springbloggy · 3 months
Father Alvin - Gaster Connections
OK, so, hear me out. This is more of a list than the rest of my theories, but the idea won't leave my head.
First, you may remember my theory on how Gaster could be a revived Gerson. This is due to a variety of themes, however the theory was always somewhat loose and iffy for me because there were pieces that just didn't quite fit with me. Mainly the fact that Gerson and Gaster co-existed at the same time and place in Undertale's timeline. While for my first version of revived Gerson theory to work, you'd have to assume they didn't co-exist in the same way in Deltarune, which just doesn't fully sit right for me.
Then a startling realization came to me. What two characters co-exist at the same time, but have one missing half per game? Father Alvin and Gerson.
Now, what does Gaster have to do with either of these turts? Well, a post by @honeybouquets puts down the rundown pretty well. But the basic gist is that Gaster and Gerson both:
Are connected to Goners due to Gerson's name being an anagram to the word
Both start with the letter G making the Undertale FUN event of the mysterious caller ambiguous
Alphys would replace Gaster's job in Undertale. In Deltarune she replaces Gerson's.
Gerson reveals the Deltarune Symbol and its history in Undertale. Gaster is heavily implied to be important in the game Deltarune.
The Gaster Blasters can be interpreted as being a turtle skull.
You might now be wondering now why I am tying Gaster with Father Alvin and not more with the character of Gerson.
The basic reasoning that I came up with is that Father Alvin is a character that doesn't exist in Undertale, while Gerson is alive and well. In Deltarune it's the other way around, Gerson is dead and thus doesn't exist in the narrative, but Alvin does. Similarly, in Undertale, Gaster has no impact in the plot, but Deltarune is shaping up to have major Gaster impact. Both characters will therefore exist/be important in a game where they haven't been before in another.
Using that basic idea, I decided to look up various connections to see if I am onto something and ended up being extremely surprised by the results. What was originally started out as a fun small idea became a long list of various things that I didn't expect.
Below is my collection of all the things I could find that connects the characters of Gaster and Alvin as well as a small theory based on these connections.
Waterfall Connections
Various Gaster-related characters: Mystery Man, Redacted , Goner Kid, Riverperson, and Clam Girl can be found at Waterfall. Which is where Gerson can also be found.
Riverperson goes to Hotland, Waterfall, and Snowdin, all locations connected to Gaster-related characters.
The Papyrus AMA has Papyrus remembering his old home having green grass.
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Both Hometown and Waterfall have green grass.
Waterfall has two characters named after real people: Temmie and Gerson.
Onison can be found in Waterfall, and in Deltarune he mentions hearing a mysterious song from the sea. The same mysterious song could be tied to Riverperson or ocean.ogg.
Waterfall is the location with the Undyne battle, and in genocide route she becomes "undying" by having Determination, becoming a goopy form in the end. Similar to the amalgamates goopy forms caused by Determination experiments.
Waterfall has a statue of unknown origins and darkners turn to statues when they enter an area where they don't fit.
According to the Undertale wiki "Waterfall resembles the Land of Wind and Shade from Homestuck. The Waterfall leitmotif originates from the song Doctor, which is the Land of Wind and Shade's theme." Doctor is the professional title of Gaster.
One of the tarot cards has the small bird NPC being the Knight of Pentacles. The same bird also appears flying above Papyrus in the Pacifist ending.
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From @mirror-ralsei's post the trash zone in Waterfall might have a variety of Deltarune references.
Ralsei's cloak when he introduces himself to Kris and Ralsei closely resembles Riverperson's cloak.
===================================================Religious Connections
In the real world, one of the great debates is science vs. religion. In Undertale, Gaster would go down the path of science, while in Deltarune Alvin would go down the path of religion.
Goners are also referred to as Gaster Followers, people who join a religion are also referred to as followers of that specific religion. Therefore, the hometown would be followers of Alvin's church/religion.
Jesus also had followers in the Bible, and in the Bible Jesus is the son of God, who is referred to as the Holy Father. Alvin is the son of Gerson, who is implied to have possibly had adventures through one of the "holy fountains" and possibly had created the Grand Fountain. Which would make Gerson the "holy father" to the darkners. Gaster could therefore represent the "holy spirit", given his sort of ghostly undead state in Undertale.
Gaster is described as "listening" by one of the goners and in religion, the god(s) are always descried as watching (and therefore listening) over humanity.
