#honekui no ido
placebogirl7 · 1 year
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My new pen holder inspired by Inuyasha's bone-eater well
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wikiablogger · 1 year
Bone-Eater's Well
The Bone-Eater's Well (骨喰いの井戸, ほねくいのいど, "Honekui no Ido") is a well found in the shrine that Kagome Higurashi lives at in the present day. It is hidden inside one of the buildings of the shrine, which is usually kept locked up. In the Feudal Era it is located in the Musashi Province in a small forest clearing; the well is used to dispose of bodies of demons and monsters but it also has the purpose of being used as a gateway between the present day and the Feudal Era.
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disgruntledlotus · 2 years
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everythingnerdyxoxo · 3 years
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{30 Day Anime Challenge [Day 3/30 - Favourite Shounen series] }
In modern-day Tokyo, Kagome Higurashi lives on the grounds of her family's Shinto shrine with her mother, grandfather, and younger brother. On her fifteenth birthday, while searching for her cat, Kagome is dragged into the enshrined Bone Eater's Well (骨喰いの井戸, Honekui no Ido) by a centipede demon that emerges from it. But rather than hit the bottom, Kagome finds herself in another universe which is parallel to her universe - but in the past, during Japan's Sengoku period. The demon was originally defeated fifty years prior by Kikyo, a warrior priestess who was the previous keeper of the Shikon Jewel (四魂の玉, Shikon no Tama, lit. "The Jewel of Four Souls"), a powerfully magical artifact created from the sacrifice of the priestess Midoriko, which grants its holder any wish their heart desires. Kagome is revealed to be the reincarnation of the now-dead Kikyo. The Shikon Jewel was burned along with Kikyo's body to cast it out of this world entirely, in order to keep it safe from the hands of those who would use its power for evil. Kagome comes across a sleeping boy pinned by a sacred arrow to a tree, learning he is Inuyasha, a half-demon, half-human (yōkai) whom Kikyo pinned to the tree as her final act when he attempted to steal the jewel. Kagome frees Inuyasha to kill the centipede demon, but when he turns on her and tries to steal the jewel again, he is subdued with a magical beaded necklace to keep him in line with Kagome saying "sit" or "sit boy", which causes him to violently fall to the ground. The Shikon Jewel is extracted from Kagome's body and taken by a crow demon, which Kagome destroys with an arrow, but in doing so, inadvertently shatters the jewel into many shards that scatter across Japan and into the possession of various demons and humans.
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shinidamachu · 5 years
InuYasha Themed Asks
Shikon no Tama: if you could change anything about the manga/anime/movies what would that be?
Osuwari: favorite "sit, boy" moment?
Tessaiga: a character you would like to kill?
Tenseiga: a character you would bring back from death?
Hi Nezumi no Kawagoromo: a character you would like to protect?
Honekui no Ido: favorite moment in Kagome's time.
Hiraikotsu: who is your favorite demon?
Kazaana: what is your favorite power/skill/weapon?
Higurashi-jinja: what is your favorite scenario?
Shinidamachū: who/what is your favorite sidekick/pet
Saimyōshō: what is your least favorite comic/episode/movie?
Kotodama no Nenju: aside of InuYasha, what character would you put the Beads of Subjugation on?
Shichinintai: which one is your favorite friendship?
WcDonald's: favorite running joke?
Goshinboku: how did you get into InuYasha?
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hinezumi · 5 years
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Honekui no Ido: favorite moment in Kagome’s time.
Well for starters I really love the scene where Kagome stands in front of Goshinboku and realizes she’s in love with Inuyasha.
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However, I really love the whole freaking episode where Inuyasha smashes and then tries to repair Kagome’s bike 😂
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I couldn’t find the gif version which is fucking priceless
Thank you for the ask! If you’d like to ask me an Inuyasha themed question please do you can find them here!
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xfangheartx · 5 years
Honekui no Ido
Inuyasha falling asleep on Kagome’s bed. It was such a sweet, heartwarming moment and it showed that he had found himself a safe, comfy place after he had lived a life on the run.
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eternalnight8806-3 · 5 years
Honekui no Ido.
I actually answered this one here darling!
Thanks so much for the ask, though!
Send me an InuYasha Themed Ask!
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pipocacompequi · 5 years
[PIPOCA EM SÉRIE] “InuYasha” (1996), de Takahashi Rumiko por Sophia Moon.
