buffetlicious · 2 months
Celebrated by Hokkiens on the 9th day of the first lunar month, aka Chinese New Year, Tian Gong Dan (天公诞) or Bai Tian Gong (拜天公) as it is otherwise called, is a highly important prayer ceremony. Bai (拜) means to pray, and Tian Gong (天公) refers to the Jade Emperor, the monarch of all deities in heaven. As such, praying to Tian Gong, or ‘pai ti kong’ as Hokkiens like to call it, is a celebration of the Jade Emperor’s benevolence, which can be traced back to an old traditional folk legend.
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To better understand the story behind Bai Tian Gong, we first have to go back hundreds of years back in time to the Ming Dynasty. At the time, within the province where modern-day Hokkiens can trace their ancestral origins to, was a place rife with outlaws and bandits. It was during one fateful Chinese New Year that these bandits went on a murderous spree, going around pillaging villages and killing its residents indiscriminately. Fearful for their life, some of the villagers ran away in the dead of night and hid themselves within the sugarcane fields. They prayed hard to the Jade Emperor for their survival.
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Fortunately for them, the bandits found no success in their hunt despite searching for days. Ultimately, on the 9th day of the Chinese New Year, the bandits gave up on trying to find the villagers and returned to their hideouts. Realizing their assailants had left, the villagers emerged from their hiding spots, happy that they’ve managed to survive the ordeal. They praised the divine for answering their prayers and were grateful to the sugarcane fields for providing them shelter. This is why the Sugarcane (甘蔗) is held in prominence in all Hokkien celebrations. Mum poached chicken & pork, dyed the Red Eggs (红鸡蛋), boiled the longevity noodles, prepared Fa Gao (发糕) and oranges with joss papers, joss sticks and candles to offer them to the gods.
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Info from here. Selected images from the internet.
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safije · 2 months
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Oldest Spanish - Chinese dictionary found in University of Santo Thomas, Philippines. This 400 year old dictionary called “Dictionario Hispanico Sinicum” translated Spanish to Mandarin as well as Hokkien, a language from China's southern Fujian Province and spoken by many Chinese Filipinos.
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fyeahcindie · 6 months
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Nice feature on a great TW band! 百合花 Lilium =D
Instagram, Spotify, YouTube
Lin I-shuo-Voc/Gtr, Lin Wei-zuo-Bass/Voc, Dee Chen-Drums/Voc
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zhuhongs · 1 year
蓮花空行身染愛(Liân-hue Khong-hīng sin jiám ài)
Lotus Dakini Dyed in Love by Collage
又閣是彼个 無代無誌想著的形影 iū-koh sī hit ê, bô-tài-bô-tsì siūnn tio̍h ê hîng-iánn There it is again, that figure I remembered out of the blue 親像一陣風 吹落來 是春風少年 tshin-tshiūnn tsi̍t tsūn-hong, tshue loh lâi, sī tshun hong siáu-liân It came over me like a passing breeze - that unfettered youth 坐嘛是思念 坐袂牢 真無聊的思念 tsē mà-sī su-liām, tsē bē tiâu, tsin bô-liâu ê su-liām I sit here and reminisce, but it doesn’t linger - such a restless thought 倒咧眠床頂 予月娘 笑規个暗暝 tó leh bîn-tshn̂g tíng, hōo gue̍h-niû tshiò kui-ê àm-mî Laying on the bed, making the moon laugh until late into the night
我行過你的世界 guá kiânn-kuè lí ê sè-kài I’ve moved past your world 啥物我攏無愛 siánn-mih guá lóng bô ài And I don’t want anything 只想欲佇你心內(寫一條歌) tsí siūnn beh tī lí sim-lāi(siá tsi̍t tiâu kua) only your heart (to write a song)
車行過 *𪜶的期待 tshia kiânn-kuè in ê kî-thāi Cars passed by your expectations 這站閣無落來 tsit tsām koh bô loh-lâi And didn’t stop at this station 無想欲對誰交代(心內驚驚) bô siūnn beh tuì siáng kau-tài(sim-lāi kiann-kiann) Without offering an explanation (hearts unsteady)
想起我彼暗小可仔歹勢 siūnn-khí guá hit-àm sió-khuá-á pháinn-sè I realize I feel sorry about that night 予你揣著我 hōo lí tshuē-tio̍h guá I made you realize that I 規身軀藏無好勢的委屈 kui-sing-khu tshàng bô hó-sè ê uí-khut Can’t properly hide my misgivings