In the Snowgrave route there's a lot of marriage/romance symbology, such as giving the Thorn Ring to Noelle, which is similar to how a couple would give each other rings in marriage. Priests are known to officiate marriages in real life. Not to mention the thorn ring could be a reference to Jesus' thorn crown.
Religions often have symbology involving death and rebirth - for example Jesus dying on the cross, then being reborn to the living world. In Undertale, Everyman gets controlled by butterflies, which generally are also used to symbolically represent death and rebirth. The Everyman character could also be connected the religious play called "Everyman" which ends with a doctor character telling the moral of the story.
Gaster is represented by 6s, a number associated with the devil, which would be the opposite of the angel that Alvin preaches about.
In the Bible, there's the father, son, and holy spirit, which are presented as separate, yet the same being. Gaster being split across time and space would also have pieces of him that are technically separate beings, yet still Gaster.
In the Bible, there's a reoccurring motif about speaking in tongues and its ties to God. The riverperson warns about "the man who speaks in hands". ICE-E's catchphrase, giasfclfubrehber, can also be interpreted as speaking in tongues.
God begins with the letter G. As funny as that is, the wrong number call does have the G name be extremely ambiguous. Priests are considered messengers for God, so the wrong caller could be trying to contact a priest for religious purposes.
Misc. Theories
Gaster, much like the other goners, is in grayscale. This could be deliberate to hide his true color scheme and species. Alternatively, due to Gaster dying when he fell into his creation, mass amounts of Determination used in his research could have made him turn into a skeleton-like amalgamate instead of dust. Or his dust could have attached to a human skeleton or a prop skeleton (like the ones found at traditional science classes) that then got filled with Determination, Flowey-style. Either way, Gaster's true appearance and species has possibly been altered to hide whatever true connections to characters he may have. Especially if that character connection ended up being much more of a surprise than players anticipated.
If the theory about Knight Alvin is true (or if he at least created/associated with one fountain), then Alvin would be creating dark fountains while Gaster would be (hypothetically) studying them. Scientists study cause and effect and both characters would represent cause and effect retrospectively.
Papyrus mentions feeling the sun on his skin and wind in his hair. Father Alvin is the only monster shown in Deltarune that can definitively have skin and hair, as the rest either have a mix of scales and hair (Susie, Undyne) or fur and hair (the Holiday family). Even though turtle skin is different from what humans generally think of as skin, it is still skin.
Gaster's job/role in Deltarune hasn't been revealed yet. All the other adults in Deltarune have new, yet suitable jobs: Asgore becomes a flower keeper instead of a king, Undyne becomes a cop instead of a royal guard, Alphys becomes a teacher instead of a scientist, etc. Maybe it's to save the surprise reveal that Gaster's job is radically different than what the players expect?
Gerson knows an odd amount of game mechanics, stating that the knowledge he has is how he was able to live so long.
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Presumably, that information would pass onto his son. The same otherworldly knowledge that only a few other characters knows about: Sans, Papyrus, Asriel/Flowey, and Chara. All of which have major importance within Undertale's story. Yet Gerson, the character that shares this wider information about Undertale's world, doesn't have any larger importance in the story. Maybe because his family's importance in Undertale is still a mystery that fans haven't caught on yet or because his importance belongs to a different universe/game: Deltarune.
All the enemies in the CORE have both old-timey medieval theming and religious theming, yet the boss there (Mettaton) doesn't fit that theming. Even though the CORE is Gaster's creation, a theoretical boss monster Alvin would fit in more than a boss monster Gaster (or at least Undertale's version of Gaster).
Speaking of Mettaton, he is mostly absent in Deltarune, being locked in his house, yet he has a major role in Undertale being one of the boss monsters. Gaster and Father Alvin are absent in Undertale, but may have a major role in Deltarune.
One of Clover's unused pieces of dialogue include making her argue about politics and religion in battle. This could have been cut because even though her responses aren't about it, it could have potentially hinted at the two most important characters in the story too early. Those being The Mayor and Father Alvin.
Alongside Sans and Papyrus, Gerson is another character shown always smiling no matter what he is truly feeling. The only indicator to his feelings being his right eyelid.
The Holiday Family are being built up to be super important to the plot, especially Noelle and Dess. The Holiday Family are religious and visit Alvin's church. The church doesn't exist in the Undertale universe and the family is less important in that game.
Riverperson and Ralsei's cloak resembles the cloak traditionally worn by the angel of death.