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O anime "InuYasha" ou "A Fantástica História Feudal de InuYasha", é derivado de  uma série de mangá shōnen (estilo direcionado ao público jovem ou público masculino, entretanto recebe atenção do público feminino) escrita e ilustrada por  Takahashi Rumiko e publicada na revista Weekly Shōnen Sunday entre 1996 e  2008, totalizando cerca de  56 volumes. 
O anime foi produzido pela Sunrise e exibido no Japão pela Animax de 2000 até 2004, entre outras emissoras. Sua segunda temporada chamada InuYasha: Kanketsu-hen (Ato Final) foi exibida de 2009 a 2010 pela Ymiuri TV.
Possuindo quatro filmes e cinco OVAs (Original Video Animation, ou seja, um ou mais episódios de anime lançados diretamente no mercado de vídeo, normalmente produzidos com maior qualidade e em prévia exibição na televisão ou cinemas), além de video games e uma light novel.
No Brasil, o anime foi exibido tanto em TV aberta no programa matutino da TV Globinho da Rede Globo, quanto em canais fechados como Cartoon Network, Animax e a antiga Fox Kids. Em 2004, o Ministério da Justiça baniu a exibição do anime em TV aberta antes das oito horas da noite por julgarem-no muito violento; os canais fechados, por não terem obrigação, legal seguiram com a programação normal de exibição do anime ate 2011 e meados de 2013.
A sinopse do anime consiste em: uma colegial chamada Kagome vivia com sua família ao lado de um templo milenar em sua cidade, sua renda familiar vinha da venda de artigos sagrados e religiosos, contando também várias histórias sobre a origem do templo e do poço, conhecido como “Honekui No Ido” (Poço Come Ossos) que fica dentro do templo.
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Um dia, Kagome se aventura dentro do templo bem ao lado do poço, de repente um monstro a puxa para dentro do poço e por meio de um portal em seu fundo, indo parar “Sengoku Jidai” (Era Feudal).
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Ao voltar no tempo, Kagome tira o selo que aprisionava InuYasha um “hanyou” (um yokai é um ser sobrenatural dotado de poderes que não é nem bom ou mal especificamente em sua essência. Um hanyou é um mestiço originário da junção da raça humana com a raça yokai) em uma árvore antiga da região a “Goshinboku” (Árvore Sagrada)  e em seguida, acidentalmente, quebra um artefato perigoso e muito poderoso, a “Shikon No Tama” (Jóia de Quatro Almas), e descobre ser descendente de uma poderosa “miko” (sacerdotisa), antiga guardiã da Jóia, portanto a única que pode encontrar seus “Shikon No Kakera” (fragmentos da Jóia) recuperando assim a “Shikon No Tama” (Jóia de Quatro Almas).
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Dividida entre duas eras, Kagome se junta a InuYasha na busca pelos fragmentos perdidos na “Sengoku Jidai” (Era Feudal) enfrentado poderosos inimigos e vivendo aventuras em uma das eras mais perigosas da história do Japão, enquanto tenta se formar no ensino médio em sua era de origem.
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O anime possui um enredo simples com personagens cativantes, um traço bonito - com estilo bem característico dos animes lançados nesta época - cores vívidas, e apesar de parecer muito disperso, causa grande identificação entre os telespectadores por se passar na fase mais complicada da vida dos jovens: a adolescência.
Os personagens propostos por Rumiko (mesmo que alguns já estejam na fase adulta) apresentam uma imaturidade e insegurança muito característica da adolescência. A história de como um hanyou (mestiço) lutou ao lado de seu grande amor e seus amigos contra seu pior inimigo, é contada através dos olhos de uma jovem que divide seu tempo entre lutas, perigos com provas, testes e tarefas da escola onde estuda em sua era.
O anime segue como uma grande metáfora sobre as fases da vida, hormônios, inseguranças e o dia a dia, até se alcançar a maturidade, usando de alegorias e criaturas naturais da mitologia japonesa, e como plano de fundo, a era feudal japonesa - uma era que veio logo após o declínio da antiga liderança do clã Ashikaga, marcada por muitas guerras e disputas de grandes clãs pelo poder, para assim controlar todo o país.