風 中的飛龍咧吼 hong-tiong ê pue-liông leh háu The dragon amidst the clouds is roaring 聲 聲予天搖地動 siann-siann hōo thinn-iô tē-tāng Causing the earth to shake 愛你的傳說寫佇頂懸 ài lí ê thuân-suat siá tī tíng-kuân The legend of our love is written in the sky 感情紲來愈飛愈懸 kám-tsîng sua-lâi lú-pue lú-kuân Feelings also grow the higher it flies
花 開佇你蹛的樓 hue khui-tī lí tuà ê lâu Flowers bloom at your doorstep 想 當時欲綴你走 siūnn tong-sî beh tuè lí tsáu Almost as if they intend to go with you 多情的雨崁著目睭 to-tsîng ê hōo kham tio̍h ba̍k-tsiu The passionate rain conceals your eyes 你的代誌講袂清楚 lí ê tài tsì kóng bē tshing-tshó Your affairs are can’t be told clearly*
看你行過千山萬水 khuànn lí kiânn-kuè tshian-san-bān-suí Watching you traverse a thousand mountains and ten thousand waters 手內薔薇微微仔芳 tshiú-lāi tshiông-bî bî-bî-á phang The rose at hand lightly fragrant 行踏輕鬆跤步的我 (恬恬佇遮攏無出聲) kiânn ta̍h khin-sang kha-pōo ê guá (tiām tiām tī tsia lóng bô tshut-siann) And I light on my feet (am here quietly, without a sound)
日子過一工閣一工 ji̍t-tsí kuè tsi��t-kang koh tsi̍t-kang Days pass, one after another 你的一切攏猶未放 lí ê it tshè lóng iá-buē pàng And you still have not let it go 越頭欲揣過去的我 ua̍t thâu beh tshuē kuè-khì ê guá A turn of the head, and you want to find the departed me 煞來袂記家己的名 suah-lâi bē kì ka-kī ê miâ How could you have forgotten your own name
是我欲陪你流浪 sī guá beh puê lí liû-lōng It is I who wants to lead you astray 長路終點滿天花雨 tn̂g-lōo tsiong-tiám muá-thinn hue-ú At the end of the long road are clear skies, flowers, and rain 雺霧內底戇神 bông-bū lāi-té gōng-sîn Dazed in the middle of the fog 千年流轉你的世界 tshian-nî liû-tsuán lí ê sè-kài Your world is a cycle of death and rebirth* 自作多情的人 tsū-tsok-to-tsîng ê lâng Before a self indulgent person 眼前地獄家己揀的 gán-tsiân tē-ga̍k ka-kī kíng ê Is a hell of their own choosing 天上 地下 人間 thian-siōng, tē-hā, jîn-kan Above heaven, below hell -- the mortal world 四方妖孽請恁退下 sù-hong iau-gia̍t tshiánn lín thè-hā Quartet of demons*, please back down
這繁華世間 tse huân-hua sè-kan This prosperous world 眾生有情人 tsiòng-sing ū-tsîng-lâng Where everyone has loved ones 有情生煩惱(甘願受罪) ū-tsîng senn huân-ló(kam-guān siū-tsuē) As such are troubled (yet willing to suffer)
心狂閣火著 sim-kông koh hué-to̍h They set their hearts ablaze 明知會艱苦 bîng tsai ē kan-khóo Knowing it will one day bring unhappiness 千錯萬錯 (攏佮你無關) tshian-tshò-bān-tshò(lóng ka̍h lí bô-kuan) Tens of millions of faults  (all have nothing to do with you)
* - the original phrasing is in reference to concepts/phrasing that exist in reference to religion that I have only found information on in very formal Chinese, however I am not skilled enough to translate properly, as such the translation is lacking.
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lightning-neko · 2 years
Everytime I see an artist or author have Emmet call Ingo Go-Go, I grin a little inside.
Go-Go (rhyming with Hordor) is dialect for 哥哥, which is older brother.
Given, they probably meant it to sound more like the go go in go go gadget. But I can have my little inside bilingual joke for fun.
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lachatalovematcha · 1 year
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
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Studying Taiwanese Hokkien for the Monkey King
I recently returned from my third pilgrimage with the Zheng’an monkey god temple (Zheng’an gong, 正安宮) in Taipei, Taiwan. This trip made me realize just how badly I need to learn Taiwanese Hokkien (Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Tâi-gí; Chinese: Taiyu, 臺語), for it was spoken almost exclusively in all of the temples we visited, as well as on the tour bus. I feel like having a working knowledge of the language would open doors to more in-depth research about the Great Sage‘s faith. And the best part? Taiwanese Hokkien is intelligible to Hokkien speakers in Fujian (home of Sun Wukong’s cult) and Southeast Asia (where he is also worshiped – example). This would help me expand my area of research.
