#honda guatemala
heartlessguate · 2 years
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thatfraudcassandra · 2 years
Over the news of And A Movie, i found myself waxing nostalgic and even contemplating rewatching Community, but there is nothing like revisiting an old Twitter hate thread I made that doused me sober. (I bite Annie's head off a little in a case of internalized misogyny but hopefully it's clear that Dan Harmon is the real evil)
My 2020 hate speech:
In the last month, I started bingeing Community and loved it. It was fresh. Meta. Made recently and so hopefully it was progressive as FRIENDS was 2020-offensive. Also I had already finished B99 and The Good Place and it was the next best thing.
In episode 1 they established Britta as the cool girl: she wouldn't date the hot guy because she's not shallow and let's face it, Jeff doesnt get the redemption arc that Jake did in B99. He didn't get over his assholeness like Jake did. Season 6 ended and Jeff was still shit.
Anyway, Britta is my favorite character. Season 1 saw her protesting causes, being a hypocrite over most of it, but totally relatable because who isn't a hypocrite right? At least she CARES. She empathizes with people. She later shifts to psychology wanting to help people. She often psychoanalyzes her friends which they hate, but she is often dead-on. Jeff and Pierce's dad issue? She called it. Abed's inability to move on after Troy left? She helped him with it. Troy's paralysis over breaking up with her? She helped him come to terms with it.
And yet, over the seasons she has been written as the "worst" character, often regarded as a meme rather than a real person. She's the only one who doesnt get to redeem herself over the seasons. (Jeff didnt redeem himself in my eyes but most would think he didnt need saving). Even Pierce redeemed himself by dying of dehydration after giving his seed away--can be construed as a selfless act. Britta never stands up from it. She is constantly put down by the group, with Annie constantly kneeling down her neck. They make jokes about her, uses her name as a synonym for "wreck" or "make worse". She exists mainly as two things: an antagonist in the Jeff-Annie relationship and a subject for every anti-woke sketch Dan Harmon wants to incorporate in the script.
Britta helped people. Britta cared. She did not compete with others, not even Annie even though Annie never stopped being insecure about Britta. She was best friends with Shirley. And yes, she made stupid decisions--Subway Rick and Honda Rick, Jeff, and Vaughn. But she genuinely cared. Unlike the rest of the group who were manipulative and found ways for the rest to cater to their whims, Britta usually didnt force anyone to do anything for her. Yes, she was vocal about her causes, but they always shot her down and except for the Guatemala bit in S1 I don't remember they ever supported her. Meanwhile, they went through claymation in Abed's breakdown, that whole s4 ending where Jeff had his own, Shirley even got her to man her shop, and Annie, well, I could think of a lot of times where she coerced the group into something. Such a poorly written character with so much potential.
And then Annie. She starts out grating my nerves. She's childish, manipulative, she literally stomps her feet and cries out like a toddler when something doesnt go her way. Dressing her up in slacks didnt make her mature. Over the seasons I went from being slightly annoyed to hating her but by the middle of season6, I just pity this character. Clearly, Dan Harmon fucked her up the way he did Britta. The writers probably didn't know how to write a multidimensional woman. Britta was reduced to a stupid, impressionable woke millennial, and Annie was just the slutty child. She was so oversexualized it didn't matter to me that Jeff stayed away--he clearly wanted to get into Annie's panties anyway. And she liked being viewed as a sex object. In the episode where they film a sci-fi movie for Chang, she shows up in a tight one piece that shows her breasts and Jeff clearly gets mesmerized. Britta calls her out "thats what you chose?" And then when Annie reaches INSIDE HER CLEAVAGE for an improvised laser bomb that Abed didnt write, Britta says "youre making it more difficult for every woman out there". Because it's true. Her loving being reduced to a sex object means it's okay for everyone else to be oversexualized. Annie retorts that she's just improvising, to which Britta says "IMPROVISE POCKETS!" She never made more sense than that moment.
