beatricesargin · 1 year
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Your body hears everything your mind says. #NaomiJudd #beyahfitness #beatricesargin #holisticfitness #holisticwellness https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpuu4dvs5nM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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eatcompetenc · 2 months
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As the Preferred Trainer & Nutritionist for N.C. Towns & Cities, including Holly Springs Rec Center and Eat Compete NC L.L.C., proudly offer our marathon coaching services to runners of all levels. Whether you're aiming to complete your first marathon or striving to set a personal best, Coach Matthew is here to guide you every step of the way.
At Eat Compete NC L.L.C., we're dedicated to helping marathon enthusiasts and aspiring runners in Holly Springs, NC, reach their peak performance with our specialized marathon coaching program led by Coach Matthew. Recognizing the unique challenges and demands of marathon training, Coach Matthew combines expert knowledge in endurance training, nutrition, and recovery strategies to design a comprehensive program tailored to your specific goals, fitness level, and schedule.
Our marathon coaching program is more than just about logging miles. It's about building a strong foundation for endurance, enhancing running efficiency, and preventing injuries. Coach Matthew's approach includes personalized training schedules, technique refinement, and strength training exercises that complement your running, ensuring you're well-prepared for race day. Additionally, you'll receive nutritional guidance to fuel your training and recovery, optimizing your performance and health.
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pilatesacademydubai · 2 months
Join Victoria and Ruta as they demonstrate an Oblique Roll back on the Ladder barrel. Instructors top tip: focus on keeping pelvic stability by anchoring your feet on the ladders and rotate only from the top half of your body! Why not give it a go! To know more details visit https://pilatesacademydubai.com/
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zameela-health-hub · 4 months
Yoga Asanas for Tummy Fat Loss: 7 Transformative Poses for Radiant Health
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Yoga Asanas for Tummy Fat Loss: 5 Potent Poses to Melt Away Belly Fat
Discover effective yoga asanas for tummy fat loss! Explore 5 potent poses to trim belly fat and sculpt a toned midsection with targeted yoga routines. Yoga Asanas for Tummy Fat Loss Struggling to bid farewell to stubborn belly fat? Embracing yoga could be your secret weapon in achieving that toned tummy you desire. Dive into the world of yoga asanas tailored specifically to trim your waistline and sculpt a firmer abdomen.
Introduction to Yoga Asanas for Tummy Fat Loss
In the pursuit of shedding excess abdominal fat, yoga emerges as a holistic approach that not only targets the midsection but also harmonizes the body and mind. Discover the essence of incorporating yoga into your routine for effective tummy fat reduction.
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Yoga Asanas for Tummy Fat Loss Image Credit: Photo by RF._.studio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-in-black-tank-top-and-black-leggings-bending-her-body-3820336/ Yoga Asanas for Tummy Fat Loss: Understanding Tummy Fat Tummy fat, medically known as visceral fat, stems from various factors including genetics, diet, sedentary lifestyle, and stress. Its accumulation around organs like the liver and intestines can lead to serious health risks such as heart disease, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. Incorporating targeted yoga asanas for tummy fat loss, like the Boat Pose (Navasana) and Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana), alongside a balanced diet and regular exercise, can effectively reduce visceral fat. How works Yoga Asanas for Tummy Fat Loss These asanas not only aid in toning abdominal muscles but also improve metabolism and reduce stress, contributing to overall wellness. The accumulation of tummy fat extends beyond aesthetic concerns, carrying potential health risks. Unravel the causes behind its buildup and the associated dangers it poses to overall well-being. Factors Contributing to Abdominal Fat Accumulation Abdominal fat accumulation is a consequence of multifaceted factors. Poor dietary choices, particularly high consumption of processed foods and sugars, contribute significantly. Sedentary lifestyles, marked by insufficient physical activity, also play a pivotal role in the buildup of visceral fat. Stress triggers the release of cortisol, a hormone linked to fat deposition in the abdomen. Yoga Asanas for Tummy Fat Loss  Genetics influence where fat tends to accumulate, impacting one's predisposition to abdominal weight gain. This amalgamation of factors underscores the importance of holistic lifestyle changes, including healthier eating habits, regular exercise, and stress management, to combat tummy fat effectively. Tummy fat often results from a blend of factors like poor diet, sedentary lifestyles, stress, and genetics, leading to the storage of excess fat around the midsection.