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Kagome e InuYasha são os personagens principais presos em um triângulo amoroso e desenvolvendo seu relacionamento de forma progressiva e tímida ao longo do anime - como é característico dos jovens nessa fase da vida. O mestiço que começa sua jornada com uma cega busca por poder e descobre sua força na caridade, união e boas ações; a humanidade que achava ser sua maior fraqueza se torna sua grande aliada em sua jornada unindo-se a humanos e a yokais (seres sobrenaturais da mitologia japonesa) para lutar pelo bem maior. A humana de outra era aprende mais sobre si mesma ao observar e apoiar InuYasha  e seus amigos, se tornando gradativamente uma jovem cheia de compaixão e maturidade, aprendendo com as relações que vai estabelecendo ao longo do anime, levando em consideração e com sabedoria, o sentimento e as ações de outras pessoas - antes de tomar suas decisões - o que lhe prepara para as responsabilidades da vida adulta.
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Seus personagens secundários são igualmente inspiradores: Sango - uma jovem tayjia (exterminadora de yokais) que teve sua família assassinada - Miroku um houshi (monge) amaldiçoado – e Shippo - um jovem kitsune (raposa de sete caudas, um ser sobrenatural tradicional da mitologia japonesa) que teve seu pai assassinado por yokais (seres sobrenaturais da mitologia japonesa) que usavam um Shikon No Kakera (fragmento da Shikon No Tama) para demonstrar seu poder - começam a jornada com o simples propósito de vingarem-se, custe o que custar, porém, ao longo de sua jornada descobrem na amizade, na união e no amor um motivo para viver, um propósito muito maior e significativo que lhes serve de combustível para juntos derrotarem o inimigo em comum.
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Sesshoumaru também é um personagem secundário, porém, sua jornada não começa com pretensão de vingança, apesar de usar isso como pretexto para lutar e perseguir seu inimigo, seu propósito na verdade é uma busca incansável por descobrir a si mesmo, carregando uma imensa mágoa de seu pai um conhecido dai yokai (grande yokai) o Inu No Taisho (Cão General) - que protegia as terras do leste e travou grandes batalhas em vida  - por sempre favorecer seu irmão mais novo que para ele não passa de um mestiço, isso o faz nutrir um ódio doentio por InuYasha e um grande desprezo por seres humanos.  Ao longo de sua jornada, Sesshoumaru passa por vários testes e provações que moldam seu caráter de um frio assassino para um protetor de inocentes, que leva consigo uma humana que ele ressuscitou, alimentando um enorme carinho e compaixão por sua existência.
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O vilão Naraku é um hanyou (mestiço) que teve sua origem no desejo doentio do humano Onigumo de possuir a miko (sacerdotisa) Kikyo levando-o a oferecer sua alma a mil yokais (seres sobrenaturais da mitologia japonesa) para que seu desejo se realizasse, surgindo assim o maior vilão que todos os moradores da era feudal teriam que enfrentar. Simples e sem muitas ambições, porém extremante inteligente, Naraku  tem como missão de vida contaminar a Jóia de Quatro Almas com energia maligna. Ele representa uma ameaça constante aos personagens e lança inúmeros desafios a eles, testando-os enquanto busca se tornar mais forte para finalmente cumprir seu objetivo. Naraku é como uma metáfora para o mal que carrega sentimentos como orgulho, obsessão, ódio, falsidade, ambição doentia, culpa e o que o cultivo de tais sentimentos provocam em nossas vidas.
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Com muita sabedoria, Rumiko carrega seus diálogos de mensagens sábias e inspiradoras, levando a frente conceitos básicos da formação de um jovem para a sociedade japonesa: honra, coragem, respeito, glória, humildade, sabedoria, empatia e determinação.
Todas as músicas de abertura e encerramento.
Em sua criação, todos os seres possuem luz e trevas, o que de fato importa é o caminho que decidem seguir, todos são passíveis de condenação e salvação, pois, de dentro da luz ainda pode sair trevas, e em meio às trevas, pode-se chegar à luz. InuYasha é um anime que deixa claro a dualidade do ser humano e como a vida é baseada em lutas diárias no interior de cada pessoa.
A mensagem que o anime investe em passar, é que, todos podemos aprender com nossos erros e evoluir trazendo assim uma perspectiva de vida iluminada ou podemos optar pelo caminho do mal, cultivando sentimentos ruins e negligenciando a nossa saúde tanto mental como física, o que o anime aponta como sendo um comportamento autodestrutivo. Podemos ser salvos, bastando apenas querer.
Sobre a autora:
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Sophia Moon, estudante de Cinema e Audiovisual da Universidade Estadual de Goiás. Cinéfila, fã da cultura asiática, encantada pelo terror e obcecada por criar histórias em diferentes universos. Amo desde filmes trash a grandes produções cinematográficas, sou apaixonada em mitologias e particularmente a da criação do Tolkien.