I also hate how self-serving Annie is; remember the bottle episode? How about the one where Chang is cast as Mr. Miyagi? Or the party in the apartment episode. Or the one where they tie Prof Cornwallis up. Or the attack ad episode. Ugh. I hate her so much, but she is still the most well-loved character because SHE HAS BOOBS and she's hot. Innocent and sexy. The fact that so many people like her means there are so many misogynists, so many Dan Harmons in the world. And Britta? No one likes her. She says uncomfortable things. She doesnt dress like she's gonna blurt out "spank me daddy" any second now.
These are two women victimized by a series creator who probably didnt have much luck with women. Dan Harmon consistently shat on his women characters because he didnt understand them outside of his own relationships. Here is a guy who got married probably as a publicity stunt. He divorced her a year later and is now involved with a woman 12 years her junior. 12 years. Now you know why he kept pushing that creepy Jeff-Annie angle. And he's racist and ageist, you already knew that. Chevy Chase left famously because of it. And while Yvette Nicole and Donald didn't say it was the reason, throughout the season Dan poked fun at their race "did you ever 9/11 anyone?", Pierce once asked Abed. It's cringey. The whole thing is.
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eliasmartinjimenez · 3 months
Sabias que en el año 2003 querían destruir el mundo como monopolizar todas las marcas (la empresa de automóviles wolkswagen quería comprar Vans, Guess, Samsung, H&M, Tommy Hilfige, HP y Honda), la desaparición del seyo de la marca registrada (®), los estadounidenses Nazis que en enero de ese mismo año Estados Unidos quería invadir Canadá, México, Guatemala, Belice y Honduras, para febrero quería invadir Nicaragua, Costa Rica, El Salvador y Panamá, para Marzo quería imbadir Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, la Guayana y Perú, en abril quería invadir Surinam, la Guyana francesa, Amazonas de Brasil y Bolivia, para mayo quería invadir Chile, Argentina, Uruguay y las islas de América y para junio quería invadir Groenlandia y por completo Brasil. En ese mismo año la empresa Wolkswagen quería adueñarse de cuatro marcas de ropa como Vans, Guess, H&M y Tommy Hilfiger, y también de dos marcas de aparatos electrónicos como Samsung y HP. Lo mismo lo hizo Pull & Bear de querer en ese mismo año adueñarse de Hugo Boss, Aeropostale, The North Face, Skechers, Adidas y Puma. Pero eso no lo dicen para guardar secretos a pesar de que el año más feo fue el 2020 y la verdad ese año de casi 21 años que sucedió es un p3dofilo [el año 2003 fue un p3dofilo] 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤
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#moto #motorcycle #49cc #70cc #110cc #200cc #150cc #OEM #chinamoto #Bolivia #Peru #EFI #Crossmoto #Russia #Guatemala #Algeria #Tunisia China Factory Looking for Importer! #Iran #MOTOCICLETAS #Chongqing #honda #motorbike #quality #warrant #design #motocicleta #engine #africa #america #distribution #factory #export #automotive #Madagascar
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claubenaventer · 4 months
INGUAT apoya el nuevo libro “Cumbre a Cumbre” del Embajador de Turismo, Jaime Viñals
Como reconocimiento a su destacado papel como guatemalteco, quien con su inquebrantable espíritu aventurero ha difundido los aspectos positivos de la riqueza natural y cultural de Guatemala en los lugares donde ha dejado huella, el Instituto Guatemalteco de Turismo, junto con las empresas: Cooperativa COPECOM, Aquasistemas, Grupo Equipsa, SEMIAGRO, Banrural Guatemala, Honda Motos Guatemala,…
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falschtanken24 · 10 months
falsch getankt
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falsch getankt Soforthilfe Falschtanken24
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speedsiteav · 2 years
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dahijoken · 2 years
Mex 6557 service manual
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  7-6 Service Manual. 5060-2XX. Assembly 2: Cartridge mounting. Asm- index. Part number. Units Description. 2–1. 12G6535. 4. Guide assembly, left side. 7-12 Service Manual. 5060-00x. Assembly 4: Fuser drive. Asm—. Index. Part. Number. Units. Description. 4—1. 56P1213. 1. Fuser drive assembly w/motor. HISTORY INFORMATION FOR THE FOLLOWING MANUAL: WAX2 SERVICE MANUAL MODEL NAME MANUAL MODEL NAME REMOTE COMMANDER DESTINATION RM-YA006 CANADA/MEXICO 7-2 Service Manual. 5060-2XX 12G6557. 1. Bellcrank lift spring Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua,. CANADA/MEXICO. HISTORY INFORMATION FOR THE FOLLOWING MANUAL: ORIGINAL MANUAL ISSUE DATE: 7/2006. ☛ :UPDATED ITEM. REVISION DATE. SUBJECT. This service manual has been prepared to help you to improve the quality of your repairs by giving correct knowledge of the product and correct methods of 6557 For 97-01 Honda Prelude 96-97 Accord 2.2L Manual Rear Engine Motor Mount 10 minute call for repair assistance with a certified technician - $14.95 Added PNs for BU Boards for Mexico and Latin America Models. Identified AC Inlet as a Critical Component. Replaced page 96. Corrected screw description forUpdated entire manual to include new serial number ranges (4,000,000 - 4,500,000 - 8,000,000 - 8,500,000 Models produced in Mexico) Outlined Stand Assembly
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jay-9k · 5 years
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DTLA hangs.. found the sickest mural of a Quetzal.