Theory to round it out kinda: The Death Theory
The reason why Father Alvin isn't mentioned in Undertale could be because he doesn't exist in that game's universe, but it could also be because Alvin could have died and Monsters react poorly to depression within Undertale.
In the true pacifist ending, Gerson comments on how Boss Monsters cease to age once they no longer have a child when asked if Asgore is a goat.
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What is interesting about this is that Gerson enters the question with a segway, which to most players would just seem to be a part of his absent-minded grandpa characterization. However, I checked all his dialogue options in the wiki and this is the only time he does so. It's almost like he's uncomfortable to answer this question. Not to mention this piece comes from the true pacifist route alongside a few other questions and stories that would be too personal for Gerson to answer otherwise.
This is where the theory begins.
Maybe the reason why Gerson knows about how boss monsters age is because Gerson could have lost his son at some point, causing Gerson to stop aging. This could also be the true main reason why Gerson has lived so long in the Undertale universe (besides his odd knowledge of game mechanics), while in Deltarune Gerson is dead. And yes, this would make Gerson a Boss Monster, even if he no longer functions as one.
Gaster in Undertale is also in a sort of existence limbo due to his fall into the CORE, with the only pure mentions of him coming from the Goners. Gaster technically died when he fell into his creation, which could be why his death is treated in a similar way.
Plus when monsters die, the reach a state called "fallen down", so Gaster's origin could have a double meaning. He died in his creation.
However, by not outwardly acknowledging his fall, the monsters are kind of passing off his existence. In fact, Gaster never truly got the traditional monster's funeral. It's probably safe to assume that whatever Gaster fell into is not his favorite object. This could showcase the flaws in how monsters deal with things in normal day-to-day life.
So there would be two monsters that are both presumably dead (or in some sort of weird undead state in Gaster's case) in Undertale, yet might both be alive and well in Deltarune.
To put things in a sorta loosey storytelling perspective that's probably not super accurate:
Once upon a time, a long time ago, one of the Boss Monsters was Gerson. He was brave and strong, using his hammer of justice to save the lives of multiple monsters in the great human-monster war. While it wasn't enough to keep them going underground, his bravery becomes admired by future members of the royal guard.
One day, Gerson's teenage or young adult son becomes royal scientist, following his father's inputs of wisdom that had been passed down. However, Gerson's son had a tough move from his old home of Waterfall to Hotland in order to do so. There, The Son would begin work on ways to improve monster living conditions, creating the CORE to generate electricity as well as studying ways to harness whatever strange power humans had for monster's freedom. During The Son's experiments, he discovers a dark fountain, an endless source of Determination. Could this be the key to freedom without having to use Execution Points or Levels Of Violence? The Son begins to experiment on the fountain, trying to figure out a way to make things go darker than dark, only to die in the process. However, The Son doesn't fully die and his essence ends up in a sort of undead state being split across space-time into multiple forms. Some of which became new monsters who now count kinda as their own people, erm, monsters even though they came from him. After his son's death, Gerson retires from his prior position of being a royal guard. Perhaps out of fear of death, Gerson uses his knowledge of his world to become a shopkeeper, a position that guarantees that no one can kill him.
Meanwhile, in the Deltarune Universe, Gerson's son proceeds a different profession. Instead of becoming a scientist, he becomes a priest telling the prophecy his dad gave him many years ago during a Dark World adventure. Due to The Son's safer job, the event that caused his death in Undertale never happens, leading Gerson to die of old age. However, those Dark World adventures still have an impact on the son's mind years later. Living under the shadow of his father's success, Gerson's son begins to wonder if his father really was proud of him before death.
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So The Son begins to wonder: "should I bring my father back?" After all, The Son knows the dark world adventures he had as a child were real, he knows that the dark fountains are made out of pure Determination, and he knows that objects can be brought to life within the dark worlds. Maybe, just maybe, he can bring his father's hammer to a dark world and revive his father from the dead.
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Little does he realize, that once he brings back Gerson, Gerson will come back in a way that he will not expect. Like how the amalgamates became terrifying once filled with Determination, Gerson will come back in a similar way. A goopy amalgamate that may look familiar to players. In traditional Underswap fashion, Alvin has swapped with Gerson into becoming
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Making the case for a swap
OK, so there's one piece that might catch people off guard and that's the underswap aspect. However, there's one character that showcases this being a plausible possibility and that's Kris.
