Walpurgis in particular you overhead one day, idly stood by at one of the corners as all the holiday hustle and bustle rampantly took over the cobblestone streets. Music played in the distance, lights were strung everywhere you looked, and occasionally a highly decorated Christmas tree larger than life filled where there was space for it.
But aside all the obstructive scenery, Tom’s eyes lingered on YN.
YN lived for the evenings out where she could dress in a nice skirt and sweater, running around with her friends to grab all the sweet holiday treats. They were looking for dresses in particular this evening for the Winter Ball the Headmaster allowed despite this war ravaging times. It was taking its toll on everyone, but it was a nice celebration considering most people were staying at the school.
Adis and Margot, your two best friend stood by you as you tried on several different dresses. Adis was in Ravenclaw and Margot was in your own house. 
But house differences aside, all of you were clearly growing frustrated with the stress of shopping and you believed nothing feeling right on you. To make it worse, the moment you found one you were pulled away from the allure of it when several boys knocked on the shop window and began shouting insults your way.
Of course, it was them.
As much as your blood boiled, your heart seemed to tighten as well at how personal this attack felt.
They really knew how to poke and prod the right places.
“Don’t listen to them, YN.” Margot said, giving them the finger as she shut the curtains.
Tears stung your eyes as you looked at your reflection. You had no idea what made you so stressed lately. Normally, you were always so composed when it came to them. But after going through a dozen dresses on an empty stomach, you were bound for frustration.
“Yeah, they’re just jealous you’re prettier than the other pigs of Slytherin.”
Snickering, you then sniffled and rubbed your eyes, rubbing away some sleepiness as well.
“Tom was probably behind it. They follow everything he does.”
The girls glanced at each other and back at you as you finally regained yourself from that stressful moment, taking a seat upon the velvet cushions by the dressing rooms.
“No way. Tom adores you more than any of the girls that fall to their knees for him.” Margot chuckled.
Leaning back, you nearly laughed with disgust. The mere thought of it made you wriggle in your own skin like you had touched something slimy. 
“I’m sure if he did it was merely a tactic of his to distract me or use me in some way. I’m his only competition here. There is nothing but twisted motives behind whatever he does. Plus, I hardly noticed anyway.”
“Suit yourself.” The girls said at the same time, shrugging as you shook your head at them.
When the time came to pick a dress that you gratefully found, there was only enough time to grab some food before returning back to Hogwarts. Knowing your father loved some of the treats from the candy shop, you told the others you would catch up with them while you ran in.
New rules had been put in place with Grindelwald reigning terror on your world. It was a miracle this place was even open. After picking up a bag of sweets from, you walked out to catch up with the girls.
But to no avail, you managed to walk straight into the back of someone else while your eyes searched for the girls.
“Oh, I’m sorry—oh, it’s just you.” You frowned, watching as Tom Riddle turned around to meet your eyes.
That brief moment you two met each other’s eyes, there was a split second of adoration that nearly pulled you in. They were strikingly green. Everything about his face struck you deep in your chest where knots were forming as you spoke. You were especially flustered when you remembered the conversation with Adis and Margot earlier. 
But taking a deep breath, you hurried around him.
“Wait!” he said urgently, catching your elbow.
Grinning without an ounce of humor, you spun back and threateningly looked up at the boy.
“Let go of my elbow or I’ll scream.”
Tom’s face mirrored yours and his eyes didn’t leave you as he released his hand, that touch alone leaving a cold space.
“What do you want? Still mad about earlier?” you scowled, walking ahead of him when you noticed the crowd of students were far ahead of you two. “It is quite a concern of mine that we’re about to take the trail back through the forest while all the students are out of earshot.”
The forest was filled with a strong chill enough to silence the air around you, only able to hear the sound of Tom’s footsteps catching up with yours. You knew it would snow soon, piling another layer upon the blanket of white that covered the ground around you. With the sun setting, mere remnants of pinks and orange guided your way, lighting the shimmering snow as the night was coming on the other side and here you were, walking in the middle of it with Tom Riddle.
“Why did you flinch earlier?” he asked.
Your face scrunched up. “I don’t know? Perhaps because we used to fight in our first year and I was half expecting you to hit my head with a book? I wouldn’t have put it against you not to.”
When you looked over at him, his eyes were straight ahead. He never failed to keep his chin up and you rolled your eyes, wondering how he could hold himself to such a standard even when it was just the two of you. It’s not that you felt comfortable with him but there was a weird common ground that was shared with your rival.
“You were scared?” he asked again, more pressing this time.
“As if.” you scoffed.
“I was just a bit surprised, thinking you had done it on purpose.”
Raising your brows, you looked at him. “Why would I want to bother you on purpose? Well, I do that every day. But not to that extent.”
Tom grinned. “Well like any other girl at this awful place, they think taunting me is the best way to get my attention and I merely assumed you were following their tactics.”
Even you had to laugh out loud when those words came from his mouth.
 “Please, spare me! I never thought you could make me laugh but you are absolutely a joke. You think I’d ever think of you that way? The person I literally hate the most?”
Tom shrugged, seeming all too confident for someone who just completely shattered the expectations he had for your response. Inside, he was writhing. Your laughter had once been a mere nuisance, one you could tolerate and sometimes even be relieved to hear but now, it had made his blood boil. You two continued in silence for a moment.
But he couldn’t believe you were being a hundred percent honest. Tom had no idea where the question came from, but his mind worked too fast for him to catch up on, and now he regretted it, knowing it was a foolish question anyway.
“I refuse to ever adore you, let alone the ground you walk on like everyone else here does, Riddle. I had my moments where I thought we could be friends. It amazes me how I can see right through this little façade you put up. You are the loneliest person I know for someone who has the whole school chasing after you.”
“Lonely?” he chuckled darkly, narrowing his eyes at her. “You think you know me because you’re not blinded by some infatuation?”
Shrugging, your mind wandered to your earlier years when you had almost been caught up like everyone else. But you knew your drive to be better than him would always win.
“That’s exactly what I think.”
The school was nearing up ahead. It pained you to think you would miss this conversation. This only happened once or twice a semester with you two outside the classroom banter.
“Then why bother fighting me, YN? If not for a silly crush, then for what?”
Tom was angry and he didn’t know why. He should have never opened his mouth and pretended like he could care less of your presence. But the way you flinched at him today left him reeling, wanting to know more about why your mind worked the way it did. How could you have been so briefly terrified by him and not even know what he has done in the past year? What made her so pesky and defensive all the time if she had no clue what he has been building for himself?
“Believe it or not, Tom, I don’t have to have feelings for you to enjoy the never ending competition we have.”
Ah, so you were as clueless as he presumed.
A pureblood with no interest him or his horcruxes or pursuit of the dark arts. Just a pawn. Barely even that.
“Why did you even have to ask that tonight? I thought you’d send your boys to laugh at me as I picked a dress in the shop and be done?”
Tom’s head whipped towards her. “They what?”
You chuckled grimly, shaking your head at him. “Never mind.”
To your relief, the school’s warmth was already touching the tip of your nose. You were feeling suffocated by his questions. Conflicted at your own stirring chest, you quickened your pace.
“Let’s pretend we never had this conversation, Tom. If you were trying to drive me away and dim down whatever friendship we had to some stupid crush so you could painfully reject me, you failed miserably.”
Once you were inside, Tom was left standing there, lips slightly parted open as he stared in your direction. Even after you walked away, the coldness consumed him, numbing whatever thoughts he had tonight and wishing to forget them. He was hoping it could be something pathetic so he could discard you, getting you off his mind for good. But Tom realized that was going to be a lot harder than he thought.
YN was never going to be ridded of his thoughts.
One Week Later
The Gryffindor common room could be heard from your chambers where you remain alone in the strong candlelight, staring at yourself in the mirror.
For the Winter Ball, most girls would wear dresses the represented their houses colors. It was tradition. But when your eyes fell on this dress in Hogsmeade last week, you knew you would escape your stiff mind with the message it would send for it was no color at all. The white, sleeveless gown fell to your feet, sticking close to your body while a lighter piece of fabric of the same design bellowed out behind you from your shoulders. It was hardly white, more ash, with little intricate designs of vines and branches all tangled in one with shimmering little details in between.
The very idea of sticking out with your attire at such a highly anticipated night made you sick to your stomach and you hadn’t stopped fidgeting all day, ready to start dry heaving over the sinks. 
“YN, are you almost—!” Margot shouted, rushing into the room with another friend of yours, Ada.
Your eyes met theirs through the reflection, and the girls jaws nearly hit the floor.
“That is beautiful.” Adis gasped.
Once more, you began poking at your hair which was tucked back in a bun with stray pieces falling in front of your face and they rushed over to swat at your hands. The makeup on your face suddenly felt heavy. 
“I don’t think I want to go anymore.” You groaned, turning to face them now.
The two girls wore dresses of the same deep crimson color, nearly matching in style as well. It was often the three of you that would attempt at matching but it was clear this night was not the case and it made you feel uncomfortable in your own skin.
“Why? Afraid the school is going to see you shine in something other than a school or Quidditch uniform?” Ada chuckled, still ogling at you in the mirror.
Smiling, you shook your head, looking down at the sheer fabric that covered your arms and the silver décor it sported. At first, you truly had never felt more beautiful. But the more you thought of it the more your mind wandered to all the possibilities of what could go wrong. Every nerve in your body tensed at the idea of walking down the steps towards the Great Hall alone.
“I promise you, YN, you will turn heads for all the good reasons.” Margot said, taking your arm, followed by Ada who linked yours with hers.
“And we won’t let you fall!”
Laughing your stomach knots away, you allowed your friends to drag you through the common room. Already you were receiving appraisal from the people in your house and when you had your larger group of friends walking with you, it made you ease up instantly. The humor and charisma of the Gryffindor house was unmatched and you were extremely relieved to have it.
You had a great support of friends in this house, especially because of how involved you were, and to say the least, everyone was astonished at your gown. 
But a wall came crashing down when you reached the grand staircase leading down to the open floor just before the Great Hall’s entrance. Every voice became clear and every mingling face did too as they glanced up at the Gryffindor crowd as they descended the stairs.
In a sea of red, your cheeks were beginning to match it as you strolled down behind the group of friends in your ashy white gown. Falling behind was a mistake, and now, you just kept your eyes on the next step in front of you.
“Just breathe, YN.” You heard one of your friends say through the ringing of your ears.
Instead of doing that, your hand slid down the stone railing while the other lifted the front of your dress a few inches. Breathing became impossible when you made eye contact with the shadow in the corner of the room that was Tom Riddle.
You cursed under your breath, hating that he was the first one your eyes fell upon.
The boy had ben standing there among his loyal followers and their dates, knowing this night was a small celebration for themselves as well as the entire school. 
Having made a horcrux already and on the quest for another, Tom was willing to allow himself to pause one night. The endless nights reading and searching for more could be at ease. That didn’t mean his thoughts weren’t racing constantly with all that came with his aspirations.
He thought it would be impossible to let them cease until the group before him started murmuring and turning their heads towards the stairs.
Tom, his face void of any interest, had followed their gazes and immediately spotted YN.
The moment he hesitated, the very moment his chest tightened he realized he was unwell, and just as he caught his lips turning upward, Tom had reeled himself back into a painful reality, quickly turning his head away. It nearly took the breath out of him and he was heated to allow it to happen in the first place.
When you saw his head immediately turn away, your heart sunk, The day you felt disappointed from Tom Riddle not looking your way, you were sure hell would freeze over. But here you were, forced to walk into the Great Hall like nothing had even happened.
At least the sight of it was enough to take your mind off of your troubled emotions. It was a winter wonderland in its purest form with snowflakes trickling down from the cloudy ceiling. Three Christmas trees that were as tall as the gaping windows stood at the front of the room, frosted and covered in ornaments the size of your head. All of the floor and walls were covered in an icy white color, making it feel like you weren’t even in Hogwarts anymore.
The feast arrived and once you had something in your stomach, you could ignore the fleeting glances you and Tom had shared since you walked in.
They were keeping your cheeks flushed at least.
Headmaster Dippet made his short and sweet introduction before all the students and professors mingled on the dance floor. Live music played and your friends dragged you to dance even if your dress had taken up too much space. But the more you did so, the more lighthearted you became in your movements and quite literally undid the stiff person you felt you were.
Of course, the Quidditch captain Daniel and other boys from the team snuck in flasks of firewhisky so it surely helped ease your nerves.
Other students from different houses and even some of your teachers complimented you to your surprise.
But when the music slowed, you watched all of your friends pair up to your dismay, immediately sinking your shoulders. Adis, Margot, and Ana were nowhere to be found as your head turned like a swivel.
“Hurry, join in!” Margot chuckled, waving you to step in with her and her date from the Quidditch team.
You opened your mouth to protest, ready to rest your feet and take a seat at the table, but a finger had tapped your bare shoulder, causing you to spin back around, facing the last person you would think to see in this moment.
“Need a partner?” Tom Riddle asked.
The words were caught in your throat, foolishly standing there with your lips slightly parted as you tried to comprehend his offer.
“Unless you would like to sit down?”
“N-no. I would love to dance.” You stammered, watching his lips curve.
Your heart began hammering against your chest when you stepped closer to the boy, a knight clad in his black and shining armor that enamored you once you were too close to it. There was no stepping back when his hand grabbed yours and the other rested on the small of your back. The ability to breathe slipped through your mind as you stared up at him, looking down at you like he had won.
“Of all the girls in this room that probably want to murder me now, you choose to dance with me?”
Tom shrugged slightly, seemingly guiding you with ease while you nearly stumbled.
“Afraid to dance with me, YN?”
While your nerves were shot, you couldn’t help but mirror the subtle grin on his lips.
“I’m not afraid of anything, Tom Riddle. Part of me believes you’re dancing with me so that, in fact, these girls could murder me.”
Something turned his grin wider and you rolled your eyes.
“Maybe the only person to ever to be my academic match just may be the only suitable dance partner as well.”
With the last conversation you two had, you didn’t expect this to go so easy with him now. You didn’t dare bring it up and ruin this brief moment of common ground you two stood on. When you looked up at him there was only him and not even the stares burning into the back of your head mattered.
“And shortly when we return from the holidays, we will be back to the competition just like that.” You mused.
“Just like that.”
A million questions wandered through your mind. If only you could know what was going on in his.
For the first time it seemed, you wore a genuine smile on your face when you looked up at him. Even Tom, who had too been alone, wondered what it was about tonight that made him act so out of character. He would have gladly hung in the corner of the room, but the moment he saw her alone, something rash had unleashed inside him.
It seemed his thoughts were visible to you, because while you tried to look anywhere else as his gentle touch paralyzed you, you couldn’t help but notice his quizzical face.
“I hope you’re not having second thoughts, Riddle.” you chuckled, one misstep away from his toes and one away from letting the firewhisky talk.
“I was thinking about when I trip you and make a run for it.” he mused, his eyes drifting up to the ceiling.
“That’s nicer than what I imagined.”
The numbing comfort it brought was fading, and your skin begin to feel every inch of fabric to an annoying degree. You constantly chastised yourself for your sheer awkwardness and you knew that this dance was only making it worse despite how much you secretly enjoyed it.
“So, are you staying here for the winter holidays? I know Professor Dumbledore made an announcement the other day saying students were welcome to stay. I considered it.” you rambled on.
Something in his demeanor changed at the mention of the holidays though.
“Yes, I will be staying here.” he had said briskly, the sudden change making you sink internally.
“I’m sure it’ll be a thrill to stay here without the worry of studying for a couple weeks. I know I’m relieved.” you tried to tease. 
He raised an eyebrow at you. “You’re not going home?” 
You shrugged, pondering the decision still with a few days left to make it. 
“My family probably won’t be home to be quite honest. I still have a few days to make up my mind. I would simply like to get through tonight first.”
“Oh, something bothering you, Peverell?” Tom asking mockingly.
Suddenly, he had leaned back to twirl you under his arm and the breath had simply left your lungs as he pulled you back in, an unwavering and almost goofy smile on your lips. You laughed at him, knowing very well he knew the right buttons to poke.
But the second you opened your mouth to speak, the sound of glass shattering from all angles had filled the room and there was a split moment of silence before the sound of startled screams filled in for the music that abruptly stopped. Instantly, you ducked ever so slightly, watching as the room dimmed and glass flew with the cold air that rushed in. 