Mi linda Guatemala.
IG: @jjpinetta
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anutoapp · 4 years
HONDA CIVIC REPUESTOS!!! - Mixco (Guatemala, guatemala) - Honda (Motor) [Anuto]
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alvarez360 · 5 years
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heartlessguate · 2 years
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jdmsportnation · 6 years
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#FrontEndFRI Which Squad you ON? Team S15 or S2000? Top or bottom?! Shoutout to @chars_ill reppin @jdmsportnation from #Guatemala for awesome shots! Visit AJDMParts.com and ADD some @jdmsport flavor to you Tuner build and accessorize with @jdmsports performance products and accessories! 💪😎🔥 📷/🏎: @chars_ill JDMSportNation.com Follow to see more builds like this! #s15 #s2000 Got boost? If not JDM Sport has the turbo chargers & accessories you need! MORE coverage at Firm400.com ! JDM Sport has ALL your performance parts needs from intakes, exhaust, steering wheels, intercoolers, lowering springs, camber kits, subframe bars, 32-Way JDM Sport Coilovers, and more as featured at #sema2017 ! 😎 🔰 📷/owner: 👉 @chars_ill 👈 Follow: @jdmsportnation | @firm400 Get your JDM Sport performance products & accessories at YOUR local authorized dealer TODAY! If they don't HAVE IT - ask why and tell them to carry JDM Sport! Instagram : JDMSportNation Media/Photo: | Follow JDM Sport on social media: JDMSportNation.Tumblr.com Twitter: JDMSport YouTube: JDMSportNation JDMSportNation-com AUTHORIZED ONLINE DEALER for JDM Sports Performance Products and Accessories: AJDMParts-com AdvancedJDMParts Online Shop online 24/7 for 1000's of top automotive brands and ALL your tuner performance products! All Media / Content used are Properties of Original Owners / Creators respectfully More media at Firm400.com | JDM Sport TV | AdvanSpec Network #jdm #japan #jdmsport #jdmsportnation #firm400 #advanspecnetwork #formuladrift #illest #nissan #honda #drift #boost #godzilla
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alexca8815 · 7 years
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Eg6 static
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argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression Radio version - Ep 6, Nov 2015
Kaoru starts by saying at the time of airing the band will be on the NA tour, specifically in Mexico. He says they went to Mexico once before 4 or 5 years ago, and did a photoshoot in a graveyard. He said at that time there were loads of strings hanging above the streets that looked a bit like electricity cables, but were decorated with paper. He thought they were really pretty. He thinks he took a photo, so he says he will upload it onto the show's blog if he can find it. He then introduces Joe, and Joe says he has also been to Mexico. He used to live in LA, and would often cross the border into Mexico, as it was pretty simple to do. Getting back into the US was more hassle though. He also went to Mexico city by plane once to watch pro-wrestling, and he also went to Guatemala, but he cannot expose his reason for going there, even for a show named 'The Freedom of Expression'. He will leave it to our imagination 🤭, to which Kaoru laughs loudly 😆.