Kris, despite similar name to Frisk, shares many aspects with Chara. Both have an affinity for dark jokes, both like sweets, and both are shown liking knives.
I think that one of Deltarune's twist reveals is that Kris is the Deltarune universe equivalent to Chara, with the equivalent of Frisk being off elsewhere.
Heck, if you believe in Narra Chara theory, it's possible in Deltarune it's the other way around with a Narra Frisk.
So in a universe with completely different circumstances than Undertale's, it isn't too far out there to assume there's more than just one swap going on.
The Bunker
Final piece of this theory is the bunker. Under my other Gaster theories, there's really no solution for the mysterious bunker. However, this theory gives three really interesting possibilities for the bunker. The bunker could have been created by either Gerson or Alvin.
For Gerson, it's hinted that he had adventures in the dark world, so knowing how dangerous the dark worlds are, Gerson could have created the bunker to further protect the light world from dark world forces.
For Alvin, it could be a place where he experiments on dark fountains, maybe even the Grand Fountain, in order to revive his father.
Of course, there's a possibility of both being true, that at some point in the past Gerson created the bunker as a form of protection and then years later, Alvin returns to the bunker to experiment.
Which brings the question, why did the Hometown allow either of these people to create the bunker? Well, since both have a high place in the Hometown, it's possible the town just let the bunker be created under the guise of being potential emergency relief without any questions.
So, in the hypothetical event where the game ends with the Roaring, the citizens of Hometown would go into the bunker for safety, only to be greeted with the angry darkners who want to escape and want revenge against the lightners.
Some of these are admitted stretches, but the amount of connections I was able to think of were surprising. Feel free to comment or reblog with more connections that I missed, I am curious to see what is out there!
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botgal · 1 year
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Shout out to meme maker 1 @indexproxies and meme maker 2 @honeybouquets
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angelism · 5 months
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🌹薔薇花壇🌹 #shinjukugyoen #rosegarden #honeybouquet #yellowrose #yellowflower #新宿御苑
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magnetic-dogz · 3 years
What if there was Berdly tea? What would be his and other characters to drinking it?
I actually wrote up some stuff for this, with dialogue from Noelle included :0
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takashi0 · 4 years
I legit saw fanart of anime characters drawn to look like they could be mistaken for the racist jim crow posters with them having super dark skin, horrible teeth, and big red fat lips alongside stereotypes such as eating kfc and watermelon like I don’t get how it’s supposedly woke to draw characters as literally racist caricatures nearly identically to the propaganda posters of the past?
It’s because Woketards are either so unbelievably stupid that they don’t realize how racist they actually are, or they’re diehard racists who are well aware of it and want to spread their bullshit to other people. 
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ruriginzuishou · 4 years
I fucking hate when people woobify villains when they have sympathetic traits and noble intentions with excusing their horrible actions like committing genocide and new flashes to these idiots: Cool motive still murder/genocide!!
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msmimundo · 2 years
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‘The one that keeps your heart tender’
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dumb-batim-aus · 5 years
Dumb Mystery Skulls AU
Henry is Lewis as the vengeful ghost out for Joey’s blood 
Joey is Arthur who got possessed by a ink demon to kill Henry
Linda is Vivi who gets her memories of Henry erased after he got killed 
Boris is Mystery as a good boy that can turned into a big wolf form and stopped Joey from being taken over by the ink demon 
Alice Angel is Shiromori as she has a huge bone to pick with Boris 
Bendy is the unknown force as the ink demon that possessed Joey to kill Henry 
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stainedglassthreads · 2 years
How terrifying it would be if assuming Toriel is a party member and be focus of next weird route is manipulating her with gaslighting her to love Asgore again and forced her to be with him again as like seemingly typical picturesque husband and wife together?
First, I'd like to preface this by saying the Weird Route is kinda, as the name implies, weird. It doesn't really change all that much in the grand scheme of the story. Snowgrave still follows all the major beats of Pacifist, just removing several scenes and fights, and no one outside Noelle really acknowledges what happens-- and even she thinks it's a dream at first. So I don't know if a Weird Route really would force Toriel and Asgore together, as that feels like it'd be something that that people in Hometown may notice and remark upon. It's mostly a concept that I presently think would be REALLY fun to explore and consider, and one I think fits the ways the Weird Route is disturbing, without making it repetitive and wearing off the shock and horror. I also think that this kind of Weird Route would probably take place mostly in the Light World, further setting it apart from Snowgrave.