As if you weren’t frazzled enough, something kicked in when you looked at Tom.
“What is going on?” you asked to yourself, scanning the room for your friends.
But everyone was whizzing by and you backed into Tom as your head began spinning. With the chandeliers extinguished of their light, you had squeezed his hand as the moving crowd had pulled you two into the same direction.
One of the professors had called out a spell, lighting the chandeliers once more and someone was trying to order everyone to an exit.
Suddenly, the doors of the Great Hall opened faster than you’ve ever seen them move in years and not a single soul moved. Standing on your heels, you tried to peak your head over the crowd of students that started backing away and worriedly looked up at Tom whose eyes were slightly widened now. Glancing back, you finally caught sight of a white haired man and your blood immediately ran cold.
Gellert Grindelwald entered the room and as did two aids of his all dressed darkly, wands pointed at the crowd of students even as the Professors all came to their defense at the front.
You wanted to be with your friends. You wanted to hold them knowing very well this might be the last time you see them and yet, that fear could not be felt now as you had gone entirely numb. The only thing you had was Tom’s hand still gripped in yours.
“How lovely!” Grindelwald boasted. “A welcoming party just for me?”
“You are not welcomed here, Grindelwald.” You heard a voice boom back.
Was that Professor Dumbledore?
The professor stepped forward, just yards away from Grindelwald. 
People around you whispered the horrific things about him. His rise to power was almost insurmountable with his pure blood motivated agendas.
“I was only visiting. I don’t wish to harm the little brainwashed minions you have called your students. Hogwarts has done that enough, brainwashing them to believe they are safe from the world around them.” He chuckled darkly, immediately straightening his face only a second after.
Tilting your head, you couldn’t help but be curious to see the most dangerous man in the world standing before you with his quirky character. He seemed more like a jester than a monster. It didn’t seem real.
“What business do you have here?” the Headmaster demanded.
“Is there someone of the name YN Peverell here?”
Nothing could have prepared you for the moment Gellert Grindelwald called out your name. Your knees nearly buckled beneath you when heads started turning towards you. The room had gone so silent that in the midst of it all, your heart was like a drum. The few people who met your eyes you wanted to burn, not wanting to be seen or heard, shaking your head as tears swelled in your eyes.
But it was your fault the moment you shuffled back, colliding with Tom Riddle who was frozen like a wall.
“Oh, that wasn’t so difficult.” said Grindelwald.
Before you knew it, your body was not your own and you yelped as you were pulled forward by an invisible force. The students you had surrounded yourself with were no longer around you, leaving you cold and exposed as your unmoving body was now just a few feet away from the Gellert Grindelwald.
“Leave her be, Gellert!” shouted Dumbledore. 
The tears you had no control over streamed down your cheek. You were terrified, staring into the piercing blue eyes of a monster who was looking at you like prey.
“Are those your friends?” he asked, tilting his head, then looking at them. “I hardly think they are given how quick they were to give your identity away.”
Shutting your eyes was the only thing you could do. Before you knew it though, a force had pried them open and you let out a soft whimper.
“You see, I do not wish to harm her for she is more valuable than even you know, Albus.” Gellert said, walking around you now. “I have been quite interested in her family for some time, but they weren’t the easiest people to find so I figured their youngest daughter would be a place to start.”
No matter how much you tried to move, you didn’t budge. More tears streamed down your face and the only thing you could control was your breathing. If your lessons had taught you one thing, it was to keep a clear mind and steady breath. If all else had failed, listen to yourself.
But how could you? What did he want with your family, let alone you?
“Gellert, you let her go. Now.” Dumbledore said, his voice unwaveringly terrifying.
“The name Peverell has been a name I thought did not exist anymore, but here we are.” He announced, throwing his hands in the air. “She is the sole connection to the Deathly Hallows, therefore, I cannot simply just let her go. Surely you understand?”
Your brows furrowed.
That stupid children’s book? Your mind raced back and forth, wondering how that was even possible. With how old that story was, it would be impossible to even figure out how your last name somehow matched the that of the three brothers.
But your memories betrayed you when you thought of all the times your parents read it to you as a child.
There was something there, something that you knew was important but couldn’t quite remember just yet. It was hard to think past your body being paralyzed and your heart in a frenzy.
“She’s just a child, she has nothing to do with such a thing!” one of the female professors pleaded.
“On the contrary, she does.”
“Well I’m afraid there is no time to figure it out.” Dumbledore threatened, withdrawing his wand.
Grindewald glanced back for a brief moment, and with the wave of his hand, your body was free to move but you were tossed aside in the air, holding your breath and squeezing your eyes shut as you tumbled to the glass covered ground. As you rolled, your body was scratched but your blood rushed so quickly you couldn’t be bothered by the stinging. You tried to gather yourself, watching as a powerful rush of lights passed between the Professors and Grindelwald’s gang.
With the tables just behind you, you glanced at your friends who were all being ushered away in your direction yet they were not close enough to you. Looking at the fight that ensued before your eyes, filling in for the lights that had previously disappeared, you started inching back towards the tables for cover.
“Ah ah ah!” Grindelwald cynically laughed, waving his finger at you. “You’re not going anywhere, Peverell.”
For some reason, you thought you could escape and the second you jumped to your feet to make a run for it, you heard the words, “Crucio!”
A synchronous gasp came from everyone around him when Grindelwald shouted those words though and Tom nearly sprung forward towards you. But like everyone else, he stood there in shock.
It didn’t register. There was no time to even think as your entire body was consumed by a white hot pain that ripped through every little vein in your body. You dropped as quickly as you stood, so submerged in pain you could not breathe let alone scream as you began trembling, writhing away as if you could escape the unsurmountable burning that tore through you. But when you finally released your breath, a scream so bone chilling escaped your lips and you didn’t even hear it as your ears rung from the feeling itself.
Tom Riddle had never been so caught off guard in his life. He had never felt so moved by anything until he heard your scream. He had tried to push forward, but the professors were pushing back, getting everyone to safety.
A synchronous gasp came from everyone around him when Grindelwald shouted those words though and Tom nearly sprung forward towards you. But like everyone else, he stood there in shock.
“Cease your fire and I will let the girl go. But be warned, she will not be safe from me.” The white haired devil announced.
Every professor ceased their movement and Grindelwald released his hold on you.
Even when he did though, just that short minute of time your body experienced such trauma, you were sobbing as you still felt it streaming in your blood. Your vision went blurry as you rolled over, feeling your stomach churn as you stared at Grindelwald in the moonlight. As your ability to think returned, you wondered when you would be dead already.
Instead, he disappeared and you could finally breathe again but instead, you quickly fell to the exhaustion.
Grindelwald left, apparating through the windows into the night, leaving an eerie silence in the Great Hall.
Everyone rushed over to you but Tom Riddle stood by still reeling from the scene that unfolded before him. Abraxas remained at his side, looking quite horrified actually.
“YN bloody Peverell.” Malfoy said in awe. “I thought that whole lineage stuff was a myth.”
Tom’s eyes could not be broken from your sight. He was compelled to follow, but he stood his ground, knowing his impulses were getting the best of him too much already tonight. Another student picked your body up and he narrowed his eyes, watching as you were carried away.
“It seems we are among probably the most important Pureblood in the world now.” Tom observed. “And Grindelwald won’t stop til he has her.” 
In a moment where possibilities should be surging through his mind now though, all Riddle could think of was finding you because there was something about you no longer being in his sight anymore that made his chest tighten. That alone made him want to destroy the entire room.
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moon-at-dawn · 5 months
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I'm thinking about 141 in Hogwarts
I'm more familiar with old OG COD so I'll start with them
Price : Slytherin, but a professor. I don't know but og price has some edges around him and he has some effective ways to complete the missions as a Captain
Gaz : Ravenclaw. Do you remember 'Your fruit killing skills are remarkable'? or 'you can try pulling it if it'll make you feel better.' There it is, a high-quality wit. true wisdom
Roach : Our sweet Roach boy is Hufflepuff. He followed Soap to the edge of the cliff even though he was afraid. Soap once mentioned in his journal that he was 'raw, skilled, loyal to a fault.'
Soap : Gryffindor. The first scene we saw him was on the cliff and he just jumped off the cliff. It should be the courage of lions. But also thought of Hufflepuff because of his loyalty.
Ghost : Ravenclaw? He often does backups and hacking things. Reminds me of eagles. I also don't want to put him in Slytherin as it might bring the memory of snakes. Eagles hunt snakes so...
I don't know, it's just my thought. Of course, someone might think differently. what do you think about it?
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vroomlesbianvroom · 7 months
If the Wizarding World had Ofsted, Hogwarts would have been closed down in at least Harry’s first year.
Also, either Dumbledore was in fact manipulative and the mastermind behind almost everything wrong in Harry Potter or he’s senile as fuck. Either way he never should have been Headmaster.
Every single year this man is mentally deranged at that school, he should have been fired in first year at least. (I go into more detail if you click read more).
Philosopher’s Stone
He has Hagrid introduce Harry to the wizarding world - normally it’s a Head of House - Hagrid then very suspiciously collects the Stone (he must have known Hagrid was not the man to be subtle here)
He makes a big spectacle of not going to the third floor corridor - he could have just said it’s closed this year and put some wards up to stop children but in fact all he did was lock the door and then teach them how to unlock it
Students must not go into the Forbidden forest at any time unless it’s a punishment in which we’ll send you with just Hagrid and then you’ll split into groups anyway. What a smart idea
How did no one notice that Voldemort was on the back of Quirrells head? You’re telling the best wizard in the world couldn’t work it out
Three first years managed to get past that little questy maze but it was supposed to stop one of the strongest wizards in the world
Speaking of the maze, it’s all things that they’re good at or have learnt - Devils Snare, chess, the troll they’ve already caught, flying, and a little riddle - Voldemort definitely couldn’t get passed those everyone knows the Dark Lord is shit at chess
When Harry has just killed a man, Dumbledores like it was love. No that is a traumatised child.
Chamber of Secrets
Not a single teacher (or any of her four brothers) noticed that Ginny was possessed for almost an entire year
Some creature is going around and petrifying students and the teachers only plan is to set a curfew and cancel quidditch
Hermione Granger, a twelve year old, manages to work out the creature but Dumbledore can’t - the man had 50 years to work it out
Lockhart is obviously a hack and somehow gets the job anyway
Ron and Harry then manage to work out where the chamber is located but no one else can - they’re not exactly the most observant of children
Harry also talks to a diary that talks back - can someone teach these children that that’s not normal, please stop?
Prisoner of Azkaban
This is possibly the book where Dumbledore’s the best behaved
He does allow a thirteen year old to use a time turner to attend extra lessons - yeah, just let her possibly rip apart time and her own existence that’ll be fine
He also must know that Sirius is innocent and does nothing to help him
They also continue doing quidditch even with the soul sucking creatures floating above them
You need a parental consent form to go to Hogsmede but not to fly on a broom and be around deadly soul sucking creatures that makes complete sense
With the ministry they put dementors in a school full of children but they don’t continue looking after the year ends
Goblet of Fire
This has to be Dumbledore’s worst year
Harry gets signed up to the deadly tournament without his consent and they don’t even really try to get him out - I refuse to believe that a minor could sign a legally binding contract without any form of consent - I also refuse to believe that someone else can get you in a legally binding contract
If they could, why didn’t they just do that with Voldemort
Dumbledore doesn’t notice that his old friend is acting a little bit strange and is in fact a death eater in disguise
You’re telling me Harry can’t go to Hogsmede without the Dursley’s permission but can enter a deadly contest Willy nilly
He allows minors to be fight dragons, be tied to the bottom of a lake and be teleported to Voldemort without even trying - no one checked the cup before putting in the maze
Moody is allowed to teach the unforgivables to children and practise one on them
Order of the Phoenix
This year he’s not awful just a prick
Voldemorts back and Harry’s having creepy nightmares/visions and Dumbledore just keeps running away - just talk to the boy
How did no one in that school notice that Umbridge was using a blood quill on students - how shit are these teachers
Please just explain to Harry’s what going on - this is what we’ve been building up to this whole time
Half Blood Prince
This is when he fully stops caring about any student other than Harry
He knows the whole time that Dracos been forced to take the dark mark and has to kill him and he doesn’t even try and help the boy
He knows he’s dying and gives Harry very little information about the Horcruxs and also uses him to find out information about how many there were
He knows Harry’s a horcrux the entire time and just doesn’t mention it coz he needs Harry to die when the times right
Dumbledore is either mental and needs a hug-me jacket or he’s evil and needs to stay away from children. He could have prevented so much pain and suffering. He could have stopped Tom Riddle from becoming Voldemort in the first place.
He grooms Harry to fight Voldemort and die when the times right and doesn’t even seem to care. Right when Harry needs him, he’s no where to be found.
This is only what we know from Harry’s perspective I imagine it’s a lot worse from everyone else’s.
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bae04xx · 6 months
this is so random but i’ve been rewatching harry potter so here you go x
platonic golden trio x pegasus rider reader head canons
• y/n grew up around pegasuses, having her own stables on the farm she lived on
•she was partially famous by the time she was 6, after completing in the young adults races, show jumping and dressage - and placing first in all 3 categories
•her talent was ridiculous, by age 8 she named the rider of the century, competing against anyone and anybody who dared to test her
•she was watched by the public eye, all anticipating when she’d been sent to a witching school, while her coming from an incredibly old pure blood line also made her quite well known, her riding skills made her and her family’s reputation boom
•when she first got her hogwarts letter she ecstatic, her mum had put her in magical tutoring since 5 so she would be far above anyone else, yet y/n wasn’t trusted with a wand while being so young, so she was taught spells with a flick of her wrist and by using the power of her words
•while her mum was happy for her, she was worried about her riding career, considering the boarding situation at hogwarts and how they lacked in a stables like theirs, or even a stables. but after sending a few owls to dumbledore he arranged something with hagrid
•while it wasn’t as posh as y/n was used to, hogwart’s stables had 3 new pegasus and 1 from her home. 1 of the new ones was fully bombproof while the other 2 needed breaking in, hagrid was now her new instructor- not that she needed 1
•while at her daily lessons, she ran into harry potter, ron weasley and hermione granger. a small, friendly group of gryffindor misfits
•while the group of 4 all looked up to hagrid, y/n was especially close with him, staying at his hut for hours on end, going on hacks, constant riding with him, he was like a father figure to her
•harry was her bestfriend, they instantly clicked, they both new what it was like to be misunderstood and idolised by others, while harry’s fame was more on the misfortunate side, they could still relate to the down falls of being in the public eye. y/n was harry’s rock, his go to girl, a shoulder to cry on, someone he could depend on, and he loved every second he spent with her
•hermione was someone y/n idolised, being her study buddy was a privilege y/n held so close to her heart, happy to show it off to anyone. they bonded over the fact that they both appreciated hard work, dedication and resilience. while one applied that to their studies and the other applied that to their career- they both understood each other
•ron was someone who was just a joy to be around, and y/n was so happy to be in his presence after a long day- just being around him was like a weight was lifted off her shoulders. his easy going attitude was nothing like the hard-core, crushing work she had to deal with everyday. his jokes and chilled attitude calmed her, and ron enjoyed watching her shoulders soften around him
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bigmack2go · 3 months
Newsies as Things my friend and me have said bc im shocked i haven’t done this yet
Sarah: THIS!
Sarah: *points at tailor doll*
Sarah: this is the reason i‘m into women!
(Sarah *in a whispered sob*: my hand fits her waist so perfectly….)
Albert after getting one question wrong: if you’re alowed to be dumb, so am i
Albert *shocked*: why is there no crossover of „sing“ and „zootopia??“
Albert: i mean—… NOT EVEN A FANFICTION!
Jack: there are very few names that are acceptable for sausage dogs
Jack *clears throat*….
Race:*wakes up david from his much needed afternoon nap*
Race: do u ever mix up the feeling of attraction with the one of jealousy???
Les: so if harry potter is an otter—
Les: and ron weasly is a weasle….
Les: whats hermione??
Albert: *beetboxing and drumming on the table*
Race *in a rhythmic suiting tune*: iiiiiiiittttt issssss
Race and Al: Four. A. M. Andimreallytrynnasleep. Buticant. Cuz- i think— cuz i think there’s someone in my house—
Albert: anyone else ever wonder how it would go if henry danger went to hogwarts?