Kaoru then appeals to listeners to contact the show by email, and reads out one email they already recieved. The question asks whether Kaoru is the type to prefer the very newest devices in terms of tablets, phones etc, or whether he likes analog. He says he's not really bothered about getting the new stuff most of the time. For example, the Apple watch. Do we really need that? Joe says he is very much into analog technology. Kaoru says he thinks that future tech releases will be done in a way so that they have a more analog feel. He doesn't wear a wristwatch, but he always thought that he wanted one. The problem is, he doesn't know which type will suit him, and going out to buy one is tiresome.
Kaoru's first talking point is about a British design company that creates imagined surroundings to famous album covers and gives them a totally different image. The example he brings up is one of Adele's album covers. Kaoru says he really likes the idea, and wouldn't mind trying it himself. Not with his own album covers though, with other peoples'. He thinks he prob won't though. He appeals for any listeners to give it a go, and to send in their designs. The listeners could perhaps try it out on a Dir album. His first thought was to suggest the Gauze cover, but actually decided on the cover of the regular edition of Arche. Kaoru says not to worry about quality or skill, and that he is interested in seeing how differently people might approach it. People who have heard the album and know the songs vs. people who have not heard the album and are going by the cover alone. They will post any good ones on the show's blog.
Next, Dobashi from Tokyo Sports joins them. Dobashi raises the story that soccer player Honda Keisuke, who at the time was a player for AC Milan, had publicly criticized the way his club, the Italian media, and the Italian fans operate. Kaoru wonders whether he's trying to promote himself. They also wonder whether it might have something to do with Japanese sponsers. Kaoru thinks it might be tough for a Japanese person in Honda's position. (*I know nothing about soccer, so a lot of this went over my head*)
Next, they talk about how the American magazine Playboy will no longer be publishing nude photos of women, due to such images being already widespread online. Dobashi asks whats the point of Playboy if it doesn't have nudes? Where's its identity? Kaoru says he's kinda interested to see what they will do with the magazine with no nudes in it. Joe says he thinks paid media is still higher quality than free online content.
To finish, Kaoru repeats his appeal for people to design surroundings for the Arche cover, and he plugs his book, the Budokan shows, and Chinese tour again.
Songs - Dir en grey/Ware yami tote, Cage9/Four Leaf Clover.
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falschtanken24 · 1 year
falsch getankt
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falsch getankt Soforthilfe Falschtanken24
Wir Helfen 24h +49.160.5054505
Falsch getankt in? falsch getankt Soforthilfe Falschtanken24 - 24h Mobiler Absaugnotdienst vor Ort Service  +49.0160.5054505 Wir helfen Ihnen vor Ort ohne Werkstattbesuch oder Abschleppen. Sie können danach in wenigen Minuten weiterfahren. 24h Soforthilfe und Notdienst vor Ort  +49.160.5054505 Falschtanken24 Sie haben Ihr Auto, LKW oder Motorrad in Deutschland oder Umgebung falsch getankt? Wir helfen Ihnen vor Ort und pumpen den falschen Kraftstoff günstig und schnell (ohne Abschleppen) ab. So schützen Sie Ihr Fahrzeug vor teuren Motorschäden und Reparaturen: 1. Motor abstellen und nicht erneut starten 2.   0160.5054505 falsch getankt Soforthilfe Falschtanken24 Notdienst anrufen 3. Vor Ort Abpumpen lassen und weiterfahren - Unser Notdienst hilft Ihnen bei allen Automarken: - falsch getankt Auto falsch getankt, - falsch getankt LKW falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Motorrad falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Boot falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Mercedes falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Audi falsch getankt, - falsch getankt BMW falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Opel falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Ford falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Skoda falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Renault falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Hyundai falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Seat falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Fiat falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Nissan falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Toyota falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Mazda falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Kia falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Peugeot falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Citroen falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Dacia falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Mini falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Smart falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Volvo falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Mitsubishi falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Suzuki falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Porsche falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Honda falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Land Rover falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Jeep falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Subaru falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Jaguar falsch getankt, - falsch getankt VW falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Volkswagen falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Alfa Romeo falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Lexus falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Chevrolet falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Lancia falsch getankt, - falsch getankt MAN falsch getankt, - falsch getankt Iveco falsch getankt - und alle mit falsch getankt Verbrennungsmotor falsch getankt betriebenen Fahrzeuge und Hersteller. Sie stellen fest, dass Sie an der Tankstelle den falschen Kraftstoff in Ihr Fahrzeug getankt haben? Keine Sorge zur Panik! Unser Team ist für solche Fälle spezialisiert und kann Ihnen vollkommen zuverlässig helfen. Rufen Sie unseren mobilen Falsch getankt Notdienst und Soforthilfe unter ☎️ 01605054505 an. Wir sind 24 Stunden an 7 Tagen für Sie erreichbar. Mit unserem Mobiler- Kraftstoff- Abpumpservice pumpen wir den falschen Kraftstoff günstig und schnell vor Ort ab, ohne das Sie ihr Auto abschleppen zu müssen. www.falschtanken24.de A-Z - Afghanistan - Ägypten - Albanien - Algerien - Andorra - Angola - Antigua und Barbuda - Äquatorialguinea - Argentinien - Armenien - Aserbaidschan - Äthiopien - Australien - Bahamas - Bahrain - Bangladesch - Barbados - Belgien - Belize - Benin - Bhutan - Bolivien - Bosnien und Herzegowina - Botsuana - Brasilien - Brunei Darussalam - Bulgarien - Burkina Faso - Burundi - Cabo Verde - Chile - China, Republik (Taiwan) - China, Volksrepublik - Costa Rica - Côte d'Ivoire - Dänemark - Deutschland - Dominica - Dominikanische Republik - Dschibuti - Ecuador - El Salvador - Eritrea - Estland - Fidschi - Finnland - Frankreich - Gabun - Gambia - Georgien - Ghana - Grenada - Griechenland - Großbritannien und Nordirland - Guatemala - Guinea - Guinea-Bissau - Guyana - Haiti - Honduras - Indien - Indonesien - Irak - Iran - Irland - Island - Israel - Italien - Jamaika - Japan - Jemen - Jordanien - Kambodscha - Kamerun - Kanada - Kasachstan - Katar - Kenia - Kirgisistan - Kiribati - Kolumbien - Komoren - Kongo, Demokratische Republik - Kongo, Republik - Korea, Demokratische Volksrepublik - Korea, Republik - Kosovo - Kroatien - Kuba - Kuwait - Laos - Lesotho - Lettland - Libanon - Liberia - Libyen - Liechtenstein - Litauen - Luxemburg - Madagaskar - Malawi - Malaysia - Malediven - Mali - Malta - Marokko - Marshallinseln - Mauretanien - Mauritius - Mazedonien - Mexiko - Mikronesien - Moldau - Monaco - Mongolei - Montenegro - Mosambik - Myanmar - Namibia - Nauru - Nepal - Neuseeland - Nicaragua - Niederlande - Niger - Nigeria - Norwegen - Oman - Österreich - Pakistan - Palästinensische Gebiete - Palau - Panama - Papua-Neuguinea - Paraguay - Peru - Philippinen - Polen - Portugal - Ruanda - Rumänien - Russische Föderation - Salomonen - Sambia - Samoa - San Marino - São Tomé und Príncipe - Saudi-Arabien - Schweden - Schweiz - Senegal - Serbien - Seychellen - Sierra Leone - Simbabwe - Singapur - Slowakei - Slowenien - Somalia - Spanien - Sri Lanka - St. Kitts und Nevis - St. Lucia - St. Vincent und die Grenadinen - Südafrika - Sudan - Südsudan - Suriname - Swasiland - Syrien - Tadschikistan - Tansania - Thailand - Timor-Leste - Togo - Tonga - Trinidad und Tobago - Tschad - Tschechische Republik - Tunesien - Türkei - Turkmenistan - Tuvalu - Uganda - Ukraine - Ungarn - Uruguay - Usbekistan - Vanuatu - Vatikanstadt - Venezuela - Vereinigte Arabische Emirate - Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika - Vietnam - Weißrussland - Zentralafrikanische Republik - Zypern falsch getankt Falschtanken24 wir Helfen 24h +49.160.5054505 Read the full article
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