#hola viola
ladyartemesia · 9 months
I realize that I’m oblivious to like 90% of what’s happening around me—but why is Twitter just a giant X now?
Have I finally jumped to an alternate reality after disrespectfully joking about it all these years?!
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gucciwins · 2 years
I need to see more of bel and Benito's friendship :,)
genuinely surprised you want to see more. but I'm here to please :))
After the show, Bel goes on her way but not without making sure to send Benito a large bouquet of flowers. She thanks him for an amazing night and how she loves the passion he has for music and his people. 
It’s a few weeks, she’s in Los Angeles at a premiere for her film and by chance Benito was there for the week so Viola thought it’d be nice to extend an invite. It’s all about promotion, is what Viola said and well most of Bel’s team was on board so she was too. 
It’s premiere day and after a morning of meetings and a long afternoon of getting ready. She’s ready to head to the red carpet and see some of her co-stars. Emerson shows her the good luck text Harry sent her. The red carpet nerves never get easier. 
“Viniste!” Bel greets him with a hug in the middle of the carpet as he made his way to to her.
“Por supuesto. Un honor que me invitaras.” Benito expresses his gratitude that she thought to invite him.
“Y/N! ¡Benito! Look here, please!!” The photographers yells get louder knowing how crazy all media outlets are going to go for these unexpected photos. 
“¿Una foto conmigo, bella?” Benito asks. 
“Sí. Claro” 
He sets a respectful hand on her waist while Bel keeps her hands to her side. She doesn’t need anymore rumors flying around so she’s being mindful. Also aware her boyfriend will be seeing these if he hasn’t already. 
“Gracias. Te veo adentro.” With a kiss on her cheek he’s walking away leaving her to take more photos. 
The following day after a successful night with her director and cast Bel is in her hotel room when she receives a large bouquet of yellow roses that signify friendship and joy. The note on the flowers confirms it’s from who she thinks it is. 
Gracias por una hermosa noche. Hasta pronto, amiga. 
Tu amigo, 
As Emerson is setting down her flowers for her on the hotel table, her phone rings. Only display is a photo of her and Harry with her sitting on his lap under a tall tree in his mum’s backyard. 
“Hola amor.” 
“Bel, baby,” Harry pouts. “Come back to me.” 
“My flights tonight, H.” 
She hears him sigh, “I saw the photos,” he mumbles.
“Do I look good?” 
“You look beautiful. Of course you do. Most gorgeous girl I have ever seen.” 
“Gracias, mi vida.” 
“But Benito next to you isn’t so nice.”
She laughs, “Viola thought inviting him would bring good movie buzz.” 
“Hmm…has it?” 
“Has what?” 
“Brought you lots of buzz” 
“It has. Ticket sales for the film went up fifteen percent than we were expecting.” 
“That’s great, baby.” Harry tells her, but she knows him. She knows he’s planning something. 
“H, don’t do something. Jeff already thinks you’re on the loose because of me.” 
“Don’t worry, baby. I’ll be good. I’ll be at the airport.” 
When Bel gets off the plane her phone is blowing up and a notification of Harry posting on his story comes through from two and a half hours ago. He posted half an hour into her flight to him. It’s a photo of him at the cinema next to a poster of her in her red dress and axe in hand as Pearl with a dimpled smile on his face. The caption reads: I got my tickets. Have you? There is a link attached too. 
Ticket sales through the rough. It went up 30% than we expected. Thank the boy for us.
Bel sighs, as she grabs her bag and makes her way toward the entrance where she finds him with a sign: Bel’s boyfriend.
 What is she going to do with him?
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alexavimen · 8 months
Diario 14/08/2023
Hola maestra, primero que nada, ni siquiera habia empezado la clase de teatro cuando empezamos con problemas de luz, que regresaba por momentos. Cuando entramos todos, empezamos a hablar sobre la obra de teatro, en general, de quienes habian ido o quienes no, o inclusive de mi, que si fui pero no me dejaron entrar. La maestra nos empezo a preguntar sobre que es lo que forma o hace una obra de teatro. Empezamos a discutir y a lanzar ideas al aire, dando opciones de elencos, por ejemplo, actrices, actores, directores, productores, y un gran etcetera. No se como, pero la maestra paso a contarnos sobre temas que vamos a ver a largo del semestre, sobre el Viola spolin, historia del teatro, el aparato teatral; como funciona el teatro, piezas del teatro. Tambien aprenderemos sobre la improvizacion, la creatividad aplicada, experimentacion y texto, y al final los principios de un monologo. Despues de estos conceptos, vimos a mas profunidad las preguntas que nos encargo para la obra de teatro, como que sentimientos tuvimos viendo la obra, o que cosas nos gustaron o no, tambien cual fue el tema de la obra, que en esta pregunta, nos alargamos de mas y nos pusimos a indagar e inclusive a discutir entre nosotros cual podria ser el mejor tema para esta obra en especifico, tiene que ser un tema muy directo y caracterisitico, para que no se puede comparar con las demas obras o bueno lo menos posible. Luego, vimos definiciones como biodrama, que es una parte de la vida de alguien de primer caso, impersonal, que se trata de todo lo creativo es inventada o creada de una sola persona. Finalmente, nos dejo tiempo para relajarnos, pero tuve que irme porque tenia un examen de ingles.
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secretosfujoshis · 1 year
hola busco un manga donde el uke va a buscar a su hermana desaparecida y entra como guardaespaldas del seme , donde al final lo descubre y seme lo secuestra lo lleva a una isla lo viola constantemente y lo mantiene drogado , donde mas adelante se vee que su hermana esta en esa isla con otras personas intentando escapar . GRACIAS
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violacares · 1 year
Hola guys!!
I've created a new insta account,Do follow me here if you are in there!!
Thank you!! Hugs!!
P.S This is a new edited link,The old one was broken
~ Viola🐻💜
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weishentrad · 1 year
Hola, soy S. y el día de hoy traigo una pequeña guía para el quiz de B-Station (Bilib*li).
Espero les resulte útil c:
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Las primeras 40 preguntas del quiz son sobre las normas de la plataforma (qué hacer ante comentarios maliciosos, cómo no comportarse, qué puedes hacer en B-Station, etc.)
En el siguiente documento recopilé las preguntas que me salieron. Hice el quiz en dos cuentas diferentes. Algunas se repitieron pero también me salieron unas nuevas.
Ahora, mi primer consejo para usar este documento es: pon atención en los caracteres, ya que la respuesta correcta podría venir en la opción B para ti, mientras que en mi doc. está como opción A.
Mi segundo consejo es: usa un traductor. Puedes usar Google Translate o Papago, ambos te ayudarán a tener una idea de lo que dice la pregunta. También puedes pedirme ayuda por DM.
Haz click aquí para acceder al documento.
Por favor no lo compartas por otros medios ni realices copias de este. Si te sale alguna pregunta que no está en el doc., te agradecería mucho que me la envíes por DM, esto para retroalimentar el banco de preguntas y que este pueda seguir siendo de ayuda a WayZenNi.
En la segunda parte del quiz te pedirán que evalues si el comentario es bueno o es dañino. Algunas preguntas incluyen un enlace a un video, para que decidas si el comentario es positivo o no (de acuerdo al contexto).
A continuación un ejemplo de cómo pueden ser las preguntas:
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(Determina si el siguiente comentario es ilegal: "este papel, pfff"
A. Cumple las reglas B. Viola las reglas)
Si ya tienes los 40 aciertos de la sección anterior, puedes intentar responder esta parte eligiendo respuestas al azar. Si quieres responder bien las preguntas para asegurar tus puntos, puedes apoyarte de un traductor.
La segunda vez que tomé el quiz lo hice en el celular, y eran 30 preguntas de este estilo.
En cierto punto es posible que te pidan completar un captcha.
No sé de qué dependa esto, pero la primera vez que tomé el quiz lo hice en mi laptop y me envió a lo siguiente:
(imagen de referencia tomada de otro usuario)
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En esta ventana tendrás que elegir 3 temas. Mi recomendación es elegir temas de cultura popular (cine, anime, entretenimiento, televisión).
También te pedirán ingresar tu fecha de nacimiento y completar el captcha.