Also to be clear, this is my further thoughts on a post I reblogged from @honeybouquets
That said, without further ado...
Oh, it'd be pretty terrifying, and it'd also be pretty disturbing in a way similar to the Snowgrave route-- albeit in a very different way. I think it'd be pretty interesting to explore in Deltarune specifically, too.
Deltarune is already a 'typical picturesque small town' that seems off to the majority of the fanbase. Things seem happy initially, it seems like everything the Undertale fanbase has been dreaming of for years. Monsters are on the surface! No more war! Everyone is alive! ASRIEL is alive, and was never Flowey!
But then people began seeing things in the town that brought on senses that something is... off. Now, honestly, most of these things aren't all that insidious, they're basically just the results of a different world where things played out differently, or tragic but mundane things that just tend to happen in life. Despite being populated by monsters, Hometown is INCREDIBLY mundane, to contrast the excitement and adventure of the Dark World, but also likely to contrast the fantastical nature of Undertale.
Hometown is unnerving because it gives those who played Undertale everything they think they wanted for the characters... and the characters still aren't living perfect lives. Which is realistic, but also disappointing, when coming from a game like Undertale where you can fix everyone's problems if you're just kind enough.
Sometimes, people just fall out of love, like Asgore and Toriel. Sometimes, parents fall ill or don't make you feel safe and loved, like Rudy and his wife. Sometimes people die and there is no miracle cure, like the Amalgamates and Gerson. Sometimes a trans person doesn't have the resources, money, or support to safely transition and it leads to dysphoria and depression, like Mettaton.
I think that a weird route like this would continue along the lines of, giving the players what they THINK they want, and then showing how it still wouldn't be a very good thing. I'm of the opinion that Asgore deserves happiness, but his clinging onto the past isn't very good for him, and Toriel shouldn't be responsible for giving him happiness, as she's also got things to heal from. Intentionally or no, Asgore has hurt her, and she wants space. It's good for them to forgive and move on, and for her to let go of her grudge, but not try to regain what they had, because that's gone for good. A lot of Post-Pacifist Asgoriel AUs that I've seen, I feel like they kinda... brush over all the troubles those two have had and skip straight to happy fluff. Which is fine, I'm sure a lot of the shippers just want to see two characters they love happy. But seeing Toriel's desire to have her space not really addressed rubs me the wrong way, being someone who has no interest in a relationship, albeit for different reasons.
But taking that scenario that people want, making them 'kiss and make up' so to speak, because SURELY it would make them happy... as a horror and angst fan, it's a weird route I'd find really interesting, exploring how fucked up it is to do this to Toriel, the one who wants this divorce the most, and telling her 'no, it's okay, Asgore is a really good guy, he's so sweet and you're making him miserable', and show a realistic outcome. No matter how 'cute' you think a couple may be, if they're not happy together then just loving each other enough won't solve their problems. Life is complicated.
It might also be interesting in that it may, to an extent, also gaslight Kris themself while we use them to manipulate Toriel. Kris pretty clearly doesn't want to use Noelle as a weapon, but this isn't the same. This isn't turning Toriel into a killing machine. We don't know Kris' full opinions on the divorce, but even without the Player as a factor, being a kid whose parents are divorced is probably a situation that would make them feel really helpless, especially knowing they don't like thinking about whatever got Asgore kicked off the police, and what poor conditions he's living in now.
Perhaps in this route, if Kris is more on guard after what happened to Noelle, we'll be able to get around that by appealing to their desire for a happy family, or by helping Asgore out of his bad situation, or by making a more appealing situation for Asriel to come home to. Slowly corrupting Kris, not through killing but through tempting them with the happy life they want, and all they have to give up is their freedom, could be a really interesting foil to what we do to Chara in the No Mercy run, or a much darker take on us guiding Frisk in the Pacifist run.
All that said... I do think it possible some future chapters in Deltarune, including chapter 3, COULD involve more plot-stuff happening in the Light World. Alphys mentions no school, meaning possibly heading into the Dark World earlier in the day, wrapping that up, and spending more time in the Light World, and Susie mentions the upcoming festival, which could be a big deal.