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mikodaiyo · 5 years
Shinto Maiden
Summary:  When Kagome was a child, a demon fell out of her well and in love with her. But, Kagome is the Shinto Maiden, a delicacy for demons, promising eternal life in her flesh and unsurmountable power in her spilled blood. On her 19th birthday, who she is, is revealed, and all she can hope for is that if she is to be devoured, let it be by the silver haired demon of her childhood.
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 reblogs and comments are not only appreciated but preferred :D
These are chapters 1 - 3 posted for convenience and enticement that anyone’ll be inclined to read the rest
Snowflakes fell quickly from a dark, blue sky dusted with gray cloud dusts and twinkling, white stars. Atop a tall shrine house, a chimney bellowed smoke and, lights brightened the entire house in an amber aura. It's doors suddenly slid open letting in a young, tabby cat with an annoyed mewl and letting out a tiny bundle of brown and red with green eyes twinkling at sight.
Higurashi, Kagome, a quiet child who had a Mama who told her she was wise beyond her years and a Grandpa who told her exciting tales of the magic in their shrine, showed her fantastic swords and samurai armor and taught her how to read old scrolls. Sometimes, she even got to dress as the shrine's priestess and greet people during holidays, leading them to the well to pray while her Grandpa gave fortunes and Mama did palm readings. On those days, children from her school would play with her, thinking her magical and cool.
Any other time however, when Kagome invited other children over to play they would call her strange, telling her to stop using her 'powers' when they played hide and seek or tease her by playing 'Kagome, Kagome' just to get upset when she won and, call her a cheater.
Kagome preferred it more when they liked her... and she blew big puffs of frosty air to distract herself from such sad thoughts.
“Kagome, don't forget to close the door!” She heard her Mama call from the living room, “And stay in the yard!”
“Yes ma'am!” Kagome responded, sliding said door shut and paddling her way to the first step to sit down and safely making her way down the steps covered in icy patches.
First, she would make snowmen-no, snow angels-no! A whole snow army to have a snowball fight with!
“Hurry up and be born, Souta!” Kagome spoke to herself she knelt down underneath The-Big-Tree-With-The-Name-She-Couldn't-Pronounce and dug her hands in a plush pile of snow to begin her first snowman, “Playing by myself is no fun.”
When her Mama had finally decided what her baby brother's name would be, Kagome wore the name on her tongue as if someone bet her she couldn't; Her Mama told her she was big now, bigger than she was yesterday, and even bigger than she was last week, and that meant Souta wanted to catch up. Kagome was excited to have a new friend, one that lived with her so he couldn't leave, one that'd be just like her Mama and Grandpa and like his big sister just the way she was.
Simply remembering that made Kagome extra cheerful, and she held her red mittens against her mouth to gleefully squeal into them.
Which made her miss the bright, blue light that suddenly shined out of the well house, and mistake her sudden shiver as a product of the cold.
Abruptly, a loud THUNK reverberated off of a branch overhead, making Kagome look up in time to see a large pile of snow headed for her. Yelp smothered, Kagome fell face first into her snow pile, so she let out an indignant cry when heaving herself up on her hands and knees.
“You there. What are you doing?” A voice called from up above. Following it, she spotted a boy, dressed in a blue haori and white hakama, with only a big fur around his shoulders like the models in magazines to keep him warm.
...Her Mama always said not to talk to strangers but, Kagome assumed that was just a rule for adults and kids bigger than her; Even though he was up higher, he was probably the same size as her. And the boy was much too pretty to be dangerous. In fact, Kagome thought he looked a little dainty, like one of the porcelain dolls they sold.
“...I'm playing.”
“Underneath the snow?” He cocked his head.
“I wasn't underneath it until you made it fall on me.” Kagome pointed out, standing up to dust her coat off while keeping her eyes on the boy, “Why are you in our tree?”
“My pet pushed this one into the Honekui no Ido.” He said, as if that explained everything.
“Which one?”
“This one.”
“This... you?”
“Yes. This one.”
“You talk funny.”
The boy glared at her, “As do you.”
“Just say 'me'.”
“Make 'me'.”
Kagome blinked, then stuffed her mittens against her mouth to hide her giggling.
“I just did!” She looked up at him triumphantly, and the boy in the tree looked at her in shock, making her laugh more.