Si te aparece esta sección de preguntas, será más difícil responderlas correctamente, pero una vez contando con 40 aciertos, puedes elegir opciones al azar o apoyarte de un traductor (pero aún así puede ser difícil ya que son preguntas de temas muy específicos)
Si respondes 60 preguntas correctamente, te saldrá lo siguiente:
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Da click en el botón azul de la parte inferior de la pantalla. Esto te llevará a la siguiente ventana:
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¡Lo lograste! Eres miembro oficial de B-Station. Ya puedes comentar, dar monedas (y ganarlas)
Quedo atenta a cualquier duda o sugerencia~
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Quizá es porque no entiendo de leyes pero me extraña bastante que no le metieran preso si coincidieron las fotos de su miembro con las descripciones de Chandler. ¿Tú crees que Lisa Marie hubiera estado con un pedófilo?Siempre le confió a sus hijos. La verdad la conspiración racista por mucho que la niegues todavía puede llegar a ser algo realista. Si obviamente hay muchos negros millonarios en Hollywood pero Michael tenía la mitad de Sony.
Quizá es porque no entiendo de leyes pero me extraña bastante que no le metieran preso si coincidieron las fotos de su miembro con las descripciones de Chandler.
Si no tienes un testigo que testifique en corte, el caso no puede proceder a un juicio, porque esto viola la clausula de confrontación de Crawford. Los fiscales tampoco pueden obligar a una victima de CSA a testificar porque esto viola el Codigo civil 1219 de California. Los Chandler no siguieron cooperando después del acuerdo. Sin juicio, nadie puede ir a la carcel. Lo explico en el post #60 y #30.
Ademas, la concordancia de las fotos con la descripción es evidencia circunstancial, que puede probar la posibilidad de que existiera ese delito, pero no necesariamente prueba irrefutablemente ese delito. Eso lo explico mas a fondo en el post #91.
¿Tú crees que Lisa Marie hubiera estado con un pedófilo?Siempre le confió a sus hijos.
Lo que pasa es que para una persona que no sepa sobre CSA es muy dificil discernir si alguien es un pedofilo, sobretodo en los años 90 y sobretodo si esta con esa persona por amor. Y hay muchisimos casos de mujeres casados con pedofilos que obviamente no lo sabian, es algo hasta común.
Mira esta articulo: Me casé con un pedófilo
o este estudio: The Wives of Child Molesters: A Descriptive Study (2015)
Tambien hay muchos casos de padres/padrastros que abusan de sus hijos/hijastros, y obviamente las madres no pudieron evitarlo porque confiaron en sus parejas.
. La verdad la conspiración racista por mucho que la niegues todavía puede llegar a ser algo realista. Si obviamente hay muchos negros millonarios en Hollywood pero Michael tenía la mitad de Sony.
Decir que poseía la mitad de Sony es una gran exageración, porque Sony es un conglomerado enorme que le pertenece a varios accionistas, sobretodo japoneses. Mas bien te refieres al catalogo de Musica Sony/Atv.
Las teorías de conspiración ni siquiera especifican como exactamente podría obtener los derechos del catalogo, acusando a Jackson de abuso sexual. Al momento de su muerte, Jackson no tenía control sobre él, ni siquiera control para venderlo, y lo había financiado al máximo. Y de todas formas después de su muerte, el catalogo siguió estando en posesión de sus herederos hasta que decidieron venderlo en 2016 (en parte para pagar la deuda de Jackson).
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3schia · 2 days
“Chapter Closed. The Beginning” 
As time passes, the lessons are becoming harder.  
So, I have to study more. Luckily, I now have my study buddy, Faith.  
So, studying is getting way easier, and I’m having more fun.  
We help each other a lot, so we’re able to perform better in class.  
From being regular students in the previous semester, we’re now able to have the dean’s list award.  We treat ourselves to different restaurants and travel a lot every time we pass the exams and have other awards.  
What’s best is that Auntie also surprises us with gifts. 
Despite being busy with my studies, with charitable activities, and with my friendship with Faith, I make sure that I also spend some time with my family and Bruce as well.  
I visit home once a month, and I keep having dates with Bruce on some weekends. We tried to become more understanding of each other as we now have more responsibilities in our studies.  
We kept giving presents every time there was an occasion.  
And this has been my life for a couple of years. 
[JULY 2011] 
Tadaaa! ~ 
Here’s the day of graduation!  
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We’re reaping the fruits of our labor.  
Thanks to my professors and friends, especially to my family, Bruce, Auntie, and Faith, for making this journey even more meaningful.  
Most importantly, thanks to the Man from Above for the guidance and strength given to me all throughout. Chapter Closed. 
[SEPTEMBER 2011]  
And we are now working professionals.  
Yap. That quick! 
Welcome, Faith and self, to GT Blue Corporación. ~ 
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We’re so lucky! It’s one of the best companies for finance graduates!  
Here in Castellón de la Plana, Spain. 
New apartment, new environment, and new people.  
Again and again. 
New experiences are approaching. 
At first, I couldn’t find any satisfaction in my job. 
But I tried to enjoy this new chapter of my life by traveling to different places, either alone or with my friends, such as parks, museums, libraries, malls, bars, and restaurants.  
We even went to high class hotels just to take some pictures there.  
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A point in my life came when I felt too occupied.  
I didn’t know what to do first. 
I am finally earning my own money, but the work didn’t give me any satisfaction.  
Since many people say that it’s really a good company for finance graduates, they recommended that I stay here, so I did. 
Then, I felt so lost. I didn’t know what I really wanted in life.  
So many problems arose. I realized and remembered a lot about my past...  
There were pains still hiding, which again came out. There were things I couldn’t accept. Until a time came when I finally broke up with Bruce because I wanted to be alone this time. 
E n d  o f  o u r  l o v e  s t o r y . 
After almost a year of working here, a time came when I finally decided to resign.  
I have my savings anyway.  
[AUGUST 2012] 
Then, I looked for some other companies to apply to. 
I made sure that this time I would be liking the nature of the job.  
It took me only two weeks to find this one.  
Hola, ZTN Corporación! Just here again in Castellón.  
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What a lucky girl! The salary is just as good as the benefits. 
I was doing well at work for a couple of months.  
So, I got a lot of praise from my employer, managers, and a few coworkers. 
One day, I’d received a message from Hernan, a schoolmate who’s also working here in Castellón. 
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HERNAN: Buenos días 
ISLA: Buenos días también 
HERNAN: Are you working at ZTN Corporación? I saw your stories. 
ISLA: Yes. 
HERNAN: Nice. It’s a good company. 
ISLA: Hehe.  
HERNAN: I’m also working here in Castellón. 
ISLA: In what company? 
HERNAN: Viola Corporación 
ISLA: Nice. 
HERNAN: Can we meet sometimes when you have time? 
ISLA: Yeah. 
After a couple of months, Hernan and I fell in love with each other.  
So, he became my boyfriend.  
We traveled a lot after work.  
We usually go to coffee shops.  
And we tried eating a variety of foods at different restaurants. 
After a few months of dating Hernan,  
he asked me if I could lend him money for his mother.  
I didn’t hesitate to lend him.  
Another week has passed, and he asked for more money.  
He told me that there’s just an emergency.  
Because I really care for him, I lent him money again. 
I notice that he dates and updates me less often.  
I thought he’d just been busy these past few days, but something is bothering me. 
So, I decided to go near his office after work.  
I saw him with another woman, so I followed them, and they ate  at a restaurant. 
I gave him the benefit of the doubt by asking him... 
ISLA: Hi, love, can we meet today? 
HERNAN: Hmm, let’s just meet tomorrow. I’m busy right now, so much work. 
ISLA: Okay. Love you! 
I didn’t even receive a response to that last message.  
So, I guess something is wrong. 
On the next day, I went again near his office. And guess what?  
He’s with that woman again.  
They even eat at a fine dining restaurant with so much sweetness, like a real couple. 
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Then I messaged him... 
ISLA: I’m here now at Viola Park. 
HERNAN: Wait, I’m still at work. 
ISLA: Okay. I’ll just wait. 
What a liar!  
Let’s see what I can do. 
ISLA: Love, where are you now? 
HERNAN: I’m on my way. 
Then here he is... 
ISLA: I guess you’re doing great in your job. 
HERNAN: Not really. What makes you say that? 
ISLA: Because you seem busier now. 
HERNAN: Oh. There’s just lots of work this period. 
ISLA: Alright, let’s eat? 
HERNAN: Yeah. 
Hernan, the liar cheater! 
But yeah, not my loss.  
He’s not that handsome, lol. 
[JUNE 2013] 
And then here’s the weekend.  
Due to boredom, I replied to random men on my dating app.  
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And here I met the libra man, Apollo Gray. 
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GRAY: Ughhhhhhhhhh!!! 
GRAY: I’m  c ü mm!nğg ... I’m  c ü mm!n ğ g ... 
ISLA: Boooooogshhhhhhhhh! 
GRAY: My turn! 
ISLA: Ughhh... Right there, right there... 
GRAY: Yumyumyumyumyum... 