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sweetwordslove · 2 years
Other blogs
This is an aesthetic and interesting text posts side blog to @honeybouquets and my backup is @newspringhope
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daijoubuforfree · 2 years
Other Blogs
This is a shitpost with fandom interests side blog to my main at @honeybouquets and my backup is @newspringhope
My other fandom interest side blog is at @colorofinterest
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bulletblade · 3 years
Tagged by @shelbychild, who had me tagged in their post in 2019, even though I didn’t exist on tumblr until earlier this year, so I assume it’s another, nonetheless I accept your challenge
Rules: Answer 21 Questions and tag 21 people
Nickname: My family refers to me as Alleycat and my co-workers refer to me as Dom.
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Height: > 6ft (I think it’s 6’ 3”)
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff (Though it’s been a while
Last Thing I googled: pufferfish deflated, they look adorable
Favorite Musician: I don’t have a favorite I’m fine with listening to a variety of music
Song Stuck in my head: currently none though that might change
# of blogs Following: 19 blogs
Do I get asks: No
Amount of sleep: 10 but I usually get woken up by dogs for various reasons so the actual number is likely lower
Lucky Numbers: 3 because I’m a professional third wheel
Wearing: Panera Uniform, I’m writing this at work
Dream Job: it has varied throughout the years, Youtuber, Game developer, Psychologists, etc.
Dream trip: A road trip to every trip hopefully during that I can figure out who I am as a person
Instruments: I used to play the recorder and Clarinet, I kinda wanna try drums.
Languages: English
Favorite Song: (See favorite Musician)
Random Fact: The reason I call myself a professional third wheel is not only because I can’t find a date but even in my life I’m a background character, so I’m trying to roll with it and be more supportive to people.
Aesthetic: I’m a straight single white male in his early 20’s in search of love, purpose, a future and myself, all in a world where one wrong move can ruin your entire life. All while dealing with other things holding me back like my self confidence, procrastination and memories that make me cringe.
As for people I’ll tag I’ll go with people who I’m 90% sure are people:
If it’s not exactly 21, it’ll be fine as for method, I went with people who added comments or tags.
Also @bulletblade-blog,who is currently my only suspect of who this actually belongs to.
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newspringhope · 2 years
New blog backup
In case of my previous blog at @honeybouquets goes poof, then please follow this blog and I might post stuff that I done on this blog
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infernal-jokesses · 5 years
Get to know me
I feel so special. I was tagged by @crannabeatha ^^
Rules: Tag a few followers you’d like to get to know better.
Nickname: I was known as Bulldog in soccer, but people don’t really give me nicknames beyond that.
Gender: Take a guess.
Astronomical sign: Leo my dude.
Height: Pretty tall.
Sexuality: Straight but with gay tendencies(TM)
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff!
Favorite animal: Do dragons count?
Number of blankets: Umm... 3?
Dream trip: Don’t tell anyone, but I have a strong urge to visit Russia. No idea why.
When I created this blog: Some time either late 2018 or super early 2019.
Why I created this blog: To annoy people with complaining and to have more people to meme to. I speak in memes, so it seemed a good fit. I also suppose I got it to get a better look into the internet. After all, Tumblrs been around a while.
I tag: @flipface4 @i-very-dislike-myself @honeybouquets @rapid-artwork @minecraft @hiluardo @teretr
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magnetic-dogz · 3 years
Bradley is actually the name of Berdly’s jock older brother who enthusiastically supports his little bro
EXCELLENT proposition
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takashi0 · 4 years
I legit saw a post that says Optimus’s quote of sentient beings right is like all lives matter and he’s in the wrong cause he’s a cop and Megatron’s in right cause he fights for the lower caste ignoring the fact Megatron’s usually the one to cause Cybertron to be ruined in most series or it’s canon in one continuity that Megatron has his decepticons hold actual concentration camps with world war 2 war crimes references like really? Are you seriously siding with the genocidal despot?
I would legitimately rather have us be invaded by Decepticons than tolerate another fucking day with these psychopathic cultists. 
And yes, yes they are, because if Kim Jong Un’s sister, that one murdering bitch from the Drug Cartels, Farrakhan, and countless examples of anti-semites who get a free pass because they’re black have taught us anything, it’s that Woketards will legitimately and unironically stan for genocidal monsters as long as they’re not CisHet White Men.  Or if they’re a communist. Which fits hilariously well with them taking issue with “Freedom is the right of all sentient beings” considering Woketards literally think Free Speech is a “Fascist Dogwhistle” because they’re too fucking infested with brainworms to understand that actual Fascists have this thing where they literally despise free speech and will shoot you if you dare criticize them.
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