Here, I would like to archive a few sources on Taiwanese Hokkien that I’ve found online.
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they LIED to me !!!
kepo is not an acronym of Knowing Every Particular Obejct !
its from fuckking hokkien !!!!
why did i believe them that is obviously bs in retrospect
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ravensbrush · 6 months
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a piece i did for school recently, a transcription of a classic hokkien song into seal script (an archaic form of chinese script)
main text:
獨夜無伴守燈下 春風對面吹
十七八歲未出嫁 見著少年家
果然標致面肉白 誰家人子弟
想欲問伊驚歹勢 心內彈琵琶
transliteration (tâi-lô)
to̍k-iā bô phuānn siú-ting-ē; tshun-hong tuì-bīn tshue
tsa̍p-tshit-poeh huè buē tshut-kè; kìnn-tio̍h siàu-liân-ke
kó-jiân piau-tì bīn-bah-pe̍h; siâng ka-lâng tsú-tē
siūnn boeh mn̄g i kiann pháinn-sè; sim-lāi tuânn pî-pê
translation (by me):
a lonely night, companionless, under a dim lamp; a spring breeze blows the other way.
seventeen going on eighteen, and still unmarried; catching a glimpse of a suitor.
truly what a beauty, with a soft white face; from which family do they come from?
thinking of approaching, feeling shy; the strings of the heart are strumming.
ern siá bāng-tshun-hong tē-it-siú
En's work, Bang Chun Hong 1st Stanza
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cpopjukebox · 2 years
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geoazie · 2 years
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Aesthetic of the languages on earth : Southern Min
Southern Min or Minnan is a group of closely related Sinitic languages spoken by 50.1 million people over southern China, Taiwan, and southeast asia. It is an official language of Taiwan (Hokkien).
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buffetlicious · 1 year
Today is the 9th day of Lunar New Year that we call Tian Gong Dan (天公诞), it is a big day for Hokkien people. It is also believed to be the Birthday of the Jade Emperor (who is the Supreme Deity of Taoism). On this day, the Chinese people conduct an important prayer ceremony or Bai Tian Gong (拜天公).
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To better understand the story behind Bai Tian Gong, we first have to go back hundreds of years back in time to the Ming Dynasty. At the time, within the province where modern-day Hokkiens can trace their ancestral origins to, was a place rife with outlaws and bandits. It was during one fateful Chinese New Year that these bandits went on a murderous spree, going around pillaging villages and killing its residents indiscriminately. Fearful for their life, some of the villagers ran away in the dead of night and hid themselves within the sugarcane fields. They prayed hard to the Jade Emperor for their survival.
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Ultimately, on the 9th day of the Chinese New Year, the bandits gave up on trying to find the villagers and returned to their hideouts. Realizing their assailants had left, the villagers emerged from their hiding spots, happy that they’ve managed to survive the ordeal. They praised the divine for answering their prayers and were grateful to the sugarcane fields for providing them shelter. This is why the Sugarcane is held in prominence in all Hokkien celebrations. More elaborate celebrations are usually conducted at temples.
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Info from here. Images courtesy of here and here.