ISLA: Yamete kudasaiii... Yamete kudasaiii... Yameteeeeeeee 
GRAY: Hi, I’m Gray. 
ISLA: Is that your real name? 
GRAY: Yeah. How about you, Miss Pisces? 
ISLA:  Yeah. I’m Isla. 
GRAY: So, why don’t you have a boyfriend? 
ISLA: I have. 
GRAY: How many? 
ISLA: Just one. And you? 
GRAY:  Just two. Can you be the third? 
ISLA: HAHAHA. Cheater. 
GRAY: If I’m a cheater, then what do you call yourself? 
ISLA: I have a reason why I’m here. 
GRAY: What? 
ISLA: He’s the one who cheated first. 
GRAY: So, that means you’re not looking for someone else. You just want a revenge. 
ISLA: Hmm, maybe. But I’m also a bit bored. 
GRAY: Alright. I’m actually a polyamorous person, that’s why I have two girlfriends. 
ISLA: Really? Why?  
GRAY: I’m tired of getting jealous.  
ISLA: Me, too!  
GRAY: Oh, you’re also a poly?  
ISLA: Nope, I mean, I’m also tired of getting jealous... But I think it’s better to have a relationship with only one person. 
GRAY: That’s how most people think about it. 
ISLA: Maybe you’re just bothered by jealousy. 
GRAY: Pros and cons of both, I don’t think one is inherently better than the other.  In my opinion, it’s more on the people involved. 
ISLA: Well, it depends on every person. 
GRAY: Like if you’re with one person who abuses you, that’s bad. But if you’re with two people who actually love you, that’s good. 
ISLA: It’s a matter of perspective and experience. But yeah, that makes sense. 
GRAY: Mhmm! 
ISLA: Are you happy with that? 
GRAY: Of course! So, can I date you?  
ISLA: Let’s try! You’re easy to talk to. A Sagittarius zodiac sign suits you better. 
GRAY: How did you say? 
ISLA: Straightforward! LOL. 
GRAY: HAHA! When and where can we meet?  
ISLA: You choose.  
GRAY: Okay. Where do you live? 
ISLA: Here in Castellón. And you? 
GRAY: I’m here in Barcelona. Okay, let’s meet today, 3PM at Castellón Park. 
ISLA: All right! 
GRAY: Ughhhh. See you, honey! 
While riding in public transportation, going to our meet-up place. I texted Faith... 
ISLA: Hey, got a soon-to-be boyfriend! 
FAITH: Again? When did you guys break up? 
ISLA: I'm not breaking up with Hernan yet. 
FAITH: Why? 
ISLA: He cheated on me. 
FAITH: Oh. That’s why you have another date? 
ISLA: Yap. But it’s not a serious one. 
FAITH: Just a play again? 
ISLA: Mhmm! We’re going to meet today. 
FAITH: Alright! 
I honestly feel a little bit nervous. He’s quicker than me. 
Here he is...  
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Relax, Isla... He’s just a person......  
Yeah, so why would you be afraid, Isla?  
He’s just a person, and you’re a demon. XD 
GRAY: Honey! 
ISLA: Hey! 
GRAY: How are you? 
ISLA: I’m good. How about you? 
GRAY: I feel so good. So, where do you want to eat? 
ISLA: Anywhere you want. No problem for me. 
GRAY: Hmm. In the Victory Hotel? 
ISLA: Oh! 
GRAY: Don’t you want to eat there? 
ISLA: What are we going to eat there? 
GRAY: What do you want to eat? 
ISLA: How about you? 
GRAY: You answer first. 
ISLA: Of course, food. 
GRAY: Yeah, but what food? 
ISLA: Hmm. 
GRAY: A hotdog? 
Then, our laughter just exploded.  
Like wtf? The connection is just so strong XD 
GRAY: Let’s go? 
ISLA: Let’s go! 
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While going up to the floor where our room is... We’re still like...  
holding our laughter while looking at each other. 
We really have the same vibe.  
Like yeah... This is it. 
Then here we are, inside our room. 
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He ordered the food via phone... 
“Hi, sir. May I know your orders, please?” 
Before making our orders, Gray looked at me with a smile on his face. 
“Two jumbo hotdogs... two large eggs... two rice... and two beers” 
“Anything else, sir?” 
“Okay, sir. The waiting time is about 30 minutes.” 
“Okay. Thanks!” 
GRAY: Have you heard of that? 
ISLA: What? 
GRAY: The waiting time is about 30 minutes. 
ISLA: Then? 
GRAY: What can we do while waiting? 
ISLA: Hmm. What do you want? 
GRAY: Can I hug you? 
ISLA: Sure. 
Then, we hugged each other. It’s weird, but I really felt a kind of connection. 
Then we e a t... e a t... and  e a t... 
... our ordered foods. 
Then... We drink the beer while having long, deep talks about Hernan and his two girlfriends.  
We stared at each other for so long... 
“Say sexy things.” Gray said 
“Cum with me.” I answered. 
He slowly kissed me on my cheeks... 
...then on my lips.  
I sucked his tongue... 
... Then, he sucked mine. 
I left a mark on his neck... 
... and on his chest. 
We slowly touched each other... 
... from top... 
.. to bottom. 
And then... 
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I t   h a p p e n e d . 
Then, we woke up...  
ISLA: I have not been like this before. I really am not. But pain really changes people.  
GRAY: How’s our night to you? 
ISLA: It’s wild. I will never forget that night. 
GRAY: What comes to your mind? I thought we’re just joking about doing it? 
ISLA: I don’t know. How about you?  
GRAY: You don’t have to ask, of course I want it.  
ISLA: That quick? 
GRAY: Yeah. I already imagined that when I saw your profile.  
 ISLA: You seem used to having one-night stands. 
GRAY: Yeah! Why not break up with your boyfriend? You’re done.  
ISLA: I have something to do first. 
GRAY: What? 
ISLA: I want to get back my money first, plus double the interest. He owes me more.  
GRAY: Did you lend him money? 
ISLA: I cared for him, that’s why. He said that he just needs it for his mother. 
GRAY: I will help you with your revenge. 
ISLA: This is not revenge, only justice. 
GRAY: Then I’ll help you get your justice. I want to be useful to you. 
ISLA: Up to what extent? 
GRAY: I will be an accessory to it. I will make you win... no matter what. 
ISLA: How can I return the favor to you? How much do you want? 
GRAY: Nothing, just you. 
GRAY: So, what’s the plan? 
ISLA: I feel like he has no plan of returning my money. We have to think of an idea of how I can get his money in his apartment. 
GRAY: Yeah... Why not try to live with him? 
ISLA: I can do that, but if he discovers that his money is missing, I’ll be the only one he will suspect because he’s the only one who has the key to his unit. The custodians don’t have it.  
GRAY: You’re right... Hmm... 
ISLA: But I can consider your idea. 
GRAY: How? 
ISLA: I’ll try to live with him, but I’m not the one who will steal his money. 
GRAY: Then, who? 
ISLA: Is there anyone else here? 
GRAY: How can I? 
ISLA: You have to pretend. 
GRAY: As? 
ISLA: Like a visitor... But you must cover your face because there are CCTVs outside his unit. 
GRAY: A visitor? 
ISLA: Not really a visitor. Like... We must make a scenario so you can enter his apartment with a purpose. 
GRAY: I get it! 
ISLA: I will act like I’m in a hurry to color my hair for the next day’s occasion at work. Then, you’ll act like a parlorist doing home services.  
I will act like I have a cough, so you can wear a face mask without making you look suspicious. 
GRAY: You’re wise, huh? 
ISLA: Also, wear a volumized wig with a bang, eyeglasses, and girly clothes. Don’t forget gloves. 
GRAY: When are we going to do that? 
ISLA: It must be on a Friday night, after our work, so he would be tired. He told me that he’s just resting during the weekends, so he won’t need the money to buy anything. I just have to make sure that he has a lot of stock in his apartment, so he won’t buy groceries that coming weekend. And he just often watches TV every night, so he won’t be noticing you that much. Then, on the next day, after the made-up occasion, I will distract him more, so he won’t immediately find out that he lost his money. 
GRAY: Alright. 
ISLA: Don’t have your car on that day. Book a taxi, and don’t get off near his place. So, if he ever tried to detect where you came from, no vehicle would be reported. Come at around 8:30 PM, so the guard is not in there anymore. Then I’ll just open the main door for you. 
GRAY: How about my record on your phone as a parlorist? 