Davey (in the middle of a conversation about hotdogs or smt): is there a place where you can give emoji suggestions??
Hotshot: what are you doing?
Autistic!Spot *squatting*: i need to make sure these pants don’t give me over sensory issues
Race: i dont get hyperfixations
Albert: you— you litteraly memorised Hamilton
Katherine: why is it, whenever i find someone hot, they get a haircut???
Albert: SHUT UP YOU LITTLE— YOU LITTLE… i cabt think of an insult but imagine something thats really bad just so you know i am in fact really mad
(Race: woah who would have thought i’d live to see albert dasilva not being able to think of an insult)
Albert: ok but like… the characterbuilding of pawpatrol is like,,, really fucking good
Albert: like that shit deserves an oscar
Spot: did it hurt when you fell—
Race (litterally from down on the floor): when i fell from heaven?
Spot: no when you-
Race: when i fell for you?
Jack: ah where did i put my crutchie?
Jack: damnit why do i keep losing i— ahhh there it is!
Elmer: ask for forgiveness, not permission
Hotsot: *sighs exasperated while watching elmer proceed to pull out a baloon sword with a genuinely evil look on his face*
Jack: you ever notice how you can deescalate literally any situation by [doing smt] as long as the situation is right?
Davey: *blinks*
Smalls: soooo i think i may or may not have just accidentally invented backwards stealing
Jack: ugh! Nephew, grandson! Wheres the difference, really??
Jack: i just stepped on my painting
Jack: haha! Look at those cute lil paint pawprints on the floor
Jack: wait why do my feet make pawshaped pawprints???
Davey: thats it. Im done. I quit.
Elmer: quit what?
Davey: life.
Spot: im trying to work on my anger issues
Albert: you literally just punched somebody
Spot: and it made me less angry
Mrs Kirby: buttons what are you doing here? This isn’t your classroom
Buttons (shamelessly): avoiding my teacher hopefully for another….
Buttons (squinting at the clock):
Buttons (happy as ever): 36 minutes!
Graves: my bf is being homophobic
Hotshot: youre single???
Graves: exactly!!
Davey: i may be antisocial but im still a socialist
Albert: spot, if i dropped dead here and now and race wasn’t there to witness that you didn’t murder me, what would you do with my body?
Spot: bold of u to assume I didn’t murder u
Spot: or need race as a witness
Spot: or—
Albert *putting on creme-deodorant*:
Jack: is this hair wax you’re putting under your arms???
Albert: yes.
Albert: it blocks the sweat glands.
Jack: *proceeds to go on about a ten minute speech about how tiktok spreads false information and life hacks*
Race: ow ow ow ow
Spot: what?
Race: i put on the wrong glasses
Spot: race w h a t
Albert: im a left handed green eyed ginger and thats not even the worst part—
Race: there are four types of people.
Race: watch.
Race: *shoves crutchie so he falls*
Jack: *gasps and runs to fight race*
Davey: *gasps and runs to help crutchie*
elmer: *gasps and laughs at crutchie*
Albert: *gasps and laughs at race*
Race: see
Race: *the most satisfied hes beenin his life*
No one:
Absolutely no one:
On this entire planet no one:
smalls *giving b i r t h*: ow ouch ow ah- yeah that does in fact hurt, owowow
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dracoxmalereader · 5 months
Silver "I"
Context: Fifth chapter of my older ravenclaw reader story. Takes place still during Umbridge's time at Hogwarts, still before she becomes headmistress, but at this point she's already getting super desperate to catch whatever Harry and the rest of thems has going on.
All chapters/parts together can be found on Wattpad and Ao3
Summary: Draco can't help but listen in on Crabbe and Goyle's gossiping about Umbridge using the cruciatus curse on students. Though, it is quite suspicious that the student in question is a sixth year ravenclaw, just like certain someone he knows...
Word Count: 879
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The great hall hadn’t been the same in Dumbledore’s absence. The room once echoing with lively chatter had fallen mute, gradually being hacked to only dull whispers from those brave enough. The tables grew more sparse by the day, students opting to retire early to the common rooms or kill time elsewhere.
Even Draco had to admit it was a bummer, the silver “I” pinned to his robes growing duller with every boring meal he sat through. The hallways of the castle were lifeless, extravagant walls plagued with educational decrees.
Dinner was definitely the worst of all three meals, Draco decided. He picked at the food in front of him, zoned out to the background noise of his lackey’s hushed back-and-forth from either side of him. The large windows were dark, light of the hall reflecting off them and giving him little to get lost in.
“Really?” Crabbe was barely legible through his mouthful of food, but the draw of entertainment pulled Draco from his trance. Pansy Parkinson took her seat across from the trio, smoothing a wrinkle in her uniform skirt.
“I was there,” Goyle’s face held an ugly grin, smugness oozing from it. He continued, “I was the one that ratted him out, watched her do it myself.”
“Watched who do what?” Pansy leaned towards them, joining in on the conversation.
“Umbridge used the cruciatus curse on a sixth year-” Crabbe started. Draco hissed like he’d been burned.
“Gossip is heavily discouraged.” He scowled at Goyle before turning back to Crabbe. “And one must not tell lies, unless you’ve forgotten.”
Draco’s skin crawled at the mention of the curse, but he was not about to let his stupid goons mess up their positions in the Inquisitorial Squad because they had to run their mouths.
Crabbe chewed at him, swallowing heavily and licking his lips obnoxiously before responding. “I thought you two were friends though?”
Draco’s brows drew tight in confusion, anxiety blooming behind his ribs. How many sixth years was he friends with? He tried to reassure himself.
Goyle chuckled meanly, rude and teasing. “I thought he’d’ve told you first, you know how chatty those ravenclaws are.”
“Yeah, always yapping about something. Probably too scared to get on Draco’s bad side.” Crabbe snickered dumbly in return. He mocked, “One must not tell lies!”
Stomach churning, Draco suddenly found it hard to sit still. His lungs drew tight. His head was swimming with you, the thought of your blinking eyelashes not failing to make his heart beat faster even as concern clawed against the back of his throat. He felt his palms grow clammy.
He rolled his eyes and sneered. “What ravenclaw?”
“The one he ditched us for on the train last year?” Pansy bounced off his question. Draco’s blood felt like ice water in his veins and he held his breath at your blunt inclusion. He hoped neither inquiry would be answered.
“Yeah, that one.” Goyle confirmed. Draco felt sick. “Heard he’d been out by the greenhouses after hours, took fifty points from ravenclaw and went to Umbridge.”
Bile crept up Draco’s throat; the back of his tongue burned. The silver “I” on his robes felt like it weighed a thousand kilos. It felt like a dark mark. Shame bubbled in his chest. 
The power that came with his position in the Squad suddenly didn't feel worth it. He felt a little like a monster.
“Suspicious and outlawed activity, it’s no wonder she thought he was working with Dumbledore.” Goyle’s voice was grating, and Draco couldn’t shake the overwhelming image of you being tortured over something as ridiculous as watering plants.
His eyes felt like they were about to melt. Pansy eyed him suspiciously across the table, and he couldn’t find it in himself to care.
“You alright, Draco?”
Goyle’s incessant laughter rang in his ears. “Probably upset I caught that stupid ravenclaw first-” Draco pushed out of his seat. He loomed over Goyle, breath coming out shaky, and his fingers trembled.
“Shut your fat mouth, Goyle.” His lips drew up at the sides in anger. The orange glow from the candles in the air felt blinding, his face went hot.
Draco wanted to punch Goyle in the nose, wanted to rip the silver “I” off his robes and throw it at Crabbe so hard it bruised. He shook his head, taking another, equally ragged breath to compose himself.
“You and your stupid rumors.” His voice was a growl, louder than was acceptable by educational decree, but Draco didn’t care.
His gaze turned to Pansy. She looked at him with a brow pulled up, concern and confusion on her face. He scoffed and turned away, jaggedly swaying from side to side as he stormed off down and out of the great hall.
“What’s got his robes in a knot today?” Goyle wore an offended expression.
Pansy opened her mouth, silent for a moment before speaking. “You think they’re…?” She trailed off at the end of the sentence, eyes pointing in the direction Draco had left and raising her brows at Crabbe and Goyle in suggestion.
The two boys stared quietly at her, expressions blank. Crabbe leaned forwards, tilting his head at her. “Think they’re what?”
She rolled her eyes, turning to the food on the table. “Nevermind.”
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Pansy knows and honestly idk if that's a good or a bad thing yet. I should probably have the story more planned out by now because I'm 5 chapters into it but nope. Just winging it. Also I'm leaving it up to interpretation whether or not the reader actually got crucio'd because honestly while Umbridge would do that, Goyle would totally lie about it to sound cool. That's a headcanon but I've fully accepted it as fact.
I know Crabbe is supposed to be one of the brainless evil death eater goons but I wish he had more character exploration because honestly out of all the slytherins he's my second favorite after Draco 😭 You may not have much to go off of Crabbe, but you're forever an airheaded himbo softie in my HEART. Crabbe deserved a character arc I won't be taking critique on that (factual) opinion.
Tags: @nowayisthistakenyet @gayaristocrat @dracoshusband @hyperactivepest @esperfraud
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thistlecatfics · 5 months
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The Hot Mess Express by @yrfrndfrnkly (17k, M, Minerva/Rolanda)
Being Albus's Deputy Headmistress was bad enough before Gilderoy Lockhart showed up…
Tags include: A.S.S., Lockhart bashing (does that even count as bashing?), Competent Women, caper!, meddling colleagues, Matchmaking, Ski Chalets, the Pyrenees, treasure chest of dildos, and 70s pornos, Hot Tub, outdoorsiness, Spelunking, tandem broom rides
This fic is just so fucking funny and clever and heartwarming. It's just such a warm fic - perfect to read this December with a cup of tea and snow flurries outside. The characterizations are so brilliant (Manipulative and campy Albus! A meaningful and moving Severus & Minerva friendship!), and Minerva's voice throughout the fic is so distinct and captivating and dry and hilarious.
Here are an excessive amount of quotes to convince you to read this fic:
"Not, mind you, that Minerva would prefer another sycophantic Percy. But a repeat of Charlie wouldn't be so bad: gentle natured and a dab hand at Quidditch."
"Commiserating with Septima about the forthcoming publication of her article in The Arithmancer (coming along slowly; Reader 2 is a hack)"
"experience has taught her that Gilderoy has very selective hearing: if his name isn't mentioned in a sentence, he's unlikely to register it."
"Honestly, his approach to Headmastery and Dark Lord Vanquishing is at least twenty-five percent style and another twenty-five living performance art."
"prays to the patron saints of sapphic Hogwarts teachers, Helga and Rowena themselves, that this ludicrous caper ends the same way that one had—the tub in the teacher's bathroom is practically a hot tub, after all."
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soulsofbold · 9 months
I'm sure someone has figured this out, but tip for Hogwart Legacy : Crucio stops the Pensieve Guardians, flail attacks 🤷‍♂️
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whinlatter · 8 months
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author's note | chapter 8: bones 🦴
thank you for reading chapter eight of Beasts! this week, it's hotting up politically - ginny meets with the minster of magic, enjoys a hot beverage with all of her ex boyfriends, finds out about the clinton impeachment and rides the east coast mainline from edinburgh to london for free with no cancellations or delays a week before christmas. now that really is magic.
got a bumper author's note this week (and some metas to follow), plus a sneak peek of chapter nine (oh the cameos we've got coming! i've got flashback fever). i am also accepting any and all guesses for who the gang will go as for the grimmauld muggle-themed NYE party. we know anthony's going as tony blair, terry boot's deciding between a terry's chocolate orange or the golden boot, but what will the rest of the DA go as? answers on a postcard/in the askbox pls. ok let's discuss this wet and wintery chapter that i wrote at the beach during a heatwave in august, for some reason
✨ spoilers for this chapter below the cut  ✨
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writing things and headcanons:
the hogwarts inquiry and graves on the ministry: the chapter opens with graves (himself an ex ministry employee, though we don’t know the circumstances of his exit yet) poking holes in the wizengamot’s approach to justice thus far in the post-war period, suggesting holding individuals accountable - especially someone like thicknesse who was imperiused - misses how the entire wizarding state is implicated in wartime crimes against muggleborns and other persecuted groups. also disillusioned by the way post-war trials are going, kingsley wants to take a different course of action to get to the bottom of what happened at hogwarts during the war. a lot of post-war fics do an amazing job doing post-war justice through criminal trials, and i wanted to do something a bit different for this fic that is explicitly interested in places and institutions and the cultures they foster (hogwarts and the ministry itself, but grimmauld place and, soon, the burrow, home to different kinds of institutions, including families). like a lot of people who grew up in the uk in the early 00s public inquiries - like the leveson inquiry into media culture and phone hacking, or the chilcott inquiry into the iraq war - really left a big impression on me (though i’m sure this is also true in lots of political cultures, not least in the US in things like senate hearings etc). i also really love seeing inquiries and hearings rendered in fiction (in tv, jesse armstrong shows like the thick of it and succession), so knew i wanted to have a go writing these into this fic. there are actually quite a few inquiries of varying scale that happen in the canon series (though none are public), so we know this is a mechanism the ministry has previously used to investigate various breaches of law or accepted norms (in CoS, arthur faces one over the car; over buckbeak in PoA; into percy over crouch; dumbledore asks for one after the dementor attack on harry, which fudge rejects; into bode’s murder at st mungo’s, and into the miscarriage of justice that saw sirius jailed for the potters’ murders). i’m literally just going to quote from taylor_fannon074’s gorgeous comment on this because it’s so well put: 
‘The Wizarding World knows that their children have been forcibly put at the center of a war they didn’t know existed for most of it. Children are the first line of attack when it comes to implementing fascist ideologies. People  areso sensitive about children and it’s a perfect weapon to utilize against anything that you want. It’s why Dumbledore became headmaster when he could’ve been Minister of Magic. It’s why the Malfoys are Voldemort’s greatest allies. If it were just about the Carrows they’d carry all the blame, now the defendants are the Ministry. Kingsley is using this tactic to direct the people’s anger towards the Ministry’s systemic oppression. He’s giving the kids a platform to talk about how a werewolf was the greatest teacher they ever had and several ministry officials tortured them. It calls the ministry’s competency into question, planting the seeds of doubt. I don’t think Kingsley aiming for a full scale revolution but trying to open the curtains and get wizards more active in their community.  He’s going after that statute of secrecy next, I can feel it in my bones!!!!’
kingsley: there are so many really great reads on kingsley as minister after the war, particularly kingsley taking on the ruthless (and manipulative) instincts of a politician, and speculation about that might clash with harry’s worldview and longstanding resentment of ministers carrying about things like public image and making moral compromises to get things done. i don’t disagree with those reads at all, and think they have a ton of basis in canon. what i knew i wanted in beasts, though, was to see if you could write a different kingsley, someone who hasn’t abandoned his principles but instead is trying to centre them. i wanted to play with the idea that all politicians are the same’, asking how kingsley’s contradictions - an avowed progressive, a lifelong ministry insider with more links to the muggle world than most, a resistance fighter turned a minister of magic trusted and admired by the children of the order - would shape his approach to try to capture post-war momentum for rebuilding and make real change, whatever that might look like. i also wanted this dynamic of kingsley and ginny having some familiarity with each other that we don’t see from the canon series that might hint at some wartime interactions we haven’t seen yet. anyway i wrote this scene with kingsley and ginny ages ago and then i read the unfinished but excellent fic about ginny and post-war justice cited below and was crushed to see someone had already written a version of the same scene much better. what a blow! (read that fic)
ginny’s card-making: ginny weasley loves to decorate and she loves christmas. canon could not be clearer about this. if you think she wouldn’t spitefully refuse to wish minerva mcgonagall seasons’ greetings then i’m sorry i think you are wrong with a capital W. graves didn’t get a card but he did get an essay because she’s warming up to him a bit but cards are only for those who aren’t on ginny approval probation 
writing on the wall: actually this is just me apologising to the anon who sent me this ask ages ago and i didn’t reply because i knew i had this scene in the bank and didn’t want to spoil it but yeah basically anon i could not agree with you more!!! i think it’s really a squandered opportunity in canon not to make more of this - in those old ootp planning notes jkr was going to have ginny write on the wall about umbridge in temper, but then removed it, so clearly was thinking of the DA wall daubing as a parallel with CoS but then… gave the line to neville lol. fuming. anyway! had to be done! thank u so much anon and so sorry again!