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mikutongzhi · 1 year
Silent Hell - Tsunami Lyric Translation 狱无声 (海啸)中英歌词翻译
刹那间平静全数冲灭 眼前一切恍如梦魇
Innocents eradicated, drowned by the thousands  Like a nightmare brought to life before our very eyes
看不见的自然巨变 悄悄突袭这个世界
We couldn’t see nature drastically changing, stealthily preparing a surprise attack on the world
你我无法忽略自己 犯下毁坏天地的罪
You and I can’t deny our sin, we’ve destroyed our world
重申我的恐惧不安 接受一切神的告诫
I reiterate my fear and accept all of God’s punishments
痛苦 尖叫 鲜血 无力去救援
Agony   Screams   Blood    No one can save us
God sends his great flood army: Nature wields it’s scythe; a Tsunami
地底下数万计的苦灵 带著悲念不愿意阖眼
On Earth, countless souls are unwilling to close their eyes for the last time
悻存的那些人们 看不见那希望的烈燄
The few survivors that remain have lost sight of the flames of hope
你我无法忽略自己 犯下毁坏天地的罪
You and I can’t deny our sin, we’ve destroyed our world
重申我的恐惧不安 接受一切神的告诫
I reiterate my fear and accept all of God’s punishments
痛苦 尖叫 鲜血 无力去救援
Agony   Screams   Blood    No one can save us
God sends his great flood army: Nature wields it’s scythe; a Tsunami
这世界即将崩解 我们无力去改变
This world is on the verge of collapse  There’s nothing we could do to change it
认清你双眼所见 彻底思考 面对
Accept what you see, look deep in yourself, and face it
噢 你我 我们必须站在一起背负这沉重包袱
Oh   You and I   must stand together and shoulder this burden as one
我就站在你左右 你不必悲哭无助
I’ll stand beside you You don’t have to feel helpless or cry
你 别再哭泣 我就站在你身旁陪伴你渡过这条路
Don’t cry,   I’ll stand by your side and help you get through this
我就守在你左右 你不必悲哭无助
I’ll keep watch over you You don’t have to feel helpless or cry
沉重包袱 你的左右
Heavy burden   By your side
阿 你我 咱应该 站惦作伙面对著咱的未来
Ah   You and I   should stand together and face our future
我就站惦你身边 你千万卖搁伤悲
I will stand by your side   You don’t have to hold on to this sorrow
泪 卖搁再滴 我就站惦 你身边陪伴哩行过这条路
Don’t shed those tears,   I’ll stand by your side and walk with you through this
我就站惦你身边 请你卖搁伤悲
I will stand by your side   Please don’t hold on to your sorrow
Silent Hell is from Taiwan so this song had a few Taiwanisms and the last section is in Taiwanese Hokkien :)
Translating it was kinda hard ^^; Let me know if there are any issues, especially with the Taiwanese parts. I changed two of the hanzi to match the hanzi in the music video, I think the lyrics you can find written out online were trying to mimic the pronunciation of some words in Hokkien? Please correct me if I'm wrong. But either way the translation of those words is still accurate, those words just being Me (哇 and 袜 to 我)and you( 哩 to 你) in the last section. The meaning should be entirely retained so don't worry.
Heres the context of the original Hanzi. Let me know if I'm wrong and just made a dumb mistake.
Vocab List (Coming Soon!!)
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polyglot-thought · 2 years
[Mandarin->English] @nihaos_it_going 7/12/2022 Instagram Post Color Coded Translation (Beginner Friendly)
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NOTE: OP is not a native speaker
dāng nǐ liǎng gè tái wān péng yǒu kāi shǐ jiǎng tái yǔ
When your two Taiwanese friends start speaking Taiwanese (Hokkien)
wài guó rén
wǒ xué le zhōng wén liù duō nián rán hòu zài tái wān fā xiàn le wǒ hái shì bì xū
I’ve studied Chinese for more than 6 years, and then in Taiwan I discovered that I still need to.
xué tái yǔ
Study Taiwanese (Hokkien)
méi shì ā
No problem!
wǒ men shì zài tái wān
We are in Taiwan.
wǒ men dōu yīng gāi xué
We should all study
yī diǎn tái yǔ bā
A little bit of Taiwanese (Hokkien).
Please correct me if I made a mistake.
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zhuhongs · 1 year
萬千花蕊慈母悲哀  (Bān-tshian Hue-luí Tsû-bió Pi-ai) Thousands of Flowers of a Mourning Mother’s Love
下晡 一个人踮厝內 ē-poo, tsi̍t ê lâng tiàm tshù-lāi One afternoon, I was home alone 西北雨 沃澹窗外的衫 sai-pak-hōo, ak-tâm thang-guā ê sann A sudden downpour drenched the clothes outside 外口的人 猶未轉來 guā-kháu ê lâng iah-buē tńg-lâi The one who has left has yet to return 戇戇咧等 戇戇攑一支雨傘 gōng-gōng--leh tán, gōng-gōng gia̍h tsi̍t ki hōo-suànn I waited foolishly with an umbrella at hand
為你 幾若擺睏袂去 uī lí, kuí-nā pái khùn bē khì Because of you, I had many sleepless nights 全世界 揣袂著你的形影 tsuân-sè-kài, tshuē bē tio̍h lí ê hîng-iánn From every corner of the world, you can’t be found anywhere 凡勢 會當共你放捒 huān-sè, ē-tàng kā lí pàng-sak Perhaps I’ll give up one day 氣身惱命 我哪會攏無要無緊 khì-sin-lóo-miā, guá ná-ē lóng bô-iàu-bô-kín How was I so damn calm?