ISLA: I’ll just tell him that I only got your details through a printed ad I saw somewhere here in Castellón that day when my friends and I are roaming around after work. I’ll just tell him that I suddenly got an idea of coloring my hair when I saw that printed ad. Then, I’ll tell him that I saved only your number and then just read your other details, which I’d tell him I couldn’t remember anymore since I’m tired and in a hurry. Then, you just have to deactivate that number after, so if he calls, the number will be unattended. With that, you’re the one he will only suspect. 
GRAY: You’ll also be a little bit suspicious with that. 
ISLA: I know, but if ever he finds me suspicious, he won’t have any evidence that I’m guilty. To make me look less suspicious, I have to live with him for about a month before we do that. His savings are just inside a cabinet. 
After a week, Gray introduced me to his two girlfriends, Raquel and Cherry.  
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They both look gorgeous and have so much resemblance. 
Fast forward ~ 
[JULY 2013] 
*The Day of Revenge* 
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ISLA: Love, a parlorist will be in here in a few minutes.  
HERNAN: All right.  
I opened the main door for Gray, then we went straight to Hernan’s unit... 
I tried hard to hold my laughter after seeing Gray dressed like that. XD 
Hernan was just so busy watching TV.  
A few minutes later, he went inside his bedroom to sleep. 
So, this is it... 
Hernan, the stupid bch. Here we goooooo... 
ISLA: It’s just there inside the cabinet. 
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GRAY: Gotcha! 
After stealing the money, Gray immediately went outside.  
Yap, that quick. ~ 
On the next few days, after the made-up occasion, I distracted Hernan.  
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The enemy has been slayed XD 
Victory! ~ 
That was a mission accomplished, tho 
Then again, it’s Monday... 
After work, we celebrated the victory.  
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We went to a resto bar. Danced.  
Went to my apartment and slept together.  
“Small World” 
*5 missed calls* (from Hernan) 
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ISLA: Hey, why are you calling? I’m still at work, celebrating a coworker's birthday. 
HERNAN: My money is missing. 
ISLA: Just look around. It’s just there. 
HERNAN: I did. But it must only be here in the cabinet. 
ISLA: Wait. I’ll get there later. 
ISLA: Hey, what now? Have you found it? 
HERNAN: No. It must be stolen 
ISLA: Ha? Maybe it’s just here in your bedroom 
HERNAN: I already checked it there. 
ISLA: Maybe an apartment’s cleaner went inside here 
HERNAN: No, the custodians are cleaning just the outside, they don’t have the key. 
ISLA: Oh. 
HERNAN: Wait, it must have been the parlorist last week. Have you observed him the whole time when he’s here? 
ISLA: Hmm. Yeah. 
HERNAN: Haven’t you gone to the comfort room while he’s here? 
ISLA: Just once, when I had to po*p. 
HERNAN: It must be him. 
ISLA: How much money have you lost? 
HERNAN: Almost €3,000.00 
ISLA: Oh, sht. 
HERNAN: What’s his name? Can you show me his details? 
ISLA: I only got his number. 
HERNAN: How about his name? You must know it. 
ISLA: I only got his details through a printed ad I saw somewhere here in Castellón on that day when my friends and I were roaming around. Then, I saved only his number. I just read his other details. I couldn’t remember it anymore since I’m tired and in a hurry on that day. 
HERNAN: Try to remember his name 
ISLA: Hmm... It’s like... Ra... 
HERNAN: Ra... what? 
ISLA: I really couldn’t remember because I wasn’t myself that day. 
HERNAN: Wat da fvk, Isla?! 
ISLA: I’m sorry. 
HERNAN: Show me his number. 
ISLA: Here. 
Trttt, trttt... Trttt, trttt... Trttt, trttt... Trttt, trttt... Trttt, trttt...Trtttt. 
“The number you have dialed is now unattended. Please try your call later.” 
HERNAN: Tsk, tsk, tsk. It must be him. Do you remember his face? 
ISLA: He’s wearing a face mask since I told him I was coughing. 
HERNAN: Tsk. I’ll check his face on the CCTV recording. 
HERNAN: Tskkk. He was wearing it all along. 
ISLA: Oh no. What if you try to see his car plate number on the CCTV record? 
HERNAN: I checked the record outside the apartment. He was just walking when he was nearby. I’ll try to look at the other records on the other streets. 
I texted Gray... 
GRAY: What? XD 
ISLA: Hernan is now in so much distress 
GRAY: Dasurv! 
ISLA: Em0tional Damage! 
GRAY: Double kill! 
Two hours later... 
HERNAN: I’ll check again tomorrow. 
ISLA: But you have work. 
HERNAN: This is more important. I’ll just be absent tomorrow.  
ISLA: Okay. Let’s sleep now, I’m tired. 
HERNAN: I’ll also try the DNA test. 
ISLA: It costs a lot 
HERNAN: Yeah, I know. But if there are no records of him that will show his face and where he came from, it will only be the last solution I can use to find him. 
A few weeks later... 
CCTV records failed... 
No other fingerprints were detected... 
So, Hernan finally gave up finding the culprit.  
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->>> First blood! <<<- 
[AUGUST 2013] 
Fast forward... 
Gray and I were watching a movie at my apartment when Faith called... 
Trttt, trttt... Trttt, trttt... Trttt, trttt... Trttt, trttt  
FAITH: Hey, can we go outside? 
ISLA: I’m with Gray right now. 
FAITH: Where? 
ISLA: Here at my apartment. Wait for us outside, then let’s eat somewhere. 
FAITH: Alright! 
GRAY: Who is Faith? 
ISLA: My best friend since college. She’s the daughter of this apartment’s lessor, Auntie Mercedes. She’s working at GT Blue Corporación. 
GRAY: Oh. 
ISLA: Let’s go! 
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ISLA: Hi, Faith! 
FAITH: Hi Isla! Is he the one you’re talking about? 
ISLA: Yeah. He’s Gray, my boyfriend. And Gray, she’s Faith. 
GRAY: Hi, Faith. Nice to meet you. 
FAITH: Hi, Gray. It’s nice to meet you, too. 
GRAY: So, where’s your province, Faith? 
FAITH: At Toledo. 
GRAY: Oh, we also lived there before. 
FAITH: With whom? 
GRAY: My family. 
FAITH: Where are they now? 
GRAY: My parents are now living in Seville. And my half-brother is in Córdoba. 
FAITH: You only have one sibling? And just a half? 
GRAY: I actually have an older half-sister on my mother’s side. 
FAITH: Oh. Both are half siblings. 
GRAY: Yap. But it’s fine. 
FAITH: Where is your half-sister now? 
GRAY: On my biological father. He and mom got separated when I was two, and my sister was fifteen at that time. So, yeah, I was raised by a stepfather. 
FAITH: How about your real dad? Is he not visiting you? 
GRAY: Mom said they were visiting me once a month when I was a child. But a year after they separated, he died of lung cancer. 
FAITH: How about your half-sister? 
GRAY: Hmm, she’s still young back then, so maybe she didn’t know how to get to our home. 
FAITH: Have you asked your mom about your sister? 
GRAY: She doesn’t want to talk about it. So, I couldn’t do anything. She didn’t even tell me their names. So, I hated mom for that. 
FAITH: That is similar to mom’s case. She also has a half-brother on her father’s side. They were visiting him after her dad and stepmom got separated. But when her father died, she couldn’t see his half- brother since then. She couldn’t know where his half-brother now is. She couldn’t find it on social media either. 
GRAY: What’s the name? 
FAITH: Apollo? 
GRAY: Apollo, what? 
FAITH: Hmm. 
As I remember, the surname sounds like a restaurant... Apollooo...  
Gray and I were both in shock.  
Like... We literally stared at each other for almost fifteen seconds... 
FAITH: Hey! 
Are you guys, okay? 
GRAY: Where’s your mom? 
FAITH: At home. 
FAITH: Hey, what?! 
ISLA: Wait! 
FAITH: Why did you react like that? 
When we arrived at their home...  
Gray suddenly knocked at the door... 
Then Auntie Mercedes opened it... 
GRAY: Do you know Elizabeth Mcdowney? 
AUNTIE: She was my stepmom before. 
And Gray immediately hugged Auntie... 
Faith seems to finally understand what’s happening. 
Auntie seems really confused. 
GRAY: I will explain everything 
AUNTIE: What? 
GRAY: You have a half-brother on your father’s side, right? 
AUNTIE: Yeah! 
GRAY: He was two and you were fifteen when your dad and stepmom got separated, right? 
AUNTIE: Yeah. How did you know? 
GRAY: Elizabeth Mcdowney is my mom. She told me I have a half-sister. 
Then, Auntie just had a reaction that I couldn't explain.  
Like... She’s confused but is laughing and has teary eyes. 