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beasts, beings and patronuses: my favourite part of this chapter to write! (obviously that’s a lie it was the bit where harry and ginny shagged but second favourite for sure). graves goes all enlightenment subjectivity theory again smh, and then suggests what’s happened with the stag antlers might be something to do with a great disturbance to harry’s soul. @saintsenara think this is me steathily building up a tomarry endgame - other theories are circulating, all theories have me salivating
slughorn: hardcore hinny shipper, we have to stan. what’s he up to? also rina girl get back to school you're making ginny look conscientious
hermione: thank you to the extremely patient romione folks in my inbox - the trouble with this plot is that i have to keep all the romione bits off stage for now (and i have written some hermione and ron pov missing moment scenes that i might drop when this plot is fully developed and the mystery has ended) but for now i’m just sorry that so far in the published chapters the hermione plot is all unhealthy coping mechanisms and no answers!
muggle london: did i go rummaging on the freedom of information requests sent to transport for london to find out adult and child fares for central london weekend travel in 1998? yes i did. you never know when the transport pedants are going to flood your mentions !!! ‘are you a child’ ‘sort of’ could be summary of the entire fic really couldn’t it
the exes: i knew i wanted an unlikely character to speak a bit of truth to ginny, someone she wouldn’t be expecting to call her on her shit. the idea of using one of her exes to do it seemed satisfying for a couple of different reasons. i liked the idea of using a character who knows ginny well and who sees through her a bit, but also has nothing to lose throwing out some tough love to her face because they don’t really have any investment in being in her good books anymore. i also liked the idea of not taking ginny’s canonical descriptions of her relationships with her exes for granted, and using those relationships as an example of previous incidences where this character has kidded themselves, or at least come up with a retroactive narrative of something that has happened to them as a coping mechanism that actually masks a bigger, more complicated truth. (i have a longer meta on ginny and her exes i’ll post this week that isn’t expressly beasts-related where i’ll bang on about my read on what these relationships were to her, but for now suffice to say it seemed important in a fic that is at heart a coming of age ginny character study to draw in characters who were likely formative for her in her teenage years in some way). dean seemed a complicated choice, though (more about him below), so… michael corner it was. 
michael corner (or: characterisation when the character has about five whole lines in the whole of canon): 
this is michael corner this whole chapter:
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i had a ball trying to figure out how to write michael corner, as the discord girlies can attest. michael is a very minor character in the series, with only a handful of scenes/appearances, and he spends most of them being a little dickhead lmao. the man never stops interrupting people to call them out/correct them. in his first scene in canon in ootp, at the hog’s head, michael sasses hermione on her motivations to set up the DA (‘“You want to pass your DADA O.W.L. too though, I bet?”’ - that earns him a snippy clapback) and then interrupts harry when harry’s being modest to both praise him but also correct him lol (‘“Not with the dragon, you didn’t,” said Michael Corner at once. “That was a seriously cool bit of flying...”’.) in DH, he yells at harry for planning to nip in and nip out of hogwarts when all the DA are living in hiding (‘“You’re going to leave us in this mess?” demanded Michael Corner’), and then gets annoyed at luna for being dumb about the diadem (‘“Yeah, but the lost diadem,” said Michael Corner, rolling his eyes, “is lost, Luna. That’s sort of the point.”’) when it comes to ginny, she calls him a ‘fool’ when he almost gives the game away about the DA in the hall, and when they’re paired up at the DA and she’s killin it hexing him he’s “either very bad or unwilling to jinx her”. given his interest in his academics - and that he’s a ravenclaw - i think we can suspect it’s the latter, a display of chivalric concern that was never going to go down well with gin. they then break up after ginny decides he’s too ‘sulky’ about ravenclaw’s loss at quidditch, after which michael immediately goes off to get with cho (michael and harry bonding over their shared type fic when). but. michael’s also someone ginny (someone who does not suffer fools!) went out with for an entire year, so can’t be a total dickhead, clearly knows right from wrong and has moments of real bravery - joining the DA in the first place, but also enduring torture that neville describes as particularly horrific for trying to rescue a chained up first-year during the DH, which would almost certainly make him deserving of ginny’s respect after the war. being in the DA under the carrows must have been an intense bonding experience for all involved, and actually would have forced ginny and michael back into each other’s lives in a way that forced them to develop some kind of working relationship. all this then added up to the decisions i made to write him as he is in beasts: someone who is grouchy, sassy, contrarian, too competitive, a bit jealous of others’ abilities (the sore loser), and fond of calling people out/correcting people, but also someone who speaks his mind and whose heart is, ultimately, in the right place, a bit of an arse but not a baddie. and i think that makes sense as a character ginny weasley would be attracted to, at least initially, and who she can get behind as someone whose opinion she will listen to, with a pinch of salt.
bonus michael headcanons: other characterisation bits that are more headcanons than anything else: michael, terry and anthony’s band. ginny is canonically a fan of the weird sisters, with a poster up in her room. the weird sisters play at the yule ball.  michael and ginny meet at the yule ball. like literally nine billion other teenage relationships, wouldn’t be fun if michael and ginny first met/got to chatting because they both liked the same band? then that became: well, dean was artistic - what if ginny’s into creatives? wouldn’t it be a laugh if michael, terry and anthony, this three piece gang of boy besties, were in a band? so that became me imagining them all in a promising but bit-too-clever-for-their-own-good indie band, alt-j or vampire weekend of the 90s, very into the smiths. (the album cover ginny recognises in their flat ‘of a white turreted castle, lush woodland by a sunlit lake’ is blur’s country house - partly because the castle in that album art looks a bit like hogwarts, but also because country house was the single that, as british readers might remember, was in a very famous race for number 1 with oasis in the battle of britpop in august 1995, which became about the middle-class southern band (blur) vs the northern working class equivalent (oasis). in my mind the ravenclaw boys would have been team blur and the gryffindor boys are team oasis lol. 90s lore!) the ravenclaw boys being low key into hallucinogenic potions is literally because michael has a throwaway line in hbp where he asks slughorn about felix felicis lol (‘“Have you ever taken it, sir?” asked Michael Corner with great interest.”). so yeah that was enough to get me imagining michael and the boys as low key stoners but also into experimenting with different psychedelic substances and writing bangin’ tunes. they’re boarding school teenage boys, after all!
dean: ah dean 🥺 one day i’ll finish that damn dean fic. the dean we see here is who i imagine dean would be after the war - more lost and alone than literally any of the other main characters, properly unhappy. unlike the golden trio, or the silver trio, dean spends his deeply traumatic war alone, and i think that would fuck him up. he has to go on the run and leave his muggle family behind, a family he’s lied to about the severity of the war (“My parents are Muggles, mate,” said Dean, shrugging. “They don’t know nothing about no deaths at Hogwarts, because I’m not stupid enough to tell them.”’). he must have struggled, as the trio did, with accessing food and finding places of safety, but also had far fewer protections than the trio (no perkins tent, no invisibility cloak, none of hermione’s abilities). he’d also have had to deal with the fact that he’s a young black boy on the run in majority white racist nineties britain, where he would be hyper visible and vulnerable to the suspicions of muggles as well as the wizarding ministry and snatchers (the police/suspicious members of the public are never going to have treated a black teenage boy who seems homeless well). he briefly has the company of ted tonks, surrogate dad figure, dirk cresswell and the goblins, but then watches all but griphook get murdered. then he’s snatched, rescued, and goes to live at shell cottage with his ex’s brother lol. he would have none of the wartime bonding and sense of group solidarity that the wartime DA seem to have built, and while it seems likely he too would join the aurors if invited to punish the people who persecuted him, i think he would feel intensely isolated and lonely as well as challenged by the demands of that job, one he never really seems to crave in canon. got our first few deamus hints here but yeah basically if michael’s going thru one kind of trauma, dean’s going through another, one that he’s never going to open up to the ex who hurt him about. he doesn’t hate ginny - in DH, when he hears about the sword theft, he shows clearly still wants her to be safe and well - but he’s had none of michael’s time to build a post-relationship working friendship with her, and the emotional trust isn’t there anymore. wow bummed myself out writing that out jesus. he could have offered her a cup of tea, though. that’s just basic brit etiquette
baby’s first almost smut: look. what was i supposed to do. these two haven't shared a bed since august. if you think they’re not fucking immediately on sight i simply do not know what to tell you
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(gif courtesy of @uncontainedhybrid)
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reading list: 
postwar justice (and kingsley as MoM): 
The Weight of the After by PaperyInk  Castles by @pebblysand
the ravenclaw boys: 
these three brilliant fics by chaserzachsmith (crikey)  Notes from the Ravenclaw Bulletin Board by lost_robin
grimmauld place:
haunted house by @bronzeagepizzeria Grimmauld Place: Azkaban by a Different Name by @artemisia-black
beasts and beings:
this meta by @myrskytuuli on harry potter as colonial fantasy 
on the politics of childhood in 20c european politics, especially post-war (not hp fanfiction but historical non-fiction lmao): 
the lost children and kidnapped souls, both by tara zahra 
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songs from the playlist for this chapter:
la jeune fille en feu by para one and arthur simonini | i horó 's na hug òro eile by duncan chisholm | blue ridge mountains by fleet foxes | lull by vraell and rosie h sullivan | if we make it through december by phoebe bridgers | please, please, please let me get what i want by the smiths | wading in waist-high water (solstice version) by fleet foxes | feels like a dream by alice boman and perfume genius
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and a sneak peek of chapter 9 because now we're at grimmauld and you know what that means... 🐕‍🦺🐾
‘Wow. What a shithole.’ ‘Fred!’ ‘Don’t lie, Mum, you think it’s a shithole, too, I can see it on your face.’  ‘Well, yes, but don’t be rude, this is someone’s house.' ‘Be as rude as you like,’ says a bored voice. They all jump, turn to see a man standing at the foot of the stairs: tall, gaunt, long hair like curtains framing a ten-thousand galleon face. ‘I assure you,’ says Sirius Black, ‘this house is an insult to shitholes everywhere.’
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neonscandal · 2 months
I know this been asked before, but can I ask again? So if you sort your top fav characters or fav ships from to Hogwarts houses, which houses will they be (in your opinion)? Why?
I'm excited to know your answer like for eruri, asheiji, matchablossom, destiel, horimiya, sasamiya, etc.....
Sorry if I ask too much, thx if you want to answer.....
I asked because just found your post about JJK & BNHA character if they were in Hogwarts houses.....(And I love it)
I'm gonna be honest, I love these - little character head canons, asks in general, all of it. So don't apologize for asking! I hope you always feel comfortable to do so. I also hope all my anons woke up today with clear skin and found money in an old jacket or something. ✨
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Same disclaimer applies as before. Without further ado, to the Sorting Hat!
Starting with the low hanging fruit 🥁
Kojiro "Joe" Nanjo (SK8 the Infinity) - All brawn, questionable brains but unquestionable talent that makes him a big name around "S". This himbo would of course plinko his way into Hufflepuff but, if we take starting S into consideration and how that translates into the wizarding world, I'd say Gryffindor with Hufflepuff underpinnings.
Kaoru "Cherry" Sakurayashiki (SK* the Infinity) - I am conflicted. Cherry, disciplined calligrapher, renowned skater and member of the S founding fathers is very obviously a Ravenclaw. I'm really just having trouble reconciling his superiority and condescension against what I imagine would be more in line with Slytherin. Also supports the notion of every Hufflepuff having a Slytherin bestie haha but, truly, that's adult Kaoru. Teenage Kaoru was rebellious and genuinely awe inspired by greatness (but still whip smart). Gryffindor with Ravenclaw underpinnings. Bonus: Ainosuke would round the trio out as the Slytherin primary, obviously. May have started out sweet like our dear Sirius but live long enough in a family like that and I suppose it'll get you twisted.
Levi Ackerman (Attack on Titan) - Levi Ackerman is no stranger to Knockturn Alley. He was raised from the darkness, plucked from its depths to attend school and seemed a bit bothered by the whole to do when he had a perfectly decent operation going, small time stuff of course. A loyalist to those he suffered with, Hogwarts gave him purpose beyond what he could imagine and the Sorting Hat was the first... thing(?) to see his potential. Legacy Slytherin, largely unbeknownst to him, but sorted into Gryffindor assured he'd do great things there.
Erwin Smith (Attack on Titan) - Whew. I know the deciding factor for Cherry was young Kaoru vs. adult Kaoru but Erwin Smith is a Ravenclaw. An idealist, but a bit too cavalier with lives of the canon fodder that made up his command. Incredibly intelligent and dedicated which would make you think Gryffindor but Erwin is an "any means necessary" type of leader. Come to think of it, Dumbledore was a Gryffindor so perhaps there's hope there but I defer to your opinion.
Ash Lynx (Banana Fish) - Self taught genius? Ravenclaw. He had Dino's tutor's for a time, sure but uh... I doubt they taught him how to hack computers. He's a self motivated intellectual frequenting the library for a sense of peace. May the halls of Hogwarts provide that to him in the way the city of New York could not. Does not negate how lethal of a threat he can be, if anything, now this kid is strapped all the time, wand at the ready. I can appreciate if someone thinks he should be in Slytherin but I'm sticking to my initial assumption.
Eiji Okumura (Banana Fish) - This 👏🏾 is 👏🏾 a 👏🏾 Hufflepuff 👏🏾. Brazenly lacks fear in the face of gangsters and recognizes, instead, their inherent humanity and that they can need nurturing and help, perhaps more so than others? Oblivious Hufflepuff energy.
Kyouko Hori (Horimiya) - I feel like Hori is a pretty textbook Ravenclaw but I'd consider Gryffindor with a Ravenclaw primary a la Hermione. Part of me is like... Hori would never be as deep in the shit as Hermione got but let's be for real. She'd follow Miyamura into hell if she wasn't already dragging him there.
Izumi Miyamura (Horimiya) - Considering Miyamura's backstory, I'd understand if you disagree but mans is a Hufflepuff. He had no community, nothing to take hold of. But as its' built around him, he appreciates how precarious it is and holds onto it so dearly, even threatened by Yanagi's immersion into the group. Also, he has so many Hufflepuff moments that are so dear to me. Like memorizing the boys' scents so he can recognize if they've been near Hori despite the fact that it is empirically evident that he's more likely to get stolen away from her by one of the guys. Well meaning simpleton, I love him.
Shuumei Sasaki (Sasaki to Miyano) - SHOUTING Hufflepuff. Don't get me wrong, he's no slouch. Sasaki is straight up fearsome when someone gets a little too close to Miyano but we also know his moral code isn't tied specifically to Miyano. Miyano might have been an indirect impetus to help Kuresawa, but I feel like Hirano validates that Sasaki finds himself in fights regardless of "not being good at them" 👀. Gentle giant and will use his size to the advantage of those in need. I saw a post earlier re: succumbing to Sasaki's rizz and how Miyano is like... god tier for not caving sooner. Imagine if this man had access to love potions 😂 kidding, he wouldn't be the type to use them, even the silly ones from the Weasley's but still. Sasaki + magic would simply be too powerful.
Yoshikazu Miyano (Sasaki to Miyano) - IMAGINE MIYANO PERUSING THE RESTRICTED AREA ON THE HUNT FOR BL. I just cackled aloud at the thought. Then you have hulking Sasaki looming over him drawing attention to the intrusion. Like, "sorry, I'm not seeking out unforgivable curses, just two fictional boys in love." Please. Moving along, Ravenclaw. Easy, and he'd be a Prefect. Sasaki would, of course, frequently be caught using Prefect facilities and trotting along behind Miyano relentlessly. Talk about scary dog privilege.
I had to break these two away to provide an additional disclaimer to the fact that... these legit stumped me. With 14 seasons of background and the radical character development for both of them, it's hard to pick one house and commit to it for either of them. Especially since they, at different points in their development, are interchangeably fitting into the same houses. I never thought about their development in that way before. Upon my deliberation, please see below. Just know, if you disagree, you're probably right and I probably considered your alternative as well.