Immediately, he jumped down, barely making an indent in the snow or noise in the air, making Kagome liking him to a snowflake himself with all his pretty, silver hair trailing behind him. Once he stood directly in front of her, Kagome saw he was a little taller than her. 'But, only a little', she thought, smiling on.
“What is your name?” He asked after growling.
“Higurashi, Kagome. What's yours?”
His eyes narrowed, “I am Sesshomaru. Prince Sesshomaru, of the West.” He spoke with all the authority his childish, scratchy voice could exude. Even those from other lands, maybe even stranger than this one knew the names of the Western Rule, so the Prince had little doubt that when he heard the name, she would remember herself.
Rarely did Sesshomaru feel the need to pull rank but, he felt a bit foolish at losing her game before even realizing there had been one to lose.
“That's too long, can I call you Sesshy?”
“You will do not such thing.”
“But it's too long!” Kagome whined, and he could smell the tang of oncoming tears even better in the crisp air.
“It is a fine name and you will cease before you insist at once.” He pressed, the growl in his chest growing louder in his ire.
“B-B-But-I c-can't say long things...” Kagome sniffled, and a low whimper escaped her before she was on her way to a tantrum. However, before her whine could escalate, Prince Sesshomaru put his hand over her mouth, and Kagome rapidly blinked her tears away to see again.
“You will say 'Sesshomaru-sama'."
“But-” Kagome began, stopped only by the look he gave her.
“No 'buts',” Sesshomaru sighed, rubbing at his chest to quell the burn inside from his growling, “I will teach you, simply cease.”
Hesitantly, Kagome nodded and Sesshomaru removed his hand, then gestured to the ground for them to sit; Kagome plopped down onto the snow while Sesshomaru gracefully swished his fur underneath himself.
“My name is simple in its beauty, and deadly in its design. Meant to strike a wonderful fear into the hearts of my enemies.” Prince Sesshomaru spoke highly of himself. He merely repeated what his parents had always told him but, he did so in such a way that the words became his own, just as he was taught.
“My Mama gave me my name. She said she saw a star on my chest when I was born.”
“A star?” The Prince blinked, something about such a thing sounded familiar, like something heard in passing the welcoming hall of his castle, something his parents spoke of with other adults. But, since he didn't recall strongly enough, it must have bore as much importance to him then as it did now.
“Yeah.” Kagome finished wiping her eyes and took the chance to really take in the boy's appearance. Big yellow eyes, like the moon sometimes, and even a pretty purple crescent on his forehead. While Kagome was sure her cheeks were nice and red due to the cold, his were without any hues or markings, and they looked soft, like dumplings! He really was pretty like a doll, no wonder he was Prince of a whole West!
“Are you Prince of our well, Se-Sess... Maru-sama?”
“No. To only reign over a well would be foolish.” Instead of sighing, Prince Sesshomaru raised a brow at her and asked sincerely, “Do the people here ask foolish questions so often?”
Kagome shrugged, “I dunno. I haven't met every person, Maru-sama.”
“Who have you met here?”
“My Mama... My Grampa... I'll meet my little brother soon... lots of other kids... lots of people that come to this shrine.”
Prince Sesshomaru eyed the shrine behind her. It was weak but, there was indeed a magical tingle about the place.
For the next few hours, this is how they continued. Prince Sesshomaru would correct her on his name, ask her questions about her realm, and decided to answer her silly ones for compensation.