AUNTIE: So, that means... You are my half-brother? 
GRAY: Yeah. Mom didn’t tell me your names, that’s why I couldn’t find you on social media. And I hated mom for that. I did everything to convince her to tell me. But she just didn’t want to because they were not on good terms when they got separated. 
AUNTIE: I also tried finding you on social media.  
GRAY: I’m sorry, but I’m not a fan of it. I’m just using dating apps. So, yeah. That’s where I met Isla. 
Then, we all just laughed. 
And... They hugged again.  
Gray also hugged Faith. 
“My niece!” 
“My uncle!” 
I was so happy for all of you. 
“Hey, were you just chatting random girls in dating app?” I asked. 
“Nope. I’m choosing, of course.” Gray answered. 
“So, why did you chat with me?” 
“Well, I find you attractive, but there’s a deeper reason why I chat you.” 
“What is it?” 
“Your zodiac sign.” 
“Oh. Why?” 
“Well, I usually like Pisces people.” 
0 notes
Hola, sóc pinktransprentwirelolita i estic aquí per confessar-li a Jack Dylan Grazer que la mare de Berenices és molt delicada i es diu faviola i que després de dir-me Ade due nintendo switch doneu-me el poder que us suplico Leveau mercier du bois chaloitte. Secoise entienne mais pois de morte. Ade due Nintendo switch & switch, switch, switch, switch i vaig canviar el meu nom a Amaura Everstone, la meva mare em va robar el meu carretó de joc de Pokémon robí omega i safir alfa perquè en realitat estic posseït per l'ànima de Tiffany i la meva mare està intentant salvar-me dient a la gent. "viola" que violo els altres i "vull veure" això vol dir que la persona que em va robar el meu samsung galaxy s7 és molt delicada i que toquen la viola.
0 notes
brookston · 28 days
Holidays 3.22
Age Is Just A Number Day
Arab League Day
Army Day (Philippines)
As Young As You Feel Day
Baltic Sea Day
Banned in Boston Day
Bihar Day (India)
Captain James T. Kirk Day
Cinematograph Film Day
Cornstarch Day
Daffodil Day
Day of the Berlin Bear (Germany)
Day of the People’s Party (Laos)
Earth Day [Original Date]
Emancipation Day (a.k.a. Día de la Abolición de la Esclavitud; Puerto Rico)
Festival of Immortality
Gryffindor Pride Day
International Day of the Seal
International Goof-Off Day (a.k.a. National Goof-Off Day)
International Gurjar Day
International Taxi Driver Day (Russia)
John Magufuli Day (Tanzania)
Labour Day (Christmas Island)
Laser Day
Lynch Syndrome Awareness Day
National Badminton Day [also 3.30]
National Day of the Podenco (Spain)
National Day of Work-Integrated Learning Day (Canada)
National Donald Day
National Rehabilitation Counselors Appreciation Day
National Ride2School Day )Australia)
National Sing-Out Day
National Tree Day (Sent Maarten)
National West Virginia Day
Newlyweds Day (Serbia)
Plane Tree Day (French Republic)
Resident Evil Anniversary Day
Stamp Act Day
Stanley Cup Day
Sun-Earth Day
Talk Like William Shatner Day
Tuskegee Airmen Day
World Cloud Security Day
World Coma Day
World Day of Metta!
World Doula Day
World Mime Day
World Organic Research Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bavarian Crepes Day
Brewing Water Day
Coq au Vin Day
We Love Broccoli Day
World Water Day (a.k.a. World Day for Water; UN)
4th Friday in March
Friday of Sorrows [4th Friday]
Fry Day (Pastafarian; Fritism) [Every Friday]
Pliny the Younger Day (Normally 1st Friday in February but moved in 2023)
Wear a Hat Day (Ireland) [4th Friday]
Independence & Related Days
Bihar (State founded; India; 1912)
Malus (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
New Year’s Days
Nowruz (New Year) [Day 3, Around Spring Equinox] (a.k.a. ... 
Dita e Nevruzit (Albania)
Nauryz Meyramy (Kazakhstan)
Navruz (Tajikistan, Uzbekistan)
Nevruz (Albania)
Nooroz (Iran)
Novruz (Azerbaijan)
Festivals Beginning March 22, 2024
Barcelona Beer Festival (Barcelona, Spain) [thru 3.24]
Bluebonnet Brew-Off (Dallas, Texas) [thru 3.24]
California Artisan Cheese Festival (Santa Rosa, California) [thru 3.24]
Hammond Smokin’ BBQ Challenge (Hammond, Louisiana) [thru 3.23]
Hermann Wurstfest (Hermann, Missouri) [thru 3.24]
Kirkland Wine, Beer & Spirits Walk (Kirkland, Washington)
Lollapalooza (São Paulo, Brazil) [thru 3.24]
Litchfield Restaurant Week (Litchfield, Connecticut) [thru 3.29]
MN Brewers Conference (St. Paul, Minnesota)
Salzburg Easter Festival (Salzburg, Austria) [thru 4.1]
Sydney Royal Easter Show (Sydney, Australia) [thru 4.2]
Ultra Music Festival (Miami, Florida) [thru 3.24]
Vossa Jazz (Vossevangen, Norway) [thru 3.24]
Feast Days
Anthony Van Dyck (Artology)
Anton Raphael Mengs (Artology)
Attis Arbour Intrat (Procession of Pine Trees, dedicated to Cybele, Ops for Rhea; Ancient Rome)
Basil of Ancyra (Christian; Saint)
Benvenuto of Osimo (Christian; Saint)
Catharine of Sweden (Christian; Saint)
Clemens August Graf von Galen (Christian; Saint)
Darerca of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Deogratias, Bishop of Carthage (Christian; Saint)
Dies Violae (Laying of Flowers at Tombs; Ancient Rome)
Epaphroditus (Christian; Saint)
Festival of Cybele (Attis’ self-mutilation; Ancient Rome)
Festival of the Entry of the Tree (Ancient Rome)
Hola Mohalla (Sikh)
John Frederick Kensett (Artology)
Jonathan Edwards (Lutheranism)
Justin (Positivist; Saint)
Keep Richards Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lea of Rome (Christian; Saint)
Nicholas Owen (Christian; Saint)
Nicholas von Flue (Christian; Saint)
Paul of Narbonne (Christian; Saint)
Pretend to Be Sober Day (Pastafarian)
Rite of Eostre (Everyday Wicca)
Quinquatria, Day 4: Poet’s Day (Pagan)
Rosh Chodesh Nisan (Judaism) [1 Nisan]
Slightly Silly Day (Pastafarian)
Toothbrush (Muppetism)
Hebrew Calendar Holidays [Begins at Sundown Day Before]
Shabbat Zachor (Remembrance) [13 Adair]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
All Shook Up, by Elvis Presley (Song; 1957)
Apostrophe (‘), by Frank Zappa (Album; 1974)
Behold the Man, by Michael Moorcock (Novel; 1969)
The Bible, printed by Johannes Gutenberg (Book; 1457)
Bosko the Speed King (WB LT Cartoon; 1933)
Bringing It All Back Home, by Bob Dylan (Album; 1965)
Bullwinkle Scores Again or Fool’s Goal (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 356; 1965)
The Clock (Film; 1945)
The Croods (Animated Film; 2013)
Defending Your Life (Film; 1991)
D-I-V-O-R-C-E, recorded by Tammy Wynette (Song; 1968)
East St. Louis Toddle-oo, recorded by Duke Ellington (Song; 1927)
The Egg Cracker Suite (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Swing Symphony Cartoon; 1943)
The Explorer, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1931)
Far Beyond Driven, by Pantera (Album; 1994)
Fist of Fury (Film; 1972)
Flames in the Sky, by Pierre Clostermann (Novel; 1951)
The Golden Touch (Disney Silly Symphony Cartoon; 1935)
Gutenberg Bible (Religious Text; 1457)
How Should We Then Live? The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture, by Francis A. Schaeffer (Philosophy Book; 1975)
Luca (Pixar Animated Film; 2024)
Mr. Wonderful (Broadway Musical; 1956)
Much Ado About Nothing (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1940)
Olympus Has Fallen (Film; 2013)
On the Border, by The Eagles (Album; 1974)
Pleased to Meet Cha! (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1935)
Please Please Me by The Beatles (Album; 1963)
Power to the People, by John Lennon (Song; 1971)
The Rules: All You Need Is Cash (TV Rockumentary Special; 1978)
Sing Smokey, by The Temptation (Album; 1965)
Sleepy Time Chimes (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1971)
Spring Breakers (Film; 2013)
Standing Room Only or Bullwinkle Sells Out (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 355; 1965)
Station 19 (TV Series; 2018)
Stealin Aint Honest (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1940)
Symphony No. 1, the Poem of the Forest, by Albert Roussel (Symphony; 1908)
Us (Film; 2019)
Today’s Name Days
Clemens, Elmar, Klemens, Lea (Austria)
Rosen, Rositsa (Bulgaria)
Lea, Leonarda, Oktavijan (Croatia)
Leona (Czech Republic)
Paulus (Denmark)
Viktor, Viktoria (Estonia)
Vihtori, Viktor (Finland)
Léa (France)
Elmar, Lea, Reinhilde (Germany)
Drosos, Drosoula (Greece)
Beáta, Izolda (Hungary)
Benevenuto, Caterina, Lavinia, Lea, Muzio, Onofrio, Nilda, Nilde (Italy)
Dziedra, Giedra, Ralfs, Tamāra (Latvia)
Gedgaudas, Gedgaudė, Kotryna (Lithuania)
Paula, Pauline (Norway)
Bazylissa, Bogusław, Godzisław, Katarzyna, Kazimierz, Paweł (Poland)
Drosida, Vasile (Romania)
Beňadik (Slovakia)
Bienvenido, Lea (Spain)
Kennet, Kent, Viktor (Sweden)