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Yoga Asanas for Tummy Fat Loss Image Credit: Photo by Elina Fairytale: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-practicing-yoga-3822191/ Health Risks of Excess Belly Fat Excessive belly fat poses significant health risks beyond aesthetic concerns. It substantially increases the likelihood of developing chronic conditions like cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic disorders. Visceral fat, specifically located around organs in the abdominal area, releases inflammatory substances and hormones that interfere with normal bodily functions, leading to insulin resistance and higher cholesterol levels. Advantages of Yoga asanas for Tummy Fat Loss This adipose tissue actively contributes to systemic inflammation, creating an environment conducive to chronic ailments, emphasizing the critical need to address and reduce abdominal fat for overall health preservation. Beyond its impact on appearance, surplus abdominal fat elevates the risk of chronic ailments such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and metabolic disorders. Benefits of Yoga Asanas for Tummy Fat Loss Yoga asanas, beyond enhancing flexibility, serve as a potent method for targeting tummy fat. Poses like the Boat Pose (Navasana) and Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) engage core muscles, aiding in toning and strengthening the abdominal area. Moreover, yoga reduces cortisol levels, alleviating stress-induced fat accumulation. Its emphasis on mindful breathing and relaxation techniques further curbs stress-related eating, promoting healthier food choices. Benefits of Regular Practices of Yoga Asanas for Tummy Fat Loss Consistent practice enhances metabolism, facilitating more efficient fat burning. The holistic nature of yoga not only trims the waistline but also fosters overall well-being, making it a valuable tool in combatting abdominal fat. Yoga isn't solely about flexibility; it's a powerful tool in the battle against belly fat. Explore the array of advantages yoga offers in trimming the waistline and fostering a stronger core.
Best Yoga Asanas for Tummy Fat Loss
1. Downward Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana) The Downward Facing Dog Pose is a cornerstone of yoga, offering holistic benefits for tummy fat reduction and overall wellness.
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Yoga Asanas for Tummy Fat Loss Image Credit: Photo by Elina Fairytale: https://www.pexels.com/photo/yoga-instructor-helping-a-student-3822670/ This asana engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously, particularly the core, arms, shoulders, and hamstrings. By elongating the spine and engaging the abdominal muscles, it stimulates digestion and enhances circulation in the abdominal area, contributing to tummy fat reduction. Yoga Asanas for Tummy Fat Loss and Overall - Health Additionally, the inverted position encourages lymphatic drainage, aiding in the elimination of toxins and reducing bloating. Regular practice of this pose not only strengthens the core but also fosters a sense of balance and rejuvenation in the body. This foundational pose engages the entire body, stretching and strengthening the core muscles while enhancing circulation, aiding in tummy fat reduction. 2. Boat Pose (Navasana) Navasana, commonly known as the Boat Pose, is a dynamic asana that directly targets the abdominal muscles, aiding in tummy fat reduction and core strengthening.
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Yoga Asanas for Tummy Fat Loss Image Credit: Photo by Miriam Alonso: https://www.pexels.com/photo/asian-woman-doing-yoga-in-boat-pose-7592453/ By balancing on the sit bones and lifting the legs and upper body, this pose engages the entire core, including the rectus abdominis and the deeper transverse abdominis muscles. Promotes Firmer Core It not only helps in toning and tightening the midsection but also improves digestion and stimulates the organs in the abdominal cavity. Regular practice of Navasana not only promotes a firmer core but also enhances overall stability and body awareness. Navasana challenges the abdominal muscles, stimulating their activation to tone and tighten the midsection, promoting a firmer core. 3. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) Bhujangasana, the Cobra Pose, is renowned for its impact on the abdominal region, playing a pivotal role in toning the core muscles and supporting digestive health, contributing to the reduction of belly fat. As the torso arches up while maintaining connection with the floor, it engages the abdominal muscles, particularly the rectus abdominis and obliques, toning and strengthening them.