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A história começa em Tóquio, no Japão, com uma garota de 15 anos chamada Kagome Higurashi. Ela vive com sua mãe, seu avô e seu irmão mais novo, Sota, nas terras do santuário Shinto. Quando ela vai procurar seu gato, Buyo, no poço perto de sua casa, um monstro a puxa para o Poço Come-Ossos (骨喰いの井戸, Honekui no Ido?) e a leva consigo. Assim, ela reaparece no período Sengoku do Japão. Aparentemente, um yōkai tinha atacado uma aldeia perto do poço, com objetivo de roubar a Joia de Quatro Almas (四魂の玉, Shikon no Tama?) e matar a sacerdotisa que a protegia. Por Kagome se parecer bastante com a mulher, acaba sendo atacada por um yōkai. Desesperada, ela acaba libertando o hanyou InuYasha, que estava lacrado por uma flecha sagrada em uma árvore. Embora facilmente salve Kagome, ele se revela um problema maior. InuYasha foi selado na árvore há 50 anos pela sacerdotisa Kikyou, que era a guardiã da Joia de Quatro Almas. Ela pediu que, quando morresse, a joia fosse queimada junto a ela, para que ninguém mais pudesse abusar do seu poder. No entanto, Kagome é a reencarnação de Kikyou e traz consigo a Joia de Quatro Almas. Dessa forma, a joia acaba sendo quebrada em vários fragmentos, que se dispersaram por todo o Japão. Cada fragmento é capaz de garantir um grande poder e, por isso, acaba sendo procurado por seres humanos e yōkais. Então, InuYasha e Kagome se propõem a juntar os fragmentos da joia e evitar desastres que ela pode causar problemas Ao longo da jornada, eles unem forças com Shippou, um pequeno yōkai raposa órfão; Miroku, um monge que sofre com uma poderosa maldição passada através dos seus antepassados; e Sango, uma exterminadora de youkais, que teve seu clã morto por seu irmão mais novo, Kohaku, que estava sendo controlado por Naraku. O principal adversário deles é Naraku, que fez com que Kikyou odiasse InuYasha e, posteriormente, o selasse na árvore, além de ter sido o responsável por ter matado o clã de Sango e pela maldição de Miroku. Mais tarde, eles se encontram com Sesshomaru, o irmão yōkai de InuYasha, que também deseja matar Naraku e com Kikyou, que é ressuscitada, além de Kouga, que teve seus companheiros mortos pelas forças de Naraku.
Eventualmente, Naraku recolhe todos os fragmentos e obtém a Joia de Quatro Almas completa. Apesar de InuYasha e seus aliados o derrotarem, Naraku usa a força e o poder restantes e deseja que o espírito de Kagome fosse preso junto ao dele na joia.Isso faria com que Naraku sobrevivesse dentro da joia e que os dois, consequentemente, permanecessem em um conflito eterno. Porém, com InuYasha ao seu lado, Kagome deseja que a joia desaparecesse e, dessa forma, Naraku deixa de existir. Depois disso, eles voltam as suas respectivas Eras e os dois não são capazes de se ver por três anos. Nesse tempo, no período Sengoku, Sango e Miroku se casam e têm três crianças, Kohaku sai em uma jornada para se tornar um forte exterminador de youkais, Kouga se casa com Ayame e Shippou passa a treinar para se tornar mais forte.
De volta ao presente, Kagome consegue seu diploma do Ensino Médio aos dezoito anos. Ao chegar em casa, ela vai em direção ao Poço Come-Ossos e nota que ele está ativo. Com a permissão de sua mãe, Kagome retorna ao período Sengoku e se casa com InuYasha.
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mcuntainbcrn · 5 years
Honekui no Ido
Honekui no Ido: favorite moment in Kagome’s time.
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//that would be kagome trying her best to focus on class, and inuyasha literally sitting directly outside her window while she prays to go no one looks up and sees him, inevitably ending with her giving the sit command to cover her ass - that’s an oldie but a goodie.
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cuttlles · 4 years
Honekui no Ido
Honekui no Ido: favorite moment in Kagome’s time.
i cant rmemeber much but whenever inuyasha came up to her world and wore a cap backwards n shit idk if that counts
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disgruntledlotus · 2 years
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animelov123456789 · 5 years
Honekui no Ido
Oh, it has to be in the Final Act, where Kagome and Inuyasha almost kiss. Or when Inuyasha was in a cultural festival at Kagome's school with the fungal demons.
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shinidamachu · 5 years
Holding On And Letting Go - Chapter IV
Summary: Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III | Chapter IV
Word Count: 2180  Genre: angst  Fandom: InuYasha  Pairing: Inukag Format: multichapter  AO3 Link: 🌹  Fanfic.Net Link: 🌹
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“I’m the one to blame and I know it. That’s the worst part.” InuYasha confessed to the dorment well in one of those nights, when he missed Kagome so dearly it was downright suffocating.
He would never forget the moment when she first taught him about the universe — how it was infinite and always expanding. He still remembered how small and overwhelmed it made him feel. 
Even now, that the memory was old and dusty, InuYasha felt the same. Missing Kagome was just like the universe — infinite and always expanding — and he was only himself, powerless and infinitesimal when faced with the immensity of it all.
“I shoulda fought harder for you.” The claws piercing his palm compensated the lack of emotion on the statement. “Not just that last time...” He shook his head, his brain flooded with images of the time they were forced apart and how he had been unable to do anything besides watch it happen. “But before that too. I shoulda told ya how much you meant to me, even though you knew already. I shoulda kissed you each chance I got. I shoulda apologized more.”