踮遮規暝 看電火閃爍 tiàm tsia kui-mê, khuànn tiān-hué siám-sih Staying here all night, watching the light flicker 我踮遮等待 拍無去的人 guá tiàm tsia tán-thāi, phah-bô--khì ê lâng I waited up all night, for the one who didn’t return 聽厝內的聲 聲聲佇咧吼 thiann tshù-lāi ê siann, siann-siann tī-leh háu Every corner of the house can be heard grieving 我踅來踅去 思念火燒房間 guá se̍h-lâi-se̍h-khì, su-liām hué sio pâng-king Pacing back and forth, the memory of you burns in this room 袂開的花 無欲轉來的人 buē khui ê hue, bô beh tńg--lâi ê lâng The flower that will never blossom, the person who will never return 美麗的你啊 想著你彼當時 攑懸你的旗仔 bí-lē ê lí--ah, siūnn tio̍h lí hit-tong-sî, gia̍h kuân lí ê kî-á My dear, I still recall the moment you raised your flag 路邊的話 滿街路雨紛飛 lōo-pinn ê uē, muá ke-lōo hōo hun-hui Th rumors splatter like rain on the pavement 時代的變卦 孤單的我一个人 問天也毋捌 sî-tāi ê piàn-kuà, koo-tuann ê guá tsi̍t ê lâng, mn̄g thinn iā m̄-bat The changes of a new era are hard on me, even as I ask the heavens
手內啥物攏無 只賰我欲予你的愛 tshiú lāi siánn-mih lóng bô, tsí tshun guá beh hōo lí ê ài In my hand all I have is nothing but my love for you 有血有肉的人 煞下落不明 ū hueh ū bah ê lâng, suah hē-lo̍h-put-bîng How can such flesh and blood disappear without a trace
共你的 記持啊 囥佇我的心內 kā lí ê kì-tî--ah, khǹg tī guá ê sim-lāi Keeping your memory deep in my heart 騎你的 白馬啊 行你欲行的路 khiâ lí ê pe̍h-bé--ah, kiânn lí beh kiânn ê lōo Ride your white horse, follow your own path 風吹來 花落塗 點一欉香祈求 hong tshue lâi, hue lo̍h-thôo, tiám tsi̍t tsâng hiunn kî-kiû The wind howls and the flower falls. Lighting an incense, pleading: (南無觀世音菩薩) (lâm-bû-kuan-sè-im-phôo-sat)  (Namo Avalokiteshvara) (tn: a buddhist chant, often performed at someone’s passing, or to release suffering)
若準講你 算著這齣悲劇 nā-tsún kóng lí, sǹg tio̍h tsit tshut pi-kio̍k Heaven, if you have foreseen the horrible tragedy 你敢會看顧 紲落來伊頭前 彼逝歹行的路 lí kám ē khuànn-kòo, suà--lo̍h-lâi i thâu-tsîng, hit tsuā pháinn kiânn ê lōo Please look after him on this bumpy road he is to walk 夢中的我 看你沓沓仔行 bāng-tiong ê guá, khuànn lí ta̍uh-ta̍uh-á kiânn In my dreams I can see you walking slowly 牽你的亡魂 有一工咱做伙 轉去彼个所在 khan lí ê bông-hûn, ū tsi̍t kang lán tsò-hué, tńg-khì hit ê sóo-tsāi leading your soul, “one day, let’s go back to that place together.”
我 蔫去的愛(規路攏是) guá, lian-khì ê ài(kui-lōo lóng sī) My withering love (scattered along the street) 佮你 恬去的心(你) kah lí, tiām--khì ê sim(lí) And your silent heart (you) 佇這烏暗時代(佇這烏暗時代) tī tse oo-àm sî-tāi(tī tse oo-àm sî-tāi) In this dark era ( in this dark era) 是有緣無份(想欲講出) sī ū-iân bô-hūn(siūnn beh kóng-tshut) We are doomed to be apart (you want to say)
寫袂了的批(的) siá bē liáu ê phue(ê) Letters left unwritten (but) 佮講袂煞的話(奈何) kah kóng bē suah ê uē(nāi-hô) Still things I have left to say  (亻因) 開袂完的銃(開袂完的銃) in khui bē uân ê tshìng(khui bē uân ê tshìng) The gunfire near ceases 看人去樓空(火烌猶在) khuànn lâng-khì lâu-khang(hué-hu iû-tsāi) Everyone is gone, nothing remains (only the ashes)
雨 微微仔落 hōo, bî-bî-á lo̍h Rain, falls softly 天 微微仔光 thinn, bî-bî-á kng Day, breaks softly 看你 微微仔笑 khuànn lí, bî-bî-á tshiò And you, smile softly 後世人再會 āu-sì-lâng tsài-huē “We will meet in the next life”
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hitbyaminkcar · 2 months
Ah Hock Fried Hokkien Mee
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