Castiel (Supernatural) - Cas spends a great deal of his time locked in his Slytherin era, loyal to an antiquated moral system and acting with impunity which is very much giving Death Eater. But, losing his religion, his direction and beneath the weight of all that presumed obligation is a Hufflepuff. In the absence of a belief system, he begins to consider humanity with an unencumbered curiosity, seeks community with the Winchesters and to help those who are plagued by the Supernatural.
Dean Winchester (Supernatural) - Dean starts out as a Hufflepuff. He's all saving people, hunting things, family business. Intrinsically, does seeking out monsters not meet the immediate criteria of "Finder"? Dean protects family, friends and strangers and, at times, critically balances out Sam's Ravenclaw pragmatism that sends him down weird Slytherin shaped holes (hello, demon blood). This with nothing but an 8th grade education, Baby and a comforting slice of pie. But, as the story progresses, his desperation to protect and keep hold of the people he holds dear pushes him deeper and deeper into Slytherin territory where his individual loyalism can justify jeopardizing the natural order, the fate of the world, anything really as long as he and his brother are both still breathing. Subsequently, his previous impulse to always do the right thing becomes clouded with a bias of the right thing if it doesn't impede protecting Sammy. His willingness to leave Adam to ruin is yet another example of this.
Okay, so I'm noticing a trend here... Do I just like a dynamic of Idiot x Genius (or sometimes nefarious manipulator) or am I just sorting people all wrong? Either way, it feels like I'm revealing wayyyy too much about myself here. What do you think?
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greenflamedwriter · 10 months
HP au
Since a03 is down HERES a little something :D Enjoy.
Harry Potter AU with Binghe/QIngqiu. Its Cang Qiong school [like hogwarts] with the four houses slytherin etc but the ministry of magic is Huan Hua. And Yue Qingyuan is the headmaster. So Shen Qingqiu [slytherin] bullies and abuses Luo Binghe the kid one year younger and then Binghe gets powerful and then takes his revenge by killing and tortuing his childhood bully.
So of course Shen Yuan dies and gets drop kicked into this HP fanfiction ):
Shen Yuan transmigrated into Shen Qingqiu the rival of Luo binghe inthe opposing house of slytherin to his Griffendor. He was doomed! after Binghe’s rise to power he tortures Shen Qingqiu in the worse way making him wish for death. Binghe's use of leglimency destroys Shen Qingqiu’s mind better and leaves him a husk thats only AFTER his limbs had been ripped off. well better than Shang Qingqiu, who ends up chocking himself to death from mobei juns curse.
Already they were in fifth year and after another year Luo binghe will fall into the abyss during the triwizard tournament, it wasn’t the school years that was the worst, it’s what came after at the ministry of Huan hua.
Luo Binghe would become the new chief warlock and minister and to do that needed a lot of votes so he ended up needing most of the seats of the ministry lords and ladies not only becoming powerful and destroying Shen Qingqiu’s reputation he became a powerful dark wizard. And there were so many loose threads of potential! but that hack writer was always inconsistent, creating plot holes and problems then ignoring it! Airplane should spend less time on Twitter and more focused on this mess of a magical fantasy world!
Poly juice potion! Easily made by third years and yet bypasses the ministry of magic when Luo Binghe and Liu Mingyan pretended to be important figure heads and -you guessed it- stole important and classified documents!
Thank god the bank was run by demons! At least their money was safe along with the cursed artefacts it was protected! If cultivators were in charge all of them would be bankrupt! 
And now here he was staring at the small white lotus before him. Luo Binghe was on his hands and knees bullied and humiliated in front of all of his peers. Shen Qingqiu cursed, it was too late he had been abusing Binghe his whole childhood if he acted nice now it would be ooc!
And Binghe’s eyes flashed with hatred as Ming Fan laughed mockingly, Shen Qingqiu grimaced although it looked like a sneer at Binghe but truthfully. Ming fan was in a world of hurt. This was when everything went downhill for Shen Qingqiu when he started getting his karma and Shen Yaun rotted for it. Now that he WAS the character he knew he had to avoid his fate.
“Enough, you’ve tortured the beast enough.” Shen Qingqiu walked away and of course Ming fan would follow now that left it up for one of Binghe’s ladies to find him. 
During his time trying to find a way to FIX this mess he ends up finding airplane who looks pretty bullied by Mobei-jun. Shen Qinqiu pressed him up against the wall of the boys toilets stalls. “You have to get me out of this! It’s your dumbfuck writing that landed me here!”
“Hey I’m in here too! My death is just awful!” Shen Qingqiu scowled then closed his eyes, “If you help me, I’ll keep you away from Mobei-jun and break that curse.” Shang Qinghua looked relieved and decided to tell Shen Qingqiu ‘everything’ about his draft and plot lines and where they were going to go. Turns out airplane had been in this world longer so he figured out early on it would go with his original script and not the one he settled on to pay the bills.
“Why are you avoiding a-Lou?” Ning Yingying asked and Shen qingqiu grimaced turns out he had his own bully qui jianlou who was also nicknamed a-Lou and it triggered Shen Qingqiu of his past.
Also, the reason Shen Qingqiu bullied Binghe was because he had a crush on Ning Yingying although Shen Yuan never saw the appeal and also trying to go after Binghe’s ladies is a no- no!
And he could see he was stressing binghe out not attacking him, the waiting and anticipation probably had his nerves on edge the poor thing.
His response was so crazy it might work hopefully Luo binghe may understand and be disgusted and want to avoid him maybe if Shen Qingqiu plays it up in the torture later on it might make Luo Binghe back off? Who knows it was worth a try.
“I like him.” Shen Qinqiu spoke “An infatuation that I misinterpreted as loathing sometimes you get the two confused.” Ning Yingying blinked “You know pulling pigtails? You tease or bully someone you like?”
She puffed her cheeks “that’s not very nice! And it’s not true you’ve never expressed any interest in a-Lou like that!”
“Well I would never treat someone I love like that but the thing was a-Ning I didn’t know! Now that I understand what those feelings are I’m ashamed, and I do know a lot about Binghe.” He spoke nose in the air. And Ning Yingying placed her hands on her hips eyes narrowed.
“What’s his favourite colour?”
“Red, he wears it in his wardrobe all the time and if not that then Black.” Because of his poor upbringing he couldn't experiment on colours and always settled on black, it was easy to clean as well.
She blinked not expecting that, then began to question Shen Qingqiu on everything he knew about Luo Binghe and he answered every single one. He was a binghe stan and read these books religiously and battled many a troll online he can recite Binghe’s introduction chapter by heart! 
And Ning Yingying watched how he grew more animated and passionate as he listed of each question he knew Binghe’s favourite food [the same one as his mothers meal that he cooked for her and she smiled and complimented him and it was plain congee, which he feeds his ladies with all the time and yet each one never appreciated it or cared to understand the signifigance] his best friends, his favourite subject his least favourite subject.
“It’s charms which makes sense since he’s-“ he cut himself and remembered Luo Binghe would probably see these memories in a pensive, he grimaced when he realised how uch he was geeking out.
Ning Yingying watched how Shen Qingqiu stood up straighter clearing his throat as if he wasn't just waxing poetry about Binghes hair. The thing is the wizarding world was sensitive to certain topics such as dark light and nuetral wizards. Dark wizards were ostricised and looked down on for being evil. And since Shen Qingqiu is from a dark family and an advocate for it is obviously the villain while Binghe is a prophosised chosen one. Luo Binghe had little romps through the castle stealing a pensive and using it. And if it came to light that Luo Binghe was a dark wizard well-
Oh it was a shock to him too airplane called it irony, that Shen Qingqiu the first son of a line of dark witches and wizards had a light core because it was revealed that he was a bastard and would soon be disowned for being a light wizard. Unable to continue that line meanwhile binghe the champion of the light was in fact a dark core wizard because of his father Tianglang-Jun jun who was currently in Azkaban.
 Charms was a light subject while defense or actual dark arts itself was obviously dark. Luo binghe was going against his core and if it goes on for too long may end up destroying it. Hence the abyss he learns that little secret and ends up becoming all powerful and over turning the Huan hua masters and overtaking Cang Qiong school and changing the subjects to be more aligned with the proper cores.
One person had almost destroyed their core by two opposing sides using the wrong magic that rebounded, Liu Qingge. Who was currently in a coma in the medical bay being looked after by their professors. He would’ve been moved the Qian Co peak to be monitored by mediwitches but Mu Qingfan moved into the school personally so to make it easier for school mates and Liu Mingyan to visit her brother since there was nothing they could do for him but wait for him to wake up.
Of course Shen Qingqiu must have murdered Liu qinnge in his sleep and airplane said; “Nope all me, to frame Shen Qingqiu as public enemy number one away from the obviously suspicious me. But this time I won’t do that so Liu Qingge will wake up and tell everyone it was ‘him’ that did a dodgy spell and not you!” 
Yes the reason that Shen Qingqiu wasn’t suspended after their duel was because they couldn't take the other side of the story innocent until proven guilty.
Blame Yue Qingyuan for that, the headmaster of Cang Qiong. Their was a weird relationship between him and Shen Qingqiu and airplane told him it’s better if he didn’t know he’ll tell him depending on if they live or not.
 Which wasn’t reassuring.
“Ming fan stop bullying the beast, it’s just depressing at this point. We’re fifth years it’s time to act our age.” Ming fans face fell “Of course Shen -shixiong.”
How he got followers is beyond him, his Ning Yingying is his friend was also puzzling.
And he could see Luo Binghe’s glower.  _________________________________________________________
“A little birdie told me you had a crush on me.” Shit.
Keeping his expression blank he calmly replied “Yes? What of it?”
“It seems unfair that I was faced with so much abuse over something so trivial, I deserve compensation.” 
Shen Qingqiu sneered “as if, this one can’t take back everything he’s done. So what do you want?”
“Well I was just wondering what if you were lying? Just to avoid all the consequence of bullying me?” Shen Qingqiu Definitely wilted in guilt. “I’m sorry.”
That seemed to shock Luo binghe at the apology but Shen qinqiu meant it. Luo binghe didn’t deserve any of that.
 Also how crappy is this situation? If binghe even believed it or returned his feelings that is borderline abusive and a dash of Stockholm syndrome if Shen qinqiu was reading this he would spit blood!
Although Luo binghe did have some questionable wives who were just as cruel then became his ladies to his lord so maybe binghe would be into it-
He kissed him, Shen Qingqiu made a startled noise at the back of his throat as binghe kissed him and- and- he was good at it! So binghe already had some ladies under his belt, good for him!
And Shen Qingqiu moaned, melting into a puddle like putty in Binghe’s hands, he was really good at this. Shen Qingqiu eyes slid shut deepening the kiss and following Binghe and chasing him when he pulled back until the kiss broke.
Oh he had to prove it. They had to pretend.
“D-don’t mess with my feelings if you don’t mean it.” Shen Qingqiu scowled, face flushed red and he was fighting to calm down and not feel so hot. “Likewise.”
So pretend dating. He could do this, when binghe took his hand as both slytherin and griffendors were paired he stiffened then scowled pulling at Binghe’s hand under the table. Binghe had his other hand in his cheek looking up at Shen Qingqiu, he hadn't had his growth spurt yet and Shen Qingqiu knew when Luo Binghe got bigger and towered over him Shen QIngqiu became more irritated and lashed out more in fear as well as envy.
 “Surely this looks worse, Qingqiu.” 
Huh? He looked at him oddly, how was it worse? He glanced at their shared hands then looked back up “Uh, how is it worse?” he still didn't understand, Binghe looked delighted and leaned close to whisper in his ear “hands under the table to do strange things,” Binghe’s hand moved to Shen Qingqiu’s thigh although they were still holding hands so Shen Qingqiu’s was taken along for the ride and it still didn’t make sense to him.
“Or this,” then Binghe moved their combined hands closer to the inside and Shen Qingqiu snatched his hand back his ears red “Shamless.” He hissed beneith his breath.
Binghe was mocking him but this was fine he could do this. Better than the alternative.
Unaware that binghe had learned. Leglimency early on practising with his ladies and more contact with someone the more he can use it without sharing eye contact and since Shen Yuan was new to the magical world didn’t know when someone’s mind brushed against his and had no defences and was an open book.
As Luo Binghe is now suspicious of Shen Qingqiu he, with his invisibilty cloak takes Liu Mingyan and Ning Yingyin as they follow Shen Qingqiu as he disapears at odd hours. It's suspicious.
So, As they follow him and Shen Qingqiu is going through secret turns and loops in the castle that even they didn't know about startle to see him going towards the medical ward.
And see him approach Liu Qingge's bed.
Liu Mingyan almost exposed them so Luo Binghe grabbed her arm keeping her still.
Truthfully Liu Mingyan visits her brother all the time and swore to avenge him and expose Shen Qingqiu as a murderur. Yet each time she visits her brother always has fresh flowers, she assumed it was Mu Qingfan or some student who idolised her brother but truthfully he didn't have many friends.
So the three watch in stunned fascination as Shen Qingqiu disposed of the flowers Liu Mingyan almost snarled before freezing when Shen Qingqiu reached into a bag and pulled out a fresh batch of flowers to place beside the bed.
And his face, Shen Qingqiu looked miserable. Alone in the ward he had no need for pretense. And yet he scratched his neck as he gazed down at Liu QIngge.
"You need to wake up you know. And cut down on the beatuy sleep you're already too beautiful." He spoke reaching out and taking Liu Qingge hand. He looked awkward and irritated.
"I still not used to this- and don't laugh at me!" Shen Qingqiu growled out glaring at the sleeping man "Muggle's spoke about talking to comotase patients and that sometimes they can hear them." He rubbed his thumb against a pale calloused hand that barely responded.
Shen Qingqiu sighed closing his eyes "This is stupid."
But he kept talking, about his day, his spells how Liu Qingge should hurry up and wake up.
"They think I'm going to hex them every time I walk past and yet it was you or tried a spell that was not in lign with your core but no your Liu Qingge you don't listen to reason."
Shen Qingqiu waited and only watched the steady rise and fall of the others chest.
"The more you lay asleep on this bed like the useless shidi you are, the worse it'll be." Shen Qingqiu pressed his lips together looking more and more irritated.
"Liu Mingyans in danger." He spoke with a smirk on his face as he leaned closer, "If you don't wake up I'll hurt her. And it'll be your fault because you decided to lie in instead. I'll do it, it'll be so easy. And you will just let it happen."
And the strangest thing happened.
Liu Qingge's hand twitched.
The three watched stunned as Shen Qingqiu gaped then with new vigor leaned closer "I'm going to do it Liu Qingge, you'll wake up and find out your little sister is dead because of me. The scum villain." He spoke energetic "It'll be so easy, I'll just use polyjuice potion and pretend to be someone she knows someone familiar and lead her out to a secluded area I'll even use that persons wand."
His face truly looked monstrous, like a villain and yet it was all said to wake up Liu Qingge. Because he knew his brother would do anything for his sister.
The things he said was in contrast to his actions and instead of exposing or revealing any answers of Shen Qingqiu only raised more questions.
And Liu Mingyan watched as how Liu Qingge brow furrowed and how even Shen Qingqiu held his breath a genuine smile on his face waiting for Liu Qingge to wake up-
But nothing.
Shen Qingqiu slumped in disapointment. Still holding Liu Qingges hand in a vice like grip.
"Maybe you don't care about her, huh?" he tried one more time but nothing.
Shen Qingqiu scrubbed his face then flinched when he felt something behind him.
"You are doing well, Shen Qingqiu. Talking helps the both of you and this master knows Liu Qingge will wake up in his own time."
Shen Qingqiu looked away "But what if he doesn't? this- does it even work?" Shen Qingqiu asked ripping his hand away and looking up at Mu Qingfan.
The Medi-wizard sighed and looked down "Magic is...a delicate thing. And is very unpredictable the only thing we can do is observe and wait."
"Damn this Shidi of mine, casuing everyone grief...he responded a little at one point."
"Oh? What happened?"
Shen Qingqiu turned around leaning his arms over the chair and resting on it "I threatened his sister, I thought he was going to wake up."
The wizard nodded "Maybe that might wake him up, if Liu Qingge could hear and has some awarness it might give him the push to wake up. Liu Mingyan visits but she never speaks if she keeps consistent it might reinforce that something is wrong. It might wake Liu Qingge."