Lea, Leah, Lee, Leigh, Leighton, Parker (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 82 of 2024; 284 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 12 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 6 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Ding-Mao), Day 13 (Yi-You)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 12 Adair II 5784
Islamic: 12 Ramadan 1445
J Cal: 22 Green; Oneday [21 of 30]
Julian: 9 March 2024
Moon: 94%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 26 Aristotle (3rd Month) [Clement of Alexandria]
Runic Half Month: Beore (Birch Tree) [Day 13 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 4 of 92)
Week: 3rd Week of March
Zodiac: Aries (Day 2 of 31)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 28 days
Holidays 3.22
Age Is Just A Number Day
Arab League Day
Army Day (Philippines)
As Young As You Feel Day
Baltic Sea Day
Banned in Boston Day
Bihar Day (India)
Captain James T. Kirk Day
Cinematograph Film Day
Cornstarch Day
Daffodil Day
Day of the Berlin Bear (Germany)
Day of the People’s Party (Laos)
Earth Day [Original Date]
Emancipation Day (a.k.a. Día de la Abolición de la Esclavitud; Puerto Rico)
Festival of Immortality
Gryffindor Pride Day
International Day of the Seal
International Goof-Off Day (a.k.a. National Goof-Off Day)
International Gurjar Day
International Taxi Driver Day (Russia)
John Magufuli Day (Tanzania)
Labour Day (Christmas Island)
Laser Day
Lynch Syndrome Awareness Day
National Badminton Day [also 3.30]
National Day of the Podenco (Spain)
National Day of Work-Integrated Learning Day (Canada)
National Donald Day
National Rehabilitation Counselors Appreciation Day
National Ride2School Day )Australia)
National Sing-Out Day
National Tree Day (Sent Maarten)
National West Virginia Day
Newlyweds Day (Serbia)
Plane Tree Day (French Republic)
Resident Evil Anniversary Day
Stamp Act Day
Stanley Cup Day
Sun-Earth Day
Talk Like William Shatner Day
Tuskegee Airmen Day
World Cloud Security Day
World Coma Day
World Day of Metta!
World Doula Day
World Mime Day
World Organic Research Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bavarian Crepes Day
Brewing Water Day
Coq au Vin Day
We Love Broccoli Day
World Water Day (a.k.a. World Day for Water; UN)
4th Friday in March
Friday of Sorrows [4th Friday]
Fry Day (Pastafarian; Fritism) [Every Friday]
Pliny the Younger Day (Normally 1st Friday in February but moved in 2023)
Wear a Hat Day (Ireland) [4th Friday]
Independence & Related Days
Bihar (State founded; India; 1912)
Malus (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
New Year’s Days
Nowruz (New Year) [Day 3, Around Spring Equinox] (a.k.a. ... 
Dita e Nevruzit (Albania)
Nauryz Meyramy (Kazakhstan)
Navruz (Tajikistan, Uzbekistan)
Nevruz (Albania)
Nooroz (Iran)
Novruz (Azerbaijan)
Festivals Beginning March 22, 2024
Barcelona Beer Festival (Barcelona, Spain) [thru 3.24]
Bluebonnet Brew-Off (Dallas, Texas) [thru 3.24]
California Artisan Cheese Festival (Santa Rosa, California) [thru 3.24]
Hammond Smokin’ BBQ Challenge (Hammond, Louisiana) [thru 3.23]
Hermann Wurstfest (Hermann, Missouri) [thru 3.24]
Kirkland Wine, Beer & Spirits Walk (Kirkland, Washington)
Lollapalooza (São Paulo, Brazil) [thru 3.24]
Litchfield Restaurant Week (Litchfield, Connecticut) [thru 3.29]
MN Brewers Conference (St. Paul, Minnesota)
Salzburg Easter Festival (Salzburg, Austria) [thru 4.1]
Sydney Royal Easter Show (Sydney, Australia) [thru 4.2]
Ultra Music Festival (Miami, Florida) [thru 3.24]
Vossa Jazz (Vossevangen, Norway) [thru 3.24]
Feast Days
Anthony Van Dyck (Artology)
Anton Raphael Mengs (Artology)
Attis Arbour Intrat (Procession of Pine Trees, dedicated to Cybele, Ops for Rhea; Ancient Rome)
Basil of Ancyra (Christian; Saint)
Benvenuto of Osimo (Christian; Saint)
Catharine of Sweden (Christian; Saint)
Clemens August Graf von Galen (Christian; Saint)
Darerca of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Deogratias, Bishop of Carthage (Christian; Saint)
Dies Violae (Laying of Flowers at Tombs; Ancient Rome)
Epaphroditus (Christian; Saint)
Festival of Cybele (Attis’ self-mutilation; Ancient Rome)
Festival of the Entry of the Tree (Ancient Rome)
Hola Mohalla (Sikh)
John Frederick Kensett (Artology)
Jonathan Edwards (Lutheranism)
Justin (Positivist; Saint)
Keep Richards Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lea of Rome (Christian; Saint)
Nicholas Owen (Christian; Saint)
Nicholas von Flue (Christian; Saint)
Paul of Narbonne (Christian; Saint)
Pretend to Be Sober Day (Pastafarian)
Rite of Eostre (Everyday Wicca)
Quinquatria, Day 4: Poet’s Day (Pagan)
Rosh Chodesh Nisan (Judaism) [1 Nisan]
Slightly Silly Day (Pastafarian)
Toothbrush (Muppetism)
Hebrew Calendar Holidays [Begins at Sundown Day Before]
Shabbat Zachor (Remembrance) [13 Adair]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
All Shook Up, by Elvis Presley (Song; 1957)
Apostrophe (‘), by Frank Zappa (Album; 1974)
Behold the Man, by Michael Moorcock (Novel; 1969)
The Bible, printed by Johannes Gutenberg (Book; 1457)
Bosko the Speed King (WB LT Cartoon; 1933)
Bringing It All Back Home, by Bob Dylan (Album; 1965)
Bullwinkle Scores Again or Fool’s Goal (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 356; 1965)
The Clock (Film; 1945)
The Croods (Animated Film; 2013)
Defending Your Life (Film; 1991)
D-I-V-O-R-C-E, recorded by Tammy Wynette (Song; 1968)
East St. Louis Toddle-oo, recorded by Duke Ellington (Song; 1927)
The Egg Cracker Suite (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Swing Symphony Cartoon; 1943)
The Explorer, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1931)
Far Beyond Driven, by Pantera (Album; 1994)
Fist of Fury (Film; 1972)
Flames in the Sky, by Pierre Clostermann (Novel; 1951)
The Golden Touch (Disney Silly Symphony Cartoon; 1935)
Gutenberg Bible (Religious Text; 1457)
How Should We Then Live? The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture, by Francis A. Schaeffer (Philosophy Book; 1975)
Luca (Pixar Animated Film; 2024)
Mr. Wonderful (Broadway Musical; 1956)
Much Ado About Nothing (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1940)
Olympus Has Fallen (Film; 2013)
On the Border, by The Eagles (Album; 1974)
Pleased to Meet Cha! (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1935)
Please Please Me by The Beatles (Album; 1963)
Power to the People, by John Lennon (Song; 1971)
The Rules: All You Need Is Cash (TV Rockumentary Special; 1978)
Sing Smokey, by The Temptation (Album; 1965)
Sleepy Time Chimes (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1971)
Spring Breakers (Film; 2013)
Standing Room Only or Bullwinkle Sells Out (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 355; 1965)
Station 19 (TV Series; 2018)
Stealin Aint Honest (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1940)
Symphony No. 1, the Poem of the Forest, by Albert Roussel (Symphony; 1908)
Us (Film; 2019)
Today’s Name Days
Clemens, Elmar, Klemens, Lea (Austria)
Rosen, Rositsa (Bulgaria)
Lea, Leonarda, Oktavijan (Croatia)
Leona (Czech Republic)
Paulus (Denmark)
Viktor, Viktoria (Estonia)
Vihtori, Viktor (Finland)
Léa (France)
Elmar, Lea, Reinhilde (Germany)
Drosos, Drosoula (Greece)
Beáta, Izolda (Hungary)
Benevenuto, Caterina, Lavinia, Lea, Muzio, Onofrio, Nilda, Nilde (Italy)
Dziedra, Giedra, Ralfs, Tamāra (Latvia)
Gedgaudas, Gedgaudė, Kotryna (Lithuania)
Paula, Pauline (Norway)
Bazylissa, Bogusław, Godzisław, Katarzyna, Kazimierz, Paweł (Poland)
Drosida, Vasile (Romania)
Beňadik (Slovakia)
Bienvenido, Lea (Spain)
Kennet, Kent, Viktor (Sweden)
Lea, Leah, Lee, Leigh, Leighton, Parker (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 82 of 2024; 284 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 12 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 6 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Ding-Mao), Day 13 (Yi-You)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 12 Adair II 5784
Islamic: 12 Ramadan 1445
J Cal: 22 Green; Oneday [21 of 30]
Julian: 9 March 2024
Moon: 94%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 26 Aristotle (3rd Month) [Clement of Alexandria]
Runic Half Month: Beore (Birch Tree) [Day 13 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 4 of 92)
Week: 3rd Week of March
Zodiac: Aries (Day 2 of 31)
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javisuzumiya02 · 1 year
Hola gran javi
Me entere debque darás una entrevista en un podcast
Te admiro y espero que nos hables de tus proyectos
Una pregunta donde encuentro los cómic de linboy y donde teen lina viola a Nathan?