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Yoga Asanas for Tummy Fat loss Image Credit: Photo by Miriam Alonso: https://www.pexels.com/photo/slim-woman-doing-cobra-yoga-pose-on-mat-7592502/ This asana stimulates the digestive organs, enhancing their functionality and aiding in smoother digestion, which indirectly supports tummy fat reduction. Healthier Digestive System Regular practice of Bhujangasana not only strengthens the core but also nurtures a healthier digestive system, fostering overall well-being. Bhujangasana focuses on the abdominal region, strengthening the core muscles, and aiding digestion while reducing belly fat. 4. Plank Pose (Phalakasana) The Plank Pose, or Phalakasana, stands as a formidable pose in cultivating core strength and aiding in tummy toning. This pose engages various muscle groups simultaneously, notably targeting the abdominal muscles.
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Yoga Asanas for Tummy Fat Loss Image Credit: Photo by Marta Wave: https://www.pexels.com/photo/laughing-woman-practicing-plank-posture-during-training-6454169/ By holding the body in a straight line from head to heels, it activates the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and obliques, effectively toning and strengthening the core. Enhances Overall Body Strength The isometric nature of this pose not only trims the tummy but also improves posture and stability. Consistent practice of Phalakasana not only helps achieve a more sculpted midsection but also enhances overall body strength and endurance. A powerful pose for building core strength, Phalakasana engages multiple muscle groups, including the abs, helping to trim and tone the tummy. 5. Wind-Relieving Pose (Pavanamuktasana) The Wind-Relieving Pose, Pavanamuktasana, offers a gentle yet impactful way to aid digestion, alleviate bloating, and support tummy fat loss. By drawing the knees toward the chest while lying on the back, this asana massages the abdominal organs, stimulating peristalsis and enhancing digestive functions.
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Yoga Asanas for Tummy Fat Loss Image Credit: Photo by Pexels https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-stretching-her-body-forward-6787407/   It helps release trapped gases and reduces bloating, promoting a flatter tummy. The compression on the abdomen in this pose also encourages the elimination of waste, aiding in detoxification. Healthier Digestive System Regular practice of Pavanamuktasana not only supports tummy fat loss but also fosters a healthier digestive system and reduced discomfort from bloating. This gentle yet effective pose aids in digestion, reduces bloating, and massages the abdominal organs, facilitating tummy fat loss. Advantages of Regular Practice of Yoga Asanas for Tummy Fat Loss Regular practice of yoga asanas offers multifaceted benefits for tummy fat loss. These poses engage core muscles, promoting toning and strengthening of the abdominal area. Stress Relief By enhancing circulation and stimulating digestion, they aid in reducing visceral fat. Moreover, yoga alleviates stress, lowering cortisol levels associated with abdominal weight gain. Consistent practice fosters an improved metabolism, facilitating efficient calorie burning. Additionally, the holistic nature of yoga promotes mindful eating habits, supporting healthier food choices. Regular Practices Enhances Overall Well-being Beyond tummy fat loss, regular yoga practice enhances overall well-being by boosting energy levels, improving posture, and cultivating a sense of balance, making it an invaluable tool for sustained and holistic fitness. Crafting a targeted sequence incorporating these poses can amplify the benefits, creating a dedicated yoga routine for effective tummy fat reduction. Tips for Maximizing Results Maximizing the effectiveness of Yoga Asanas for Tummy Fat Loss involves several key strategies. Consistency is paramount; regular practice ensures steady progress in toning the abdominal muscles. Focusing on proper breathing techniques during each pose maximizes oxygen flow, aiding in fat metabolism and enhancing the benefits of the practice. Additionally, gradual progression is essential—start with simpler poses, gradually advancing to more challenging ones to avoid strain while continually challenging the core muscles. Consistency and Healthy Eating can Help you get Better Results  Combining these strategies with a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle reinforces the impact of yoga asanas, ensuring a more comprehensive and sustainable approach to tummy fat loss. To optimize the impact of yoga asanas on abdominal fat loss, adopt strategies like consistency, proper breathing, and