Shen Qingqiu nodded.
"There's only so many times I can threaten Liu Mingyans life..." Shen Qingqiu joked but still looked hopeless.
Luo Binghes hand clenched against the fabric as he gestured for the others to go.
missing the next interaction.
"You will end up like Liu Qingge if you continue on like this."
Shen Qingqiu looked away "This one has no clue on what you are reffering to Mr Mu."
"Liu Qingge has a nuetral core and tried a very powerful light spell. Thats what made him end up in this state. Your home studies and dark arts could land you in the same boat." Shen Qingqiu tensed "This student-"
"You are a light wizard, Shen Qingqiu. Not a dark or even nuetral. A pure light wizard and if you continue to do spells not alligned with your core then being bed ridden may not be the worse of it."
Shen Qingqiu sighed "This one would gladly but- it's impossible. My family are trying to salvage the dark arts- not all of it is evil!" Take a look at Luo Binghe! In his adventures he's always used his powers for good and to protect his wives!
"If it came out that their son is a light wizard- it doesn't matter if I'm related or not they'll spin it that any one can magically change their cores and alligment it'll reflect badly on the community."
Mu Qingfan sighed "I can't force you, but only in lessons but if you can help it never perform any dark art spells. And take this if you're going to damage your body." Shen Qingqiu blinked at the potion.
"Take that twice morning and night. it'll keep you stable." Shen Qingqiu blinked "I- thank you...and thank you for beliving me and letting me visit Liu-shidi."
Mu Qingfan shrugged "I'm a doctor I knew what happened from the lab results, but this one can't reveal the information as its client confidentialty and only Liu Qingge could reveal his core and story if he wants to."
Shen Qingqiu nodded in other words Mu Qingfan would love to put the rumours to rest that Shen Qingqiu was innocent. But with Yue Qingyuan being so biased and if Mu Qingfan showed no evidence then they would assume that Shen Qingqiu was manipulating them to get away with murder!
In potion lessons, Shen Qingqiu sneers "Honestly? You have been a student this long?" He noticed Luo Binghe stiffen and moved towards the other moved bhind him as he leaned over Binghes shoulder and took his hands and guided them.
He began to cut the ingredients the right way and even the timing on when to place them in "Remember to crush these not to cut them-" He spoke then tsked in Luo Binghes ear as the other was stood frozen.
"You can cook- I fail to understand how you can be this incompetent at potions." Shen Qingqiu bemoaned, this was because of that stupid fake potions book wasn't it!?
As Shen Qingqiu moved to his own cualdron, he let his thoughts run wild and Binghe was listening to everyone of them.
Damn those brats, Binghe had great potential and they sabotaged him. oh look there he goes.
Luo Binghe listened to his guidance and started treating potions like he did cooking ignoring the book and listening to his instincts instead.
look, he's a natural! of course Binghe is the best and could excel at anything he chooses too but people are so jelaous they have to hold him back! Such a waste!
But there are times when Binghe pretends to be stupid! I can see you, y'know that white lotus act doesnt work on me, protagonist!
Shen Qingqiu sounded annoyed and was even taking it out on his potions. He was really passionate about Luo Binghes wasted potential.
He heard Shen Qingqiu sneer "Was it that hard to be competent?" He asked with a raised eyebrow as Luo Binghes potion passed with flying colours for once.
Of course he's competent, Binghe is amazing. If he wanted to could wipe the floor with anyone here including me! Shen Qingqiu thought looking at his cauldron and Binghe felt his ears flush red.
"Beast- why is your face red?" Shen QIngqiu spoke ah I hate calling him that! but he'll find it suspicious if I stop now- and I cant call him Binghe its too shameful! i don't deserve to call him that, after what I did.
"Are you allergic? Do we need to call Qingfan?" He asked his tone was devoid but Binghe could see the worry.
He's not sick is he- is Binghe even allergic to anything? Does he know? Maybe we can get him tested he was muggle-raised he wouldn't have HAD the wizard vaccines for dragon pox and kneazles shit!
Shen QIngqiu was starting to sound more panicked but Luo Binghe watched in slow motion as Shen Qingqiu placed a hand over his forehead "You're not running a fever..."
Luo Binghe took his hand "This one is fine- just..." Binghe looked away.
"Can you stop calling me that?"
"Hmm? Call you what?"
"Beast, I have a name."
He noticed the relief as the other found himself easily agreeing just as uncomfortable with the name as Binghe was and yet...it started to change. Binghe was almost seeing it as a term of endearment and never bothered to correct it.
But it obviously bothered him.
"Call me Binghe. We are together aren't we?" Binghe asked squeezing Shen Qingqiu hand before relaxing. Now it was Shen Qingqiu's turn to flush.
"I-you, shamless!" He ripped his hand away and went back to his cauldron grabbing his book...that was upset down and Shen Qingqiu eyes were laser focused on the writing.
But clearly not reading it.
I cant call him that- too informal! too close I don't deserve it! Shameful! Only his girlfriends call him that! and this- this isn't, he's just testing me because its pretend!
Ah, Luo Binghe leaned closer "Qingqiu." The other stiffened as he spoke in his ear "Your book is upside down." Shen Qingqius face exploded red.
Binghe was disapointed the first time he heard Shen Qingqiu call it pretend he thought it was another form of bullying. Until he heard his thoughts. Shen Qingqiu liked him and that was the truth, and honestly thought Binghe was playing with him.
But the best part was how even Shen Qingqiu thought if he liked guys, hypothetically and dated it would take him months maybe even years to get the courage to hold someones hand. His last girlfriend took ages to kiss and then weeks later they broke up.
Pretending made his Shizun a bit more forward, too thin face. But to not be caught in the 'lie' ended up inniciating a lot more. Luo Binghe sat back down, his palm on his cheek as he watched his flustered shixiong. Luo Binghe was observent and had noticed how other students older and younger would act towards people they liked.
And Binghe was slowly starting to accept the truth that Shen Qingqiu truly had no idea, misplaced loathing for loving. Luo Binghe scowled when he thought of the relationship he had with the headmaster, Shen Qingqiu was just as prissy and even yelled at the teacher in front of others. And yet he saw the two always going to the office or having tea together in the mornings.
Just what was their relationship?
He couldn't read Yue Qingyuans mind, for some reason his mind was very strong and not easy to gain access into, when his eyes locked onto Binghes he immiedtly backed off and never tried again.
Luo Binghe still hadn't forgiven Shen Qingqiu at first but then noticed the other actually stick up for Luo Binghe and even told his followers to back off. For the first time Luo Binghe was able to just...be at Cang Qiong and learn without worrying about someone trying to hurt him and the more time he spent with Shen Qingqiu the less he was bothered.
...it was nice.
He didn't want to forgive Shen Qingqiu but he could see he was trying, and even went out of his way to help Luo Binghe. He even secretly left the castle with Binghe to get him his wand.
Shen Qingqiu told him to shut up as he payed for it, as Luo Binghe could never afford his own wand and had to get it cheap or second hand, of course Shen Qingqius thoughts were crying for Binghe.
No wonder he was behind! Imagine the power he has with an actual wand that works for him!
Something tells Binghe that maybe the reason Shen Qingqiu was frustrated with him, was how weak and pitful he was as a kid but knew he was a strong and powerful wizard. Then once he realised WHY Binghe was doing so poorly went out of his way to fix it and the weirdest part?
Luo Binghe soaked up the praise and actually wanted to TRY and be better, he never cared for school before but now he actually tried.
When he showed his homework to Shen Qingqiu for pointers the other sniffed "Adequete."
Luo Binghe is amazing! Look how much he's improved even his penmenship has gotten better! Thats my Binghe the smartest student in this school!
Luo Binghe, may have became obsessed to the point of even neglecting his girlfriends. He never told Shen Qingqiu and his girls never minded either they were just happy to be a part of his life and didn't mind sharing.
And Ning Yingyin was his first with Liu Mingyan his second then Sha Hualing came after, and the thing was...they reminded him of Shen Qingqiu. His explosive temper could rival the demon saintess, the way he was cold and aloof and barely spoke like Liu Mingyan or when he genuinly cared and only wanted what was best for binghe he was smart Shen Qingqiu but at times came across as naive he had some strengths but understanding people? That was his weakness. Like Ning yingying.
And to think if it wasn't for her, Luo Binghe may have missed this.
On another adventure to expose Shen Qingqiu, he found out he was having private lessons away from the school in a hidden underground classroom.
Probably indoctirating his followers, even though they were dating and Luo Binghe found himself liking Shen Qingqiu of all people he still didn't trust him.
Luo Binghe was the chosen one he was told that as soon as he entered the wizarding world but at what? He still didn't understand it or what people wanted from him and Shen Qingqiu was his enemy. Almost all the adults around them told them that.
Shen Qingqiu was scum, evil and cruel and Luo Binghe was their saviour.
So when he and Ning Yingying entered the room, both Shen Qingqiu and they were surprised. It was a classroom with Shen Qingqiu teaching spells on a chalkboard.
This couldn't be it...right?
"Ah can I help you?" He seemed flustered a little and Luo Binghe smiled. "Not at all, this one heard you were giving lessons, and both Ning Yingying and I were wondering if we could join your study group."
"Piss off, Griffen, go away." Ming Fan growled but Shen Qingqiu spoke "Theres no need, you can stay. Pull up a chair."
Ming fan do you have a death wish!? and Ning yingying is right there! How are you expected to gain her attention while being a dick to her best friend honestly? Well, I never choose him as a friend for his brains.
"Now, that we've learned about the dangers of polyjuice potion and the petrificus totalus-"
"Is it true that you can use that to...do something to someone?"
"Like sexual assualt? Possibly." "And obliviate could remove such a memory?" The girl asked petrified "Yes, hyopthetically- are you okay?" He asked noticing her pale "How would you know?"
"Check a medi-wizard. They are well equipped with such things." He spoke no nonsense.
Luo Binghe felt Ning Yingying squeeze his hand almost horrified.
Luo Binghe was too, not once had he even considered such a thing...and these were light spells?
"Now onto Cores." Shen Qingqiu waved his wand and three chalkboards appeared with the chalks moving simultainlously to create illustrations, others awed at the talent of such a feat. Even Luo Binghe was watching.
Shen Qingqiu caught his eye then flushed looking away luckily as he was done as some chalk faltered in his hold. This is nothing! Binghe can do that and more!
"Now," he pointed to the middle board that had a venn diagram of Dark, Nuetral, Light with nuetral overlapping with too.
"Every witch or wizard has a core. you are born with such core and cannot change it, thats a myth going directly against your core could damage your meridians."
A hand raised "Whats meridians?"
"Its your magical veins in your body, squibs are usually people born unlucky, most are witches or wizards who have lost their magic and thats what a squib is a mage who has lost their magic."
"Then why aren't we taught this?" "Power in ignorance I imagine. Now Nuetral users can use only basic light or dark magic. Same as how dark and light can use nuetral" he circled an area and Luo Binghe realised it was in layers, like a number system.
Dark being 5, 4 3. Nuetral being 4, 3, 2 and with Light being 3, 2, 1
"So there are spells that all cores share, a 3 type spell such as alohamora. Why is that?"
"It unlocks doors so...an action spell?"
"Yes, spells that have no gain nor energy, even levitation is a 3 spell. But what can you tell me about the patronus charm?" "That its difficult?"
"Exactly its a light charm against dark creatures such as dementors. Now why do you struggle with it?"
"Because we're dark witches." The others stared and realised thats why they've been failing most of their lessons. Shen Qingqiu nodded "Exactly, this school curriculumn in all of china by the laws is only allowed to study light magic only."
"But- it'll make us lose our magic!" One cried and Shen Qingqiu nodded "They won't see the harm. If dark magic dies out only light magic will remain. So much has been lost for these new laws such as the Parcel tongue ability. And parcel tongue was the last of witches talking to creatures there were others who could speak to all manor of animals not just snakes. And now such an ability is gone, others who can shapeshift, veelas who can charm and bewitch so much gone. Because of ignorance."
There it was, the dark magic properganda.
"But I don't struggle?" A hand rose and Shen Qingqiu smiled "Maybe it might be that you are not a dark wizard?"
"No I am! My family is I'm a dark wizard!"
"Its okay, its okay!" Shen Qingqiu panicked at the sight of tears and flipped a board "See- Wei Wuxian is a prime example of why we can't change our cores and his input is important!"
"Wei Wuxian? That traitor? He deviated to the light side!"
Shen Qingqiu shook his head "I have letters," he flicked his wand and a ton of paper appeared and floated towards each student in the class.
"Most stole his work and research or even censcored the tomes he created, he wanted to appeal but they said they wouldn't publish unless these corrections were made. Here is the passages and theories he wanted to write. Currently his husband is fighting the freedom of speech amendment at the Huan Hua palace."
"Who?" "Hanguang-Jun."
There was silence "But hes a LIGHT wizard!" Shen Qingqiu nodded full on beaming "He was seen as a pillar for the rightous and active fighter for the light side, others think he's been bewitched by Wei Wuxian but hes the only one fighting alongside other dark witches and wizards for the right of dark magic being explored."
"But Wei Wuxian says that resentment is pure dark and shouldn't be tampered with."
"Wei Wuxian is a nuetral Core."
He didn't think he could keep shocking them "What he meant was as a nuetral wizard who had already damaged his meridians with pure light magic couldn't contain the dark resentment of the dark and ended up overtaxing his core. He almost died if it wasn't for Lan Wangi, now he's a squib whose lost all magical ability." And to think airplane left this out, if he hadn't listened to the rat and sent out letters inquiring about cores with the great demonic cultivator he wouldn't have found all this out.
"Wei Wuxian was an advocate for the dark side as he was best friends with Lady Wen. A dark witch who speicilised in medicine she almost lost all of her research by light wizards if it wasn't for the Grandmaster of demonic cultivation. Both worked together and he decided to be a test subject to investigate further into core magic. Core's are private there is a law that you can't reveal your core to anyone unless you have explicit permission from that person. Even medical witch and wizards cant tell anyone that a client has damaged their cores thus keeping it more silent from the wizarding world."
A hand raised "How can we check our cores so we don't lose our magic?"
"Well, I have just the thing here." Shen Qingqiu began to put on gloves and went over to retrieve something a crystal ball.
"Now this, is a magic glass that clouds with smoke. Black, grey and white. If you touch it, it'll show you your core."
"Now there is a curtain here if you want to do it privately, or if others don't mind sharing can come up now as I prepare the curtain. Don't all touch it at once or it'll get confused. One at a time."
He moved away to fix the curtain as others stood up walking towards the ball.
"Mines nuetral...but my parents told me I was dark?"
"Even the dark familys will also want their children to be dark they will disown any who have otherwise. They know how the light wizards will spin it that the dark are forcing their children to learn dark arts against their core and may even take them away deeming them unfit." The boy looked horrified as did the others.
Ning Yingying shook her head "They wouldn't!"
"Seen Wei Wuxian? The prodijy? How fast was he cast out when he began demonic cultivation." Ming Fan spoke and she deflated. She placed her hand on the orb and it was pure white. Of course. Ming Fans was grey.
And others began most pitch black but a small few were grey.
"Qingue-shixiong? What spells are grey and what spells are dangerous?"
Shen Qingqiu paused the curtain set up "I-I don't really know, no one has documented them. I could only guess so far."
"Then...then why don't we do it? You have a researcher who can help as well!"
"i don't know- we are not doing wei wuxian is doing we cant damage our bodies for this."
"It's going to happen anyway, in lessons we'll write down which magic was hard to do and which was easier and if anything hurts."
Shen Qingqiu pinched the bridge of his nose "I'll inform Mu Qingfan. Better to have a mediwizard on hand."
Once they were done and all students left Luo Binghe stayed behind.
Shen Qingqiu was avoiding his eyes, "Luo Binghe, can I help you?"
"To think this was where you were sneaking off too..." He raised his wand and Shen Qingqiu stiffened "Binghe?"
Why's he pointing it at me? Is he going to hurt me- why I didn't do anything I thought we were friends-
"Petrificus totallus."
Shen Qingqiu seized and fell backwards unable to even cry out but Luo Binghe caught him before his head could crack against the stone floor like an egg.
"There is something I want to try."
Shen Qingqius eyes followed him, his heartbeat thumping in his ears.
