chiqita · 1 year
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Hehehe the sound effect says tit
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bat-burrito · 2 years
horde prime's large, well-developed pectoral muscles
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This you, anon???
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edge-lorde · 2 years
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Top 10 Hottest Hordaks
Literally Hotdak
Honorable mentions: Playfuldak, Strutdak, Emodak (posing for his album cover)
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soranis-sunshadow · 3 years
All hail the Queen of the Hordonks! 👑
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Wicked Queen of the Hordonks!
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entrapdaknation · 3 years
A Preview of Gossamer Threads, Chapter 22
Here’s a tidbit from chapter 22 of Gossamer Threads, which I worked on tonight.
Club Hurricane became one of the hottest cabarets on Etheria. A must-see for tourists and sailors on shore leave, Club Hurricane hosted musicians, comedians, dancers, and theatrical performances that ended with thunderous applause. Sea Hawk sang shanties at the club several times a year. A mysterious Scorpioni woman named Lynda D’ream enchanted the audience with her singing one autumn day.
The main attraction, however, was Double Trouble, who mesmerized patrons with their songs and shapeshifting. Double Trouble hired a small troupe of actors, and together, they performed skits as well. The skits often poked fun at Queen Angella, the princesses, Plumerian “party kale” smokers, and Fright Zone cooks. The skits about Angella and the princesses triggered both laughter and outrage from the public, but the controversy only brought more visitors to Club Hurricane.
“Did you think they were beyond criticism?” Double Trouble asked the audience one night at the end of a show. “Hardly, darlings! Maybe you should question them more.”
For all their irreverence and racy humor, none of the skits ever made the clones the butt of jokes. “Even I know that would be gross,” Double Trouble admitted to a Seaworthy theater critic. “Punching down is no fun. Punching up, on the other hand, causes maximum chaos, and I do so love chaos!”
When Double Trouble began selling tickets for a 21-and-over burlesque show about Horde Prime, public outrage was swift and loud. Picketers protested outside of Club Hurricane on the opening night of “Whored Prime, Emperor of the Galactic Hordonkers”.
And to learn what happens next, you’ll have to read chapter 22 when it’s ready!
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samdelpapa · 3 years
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​PENTAGNO: REALISMO O FANTASIA ? Da una interessante intervista tratta da Luogocomune.net (vedi: http://xoomer.virgilio.it/911_subito/intervista_robin_hordon.html) di Massimo Mazzucco a Robin Hordon, tra i fondatori di “Pilots for 9/11 Truth”, estraiamo alcuni (dalle risposte di Hordon) che seppure non possono essere pianamente provati riteniamo che appartengano alla realtà e non alla fantasia. Partiamo intanto dal presupposto, dice Hordonk, che nessuno dei rottami ritrovati al Pentagono, assolutamente nessuno, portava un numero di identificazione (compresa una “scatola nera” di cui dicesi non si leggerebbe il numero di serie), che lo facesse risalire al Boeing 757 della American Airlines e si tenga presente che tutte, assolutamente tutte le informazioni che riguardano l’attacco al Pentagono sono controllate dal Pentagono stesso. Per cui decidono loro cosa darci e cosa no. Noi possiamo solo fare i conti con quello che riusciamo a capire da fuori. Ma la domanda che sorge: a colpire il pentagono fu un Boeing 757 o un altro genere di aereo)? Scenario: Il Boeing 757 volo AA77 partito con ritardo tra le 8,15 / 8,20 circa, dal Dulles International Airport di Washington D.C. diretto a Los Angeles (California), venne dirottato forse tra le 08:51 e le 08:54, e si schianterà, con una angolazione di 42°, contro il Pentagono, senza essere intercettato, alle 09,38 circa dopo circa 1 ora e 18/23 minuti di volo, con 64 persone a bordo (eccetto i 5 presunti terroristi) di cui 4 di equipaggio e 2 tra pilota e copilota, procurando altri 125 morti all'interno del Pentagono. Orbene l’esame della vicenda di questo Boeing che si schianta sul Pentagono a 850 km/h ci mostra alcune situazioni incredibili, come salite e discese ad alta quota, virate di 330 gradi, volo raso suolo a quella velocità, che già sono incredibili per un Boeing e per dei piloti di linea esperti, figuriamoci per quel saudita Hani Hanjour, poco meno che un principiante, definito incapace persino di guidare un piccolo aereo da turismo che, dicesi, forse aveva rimediato dalle sue parti, una licenza per voli commerciali e ora dopo il dirottamento lo stava pilotando. Non solo, ma questo presunto Boeing, e diciamo pres https://www.instagram.com/p/CVFz8OxsWAm/?utm_medium=tumblr
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chiqita · 2 years
"he's just some guy" sir that's the god of the universe
Yeah yeah yeah BUT have you SEEN his boobs????
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bat-burrito · 2 years
do you think Hordak gives good hugs
I think only Entrapta and Imp will ever find out.
That being said, how could he be bad at it?
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chiqita · 2 years
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Mighty need
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chiqita · 2 years
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chiqita · 2 years
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chiqita · 2 years
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That's a big piece
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chiqita · 2 years
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I'm not done with these jokes
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chiqita · 2 years
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Yes this is a thing I'm pulling
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chiqita · 3 years
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Resources well spent
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