gradual progression in your practice. Lifestyle and Diet Complementing Yoga Yoga's effectiveness in reducing tummy fat thrives when complemented by a wholesome lifestyle and a nourishing diet. Whole foods, abundant in nutrients and fiber, promote satiety and aid in weight management. Pairing yoga with regular physical activity outside the practice further amplifies its impact on overall fitness and metabolic health. Embracing an active lifestyle, whether through walking, cycling, or other enjoyable activities, enhances the calorie-burning effect of yoga asanas. Healthy lifestyle Supports Get Quick Result This holistic approach not only fosters tummy fat reduction but also nurtures a sustainable and balanced lifestyle, ensuring long-term wellness and vitality. Pairing yoga with a balanced diet rich in whole foods and adopting an active lifestyle synergistically supports tummy fat reduction efforts. Yoga Asanas for Tummy Fat Loss: Conclusion - Embracing Holistic Transformation Yoga stands as a powerful catalyst for holistic change, transcending mere physicality to encompass mental and emotional well-being in the journey toward tummy fat loss. Through targeted asanas, it not only sculpts the core but also nurtures inner balance, reducing stress levels that contribute to abdominal fat accumulation. Coupled with a balanced lifestyle encompassing mindful eating and regular exercise, yoga paves the way to sustainable transformation. Read the full article
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manoasha · 4 months
Cardio & Strength Harmony
Striking the Balance: Cardio and Strength Training for Ultimate Fitness Finding the perfect equilibrium between cardio workouts and strength training is the key to unlocking comprehensive fitness benefits. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of striking this balance, providing insights into how combining cardiovascular exercises and strength training creates a holistic approach to…
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sorsutaekwondo · 4 months
Revitalize Your Sundays with SorSU Taekwondo Warm-Up Training: Prep for ...
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originaldiscovery · 7 months
ブログ更新しました! 新記事公開したよ!ホリスティックなフィットネス:身体、心、精神のためのガイド。肉体的、感情的、精神的健康をどう整えていくか。このなかに答えがあるよ。一緒に健康で幸せな生活を作り上げる方法探しにきてね!#FitLifeNow #HolisticFitness ホリスティックなフィットネス:身体、心、精神のためのガイド
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desktobikini · 8 months
You cant regulate cortisol levels with hard workouts Desk workouts for awhile will help
You can’t regulate cortisol levels with hard workouts 🫣🫣 Desk workouts for awhile will help 🥰 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNI5AGYggvE 🌼🧘‍♀️ Gentle Wellness: Why Hard Workouts Aren't Always Ideal for Hormone Balance 🧘‍♀️🌼 We often hear about the countless benefits of intense workouts – the endorphin rush, increased strength, and improved cardiovascular health. But what about the delicate balance of hormones within our bodies, particularly cortisol, the stress hormone? While challenging workouts can be fantastic for many aspects of fitness, they might not always be the best choice when it comes to regulating hormones. Here's why you shouldn't always opt for strenuous workouts to regulate cortisol and maintain hormonal balance: 1. ⚖️ Hormone Disruption: High-intensity workouts can trigger a spike in cortisol levels. Excessive cortisol can disrupt hormonal balance and lead to various health issues. 2. 🌪️ Stress Accumulation: Hard workouts add stress to an already busy life. When not managed properly, this can lead to chronic stress, exacerbating hormone imbalances. 3. 🩸 Menstrual Health: Overtraining can disrupt menstrual cycles, leading to irregular periods or even amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) due to hormonal disruptions. 4. 💤 Sleep Quality: Intense workouts close to bedtime can hinder sleep quality, impacting melatonin production and circadian rhythms. 5. 🤕 Overtraining Syndrome: Constant high-intensity workouts may lead to overtraining syndrome, causing hormonal imbalances, fatigue, and a weakened immune system. 6. 🌿 Recovery Time: Hard workouts require more extended recovery periods, potentially leading to hormonal fluctuations during that time. 7. 🏥 Immune Function: Intense exercise can temporarily suppress the immune system, making you more susceptible to illness and infections. 8. 