Eres grandioso
Aun no hay comic de ello pero si que lo habra :3
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tobiramamonmari29 · 1 year
Punto de vista de Tobirama:
Los uchiha y los senju, se retiraron después de que Tajima Uchiha, el jefe del clan enemigo, al mío, pidiera retirarse. Había visto irse al hombre que había sido el oponente de mi padre. Le indiqué a Hashirama que iba a teletransportarme a mi laboratorio. mi hermano mayor no tuvo dudas y seguramente le pasó el mensaje a papá. Tenía que atrapar a Tajima Uchiha antes de perderlo por completo. No tardé mucho en encontrarlo y noquearlo. Izuna y Madara, demasiado sorprendidas, no habían tenido tiempo de reaccionar ante mi repentina aparición.
Dejé caer el uchiha como un gordo, solo tienes el suelo. Lo miré durante mucho tiempo, los recuerdos volvieron a mí. El hombre también me había capturado así para su cumpleaños. Y tiene suerte porque mi cumpleaños cae durante una de nuestras batallas. así que no tuve problemas para atraparlo. Procedí a desnudar al hombre mayor. Sus muñecas ahora estaban atadas con una cinta de seda roja, para mi propia diversión decoré su torso con una enorme cinta del color.
Me pongo entre sus piernas ahora separadas, lo miro dulcemente esta despierto. El uchiha parpadeó varias veces sin comprender.
Tobirama: Hola, ¿dormiste bien?
Tajima: que mierda?
Tobirama: que bienvenida. Veo al hombre retorcerse. Quería patearme pero estaba demasiado débil. Puse un sello en tu tobillo, cariño, no puedes pelear.
Tajima: Está bien, tal vez me lo merecía por lo que te hice la última vez. Lo corté de su diatriba poniendo mi dedo índice en sus labios.
tobirama: es mi cumpleaños, y el regalo que quiero eres tú.
El uchiha no dijo nada en absoluto, solo me miró con sus ojos negros. Mantenerse en contacto con sus hermosos ojos. Me incliné sobre su pecho dejando que mi lengua lo recorriera, chupando sus pezones rosados ​​ya endurecidos después de unas cuantas caricias. El uchiha no había podido ocultar su rugido, al tener las manos atadas, no podía esconderse detrás de ellas.
mis manos se arrastraron perezosamente sobre sus muslos, sus caderas, sus piernas, sus rodillas. El hombre solo podía estremecerse con cada toque, gimiendo sin piedad. Le había destrozado los labios, estaban sangrando e hinchados. su pecho pálido que se desenvolvía alegremente de su cinta, era una hermosa variedad de azul y púrpura. Con una sonrisa abrí sus piernas ganando un nuevo sonrojo.
Tobirama: No te preocupes, te cuidé mientras dormías. Digo, bajándome los pantalones y los bóxers.
Tajima: Esto... Es un poco como una viola.
Tobirama: mmm? ¿Te importa que lo haya hecho mientras dormías?
Tajima: Bueno... Me hubiera gustado verlo.
Tobirama: No hay necesidad de sonrojarse, mi pene es mejor que mis dedos de todos modos.
No me molesté en advertir al hombre, lo provoqué un poco con mi glande contra su ano. Me sonrojé sintiéndolo contener la respiración, me metí dentro de él, dejó escapar un suspiro de placer. Dios mío, su regalo de cumpleaños fue increíble este año. Sujetándolo por las caderas, comencé a patearlo. El uchiha era más rojo que el propio Sharingan, tenía esa expresión lasciva que generalmente solo encuentras en hentai. Disfruté golpeando más y más sus peticiones de mendicidad. No pude evitarlo cuando lo vi venir. Una sensación agradable y satisfactoria se arremolinó alrededor de mi pecho después de verterse en él.
Tobirama: Siento que Madara e Izuna están a cierta distancia de nosotros.
Observo al uchiha recuperar el aliento, me vuelvo a poner los pantalones correctamente. Retiro el sello y la cinta de las muñecas del hombre mayor.
Tajima: Todavía no puedo moverme...
Tobirama: se necesita tiempo para que el sello se disipe, amados.
tajima: amigo, tienes suerte de que sea tu cumpleaños o te hubiera matado. Me alejé con una sonrisa en mi rostro al escuchar eso.
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im-tryingtoloveyou · 2 years
Io credo che l'odio dei fiorentini verso Fede sia scatenato soprattutto dal fatto che dal voler diventare bandiera della Fiore (espressamente detto da lui stesso, e ha pure detto che sarebbe voluto arrivare in Champions con la Fiore sapendo benissimo che sarebbe stato difficile) col passare del tempo iniziò a far scenate per andarsene, come quella del pullman il 23 luglio 2019, inoltre se avesse voluto davvero fare un salto di qualità sarebbe potuto benissimo andare in Inghilterra, dove lo cercavano e dove si gioca il VERO calcio, e non ci sono errori arbitrali a destra e a manca come in Italia.
Ci sono volte in cui quando era ancora Viola diceva: "questa maglia per me è come una seconda pelle" oppure "grazie Inter e Napoli ma io voglio vincere con una sola squadra" o anche "voglio restare qui per sempre".
È passato da "voglio diventare una bandiera" a "diventare una bandiera? Difficile, valuterà la società" e già da li capisci che quel calciatore vuole solo fuggire e ha già in mente dove.
Inoltre a quanto pare la motivazione che avrebbe spinto Chiesa ad andarsene sarebbe stata "non c'è progetto per sognare in grande". E allora perché non sei andato all'estero? Perché proprio la Juve? Che Fede fosse accecato dal fatto che ci fosse Ronaldo? Boh, non lo sapremo mai.
L'ultima stagione alla Fiorentina l'ha giocata abbastanza male tra alti e bassi, bisogna essere onesti, per poi fare tripletta le prime giornate della nuova stagione, ma poi è finita.
E sai la cosa più divertente? Che quella tripletta oltre a dedicarla ad amici e parenti l'ha dedicata "a chi vuole davvero bene alla Fiorentina e ai tifosi veri che credono davvero in questa squadra e a questa società" con tanto di accento toscano e "c" che non si sente. (LA HOHA-HOLA HON LA HANNUCCIA HORTA HORTA DI HARTA HOLORATA)
Manco tre mesi dopo era alla Juve con tanto di "è un onore per me essere alla Juventus" e "per me essere qui è un sogno che si realizza"
Anzi, aggiungendo un'altra cosa, a quanto pare a Federico era stato proposto un rinnovo e lui alla Fiorentina, a quanto sembra, aveva pure accettato. Solo che il giorno in cui doveva firmarlo non si è presentato nè lui nè suo padre, ma qualcun'altro che affermava che la sua idea fosse mutata e che ora volesse andare alla Juve.