A lump housed in his throat as he recounted their journey on his mind, making sure to linger on the mistakes he made with the rawness of salt thrown straight into an open wound. Every argument they ever had seemed so pointless now, and yet, what wouldn’t he give for one more quarrel, if only to hear her voice again?
“And I shouldn’t have let you go!” All at once, the all too familiar anger started bubbling in the depths of his stomach, surfacing through his intonation. “What the hell was I thinking? That just because I wasn’t a selfish asshole for once, everything would be just fine at the end? It ain’t how life works! You’d think someone like me woulda learned that by now.”
Sitting on the grass, InuYasha fought the urge to scream in frustration. It was all bullshit. All of it.
“Before you, I didn’t use to do the right thing and we both know it. So why the fuck should I keep doing it now? ‘S not like it would bring you back.”
Deep down, InuYasha knew the answer. In the end of the day, her happiness and well being were way more important than his self-centered desires, and ultimately, he would never jeopardize all the effort he had put into becoming the man she showed him he could be — a man deserving of her. It didn’t mean he couldn’t feel sorry for himself, just a little.
“They already had at least fifteen years of you in their lives, but we... We didn’t have enough time.”
Part of him argued that it would never be sufficient, no matter how many lifetimes they got bestowed with. The other part reminded him of all the times he had pushed her away.
InuYasha acknowledged his greediness right then. Kagome had already given him more than he ever dared to dream and admittedly more than he deserved. Most of his kind would die without knowing so much as the prospect of love, while he had experienced it in every shape. Because of Kagome, he had finally found a place where he belonged, with people who accepted him. That should have been more than enough.
And yet there he was, asking for more as if he was entitled to it, as if every good thing in his life wasn’t as bright as it could be if she was around.
What an ungrateful bastard he was.
“I need you more than they ever could, anyway.” InuYasha went on, wondering why is was so much easier admitting these things when there was no chance for her o listen. “If you ever come back, I’d do everything different. No more wasting time, no more acting stupid. I’d even tell you how much I love your food and the way you smell, ‘cause I do, I always did.”
He once believed that Kagome was born to meet him. Now it looked they were doomed from the start.
“Just come back and see.”
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If the Honekui no Ido was a Wishing Well, her wish would be him.
She knew it was selfish, but it was true.
There was nothing she cared about more, nothing else she wanted so fiercely in her supposedly fulfilled life.
Day and night, she dreamed of better worlds, where they never had to be more than a heartbeat away from each other. If she could, she would change her own, just to fit him in it the same way his Fire-Rat robe used to fit around her shoulders — warm and familiar — and he would know he was safe and sound. She would rewrite each cosmical rule keeping them from being together, speak over the prejudiced voices whispering their bigotry at them, shield him from the hurtful things he pretended to be indifferent to even though it broke his heart. And they would get the happy ending they deserved.
“All I ever wanted was for you to be happy.” Kagome remembered that day, swallowed by the sands of time, when she sat in the very well she now leaned against, and faced with these same emotions, asked InuYasha to stay with him. It was the moment she realized no amount of nasty blows to her ego could make her walk away. Her happiness was tangled with his. “And I promised you I would always be by your side. I guess things never work the way we plan, but I want you to know I would have kept my word. I still intend to.”
Kagome deliberately looked at the pile of books beside her. Most of them turned out to be useless, brimming with inaccurate information. A couple of few managed to carried interesting material and maybe Kagome could even teach Kaede a thing or two if she ever accomplished her main goal, but the rest were not written to be taken serious at all.
The girl, however, was no fool. It was highly unlikely that the solution she was looking for would be laying in a long lost book, and that just like in the climax scene of a hollywoodian movie, she would decode its manuscript, unsealing the magical time portal, consequently, reaching the anticipated joyous outcome, white letters rolling up the screen and lights turning on to reveal a clapping audience.
But what could she do except keep trying? The alternatives were way too depressing and she had promised him. She owed him — owed both of them — that much, and it gave her a purpose. Doing something felt good, even if something meant a new burn to a cauterized heart. What was a little drop of frustration for someone drenched on its rain? What was a little wave of sorrow for someone drowning on its waters?
It was also a good distraction from math problems and her oblivious — despite of  well meaning — friends. She welcomed those distractions as much as the lamppost lights that guided her way home.
Truth was, too many new moons had passed and it wasn’t lost on Kagome that the separation would affect her and InuYasha differently. While he knew she was out of danger, secure with her family in pacific modern era Japan, that same courtesy was never offered to her.