🌟 Chronic Inflammation: Prolonged high-intensity training may contribute to chronic inflammation, impacting hormonal regulation. So, what's the alternative? Incorporate a mix of exercise modalities that includes low-impact workouts like yoga, Pilates, or gentle walks. These activities can help regulate cortisol, improve hormonal balance, and reduce stress. Additionally, prioritize rest and recovery. Listen to your body and give it the time it needs to recuperate between hard workouts. This can help prevent hormonal imbalances caused by overtraining. Remember, the path to optimal hormonal balance and overall health doesn't always require intense, high-impact workouts. Embrace a well-rounded approach that includes gentler activities to keep your hormones in harmony and your body in balance. 🌼🧘‍♀️ #HormoneBalance #GentleWellness #StressManagement #HormonalHealth #HolisticFitness #GentleExercise #MindfulMovement #HormoneRegulation #RestAndRecovery #HormonalHarmony #BalanceIsKey #FitnessWisdom #WellnessJourney #HealthyHabits #ListenToYourBody #StressReduction #HolisticHealth #SelfCareMatters #FitnessBalance #MindfulFitness #HormoneHealth #BodyAndMind #HealthyLifestyle #WellnessWisdom #FitnessMindset #FitnessAndHealth #GentleMovement #FitnessForLife via Philita Jana https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbuEtISFavbKlpbpfyEjVdQ August 30, 2023 at 02:38AM
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gavinspeaks · 4 years
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Comment 'Yes' If you agree⁠. Tag someone this will resonate with.⁠ ⁠ Stop Manifesting. Start Neutrality SHIFTING. Finally create a permanent shift within & completely transform your life in just 4 sessions!🔻SEE HOW🔻👀🤯⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁠ @WakeUpFulfilled⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁠ ⁠ #spiritualmeme #spiritualenergy #spiritualknowledge #spirituallove #happinesscoach #depressionwarrior #spiritualworld #happinessplanner #happinessisallaround #spiritualsoul #holisticfitness #spiritualblogger #holisticeducation #empoweryouth #holisticmassage #inspiration_photography #homeinspirations #happinessmood #empoweringwoman #spiritualquote #bodymindsoultraining #bodymindsoulbalance #positivelivesmatter #healthcoachinspiration #positivelifesecrets⁠ ⁠ ⁠
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nyuz-blog · 5 years
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#holisticfitness is the 🔐 to unlock #holistichealth https://www.instagram.com/p/B3bB0O-jX7WYFjWRqpCdGQgxqcRq294SClttTI0/?igshid=nvqic6j0dlc0
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. BREAK THE RULES . Eating disorder recovery is all about breaking your own rules The ones youve set to keep yourself in check To keep you from being "too much" or too big From doing things wrongly or facing ungodly amounts of guilt . These rules give the illusion of calming your anxiety Of making you feel like you're doing things how you should By not taking too much Or doing too little . When really They CREATE the anxiety . Because if you didnt have those rules You wouldnt be so stressed out about breaking them You wouldnt have to worry about doing or not doing certain behaviors You wouldnt have to hide things Lie to your loved ones Isolate yourself Plan, track & measure every little thing Or "earn" your right to be here as a human being . Letting go of these rules isnt easy Breaking each one will feel like quitting a drug cold turkey . Every time you choose not to listen to the eating disorder You'll get this feeling... . Its a mix of panic, guilt, anxiety....& relief That panic, guilt & anxiety is the ED But that little flicker of hope Of relief Of FREEDOM... . That's what youve gotta hold onto Because thats the REAL you . Recovery = Freedom Freedom from all the compulsory behaviors & the anxiety Freedom from a life controlled by meaningless numbers And rules that are really only stopping you from doing one thing... LIVING . So please Dont ever give up Make it a point today to break at least one of your rules Just once. Prove to yourself that nothing bad will happen if you do. Sending you every single ounce of my love Brehlie Maryann ❤ . . . . #edrecoveryarmy #instahealth #recoverywarriors #chakrahealing #loveyourselfhealthy #wholebodyhealth #eatingdisorderrecovery #fightinganorexia #addictionquotes #holistichealth #edrecovery #holistichealing #vegansofig #spiritualwomen #nomoreed #healingquotes #innergoddess #thesoulfillmenttribe #breakingthecycle #holisticfitness #fearfoods #edrecoverysupport #edrecoveryfood #anxietyhelper #bulimiarecovery #edrecoveryfamily #thesoulfillmentapproach #alwayskeepfighting (at Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/brehliemaryann/p/BvPJvNIgN33/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ihz0p807e112
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eatcompetenc · 2 months
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At Eat Compete NC, we believe in a holistic approach to fitness, focusing on physical training, nutrition, and mental well-being.