Collegandoci a prima, se a quanto pare Fede ama la Fiorentina (Probabilmente non chi la gestisce, ma di questo io non ne posso sapere niente) primo, non sarebbe andato alla Juve dato che c'erano alternative anche migliori all'estero e secondo, dato che ora che la Fiorentina ha un mezzo progetto (gestito malissimo, basta vedere che hanno mandato via Torreira che voleva pure restare, però vabbè non soffermiamoci su quello), questo mezzo progetto che con la spinta di qualcuno come Fede e Dusan...
(e non giriamoci intorno: con Dusan, la Fiorentina, vedendo le statistiche avrebbe potuto, per assurdo, pure puntare alla Champions, all'Europa ci sarebbe arrivata sicuro; e senza Dusan, alla Champions la Juve forse non ci arrivava nemmeno, basta vedere la partita contro il Bologna, dove in 9 contro 11 la stavano pure vincendo se non fosse stato per il pareggio nei minuti di recupero)
(Se Fede e Dusan fossero stati entrambi alla Fiorentina quest'anno secondo me in Champions ci sarebbero arrivati)
Dicevo, se a questo mezzo progetto servisse la spinta di qualcuno come Fede, e se Fede ama davvero la Fiore, e se a Fede chiedessero "ora vorresti tornare?" Togliendo l'obbligo di riscatto e tutto, secondo te quale sarebbe la sua risposta? E perché ho il presentimento che sarebbe un no?
Poi comunque, nulla è certo ed io non sono nella sua testa.
Sta di fatto che, Federico Chiesa è un traditore coi fiocchi, la cui probabile idea principale è sempre stata quella di andare alla Juve e che per anni non ha fatto altro che mentire oppure è stato talmente trascinato dalla pena dei tifosi che ha deciso di non farli rimanere male dicendo tutte quelle cose che poi si sono rivelate false. O può esserci anche l'ipotesi che lui abbia cambiato idea nel tempo, ma se cambi idea non vai alla squadra rivale quando hai anche alternative migliori all'estero, e soprattutto non dici "è un sogno che si realizza". (Altro che Dybala, anzi lui è stato il doppio del tempo alla Fiorentina rispetto a quanto Dybala è stato alla Juve)
Ho mostrato molte prove e ce ne sarebbero anche di più.
Si può anche vedere dal fatto che il giorno in cui ha saputo che l'obbligo di riscatto era scattato ha messo quel post "to be continued... 🤍🖤" e ha smesso di seguire definitivamente la Fiorentina. Se si erano comportati male, perché non smettere di seguirli anche prima se tanto non vedi i loro post e non gli metti like?
Dopo 14 anni in viola...
La parte più divertente? Io non tifo nè Fiorentina nè Juventus, ma è stato divertente fare quest'analisi per passare il tempo.
Perdonami per questo papiro, e se ci sono errori grammaticali, ma ci ho messo forse più di un'ora a scrivere tutto.
E nulla... eh... questo (cit.)
Diciamo che molte cose che mi hai scritto già le sapevo. Le dichiarazioni d'amore che lui fece, sono comunque dichiarazioni di un ragazzo di 20 anni, che magari aveva davvero quella voglia di diventare una bandiera della squadra della città in cui è cresciuto, ma che col tempo ha realizzato di poter puntare a qualcosa di più.
Sicuramente dietro la scelta di andare alla Juve, c'è Enrico, suo padre. Fu lui a dire il famoso NO al rinnovo con la Viola.
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Considera anche che era il sogno di Enrico quello di giocare in quella squadra, quindi Federico crescendo ha fatto del sogno del padre il proprio, in un certo senso. E se è vero che in famiglia si tifava Juve, beh, allora era inevitabile voler andare a giocare proprio per quella squadra. In ogni caso, lui non voleva lasciare l'Italia per andare in premier, Enrico aveva un mezzo accordo col club bianconero dal 2019 che sfumò a causa di Commisso, da qui lo scarso rendimento di Fede che continuò a giocare in una squadra che non sentiva più sua.
Io ci metto di mezzo anche la vicenda di Astori. Non dev'essere stato facile continuare a giocare in una squadra colpita da simile tragedia, secondo me. Lui era compagno di armadietto e di posto a tavola di Davide. Si dice fossero molto legati. Magari stare lì gli ricordava quel brutto periodo e ha deciso di andare via. Nella squadra rivale? Eh, ma se era il suo sogno... al cuore non si comanda.
Il problema è che i calciatori di squadre 'piccole' aspirano a giocare per quelle più grandi. Se la Viola nel giro di qualche anno riuscisse (senza vendere troppi pupilli) ad arrivare per più anni consecutivi in Champions o in Europa League, vedrai che ci sarà la fila per poter giocare in quel club. Purtroppo è così che funziona.
Altra cosa, l'unfollow alla Fiorentina mi ha fatta morire. Lui qualche volta metteva like ai post, però, secondo me, non l'ha unfollowata subito su IG perché tecnicamente era ancora un loro giocatore e in caso di mancato obbligo di riscatto, sarebbe dovuto tornare lì la stagione successiva. Mica deficiente 😂
Secondo me, l'amore per la Fiorentina ce l'ha ancora, è cresciuto lì, come hai detto tu, 14 anni tra giovanili, primavera e maggiore, solo che il rapporto si è incrinato per vari motivi e ora sembra che i due si odino. Lo vogliamo definire traditore? Sì, ha tradito la città e i tifosi, ma se il suo cuore voleva altro, almeno non ha tradito se stesso.
(che poi sta cosa dei traditori... È lavoro, i giocatori molte volte hanno la possibilità di scegliere per quale squadra giocare e lo fanno. Se hai sempre onorato la maglia, non puoi essere un traditore. Almeno per me... sarò strana io)
Comunque, come si dice? Certi amori fanno dei giri immensi e poi ritornano? Federico Chiesa finirà la carriera alla Viola? Chi può dirlo 🤪
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happyhomehorizon · 2 years
Cómo conseguir todas las FLORES HÍBRIDAS en Animal Crossing | Violas y Anémonas Hola a todos, hoy os traigo un video con el último capítulo sobre cómo conseguir todas las flores híbridas en Animal Crossing, ... via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LC2dIJil1SU
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ladyartemesia · 3 years
A Story in My Head...
Once there was a man and a woman reincarnated over ten lifetimes. The man was not a good man... He was power hungry and calculating and often sacrificed the people close to him for power. Yet when he met the woman he fell deeply in love with her and could not bear to bring her pain. Gradually his heart began to change and his actions followed suit...
His past, however, was far too dark to escape and because of his sins he and the woman died together tragically.
It so happened that an earth spirit fell in love with the woman during her first life and, after seeing her terrible fate, vowed to keep her safe in her next one.
However, in her next incarnation the woman fell in love with the bad man again and again he changed—
But alas—as before the results of his previous behavior poisoned their happiness and they were met with tragedy once more—despite the efforts of the kind earth spirit.
In their third life the earth spirit was determined to change the woman’s fate and he used his influence to have the lovers born as rival royals from warring kingdoms.
And still, despite his best effort, they fell in love. As before the wicked man was changed and as before his past deeds came back to haunt them with deadly results.
The earth spirit cried in despair as again and again—lifetime after lifetime—he placed obstacles in the path of their love and again and again they overcame them and the man was redeemed.
Finally on the ninth incarnation the earth spirit sought the woman out and told her the story of how he fell in love with her. He explained dejectedly that she was doomed to love a wicked man whose past would ultimately destroy her and described all the ways he had sought to spare her by keeping him away.
The woman looked at him for a long time with sadness in her eyes.
“You are so selfish,” she said at last. “You had the power to nurture our fate, but all you did was make it harder... If what you say is true, then my love redeems him every time, yet I am always too late... Why would you not let me meet him sooner?”
The earth spirit was deeply ashamed of himself and promised the woman that in her next life he would bring them together as soon as he could.
On the tenth incarnation the lovers were born next door to one another. The man never became wicked because his love for the woman never allowed his soul to grow cold as it had in all his previous lives. They lived many long and happy years together and the earth spirit vowed to never interfere with their destinies again.
The woman would always find him and save him, no matter where or when they met, and in turn the wicked man would always change and ultimately become a better person for her.
Sometimes their fate was bitter, sometimes it was sweet. But they knew love in every lifetime and treasured it above all other things...
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