Sure, Naraku was gone and InuYasha would always have Tessaiga, as well as their friends, to support and protect him. But he was still a cocky half demon with a remarkable talent to lost his temper and a pretty respectful list of enemies. Trouble would find him one way or another. 
Part of her wondered if it already did and, as much as it hurt to consider it, that was why he never met her after the five hundred years gap. But then again, it could also mean that he didn’t have to, because she found a way to get back on her own. 
Her attention went back to the open book on her lap.
“I just… I just need to see if you’re okay.” Pleaded Kagome, aware of her own lie the second it left her lips. Just a glimpse of him, brief and distant as it may, and she could never walk away.
The night came and went as she devoured the pages, in vain. Then daylight touched Earth, imposing and golden like his eyes.
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The sky was so clear, not a single cloud dared to taint its dazzling blue. Around him, InuYasha could see all the summer colors, as bright as they were, from the floating orange of the butterflies to the endless rainbow of flowers gifted to them by a generous spring. Nearby, he could hear the birds singing their jubilant melodies and the village’s children playing under the sun.
It was a beautiful morning and he hated it.
A day like that without Kagome to enjoy it was such a waste. Everything about it seemed pointless — wrong, somehow — since she wasn’t there to see it.
Particularly, he had grown fond of the cloudy days. It was much easier to blend in. Everybody gets a little sad when it rains.
But InuYasha couldn’t control the weather and certainly he couldn’t extinguish the distance separating them either, as he had previously learned. All he could do was sit there and wait for her.
“And now the little brats are getting old enough to chase me around.” Continued InuYasha, on yet another detailed report Kagome would never hear. “‘S a nightmare, I’ll tell ya. Not even you or your mom were so obsessed with my ears and that’s sayin’ a lot.”
His heart clenched at the thought of the kind woman who had treated him like a son from the very start, but it didn’t last long, as he could practically hear Kagome’s giggles. He had no doubt she would find the whole situation insanely amusing, much to his pretended annoyance.
He didn’t even try to fight his smile.
“Can you believe it? Miroku and Sango have twins!” InuYasha exclaimed, because he sure as hell still couldn’t, no matter how many times the living proofs climbed over him, pulled his hair or pestered his poor ears. “I mean, ‘course you can. You saw it coming way before I did.”
Well, not even her wildest guess would have bet on twins right away, but the important thing was the monk and the slayer were really making marriage work. InuYasha would give anything to see her smug I-Told-You-So expression.
“They’re really happy.” And they had every reason to be. Against all odds, they were together, they had a family. After so much trauma, fights and goodbyes, they managed to stood side by side at the end. They had earned that. InuYasha knew it. And he wanted to be happy for them. He was happy for them. He just couldn’t shake the terrible feeling that would come along with every look, touch or gleeful moments shared between the couple: it should have been Kagome and I. 
Then guilt would hit him like a punch, making him avoid the pair for a while just to feel even worse. It was much harder to feel happy for someone else when his own happiness was in the other side of the well with her. 
“They miss you, though.”
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“Congratulations!” Kagome walked in, dropping her purse to the base of the Honekui no Ido to grasp her hair in exasperation. “You have finally made Tokyo boring and I thought this was impossible!”
The schoolgirl spent the whole day out, passing by parks and stores that had been so fascinating to her in the past, but that now just couldn’t catch her eyes. 
Since she was a little child, she always felt her city like a living entity. Pulsating, stimulating, a surprise on every turn.
Then, years ago, she had fallen into that damned well and the conception of adventure that she once had changed forever.
In that new, exciting land, Kagome had been a fish out of temporal water, but then she decorated the tides and made them her habitat. Now that she was isolated from it, she missed it like crazy and the place she used to call home didn’t felt like home anymore.
She was a fish out of water again, but this time in her own town.
The city lights were as pretty as ever, but they could never match the starry night sky from Feudal Era and the more she walked through the comfortable pavement, the more she longed for the freshy grass. It was sickening and frightening.
For her family, Kagome desperately kept trying to make things go back to the way it was before — Studying, hanging out with her friends, helping in the shrine. She never told them it wasn’t working. There was no need to hurt them over nothing.
But she didn’t belong there. And she hadn’t for quite a while.
“What do I do?” She whispered.
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A/N: one day I’ll write something that isn’t angst again... but today was not that day. Thank you for reading, tho. It means a lot to me. Oh, and let me know if you want to be tagged or something. See ya!
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