Coach Matthew brings years of experience and expertise to help you reach your fitness goals effectively and safely. Whether you're a beginner looking to kickstart your fitness journey or an experienced athlete aiming to elevate your performance, Coach Matthew will tailor a personalized training program to suit your needs and abilities.
Our training sessions combine various disciplines, including strength training, cardio, flexibility, and mobility exercises, ensuring a well-rounded approach to fitness. With Coach Matthew's guidance, you'll learn proper techniques, set achievable goals, and stay motivated throughout your journey.
But our commitment to your success continues beyond there. At Eat Compete NC, we understand nutrition's crucial role in achieving optimal fitness. That's why we offer comprehensive nutrition counseling to complement your training regimen.
By joining Eat Compete NC, you'll experience a transformation beyond just physical fitness. You'll gain confidence, resilience, and a deeper understanding of your body's capabilities. Whether you're looking to lose weight, build muscle, or improve your athletic performance, we're here to support you every step of the way.
Preferred Trainer & Nutritionist for NC Towns & Cities, incl. Holly Springs Rec Center.
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deltawave · 2 years
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#monaco #privateyoga #oneonone #personalmentor #individualyoga #breathing #breathworkfacilitator #yogaheals #stretchtherapy #acupressure #selfshiatsu #menton #nice #frenchriviera #holistictraining #holisticfitness #holisticcoaching #fascia MOVE INTO YOUR POTENTIAL With over many years of experience in teaching: • Breathwork Meditation • Fascia Stretch Therapy • Holistic Movement & Self-acupressure Alex Mero guides and supports you in creating a thriving body-mind connection. Through individual sessions, Alex introduces you through his DETOX YOGAWORKOUT in the magnificent world of Facia. Book your PRIVATE SESSIONS and benefit from Alex’s personal guidance. Alex will work from March 23th to April 15th in Nice, Menton and Monaco. Holistic Coach Fascia Guidance (at Monaco Monte Carlo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbiN6OQDQVQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Make your Friday more fun! We are throwing a series of Free Trials at 3 different timings in Chembur! Come off & experience what is Bellyfit. If you haven’t done your workout out & looking something to start off with this is your class. If you feel dance fitness is not your thing, this is your class. If age, shape, size stops you from entering a dance fitness class this one is for you. From 16-60yrs we welcome every woman! And beyond that number too! Make this your time to love thy self! #bellyfitwithchaitali #thebellyfitlife ‪#strongsexysoulful #movingwomen #fitnesswithsoul #holisticfitness #womenonly #iambellyfit‬ #bebellyfit #shimmysweatsmilerepeat #bellyfitwithchaitali #bodylove #embraceyourcurves #itsnotjustaboutthebelly #energizedbybellyfit #ownit #shaktified #chembur #newclass #huddle #trial #holistic #fitness #mindbodysoul #connect #youcore #strength (at Chembur)
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monicasancio · 6 years
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Cambiemos de MENTALIDAD- con Crecimiento Personal-para lo que deseamos que supera la realidad actual. ... We need a new MINDSET through Personal Growth for what we desire that is beyond pur current state of things. • #Excellence #Einstein #Mindset #GrowthMindset #Vegan #VeganFit #HolisticFitness #HolisticSuccess https://www.instagram.com/p/Bm4ZI1Ql5Hw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mcx3ecvr5sde
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sorsutaekwondo · 4 months
SorSU Taekwondo | Flexibility With The Power of DIY bodybuilding
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