Luo Binghe picked up the glass and paused as it turned Pitch black and hummed "Thats peculiar."
Shen Qingqius eyes widened he wasn't-
no- no he can't find out! its too early! If this secret came out his life would be ruined!
"here, can you hold this," he placed the ball on the ground and raised Shen Qingqius hand, the other kept staring at Binghe Please- please don't-
His hand touched glass and a bright light filled the room.
Shen Qingqiu shut his eyes, and the spell released as he was unfrozen and snatched his hand away and scrambled back.
Luo Binghe was blinded covering his eyes as he looked up and Shen Qingqiu punched him in the face.
"Fuck you, and to think your nothing more than a beast!" He hadn't meant to say that but he was angry even shattered the glass ball of course he directed the glass away from Binghe. He hated him right now but he didn't want him hurt!
He stomped away missing the dazed look on Binghes face as a cupped his cheek.
Luo Binghe may have realised he went too far. But Shen Qingqiu...was a very powerful light wizard...
Shen Qingqiu gets a howler acts calm and collected but then ends up crying in the bathroom.
 Binghe finds him, comforts him but finds himself liking Shen Qingqiu when he’s crying a deep part still hurt by him finding sick delight from all the times Shen Wingqiu bullied him.
 It was poetic karma.
 But Shen Qingqiu didn’t care about his family, he looked at Binghe perplexed and admitted it wasn’t his family- he’s effectively homeless. Someone of high standing having to live off the streets and he only had a few months left of school.
 “I don’t know what the do,” he admitted “I already have a summer job at Knockturn, so at least I have some income and hopefully it’d be enough. Sure I wanted to move out-  but I thought I had time to prepare at least.”
And even so what if that money wasn’t enough?
 He doubted it. He can’t afford a place to stay and eat and the same time not to mention he’d be buying his own school robes or he’d have to rewear these and hope the school doesn’t accidentally change their uniform.
He remembered so many parents buying those stupid pointy hats for first year and they ended up getting rid of them after, how annoying.
 He’d have to do what Luo Binghe did, maybe…
 Shen Qingqiu wiped his eyes with his wrist, and realised the position he was in.
 And Luo Binghe was holding him, and looked up at Shen Qingqiu with a series look on his face.
 “Live with me.”
Shen Qingqiu’s mouth fell open- what!?
 “What but that’s-“
If anyone was going to live with Luo Binghe it’d be one of his girlfriends! They might kill him to find out he was living so close to the modern Adonis!
 Luo Binghe chuckled suddenly looking amused.
 “Please, this Binghe lives alone, and it would help if someone helped share the rent.”
 Shen Qingqiu felt awful, here he was feeling sorry for himself and Luo Binghe was struggling at home.
 From what Shang Qinghua told him, it was the last place Binghe had fond memories of his mother, the only thing he had left was his fake jade pendent, as he had to pawn of her belongings for his school clothes.
Shen Qingqiu’s eyes glanced down feeling something break at Luo Binghe’s threadbare clothes, and how he only asked for food from his girlfriends and they barely noticed anything was wrong, always asking Binghe to buy them gifts. Because it was the boys that had to gift the girls even when they were flat out broke.
 Shen Qingqiu looked away.
“Can I live with you? It wouldn’t be- I would t be imposing?”
“Not at all, Qingqiu.” Luo Binghe spoke cuddling Shen Qingqiu closer, hiding his pleased grin into the crook of his shoulder.
 “This Binghe would be delighted to host you.”
The next year was the tournament, but Shen Qingqiu found himself forgetting about it when he lived with Binghe.
 He ended up taking additional shifts and was exhausted when he returned home.
 Working retail was no joke! 
Lifting heavy boxes when he was t used to that labour was a nightmare!
But worth it for his pay check, he split the bill but ended up paying more than Binghe.
 He was saving up, even when he came home ate food and collapsed in bed, exhausted it didn’t matter!
 Luo Binghe deserved nice things!
 He felt bad though for leaving Binghe with the cooking and cleaning even when Binghe was struggling with his own shifts, so Shen Qingqiu split the rent from a 50/50 ratio and payed more he told Binghe it was the least he could do when the other told him it wasn’t fair.
But to Shen Qingqiu it was, he was pants at doing laundry, although he did try to do the dishes in the morning. He was a good roommate after all. But with the additional laundry and cooking from Binghe it didn’t make sense and so Shen Qingqiu payed more for Binghe’s labour and for the food detergent the extra person needed.
“Take it as extra payment for the food and laundry detergent.” He said.
 A shame they were underage and could t use magic! Ugh!
 Even so- Other than paying rent, Shen Qingqiu wanted to get Binghe a present his birthday was during Christmas and both decided to stay at Cang Qiong over the holidays. So he needed to buy his presents in the summer [before he forgot] and as well as buy Binghe his uniform. Shen Qingqiu’s was still good from the previous year, since his parents bought expensive clothes that tended to last.
 But Binghe on the other hand? It was his sixth year! He had to have good clothes!
 And school supplies! His bag was falling apart and his cauldron wasn’t going to last long now that Binghe was using it more often when he found out he wasn’t as useless at potions as he thought!
Of course while Luo Binghe felt as if he was doing more work, he couldn’t help but find it nice as he had someone else to help lighten the load.
He was exhausted when he came home from working at Potions and pots, now that he could understand it better he was helping the shop owner get more potions out for his clients quicker.
 And when he remembered he had to dry and iron their clothes he felt more tired.
So his surprise to see the basket empty, and saw them all put away instead.
 He came to the living room to see Shen Qingqiu asleep, mouth open with drool down his chin with an open book in his lap.
 Luo Binghe’s chest tightened at the sight. How adorable.
 He moved closer silently and glanced down at the book, and saw it was about demonic beasts and flora.
Huh studying even when school was out. That reminded Luo Bknghe he had homework. But he was finally have a day off to do it, now with the extra help. 
 And to hear his thoughts of buying Binghe’s school uniform as a surprise.
 Maybe because he wouldn’t be caught dead standing with Binghe unless he was dressed the part, but even so-
 Luo Binghe felt touched, not even his girlfriends had been this thoughtful, always demanding presents instead and completely blind to his problems.
Although Luo Binghe was proud and didn’t advertise that he was struggling in a sea of students who looked worse of not for lack of money, but by playing too rough and destroyed their uniform and parents refused to pay for it.
To anyone who didn’t know him, they’d assumed that Luo Binghe was just a bad kid always messing around.
 Not realising he took extra care of the only items he had, one rip and his week was ruined.
 And Shen Qingqiu was saving up to buy him things. He didn’t have to work those extra shifts, or exhaust himself. He did it to surprise Binghe, and to get him his Christmas present.
 Binghe of course was working extra to hopefully bribe his mentor at the Potions and Pots shop for his limited edition Demonology book.
 The man was working with potions and barely opened it! It was gathering dust!
 And when Binghe showed how serious he was the man promised to give it to him if he worked extra shifts.
 Just a few more and it was his.
 He couldn’t wait for the look on his…on Shen Qingqiu’s face.
When they returned to school after summer holidays, Binghe confessed to Shen Qingqiu that he still had to work at the local town outside Cang Qiong [name of the town with the skinner] 
 And told Shen Qingqiu that he worked on weekends when most students had their day off, to send the money back to their flat. Even if they weren’t living in it, he still had to pay the monthly fee.
 Shen Qingqiu’s eyes widened. How long was Binghe working!? Oh no wonder he never did homework!
 “Is their any vacancies?”
“Hmm? Why?”
“I’ll work there too- I’ll check if any of the local shops have openings.”
“Qingqiu- it’s fine! This Binghe is used to it.”
“You need a break! All you’ve done is work.” Shen Qingqiu wouldn’t allow it, Binghe’s grades would suffer more this year if he worked himself with no breaks! Hell Shen Qingqiu was looking at his school days as a vacation! 
 They also had to work in the winter as well now that he thought about it.
 “Okay, if this one worked we both get one weekday off,” 
“Shen Qingqiu it’s fine- it’s my house-“
“But I’m living in it. It’s unfair for Luo Binghe to do all the work.”  
Ah and he was looking forward to his vacation-
“Mister Shen? A word.” Yue Qingyuan appeared out of nowhere.
 And Shen Qingqiu glanced his way “Yes, Head Principal Yue?”
 God he nearly died! Don’t scare him like that!
 “If you’ll follow me.”
Shen Qingqiu blinked then glanced back at Binghe, he noticed all of his girlfriends at the table watching them, then felt awful that he was hogging Binghe all to himself!
 Shen Qingqiu patted his arm “This Qingqiu may be awhile- your girlfriends are waiting for you.”
 Luo Binghe’s face spasmed and Shen Qinqiu wondered what was wrong- until he remembered they were pretend dating at school he wondered if Binghe forgot after all he dropped the charade when they lived together and didn’t touch him as much. Not needing to play it up for others.
“I bet your sick of my face Aha- go say hi to Ning Yingying for me.” He smiled and walked off with the principal before Binghe could say anything.
 Luo Binghe scowled as he walked towards the table with his girlfriends.
 Sha Hualing was sitting in Liu Mingyans lap, Hmm it appears they no longer want his company.
Luo Bknghe found himself relieved by that and of course he slumped into the chair as he leaned his head on Ning Yingyings shoulder, and sighed miserably.
“That bad?” She asked and he hummed, “it sas awful. Both of us had work so I barely had a chance to even-“ 
It was so domestic and wonderful, but they barely had time to sit and talk- and since Shen Qingqiu was always asleep he couldn’t get a read on his thoughts.
 “He still thinks it’s pretend?”
“You should tell him.”
Luo Binghe blinked wondering why Ning Yingying gave him a hard look “Because it’s not pretend anymore, for both of you.”
Luo Binghe’s gaze narrowed, as he tried to grasp her mind and found the shields up.
 He could rip past them but didn’t to stay polite.
 “You’ve met someone else?”
“Don’t be mad.”
“Why would I be?”
“…it’s Ming Fan.”
He was judging her hard, “I know he bullied you but he promised he would apologise-“
“That’s not it- Ming Fan!?” He asked sceptical, and Ning Yingying nodded and he turned and almost missed him.
Ming Fan had a glow up.
 He wasn’t as handsome as Shen Qingqiu or himself but defiently upgraded from ‘passable’ to good looking.
 And he watched how even Shen Qingqiu who entered the hall did a double glance and even called his name in shock-
And that work preened under the attention.
Luo Binghe wanted him dead, was Shen Qingqiubeasily swayed?
“It’s hard to grasp his type.” Ning Yingying spoke looking as perplexed as him.
 “First Shang Qinghua, but with you we figured he liked smart handsome men, but it appears even Ming Fan draws his eye.”
So average pathetic people?
Was Binghe too handsome? Was that why Shen Qingqiu thought it was pretend? He assumed it was a joke?
As Shen Qingqiu, he nodded looking proud.
 Ah, he thought just as it should be, Binghe with his future wives they all look good together. I hope I’m invited to the wedding although being best man at Binghe’s wedding may be a dream come true he might ask someone else.
Binghe might ask someone else, because he would be in place of husband, not best man.
Binghe paused as he had that thought.
Marriage? That was a little quick although maybe living together made him feel strange.
“What did he want?”
Shen Qingqiu glanced at him while spreading butter on his toast.
 Luo Binghe wished he cooked his school meals for him.
Shen Qingqiu would always enjoy his food, face closed in bliss. Alas he didn’t want others to see Shen Qingqiu looking so spoiled.
 “Oh, we’ll um. Yue Qingyuan was aware of my living situation.” Shen Qingqiu but his lip as he tried to cut his bread into an even triangle.
 But Binghe felt himself grow cold, Shen Qingqiu was leaving him?
 That stupid principal- he saw how he looked at Shen Qingqiu their strange dynamic and rumours circulating that Shen Qingqiu was brutal to the people he liked and the way he was treating Yue Qingyuan meant he was practically fucking him!
 No- no he can’t leave!
“He decided to help me out,” Shen Qingqiu spoke taking a breath “Apparently as the whole world found out about my controversial core, my family kicked me out. Well since I’m a light core it gained a lot of sympathy,” Shen Qingqiu sneered, probably hating to be pitied or looked down upon.
 Of course since I’m the perfect victim the wizarding world would bend over backwards to help but people like Binghe? Or Wei Wuxian? Anyone whose not a light core gets shafted- 
“I’ve been proposed some offers, but since I’m still in school they promised to wait, Yue Qingyuan told me I could start my exams now and graduate early.”
Luo Binghe’s eyes widened “What?”
Shen Qingqiu sat up, eyes alight with excitement “Ues and their high paying jobs too- I showed some interest in working with Hanguang-Jun but he’s a top seater, even though I’m exiled I still have a seat and they want me to fill it now that I’m a light core they think my vote would result in Light magic as the main curriculum and make dark magic illegal.”
Sha Hualing gaped “That’s illegal and what about demons? All our magic is dark!”
“That’s why I need to work for Hanguang-Jun. The quicker I study and apprintence and show my aptitude I may become his secretary.”
“Why him specifically?”
“He’s the only series seat member at Huan Hua, the others who are sympathetic to the cause either have a disreputable past or would be seen as biased.”
“Why? Aren’t we doing okay? Do you want to leave that badly?”
Shen Qingqiu blinked only just remembering Binghe and it hurt more.
“What? No! This is to pay you back! I’ll be earning three times what we’re got now and you can graduate without having to worry about anything.”
Luo Binghe clenched his fists, it felt unfair.
 “I don’t want to be in your debt, and I didn’t offer, to make you indebted to me.”
I didn’t think that, Binghe has suffered so much I just want to help him and make easier for him he deserves a break.
“Please, Binghe. I’m not doing this because I feel obligated to, I just want to, your education shouldn’t suffer anymore.”
“So is that all its for? My education?”
What was Shen Qingqiu pampering Luo Binghe like he was some pedigree dog? Was he going to get some payoff after make sure Binghe was well educated.
Shen Qingqiu frowned, “Binghe,” he sounded lost, unsure why Luo Binghe was upset.
 “Didn’t you…want to be chief warlock?”
Luo Binghe looked perplexed, “Why would I want that? I have enough on my plate being the chosen one. What’s the point in laying roots if I get cut down one day.”
Shen Qingqiu flinched, “I thought,” 
If Binghe didn’t want to be chief warlock- was it just spite? Revenge? 
 Surely that can’t be the only reason. He’d want to change things, make it where people like him in the wizarding world would live better.
Or at least that’s what Shen Qingqiu believed.
 “I don’t believe in wasting my time in things that don’t suit my end goal, and being Chief warlock isn’t my future, and if you don’t understand that then you never knew me at all.”
Oh that hurt.
Sha Hualing cackled “Owch, breaking up on the first day?”
Shen Qingqiu blinked at her, forgetting she was there and Sha Hualing bristled at the look.
Oh, I completely forgot about that.
And Luo Binghe’s face still looked cold so Shen Qingqiu nodded “Ah, of course, Luo Binghe.”
He nodded then stood up to leave, his breakfast lay there untouched.
Luo Binghe stiffened, almost calling out- no Sha Hualing was saying crap, 
“Leave him alone.”
Ning Yingying spoke and he scowled but saw her face as she shook her head,
“Remember when he got that howler? How he looked indifferent? But you found him in the bathroom crying?”
Luo Binghe nodded and Ning Yingying glanced at Shen Qingqiubas he turned the corner and disappeared.
 “He looks the exact same now as he did then-“
Binghe wasted no time dumping Ning Yingying off his lap as he ran to chase Shen Yuan.
“Ning Yingying!” Ming fan cried as he helped her back up.
 Ming Fan Neville longbottomed us lmao.
Luo Binghe finds Shen Qingqiu and explains his reaction and that Shen Qingqiu had a lot of assumptions and expectations and Luo Binghe felt as if he wasn’t meeting them.
And Shen Qingqiu apologised stating that he never meant for binghe to feel like that and asked what his plans were if chief warlock wasn’t in the cards.
Binghe wanted to open a restaurant. And Shen Qingqiu melted and told him how wonderful that was.
Yue Qingyuan looks into Binghe’s accommodations and learns that the ministry was paying for Binghe’s house. So why was Shen Qingqiu and binghe working?
He calls binghe in. And binghe assumes he’s in trouble since he and Yue Qingyuan don’t get along well. And finds that Yue Qingyuan asks him his housing issues then gets it sorted because of that Luo Binghe is then compensated over a grande worth of money. He finally feels as of everything is looking up! Even Shen Qingqiu can’t believe the good news then blows up about that two big realtor that was taking money from the ministry AND binghe and was even blackmailing binghe would lose his home if he missed a payment.
“Once I’m in Hua Huan ministry I’ll hunt that rat down and make him wish for death, I’ll ruin him. Drive his buisness into the ground, make it impossible to find work, and give him a taste of what you went through- Binghe?”
Binghe was in love.
After the ‘exposing’ his core Luo Binghe was threatened expulsion. And Shen Qingqiu came to his defence.
Shen Qingqiu forgave Luo Binghe. He was still mad but didn’t think Binghe deserved to lose his right to his education over a mistake.
But Yue Qingyuan did not.
 “This is serious, Luo Binghe you are dismissed.”
As Shen Qingqiu was left alone, he felt awkward he and Yue Qingyuan had a history and he knew what that history was even so.
 “Luo Binghe paralysed you and exposed your core. That is a violation of basic wizarding rights, akin to rape. And yet you defend him? Why?”
 “Binghe would’ t do that-“ Shen Qingqiu spoke.
Yue Qingyuans eyes flickered but then returned to Shen Qingqiu as he continued.
“I bullied him, hurt him, and all of a sudden act like I’m in love with him. He was bound to snap, he thought I was pranking him and probably wanted to catch me in the act. He was just trying to protect himself anybody would be wary in their school bully changed and acted out of character.”
Yue Qingyuan looked at him in pity, “You think you deserve it. You think your getting your karma and think that makes it okay for others to hurt you. But Shen Qingqiu with that type of thinking, when do those types of people stop? What happens when you know longer can tell whose the bully and whose the victim? You may have hurt him, but Luo Binghe is old enough to understand his own actions and is aware enough that he is responsible for those actions no matter the reason.”
“Please don’t expel him, he’s good- he’s a really good kid.”
 Yue Qingyuan sighed, “You used to have better judgement than that, but for you Shen Qingqiu the boy won’t be expelled.” Shen Qingqiu relaxed.
“Instead I’ll personally see to his detention myself.”
“Thank you, Headmaster Yue- should I get him?”
“No need. He’s probably went to class you should return yourself.”
Once Shen Qingqiu was gone Yue Qingyuans warm gaze dropped turning cold.
He flicked his wand and the invisibility cloak was ripped from Luo Binghe who was trapped, his face red from anger.
 “To think Shen Qingqiu was defending you and you have the nerve to spit on that kindness.”
How did that old man know he was here!?
Yue Qingyuan would never reveal that he could sense when someone was trying to read his mind. And Luo Binghe was stunned, he barely saw the sect leader move!
He was strong. Really strong.
As Yue Qingyuan approached, Luo Binghe didn’t feel afraid just humiliated and annoyed.
“Shen Qingqiu may have flaws, but to spit upon his kindness is too far.” 
Yue Qingyuan reached out…and cupped Luo Binghe’s face.
Luo Bonghe felt his head tilted up, feeling his heartbeat quicken- what was he doing?
Yue Qingyuan dazed at him, cold and dismissive. Luo Binghe could feel sweat heading down his neck as he couldn’t move.
 “He felt like this. Trapped unable to move while another could do whatever he pleased.”
 Yue Qingyuans hand lowered and Luo Binghe’s throat bobbed. Yue Qingyuan was powerful, and Luo Binghe was arragont.
 He never understood the vastness of their power until now- he still couldn’t move.
“Shen Qingqiu was powerless, as you did whatever you liked…”
Yue Qingyuan was going to-
His hand squeezed his throat, not enough to hurt but to cut of oxygen, and Luo Binghe breath falterered feeling his heartbeat quicken as Yue Qingyuan gazed at him with indifference.
 “Do you understand now, Mr Luo? Or should I give more demonstrations.”
Uh- more demonstrations.
 Yue Qingyuan may have officially jump started Luo Binghe’s sexual awakening.
 “You can do whatever you like?”
And Yue Qingyuans lip pulled into a sneer, “Mr Luo, Shen Qingqiu may think you hung the stars and the moon but from what I see, is nothing but a self absorbed brat. I can’t find anything to be impressed with.”
 “You should see my dick, then you’d be impressed.”
Yue Qingyuan probably thought he was joking, but the man only tightened his grip, and Luo Binghe was powerless against it feeling a thrill as Yue Qingyuan leaned closer.
 “I prefer someone with more experience than a fumbling teenager who can’t tell when someone is saying no.”
Yue Qingyuan let go and Luo Binghe could finally move and breath while he panted.
 “You’ll be having detention with me. And Binghe, if you don't persuade me that what Shen Qingqiu see’s in you is true, then I will make life very difficult for you.”
Luo Binghe understood the threat. Yue Qingyuan could’ve been the youngest chief warlock by his prowess alone but decided to be a principal and said that it’s be better that someone who was older like the Palace Master should be chief warlock instead. 
 Even so, Luo Binghe shifted grabbing his cloak and sulked out the office.
He already slept with his girlfriends and learned all he could know, but when it came to men he was ignorant.
 He bet that if he played it right Yue Qingyuan would scratch that itch when Shen Qingqiu was being obviously obtuse with his teasing.
“I want to learn how to please men and you should teach me.”
Yue Qingyuan raised an eyebrow, then tensed when Luo Binghe grew bold moving forward groping the principal.
Yue Qingyuans face grew thunderous, “Luo Binghe-“
The boy grew coquettish as he purred “It’s fine isn’t it, this Binghe knows you have fantasies about your precious Shen Qingqiu but you don’t want to ruin your relationship with him pretend I’m Shen Qingqiu take out your frustration-“
 “One more word and I’ll stick it shut.” Yue Qingyuan warned feeling more irritated as Luo Binghe pressed closer, “Hmm, I just want to be more informed on how men have sex I want to be prepared if Shen Qingqiu and I take that next step. I don’t want to hurt him.”
Yue Qingyuan pushed him back turning around to ignore him until-
“Or I could contact the ministry about that full body bind you pulled. All it would take is them seeing a student in that position with the head principal of Cang Qiong and you’d be ruined.”
He was blackmailing him.
Yue Qingyuan glared and Luo Binghe beamed. Jackpot.
…nope he regretted it.
 Yue Qingyuan covered his bases. He actually treat it as a lesson. Making a rebound spell so binghe couldn’t get within a foot of him and actually gave binghe sex education. With the boring diagrams and vague descriptions on sex like it was theory.
 Luo Binghe was so bored and yet it was educational. 
 Even so he decided to back off from teasing Yue Qingyuan because the lesson itself was punishment enough. 
Yue Wingyuan was worried about Luo Bonghe and even though he did not want to touch that stick with a ten foot pole he decided to broach the subject.
“Mr Luo.” 
Binghe was copying down lines, about how he will never do something without that persons explicit permission.
And Yue Qingyuan wondered if maybe- 
“We’re you ever…assaulted as a child?” Well assault was a strong word, here Binghe paused as he looked up.
“Did an adult touch you inappropriately when you were young? Was your boundaries constantly crossed so now you don’t understand what a boundary is?”
Luo Binghe blinked, and almost felt offended.
“No! No one has- why would you think that?”
Yue Qingyuan raised an eyebrow “Well given that you’re making me worried about making a student pregnant with your escapades, or possibly in danger of an std your are more sexually active for a student your age.”
Luo Binghe eyes narrowed “That’s normal.”
“What isn’t normal is to pursue a teacher who is eight years your senior.”
Wow only eight. Luo Binghe thought he was older.
 “To not understand the basic principles of consent.”
 Luo Binghe placed his pen or paper down.
“What? Want to know my history?” Luo Binghe leered and Yue Qingyuan only gazed at him cooly, unaware that it was really doing something for him.
 “No. I’ll just inform Mu Qingfan and set you up to a mediwitch.”
“You want to send me to a shrink?”
Luo Binghe spoke flabbergasted, and Yue Qingyuan nodded “Yes.”
Luo Binghe thought it wouldn’t help but then it turns out the more he talked, the more he was told that his lack of power and control when he was bullied made him react. Having sex and finding out he was good at it gave him confidence not to mention his first time wasn’t really consensual.
Luo Binghe didn’t understand he was raped by a women and thought that was impossible as all men liked it? The mediwitch only gave him a pity look. And told Binghe he was becoming the bully, he had this dynamic where Shen Qingqiu was now the victim. And flipped their dynamic. When it comes to acedemics Shen Qingqiu bullied him, looked down on him and now seeing Shen Qingqiu looking flustered and unsure gave Binghe the confidence and wielded his sexual knowledge as a weapon. And looked down on Shen Qingqiu.
“This isn’t healthy.”
 Luo Binghe pressed his lips together.
 He didn’t understand it before but now…
“The only good thing about your relationship with Shen Qingqiu, is that he respects your boundaries, he only lets you control how far you’ll go.”
“That’s because he’s scared to.”
“Maybe he’s happy just being friends? But he doesn’t discourage any type of act of intamicy. He lets you decide how far you want to go and with that your in control. But that is a lot of trust he is placing in your hands and that’s when you need to start thinking of his needs and when you need to stop.”
 Luo Bonghe blinked, after all…he had already read Shen Qingqiu’s mind, he wasn’t a threat anymore. Playing these mind games was just cruel at this point.
 “You think about that, I’ll see you at your next session.”
When he came back to Yue Qingyuans detention he was more subdued, and less flirty. Yue Qingyuan was almost getting used to it. “What is it?”
“What I did to Shen Qingqiu others can do. Isn’t there a system to stop students from taking advantage of one another? A rebound on wands to the caster gets hit with the spell instead of a victim?”
Yue Qingyuan nodded, “Yes, I have been working on such an array to stop students from hexing and jinxing the others as well as other types of malicious spell casting. I figured what if I only make it where you can only cast spells in a classroom? But that creates a resentment and all students need to do is wait until they graduate before attacking others because they were curious on what would happen if they did.”
“But a rebound to make them experience the spell will make them think twice, it’ll put them in their victims shoes.”
“Maybe an alert so the security would be able to apprehend both parties so no one gets hurt.”
 And Luo Binghe and Yue Qingyuan worked on an array together for their detention.
This ends up saving Shen Qingqiu’s life from a vindictive Qiu Haitang. And Shen Qingqiu feels frustrated when she was ejected from their friend group and yet Shen Qingqiu felt as if he was just filling in for Qui Haitang.
 Shen Qingqiu scowled, even with Luo Binghe’s hand wrapped around his waist but his attention was on Ning Yingying, and Shen Qingqiu felt something sink in the pit of his stomach and felt heavier.
 It wasn’t going to last, he glanced at Luo Binghe who smiled at him, he smiled back.
Soon it’d be me being banished from this group, after all it’s only pretend. After Luo Binghe is satisfied he’ll forget all about me, so what does it matter?
Luo Binghe’s smile faded.
“Hmm? Binghe? Are you all right?” Luo Binghe’s grip on his waist tightened, “Qingqiu, you know I like you right?”
“Yes and I like Binghe.” Obviously.
“And I like Binghe,” Sha Hualing spoke as did Ning Yingying and Liu Mingyan which wasn’t helping his case.
 Luo Binghe opened his mouth then shut it. Shen Qingqiu didn’t care that Luo Binghe exposed his core, which lead to Qui Haitang finding out and blaming to Shen Qingqiu’s parents. He forgave him because he thought it was payback. That it was justified to a bully from a victim.
But from a lover?
Luo Binghe realised that Shen Qingqiu never saw their relationship as official or real only pretend. Because Luo Binghe didn’t treat it as such, he was callous in his feelings and Yue Qingyuan was right, a child acting petty and was awful. 
 Luo Binghe betrayed his trust, Shen Qingqiu wasn’t forgiving but he had pursuade himself that the relationship was pretend to spare his own feelings.
 If Shen Qingqiu didn’t have that thought to call back on, Luo Binghe would have hurt him beyond anything he could fix.
As he went to Yue Qingyuan that night, he felt ashamed of himself. And found his mothers words coming back to him hauntingly.
Remember to be kind.
 She would be disgusted with Binghe.
Yue Qingyuan glanced up, seeing Luo Binghe diligently doing his notes without lip.
…something was wrong.
So Binghe asked if there was a way to rebound the worst curses such as the full body bind or even stupify.
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I vividly remember when my sister came back from a trip to the mall with our grandparents when I was about 9 years old. She excitedly told me that she saw a demo for the second Harry Potter game in the Apple store. I didn't believe her when she said the characters' mouths moved when they spoke—a feature notably absent from the first game. I thought it was too advanced lol.
Harry Potter was the first game I ever hacked/modded, and the tradition has continued. If you told me 20 years ago that I'd eventually get an even higher-quality Hogwarts, my own custom player character in whatever house I wanted and a ridiculous number of mods, I would have simply not believed you lol. I love these games so much. They've changed my life forever. ❤️💚
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lukatheselkie · 1 year
Sneak Peek
Here’s a sneak peek of something I’m currently writing. I’m halfway finished with the first chapter, so it could go up tonight or it could go up in a week. Idk.
Fandom: Harry Potter
Ships: James x Severus, James x Lily, Lily x Marlene; yes all at once
Needed Information: This takes place in a world where witches and wizards commonly get Hanahaki Disease. It’s just part of life.
    James suspects Lily must love him back. He’s never had Hanahaki, despite being seventeen and having an adoration for the girl since he first laid eyes on her. Sirius has had it once, for Marlene. Remus has had it three times, but he refuses to tell anyone who he was in love with. If puppy love counted, Peter would have everyone defeated. As far as James is aware, Lily has only had it once, for a Muggle friend. And then there’s Snivelous. He’s been coughing up flowers since before their First Year. When they get removed, they’re gone for maybe a month before reappearing. Everyone knows they’re always for Lily. It’s part of what makes him such a tempting target. Once their friendship ended, the flowers became Forget-Me-Nots. Before that point, they were tulips of varying colours.
    There’s been a few rare cases of someone coughing up roses, the highest level of love. Remus is the first known case of having roses more than once; two of his three times, in fact. It had been a huge relief when that third time came and it was only Peonies. They didn’t come up with blood like the roses had. Nonetheless, Poppy had him stay in the Infirmary, just in case. He’d reluctantly agreed to have the flowers removed when the time came. Honestly, James is surprised he’s not had Hanahaki since then, as it was Fifth Year. Maybe the three times is all he has in him. Or maybe who he loves reciprocates now, without either of them knowing. Because Remus most definitely isn’t dating anyone. He’d know about it if he were!
    It’s maybe a month after returning to Hogwarts for his Seventh Year that James feels a tickle in his throat. He rolls his eyes, smiles at Sirius as he puts the conversation on hold, then forces a cough. Nothing happens, so he forces another. Then another. Sirius furrows his brows in concern, and Peter and Remus are now looking at him as well. “Do you think you might be sick?” Remus questions quietly. He’s always quiet. It’s part of what makes him so endearing. James shakes his head.
    “Must have just swallowed wrong,” he explains, focusing on clearing his throat now. Once it feels less blocked, he coughs again. Blood splatters onto his toast. Before he can react to the sight, he’s coughing and hacking against his will. He almost doesn’t notice the room slowly falling silent as the news ripples through the students. Almost. When he finally chokes out a thorn and a blood-soaked rose petal, all eyes are on him. An eerie sense of deja vu washes over him from when Remus coughed up a full rose onto his lunch once. There’s fewer people in the room to see him though. But that doesn’t mean anything. By the end of the day, everyone will know.
    “Jamesie?” Sirius’ voice cuts through the haze. He focuses all of his attention on his best mate, who looks incredibly worried about him. He parts his lips slightly to speak. Nothing comes out. “...Who is it?” He glances at Lily, who shakes her head. In that moment, he flees. He runs as hard and as fast as he can, trying to escape the reality of just who it is he’s in love with. He doesn’t stop until he’s at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, close to the Pitch. He pants heavily as he drops to the ground, sprawling out unceremoniously. He doesn’t dare close his eyes, though he desperately wants to. His mind is racing so fast with avoidance, he doesn’t hear the footsteps approach him a few minutes later.
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